success with bec (preliminary)

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Success with BEC (Preliminary). 新编剑桥商务英语 ( 初级 ). BEC (BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE). 剑桥商务英语资格考试。   教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于 1993 年起举办商务英语证书考试。该系列考试是一项水平考试,根据商务工作的实际需要,对考生在商务和一般生活环境下使用英语的能力从听说读写四个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。. BEC (BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Success with BEC (Preliminary)

新编剑桥商务英语 ( 初级 )



  教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于 1993 年起举办商务英语证书考试。该系列考试是一项水平考试,根据商务工作的实际需要,对考生在商务和一般生活环境下使用英语的能力从听说读写四个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。


商务英语是一种在工作环境中使用的、世界通用的语言,适用于政府机关、事业单位、企业、商社等各种机构的日常公务和商贸活动 . 该证书由于其颁发机构的权威性,在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,作为确认证书持有者英语能力证明的首选证书。也是在所有举办该项考试的国家和地区求职的“通行证”。现在该证书的功能已不仅限于求职,已扩展至进入大学本科学习的语言能力证明。

等级划分:   BEC 共分三个等级:

BEC 初级 (BEC Preliminary Level ,缩略为 BEC Pre.) , BEC 中级 (BEC Vantage Level ,缩略为 BEC Van.) , BEC 高级 (BEC Higher Level ,缩略为 BEC Hi.) 。


两个阶段:第一阶段为笔试 : 包括阅读、写作和听力,第二阶段为口试

内容和时间 BEC 初级 BEC 中级 BEC 高级阅读 60 分钟 60 分钟 60 分钟

写作 30 分钟 45 分钟 70 分钟

听力 40 分钟 40 分钟 40 分钟

口语 12 分钟 14 分钟 16 分钟

报名时间、考试时间及费用 报名无开始时间 , 即任何时间都可以报名。有


每年五月的周六和每年十一月周六,上午笔试 ,下午口试 , 口试进度慢的 , 延至第二日上午。顺序是初级、高级、中级。


剑桥商务英语 (BEC) 考试上海市报名地点 1. 上海外国语大学英语系,电话 (021)65311900-2326.

上海市大连西路 550 号 3 号楼,邮编 200083. 2. 华东师范大学国外考试中心,电话 (021)62545332 ,

62233151. 上海市中山北路 3663 号文科大楼 531 室,邮编 200062.

3. 东华大学外语学院,电话 (021)62373446. 上海市延安西路 1882 号外语楼,邮编 200051.

4. 上海大学外语学院成教部,电话 (021)64385096. 上海市蒲西路 150 号,邮编 200030.


剑桥商务英语 (BEC) 考试上海市报名地点

5. 立信会计高等专科学校培训中心,电话 (021)64390402. 上海市中山西路 2230 号综合楼,邮编 200233.

6. 上海市振华外经职业技术学校,电话 (021)68753499 ,上海市浦东商城路 1088 号,邮编 200120.

7. 上海海运学院外语系,电话 (021)58855200-2700 ,上海市浦东大道 1550 号,邮编 200135.

8. 上海市对外服务有限公司培训中心,电话 (021)63844070 ,上海市金陵西路 28 号,金陵大厦 1906 室,邮编 200021.

9. 上海财经大学 BEC 考点 上海市武东路 51 号西教学楼 506 室 021-55660013 200433

经教育部考试中心与英国剑桥大学考试委员会外语部协商, 2011 年 BEC 纸笔考试安排如下:

  BEC 初级 BEC 中级 BEC 高级

上半年 3 月 26 日(部分城市)

5 月 14 日 5 月 28 日 5 月 21 日

下半年  11 月 19 日 12 月 3 日 11 月 26 日

Module 1 第一单元1.1 Business Topic World of work

商务话题篇 工作领域 Technique n. 技巧 cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的 presentation n. 口头报告;陈述;叙述 public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n. 顾问

consultancy n. 咨询公司 one-to-one 一对一的 accredited adj. 公认的 motivational adj. 激发积极性的 client n. 客户

Module 1 第一单元1.1 Business Topic World of work

商务话题篇 工作领域 entertaining adj. 有趣的;使人愉快的 professional adj. 专业的,职业的 involve n. 包含;需要;使成为必

要部分 responsibility n. 责任,所负责的事情 be responsible for sb. 对某人 /某事负责

sample n. 样品;试用产品 account n. 帐目;帐户 correspondence n. (往来的)信件 badge n. 徽章 identify n. 发现;确定

Module 1 第一单元1.1 Business Topic World of work

商务话题篇 工作领域 catering service 餐饮服务 MD managing director 的缩写,总经理,执行董事

gadget n. 小巧的器械;小玩意儿 interior n. 车内含颦;内部装饰 memo n. 备忘录;便条,便笺

electrical appliances n.

电器,家用电器 ship vt. 运送 bonus n. 奖金 catalogue n. 产品目录 positive adj. 积极乐观的

Module 1 第一单元1.1 Business Topic World of work

商务话题篇 工作领域 presence n. 仪态,风度,风采 diary n. 记事簿 Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都) Training and workshops 培训与研讨会 /讲习班


依据培训地点不同通常有: 内部培训( internal training 或称 in-house training),

是一种在工作场所进行的在职培训,因此也称为 on-the-job training ,其特点是经济实惠。

外部培训( external training),是一种将员工送往专门培训机构的离岗培训,因此也称为 off-the-job training 。

网上培训( web-based training),是一种基于网络环境下的培训,尤其受到那些公司员工分布地域广的公司的青睐。


新员工岗前培训( New employee orientation training)

领导才能培训( Leadership training) 实施绩效评价培训( Performance appraisal trainin

g) 个人电脑培训( Personal computer training) 团队精神培训( Team building training) 招聘培训( Hiring process training) 培训师培训( Training the trainer) 新设备操作培训( Operating new equipment trainin

g) 防止性骚扰培训( Sexual harassment training)

A typical organizational chart

Managing Director

Financial Director Marketing Director Production Director

Chief Accountant Sales Manager

Public Relations Manager Advertising Manager

Personnel Official

Works/factory Manager Purchasing Manager

The Board of Directors The Board of Directors

6. Listening and complete

Answers: 1. Management Consultant 2. Sales representative 3. Personal Assistant 4. Chief Financial Officer 5. Quality Manager


Preparation for Part One (Interview) In the first part of the test, the interlocutor addresses

each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference.


1. Introduction of people concerned 2. Marksheets required 3. Topics and Questions Questions about candidates’ names and hometowns What’s your name? How to spell your name? How do you spell your family name/surname/last name? Where are you from? Would you say it’s a good place to live in? (why) Do you like living in … ? (why) Where would you rather live, … or …? (why) Do you think it would be better to live in … or …? (why) Do you come from a large family or a small one? Can you tell me a bit about … in your family?

Questions about candidates’ identity --- work or study

Do you work or are you a student? What do you do? What do you study? What’s your major? What do you like most about your job? What do you like most about your studies?

1.2 Business Skills Personal and professional details商务技能篇 个人和职业详细情况

division n. 分理处,部门 colleague n. 同事 profile n. 传略,人物简介;概况 questionnaire n. 问卷,调查表 interview n. 采访;面试

single adj. 单身的,未婚的 musical instrument 乐器 file n. 档案,文件 destination n. 目的地 follow-up questions 后续问题

1.2 Business Skills Personal and professional details商务技能篇 个人和职业详细情况

swap vt. 交换 electronics n. 电子学;电子器件 varied adj. 多变化的,各不相同的 confectionary adj. 糖果的,有关甜食制造

的 annual adj. 每年的,年度的

allocate vt. 分配,分派 candidate n. 候选人 criterion n. 标准,准则,(复数) c

riteria Inc. adj. Incorporated 的缩写,股份有限的 employee n. 雇员,员工

1.2 Business Skills Personal and professional details商务技能篇 个人和职业详细情况

values n. 价值观,准则 supervise vt. 主管,监督,管理 coordinate vt. 使协调 scuba diving 水肺潜水 marathon 马拉松赛跑

finance assistant 财务助理 audit vt. 审计 master’s degree 硕士学位 judo n. 柔道 Chronic Fatigue Syndro

me 慢性疲劳综合症

1.2 Business Skills Personal and professional details商务技能篇 个人和职业详细情况

ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的 internal adj. 内部的 external adj. 外部的 journalism n. 新闻学,新闻业 breed vt. 饲养

terrier n. 小猎狗 chewing gum 口香糖 gallery n. 画廊,美术馆 format n. 形式,格式

Useful language for expressing ideas:

1. I think, Michelle is the ideal candidate, because …

2. Sarah should get the prize, because she …

3. Henry is the person who best deserves the title of “Employee of the Year’, because …

4. Ian has all the good qualities of the best candidate, in fact,

How To Write a Profile: Personal Online Profiles Personal profiles, especially online profiles,

are an excellent way to distill information about you into a digestible and interesting format. A profile is a scrapbook of your life in words.

Purpose: look for jobs, relationships or as a form of advertisement for your vocation or business

how to write a profile:

Condense ( 浓缩) and crystallize (结晶) Consider your adjectives ( 'optimistic' vers

us 'cheerful,' 'pragmatic' versus 'down-to-earth'

Choose specific terms: Give examples not generalizations: Use power words: 'design' versus 'make;' 'co

llaborative' vs. 'work well Say it in a short sentence: Present a 3D image of yourself:

An example of a personal profile

I am a versatile, pro-active, board level executive with wide range of skills encompassing sales management, marketing, operation efficiency and corporate planning. Having worked in highly pressurised situations I have shown the necessary skill set to bring complex situations to a fruitful conclusion. I have been instrumental in orchestrating and managing teams during complex and innovative sales of technologically advanced... "

Module 2 第二单元2.1 Business Topic Work in progress商务话题篇 工程进展 词汇: be in progress 在进行中,在运行中 project n. 项目,工程 garden vi. & vt. 种植火修整花园,从事园艺工作

update vt. 更新 construction n. 建筑,建筑物

apart from 除了……之外 minor adj. 较小的,次要的 proceed vi. 进行,继续下去 panorama n. 全景,全景画 management team 管理团队 take shape 成形

2.1 Business Topic Work in progress商务话题篇 工程进展 ahead of schedule 提前于预定计划 financial report 财务报告 temp n. 临时雇员 help out 帮助(某人)解决困难 CEO —— chief executive officer 的


CFO —— chief financial officer 的

缩写,财务总监 give a presentation of 对……做陈述 launch vt. 开始,开办,推出 photocopy vt.& n. 影印,复印 branch n. 分部,分店,分公司

2.1 Business Topic Work in progress商务话题篇 工程进展 marketing manager 市场营销经理 project manager 项目经理 subcontractor n. 转包商 period of transition 过渡期 permanent job 永久性工作

temporary employment agency

临时就业中介机构 try out 测试,试用 take maternity leave 休产假 option n. 选择,可选择的办法 career field 职业领域

2.1 Business Topic Work in progress商务话题篇 工程进展 existing skills 现有的技能 supervisor n. 主管,监督人 temporary job 临时工作 ask for a pay rise 要求涨工资 meet one’s target 完成指标,完成定额

sack vt. 解雇 administration work 行政管理工作 Brazil 巴西(南美洲国家) Lisbon里斯本(葡萄牙首

都) Belem 贝伦(巴西东北部港

口城市) Fortaleza 福塔雷萨(巴西

东北部港口城市) Valencia 巴伦西亚(西班牙港口城市)

Montpellier 蒙彼利埃(法国南部城市)

2.2 Business Skills Making arrangements商务技能篇 日程安排

make arrangements 做安排,做准备 plant n. 工厂,车间 take time off 抽出一部分时间,休假,休息

finance director 财务经理 confirm vt. 确定,确认

reception n. 接待,接待处,招待会 trade fair 交易会,展销会 present vt. 介绍,引见 potential client 潜在的(准)客户 quality inspector 质监人员

2.2 Business Skills Making arrangements商务技能篇 日程安排 job applicant 求职者 festival n. 节日 self-employed adj. 自己经营的,个体的,自雇

的 accept an invitation 接受邀请 special reception 特别招待会 anniversary n. 周年纪念

venue n. 会场,会议地点 attendance n. 出席,出席的人数 Prague 布拉格(捷克斯洛伐克首都)

Morpeth 莫派斯(位于英国诺森伯兰郡)

Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)

Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)

Toronto 多伦多(加拿大主要城市)

Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚东南部港口城市,新南威尔士州首府)

Clarity 清楚

Conciseness 简洁

Courtesy 客气

Rules to Be Observed in Writing

商务英语写作商务英语写作 >>>>Unit OneUnit One>>>>Rules to be observed in writing Rules to be observed in writing


如何写 电子邮件( e-mail)

To: [email]Davidguan2002@sohu.comFrom: [email]hjl1002@hotmail.comSubject:

范例: You would like to go to a seminar on presentation sk

ills. Write an email to your line manager:

 requesting time off work to go to the seminar saying when the seminar is explaining why you want to goWrite 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

To: Nick JohnsonSubject: Presentation Skills Seminar

Dear Sir, I would like to attend a seminar on 3 April.

It is about presentation skills. Since I have to make many presentations to customers, this seminar will be very useful. Could you tell me if it’s possible to take time off work to attend this seminar?Thanks.Angela


tell, notify, mention, express, inform, explain, note, report, advise

I am writing to tell/inform you that…..I am writing to explain…. (tell your boss why you cannot attend)I am writing to express (my regret)

试比较: open the door ;

please open the door; could you please open the door? I would be grateful if you could open the door for me.I would appreciate it if you could open the door.

句型: I think.....      Why not......      Shall we......      I suggest.......

总结用法:1.) suggest suggest doing sth suggest <noun> eg suggest a holidy suggest that sb do sth

2.) recommend recommend <noun> recommend some articles recommend to sb (eg a friend) recommend doing sth (eg putting another board up) recommend that sb do sth

Write an email

P23 in students’ books: Ex. 7 Write a reply to Andrea Greer to confirm your

attendance at the fair and either accept or decline the invitation to the reception. Write 60-80 words.


Subject: confirming attendance at the fair Dear Ms Greer Thank you for your invitation to the New Directions Boo

k Fair. I can confirm that we will be at the fair on both days.

Thank you also for the invitation to the special reception. I regret that neither I nor my colleague, Felix Lund, will be able to attend the reception, as my company have organized an event on Thursday evening. However, I look forward to seeing you again during the day.

Best wishes. Bob Olaya

Module 3 第三单元3.1 Business Topic Company biography商务话题篇 公司简介 Biography n. 形成、成长和衰亡的记载(或历史);传记

Fast food restaurant 快餐店 Transform vt. 转换,改变,改造 global business 跨国企业 original adj. 最初的,原始的

franchise n. & vt. 特许经销权;给……以特许

feature n. 是……的特色,以……为特色

French fries 炸土豆条 softdrink 软饮料;汽水 milkshake 奶昔,泡沫牛奶(将牛奶和冰激凌等混合后搅打至起泡的饮料)

3.1 Business Topic Company biography商务话题篇 公司简介 purchase n.& vi.& vt. 买,购买 multimixer n. 多用混合器,多用混合

机 exclusive distributor 独家批发商 open vi.& vt. 开设,开办;开张 expand vi.& vt. 扩大,扩张

corporation n. 公司,企业 cosmetic n. ( 一般用复数 cosmetic

s) 化妆品 inspire vt. 激发,启示,使生灵感 philosophy n. 哲学 revolutionary adj. 革命的

3.1 Business Topic Company biography商务话题篇 公司简介 raw material 原材料 supplier n. 供应者,厂商 ethical adj. 伦理的;道德的 travel agency 旅行社 contract vt. 订 契约,立合同 n. 契约,


take delivery of 收(货),提取(货物) merge vi.& vt. ( 公司、企业等的 ) 合并 fleet n. 舰队 (尤指有固定活动地区的舰队)

budget airline 低价航空公司 go public 上市,公开发售股票

3.1 Business Topic Company biography商务话题篇 公司简介 business partner 生意伙伴,商业伙伴 entrepreneurial adj 企业家的 freelancer n. 自由职业者,自由撰稿人 millionaire 网络百万富翁(靠成立网络公司或网络营销等发家)

celebrity n. 名人

entrepreneur n. 企业家 Kuwait City 科威特城(中东国家科威特首部)

San Bernardino 胜贝纳迪诺(美国加利福尼亚州东南部的一个县)

Illinois 伊利诺斯州(美国中北部州)

. What is a company profile?

A company profile is essentially a resume for your company that you use to establish your credibility with the market you serve. Your company profile helps potential customers to understand your business as well as to understand your company's approach, unique strengths, and relevant experience. Your company profile demonstrates your company's ability to effectively meet customer needs. Your company profile also helps others who are in contact with you such as lenders, the media, and job candidates to better understand your business.

What should be included in your company profile? As a guideline, shoot for a company profile of

approximately 250-400 words in length covering each of the following key areas: summarize your company's background information; provide more detail on your company's products or services, highlight your company's strengths and successes, include qualifications of your company and your staff, Summarize your selling statement, Close with company contact information

3.2 Business Skills Company performance商务技能篇 公司业绩 performance n. 业绩,成绩;性能 distribute vt. 配送,分发,分送 record profit 历史最高利润 vegetarian n. 素食者 adj. 素食的 organic adj. (粮食)不靠化肥生长


ingredient n. 配料;成分 nutritious adj. 有营养成分的,营养的 improve one’s image 改善形象 banquet n. 宴会 manufacturer n. 制造业者,厂商

3.2 Business Skills Company performance商务技能篇 公司业绩 guarantee vt. 保证,担保 symbol n. 象征,符号,记号 innovative adj. 创新的,革新的 sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车 component n. 成分

optical instrument 光学仪器 validation n. (可靠性)检测 certify vt. 证明,保证 application n. 应用,运用 assurance n. 创始人,祭奠人

3.2 Business Skills Company performance商务技能篇 公司业绩 turnover n. 营业额 dramatically adv. 戏剧地;引人注目地 advertise vi. & vt. 做广告,登广告 annual report 年终报告,年终总结 share price 股票价格

proactive adj. 积极的,主动的 dedicated adj. 专注的,献身的 unique adj. 唯一的,独特的 access n. 接近(进入)的机会;接近(进入)的权利;入口

consolidate vi.& vt. 巩固

3.2 Business Skills Company performance商务技能篇 公司业绩 brochure n. 小册子 in this respect 在这个方面,在这个细节

maximum n. 最大量,最大限度,极

公司组织结构和职位 股份公司: Joint Stock

Company ( 公司资本由多人出资认股组成。 )

有限公司: Limited Company ( 公司股东对公司债务承担的上限是其出资额。 )

上市公司: Listed Company ( 公司发行的股票在证券交易所交易的股份有限责任公司。 )

Module 4 第四单元4.1 Business Topic International business商务话题篇 国际商务 import n. vi.& vt. 进口 export n. vi.& vt. 出口 competitor n. 竞争对手 wholesaler n. 批发商 warehouse n. 仓库

audio product 音响产品 ban n.& vt. 禁令 fashion industry crisis 服装行业危机 commissioner n. 委员 spokeswoman n. 女发言人

Module 4 第四单元4.1 Business Topic International business商务话题篇 国际商务 huge losses 巨大损失 resign n. ;vi.& vt. 辞职 garment n. 服装 clothing blockade 服装封锁 in favour of 支持,赞成

disastrous adj. 损失惨重的 import control 进口控制 import quotas 进口配额 compromise n. 妥协,折中 stock exchange 证券交易所,证券交易

Module 4 第四单元4.1 Business Topic International business商务话题篇 国际商务 appeal to sb. 对……优吸引力 available adj. 有空的,能得到的 dossier n. 档案,卷宗 flat adj. 没电的,电用完了的 embarrassing adj. 令人难堪的

in-house magazine 内部杂志 participant n. 参加者 stress adj. 有压力的,紧迫的 moderator n. 会议主持人 press the mute button 按下静音键

Module 4 第四单元4.1 Business Topic International business商务话题篇 国际商务 reflect on 有损名誉,招来非议 teleconference n. 远程电话会议 Rotterdam 鹿特丹(荷兰西南部港

口城市) Aveiro 阿威罗(葡萄牙西北部


4.2 business skills business communications

商务技能篇 商务沟通 printer cartridges 打印机墨盒 description n. 种类,性质,描述 pass the message on to 把留言转给 complaint n. 投诉 cancel vt. 取消

extension number 分机号码 pharmaceuticals n. 医药用品 budget n. 预算 plasma screen TV 等离子电视 freight forwarder 货运商

4.2 business skills business communications商务技能篇 商务沟通 distributor n. 发行人,销售商 container n. 集装箱 production manager 生产经理,厂长 Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都)

Telephone tips for business beginners

1.Make sure you have all the documents you’ll need with you before you dial the number.

2.Identify yourself by giving your name and your position in the company.

3.Make sure you’re talking to the right person.

4.Say right away what you’re calling about. Be brief and don’t waste time.

Telephone tips for business beginners 5.Give important information, like figures, names, quantities,

dates and so on slowly and clearly. Repeat them if necessary. 6.The other person can’t see what a nice person you are, so

make sure you sound polite and pleasant. Smile while you’re talking. Your listener can hear your smile.

7.Make sure you sound efficiently for you represent your company. You are the image of your company.

8.Note down all the important information you are given by the other person

9.Don’t try to be funny. 10.Don’t interrupt the other person. Even if you think you know

what he or she is going to say. Let them finish what they want to say.

11.Don’t phone during the other person’s lunch hour or just before they are about to stop work for the day. Find out what time it is in the other country before you call.

Moduie5 第五单元5.1 Business Topic Career choices商务话题篇 职业选择 stock broker n. 股票经纪人,证券经纪人 London Stock Exchange

伦敦证券交易所 bank account n. 银行存款 a modest life adj. 破产了的 accommodation n. 住处;膳宿

get started 开始 source of income 收入来源 olive n. 橄榄 farm produce n. 农产品 business contact 生意场的熟人 / 关系

5.1 Business Topic Career choices商务话题篇 职业选择 deal in 经营 make enquiries 询问 record shop 音像店 human resource 人力资源 HR manager 人力资源经理

photography exhibition 摄影展 accountancy job 会计工作 passion n. 激情,热情 competitive adj. 竞争的 give up sth. all together 完全放弃某东西

5.1 Business Topic Career choices商务话题篇 职业选择 professional photograph

er 职业摄影师 portrait n. 肖像,人像 studio n. 照相室;画室;工作室;演播室;摄影场

5.2 business skills achievements and plans商务技能篇 业绩和计划 design office 设计室 book cover 书的封面 printer n. 印刷商;印刷工;打印

机 quotation n. 报价 in full colour 用彩色

in black and white 用黑白色 a full progress report 详细的进展报告 refer to 参考,查阅,查看 book fair 书展 a series of 一系列

5.2 business skills achievements and plans商务技能篇 业绩和计划 Italian n. 意大利人;意大利语 ; a


coincidence n. 巧合,巧事; move n. 行动;步骤;措施;办法;

consolidate one’s strong position


removal company n. 搬运公司 stationery n. 文具,信纸; keep sb. Up-to-date 使某人信息流通 utility n. 公共事业;公用事业设备;公用事业公司

bank loan 银行贷款

5.2 business skills achievements and plans商务技能篇 业绩和计划 paperwork 日常文书工作 loan application 贷款申请 additive n. 添加剂 flavour n. 味道,滋味,香味 on a small scale 小规模

café 小餐馆;饮食摊;咖啡馆

snack 快餐柜,小吃店 outlet n. 商店;市场;销路 mango n. 芒果 take on 雇用

5.2 business skills achievements and plans商务技能篇 业绩和计划 meet demand 满足需求 health club 健身俱乐部 be in business 做生意 Poland 波兰 Hungary 匈牙利

Spanish 西班牙 Portugal 葡萄牙 Slovakia 斯洛伐克 Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉法

Module 第六单元6.1 business topic business travel商务话题篇 商务旅行 passport n 护照 pilot n. 飞行员 take off 起飞 business/economy clas

s 商务舱 / 经济舱 first class 一等舱

check in 办理登记手续 air traffic controller 空中交通管理员 baggage handler 行李员 boarding pass 登机牌 flight attendant 空姐;空乘人员

6.1 business topic business travel商务话题篇 商务旅行 identity card 身份证 return ticket 往返票,回程票 single ticket 单程票 overbook vt. 预定超额 buffet n. 自助餐

cause chaos 引起混乱 lounge n. 候机室 pay an excess charge 额外付费 consumer help section 消费者服务栏目 in-flight adj. 机上的;在飞机中的

6.1 business topic business travel商务话题篇 商务旅行 airline representative 航空公司代表 confirmation email 确认信,确认函 ask sb.for a refund 要求退款 charge sb. 向某人收费 follow-up letter 追踪信件,后续信件

fraud n. 诈骗,欺骗 credit card fraud 信用卡诈骗 Frankfurt 法兰克林

6.2 Travel arrangements

amenity n. 便利设施 direct-dial telephone 直拨电话 Jacuzzi n. 水流按摩浴缸 room service (旅馆等处送餐到客人房间的)客房用餐服务

air-conditioning 空调设备

Internet connection 网络连接 hair dryer 吹风机 conference equipment 会议设备 fitness room 健身房 laundry service 干洗服务 luxury n.豪华

6.2 Travel arrangements

master suite 主套房 junior suite 普通套房 contemporary cuisine 现代烹饪 wine list 酒类一览表 nine-hole golf course 九洞高尔夫球场

concierge n. 接待员,管理员 broadband access 宽带接口 complimentary newspap

er 免费报纸 provisional adj. 临时的,暂定的 quote vt. 报价

6.2 Travel arrangements

chambermaid n. 客房女服务员 porter n. 行李员 laptop n. 笔记本电脑 express n.. 特快列车 dispute n. 纷争,纠纷

travel agent 旅行代理人

divert to 转移,转向 Manchester 曼彻斯特 Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英

国城市) Bristol 布里斯托尔(英


6.2 Travel arrangements

London Heathrow Airport 英国西斯罗机场 Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 巴黎戴高乐机场 Lyon 里昂(法国城市)

P60 Ex.4

Dear Mr. Rogers, We are looking for a hotel to host our marketing

conference form 23/06 to 26/06, with about twenty people attending. We will need one conference room with a computer for PowerPoint presentations. We won’t need an Internet connection. We will need full-board, single-room accommodation for everyone attending, for three nights from 23/06.

Could you please confirm the availability of the rooms, and send me a full quote for the rooms and equipment?

Yours sincerely, Tim

Dear Tim, Thank you for your enquiry about hiring our hotel. We

have twenty single rooms available for the dates you mentioned, and also one conference room. All of our conference rooms have computer presentation facilities with internet access. The accommodation costs $95 per room per night, and the conference room costs $650 per day, including the cost of the equipment and the presence of a technician. Therefore, the total cost is $7,650.

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, David Rogers

Module 7 第七单元7.1 Business Topic Product and service 商务话题篇 产品与服务 testimonial n. 证明书,推荐书 refer to 提到,谈到 remote control 遥控,遥控装置 install vt. 安装,安置 adjust vt. 调整,调节,使适应

personal preference 个人偏好 characteristic n. 特性,特征 non-peak 非常高峰期 electricity rate 电价 energy conservation n. 能源的节约

7.1 Business Topic Product and service 商务话题篇 产品与服务 switch light on and off 开关电灯 burglar n. 夜盗 fire brigade n. 消防队 cell phone 手机 watering system 浇水装置

be away on holiday 去度假 maintenance n. 维护,保持 calculate vi. & vt 计算 fax n. & vt 传真 photocopier n. 复印机

7.1 Business Topic Product and service 商务话题篇 产品与服务 pen drive U盘笔 PDA personal digital as

sistant 的缩写,个人数字助理 Skype n. 语音即时聊天软件 scanner n. 扫描仪,扫描机 laser printer n. 激光打印机

clientele n. 顾客,主顾 submarine n. 潜水艇 average family 普通家庭 running cost 运转费 live show 现场直播的表演

7.1 Business Topic Product and service 商务话题篇 产品与服务 estimate vi. & vt. 估计,估价 exclusive hotel 高档旅馆 value for money 性价比,物有所值 academic reputation 学术声誉 tuition fee n. 学费

curriculum n. (学校的全部)课程 lecturer n. 讲课者,讲师 percentage of graduat

es in work 毕业生就业率 proximity n. 接近 per annum adv. 每年

7.1 Business Topic Product and service 商务话题篇 产品与服务 executive position 管理岗位 quality of the teaching 教学质量 flexibility n. 弹性,机动性 career preparation 职业准备 share second place wi

th… 与……并列第二

availability of subjects 开设 / 提供的课程 Fiji 斐济(南太平洋的岛


7.2 Business Skills Orders and contracts商务技能篇 订单与合同 possession n. 所有物,财产 italics n. 斜体,斜体字 triangle n. 三角形 rectangular adj. 长方形的,矩形的 oval n. & adj. 椭圆(的)

circular adj. 圆形的,循环的 semicircle n. 半圆形 length n. 长,长度 width n. 宽,宽度 height n. 高,高度

7.2 Business Skills Orders and contracts商务技能篇 订单与合同 depth n. 深,深度 weight n. 重量 LCD monitor LCD 是 Liquid Crystal Display

的缩写,液晶显示器 diameter n. 直径 finish n. 末道漆

grey metal inflatable adj. 充气的,膨胀的 rental n. 租金额,租金收入 euro n. 欧元 provider n. 供给者,供应者 landline n. 陆上电线

7.2 Business Skills Orders and contracts商务技能篇 订单与合同 broadband connection 宽带连接 dial-up connection 拨号连接 technical support 技术支持 Internet service user 互联网用户 Consumer Protection

Office 保护消费者权益办公

monthly charge 月收费,月租 non-existent adj. 不存在的 courier company n. 快递公司 package n. 一整套东西;一揽子交易

mobile adj. 移动的

7.2 Business Skills Orders and contracts商务技能篇 订单与合同 custom n. 惠顾;习惯,风俗 billing period 付账期 special offer 特价 penalty n. 处罚,罚款 feedback n. 反馈

Module 8 第八单元 8.1 Business Topic Manufacturing Process商务话题篇 生产过程 graffiti n. 涂鸦,乱涂乱画 graffiti-resistant adj 抗涂鸦的 vandal n 故意破坏公共财产者 property n 特征性质 be dedicated to 专门用于

carry out 执行贯彻 automatically adv 自动地 show….around… 带领某人参观… . vandalise vt 摧残;破坏 deface vt 破坏外观,丑化

8.1 Business Topic Manufacturing Process商务话题篇 生产过程 maintenance 维护人员,维修人员 automate vi & vt 使自动化 output n 产量 demand n 需要 assembly line 生产线,流水线

work at full capacity 满负荷工作,以全部力量工作

buyer’s market 买方市场 exceed vt 超出 loading bay 装卸平台 inventory n 货物清单

8.1 Business Topic Manufacturing Process商务话题篇 生产过程 stock n 库存,存货 defect n 缺点,缺陷 eliminate vt 消除,根除 adopt vt 采用;采纳,收养

key features 主要特征,特色 principle n 原则;原理

8.2 Business Skills Problems and Solutions商务技能篇 问题和解决办法 solution n 解决办法 mechanism n 机制 voicemail n 电子语音邮件 petrol n 汽油(英) diesel n 柴油

optical cell 光电仪器 barcode scanner 条码扫描仪 pager n 寻呼机 smoke detector/alarm 烟雾探测器 closed circuit television 闭路电视

8.2 Business Skills Problems and Solutions商务技能篇 问题和解决办法 disposable cup 一次性杯子 lid n 盖子;被盖 smart adj 巧妙的;聪明的 temperature-sensitive a

dj 对温度敏感的 anti-virus program 防病毒软件

production targets 生产指标 be compatible with 与… .兼容;一致 log on (to) 登录电脑;注册 customer service 客户服务 break into 破门而入

8.2 Business Skills Problems and Solutions商务技能篇 问题和解决办法 go out of business 歇业;停业 keep crashing 指电脑系统出故障 be off sick with flu 得流感请病假 kiln n (砖,石灰等的)窑,炉;干燥炉

plant manager 工厂经理,厂长

ceramic adj 陶瓷制品的 meet quality standard 符合质量标准 fuel n 燃料 sign a contract 签一份合同

Module 9 第九单元9.1 Business topic the future商务话题篇 未来 prototype n. 原型;样品,样本 norm n. 标准,规范 exhaust emission 废气排放 hybrid n & adj. 杂交,混血儿 hydrogen n. 氢

power generator 发电机 alternative n. 二者选一,可供选择的

办法和事物 car-oriented lifestyle 以车为主的生活方式 trial version 试验品 prediction n. 预测

9.1 Business topic the future商务话题篇 未来 tram n. 有轨电车 occupant n. 占有者,所有者 public transport 公共交通 solar panel 太阳能电池板 joint venture 合资企业

state-of-the-art technology 最先进的技术 electricity generation plant 发电厂 withdraw v. 撤离 strategy n. 策略 stabilize vi. 是稳定

9.1 Business topic the future商务话题篇 未来 geographical adj. 地理学的 make a correct assess

ment 正确评估 analysis 分析 external factor adj. 外部因素 mutual benefit 互惠互利

foreign exchange transaction

外汇交易 relevant Chinese laws 相关的中国法律 a rise in the demand 需求的增长 low cost electricity 低价电 tax rate 税率

9.1 Business topic the future商务话题篇 未来 viable adj. 可行的 with a view to 着眼于 appropriate adj, 可行的 legal adj. 合法的 environmental adj. 周围的

private property 私有财产 comment n.& vi. 评论 unpredictable adj. 不可预知的 implication n. 暗示 with regard to 关于

9.2 Business Skills Meetings商务技能篇 会议 tropical adj. 热带的 hit by a hurricane 受飓风袭击 sweep across 横扫 crane operator 起重机驾驶员 structural damage 结构损坏

power and communications lines

电线和通讯线路 telephone line 电话线 road and rail links 公路和铁路线 disrupt vt. 使中断 emergency team n. 紧急救援队

9.2 Business Skills Meetings商务技能篇 会议 restore vt. 恢复 key sector 关键部门 subsidiary n. 子公司 handle a crisis n. 处理危机 on the night shift 上夜班

evacuate vt. 疏散 emergency meeting 紧急会议 machinery n. 机器 cut off 切断 give sb. An update 通告某人最新消息 action point 行的要点

9.2 Business Skills Meetings商务技能篇 会议 repair work 维修工作 collapse n.&vi. 倒塌,崩溃,瓦解 retail sector 零售部门 interest rate 利率 allegation n. 指控

financial malpractice 财务舞弊 salmonella n. 沙门氏菌 poultry industry n. 家畜业 chaos n. 混乱,混沌 typical adj. 典型的

9.2 Business Skills Meetings商务技能篇 会议 point of contact 联络人 podcast n. 博客 headline n. (报纸的)大字标题 take a hard look at sth 密切注视某事务 appoint vt. 任命,委任

spokesperson n. 发言人,代言人,辩护人

panic n.& vi. 惊慌,惊恐 compassion n. 同情,怜悯 brand image 品牌形象 agenda n. 议程

9.2 Business Skills Meetings商务技能篇 会议 move on 继续 food poisoning 食物中毒 specialist catering magazine 专业餐饮杂志 review n.& vt. 评论 blog weblog (网络日志)的简称,博客

spill n.& vt. 溢出,溅出,散落,使流出 main course 主菜 steak tartar (伴有洋葱、鸡蛋等共生吃

的)鞑靼牛排 lamb shop 小羊排 dessert n. 餐后甜点

9.2 Business Skills Meetings商务技能篇 会议 things go from bad to w

orse 情况越来越糟 apologize for sth 为某事道歉 accept full responsibility 承担全部责任

10.1 Business Topic Career development商务话题篇 职业发展 portfolio n. 组合 full-time education 全日制教育,脱产教育 people in jobs 在职员工 education in the workpla

ce 在职教育 prioritise vt. 把……区分优先次序

innovation n. 革新,创新 mind gymnastics 思维训练 profitability n. 收益的 qualification n. 资格;资格证书 expertise n. 专家的意见;专业技术

10.1 Business Topic Career development商务话题篇 职业发展 seminar n. 研讨会;研修班 semester course 学期课程 e-learning n. 网络学习 leture theatre 报告厅 well-attended adj. 有很多人参加的

leadership n. 领导能力 brain power 智能 Sudoku n. 数独游戏 cross word puzzle 填字游戏 tuna n. 金枪鱼

10.1 Business Topic Career development商务话题篇 职业发展 salmon n. 鲑鱼 vice versa adv. 反之亦然 charismatic adj. 有魅力或领袖气质的 authoritative adj. 有权威的 organized adj. 有条理的

understanding adj. 善解人意的 leadership potential 领导潜能 resolve disagreement 解决分歧 take responsibility for 对……负责任 inspiring adj. 鼓励人心的 agree on 对……取得一致意见

10.2 Business skills Organizing a conference

商务技能篇 组织会议 conference n. 会议 keynote speaker 主发

言人 new venture 新企业,新项目

multi-sectorial event 行业集会,聚会

arrange catering 安排餐饮

registration from 注册表 finalise budget 最后确定预算 priority n. 优先处理的事,优先权 human interaction 人际互动 network n. 人脉关系网

10.2 Business skills Organizing a conference商务技能篇 组织会议

entrepreneurship n. 企业家精神 strategic planning 战略规划 do without 没有……也行 be/go over budget 超出预算 preferential rates 优惠价,特惠价

small talk 闲谈 be proud of 为……感到骄傲 thanks to 感谢…… have sb./sth. doing 让某人 /某事处于做某事的状态

smart-casual clothes 品质上乘的休闲服装 corporate hospitality 公司接待,商务接待

10.2 Business skills Organizing a conference商务技能篇 组织会议

politics n. 政治;政见 earnings n. 所得,收入

Module 11 第十一单元11.1 Business Topic Health and safety商务话题篇 健康与安全

health and safety signs 健康与安全标志 first aid 急救 high voltage 高电压 in case of 假设,万一 elevator n. 电梯

commence vi. & vt. 开始,着手 fire alarm call point 火警呼叫按钮 assembly point 集合处 hazard n. 危险,冒险的事 minor injury n. 轻伤

11.1 Business Topic Health and safety商务话题篇 健康与安全

procedure n. 程序,手续 emergency n. 紧急情况,突然事件 cement factory 水泥厂 fire extinguisher 灭火器 protective clothing 防护衣

temperature n. 温度 consume vt. 消费 waste material 垃圾 canteen n. 食堂 sign in 签到

11.1 Business Topic Health and safety商务话题篇 健康与安全

production area 生产区 production line 生产线 main office building 办公主楼 no-smoking zone 非吸烟区 keep clean and tidy 保持干净和整洁

fire exit n. 安全出口,紧急出口 clearly marked 清楚地表明 clock in 用打卡机记录上班时间 fire drill 消防训练,火灾避难训练

delete vt. 删除

11.1 Business Topic Health and safety商务话题篇 健康与安全

high-heel shoes 高跟鞋 be clear of obstacles n. 没有障碍物 be kept clear 保持畅通 tie back one’s hair 把头发向后扎起来 protective mask 防护面具

bend one’s knees 屈膝 white coat 白大褂 workplace etiquette 工作场所行为规范 dos and don’ts in the wo

rkplace 工作场所行为准则 deep vein thrombosis 深静脉血栓症

11.1 Business Topic Health and safety商务话题篇 健康与安全

lump n. 块(尤指小块) clot n. (血液等的)凝块 symptom n. 症状,征兆 block the vein 阻塞血管 have serious conseque

nces 有严重后果

alcohol n. 酒精,酒 humidity n. 湿气,潮湿,湿度 surf the Internet 网上冲浪 massage n. 按摩 have a snack 吃点心

11.1 Business Topic Health and safety商务话题篇 健康与安全

entrance lobby n. 入门的大厅,休息室 hallway n. 走廊 gymnastic room adj. 体操房;健身房 rowing machine 划船练习架 locker room 更衣室;衣物间

assorted video games 各式各样的电子游戏 baby grand piano 小型卧式钢琴 pool table 台球台, 桌球台 snack room 点心室 cereal n. 谷类食品,谷类

11.1 Business Topic Health and safety商务话题篇 健康与安全

toffee n. 太妃糖 yoghurt n. 酸乳酪 cappuccino n. 热牛奶咖啡 density n. 密度 densely packed 密集的

university campus 大学校园 suburban office park a

dj. 郊区办公园区 Geneva 日内瓦

常与 do 搭配的有( do+ 名词) do exercises 锻炼 do sports 运动 do judo 练习柔道 do karate 练习空手道 do yoga 练习瑜伽 do aerobics 做增氧健身操

do meditation 练习打坐 /静坐 /禅坐 do taijiquan/tai chi chua

n 打太极拳 do the yangko dance 扭秧歌 do martial arts/wushu 练习武术 do Kung fu/Gung fu 练习功夫

11.2 Business Skills Reporting Accidents商务技能篇 报告事故状况 slip n. & vi. 滑落,跌倒 get stuck 被卡住,被夹住 cartridge n. 墨水盒 accident report form 事故报告单 lose one’s balance 失去平衡

hit sb. on the head 砸在头上 hurt oneself badly 严重受伤 a small cut 小伤口 cupboard n. 橱柜,碗碟橱 a member of staff 一名员工

11.2 Business Skills Reporting Accidents商务技能篇 报告事故状况 carry out the following che

cks 进行以下检查 health and safety awarene

ss 健康与安全意识 computerize = computeriz

e vt. 用计算机处理,使计算机

化 maintenance man 维修人员

sort vt. 分类 theme park 主题公园 safety record 安全记录 safety inspection 安全检查 category n. 种类,类别 burger bar 汉堡包柜台

11.2 Business Skills Reporting Accidents商务技能篇 报告事故状况 heart attack 心脏病发作 roller caster 过山车 safety lock 保险锁 pregnant adj. 怀孕的 Space Mission Simulater

n. 太空任务模拟器

heart exhaustion 中暑衰竭(指轻度中暑) dehydration n. 脱水 choke vi. & vt. 窒息,哽住,使呼吸困难 aquarium 水族馆 dolphin n. 海豚

11.2 Business Skills Reporting Accidents商务技能篇 报告事故状况 bruise n. & vi & vt. 瘀伤,擦伤,打伤,撞伤 arm band 臂带 microchip 微芯片 barrier (阻碍通道的)障碍物;栅栏,屏障

restriction n. 限制,约束

designate vt. 指明,指出 leaflet 传单 entry ticket 门票 summarise = summariz

e vi. & vt. 概述,总结 提示:

Module 12 第十二单元12.1 Business Topic The Job Market商务话题篇 劳务市场 job satisfaction 工作满意度 promotion n. 晋升 flexible hours 弹性工作时间 unemployment n. 失业 lottery n. 彩票

sponsor n. 赞助商;保证人 migrant n. 移民,移居者 survey n. 调查 recruitment agency 招聘公司 exploitation n. 剥削;利用

12.1 Business Topic The Job Market商务话题篇 劳务市场 positive attitude 肯定的态度 PR Public Relations 的缩写,公共关系 nationality n. 国籍 vacancy n. 空缺的职位 accounts department 会计部门

rumor n. 谣言,传说 win a large export contra

ct 订了一份大单的出口合同 production capacity 生产能力 luxury cruise ship 豪华游轮专有名词 Czech Republic 捷克共


12 . 2 Business Skills Job applications商务技能篇 求职 public relations coordina

tor 公共关系协调员 dynamic adj. 充满活力的 be fluent in 能说流利的 PR strategies 公关策略 product launch 产品推介会

media exposure 媒体暴露 covering letter 说明信,求职信 degree n. 学位 recruitment n. 招聘 text type 文本类型

12 . 2 Business Skills Job applications商务技能篇 求职 attachment n. 附件 enclosure n. 附件;封入信封之物 be attentive to 专心致志于 administrative adj. 管理的,行政的 well-qualified adj. 有良好资格的;有很好资历的

well-oraganized adj. 有良好条理的 variety n. 多样性 weak point 弱点 follow-up n. 追踪调查专有名词 Bruseels 布鲁塞尔(比利时首


面试建议: Tips for interview 1. Be well prepared before the interview. Find out about the company Practice how to answer questions possibly to be asked by the interviewer Prepare some questions to ask the company and the job details Make sure you know in advance exactly where the interview is to take place. Take a pen Take your school and college certificates with you and other useful

testimonials you may have. 2 Give the first good impression Wear smart ,formal clothes Have a haircut and bath one day before it. Arrive a few minutes early Don’t smoke Sit up straight Be polite Give clear answer to each question — avoid just answering YES or NO. If you don’t know how to answer a question, don’t pretend. Look straight at the interviewer

面试建议: Tips for interview

3 Show your best side Show your best side and your strengths: mature,

energetic, enthusiastic, professional , cooperative, efficient, well-organized, well-educated, friendly, confident and so on

Don’t stress your shortcomings. 4 Do not forget At the end of the interview, say you are eager to

become a member of the company. Thank the company for the chance. Ask when you can be informed about the result

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