tantra darshan

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tantra darshan : an insight of tantra.



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Posted by Nikhil at 8:48 PM No comments: Links to this post Labels: SHAKTI SADHNA, TANTRA DARSHAN Friday, December 21, 2012TANTRA KE GUHYA AUR VISMRIT TATHYA - 2

India has always been vibrant foundation pillar in spread of Tantra. Tantra has spread not only in India but also in China, Tibet, Egypt, Africa, Indonesia, Cambodia, Pakistan and other nations. There is no medium better than Tantra to witness abstruse secrets of universe from close on and understand them.well, this can be realized by only those who can do in-depth analysis to find answersWhen any sadhak enters the Tantra world then map of his flight of imagination is depicted in its subconscious mind. But he is pretty well aware of the fact that there is no intermediate state in Tantra. It is this side or that side and game over

Shaakt and Shaiva Tantra mentioned in Aagam and Nigam scriptures have been most popularWhere Shaakt sadhnas have been related to worship of Shakti i.e. Aadya Shakti , in the similar manner Shaiva sadhnas are related to worship of Lord Shiva. In north India , during the spread of Tantra sadhnas Vinashikha Tantra came in vogue for worship of Lord Shiva .This tantra has also been termed as Vinashikhotara in Aagam Tradition. It has also been called Veenadhar form of Shiva.

Significance of this Tantra, one of the 64 tantras mentioned in Nityshodashikaarnav and Kulchudamani Tantra has been in Shaiva sadhnas. I fell necessary to tell you that in ancient times, different Tantra Acharyas and scholars have fixed their respective order and significance after self-studying these Manu Smritis and it is based on their experience..so there are as many opinions as there are scholars..

Speciality of Vinashikha Tantra is due to worship of Shiva. It is related to worship of that form of him which has been termed as Tumburu. Priest named Hiranyadam has done the upasana of Bhole Shankar for attaining Shiv Kaivalyaas a result of accomplishment, that special form of Aadi Dev ShivaTumburu manifested in front of Hiranyadam.his dhayan is something like this in which he has four mouth. Each mouth has a special name-1. Shirshchhed2. Vinashikha3. Sammoh4. Niyottar

Each of the infinite forms of Shiv Ji creates one Tantra chapter in themselves. As we have read in starting lines of previous article that at the time of creation of universe, conversation between destructor Shiv Shankar and Aadya Shakti Paramba Shakti has been termed as Tantra and in this context, many tantras were created for the infinite names and sub-names of Shiva and Shakti.For each portion of knowledge, one god and goddess were appointed to be ruler which has got corresponding knowledge for the fulfilment of that special desire. For the sake of convenience in subject of Tantra, they have been categorised and control of various god and goddess and protection of their secrets has been handed over to those Devi Shaktisthough all these Devi shaktis are only partial form of Aadi Shiva Shakti.

Vinashikha Tantra has also prevailed in Indonesia and Cambodia.however there have been variation in worship pattern in various countries but desired aim has remain same all throughout i.e. Manifestation of four-mouthed lords of lord Mahadev..four forms of Companions of four-mouthed Mahadev are also worshipped.Jaya, Vijaya, Jayanti and Aparaajita.

In Tumburu sadhna, one special yantra is established.in which Tumburu i.e. Lord Shiva is in middle and on all his four side his wives are presentFrom this sadhna one attains three elements- Aatm element, Vidya element and Shiva element.

Worship/upasana is done by chanting beej mantra representing these elements. There is combination of 5 beej mantra which are beej alphabets of Tumburu i.e. Shiva and four goddesses.Tumburu KshamJaya JamVijaya BhamJayanti SamAparaajita HamDue to absence of permission, its hidden procedure is revealed only to that sadhak who has got orders or permission to do it. Hidden Tantra sadhnas have always been given through Guru Tradition .because they certainly cannot be for everyonebecause doing such sadhna requires a different type of mentality..Guru has to see whether his disciple has become capable to digest abstruse truth or not. Upon verifying it, it is decided from vibrations emerging from his mental condition that he has to be provided sadhna or notAs I have told you Tantra is not a subject of play or to be taken lightly.it can cause harm to lifeTherefore these sadhnas are done only in Savdhaan Mudra .

In coming article, I will discuss such interesting and abstruse facts

Nikhil Pranaam

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**** **** ****NPRU****Posted by Nikhil at 12:47 AM No comments: Labels: MY VIEW, TANTRA DARSHAN Sunday, December 16, 2012TANTRA KE GUPT AUR VISMRIT TATHYA - 1

At the time of inception of universe, Tridev (Trinity of Hindu Gods) in order to ensure smooth functioning of universe had framed hidden solutions for each riddle/problem/curiosity..In other words, we can say that riddles were created so that those hidden solutions/creation can occur in universe for first time and pave the way for writing novel chapter. And these hidden creations are often addressed by us as answer to question or key to lock. In intellectual terms, it has been termed as Tantra. Tantra, one such scripture, which was established as treasure of Hindu Religion in entire world. It paved the way for sadhna and upasana by different padhatis (sects).Tantra had emerged before inception of universe..As it has been said above that answer to any question was pre-decided or in other words , questions originated during course of manifestation of answers.Tantra scripture is primarily divided into two categories Aagam and Nigam.Besides it; it was also divided into categories like Yaamal, Daamar, and Uddish etc. And to add to it, many sub-tantras also got established. At such occasion, in ancient time itself, ancient sages, saints, great Tantra Acharyas, before hand-written Manu Smritis had predicted for Kalyuga that In Kalyuga, no shastra except Aagam and Nigam of Tantra will be left meaningful to resolve the complex intricacies of lifeTo live in Kalyuga, Tantra will be established as one and only best path. For this reason, Tridev took birth as various avatars in order to keep this genre of knowledge alive, which is getting obsolete. And when the condition again become unsteady, Param Vandaniya Shri Nikhileshwaranand Ji took birth in householder form of Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali in order to revive and re-establish it and has again provided breath to this genre..I always remember one of his teaching that SAB KAHE POTHAN KI DEKHI PAR MAIN KAHU AAKHAN KI DEKHI.( Knowledge is not in books, rather it lies in our experiences)..He not only stood up as saviour of Mantra Tantra Yantra or Ittar science but also was creator of Mantra Tantra Yantra in Kalyuga..He has got innumerable aspects about which it can be written here. But lack of space does not allow me to do so. He created living scriptures and today also his chosen diamond pearls are distributing his knowledge in selfish-less manner.So all the scriptures which are available today, are capable of maintaining the dignity of Tantra Shastra in todays difficult circumstances or in other words this era of negligence of religionQuote of Bhagwat Gita is completely fruitful when we try to understand the reason behind manifestation of Sadgurudev Ji.From ancient times, many sects have been established in course of successive evolution of Tantra.Though seen from outer context; all sects are worshipper of Shiv and Shakti only. Therefore all the scriptures which were written are based on Shaktaagam and Shaivaagam only. Only padhati differs, fruits of upasana remains same..In other words, destination has always remain the same i.e. merging with supreme Brahma but various paths have been deployed. Human has always remain creative and this creativity has inspired him to give rise to multiple sectshe always wish to attain state of being unparalleled and this has been his inspiration power also. So some of name of sects are as follows- 1. Kaul Maarg, which has also been called Kul Maarg or Kaul Mat.2. Paashupat Maarg3. Laakul Maarg4. Kaalanal Maarg5. Kaalmukh Maarg6. Bhairav Sect7. Vaam Sect8. Kapaalik Sect9. Som sect10. Mahavrat Sect11. Jangam Sect12 Kaarunik or Kaarunk Maarg13. Siddhant Maarg which has also been called Raudra Maarg14. Siddhant sect Shaiva Maarg.15. Rasheshwar Sect16. Nandikeshwar Sect17. Bhatt MaargOut of the above said Maargs, some paths were more in vogue.meaning that numbers of followers following these paths were morebut with passage of time, some one maarg was boycotted and sometimes the other..thats why for getting recognition, new sects appeared as a result of amalgamation of many sects.some path resorted to be propagated in hidden manner, which are now only carried out by Guru Tradition.Question arises why at all need of so many sects when one Maarg can yield desired results? But one aspect has always been worth considering that best maarg out of all upasana maarg can be certified only when you have resorted to all paths and experienced corresponding sadhna journey. But then result of every person may vary. Because opinion differs with the personNow second aspect can be that when ancient Tantra acharyas mixed the Padhatis of sects then they would have found results to be quick, very influential and timely too.For example, disciple of any sect requesting for Tantra knowledge from Guru of another sect.Guru always searches for able and eligible disciples. Then how one Guru can ignore if he finds suitable person..After testing, Guru does Shaktipaat and carry out the Guru tradition of that particular sect. And based on this knowledge, disciple creates a new chapter.And such combination of principles of two sects have written a chapter of a new sectThis is not necessary that all disciples did that. Only 1-2 in thousands were able to write such history In this manner, I will try to present hidden information about Tantra in next article again.

Nikhil Pranaam

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Dear Brothers and my sisters,

Jai Sadgurudev,

Festival of Diwali is going to come or in other words we are in Sankranti Kaal (intermediate time interval between two events) of this great festival. And shastra says that Sankranti Kaal in itself contains many amazing powers in hidden manner. What is needed is to bhedan of them through weapon of knowledge.

This great festival has those secrets embedded in it this time which can be only an imagination for high-level sadhaks. I pretty well have the personal experience how Sadgurudev used to direct us to do intense sadhna of Holi and Deepawali festival in shamshaan and how we used to pass through titillating experiences and reach our milestone.yes all these are only milestone. This thing applies to all sadhnas even Mahavidya sadhna.



What is our aim??????


Our aim is to imbibe the secretiveness of these milestones inside usimbibing them , filling ourselves with universal consciousness and imbibing that Param Tatv (supreme element) inside us which has been described by vedas and scriptures as Neti Neti.and has been called Nikhil Element.which cannot be described and whose elucidation is not possible..But way to attain it goes through these procedures of Tantra or it passes through abstruse procedure of complete dedication

Dedication and abstruse????

Who told that dedication is abstruse..

Is it not like this?????

It is and the one who say that it is not abstruse.he can just for once ask his heart that has he completely dedicated himself to the divine lotus feet of Shree Sadgurudev.

He will get the answer himself. Because nothing is left after complete dedication..no desires.no truthany anand (bliss)..what is left then is to be complete.

Well we successively and gradually understand that dedication by following the path of sadhna too.

And in this sequence on this Tantric festival of Deepawali Mahakaalraatri I will publish 3 sadhnas out of my collection between 7 to 10 November.These sadhnas are not common. And all of them are superior to each other

You have to do them from Triyodashi to Dooj (from 2 days before Diwali, On Diwali and till 2 days after Diwali i.e. total 5 days). Most important thing is that at one time you can do only one sadhna( Only Deepawali poojan and wealth attaining sadhna of Deepawali night can be done along with it)

Secondly Muhurat for Tibbeti Lakshmi Vashikaran is yet not there, it is 34 day sadhna. But it can be done in some other way. I will send that to you all on 21st November so that you can use that amazing yantra.

For the time being the three sadhna which I am talking about.they are amazing.

You can do any of them according to your desire.

1) (Sarv Teevr Shamshaanik Shakti Prapti) Mahakaal Bhairav Yukt Bhagwati Dhoomarvarna Sadhna This stage of Bhagwati Dhoomavati sadhna provides sadhak control over shamshaan sadhna and Ittar Yoni shaktis. Side by side, it also provides the keys of Shatkarma sadhna, secrets of attainment of power, titillating experiences. Then how can sadhak remain an average sadhak.

2 Bhagwati Mahakaali Praanbal Siddhi Yukt Mund Chaitanya Sadhna-Have you ever thought that how you pass your life fearing unknowndying at each stephow sting of disgrace , ill-fortune bites you..how any Tantra prayog or Ittar powers takes you or your family under its control.how any mean person controls your life and destroy ithow feeling of failure always terrifies you, may it be your work-field, sadhna field or great battle of lifeThis prayog fills fear in our praan through Mund Shakti of Mahakaali and make sadhak unconquerable.

3. Kaamysiddhi Aishwarya Prapti Nakhaniya Poorn Siddhi Vidhaan- Nakhaniya tantra is both amazing and hidden. It contains so many amazing Vidhaans, one superior to other .This Vidhaan is one of the many sadhnas coming under Nakhaniya tantra which not only provides sadhak success in desired works..but also provides hidden secrets of attaining prosperity and binding Lakshmi.

You have to selectAfter praying for so many months I have got the permission to give it to dear ones from those siddhs and sadhaks who got complete success by grace of Guru and they gave it to me on my request.Now you can do any of them according to your own desire and move one more step on journey of dedication.

Nikhil Pranaam

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****NPRU**** Posted by Nikhil at 5:59 AM 16 comments: Labels: TANTRA DARSHAN, TANTRA SIDDHI Sunday, September 23, 2012TANTRA SIDDHI AUR PHYSICAL BODY-

It has been told in Vedas and Upnashid that for imbibing big achievements in sadhna world Guru, complete procedure, suitable place, authentic sadhna material and complete dedication is required.but one most important Shakti which has not been studied deeply but that Shakti is so much important in itself that if it is not attained them all shaktis and siddhis are left useless and that invaluable power isour body!!!!!!!.There is mention of supremacy of human body in Indian Tantra scriptures in two ways..One is controlling power of whole universe, present in the form of our brain, which has been given the pace of Brahma and Shiva since it has got the capability to create and destroy universe. Second one is present in the form of Mahashakti Maha Maaya which is called in tantra as Para Shakti and which is present in each and every particle of whole universe. But human is only one creature that cannot only activate it but also make it conscious and can utilise it as per his capacity. In sadhna world, if there is any fact or thing which is valuable after soul or almighty, then it is Human Body..because as our soul has been called subtle form of supreme , in the same way our body is the miniature copy of whole universe since firstly whole universe is created by unification of Panch Mahabhoots i.e. earth, sky, fire, water and air and thereafter from those five elements our body was created which are called in tantra as Panchaagniand under this only, from earth element skin and nerve-branches were created, from water element blood, urine and sperm was created, fire gave rise to hunger, desire, love and sex , air (Vayu) is present in form of Praan Vayu in our body and sky element gave birth to feelings of Kama, greed and fear.For finding out our Isht God/Goddess also, calculation is done from the day when our physical body was born. It is because of the fact that the element which is present in major proportion in our body, our mind will get attracted towards god and goddess related to that element. For example, it is natural to be attracted towards Lord Vishnu for Aakash element, towards Maa Aadi Shakti for fire god, towards Lord Bhaskar for air element, towards Bhagwan Bholenaath for earth element and towards Vighnharta Lord Ganpati for water element. And one of the benefits of this is that we come to know about out Isht Dev.In yog Shastra, entire universe has been described considering human body as clod and human body parts have been identified with goddess powers. For exhibiting the significance of body, our sages have even told that humans voice, his mind, praan and bindu are reliable sources of entire Goddess powers. Therefore Para Shakti of almighty is activated the most in human body in form of Ichha, Gyan and Kriya. In our body centre of these three Para Shaktis is heart, brain and navel respectively. And maybe you can understand the importance of this thing better by the fact that this Para Shakti is not even activated in Gods since they are Bhog Yoni whereas we are in Karm Yoni.This Shakti is situated in our body in the form of Kundalini without activating which we cant move forward.In Tantra shastra, female are seen as form of Maa Aadi Shakti and her body is worshipped in Kamakhya form because if females are not considered as object of sexual gratification then accomplishing her in form of Bhairavi, we can become eligible to attain blessing of Maa Aadi Shakti. It is because of the fact that three powers Brahmi, Vaishnavi and Roodri are present in body of every female in the form of triangle. Therefore this triangle is called Yoniroopa and worship of these Shaktis is done in form of Yoni Peeth in which Gyan Shakti is situated in left angle, Iccha Shakti is situated in right angle and Kriya Shakti in the lowermost angle. It has been considered as centre of Kundalini Shakti in Yoga.

And by activating this kundalini, we can remain in state of Samadhi for hours, months and years. My master is live example of it who made me do Aasan siddhi sadhna for making my body suitable for sadhna. I had seen his aasan rise above the ground during the sadhna time from my eyes and he was doing sadhna on that aasan. I saw the miracle of aasan siddhi for the first time so I could not believe my eyes that whatever I was seeing is true or is it an illusion? He told me later that if your body is under your control and you love it in the form of Goddess Shakti then you can also do this. If body is weak and energy-less than self-reflection is not possible. It has got its own importance. It is not lay-figure made up of bones and flesh rather it is Shakti made up of energy of senses. And you cannot fight with Shakti; you can only accomplish it.and this is highest sadhna.Nikhil Pranaam

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Char Iti Brahmacharya ||Moving towards Bramha or doing conduct like Bramha is Brahmacharya.Brahmacharya has been considered to be very important part of sadhna world. It is mentioned in all places right from Vedokt Varnashram to Yoga and tantra path. In other words, all paths and aspects are connected to Brahmacharya. Aim of Brahmacharya is not merely progress in sadhna aspects rather it was also connected to materialistic aspects of life. Its mention in ancient scriptures like Atharva Veda, Yogupnashid and Manu Smriti is witness to the fact that it is a Vedic conduct First of all, it is important to understand the fact that what do following Brahmacharya actually means? There are four aspects of human life Dharma (Religion), Artha (finance), Kama and Moksha (salvation).Here Kama aspect means attainment of complete happiness and pleasure in life by directing Kama energy in suitable manner. There is broad meaning of Kama element attraction element in life, beauty element and living completely all moral activities related to sweetness.In Vedic Varnashram, following Brahmacharyameant that instead of focusing on Kama energy, attainment of various types of knowledge; when one had attained completeness in this function, person was directed to follow householder dharma. Therefore, here Dharma means Dhaaryati Sah Dharma. In other words, the one which is followed is called Dharma. Moving towards special procedure and aim while following special rules is Dharma through which spiritual progress is possible.Now here a point to be discussed is that why Kama has been supressed so much?First of all let us understand that Kama is not any karma sequence or procedure, it is Shakti available to humans. About it, it has been said in Puraan that Purush Shakti (males) is Kaamdev and Stri Shakti (female) is Rati. And these shaktis are naturally attracted towards each other because Purush Kama Shakti is positive and Stri Kama Shakti is negative. Person can utilise Kama Shakti in three waysSelf-satisfaction through physical pleasureProcreation and lineage-developmentAttainment of state of Samadhi (Deep Meditation)First procedure of Kama, attainment of Kama pleasure, person does for physical and spiritual gratification. Composition of body is such that this act can provide self-satisfaction to humans.Second procedure of procreation and development of lineage also falls under category of pleasure and prosperity. This aspect has also been considered important element so that person can fulfil his wishes through child and by having capable child, increase the pride of family.Our ancient sages and saints discovered a lot so as to completely enjoy these two types of acts and for cure of related diseases and they put forward their experience among common people. Ancient scriptures like Kama Sootra, Rati Rahasya, and Anangrang were written so as to live completely Kama, third aspect of life but it is quite unfortunate that in todays era they have been given the name of Tantra whereas they are nothing but only false misconception in name of Tantra.The root of these two procedures is, base of them is sperm. Naturally, this sperm eventually comes out of body; composition of nature is like this only, because by accumulating sperm human can move to third stage.But riddance from Kama element is definitely very cumbersome. It can be suppressed but cannot be destroyed. Kama procedure first of all happens in mind which is eventually transformed in physical form. If it is controlled in physical form then also it is very difficult to control it mentally. In the similar manner if person is able to control it mentally but by entry of even one thought in mind, it is natural for Kama desire to arise in physical form. Some people have conception that if one completely enjoys Kama then one gets rid of it.May be this fact can apply to other aspects but it is not possible in the case of Kama. In Manu Smriti it has been said regarding it that

Na Jaatu KamahKamanamupbhogenShaamyatiHavishKrishnvatmairevBhooyEvaabhivardhete

It is not possible to get riddance from Kama by fully enjoying Kama. The way, fire ignites much more upon putting ghee in it, same applies to Kama.Then its remedy is that this energy should be transformed.Third aspect related to Kama is Samadhi. State of Samadhi means that person loses himself completely in ones own self and there is no other act than thinking about Brahma.Upon rise of mental thoughts, physical act takes place and physical sex act lead to decay of sperm. To stop decay of sperm, there is description of Brahmacharya in Yog.

Brahmacharyapratishthaayam Veerylaabhah

Shri Patanjali has written in his Sootra that Pratishtha of Brahmacharya lead to sperm-benefit.Even after knowing ability of sperm, person is oblivious of its ability. It is the life-giving fluid which can give birth to novel creation so healthy body in life and attainment of long life is definitely possible. There is significance of Brahmacharya in both Yog and Tantra and there is mention of same state in both of them. Sperm should be accumulated and purified and then its solid form should be changed to liquid form and subsequently it should be transformed in gaseous form. After transformation to gaseous state, sperm spreads completely in whole body and every atom of body is filled with sperm. Every part of human body attains the ability of creation and he definitely becomes master of various types of siddhis.In Ashtaang Yog, under Niyam there have been told 8 types of following Brahmacharya. They have not merely said indulging in sexual act to be the non-following of Brahmacharya rather they have also advised sadhak to remain away from all such aspects by which person can fall. Thought-process, sweet talks, scenes and staying with female in lonely place are included within it.Side by side, doing yogic procedures in correct way under direction of capable sadhak also lead to transformation of accumulated sperm. This is called yogic Brahmacharya. Now what is Brahmacharya in Tantra, lets discuss it.The procedure which is done in Yoga through the medium of body, the same procedure is done in Tantra through combination of Mantra and procedure. Following Brahmacharya in Tantric sadhna and anushthan is essential. Thinking behind it is as follows.At the time of Ang pooja (worshipping parts of body), activation, establishment and poojan of Devta present in body is done.Therfore, Devta are activated at such time and they remain conscious in his body for fulfilling wish of sadhak up till end of Anushthan. If sadhak ignores his aim, gets attracted towards pleasure and indulges in such acts, they became angry and sadhaks wish is not fulfilled.Kama energy of sadhak is connected to Kundalini. In middle of it, the sequence which is moving upward, it starts moving downward and Kundalini which is moving upward, it returns and gets situated in Muladhaar.Sperm is life-giving fluid; it was getting purified through mantra and procedures and through heat created by energy of mantras, its impurities are vanished and its transformation takes place. This activity stops when person indulges in sexual act during anushthan or prayog time and purified sperm comes out.Rare Maarg like Vaam Maarg or Kaul Maarg completes all these activities through Kama energy but they defend their sperm definitely. For taking sperm out of the body, there is no need for them to indulge in sex and they have complete control over this procedure that they can take out sperm without being sexual and pull it back.In anushthan or prayog when sadhak is said to follow Brahmacharya then it means that defending sperm by not indulging in sexual act. There is no harm if sadhak does it after anushthan or prayog. Tamsik food and Tamsik conduct is also therefore prohibited in sadhna because this type of food increase Kama intensity .Therefore more the sadhak eats Satvik food, better it is for him.===========================================

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He Ree Main ToKhojat Khojat Haari..Peer Tabhi Mitegi Jab Vaidya Sawaliya Hoye(I have searched ,searched and searched and failed. Problems will be solved only when Vaidya is my lover)Is there only one painor problem then.But no, if we look at our todays life then we see only pain and pain. Otherwise if someone is healthy in true respect.if someone is happy then why he will need someonebut for todays human even if the Vaidya (Ancient Indian doctors) become your lover , then also how farthey will be capable of solving the problem.Sadgurudev has said multiple times during the moments of happiness that problem will definitely come .One will go then other will come .. If we are Purush (competent men) .because challenges only come in purushs life. But if we have the power of sadhna, then why should weworry. And such is the amazing mathematics of life that today not only a common man, but if we see high-class person also, then it seems that leaving apart some of his achievements,problems , pain. Betrayal and loss are the only earnings of his life.And this is the truth of todays life. We cant run away from this fact.Today, even after doing so much of hard-work in our life, we are not able to progress in our profession.Husband or wife has chosen the wrong path and the one who are trying to bring back his/her life partner on right path, other person is not willing to understand.Code of conduct presented by many among the todays generation as a result of their directionlessness, decline in moral values and nearly perished life values is the main reason for the stress in the whole family.Worst results of our children in sphere of knowledge.No child in some family despite the fact that both husband and wife are completely healthy.Either we are suffering from various diseases or some of our loved ones from our family.Even after trying very hard, our highly educated sons/daughters are not able to do business or job.Instead of getting cooperation from our brothers/sisters or our high-level officials, we are only getting animosity.The capable person/ son/daughter/brother/sister of our family who are in their age of marriage, we are not able to find the suitable candidate for him/her as life partner.We are not able to attain the person whom we see as our desired life-partner. Sometimes our family member or sometimes other reasons come between us and our desired life-partner.Coming of such obstacles in our home or family or business which are more or less impossible to comprehend..which we can say as curse If someone has done some tantra prayog on our family, then what can we do now.Continuous occurrence of disastrous incidents in our family one after the otherContinuous ill-fortune/ failure in every field.Not getting success in job-interviewEither not able to choose the desired profession or not getting success in it.Due to planet-obstacles or other evil, fights in our life or occurrence of other incidents.And these are such problems which today every person has to struggle against but for how long he can bear it.But he does not have any other solution alsoand in such a condition ..Whether the person believes in sadhna world or not.runs in all directionsAnd to take benefit from such attitude/mentality, there is market full of persons who fulfill their own aims in the name of Tantra. Some of them might be right also but there is no shortage of the adulterer and the person having contemptible mentality who commits fraud in the name of Tantra.And they suggest solutions like.Either they suggest such big anushthan that all the earnings of common person is finished in it and in case of person not getting the benefit, any arbitrary reason is cited. Or he is advised to wear such precious gems that he has to loose so much of money for acquiring it.OrSuggesting purchase of costly yantra and rosaryBut in spite of doing all these, if no appropriate solution is found to the problem, then it is quite natural for person to feel depressed.And if we, with full concentration, find the cause of all this then it is *********we ourselves*****.We have become such that we want to accomplish our work by giving money for doing anushthan or some other reason. We will not do hard-work. Just we directly get the solutioneverything should automatically become fine.We should not do anything. Just we have given the money.in such hope we sit idle. One would hardly be amazed to find his own story among the various fraud-stories coming in newspapers.Sadgurudev has taught us the path of sadhna. He has put forward this divine path in front of us.and trust it that it is as precise as we find it while reading. But if we make laziness as our life then what one can say.Inclination of you all towards sadhna and you all doing June month sadhnas or other sadhnas and the results which you have told on Facebook or personally certainly increases our enthusiasm multiple times.So we all have thought a lot on this matter that why notWe should do something so that our brothers and sisters are saved from frauds occurring in the name of doing repeated anushthan , are saved from cheating , saved from frauds in the name of Tantra..Sadgurudev has made us all self-dependent..has told us to be so.then why not we do it ourselves..because in the name of anushthan .or by citing other reasons, for how long one can purchase sadhna articles..how much one can spend ..Because in this costly era, how common person lives the life, everyone knows it.For this, one chamber (Prakoshth in Hindi) has been made under NPRU by which your problems will be solved.But for getting benefits out of it, you have to either provide us the authentic birth time and horoscope or authentic photo of your palm in which lines are clearly visible. Also write in detail about the one or two problem whose solution you want.And before sending the e-mail, clearly make up your mind to do the sadhna.Beacuse we are not sending any anushthan or sadhna arbitrarily for solving your problem rather your authentic horoscope or palm photo will be studied, your problem will be understood and then only you all will be sent sadhna process which will be beneficial for you .But Only when you will do the sadhna with full dedication.Therfore you all will have to do sadhna with full devotion.And in this sadhna, no costly yantra, rosary or sadhna article will be used rather the things which you can find easily in your home or nearby, are used. And if any yantra has to be used then you can make it yourselves.Because keep in mind that If there are cumbersome sadhnas in tantra then for getting desired results, there are easy process too. And our aim is that the easiness of Tantra should reach all.Therefore, for it, No costly procedure or difficult procedure should be told like so many lakhs of mantra Jap is necessary. Nothing of such kind.Meaning of it is crystal clear that ..if you want to become activeif truly you want to solve your problem by doing sadhna yourselves, getting rid of erstwhile laziness.to become self-dependentand do not want to look for solution by bowing in front of othersIf you are ready to do sadhnawith full dedication then we are also with you. We will tell you the complete sadhna process which has been tested multiple times from ancient times and when you will do it with full trust ..Then definitely by the blessings of Sadgurudev, you can take your life to higher pedestal by getting rid of your problems.Now it is for you to understand whether you want to sadhna which does not have any big anushthan, which does not need any costly sadhna articles.no cumbersome process and get the solution Or..Keep on wasting precious time and money and keep on finding someone who will do everything for youBut keep one thing in mind .Disciple of Sadgurudev will neither be poor nor inferior. Ifanyone considered himself to be so, then its all together a different thing. In Reality, disciple of Sadgurudev, whatever the condition may be, will do karmas and take his life to higher pedestal. And when today we, your brothers and sisters.we are ready to do maximum we can, we are in front of you. One complete chamber has been created .will you still think or will do sadhna yourself and find the solution ..So whatever may be your problem, please send it to nikhilalchemy2@yahoo.com.We will send the suitable sadhna to you as early as possible and keep in mind that this whole arrangement is totally free of cost for you all.No known or unknown charges will be charged in this respectNow you yourself have to choose the sadhna-path for solving your problem. And that too when your own brothers and sisters are doing this work of assisting you solve the problem free of cost.We do not say that your problem will be uprooted or it will do something which is not in your fate. Becausefate is made only by Sadgurudev .But One thing is definite that if even one percent of benefit is in your fate, then sadhna can increase that one percent multiple times. And is there is case of complete loss, and then it can minimize the possible loss to negligible proportions.Is this not auspicious information, so make up your mind to do sadhna ..And we all NPRU TEAM MEMBERSare with you..============================================== .. .... .. ... . ... ... .... . .... ,. . . .... .. .. . . . . , . / . . . . . . // / / . . . . . .. . . . . / .. . . . . .... ... . . , .. . .... . . . .

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nikhilalchemy2@yahoo.com . . . . ...

. . . . . , .. NPRU TEAM MEMBERS .One important Information :: Regarding the seminar - Apsara Yakshini Sadhna which is going to held on 12 August 2012 in Jabalpur - ::12 2012

Dear Friends,

You all are well aware about the facts that whosoever belongs to Sadhna Field or the new entered Sadhak and Sadhikas soon get fascinate towards the Apsara Varg Sadhnas. And the reason is so clear,

Actually they seems to be very easy Total Count of mantra jap is very less, In this sadhnas no frills are required. No such fearful experiences happen. Sadhak/Sadhika gets fulfilment by wealth, health, prosperity and jewels. Sadhak/ Sadhika also get rid from all physical lackings. Sadhak/ Sadhika is free from aging or u can say the effect of age is very less on him/her. Its like in Sadhak/ Sadhikas life is shower of love happens. In their lives there is no place for depression, pain and disappointment. You can get introduce to many other secretive para world. In Tantra World Yakshini is the main possessor of specific fields. Via her only one cn multiple his/her speed in tantra field. Via her help one can enter in other world.

We all have heard Sadgurudev Immortal words many times in his Audios and Vedios.Sadgurudev ji cleared especially Swarna Deha Apsara Cassetes which is in two parts. If you will listen in carefull you may find Apsara Yakshini sadhnas are boon for life and high to high level of Yogi also understands the importance of doing this sadhna in life. These sadhnas should be interpreted as any sexual pleasure amplification or fruition. Sadgurudev ji has always put an example of Maharishis, Bramha rishis and gods while expressing the importance of this sadhna. And along with also told that us if you really want to understand the life, to remove the drab and to understand the sadhnas then you have to keep a healthy mind-set for otherwise no option is there. And no other sadhna can challenge this sadhna utility. And everything can be achieve in life by this sadhna.

Even he also clear specifically that Mahavidhya Sadhnas cannot stand before this sadhna. Because they can give you everything but the very important point in life is happiness and this can be possible only and only via Apsara Yakshini sadhna. Not even by Jagadaamba Sadhna. Sadgurudev ji cleared the same in Ravan Krut Divyangana Swarnaprabha Yakshini Sadhna.

And these sadhna are not only just for sake of utility but also can become their best friends and credibles. although married sadhak are little bit scared of it whether it may not create obstacle in their married lives. Beacause these are accomplished more easily in form of lover rather that any other, but in motherly and sisterly form also can be siddh. And sadgurudev ji had also cleared that they cannot harm you by any means rather would benefit you only. As this sadhna is that one which can convert the drab into monotony.

Love and affection cannot be measured in terms of desire; no one is unaware of the truths of marital lives. Everyone understands the lacking of love and affection in their own lives but also know that this thing that which cannot be demanded.

Now this was about the importance of these sadhnas. And why it has to be done. Even if it is written many a times that this is very easy to do, get siddh in very few time but it has always been found written from those interested ones that at least someone should come forward to reveal such secret procedures to perform this sadhna. As the simplicity of these sadhna is welknown but everyone keep mum and other just wanders here n there. How many times have done this sadhna but the success is still invisible.. On other side there are those sadhak also who have seen glimpse of it but couldnt be able to complete it successfully.

And whatever advices are given to sadhak, he do it blindly but still success is far away because Sadgurudev always keeps telling that whatever mentioned in magazine is just an introduction but those who seriously want to accomplish this sadhna need to know the desired Mudras, Sthapan Kriyas, Chaitanyikaran, Avahan mantras and many other secret processes should be learn otherwise in lacking of thse how success can be achieve. But how can we find out such factsand nor any help is offered in this regard. We had launched a complete special issue via Tantra Kaumudi And in which many secret were disclosed with complete and clear information. And which was so much liked by all of you. Even before some time some more special sutras were published on blog regarding this.

Therefore after thinking we have decided why not along with thinking on many other sadhnasWe must organised a special seminar in the same chain of Apsara and Yakshini sadhna. But this seminar would be organised In which a whole day will be spend on the same for discussion. all the secrets will be disclosed be it of Mudras, Mantratmak or tantratmak. Which special kriyas are used before and after and what type of preparation is required etc.. Along with that one 40/50 pages book Tantra kaumudi-Yakshini and Apsara siddhi Rahasya based only on these sadhnas secrets which will be given only to those who will attend this seminar personally.

For Yakshini and Apsara Sadhna the establishment of three Board is must. These Boards are just like Yantras, in which related Yakshin or apsara is established by sadhak him/herself. That will be provided.

How the Keelan Vidhan of Apsara and Yakshini by our own will be explained to you.

The Yantra and Booklet will be prepared only for those who have confirmed their seats on earlier basis.

This is how the whole seminar is going to happen only on Apsara Yakshini Sadhna and how to achieve success in it. And every one cannot participate in.... because this is not Free

Only one who get permission to participate in this seminar or the one who have can participate in this seminar, not for others,

For participating candidates there are necessary rules and regulations after fulfilling it only can grant permission to achieve it. he/she has to give passport size photograph and any a copy of ID proof has to mail on nikhilalchemy2@yahoo.com and can know the rules and regulations regarding attending the seminar.

Yes, who so ever wants to participate in this seminar.. is not required to fulfil the criteria of being dikshit by our Sadgurudev.

But they has to fulfil these conditions.This is going to held on 12 AUGUST 2012 at Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)

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id id nikhilalchemy2@yahoo.com .

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****NPRU****Posted by Nikhil at 2:49 AM No comments: Labels: TANTRA DARSHAN, TANTRA KOUMUDI BOOK INFRMATION Monday, June 25, 2012ESTABLISHMENT OF TANTRA OUR ENDEAVOR ( - )

Om Aatma ParShivDwayo Guruh Shivah |Gurunaam SarvVishwMidam Vishv Mantren Dharyaam ||

Omniscience of soul can be known by only two elements Guru and Shiv. And these two elements are actually one, not two. Guru is present in entire universe as well as in Para World. Thats why capability to imbibe all mantras in world can be attained merely by the blessings of Sadguru.Knowledge about attaining various dimensions of life is only possible by the blessings of Sadguru. And if capable Guru has taken you in his arms with affection then what is there which cannot be acquired. If we consider the activity of construction then only by combining planning, related articles or medium and fixed arrangement, we can successfully accomplish the activity of construction. In other words ..Planning - MantraRelated Articles, medium YantraFixed or definite arrangement TantraIf we pretty well imbibe this formula then failure will be very distant from us. How one can get success in middle of all these blows, broken dreams, betrayal of trust, unknown fear happening continuously in dynamics of life???By taking assistance of sadhna path, not only we can save our dream from breakage but also we can get rid of throbbing pain of mind which has made deep inroads in to our soul. Sadhna is not a field to become inactive rather the one who has unlimited Praan energy, strong resolution power and mentality of not running away from hard-work, he definitely attains success. Because sitting for 10 minutes with concentration, without moving your body and with stable mind is not easily possible.We all want to achieve our aim. We want to include our name in class of successful persons, but is it that much simple. No.As we move forward to achieve target, then one or the other obstacle comes to stop our way.Sometimes health of childSometimes Financial problemSometimes domestic disputesSometimes fear of untimely deathSometimes weak self-strengthSometimes absence of stabilitySometimes unknown fearSometimes betrayal of trustSometimes Tantra obstacleSometimes face-off with unknown diseaseSometimes mental anxietySometimes cobweb of hidden or manifest enemiesSometimes unwanted interference of government or officerSometimes any of the person in home remaining afflicted with disease.There are hundreds of sometimes which not only deviates us from our life-path but also stops our progress.and from where we startedwe stay behind from that point also.then in later part of life what is left behind is only this that I cant do anything in spite of having desire and if circumstances would have been in my favor, I would not have been here today.Probably no other subject had misconceptions about it in society, as there are about tantra. Whereas I have written above also that Living life or doing activity according to fixed arrangement is Tantra. Our old history has been very prosperous and that prosperity was with our ancestors merely due to this knowledge. We do not know this that we have come to Iron Age from Golden Age. The development which we are boosting of is without substance. And the reason behind it is merely this that we do not have knowledge about those padhati which guides one to success.Whenever any normal person or sadhak gets entangled in danger then he runs straight to so-called tantriks or astrologers and then starts the sequence of augmentation of his problems.spending money on arbitrary remedies one after the other breaks the backbone of person and when he comes back, he is destroyed completely. And in the end he give this full episode the name of tantra and declare it as merely imagination. Half-knowledge is more dangerous than any enemy which does not yield anything except destruction. Therefore whatever we do, we should at least possess complete knowledge about itI used to think very often that if when I got success then why my other brothers and sisters did not get it? Again when I analyzed then I understood that my passion was merely orders of Guru and no doubts arose in my mind regarding the sadhnas given by them. May be not in one attempt or two attempt, I got success in many attempts and when I got it, then I understood those keys by which success can be achieved in first attempt only. My endeavor is to give authenticity only to sadhnas and this vigyaan.This is the aim of me and NPRU i.e. Nikhil Para Science Research Unit that nobody gets betrayed in the name of it and bears the resulting financial, mental or physical problems. You only do sadhnas and make the dreams of family fruitful by your hard-work and positive energy. Do the sadhnas but not merely by diving deep into world of imagination rather side by side satisfy your family by providing them all the facilities of materialistic life. You can at least take out 5 hours out of 24 hours for yourself. Isnt it.Do not mislead yourself to these tantriks rather have full trust on knowledge given by Sadgurudev.he has told us to follow the path of truth. If we are deprived of truth then it is due to our faults or lack of knowledge only.You can do sadhnas and for it we have made efforts that your life can go on in orderly way and you do not get entangled in sometimes which are written above and just do sadhnas and do not waste your time ,money or piece of mind for these sometimes. For this, our NPRU team has started the construction activity of various kavachs along with other sadhna-centric plans. This is completely free of cost. Because most of my brothers and sisters are such that who by giving hidden support for paving the way for other brothers and sisters are continuously assisting us. With their support, our few plans have taken shape. And I consider it my responsibility to inform you that you can do the Aura Mandal test of this Kavach .After seeing it, you will automatically know what is the effect of authentic energizing ,activation and mantras on the Kavach and sadhna articles.Also with this, distribution of some medicines, by the knowledge of Sadgurudev like Siddh Dravya (helpful in removing during sadhna duration and beneficial in aasan siddhi), Shivatr Kushth Harlep,MadhurmehVinashini,asthma-curing medicine, Vaat-pitt-cough related disorders removal medicine ,medicine helpful in removing white leucorrhoea ,punstav Prapti yog etc. will be for brothers and sisters which will be beneficial for some diseases of daily life and sadhna-centric progress. These are being made by our Guru Brothers and sisters who have formally taken certification of doctor in Ayurveda and are registered. These medicine became obsolete during the course of time but we are now trying to again take them in front of you and these all are also available free of cost for our brothers and sisters. Work is going on these kavachs and they will be sent to desired persons after Shrawan month.This plan is only for the members of Group, blog and Tantra Koumudi.Shree Devi Kavach Helpful in financial progress and attainment of prosperitySoubhagya Taarini Kavach For destroying ill fortune and success in workSaaraswat Kavach Helpful in remembrance power and for acquiring knowledgeVighneswar Kavach For safety from all type of obstacles.Rudra Mrityunjay Kavach Helpful in untimely accident and pret obstacles and disease-removalValga shatruanjayi Kavach Safety from enemies and helpful in getting out of false court-cases and obstacles from government.Kleem Kaari Siddh Kavach For success in job and businessRaahu Rog Naashak Kavach For showing path to cure the incurable disease.Panch Tatv Kavach For simplifying difficult tasks and for destroying Vaat-Pitt cough like diseases.Rinmochak Bhumisut Kavach For getting relief from debtTantra Baadha Nivaran Kavach- For safety from tantra obstacles and abhichaar karmasKaali Sammohan Kavach-For providing complete self-confidence and combined with Mohan capabilityMaatr Shakti combined Nav Grah Kavach Helpful in getting favor from nine planets combined with power of mother of planetsAghor Vivah Baadha Nivarak Kavach Helpful in removing obstacles coming in the way of marriage.In future, many more kavachs will be made, whose information will be given from time to time. For any of these Kavach or yantra, construction is neither simple nor making it is not as simple as reading its name. Construction of every Kavach and its activation process is different from others. Some will be accomplished by Sabar padhati, some by KapaalikSome will be made by Muslim tantra then some by intense tantrik Vidhaan. Some will be energized by Vedas mantra and some by complete Shakta Tantra. Also their construction and yagya articles etc. will be different.Their construction will be costly in financial terms on one hand and will involve a lot of hard-work and knowledge on the other hand so that whatever is made is amazing and completely effective. But you all please relax. You do not have to bear any cost. You just use them for yourself and your family and appreciate Tantra.Establishing Tantra is aim of my life. And also my tears and dedication of my karmas on the lotus feet of Sadgurudev.Note: The sadhna articles of seven sadhnas would have reached brothers and sistersHope that you would have made the rosaryTherefore you all would be mailed sadhna-related Vidhaan by the evening of 28.

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In Last Article, we discussed about what are those seven levels of mind whose bhedan can be done and after that we can unify conscious and subconscious state of mind and attain the state of super-conscious mind (Maha Chetan).For this we definitely needs Shivling, we can plan regarding Shivling considering our faculty of reasoning and capacity, but this is essential. As I told you earlier, there are three types of Shivling-1. Sthul Ling (Visible Ling)2. Sookshma Ling (Subtle Ling)3. Para LingThis order of attainment of universal powers, when completed by Yogi, then in its root, complete combination of these three lings takes place. Remember that Mind is the master of infinite powers, but they are in dormant state and if we unify those two states of mind then definitely, attained Maha Chetan mind entrust the authority of its infinite powers to us. The padhati which I am telling you, it will automatically keep on introducing you to the experiences. Just you have to do it with full dedication and besides this, do the process as it has been told here.Above, I have given you information about three lings which are known asIsht LingPraan LingBhaav Ling (Para Brahamandeey Ling)by the sadhak. These three lings are related to three important states of mind, upon unifying these three lings, three states of mind also get unified and all the seven levels also become one. Till now, we have only heard of two states of mind-Conscious Mind (Outer Mind)Sub-Conscious Mind (Inner Mind)But there is one state also in middle of them which is known by sadhak by the name of Chetan-Avchetan Man (Conscious-Subconscious mind).In this state, activation of power takes place but there is shortage of consciousness due to which sadhak cannot attain full mastery and sometimes, deviating from the path, due to the ego of power, he degrades. Therefore, after attaining Maha Chetna state, understanding the infinite secrets will require the use of outer symbols. It has been said also Chandrama Manso Jaatah meaning moon is the indicator of mind. The speed of mind is infinite but it is full of instability (playful) and parad is also very instable and full of infinite powers. Therefore, when making use of full process, parad is combined in accordance with Kramik Vidhaan (sequential procedure) then instability of mind vanishes. But it does not mean that those who cannot attain parad Shivling cant do this process.it is not like this. Their speed and progress may remain slow but activation and bhedan of chetna and Manah Shakti (mind-power) will definitely take place.The three lings which I have mentioned above, their qualities are also similar with those three states-

Isht Ling Sakal ling

Praan Ling Sakal Nishkal Ling

Bhaav Ling (Para Brahamandeey Ling) Nishkal or Para Ling

Now lets see their situation at those seven level, these three important levels will be First, Fourth and Seventh. If you see it carefully then situation of Aadi (start).Madhya (middle and ant (end) is formed whose complete union lead to completion of journey towards completeness. I have told you earlier also that these seven levels contain different abilities meaning as we cross one level and reach the other level, automatically we get acquainted with the knowledge hidden in first level or first layer. But acquiring knowledge and mastering it are altogether different things. Therefore, for mastering it, complete Kramik Vidhaan needs to be done.1. Chetan Isht Ling2. Smriti3. Avchetna4. Sarjana Praan Ling5. Jeewanaat6. GarbhSuvistrita (Antasyog)7. Brahmand Chetna Bhaav Ling

Meaning that as we complete the journey from first to the fourth level, union between the Isht Ling and Praan ling happens and as we reach the seventh level, these three lings become one. And then the three lines of great triangle present in our Muladhaar which represents Mind, Praan and soul get activated and thereby activates the triangle also. And the center of triangle i.e. bindu which symbolizes Shiva provides everything i.e. Bhogasch Mokshasch Karsth Ev Ch|The journey of Aatm Ling (Bhaav Ling) is possible only when we have attained Maha Chetan mind. Then only we can see Great Triangle (Maha Trikon) and Aatm Ling.But before this, we have to make use of the symbol of outer consciousness Isht ling.On any Monday, wake up in Brahma Muhurat and after taking bath, sit in siddhaasan facing towards North. One should wear yellow, red or white dhoti or saree. Aasan should be of blanket and on it aasan should be woolen or silky. Remember that color of aasan should be same as that of your dress. After spreading the cloth of color mentioned above, on Baajot in front of you, establish Isht Ling in copper container. Now do the panchopchar poojan of your Guru and Ganpati using Dainik Vidhi. Then pronounce Om 11 times. Now sitting erectly and stably, pronounce Hum beej 5 minutes and you have to pronounce it with intensity. Mental chanting or chanting it in lower voice should not be done rather medium voice should be used. Besides this ,contract your anus gate with intensity but keep in mind that this contraction should be in sync with the sound of Hum otherwise our preliminary process will become errorenous.Vibration in naval starts takes place through this activity and also the union of Praan Vayu and Apaan Vayu.After this, uses Yoni Mudra i.e. close both your ears with thumbs of your hands, both your eyes with both forefingers, both your nostrils with middle fingers and both your upper and lower lips through the union of both ring fingers and little fingers. Before this, using Kaaki Mudra, pull breath inside using mouth and then only close your mouth. Now concentrate on your Trikoot (third eyes) where vermillion mark (on fore head) is applied by ladies. After some time, you are able to see light .Now remove your fingers and again do the Hum beej process for 5 minutes. Then again do the Yoni Mudra process meaning that you have to repeat this whole process 2 times.Now establish Shivling in your left hand because Isht ling is established or can be established on physical body and while touching it with middle and ring finger of right hand, do the Upaanshu jap (chanting mantra in such a way that it is audible only to us) the mantra given below for 30 minutes.

Om Hreem Shreem Medha Pragya Prabha Vidya Dhee Dhriti Smriti Buddhi Sahitaay Vidhyeshwari Shreem Hreem OmAs you go more deep into your chanting, you will automatically start experiencing divinity and heat. Mind will become extremely peaceful .This process has to be done for 7 days. In seven day you will start experiencing yourself something which in your view, you have not experienced earlier. Now you are able to experience the hidden truth easily and.To Be ContinuedNikhil Pranam


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****NPRU**** Posted by Nikhil at 2:36 AM 1 comment: Labels: TANTRA DARSHAN, TANTRA SIDDHI Tuesday, May 22, 2012Shakti rahashyam (secret of power)

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In that time period of my travel I met Sadgurudevs purn Shakt discipleKaul Mani Shivayogatrayanand. With order of sadgurudev he selected very sacred vindhyavasini peetha for his sadhana. He is still in his sadhana in a secret cave of the same mountain. And I met him in the same cave and got blessing of his glimpse.In very short span of time I started shooting my questions, and he too kept on answering my all questions with peace and smiles on the face & kept on revealing secrets. (He answered hundreds of questions, but in this special issue I am giving few of them which are related to the subject which can make subject easy to understand.)

What is the shakti (power), how many form does it have?In simple words whose imagination have caused complete universe and with whose effect nature keeps on works in creating, rearing and vanishing that only infinite light is called as Shakti. It could be in any form. It leaves effect on all rather living or non living. In tangibles, those who are classified as power supplier, energy supplier or force supplier those all receives power from this supreme power. This supreme power could be in tangible, non tangible or in any other form.

It stays inside all beings, with only which we can accomplish task of creation and others. And base for the thoughts to be created is the same power.

How many types are there?

On the base of nature, it has three conditions-



TamHolding the base of particular nature there is existence of three main processes of creation, rear and vanishes. And this processes are done by three base of shaktis, Shaktimaan ( by whose medium shakti does the processes) . it is the point to be remembered that the way there are three main type of nature, the same way there is three main controlling power goddesses for those nature.

Mahakaali tam

Mahalakshmi raj

Mahasawashwati sat

What I said above about the shaktimaana that does mean that there is no difference between shakti and Shaktimaana, they are inseparables, shaktimaan accomplish their tasks with inspiration of these shaki only. Like mahakaal in vanishing, Vishnu in rearing and creation of bramha. This way, understand this that any of the process or particle is not insignificant. Every process and particle is full of shakti.

In the definitional description of shakti, it is also an essential point to understand that humans can reach to the stages of god by processes of development and can make his existence meaningful by accomplish his life desires. And these conditions could only be accomplished when you make these seven main powers your personality completely by being full determined and devoted. And if you accomplished this main power in their complete form then there would remain nothing impossible.Pragya shakti

Chetana shakti

Vaak shakti

Kriya shakti

Vichar shakti

Ichha shakti

Sankalp shakti

These are modulated forms of the main three powers only.

Apart from these, is there any other shakti which is pre-designed by nature for the requirement of human life?Yes why not requirement of Kamashakti is paramount. The fullness of the life comes throught Kaama Bhav only.In the base of creation this nature only stays for which even Vedas have classified it under Gods. The main property of kama is attraction Scholars always understand Kama as synonymous of Ichha shakti.Tantra says at extent that every type of thing which are liable do have the base as kama Shakti. For this only, this whole universe is called as ichha or kaama bhavs expansion.

All regulations of life subjected to socialism and subjects do have base as kama bhav.

From the supreme soul to the normal soul all the relations exists, all those are accompanied by attraction, kama and maithoona (sex) {more specifically Yoga}. In any situation in any type of sambhoga either internal or external, the task is done by the supreme Shakti by emerging a form of kama shakti.

How does it could be understandable that behind every task there is work of kama shakticreation could be understand that it is derived with kama bhav but what does it have relation with vanishing or destruction?

This could be understand that in case that if you are in attraction with someone and further you start loving then too after a particular time duration you cannot tolerate what do you do at that timeyou again try to merge your soul. In that condition either you try to merge yourself in that person or you try that person to merge with you. Your wish to overcome hunger will always attract you to the food in that condition before a short time that particular food was having a very different form in itselfbecause of your attraction to that food, it ends the existence of food. This rule works on every being equally. With the separation from supreme soul, normal soul gets to be human and in this way, human takes birth, have pleasures of various comfort and at last one day cause of death will again make it move to supreme soul so dont kama shakti of supreme soul work in the base of this which is done by merging its part in itself. Is there a creation? Nobut from the cosmic vision it is also a step to the creation. When you start loving someone with a strong attraction you feel to have a sex with person what you will call thisis it just a physical satisfaction, noin the base of this there is a desire not to remain separate with that peson which is on extreme level which came up just to merge yourself with that person. At that time it does not stays twoanything stay behind is one. It is another thing that one sadhak, disciple, yogi will have internal self merge and stay far of it and in normal situation merging a normal body. But tantra speaks about aatmayoga being ahead from body and that too with the help of this Kama power onlythis way this kama shakti stays form of the supreme shakti by being attracted to which it works with different form of tam, raj and sat.

In the tantra sight, why controlling goddess of tam, raj, sat are believed to be mahakali, mahalkashi and mahasaraswati respectively? Is it not possible that mahalakshmi works with nature of tam instead of raj???No, it cannot happen.In the dawn of universe where there was no creation, there was no rear. At that time there was complete darkness only when presence of mahanindra is there in its form of saakar and niraakar. And this tam element is mahakal onlyfrom which kaal (time) even stays feared. Here it is to be noted that destruction of the body is done by kaal and there is no effect of the same on the soul. Soul always stays apart of kaal and covered with mahakaal. The same mahakal have mahakali as shakti, who isprecursorproducer of the destruction. This shakti haves relation with middle time of pralaynisha. The presence of the same makes this world exist being covered with shiva, when it disappear, there is no moment time shiva turning in shavaa (death body or non existence).As it is related with pralaynisha means night time and they have a relation from middle time this way when it represents tam, it also has raj (to rear nature) and sat (creating nature) in the sankrant form. But mahalakshmi is not inspired from tam nature and neither maha sarashwati have relation with raja. This way there is no possibilities of them to have nature of vanishing. Yes, it is completely different condition when they get connected with tam in form of mahavidhyas, at that time they can even accomplish destructions.

You just spoke about mahavidhya, so does all mahavidhyas are form of these three base powers, does they have not any relations with panchamahabhoota ????

No, it is not that way, when we are speaking about aaadhya shakti (supreme power) then it has a very big meaning, from aadishakti I mean to say Raajraajeshwari Shodashi Tripur Sundari; holding the three main nature of her, there stands three maha shaktis. Perhaps, main mahavidhya of shrikul is taken as shodashi tripur saundari. But her mantra and yantra in mahavidhya form is different, and when she is parashakri raaj raajeshwari then her main base yantra is shri chakra or shri yantra which is represents geometry form of universe, the one which is holder of unimaginable powers.

And about panchmahabhuta then every element represents 2 mahavidhyas, and this way 5X2 = 10 occurs, in this too there is a notable thing that every element has 2 nature

Ushn (hot)

Sheet (cold)

This way, from ever elements 2 mahavidhya one would be with ugra nature and second would be having peaceful nature. The way sun and moon owns light with that parashakti, wheresun gives heat and moon gives cold. But how strange is this, where heat of the sun provides warmth, splendor and intensity in humans, which inspire us to concentrate with oneness; the cold shine of moon gives excitement to the mind and make it filled with kama bhav.Behind the each and every action ( karma) of life there is a special ownering shakti, to whom we call Adhishthaatri Devi

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