sektori i sigurisë në kosovë pas panvarsisë

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis Tetor 2010 FORUMI SIGURI pr
  2. 2. Copyrights. Asnj pjes ngakypublikimnuk mund t riprodhohetapot ndryshohet palejen e botuesit. Mendimet e shprehura me shkrim apo n publikimet elektronike jan t Forumit pr Siguri dhe nuk prfaqsojn pikpamjet eSaferworld, eastqeverisgjermane dhe britanike . Forumi pr Siguri (FS) sht themeluar n qershor t vitit 2010 me iniciativn e dy organizatave vendore, Forumi pr Iniciativa Qytetare (FIQ) dhe Qendra Kosovare pr Studime t Siguris (KCSS), mbshtetur nga Saferworld si pjes e programit Vendi i Sigurt, financuar nga qeveria gjermane dhe britanike. FS do t shrbej si platform pr organizatat e shoqris civile, mediat, akademikt, studentt dhe institucionet pr t diskutuar shtjet kye t siguris dhe pr t shkmbyer e zhvilluar prvojat dhe praktikat mt miran fushnesigurisnKosov. Ky publikim i par i FS ngrit disa dilema lidhur me aspektet kye q i karakterizojn vshtirsit n sektorin e siguris. Ky sht vetm fillimi i aktiviteteve t FS, ngase parashihen aktivitete t tjera hulumtuesedhedebatuesent ardhmen. EkipihulumtuesiFS-s: ValdrinGrainca,koordinatoriForumitprSiguridhehulumtues,FIQ SkenderPrteshi,koordinatoriForumitprSiguridhehulumtues,KCSS Florentina Hajdari,zyrtare e ForumitprSiguri
  3. 3. Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis I. Hyrje............1-11 II. Historik i shkurtr i institucioneve vendore t siguris (1999 2008)................11-14 Shrbimi Policor i Kosovs Trupat Mbrojtse t Kosovs (TMK) III. Historik i shkurtr i institucioneve vendore t siguris (2008-)..........................14-21 Kshilli i Siguris s Kosovs (KSK) Policia e Kosovs (PK) Forca e Siguris s Kosovs (FSK) Agjencia e Kosovs pr Inteligjenc (AKI) IV. Vshtrim..21-27 V. Literatura......27-30 Prmbajtja 2
  4. 4. 1. AKI- Agjencia e Kosovs pr Inteligjenc 2. AME -Agjencioni pr Menaxhimin e Emergjencave 3. CFPI- Korniza Kushtetuese e Kosovs 4. DME- Departamenti pr Menaxhimin e Emergjencave 5. FIQ - Forumi pr Iniciativa Qytetare 6. EULEX- Misioni i Unionit Evropian pr Sundimin e Ligjit 7. IPK- Inspektorati Policor 8. IPVK- Institucionet e Prkohshme Vetqeverisse n Kosov 9. ISSR- Rishikimi i Sektorit t Siguris s Brendshme 10. KFOR- Misioni Paqeruajts i NATO-s n Kosov 10. KSK- Kshilli i Siguris s Kosovs 11. KK- Kuvendi i Kosovs 12. MFSK- Ministria e Forcs s Siguris s Kosovs 13. MPB- Ministria e Punve t Brendshme 14. MIK- Menaxhimi i Integruar i Kufirit 15. NATO-Aleanca Veri-Atlantike 16. OSBE- Organizata pr Siguri dhe Bashkpunim n Evrop 17. PK- Policia e Kosovs 18. QS- Qendra e Situatave 19. QKSS- Qendra Kosovare pr Studime t Siguris 20. SHPK- Shrbimi Policor i Kosovs 21. SSR- Reformimi i Sektorit t Siguris 22. TMK- Trupat Mbrojtse t Kosovs 23. UK- Ushtria lirimtare e Kosovs 24. BE- Bashkimi Evropian 25. UNDP- Programi i Kombeve t Bashkuara pr Zhvillim 26. UNMIK- Misioni i Kombeve t Bashkuara n Kosov 27. ZKTMK- Zyra e Koordinatorit t Trupave Mbrojtse t Kosovs 3 Lista e shkurtesave Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis
  5. 5. Ky raport synon t ofroj nj vlersim t shkurtr lidhur me zhvillimin e institucioneve t siguris n Kosov, duke krahasuar rolin dhe prgjegjsit e tyre gjat periudhs s UNMIK-ut me periudhn e pas-shpalljes s pavarsis. Konstatimet e dhna n raport bazohen n baz t nj metodologjie t vlersimit kualitativ q prek aspektet e konsolidimit t kapaciteteve t institucioneve t siguris, si dhe sfidat n zbatimin e kushtetushmris dhe ligjshmris, duke vn npahrolineinstitucioneve t siguris. 1. Mungesa e zbatimit t rendit dhe t ligjit n tr territorin e Kosovs vazhdon t mbetet sfidakryesoreprinstitucionete qeverissKosovsdhebashksisndrkombtare; 2. Institucionet e siguris nuk kan gatishmrin dhe mungon nj vizion i duhur pr marrjene prgjegjsivensektorine sigurisnga praniandrkombtare; 3. Mbikqyrja parlamentare dhe demokratike e institucioneve t siguris sht n fazn fillestaret zhvillimit; 4. Reformimi i Policis s Kosovs (PK) mund t ngec si rezultat i ndrhyrjeve politike dhedobsive subjektive; 5. Operacionalizimi i Forcs s Siguris s Kosovs (FSK) dhe Agjensionit t Kosovs pr Inteligjenc (AKI) nuk sht duke shkuar sipas parashikimeve dhe dinamiks s parapar; 6. Nj pjes e konsiderueshme e legjislacionit sht miratuar, mirpo implementimi mbetet njfakt shqetsues.Kanmbetur edhedisaligjet rndsishmet pamiratuara. Prmbledhje ekzekutive T gjeturat kryesore 4 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis
  6. 6. Institucionet kosovare t siguris nuk kan zhvilluar kapacitetet e nevojshme pr t ofruar siguri pr t gjith qytetart e Kosovs. Ashtu si ky raport n brendi do t shtjelloj shkurtimisht, arsyet e moskonsolidimit t sektorit t siguris vijn si rezultat i nj politike t 'prkohshme' t UNMIK-ut ku investimet n periudhn e para shpalljes s pavarsis nuk reflektojn nevojat e tanishme pr ofrimin e siguris n Kosov. Pr m shum, zhvillimi i sektorit t siguris ka qen peng kryesor i mosdefinimit t statusit t Kosovs pr shkak t ndrlidhjes s institucioneve t siguris me atribute shtet-formuese. Ndr vshtirsit tjera q ndikuan n zhvillimin e ktij sektori kishin t bnin me nivelin e ult t zhvillimit ekonomik dhe meimplikimeteqarqeve lokalepolitike dhet individve nformsiminektij sektori. Me shpalljen e pavarsis s Kosovs me 17 Shkurt 2008, arkitektura e siguris pasqyroi institucione t reja, si dhe u shtrua nevoja pr reformimin e mekanizmave ekzistues. Politikat e reja t siguris prfshijn shum ndryshime t reja legjislative duke vn prgjegjsi m t madhe mbi institucionet vendore. N baz t Kushtetuts dhe ligjeve n fuqi, siguria u b pjes e politik-brjes s institucioneve vendore. Mirpo, rritja e prgjegjsive t institucioneve vendore shtroi dilema mbi vizionin dhe strategjin q duhej ndjekur pr zhvillimin e kapaciteteve t institucioneve vendore t siguris. Disa nga kto dilema kan t bjn me dykuptimsit lidhur me rolin e prezencs ndrkombtare e n veanti mandatin e EULEX-it, sidomos n veri t vendit dhe mungesa e prvojs n ndrtimin e shtetit dhe institucioneve publike. Pikrisht kto dilema, shtrojn nevojn e vlersimit t kapacitetit planifikues dhe operacionalt institucioneve prt ofruarsiguriprqytetart eKosovs. Pr m shum, pr zhvillimin e mtutjeshm t institucioneve t siguris sht e nevojshme t shtjellohen politikat dhe aspektet konceptuale mbi bazn e s cils jan ndrtuar ato, duke shqyrtuar edhe prvojat e vendeve tjera. Kjo sidomos, duke marr parasysh sfidat n rrugn e konsolidimit t shtetit dhe proceseve integruese q Kosova ka prpara. N kt duhet t merret parasysh edhe zhvillimi i kapacitetit pr vlersimin gjithprfshirs t krcnimeve dhe rreziqevendajKosovsdheqytetarve t saj,meqnsenjgjetill endenuk sht br. Edhe pse nuk sht tem shtjellimi vlersimi i krcnimeve dhe rreziqeve ndaj vendit, vlen t theksohet se disa raporte kan evidentuar pranin e korrupsionit, krimit t organizuar, paknaqsive lidhur me zhvillimin ekonomik dhe numrin e lart t papunsis, pranin e strukturave paralele dhe situatn n veri si disa ndr krcnimet m t mdha ndaj vendit dhe qytetarve t saj. Ktu nuk bn pa e prmendur edhe mungesn e perspektivs q lidhet me izolimintotal t Kosovsnprocesine liberalizimit t vizave.. I. Hyrje Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 5
  7. 7. FlorianQehaja,SecurityPolicyofKosovon SecurityPoliciesinWestern Balkan,EditedbyM.Hadzic, M.Timotic,P. Petrovic,Center forCivil-MilitaryRelations,Beograd,faqe81-86. 10shtator 2010. 1 2 Nse shikohet sektori i siguris n aspekt kronologjik, dallohen dy periudha kryesore: periudha gjat qeverisjes nga UNMIK-u (1999 2008), me nj tranzicion t shkurtr (2005 2008) , dhe periudha pas-pavarsis. Nga studimet e deritanishme sht br vetm dallim kronologjik bazuar n ndryshimet legjislative, e me kt edhe t autoritetit dhe mandatit. Megjithat, nuk ka pasurdallimkonceptualderinditt esotme. N prgjithsi, nse vlersojm konsolidimin e sektorit t siguris n ditt e sotme, ather prgjigja do t ishte se jan br hapat fillestar, mirpo procesi i prgjithshm i konsolidimit institucional ka qen i ngatht dhe me shum mangsi. Legjislacionisht miratuar kryesisht n pakonvitin 2008, porzbatimi mbetet sfidkryesore. Ky raport sht br si rezultat i nj pune t hulumtuesve n nj periudh dy mujore (15 Gusht 15 Tetor 2010). Metodologjia e prdorur sht bazuar n metodn e hulumtimit kualitativ. Prve intervistave, pjes prbrse jan edhe analizat e ndryshme, strategjit e institucioneve t siguris, qndrimet zyrtare t shprehura n media, si dhe nj literatur e gjer nga fusha e siguris. Metod kye ka qen edhe observimi me pjesmarrje si rezultat i vlersimeve t her pas hershme t hulumtuesve n FS dhe pjesmarrjes me observim n procese t ndryshme n lidhjemesigurinn vend. Pjesa e par shtjellon shkurtimisht institucionet e siguris gjat kohs s UNMIK-ut. Do t prezentohen brja e politikave, vendimeve, dhe qllimi i themelimit t institucioneve. Si fokus jan dy institucione vendore: Shrbimi Policor i Kosovs (SHPK) dhe Trupat Mbrojtse t Kosovs (TMK). Pjesa e dyt do t shtjelloj insitucionet e siguris pas shpalljes s pavarsis me theks shtjellimi natyrn e institucioneve, hartimin e politikave dhe sfidat me t cilat ballafaqohen kto t fundit. Pjes e shqyrtimit do t jen Kshilli i Siguris s Kosovs (KSK), Policia e Kosovs (PK), Forca e Siguris s Kosovs (FSK), dhe Agjensioni i Kosovs pr Intelegjenc(AKI),institucionekto q parashihenshprehimishtmeKushtetut. 1 2 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 6
  8. 8. Me vendosjen e UNMIK-ut dhe fillimin e administrimit ndrkombtar n Kosov, u prcaktua edhe struktura e institucioneve t siguris. Dokumentet baz ishin Rezoluta 1244 e Kshillit t Sigurimit dhe Korniza Kushtetuese pr Institucionet e Prkohshme t Vet-qeverisjes. Prmes ktyre dokumenteve, si ofrues t siguris njiheshin KFOR dhe Policia e UNMIK-ut. Rezoluta 1244 i atribuonte prgjegjsin n fushn e siguris UNMIK-ut dhe NATO-s si zbatues t ktyre prgjegjsive. Kjo rezolut autorizonte UNMIK-un q t themeloj forcat vendore t policis. Kshtu, UNMIK themeloi Shrbimin Policor t Kosovs. M von, n baz t Kornizs Kushtetuese, Kapitulli VI, si institucione t 'ruajtjes s rendit dhe ligjit' prcaktohej edhe SHPK , q pr objektiv kishte parandalimin e krimit dhe mbrojtjen publike, dhe sigurin nga shtjet me natyr aksidentale (shembull: aksidentet n trafik). SHPK ishte nn autoritetin e Prfaqsuesit Special t Sekretarit t Prgjithshm (PSSP) dhe mbikqyrej nga Policia e UNMIK-ut. Nn prgjegjsin e institucioneve vendore mbeti kryesisht zhvillimi dhe implementimi i strategjis pr planifikim t emergjencave dhe mbrojtjes civile, si dhe drejtimi dhe bashkrendimi i shrbimeve t shptimit dhe zjarrfiksve . Kjo e fundit parashihej t bhej n bashkpunimmeqeverit komunale. Q n vitin 1999 strategjia e UNMIK-ut n fushn e siguris kishte pr qllim krijimin e strukturave pr zbatim t ligjit dhe krijimin e 'shpejt' t nj shrbimi policor . Pr t arritur kto synime u vendosn tri faza . Faza e par karakterizohej me rolin e KFOR-it n ofrimin e siguris dhe rendit publik deri n vendosjen e personelit t UNMIK-ut. Po n kt faz, mendohej t vendosej policia civile (1800), dhjet njsi speciale (115 persona pr seciln), dhe policia kufitare (205 persona) . Faza e dyt, karakterizohej me bartjen e prgjegjsive n ruajtjen e rendit dhe siguris publike nga KFOR-i tek Policia e UNMIK-ut. Po ashtu, zhvillimi i nj shrbimi policor profesional ishte pjes e ksaj faze. Objektivat kryesore ishin trajnimi i policis vendore nn prkujdesjen e policis civile t UNMIK-ut dhe OSBE-s. Ndrkaq, faza e tret kishte t bnte me transferimin gradual t prgjegjsive nga Policia e UNMIK-ut tek SHPK. Nj transferim i ktill nuk mendohejedheprnjsitereagimit t shpejtdheatyre t specializuara. Faza e tret e strategjis s siguris q kishte pr qllim transferimin e prgjegjsive fillon t zbatohet vetm n vitin 2005. Transferimi i prgjegjsive u b n dy pista: e para, themelimi i Ministris s Punve t Brendshme (MPB) dhe transferimi i prgjegjsive mbi inspektimin e puns s policis prmes krijimit t Inspektoratit Policor t Kosovs (IPK). Pista e dyt ishte ri- organizimiistrukturaveorganizative brendaSHPK-s. II. Historik i shkurtr i institucioneve vendore t siguris (1999 2008) Shrbimi Policor i Kosovs 3 4 5 6 7 KornizaKushtetuesepr Vet-Qeverisjet Prkohshme. Ibid,faqe15. SRGReportto the UNSCJuly 12, f12. SRGReportto the UNSCJuly 12, faq12. Ibid. 3 4 5 6 7 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 7
  9. 9. Me t drejt, hulumtimet e organizatave vendore dhe ndrkombtare lidhur me perceptimin publik identifikonin SHPK-n si nj ndr institucionet me besueshmri m t lart, duke theksuar nevojn e prmirsimit t mtutjeshm, n mnyr q SHPK t zhvillohej n nj forc moderne dhe profesionale, e cila do t garantonte siguri pr t gjith banort e Kosovs Kapitulli i VII-t i Kornizs Kushtetuese e prcaktonte TMK-n si nj organizat e emergjencave civilepr ndrhyrjen raste t nevojspr siguri pr shtjetmenatyr aksidentale, publike dhe ndihm humanitare, nn kompetenc t rezervuar t Prfaqsuesit Special t Kombeve t Bashkuara . TMK u prcaktua si nj organizat pr emergjenca civile, duke punsuar 3.052 pjestar aktiv dhe 2.000 rezervist. Prgjithsisht, personeli i saj ka qen i prbr nga ish- pjestart e Ushtris lirimtare t Kosovs (UK). TMK i nnshtrohej kontrollit strikt t KFOR- it dheUNMIK-utprmesZyrssKoordinatoritt TMK-s. Kjo organizat ishte modeluar sipas Securite Civile t Francs. Mandati i TMK-s ishte prgatitja pr emergjenc si: ofrimi i ndihms n rast t fatkeqsive natyrore ose njerzore, deminimi, detyra ceremoniale dhe ndihma humanitare, edhe pse shum pjestar t UNMIK-ut dhe KFOR-it pranonin se TMK kishte stilin organizativ t nj ushtrie . Trajnimet fillimisht bheshin nga Organizata NdrkombtareprMigrim(IOM),pastajnga KFORdheUNMIK. N kuadr t mandatit t saj TMK merrej me parada n ceremonit e prvjetorve, deminim, ri- ndrtim, dhe prgatitje pr rastet emergjente, si fatkeqsit natyrore. Prkundr ktij mandati, TMK kontrollohej nga UNMIK dhe KFOR. Institucionet e Prkohshme si Asambleja e Kosovs nuk kishin ndonj mandat mbi TMK-n. Me kt edhe mbikqyrja demokratike mbi kt institucion nuk ekzistonte, pasi q Komisioni pr shtje t Emergjencave nuk kishte asnj lloj mbikqyrjejendajTMK-s. Pas shpalljes s pavarsis, kushtetuta dhe aktet tjera ligjore reflektuan institucione t reja t siguris. N fakt, krkohej themelimi dhe konsolidimi i Kshillit t Siguris s Kosovs (KSK), FSK-sdheAKI-tn njrnan,dhereformimitt policisnann tjetr. . TrupatMbrojtsetKosovs(TMK) III.Historikishkurtriinstitucionevevendoretsiguris(2008) 8 9 10 8 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis PoliciminKosov,FIQ dheSaferword2008 KornizaKushtetuese,Kapitulli VII,faqe16. ICG2000, 11 8 9 10
  10. 10. KshilliiSigurissKosovs Kshilli i Siguris s Kosovs (KSK) u themelua pas shpalljes s pavarsis, n pajtim me ligjet t cilat rrjedhin nga Pakoja eAhtisarit, si pjes e arkitekturs s re t Sektorit t Siguris n Kosov. Pjes prbrse e kshillit jan aktert ky t vendit q ndrlidhen me sektorin e siguris si dhe sektorve tjer . Ky kshill ka rol kshilldhns dhe vlersues n hartimin e politikave, si dhe shqyrtonlegjislacioninq ndrlidhetmesektorine sigurisn vend. Me fjal te tjera, n baz t legjislacionit aktual, roli i KSK-se sht kshillues, diskutues, vlersues dhe rekomandues sa i prket shtjeve t siguris, prve n rast t gjendjes s jashtzakonshme roli i t cilit sht ekzekutues . Detyr e KSK-s sht edhe t analizoj politikn pr siguri t jashtme, si dhe t analizoj t gjitha traktatet dhe marrveshjet ndrkombtare t cilat Republika e Kosovs i nnshkruan me shtetet e tjera . Poashtu, KSK sht i obliguar t kshilloj Presidentin dhe Qeverin e Kosovs mbi prfshirjen e agjencive t siguris jasht vendit, si ishte rasti i intervenimit t FSK-s n Shqipri q ndihmuan n evakuimin e qytetarve nga prmbytjet q ndodhn n fillim t vitit 2010. KSK udhhiqet nga kryeministri i vendit dhe ai i kryeson mbledhjet e KSK-s, ndrsa rendi i dits caktohet nga sekretariati. KSK, pr t qen sa m i informuar rreth gjendjes s siguris n vend, mbshtetet nga Qendra e Situatave, e cila ofron informata t shpejta rreth gjendjes s siguris n vend, si dhe koordinon t gjitha aktivitetet operacionale n tr vendin. Ky institucion sht i obliguar t merr informacione nga t gjith aktert relevant, e n veanti nga Forca e Siguris s Kosovs, (FSK) Policiae Kosovs,(PK).. Departamenti i Menaxhimit t Emergjencave, sht pjes e Ministris s Punve t Brendshme (MPB-s) dhe autoriteti m i lart prgjegjs pr hartimin dhe realizimin e t gjitha politikave dhe strategjive pr gatishmrin emergjente n bashkpunim me institucionet tjera. Ky departamentshtindarn tre sektor,t ciltikoordinojnveprimetetyre . 14 11 12 13 Kshilli i Siguris s Kosovs prbhet prej antarve t mposhtm n cilsin e antarve t prhershm me autoritet ekzekutiv:a) Kryeministri; b) Zvends Kryeministri(at); c) Ministri pr Forcn e Siguris s Kosovs, ose n munges t tij apo saj, ZvendsMinistri(at); d) Ministri i Punve t Jashtme, ose n munges t tij apo saj Zvends Ministri; e) Ministri i Punve t Brendshme, ose n munges t tij apo saj Zvends Ministri; f) Ministri i Drejtsis, ose n munges t tij apo saj Zvends Ministri; g) Ministri i Ekonomis dhe Financave, ose n munges t tij apo saj Zvends Ministri;h) Ministri pr Kthim dhe Komunitete, ose n munges t tij apo saj Zvends Ministri. Nj prfaqsues i Presidentit t Republiks s Kosovs; b) drejtorin e Agjencis s Kosovs pr Inteligjenc; c) kshilltarin e lart t Kryeministrit; d) kshilltarin e Kryeministrit pr Siguri, e) drejtorin e Prgjithshm t Policis s Kosovs; f) komandantin e Forcs s Siguris t Kosovs; g) sekretarin e Kshillit t Siguris s Kosovs; h) drejtorin e Departamentit pr Menaxhimin e Emergjencave n Ministrin e Punve t Brendshme; i) drejtorii Doganave t Republiks sKosovs. LigjiiKSK Neni1-Misionii KSK-s Ibid: Shih: Vlersimi i Sektorit t Siguris n Republikn e Kosovs Gjendja e Mbrojtjs Civile dhe Gatishmris Emergjente n Republikn e Kosovs-QKSSDhjetor2009 11 12 13 14 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 9
  11. 11. N nivelin lokal sektori i emergjencave sht i organizuar, por sht evidentuar q gatishmria dhe kapaciteti i tyre pr t'u ballafaquar me rastet emergjente sht i kufizuar . do komun e ka drejtorin dhe sektorin pr mbrojtje dhe shptim. Varsisht prej rndsis q jepet, disa komuna e kan t themeluar si drejtori, kurse disa tjera e kan t themeluar si njsi e drejtoris pr shrbime publike. Numri i stafit i cili punon n sektorin e emergjencave nuk sht i mjaftueshm. Kur ksaj i shtojm edhe mungesn e stimulimit t mjaftueshm t ktyre punonjsve dhe prgatitjes jo t mir profesionale, ather edhe efikasiteti i institucioneve t emergjencave mund t jet mjaft i brisht . S fundmi, sht themeluar edhe Agjencioni pr Menaxhimin e Emergjencave Edhe aktivitetet e aktorve tjer jan mjaft t ndrlidhura me menaxhimin e emergjencave n Kosov, si Forca e Siguris s Kosovs dhe Policia e Kosovs, t ciltn rastt katastrofave natyrore aporastetjera emergjente,ikoordinojnaktivitetet e tyre. Nga ndryshimi i statusit t Kosovs, edhe policia ndryshoi fokusin dhe objektivat e saj duke filluar nga emri. Tani, Policia e Kosovs n baz t Kushtetuts dhe Ligjit mbi Policin, ka detyrat n mbrojtjen e jets, siguris dhe prons, t drejtat dhe lirit themelore, parandalim rreziku etj . Poashtu, prmes strategjive t ndryshme dhe proceseve integruese, prgjegjsia e PK-s u shtua edhe n fushat t specializuara si hetimi i krimeve ekonomike dhe financiare, luftimi i terrorizmit, luftimi i trafikimit me njerz etj. Q nga shpallja e pavarsis, Policia e Kosovs u ballafaqua me vshtirsi n rrafshin praktik. Kapacitetet e saj dhe prvoja nuk ishin t mjaftueshme pr t'u ballafaquar me realitetin e ri. Ligji i Policis, i cili hyri n fuqi n mesin e vitit 2008, e bn t obligueshme reformimin e strukturave t policis. Mbi t gjitha, ky ligj siguron nj kontroll civil t policis, duke qen e drejtuar dhe menagjuar nga MPB, prcakton t drejtat e policve n arritjen e standardeve evropiane, prcakton nj zinxhir t qart komandues, dhe n mnyr specifike adreson funksionalitetin e stacioneve lokale t policis n zonat ku popullsia shqiptare nuk sht shumic . Nevoja pr ndryshime t mdha e bn kt faz nj ndr proceset m t rndsishme t reformimit t PK-s, pasi q sht hera e par q kjo organizat innshtrohet mbikqyrjespublike t institucioneve vendoredheshoqriscivile. Nj pjes e zyrtarve t PK-s nuk kan prgatitje adekuate profesionale . Menaxhimi dhe mosefikasiteti i policis n zbatimin e strategjive dhe planeve sht breng e shprehur edhe n raportet e EULEX . Koordinimi i puns brenda policis sht n nivele t ulta. Kjo gjendje sht rezultat i ballafaqimit me realitetin e ri, ndrsa PK nuk ishte e prgatitur. Poashtu, gjat zhvillimit t saj nuk ka pasur respektime t kritereve t institucionit t konkursit dhe shum gradime mund t ken qen rezultat i ndrhyrjeve politike. Kjo ndikon n mosmenaxhim t mirdhejo-efikasitet. . PoliciaeKosovs 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis Aty, Aty, Ibid Kuvendii Kosovs,LigjimbiPolicin,faqe5. LigjimbiPolicin,2008. PoliciaeKosovs,Policiaeudhhequrnga intelegjenca,2010,faqe6. EULEXProgrammeReport2010: bulding sustainablechangetogether,faqe14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10
  12. 12. 22 23 24 25 26 27 11 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 22 23 24 25 26 27
  13. 13. ForcaeSigurissKosovs AgjenciaeKosovsprInteligjenc(AKI) Sipas Kushtetuts s Kosovs dhe Ligjit, FSK-ja sht nj forc e siguris me nj mision civil, e m von me prgjegjsi t shtuara n aspektin e siguris. Nj forc e vogl n numr t mjaftueshm pr nevojat e vendit, profesionale, operacionale, multietnike, n shrbim t gjith qytetarve dhe financiarisht e prballueshme, por edhe e prkrahur nga vendet e NATO s (FSK-ja do t prbhet prej jo m shum se 2500 pjestar aktiv dhe 800 pjestar rezerv) . FSK sht n fazn e konsolidimit pr t qen nj forc e armatosur leht me mandat kryesor t reagimit ndaj krizave apo rasteve emergjente si krkim-shptimi, deminimi, asgjsimi dhe largimii materialeve t rrezikshme,reagimi ndajzjarreve dhepjesmarrjan misionetpaqsore jashtvendit. Sa i prket mbikqyrjes demokratike, Kuvendi i Kosovs ka themeluar Komisionin pr Mbikqyrjen e FSK-s, por nuk sht vrejtur ndonj aktivitet dhe gatishmri q performanca e ktij komisioni t jet n nivel t knaqshm . Sa i prket sfidave, ngritja e kapaciteteve profesionale dhe operacionale t FSK-s sht njra prej sfidave m madhore.Auditori gjeneral ka hartuar disa vrejtje dhe rekomandime pr institucionin e FSK-s dhe MFSK-s, t cilat nuk jan prmbushur nga ana e tyre. Rekomandimet ishin kryesisht rreth mungess s planifikimit dhe hartimit t politikave brenda FSK-s dhe MFSK-s. Kontrolli demokratik i FSK-s dhe transparenca brenda institucionit duhet t zhvillohet edhe m tutje. Duhet te miratohet ligji pr pensioniminehershmt pjestarvet FSK-s. Kushtetuta e Kosovs parasheh krijimin e Agjencis s Kosovs pr Inteligjenc dhe roli i saj sht t mbledh informacione, zbuloj dhe hetoj krcnimet dhe rreziqet q i kanosen vendit. AKI duhet t jet profesioniste, politikisht e paanshme, shumtnike dhe t'i nnshtrohet mbikqyrjes nga Kuvendi n mnyrn e prcaktuar me ligj . Kuvendi i Kosovs ka miratuar ligjin pr krijimin e AKI-s n pajtim me standardet ndrkombtare dhe demokratike t funksionimit t institucioneve t siguris, si dhe mbikqyrjes demokratike t ktyre institucioneve. AKI sht n fazn fillestare t konsolidimit dhe operacionalizimit, sht br hapiipar nrekrutimin epjestarve t sajn baz t njkonkursit hapurn fillimt 2010. 28 29 30 31 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis Themelimi, operacionalizimi dhe funksionimi demokratik i Forcs s Siguris s Kosovs- QKSS, Qershor2008,8 Observimiihulumtuesve t FS Kushtetuta e Republiks sKosovsSektori i Siguris-Neni129 28 29 30 31 12
  14. 14. 13 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis Intervist e Gani Gecit, Kryetar i Komisionit pr mbikqyrjen e Agjencis s Kosovs pr Intelegjenc dhn gazets Zridata06.09.2010, Ibid: David M. Law, The Post-Conflict Security Sector, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Policy PaperNo.14, Geneva,June2006, faqe8. 32 33 34 IV. Vshtrim
  15. 15. Duke i rikujtuar dobsit e lartcekura, edhe Drejtori i Policis ka proklamuar iden e ndryshimeve n pozitat udhheqse. Mirpo, ndrhyrjet politike n zgjedhjen e stafit ekzistojn dhe pak persona nga stafi udhheqs kan ndryshuar vendet e puns. N stacionet rajonale ka pasur ndryshime n udhheqsi, por ende nuk dihet nse do t sjellin ndryshime pozitive. Edhe pas proklamimit t Metodologjis s Re t Puns, po ashtu, implementimi i saj mundt jetibrisht prderisastafiudhheqsmbetet injjt. Policia e udhhequr nga intelegjenca ka t bj m shum me mnyrn e operacionalizimit t qasjes ndryshe t policis se sa reformimin e policis. Duke mos shkoqitur nj strategji t qart reformimi, rezultohet edhe n munges vizioni dhe thellim e detajizim t strukturave t policis. Kjo mund t vrehet nga fakti se nuk sht br nj prezentim i duhur para mass kritike dhe opinionit t gjer lidhur me qasjen e re t policis. Poashtu, nuk do t mund t krijohen prioritete n zhvillim t kapaciteteve. Shembull, sht e nevojshme rritja e personelit n njsitet e specializuara, si ai kundr trafikimit me njerz, por nj gj e till ende nuk ka ndodhur. Puna e institucioneve tjera, si gjykatat poashtu kan ndikim n efikasitetin e policis. PK ngarkohet me shum pun tjera q jan jasht mandatit t saj . Thirrjet dhe paraqitjet jan t shumta dhe nga m t ndryshmet. Pr t evituar kto raste, qytetart duhet t jen m t njohur me natyrn e puns s policis, ndrsa funksionalizimi i gjykatave do t ndikonte n zgjidhjen e kontestevedhemos-angazhimine policisn detyrat jashtmandatitt saj. Shtrirja territoriale e institucioneve t siguris sht e rndsishme n krijimin e nj situate t qndrueshme. Deri m tani, pjesa veriore e Kosovs nuk kishte tretman t njjt. Kjo situat sht e trashguar q nga koha e UNMIK-ut, me 'rast institucionet e siguris nuk veprojn, aq m tepr edhe EULEX ka qen i ngurt n zbatimin e ligjit .Arrestimet n veri nuk bhen duke i br institucionet anemike ndaj luftimit t krimit. Kohve t fundit kan ndodhur dy arrestime, por gjasat jan t jen br me krkes t Beogradit . Megjithat, hartimi i nj plani t veprimit pr pjesn veriore sht shenj e mir n ofrimin e siguris n gjith vendin, duke mbledhur armt dhe rritur si numrin e kontrolleve, poashtu edhe numrin e forcave t siguris n veri . Mangsi e ksaj qasje ndaj veriut sht kufizimi i pronsis s Policis s Kosovs n kt proces t vendosjes s sundimit t ligjit. PK duhet t ket nj strategji e cila i mundson zbatimin e ligjit n mnyr konstante. Poashtu, qeveria e Serbis sht duke pasur ndikim negativ n rritjen e prezencs dhe aktivitieteve t PK-s n veri. Deklarimet e ministrit t punve t brendshme t Kosovs se njsit speciale t PK-s jan t pranishme edhe n veri, hasi n reagime t shumta n Serbidhekjondikoiedhetek prezencandrkombtaren Kosov. 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis KohaDitore, Selimi:Askushnuk mundt'idojpolicttan nveri mshumseun,13 shtator2010, faqe6. Ibid. IntervistmeBrahimSadriun,Zyra prInformimt Publikut PoliciaeKosovs. KosovaSot,KurEULEX-indrhynnveri, 5 tetor,faqe1. Vehbi Kajtazi, Halimi:EULEX-ika arrestuarserbt ekrkuar nga Serbia,KohaDitore, 7tetor 2010,faqe SelvijeBajrami,'Dora'eshtetit shtrihet nveri, Zri, 6tetor 2010, faqe5. 35 36 37 38 39 40 14
  16. 16. Sa i prket Kshillit t Siguris s Kosovs, ka kapacitete t kufizuara pr t ushtruar aktivitetin e vet si parashihet me ligj. N veanti, vlen t theksohet ngritja e kapaciteteve analitike t sekretariatit t KSK-s dhe nevoja pr krijimin e KSK-s si organizat buxhetore . KSK ka hartuar Strategjin e Siguris s Kosovs, por transparenca gjat procesit t hartimit t ktij dokumenti ka qen tepr e vogl. Q tani, ky dokument nuk paraqet vizionin mbi sigurin n Kosov dhe nuk reflekton kontekst vendor . Kjo paraqet probleme n hartimin e politikave tjera sektorale pasi q ky dokument duhet t jet orientues pr strategjit tjera q jan m specifikesiStrategjia ePolicis. Po ashtu, FSK ka br nj progres gjat periudhs 2009-2010 duke rritur numrin e pjestarve t saj dhe vazhdimeve t trajnimeve nn prkujdesjen e KFOR-it. Kapacitetet operacionale dhe profesionale t FSK-s jan ende n fazn e zhvillimit. Deri m tani jan rekrutuar afrsisht 2.000 persona, numr i prafrt ky me numrin e parapar (2500) . Nevojitet koh edhe m e gjat deri sa FSK-ja t arrij kapacitetet e saja operacionale dhe t jet ofrues i siguris n vend, rajon dhe m gjer. Ka mungesa t kapaciteteve njerzore n menaxhim dhe planifikim brenda FSK-s, duke marr parasysh raportin e Auditorit t Prgjithshm . Sipas ktij raporti, MFSK nuk ka arritur t shfrytzoj buxhetin dhe vrehet mungesa e kapaciteteve planifikuese brenda MFSK-s. Aq m keq q sht raportuar punsimi i personave t ndryshm me kontrata t prkohshme q v n pikpyetje profesionalizmin e stafit n Ministri. Ende KFOR-i mbetet fuqishm i angazhuar n trajnimin e FSK-s, dhe nuk vrehet ndonj gatishmri nga ana institucionale q gradualisht FSK, t merr disa kompetenca dhe t jet prodhues i siguris n vend.NATO-ja,prkatsisht KFOR-i, ka rolinky n ndrtimindheopercionalizimine FSK-s. Sa i prket AKI-t, funksionalizimi i prshpejtuar i saj do t'i komplementonte prpjekjet e institucioneve tjera t siguris. N veanti, duke evidentuar dobsit analitike e hulumtuese tek PK, KSK dhe FSK, ather barra i mbetet AKI-t q t ndrtoj baza t shndosha krkimoro- hulumtuese me qllim parsor t identifikimit dhe t analizimit real t krcnimeve dhe rreziqeve ndaj Kosovs dhe qytetarve t saj. Tendencat pr implikime n funksionalizimin e AKI-t do t duhej t menjanoheshin dhe n kt mnyr t mos trashgohen gabimet subjektive sikurseninstitucionettjerat siguris. 45 41 42 43 44 Funksionet eKontrollit t InstitucionetePavarura ShtetrorenSektorine SigurisnKosov-QKSS-Korrik 2010. Strategjia eSigurissKosovs,draft-propozimi. Korrespodencameemailmez.IbrahimShala,zdhnsi FSK-s,Gusht 2010 Raporti iAuditoritGjeneralpr MFSK-2009 Themelimi, operacionalizimi dhe funksionimi demokratik i Forcs s Siguris s Kosovs- QKSS, Qershor-2008 www.http:/,%20operacionalizimi%20dhe%20funksionimi%20dem okratik%20i%20Forc%C3%ABs%20s%C3%AB%20Siguris%C3%AB%20s%C3%AB%20Kosov%C3%ABs%20- %20dokument%20i%20politikave.pdf 41 43 44 42 45 Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 15
  17. 17. 1. Nika S. Teran, Peacebuilding and Organized Crime: the case of Kosovo and Liberia, Swiss Peace Foundation, August 2007. 2. B. Schneier, 2003, Beyond Fear: thinking sensibly about security in an uncertain world, Copernicus Books, New York 3. Auditori Gjeneral, Raporti i Auditorit Gjeneral pr MFSK- 2009, Prishtin, 2009 4. David M. Law, The Post-Conflict Security Sector, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Policy Paper No. 14, Geneva, June 2006 5. EULEX Programme Report 2010: Building Sustainable Change Together, Pristina, 2010. 6. Policia e Kosovs, Policia e udhhequr nga intelegjenca, Prishtin, 2010. 7. Qehaja, F., Security Policy of Kosovo, n Security Policies in Western Balkan, Edited by M. Hadzic, M. Timotic, P. Petrovic, Center for Civil-Military Relations, Beograd, 8. QKSS, Context Analyses of the Security Sector in Kosovo, KCSS, Pristina, September 2010. 9. QKSS, Themelimi, operacionalizimi dhe funksionimi demokratik i Forcs s Siguris s Kosovs- QKSS,Prishtin, Qershor 2008. 10. QKSS, Funksionet e Kontrollit te Institucionet e Pavarura Shtetrore n Sektorin e Siguris n Kosov, QKSS, Prishtin, Korrik 2010. 11. QKSS, Vlersimi i Sektorit t Siguris n Republikn e Kosovs Gjendja e Mbrojtjes Civile dhe Gatishmria Emergjente n Republikn e Kosovs,QKSS,Prishtn, Dhjetor 2009. 12. Policimi n Kosov, FIQ dhe Saferword 2008 13. SRG, Report to the UNSC, July 12, n 14. SRSG Report to the UNSC, Dec 1999, n 15. UNDP, Internal Security Sector Review, UNDP, Kosovo, 2006 Shtypi ditor 1. Koha Ditore 2. Zri 3. Kosova Sot Bibliografia: Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 16 Raportet
  18. 18. 4. Constitutional Framework of Provisional Institutions. 5. Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs 6. Kuvendi i Kosovs, Ligji mbi Policin 7. Ligji pr Klasifikimin e Informacioneve dhe Verifikimin e Siguris 8. Ligji i KSK 9. Strategjia e Siguris s Kosovs, draft-propozimi 10. Ligji pr AKI 11. Ligji pr Mbrojtjen e t Dhnave Personale 12. Ligji pr Komponentn Rezerv t TMK-s 13. Intervist me z. Brahim Sadriu- zyrtar pr komunikim n Policin e Kosovs 14. UNMIKONLINE, 2003 15. UNMIKonline 2004. 16. Ministria e Forcs dhe Siguris s Kosovs n,8 17. Ministria e Punve t Brendshme n 18. UNOSEK, Propozimi gjithprfshirs pr zgjidhjen e statusit t Kosovs, faqe 26 n Dokumentet legale: T tjera: Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 17
  19. 19. Mbajtja e tryezsSektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 18 M dat 15 Tetor 2010, n ambientet e Hotelit Grand n Prishtin, u mbajt tryeza me titull Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis. sht kjo tryeza e par e organizuar n kuadr t Forumit t Siguris, forum ky i dal nga bashkpunimi i dy organizatave joqeveritare Forumi pr Iniciativa Qytetare (FIQ) dhe Qendra Kosovare pr Studime t Siguris (QKSS). Ve diskutimeve tjera, n kt tryez u publikua edhe studimi, i cili jep nj vshtrim t shkurtr lidhur me t arriturat dhe sfidat e institucioneve t siguris n vend. Vet qllimi i formimit t Forumit pr Siguri sht t nxis komunikimin e duhur n mes t shoqris civile dhe institucioneve pr shtjet e siguris, duke ofruar edhe studime dhe rekomandime konkrete prprmirsiminesaj,gjq upa n kt tryez. N hapjen e ksaj tryeze u shpalosn t gjeturat e studimit t siprprmendur, t cilat konsistojnnkto pika: Mungesaezbatimit t renditdhet ligjit n tr territorin e Kosovsvazhdont mbetet sfidakryesoreprinstitucioneteqeverissKosovsdhebashksisndrkombtare; Institucionet e siguris nuk kan gatishmrin dhe mungon nj vizion i duhur pr marrjen e prgjegjsive n sektorine sigurisnga praniandrkombtare; Mbikqyrja parlamentare dhe demokratike e institucioneve t siguris sht n fazn fillestare t zhvillimit; Reformimi i Policis s Kosovs (PK) mund t ngec si rezultat i ndrhyrjeve politike dhe dobsive subjektive; Operacionalizimi i Forcs s Siguris s Kosovs (FSK) dhe Agjensionit t Kosovs pr Inteligjenc(AKI)nuk shtdukeshkuarsipasparashikimeve dhedinamikss Nj pjes e konsiderueshme e legjislacionit sht miratuar, mirpo implementimi mbetet nj fakt shqetsues.Kanmbetur edhedisaligjet rndsishmet pamiratuara. Fjalnerastit emorrndrejtuesitedyorganizatave themelueset Forumitt Siguris, z. Ramadan Qehaja nga Qendra Kosovare pr Studime t Siguris (QKSS) dhe Ferdinand Nikolla nga Forumi pr Iniciativa Qytetare (FIQ), t cilt foln pr rndsin e formimit t Forumit t Siguris, gatishmrin e organizatave joqeveritare t bashkpunojn me institucionetesigurissidhegatishmrine tyre prt qenpjese shtetndrtimit. Pas ksaj, u hap diskutimi, ku fjaln e morri Besnik Berisha nga Asociacioni i Kompanive t Sigurimit, i cili vuri theks t veant n kompetencat e organeve vendore - prgjegjse pr siguri, sipas t cilit organeve vendore u ka ngelur pak kompetenca pr t marr nga organet ndrkombtare. Ve tjerash z. Berisha u shpreh se Policia e Kosovs, si institucion i siguris, nuk sht se duhet t jet shembull, por tashm sht shembull pr rajonin. Sa i prket Mitrovics, z.Berisha tha se Nuk ekziston mendim i unifikuar as nga vet ndrkombtaret pr veriun e Kosovs dhe se kemi nevoj pr nj qndrim unifikues nga ta.Ai u shpreh s'e Gjykata ka, por keminevojprgjyqtar t ciltpunojnmeligjet eKosovs.
  20. 20. Mesud Ademi nga Asociacioni i Pavarur i Kriminalistve t Kosovs, u shpreh s'e mungojn rekomandimet pr zgjidhjen e problemeve t siguris, ndrsa u ndrlidh me shtjen e Mitrovics, pr ka sipas tij, Mitrovica nuk sht vetm problem i siguris, por edhe politik. Ai potencoi nevojn e krijimit t nj politike t siguris dhe nevojn e marrjes s masave preventive dhejorepresive. Bujar Lepaja nga shoqria civile, tha se mosefikasiteti vjen si pasoj e mungess s vetdijs s qytetarve dhe mosinformimit t duhur t tyre me shtjet e siguris. Prve ksaj, institucionet e siguris dhe prgjithsisht institucionet e Kosovs, sipas z. Lepaja, duhet t jen m t hapura ndajqytetarve dhetheksoinevojne mbajtjessamt shpeshtt debatevet tilla. Aleksaner Tudesco nga EULEX, u shpreh se nuk jemi n nj situat optimale t fusim gjyqtar lokalngjykata, n verit Kosovs. Prfaqsuesi i Shoqats s Oficerve dhe Nnoficerve t ish Trupave t Mbrojtjes s Kosovs, theksoi se shtja e siguris dhe jo vetm, sht shtje e karakterit politik si dhe u shpreh se kemi potencial t njerzve t trajnuar pr kt problem, t cilt kan mbetur larg institucioneve. Nuredin Ibishi nga UNDP, foli pr krijimin e komisioneve parlamentare, q kan t bjn me shtjet e siguris, q jan: Komisioni q mbikqyr Forcn e Siguris s Kosovs, Komisioni pr Inteligjenc dhe Komisioni pr Siguri dhe Pun t Brendshme. Z. Ibishi, foli edhe pr rndsin embikqyrjessorganevet siguris. Ferki Fejza nga Fondacioni pr Mbrojtje t Mjedisit, theksoi nevojn e krijimit t nj strategjie pr sigurin brthamore dhe terrorizmin, ngase deri m sot pr kt shtje nuk sht br asgj. N pyetjen e gazetarit drejtuar z. Sheremet Ahmeti, se si vlersohet sot shtja e siguris n Kosov, dy vjet pas pavarsis, z. Ahmeti u shpreh s'e Kosova ka hasur n sfida t mdha dhe nse ka vshtirsi n siguri, kjo nuk sht si pasoj e mosfunksionimit t Policis s Kosovs. Ai shpehi nevojn pr mbshtjetje ndrkombtar n disa pjes t vendit pr shtje t sigurisdhenfundushprehs'eKosovashtvendisigurt. Prfaqsuesi i Ambasads Suedeze n Kosov, Jorgen Kalmendal, tha se duhet t bhet m shumnrritjenevetdijesdhes'eshtjae sigurisnuk sht shtjevetme uniformave. Ndrkaq, Agim Musliu nga shoqria civile, theksoi s'e Policia e Kosovs, n veriun e vendit, vepron vetm ather kur ka autorizime nga institucionet m t larta t vendit. Ve tjerash, z. Musliu, foli pr trekndshin ligjshmri-institucione-popull dhe nevojn pr bashkpunim t tyre, meqllimfunksionalizimimt mirt organevekompetente prsiguri. Zdhnsi i Policis s Kosovs, z.Baki Kelani, mirpriti organizimin e tryezs dhe theksoi ndikimet pozitive q mund t dalin nga tryezat e tilla. Ai foli pr reformimin n Policin e Kosovs dhe ve tjerash tha se ky reformim sht duke vazhduar gradualisht. Z. Kelani u shpreh s'e ka munges t aktivitetit kundr korrupsionit dhe Policia e Kosovs n veri t vendit vepronmekapacitetet e veta, ndrkohqditaditspoprofesionalizohet. Elisa Hoxha, nga Ministria e Punve t Brendshme, theksoi nevojn e ngritjes s bashkpunimit institucional. Sektori i siguris n Kosov pas pavarsis 19
  21. 21. October 2010 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence FORUMI SIGURI pr
  22. 22. Copyrights. Nopart ofthispublicationmaybe reproducedorchangedwithout permitofpublisher. Opinions stated in written or in electronic publications belong to the Security Forum, and do not necessarilyrepresentthe viewsofthe SaferWorld,northe GermanorBritishGovernments. The Security Forum (SF) was established in June 2010, with the initiative of two local organizations, the Civil Initiative Forum (FIQ) and the Kosovo Centre for Security Studies), supported by the Saferworld, aspart ofthe SaferPlaceProgram,fundedby the GermanandBritishGovernments. The SF shall represent a platform for civil society organizations, media, academicians, students and institutions, to discuss key matters of security, and to exchange and develop best experiences and practicesinthe fieldofsecurityinKosovo. This is the first publication of the SF and it raises s questions related to some key aspects characterizing difficulties in the security sector. This is only the beginning of the SF activities, because other research anddebate activitiesareforeseenforthe future. SFResearchTeam: ValdrinGrainca,Coordinatorofthe SecurityForumandResearcher,FIQ SkenderPrteshi,Coordinatorofthe SecurityForumandResearcher,KCSS Florentina Hajdari,SecurityForumOfficer
  23. 23. 2 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence Introduction...............................................................................................................................5-6 A short background of local security institutions (1999 2008).........................................7-8 Kosovo Police Service..................................................................................................................9 Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC)...............................................................................................10 A short history of local security institutions (2008-Present).............................................8-13 Kosovo Security Council Kosovo Police Kosovo Security Force Kosovo Intelligence Agency (AKI) Overview................................................................................................................................14-15 Bibliography:...............................................................................................................................16 Content
  24. 24. 1. KIA- Kosovo Intelligence Agency 2. EMA Emergency Management Agency 3. CFPI- Kosovo Constitutional Framework 4. EMD- Emergency Management Department 5. CIF Citizen Initiative Forum 6. EULEX- European Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo 7. PIK- Police Inspectorate of Kosovo 8. PISG - Provisional Institutions of Self-Government 9. ISSR- Internal Security Sector Review 10. KFOR- NATO Kosovo Force 10. KSC- Kosovo Security Council 11. AoK- Assembly of Kosovo 12. MKSF- Ministry of Kosovo Security Force 13. MIA- Ministry of Internal Affairs 14. BIM- Border Integrated Management 15. NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization 16. OSCE- Organization for security and Cooperation in Europe 17. KP- Kosovo Police 18. SC- Sitaution Centre 19. KCSS- Kosovo Centre for Security Studies 20. KPS- Kosovo Police Service 21. SSR- Security Sector Reform 22. KPC- Kosovo Protection Corps 23. KLA- Kosovo Liberation Army 24. EU- European Union 25. UNDP- United Nations Development Programme 26. UNMIK- United Nations Mission in Kosovo 27. OKPCC- Office of the Kosovo Protection Corps Coordinator 3 List of Abbreviations The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence
  25. 25. The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence Executive Summary Main findings 4
  26. 26. Kosovo security institutions have not built yet the required capacities to provide security and safety for all Kosovo citizens. As it was briefly elaborated with this report, among the main reasons for such failure to consolidate the security sector are as result of a provisional policy of UNMIK, in which investment in the pre-independence period did not match the current needs of security provision in Kosovo. Furthermore, the security sector development itself was the main obstacle to the definition of the Kosovo status, due to the relation of security institutions with state attributes. Other difficulties affecting development of this sector included poor economic development and implications of local political and individual circles inthe shapingofthissector. With the declaration of independence on 17 February 2008, the security architecture solicited new institutions, and reforms in existing mechanisms were necessitated. New security policies involved numerous legislative changes, thereby transferring greater responsibility onto local institutions. Pursuant to the Constitution and applicable laws, security is part of local institutions' policy-making. Nevertheless, greater responsibility of domestic institutions obviously raises dilemmas in terms of capacity building of domestic security institutions. Some of these dilemmas are related to the ambiguity related to the role of the international presence, and specifically the mandate of EULEX, especially in the northern areas of Kosovo, and the lack of experience in state-building and public institutions. These are the dilemmas that necessitate an assessment of planning and operational capacities of institutions in providing security to the Kosovocitizens. Furthermore, for a further development of security institutions, it is required to revise policies and conceptual aspects, which form the grounds thereof, looking at experiences of other countries as well. This is more important taking into account the challenges Kosovo shall face in terms of state consolidation and integration processes. All these have to consider also capacity development for a comprehensive assessment of risks and threats posed to Kosovo and its citizens,sincethishasnotbeen madeyet. Although the topic of the present report is not assessment of threats and risks to the country, it is worth mentioning that several reports have highlighted the existence of corruption, organized crime, discontent in relation to economic development and high poverty rates, presence of parallel structures and the situation in the north, as some of the largest threats to the country and its citizens. These challenges should also include the lack of perspective in terms of total isolationofKosovointhe processofvisaliberalization. I. Introduction 5 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence
  27. 27. Florian Qehaja, Security Policy of Kosovo, Security Policies in Western Balkan, Edited by M. Hadzic, M. Timotic, P. Petrovic, Center forCivil-Military Relations,Belgrade,pages81-86. 10 September2010.. 1 2 6 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence Analyzing chronologically, the security sector may be stated to have had two key periods of development: the under UNMIK administration period 1999 2008 (including a short transition 2005 2008 and the post-independence period). The studies so far have only made this chronological difference based on legislative changes but also based on the authority and mandate. Generally, if we look at consolidation of the security sector to this day, we could say that all initial steps have been made, through general institutional consolidation has been slow and deficient. Legislation was approved mostly in package in 2008, though implementation still remainsthe key challenge. This report is a result of research work covering a period of two months (15August 15 October 2010). Methodology used is based upon the qualitative research method. Apart from interviews, this report includes various analyses of security institutions' strategies, official statements for media, and a wide range of security-oriented bibliography. A key method was also observation by participation, as a result of periodical presentations by researchers at the SF, andparticipationby observationinvariousprocessesrelatedtosecurityinthe country. The first section provides a brief description of security institutions during the UNMIK rule. Policy-making, decisions and purpose of establishment of institutions shall be presented. The main focus of this section will be directed on the two key local security institutions which have operated in this period: the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) and the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC). The second section will talk about post-independence security institutions, focusing on the nature of institutions, policy-making and challenges ahead for the latter. This assessment will incorporate bodies such as the Kosovo Security Council (KSC), the Kosovo Police (KP), Kosovo Security Force (KSF) and the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA), institutions explicitly provideduponby the Constitution. 1 2
  28. 28. ConstitutionalFramework forProvisionalSelf-Government. Ibid,page 15. SRGReportto the UNSCJuly 12, f12. SRGReportto the UNSCJuly 12, p.12. Ibid. 3 4 5 6 7 7 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence With the establishment of UNMIK and international administration in Kosovo, structure of security institutions was also provided upon. The basic documents were the UNSC 1244 Resolution and the Constitutional Framework of the Provisional Institutions of Self- Government. Based on these documents, security provision was a role taken by KFOR and UNMIK Police. UNSC 1244 Resolution recognized the responsibility for security to UNMIK and NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR) as the implementing party of this responsibility. This Resolution authorized UNMIK to establish local police forces. Thus, UNMIK established the Kosovo Police Service. Later, by the Constitutional Framework, Chapter VI, recognized KPS also as an institution of preserving law and order, an institution which had a duty to prevent crime and provide public safety, and safety in terms of accidental nature (e.g. traffic accidents). The KPS worked under the authority of the Special Representative of Secretary General (SRSG) and under the supervision of UNMIK Police. Domestic institutions were mainly responsible on developing and implementing emergency planning and civil protection strategies as well as management and coordination of fire and rescue services. The latter was to be done in collaborationwith localgovernments. Since 1999, UNMIK strategy for security had already set its mark on establishing law enforcement structures and a rapid creation of a police service. In achieving these goals, three benchmarks were set. The first stage was characterized with the KFOR role in providing security and public order until embarking of UNMIK personnel. This stage also included civil police (1800), ten special units (115 officers each), and border police (205 persons). The second stage was characterized by the transfer of competencies in terms of preserving order and public safety from KFOR to UNMIK Police. Development of a professional police service was part of this stage. The main objective was to train local police, under the oversight of UNMIK CivPol and OSCE. Meanwhile, the third stage was related to a gradual transfer of responsibilities from UNMIK Police to KPS. Such a transfer did not include rapid response units and specialized units. The third stage of this strategy, namely transfer of competencies, begun implementing only in 2005. The competency transfer took two simultaneous paths: first, establishment of the Ministry of Interior Affairs (MIA) and transfer of competencies in police inspection, by establishment of the Kosovo Police Inspectorate (KPI). The second path was reorganization of the KPSstructureitself. II. A short background of local security institutions (1999 2008) Kosovo Police Service 3 4 5 6 7
  29. 29. Local and international organizations' public perception polls have fairly identified the KPS as one of the institutions enjoying public trust, thereby emphasizing the need for further improvement, so as to transform the KPS into a modern and professional force which would guarantee security to all residents of Kosovo. Chapter VII of the Constitutional Framework defined the KPC as a civilian emergency organisation, which carries out in Kosovo rapid disaster response tasks for public safety in times of emergency and humanitarian assistance, under reserved powers of the Special Representative of Secretary General. KPC was defined as a civilian emergency organization employing 3.052 active members and 2000 reserves. Generally, its personnel mostly consisted of former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). KPS was under strict control of KFOR andUNMIK,through the Officeofthe KPCCoordinator. This organization was modelled after Securite Civile in France. The KPC mandate was emergency preparedness, such as: provision of assistance in cases of natural or human disasters, demining, ceremonial duties and humanitarian assistance, although many members of UNMIK and KFOR admitted that the KPC had an organizational style of an army. Training were initially provided by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and then by KFORandUNMIK. Within its mandate, the KPC was engaged in parades, anniversary ceremonies, demining, reconstruction, and emergency preparedness in natural disasters. Despite the mandate, the KPC was under the control of UNMIK and KFOR. Provisional Institutions such as the Kosovo Assembly had no mandate over the KPC. Therefore, there was no democratic oversight on the institution, sincethe CommitteeonEmergencyIssueshadnooversight onthe KPC. Following Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and other legal acts reflected the need for new security institutions. In fact, they required establishment and consolidation of the KosovoSecurityCouncil(KSC),KSFandKIAononeside,andthe reformofpoliceonthe other. Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) III.Ashorthistoryoflocalsecurityinstitutions(2008-Present) 8 Policingin Kosovo,FIQ andSaferworld2008 ConstitutionalFramework, Chapter VII,page 16. ICG2000, 11 8 9 10 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence 8 9 10
  30. 30. The Kosovo Security Council is made of the following members in the capacity of permanent members with executive authority: a) Prime Minister; b) Deputy Prime Minister(s); c) the Minister of Kosovo Security Office, or Deputy Minister(s) in his/her absence; d) Minister of ForeignAffairs, or Deputy Minister in his/her absence; e) Minister of Justice, or Deputy Minister in his/her absence; e) Minister of InternalAffairs, or Deputy Minister in his/her absence; f)Minister of Economy and Finance, or Deputy Minister in his/her absence; Minister for Returns and Communities, or Deputy Minister in his/her absence; one representative of the President of the Republic of Kosovo; Director of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency; senior advisor to the Prime Minister; security advisor to the Prime Minister; General Director of the Kosovo Police; f) Commander of the Kosovo Security Force; g) Secretary of the Kosovo Security Council; h) Director of Department for Emergency Management of the MinistryofInterior; i) DirectorCustomsofthe RepublicofKosovo. KSCLawArticle1 Missionofthe KSC Ibid: See:Assessment of the Security Sector in the Republic of Kosovo condition of civil protection and emergency preparedness in the RepublicofKosovo KCSSDecember2009 11 12 13 14 9 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence KosovoSecurityCouncil The Kosovo Security Council (KSC) was established after the declaration of independence, pursuant to the laws deriving from the Ahtisaari Package, as part of the new architecture of the Kosovo security sector. The Council consists of the key stakeholders in the security sector, and other related sectors. This Council has an advisory and evaluation mandate in policy-making, reviewing of legislation related to the security sector in the country. In other words, pursuant to the current legislation, the role of the KSC is to provide advice, discuss, evaluate and provide recommendations in terms of security, except in extraordinary situations, in which the role of this Council is executive. Another duty of the KSC is to analyse foreign security policy, and to analyse all international treaties and agreement entered into and approved by the Republic of Kosovo with other countries and parties. Also, the KSC is bound to provide advice to the President and the Government of Kosovo on involvement of security agencies abroad, such as the case of KSF intervention in Albania, providing assistance in evacuation of citizens from flooding which occurred in 2010. the KSC is chaired by the Prime Minister of the country, and he chairsthe meetingsofthe KSC,whilethe agendaissetby the Secretariat. The KSC, with a view of being informed on the security situation in the country, is supported by the Situation Centre, which provides fast information on the security situation, and coordinates all operational activities throughout the country. This institution is bound to collect information from all relevant actors, specifically from the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) and the Kosovo Police(KP). The Department of Emergency Management is part of the Ministry of Interior (MIA) and the highest body responsible for drafting and implementing all emergency preparedness policies and strategies, in cooperation with other institutions. This department is further divided into three sectionscoordinatingtheir actions. 11 12 13 14
  31. 31. ibid. ibid. ibid. KosovoAssembly, LawonPolice,page 5. LawonPolice,2008. KosovoPolice,Policeguidedby intelligence, 2010,page 6. EULEXProgrammeReport2010: building sustainablechangetogether,page 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence At the local level, the emergency sector is organized, but it has been proven that their preparedness and capacity to cope with emergencies is rather limited. Each municipality has a Department and section for fire and rescue. Depending on the attention assigned, several municipalities have departments; some others only have a unit within the Department of Public Services. The number of staff working in the emergency sector is insufficient, and when we add the lack of incentives for these staff members, and the lack of proper professional qualifications, obviously this adds up to a rather fragile efficiency of emergency institutions. Recently, an Emergency Management Agency has been established. Activities of other factors are rather connected to emergency management in Kosovo, like the Kosovo Security Force and the Kosovo Police, which are required to coordinate their activities in natural disasters or other emergencies. From the change of the Kosovo Status, the police shifted its focus and its objectives, starting with its own name. Now the Kosovo Police, pursuant to the Constitution and the Police Law, duties of this police is protection of lives, safety and property, basic rights and freedoms, prevention of risks, etc. Also, through various strategies and integration processes, the KP responsibilities were expanded towards specialized fields, such as economic and financial crime investigation, combating terrorism, human trafficking, etc. Since the declaration of independence, the Kosovo Police was faced with difficulties in the practical sense. Its capacities and experience were insufficient to cope with the new reality. The Law on Police, which entered into force by mid 2008, demanded reform of the police structures. Above all, this law provides on a civilian control over the police, ensuring leadership and management of the MIA, provides on rights of police officers in achieving European standards, defines a clear chain of command, and specifically addresses the functions of local police stations in areas where Albanian population is not majority. Necessity for great changes turns this stage into one of the most important processes of the KP reforms, since this is the first time this organization is subject to publicscrutinyoflocalinstitutionsandcivilorganizations. One section of the Kosovo Police is not professionally adequately qualified. Management and lack of efficiency in implementing strategies and plans is a concern voiced by EULEX reports as well. Coordination of work within the police itself leaves much to desire. This situation is a result of coping with the new reality, while the KP was not prepared. Also, in its development, there was no respect for the criteria of competition in recruitment, and many promotions in rank may have been a result of political interferences. This has caused improper management andlackofefficiency. KosovoPolice 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  32. 32. The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence Another problem in terms of efficiency is creation of better management, whereby experience in regional countries may be of service. The KP had published a document, after its own assessment of performance, called the Intelligence Led Policing. By this, policy and strategy making is left to the MIA and Central Command, while implementation should be left to the coordination of regional and central police stations, thereby promoting the managerial role of seniorstaff. Pursuant to the basic legislation, the Kosovo Police is unique. Nevertheless, side agreements and political pressure have made the KP have more than one chain of command. In the northern area of Kosovo, the Police Station in Mitrovica north does not obey orders from the Central Command. In other words, northern parts of Kosovo do not report to the jurisdiction of the KP Command, although there are daily reports sent by the northern police stations. Numerous cases of entry of Serbian citizens from Serbia at northern border points, without documents and without respect for the Kosovo rules is only one of many examples which come as a result of this poor definition. While the KP was of the opinion that this was EULEX competency,the latter thought that KPhadexecutive responsibilities. The PK has been undergoing a reform process, and there is progress marked in KP activities if compared with the period before 2008. There are more efforts in strengthening community policing, and KPefficiency has increased. The new approach of the KPperformance has already given the first signs of efficiency and effectiveness of the Kosovo Police. This approach of the police primarily consists of crime prevention, apart from crime reaction. Reallocation of the Kosovo Police staff is part of the new KP organizational strategy, depending on the success shown by police officers, they will be promoted or demoted from various leadership positions, without any preferences based on gender or ethnic background. Reforms and building of its professionalcapacityremainsoneofkey challengesforthe KosovoPolice. Challenges ahead of the KP (majority of which are identified by the police itself) are: creation of a proactive rather than reactive police; further development of the Border Police in terms of improving cross-border security level, which also involves EU integration processes; the conceptofIntegrated BorderManagement,whichmustbe developedfurther; coordinationand cooperation with regional police forces; combating illegal migration, human trafficking and organized crime; improvement of internal management performance within the Police, and improvement of cooperation with other institutions. Akey challenge remains to extend the KP coverage throughout Kosovo, and strengthening the chain of command at all stations and sub- stations of the Kosovo Police. So far, the KP has not been active in establishing rule of law in the north. In creating a police force which is able to cope with these challenges, the EULEX Police provides its assistance in mentoring, advice and monitoring. Nevertheless, throughout the country,EULEXhasan executive powertoinvestigate andarrestpersonsinvolvedincrime. 22 23 24 25 26 27 11 ConstitutionofKosovo,AhtisaariPlan, LawonPolice. KohaDitore, Selimi:Noonecanloveourpoliceofficersin the northbetter than Ido,13 September2010, page 6. Interviewwith Mr. BrahimSadriu CommunicationOfficer, KosovoPolice,30.08. 2010. Ibid. Ibid. MinistryofInternalAffairs,KosovoPoliceStrategic DevelopmentPlan2011-2015. 22 23 24 25 26 27
  33. 33. The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence KosovoSecurityForce KosovoIntelligenceAgency(AKI) Pursuant to the Constitution of Kosovo and the law, the KSF is a security force with a civilian mission, which will later assume additional responsibilities in the security sector. A light force sufficient for the needs of the country, a professional, operational, multi-ethnic force at the service of all citizens, and financially sustainable, but also supported by NATO countries (KSF willconsistofnotmorethan 2500 activemembersand800 reserve members). The KSF is currently undergoing its consolidation activities in being a lightly armed force, with a key mandate in crisis or emergency response, such as fire-rescue services, demining, removal and demolition of hazardous matters, fire response and participation in peacekeeping missions abroadthe country. In terms of democratic oversight, the Kosovo Assembly has established a KSF Oversight Committee, but activities and readiness of this Committee have not proven it to be performing at a satisfactory level. In terms of challenges, professional and operational capacity building for the KSF is one of the largest challenges. The Auditor General has drafted several remarks and recommendations for the KSF and the MKSF institutions, which have not been performed upon by these institutions. Recommendations were related mainly to planning and policy- making within KSF and MKSF. Democratic control over the KSF and transparency within the institution must be developed further. The law on early retirement of KSF members has yet to be approved. The Constitution of Kosovo provides on the establishment of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency, and its role in collecting information, identify and investigate risks and threats posed to the country. The KIA will have to be professional, politically impartial, multi-ethnic and must be subject to oversight of theAssembly in a manner provided upon by law. The KosovoAssembly has approved a law on establishment of the KIA, in accordance with international and democratic standards of functioning of security institutions and democratic oversight over these institutions. The KIAis only in its initial stages of consolidation and operationalization, a firststephasbeen madein recruiting itsstaffpursuanttoan openvacancycallinthe early 2010. According to open sources, the interviewing of the first stage of KIA members has been completed, and the information is that around 3500 persons had applied. Also, according to information in the media, the first part of KIA members has already begun training, but proceduresinrelationtotraining ofKIAmembersremainclosedforthe public. 28 29 30 31 32 12 Establishment, operationalization, and democratic function of the Kosovo Security Force, KCSS, June 2008,8 ObservationsofSFresearchers Constitutionofthe RepublicofKosovo SecuritySector,Article129 Interview of Gani Geci, Chairman of the Committee for Oversight of Kosovo IntelligenceAgency to Zeri Daily, 06.09.2010, 28 29 30 31 32
  34. 34. The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence KIA functioning details remain non-transparent pursuant to the applicable legislation, but nevertheless, its operationalization is expected to be delayed, due to delays in appointing key staffandpotential pressurefromoutside. AParliamentary Committee for KIAOversight has been established. The KIAis still in its initial stages of its development. Therefore the oversight and democratic control remain challenges forthe next period. During the UNMIK era, local institutions of security sector dealt only with matters of public order and civil emergencies. In these terms, the structure of institutions itself reflects such a concept.Allthese fieldswere competenceofUNMIKandUNMIKPolice. In fact, despite initial trends and results, the UNMIK strategy did not result with establishing the consistent institutions capable to performing in all duties required to guarantee the safety and security for the Kosovo citizens. Above all, the purpose was to limit the mandate of local security institutions within public order and emergency management fields of competencies. This approach was grounded upon specifically on uncertainties related to the Kosovo status, and pursuant to the mandate of the Mission itself, self-governing institutions would be developed based on the very narrowed interpretation of legislation in Kosovo, and with aim to slowdown the process of establishing the proper security mechanisms which exists in the other sovereign states. With the establishment of the MIA, police stations begun its individual paths, and special units, such as the terrorism combating unit, were established, but these units did not complete operationalization. Even during this time, the MIA has not had any essential role in policy- drafting, while police stations had no knowledge or experience in crime analysis and compiling proactive plans. This approach had its consequences after the declaration of independence, when the security architecture underwent major changes. This resulted in a situation where the local institutions were the ones to draft security policies, while the legacy of police management was insufficient to cope with the new responsibilities. Furthermore, there were needs to reorganize new units and departments of the police, such as the department for combating human trafficking or financial crime. So far, the police had been conceptualized in a reactive and not a proactive manner, because earlier it was not prepared for comprehensive management of security situations, because their training was mostly grounded upon assignments merely of ensuring public order, and not in developing planning and investigative capacities,orresearchandscientificassignments. Overview 33 34 13 Ibid: David M. Law, The Post-Conflict Security Sector, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Policy PaperNo.14,Geneva,June2006, page 8. 33 34
  35. 35. The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence Being reminded of the flaws mentioned above, the Director of Police himself had proclaimed the idea of changes in leadership positions. Nevertheless, there are still political interferences in staff selection and only a few people in the management level have changed. Regional commands have recorded changes in leadership, although it is uncertain whether that will result into positive changes. Even after the proclamation of the new approach, its implementation might even be fragile while the leadership remains the same. Intelligence Led Policing is more related to a different operationalization of police work, rather than reforming police. The lack of a clear reforming strategy reflects the absence of a vision and detailed structuring of the police. This may be seen with the fact that no proper presentation has been made before critical stakeholders and the wider public opinion in terms of the new policing approach.As a result, no priorities can be identified in terms of capacity building. For example, there is a need to increase personnel in specialized units, such as the human trafficking combat, but that hasnothappenedsofar. The work of other institutions, such as the courts, largely affects the police efficiency. The KP is assigned many other duties beyond its mandate. Police calls and appearances are numerous and different. To avoid such situations, citizens have to be informed on the nature of police work, while improvement of courts would affect the dispute settlement, and would decrease the engagement ofthe Policeindutiesbeyonditscall. Territorial coverage of security institutions is rather important in creating a sustainable condition. So far, the northern areas of Kosovo had enjoyed no equal treatment. This situation, inherited since UNMIK, in which security institutions were not that active, and exacerbated by EULEX's rigidity in rule of law. Arrests do not happen in the north, thereby wasting the energy of institutions in fighting crime. Recently, there were two arrests, but the odds are that such arrests were made on a request made by Belgrade. Nevertheless, drafting of an action plan for the northern area is a good sign for security provision throughout the country, by collecting fire armsandincreasingthe checkpointsandthe numberofsecurityforcesinthe north. Adeficiency of the approach towards the north is the limited ownership of the Kosovo Police in terms of rule of law process. The KP must have a strategy which ensures law enforcement in a consistent manner. Also, the Government of Serbia is exerting a negative influence in the increase of presence and KP activities in the north. Statements of the Minister of Interior that special police units are present in the north have solicited numerous reactions in Serbia, thereby influencingthe international presenceinKosovo. 35 36 37 38 39 40 KohaDitore, Selimi:Noonecanlove ourpoliceofficersin the Northbetter than Ido,13September2010,page 6. Ibid. Interviewwith BrahimSadriu,Public InformationOffice KosovoPolice. KosovaSot,WhenEULEXintervenesin the north,page 1. Vehbi Kajtazi, Halimi:EULEXhasarrestedSerbsasrequiredby Serbia, KohaDitore, 7 October 2010,page 4. SelvijeBajrami,Thehandofthe state extendedtowardsnorth, Zri,6October 2010,page 5. 35 36 37 38 39 40 14
  36. 36. Controlfunctionsofindependentstate institutionsin the securitysectorin Kosovo,KCSSJuly 2010. KosovoSecurityStrategy,draft-proposal. EmailCorrespondencewith Mr. IbrahimShala,spokespersonofKSF,August2010 ReportofAuditorGeneral, MKSF- 2009 Establishment, operationalization and democratic functioning of the Kosovo Security Force KCSS, June 2008 http:/,%20operacionalizimi%20dhe%20funksionimi%20demokrati k%20i%20Forc%C3%ABs%20s%C3%AB%20Siguris%C3%AB%20s%C3%AB%20Kosov%C3%ABs%20- %20dokument%20i%20politikave.pdf 41 43 44 42 45 15 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence In relation to the Kosovo Security Council, there are limited capacities in exerting its activities as provided by law. Specifically, one must mention capacity building requirements of the Secretariat of the KSC in analysis, and the need to establish the KSC as a separate budgetary organization. The KSC has drafted a Kosovo Security Strategy, but transparency in drafting this document has been rather poor.As of now, the document does not reflect security visions in Kosovo, and does not reflect a domestic background. This is an obstacle for drafting other sector policies, since this document must be the orientation point for other more specific strategies, suchasthe PoliceStrategy. Also, the KSF has marked some progress during the 2009-2010 period, by increasing the number of its personnel, and continuation of training under the KFOR leadership. Operational and professional capacities of the KSF are still in a development stage. So far, around 2000 persons have been recruited, a number close to the planned one (2500). Much more time is needed for the KSF to build its operational capacities and provide security for the country, the region and wider. There are deficiencies in human capacities in management and planning within the KSF, when considering a report by theAuditor General. According to this report, the MKSF has not been able to spend the budget, therefore marking a deficiency in planning capacities of the MKSF. Even worse, reports talk about employment of various persons with temporary contracts, which already raise a question mark in terms of professionalism of the MKSF staff. KFOR has kept a strong role in training the KSF, and there is no willingness shown by the institutions for the KSF to begin assuming some competencies and provide security in the country. The NATO, namely KFOR, has a key role in building and operationalization of the KSF. As for the KIA, a more rapid operationalization would only complement the efforts of other security institutions. Specifically, in due regard of analytical and research weaknesses reported in the KP, KSC and KSF, the KIA remains to be the institution which should build sound grounds for research, with a primary aim to identify and analyze realistically the threats and risks posed to Kosovo and its citizens. Tendencies for interferences in the KIA consolidation need to be avoided, thereby avoiding the legacy of subjective errors made in other security institutions. 41 42 43 44 45
  37. 37. 1. Nika S. Teran, Peace building and Organized Crime: the case of Kosovo and Liberia, Swiss Peace Foundation, August 2007. 2. B. Schneier, 2003, Beyond Fear: thinking sensibly about security in an uncertain World, Copernicus Books, New York Auditor General, Report of Auditor General for MKSF - 2009, Prishtina 2009 2. David M. Law, The Post-Conflict Security Sector, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Policy Paper No. 14, Geneva, June 2006 3. EULEX Programme Report 2010: Building Sustainable Change Together, Pristina, 2010. 4. Kosovo Police, Police guided by intelligence, Prishtina 2010. 5. Qehaja, F., Security Policy of Kosovo, in Security Policies in Western Balkan, Edited by M. Hadzic, M. Timotic, P. Petrovic, Center for Civil-Military Relations, Beograd, 6. KCSS, Context Analyses of the Security Sector in Kosovo, KCSS, Pristina, September 2010. 7. Establishment, operationalization and democratic functioning of the Kosovo Security Force KCSS, June 2008. 8. Control functions of independent state institutions in the security sector in Kosovo, KCSS July 2010. 9. Assessment of the Security Sector in the Republic of Kosovo The Condition of Civil Protection and Emergency Preparedness in the Republic of Kosovo, KCSS, Prishtina, December 2009. 10. Policing in Kosovo, FIQ and Saferworld 2008 11. SRSG, Report to the UNSC, July 12, at 12. SRSG Report to the UNSC, Dec 1999, at 13. UNDP, Internal Security Sector Review, UNDP, Kosovo, 2006 14. Koha Ditore 15. Zri 16. Kosova Sot Bibliography: 16 Reports The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence Daily press
  38. 38. 1. Constitutional Framework of Provisional Institutions. 2. Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo 3. Kosovo Assembly, Law on Police 4. Law on Classification of Information and Security Verification 5. Law on KSC 6. Kosovo Security Strategy, draft 7. Law on KIA 8. Law on Personal Data Protection 9. Law on Reserve Component of the KPC 1. Interview with Brahim Sadriu Communication Officer, Kosovo Police 2. UNMIKONLINE, 2003 3. UNMIKonline 2004. 4. Ministry of the Kosovo Security Force, at,8 5. Ministry of Internal Affairs, at 6. UNOSEK, Comprehensive Kosovo Status Settlement Proposal, page 26 at Legal documents: Other: 17 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence
  39. 39. Roundtable onSecurity Sector in Kosovo after independence 18 On 15 October 2010, at Grand Hotel in Prishtina, was held a roundtable on Security Sector in Kosovo after independence. This is the first roundtable organized within the Security Forum. The forum derived from cooperation of two NGOs as Civil Initiative Forum (CIF) and Kosovo Centre for Security Studies (KCSS). In addition to other discussions, also in this roundtable was published a study, that provides a short overview of achievements and challenges of security institutions in the country. The aim per se of the establishment of the security forum is to incite appropriate communication between civil society and institutions of security issues, by providing other concrete studies and recommendations for its improvement, as noticed in the roundtable. In the opening of the roundatble were presented findings of the abovementioned studythat consistasfollowing: Absenceoforderandruleoflawthroughout the territory ofKosovoremainsthe key challengeforthe instituctionsofthe GovernmentofKosovoandthe international community; Securityinstitutionsdonothavethe readiness,andthere isa lackofvisionintermsof assumingresponsibilitiesinthe securitysectorfromthe international presence; Parliamentary anddemocraticoversight ofsecurityinstitutionsisonlyinaninitial stage ofdevelopment; Reformofthe KosovoPolice(KP)mayflounderduetopoliticalinterferencesand subjectiveweaknesses; Operationalization ofKosovoSecurityForce(KSF)andthe KosovoIntelligence Agency(KIA)isnotfollowingitsforecastsandflowsforeseen; Aconsiderablepart oflegislationhasbeen approved,though implementationremains concerning.Thereareseveralsignificantlawsyet tobe approved. The welcome speech was opened by the Heads of two foundation organizations of the Security Forum, Mr. Ramadan Qehaja, Kosovo Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) and Ferdinand Nikolla, Civil Initiative Forum (CIF), who spoke about the importance of the establishment of Security Forum, NGO's willingness to cooperate with security institutions as well as their willingnesstobecomea part ofthe state building. Following the opening remarks, they began a discussion, whereby a moderator passed the floor to Besnik Berisha, Association of Security Companies, who emphasized competencies of local bodies- responsible for security, and according to him there is very less left for local bodies to transfer competences from international bodies. Inter alia, Mr. Berisha said that Kosovo Police, as a security institution, it's not that it must be a role model, but Kosovo Police has already become e role model in the region. As regards Mitrovica, Mr. Berisha said that neither internationals themselves do not have a unified opinion for northern part of Kosovo. However, we need unified stand of theirs. He stated that there are courts; however we need judges who wouldapply Kosovolaws. The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence
  40. 40. Mesud Ademi, Kosovo Independent Agency of Criminalists, said that we lack recommendations on solving security problems, and dwelled on Mitrovica problem, that according to him Mitrovica is not only security problem, it is political problem as well. He underlined the need for establishment of security policy and taking preventive measures and notrepressive ones. Bujar Lepaja from civil society stated that lack of efficiency is a consequence of the lack of citizen's awareness and appropriate information on security issues. In addition, Mr. Lepaja added that security institutions and Kosovo institutions in general should be more open to the citizensandemphasizedthe needforhaving suchdebatesmoreoften. Aleksaner Tudesco, EULEX, stated that we're not in an optimal situation to include local judgesin the courts,inthe NorthofKosovo. Representative of the Association of Officers and Non-commissioned Officers of the Former Kosovo Protection Corps, emphasized that security is not only an issue of political character, he stated as well that 'we have potential of trained people on this issue, who remained away from institutions. Nuredin Ibishi, UNDP spoke on establishment of parliamentary committees that deal with security issues such as: Oversight Committee on Kosovo Security Force, Intelligence Committee and Committee on Security and Internal Affairs. Mr. Ibishi, spoke also about the significanceofthe oversight oversecuritybodies. Ferki Fejza, Environment Protection Foundation, emphasized the need for establishment of the strategy onnuclearsecurityandterrorism,becausesofar,inthisrespect,nothing wasdone. In reply to the question addressed to Mr. Sheremet Ahmeti, how is assessed current security situation in Kosovo, two years after independence, Mr.Ahmeti answered that Kosovo is faced with big challenges, and if there are difficulties in providing security, this is not a consequence of malfunctioning of Kosovo Police. He expressed the need for international support on security issues in other parts of the country, and at the end he said that Kosovo is a safe country. Jorgen Kalmendal, Representative of Swedish Embassy in Kosovo, said that a lot needstodoneinraisingawareness,andthe securityissueit isnotonlythe issueof uniforms. Whereas,Agim Musliu from Civil Society, emphasized that Kosovo Police, in the northern part of the country, operates when it is authorized by higher institutions of the state. Inter alia, Mr. Musliu, spoke about the triangle lawfulness- institutions- people, and the need for their cooperation,aimingbetter functioningofcompetentsecuritybodies. Mr. Baki Kelani, Kosovo Police Spokesperson, welcomed the initiative for facilitating the roundtable, and emphasized positive impacts that might derive from such roundtables. He spoke about Kosovo Police reforms, and inter alia, he said that the reform process is being implemented gradually. Mr. Kelani stated that there is a lack of anticorruption activity, and Kosovo Police in the northern part of the country operates on its own capacities, in the meantimethey are becomingmoreprofessionaldayby day. Elisa Hoxha, Ministry of InternalAffairs emphasized the need for enhancement of institutional cooperation. 19 The Security Sector in Kosovo after the Independence
  41. 41. Oktobar 2010 Bezbednosni sektor na Kosovu nakon nezavisnosti FORUMI SIGURI pr
  42. 42. Autorskopravo. Nijedandeoove publikacijenemoeseumnoavati ilimenjatibez dozvoleizdavaa. Miljenja izneta u ovom izvetaju ili elektronskoj publikaciji jesu Foruma za bezbednost i ne predstavljajugleditaorganizacijeSaferworld,niti nemakeibritanske vlade. Forum za bezbednost (FB) obrazovan je juna 2010. godine na inicijativu dve domae organizacije, Foruma gra anskih inicijativa (FIQ) i Kosovskog centra za bezbednosne studije (KCSS), uz podrku organizacije Saferworld u sklopu programa Bezbedno mesto finansiranogodstrane vladaNemakeiBritanije. FB e posluiti kao platforma za organizacije gra anskog drutva, medije, predstavnike akademskog sektora, studente i institucije u cilju diskusije o kljunim pitanjima u pogledu bezbednostiirazmeneiskustva inajboljihpraksiusferibezbednostinaKosovu. Ova prva publikacija FB-a istie odre ene dileme u vezi sa kljunim aspektima koji karakteriu potekoe koje preovla uju u sektoru bezbednosti. Ovo je tek poetak aktivnosti FB-a poto se predvi ajudrugeaktivnosti istraivanjaivo enjadebata ubudunosti. IstraivakitimFB-a: ValdrinGraincakoordinatorForumaza bezbednostiistraiva,FIQ SkenderPrteshikoordinatorForumaza bezbednostiistraiva,KCSS Florentina HajdarislubenicaForumazabezbednost
  43. 43. 2 Bezbednosni sektor na Kosovu nakon nezavisnosti I. Uvod...............5-6 II. Kratak istorijat domaih institucija bezbednosti (1999 2008)................................7-8 Kosovska policijska sluba Kosovski zatitni korpus (KZK) III. Kratak istorijat domaih institucija bezbednosti (2008-)........................................8-13 Savet bezbednosti Kosova (SBK) Kosovska policija (KP) Kosovske bezbednosne snage (KBS) Kosovska obavetajna agencija (KOA) IV. Zapaanja....13-15 V. Bibliografija................16 Sadraj:
  44. 44. 1. KOA- Kosovska obavetajna agencija 2. AUVS Agencija za upravljanje vanrednim situacijama 3. UOPS- Ustavni okvir Kosova 4. OUVS- Odeljenje za upravljanje vanrednim situacijama 5. FIQ Forum gra anskih inicijativa 6. EULEX- Misija Evropske unije za vladavinu prava 7. PIK- Policijski inspektorat 8. PIS- Privremene institucije samouprave na Kosovu 9. ISSR- Preispitivanje sektora unutranje bezbednosti 10. KFOR- Mirovna misija NATO-a na Kosovu 10. SBK- Savet bezbednosti Kosova 11. SK- Skuptina Kosova 12. MKBS- Ministarstvo Bezbednosnih snaga Kosova 13. MUP- Ministarstvo unutranjih poslova 14. IUG-Integrisano upravljanje granicom 15. Savez severnoatlantskog pakta 16. OEBS- Organizacija za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju 17. KP- Kosovska policija 18. CS- Centar za praenje situacije 19. KCSS- Kosovski centar za bezbednosne studije 20. KPS- Kosovska policijska sluba 21. SSR- Reforma sektora bezbednosti 22. KZK- Kosovski zatitni korpus 23. OVK-Oslobodilaka vojska Kosova 24. EU- Evropska unija 25. UNDP- Program Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj 26. UNMIK- Misija Ujedinjenih nacija na Kosovu 27. KKKZK-Kancelarija koordinatora Kosovskog zatitnog korpusa 3 Lista skraenica Bezbednosni sektor na Kosovu nakon nezavisnosti
  45. 45. Ovaj izvetaj ima za cilj da prui kratku ocenu u vezi sa razvojem bezbednosnih institucija na Kosovu, upore ujui njihovu ulogu i odgovornosti tokom perioda funkcionisanja UNMIK-a sa periodom nakon proglaenja nezavisnosti. Konstatacije date u izvetaju zasnivaju se na metodologiji kvalitativne ocene koja dotie aspekte konsolidovanja kapaciteta bezbednosnih institucija i izazove u primeni ustavnosti i zakonitosti stavljajui u prvi plan ulogu bezbednosnihinstitucija. 1. Nedostatak primene reda i zakona na celoj teritoriji Kosova nastavlja da predstavlja glavni izazovzainstitucijeVladeKosovaime unarodnezajednice; 2. Bezbednosne institucije nemaju spremnost i nedostaje im odgovarajua vizija da preuzmuodgovornostiusektorubezbednostiodme unarodnogprisustva; 3. Parlamentarni i demokratski nadzor institucija bezbednosti nalazi se u poetnoj fazi razvoja; 4. Reforma Kosovske policije (KP) moe doiveti neuspeh kao rezultat politikih intervencijaisubjektivnih slabosti; 5. Operacionalizacija Kosovskih bezbednosnih snaga (KBS) i Kosovske obavetajne agencije(KOA)neprotieshodnopredvi anjimaipredvi enojdinamici; 6. Jedan znaajan deo zakonodavstva je usvojen, me utim primena istog ostaje zabrinjavajua.Ostala jejonekolicinaznaajnihzakona kojinisuusvojeni. glavni Rezime izvetaja Glavni nalazi 4 Bezbednosni sektor na Kosovu nakon nezavisnosti
  46. 46. Kosovske bezbednosne institucije nisu razvile potrebne kapacitete kako bi garantovale bezbednost svim gra anima Kosova. Kao to e ovaj izvetaj u svom sadraju ukratko objasniti, razlozi za nekonsolidovanje sektora bezbednosti nastaju kao rezultat 'privremene' politike UNMIK-a gde investicije u periodu pre proglaenja nezavisnosti ne odraavaju sadanje potrebe u sferi garantovanja bezbednosti na Kosovu. tavie, razvoj sektora bezbednosti bio je glavni talac nedefinisanja statusa Kosova usled pripisivanja dravotvornih atributa bezbednosnim institucijama. Druga potekoa koja je uticala na razvoj ovog sektora odnosila se na nizak nivo ekonomskog razvoja i na implikacije lokalnih politikih krugova i pojedinaca u obrazovanjuovihsektora. Proglaenjem nezavisnosti Kosova 17. februara 2008, arhitektura u sferi bezbednosti odraavala je nove institucije i javila se potreba za reformom postojeih mehanizama. Nove bezbednosne politike obuhvataju puno novih izmena u zakonodavstvu stavljajui mnogo veu odgovornost na plea domaih institucija. Na osnovu Ustava i zakona na snazi, bezbednost je postala deo procesa donoenja domaih politika. Me utim, proirivanje odgovornosti domaih institucija istaklo je dileme u pogledu vizije i strategije koja bi trebalo da se primeni u cilju razvoja kapaciteta domaih bezbednosnih institucija. Neke od ovih dilema odnose se na dvosmislenost u vezi sa ulogom me unarodnog prisustva, odnosno mandata EULEX-a posebno na severu i nedostatak iskustva u izgradnji drave i javnih institucija. Upravo ove dileme, istiu potrebu ocene planskih i operativnih kapaciteta ovih institucija da garantuju bezbednostsvimgra animaKosova. tavie, za dalji razvoj bezbednosnih institucija potrebno je razraditi politike i konceptualne aspekte na kojima su one izgra ene, preispitujui i iskustva drugi

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