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.. 1'leu1or 1•11er the.•t /l or

F:tlitor: ,J. J. "\YA·1·11 "'!•. Hdiloria/ ('0111/l'il. E. S. 1'1t\T'I'. "" K l"1H rr1 :11. \\'. 8. ::\1·:WTo'i. F.

\'. ( 'om11 \;\', :\1. .\. " '.\LKEH.

Prl'/1•1·/x. '"· C. I•'. BRO\\'· "·· S. XE\\"J'OS . J . . T. 'YA'l'Ll:'\G, A. C. L.\\1. E. 8. l'n\TT. '"· I·:. Fnurn11 .. J. D. l'1K 1 . • J. II. . \1:1:0TT. '"· D. \f.\('(:111:!:011.

l'm1//1111/ ('1111tfli11.•. lst X I. .. ('11plai11. \\". S. Xr·:\\"fo,\; l'i<'c-w11tui11 . • J •• J. W \TI.I';(;: 21111 X \ '.. .\. C. I..\ w: 3r<l :XV.. D. \. Ci. :-;TE\\ .1111'.

(;111111.• ('0111111ill11·.-"-· (;, F. DKOll'S, "\\'. S. XEll'TON, J. J. " rA'lU:<"CI, .J. D. l'IKI, I·'. Y. [OGIII.\'\', .\. (', L .\\I'.

('1tri.•lio11 l 11io11.- Prc.'lidcnt . • I. J. \ Y.1TL1Nn; l i<'<'- l'resident, ·w. <:. I.'. Huowx; Rero1·di11r1 f'lpcrdar11. ,V. S. Xr·:wTos; Co1Tes­/lflllfli11r/ Sr1•r<'fnr11. E. S. PnATT: 7'r1·n.'lurer, " '· E. FJSIIFR.

No. CXXXVll .1 I JUNE. 1918.


I !118 cl1111 lll'cl hriid1t wit Ii hope. a11d JH'<IC'(' "'l'e111e1l 011<·1• more aho11t to hi!'"'"' 11 11·ar-n1<·k(•d world. :-\ow. some Iii l' mo11lhs later. th!• (!"ru1111rl thl' .\llit•s ltacl l'l'!!'ainerl "'" pai11fnlly i:- ll!!'t1i11 in German hands. Tlw B1wlte is tln·(•alt>11it1!!' Paris. and has won territor,\' we thought \\011ld 11e1·er l'e1•l ag·ain tlw ho1Tur,; of' i11n1sion. One author, \\Titint:· of' somt• of' this territot',\', ~aid : ".\ncl tltt• Bos<•he k1111\\·,.. that ll('ll'I' a!(ain "ill he tn•n1l that larnl." The iro11y of it i,., alt11o"t h1·11rthreakin!!'. Towns a11d Yilla!('t>s, ma1le famon:- h~· the :-pll•t1tlid uilo11r of the Briti"'h ra1·e. and whi<·h had ht>f·ome t rndi-t io11al. /,ill!'IH'k<·. G he! 1111 PI t. lloog·e. Plaerg-,;teert. GiYe1why, and Sl'OI'!'"' or oth<•r,.. are ours 110 lnll!l:<'l'. Ypre>-. that heroit· town who,.,<' 1ll'l't•111"(' wa.., perhaps the g-reat<•st feat of arm.<; in the annab of tll(' l\ritish .\nn.''· i;.; thn•ntl>11e11. and 11111.' he aha111loned at :111.1· ti1111'.

.\ntl thl' rP1bo11 wh,\' tlw .\Jlit',.,, "ith their 0H•rwhelmi11t: 11101·al anti 111atPrial pn•p01ill'rn11<·(•. are fighti11g with their had;,., at:ain ... t

774 'fHE XEW11'Gl'O:SlA:S.

the wall, is Hus:sia's clefettiou. lt 1;.. estimated that it 1 l'l'l'cl li00.000 Germans, lrnine<l in O!Jl!ll warfare, and enormous numhcrs of guns an<l quantities of material for senice on the \\·esterrn ~'ront.

Yet in ;-pile of our rage and batrecl for her treachery, it 1s impos-;..ible llOl to pity nn rortnuate Rus::;ia. ~.\s l<~dmnnd Burke laid 1!011"11, "It i:; impo:ssible to bring an indictment against a whole nation." l•'or iustanl'e now, this barbaril', illiterate people has been en<learnuring hal[-artitulately to express its wants and ideas. l\u1 we wonder, then, when with nriracnlous ;;ud<lenness an<l suc-cesses, it bursts it.~ bonds that suc1•ess brin~s with 1t iuto>.ica-lion? The draught of liberty aH heady as wine to thof.l' 1111a(·(·11s-tomed to it, brought its natural c•onsequerwes.

lt is \Cry liard to under::;lan<l Hussia and the Hussians. . \. people. with a me<liernl l'a::>t of mind . ha,·e hceu fon·ed b~ sutces-"iYe ruler to imbibe, in the intcre.~ts of progress, Western philoso-phies and ideals. Tlw medie,·al mind looked upward to llea,·en or clown to llell, tile \\' estern outlook is either, forward to a rlim l ' topia, or bal'kwarcl to their apish ancestor,.;. And till' attempt, malle also hy the edtwated mi11ority as well as hy rnlers. to make tbe perpendic·ular horizontal. bas resulted in the present explosion. 'l'hey are \Cl'." tomplex people, too. who seem to c·omhi11e the Yire.-; of the barbarian with the Yirtues of the 8ermon on the )!ount. Capable ut' nameless <·rimes and brutalities, yet from the e\·ideiwe of foreign a11d nafo·e writers, far ahead ol' the rest ol' I<:urope rn humanit~· and "all humanne"s." II. G. Wells a11d Stephen Graham both gi\·e pil·tures of Rus::;ia, wbi<'h support th1::; state-ment. :\I r. \Ye!Ls writes: •·I feel in Russia that, for the first time in my life, I am in a c·m111try where Christianity is ali1c."

Stephen Graham, whose wonderful books really disc·o, ·er~l Hus,-ia for the Eng-Jish people. says in "Llnclis1•0\·crerl Ru'-tiia": '·The Holy Church is wonderful. It is the only ft•r\'id-liYing Chur('h in Europe. And it lfres by Yirtue of the peopll• who c·om-pose it." Woreign ob;;en·ers 111ny he mistaken, hut renlisls like 'fobtoi and )laxim Gorky testil'~· to tbe snmt• thing-.

In forming our l'One,epttion of this intcrl'sting pl'opll'. we «annot judge them by the middle dass or the protelariat of the towns. These are bastard Rm;sinns. The f'ormer. rotten lo the c·ore. "·ith pen·ertecl ideals, stupid. debauched; the Jailer soaked in wild so<·ialistie ideas, anarehists of the worst type. and. like the middle (·)ass, e,·il-liYing- and eYil-thinkiug.

The trne Russians are the peasant Ja11downcrs, and from these. combined with the armed inten·ention of the Alli<•s, we must look for Rn<:<:ia's <:nhation. The Bol<:he,·i<:t" :11111 other <•xtremi;;ls


l111n• imposed their will 01·er the rnst majority by glibne:ss of tongue and low t•mming. Time will sink these dregs to the hottom, ancl Hussia, "Ilol:v Russia," will t·ome into her own.

\\Te <"annot c·lose on a hetter note than that i:;lruek b;\' one of her g-reat noYelists: ''God will sa1t• H ul'sia as ho has sa1·ed her man,1· limes. i-ial rntion will c•ome from lh<' people, from their faith and lll<'<'kiwss." --

3n memorimn.

'l'hese lui<l the world aw11~· ; 1m11rc•rl out tlw r<'cl Sweet. wlnt' of youth; J.!11\'t' up the ~·er11·s to be Of work nnd joy, 11nd thut 1111hoped i:;ere1w That men c·all aL:c'; nm! those who woul<l ha1·e heen Their sons. the~· J.!11\'I'. their immortalit~.

N1111<'l't Bl'ool.'r.

f, LEU'l'l~NAN'I' J.1. K. NOLAN, 13TH B.\' l' 'l'.\LlOX. Few bo~·s of his time were more Jm·ed nncl more n•-;pected than

"Paddy" Xolan. He was one of our 1'11oic·est >:l)lrlts. and his loss is as grent to th<' rni.tion ns to the S<·hool. In spOl't nnd in work he wns nmong the foremost, aml he udd<'cl to hii;; pre-eminence in these cl<']lHrtment;;, his own chnrming personalit~·. TTif! re<'ord RJ)('HkR for itsC>lf. In sc·holastkR h<' passed the ,Junior and Senior Examlna· tlons. securing Tionouri-; in Eu~lish, Latin and (;r<'ek in th<' latter. lie 1 . .miue<l tlw \\'ig-ram .\lll'n S<'holnrship fol' ('lai;;sk><, auc1 t·1·own· inl? honour. w11R nwal'ded the Old Boys' Prize. This in itRelf is u l'<'<·omm<'nclatlon worth muny glowln.: words.. Tn Rport be waR just a;; prominent. Jn 1910·11 he wa;.; in the FlrRt Fifteen, an<l wn;.; Yic·e-c·aptain of t.hnt 1911 tC>nm who!<:e Jll'Owe;.;;; haR he<·ome ulmm;t le1?en<l11ry. 11.1Hl in thut yenr h<' won hiR Honour CaJl and a pint'<' in the C'ombinecl Sd100IR Sel'on<l Fiftren. Ilis l'ifle Rhooting waR of the Y<'n' fi rst runic and for two yenrH (1910·11) he was onr hest Rhot. This fine rec·ord of Rport and work tellR us nothing of his fine c·harnc·ter: tht> <·hurnett'r that made him so well liked hy his 1·011tem1l0r11rles. He 11·ns u hoy of i;;unn~· temper. ahrn~·,, <·beer· ful. ulways rC>acl~· to IP1Hl 11 helping baud to n friend in dlstrC>s;.;. TT<' "au bn 1·p no hetter rpltnph thnn the words of <mt> who 11lnyecl wlth him 11 1Hl worked with lllm. "He wns the whih•;.;t fellow J p1·er knew. and the lw;.;t friend anyone (·ould hope to ha 1·e.'' :\fter n 11. we do not mourn for him tn-er much. He died 1?loriou;.;ly in 11 1?loriouR cnuse In the first flush of rnnnhood. and hetter tht>n thnn lil'lni;: a liYing death.

"Into thine hnncl>:. 0 T,orcl. the i.oul m1Rhenthed. The tranflient clnRt to tll<' red fields of France;

His life to Fr('('dom's altar. laurel wrenth<'d; To us the prld<' and sorrow of rememhran<'<'."


PHTY.\TE .\.H. PICKERING, 451·u B.\'lvl' \LlO'\.

Allen l'lrk('rim:: c·ame lo Xt>wim:ton in l!lO!l. hut lt'ft in tlw same ~·ear. Tlw >ihortn(';:;: ot hi;: stay did not ~ive a !air cllan<'e to be<·ome promi11C'nt. hut no le!';: than her hrllll11nt sons, the SC'hool c·ounts him 11s her own. Ven· few at Sd1ool now 1·an remember him. for his l(enerntlon has p11sse<l. ThE' lot of 11 writer i!'l hnrd. for how lltle <·1rn Wf' ;:a1· of nnY rent YaluE'. What wor<l-; 1·1111 eon· '-'OI<' u fn flwr or 11 mother for ·the lo;:s of th<'lr hoy. \ ncl ypt we mu,;t ;:ny 1<omC'thlnl(. how·e1·ei· feeble, to expre;:s our i:<ympn th.1· uncl pride. £le diecl younl(. nnd ;:o we mourn what he miKht hnn• heen: "·e mourn wlrnt hf' hni:< lo1<t: the joy;: 1111<1 hf'nnttf's of ltf<' thnt nr<• hi~ no lonl(l'r. nut WI' nre not paKans. \Yf' look for 11 lwttl'r llfl' hl',1'01Hl thl' Krn Vf' th11n n ;:haclowlaml of i:r<•.1· mi;:ty shn pps. \Vhn t ar·p our Joy,; 1·omp11r<'Cl to thm;(' of hf'111·r11'! \s 11 1·1111111<'-li:.tht to :1 rain how! An<l lw!'nu;:e W<' helieYe this. w1• find ,;oml' llH'nsur<• or !'(ln,;olatlon. Our monrnin;< hn;: sometbim: selfii:<h in It nft('r 1111. \\°(' wnnt him ha<·k. he<·nn'<e hi,; lo;:s leuq•s 11 hlnnk In our lll·<'s. 111ul 1•u11s1•;: 11,; pal11 ancl a >:('n~e of lo>:>:. \\'0111<1 WP wish him to Iii"<' out. hi" yenr,;. losinK i<lenl" pE>rhaps. seeini: his fnllh« h<•!'omln~ illusions. turnln;< ol!l nncl qut>rulou>: ! ~o !

"From thf' 1·ontngion of tlw world's slow -.tnln. Thou nrt '<e<'Ure."

Hf' clif'd thnt oth<'rs mizht li1·e. ITe lairl his all. rn'n hi" 11()(1,1". 011 thP 111t11r ot !'i,·llisntlon as 11 ;::wrific•e for hum11n1t,·. ancl h1· hi-< snl'rifi1·(' nn<l tlw sll!'l'lfi(·e of ,.;o mnn.1· others ("of wl;om tlH• ~vorl1l wa" not worth~"'). Wf'. hi;;; :rn<l their su<«·Ps"or .... will <IW<'ll """nrl'.

S.\l'l'Ell S. McKERN, 'J.'f.. E'\(l I '\'l•:1ms.

Htt•wurt ~kl\p1·11 w11s at Xl'wiui:ton f111·tlu•1· lut!'k th1111 mos1 uf u,; t·1u1 t'l'Ult.>llllr<'l'. hut 1 ht• fad of hi,; dPn t h i1< 1 t•r.1 1·1•11 l 1 o ns. a 1111 we lmow th11t lw cli<I his <luly nol.Jly un<I wt•ll. \\'hlle 11t i:khool, ll<' waos 011 the 'lodern side. and nlthonKh not. hrillinnt. his work wns solid, uncl he showe<l i:reat promi;:e. TIP 11lso took part. in tht' sport of the S«hool. although lw 11e1·e1· 1·os<' to llw l•'lrst f('11ms, \fter lenvh1K S<'hool. at the n~e of twent.1. lw 1m,;st><l tlw tin11I

<'XHminntion for 11<-en;;e<l ,;urn•y01· with clistln«tlon. 11nd thm~ had 11 spll'tHlid start for his «nreer. Soon. hOW<'l'l'l'. tlw !'1111 l'ltllll'. and though hnr<•ly twenty-one. he t>nlistecl. and was st•nt to Ill<' front 11"' a saprwr. Here a~nln he <lid w<•ll. and "fnr hrn n•1.,1· in tlw fi<'ld.'' he was 11wnr<le<l the 'filihnr 'ledal. on (ktolipr Ith. 1!117. lit Broc><lslende .. \I tlw time of bis dPath lw wns 11w11iti11A' onlPrs ar I he Front wlwn 11 shell fell 11nd wm11Hled him ha!ll.1" I If' was s1•nt to ll fiC'l<l dres,;in~ station. and att!'r that lw was post('(] "'1i'<sinA' ... nncl no nf'W>< <·onld he obtained. am! it is 0111.1· J'l'!'<'lltl.1" tha1 lw wu>< rf'ported "Died of wound!'." Be wa,; 11 ti1w hoy. with n s1>h'1Hlid drnruder, und his lo'<;;; i!-> a teniblP one to his 1mrents. who hll,.<' nlready lost one son ut the Front. He is a sJ)lenclid exnrnple of' how to lil'e and how to die, fo1· there wa" a <'i<'lltlllE'ss 1111<1 streni.:th nhout him that gained the instant rP>:pt>«I ancl Ion• of nil who <·ame into <·011t~ll"t with him. ~Iany trihutPs from his fril'Jl!ls hu 1 <' ren<·lled his parent,.;, uncl Xewln;<ton 11111~· i1Hl<'t'<l h<• proud thnt !'h<' has son« like him.

'J 'Ht: XEWJ;"illTO;:>,JAN. 777

l'ltl \ '.\TE .J. DUGAN. JiT11 ll.\l'T.\LJO~ .

. Joi.Ju ll11;.;u11 ('111111' lo \p\\·iuµ;l1111 as 11 houl'<ler iu rn10. urn! th1111;.;h Iw 1111'< \\ilh us fur ouly u littlt• un•r two ~·ear><. be imblhl•1l somethinµ; of lht• spirit of lilt' S<-11001. awl w11s a hoy of 80me pro mbt•. Ill' wns 1101 bt•n> lo11i.r l'llOU).:h to tllkl' 1l hi:.:;h plat·e in sport. hut uftl'I' Ill' e1tlish•d \\l' Iw11r from 0111' uf his friemls that Ill' wn,.. tht> ht»;t forwnnl in tlw lilst lln11alio11. Hmm nfte1· the outllreak of \\'HI' he detp1·111i1wd lo l'lllist. 1111tl whih• i11 Sydue~· he pui<l n \'isit to \pw i11~tu11. arnl n•u1•\\ pd srnnl' 0111 <ll"ltll>I 111 t nrn·e:4. He \\'II» in Fnuwe for 11 't•r.\ 1011µ; liuw. ll11riui.; '' hid1 Wl' had uo uews of 111111. hut ll flow wc1•l'" aµ;o ht• was reported kille1I 111 a1·tiou. \\'bile nut :1 l rillh111t ho.\", lw was om• of the :.:;rPat (·umpun~· that hUYP formt'<l till' ha<·kµ;ro1111d of' llu• Hdwols autl of thP mtt.ion. arnl his ><anifkc is 110 ll'sS splt•11<lid lhn11 that of mon' taleull•<l hoys.

'IHUUL'lm 1'. (. RlLEY, ti111 .\.l,.Jf.

It s1•ems :-;11d1 11 "hurt timl' past "illl'C !till·~ came aml ,·islt1•d 11s. lit• l"llllll' m·t•rflowinµ; with dwerfnllll'"'" lrnppy and lauµ;hiuµ;: so dutraderbti(-. \rnl 110w hi,; naml' Is wl11.•1'l' we and his parl'nts would ha,·1· it, 11lt.ho11:.:;h Wl' a11d tlH'.\ 1ubs him :-;un•ly-on thl' ~dwol lholl of Jlo11011r. lll' ,;1iilNl with thl' Hth Liµ;ht Horse 11ho111 a yt•nr un!l 11-h11 If ago, 1111d aft l'l' a ><llorL time lu Egn>t.. he left with bi:< unit for l'al('stlm•. Engaµ;l'<I 111 llll' fir:<t hattle ht•fo1·p c;11z11. he nl:<o look part in it,; l"lljltun', Mlllll' week" later. .\ lcttC>r from him wa>< in till' ll('<·t•JUhl'r 11umht•r, 1!117, dt•s1-rihing thi,; first ;~ltud•. \\'bil1• lu l'alt>:-;tint• he wa..: trn11,;fen1•<1 10 the armour('d 1·11r unit. and lrnd ;o;1•n·rnl pxdting hnn'lll'" with the Tm·k,.;. lib next rnon.'LUl•nt was d111nH·terbti<'. I hiuking rigbtly or wrongly tll11t Ill' had too soft 11 time with the (·nr:-, hl' UJ>Illie<l fo1· trn11s-frn•1u·(' to till' l:;i•dh. his old lteµ;iment. .\fter :4ome diftit-ult.\· mu! dl•lu.\. lhi:< was l'ffl•<·t1•1l. 1111tl Hiley rejoined his mate,;. Thi;; sani-fi('l' to duly w11:< drn11• without auy :-;idt• 01· aur idea that Ill' \la:< doi11µ; :<omC>thinµ; ('.\.("l'ptio1111l. \\'ithiu a few weeks he wu:< kllll•d i11 u1·tiu11. I l wonl<I hi' hanl tu find a fi1wr 1•xumvle than this :<;w· rifin>. for hy 11µ;11!11 µ;oi11µ; it~to the t llil·k of halt le. in;;tl'ad of 1·pm11iuin.:.( \\Ith llw 1·ars. lw iuc:rea,;ed tile ri>'k,;. Jt il4 good to know that i11 additio11 to hi,; uthe1· li1w quulitie:-. hl' was 11 thorough ('hrist.ia11 mul a ;.;ood :;011. lib l1•ttl'rs home breathe hi~ lo\e and fuith. 'l'h1• ~1·hool offer,; )11·. nnd \lr><. Hiley it,, d~1wsr symputlly. .\ INll•r from Hiley. written ,.;hurtl.1 IJefore his truw; f1•r to tbe Sixth. will hl' fouu<l in thi,; issul' in the Old lloys· ll'tteri,; :

"'llt• 11,;kecl 1w i;rief, 110 1ir11i<1e, no poers peu, Xau~ht hut his soldier's grave."

LiPnt. Terras <·anw to :\ewiu~to11 11..: n master in .l1111mll'.\. lllll!J. aml thouµ;h Ill' only stayp1J till tlw eud of tlw .rear. he wn<ll' man.\' frit>H<ls 1111(] µ;nlnt•d the respel't of th!' ho~·s in his d111r~e for his 1·areful and (•011,;dt•11tio11:4 \\·ork. Soon nftt•r the outbrt>ak of


war lie eulisted, arnl ensily gaiiw<I a c·ommissiou: Jw theu pro-«eetled to the Frout \\' ith the 6lst Huttaliou. llc.>n• ai.:ulu bis ster-liug qualities tame.> to the for<>, anti' lw 11ld his work fnithfully and well. lle was at the Front for a long Jl(•riod. 1h1rlni; wbkh ,.l',._,. little was heard from him, but. latl.'ly ttw news has «otu!' that lw wn" killed in aetion !lul'ing the (lprmun attatk i111 .\111leus. 80 died another of the i.:real haud of ll!'ro<•s lo whkh .\'pwiu~lou bas «ontrilmted her sbnn•, and. aftt•r all. what bettt•r ll<•ath c·ould 11 man desire. \Ye know that he ha>< li\·ed a fine, 1111rii.:ht. strakht life, and it is <:ertain that he ha,.; <lit•d the finest dt•ath that nurn tan die.

On going to press we ha,·e lo n•t·ord t!Je news of the death o1 l'Ol'llOntl \". \-. Hulbert, who has l.Jeen lately killed in attion. U!s lu l\lemorlum will appear in the next uumbe1· .

.\lE~lORL\L TO LIEUTEXANT A. R. MUIR. On .\Ionday .• \11ril 15th, at 3 p.m., the St!Jool as,;emlJl!'<l in the

sthoolroom to pay its trillute to the lute Lieut. .\. H. .\I uir by Ulffeilini.: a bra"" tablet to his me1110ry. Tho~e 11rese11t incltulcd )Jr., ~lrs., and Mi:::s )luir, He\·. J<'or,..yth (vastor of the <lt'"•';t-<Pd) . Dr. llroru!low. and many friends of the de<:ea;;ed. ne,·. Forsyth fo1·mully opeued the uissembly by a shm·t prayer, after whi<:h the Ileadma:ste r ::spoke enthusiasti<:alls ahout the dec·ea;;ed. Dur!u:.: the to11ri:;e of his speeth he ;;aid: "\\\• are here to pay our lribull• to one w!Jo tame here us a littl\' ho~, i.;rew u11. ancl rose lo th1• top of the Stbool, vroteeding from there to t ill' U11l\'ersity, and who, wlleu duty tailed, laid dow11 his llt'e for his Ki11i.: and «ou11tn. Enm wllen we hear of the death of tlw huml.Jlest Olli Boy we mourn l.Jitterly. But Roxie was 011e or the brilliant hoys, both iu the duss-room and on the playini.: fil'ltls. lle was om• of the best and nolJlest. Ilis namt• will be retailH'd on the l'rizt• List.. l trust it will n•muiu as long as the Sthool. 1111cl pn•n as long as !lit> Stall» lle has fought a good fight; he has Ji11i,..Jw1l his eounw, hut 'he heiui.: dead ~·et speakelh.' \Ye mourn his loss, yet i.:lory in his 11ame. lit'._ when many slatked, flung his youn:.: life iuto Ille sc·or«hiug fur na('e. und helped to do his bit. Thanks be to C:od for u nohle life."

The tablet \YllS then unYeiled hy )lrs . .\lufr. 1111<1 it read as follows: -

ln ~lemor.r of LlEUT. AL l~XANDEU ROXBUHUU i\IUIH. ,\l.C.,

t5th Battalion, A.I.F .. . \ Xewington!un, l!lOJ-1-1.

Killed in .l.c:tion at Zounebeke. Phuulers. 13th Oc-toher, 1917. \ged :.!:.!.

"lle Fought fo1· Lm·e of Hight atul Hate of Wroni.:." )lr. Hu('hanan thpn c·alled tlw S\'hool to attentlo11, HtHl tile h1111d

tiln~·e<l "Thi.' Last Post.'' The assemhl~· \\'Hi< c-lo~e<I with lht> H<•ne-<lktion pronounced h.' Dr. Bromilow.

~ 7. z x~

..... -

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~:,.... --....,




J~:\I PJHE D.\Y. 24TII ~l.\Y. ung_ .\t 2.:JO p.m. the Sd100J wu" nssE>mhle<I in till' sl"houl-rno111 to

q•Ji>hnttl' Em11ln• Dny. The mE>eting openP<l with pray<'•" aftpr whi<-h tlw lf P1t<lnrnstl1 r 11111101111<0l'd that his son Juul won fill' .\lill -tar.r ('ross. Thi" wn" tlw tll"Plfth sud1 honour !'ollfi>rn•d upon Old \"t>wln~toninn". Thr<>t' !'lwer" were then ;.:in'll for "~nowy" l're><!'of t.

('olont1l c:rP<'ll was then intt·mlu<·l'd hy the lll'udma slt'I'. as l'n'sidt'nt of tlw ~h·tlw<llst ('onfPl'l'JWe. returned sohli<'t' ull(l n l'l'lllrt1l'<I lwro. Ill' had h<'<'ll on a('ffrp sl'l'l'i<'e for 3 \ .n•11r,.., sl'l'\"iug 111 l~gypt, <:nlllpoli. nrnl Frnrn:E'. 111• \\'fls a tlwron;.:h soldiE>r':.; mun. \lor<101·1·1". hi' hnd rn·1·11pi<.>d imporlant po:.;it ions in London, 1111<1 ht>fol'l' Jpa1·ing J•;11ght11d till' King 111111 mmh• him ('.\1.<L

( 'olonel <: n•1•11 tlll'll :Hid l'l'>'Sl'!l us. .\ftpr 1·011;.:ral 11 lnt ing :\l r. nml \ln-l. l't'l's!'otl. tlw fumll.1· and the H<"llool 11111111 tlw htf<'sl honour whh-h ltnd <·otlll' to th<.>m. II!' pl'Ol'l'Plle1l to It'll 11" of his px11erll'll<'l'"· \\"hill' in En;:lnnd Ill' had l"islt<'d mn11y of tlw l'nhlk ~1'1100\s. SIH'h as l\l11g~IYOO<l ( ll"hl'l'I' hi' Sil\\" till' \\"l'll-known lllllltl'S of J>1·1•s1·ott 111HI .\lo11lton on tlw hmwnr hoanl:.;), and ('llf1011 (\dtl'l'l' <;C'lll'l'lll 8ir l>onglns llnig was e<ltwat<•d). Ill' tlwn w1•11I on tu l'Xplnltt tlw inth11•111·p of lh1• "l'h11ols 1111 fill' war. It was thl' 111p111 • ht•t'" of sdtuols llkl' \1'wi11;.:ton that an• :.::oim:: to 1'1111' .\11slrali11. 111 E11gl11111I tltl' ,l'tHlll;.( otlit·Prs 1111(\ ,1oun.:.:: ttWll for thl' Fl~·1t1:.:: Corps 111'1' 1111'1'1' ho~"'• who ha n• just h•ft sdwlll. This is 11 ,1 <11111:..:: nll'11°s \\'Ill'. i11 whkh thl' yo1111;.: 1111'11 al'<' ;..::oin:.:: forth and :,::i\'i11;..: tlwir li1'C'" to "an· th1• l~mpll'I'. 11<• tlwn ;.:an• 11>< ratlwr 1111 1111111,.lu:.:: story ol' a yo1111:.:: 111i<hl,v. who \\'tls i11 <·om1m111d of lllll' of t h<• pil-k<'t hont:< at c:nlllpoll. \\ hl'll tlw 1·n•w of lhP pid;pt hoat had lnnd1'<l th1•,\ all '"""11111\ll'l'l'd off for thl'ir du;..::outs as q11ll-kh as possihll'. B11t not "o llll' 111itld,\. I IP strnllt•d u11 :11111 down till' jptt~·. ll>isnrt'l,r. lit a d;.:a rl't f 1•. 111111 tlw11 1111111·0111·hpd to whPl'l' < 'olonl'l <: !'l'l'll wns "it t Ing. su.1'111;..::. '"C:ootl 111orn!11g, l 111<ln'." "t:ootl 1uor11in:.:. m~ Loni lli;..::h ,\1J111lr11l.'' I :.;uitl. "What tlH' <led! 111·p ,roll doin;: h1•1°C''.' \\h.1 !lon't .v1111 g1•I. Nht•ll1•1· i11stP11tl of walki11;..: ahout on thut JC'lt.\''.'" • \\'<'ll. you "<'<'. 1'11cln··.'" iw px.plni11e11. "\\'e ha1·1· to "<'f till' tul'n a goo<i <'Xt111111h•." Ho this wa:.; a Llo.n" 11·111". Thl'n' an• boys in ttw 11 i r . llll'l'I' 1t1'l' boy..; 011 t hC' :.;ea. t hl'I'<' a rp ho~·:.; in t hi' <l1•sprt. 11 ntl thPrl' nn• hoys in l't'lt 1H·I'. Tlw hoys 111·p doing thl'it· hit. un<l thl' war 11111kps 1111'11 of thl'lll or it mar:.; tb1•m. \\ e 111'1• lil·iug in dorious !la,1·s. Duys nf 1111tol1l po,.,.ihilitil'><. aml full of hrlllinnt !'H l'l'l'l'S for llS ull.

('olotwl c:l'l'l'll 1•1111<-d his :111<11'1'"" h.1· sa.1 in:.:. "\l1t,\' 1;rn1 hlpss ~·011. :tnd 111'1\I )Oil tu \ll'OS\IC'l'.'


\ftl'r th1• nthln•"" thl'P<' l"IH'Pl's \\'C'l'I' :,:in•n for till' l\in~. ( ' olonC'l c;n'l'll. a11!l. lnsliy. h~· 1101 l<•astl~·- for till' hoys at th<• Front. l''<]l('d-all~· tlw Old \1•win~to11!:111s. ---1~00'1 P..\J,J,,

Th<' foothull ll'lllll has not hl't>n ,·en s111·1·1·~sf11l this t1•1·111 11s n';.:ur<l~ the 11·1t1111t1g of mnt!'l1es. 111 tlw first matl'i1, 11l11y1•d 11g11lt1~t S.(:.s .. ;:rt>nt promi>ll' was !<hown. hut till' tC'nm s<•t•nwd to


go off in >Ill ll1HH0<·011utahlP wa~·. llowl'ver. iu tile mnkb against 'l'.K.S., some of the olcl form was rpg11i11Pd. nlthough the stOl'l' wa,.: :?6 :;, and it is expf'eted thP tcnm will hP 1111wh llPtl('I' uext tprm.

The Seconds Hild Thirds han• ph1yt·1l well. although thp~· lm,·p ,.:uffered more defeat;; than win,.;. Thprp Is some good 11111t1•ria I in these tt>nms. whkh "llould 11ron• ,.PI') useful for next sp11s011. The lower tpnms ha1·e heen rather mon• "ll<'l"l'"'"ful thnn nsnnl. Ill\ ,·in~ won tl11• mujorit.r of their nm tl"IH•s .

• \. ~hort utT01111t of e11d1 of tlw l"ir:-<t Fifteen"s <·om1wtition ma tc·hes follows :

N.c. '" s.J .c. Played nt .i'\ewiugton. 18/5/18. Hild lost :io o . .:\ewto11 lo:-<l the toss. ancl Figtn•(• l>idH•d off aguinst a ,·er.'

trouhlesomt• su11. Tl11• hall was returlled. and a urnrk hy \t>wloll resulted i.u Brnwn fiuding the lim• i11 S.J.C. twenty-Jin>. ThP S.J.C. forwa nh "orked 11lay towards \ .<'. li.ue, but llruwu ,.;1w· (·eeded in ;..:ettill;..: thl• hull out at half-wuy. From n throw-In. S.J.C. l.Jnl"ks got mm·ing. und ,..t·ore<l in tlw <·orner. S.J.C .. :J; .:\.( " .. uil. From tlH' kh-k'<.lff. the ball "'"" put out, from the throw-111. 8.J.C. forwanl,.; drihhled and forn'd tlwir wuy o,·er. ,;eoriug ill a good vosit io11. Tile t 1·.' wa,.; <·011n•rtl'd. 8 .• J .C' .• 8: X.('.. 1111. l"rom thf' kkk-off. till' hull was put out lll'HI" X.('. tw1•nty-fl\·e. whCIH"P tlu• S.,J.C. bu<·k dl\·i,..ion ug-ain O}lelH'<l np. 1111cl ,.;(·ored hetW('('ll tit<• J>OHt>'<. Brndley ('011\"('l'ted the try. S .• J.C'., 13; .\l'.(' .. nil. Fa>'<t plu.\· followed, re,.;ultlni.: ill Ull Un('()IJ\"(>rt1•d tn for S~J.C. s .. J.<'.. Hi: S.C .. nil. From tlw ki<-k-off, S .• J.C. kil-ked towurd>'< .\.C. goal, ancl S.J.C. forwards. following on fast. :-;(·on•<.!. S.J.C., 19; \.(., llil. Brown kidwd off. and from a st·rum Ordrnnl set·ur(•<.i. and fouml the li.ue well down the fiel<.l. .\. :-;eril•s of pas,;ln;..: rushl'" h)' S .J .( . now ensued. 111ul fiuuJI\· resulted i11 a s<·on•. TIH' kkk was :-;u<·•·1•,.;s-ful. S.J.C., :ll; .\.C .. 'uil. ~.C. now hcgau lo wake up u hit, 111111 dribl>ling rn,.;hc,.;, in wbi<'h \Yatliug-, :\luuu, nnd ('oghlan w(•re pro-minent., kept tlw huli ill S.J.C'. territory. .:\.(. were 1>enall,.;e<J, uml S.J.C. found the line in N.C'. twenty \fiYe. .\. pai"sing rn,.;h took place, i·esulting in S.J.C. >:<"oring an UJH'Oll\erted try. S.J.(' .. 27; S.C., nil. X.( . forwa1·d drihhled th(• hnll to S .. J.(. twenty-Jhl'. where hard 11luy on both sides took phH·P. llalf-time> now arriYcd with seores: s .. J.C . 27; X.C .. n\I.

.\fter half-tlnH' 'i.C. playcd mud1 hl'ttt•r, S .. J.C. only h1•i11:.: a hi<' to pierce lhl' lh•f1•111·t• 01we. Coghlan <ll'ihhlPtl past half-wny, au<I obtaining lJOSS('ssiOll, found the lilll' ill 8 .. J .( . t\H•Hty-fi H'. S .• J.( . forwards rnllil'<l. and dribl>INI dowll tlw field until stop1tt•d h.1 .\ewton g-oiug down on the hall. S .• J.C'. ,.;t11rtl'd a pa,.;sing rnsh, hut tl1e ball went out iu the <·orner. 8 .. J.C. wl'n' a wanlecl n frpp klek. hut the ki<·k \Vl'llt wicle. S .• l.C. 11galn rushed the hull to 'i.C'. touch Jinc, but N'.C'. foreecl. From tlw ki<-k-off. the ball trn '"l'ill'<I to S.J.C. twenty-fin>. hut u free ki<-k h<.>ld :'\.C. up. and S.J.C. fouu(I the line near half-way. From a ,.;<·rum. \lac·nre~or ~ot posse,..sion. and found the> line near S.J.C. toud1 ll1w. From n snum here .:\ewton pu,'d to Zletseb. out he wus tuc·kled. and rorl"ed out In the corner. s .. J.(". forwards l"Hl'l"ied 11lny to half-way. .\. long kiek wf'nt m·l'r N.C'. touch line, and :X.C. forced. From the klek-


off. the hull wu,; retur11l'd. 111111 r.rown found the line near lrnlf-wu.' 1-'rom a snum Xewton pass<•ll to Ziets<·h. who fonncl tlw lirn• near S .. J.C. tWl'llt)"diYe. 8.,J.('. bn<·ks gut 11\\'ll)', hut fine tntkli11g by X.C. hiu·lcs pren•nted a .. wor!'. llurcl fonn1nl play followed for some tinw. t'Psnlting In S .• J.C'. s<·oring: tlw ki<-k was unsm·<·(»•8ful. S.J.C .. :10: ?\.C' .• nil. X.C'. rnrried piny to S .• J.C. twpnty-fin•. but here thl' full -time whist)(• somule<l. with the f<torl' 1<tandin~ at: S.J.C .. :rn: X.C' .. nil.

x.c·. "· s.n.s. l'h1~·pd H t Xpwington College. 25/;i/18. an<! drawn 11 a 11. Xewton lost the toss. nnd Ji'igtr!'<' ki!'ked oiT. \"ewm1111 <·entre<l.

nnd Or<'h11nl. following on fnst. se<·nr e<I nud sc·ored. Hrowu faill'd to add tlw extra!<. ".'\.(' .. :i: 8.TI.S .. nil. Give-and-take 11lu,1· fol-lowed. with X.C'. mostl.1 on tlw >11.ta<'k. until 'lewmun ki<·kt>d on'r the S.JI.S. full ·haC"k's hp:ul. nnd ~r<'<knlf s<·or('(l. Brown <·om·<•rt('(I. XC .. 8: S.11.S .. nil. S.ll.8. now >tssuuwd the nggressin~ for 11 time. hut hy good li1H'-kkkiug. \ .(. W!'rE' in S.II.S. territory. A frt>e wa"

"i1wanlt>d X .C' .. and Brow11 ki<-ked a goo<l goal. X.C., 1 l: S.H.S .. nil. Fast pluy followt•<l. l'IHling in ~lustt'rx (S.H.S.) sc·oring in thf' (•orn<>r. Tht' ki!·k f11llN1. ~.C .. 11: S.H.S., :i. X.C. ruslwd pln.1· tci S.JT .S. 1111<'. hut tbe ha I f-t imt' whistlp sounded .

. \ftPr lrnlf-timP X.( '. nttac·k<>d. hut Zlf't!';<"fl was f01·<·t>cl out near S.H.8. lhw. \ frl'P to H.IJ.S. hrought pht)· to half-wuy. S .H.S. now !!l'IHlunlly workt>d tlw ball toward~ :\.C. line. and :finally "<:OrPtl in tlw c·onwr. Tlw umpit'p u\\·urdt><I the goal. although it <li<l not go lirt wet>u t ht> posts. :'\.C .. 11 : S.11.S., 8. 1'111.1· now hegan lo grnw fnst. ull(l slightl.1 furious. Some good iiue-kkking by Brown hrought thP hall to S.11.S. twenty fi1·e, hut :\ t1eries of ru,;hes workt'd piny bud• into J.\.C. twpnt~·-til"e, and c·uhninated in S.H.8. 'Woring lll'ar tht' posts. _\ n eas.1· kitk ut goal failed: 11 all. E111·h si<l!' 110\Y did it" ut rnost to sl·on>, hut thl' defern·p of e11eh sidE' 1n-01·p1l too sound. 1111<1 tlw finnl whist!<• sounded witll the SC"Orl' 1 l n 11.

N.C. 1·. T.KS. l'la.1rcl ut :\ewington College. 1/6/18, and lost. 28-.i. \"c•wton lost tlw toss 111.min. and Flgtrt>e kicked off towurdx

0.1m1111si11m. For 11 tiuw pla,1· hon•rC>il ahout h11lf-w11~·. until T.l\.S. starh•<I a rnsh. 111111 s<·orecl hetW!'Pll the posti-:. ThC> try was 1·rn11·!'rtPrl. T.l\.S ... ; : \.(' .. nil. :\.C. <·arrit>cl pla.v to T.K.S. lhw. hut a kkk down the fi('(d <·a 1Ti!'d tlw gamp into .'\.C. t WC'nty-fiYe. T.K.8. 1111<"~" 111 .. min i..:ot mm·ing. nncl s<·orNl in the tor1wr. The kick at goa l fni lt><I. T.K.8 .. '!: "\.(' .. nil. 'l'.K.S. forwards rnshed play tow11r1ls '\.('. linC>. ancl ;wor<•d hE'twel'n tlw posts. Tlw kic·k at goal was su<·n•ssful. 'l'.K.H .. 1:1: .'\.C.. nil. '\.(. found tl1t• line in T.K.S. tw<•nty-tht>. hut ll1·ow11 kkked 01·1•r the full-htwk's Jwacl. and T.K.S. for1°<•<1. Frnm t lw kick-off, T. K.S. 1•1trrie<l pin)' into X.C. terrltor.1·. whl'I'<', from 11 s<·rnm. the> T.K.S. lm<·ks !4lllrted a ruf<b. and HC"Ol'!'<l hC>!IYE'ell llH' JlOKIS. Thr kkk WU!'\ f<lH'C:(>ssful. T.K.S .. 18; ::\'.(' .. nil. 'l'hP h11 lf-tinw whlstll' s<mnd-ed. with thr ;.corE' unaltered.

On rt>:-uming. T.K.S. pr1.»<sed hard. hnt good tuc·kliu~ by X.C. 1>rc>1·ent('(I 11 s<"ore. \ t len~th. bowe1·pr, the defe111·e wa>< hrokE'n.


nnd 'l'.I\.8. ><C'Ored ht'h\"l'l'll tlw posls. anti Forsyth 1·ou1·1'rtl'd. ' I'. K.S., 23; X.C ., nil.

From the kkk-<>ff. the bull was put out at '\.(. tw!'nty-lht'. .\ linl'-ki<-k h.\· Brown took play into T.K.S. ll'1Tito1·y. wlH'n i:in•-1u11l take play foll<J\l'l'd. until n long klc·k h~· T.l\ .H. 1n•11t on•r X.C'. 11111•. and :\"ew1111111 fcm·l'cl. 'l'.K.S. now c·nnil-cl pl11y into '\.('. ll'l'l'itory. and from a fiY<'-YUl'(ls sc·nnn. T.K.K ,.;c·orpd lll'tWt'!'ll tlw )Mists. The• ki<'k Wll>< suc·<·('ssflll. T.K.S .. :!~: '\.C' .. 11il. I· rom tlw kic-k-off. fa,..1 plu~· followed. On·hnn~ <"l'll(n•cl. and \hhott ;.(t•tt ill;.( possl'ssion J;:ic·kecl till' h:11l on.>r T.l\.R. lhll'. \lt•clrn lf sc·ori11~. llrown l'nn-n•rte<l. T.K.S .. :!S; :\".( ... ;. l'hty re11111inl•1l in .:\.('. lt'1Titor~· for some tinw until :t i:oocl llne< •ldc•k h~· '\pwlon p11t thP hull unt on 'l'.K.S. slclt' of half-wn~. T.1\.8. forwanl.-: rnslwd pln.1· to '\.(. twpnty-fht•. hut Brown Sl'nll"t'll. nncl h.1· n ~oocl kic·k took plar hac·k to half-way. 'I'll!' full-timl' whlsth• 11011· so111Hlt'cl. with thr s<·orps stnn(lin~ 11t: '1'.KS .. 28; .'\".C' .• :'i.

:'\.(. Wl'rl' llllH'h tlw \n•akt>r t\'11m. ancl put up a spll•ndid fii:l11. c•spec·ially in till' se«0111I half. They pl11yc•cl it1finitl'l.I' ht'ltt•r thn11 :t~ainst S.ll.S .. \\'horn tlH'.I' wunhl rasll_,. h:tn• hpatl•11 if thc·.1· h:icl played np to thl' saml' ,.;t1111clanl.

:-..c. ,._ T.S.< . .'\"l'\\'to11 Jo:-;t t ill' toss Olll'l' a;.(nin. 111111 Fi~tn•c• ki<-kl'<l off a.~ul11st

Ill<' wincl. Sc·ot" rnslwcl the pl11.1· towunls .'\.C. [\\"(•111 ~· fh-1'. hut a fn•l' to '\.C. rp!ipn•d thl' 11rp,-s11n•. T.S.S. startc•d a rush. s1·cll"im.: in the c·ornl'r. 'l'hl' ki"k was m1sm·t·l•ssful. T.S.( .. :1: 'i.< .. uil. l<'rom t ill' kil-k·off. 11la.r wns curried to T.S.< l\\'l'llt,l'·firt', whl'l'I' dose forwurcl 11l11sPcl follcl\\ ed. llow\'l'l'r, u frl'<' to T.S.('. hroui.:ht play to "\.(. twc•nt.\·-fin'. Sl'ots opt•ut•d llJI tlll'ir had>s. 111111 sc·ot·c•cl in the 1·ornPr. 'lh1• ki<·k foilt'!l. ·r.s.c.. ti: '\.( .• nil. Frnm tlw ki<·k-off. piny trn1 piled to half-way. Fcn·11·anl work fillt•d thP the re"t of the first half. with \'t•r.1· fpw pns-.tni.: rnslws. 'l'lw h11lf-tlme ,:e<1n•s Wl'l"l': T.S.( '., tl: "\.C .. nil.

.\fter half-tlmP, .'\".('. vla.n•cl a 11111C"h fastt•r i:aml', nucl 1111t<le more u"c' of tlwlr ha<:k". From thP kl<·k off. !frown rl'turnecl. and put the hall out near T.S.r. t \\'c•nt.,·-ti\·p. T.H.C'. forward" hrokl'• awa~-. hut the hall was ki<-kl'cl on1 m•ar '\.( l\\l'llt~·-fhl'. \ (. heeled , nn<I Xe\\ 1011 found tlw ll11c> in T.s.c. tl'1Titory. \\ 11tll11;.(. Col(hlan. \fedtnlf. and :\lunn hrokl' 11w11.1·. h11t :t nrnrk h.1· ' l'.8.(. sn,·ecl a ,.;c·ore. !'la~· tra1·ellt•cl to T S.<. 111·c·ntr-fin>. .'i.C'. lw<.>lt•1J. and Xl'wton "ent the hull to Xt>wm1u1. 11110 h1·11t tlw fin--ei~ht and fnll-hal'k. and s1·01·pcl. The l;kk was 11 11 s1tt"c·pssfnl. T.S.C .. ti: 'i.C .. 3. From till' kiek' •oft'. tht' hall \\'Us pnt out 1wa r half-wn.'"-.'\.C. forwards workt•cl pla.'· c•losp to T.8.<'. tmwh-lim• From a Htrum . .'\ewton :-<(•11t to l'otts. 11·ho kic·kl'<I tht' hall out of tm!C'h. i?rnm the ki<-k off. X.C'. ni.:ain rnslll'll to tlll' attadc 111111 from a s<TUlll X<>wton passed to Potts. who found tlw line. .\ mark h~· T.S.C. hroul(ht pin~· bnek to hulf-wa~. From a rnek. \Ya tllni.: broke awny, and pal'<se<l to X<>wmun, who s('orl•11. Brown ndtll'd tht' extra!'. X.C' .. 8 ; T.S.C'., 6. From tlw kl<"k-olY, play wai; !·11 rrl1•1l to half-way. Orr-hard hroke awuy. hut tryini.: to kic-k on•r tlw full· ha<•k'~ head. ><POill'<l a ;.(Ood thlllll'C' of sc·ori11:..:. < lost• forward pluy followe!l, uncl fnll-tim<' ~oundC'd. with tl11• srnn·~ stan<lhti: at: ::\.<' .• R: T.S.C' .. fi.

.\pril 2Uth ,\pri I 27111 .\lay lsl .. .. \luy Ith . . .. \lu~ .. I Jth ..

. \pril 20th

. \vril 27th !llny 4tll .. :'>I n,1· l8th .. .\I 11 ~ 2:ith .. • I UJH' lst ..

,\ pril :.Wlh . \ 111'11 27th .\11\,\' Ith .. ,\la,\' I Ith .. .\la y P\t 11. . .Junt• lst ..

'.rHE ~EWll\G'l:O:NlAN.

r. S.t .. s. (U\\'UY) .. r. S.C.E.<>.S. (ll\\'ll,\' ) I. S.11.S. ( houw ) r . S.l.(. (a\\'ar)

'" T.S.L. (a war) SECOND Fu1·u:;;-.;, /;, S.G.S ... .. r. S.C.E.G.S ... .. I'. S.J.C. .. . . .. '" S.J.t. (<ump.) ..

'" S.11.S. ( ( '011111.) •.

'" 'I .I\.S . (( '0111 p.) ..

1'n nw F11"rt::1;i'i.

'" s.1:.l:l ... .. '" S.('. E.< :.s ... /', S. I.<. .. .. I'. T.S.(. . . .. '" S.J.< ... .. f. T.K.S.

...... 'l ' llE HOXJ:\1: < L.\SS.

Lo~t Lost \\OU Lost Lost

Lust . Los I Lost Lost \\Oil l,ost.

l.osl Lost Lo:,it. Lost Lost Lo"t

11- 6 !U- 6

8- :l 2.)- 0 10- 3

ll- 8 :l.3 - 0 :l2 6 19 () :11 3 l!l- 0


3 - 0 ~.:>-:> 11 - 6 :li- 0 :l:l- 0

'rhb l\•r111 W(• hl•;.:1111 i11 ('tll'JH'st what s<HllP of lls hull ht'l'll 1all;i11;.: nhollL all Inst tprn1. Soon aftl'l' tlw holldu,Ys sowt• of Olli' 11wn• p11;.:11n1·lous-looki11l! UJl'lllhC>rs Joukt•<i likt• newly Jiorn halll's wh(•JI Dun• Smith a 11<1 ltb assbtant took tlw floor In thl' Cym. Dnn• is lh1• 1111<l!'f1•11tl'd a111atPllJ' hl'a\'~·\\·l'i;.:ht !'liamvion. nnd thP l'('I i rPd profpssio1111 I h1•11 ,._,.\\'eight C'liamvion. so Ila t umlly his <·lass w11s 1·p1',1 lJHi<•t 1111<1 orclt>rly on the ovening dny, 11nd, strau; .. w tholl;.:h it 11111,1 s1•1•111. 110 01u• waute<l to take n ;.:101·1• with him.

\flp1· \\'I' hull sl'l'll Olli' 111·os11e<"li1·c <·ourse of insl nwt!on l'Xl'· c·11t1•cl h.1 .\11'. Hmith nncl his hoy Uughit'. e\·pn·onl' f1•lt irn·linNl lo "hox 011" with .JPss \\ illnnl. but after a frw \H•ll-dln•1·tl'<l ,.;lt'ltight IPffs. which. h.1 tlw wny. rnalle s<.'\'eral lips look som1•whal out 11t pos!tioll. nil ,.;11"11 fnndl's fll'd. aml \\'C' n•alist•<l that our "glllll'll was uot l!oocl 1•11011'-!h to pnahle us to fl'l'I qnitl' at honw with tlH' glo1·p-. 011 . .\ft PI' I h1• st rn igh t ll'fts ha <I hPPll 11111 st Pl'<'<I ( ll t ll•a"t. soml' p1•oph• think th1•y lunp ma;;tered it.). "'" he;.:11n "the ~11:1r•l a11cl l'l'tllru." This was l!l't'llt fun (to watC'l1). for sonw hoys wouhl pprsist in "retllrni11;.:" whill' the ";.:llanl" was <!own .

.\'Pxt we• w1•n• "hown tlw "(louhle left." aucl. as .\lr. Smith hacl pl'l'l·ion,.:l,\' told 11,; that "this was tilt• only 1m1wh Ill' was <'H'I' hit with in t 11<• !:.\'Jn .. WI' !Pit \\'<' \\'l'l'I' i11 good 1·omp1111.1·. wlwn nftl'l' thP pnwtic-1• thl'l'I' wns n hnhhlt• left Jn sen•ral 1•yps,

llllri11g tllC' IC't'lll wp ha\'l' also lear11Pcl tb1• "lt>ft 1·1·oss 1·01111tl'r." "right ""''"" 1·0111111·1'." "ri;.:ht <'ross <-01111tl'r a11<1 h•t't lt•ad." ancl "ome 1•h•1111•111:1r~· footworl•. llO\\'l'\'l'I'. tlw "kin;.: hi1" of tlwm nil ""'" thp "lt•ft n11cl ril!hl 1·ross 1·mmlPt'." "'p hnn• lwnr<I ii wh1s· pored that om• uwmht•r of the <.;la;;fl nearly "took lilt• l'Ollllt'' he<'1111se


he fuiled to defeud himself against this \\ily (will~) method ol attatk after he had deliYered bis ·•strnil-(bt left."

The hoxin:?; toumamt>ut is to lw held on till' uiJ.(ht of the Old Boys· Dinner. and lJl'Omiscs to afford soml' iutcn•stinJ.( dbplays ol ''the noble art of seJf .. defente," all(! i11!'illeutall.' to d1UllJ.(P thl' geograpb~· of se,·ernl fol'ial mavs. ---YALEl'E .

. \ STOX. R. L.- Cum1• Feh .. 191:!: lpft \[url'll, l!JlS ; (Jualifyin:; Certifknte, 1912; Burs1u-y. 1912: Opt•11 Sd1olarshi11. 191 l; Inter· meclinte (ertific'nte, l!ll l: l~itorial Cm1111·il, 1915-16- 17-18; Wig ram Allen Stholar~hi11. 1016-17; Sthofi1•ld St·bolnrshlp (a><t.). 1916; Uux of Stllool, 1917: l'reft>('l, l!ll7-18; llarolcl ll1111t \ledal for ScTi11t11n>, 1917: Lea,·ini.: l'e1·tifit·at('. 1!117: llurdy .\lt•dal for Best Lea,·lnl-( l'uss, 1!117: l ' ni\·ersity Exhlhitio11 in Jo:nJ.(int•eriuJ.(. 1917: L'nin•rsit~· Bursar.'" 1!117: .fames \ik1•11 Hd1olarslllp for Genernl Profi<:ieJl(:~· ( aoq.). l!>li: ,John \\"est "1•dal for Genernl l'rnti<:ieJI'·~· (:eq.), 1917: Urahanw l'rlz1• for G1•1wrat l'rotieie1w~ (a••1.). 1917. --

OLD BOYS J,g·n1mH.

Troopt•t· K. (. Riley, writing -1/:!/ lh: -.. The <lay IJl.'fon• .n•sterdar I wPnt 1111 to .Jt>rusalt>m with a

purty, UIHI after l11ni11J.( soml.' 111111·h tlh'L'l'. \\'l' wl'nt out to till' .\lount or Olin•,;. It was a \'PI'.'. 1·h•11r day. aud Wl' J.(ot a sptemlitl dew of I hl' Dcatl St•a 1111<1 tlw \ ' a 111',1 of llw Jord1111. \\ 1• weut to the <:urdl.'11 of (;ethst>11111111•. dow11 a \ ' !'I',\' ,.;tl.'t'P alld rn11J.(h 1·ond There is a J.(ntml d111rc·h there. huilt h.'' tilt• Hussialls. Th1•1·l• an· three doml'>' Oil top. nm• lar!-(e aud two small, maliP of lt1•a11•n ;.:oltl. and these an• a lo\'l'l~· sii,:bt wlll.'11 tlll' su11 is shi11i11i,: oil th!'IU. \\I' then wC'nt out to Hethl!'hcm. arnl had a r1111 all lhrnu!-(h the tow11 hefore J.(olnl-( to tbl' ( 'hnr('h of llll' :\ntl\ity. Tlw towu and th1• inhnhilants are ,·er.1· l'll'au. 'l'hl' 11111 in incltt,.;l rieK 11 l'P pl'arl-work ancl h1t·1•-making-. Tiii' 1'1111rl'h is a 1'1111r<·h of 1111111~ d1ur<'lll's. as 11 we re. It ls a lrni,:P h111J11!11.;.:, hut i11sid1• it i;: cth·idl.'d np into smull l'ha1wts. whil'h ht>lon:.: to the diffen•llt 1'1111r1·lws 111111 1·01111tries. 'flw Homan ('atholk om• ha,; soml' \' l'I'.' J.(l'HIHI works of art i11 it. Then• !>;.a 11111'1'0\\' 1111>-slll.!l' leadi11;.: down to tlw ,;(ablps, wtwre the plal'e of \ath·it~· arnl tlw \lani,:l'r is. TltC' orii,:i1111l llllllll-(1.'r i;; now in Hal~·. TIH• "tuhJp,.; 1·m·1•1· 11 lar:.:1• an•a of J.(l'OlllHI. llplow the dmr1·h lht•rp is a nal't'O\\. pas:<a;.:e 11•11dln;.: from om• pas,.;a:.:I.' to a11othP1'. l~ tt<"h stall 1101\· marks ,.;01111• histori1· l'\'l.'llt. In 0111.' Jar/.(\' stall thPl'l' is a plan• wh1•rp a lari,:l' n11111h1•r of ( 'hristians wen• mal<snne<l. and then• is a small holl' h•a<lini,: to a pit wht' re their bodies art> ~upposp(.} to ha,·1• h1'<'ll lhrow11. .\II thl' pussai,:es un<I s tahle,; an• 1·ut ont of th,. solid nwk. \ftp1· (<'a thn•1• of UK went clown to sl'l' the mana;.:Pr of th<• Jll'arl lmtto11 fa<·tory. all(] spent a Yery intPr<•stinl-( eYeniu:.:. hrnri11;.: nil his 1•xperit•n<·<•s <lurl11g war-tinw. atul also of ttw lllll ll\I fal'tor,,· of ppn rl lmttons. 'l'lt<•y J.(<'t lar:.:1• quanlltl<•s of mother of IK•arl :;tilt from \Yl.'stern .\ustrulla, whkh was tht• hest pearl prrn·11rahlt• 1111tll tlw hlal'k motlll.'r of pearl t·ame into fn~hion. \\'t• ~tartecl 011r tour of tilt• old dt~· alJout

'l'HE 1'; EWINGTO;>iJA:\. 785

sl'n~ll 1wx t moru i 11g. , \fter weudiJJg through dirt~ . >-llll'll.1· ,..t n•et" for some tluw. 1n• <·nuw to the .Jew>< 1n1ilin~ 11h11·e. whkh i,; a part of tlH' wnll of tlwir ol<I te11111le. .\II i11 hetwet•JJ thl' 1·nu·ks of the stom·~ an• 1111ib j11111m1•<l i11: they ha1·e hee111111t then• hy .\rml'niuJJs allfl ,Jpws to murk tl1elr 1·isit llll'n'. \\e went through some mort' 11111To11 stn•l't>' to tht• al'l'a of the Tl'lllllle. whid1 is u huge• 11Jaet•. In tlu• <·1•11trt' is tlw \losqup of Omar. tilt' ontside of whkh is <·olt111 n•<I t I It• work."'

\l11jo1· .J. 11. McDonald 11Tites to ~11'. Btwhanun, H/ 1/18 : .. J rt><'t•iYt>Cl a pnr<·el of :;?;ood things a few du~ s 11g1> from .\'ew-

iugton ('olll'gt'. \ot knowing whether it. was sent I>~· the Old llo~·s or sonwhod.1 f1·mn tht• College staff, I ha1·e tukt'H t hi' lihN'I.\' of thanking tht• >'t'lldt'r through ~·on .. \t the pre1->c11t tinw. we an' i11 u 1·t•r.r quit•t purl of the llnl', and h11Yc settled clown to lhc• 11~u11l trcudt 11 nrf111·p, tlw only s<·ntpping l>eiug an oc·1·a;;io1111l mid l>.I" ns. or 11 p11trol l'J1<·011nter in ':'\o :!\Ian's Land.' :'\ewington is well n'J>l'l""l'JJtt•<I i11 t fw hrli;:1tde. I often nm anoss l'olts (1 !lth) and Pt•ttit (17th). \'11t11rall~. if all.I" of u" rel·Pin• till' Xc1ci1111trmia11

.it, i;; pnssc•<I 11rn111HI 1111 tlw Old !1Hys in 1111' hrigu<le. It JUll><t be• :1 ;..:rpnt <·onsolatio11 to the llPadruaster 111111 ~·0111.,•t•lf lo sel' how till' Old l:o~·,.; hnn• joi1w1l up. Ps11e<"iall~ the .n11111gl'r fellO \Ys. I saw Twit Tuskl'r 11 t Yprl's lnst <ktol>er: ba<l hP not >'flOkl'n to lilt' I wouhl 111·1·(•r l1111·p k1111w11 him. as lw has ;.:ot so fat. .Joh11uie Tay-lor surprised thl'lll nil with his ha till:! i11 lllk11ty.''

('orpornl \. \. Hulbert 11Tites from 1-'ornnt. :i;::;1~: "I 11111 plc'lt>-Pd to hi' 11hll' to n•late that I han• n•adwd 1u.1

tll';;t i11ation snfc•ly. Till' t riv O\"l'I' was ;..:lorious. On r first stop was 1'11111111111 ('1111111. Wt• 1mllecl into Plymouth 801m1i on < hrl;;tmas En>. 1111d tlw followin;..: duy we clisemburkt>d ut l>e1·0111>0rt.. \Yt• an• 11011· i11 1·ump at Fm•nnt. around whkh there arp also ubout a dOZl'JJ c·umps quit(• l'lo>'<' togc•tlwr. This c:am11 is stHTOUllded IJy smnll Yillugps, The largps( tow11 nhout here is Sulisbur~.'·

8ignalll'r 1; .• \. Dinning writes from lle.rteslJun ( '11mp 011 ;';/:1/18:

.. I 11· il'h f 0 tha II k ,\"Oil H lid a 11 (•()Jl('('l'lll'd for S('llding Ul(' ll )Ill J'-

('t•I whidi I n•<·Pirl'd 011 S1111<la.Y · m~· hirthduy. I ;.:ot 11 fp11· :\('11·-i11;.:lo11 ho~ s fo;.:l'tfwr. i11d111li11;..: my mate. Frl'd ' l' homtNlll. who q11kkl.1 ht'l(ll'd 1111• with thP tin of lmtten;(·ot<·h. a111l J>artook of a11 ··,\ussi ('nps." Yo11 11·i1l PXl'llSl' that expn•s,..ion. hut If 1111.1·hody i11 h1111di11;.: rom11l <·i;..:11n•ttt•s. 1111<1 1mts ·.\ussl" hefort> tlw 111111w of th<• d;.:11rt>ltt'. it .:!1'111'1"1111~· hrings forth an ',\ha' from tlw Inds. I a11pn•1·latt•d th<• p11r1·pl 1·pr~· mutll. a,; it ll'U>< tlu• fir"t oil(' I han• n•<·t'iH'<l. Tlw \ 1·iri1111tr111i1111 was also l'ugerl)· rP11tl. pspt'l·ii1lly tlw ll1111011r Holl.'"

8l'rgpa11t L. , \ Kelynack, i11 nunp at Ti<lworth. 011 l:l/:lj l '< 11Tilt'" to tlw llt•u1lm11slt'l'.-

.. I h11,·p n•t·Pntl~· ret'Pin•d a pan·el from the 01<1 \t•wi11:.:to11ia11s' l'11io11. a11<1 lt'l',1· 11111d1 p11joypd ;!etti11g it. uol 0111.1 for it>' 1·011tt>nts. lint 011 a1·1·01111t of tlw fal't that it ll':ls :t :!ift from thP old ;;d1011f.

'l'ht• 1·opy of lht• \ r•11· i1111t1111ir111 Wll>' most 111·1·ppt11hlt'. 111111 as om• rt•Hds dow11 thl' long list. OJH' 1·au llp (l:trdo1u•<l for fl>l'lin:.: <ll'l'J> pridl' ill tlw n••·o1·<1 p11t 1111 h.1· )lewingtou. \hont a ll'l'l'k 11).(0 I ru11 Into Bill~· <:1·a11t at au .\'.C.0. sthool; he looks 1n•ll Hll(l fit, am!

786 'l'HE NEWDlt;TO:\lA!'..

t':'l.JH.•ct., to ;..:o on•r lo Fnuu·l• shortl.v. I haq• had two slwrt risits lo Lo11<1011. llJl(I found q•r,\· 111ud1 to iuh'l't'sl 1111•. 011 m\· last ,·bit. J saw llw l\im:: a11d (}tll'l'll 011 thl'ir wn,\ lo 01><•11 l'111·1i'11nwnl. J ,.;p1•ut a mo"l i11h•n»<ti11!! afr(•rnoo11. lwari11;: a dl'lmtl' in lhP 111111,..1'. It was nin• t~1 IH'Hr our 1-:mpin•s ll'Hcli11;..: statt"<llll'll ><IH.'HR. Lio,\( I <.1•or:!(' hei11!! pa rt in1 larly fi11p."'

Drhpr l '. 1:. Lobban writin;..: frou1 J-' ra111·('. i-;;:;;1:-;: "You don't know how plt>as1•d I was to ,;pp tlu• \ r iri1111/1111ir111.

hut abo MHlUl'rn.~<l al lhl' i:(rPat 11u111hpr of ;..:o(l(I frllow:< \\ho. whilst doiuµ; tlwir hit. hall' ';..:one we:<t.' 'I It(• d<>nr old :;1'11001 hns. and i,.:. doin;..: hl•r :;!Jan• i11 this worhl-willl' turmoil. :'ipwiuµ;ton nlwu~·" \\:Is 11JOJ'l' likl' a hi!! IHlPl>.I' family th1111 a11~thi11i:: l'l:<t'. I IHI\'(' Jl('\'l'l' hl•urd 0111• :;i11µ;ip .\p1dn;..:fonia11 sa.1 1111 1111ki11d word alio11I till' old 1->dwoi. hul. 011 tlw ot.IH'r hand. rpft•r in happy 111111•:< lo lhis itH·l· clpnl or thnt that happl'ned (l11ri11;..: tlwir :<ojo111'11 ll11•n'. Tilt• Wl'>llllt•r is ;..:rowing warm :;o is till' s<·n1ppi11µ;. I a111 :<Ol'I".\' to :<a,,· I 1•xpp1·t this sp1·i11;..: \dll hl' \'l'I".\' hot. ancl 11111 not looki11g forwurcl to it. hut am l't'1t1l~ to 1lo my humhlp hpst wlwu n•q11il'(•1I."

<'nptain c:1•or;..:p .Johnson "rill',.. 011 :!/I/IS from 11.\I. :-;l'il)lhllll· J:asl'. \lnlta. to thl' lll•adma,..ter:

"\o clo11ht yon will h1• so111e\\'hnt s11rpri,.;pcl to h('HI' from nil'. anti also nt 111.1· a1lcln•;-;s. Thl' :;pnr I r<'<'l'in•cl to a.r.:itutl' Ill!' into t'tll'l'l'SJlfllHlt•11f'f' \\'llS II \'Pry l'Xf'Plll'llt parq•l \\hi"11 1 l'('('l'in•cl H f1•\\' dn,\·>' a;..:o. 1 must say I was \'l'I'.\' ;..:ra tl'1'11l Hild to11<'l11•cl hl'YOll<l llll':l"lll'I' to think of tlw intpn•st tak1•11 i11 thl' 01<1 \pwi11:rto111a11..;. 11 le11n• t'Oll\'<'~· 111.1· IH'nrtft•lt thauks to tho"\' n•spousihl<• for tilt• killfl tho11;..:ht. You mny J.l•rhaps hi' so11u•what i11t1•n•sl(•cl Ill !war 111;..: a lit tl\' of Ill~ 1·11rPt'r on•r hl'l't'. I lpft 8y1hu•)'. as .n>11 k111m. tmn1rcb till' t•wl of l!Jt.i. 1111d 011 n•u<·hill;..: l·:11gla11d joi11ecl tlw Hontl \nn1I .\ir HPr\'kt•. a" a fli:tht suh·lil't1tPll1t11t. allfl pro<'\'l'ch•d to '1<•a1·11 lo tly. 111 this J wa ... quill' ""'"'l'""'f111. and ;..:n1cl111tlPd a fnll,\ qunlifi\•cl pilot. i11 \ugust. l\ll!i. 1 tltp11 p1·01·1·1•cl<'d 011 >'<'ll· pli1m•s 1t1HI af't in• "l't'df'<' fl~· it1:r 011 s11l1111ari11p put rols; hmn•\'l'I', I dlcl 1101 Im\'<' th1• hwk to "i;..:ht l• ritz at all. 1111• f'hip f \'\l'il<'llll'lll 1 had hl'i11;..: 011 011c• oc· .. asiou \'l' r.1 ll<'>trl.1 cll·m\nl'd. \I ilh 111,1 oh:;prrpr,• i11 a 11•n thi<'k fo;..:. a11out JO to J:! 111i1Ps out lo s\'11. off Flam· horm1;..:h 'tll'ncl. 011 till' Yorkshirl' <·mist: w1• l\\'I'\• iu tlw watt•r an honr llll<l 1<•11 111i11utps \\IH'll thP fo;..: llftl'<l so1111•\\·h111. a11<1 we 1n•n• pic-kt•tl 1111 h.1· a c:rillhhy trawh•1-. Till' 11111d1lm• \\llS ('Olll}llt•t\>ly smnshl'cl up. allcl I <'Ollsifll'l'l'<I lll,,·sp(f n•r.1· hwk,\ illcll'l'd ill .r.:Pltill;..: off ;-;o lightl.1. 111 \on•mhl'r I hnd thl' 111isfort111u• lo "tn1i11 Ill,\' IH'H rt c•r1111ki11;:: a spaplam• l'll,;..:iuP. an cl thon;::h t hi' 1luma;..:I' <10111' was 1101 n•r.1· :<Prions. it wa ... s11ttkil•11t t<• pnt an l'lHl to m~· flii.:ht t'lll't'l'I', for whkh I was ,·1·ry ... orry. as it n·all.1· is ma;::nifi(·pnl f1111. and an adi\·p joh with fh<' <·hall<'<' of cloin .;..: ><Olli<' ",.;fruti11;::"' 011 mw·s 0\\'11 is llllll'h )11'\'f\'rnhh• to thl' mon• or ll'ss 1111\illnr~· work I han• h1•p11 1loi11;:: siu•·l' tlw11. 011 <·0111i11~ 011t of hospital I \\·n,.. 11ppol11tl'<I to l'>f'ot11111cl. in <·har;..:I' of a small Sl'llph111<• n•palr has('. \n1rki11;..: 111 1·011h11u·lio11 with Ill<' tippt: on this lwit1.~ 1·!11:;\>cl !low11 in \l11rf'l1 la:-t .n•ar. 1 hacl f'har;..:<' of a small :<uh-station lll'ar Etlinlmri::h. a !so \\ orkh1;..: ll'ith thl' tiPl't. aud then t r1111sfr1TPcl to 11nother in the snme clbtrkt. 1:-ic-otland is a <ll·li~hLful 1·ou11tL'.\' ln the liUmmer time, liut in the winter it i:; not all that t·oul1l he de:;lrl'd uy such a

S1111J1/1'1111111 to 'l' l lf' Nt·wi11!f/1J11ir111 .• /11111·. l!Jlli.


JUNE, 1918 .

H11ppl<'111e11t to Tllc Vewi11gto11ir111, June, 1918. :3


Major F. Campbell, 2nd Battalion. ~dajor Moffat Reid, 1st L.H. Captain Dunbar, Chaplain. Captain D. S. Freeman, 15th Battalion. Captain D. D. Hunter, Chaplain. Captain A. L. Hewish, 3rd Battalion. Captain A. C. fi... Jekyll, R.A.M.C. Captain II. K. Meek, King's Royal Rifles. Lieutenant H. P. Barton. Lieutenant H. W. Brough, 117th IJowitzer Battery. Lieutenant H. Dingle, D.C.M., A.l\LC. Lieutenant D. Glasson, Royal Flying Corps.

" Lieutenant G. Howes, Rajput Light Infantry. Lieutenant A. S. Hunt, r7th Battalion. Lieutenant A. R. Muir, M.C., 45th Battalion. Lieutenant M. K. Nolan. r3tb Battalion. Lieutenant J. L. Sandy, A.F.C. Litutenant .J. W. Terras. 45th Battalion. Lieutenant V. T. S. \Varry, 25th Battalion. Lieutenant A E. \\'atson, 35tb Battalion. Lieutenant 0. C. ·white, 2nd Battalion. Company Sergeant-Major E. Huxtable. Company Sergeant-Major D. N. McGregor, 3rd Battalion. Sergeant G. R. Buchan, 13th Battalion. Sergeant L. F. R. Colwell, 45th Battalion. Sergeant V\T. Hooper, 18th Battalion. Sergeant C. ]. Kaeppel. qth Battalion. Sergeant G. R. Lovett, 19th Battalion. Sergeant D. M. Murray, 1st Battalion. Sergeant J. L. Saunders. Corporal C. D. Holliday, 54th Battalion. Corporal V. \-. Hulbert. 17th Battalion. Corporal R. Lewin. · Corporal N. Roberts. Corporal T. vV. \;Vhitton. ISt Battalion. Lance-Corporal K. H. Jackson. Driver A. Macdonald. Trooper F. R. Galbraith, 6th L.H. Trooper F. Guille. Trooper N. S. Jeffrey. Trooper L. R. Pountney, 5th L.H. Trooper W. Tink, 1st L.H. Trooper K. C. Riley, 6th L.H.


.i •"11pplc111c11t fo The Sewi11ytu1Lia11, J t111c, l!llS.

Sapper \'. T. .Marshall. Sapper S. I f . .\lcKern, .\l..\l.. ist Field Coy. Engineers c;unner J. Johnson. IIth Brigade. F.A. c;unner J. L. ~orman, 2nd Division. c;unner R. ]. Percy, 7th F.A. Private L. R. Arndell. Private C. J. Bleazard. Private J. Bryant, 53rcl Battalion. Private A. Burling, 56th Battalion. Private J. Coutts, Private K. Daniels, A.1\I.C. Private F. N. Dash. 1st Battalion. Private J. Dugan. 17th Battalion. Private G. B. F. IIunt, 17th Battalion. Pri,·ate I~. \Y. Korff. 17th Battalion. Private \Y. L. Laing. 53rd Battalion. Private E. l\f. Lane. PriYate 0. Lucas, 53rd Battalion. Private l\I. L. Macdonald. Private R. S. l\Ieek. Pri ,·ate C. l\I in er. Private \\'. IT. Nicholson. Private .\. 11. Pickering, -i-5th Battalion. Private P. T. Stewart. r8th Battalion. Private C. \ \' eisner, 2oth Battalion. Private II. J. \\'hiteman. Private \'f\7. H. R. Woods.

MISSING. Sergeant 0. l\l. O'Reilly, 36th Battery, F.A. Private H. Bembrick, 9th.101\Iachine Gttn Company.

PRISONER OF WAR. Lieutenant N. J. Hill. 5ergeant C. R. Cro\\'ther, 15th Battalion, ·Minden, G'many

RETURNED HOME. Lieut.-Colonel J. \\'. S. Lucas. F.A. Lieut.Cotonel C. Shellshear. l rth F.A.B . .\lajor R. E. l\lcClellancl. A.M.C.

J. l\lorton. .. G. Short. V.D.

Captai 11 E. Beaver, 3-i-th Batta! ion ( re-cn listed). E. M. Boyer, Chaplain. C. A. Brough, 2nd D.A.C.

S1111J1/C'111r 11/ lo '/'llr Netd11ytr111i11n . . / 1uw. 1\1 lH. 5

Surg. 11. J. \\'. 13rennand, 11.).1.A.S. "Encounter." R .. \ . .t\. Lieutenant F. Cork.


F. G. c;riffiths. 19th Battalion . . \. K. :\Iancy-Lake, 7th L 11. (2nd occasion). J. G. McKern, Tunnelling Corps. 11. F. Murray. K. N. Pattrick, 13th Battalion. K. F. Potts. 18th Battalion. ] . Tarn, 55th Battalion. R. P. Walker.

Na"igating~Licut. S. R. Fletcher. Warrant-Officer A K Ayres. Company Sergt.-i\.lajor \\'. E. I{untley.

,, ,, 0. Patison. . Sergeant I~. Burnham .

. \. T. H. Brown. S. R. Logan. roth F .. \.B. \. C. \\'. l\lcKern, -+th Battalion.

I.. ).lc:\lanis, qth Battalion . . \. S. 0:. l'attrick. ist Battalion. ( ;_ ( ;_ \ irtue, 35th Battaliun.

Corporal 0. l\I. Barker. 12th L.H. S. Broome, 12th L.H. (re-enlisted). I'. Cuthbertson. 15th 8attalion. \\'.C. Franci:-., 13th Battaliun, D.C.l\J. (rc-enl.). S. I ludson. 6th L.H. F. Hutton, Field Engineern.

,, R. Lobban (re-enlisted). Driver B. \V. Marina, 3rd Batt., I st Field Artillery.

.. K. B. Wiseman. Gunner V. llav.

S. ,\. '11osking. i6th Battery. F .. \. E. N. Leahy. C. R. Logan, rnth F.A.B.

.. R. \\. Peel. Trooper ff. \. Brown. 2nd L.H.

J. S. Campbell. R. JI. K. Clarke (discharged). If.\\'. Crane. 3rcl Rfcts, 12th L.11.

.. ]. Simpson (re-enlisted). Prirntc 11. Harker. 2-tth Canadian Rescn c.

R. ' I. F. Hover. 26th Battalion. A. ·T. R. B~own. '

" E. C. Bush (discharged). L. C. D. Cooper, A.M.C.

6 Nt1JJJJ/n111111 tu The ,\ e1ci11gfu11ic111. ,/ 1111e, 1!J18.

Pri\'atc W. \\.arlow Davies Forsyth-Cheffins, 2oth Battalion



" .,

A. \\". E. Gardiner. H. V. Geddes . . \. \\".James, 2ncl Battalion . .A. L. Lane, 3rd Battalion (discharged). F. Latimer. \\'.G. McCourt, 17th Batt. (re-enlisted, Rabaul). J. Newsome. 2nd Battalion . E. Paul. V. 1\1. Ruper, 3rcl Battalion. W. G. Tasker, I 3th Battalion (re-enlisted). C. E. Weakley, 1st M.G. Coy. 13. M. Woodhill.

RETURNED FROM RABAUL. Captain N. S. Bate. Sergt. A. N. Northcott (re-enlisted).

MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES. Lieut.-Colunel I. G. l\Jackay, D.S.U. (with bar). 1Iajur .\. I~. Co!Yin, l\I.C.

., ., "

E. S. James. C. \\". C. l\Iarr, M.C. J. ll. l\JcDonald, M.C. T. G. Millner, M.C. .\. J. Petersen, D.S.U. (with bar). T. L. \\'ills-,\llen, D.S.O.

Chaplain-i\lajor II. 1\. Meek. Captain C. K. Allen. M.C.

F. Dawson. M.C. A. L. Hewish. F. 1\leares. T. E. Parker. L. Rickard, M.C. t\. F. Sutton. O.B.E.

.. \\. 11. \\'addell. ~J.C. Licutcnant J<. ~I. \V. Crooke. D.C.1\1

11. L. Dill, l\I.C.


F. W. Jackson. M.C. H. Moffatt, M.C. 1\. R. Muir, M.C. R. \V. Pettit. C. G. Prescott, M.C. F. Winn.

,'111ppl<11" 11/ lfJ 'l'lte ~e.1rinyto11ii111 . • / 1111c:. 1111~. 7

Lieutenant C. H .. \,\ ise, .M.C. ,, 0. H. \,\Toodward, M.C. ,, C. S. Crowley, D.C.:-l. ,. J. A Sorrell, 1\1.M.

Sergeant H .. J. W. Lee, l\I.l\I. ., E. G. Nixon, Croix de Guerre.

Corporal W. C. Francis, D.C.M. ,, C. 0. Harrison.

Trooper S. R. Hindmarsh, M.l\l. Sapper 1 l. de V. Alexander, Serbian Gold l\ledal. t;unncr L. Thompson, M.M. Private H. Dingle, D.C.M .

. , B. ll. Howard, M.M .

., R. Jamieson, M.M. A. H. Pawley, M.M. B. C. A Palmer.

ON ACTIVE SERVICE. Licut.-Culoncl L. {; . .L\l acka Y. D.S.O .. l st ~lac h. Gun Batt. Lieut.-Coloncl F. ~larshalf, Dental H. Quarters, A.M.C..

Tidworth. Major D. Huchanan. Ist Anzac Mounted Div.

,. 1\. E. Colvin, 11.C. ,, \,\'. M. A. Fletcher, M.O., 14th Battalion.

R. Gowing, D.A.D.O.S. ,, E. S. James, O.C., 4th Mobile \'et. Section.

" ]. Mailer Kendall, R.A.M.C. \V. S. Lawry, ISt Regiment, A.L.H. J. IJ. McDonald, M.C., 2oth Battalion.

,, C. W. C. Marr, .f\.I.C .. Aust. ·wireless Squadron ,, T. G. l\lillner, M.C., A.Q.M.G .. 1st Aust. Di\" ,. (;. II. Parker, 6th Battery, 2nd F.A.B . ., .\. J. Petersen, D.S.O., O.C .. B Battery. 86th Brig.,

RF.A., B.E.F. C H. Wesley, qth Field Ambulance. R. ]. Whiteman. A.M.C.

,. T. L. Wills-Allen. D.S.O. Chaplain-1\lajor • \. II. l\leek. 3rd Sth. ~1idland Fld. Amb. Captain C. K. .\llen. f..l.C., 13th Middlesex Rcgt.. B.E.F.

,. " "

E. \\'. \tkinson. 19th Battalion. 1 II. L. Beale. A.M.C.

E. Beaver. l I. 0. Busby. A.M.C ... 17th Battalion. 13. M. Carruthers. R.A.M.C .. India. J. W. Cook, 9th York. & Lanes. 'Regt .. B.E.F.

>; Sll/1/1/1'1111111 /11 'l'/1<· N1;11ci11!ffo11ia11 •• J 11111', Hll~.

Captain J '. l I. 1\1. Crane, Adjutant. F. Dawson, l\l.C., 58th Battalion. F. E. Dawson. A.M.C.






,, "


I I. Dolman. Aust. Camel Ambulance. \\. 11. Edwards. 12th B., E. Surrey, B.E.F. \\ . l,'. Francis. F. C. E. Geyer. B.V.O .. Headquarters. ist A.L.H. K. I. (~ill. 21st Mach. Gttn Coy. G. M. Hay, A .M.C. c;. E. Johnston, R.A.F .. H.M. Seapl. Base . .Malta F. l\Jeares. i5th Battery, 5th F.A.B. \\'. L. Millett, A.M.C. H. l l. Moffatt, M.C.. 1st Battalion. P .. \.~I orris, A.l\I.C.. qth Aust. llosp .. Cairo. S. C. i\Iurphy. Union Forces. South Africa . ..c\. R. S. Orr, A.M.C. H. ] . Orr, 11.C.. A.l\I.C. T. E. Parker L. Rickard, M.C. J. Sorrell. ,\. F. Sutton. O.B.E., Den Corp:s, 1 i th F. Amb ..

A.M.C. \'. \\'. Thompson. Chaplain to Fleet. H.M.A.S.

Encounter. \ \ . ll. \V add ell. 3 .. Battalion. 0. 11. \\"oodwarcl. 1\1.C.. Ist Tunnelling Coy.

Lieutenant G. JJ. Allen. Flying Corps. 11. S. Beale.




J. Howry, Tunnelling Corps. R. J. F. Boyer, ist Battalion . A. T. Brine. F. \\'arren Crooke, D.C..M., 18th Battalion. C. S. Crowley, D.C.l\J .. 33rd Battalion. ~. F. Crozier. Dental Corps, .\.1\1.C. 1\1. Davies. IT. L. Dill, :;\1.C.. 3rd Battalion. ~- ?\. Doust. B.E.F. 11. J. Englert, Queensland Officers' Draft. K. Flockhart. qth Battery. F .. \. \\'. Glasson. A.S.C. E. G. Glasson, R.F.C. A. A. Goodall, Dental Corps. C. Greenwell. qth Rfcts .. 1 st Pioneer Batt. \Y. Gregg, R.F.A.

>"11pJ1il'l11n1/ 111 Tiu · Newin11/u11ia11, ./111,,., J!Jlti. !I

Lieutenant F. R. llalli<lay, \\.ireless Signal Squadron. H .. .\. llollO\vay, Ist Pioneer ilattalion .' S. Holmes, 2oth Battalio;i.

,. " " "

" " " " . , " " . , "



" ,.



::ipcnccr lI ordern. I2th L.11. 1<. \\.Jackson, l\I.C., 3rd Battalion. E. F . .McDonald, 13th Battalion. 11. \\'. Marlin, B Loy., 6th Battalion. J. K. l\lcLachlan, 1_6th Dental Unit. K Morrell," 6th L.H. A. Newman, Dental Corp::;. C.• Nixon, Trench Mortar Batt., Engineers. H. \\'. Norman, Royal Flying Corps. E. de B. Norman . A. N. Northcott, 1st Battalion. A. T. Paull, Battalion. E. St. J. Pearce. 35th Battalion. R. 'vV. Pettit, I 7th Battalion . C. c;. Prescott, 3rd Battalion. 1:-1. C. Price, 38th Battery. rnth Brig., F . .A. J\.. G. Price, 36th Battalion. L. A. Redgrave, 18th Battalion. 0. T. Robertson, 2nd Aust. Aux. Mech.

Transport Coy., A.S.C. D. S. Rowlands. II. F. Sandy, r2th Battalion. \\'. D. Scott, 45th Battalion. \\. ]. Sinclair, 9th ;Batt., N'folk Regt., B.E.F. A. Snelling. J. A. Sorrell, M.M., 13th Battalion. L. II. Thompson. l\l.:i\J.. lst F.1\.11. S. R. Traill, 1 st Battalion. Virgo. R. 1\1. K. Wilson. 56th Battalion. F. C. \\'inn. 8th nfachine c;un Coq.

,. ( '. R. Wise. l\l.C.. yd Border Regt .. B.E.F. 1-.t Clas::; \ \ ar.-Officer 0. E. Gemell, Or<l. Corps, A.S.C. \\arrant-Officer ll. \\-.Powell, Ord. Staff, No. 1 A.G.H. \\arrant-Officer R. K. Pountney. Orcl'nce. 4th Aust. Div. <;J.t.l.S. P. J. Larke, Aust .• \u:x'.. :-rotor Trans. Flight-Sergeant A . .:.1. Sidey, H Flight, 6<Jth Sqd ... \.F.C. Staff-Sergeant Ilolden, A.M.C.. India.

I. l'. R Jamieson. :\.t.l.C. ~\. R. Ca;npling. 5th Field .\mbulance.

.. ,. .\. K. nlackenzic. 1st L.H. Fi<'l<l .\mb. Sergeant (;. Abbott, r2th L.J--1.


10 s111111le111c11t lo 'J'he Ne1cingto11fr.t11., ,/ 11111', 1918. ------ -

Sergeant K. \ \'. Allen. D Coy., 55th Battalion. ,, Annersley. ,, 0. C. Beale, March Rfcts., Field Artillery. ,, R. G. Brown, Machine Gun Section . . , R. E. Campling, 5th F .. c\mb., 5th Brigade. ,, H. R. Crammond, F.A. ,, K. V. Coates, 55th Battalion. ,, D. Eager.

" " " " " " . ,

., ., ,, " ,, ,.

L. Gall. H. E. Gissing, 14th F. Amb., A.M.C. Higgins, 7th L.H. L. Hoskins, F.A. G. Howard, Ist Battalion. S. W. Huntley . S. G. Jurd, 4th Aust. Camel Corps . L. A. Kelynack, 6th Mach. Gun Coy., 13th Rfct~ S. R. Lawson, 3oth Batt., rnth Brig., F.A . R. ] . \V. Lee, l\I.l\1.. 3rd Pioneer Battalion. ]. A. Lee, 25th Battalion . Miller. E. G. Nixon, C. de G. \V. E. Sharpe, F. Art. Officers' Sch., Liverpoul. H. C. Smith, Ist Brigade, Headquarters. E. H. Steel, H.Q. Coy., 2oth A.S.C., 2nd Div. T .

. , E. R. Taylor, 13th Rfcts., Anzac Mtd. Div. ,, C. Rowe, Flying Corps. ,, K. R. Winn, H.Q., rst F.A.B . . , B. H. Wyld.

Corporal D. Arguimbau, L.H. ,, T. M. Doyle, 25th Rfcts., 2nd Battalion. ,, C. 0. Harrison, 4th Coy., Field Engineers.

" " . , " . , ., " "

R. S. Hawkins, rnth Rfcts., 55th Battalion. E. C. Jamieson. Dental Corps. A. E. Miller, 13th Battalion. II. Morrison, Machine Gun Coy . B. E. C. l\Iussmann, A.l\I.C.. 8th Field Amb. J. Nicoll. 56th Battalion. \-.A Nosworthy. 12th L.H . H. J. Peisley, 2nd Battalion . L. Penman, A.M.C., Rabaul. H. G. Pickering, 9th F. Amb., A.M.C. C. Rixon. Trench Mortar Battery. W. Rutherford, A Sect .. 7th F. Amb., A.M.C.

.. C. S. Wells. 4th Mach. Gun Sqd., .+th L. Il. Brig. Bombdr. ]. Hagen, ro5th Howitzer Battery.

N111111fr111e11/ lo '1'//1 · Neicinytonia11. ,J U>H'. 1918. 11

Bombdr. F. H. Hull, 3rd B.A.C.. F.A. ,, L. K. Neale. 14th Howitzer Battery. F.A . . , F. II. Samson, 27th Battery, F.A . . , G. E. Sutton, 15th Battery, F.A. ,, vV. G. Tasker, F.A. ,, Tidswell, B Coy., 4th Sports Battalion.

T. M. Walcott 1st Sec., 2nd D.A.C., 2nd Div .. F.A.

,, R. S. Whiteman, rnth Royal Fusiliers, B.E.F. L.-Corporal ,\. Fynmore, B Coy., 2n<l ( ~attalion.

,, J. F. Harrison, 4th Sec., 7th Fld. Coy., Engrs. ,. I~. H. Jamieson. 9th Field Ambulance.

I~. Roseby, No. 2 Sect .. 1st Div., Signal Coy. ,, R. M. Steel, H.Q. Coy., 2oth A.S.C., 211d Div. T.

Dri\(:r 0. ,\lsopp. 4th D.A.C.. 10th F.A., Brig., 4th Div. , ,, A. Brunskill, No. 5 Aust. Div. Supply Col., M.T.


" . ,




,. ,. " " "

D. F. Boxall. 1st D.A.C., 2nd Sect., F.A. T. R. L. Bray. L. M. Bull, Aust. Aux. :\lotor Transport. L. Clarke, 3rd D.AC. L. A. Crowther, ,\ux. l\Iech. Trans. Coy., A.S.C. E.,\. Cull. 6th Rfcts .. 1st Anzac Mounted Di,·. N. Cull. 12th Rfcts., ISt Anzac Mounted Div. J. Darton, Motor Transport, Mesopotamia. l~. Elvy, 3rcl Div. Supply Column, i\.lotnr Trans . . \. Fairfax, .nst A.S.C. J. W. Galagher, 38th Battery. ioth Brig., F.A. A. E. Gregg, 11th Battery, 4th Brig .. F.A . \V. G. Law, 3r<l DiY. Supply Column. R. Lobban, April Quota, F.A. A. McLaughlin, March Quota, F.A. N. S. Magee, B.A.C., 5th Brig., F.A. R S. Moore. \Vireless Troop. J. E. Moulton, 2nd draft, D Coy, Engineers. A. D. Nixon, 8th Field .\mbulance. R. C. II. Roberts, rnth Batt., 4th F.A. I l. i\.l. Robberds. K. B. Roseby. 9th Rfcts., 22nd Battery, F.A. F. 0. Secomb. C. Scriven, 1st Field Engineers. J. Shearston, 26th Battery, 7th Brigade, F.A. Shirley, A.S.C. R. Whiting, 26th Battery. r7th Brigade, F.A. H. F. Williams, 14th Battery, 5th F.A. A. Winter.

l:l •'llJJ}lle11w11t 111 1'/u· Newi111/IO'lii1111, ./ 1111c, l!Jlt!.

M otor-Drvr. A C. Rofe, 9th Field Amb., A.M.C. rst Air Mechanic J. B. Bush, Nu. ! Aust. Squad., A.F.C.

,, ., \. J. vValker, 69th Squadron, A.F.C. '1 rooper S. Alexander, L.H .

. , J. l.l. Anning. 23rd Rfcts., .m<l Regt., L.11.

" ., n

" "


" "

G. Atkinson, 11th A.L.H. G. N. Barker, 6th L.H. E. G. Bracken, Camel Corps.

S. Broome, i2th L.H. G. Cambage, 1st LB . S. Gall, 2nd L.H. J. G. Hicks, qth L.11. S. R. Hindmarsh, A Squad .. 6th Regi., L.11. T. B. Y. Hunt, 7th Regt .. L. l I. W. Jeffrey, 12th L.H. F. Jeffrey, I 2th L.H. J. l\I. l\lcKeague, 34th l:\.fcts., 6th L.H. J. K. i\fcLachlan, 5th Regt., L.H. T. C. l\lorrow. ist L.H. E. T. Prentice, 1\ust. Camel Field Amb., A.M.C.

Price, 2nd L.l-l. B. C. A. Reddall. 28th lUcts .. 1st L.H. K C. Riley, 6th L.H.

L. B. Steady. C. F. Thorpe, C Squadron, 12th L.H.

L. F. Thorpe. 12th L.H. ,. "\ J. Trollope, ill ach. l;uu Sq., 211<l Brig-., L.11 . . , H. \\'. Whyte, 12th L. TI.

Signaller 0. \V. White. Gunner F. H .. \1 bery, l\ o. 1 Section. 5th D.A.C.



R. B .. \llen, February Rfcts., F.A. J. .\. Carlisle, 4th F.A. L. Clarke. 2n<l Brigade. F.A. \\ . J. Colborn e. F.A. R. F. Cripps. 36th Rfcts .. F.A . . \ .. \. Crozier, 49th Battery. F.,\. \\'. J. Chalmers. 3oth N'.~.\\'. F.A. Rfcts. S. Cowled. P. !I. DaYics. Trench l\lortar Battery. P. S. Dawson. \. Dinning, 31st Rfcts .. F.A.

C. .\. Douzans, 4th Aust. ,\mm. Sub-Pack, F.A. Elli:>. \\'. S. Findlay, 117th Howitzer Battery. Hall. RF.A.

N11pJJl1'111111/ f11 'f'/11· 1'1elf"ill!lf1111i1111 • • /1111c. 1!118. 1:1

Gunner F. llalliday, 5th F.A.


L. A. Hosking, 16th Battery. F.A . . \. B. Killick. October Rfcts .. F.A. i\l. Lawsmon. 5th Rfcts., IIth F .. \. :\. C. Lowe, i-tth Battery. F.A. C. Moyes, 13th Rfcts .. 5th Brigade. F.A. \V. C. O'Reilly. C. B. T. Palmer. R. A. Percy, 8th Rfcts., rst F.A. S. Pring, 3 .. F.A. Rfcts. V. J. Ramsay. 29th Rfcts., F.A. C. E. Reddall, rst Sect., rst D.A.C. S. I I. de Q. Robin, 38th Battery, 10th Brig., F.A. Ross. Rowe. H. S. Simpson, 2nd Anzac Heavy Art. Brig., 2nd

B.E.F. c;. Smith, 4th D.A.C. :\. Small. 25th Battery. 7th F ... \.B. ]. Sweet. ]. M. Taylor, ro1st Batt .. 1st Brigade. F. W. Thompson. D. \'. \\"est. 4th Sect., Ist D.A.C. V. S. \Vilson, 37th Battery, roth F.A.B. C. J. Wippell. 32nd Rfcts .. F.A .

. , ]. Zuill. Sapper JJ. de V. Alexander, Serbian Order, 4th Fld. Coy ..

(i. Chandler. Engineers. 3rrl A.L.fl. TT. \\'. Davies. Engineers. A. 0. Englert. March Rfcts .. Field Engrs. \\. Gordon. znd Draft. F.E. F. TT. Leonard. 9th Field Coy., Engineers. R. R. Lumsdaine. rst Div. Signal Coy. R B. l\ifillet, r2th Coy .. Field Engineers. L. B. Spedding, 2nd Div., Sig. Sec.

.. D. ,\ . Stuart. 6th Rfcts., 1st Pioneer Battalion . . \ir-Cadet F. G. Steele. Aviation School. Laverton. Private A. Alexander.


W. Andrews. L. A. Bayley, Motor Transport Coy. R. Boorman. P. \\T. Bardslev. R. C. Binden. · S. Bowman. W. Bromwich, 53rd Battalion.

14 S11p1ile111cnt to 'l'he Sewi11gfo11ia11, .J11nc, 1918.

Private E. R. Vv-_ Brown. 2oth Battalion.




" . ,





" "



R. L. Campbell, r4th Field Ambulance, A.M.C. P. Carruthers, B. Coy., 2nd Battalion. G. Clark. AT. Clos:;. G. C. Clark. R. Coates. R. de Coque. A Cuthbertson, 7th Rfcts., 14th Mach. Gun Coy. W. T. U. Davies . 1 J. Des borough. N. H. Dew. R. Draper. C. J. W. East, 19th Battalion. H . Evans . R. Forbes. S. Freeman. \V. A. Freeman. R. Gale, A.M.C. T. W. B. Gale, A.M.C. Gaurse, 35th Battalion. II. G. Glasson. W. A. Grant. 33rd Battalion. H. Grimes. J. A . P. Hamilton, 53rd Battalion. R. A. Hawke. C. P. Heath, B Coy .. lst Pioneer Battalion. H. A. Hordern, rnth Rfcts., 53rd Battalion. F. Howard. B. W. Howard, M.M .. 8th Field Amb., A.M.C, J. Kearn. C. Kaad. F. Lane. V . J. Lowe, 4th Battalion. R. C. Lucas, 9th Battalion. G. March. A. Martin. E . G. Mayhew. J. vV. McCausland. A.M.C. W. R. McCourt. 17th Battalion. T. Miller. N. S. G. Moffat. E. H. Moir. Ist Battalion. S. L. Moore, C. Coy., 18th Battalion. H. Moxham.

Supplement to The Neu;ingtonian, March, 1918. 15

Private A. Murray. R. E. Murray. T7th Battalion.

" . , " ,, " " " ,, ,, ., ,,


" ,,


" .. ,,


" "


Nelson. P. P. Olden . W. S. Orr. B. M. C. Palmer, R.A.M.C., 7th Stat. Hos., France A. H. Pawley, M.M. A. Peel, A.M.C., 4th A.G.H., Randwick. G. M. Perrett. A. Pickering, IOth Rfcts., 45th Battalion. A. E. .Ramsay, 36th Battalion. A. A. Ray, r8th Battalion. 0. A. Richards, A.M.C. S. N. Rickard, 3rd Div. Train, A.S.C. Roberts. Robson, 61st Battalion. E. F. Roe. F. H. Roseby. ]. C. Ross. R. C. Ross, 29th Rfcts., Technical Battalion. R. G. Scott. B Coy., 45th Battalion. R.]. Simpson. 9th Machine Gun Coy. A. V\T. Small. King's Royal Rifles(2nd Fiji Ffcts.) Smith. W. Smith. H. Squire. R. R. Suttor. A. C. Stevenson, 56th Battalion . H. P. Talbot, A.S.C. 0. Tedd. D. N. Terry . @. A. Trollope, E Sec., 9th F. Amb., 3rd Div.,

A.M.C. H. E. Walker. L. C. Wallace. A. H. C. Way. A. E. Weakley, A Coy., 10th Rfcts., 54th Batt. W. \Veakley. 9th Machine Gun Coy. G. Webb, A.M.C. Vv. H. Werner. 38th Battalion. West. 0. W. White. 35th Battalion. G. Winn. N. J. Winn, Mach .. Gun Coy., 3oth Battalion.

16 l'llJIJ1/1'111111f to '/'/11 Yl'/l'i11yto11i1111 •• f 1111<-. 1\llR.


E. F. Campbell. 0. Le M. Knight. T ,. V. Palmer.

S. F. Palmer. P. H. Russell. K. ff. Swanwick.


Chaplain-Col. C. J. Prescott, Acting Senior Chaplain. Colonel A. E. Perkins, D.S.O., P.M.O., 2nd District. Lt.-Colonel Sir Herbert Maitland. Lieut.-Colonel V\Tarden, Engineer£.

Major G. H. Abbott. C. A. Buchanan. ]. C. Hal1iday, No. 4 A.G.H., Randwick. C. H. E. Lawes, P.M.O., 'Military Camps.

,, Muhs. Parker. C. Phrser.

Captain H. S. Cocks. Chaplain. L. A. Dey, A.A.M.C. Reserve.


C. H. Northcott, A.A.M.C. Reserve. L. A. Rogers. W. G. Shellshear, A.A.M.C. Reserve. A. S. Vallack, A.A.M.C. Reserve.

ll. E. Budden, Vi.Tar Chest Commissioner, C.B.E. S. Leadley, Special War Service, c/o British Consul,

Genoa. • Rev. C. Bavin, Y.M.C.A.

The Editor will be pleased to receive any corrections and additions.

Arrangements are heing made to send copies of "The N ewingtonian" to all Old Boys at the front whose addresses can be obtained. It is requested that these, when safely received, should, as far as possible, . be acknow-ledged.

1fHE r-itWl.'(.TO,'.L\,'.. i87

•·1111liru11•cl .\11,.tnllin11 a" my,.,t'lf. I n·•·dn•d 111·01110tio11 to full li1•1tl<'llllllt ill 8t'pl1•111h1•r. a11cl i11 \01· .. mhl'I' I was n•ry pl<•11st'cl 111 111• trn11sfr1T1·cl lo llH' \\'lll'llll'I' l'lirn1• 11f t uruwall, wlwn• I \\11s 1•11;..:11;.::l'cl at lhl' la1·;..:p trai11i11!! dt>tH•l f01· n·• rnit>-. I 11'11 l h1•rp 111 .Ja1111nr~ this .n•ar. 111111 Hfll'I' a :.:rn•d 11':111• of thn•p \\t'l'li>'' cl11rati1111 1·111111• 0111. hl'l'I' lo .\lultu. this is i11 111u11y w11_1,. a 11'1') i11h•rl'sl-i11;..: pl111·p; historit-all~. of 1·rn11·sl'. it is \\olld1•rf11l. t.111 I will 11111 holcl forth 011 tlrnl suh,it'<·t to you, as I think it \\·011111 lop tlw hl'i:.:ht uf pn•s111upt 1011; you M'I' I ha n• not .1<!t lust tlu• wholl'sot111• f1•a I' I.hat a '"'d10olho.1· holds for hi" mustl'r>'. Thi' most >'ll'ild11;..: fratn1·1•s of th1• \lnlta of lo clay nrl' lhl' ;.:oats. >'tmn• wall,... a11d th<' dolp11t odour of ;..:arli<-. 11ilh whid1 pn•1-_1 .\l11ltl'sl' of lhl' l111n•r <'lass :-;111·· ro11111l" hilll><Plf n•li;..:io11><ly. You 1·a11 :-<11n•ll lhl'lll al111ost lll'f11n• .nm >'l'l' lhl'lll. 'lhl' ··lllllllll'. whi<-h is IHI\\ h1•;..:i1111i11;..: 111 ;.:<'I w11rm1·1·. IS som1•\\h11t si111ih11· lo th11 t of 8011lh1•r11 <)111•p11sla11cl. so thnt sho11ld lo1• 1•11tirl'l,1 s11it11hli• to 111.1·,.;p(f. I wa" awf111l.1· pll'llsl'<I thl' 11thl'I' dll) to""" a "lllHll \ustrnli1111 ;.:nm sapli11;..: :.:rowiu;..: i11 the ;..:rou11cls o1 lh1• \arnl ll ospilul h1•n•. lt"s 1111111Jprful how small lhi11:.:s likl'

.Jh11t slit· ,1011 11)1 aft<'r 11 1011;..: alosp1w1• from 1101111•. You han• 110 clo11ht hPard of th<' n111al;..:ama1io11 of lh1• 1:0.ral .\a1·al ,\ir HPtTiu• a11d 1:0.ntl Fl.riu;..: Cor p" into 1111' l:pyal \ir 81'ni<·1•. II 1111•aus a :.:ornl 1\1'111 of <·111111;..:1•: \\'I' llO lolll!l'r hl'loll.l! to tlw :\111·.1· (for\\ hit-It I 11111 <''.l.('l'l'llill;:ly son,1·. 11,.. I 1•llt1•1·t11i!l tlw hi:.:h1"'t 111h11irnlioll for tilt' \111·111p1•oph•1111cl thl'ir nwtho<ls). nor <lo tilt' 1:.F.('. •·01111' 11111l1•r tlH' .\r111y. l>11t thl' ll. .\.F. is th1• Ill•\\' Hrlll \\'l.Jidt is 1•11tirl'I)· s<•\>:tnttl' from Pith1•r \HY.\" or . \nil.I '. I 11ow h1•1·0111e. i11st1•acl of Lil'tttl'llllllt 1:.\ .. \.8 .. 11 ( 11pl11i11 IL\Y. I 11·as awf11IJ.1· pleasl'cl lo n•n•ilt• with th1• 11111·•·1•l 11 <·op)· of thl' .\1·1ri11flltmi1111: how <">lll I arrall:!I' to han· t hl'lll s1•n t to 1111• r1•;..:11 l11 rb· .\ly Pl'l'lllll lll'll t 111]1) n•,..s <>l'l'I' I his sit II• is•-/<> Leo111tl'<I .Joh11so11. Esq .. ",\l(\erl<!~". .. :!."> Willow l:oad. llamp-s11•1Hl. l.011<1011. \\·.\\ .. or just as ;..:ootl. e/ 11 .Joh11soll and Sons. :!11:: ( ast l1•r1•11;..:h 8t 1·p1•t. ~~«lttl'.1". \\ho \\ i 11 forward 1111.1· <'OIT('-<pollcll'll<"I'. 1 hnn• s1•1•11 sen•rnl \1•11·i11;..:lollialls in l·:u:.:1111111; of 1·011rs<'. you ha\'l' ht•ul'<I ol' poor .fn<·k .Johnsoll\: <11•11th. whkh was 11 ;..:r<'ll1 hlo11· to till'. \\ hnl. 11 lllllllht•r of t lw 1·pry hpst of f'plim1·s h1111• ;..:011t• lllllll'I'. I l o\\'('s. Lon•t t. \\nrl'.I. all<l sl'\"l'nl I lllOl'I' or Ill,\ OWll I lllll' ;Ii ;;(')11101. I 1·1•1111.1 do not think .\p11in!-!to11 has 1111,1·thl11;.:: to l•I' 11shnm1•1l oJ' in th1• 11·a.1 lwr lll('ll lrnn• tol'<I th1• lita•. I sa\\ (;alla;..:ht•r (.J. \\.) !11.-t .ll'ar; hr 1·uml' np to l:kolla111l to s1•1• 1111'; l hplien• hi' w1•11t honw not 1011!-! afterwards. I ht1d a ll't 11'1' "01n1· 11·p1•ks 11;..:o from 8h1•ar,..to11. \\ho was \\'I'll at till' tinw of wrilin::. I n•all)" must not 1·111'1'.1· 011 1111y lolll!<'I". "" I do not wish total'<• up sour ntluahh• th111•. l\i11<ll.1· 1·1•ml'uth1•r 1111' to .\fr". a11d .\liss1•s I 'rps1·ot t. .\I ajor 1l1H·ha 11a11. and .\I r .. f 1>111'". 1111<1 a•·<'1•pt t h1· hl'st ol \\ bh1•.- for ~·o\ll'>'l'lf 11nd th1• ohl Hdtool. l·'rom a11 l'llthusiast i•· Old \"ewl11;.:to11i1111."

('aptnin II. .J. Orr 11Till•" from Fla1Hll•rs. '.!."1/::/1 ~. to tit<' l'n• "ideut of 0 . .\. l nion:

"l was !JHh•1•1l d1•li;..:hh-1l Oil 01>1•11i11~ a pHtTt•I th1• oth1•r cla,1· to find it hud 1·111111• from thl' 01<1 lloy,.. of .:\1'Wi11~t11n. ,\s you kllow. at pt"l's('lll w1• an• 1111<h•rgoi11;..: a 111•rirnl of ;.:ran• 1111xil't,\". for thP llosdw hos mu1h• his ;.:real 1111<1 desp1•ratl' att111·k. 1:-io far \\"l' an• 1n•ll out of It in anotlwr part of the line. hut It will 0111.1· 111• 11 1·pr~· ;;hort veriod now t•r 1• IH' nre sen t to lake ou r vurt iu the mighty


sl n1ggle. \\ l' look fonn1 nl with t•1·cr) 1·011fi<lt•1u·t• to the outcome of lhis battll•. nnd han• stl;'l'lecl our 11en·t•s to all that war occur. \\ l' wo11 throui.:h at Ypt'l'"· and will wiu tllroui;h aguiu. · Ju the t·ou rsp of m.1 \\'anclt•1·i11g,.. I 11111·e tut•( 1ua11.1· of 111.1 old sehoolwa tes, 111111 at 011e llrue l st<md hpsidl' till' gru1·e of ll:trr)· Dini.:lc, who vaiu thl' gn.•nt )Jriee. :\0111• of us hun• en•r rei.:1·ettl•d 1•vcr 1·orui11g IH•n•. and though Wl' ntlllP lifr 11111,..t dcarl.1·. if it b our \lakcr's will that \\'(• should fall. lht•u we are vrnuu lo know ~hut \H' gil"e our li\'es for our Erupin• and itf-l g lorious heritugl'. A;; a medical ollitt•r of au lufantrr Hatlalion, it has ueen ms sad prhllege to set> men llrt•alhe their la,.;t. and ne1·t•r ou<·e han• I !ward tht•m tom-1ilain. _\.ustralian,; an• game. I he ,.;pil'it of tht• wounded Is ju><t wonderful: cn•n men with most awtul wouulls lrn1·e a ,.;wile 011 tht•ir fate as they hid their 1·0111ra!les fare\\·ptl. ' I hl'y 1·u1111t tllem-sdn•s fu r tu11all' i11 ;..;t•tti11;.: our of it all l'\'l'll for a tim1•. 'Jhe hra1't»;t ruc11 of all are llW hutti1lio11 stretl'lu•r-h1•arers: thPsl' hra1·C' fl>llow:; \\'Ori' where shells are thickt>st, urn! fan• death morueu-tnriJ~·. l.Jriugln~ their 11rel'ious b11nle11,.. 11011·11 lo tht• drt>ssiu;.: statiou. ahont. thousand ~·anls l>1l<'k. Whl'n' lht• dol'tor a111l Jus assistant,; l111n• all rend~· to atll•111l to tlleu1. l~1·t•Q· i11!'11 of tlw grouull 01·er whid1 the~· trn1·et b a <lt>ath •tl'llJI: Sl!l. ;;o 1011;..: as 0111• wouude1l man lips out u11altl'11lle<I to. tllC,..l' lwroes, rei.:urclll'ss ot splf. work till lw i,; n•snw1l. En•r.HHll' of tht•m wins 11 \ ' idoria t ross ten tinws m·l'r. yet, as ofll'll ns not. their woullerful labour of Jm·e passes UllllOtkl•d. Yet, iuasmut·h Us till',\ han• doll\' it to Olll' of Uod':; l'l'P>tlures. t lw.1 ha1·e do11e it to llim \\ho st•c;; all, aud the1 will rt"l'l'ilt• their reward from tlwlr _\lakl't". To all Old .:-iew-111;..:touiuns I st•ml ;..:n•etilll-(s. llllll IW[H.' soon to hl• hatk 11;.:ai11 and sl'l' ont·c a;.:ain till' dt>at· old 81'11001 to "lwru I mn• ,;o mu!'l1. \\11h \'l'l'Y best wislll's., l'.S. l wouhl h1• ]llt•used if .nnt would forward lilt' rcgularl,1· a 1·op~· of t!H• Ne1ci11yto11i1111. _\Ly add ress i,;: (upturn 11. .J. Orr .. \ .• \.~l.l .. l/o Tho~. Cook a111l Sons. :Ji8 Htnwd. London. ".c:·

l'rinllc .\rthur Cuthbertson writPs from Frnm·c, :!/:!/ H!: "\\'hile 1111 in lhl' lim• thi,.; la:;t time l "as dPlighted to get a

pan·d from tllP Old ~l'\\ i11gtu11ia11s, HJHl this is Ill) first opportu-11il~ siun• llwu of writiu~. 1111d thanklni.: you of it aud its message. Tilnt'" arl' "oml't irue" hard. and 011e Is soruP<inws lone ls . hut ~·ou <'an't imai.:inl' what l'llt'"r sud1 a mt•ss1t~(' hriu;.:s to one, and what melllories ii s tirs up. Till' sight of till' old 81'ltool pa11t•r hrough I hll<'k to nJl• 1111111y havvY da~·,;, uut tltl' n•atlin;..: of Nome of its imgc~ mnk\• rue ,.;;111. \\'hat a c·ost our c·o1111tr,1 i,; 1111.1 iug. and thmw that an• taken lll'\'\'I' seem to he ri~hlJ~· dw,;en. It b n·Q· tnw that ,.;ollll' peoplt• rightly n1hw the benefits tht·~· h111t• 1111til they arc ;111·11~ froUJ tht•m. l ow11 that rnr old homt• 1111<1 rn~· old Sd1ool lll'Yl'r meant so lllll{'h to 11w uefon• as ll1e1· hu n• Jtpn•. Out• I,; t·ou-tinuaJI~· rnnnilll' into ol<l friend:; and 01111~11e11ls of the nidwt aucl foothall field, nml the~· range from c·olonel to prin1tc iu this wou-clt•rful arm~· of our:;. I aru thankful to say tltnt ru~· brothl'r has het•n rctm·m·cl home: lw hns Imel his ;.:o, and I clon't think he is now physkall.1 tit tu :41111cl tJ1e iifl' out here. I "a" him :;ornctimc hefore he ll•ft. and he 111·omisP<l to sl'111l lllt' on tlw \ c1ri1111tu11ia11~. Tlw last of 011r hoy:; Illa t l han~ rnn 111to was au old iml of mine. now )lajor ,JaC'k )lcDoualtl; he is setontl in command of his uut-


talion 1um. hul I think lw is 11nh1<·k_,. nol to hi' wdl oil his \\a,\· houw. Ill' wus hu)IJI.' l'llo11;.:h. hut I <li!ln't. thillk he look1•d too strum.:. \s ,\oil kllow \\'I'll, thin!.!" lrnH• het'll. a111i will h1• for '•IUll' tilll!'. )lrl'ff~ lh'l'I,\' ottt hl'l'l', so !Hll' do1•s 1111t ;.:l't lllHll~ ('}11111c·t•s of quiet IPlter-writ ill;.:. I ;..:lll'"" man~· an Old !lo.'· hu,., f!'lt as J ft•ll wlwn ht• i,:ot your i,:ifl and !.!ood wish. and so ,\1111 han· put dwl'r into tlw lwurl of tlwm. H is i,:oo<l to l'now om• is not quill' for · i,:olten. \i,:aln munr thanks. l'.8. It i" warm 1•noui,:h to·du~ for a swim lu tlH' old hn t h."

Ol"J: ILLL:~n'H \TI0.\8.

H. 1,. ,\wro:-.. " 1{0111111•" .\sto11 <'llllll' to .\cwiugton in Ull:~ with a l111rsary

i,:11 i111•d in 1111' <}1111 Ii f'.I i11i,: ('prti fi<'ale. and on th i>' fo1111da I inn lw buil l 11[1 a n•c·onl whil'l1 hus >'l'l<lom hel'n l'l!llllllcd in flit• histor~ of tile Hchool fol' hl'llli1111t. sdwlnrship. In l!Jl I hP ;..:ai11pd flu• hpsl p·tss in tlll' l11tc-rm1•1li11fl' ('prfifknle. a11d in till' >'Hill!' ~·pa1· "<'c·url'd one of till' Op1•11 Hc·holan<hlps. 111 thl' lll'XI ,\·l'ar Ill' \\II>' l'll'decl to tlw Eclitorlal 1'0111wll of th1• \ 1·wi11f1fo11i1111. \\'hkh position hi' nhl~ lill!'d till Ill' l!'fl. \f!A.•r h!'ini,: D11\ of <'adi :-;u<·<·cPdiu;.: form. in l!JlH hi' won fh<' \Yli,:rnm \llt•n Sdwlarship. was hrn1·k1•tt•<l with Darkt~ fur tll<' Sdwfil'l<l Hl'lwlnrship. and ohtaine<i the llarolcl Hunt \Je<lnl. 111 IHli lw ai,:ain wo11 thl' \Yi~ram \lieu Sc·hohtr>'hip. w11s Dux of lhP 8f'110ol. 1111tl to c'l'Cl\\'11 a hrillia11t ,.;c•hool ('111'\'l'r. ht• oht11ined the hii,:lwst a:.:i,:n•i,:111<• of marks i11 tlw J.1•a,·in:.: Cert.ifkntl'. u l '111\·c•rsity 1-:xhihit 1011 111 l·:11:.:i11l'Prini,:. a l nin•rsity llur:-;ary, and <lh·ic!NI the .Johll \\c•st \lt•clnl. ntHI l'rizC' for <.eneral l'rofiden!',\.

Iii>' hii,:h tK1sitio11 i11 tlw Hc-lto<•I. an<I his l'XC'elle11t f'1111rnl'll'r ;..:ui11Pd him till' rn11k of l'rl'fr<·t i11 Hll7. 111ul he <·111Til'cl out his d11fips \\·ifh lhP sa1111• tho1·011i,:h11l':<>' that diant<·trrisc•<I all his work. lie ha,; lpft lo t11kC' up l•:11i,:h11?c•ri11;.: at tlw l nht•rsit.r, mul \Vifh a n•corcl lilw thi s lll'hh11l him. "·1· l'Xped to hear >'Ornethiui,: i.:reat of him. llllfl Ill' <·11rrlc•,.; tlw i.:o<Hl wi:<IH'>' of the 8ehool with him in hh; futurl' ta rPer.

( '. II . \\'. LA\\ El-.

"('hilh•1·" Ln\\l'"' c•11tc•1·p1J tlw l'repan1lory Hdwol ill l!JO~. and wlw11 Ill' lpff i11 l!l Ii. Ill' hall pa:<>'ed thro11;.:h l'\'l'I',\ l'orm up fo ttw Sixth. was a l'rPl\•<·t. allfl represented tlw Hthool in t-ric·k1•t. fool -hall untl shootini,:. Thi:< ,.;plemlicl r!'('(ll'll wa:-; ohtailll'<I 0111,,· h~ :-;tc•1t<l~·. IK'rsi'<ll'llt \\'ork. arul it wa:-; <·hara1·fl'risti<- of him that hP put his whol1• lw11r1 into his work. HIHl hi>' sport. thc•rPh.\' ;..:aiuh1!.! the i,:oo<l will of 11111stc•rs am! ho~·,; alike. Ue pa""cd thl' l 11l1•r111p1Ji-111!• C!'rtifit-111<• In l!l\4. ancl in 1916 was promot1•<1 to till' Hlxth Form. In tlw lll'Xt ~·c•nr hC' won tlw \Yi!;rnm \111•11 a111l 8d10fil'ltl H<·holtu·:-;hlps, oht11ilw1l a l'nh·er>'it)' 1-:xhihition in \lp<li1·i111• iu tlw,·lni,: ('prtlfi<-111~'. HIHI ns a 1·1·o"·ni11i,: honour. wn" hr11rkl'l1•<1 1~1m1l \\'Ith ('rlpps for tlit• Old Boys' Prize.

II ls n•1·or1l In sport is no l!'ss prnbeworth~-. .\ftpr worki11;.: sfl':tclil~· 1111 1hrcn1i,:h tlw lmn•r team~. he ohtniued a pla1·1• in tlll' ~'irsl Elrn•n in Ull6. nn<l in 1917 lw was ,·k1'-<·11pt11in. and wn~ 11w11r<l1'd Date>:. lie \\'a>S 11 memher of thP Flr~t FiftN•n In 1917. and of the Rifle Team in mm ttn<l 1917. in whic·h ~·ear h e was awarded Shooting Dales. .\s a vroof of hi~

790 THI:. NEWING"IO;\JA:\.

:1hilit.\ iu rlwse l'l'SJll'<"ts. II!' was l'll'<"ll•d to tlw Oames l'ommlttt•t• iu lnl7. Ill' was uppoiuted a l'rt>ft•!"I 111 this .\CHI' aho, uud h(• •·at'l"it>d out his c111lil's ho11Pstly 1111d fnirl,\. g-11i11i11;.: tlw l"PHJ>C("l and :idmiratioll of all with "hnm Ill' t"llllH' !11 1·011t11<"t. lll' Juts le(( us to •a l;p tl)J .\lt•di1·ilw at till' l"nin•rsit.\, 1111cl wt• prl'dil't for him tht• sarne s111·1·pss lw h11s had at Hdtool.

S( JIOL.\l:>TIC THI l '\l 1'118.

··1{011" .\:-tou h.\· his s1u·<-e,--;es at Hdtool 1111<1 i11 the l'uhli<- EA· :1111i11ntious ha,., kl')Jl till' 11ame of ":\pwingtou" Wl'll iu llH• pnhlk l',\"l'. Jt is thl'rl'for1• rh.:111 and 1u·opPr thnl llll'Uliou sho11ld hun• lwe11 madl' of hi111 l'lsl'wlwn• than in till' Y1 ·11· i1111trmio11. llt>low is a 1·11tting tllkl'n from thl' 81111: ·

"Hon11ld L .. \sto11. \\·lw has just ltl'l'll ltrnt"l•PtPd with 111toth1•r c·unclidntl' for thl' \itk1•n 8<"holar><hip. tlw .John \Ye'<! .\l1•clal. nnd the <; rah:t ml' l'ri ~t· .\I eda I for < ;l'lll'l"H I l'rolil'it•ut·.'· in t Ill' 111 st Lt>H Y· in~ Cl•rtiffrate l·:x11111h111tion, is only Hi .\t'lll.,, old. For tlH• pa;;t si~ yPars he ha>' hl•t•n 11 pupil at .'\ewl11~to11 Colll'~<'. Htaumon'. l11•1·0111-i11;.: Pnrolled tlwrl' aftt•r \\"i1111i11;.: a 111 .::h H<"hnol l::>l'holarship 011 tilt• lil'>'t Q.l. Exami11ati1111. lwhl in l)p1·1•mh1•r. 1!111. llis <.whoo! 1·11n•p1· has thrnn;.:lwut slwwn ;.:rt>u t promisl'. as h1· has cousistl'llll.I" 1·a1 .. rilo'd off form dtt:\ and othu· jJrlzt•s Yl'a1· nJ'tl•r .'"<'Ill', ernlin;.: \\Ith t Ill' 1·m·ett•d posit ion ol' <111x of t lw sdwol in l>l'l'l' llll.Jl'r last. I 11 JHJ:I lw wa>< H\\Hl'dl'cl a 8111111<• llursar.1. 111111 i11 l!ll i set·un•ll a \pw-in~to11 Colle;.:<' 01w11 s< hohtrship. I 11 t h<• "a 1111• .\·l'a r he oht ailtl'd 0111· of the bt•><t P"""I"' in the Stall' i11 thl' h1tt•rn11'diatl• t•xami1111tio11. while in .\l11rd1. t!llH. 111Hl 11~11i11 tht• followi11;.: ·'·l'ar. Ill' \\011 a \\'i;!ntW . \11('11 8dtolar'<hip. lle WllS hn11·kt•tl·d ('IIllHI with lh1• dnx of thl' ,..1·hrn1l for thl' Sd111fipJI] Sd111l11rship in D1>t·l'111her. J!ltti. :11111 nJ,;o 1"arrlt>1l 1111" tlw llarold lltmt ,\lpdnl. whilt> jnst hpfon: : .. a,·in~ hl' was "hi;.:hls 1·ommlo'ndl'11'" (with a "JlP<"iitl awurd) for thl' (. D. llollid11.\ 8dwlnr,;hip . :\"ow. h11,i11;.: s(•t·111·1•1l till' highl'sl a;.:~1·t•gall' of 111arks out of 01·pr 700 «a1tdicl11t1•,;. hi' has 1•11lt•rpd lht• 1·:11::im'l'rin;.: 8"110111 of th1• l'nin•rsit.\·· - ---

'I'll E l>Ell.\' I I"\'(. 80( 11·:·1).

l"nd l' I" thl' :111spkt's of thl' ll1'1Hln1ast1•r. who is its t'h1tin11:111. t hpn• h;1s 1·111111• Into ltl'hl~ a lh•hatin~ Hodl't.' It is an 1•xd11sh·1· cotl'rie. 1·onsisti11g on!.'· of lllPlllh(•rs of lilt' Sixth 1111d l ' p111•r l,.ifth !.'ot'ms. and hol<ls its llll'Pti11;.:>< ill thl' t:1•1·t•pt ion Hoom. whid1 1•1wh \\\'!'k i>< tillt•1l with futnn• on1t111·s. who will perhaps find th1• fal"ilit~· ac·quirl'd ,.<'I",\ llNl'ful i11 m1tki11;.:- aft1•1'-di1111l'r >'lll'l'l'IH's.

Then• hu>< lipc•n. in lhP majol"it,1 of tht• •ll'h:ttl•s. no lad; ol :-peakt•t·><. in fal"f, tlwr<' an• oftpn too 1111111.'· ><Pl'Hkers all s)lt'akln;.: at otH"P. It is 1111itt• Puss to hear tlwm. hut 1•xc·P<'<linitlY 1li11ic·111l to h1•ar \\·J111t thl'.\" 111·p :.:uyin~. llut that ful'I is of litllt' i111port11111·1•: sn<'("(>ss Iii'" not ill l"l!'H'l'lllo's'< in 1lPhal1'. in skilful rlwtori1·. nor in ltwi<l 1·t>aso11i11~. hut ruthp1· in fon·.~i;.:ht ln 1·lwosi11;: tlw JK>pnlnr <"Ull,..<'. an<l. hl'ill;.: 11ss11n•d of a majoritr. half. or <'Yen mon•. of tltt• hattle is 01·cr.

l'Ht: "EWI80TO!\IAN. 791

lt Is u mnxlm of this duh. thnt then• shnll nlwu.n: he 11 YOIP lakt'n 111 tlw PtHl of ho"tillth•s: lint It Is n moot point whPtlwr two l11111ds s hmn1 hy otlP memhl'r will hi' c·o11utNl us otH• or two 1·oll'"'·

\t tht' first mN•tin:..: of thr> sot-il't.I' Brown ros<• In hi>< f<'l'I ami<l thmult'rous 11ppl1111sP to 11111k1• manift>st to Pad1 atul all thP f<.,1s1· hlllt.1· of I Ill' 1'1111',I·. u.r :\('ll'llh!;tOll Coll<'l~I'. of 1111 t•lght to ('OllljK'IP on thr> ril'<'r lll'Xt .n•ar. llow far lw 1Y11:< ><U<·<«•ssfnl W(' will 1101 n t tempt to sta II'. hnt wh llP p1·er~·ho<ly 11'1mit tecl tit<' 1lN:ira hlllt~· ot ha1·l1-1;! tlw h1111t. his 1111rty was 11is11stronsly rlPfc>ntl'rl.

"'lwn llPX t t IH' duh Ill Pt tlw 111ajorit .1· of mpm hpr,: <ll'<"i<ll'<I that the mm in:.: pil'tures did so mneh :..:oo<l tllnt tlwir p1·i1 wus ont-Wl'i;!ht'd hy it. Hc•1·en1l llll'lllh<•r,.:. who p1·i<lt•ntly tlprin• m1H·IJ pll'll sun• from thl' pic·lnn•s must hi' c·o11:..:r11t11lntr1l 011 tlwir h<•roi<· n·lf-s1wrlfk1• in op(K1sl11g thPs(' tl1'11s of i11i11111t.1·.

Tlw suhje<·t for 1lis1·11,..slo11 at thl' followin:..: llll'Nin:..: wus ' I s a " ' hitP .\11stn1li11 FC'>1 s ih1t··.>·· \ftl'r a ratlwr prr..;nn al ar:..:1111w11t. 1·01Hl11f'll'!l h,1 two of tlw ll'111lit1:..: 11:..:h•s. ··xo·· wns 11:..:1ti11 trl11m-1-1hn11t. \t tlw npxt :..:Htl1Pl'l11:..: of thl' fn1IPrnit .1· tlw potc-ntinlltil'" of thl' s11h111111·inP \\'Pl'C' t'o1111d to hi' "llJ>Pl'inr to tho..;p of tlw :ll'PO-pl111w.

,\t nn 11111111i111011s uw1•tlt1:..: 1·onc·Prnin!! thE' adlon of tlw 1.11ho11r l':trt~· lmn1nls 1·p1·r11iti11g, Cook spoke nt "'omr lt•ngth. arHl on his <'!'ll!-' illg no olhPI' of thP llH'lllh('l's 1·n11ld h<' ]l!'l'SllH!\PCI to 1111' his l'i<'IY'-. 111Hl thl' lll<'Pfin :..: 1u1s 111ljonr11p(] llJIJllll'l'l\lly nwin:..: to th1• \\·:111111:..: iUf('J'l'st.

It is 1dt h fl'!'lin!!s of tl<'<'Jl<''t n'!!l'N t hill WI' ppn thPsl' l:t>-t li111•s : The s1wil't.1'. a uu•n• infant of tin• 1n•1•ks. s i<·k!'lll'<l. 111 Hl 011 T111»~tl11~-. .111111' 1:! !11. Jl('\\·s \\'llS d!'fini lf' l,V ;:in•n or it s pn·11111t11n• <1 1'1'('11 '4('.

·· \s :..:ornl to dip arlll :..:o. n s elil' lllHI stay."


( Sp1·t•ra I mon• lllUnuse·ript s hn 1·p h1•en nnearthe<l. Som<• rlill i-,.1111~ wns P\}l<'t'iPll<'<'tl in trnnslntin:..: tlw atwi<•nt to11:..:1w in \\'hkh th1•y w<•n• \\Tltl<'ll. a111l it b fo1· t hi:- l'('ll"nn that gaps sotut>tlmps 11 p11t•11 r in t II<' na rratiYP.)

Chapter 111. t. \\' intPr 111111' fpli on till' html. and tlw 111•opl<• eli1l 111-ray th!'m

sl'ln•s for the• :.:amp of footliall. ~. \till m1111y "tPrtr st r11g:..:Jp,; 1n•rp fou;!ht with othl'r rrihl's.

lint ft'1r of thos<' who die! not pin~· 11111011,.: t lw Ii rst t II n'l' ll'a ms wert' pn•spnt at tlw mu t<-lws, or tli<l lift 11p tlwir 1·oi<·t's to IPtHI ('1u·o111·11J.{C•-111Pnt 111110 thos<• who strnggll'd.

:i. ' I hen•fol'l' 11erl' 1111111~ wrath 111 l.lwir hea rt,;. und lll1trmun•1l. sn,l' itt;!: Hi!!hlil,1 <lo II'(' strin• for thP honour of Xt•w. hnl onr ><lrlYltt!!"' nn• 1·01111t<•d 11'4 of little 11orth hy tlw mnltitudl'.

I. Ho tlw.1 lo><! !wart. 11nd s trm·<' 1101 ns hpfon-. .;. \ml 11u•1111whilt• th!'>'l' sluekPrs urn! ..;hirkrrs did alllltsl' tlll'm-

srh l'" in <lin•rs way"; -.omp worshlppln:..: idols. u11<1 solllP 11u111s<•d


thp111s1•ln•s w ith Yirl!ln,;. for. like Rt•uhen. tlw,1· <lw1•lt 11 moni.: thl'h' ph•:1s11n·s. 1llld thl' i.:lory_ of Xew ll"ll,. of 110 11<·<·011nt t'or tlwm.

6. But t·<'rt11i11 rig'hteou,; ml'n ll"l'llt unto u wisp proplwt. wbo \I'll"' of i.:r<'al l'<'IHllHtion in tll(' land. and so111?ht from him how tlw~· mli::ht t11rn tlH'-<l' from their ahorninatious. For tlw,1· snl<I: 1~11(']1 doth thnt 11·hkh is ri1?ht in his own PY!''-'.

7. 'l"lwn spok1• th<' prophet a 1·prt:1in parnhl<'. sn.1·1t1i.:: R .• \ l'l'rtn in m11n of Samnriu was sore• h1•..,1•t h~· t l'mptution.

nncl lw ylt>l!h•<l himself unto tlwm. :tll(] hi" frl<'tHls wp1·1• nslrniltf'fl. and hill tlw lr fHt"l's from llim.

!l. \1111 lhl',1 <illl'stiot1('(] lllllOn:,: them'°'('il"Ps ho\\" 1111',I' lllil!hl 1·un• him, and hl'lni.: him to his rii.:ht mind.

10. '\ow It w11s wlntl'r a111l 1·p1',1· <'old: so i.:oi11:.: unto him tht',I" took him. nnd for his soul's sak1• :<trippl'cl him. 111111 <"Hi<t him into 1·01<1 watc•r. \Yhprpat he roart'<l likp 11111•> a 111111 ol' llushau. hut tlwy kPJll him thl'rl'in. and <":lst nil 1111111111•r of thini:s 11pm1 hl111.

11. \ncl Ill' Sil\\" 1111' PITOI" of his 11"11~""· lllltl l"t'J>Plltl'Cl. 12. Thos1• who spolw ml' o the prnplwt 111ulpr,;t oo<I t h1• pn rn hit>.

111111 did takl' tht' 1111rh,tht<•o11s uwn. a11cl strlppin:.: lhl'm. lh1•.1· 1li1l 111110 thl'm llkl'wi,;('. .\1111 l"ast all ma1111l'I" of thin:.:s lllH>ll lht>m.

I :1. \ow it l\"lls ll"illtPr. allcl 1•x1·1'1•1li11:.: <"Ohl. .\!so t ll<'y 11·pn• oftl'll Intl• for s111·rifil-I'. :1ncl Duhir pllllishpcl thPlll -.;orP. So wa-; tlH>il' lllll'i:,:htl'Oll,.IH'ss lll"il"I' Pllllj,•ht'<l. and th<',I" l'('IH'llll•1l.

I~ .• \nc\ n•ril.1-. wlw11 it was a:.:11i11 ;.:mw llJI lo hntth· with tlw s11rn11111dlll:.: triht>s tl11• nles of the mnltituch• 11·pn• likl' tlw -.;0111111 of thl' watl'l'spo11ts ol' of a mi:.:hty ru-;hin!! 11·iml.

Sil: IW< :tm ('O\'l~RLEY'8 D\Y J'\\ Tiii•: < IT'i .

( /11.~}Jir('(/ 1111 t/11• IA'ari11g ('1·rti/iMl1· f1'11y/i.~lt I 11/l1or.)

dl'tl'l'llll11<><1 to tak<' m~· olcl friend Sir Roi;:f.'r for 11 cln.1"" <'lllPI' t11illmP11t in tlw <"ity. u11d at·<·orclin;.:b· <'nllecl 011 him nt his 1·11111 ill tlw pl't>lly ;.:nr<ll'u ,;ub111·h. wher!' lw 11·a-.; slnyln;.:. lfp 11·as 111Hl<'I' thl' l'XJll'l't hnnr\ of hi" butler. l"bO 11lln1~·,.; sh111·p,.; him. \1 ,1 r<'<"l'ptio11 w11s most henrt~· . ancl "ind<>('(l." said he>, "it 11'11" 11 hl<'sslm: to Sl'I' 0111•s olcl fl-iPncls in thl' midst of sfr11n;.:p1·1<." Sir no)!l'I' ll<"<"P[llPcl my i111"italioll. an<l in clw <"011r:<1• of au hour <ll'<"hll'l'li him ,;p\f rp11ci.1". aucl. 1wcompa11i1•cl hy the hutl<'I' ( witho11t whom 111.,. old fl'it>111l rnr1•ly 11'<'111 out). 1n• sc•t out.

It w11s m.1· illtl'ntlon to :.:o hy tr11nw11r to tlw <"ity. wlwrl', afipr a <"011pl1• of ho11r.- 111 tht• pi<-tun• tht•ati"I' (for I thou;.:ht thnt this wonlcl h11prpss him) 1n• wonl!l hn1·e tl'a. nncl so IH>lll<' ill time• for tlw knl!!ht to h111·<' his ni:.:htt.1· hatul at nlmp. \\"p lntl'•Hl<•cl l!Oln:.: hy ll'Hlll. hut Sir nogpr 110 S001l('J' Siii\' tlw t.\"IH' of 1·1•hi<·h• hi' \\"llS to ri<l!' ill tl11111 hi' 1·E.'hl'mt'ntly 1ll'l"larecl that 110 powpr 011 1•nrth would l11cl11<·p him to ri<ll' in '<111"11 n thin:.:. l orcll'rl'<I 11 l11:0..i-1·11h. as ll'ss alarmlnir. 111Hl aft<>r -.;ome little 1wrs11n><ion \\"I' ;.:ot him 11ho11nl. thou;.:h Iw pc•ndst<>cl in sittin;.: next to tbe clriY<'I'. whl'rl' hl' c·ouhl <'ll'<il~· wnt<-h 1111' 11·01·Id11~" of the metPr. IT!> <'OllY<'r><('(l <l<'l'Jlly ll"lth


the drin•1., who tli<I his h1•st to explnh1 tlw nwdrnnbm of tlw motor. Douhth•ss hi;.; pxpl111111tion wn:< too trd111k11l. for l henrcl Sl r Hoi.:<'I' say mi Id l.r :

"Yes. fl'llow. tlwn• is onh cllll' thin!! I clo not fnlJ\· mHl!'r,.,tancl. 11 ow <lops it mm·t• wit ho11 I J;or:<l's ·!" ·

\ftrr this thrn• wns si11•nc·1• on the front :-;pat. l had instru .. te<l tlw 1lrin~r to allow us to nllc:ht at the H1•i.:11J

' l'hl'utn•. whpr1• I h•nrnt a i.:oo<l l'ntl'rtainuwnt wns gh·eu. The ohl lml!!:ht he;.:an to show :.:i;.:ns of tl'l-ror at thl' teniti<· speed ancl npp1u·ent c·an•h•ssnps;.; with whkh tlw C"hu11ff1•11r 11!·0,·e, but I a~krtl thnt worthy to rnotlrrnll' hi;.; spc><'Cl. m11d1 lo his di:.:;.:ust. nncl Sir l:o!!;c>r':-: relief.

Sir Hogl'l· t•xprN•sl'<I grC'at clisgn;.;t at tilt• mnn~· unsighll.1 hoarding"' \\"hid1 lirwd tlw stn•rts. rPmnrkin:t thnt there must 11 \\"hli.: C:m·t>rnmrnt In JKl\\'l'r to allow s1wh thinus to he exhihite<I. \\'e e1·pntl111lly anl\·p(] at tlw theatn• ancl ha1·in:t purC'ha;;ed our ti<-k1•ts. w!'r<' shown to tlw stalls. Sir llo:tl'I' stood up to look ahout i1im. hut tlw liuhts :roinu out willwnt a11.' wnrning. "without en•n tlw 1·a1111IC' extingnislwr ;.:oini.: near thl'm." as hl' whispered to Ill<' li1h·r. tlw old knl:rht was Jpff ;.;tundini.: until nul1•l~· tol<l "to sit <!own i11 front"' h.' son11•or11• h1•hincl. Thi' <lrnmn on the l'\C'l'PC'n. <It'" pic·tl'd tlw rlsp of 11 poor ho,1· to fam<'. nwt \\'Ith my fdend'R aJllH'o · nil. tlwugh. as lw s11dl.1· l'l'llllll'kl'd to 111<'. his lwarin!!: w11s faillni.: ltacll,v. for hi' hacl not ns yl't lwartl ont> word t11at wu;.; spok<>n. Th<' llt>Xl pif't·P w11s a 1·011w<ly in \\'hkh that 1·l1•n•r c·omedian. Chaplin. fignred. 8ir J:ogPr. ho\\'t•\·1•r. was grpatly 1lis11p11oinlt>1l. uncl his clls:rust iw·rPasPd as thl' pi<·tnl'l' 1n-rn·E>e1ll'<l. "I c·n1111ot un<ll'r;.;tnnd.' hi' sa l<I. "wh~- ('\'l'r.\"l>o<ly is luugbin:t at this poor a 11lkte<l fellow. I am su1·p Ill' lrns Ht. \'it11s· Dnnc·p.'' \t lust h1• would entlllrt' it no lcmgt•r. ,.., \H' l<•ft.

\s it \\'as now llPur IE>u-time, Hir l:oi.:Pr a11rl I :<Pt out for tlic• ltp;.;t kUO\\'ll roof-1rn r<ll'n ln tlw l'ity. Tlw nii,:hts \\'ere n~r~· warm. 11nd dinner wonlcl hi' 1·pr.v 111-:reenhl<'. \Ye pntE>red the ele1·ator. whrrl.'at Sir lfoi.:1•r p1·inc·1•<1 sut')lrise ut ><ud1 11 hu·i.:p uumlwr ot' ppopl<> ht•ini.: 1·row1h•d into ,-111'11 a sma 11 room. 11 1> n l;.;o inqnirecl ol' lht' 1·m1<lul'for. miwh to th<> latter's umazpmpnt. where the> tnhles ll"h<•rp. .Just tlw11 tlw lift 1·ommE>1wecl to 11s1·pn11. aml Sir P.ogpr :ran• an ex<'l1111111ticm of ,.;11rprise. 111 an :11Hlihll' 1·01<-1• he dt>d11rpcl to me> that lw wn,. sure• hi' ha<l left ..;onw part of his hocl~· hPhiml. 1111\·inu n•;wlwd th1• roof ;rnnh•11 \\l' s('«UrPcl a tahlP. from whic-11 \\'P sl'(·111·p<] a fi111• \"lpw o\"c'r S\·cJt1p1· Hnrho11r. 11ntl !hi' ahsolute 101"1'· llrwss of tlw s1·pm• clltl not f;;il to' im1u·1•;;s my fl'iencl. E1·erythi11;..r 1·0111hi11pd to i.:in' us 11 .!!:oocl appt•tit!'. nn<I 8ir Hoi.:er de<'lared th11t a \'l•nisou pa><IY 11n<I 11 fluc:on of >'J>i<·t•<l t·amu~· woulcl takr tlw t>clgt> off his hn11g1•1" I. ho\\·p,·1•r. took tlw onlc>ri11i.: of clinner into m.1 ow11 lrnmls. a11<1 m11d1 impn's"P<l till' k11ight hy the lnxnry micl tast<>fullwss ol' tlw 1111'111. On <·omi11i,: <lown WI' i:ot into a through lift. 1111d the sinking l't'11s11tio11 rxperit•1wr1l h~· Hlr "Rog<>r pr<>.iurli<-<>d him ag11inst lifts tor all tinw.

The jonrm•y honw was 1111p1·entful. 1111<1 I >'llW my friend imddl'. wllPn• hr assured nu• that Ill' hull thoroui.:hly enjoyed the 011tln1?. ;tlthouuh. lw l'ai<I. hP would m•1·rr in nil his llfl' E>nter a lift.




SdtCH•lho.\· hl11111lt•rs i11 tltt>ir ,·arlou"' for111s haYt' ht't'll lh1• ,.:uh· .IP<"I to 1111wh 11111;.!htPr for m1111y .n•ur,.: 11ow. l~xndly wtw11 tht'.' hp1·11111t• a r1•1·0;.!11is1•cl form of amnsl'llll'lll. WI' an• 111111hh• to say with 1111.'· 1·1•rtai11ty. l~n·r.'· tnl(• of nm11usnipt has I l'l'll 1·011,..11ltPcl: l:olllall. c;rl'l'I>. llirnlu. Chilll'SP .. \ss.n·iuu 111111111;.! otlwrs. 'io n•fl'r·

1'111·p lo th1·111 i,.: fou111l !'arlil•r tlurn !I .\ .D .. i11 tlw rl'l~11 of E111p1•ror . \U;.!llSIUS. \\01' fi111l 1111' 1'Pfl'rt'lll0!' ill till' lllllllUS!Tipt. It llflfl('lll'S that .\11111lius l111lh11s l'l'l!'lill"'. whill' !'ll;.!11;.!!'ll ill :1 llistor~· JUlP"I' for his 11111;;t1•r. T1•r1•11tiu,.;. spokp of ('a•sur us s11.ri11;..: to llrnlus. 011 flit• lullt>r's st11hhi11;.! him. "Is that .nm .. nm hr11f!' '.'" i11sl!'llcl of tht • 11·atlitio11al. "l•:t tu. llrnl!' 0! 0


It Is. ho\\'l'\'l'I'. i11 lllon• 111rnh•n1 ti1111•s 111111 ihl'.\' hll\'I' l'l'!ld1t•ol lh1•ir full rip1'11t•ss 111111 rid111Pss. ThPn• Ill'('. of 1·t>urs!'. so1111• dussk t'X11111pl!'s. " .\ lit• I>< all ahomi1111tio11 hpfon• lh!' Lord. hnt II \'!'I'." 111·1's!'11f hl'lp ill tim!' of trouhfp" is 0111• of !hi'"<'. To lhl' lrul' hlt>ollll'l' IOH'I' this s1111wl;s of tilt' lamp. II Is f1H1 o·lt•nr. too litPrnr.\· fo r a11.'· ho.\·. Tiu• s1t1111• 1·rili<'is111 mi;.!ht nppl.\· to thP :111swpr ;..:i1·p11 I tl a • t U!'st 1011. also 11ski11;..: for tlw lipti 11i11011 of u 111•. ". \ fip Is llu• h1•st suhstil 11t1• for 1111' truth yt't found." lloth lhP,..t' 1•x11111(1h•s alwuys hriU;.! hpfnn• our mind 1111' (lil'iurl'. 1101 of 11 '""'"· fri;..:h11•111•d hoy , ·:1i11ly tr~·l11;.! to mak!' llJl for his la1·k of lrnowh•cl;.!P. hut a11 :lt'k11owh•cl;..:1~ l u1:11111fa<"1111·pd of hon-mols s mllill;.! Sl'lf·"llilsliPdl.\". a" l1t• ;.!in•s it off to 1111 aclmiri11;.! :1111lil'111·1•.

Thi• truP :-whoolho.r IJl111Hlf'r has ;..:1•11t•r11li.r a hroad1•r loud1 lh1111 this. It is mon• lmlkrous. 1·onfnH'" l'\·l'nts tlf'li;..:htrulb·. 111111 ;.!Clll'I'· all.\" plays 1111' dkl;1•11s with all ).!l'IH'rnli.v at"O·ppll'tl l'lllP,... So1111• of th1•rn. thou;..:h l11di1·rn11s. art' oftl'll \0 1'1'.\ 11ertl111•11t. ,\ smnll ;..:irl \\ll" 0111·1' asl,1•11 whnl a l:1•1mhlit-a11 was. Sill' at ow·p r1•pliP1I. ··.\ n11111 who i<: a lkht In;.: t ht• Torit's." This is loo ;..:ornl for 1·0111111t•111. Oihl'r;;. of' 1·0111·s1'. un• too lmlkrous lo ht• h11111m·ous. Thi• d1iltl who \\

0 IH•11 usl,l'cl for tho• 1·11pit11l of i:>WP•h'n. l'l'plil's 'i1·11· York. i11,.;11in•s 1101 li111;.:hl1•1-. hut rl;.:hl 1•ot1:< 1111;.:l'r. W1• nn• fortuuull' i11 h!'i11;..: ahll' lo quoi t' l'Xurnph•s ;.!:trlll'rl'<I from ans\\'Pl'i< ~ill'll lo 0111· tlWll sdwol PX11111i1111tio11 papl'rs. \YP quoit' tlw 1'11llowi11;.! 1111sw1•r to a q1wstio11 011 \\·arwkk. th1• 1\111;..:makPr:

"\\·nrwi<"k. lhP Kin;..:makt•r. wa1< t•;<lwnrd \' 11 .. ilu• 1'1•111·p111nkl'I'. Ill' wus ;1 ;..:1·pat soltlit>r. who lh·ptl in fhl' n•l;..:11 of Etlw11rtl I\' .. ancl fiyp<f 1111111.\· ~·pars a;..:o. llt> th·pc] a fl('llt'l'flll lifl'. Ill' fou;..:ht 111 1111' hattl<' of \\'alPrloo in till' y!'ar ISl.i. on•r 10:! .r1•ur" 11;.:o."

Two points sllllHI out. 'l'lw ;..:lnrioU>'. 1·011f11:<ion with Etlwurtl \

0 1 I.. who. aft Pr all. if 011r 1111•mory cl11(•s11't 1h•1·pin• us. only clh'tl 111 1!110. 111 "Pill' of llwsc• astouishin;..: trnnsformutions. lw liYt><l 11 p1•ao·pf11I lifr aft<•r ti;.:hti11:,: ;.!fm·io11sly at \\'ntl'ri<H>. :\ot<• th1• n11in-tl'nlio11al iro11~· of "Ill' lh·Nt a pt>a<·l'flfl llfl'." Tiii' sunll' hh111tll'l'l'I" lt'lls us that ''lhl' two d1i1'f p\·pnts of E11~llsh history thl' prlnli11;..: mHI i!'Ullpowcll'r." 0111 of th1· months of h11h1•s. 1•1•·.

8onw astoulshln;..: fad:< pnhlishl'll for tlw first !Imp hnn• eom1• to 11;.!hl 11ho11t .Toon of .\r1·. It llflll('llr:< "Ill' wns 1111 l'XJK'rt 111 1·a111011fla;.!I'. ··.101111 of .\n· was 11 poor ;..:irl. who llYPtl In th1• 1·01111try i11 :Okotl1111<l. Hlw wus n•r.r putriotk to twr 1·ou11try. Hlw w1•nl tu thP King of E11;..:t1111tl. 111111 l'xprl'sst>ll twr willh1;.:1wss to fight a.;.!11 lust l•'ru111"P. Htw 11•<1 till' English f01·1·1•s. 111111 won s!'\01'rn I hnltlt»< nnd !(1'1'111 fnuw. .\t lt1"'t "1111' was <·11pt11rl'!l. 111111 lmrnt to a '<il'ak."

Tm,; NE111:-;GTO:\JJ\N. 795

Th1•11. 111• )ll'l'su1111•. tbl' hrntal Frend1 at!' tlll' >-teak. 111111 thc.1 ,..a\. t no. that S<"otlnud 111•1·pr ::-1•t s Jwr t(ps,.;1•rts. Tlw dtoi•·p-;t e!> a11°1)lll'. ho11p1·1•1'. 1·0111c"' from a ""11fu,..io11 hctwPPll a tbill<! 111111 a pt•rsoll: "Thi' Syuo<I of \\'hi thy was a <!l'Pat ma11. UP 1·11mc to En<!-lnucl from lrclnud. 1111d rnl1'1l tlH' 1·01111tn-. .~fh•r ,..p1·pral yc;1r"' \\'illium of \m·m11111I)· 1ll'frate<l him at Jl;~"'tiu~s."

Ht:'UCJill;.( tlu~"t.' ont.:1 rPali~ps that a tnastf'J' clop~ ~l'l .... uuu.• a1uu~t. .. mt•11t 0111 of his llfl' - 11rol'i<lecl. of 1·0111·s1'. that II\' h11s u s1•n'<P ol humoUI'. .\ucl 11vm110-< (/c·x 11ruf1·.•·•1·11r.<. tl11.• mnstl'r ll'lt hout a ;;1•nsl' of ln1111011r 11111 l'ithl'r clil' in a 111111lhou;;e or 1Jege11Prntl' i11to a ner-1·011.i 11T1•1·k. \\'1• rPmemhl'r, too. heiu~ 11loughe<l iu u histor~· cxu111!-uution for un.iw1•rln~ thP que.ition: \\'hat ar1• tlw thief 111·ouuets of .\u;;trnlin" with "Shl'l'JI an<l politi<·anH." -


l"ac:utt11 uf Law. - Pass, Ruman Law :11111 lonstitutivnul La11 F. E. Lune.

Fa1·111t11 of l/('(/id11I'. SP<'OIHI l>P!!l'l'l': F .• \. I::. La11·es.

()('( \SIO.\.\L ~OT.ES.

\\1• tw1gratulut1• ~ydm•y lirammar !::)d1ool 011 their tim• [tt·1--funuan1·1• in winning the ( harupion Bigbt.i and third l•our,.;. and thus be1·0111lug llt>acl of the Hil·pr for 1!>18; also St. ,J11,..1•ph's 011 wi1111ig the se<·m11l Four. Shore also rowed a fine run', although handi<·ap1K•<l hy th1• ios>< of their ><trokc. They t<howed fiue grit 11111t d et L•rruinu tlon.

\\'e off<•r our IH'artic;.;t <·0111-:ratulatiuns to the l11•u<lrua~h·r arnl Mrs. l'n•:-;<·ott on till' honour gaiJte<I by "Snowy" Pres<·ott 011 wiu· 11ing the \lilitu1·~ ( l'O>'>'. lle i>; oue more ad<led to the !ii:;t of 0111 llo)·s who 11111·<• gahwd de<·oration;.: \\'bile on thl' i;ul.Jjc<·t 01 tlt><·orntion"' it I,; intt•rp;.:tillg to uute that of the "'e1·e11 hur:-; to D.S.O .. llll'llrllt•d to \u;.:traliau,.;, two hu1·e been awarded to Old \cll'l11gto11la11s: Lit•ut.-Col. f. t: .• \luckuy an<l Mujor .\. .• J. l'clt•r:-;eu.

\\'t• <·ongrntulnte ",Joe" .\bl.Jott an(.( "Sl'ot<-hy" \lnl'l:regor on their uppoi11tment us Prefects.

To Fisher WI' oll'Pr our Hympatby in his recent ilhwss. llc ll'Hs away for a <·ou11Ie of weeks with a septic foot, uu<l dm·in:.: this tirut• lw ll<'1·et1•1K.><l u111>emlil'itis. lle is now on fair wny to n•-<"01·err. hut ll'ill not ht• able to play either football or t•ri<:kt•t thi-; )·cur.

\\·<· welt'IHlll' \Jr. l. \\ .• Jennings a-; a master at ;.;ewiugton. lie wa~ her<' ;:ome tirue ago us a ;;ebolar.

\\'1111tt•d for till' :\lik!Jell Li bran· t·opies of the ,\ ('/ri11g/(J1tia11, St>Jlf<'lllhPr. 1!112. and De<·ember. l!ll:I. lf any Old Bo~· has t lwse 1111mht>rs 1111<1 will )ln•st•nt tl11•111 to till' :\litPhell Llhran'. h<' ll'ill t>1111hll' It to hll\"<' till' \ c·11·i11vt1111ia11 <·omvh•I<• from l!ll:!. ;I'll<'.'" 11111.'' ltt• sp11t to flu• Jlpadmn.iter.

\\ 1• must nlso 1·011grat11h1t<' the ho.'·"· eitlwr l'IPl'ted or re-t>ll'<"fl'd for the Uumes Committee. These u1·e: Brown, Newton, 'Vatling.

196 l'Hf \ f"\I I X<oTO:\ IA'\.

l'ikt'. Co;.:hlan. Law. Tlw usual h11si11p-.,, 1nts trausadt>d: th1• J'(' •

ports of tlw tl't'nsurPr :1111! s('(TC'tan· n•ncl. nnd n n>t(• of thanks passp1J to \lr. lludianau. )lr .. Jon<'s ;tnd \lr. ,Jn1Th' for tlwlr l'fforh 1l11rin!! tlw «llrrcnt year. \Jr. Htwhu111111 nud .\lr .• Jonl's :l!.;ain fiilpd 1 hi' ]l<'s ilious of sPl"l'Ptar.1· aml tn'llsnn•r. as ;.:o!'s without snyln;.:.

Thi' ( hri:-;ti11n t·niu11 has thb tl'l'lll to ht' r Ph';.:atpcl to till' On·usio1111l ~ot<'s. ()win;.: to solllt' mis•akl'. 11·1' l'('<"l'il"l'!I our list ot ><I>l'!lk<'r~ from lwaclquart<'I'>< too Intl' fur us to hun• any 111e<•li11;.:". Ttwsdu,1· i" th1' 0111.1· frPI' da.r. und as that is takt'll 1111 with hoxln;.:. we nre hanl put to it for a frP!o' cln.L \"ext ll'1·111. howp1·1·r. Wl' hop1• to !-(PI Sl'l"l'ntl rl't11rnPd «haplains to "lll':lk. a111i also ho]l(' to make• :<at isfadury at'l'an;.:cments as to timP .

. \rnm1· Ua.1·. 2.'it h .\pdl. fhp third a11nh·pr,.111',1. was «t>h•hrakd at S«hool. The i-ldiool assembled in th1• hi;.: "dtoolroon1. and the Jlpadmai-;tcr 11cl1lressed lh<' a><semhl.1-. and cxplniupd tlw t111'1t11ini.: of lhl• da~·. and tlw reason for <:elehratiu;.: it. \\ 1' wcn• ;.:ivcn a halt·ihollda~·. and permi,.sion to i.:o all(! sc1• thl' n1111Th throuµ;h th<• dty. On lntt>r<·('s,.:ion Da.1·. the Ih»11hnustp1· 111111 \I r . H<•n«h c·on-dud1•d till' s1•nil·p in tlw ,.;(']1001l·oom. \lr. HP1wh ~11\"I' 11s 11 1110,.;t int1•rcst ini: aiul l'l1><1uent acldress.

\lr. H -c· 11 ha" ht•l'n ;!n»ttlr puy,;o:l1•cl l:1tply 11 s111lclt>n infh1'\ of Ill'\\ hoys. Thi' mistakl' <"llllll' ahout t htis: ,\ I.lo~ with 11 l'Olll-JllC1Hl11hll' dPsirP ot nssist tlw <>xamilwr hPad1•d hi,.; J>UJ.:<'". Olli'. two. Pt<'. \\"ith an 1'11111111.'" 11n«ommenclahll• c·arl'h»;sm•s,.;. ht• forµ;ot to put his nnnw. In nil ln111><·i>n1·p. thl'rcfon• lw ;!llH' l'a;.:P 1 so 111111Q· marks. a11cl nPxt 1la.1· it was 1lt1lr an11011111«•cl i11 l'ra~·prs.

'lo "' rikP a :<l'rion,; 110tP. llow 1w1n~ appt•n ls hnn• h1•1•11 111adt• in p11s1 .n•a rs for mon• 1·onlrihutio11s to tlw \ 1·1ri1111tu11i1111 frn111 1111• Hdwol LI~ tlu• ('111111<-il. Wl' don·t know. Tlw c·omplai11t :<t'l'llh to ha1·c hl'l'll a )ll'Ptty hnrd~· au11u111. 1t is ,.; impl.1· 1h•lli.rhtf11i to nott• "ith what 1·0111plac·t•11p1· tht• i''lc-hool "its h11<·k and wuils for 1111' \ 1·wi11yto11i1111 to hl' hro11µ;h1 out.. Tht'll ii has tlw im111ull'll!'(' to

i.:1·011 I wl11'n 11 i" not UJl to tintl', 1•r to c-riti<-lsp 11·h11t i,.; writtt•ll. \\t• h1111' l't'!'t•i1·pc( ont' l'Olllrihnt ion to this 1111111hp1·. Hllil w1• ll<"lrnow-h'd;.:P it with thanki-;.

\o ;.:1111rnnfl'p <'1111 Ill' µ;iY<'ll thllt t'\"l'l".Ylhin;.: st•nl i11 will lit• pnhli"h<'d, 11111 it \\"ill at l!':tf<( h1• .s110n11 1•11•1-.1 1·onsid1•nttion.

\11 arti1·h• in la"t i:<s111•,.. n11111hl'I' r·:rnst>d pain in 1·1•r1:Ji11 q1111r-tpr,... Fm· this q11itt> 11ni11tPntio11<1I l111r111. Wt' 11poloµ;is1', 1111!1 ho]ll' 110 instin;.: hurt hns ht•en <lone.

OLD no1s· (()Ll"\l \.

flffir-1 f/1·1ir1 r1J-Olri \ 1·wi11{ff1111i11111< I 11io11.

/'n .,i111'11t. I'. H. Coh111ho1111. )LT, .. \. l "i1T-l'l"l'·•id1'11f ,,. J:. ('owlishaw . ..\lilton S. Lon>, K \\". \loon•.

\\". E. \. Hohson . ..\l.L .• \ .. \ .. ,. Phillips. H: .\. \\"11rclt•11. ('r11111tr11 I i1T- /'n·.•ill1111.,. J:. (. \fe!•k ( lll11.n11•.1). D. H. I laird

(Dnhho). II. ('111111i11ghum tBurn•n .Jundion) . II. Spt'11n• (T11111-W<•rth). I-'.\\. ll11tt1111 (Hoddrnmpton). E. II. <1u111lll111-r (('ooma).

f'o1111dl. ,J. 8 .. \blJott. I•'. LnWt's. \\. L. ~roon>, .J. 8. 'L'horusm1. l. H. \Yllpy, " . ('. \ Yilson.

Tur. NEWINOTO:"it;\N. 797

Hon. '1'1·rnsurrr.~K R. Kel:rna<'k. Equltahle ll11il<ll11i.:s. (;eorl!<' Rtreet, ('It~ .

• foi11t /1011. Nc<·r<·tarfr.~. 0 .. \. l'nrkpr 11n<l \\'. \. l'n•s•·ot t. If tlw pra!'lil'nhillty anti wis!lo111 of ,.;ptl(lifl!! Jlllf'f'l'ls to onr old

,;(')10olfp1Jows on adil·p s<•r1·1<·1• ll'>ls e1·pr in qne;.:tlon. all donhts llllYe 11sst1f'Pdl,1· hl'Pn st-t at l'l"'t hy tlw i.trntt-fnl respont<Ps thnt han• <·orne from 11111• H!Hl 1111. It i,; nbo 11 m11tt1•r of !!l'atifi<·11tlon to ns that sonll'how or othpr mo,;t of tlw pan·eb l'l'JKll'tecl to hnn• hee11 lost ut flfll' IK'f'iOfl han• hl'l'll tnr11i11!! 11p saf1•ly at lht•it· n1rious dPsti11ntio11s. \\'1• an• thnukful to han• dw11tecl thP llun sult-nrnrines of, ut 1111.1 rtlt!', so mtt<'h. 1111<1 hopp our lud: mn~· 1·ontinuP. "\fauy 1111 uws 11·er<• irutd l'l'f't Pnt l,1· omltte<l from t lie list ot' 11('know-ll'Clgme11 t s in the la1<t is>'tH'. 11rnl ~o mnn.v more replie,; l1111·e i;:inee heen re<·eil·p<f lhut it I" qnlte impossihlt• to print thrm all. "'e an• none tlw h•ss glad to r('('Pin• rlwm.

l•'urtlwr <1istlndio11s lrnn• h1•t>11 wo11 h1· 0. \,'..;mi tlw hattl1•til'lfl. nncl \l'C' Ink<• tlw l'lm111·1• of off1•rinl! thl'lll


0111· admir11tio11 and c·on-~ratulntlons. Lil'ut. <. <:. l'n>s<·ott hns hron!!ht anotlwr \fllltan· Cro,;H to Ill<' Sd1001. \\'hill' Ill<' first ('ol\ 11!• ClllC'l'f'(' ill Olll' list or <liHtinC'lio11s h11s fnllPn to lh<' lot of 8c>r; .. wnnt B.(;, Xlx<>n. Captain· C'llaplnin II. \. "\lprk. with tlw Hriti~h troops in ltal.1·. wns sOlllP timp ll!!O pronwtP1l to \lnJor. also menflom•<l i11 <lrspat<"lws. Prl-n1t<> n .. (', \I. Pahu1•r hns 11·on 11 l>ist in~"ltished R<:>nkt• 1 :ron:w D1><·orntio11. :tnfl Troo1wr S. I:. llirnlmarsh n \lilitary "\lt•<lal. ~~WR has j11st arri1·1·d of fnrlhl'l' lanrc>ls fur thl' Fkhool i11 till' fon11 ,if a \lilitar,\ ('1•oss to tlw <·n•tlit of ( apt:iin (. K .. \llPn.

,\moll;.{HI r<•<·Pnt promotion,; 11·1' 11oll<·c> that _\lajor I•'. \LHr-1<h11ll hns hppn 11ppoi11tp<f lic>nt. 1·olo11pJ to a<·l a-; staff oflfrer at thP Di>ntal 81•ni1·1• \<lmi11istrnti1·p IT.Q. fo1· th1• \..!.!". at Ti!lworth: thut Cnptalns C'. \\'. C. \1111'1'. \1.( .. :lllCI ll. .1. \\'hiti>man 111111• wo11 thc•ir \lnjorit.1. anti Lit>nt. h.. L. Gill hns hl'<'ll ;.{117.l'ttl•tl 1·apf11i11. a111I trn11sfp1·rpfl to tlw :!lst \l.G. ('ompnny. <:1mnp1· L. JI. 'l'hmnpso11 haf; 11·011 his 1·om111isslou. llkewi,.;1• Troop1•r .T. I\. \t1·L11d11:111 ( .'\th L.H.), who Is now with tlw Xo. 16 Dc•11t11l l nit at lsmullia.

"()om• w1•sf'-Troopp1·s I\. C. Rile~· 1111<1 F. R. r.nlhmith. hoth of tlw lith Li!!ht llor-.1'. Li1•11t. \I. K 'l;olnn .l:lth Bnttulion). 11·hos<' c·ommissioll was hnt m•wl.1°-\\'0ll. LiPnt. .[. S. Tc>rra-. ( ~:'Hh Bat-talion). R1•r;.{f'1111t \\.II. IJ0011er (lSth Battnlion). Corporal Y. \. IIulhc•rt. ancl 1'1·irntP .J. nui:,:1111 (17th H11tt111ioo). Prlrnte .\. ll . l'ickeriD!! ( l.ith B:1tt111lo11). l'ri1.1•p II. .f. \Yhiterna11. anti Sap1wr S. ll. ~lfol\er11. ~l.M .. who wn,.: Jll'l'\"iou,.;l,1 rPportPCl 11·0111uled and mi,;sini.t. ThP !'Pia t il'P>' of tlw houonn•d d1•1lfl ma.1· n•st a:<sm·ptl that tlw llll'lllOI',\' of thl'st• lit1;.{t't's with tllt'if' old •whoo( frlc>n11". \\"ho offc>r 1<in<0l'l'I' symp11th.1 .

. \nxil't,I' is ft>lt rpi:,:11rdi11i.: tlw fat\• of H1•r!!l'llnt Osrnr O'I:eill~. who has h<•pn postl'fl mi"sin;.{. \Y<> hop1• hi-. famil~· will ~uon hNtl' reas~uri11i:,: thlin!!s 1·orw!'rning him.

Chuplnin-('aptuin "" C. l·'randi:;, D.C.~f.. hn,; h(•l'n s<•nt to tlw front In l'aleRtlne on <·<mflnnons ,;en·I1•p, He e111i1<ted among>it t lw earlle"t In Ull t. un<l was pn•spnt nt !hi' 111111lhtJ? at C1allipoli. On returnhur honw womuh•<i. lw n><·m·p1·1•d hi« health. 1111(1 went to E11glan1l as 11 tr<K>pshi11 1·h1qll11i11. Bt>fot'<' sailing a~nln he wn« ordained on ,\nzac· Da~· in the ::-.rethodist rhm·eh. Paddington, tlw ehari:re l)('lni.t clc>Jil·ered h~' the> Ileadmast.r1'. l'he School wnR reprc>·


"<•nt<•1l h~· a squad in uniform. wbo"e presC'lll'<' thC' <'ha11lnin 1le s1·rih('f] 11,.; "1111 illS)liration."

'l'hC' na uw of ('1111tain .J. II. Sorrell j.., a \ways,..ply 1·011m•df'd with that of Captain Fn11wis. for the~· \\'('t'e two of lht• PUl'li<•"I n•1·1"11it,.; from 0111' wall,.;. lea1·inl{ to;!t>tlwr in tiH' ori::inal t:lth llat-lnlion. In hb 3~ ~·<'ar,..· af'tin' "el'\'i('e ('npt.1in 80l'l'f'li has pass(•d thl'Oll!!h ('\'C'I'~· "tH;!\' from a Jll'iYate to 11 1·11pt11in. and ha" thornt1!!h-1.1· l'>l l'tH'tl l'lll'll Jll'OlllOl ion. fie hll'4 110\\' h('\'11 ltH'illfl<•!I in II 1l\'p11 t ation of JOO pi<ok(•!I offi1·el'" who h111·p hPPn ll!'spn tdw<l to 1<ollll' fon•iirn 1·011ntr~· on n se1·ret mi>1Hion. The fa('t thut IH' wns Hill!!h•fl ont of his hl'i)!ade of .> .OOO men l{iYef< some idrn of tlH' hononl' anti l'f'SlW<"t I 11 wh i1·h he mnst h:11·e he<•11 h<'l<l.

\\'<• 11 1·1• incl<>hted lo '/'It<' Tim<'.~ for lllr following Pxtn1<·I: "THE TIF.ROJC' P AORE.

"1'h<' whol<' flritish line for half a mil<' on Pilher !<l<l<' f;flW. too. th\' heroi1· Rn<'l'ifi<'e of Padre W. J. Dnnhnr. of th\' Hh Lti.:ht TiorsC' fll'il{1Hle. Rome hour" after Li!'nf. Tlriety'R llttlc> for!'!' hnd fallc>n a wo11111lc>cl trooper was <;1>en to -.tart up from whl're he hacl hc>c>n lyin!! 111110111: thl' rlend hor;;e" h(';;icle th<' 1'urkl;;h t rt'1wl1e". Onr i::nm: W<'re -.h<'11in!! the llO!'lition nt th<' time. unrl 1wrhl1Jl" lw thoni;::ht h<' wn;: takini;:: th<' l!'R!<l'r of two risk". TIC' ran to11·nrfl;. onr litw. and C'\'C'r~- man. hoth _\u;:tralian nnd Brltif;h. pall"<'tl from hi" firin!! to wnt!'h him. nnfl f'al'l1 in hifl own fn"hlon prn~·ed for him. The Turld"h rifl enwn let him i:::o. hut 11 mn<'hlnc> i::nnn<'r Of>C'necl on tn him. an<l after 1·11tting up the d11f;t behind him for a fc>w ~·arcls. o,·ertook him and lw fell. \ moment lat1>r Padrc> Dunhnr. followNl h~· n trooper. whosc> nnm1> T do not know. f;tnrte<l out from our lirw to lwlp him n misgnld1>d hut f;(ll<'ndid ac·t. Thc> fnll<'n mnn. "l'elnir th1> nttc>mpt. rof;e ugnin nncl >:tai:::c:erecl forwn rfl. \ fc>w 1<P<'oncls latc>r both hf' nncl f'hnplnln nunhnr w1>rc> klllNl. .1n'4t us th<'Y lrn<t met."

Thc> lWC'>;(>nt hoy" bnve on Sl'\'ernl ot·(·nslom: fornwll a Strnn;.: Po>:t to wekome rt-turning ROlclic>rs arnl speed tlw ch>part 1111-:. at the K S. & A. Bank. at the corner of Geori:::c> nncl Kini.: Sl.r<'<'tf<. 1111<1 It i f; re1iortc>cl that this will he n 111>rmnn<'nt po;.llion nllotted U> them. The~· woulcl he onl~· too l)l1>a;;ed to h111·c> tlwir 1·nnks ani::: · ment<><'l at auy timc> h~· Old Ro~·;; pm:f;ef<Rl'd of Rn flklent t hnr 111111 an 11nllmlt1><'l amount of wine!. So roll 1111. Old "Bo~·f;. aml lwlp to !'<Well thl' already heft~' C'boruK

We <'Ongratulate Dr. C'ec>il P111·,:1>r on being re-ell'<'fe<l Vk1>-C'hnn<'c>llor of th1> Sydney Fnil·er;:lty for the enf;nlng yenr.

Aft1>r about tw1>ntr ~·ears'1-ery af'th·1> sen·ic-1> on the C'o111wll of Ill<' "\ RW. Rran<'h of th1> Briti!=:h :\f1>dl<'al _\!<sodntlon. Dr. G. TT. \hbott hns rc>tlr<>cl in i;::lor~·. having h1>l<l "eC'retarin l nnd other posts

;:ln<'c> 1904. in<'ludini;:: the pre.~id1>n<'r. Thc> C'omwil fl"""C'Cl n rr"oln t Ion apprC'datinit th1> value of hi" Ja hourf'.

Dr. L. TI .• \l11>n haf; h!'en nppoint1>d a Professor 011 tlw Tnstr111·-tion Stnfl' of the Royal :\filitnn· C'ollel?<'. Dnntroon.

Wc> regret to annoum·e th<' death in \prll of Dr. Roh<'rt D1>~ . on1> of n w1>ll-1."11own Newinirton family, of whM<' 1·11rec•r :i full a<'C•mmt will hi' pnhli<:hed in our n1>xt if;SIJC'.

\ . :'If. Corbett. f;Ub·manager of the l3nnk of .\nf<trnltt><iu. has rC'<'C'nfl~· left Sy<lnl'y to 1>nt1>r upon hif< new clulll's ns m1tn1t1?t'I' of t h<' PPrth hr:11wh nnd 1mipe<'tor for WeRtcrn Austrnlla.


\ ,j,tl'l' ot' till' two hrotilL'l's l'rior. \Yho Wl'l'C at \l•\\illgtou in )I r. l·'lptdtt•r\; t imt'. n'«l'llt ls \'i"ited the School. 8he "late~ that hPr hrotill'I'" nn• 11ow p11g<1:.:l'tl in pastoral pursuits 111 til<' west c.f Qu1'('ll"la11tl.

.\1<•11lio11 rnu.-t he ma1h• of the awardin:; of the ~LE. llegree to 1:. \\". II. Ha" ken. one of the redoubtable "Sammles" of the foot-l1all fit•ld during till' nineties. Ou di\·iug into the awe-inspiring ardthPs of tht> S.ql11e.' l"ni\·er,..ity it 1·au he aseertained tliut the lbt of \fu,..tp1·s of Engiut>ering is Yery small antl sclcet, the uumes uot ~l't rn1111i11g into donhl<> figures. so Xewington feels proud to ad<l 0111• mor1• to lt>1 total.

Tht• 11111g11ifi<-l'lll p<•r1'orma11ee of H. 1,. \,..ton in ol!tninlng the \it ken Sl'l1ola1·sbip ( a•<t.) and other distinctions in thl' laAt Lea dng

( erllfi<-nfP t•::-.11111innlio11s is dl',..erYin;; of sJledal nwntlou. We wi'<h him fnrtlH'r ><ll<'f'l'"sl'>' :it lhf' L"niYer~ity.

Li1•11t. 1'. F. Potts. who recenrly 1·arne home. 111ul was liis-dtarge<I, has rl'l unwd to his old banuts at the )ledkal School, wlwr<> lw is 1111\\ Jpa r11i11g how to treat other>< as ht• himself wns trealt•d when wo11111IP<l.

::>ilwe 0111· Ja,..t i,;,..ue < avtaiu E. \Y .• \tkinsoll ha>< hl'e11 hoth :.:a,..-.l'fi 11n<l wo11111led 1>11 --epanue m·1·asions: Lieut. S. H. Traill will he able to don n third wonn<led :<tripe when he recovers from his r('1·p11t injuriPs. aud l'rin1te Y .. J. Lowe fi~ures for the sp1·ond tim1• i11 tlte list .,f woun<l<><l. Lieut. C. S. Crowley. D.C.:\L. und \lajor ( '. \\"p-.Je.1· haq• hoth re1·ei\·ed som1• ration" f1'0111 Fritz. tilt' latl'r hping 1111b ,..Jjghtly bit. Lieur. "·· n. ~)1-ott hns hl'l'll /.(ll""ed; Lil'llt. \. "\. \orlhl"oll. ('or1"1ral R. (;. S1·ott. TL\.)l.S. IL K. l'o1111t11P.1. and l'rin1tl' 1:. ell' ( <Hiii<' all wournll'd. l'rintt<• 1,, H. \\"!1111 has ht>Pll in hospital \Ylth trench nevhritis, and Sergeant I:. \\· .. f. LI'<'. ( orporal .J. \i1·oll. aud l'rinlle I'. I'. OhlPn huYe nlso fa,'d of hospital dpli;..:hls. ).ews just <"Ollll's lo ha11d of till' -.1•rwus \101111di11g of ( orpornl \\. 1:. ' la,..ker.

1;1111m•1· .f. \1. Taylor ha>< he(•n playing llrpak-awas (.Joh11nie a fc11·11:11'Cl' ~) f'or his \rtilll'r.Y nri;..:ade Footl!all l-'iff!'e11. aud had the had ltwl; lo :!1'1 sl'ptk poisonin!! in the leg tbroui.:h some inj111-.v.

\us>-il' wounds ltnn• hro11gltt haek more of our l1ero1•s, 1111<1 with 11h·as11n• Ill' 11Plc-0111t• hollll' )Ja.ior .\. 1". ( oll·in. l'apt11i11 U .. \I. llay, Lil'nt. F. (., (,J"itliths. <;unner (. S. Logan. 1:1111m'r \\. II. \\ ilson, (;11111u•1· 1 .. \. llo,..ld11g. Sprgf'allt S. F. Bryant, Sergl'ant 1:. ll. \'i1·· llll'. l'ril·atl' \\. "\ortlwott. l'rin1te F. Latitul'r. Prirnlt' II. ll111·ker; also l'l'll'r Hu-.,pl(. 11ho has fo1· "'OllH' time hl'Pll 111u11itio11-rnakl11:.: iu J-:11da11cl. l'rirnt1• J:. \I. \\o(l(lhill is abo to arrin• shortly.

\pwi11gt1111Ja11s i11tt>rest!'<l in atbletks 1\ill he ~lad to hear that H. ~. \\'urry. of :.\lar.vborou!?h (Q.), ha;; donated tbe eup for the d111111piou athl1't«' 111 memory of his son, the late Lieutenant \. 'l. s. \\"any. who not loll!!: ago used to 1mt llJI s1wh tine n•«or<ls at our 111111 and .\II Sd10ols' Sports. IleUl'eforth the Coll(•ge Cup :.:iY!'s wa~· tu fh<' \\nrry ( np. as it is to Ill' known.

'l"ht• fanlil.1· of till' Jut<> T.iPut. .\. R. :\lnir han.• eredPd u lahll't to hi-; 1111•m111",1. :11111 this was UllYf.'ilPd in t lw ~dwolroom hy his mothl'I' ut 1111 i111111·pssive (·eremonr.

l.iYPrpool ( n111p is the tem1lorary homt• of s\!1·ernl mo1·1• \'ew· in~to11i1111s Li!'ut. \. F. Crozier. C. H. :Nic'oll. :'If. D .. w. I•'. Rose!Jy. (~ .. f. \\'1•!1". (. \Y. C'oz!'n~. H. E. Walker, \\. \, Fn•1>11111n ~Wh(}


takt•s lht- 1ila1·1• of his lorntlwr. ( 11pt11i11 I>. S. Fn·1·11111u. klllt'cl in 1wtlo11). 11. Find1. ,J, Hq11irl'. 1:. E. La11e. I.' 1:11111fi1•l<I. ll. \loxh111t1. J. \\'. B111·<1slP,\'. H. ('1111. 'i. Huttor. 11ud II. l>t''<h11ro11:.:h. ''( 111'.'.-" 'l'l1011sancl <'laims ,.:oml' 111' I hPst•. hut jn,.:t how 1111111,,· w1• Imo\\ 1w1. Sen•ral otht>r,.; hU\'t• Mllil'd: Captain I·'. E. IJaw,.;011 (\\'ho tollrl'd th1• ..\orthern l>istri('(s 11,.. \1.0. to tlw \l11rd1 to Frt•t>clom .\nn,\'), St•ri.:t,.., JI. ( ra1111110ml. \\'. E. Sh:1r1~. c:u111wrs IL F. ('ripps 111111 11. l'almpr, H11ppt•r,.. E. \lonlto11 1111cl \\. <:orclo11. anti Troo11(•1·,.; (,, ('. 1111tl (;, t,, ( larkt•.

TroopPr F.(,, H11•"ll' 1n11n11::l'<i to \l('l''<llll<ll' lh1• \lilif:t1',\ 1111tllori-til•,.. thnt he \\·a,.; a fit s11hjp<'t for till' Fl.\111;.: ( orps. 11111( is 110\\' 1111 \ir (':11lPI nt lhP ('1•ntrnl Flyi11:.: 8<'11001 nt f,11\'1'1'fu11. \'i<'lol'ia.

Li!'nt. . \. 'I'. 1'111111 sliu·p lP11,·i11i.: llo,.:pital 1111,.; h1•1•11 11p1H>ii1fpd inslnwtor at 1111 _\11,.;lr11lia11 ('orps' Sdwol 111 t-:11;.:11111<1. \\' ht•n• 0111• of th1• st11<ll'11ts n•t·l'ntly \\' II" Drin•r T. J:. I.. 1:r11y.

Spr;_:pant E. (;, Xixo11. C. 1ll' c: .. 111111 l'rln1t1• \\'. H. \ld 'o11 rt an• hoth at Ollkprs' HdHl(>ls. tht• llltl'r 111 Oxford. arnl Staff-Spr:.:t. .\. < 11mplin:.:. aft(•r thrPP ·''l'ar-. of lii.:htln:.: In Frn111·P. h:t,.. h1•p11 tr1111,fl'l'l'!'ll lo a hn"l' tlt>JHlt. Xo. 'l7. l)p11fnl l-11it. Sutton \"1•111',\'. Wilts. Captain \\. I.. \lilll'lt ha,.; rp1·m't•rpcl from Iii' \\'ot111d-.. :1111! hl'<'11 111'ti11:.: tp111porn rll.' "" 1:.\l.O. t11 t lw \.I. F. I l1':ltlq1111 rtt'1'" 11r Titlworth.

( apt11i11 II. II. \lotratl. \\'ho ha:< sl'l'll 1't111ti1111011-< >'l'l'\'i1·1' l'or :1 1 yp111·,.:. ha,.: ht>l'll trn11,.:fp1·1·1•tl to 1·:11:.:1:111<1 l'or ,.I'\ 1111111'11,.; lo lhl' 1"1 Trnini11:.: 1:a1t:1lio11.

l'rin1tl' I:. t:. \llllt>lt h11,.. ll'ft tht' l11f11111ry to h111T11\\· 1111cl1'r th1• Parth. 111111 i,.. 1111\\' SapJH•r \\'ith th1• l:.!lh l·'lplfi l·:11:.:l111•1•r,... Troo)l('r .\. \ . ( rozit•r ha" "111111'-!\'!l thl' .;111 1 .. 11. for lhl' _\ rtilll'l',\ . .10!11 · i11:.: up as <:11m11•r "Ith lhl' 4!1th llattl'r.'"

l'rin1l\• \. E. \\'paklt·~ 011 n•a .. hin:.: E11;.:l1111cl last l)p1·prnh1•1· had thl' 1111"f11rl11111• lo hp ltwltuh•tl ill a hllt<'h of llll'llill:,:itis l'OlltHI'(,.;, and has for sOllll' lillll' h\'l'll i11 au isolali1111 <'11111)1 at S111t1111 \"1•1H'.'" flp fo1111d (;1111111•r . \11111 Din11i11;.: alrl'acl.' P11s1·0111· .. t1 tlH'l'I'. hut hi' has ,.;illf'\' 11111tlt' hi>< p,.;1·>1p!• . ....

EX< IL\:\(:J-:s.

Thi• Etlitol' :l<'kllo\\ IP11:.:1•s \\'ilh thanks thl' follo\\'ill;.: 1•\1·ha11L:\•s : Tlw Sw1111. T11<'11hpar1'1'. _\nni1lali1111,.., '\ E.< .. s .. < harh'<tri. \\"t•"ll'~·

( '11111•:.:P ('ltro11id1-. 1'1'!!:1"11". Sr .• Jo,l'ph'..; < "0111•;.:1' .\l11:.:azi111• Tiu• !\in:.:·, Sdwol \la;.:azlul'. l'rillf'I' .\lfn•cl l h1·011if'l1•. 81. l'l'fl'r"s \la:.:mdlll'. l111\\-k1'sh111·~ \:.:ri1·11ltnrnl ( 'olll';.:1• \l11:.:nzi111'. s.nllwi1111. 1·:\"l'l"iol'. \11rnrn \11s1rnl1". Christ's ( 11111•;.:1• f:p;.:ist.•1'. 1:-\1111111 l'or· t11ri:111. ""111;.:;111111 l 11lh•:.:ia11 .

'\OTl('E TO Sl'HS( n11:1rns. Tilt· Xr·1ri11r1tm1irw ls issued quartl'rl.'" \ ""llY of 1•ad1 1111111 ·

hl'r 1l11rin~ thl' Y<':l I' will hp for\\'anlt•<l io all who n•ruit :.!/ G lo tllt' Etlitor of Tllf' S1·wi11!1tfluirt11. :\C'\\'ington ( 'ollPL:I'. stnnnwn•. Thi' will indmle po,t11;.:1'.

.. ..


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