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Post on 13-Apr-2018






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Table of Contents: Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………3 Primal Desire………………………………………………………………………………….4 Nurturing………………………………………………………………………………………..5 Choose to be Beautiful…………………………………………………………………..6 One Libra’s Star Journey………………………………………………………………..7 The Libra and the Taurus……………………………………………………………….8 The Libra and the Scorpio………………………………………………………………9 The Libra and the Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, and Aries………………10,11 The Great Discovery…………………………………………………………………….12 Shhhh……………………………………………………………………………………………14 The Star Driven Desires Revealed……………………………………………….15 The Master’s Keys………………………………………………………………………..16 The Mirroring Technique………………………………………………………………18 Aries:Energy…………………………………………………………………………………18 Taurus:Comfort…………………………………………………………………………….23 Gemini:Adventure…………………………………………………………………………27 Cancer:Security…………………………………………………………………………….31 Leo: Honor…………………………………………………………………………………….35 Virgo:Assurance…………………………………………………………………………..39 Libra:Harmony……………………………………………………………………………..44 Scorpio:Passion…………………………………………………………………………….49 Sagittarius:Freedom…………………………………………………………………….53 Capricorn:Power…………………………………………………………………………..58 Aquarius:Vision…………………………………………………………………………….63 Pisces:Devotion…………………………………………………………………………….67 The Holistic Approach…………………………………………………………………..73 Choosing Your Own Destiny…………………………………………………………74 Playing With the Zodiac……………………………………………………………….75



We have all heard the saying “It’s written in the Stars”. Well that’s great right? That means that our destiny has been chosen for us and all we have to do is go along for the ride. Sounds simple right? Good! That’s because it is!

You can take comfort in the fact that Astrology has provided you with a road map to fulfill your destiny and control your fate. You see each person is born with a burning desire in their heart that they need to fulfill. This desire acts like the electricity that powers your body and propels you in whatever direction seems to most satisfy that desire. Astrology explains what that desire is for each person born under a particular Zodiac Sign. This is why using Astrology as a tool is going to help you fulfill your lover’s desire and interlock your destiny with his.

Countless relationships fizzle out because the man is still searching for that missing something (the burning desire). That’s why you find them on the internet looking for that perfect girl. Luckily, there is no such thing as a perfect girl! Every girl comes with their own set of problems. Even the richest, prettiest girl may not even like herself enough to have the confidence it takes to maintain a relationship. There’s nothing that frustrates a man more than to listen to a whiney girl who has no reason to hate herself or be jealous. Still it’s situations like the one just mentioned that levels the playing field for all women. Any girl can look good on paper, but it’s really the women who take the time to figure out themselves and how to please their lover who win at love.


At this point in time you may be looking at yourself as that whiney girl or some other kind of disaster on wheels, but the good news is it’s natural to feel this way and by being smart you have found this book and will become the master of your destiny in no time. Soon you will be able understand what you need to do to unlock the door to your man’s deepest desires. Then you will not only master yourself you will master him.

Primal Desire

The first step is to understand his desires..

Every man’s desire is made up of two parts. One is their primal desire which is the same for all men. You could read an entire library about what men want and waste a lot of time and money and still get no closer to figuring out a man unless you understand what primal desire is first. Luckily you have found this book and the work has been done for you.

His primal desire must be met before you can use Astrology to completely master your man. Primal desire is the core desire of all men. Every woman possesses the power to meet their man’s primal desire. However not every woman knows how to use this power to its full potential. The secret is to know that you have the power and then unleash it.

Because you are clever, you may have already guessed that primal desire has something to do with physical attraction. Of course it does. Still everyone knows and talks about hot guys who are with girls who aren’t very attractive. They say, “Why is he with that girl? She’s not even that pretty.” The answer to this riddle is laid out for you right here in this book. Here it is: That


seemingly unattractive girl uses her feminine power to meet that guy’s primal desire.

You are a woman but are you very feminine? A man looks towards a woman to meet his primal desire. His primal desire is a need for a feminine female and all the attributes that come along with being a female. A female above all else provides nurturing. This is your purpose in his life.


Think about what it takes to be nurturing. Forget about running around the house cleaning up and taking care of kids. Any woman can do that while bickering the whole time. It’s about being your man’s refuge; that warm cozy place that a man finds himself wanting to hide in because it makes him feel good about himself.

No matter what mess you find yourself in at any point in life you can still use your innate nurturing self to put your own issues aside and comfort your man.

To meet his primal desire you need to be there for him emotionally when times are tuff. Instead of being ugly with him when he is stressed out, be kind and sweet. Relieve his misery with your charm, understanding, and beauty.

That’s why being pretty is not as important as behaving pretty. Haven’t you ever heard a guy say, “She’s pretty on the outside but is she pretty on the inside?” Well they aren’t just asking that for no reason. If you truly want to become a master at relationships you have to recognize the signs in front of your face first.


You see above all else we are humans with primal needs. That’s why this book is providing you with a holistic approach to mastering your man. When we look to the heavenly body of stars for answers to the mysteries of life and love it’s important to realize that yes our destinies are already written but along the way we make choices. That’s what it means to be human. We are alive and what we choose to do with that life will be our fate. Having the option to make choices is what makes our lives interesting, dramatic, and beautiful.

Choose to be Beautiful

For instance, you can choose to be beautiful. You may not have the silkiest hair but you can wash it every day and make it smell good. You may not have a perfect cosmetic smile but you can whiten your teeth and have kissable breath. You may not be the slimmest girl but you can wear clothes that help accent your figure. Or you could walk every day and slim down if you want. You may not have the money or time to get your nails done but you can shape them and keep them clean and polished. You may not have perfect skin but you can wash your body and face every day and put on lotion so you will be soft to the touch. The point is taking good care of yourself is a personal choice and you can rest assured it will not go unnoticed by men. In fact by doing this you are meeting his physical attraction needs and showing him you are comfortable with yourself. In turn he will find your confidence assuring which provides yet another form of nurturing.

One of the most important things you can do is choose to smile. Smiling at your lover assures him that you are happy with yourself, your situation, and most importantly him.


So you see that you don’t have to be the perfect female, you just need to be nurturing, take good care of yourself, and smile to fulfill his primal desire.

A lot of time and money is spent every day by women on products that teach them how to play “the game” with men. It’s exhausting trying to be perfect, send the perfect text, say all the rights things, or avoiding doing this or that. You can spend a lot of emotional energy beating yourself up over everything you think you’re doing wrong when it’s so easy to choose to fulfill your mans deepest burning desire using the secrets in this book and then watch the rest take care of itself.

Now you may be asking yourself if there are two parts to his desire, what is the second part? You certainly don’t miss a thing. The second half to a man’s burning desire is written in the stars.

One Libra’s Star Journey

Before I can explain his desire, I must first tell you the story that led me to this remarkable discovery…

I have been reading Astrology since I was 10 years old. My mother had a book by Linda Goodman lying around the house that caught my eye as a young girl. I simply loved the book cover because of all the neat symbols and the fantasy like art work. So I began to read the book and something clicked in my brain. I realized that her descriptions of the different Zodiac signs were right on target. Of course being 10 years old I was no expert on relationships then, having never even been in one myself. At that point I was reading about the relationship compatibility between the different sun signs and only understanding it in theory. As the


years went on I have researched hundreds of books and consulted with so many Astrologists I’ve lost count.

Each time I entered into a relationship I would always ask the guy, “What’s your sign?” I have since dated a Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Aries, Virgo, Leo and finally a Libra. The longest relationship I carried on was with the Taurus and the Scorpio. Neither sign is a match for me. I am a Libra and my matches are Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo and sometimes Libra. The relationships with the Taurus and the Scorpio lasted 10 years a piece. Those two ended in the text book manner that’s described in all Astrology literature. In fact they all did except for the two signs that I was compatible with. The Leo moved away and the Libra I am still with today.

Point is, if I had known then what I know now, I’m sure I would have been able to sustain any of those relationships no matter whether they were a match for me or not.

The Libra and the Taurus

My very first relationship was with a Taurus man. He was like most Taurus men; stable, predictable, and down to earth. I admired him for his strength of character and determination. He was a gymnast and also played piano and electric guitar.

He was however also quite the homebody whereas I preferred going out more. I guess I was your typical Libra woman who tends to have a flirtatious nature. I do have to say though; I was one hundred percent faithful. Still my Taurus man was very possessive over me. Issues always arose when I wanted to go out with my friends or by myself.


For several years I was okay with staying comfortable by his side. As time went on though I became increasingly bothered by his stubbornness. I found that I had trouble connecting with him mentally. Once I lost the mental connection the rest of the relationship began to dissolve.

Our relationship ended. I would describe our compatibility as medium at best.

That’s exactly what most Astrology literature would read. The Libra and Taurus pairing will have a medium compatibility at best.

The Libra and the Scorpio

My second longest relationship was with a Scorpio man (the one I married). He was every bit the mystery that Scorpio men are known for. He was highly attractive and had a strong magnetism. I was drawn to him immediately.

As time went on that initial attraction never faded for me, but I know it did for him. We weren’t communicating well with each other. He was much more intuitive and I was openly analytical. He was more non-verbal which I interpreted as him being unemotional. Plus it seemed like he was always hiding secrets from me.

Once our lines of communication broke down the relationship began to fall apart. And by fall apart I mean crash and burn.

If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a Scorpio man and it falls apart, then you know how manipulative and vindictive they


can be. The Libra woman is really no match for the Scorpio man.

I felt the sting of the Scorpio and until this day it still burns.

I would say our compatibility was high in the beginning and very low at the end.

Again this is just how Astrology literature describes this pairing.

The Libra and the Pisces

When I dated the Pisces man I did not understand his need for space. I saw this as him rejecting me. I was categorized by him and never made it passed a couple of dates. This pairing according to Astrologic literature is not likely to succeed.

The Libra and the Cancer

When I dated the Cancer man I felt smothered all the time. I could not handle his emotional needs. I felt as though I needed to escape. Again this is typical with a Libra and a Cancer.

The Libra and the Virgo

When I dated the Virgo, it was actually nice at first. As time went on though, I felt as if I was constricted by his schedule. I also felt like he was picking me apart on our dates. He did have a good sense of humor and was very gentlemen like. Still after some time I could not be sure he was the one and he could not be sure I was the one. So we just became good friends.


Communication between a Virgo and a Libra is medium but the compatibility is generally over all pretty low.

The Libra and the Aries

When I dated the Aries man, I loved his drive and determination. He was just as Astrology literature would describe an Aries man. He was always charging forward toward his goals and dreams. He was unstoppable. Actually I just couldn’t keep up. He was gone a lot, and me being a Libra, I needed a closer companionship. He was too demanding and I wanted more compromise. In the end I just told him to go do his own thing without me.

This is exactly what Astrological literature says would happen between an Aries and a Libra.

If I had known then what I know now I may have been able to save one of these relationships.

That’s why I’m giving this knowledge to you.

Having experienced firsthand the overwhelming accuracy of Astrology, I wanted to find out even more so that I could master any sign and even choose which sign I wanted to become my lover. Or even my lifelong companion. That’s right! I said choose. So I went on an exploration to meet with leading Astrologist personally to find out the ancient secrets of each sign. Having done just that, today I can share with all my female sisters the key----the Zodiac Love Code.


The Great Discovery

During my exploration, I became frustrated. Most of the Astrologist that I met with could only tell me things that I already knew from my many years of studying Astrology literature. They told me about the effects of the planets, moon, sun and the houses. Still I needed an answer that explained more specifically what each man needed so I could be the one that provided it.

Then one day my search led me to an obscure little village in Jamaica called Little Bay. I had been told something about an astrologer living there who had produced several works of art depicting the different Zodiac Signs. I was mainly interested in the art not really knowing much about this astrologer. When I arrived in Jamaica, it took some work but after three days I was able to personally meet him. I read his name was Daron but the locals called him Gargomel. I laughed when I heard his name because it reminded me of Gargomel from the Smurfs. Anyway he was Jamaican so I had to bring an interpreter with me to translate his native tongue which was called Patwa. He was initially very concerned over selling me as much of his art as he could. I was more than happy to purchase his magnificent paintings. His art was unusual mixing Rastafarian colors and imagery with Zodiac Symbols and Zodiac animals. An approach not widely accepted by the local community because of the lack of Astrological knowledge on the Island. After buying several pieces of art I convinced him to meet with me and tell me what he knew about Astrology; specifically what each sign meant to him. He happily replied, “No Problem, Mon.” He then led me to the back of his house and offered me some goat soup. True story..


Being genuinely amazed at the whole scene; an area cleared of grass in his back yard in which two simple wooden chairs sat, a chicken coop, and a goat tied to a tree. I convinced myself that I was quite comfortable enjoying his humble abode and his hospitality.

Then the most amazing things I’ve ever heard was the words that came out of his mouth describing his interpretation of the Zodiac Signs. I could hardly focus on eating my soup or contain my excitement. I listened as he gave me the most basic yet brilliant descriptions I had ever heard. He spoke about the desire in every man’s heart and how it was different for each sign. It was then that I realized this was the missing piece I was looking for. I already knew about primal desire from having deduced that from pretty much every dating and relationship book that I could find. Still I knew that there had to be something about each sign, a key if you will, to unlock the door to their hearts and win their love. This had to be it. It made perfect sense. There was an ultimate desire for each sign.

I listened intently as he held up a chart displaying each Zodiac symbol. It was actually a handmade chart which was a nice piece of art in and of itself. So was the handmade necklace that dangled from his neck as he spoke, which was of a scorpion carved out of wood.

He then methodically pointed to the Capricorn first and began to unveil to me one by one the male desire of each sign as he made his way around the chart. Years of astrology knowledge suddenly became clear to me and aligned itself in perfect order much like a Rubix Cube.



I must caution you here. What I am about to reveal to you should absolutely never be disclosed to your potential lover if you are to master his heart. Many men don’t believe in Astrology to begin with. Some of them think it is silly when a woman asks them about their Zodiac Sign. If you are smart and I know that you are because you are seeking out a solution to your love life, you should be thinking: Great! I will have a secret that will help me fulfill my man’s deepest burning desire. If you say to him, “hey I know your deepest desire is such and such;” you will have lost your power to use Astrology as a tool.

In fact, when you read more about the holistic approach later on in this book, don’t mention any of that either. Never let your lover know that you are actively trying to win his heart. You will instantly lose your power over him. Not to mention I would have done all of this research for nothing because I would not have been able to help you.

The only time you should mention what you have learned in this book or even the title of this book would be to help other women, like your best friend, solve their love life dilemmas. Give them a copy of this book so they too can find love and happiness.

Now that you recognize the importance of keeping this information secret, I will reveal this new found knowledge to you so that you can use it as a set of keys to unlock any man’s heart.


The Star Driven Desires Revealed

The deepest burning desire of each Zodiac Sign is as follows:

Aries : Energy

Taurus: Comfort

Gemini: Adventure

Cancer: Security

Leo: Honor

Virgo: Assurance

Libra: Harmony

Scorpio: Passion

Sagittarius: Freedom

Capricorn: Power

Aquarius: Vision

Pisces: Devotion


The Master’s Keys

Now you are standing on top of the world. The key to each and every sign has been handed to you on a silver platter. Gargomel was absolutely 100% right in his humble assessment of each sign. After having listened to Astrologers go on and on about planets, moons, the sun, birth charts, and everything else, this intuitive Jamaican man got right to heart of each sign by what I think was shear happenstance from his recognizing the simplicities of each sign. Sometimes the simplest explanations are the most valuable. Maybe it was his “One Love” attitude that made him understand each sign in its rawest form.

Whatever his thought pattern was, we should, as women, all be grateful that we now have a guide that can help us master any man’s heart.

Before I explain to you how to use each key you have been given, I want to address what you may be thinking to yourself…. I don’t need to master any man’s heart; I just need to understand my current relationship.

Notice I said current. Over the life span of most women in our modern age there will be numerous men that come and go. That being said I’m sure there will be a mixed crowd of women reading this book. Some will want to find that special someone and settle down and not have to imagine dating multiple men. Then there will be some women who don’t want to be in a steady relationship and just want to have control over their encounters with men by knowing what to expect for each Zodiac sign. Still another may be like me who decided to seek out the Zodiac Sign that I wanted and use my new found power to capture his heart forever.


Even if you fit the first scenario in the previous paragraph, the woman who wants to settle down. I can assure you that by reading this book in its entirety you will have a better understanding of relationships than you did before. Not to mention you will learn how to control your own personality. And should something happen and you lose your power with the lover that you are working on, you can always keep this book tucked away as a reference if you embark on a new man from a different Zodiac Sign.

If you are the second type of woman in the previous paragraph, the woman who likes to date then you will want to refer to this book after you find out what sign your guy is. Or if you truly want to use this book to its full potential then practice remembering what each signs heart desire is so that if you meet a guy on the spur of the moment you can automatically start using language that will trigger his desire for you.

Then if you are the third type of woman, the woman like me, who actually wants to choose the sign that you want to be with then this book will be your pot of gold. I know that choosing a sign to seek out may sound a little unconventional but to a true believer in Astrology like me, it makes perfect sense. After all being able to choose as we follow the path written in the stars is what makes us human. I believe that this is precisely the path my destiny has lead me too.

Let’s also not forget that you may have a best friend or a newly single mother who could use some advice about her particular man. I’m sure having the Zodiac Love Code around has its perks.

So let’s begin your mastery of the Zodiac Keys:


The Mirroring Technique

First understand this: you do not need to be a compatible sign with the man of your dreams to win his heart. All you need to do is be aware of his deepest desire and focus your energy in that direction. In essence you want to be like a mirror that he sees his desire in.

An excellent Sign to start with to explain what I mean by mirroring is with the Aries; the first sign of the Zodiac. For this sign craves energy and that can help you understand how to focus your own energy.

Follow along as you see this technique unfold for all the Zodiac Signs.

Aries: Energy 3/21-4/19

An Aries man wants a female who is energetic. This is because he himself is full of drive and energy in his efforts to be first in everything he does. He charges head on into battle and takes names later. According to Astrological literature the Aries man is the hardest of any sign to match with other signs. Coming along behind the Aries is the Pisces man. The Pisces man is the second


hardest sign to match. I will explain what I mean about the Pisces man later in this book. The reason the Aries man is so hard to match is for the same reason no one likes to be skipped in line. The Aries puts all his energy into being first which seems very egotistical to most women. They also don’t seem to care what others think of them either. This causes problems with women who like to keep a tight knit handle on their social appearances. Having a blunt Aries butting heads with their friends can make some women cringe. That being said the Aries man’s intent is usually good. Generally all their energy comes from a positive place within themselves and they don’t realize that they are stepping on any ones toes. Women who recognize this pattern can overlook a rampage here or there and continue to nurture the relationship.

You would think that the Aries man may subconsciously desire someone to keep him grounded like a Cancer or a Capricorn but the opposite is true. The Aries seeks out those women with an energy level that parallels their own.

Typically an Aries will be drawn to a Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, or an Aquarius. Why? It’s because they are the most energetic with their ideas and they have outgoing natures. An Aries will be disappointed with the energy level of a Cancer or a Capricorn. The Aries man, whether they are aware of it or not, seeks out personalities that are on the go. A Cancer would be too busy making a home in one spot and a Capricorn would be tied up with work. That’s not to say that there aren’t exceptions to this. That’s my point exactly. There is a form of energy that every woman possesses that has nothing to do with being on the go. It’s the purest form of energy that comes from within. It’s really the only form of energy you need. All you need to do is unleash this


energy and you will be able to use it as the key to unlock his desire and capture his heart.

Remember when I said that you want to mirror his desire. Well you can do that in the most positive way imaginable. You can focus your energy on being energetic and fun loving. You don’t have to be a Gemini or Leo to stand out for being energetic.

So how does one become energetic and fun loving? Well first you need to understand where that energy comes from and then take the steps to unleash it. The good news is every female already has it in them.

There a three commonalities in women who outwardly get noticed by men, particularly Aries men, for being energetic and fun loving. Firstly, they deeply honor and respect themselves. Secondly, they completely accept themselves for who they are. Lastly, they don’t take themselves too seriously. These women see challenges as opportunities to shine and be creative. They switch off negative thoughts quickly and look on the bright side. They see life as a game that they love and enjoy playing. They accept people for who they are. They also aren’t afraid to be independent.

Can you be all these things? Of course you can! Why wouldn’t you be able to? You are just as capable as any other female walking on this planet.

Let’s look at the some easy ways you can unleash your energetic self.

1. Love and respect yourself. Know that you are a unique female with your own destiny to fulfill. When you are


around an Aries man make comments that express that you love and respect yourself like:

I believe in myself. I don’t allow my negative thoughts to run my life. If I don’t know how to do something; I’ll fake it until I

make it. I like to visualize my goals and take action.

Wow! How powerful and positively energetic are those statements!? And what’s amazing is that by making these statements you are mirroring the same thoughts that are in his head! He will automatically be bonding with you because he can relate to your confidence and drive.

2. Forget about what others think about you. Make these statements around your Aries man:

I value my own opinions---nothing people say to me or think of me will hold me back.

I don’t mind standing out because I know that everyone is unique.

I don’t let people make me feel insecure because what they say and think is only an opinion.

These statements are exact replicas of the thoughts that an Aries man thinks to himself. Talk about being on his wavelength.

3. Manage your Self-Judgment. Make these statements around your Aries man:


I am my own toughest critic but at the same time my

own biggest fan. I never let myself become big headed but I never tear

myself down either. I accept myself. Even if I make a mistake, I don’t beat

myself up; I just work on it. Believe it or not, those particular statements will be like medicine for the Aries man who often struggles with managing his own self-judgment. He will actually want you around to boost his own confidence.

4. Take nothing personally. Make this statement around your Aries man:

No matter what people do or say, I’ve learned to accept it. I move past it and then later look back and laugh.

Your Aries man will think you are Iron Woman! He will think that you are as head-strong and full of energy as he is. The good news is you are now if you truly “own” what you are saying.

There are several other ways to express that you love yourself and are full of energy. Showing that you can forgive yourself and others shows a tremendous amount of positive energy. Being thankful for what you have and taking care of your mind, body, and spirit does too. Taking up a physical activity such as yoga, or if you want to get fancy, planning a spiritual awakening trip somewhere in South American will get you huge energetic points. The main idea is that you are showing your Aries man that you are independent and full of positive, intellectual ideas and energy. He will think that you are his heart’s desire.


Before I move on to the next Zodiac sign, I’d like to point out that you should be able to see that the above mentioned statements are fantastic statements to say to any man. This is precisely why I said reading this entire book will only serve to help you in all of your relationships. While some statements are absolutely more useful from one sign to the next, they all create a positive self image that will radiate an aura of power all around you.

Taurus: Comfort 4/20-5/20

A Taurus man is looking for a woman who provides comfort. This is because everything a Taurus does is to make sure he is comfortable. A Taurus man can certainly appear very stubborn and inflexible. Really that is just their way of keeping everything status quo. And why would anyone want to keep things status quo? Well the answer is simple: remaining status quo is comfortable. He will want to have things in his life that bring him close to his comfort level.

A simple way to explain this is by describing a Taurus and his couch. That’s right, “I said his couch.” A Taurus man will spend his day in a very practical manner. He might go to work where he is most likely a dependable employee, say even the manager. Then he will come home and maybe balance his budget, because he certainly doesn’t want to get behind on his bills. Then he will


want to retire for the day on his big plush couch that his hard earned money paid for. Now he is satisfied.

Well almost satisfied because as soon as the urge hits him he will be searching out his woman and probably some food. He will be looking for his beautiful female companion to provide him with yet more pleasure and comfort. And you can bet the farm that he will want her to be right there on the couch where he can find her.

If you are an Aquarius or Sagittarius woman, you may be laughing right about now because you can’t picture yourself being right where a man wants you on a day to day basis. But what if the object of your desire turns out to be a Taurus? What do you do then?

You mirror his desire for comfort. You express to him that you are comfortable with him, comfortable with a domestic life, and comfortable with yourself. If you are the slightest bit withdrawn from your Taurus man he will see that as you being uncomfortable and he will talk to you a lot and ask what’s wrong. A lot of the Taurus’s security and self-worth is wrapped up in how his partner views the relationship. The Taurus man will also most likely try to reason with you and tell you exactly why all the things he is doing for you is to make you comfortable-- so you must be happy. Right?

Let’s look at some ways that you can express that you will be comfortable with him without losing your freedom.

1. Make him feel secure.


Make statements around him that let him know you enjoy the simple things in life, a concept that he understands well. Say: I am most happy when I work a long hard day and I

have a comfortable home to relax in. I like to find cooking recipes that my grandmother used

to make and then serve them to my friends and family. I like fireplaces. They make me feel cozy, and I also

find them romantic. I like the thought of having a soul mate. Just these four statements alone can send an incredibly powerful message to your Taurus man that you like exactly the same things as he does. You like a nice home. He likes to provide a nice home. You like to cook. He likes to watch you cook and then enjoy the meal with you. He likes enjoying the all the fruits of his labor, you see. You like having family and friends around. He wants to make a family and have friends around. You like feeling cozy and being romantic. He likes touching your soft skin and being romantic and sensual. You believe in soul mates. He wants to connect on a deep level with his partner and most likely believes in soul mates too. Presto! He feels secure knowing that you want the very things that he desires for himself and that he desires to give a woman. It’s amazing, isn’t it? How you can express all that without coming right out and asking for a relationship.


2. Let him know that you are comfortable with who you are. Make statements around him that let him know that you are comfortable with who you are because he won’t feel secure until he can fix you and make you feel comfortable. Taking that burden off of him makes him relaxed, confident, and of course comfortable. However I must caution you to not go overboard boasting about how independent you are because then he will think that you don’t need him at all. Trust me a Taurus man finds purpose in providing security for you. As you know however, some of us really don’t need all that attention. Use statements that are subtle such as:

I am happy with myself and like to share my happiness with my friends and family.

I trust my own judgment which gives me an immense source of pride.

I am a resourceful soul. I pride myself on being trustworthy and reliable.

When your Taurus man hears the words resourceful, trustworthy, and reliable, He will be thinking that’s how I am too! Again you’ve reached him on a cosmic level by mirroring his thoughts.

3. Make him feel comfortable with himself. Say things like:

I like hearing the stories you tell me. I think it’s great that you are so determined.


I think it’s helpful when you show me your way of doing things.

I can see where having a routine like yours can reduce stress.

What he is really hearing when you say those things is that you respect him for who he is and that you are comfortable with his personality. Major brownie points!

All in all, a Taurus man simply will not get involved with a woman long term if he thinks she won’t be comfortable with what he has to offer. If he thinks well this woman is going to want too much freedom and run off when things become routine, then he will get discouraged and drop out of the race. After all, if there’s one thing a Taurus knows, it’s himself, and he knows he is a practical sort of guy. End of story.

Gemini: Adventure 5/21-6/20

A Gemini man is looking for a female who likes adventure. This is because they themselves are never boring. They love being the proverbial life of the party. They seek out adventure where ever they can find it. They dislike boredom so much that when they get bored with themselves they just switch over to their twin personality just to shake things up.


This is why Gemini men are attracted to Aries women. Aries women have a lot of energy and are very passionate. The Gemini sees this and wants to hop on for the ride to where ever her passion is taking her. He is like a reporter who wants to observe and experience what others are interested in. This provides the excitement his heart desires.

Gemini’s are also extremely intelligent and love stimulating conversation. This is why a Libra woman is also a perfect match for the Gemini man. Libra’s and Gemini’s will talk each other’s heads off. They both want to find a way to have fun. They go to a lot of parties together because they love to socialize. They are also very easy-going souls.

Actually, a Gemini man is one of the easiest to match out of all the Zodiac Signs. After all, what woman wouldn’t like adventure, stimulating conversation, and an easy going companionship?

Still there are some matches like the Pisces who may seem to be too emotionally needy for the Gemini man. Or the Virgo who likes a bit more structure in their relationships than the seemingly unpredictable Gemini man can offer.

Even if you are a Pisces woman or a Virgo woman, dust off those dancing shoes if you haven’t used them in a while. And if you have been using them, then you are already one step ahead of the game.

Mirroring a Gemini man’s love and desire for adventure and fun could do all us ladies some good.

Let’s look at some ways you can focus your energy on showing your Gemini man that you are Adventurous.


1. Tell him you like having fun. Never be afraid to tell a Gemini anything. The more you say to them the better. The first message that you want to get across, however, is that you like to have fun. Making these statements will get your Gemini man excited:

I like to plan trips ahead of time so that I’m never bored.

I enjoy meeting new people. I love a good debate. I like dressing the part when I go places.

Automatically your Gemini man will be thinking, me too! He will probably say let’s go do something now or this weekend.

2. Tell him what you like to do for fun. Be careful here not say things you like to do by yourself because then your Gemini man won’t get very excited about it. In fact find a way to invite him in on the fun. Just be subtle. Make statements like these:

I like a challenging game of put-put golf, don’t you? I like going to music concerts, don’t you? I like seeing exotic places, don’t you? I like going to see plays, don’t you?

The wheels in his head will be turning thinking of what’s a good time for him to get together with you to do some of those things you like. After all it sounds like an adventure.

3. Surprise him with new ideas.


Coming up with fresh ideas is not only going to stimulate your Gemini man’s interest in you, it will serve to add some spice to your life as well. Make statements like these:

I’d like to try going to one of those mystery theater dinners, how about you?

I’d like to save my money and go to Fiji, how about you?

I hear watching a real live bull fight in Spain is intense. I’d like to see that, how about you?

I think camping out in the mountains would get me back in touch with nature, what do you think?

Your Gemini man will be thinking; let’s go, I have camping gear stored at my mom’s house. Any fresh idea you can throw at him he is going to be game. He will also think you are just the kind of flame he needs to spark his fire.

4. Have fun and make sure he finds out. If your Gemini man hasn’t jumped on the hay wagon with you yet, don’t be discouraged. Go out and have fun yourself and then tell him about it when you are done. Make statements like:

I went out last night with my best friend to an Irish pub. Boy that was fun!

I went to a costume party last Friday dressed as a Wonder Woman. I had a great time!

I went horse-back riding with my old high school friend when I went home to visit. What a fun day!

He will be thinking; Wow, if I start dating her we will surely have fun together. He may even ask you out.


Luckily Gemini men are very easy-going. It may be a little hard to pull them away from the fun adventures they already have planned, but you have a plan now too. All you have to do is unleash your wild side and show him that you know how to have just as much fun as he does. He will come around. In the mean time have fun yourself. Party like a Rock Star!

Cancer: Security 6/21-7/22

The Cancer man wants a woman who will provide them with security. This is because the Cancer man values his security more than anything. He will grab onto you with his claws and keep you tucked safely inside his home. Only one other sign, the Taurus, takes this secure-home-thing so seriously. Cancer men are also maternal, domestic, and love to nurture.

Remember when I said that all men’s primal desire is to be nurtured. Well this group of men likes to give back to women by nurturing them as well.

On the flipside of that, a Cancer man can be very sensitive and moody at times. They really analyze their partners every mood and change their mood if they feel they have picked up on any negative vibes. They will often react and leave their partner wondering why. Also a Cancer will strike out if they feel there is some sort of cheating going on. Cancer men also use kindness


and gentleness to get their way, but if that doesn’t work, they will use emotional manipulation or become vindictive.

Pisces women do well to absorb the Cancer man’s moods. Pisces can be very sensitive and intuitive which helps them recognize when the Cancer is sulking. They are able to console the Cancer man on an emotional level.

Now a Libra woman on the other hand may not be able to make an emotional connection with the Cancer man nor will she be able to handle a large amount of moodiness. A Libra would most likely try to make an intellectual connection with him and talk him out of his mood. This however is not the right medicine for the Cancer man. As a result Libra women generally leave because they want a more harmonious relationship. Libra women may also want to go out on the town more. They also like to get attention from the opposite sex, which can annoy a Cancer man. He likes to stay at home generally and keep his affairs to himself.

Say you are a Libra though. Or any other sign who is truly in love with a Cancer man. How will you convince this man that he has nothing to fear?

You mirror his desire for security. You express to him that you are in his corner and that he can trust you with his most intimate feelings.

Let’s look at some ways you can express to him that you can provide the very security that his heart desires.

1. Show him unconditional acceptance.


Your Cancer man will feel more secure if he knows that he can come to you with his feelings. Otherwise you may never really get to know your Cancer man as he truly is. Make statements like:

I don’t judge people. I don’t criticize people. I like open honest communication. It takes a lot to get me upset.

Saying these statements makes him think; that’s a relief, I know I can talk to this girl without feeling like I’ll say something wrong. Have you ever heard the saying walking on egg shells? Well you may have been in a relationship yourself where you feel insecure about telling your partner certain things because they will either judge you or have an opinion that will make you feel guilty or wrong. No one likes to feel this way especially a Cancer man.

2. Let him know that you value loyalty. Cancer men like to keep their relationships private this gives them a sense of security. If they think that your friends and family hear all about them, they will feel insecure around them wondering what’s been said. Make statements like these around them:

I like to keep the details of my relationships private. I don’t tell my friends the intimate details of my

romantic relationships. I change the subject when my mom or dad asks me

about who I’m dating. These statements will let your Cancer man know that he is going to be able to trust you. He will think that you are


going to be loyal to him and not discuss your relationship with others leaving it exposed and open to opinion. Cancers want to be the first to know if there is anything wrong in the relationship because they want to fix the problem immediately. They do this because they want nothing more than to have a strong secure love life.

3. Make him feel like he will be needed. Plenty of security is found when a person feels like they are needed. Cancer men definitely want to feel needed. This assures them that they can’t be replaced so easily. Make statement to him like:

I occasionally need a hero when I have a problem. I like sharing my kitchen with someone who likes to

cook. I like having someone to discuss my work day with. I occasionally need someone stronger than me to help

with heavy task around the house. A Cancer man will be thinking. Hmmm… I wonder if she means me. I’d love to help her. Cancer men are very nurturing and they want to fill the role of the caretaker or hero. They feel secure when they are needed. I can’t stress this point enough.

I’d also like to mention that while it may seem like the Cancer man has no confidence of his own with all this needing to feel secure. It’s not really true. They will sometimes be single for several years because they are perfectly fine on their own. It’s just that when they do get into a relationship they want to know


that it’s going to be an intimate one and that they aren’t going to get their tender hearts hurt.

Leo: Honor 7/23-8/22

The Leo man wants a woman who will protect his Honor. This is because Leo’s like to be the king of the jungle so to speak. They put a lot of energy into making a good impression all the time. They love being center stage and never miss a chance to be in the limelight. This may seem a bit egotistical but really it’s more of an honor thing. They want to have a reputation that precedes them. They want everyone to know that they are the commander and chief-- which only makes since because they have proven time and time again they are the best man for the job. And boy, are they? Definitely!

An Aries woman or a Sagittarius woman would be the first to notice the Leo’s antics as a show of confidence that they find to be an attractive attribute.

On the other hand, a Taurus woman will most likely find the Leo’s display of power to be too dramatic and extravagant for she is very down to earth and practical.

Notice I stated earlier that a Leo wants a woman who protects his honor. This time I didn’t say that he wants a woman with honor. That’s not to say that he doesn’t value a woman with


honor, it’s more to say that his honor is more important to him. Again this may sound to you like a Leo man is very self-centered and egotistical. Well they aren’t. On the contrary, they will be the first to lead their woman to a better life. They are also strong willed people with a lot of friends and popularity. Really, they are people pleasers and will surely try to please you as well.

So although you are going to be making statements more about them than you do about yourself, unlike with the other signs of the Zodiac, there’s no need to feel like you are feeding their egos. There are plenty of positive things that you can say to a Leo that will be sincere and not just plain flattery.

So you don’t necessarily need to think that you are “kissing their tails”. You are simply mirroring what they want to believe about themselves---- and they believe they are an honorable lot.

Let’s look at some ways that you can express to your Leo man that you can appreciate his desire to protect his honor.

1. Let him know you know how to protect his ego. A Leo man needs to keep up appearances. You want him to know that when you go out with him you aren’t going to undermine him or let anyone else do that to him either. Make statements like:

I can see that you know where you are heading in life. I can see that you have some solid ideas. I can tell that you don’t need anyone to tell you how to

do things. I know you have thought things through.


By making the statements you have planted in his mind that because you already agree with what he thinks and what he wants to do, when he takes you out you aren’t going to openly contradict him in public. In fact, he thinks that you will probably defend his point of view if anything. Voila! You have just let him know that you can protect his honor. And you have just built his confidence or at the very least confirmed it.

2. Give him a challenge. What’s the use of being a king if there’s no one to rule? How can a Leo man earn his honor if there’s no one to see it? Funny enough, this is your chance to be in control with your Leo man, because often times you will feel like he has all the control. Really, however, because Leo men are such people pleasers, they will jump through burning rings of fire if you give them a challenge. Make statements like:

I’ve never met a man who can multitask. I would love to share a bottle of wine with a man of

good taste. I have searched all my life for a man who listens well. It would be nice to spend time with a man who can

keep a smile on his face. Have you ever seen that little kindergartener sitting on the carpet with the other kids who raises his hand so high and starts saying “oh, oh, oh I know I know” when the teacher ask a question? This is how your Leo man will be. He will be saying “Oh, I can do all that easy!”


Next thing you know you will be sitting in front of a bottle of wine at an up-class restaurant directly across from a sharp dressed man with a huge smile on his face who is listening to your every word very intently. Funny right? Now you see how much power you can wheel.

3. Show him admiration. There’s nothing a Leo loves more than being admired. It’s as simple as that. Make statements like:

I really like how friendly you are. I really like how you take good care of yourself. I know your boss at work must think you are very

valuable. I like how you help others in your spare time.

Of course the statements above need to reflect the good things that your particular man does, but I’m sure you can think of some nice things to say without sounding fake. Don’t worry however if you do get a little tongue twisted trying to compliment your Leo man. Pretty much any adoration will be accepted by them.

It’s important to understand that while you are giving your Leo man all this attention you still want to talk yourself up a bit too. You want to let your Leo man know that you can shine in the spot light too. Go back and read some of the statements that you can use with Aries men and say those to your Leo, too. These statements are very positive and full of energy. Thus the reason Leos match so well with Aries.


Virgo: Assurance 8/23-9/22

The Virgo man wants a woman he can be sure about. This is because Virgo’s need to be assured they are doing things the right way. They spend a lot of time sorting out facts and making sure they meet deadlines so that there’s no question a job is going to be done correctly. They are often recognized as being picky and critical. These men are industrious, methodical, and efficient. A Virgo man’s brain is usually in overdrive. This is why these men get a lot done. However this constant over-thinking- attitude can turn some Virgo men into perfectionist.

Virgo men do use their fact finding abilities and detail oriented minds to analyze their relationships too. The good news is that Virgo men are also down to earth, practical, and humble. So even though it may seem like they are picking apart their lovers, they are also wise enough to see the potential in them as well. Virgo men also have a great sense of duty and want to help others. In a relationship they will want to truly be understanding and helpful.

Taurus women love Virgo men. They love them for their organized mind and clever humor. They admire their strength of character, determination, and patience. This pair works out because they are both reliable steady partners who share the same respect for responsibility and productivity. A Taurus woman handles her responsibility in a much more relaxed manner


however, which helps the Virgo man relax as he tends to worry a lot. So she is a good role model for him. They both also value stability and commitment in a relationship which they find in each other. A Taurus woman is a sure bet for the Virgo man. She is a partner he can always depend on.

A Gemini woman on the other hand could be perceived by the Virgo man as being a bit irresponsible. Although they both have highly active minds and both think rationally, the Virgo never really leaves work behind in his mind, while the Gemini can leave work behind easily and go find some adventure. The Virgo man may find this Gemini trait nonsensical and could also become a bit possessive. After all he always needs to be sure he is with the right person.

So how do you show your Virgo man that his desire for assurance can be “rest assured” on your shoulders?

You mirror his desire for Assurance!

Let’s look at some ways you can easily convince him that he has chosen the right mate.

1. Let him know that you are sure about yourself. If you have ever been around a man who is really sure of himself then you might have realized this well known fact: Men who are sure about themselves will give everyone around them confidence. They are so confident that you wonder--- where on earth do they get their strength from? Then you wish you had that same strength. You also want to know--- what makes them so sure that they have all the answers? Many leaders are formed this way.


If you show your Virgo man that you are sure of who you are, what you want, and how you are going to get it, he will feel sure about following you. Perhaps all the way down the aisle. Make statements like these around him:

I know what I want and I know how to get it. I am confident in my abilities. I see what needs to be done and I take action. I trust my own instincts. I am not a woman who is easily persuaded.

Your Virgo man will be thinking, “Wow!” this girl really has her head glued on straight. If I get into a relationship with her she won’t fall apart. This is the type of girl I can be sure about.

2. Let him know that you have class. A Virgo man can be very picky when it comes to women. They want to be sure they are choosing the right woman, but they also want to know that everyone else thinks they have chosen the right woman as well. After all, their decision reflects their taste and judgment. It’s just like when a manager approves someone for hire. They don’t want the person they chose to fail, because if they do it reflects on the manager’s ability to read people. Make statements like these around your Virgo man:

I pay attention to proper etiquette when a meet new people.

I think it’s disrespectful to monopolize a conversation. I like to take a house warming gift when I’m invited to

a party.


I think it’s important to remember to send thank you notes to people.

I know how and when to look my best. Your Virgo man will hear these things and be proud of himself that he has chosen a woman of beauty, class, and grace. He will feel confident that where ever he takes you he can trust that you will leave a good impression. Over time he will come to the conclusion that you are the one. Don’t be afraid to mess up when he takes you places though. With any man, really it’s the idea of you that you have planted like a seed in his head. He’s already made up his mind that you are a quality woman. Therefore if you make a mistake it’s only a small fall from grace in his eyes.

3. Let him know that you have a support group. Your Virgo man can’t believe that you have everything going for you if he sees that you don’t have any followers so to speak. The fact that other people have chosen you to be a part of their lives shows him that he can also feel comfortable choosing you. There’s a saying that you can’t chose your family but you can chose your friends. Well Virgo men live by this motto. They want to surround themselves with people who add quality to their lives. They want to make sure the friends they pick add value to their lives. But what if you have a small support group? By support group I mean family, friends or anyone else you can count on. What if you only have one good friend and no family really? Well you “talk-up” what you do have! Every single person in your life has value; just as you have value. Just because a woman doesn’t have an entourage of


friends, doesn’t mean the one friend they have isn’t worth all the gold in the world. I find that when I help women, they often say I don’t have any friends, but when I ask them who they talk to the most they always name someone. Then I say well there you go. That’s your friend. It’s the negative mentality that if you only have one pair of nice heals they aren’t enough compared to the woman who has a closet full of heals. Well I am here to tell you that one pair of heals is all you need to make a good impression. To make that good impression make statements like these:

I have a very good friend who I can count on. I have a co-worker who I get along with really well. I have a grandmother who I love and respect. I have an aunt who loves to cook me dinner. I have a hair dresser who likes keeping me up on the

latest trends. So you see every person in your life matters. Your Virgo man will know that you have people in your corner. If he is ever to marry you he wants to be sure that you aren’t going to be a needy person who only looks to him for support. While he has the ability to be your rock, he still thinks it’s in his best interest to avoid a person who can’t find happiness in those around them. Secondly, when you openly show appreciation for others you are showing him that you have a great deal of character because you can see the value in everyone that touches your life in some way. This shows him that you have the


ability to form stable relationships. This helps him see the value of forming a relationship with you.

Over all Virgo’s need to have their minds put at ease. They are so meticulous themselves that they need a break from all the worrying they do. It’s like when you fret over a test for days and days and you finally finish the test. You know that you studied for it so you think you did well. Now you are walking around like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You can relax knowing that you did your best.

Well the Virgo man is looking for that same feeling, but with a woman. They will want to feel like being with you is one more thing they can check off of their list of accomplishments. They have earned themselves a rewarding relationship that will last a long time; one they can be sure will last.

Libra: Harmony 9/23-10/22

The Libra man wants a woman he can be at harmony with. This is because a Libra man is constantly searching for balance in his life. The Libra man is innately concerned with keeping the peace. They don’t like a lot of arguing and jealousy. These men are extraordinarily intelligent and can often seemingly read their lovers mind. They can see both sides of a situation and can sympathize with many points of view. This character trait can sometimes lead them to indecisiveness, but generally once they


have weighed out the pros and cons in a situation, they come to a solid conclusion.

Libra men are by far the most charming and seductive men of all the Zodiac signs. Only a Scorpio man can attempt to achieve the level of seduction that a Libra man so naturally emits. A Libra man’s smile is said to be inescapable. Here you are dealing with the God of Love himself ruled by Venus the Goddess of Love. The Libra man will likely seduce many women over the course of his life time before he decides to settle down. He is like the Don Juan Demarco for women. Libra men also love attention from women. They are highly flirtatious and love to go out and socialize.

Several signs of the Zodiac such as: Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer might be seduced by the Libra man but then they come to realize that they have a player on their hands. Then they become jealous or disinterested in the Libra man. Of course the Libra man will be quick to notice he’s lost your attention, and “poof” he is gone. It’s only the signs of the Zodiac that can handle the Libra’s flirtatious ways that make a long lasting relationship with the Libra man.

Gemini and Leo women tend to overlook the Libra’s flirtatious gestures and remarks. They themselves are pretty open-minded and receive and give a lot of attention to the opposite sex. Oddly enough a Libra woman and a Libra man are one of the better compatibility matches of the Zodiac Signs. The Libra woman and man both love being in love. They also typically view flirting as harmless.

Please don’t get the impression that a Libra man can’t be loyal, because he most certainly can. Once he finds a woman who he can be at harmony with, he actually likes being in a close relationship.


So how do you express that you will be a harmonious match for the Libra man?

You mirror his desire for harmony!

Let’s look at some ways you can mirror his desire.

1. Let him know that you are not a jealous person. It may be tough to say that you are not a jealous person if you truly are. However there are different degrees of jealousy. When you are with a Libra man, his jealousy factor will be very low. Yours can be low too if you can make some of these statements below real to your nature. Make statements like:

I think jealousy is natural but I don’t let it run my life. I think talking to the opposite sex is okay when you

know it’s harmless. I like to give my relationships breathing room. I don’t automatically get upset when my lover talks to

another girl. A Libra man won’t think of this as an open invitation to cheat. He will just think that you are not likely to start a fight with him just for smiling or talking to another girl. Libra men are just naturally very charming so it’s a relief for them not to try to act like something they are not.

2. Let him know that you don’t like to argue. If there’s one thing a Libra man can’t stand it’s arguing. These men are highly intelligent and see arguing as literally a waste of time. A Libra man will have no trouble hearing you out but when it reaches the level of arguing they will not


respond. Libra women are a little different. They will try to please their lovers or find a peaceful resolution. Still too much arguing will run a Libra man or woman away sooner rather than later. Make statements like this to show him you desire harmony too:

I find that meditating on an issue is better than arguing over it.

I try to avoid arguments by offering solutions first. I like to give myself time to cool down if I’m mad. I understand that couples will not agree on everything

all the time. I try to compromise to keep the peace. I don’t like fighting.

The Libra man will be thinking: Good I don’t like fighting either. Subconsciously the Libra man wants a harmonious relationship that is peaceful and full of respect and kindness. For them an uplifting lover, who thinks of not only of herself but of the feelings of her partner, shows a great deal of intelligence and maturity on her part which a Libra man finds appealing.

3. Show compassion for others. If you show compassion for others, you are showing your Libra man that you are a fair and considerate person. Libra men value justice and fairness and often become judges or politicians. The direct result of justice and fairness is harmony. Any man might laugh if you said to them their deepest desire was harmony. They would probably say it was money or sex. That’s just a male ego talking. If a Libra man was to truly see himself as an outsider would, they


might see that their actions show that they seek out harmony. That’s what Gargomel saw. That’s what I have seen too over years of observing Libra men. Making statements like these will show that you are a fair person:

I feel that everyone deserves a fair shake. I think it’s only right to hear all sides of the story. I like to help others make good decisions. I don’t like it when people make fun of others. I don’t like gossip.

Libra men understand this point of view because they don’t like gossip or hearing anyone be made fun of either. They also like to help others be happy by keeping the peace and by being fair. They will see you as an intelligent, peaceful, fun-loving woman who won’t be spiteful or bitter.

Overall a mastering the Libra man will put your fears to the test. You may find it difficult to give a man so much breathing room, but the strange thing is: the more you do the more your Libra man will be loyal to you. Also finding the strength to count to ten to avoid an argument is what several self-help books attempt to teach people. In order to master this sign you will want to control your own temper if you think it will be an issue. Also if you like to gossip, you may want to keep it to yourself. The reward for doing all this is that you’ve just caught yourself a true ladies man capable of showing you love beyond compare.


Scorpio: Passion 10/23-11/21

A Scorpio man wants a woman who is passionate. This is because Scorpio men are very passionate themselves. If a woman cannot share the Scorpio’s passions or doesn’t have any of her own the Scorpio man will never truly feel like they have made a connection. Scorpio men need to connect on a very intimate deep meaningful level. These men are both magnetic and mysterious.

Many women will be drawn to them and want to try to figure them out. This is much of the allure surrounding the men of this sign. Typically, however, the women who attempt to crack the Scorpio’s code end up heart broken in the end because they never make that deep connection. They are left with the same mystery they started with. This is because the Scorpio man is looking for qualities in his lover that have sustenance and staying power. If they don’t find that in their lover, then they won’t open up to them. They do however tend to leave that trade mark sting behind. This sting translates into a feeling of rejection and bewilderment.

Women that are Pisces do well making this connection with the Scorpio man. This is because Pisces women are generally very passionate about love. When a Pisces woman falls in love they tend to become very vulnerable and have a self-less nature. The Scorpio man is deeply touched by this surrendering of the heart and views it as a passionate quality. The Scorpio man then feels


that the Pisces woman is deserving of his love and he will open his arms and let her in. Then they both become extremely loyal and possessive of each other. They both value their privacy and put each other first.

An Aquarius woman on the other hand may never make such a connection with the Scorpio man. Initially the Scorpio man may be attracted to the Aquarius woman’s deep insights and perceive her visionary nature as a passion for the betterment of mankind, but when it comes to love the Scorpio man may never sense that she has committed herself to him on a deep emotional level.

So really the Scorpio man wants a woman who is passionate about life and love. If he only finds a woman passionate about life he may run with her for a while as he will be caught up in the excitement of her passions but he will never feel safe in her arms. In the end the Aquarius woman will likely feel the Scorpio’s sting.

So how do you make this connection? How do you make a Scorpio man open up to you?

You mirror is desire for passion!

Let’s look at how you can show him that you can match his intense passion for life and love.

1. Let him know that you are an empathetic person. Showing a Scorpio man that you are an empathetic person will let him know that you have a passion for life. Making statements like these:

I feel so sorry for that poor little dog.


I feel like I should help that kind lady with her groceries.

I can’t believe that man cut that mini-van off in traffic. I wish more people would give to charity.

A Scorpio man will be thinking this woman feels a deep respect for others; therefore she is a respectable woman with a passion for life. This will begin to set in motion a thought pattern of trust in his mind. He would be thinking that if you have empathy for others you will be empathetic to him.

2. Let him know you are passionate about something important. The Scorpio man is passionate about everything he cares for in his life. His job, his financial stability, his reputation, his family, his friends, what’s right and what’s wrong. The list goes on and on. That’s why these men seem so extremely driven. For them life is like one long fever. Sometimes this fever can even get out of control and the Scorpio man can become obsessive and compulsive. That being said, you don’t have to mirror is passion to the point of obsession but you want to capture his attention. Make statements like these:

I want to volunteer my time at the animal shelter. (passion for animals)

I want to tutor kindergartener students. (passion for children and education)

I want to help with the food drive. (passion for the starving)

I am going to donate all the clothes I don’t need. (passion for those in need)


This may all seem a little confusing. And that’s exactly what it’s like to date a Scorpio man. You constantly wonder, “What is it that I have to do to get this guy to open up to me?” The truth is you have to prove to him that you deserve his love. And believe me the bar is high. That’s why it literally takes an act of complete selflessness such as giving up your time to help others to show him that you are worthy. It’s like all the movies you watch where in order for the bad guy to win back his life he has to lay down his own. Well if you are standing face to face with a scorpion and you see that stinger tail hovering over your head, you better lie down and surrender. These acts of passion towards other people will help you get closer to his idea of surrendering. This is the type of woman he thinks you ought to be for him to let you in. Ah the mysteries of life!

3. Let him know that you are passionate about love. This should be easy enough to understand. Make statements like these:

I am a loyal companion. I would give my life to save my loved ones. I think love conquers all. I don’t kiss and tell.

The Scorpio man will be thinking, this woman is a worthy companion. I feel comfortable letting her in. I won’t hurt this one, because I know she wouldn’t hurt a fly. To sting or not to sting is the question here.


You can see now why it’s difficult to capture the heart of a Scorpio man. It seems a bit like you have to be a goody two shoes to win his heart. Well it’s true. It does take a bit of altruistic behavior but it’s best mixed with a little bad too. The Scorpio man also likes some spice in the romance department, but only if it’s for his eyes and ears only. Remember they like to keep secrets.

So if you have had trouble with figuring out your Scorpio man, it’s a good thing you bought this book. Many women who have failed to unlock the Scorpio’s heart could have used this knowledge to save themselves a lot of grief.

Sagittarius: Freedom 11/22-12/21

A Sagittarius man wants a woman who makes him feel free. This is because Sagittarius men are restless souls. They want to be able to explore everything that the world has to offer. They live a fast life as if there’s no time to stop and smell the roses. These men are in search of answers. The truths, if you will, of the universe and the laws that govern society. They search out other things as well. It could be a destination or just a personal mission. Sometimes it’s as simple as them just searching out knowledge for the sake of knowledge.

Once they do acquire a lot of knowledge you can see the evidence of it because they will appear smart witted and have a great deal


of wisdom to pass on to you. Here’s the problem though.. How will the Sagittarius man be able to roam the planet and gain all this wisdom if he has a lover who wants him to stay at home? The answer is he will go do it anyways! And he’ll be very blunt about it. Oftentimes relationships take a back seat with a Sagittarius man.

Does this sound daunting to you? Maybe you are a Pisces woman and the thought of having a very blunt man telling you he’s going to go and do whatever he wants makes you cringe a bit. Not because you can’t handle giving your man some space, because you often times need it too, but it’s the way he says it. Pisces have a very humble and sensitive nature and pay close attention to words and body language. A Sagittarius man may blurt out his inclinations without tact.

Or maybe you are a Capricorn woman who can certainly admire a Sagittarius man’s enthusiasm because you are a highly determined person yourself. However you approach your goals with thought and caution. You may find the Sagittarius man to be too impulsive and careless in comparison.

On the other hand there are other signs in the Zodiac that can actually feed off this wanting-to-be-free behavior. An Aries woman for example might find the Sagittarius man challenging. She may even become quite competitive with him, generally in a good way.

An Aquarius woman can also find a Sagittarius man to be a highly compatible mate. Aquarius women are capable of giving their partners a lot of room to roam. On top of that the Aquarius woman can be drawn to the Sagittarius man’s forward-thinking, inquisitive mind. Both signs are ambitious and neither care too


much for social perception. They both just want to unwrap life like a tootsie-roll tootsie-pop and discover what’s inside.

Say you are neither the best match for a Sagittarius man nor the worst. You just want to know how to make it work with one.

Well you want to mirror his love for freedom!

Let’s look at some ways you can express to a Sagittarius man that you can handle the whole freedom thing.

1. Let him know that you understand the need for independence. You don’t have to come right out and say, “Here have your freedom,” because you may not feel secure with that. But you may be okay with a lighter version of that statement. Even just the fact that your Sagittarius man knows that you can appreciate his need for independence, it will be enough for him to feel free. Make statements like these around your Sagittarius man:

I think it’s healthy to be able to do things as a couple and on my own.

I like to explore different places and come back with stories to tell.

I think relationships need breathing room sometimes. I think doing things separately as a couple makes the

heart grow fonder. Your Sagittarius man will be thinking, me too! But don’t worry he doesn’t want to leave you stranded by yourself all the time either. If he thinks that you truly like to explore the world as he does, he will have no problem taking you along.


2. Let him know that you like to explore too.

I know it’s hard now-a-days to find the time to travel with work and busy schedules. However you can rest assured your Sagittarius man will figure it out. He may also figure it out with or without you. Picture an Indiana Jones type. Your Sagittarius man may be teaching in a class room somewhere having studied in a library for years, but when its time, he will be packing his things to go in search of The Lost Ark. Will he take you with him? Yes if you truly want to go and you make the necessary arrangements to follow him. Will he go without you? Yes! He will go even if you won’t or can’t go. Make statements like these around him to let him know you are on board:

I pay myself back for all the hard work I do by getting away from it all for a while.

I can’t live my life without seeing what else is out there.

I have a need to try new things. I won’t let my domestic life stop me from seeing the

world. Your Sagittarius man will be thinking, this woman is just like me. She will be able to join me when I’m ready to travel to Tim Buck Two or where ever. She sounds like she wants to explore and learn things just like I do. I bet someday if we have kids we will have all these stories to tell them.

3. Let him know that you have questions that need to be answered as well.


A Sagittarius man has a very inquisitive mind. So get him wondering about something that you are interested in. Finding out the answers together would be a great bonding experience for the two of you. It may take you a little time to find a topic that strikes his interest, but the good news is there are a lot of topics out there and one will get his wheels turning. Make statements like:

I wonder what it would be like on a real movie set. I wonder what it would be like to stand at the top of

the Eiffel Tower. I wonder how the Egyptians built the pyramids. I wonder why the people in Arizona vote mostly

democratic. I wonder how primitive people live.

This may all sound funny to you if you think the topics are silly, but your Sagittarius man may say, hey I’d like to travel to the pyramids and explore the ancient tombs. Or he may pick up a book and check out the demographics in Arizona and get back to you with an answer. Point is he will be more than happy to know that you are an independent thinker with questions just like him.

Over all you can either overlook, tolerate, deal with, or enjoy the Sagittarius man’s need for freedom. I suggest you try to enjoy it if you truly want to be with this particular man, because otherwise you could just smother him away. Either way he is going to want to feel free sooner or later.

It’s quite natural to believe that his wanting freedom has something to do with you. You may think he just doesn’t like you


that much. Luckily you have this book to help you understand that it has nothing to do with you. However you have the power within you to become involved in his life once you relate to his desire for freedom.

Capricorn: Power 12/22-1/19

Capricorn men want women who value power. This is because the Capricorn man is going to be working relentlessly to build his financial empire. He will be making seemingly unnecessary sacrifices to achieve a level of personal success that few women will understand. These men have a "Type A" personality and a one track mind for power. For these men money is power and time is money. This is why they are so disciplined. They don’t have time to be careless. They also don’t have time to let people slow them down.

Capricorn men can also seem unemotional. This is because they can’t let emotions run their lives if they are to be successful.

A Virgo woman can usually understand this about the Capricorn best. She can look past the relentless tolling the Capricorn man does over every little detail because they themselves are very detailed oriented and want to achieve a high level of success. She knows that they both wear a perfectionist cloak and that underneath it dwells two very emotional people. She is able to draw this emotion out of the Capricorn and get inside to his true feelings.


Virgo women also have a very classy side that reflects power and prestige. The Capricorn man sees this and thinks she must like and appreciate a wealthy partner.

Then you look at a Libra woman who is usually both classy and sophisticated which may draw the Capricorn to her but then he finds out that the Libra can’t deal with him working all the time. The Libra woman will want a balance between work and romance. They may find this balance together but it won’t be easy.

The Zodiac Signs that really value the power that the Capricorn man is trying to or already has acquired would be the Scorpio or the Taurus. Taurus women typically like to surround themselves in the fruits of their labors and certainly don’t mind sharing the Capricorns’ fruits of labor either. These two can have a relationship that turns out to be more like a smooth running business if they aren’t paying attention. Luckily the Taurus woman can manage to keep the romance alive.

The Scorpio woman will respect the Capricorn’s determination, having a lot of that herself. She knows what it’s like to be so passionate about something that it consumes you. She will see the value in his struggle for power and provide the relief necessary to see him through. She can also reach him emotionally and inspire him.

You may be one of the Zodiac Signs that ends up thinking that your Capricorn man is a boring work-a-holic, but as you can see there are other signs who find this type of guy quite agreeable. With that being said maybe knowing beforehand what you are getting yourself into will change your outlook on this type of man and you can adjust your thinking accordingly.


So if the object of your desire turns out to be a Capricorn man and you want to speak to his sign to make it work, you’ll need to mirror his desire for power.

Let’s look at some ways you can do that.

1. Let him know you appreciate his struggle. The Capricorn man doesn’t need anyone constantly reminding him that he needs to take a break or he will get some kind of ulcer. He needs a woman who can appreciate his struggle to bring home the big bucks. Making statements like these will be of more help to him:

I think itineraries are helpful. I know keeping down disruptions make it easier to get

work done. I think having an office with a view makes working less

stressful. I find that massages are a great way to relieve stress. I find that making the font larger on my computer

screen causes less strain on my eyes. This is the stuff he can relate to because he deals with it every day. He will be thinking this woman understands that I need to work and doesn’t seem to be upset about it or needy. I may be able to have her around and still get some work done.

2. Let him know that you appreciate the finer things in life. A Capricorn man is liable to have some nice work equipment around because he needs the very best money can buy


when it comes to doing a good job. Your only job will be to comment on how you appreciate nice things too. Make statements like:

I heard that there’s a new Galaxy phone that is more sleek and compact.

I like business cards that aren’t flimsy. I think a nice wallet is much classier than using a

money clip. I think cufflinks are classy and I’d like to see them

come back in style. This may sound a bit superficial but to Capricorns nice things are a way of life. They make him feel good. They translate into thoughts of achievement and success. It doesn’t make someone a bad person to want the finer things in life. When you make these sorts of statements you are reinforcing in his mind that he is on the right track and that you are his classy other half who can appreciate what he is doing.

3. Let him know that you can be there for him emotionally. All work and no play can certainly make Jack a dull boy, but you never want to say this to your Capricorn man. It will only seem like nagging and it won’t be helpful or get you any brownie points. Instead what you want to do is let him know that you will be there for him when he is ready to relax. This may seem like forever and a day with a Capricorn man but you can speed up to process. He will thank you for it later. Make statements like these around him:


I love fluffy pillows and silk sheets. I love hot tubs. I love meditating. I like taking long hot showers.

What you are doing here may not seem like you are trying to be there for him emotionally. But you are-- just in a roundabout way. Your Capricorn man will have the thought of that hot tub or those silky pillows in the back of his mind all day at work. Then he will finally think, you know what, “I need a break and I want to take that long hot shower with this incredible woman who put that thought in my head.” Next thing you know he is in your shower. Then you can show him that when he is with you, he can let his emotions run free. You can ask him how he feels once he is laying next to you on those silky sheets. Funny thing is he will probably say, “I’m fine, why do you ask?” But in his mind he is probably feeling thankful that someone took the time to ask. After that I suggest you just let him be. He may not know that you need an equivalent emotional response, but in his mind he is quite content and that hopefully will be enough to make you feel content.

All in all it may seem like a Capricorn man wants to be on his own-- climbing his mountain to the top. You just want to remember that everyone needs allies to help them out along the way. Even if you remain on his back burner for a while, if you stick around and give him encouragement, compliments, and support he will eventually take you on as his companion. Much like the Capricorn man knows he will have to earn his fortune, he


will expect you to earn his love. Luckily, you know just the right things to say to open and make deposits into his emotional bank account.

Aquarius: Vision 1/20-2/18

The Aquarius man is looking for a woman with visionary ideas. This is because the Aquarius man is full of new ideas pertaining to the progress of man. They spend a lot of time thinking about how they can make things better. Aquarius men seek out like-minded people who share similar visions. They usually have a lot of friends and acquaintances. They innately get the sense that it will take a collaborative effort to push the world forward. Much like the Sagittarius man who is out seeking knowledge, these men are traveling around bestowing their ideas on to the world. Thus they are also freedom-loving people who like to roam the earth.

Aquarius men can be very adamant about their ideas and opinions. They may even be a bit temperamental about things that don’t go their way. Their way can be quite quirky and odd, but that’s the way they like it. They generally feel that it is their unique eccentric ways that will be just the original outlook that will change the world.

Sagittarius women are said to make great matches with Aquarius men. Both are optimistic, forward-thinking and progressive souls. The Sagittarius woman naturally loves freedom as much as the


Aquarius man. It’s very likely that the Sagittarius woman will enjoy hearing the visionary ideas coming from the Aquarius man and have a lot of stories to tell him that will fuel his own ideas. When either of them become brutally honest or blunt with each other they just shrug it off, because they are both very out spoken and handle criticism well. Essentially they can both dish it out and take it.

Taurus women on the other hand rarely make a good match with Aquarius men. These two are polar opposites of each other. The Aquarius man will likely think that the Taurus woman is trying to own him. The Taurus woman prefers a very intimate relationship and will likely find she’s a bit lonely with the Aquarius man. This is because the Aquarius man will seem distant and preoccupied with his own ideas. The Taurus woman may also think that the Aquarius man likes chaos and drama, while she likes to keep things simple and status quo. The Taurus woman can be objective towards new ideas preferring to do things her way. The Aquarius man will likely think she is stubborn and unable to view new ideas with an open mind. He may end up wishing she had more visionary ideas pertaining to the future instead of relishing in the past.

Unfortunately, if you are a Taurus, Pisces, or Cancer woman you may not fare well with your Aquarius man unless you can appreciate his ideas or have some fresh ideas of your own.

The good news is it’s not impossible to win over your Aquarius man if you just try to mirror his desire for visionary ideas.

Let’s look at some ways you can mirror his desire for Vision.

1. Let him know you are open to new ideas.


Even if you are the type of woman who is very set in your ways, just being able to accept that the Aquarius man has his own set of ideas for doing things and that he may change them quite frequently, lets him know that you are open-minded. Make statements like these around your Aquarius man:

I think society needs fresh ideas to continue to progress.

I find that being original influences others to try new things.

I like hearing ideas that could possibly change the world as we know it.

I enjoy futuristic novels and movies. Your Aquarius man will hear all this and most likely begin to excitedly tell you about his ideas or about something he’s read or heard. Immediately he will want to find out what’s in your head and talk on and on about political or humanitarian issues that need solving and the possible solutions to those problems.

2. Let him know you are a good listener. More than anything your Aquarius man will want to know he is being heard. It’s not really enough to just be in front of him while he is telling you about his brilliant ideas. You want to follow along in the conversation. Make statements like these when he is talking to you:

I think that’s a valid point. I can fully understand your concern. I agree that issue needs to be addressed. I can see that you are passionate about this topic.


These statements allow your Aquarius man to open up even more because these statements are leading. That is to say once he hears that you are validating his ideas, he will want to express them more fully. Even if you don’t have something interesting or helpful to say back to him, he will still get the impression that you are on the same page with him and therefore you have an inquisitive mind and vision.

3. Let him know that you have visionary ideas as well. Maybe you are the type of woman who really doesn’t care to rock the boat all that much. As long as you have a roof over your head and food on the table you leave the ideas to someone else. That’s perfectly fine. With the Aquarius man however, the roof and food are really just a function of life but have no real meaning; so every once in a while you may want to think outside of the box just to make a stronger connection with him. Make statements like these around him.

I think if our town would drop off recycling bins to people who don’t ask for them; those people would eventually learn how to recycle.

I think there should be some sort of process for portion control in restaurants.

I think if donation boxes were more accessible more people would donate.

I think larger campaigns are necessary to convince people to buy hybrid cars.

Your Aquarius man will jump at the idea to discuss these topics with you. Of course, these are just examples, but you can probe away to find out what your Aquarius man is truly


adamant about. He will definitely want to exchange numbers to talk to you even more. Or if you are already in a relationship he will feel rejuvenated every time you have something thought provoking to say to him. What’s even better, the two of you may actually do something extraordinary together that will help mankind.

So really it’s not necessary to feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of ideas coming from your Aquarius man. You just want to be a good listener and throw some of your own ideas out there. Besides he is really just doing a lot of talking and doesn’t really expect you to help him solve all the world’s problems. He just wants to know that you won’t reject his ideas or beliefs should he want to discuss them or act on them. Let him do whatever he feels passionate about as long as you can carry on being comfortable in your world. If he feels free to express his visions then he will feel free in the relationship and most likely be a very loyal happy companion.

Pisces: Devotion 2/19-3/20

A Pisces man wants a woman who is full of devotion. This is because the Pisces man is one hundred percent devoted to everything he does. He is especially devoted in his romantic relationships. Pisces men are highly intuitive and perceptive. They generally know more about you than you do. They have a keen sense for reading people. As soon as a Pisces man meets a


person, he is highly in tune with that person’s spirit and aura. They pick up on mannerisms and body language as well as pain and fear. They have a sixth sense that allows them to screen out people who they find to be negative or unstable.

Once a Pisces man has put you under his sorting hat he will know whether you will stay in his life or go. If you are a keeper he will fully devote himself to you as a friend and if you are lucky as his lover.

This type of man is not to be toyed with either. Because he will fully give himself to you, he expects nothing less than that from you. The Pisces man is highly sensitive to rejection, criticism, and insincerity. He will instantly know if his lover has cheated on him because he can feel the changes in his lover’s movements and behavior.

Because the Pisces man takes in every emotion and every detail, he often needs a lot of breathing room and space to reflect and process what has happened. This may seem like a direct contraindication to his truly devoted nature which longs for closeness with his lover. Therefore it can be a monumental error to think that the Pisces man is pulling away when he needs space. It’s more that he needs to reflect on you and decide how he feels about what he has learned of your character. Luckily, he won’t be confused about you for long nor will he drag on with a relationship that isn’t right for him. That being said other people in his life that he is devoted to will also pull at his heart strings and he will need time to reflect on them as well. You must know that this is nothing personal.


Generally this is the reason why Pisces are the hardest to match with other signs. You have to get past his elimination process and understand he needs reflection time.

Scorpio women are the best at understanding Pisces. They are intuitive creatures themselves so they can tell that the Pisces man is searching for a worthy mate and reading her every move. They look past that withdrawing reflection period because they know it’s a necessity for the Pisces. Scorpio women are usually very cautious themselves when it comes to choosing a lover. During this reflection period the Scorpio woman won’t try to convince the Pisces to come back. She will patiently wait for him to come back. Actually she is waiting for him to submit.

While a Scorpio woman will solve the mystery of the Pisces quickly, the rest of the women in the other signs of the Zodiac will likely fail miserably trying to figure the Pisces man out. For instance, a Libra woman usually sees the mysterious Pisces man as a challenge. She then puts her most charming self forward. The Libra woman, knowing that she is hardly ever turned away when she seduces a man, is thrown for a loop when she doesn’t get a call back from her Pisces man. She will get a feeling of rejection that she is not used to. Then maybe she will call him several times trying to turn up the seduction factor. However, she quickly finds that she isn’t getting anywhere with this Pisces man.

What happened? Well first of all the Pisces man isn’t easily seduced. He will find this approach foolish and insincere. He will also view the call backs as insecure and think that the Libra woman is easily manipulated. The Libra woman is probably the furthest thing from what he assumes, but still she has been sorted into the gotta-go category. Once the Pisces man decides you’re out it’s nearly impossible to get back in his good graces.


So how do you get passed the sorting phase?

You mirror his desire for devotion!

Let’s look at some ways you can mirror his devotion.

1. Let him know that you are devoted to your loved ones. Pisces men feel a great deal of sympathy for people. They are truly passionate about the well being of others. They often absorb another person’s negativity so that they can help them release the pain within. However this is a very exhausting task so they aren’t likely to help a person who seems to care less for anyone but themselves. That’s why you must show that you are devoted to those around you so that when it’s your turn to ask for help he will give it to you. Make very honest statements like these around your Pisces man:

I would lay down my life for my mom. I could never abandon a child. I want to make sure my grandfather has company so

he doesn’t feel alone. I hope my best friend’s marriage works out for her.

Your Pisces man will hear these very powerful commitment statements and know that you have the capacity for devotion. He will then place you in the keeper category. Be careful here though, because any insincerity on your part will be the death of your relationship. I’m confident that every woman has something they feel devoted too; something positive to talk about with her Pisces man.


2. Let him know that you have a spiritual side. Even if you don’t have a religion that you follow, you may have outlets in your life that lift your spirit into a better place. Pisces men are said to be highly spiritual creatures. Because they have a great deal of sympathy for others, they often use different healing techniques and tools to lift the spirits of those in need. They also use mediation to help with their reflection periods and exercise like yoga or tai chi to maintain their own positive state of mind. By expressing that you have outlets you are showing him that you won’t be a heavy emotional drain on him all the time and you share his interest. Make statements like these around your Pisces man:

I love going to my kick boxing class to relieve stress. I find that Reiki lifts my spirits. I need to reflect through meditation to maintain a

positive outlook. I find that keeping my apartment feng shui calms my

spirit. Your Pisces man will most likely want to have you over to his apartment to show you the many tools he uses to keep his spirits lifted. He will respect the fact that you are working on your personal growth and find that highly attractive.

3. Let him know that you understand his need for reflection. Although you now know that your Pisces man is going to need time for reflection, it’s important that you don’t come right out and say, “I know that because you are a Pisces man, you need time for reflection.” First of all he will think,


“Huh? Why is she saying this? Is she trying to figure me out?” This won’t go over well with a Pisces. They don’t want you to have an agenda. It’s better if you are more subtle. Make statements like these around your Pisces man:

I find that after a long day I need to take a bath to unwind.

I like to get away from the world by riding my bike to the top of that hill near my apartment.

I like sitting by the beach and listen as the waves wash my thoughts away.

I like going to the library to read because it’s a nice distraction from my own thoughts.

Your Pisces man will be thinking… me, too. Generally he won’t want his female companion to go with him for his morning hike or whatever it is that brings him peace, but if he thinks that you are going to be quiet and benefit from it in the same way he does, he may take you.

So now you can probably see why the Pisces man is very hard to couple up with. They are so in tune with what they want that they eliminate many contenders before they even get to know them. The upside to mastering a Pisces man is that you will have grown spiritually yourself. You may find more meaning in your life than you ever did before. Even being rejected by a Pisces man is a learning experience. You begin to question your own character and intentions. With these men it is certainly better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.


Now that you have come to this point in my book, it’s of the upmost importance that you have read all the signs in detail to get the full benefit of what I’m about to tell you. So if you haven’t done that… please do so now.

The Holistic Approach

It’s important that you know that just like all men have a primal desire and the desire pasted down by the stars, they also have been shaped to think alike by society. I wouldn’t go as far as saying that all men think exactly alike (although it’s certainly been said), but they do seem to find specific qualities in a woman to be more appealing because of how they were conditioned.

In developed countries, especially the United States, men have shifted away from the idea that a woman should be at home cooking in the kitchen. These days they have very high expectations of the women they want to date and marry. Now they want to know that a woman can be in charge and competitive.

If you look back at each statement used to speak to his Zodiac Sign you may have noticed that not only do you now have the ability to fulfill his desires, you have improved own self-talk. You have become more devoted, more adventurous, more assured, more passionate, more secure, and more balanced.

Wow! You have become empowered. All you have to do now is unleash that power. No man will be able to deny that you are in charge of your life. No man will be able to deny that you are a woman of great substance. No man will deny that you are incredible.


Another added benefit to learning each sign is that your man may be born at the beginning and end of a sign (on a cusp). When this happens, they may exhibit behaviors from both signs. Therefore if you find out exactly when they were born you may want to mix it up a little and make some of the statements I listed for those other signs as well.

I think the ultimate advantage of reading this entire book is that you may want to do what I did and decide which man from which Zodiac Sign you most want to date. I know it may seem like a crazy idea to you, but I can assure you it is not.

Choosing Your Own Star Destiny

Let me tell you another story….

After having several failed relationships, I began to take Astrology even more seriously than I had before. I knew that each of my relationships had played out exactly how the stars had predicted. Then I thought well if there is so much truth to be found in Astrology, I will use it as my ultimate tool to find the man of my dreams. I wanted to find a man that I knew I could get along with and live out the rest of my days in peace and harmony.

That was just it. I wanted harmony. It was my deepest desire. Which I now know makes perfect sense because I am a Libra.

I guess I could have gone for one of my more compatible signs like Gemini, Aquarius, or Leo, but something told me a Libra was what I truly wanted.


I think I picked the Libra man to try this Astrology Secret on, not only because I thought I wanted to find a harmonious relationship, but I also wanted to know more about myself. I thought if I was with another Libra I could essentially see myself from the outside. I wanted to be my own fly on the wall. If I could watch him operate in his daily life I would understand why I do certain things or how I look to others.

What I found was much more than anything I could have ever imagined!

This is how I did it.

Playing with the Zodiac

I was sitting in my home office one evening and I decided to make a Facebook page. All my friends already had one and had been talking about it for ages. I was one of those resistant people who still used the telephone to communicate with friends and family. However this day, I needed to find a way to meet someone I’d never met before. Yes, I wanted to meet a Libra Man.

So there I was filling out my profile and looking for my current friends and family to begin building my page. I have to admit I was a little hesitant because I knew from that day forward people would have direct access to me more than ever before. I felt a bit like I was exposing myself.

Well, that feeling quickly faded because being a Libra my social butterfly instincts took over and I began to see the possibilities of having this new page.


One after one I added as many people as I could find. Maybe an hour later I was exhausted looking for people so I stopped for the night.

Then one after another I started getting messages from the people I added and that keep me busy for the rest of the night. I have to admit I became slightly addicted at that point.

Well days later I was at the gym working out and I ran into my trainer there who just happens to be quite attractive but not a Libra, and I asked him if I could add him to my Face book page. He seemed delighted to give it to me. I later became better friends with him through Facebook.

One day I was looking at his friends on his Facebook page. That’s when I saw this really handsome man in a striking black and white photo that looked like James Dean. His face however was even more angelic and beautiful. I was immediately drawn to his sex appeal and wanted to find out more about him.

I looked at his profile page and saw that he was a Libra. My mind started racing, and I felt like this could be the man of my destiny. I could barely contain myself as I racked my brain to figure out what I was going to say to him.

Finally I began to write a message that was very simple and to the point. I asked him how he knew my personal trainer and if he lived near me.

To my surprise he got back to me the very next day. He was actually very talkative and friendly. It was then that I started to relate to him using the Zodiac Love Code.


I would chit chat with him and as the opportunity arose I would make statements similar to those in the section on Libra men. For instance when he told me that he had a jealous ex-girlfriend, I made the statement: I don’t get upset when the guy I’m dating talks to other girls.

Trust me he was very happy to read that statement. Instantly he knew that I wasn’t going to give him a hard time for being himself. He wrote back, “It’s cool that you aren’t the jealous type. I can’t stand when a girl gives me a hard time for just talking to another girl.” He later asked to meet me in person.

I was very excited to meet him. We met at the mall and went shopping for a few Christmas gifts for people. He turned out to be very intelligent and quite the charmer. What’s that saying? can’t charm a charmer. Well you can! And I did! Our smiles captivated each other and we were both infatuated.

Now I had to hook him for good. He was definitely a ladies’ man and at first he told me that he wasn’t ready for a relationship. I was very disappointed to hear that, but I didn’t give up. There are usually several reasons a man might say that. In the case of the Libra man he is going to want to still see other women, and I knew that.

Still I pressed on and continued talking to him on Facebook and through text. He was still willing to carry on lengthy conversations over Facebook but didn’t seem to prefer texting all that much. He hadn’t asked me out for a while either. I began to second guess if he had a good time the day we met. At times I felt like I’d never see him again or that I was just his Facebook buddy.


During our Facebook chats, I made sure to tell him that I wasn’t the type of girl who liked to argue. I also made it clear to him that I was a compassionate person who cared about people’s feelings. (All from the statements in the Libra section.)

I never gossiped with him or said anything negative. Over time he gradually started to open up to me. He also started to text me back when I used Astrotexting. Then finally he asked me to go to a New Years Eve party with all of his friends.

At the New Years Eve party there were several girls hanging around him. I kept my cool and didn’t get jealous or upset. I actually befriended the girls instead. I think he knew then that I was a keeper after that night.

Still it wasn’t easy to keep him around. Some nights I would call him to come over and he would say he couldn’t. I wondered if he actually had a girlfriend already.

At one point he told me he thought I was texting him too much. I was so embarrassed! I thought for sure I wouldn’t be able to come back from that.

Instead of defending myself, I used the statement: “I won’t argue with that, I’d rather compromise to keep the peace.” I said this knowing that with a Libra male it’s best to keep things harmonious. I just stuck with his star driven desire that I learned from Gargomel. I kinda felt silly wondering if I was just sounding ridiculous.

But to my complete surprise, He actually wrote back: “Thanks for that. I have been working a lot and it’s distracting---nothing


against you. I would like to see you again. I’ll probably have some time this weekend to hang out.”

I was so relieved!

We did go out that weekend and had a wonderful time. I really didn’t have to think too much about using my Astrology Secret trigger statements, although they were in the back of my head reminding me of his desire. I just kept thinking if an argument comes up I would find a way to compromise to keep the peace.

Since that weekend, I have maintained a very harmonious relationship with my Libra man for 7 years now. There have been a few occasions where we disagreed, but we never argue over anything.

Over the seven years I have continued to use the Libra trigger statements to speak to his desires. I am certain that it has made all the difference in my relationship.

Today I am happily engaged and so are thousands of other women that I have taught this Astrology Secret to!

If I can do this, so can you!

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