secret door

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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Beautiful effects and pictures after download!Music:R J Theme From Romeo And Juliet


Приказка за

тайната врата

Tale about

the secret door

Ти за мен бе тайнствена врата,

Тайнствен ключ аз исках да намеря,

A secret special door you were for me,

A secret key I wanted to find out,

Който да отключва в любовта,

Най-добре залостените двери.

Which could unlock the love and set it free,

Despide the chains and locks so tightly bound.

И като принц от приказките, сам,

Търсих в пещерата великана,

And like a fairy prince alone I stood,For the giant in the cave I even


Ключ да ми даде от твоя храм,Ала заключен храма си


To yield your Temple key I knew he could,

But your Temple stood as firmly bound.

Но нима вълшебства трябват тук?

Като стар крадец, като разбойник,

No need there was of magic - so I thought,

I turned into a rogue, into a fighter

Заблъсках по вратата със юмрук,

Но вратата се затегна двойно.

And with fists and hits the door I fought,

But the door locked itself even tighter.

И когато в срам и смутен страх,Сложих върху бравата ръката,Като във просъница разбрах,

Че не била заключена вратата.

And when the anger into fear turned,

I took the door and calmly try to rock it,

And then as in a dream I learned,That you never really even try to

lock it.

Не, не била тъй вълшебна тя,Окована с катинари тежки,

There was no magic, spell, or neither hexing,

There was no lock, no chains or neighter fence,

Чакала човешката врата,Да я стоплят дланите


The human door was only stadning, waiting,

To be warmed up by the human hands...

Damian Damianov

Дамян Дамянов

translation :Aleksander Hristov

Bulgarian poetry

Manuel Libres Librodo Jr.



Created by Vili

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