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Abbas, M., 171, 175 Ahuja, RK., 73, 175 Armstrong, W.E., 19, 22, 175 Arrow, K., 126, 175

Bana e Costa, C., 28, 117, 175 Bell, D.E., 142, 175 Benzer, S., 23, 175 Bertrand, P., 40, 172, 175 Black, D., 149, 175 Bogart, K., 170, 175 Bouyssou, D., 27, 28, 142, 149, 151-

156,160,175,176,181 Bo Yuan, 43, 178 Bradley, S.P., 29, 176 Brans, J. P., 27, 158, 176

Carrano, A.V., 25, 176 Chandon, J., 170, 176 Coombs, C.R., 31, 176 Cozzens, M.B., 115, 176 Cuthill, E., 25, 176

Dean, R, 170, 176 Debreu, G., 142, 176 Doignon, J.-P., 44, 45, 58, 63, 71,

75,92,93,95,103,168,170, 176,177

Domotor, Z., 146, 176 Dubois, D., 43, 177 Ducamp, A., 170, 176 Dushnik, B., 169, 177

Eswaran, K.P., 26, 177

Falmagne, J .C., 44, 45, 71, 170, 176, 177

Fechner, G.T., 19,22, 177


Author Index

Fishburn, P.C., 22, 49, 92, 127, 142, 146,149,151,155,167,171, 177

Flament, Cl., 170, 177 Freund, J .E., 170, 182

Garey, M.R, 25, 26, 170, 177 Georgescu-Roegen, N., 19, 22, 177 Gilboa, 1., 144, 146, 177 Goldstein, W.M., 151, 152, 177 Golumbic, M.C., 25, 170, 177 Goodman, N., 22, 177 Guilbaud, G., 22, 178

Halphen, E., 20, 22, 46, 178 Hansen, E., 43, 178 Hansson, B., 137, 178 Hax, A.C., 29, 176 Herstein, 1., 168, 178 Hillier, F.S., 71, 178 Rodson, F.R., 30, 178 Hubert, L., 32, 172, 178 Hudry, 0., 170, 178 Hugonnard, J.-Chr., 115, 181

Jacquet-Lagreze, E., 171, 178 Johnson, D.S., 25, 26, 170, 177

Kaplan, H., 25, 178 Karp, RM., 25, 178 Keller, G., 170, 176 Kendall, D.G., 30, 172, 178 Klir, G., 43, 178 Kraft, C.H., 151, 178 Krantz, D.M., 142, 144, 167, 179,


Laporte, G., 32, 179 Lapson, R, 144, 146, 177


Larsson, S., 142, 179 Lawler, E., 73, 179 Lemaire, J., 170, 176 Lieberman, G.J., 71, 178 Luce, R.D., 19, 22, 27, 142, 144, 145,

167, 168, 179, 181

MacCrimmon, K.R., 142, 179 Magnanti, T.L., 29, 73, 175, 176 Marchant, Th., 137, 160, 179 May, K.O., 142, 179 McKee, J., 25, 176 Miller, E., 169, 177 Milnor, J., 168, 178 Mitas, J., 71,84,170,179 Monjardet, B., 22, 49, 58, 63, 103,

168, 176, 177, 179 Moore, R., 43, 179 Morgenstern, 0., 168, 182 Morrison, H.W., 149, 179

Nagaraja, R., 25, 179 Nitzan, S., 137, 160, 179

Orlin, J.B., 73, 175

Pawlak, Z., 42, 179 Petrie, W., 29, 179 Pirlot, M., 71, 75, 102, 127, 152-154,

158, 171, 175, 176, 179, 180

Poincare, H., 19, 22, 45, 180 Pouget, J., 170, 176 Prade, H., 43, 177 Pratt, J.W., 151, 178

Rabinovitch, 1., 170, 175, 180 Raiffa, H., 142, 175 Roberts, F.S., 30, 103, 115, 172, 176,

180 Robinson, W.S., 30, 172, 180 Rockafellar, R.T., 123, 180 Rogers, D.G., 170, 180 Roubens, M., 44, 49, 58, 63, 103, 132,

168, 176, 180 Roy, B., 27, 28, 65, 71, 115, 142, 148,

169, 181


Rubinstein, A., 137, 160, 179

Sahlquist, H.A., 137, 178 Scott, D., 151, 181 Seidenberg, A., 151, 178 Shamir, R., 25, 170, 177, 178 Sharp, Jr. H., 170, 181 Slowinski, R., 43, 181 Smith, J.E.K., 31, 176 Stelzer, J.H., 146, 176 Suppes, P., 142, 144, 167, 179, 181

Tautu, P., 30, 178 Trotter Jr., W., 170, 175 Troxell, D.S., 71, 181 Tversky, A., 142, 144, 149, 167, 175,


Vanderpooten, D., 43, 181 Vansnick, J.-C., 28, 117, 155, 156,

175, 176, 181 Vincke, Ph., 27, 44, 49, 58, 63, 103,

115, 127, 132, 148, 158, 167-169, 171, 175, 176, 180-182

Vind, K., 151, 182 Von Neumann, J., 168, 182

Wiener, N., 22, 182 Wine, R.L., 170, 182

Young, H.P., 137, 182

Zadeh, L.A., 43, 182

A aggregation, 126

Borda's method, 136 lexicographic, 127 overall evaluation, 141 pairwise comparisons, 148 valued semiorder, 157

antisymmetrie, 49 archaeology, 29 asymmetrie, 50

B balance, 80 bandwidth, 25 biorder,63

coherent, 58 Borda's method, 136

C cancellation

WC',153 weak,152

Catalan number, 170 circuit, 51 classification, 32 compensatory, 156 complete, 50 concordance, 155 consecutive l's property, 171 contrast, 76 cut

of a valued relation, 104 cyclone, 117

D decision-aid, 27 dimension, 169

semiorder, 170


dissimilarity, 32, 172 robinsonian, 40

E ELECTRE, 27, 148

F Ferrers, 52, 53, 61 fuzzy sets, 43

G genetics, 22 graph

connected, 81


strongly connected, 82

H height,82 hierarchy

indexed,32 hollow, 77, 80

I independence, 145 indifference, 52 indifference graph, 16

associated matrix, 16 indifference graphs, 171 indifferent, 10, 19 information storage, 26 interval

sandwich problem, 25 interval graph, 16

proper, 172 unit, 172

interval order, 14, 60 associated complete preorders, 61 associated graph, 62 associated matrix, 62


associated strict complete orders, 61

partial, 168 strict, 14, 61

irreflexive, 49

M MACBETH,28 mathematical programming, 28 matrix

robinsonian, 172 step-type, 12, 58, 62, 88, 104

minimal representation of interval, 92 ofipsodual valued semiorder, 111 of linear valued semiorder, 113 of semiorder, 75 of semiordered valued relation,

109 mixt ure set

semiordered, 168 model

MI, 143 M 2 ,144 M 3 ,144 M 4 ,144 M 5 ,149 M 6 ,149 M 7 , 151 MB, 157

monotonicity, 146, 147 multicriteria, 27

N negatively transitive, 50 non-compensatory, 155 nose, 77, 80

o order

complete, 55 strict complete, 12, 56 strict partial, 50 weak, 55

outranking, 148


pairwise comparison, 148 partial, 50 path,51

length, 51 possibility, 43 potential function, 71 preference

evolution of, 44 strict, 52

preference modelling, 27, 52 preference relation

individual, 145 overall, 141

preorder, 50 complete, 54 partial, 50

PROMETHEE, 27,158 pseudo-order, 169 psychology, 31

R rank, 76, 137, 140 reflexive, 49 relation

antisymmetrie, 49 associated graph, 51 associated matrix, 51 asymmetrie, 7, 50 binary, 7, 49 complement, 51 complete, 7, 50 converse, 51 dual, 51 equivalence, 50 equivalent, 8 Ferrers, 52 ipsodual, 103 irreflexive, 49 negatively transitive, 50 probabilistic, 103 reflexive, 7, 49 semitransitive, 52 symmetrie, 7,49 transitive, 7, 50 valued, 8, 103



representation (numerical) c:-representation, 72 by single function and constant

threshold, 115 integral, 75 minimal, 75 of ipsodual valued semiorder, 110 of linear ipsodual valued

semiorder, 114 of linear valued semiorder, 112 of valued relation, 106 regular, 146 tight, 146

rough sets, 42

S scheduling, 28 semiorder, 10, 52

associated complete preorder, 56 associated graph, 57 assoeiated matrix, 13, 57 assoeiated strict eomplete order,

12,56 assoeiated valued graph, 72 ehain of, 106 double threshold, 169 homogeneous ehain of, 111 on infinite set, 167 partial, 168 striet, 10, 53 valued, 17 valued ipsodual, 109 valued linear, 112 valued linear ipsodual, 113

semitransitive, 52, 53 seriation, 31 similarity, 43, 172 Super Synthetic Graph, 79 symmetrie, 49 synthetie graph, 78

T TACTIC,155 threshold, 9 transitive, 50

U ultrametric, 36 utility, 27, 142

V valued relation

assoeiated graph, 104 assoeiated matrix, 104 semiordered, 17, 105

valued semiorder, 105 veto, 155

W weak order, 55



SERIES B: MATHEMATICAL AND STATISTICAL METHODS Editor: H. J. Skala, University 0/ Paderborn, Germany

1. D. Rasch and M.L. Tiku (eds.): Robustness of Statistical Methods and Nonparametrie Statistics. 1984 ISBN 90-277-2076-2

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DataAnalysis.1987 ISBN 90-277-2592-6 9. B.R. Munier (ed.): Risk, Decision and Rationality. 1988

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ISBN 0-7923-4556-8 36. M. Pirlot and Ph. Vincke: Semiorders. Properties, Representations, Applica-

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