pub wars presentation

Post on 15-May-2017






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Pub Wars;Preproduction Presentation

Kathryn Davies, Fiona Ware-Heine,

Lauren Linney, Georgia Wheeler

Initial IdeaThe initial concept for Pub Wars was presented by Director Kathryn Davies who showed these character design sketches and described the flavour she wished the piece to exhibit.



The scripts went through many drafts and much discussion was had over to what extent we showed the plan being executed and/or the aftermath. In fact the epilogue scene in the final film was not in the final script.

Pub Wars Final Script

(A cartoon style 1920’s fedora wearing scene except not)A man leans on a wall under a pub sign which reads ‘The Fish’s Lips’. He is reading a newspaper. The newspaper headline boasts of the best pub in town competition. With a grimace he closes the newspaper and, pushing off the wall, heads forcefully inside the pub.

FLM: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I’m fed up with those losers over at the Royal Cock always winning the best pub competition!

FLW: The Royal Cock think they’re the dog’s bollocks. But fear not, I have a plan for securing the prize. Here’s what we do.(Unrolls a blueprint scroll on the bar)The morning of the competition bruce and susan will leave to visit the upmarket butchers. This gives us a two hour window in which to strike.(Blueprint view)You’ll throw a grappling hook connecting our roof to theirs and swing across first, landing in the front bedroom of the first floor. I’ll follow straight behind you. Now I’ve arranged for a sack of 300 live rats to be lowered down the chimney from a helicopter at 9 minutes past exactly. Inside the back room we attach the bag of rats to a pulley system linked to the door handle. This means we will have to leave via the basement. In the basement we’ll remove the bricks on the north wall and tunnel our way across, under the street, to our basement, ready to greet the judges an hour later. (laughing)… And back in The Royal Cock… During the judging the door to the back room shall be opened, the bag shall fly up, catching on a hook in the ceiling which will tear open the bag releasing a swarm of 300 rats onto the floor at the judges’ feet.(end blueprint view)Sound good to you?

FLM: I love it!


FLM and FLW stand on the roof of The Fish’s Lips ready to throw the grappling hook, they are dressed entirely in black.

FLM: Ready!

FLW: (looking through binoculars) GO GO GO!

FLM leaps onto the zip wire and swings down heading towards the open top window of The Royal Cock. The camera angle changes to show the window and FLM zooms into view. He hits the wall next to the window with an audible crunch. (this scene will use comic timing).

Final Script

Final Character Designs

Building Designs

After much discussion over the look and feel of each of our star pubs, Lauren Linneyproduced these final designs

so that the 2D and 3D departments could work

separately and yet keep the continuity of the look of the



Final Designs; Pub Signs

Maya ExperimentationA great deal of thought went into the look of the 3D blueprint sequence. We wanted to convey the idea of hand drawn lines on a chalkboard. Fiona Ware-Heine did some tests in Maya to try and gather information about the practicality of making it in 3D and to settle on the idea of using transparent textures.

We took inspiration from CBBC’s Prank Patrol which always included a blueprint representation of the plan.

Blueprint Sequence Tests

Top Right: Lighting testBottom Right: Transparency testBottom Left: Perspective render Top Left: Test Render

Test Shot

The 2D department had to decide on the look of the figures and their style of animation. Georgia Wheeler produced some test shots and animation of the characters focusing of colour and motion.

Production Diary; Division Of Labour

Kathryn Davies Fiona Ware-Heine Lauren Linney Georgia Wheeler

Director Scripting 3D Textures 2D Animation (day, pub)

2D Animation (morning) Voice Acting 2D line art (morning) 2D Animation (epilogue)

Backgrounds Audio Editing Storyboard Lip sync

Character Design/Concept 3D Animation Pub designs Colouring

Animatic (2D) 3D Texturing 2D Colouring

Colouring Title Cards Animatic (3D)

Editing Editing

Audio Sourcing/Editing Organisation and Admin


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