reading 구문 해설 lesson 10. 주어진 문장 넣기 수능길잡이 pp. 60~64 1

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Doctors can typically identify a stroke / when a patient comes in with symptoms. ( ① ) They're even pretty good at knowing what part of your brain may be damaged by the stroke just by looking at you. ( ② ) Example 1 (p.60) 3 뇌의 어느 부분이 손상되었는지


Reading 구문 해설Lesson 10. 주어진 문장 넣기수능길잡이 pp. 60~64



Sometimes, (with severe headache), for example, it's hard to tell whether a stroke is happening at all.

Example 1 (p.60) headache

a stroke


Doctors can typically identify a stroke / when a patient comes in with symptoms. ( ① ) They're even pretty good at knowing what part of your brain may be damaged by the stroke just by looking at you. ( ② )

Example 1 (p.60)

뇌의 어느 부분이 손상되었는지


With some scenarios, a doctor can guess what caused the stroke. ( ③ ) With other cases, it is almost impossible to tell what caused the stroke, / although there is little doubt [that a stroke is in progress]. ( ④ )

Example 1 (p.60)





impossible to tell


This is because the symptoms are similar to those of a migraine headache. ( ⑤ ) A stroke might cause dizziness [that is difficult to distinguish from an inner-ear infection].

Example 1 (p.60)

심 한 두 통 이 있 을 때 뇌 졸 중 발생 여부를 구별하기 어렵다



But given the increased price of movies, few of us can afford this freedom.

Example 2 (p.61)

~ 를 고려한다면free-dom


How much should we know about a film / before we see it? There is no simple answer to this question and often we have little control over [how much we know about a movie before we see it]. ( ① )

Example 2 (p.61)


Sometimes it is pleasurable (if now almost impossible) [to enter a theater without one bit of information about what we are going to watch]. ( ② )

Example 2 (p.61)


Then we can see it free from others' opinions and judge it purely on its own merits. ( ③ ) So, we find other ways to gauge our interest in seeing the newest films. ( ④ )

Example 2 (p.61)

~ 로부터 자유로운그 가치에 따라( ③ )


In any case, a few general guidelines on [how to prepare for watching a film] might be helpful. ( ⑤ ) An easy way [to gain some knowledge about a film before seeing it] is [to read reviews, which usually provide factual information].

Example 2 (p.61)




= reviews


The problem is, however, [that regulation and standardization can become a habit and an end in its own right.]

Let’s Practice 1 (p.62)

S Vprob-lem C


Powerful governments can provide significant benefits to their societies, imposing law and order, and regulating trade. They foster the use of money, which facilitates economic activity and allows the development of more elaborate financial practices. ( ① )

Let’s Practice 1 (p.62)

정부의 화폐 사용 권장


They establish standards for weights and measures. ( ② ) The Ch'in dynasty [that first unified China] even concerned itself with the gauges of chariots. ( ③ ) Such regulation is convenient for merchants and a protection for the general public.

Let’s Practice 1 (p.62)


V ~ 에 관여하다

도 량 형 ( 치 수 , 양 )


( ④ ) It encourages trust and so aids commerce. ( ⑤ ) The authorities become overly prescriptive, diversity is treated as a serious threat, and original thinking is suppressed.

Let’s Practice 1 (p.62)

( ⑤ )

권위적인 장점 ☞ 단점


It then put up signs [that look like speed limits, but tell pedestrians {that they are in, for example, a "10 Smiles Per Hour Zone.“}]

Let’s Practice 2 (p.62)

그 다음에 ~ 에 게 that 이 하 를 알려주다



It is not unusual for Australians to be open to strangers. ( ① ) Recently, though, the city of Port Philip has been using volunteers / to find out [how often people smile at those who pass them in the street]. ( ② )


Let’s Practice 2 (p.62)


Is this nonsense and a waste of taxpayers' money? ( ③ ) Mayor Jane Bolitho says [that putting up the signs is an attempt {to encourage people to smile to both neighbors and strangers / as they stroll down the street}].

Let’s Practice 2 (p.62)this


( ④ ) Smiling, (she adds), encourages people to feel more connected with each other and safer. ( ⑤ ) Consequently, smiling can reduce fear of crime - an important element in the quality of life of many neighborhoods.

Let’s Practice 2 (p.62)


The most obvious resemblance comes in the use of the official colors of red, white and blue.

Let’s Practice 3 (p.63)


The African American flag is nothing like the official American flag whatsoever. ( ① ) (a) It consists of a wide array of colors including red, white, black, blue, purple, and green (along with) a gold and purple bar.

Let’s Practice 3 (p.63)

전혀 , 어떤 종류의 것도 (what-ever)광 범 위 한 ( = broad array of / an array of 다수의 )


( ② ) However, the African American flag also consists of a number of elements from the official American flag. ( ③ ) The use of these colors is meant to show the integral role [that the African American community has played in building America] and the role [that (b) it still has to play in the future].

~ 로 구성되다these col-ors

Let’s Practice 3 (p.63)

= the official colors (red, white and blue)


( ④ ) Lastly, the flag also features an eight-pointed black star [which is one of the most visually striking elements of the flag design]. ( ⑤ ) This star is meant to represent the uniqueness of African Americans.

Let’s Practice 3 (p.63)


After you've binged for awhile and have tried unsuccessfully to stop yourself, you begin to feel afraid of losing control in any ① tempting food situation. For this reason, you may begin to limit your social interactions.

Grammar in Context (p.64)

음식이 유혹’하다’


For instance, you may not attend parties or other social situations-(graduation gatherings, company lunches, family reunions)-[that are likely to have goodies on hand ② whether you find hard to handle].

Grammar in Context (p.64)

that[which] 목적어


This is too bad. If you have bulimia, you already don’t tend ③ to see other people as safe, so you're probably avoiding social situations as is.

tend to-V : ~ 하 는 경 향 이 있다

Grammar in Context (p.64)

있는 그대로


[Avoiding them ④ because of food] only leaves you home alone more often, out of the normal social loop. This leaves you more ⑤ vulnerable to bingeing.



because + S V / because of + 명사 ( 구 ,절 )

Grammar in Context (p.64)



※ 관계대명사 / 관계부사 (p.58-59)

1. 관계대명사 : 두 문장 연결 + 대명사 역할 = 관계사절에서 얘를 빼면 불완전한 문장Insects can live on a farm [that is mixed

with wheat and other crops].2. 관계부사 : 두 문장 연결 + 부사 역할= 관계사절에서 얘를 빼도 완전한 문장Insects can live on a farm [where wheat

and other crops grow together].


※ 관계대명사 / 관계부사

Obviously then, an insect [that lives on wheat] can build up its population / to much higher levels on a farm [devoted to wheat] than on one .☞ in which wheat is mixed with other crops. (there 로 대체되는가 ?)


※ 관계대명사 / 관계부사


wheat is mixed with


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