sanders response

Post on 03-Aug-2015






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responses to in -class

Scott Russell Sanders


Good Stuff

Thesis statements are getting better

Writers are using Evidence well

Consider using periodic evidence as well as big blocks

Bla. Bla. Bla. Topic Sentence. Lead-in.”Longish quote that goes on awhile.” Your analysis that connects the evidence to a larger point.


Bla. Bla. Idea. “Short Quote” Continuation of idea. “Another short quote.” More development. “More short quoting.” Final Analysis.

Things to Avoid


Scott Russell Sanders is so cool and he smells nice with hair that seems to be like a God’s.

Praise is not analysis

Too much summary of the argument

Going Chronologically through the argument, just cuz...

Analysis is better, but...

Too often it’s obvious

Sanders uses facts and facts are true.

Sanders refutes Rushdie’s Claims.

Sanders uses “we.”

First, we identify a writer’s purpose, audience, and context (kairos)

Then, we identify the strategies a writer uses.

Finally, most importantly, we speculate on how these devices or rhetorical moves help the writer achieve the purpose.

Most common Sanders rhetorical moves

Sanders uses we to establish ethos as an American.

Sanders uses historical examples

Sanders is nice to Rushdie but refutes his claim.

I’d have liked more...

The kairos/ethos difficulty in going against the American dream.

I’d have liked more...

The method of using poetic, lyrical language to characterize American love of migration

I’d have liked more...

The Galileo strategy of asserting the opposite’s strength and ability.

I’d have liked more...

How selective we can be in choosing examples.

I’d have liked more...

Arguing with common sense: Who would pretend that a history of migration has immunized the US against Bigotry?

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