the power of we 2015

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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But…do we want to sell just one car,

or develop a lifetime relationship?

combined mobile intelligence © 2014


Reality Check / The Facts

How it works

The Power of “We”

Where are my Sales people?

Sales Team Impact

Management Impact

Sales Training Impact

F & I Impact

New Hire Impact

Expense Impact

C.S.I. Impact

Lifetime customer Impact

Should we Do this?

Control Tower


The 3 most profound inventions in the history of the modern world;

1. The computer

2. The internet

3. The smart phone/tablet

208 million tablets were sold in 2014*

In 2015, Gartner predicts a total of 320 million tablet sales, versus just 316 million PC sales (desktops and laptops

IDC: 87% Of Connected Devices Sales By 2017 Will Be Tablets And Smartphones

Lets sell cars – the way our customers are shopping for cars.

*Gartner research

the facts


Start with any Apple or Android based tablet or smartphone

Log on to SalesControlTower

Tablet/ Phone is now loaded with YOUR roadmap to the sale, Dealership inventory, as well as Factory inventory.

Any device with an internet connection is now converted to your sales tower.



If we all know we need to stand out… Why do all look, talk, and act the same? We now have the technology to eliminate

trial and error.

Our customers know as much, if not more than our salespeople with regard to both features and price… thanks to the internet.

Lets update our “Roadmap to the Sale” with the one thing that shows up as “easy” to everyone –

Pressing a button, to get what you want…

A straight forward process with zero margin for error, plus 100% clear, accurate information in real time - as a customer experience.



Negotiation, Persuasion, our best effort – the talent we employ never make it to the table without rapport.

This tablet sends the message: All of my resources and advantages are now your resources and advantages- “I have your back” that is real rapport.

The automobile buying experience is now a collaborative effort – there is no more “us vs. them” with the Sales Traffic Control Tower application.



It all starts the moment they begin their shift.

Customer experience tablets are kept at the control tower – manager assigns them as your sales professional clocks in…Tablets are turned in at the end of the shift. Time stamps capture real presence.

Constant Connection from the moment our sales team arrives – to the moment they leave.

Where are

my sales



Instant icebreaker- good guy message sent from the first handshake.

Better Customer Experience equals

better Sales Experience – less fatigue on the sales person.

iPads make smarter Salespeople. Confidence soars knowing they have all the answers in advance, and a perfect delivery system

The tablet is a universal tool to show “relevance” and a cutting edge sales relationship.



How do we manage – what we cannot see or control?

The skill set of anticipation is now at their fingertips.

Human capital increase vs. depreciation.

Managers go through the same frustrations that the sales team do… the negative energy of a botched sale leads to enormous fatigue.


Training as we know it today: A bunch of rookies or career professionals thrown in a room with a Trainer – taking notes – watching videos – etc… will simply no longer exist in 12 months.

Formal training will exist – but the learning curve will be cut from 2 weeks to 48 hours thanks to the technology behind this tablet application…and the discipline will be burned in over and over again.

Any rookie with a week on the floor will have 100 times the fire power as a veteran who – after many years is still “wingin” it.


F & I managers now have their finger on the pulse of the store.

Customers are less worn out coming into the business office – the sales process has been clean and efficient. Their guard is not as high.

Heavy delivery traffic rush and chaos is now organized and manageable. Preparation is now obtainable to the minute.


How much information can a human retain during formal training?

How long does it take for the hype to wear off?

How long does it take for the sales floor to “re-train” our new hires?

The toughest challenge with sales is consistency… This tablet provides the perfect delivery system for positive action on a consistent platform.

This will send a definitive message that this is who we are – and you will not fail.

New Hire



Your Wealth equals your

physical resources X

technology and the

exponential effect that

feeds on itself.

Moore’s Law: is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years.



Consumer complaint number 1. Our current process takes too long. A clear roadmap manages the stuttering, wingin’ it, and hiccups out of the picture. Perception is 90% of the game here.

Unresolved issues that could lead to your customer not being “completely satisfied” now get handled in real time via the seamless Pre-Csi Survey.



This program of Intelligent Action will feed on itself via the “improve the experience” feedback – this will take the wisdom of experience from every sales person/customer relationship moving forward to gather real lifetime customer ideas.

Who wouldn’t refer a friend or family member to your “no-nonsense”, squared away, customer friendly sales team.

Positive contrast against other dealers will create the LOYALTY that dealers pay countless millions of dollars to develop – only to lose that investment because a sales person is “having a bad day”.


Q: Should we do this?

Better question: Do I want my customer to experience my best effort – or keep on wingin’ it while everyone else is offering the iPad experience?

Business as usual -


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