short functional

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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SHORT FUNCTIONALShort Functional Text adalah teks pendek yang berisi perintah, pengarahan, sesuatu yang harus dilakukan atau tidak boleh dilakukan yang dapat berupa larangan (prohibition), undangan (invitation), Kartu Ucapan (Greeting Cards),pesan pendek (short message), daftar belanja (shopping list), peringatan (notice), pengumuman (announcement), dan lain-lain yang mengandung makna dan digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.Sedangkan teks essay yang berbentuk descriptive, narrative, recount, report, dan procedure merupakan text panjang yang bisa dikategorikan ke dalam Long Functional Text (Istilah ini tidak baku/tidak lazim digunakan).

1. Invitation

- Function / Purpose : To invite someone to attend an occation.- The Structure/Parts : The Addressee (The person invited)2. Salutation

- The message (the content of the message)- The Sender3. The requirements :

- It should have an accurate addressee- It gives clear time, place, and activity- It provides sufficient information about the inviter.- Express that the writer is looking forward to seeing person- If there is a dress code, state it in the lower left-hand corner

4. Greeting CardsVarious Types of Greeting Cards

Congratulating on a Success Greeting a newly-born baby Greeting a new yearGreeting Cards functions as an expression of sympathy and care to others.1. The purpose :a. To congratulate someone' achievementb. To express sympathy on someone'sc. To motivate someone on gaining achivement2 . The Important pointsa. Clarify a clear purposeb. Use a appraisal dictionc. Accurate addressee

5. Notice

Prohibition Caution Guidance Informational Notice

6. The Functionsa) Prohibition notifies people not to do something. People may find this kind of notice in a public places.b) Caution or warning warns people to be careful in handling something. Ignoring the notice may cause injury or breaking the facilities.c) Guidance gives information to people to do something appropriately.d) The informational notice provides information that could be useful for people.

7. Announcement

Announcement for an Exhibition Announcement at School Announcemnt at a Market a. The Functions: Announcement provides complete and clear information about certain events or ocationb. The followings are some tips in writing announcement- Straightforward and ease the readers to get information quickly- Keep it short, inviting, and to the point.- Clear and complete- For a bad news, make a direct and no-nonsense statement.

8. Short Message

SMS (Short Message Services) Memo While you were out a. The Functions : To send an important message to other peopleb. Some Tips to write a short message- Clear addressee (someone who receives the message)- Straight forward- If it is an instruction state it clearly.

REPORTReport means a text which describe things in general. It’s a little bit different from descriptive text which describe specific thing. To tell the facts of the things described, the writer usually uses present simple tense. Kecuali bendanya sudah punah, seperti dinosaurus. Penulis atau pembicara akan menggunakan simple past tense jika benda yang diceritakan sudah punah, alias dah jadul. Report text contains the class or subclass of the topic described, and then followed by telling the shape, parts, behaviour, etc in details.Kalian pasti pernah mendeskripsikan sesuatu, bisa berupa hewan, tumbuhan, benda, dan hal lain secara umum. Contoh nyata jika ada turis asing yang meminta kalian menjelaskan tentang karakteristik orang Indonesia, kalian pasti akan mendeskripsikan orang Indonesia secara umum bukan mendeskripsikan diri kamu sendiri tentunya. Atau dalam pelajaran Biologi, kalian biasanya mempelajari karakteristik hewan secara umum, baik itu kelasnya (classification) hingga mempelajari sifat-sifat hewan tersebut secara detail (description).Dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal teks deskripsi. Namun dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris teks deskripsi dibedakan menjadi dua bagian, yaitu descriptive dan report.Yang harus diingat adalah Report adalah jenis teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum. Beda dengan Descriptive yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara spesifik atau tertentu (alias cuma satu). Contoh: Ada dua teks tentang komputer yaitu “Computer” dan “My Own Computer”, kalau dilihat dari judulnya kedua teks tersebut beda jenis teksnya: Computer (Umum; jenis teksnya Report); My own computer (Khusus, kan cuma komputer saya, makanya jenis teksnya Descriptive).

For example:For many years, many people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these big apes.Although a dolphin lives in the sea it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being.Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.Dolphins are also very friendly toward man. They often follow ships. There are many stories about dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous water.Text di atas menjelaskan tentang dolphin secara umum. Di paragraf kedua tercantum jelas bahwa dolphin belongs to mammal. Ini menjelaskan bahwa dophin termasuk ke dalam kelas mamalia. Di paragraf ketiga dan selanjutnya menjelaskan tentang kebiasaan dari dolphin secara umum.

Contoh lain:A razor is a tool which is found in nearly every bathroom. A man who has thick hair on his face may have to shave twice a day. It is a habit which can be dangerous. For many years, a razor was a handle with a long piece of steel which was sharp and flat at one end. These razors had a long open blade.But today’s razors are safer and more convenient to use. The thing which makes today’s razor safe is that the blade is small thin sharp piece of steel. The person who invented razor blades was a man called King Gillette. He was a clever man who had many ideas for new inventions. He wanted to make a blade that was safe and which could be used several times. In 1891, he invented a new type of razor blade. It was short and it was held in a special handle. The sharp edge of the blade did not stick out very far. It was a razor which was safe to use. It was more difficult to cut yourself than with the older type of razor.Gillette’s razor blade became popular. It was an invention which worked well and which everybody need because each blade only lasted 8 to 10 times. Gillette sold many of his new safety blades and soon became a millionaire.Teks di atas menceritakan tentang benda mati yaitu razor. Di paragraf awal menggambarkan tentang suatu alat berupa razor secara umum. Di paragraf berikutnya menjelaskan tentang bagian dan bentuk dari razor.It’s clear that both of the texts above describe things in general. Report teks biasanya kita temukan dalam buku-buku ilmiah, science khususnya.


In this life, time goes by until some of us die. We surely go through this life passing the time. During the

whole life, we have experienced many happenings that we left behind. We keep some of the events in our

memory. They become our unforgettable experiences. Some are nice and the others are bad. What are your

unforgettable experiences? How did they happen? In this lesson, we will study about recount of our or

others’ experiences, especially how they happened.

What is a recount?

A recount is a type of spoken or written text that deals with past experiences. The purpose is to retell some

events that happened in the past. A recount text has a generic structure, having three components (one is

optional): (1) Orientation, (2) Events, and (3) Reorientation (optional). Recount are principally not the same

as narratives although both mostly talk about past events. Narratives deal with problematic events which

lead to a crisisis or turning point which in turn finds a resolution while recounts do not have to come to a

serious crisis or complication.

Generic structure of recount text:

A recount text has a generic structure, having three components:

Orientation : an introduction that provides thee setting and introduces paxrticipants

Events : account that tells what happened, in a sequence

• Event 1

• Event 2

• Event 3

• Etc

Reorientation (optional): closure of events

Lexicogrammatical features:

1. The recount focuses on a sequence of events all of which relate to a particular occasion

2. It introduces specific participants ( I and we )

3. Frequent uses of Simple Past Tense

4. Past ContinTense is sometimes used

5. Temporal sequencers are also used in the sentences to show the events.

• Before…,..

• After…….,..

• When….,..

• While….,.

• ..until…..

• During..,..

• As…..,….

• At that time / moment,….

• After that / then,……

• Firstly / secondly / finally,…..

Contoh recount text

Forgetting The Most Important Thing

Mr. and Mrs. Henry planned to spend their holidays by going overseas for vacation. They imagined that they

would have a good time. They prepared many things for their vacation. They packed their suitcases three

days ahead of time. They went to the bank and purchased traveler’s checks two days before. And one day

before the expected day, they asked their next-door neighbor to water their plants, feed their cats, and

shovel their driveway if it snowed. On the very day, Mr. and Mrs. Henry arrived at the airport exactly a few

minutes before the departure. When they searched their hand bags and didn’t find the things they wanted,

they realized that they had forgotten to bring their plane ticket with them. There wasn’t enough time to go

back home and get them. Mr. and Mrs. Henry were heartbroken and couldn’t believe what they just

experienced. They thought they were all prepared for their vacation, but they forgot to do the most

important thing.

NARATIVEA Narrative text is a text that tells a story. The purpose of this text is to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways. Narrative always deal with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

There are many types of Narrative: Fairy stories, Mysteries, Science fiction, Adventures, Romances, Horror stories, Parables, Fables and moral tales, Myths, Legend, Historical narratives

The text structure of a narrative text:OrientationSets the scene, introduces participantIt can be a paragraph, a picture or opening chapter in which the narrator tells the audience about who is in the story (the character), when the story is taking place, and where the action is happening.ComplicationA crisis arisesIt triggers the chain of events that influences what will happen in the story.Sequence of eventsWhere the characters react to the complicationResolutionIn which the characters finally solve the complicationCodaIt provides comment or moral value on what have been learned from the story (optional paragraph).The language feature:Normally past tense but it may change immediately when dialogues appear (into Present Tense or Future Tense)Use of material, verbal, mental process, relational processUse of descriptive language ( a big empty house, the room is very large)Use of time connectors (then, finally, first, next, once upon time, etc.)Dialogue (direct sentence may be included)

The story may be sad ending or happy endingThe use of thinking verbs, feeling verbs, verbs of senses(She felt hungry, she thought she was clever, she smelt something burning)The use of saying verbs(say, tell, ask)

Contoh Narative textOnce upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to death.Then the king of rats decided to approach the elephant king and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant king apologized and agreed take another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved.One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned one of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go asking for king of help from the kings of rats. The elephants went to the rat and told him about the trapped elephants.The king of the rat immediately look his entire group of rats and they cut off the nets which had trapped the elephant’s herd. The elephant’s herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thanked the rats.

DESCRIPTIVEThe Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text (Definisi dan Tujuan Deskriptive Teks)Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. (Deskriptif teks adalah sebuah teks yang menggambarkan orang atau sesuatu. Tujuan umumnya adalah untuk menggambarkan orang, benda, atau sesuatu).The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text (Struktur Umum)Descriptive text has structure as below:

Identificationidentifying the phenomenon to be described.(mengidentifikasi sebuah fenomena yang ingin di gambarkan)

Descriptiondescribing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.Menggambarkan Phenomena dalam beberapa bagian, kualitas atau karakter.

The Language Feature of Descriptive Text (Ciri kebahasaan)- Menggunakan attributive and identifying process.- menggunakan adjective and classifiers in nominal group.- menggunakan simple present tense

Example / Contoh:

The Amazing Taj Mahal In IndiaIdentificationTaj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by a Muslim Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife at Agra.DescriptionTaj Mahal is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of queen Mumtaz Mahal. The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway, an elaborate garden, a mosque (to the left), a guest house (to the right), and several other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the farthest end of this complex, with the river Jamuna behind it.The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its four corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the main structure. It uses the principles of self-replicating geometry and a symmetry of architectural elements.Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It is flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers. The four graceful, slender minarets are 162.5 feet each. The central domed chamber and

four adjoining chambers include many walls and panels of Islamic decoration.Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset. The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.

PROCEDURWhat is a procedure?A procedure is a sequence of practical or mechanical steps which are done to achieve a goal or result. Procedure texts can be spoken or written. Knowing much about procedure text is very useful for our daily life, especially later when you work with machines or things that need some peocedures to operate. Principally, procedures deal with how to do, make and use something.Ciri-ciri Procedure Text:1. Struktur umumnya (generic structure) terdiri dari:Goal/Aim: tujuan dan maksud isi teks. Contoh: How to make sandwich…Material/Tool: bahan atau alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat/melakukan sesuatu. Contoh: The materials are as follows: 1. Two slides of bread, 2. Fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, ….Steps/Procedures: langkah-langkah atau prosedur dalam melakukan/membuat sesuatu. Contoh: First, take two slides of bread and2. Menggunakan tenses “simple present”3. Sering memakai kalimat Perintah (imperatives/orders). Contoh: Turn on the lamp, Put the rice into the rice cooker, Don’t forget to press the ‘on’ button, …4. Kata-kata urutan (sequences). Contoh: first, second, then, next, the last, finally…

Generic structure of procedure textGeneric structure components of a procedure:• GOAL : Title of the text ( e.g.”How to make a cup of coffee milk )• MATERIALS : Optional, not for all procedural textsE.g. The ingredients are (especially for a recipe):• spoonful of sugar• ………….• ……….or, What you need (kitchen utensils):• A teapot• ………….• ………….STEPS : A series of steps oriented to achieving the GoalE.g • Firstly, boil 200 cc of water• ……….• …………..

Lexicogrammatical featuresThe use of Simple present tense, often in an imperative formE.g. Add some sugar and salt1. The use of temporal conjunctions ( or numbering to indicate sequence, especially in written text)a. As the sentence introducers (sequencers), especially in spoken texts:• First,… Firstly,…….• Second,…. Secondly,……..• Then,…….. Thirdly,……….• After that,……. Afterwards,…..• Finally,….. Lastly,……..E.g. After that, put the vegetables into the panb. As time introducers, especially in spoken text:• ………before……• After…..,…• When……,….

• While….,…• ………until……• During……E.g. While you are boiling the water, grind the chilies, onions, and salt

contoh Procedure Text 1Having a kite flying is interesting and make it by self is easy. Prepare the following materials to make a kite:1) Butcher cord2) Scotch tape or glue3) Sheet of strong paper4) Strong, straight wooden sticks of bambooMarkers, paint or crayons After the materials have been prepared, the directions bellow is easy instruction on how to make a kite:1) Make a cross with the two sticks, with the shorter stick placed horizontally across the longer stick.2) Tie the two sticks together with the string in such a way as to make sure that they are at right angles to each other.3) Cut a notch at each end of the sticks. Make it deep enough for the type of string you are using to fit in to. Cut a piece of string long enough to stretch all around the kite frame.4) Lay the sail material flat and place the stick frame face down on top. Cut around it, leaving about 2-3cm for a margin. Fold these edges over and glue it down so that the material is tight.5) Make a tail by tying a small ribbon roughly every 10cm along the length of string.6) Decorate your kite with the markers!

contoh Procedure Text 2Prepare your : - hand phone - battery chargerSteps :1. Connect the charger to your hand phone, the flash symbol on the charger plug must face upward.2. Wait until the battery icon appears on the screen.3. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or until the battery icon indicates that the battery is fully charged.4. Remove the charger by pulling out from your hand phone.

Genre much deals with kinds of texts. It has communicative purpose/social function (tujuan komunikasi), generic

structure/text organization (struktur teks), and linguistic features (ciri-ciri kebahasaan).

Berikut ini bentuk-bentuk genre dalam bahasa Inggris:

a. Analytical Exposition (eksposisi analitikal)

1. Ciri Umum:

a. Tujuan Komunikatif (communicative purpose/social function):

The communicative purpose/social function of analytical exposition is to persuade the reader or listener that

something is the case (untuk membujuk, meyakinkan atau mempengaruhi pembaca atau pendengar bahwa sesuatu

memang seperti itu). Kadang juga dikatakan bahwa analytical exposition dimaksudkan untuk mempengaruhi audience

(pendengar atau pembaca) bahwa ada masalah yang tentunya perlu mendapat perhatian.

b. Struktur Teks (generic structure):

· Pernyataan pendapat (Thesis)

1. Position: introduces topic and indicates writer’s position.

2. Preview: outlines the main argument to be presented.

· Argumen (arguments)

1. Point: restate main argument outlined in preview.

2. Elaboration: develops and supports each point/argument.

· Reiteration: restate writer’s position.

c. Ciri Kebahasaan (linguistic features):


· General nouns, example car, pollution, leaded petrol car, etc.

· Abstract nouns, example policy, government, etc.

· Technical verbs, example species of animals, etc.

· Relating verbs, example It is important, etc.

· Action verbs, example She must save, etc.

· Thinking verbs, example Many people believe, etc.

· Modal verbs, example we must preserve, etc.

· Modal adverbs, example certainly, we, etc.

· Connectives, example firstly, secondly, etc.

· Bahasa evaluatif, example important, valuable, trustworthy, etc.

· Kalimat pasif (passive voice)

2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:

Cars should be Banned in the City

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other

accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that

causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that

people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit

pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy.

If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to

someone. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed

Generic Structure

Pengertian Short Functional Text

Apa pengertian short functional text?Short Functional Text adalah sebuah teks pendek yang berfungsi untuk menyampaikan sebuah informasi tertentu. Karena bentuknya yang pendek maka disebut Short Functional Text.Short Functional Text diantaranya mencakup: surat undangan, iklan, pengumuman, memo, brosur, pamflet, sms, dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas.Berikut akan dibahas tentang salah satu jenis functional text yaitu pengumuman (announcement).  Short Functional Text: AnnouncementAnnouncement (pengumuman) termasuk jenis teks fungsional pendek. Seperti apakah bentuknya? Dalampembahasan ini akan diberikan beberapa contoh teks announcement sederhana.

 Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari banyak dijumpai jenis-jenis pengumuman, diantaranya: pengumuman kehilangan, kematian, orang hilang, dan lain sebagainya. Pengumuman ini dibuat untuk menyampaikan informasi tertentu terhadap orang lain, baik individu maupun kelompok.

Media yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pengumuman beragam. Bisa melalui media massa seperti televisi, radio dan koran, pengumuman tertulis di mading sekolah, spanduk di jalan atau bisa juga menggunakan alat komunikasi elektronik modern semisal handphone dan faximile.ExampleContoh teks announcement:


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