thomas oliver mérő & antun Žuljević

Post on 23-Dec-2016






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Thomas Oliver Mérő & Antun Žuljević

Ptice Sombora

Birds of Sombor



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U Somboru postoji duga tradicija golubarstva, uzgajanja živine i drugih raznih vrsta ptica, ali posmatranjem i proučavanjem ptica u prirodi, se manje bavilo, a pisanih tragova o tome gotovo da i nema. Većini stanovnika Sombora nije poznato bogatsvo faune ptica grada u kojem žive. Razlog tome je što posmatranje ptica u prirodi kod nas nije dostiglo popularnost kakvu ima u nekim razvijenijim zemljama, kao na primer u Velikoj Britaniji gde je „birdwatching” nacionalni hobi.

Ptice su divna stvorenja koja možemo lako uočiti i često posmatrati, a za to je potrebno samo malo truda i vremena. Knjigom „Ptice Sombora” želimo da upotpunimo prazninu, da doprinesemo boljem poznavanju ptičjeg sveta našeg grada. Informacije koje sadrži ova knjiga namenjene su ornitolozima, ljubiteljima ptica, a nadamo se da će biti korisne i svim ostalim sugrađanima. Thomas Oliver Mérő & Antun Žuljević

Preface Sombor has a long tradition of pigeonry, waterfowl husbandry and other activites with bird species. However, there are hardly any information about observations and studies of wild bird species. The richness of the town’s ornithofauna is poorly known among the citizens of Sombor. One probable reason is that birdwatching is not as popular as in some developed western countries, where it can be a national hobby. Birds are wonderful creatures, which can be often and easily seen, and their observation requires only some time and very little physical effort. With this book „Birds of Sombor” we want to fill in the information gap on the birds of Sombor and to improve knowledge on the world of birds in our town. We believe that the information presented in this book will be interesting for all ornithologists, and we also hope that it will be useful for other people. Thomas Oliver Mérő & Antun Žuljević

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Uvodna reč recenzenta

Izvan stručnih ornitoloških krugova malo se zna o tome da istraživanje ptica u Vojvodini ima dugu tradiciju. Jedan od prvih značajnih ornitologa koji je boravio u Somboru i okolini bio je Ottó Herman. On je davne 1874 godine duže vremena boravio u Doroslovu - selu pored Mostonge, gde je radio na svom prvom velikom delu, monografiji o paukovima. Kasnije je napisao knjigu O korisnim i štetnim pticama (A madarak hasznáról és káráról), delo koje je u ono vreme postalo čuveno. To je bila jedna od prvih knjiga o pticama namenjena široj publici. Na samom početku XX veka bilo je više ornitologa amatera koji su svoje godišnje izveštaje o seobi ptica, kao i podatke o prstenovanim pticama slali tadašnjoj ornitološkoj centrali u Budimpesti. Ti podaci su objavljivani u časopisu Aquila koji izlazi od 1894 godine. U drugoj polovini XX veka svoja zapažanja o pticama vojvođanski ornitolozi su objavljivali u časopisu Larus. U to vreme prstenovanje ptica je postalo sve masovnija aktivnost u koju se uključilo sve više orntiologa, među kojima i Antun Žuljević, jedan od autora ove knjige. Izveštaje o prstenovanim pticama slali su Zavodu za ornitologiju JAZU u Zagrebu. Organizovaniji oblik rada na istraživanju ornitofaune Vojvodine počinje 1989. godine sa osnivanjem Društva za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica Vojvodine i pokretanjem časopisa Ciconia. Novo odeljenje Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu Centar za markiranje životinja osnovano je 1993. godine i ova institucija koordinira rad na prstenovanju ptica, sakuplja izveštaje i nalaze objavljuje u ovom časopisu. Najviše objavljenih podataka o ptičjem svetu Sombora nalazimo upravo u časopisu Ciconia, zahvaljujući pre svega autorima ove knjige. Na ovim prostorima osim knjige Jovana Lakatoša Ptice Apatina, koja je objavljena pre tri decenije, do sada nisu objavljene knjige o pticama nekog većeg naselja.

Knjiga o pticama Sombora je višestruko značajno delo, napisano zanimljivim stilom, razumljivim i prihvatljivim širokom krugu čitalaca. Jasnom koncepcijom i lepim fotografijama autori nastoje da nam približe svaku pojedinu vrstu koju su tokom dugogodišnih istraživanja zapazili i uspeli da slikaju. Nakon kratkog opisa istraživanog područja i korišćenih metoda, autori najviše prostora posvećuju vrstama koje se gnezde u gradu ili su redovni gosti u pojedinim godišnjim dobima. Izuzetno je vredno što je većina snimaka ptica napravljena u Somboru. Osim lepih, izražajnih fotografija priložene su informacije na osnovu kojih čitaoci lako mogu saznati u kojem delu grada i u kojim mesecima je najveća mogućnost da zapaze primerke pojedinih vrsta. Na osnovu prikupljenih podataka i iskustva stečenog tokom dugogodišnjeg praćenja ornitofaune autori daju procenu brojnosti i trenda promene veličine populacija vrsta. Ovo je prvi pokušaj kvantitativnog prikazivanja ornitofaune jednog grada kod nas i ta činjenica potvrđuje vrednost ovog rada. Značaj ovih podataka s vremenom će biti sve veći, jer će služiti kao osnova za poređenje rezultata budućih istraživanja i praćenja promena populacija pojedinih vrsta. U današnje vreme svedoci smo brzih i naglih promena u prirodi izazvanih neposrednim čovekovim delovanjem ili klimatskim promenama na koje u velikoj meri utiče upravo čovek. Ptice reaguju na ove promene između ostalog i promenom brojnosti svojih populacija. Za vrste koje se ređe

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pojavljuju u Somboru autori daju detaljne faunističke podatke. Objavljivanjem ovih informacija ova knjiga predstalja vredan izvor podataka ornitolozima koji se bave faunistikom ili proučavaju neku od navedenih vrsta.

Srećan sam što će knjiga Ptice Sombora autora Thomasa Olivera Mérő i Antuna Žuljevića na najlepši način nastaviti tradiciju ornitologije u Vojvodini. Uveren sam da će ovom knjigom autori uspeti da ptice približe svojim sugrađanima, da će im pomoći da što bolje upoznaju ptičji svet, što će svakako doprineti zajedničkom životu u zajedničkom životnom prostoru našeg “Ravangrada”.

Pečuj, 10.01.2010. Dr. Jenő J. Purger (građanin Sombora)

Šef katedre za ekologiju životinja, Univerziteta u Pečuju, Mađarska

Veliki bački kanal, maj 2007. godine / Veliki bački Canal, May, 2007

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Reviewer’s introduction

It is not broadly known (except among ornithologists) that bird study has a long tradition in Vojvodina. One of the first considerable ornithologist, Ottó Herman, visited Sombor and its vicinity in 1874. He spent a longer time in Doroslovo, a village near the Mostonga, where he was working on his first major achievement, a monograph about spiders. Later he wrote the book On Useful and Problem Birds (A madarak hasznáról és káráról), a book which was famous at that time. It was one of the first book about birds which was written for a broad public. At the very beginning of the 20th century there were several amateur ornithologists who sent their yearly reports about bird migration, like data about ringed birds, to the ornithological centre which at that time was in Budapest. These data were published in the journal Aquila which has been published since 1894 In the second half of the 20th century Vojvodinian ornithologists published their observations about birds in the journal Larus. At that time the ringing of birds became an increasing activity to which more and more ornithologists joined, among them Antun Žuljević, one of the authors of this book. Reports on ringed birds were sent to the Institute for Ornithology JAZU in Zagreb. A more organised form of bird study in Vojvodina began in 1989 with the establishment of the Bird Protection and Study Society of Vojvodina and with the launching of the journal Ciconia. The new department of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade The Centre for Animal Marking was established in 1993, and this institution coordinates work on bird ringing, collects reports, and publishes the findings in this journal. The largest amount of published data about the birds of Sombor can be found exactly in the journal of Ciconia, first of all thanks to the authors of this book. Except for the book of Jovan Lakatoš Birds of Apatin (Ptice Apatina) which was published three decades ago, until now there have been no such books issued in these regions about the birds of any larger settlement.

The book about the birds of Sombor is a highly acknowledgeble achievement, written in an interesting style, comprehensible and acceptable to a wide range of readers. With a clear concept and nice photographs, the authors attempt to approach every single species which was observed and successfully photographed during the long-term research activities in our town. After a short description of the study area and the used methods, the authors devote the greatest part of the book to the species either breeding in the town or being regular visitors in various seasons. It is very important that most of the photos were taken in Sombor. Besides nice, expressive photos there is information added for the readers specifying in which parts of the town and in which months there is the greatest chance to observe the individuals of a species. Based on the collected data and experience during the long-term study of the avifauna the authors give the estimated numbers and population trends of the species. This is the first attempt to present a quantitative assessment of the avifauna of a town in Serbia and this affirms the importance of this work. The awareness of these data will increase with time, as they will be used as a basis for comparisons with research done hereafter and for monitoring population changes of some species. Nowadays we are witnesses of the fast and abrupt changes in nature caused directly by human activities or by climatic changes influenced by humans. Birds do respond to these changes in amid inter alia with the changes of the number of their populations. On species which rarely appear in Sombor, the authors give detailed faunistic data. The published information presents a valuable source of data for ornithologists who pursue faunistic studies or investigate particular species.

With the book Birds of Sombor the authors Thomas Oliver Mérő and Antun Žuljević continue the long tradition of ornithology in Vojvodina in the finest way which I am most

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delighted by. With this book, I am convinced that the authors will be able to bring the birds closer to their fellow citizens, help them for a better understanding with the world of birds, and will absolutely promote better co-existence in the common living environment of our “Ravangrad”.

Pécs, January 10, 2010 Dr. Jenő J. Purger (citizen of Sombor)

Head of the Department for Animal Ecology, University of Pécs, Hungary

Park-šuma Šumica, januar 2010. godine / Šumica Park-forest, January, 2010

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Opis istraživanog područja

Sombor se nalazi na severozapadu AP Vojvodine (Republike Srbije) (UTM CR-57). U pisanim dokumentima prvi put se pominje 1360. godine pod nazivom Coborsentmihalj (Coborszentmihály) kao naseobina na plemićkom posedu Cobor. Naziv Sombor pojavljuje se u šesnaestom veku, za vreme turske vladavine. Status slobodnog kraljevskog grada Sombor je dobio 1749. godine od austrougarske carice Marije Terezije. Prema poslednjem popisu stanovništva obavljenom 2001. godine u gradu živi 50.950 stanovnika. Najnoviji urbanistički podaci pokazuju da se grad, bez prigradskih naselja, prostire na površini od 2.950 hektara1

Na području grada Sombora nalaze se četiri različita vodena staništa: Veliki bački kanal, vodotok Mostonga, Stara Mostonga i bara Bager. Veliki bački kanal spada među kanale otvorene kanalske mreže i deo je hidrosistema Dunav-Tisa-Dunav. Ukupna dužina Velikog bačkog kanala u Somboru, od železničkog mosta na pruzi Sombor-Apatin do račvanja kod Rokovaca, iznosi 5,2 km. Obale Velikog bačkog kanala obrasle su trskom (Phragminthes australis) i žbunastom vegetacijom, koju

, a od toga najuži centar zauzima oko 60 ha (2%). Sombor je tipičan nizijski grad, smešten na nadmorskoj visini od 89 m. Klima u području Sombora i okoline je umereno-kontinentalna, srednja godišnja količina padavina iznosi oko 590 mm, a srednje godišnja temperatura vazduha je 10,7˚C [7]. Najtopliji mesec je jul sa srednjom mesečnom temperaturom od 20,9˚C, a najhladniji januar sa srednjom mesečnom temperaturom od 0,9˚C [23].

Sombor se smatra gradom sa najviše zelenila u Srbiji, a neki ga svrstavaju među „najzelenije” u Evropi. Drveće je sađeno u obliku drvoreda, parkova (Park Heroja, Ivo Lola Ribar i Omladinski park) kao i park-šuma (Šikara, Šumica, Hipodrom). Parkovi zauzimaju ukupno 10 ha, što čini 0,4% od ukupne gradske površine, dok zelenilo uz saobraćajnice, stambene četvrti, zaštitno i ostalo rastinje zauzima 176 ha (7,06%), a ulični travnjaci 51,5 ha (2.06%) [26]. Drvoredi sadrže oko 18.000 stabala i prostiru se na ukupnoj dužini od 121 km. Najrasprostanjenija vrsta, a ujedno i simbol našega grada je bođoš (Celtis occidentalis) koji čini 60% drveća. Manjim delom su sađeni: lipa (Tilia spp) - 14%, javor (Acer spp) - 8%, bagrem (Robinia pseudoacacia) - 7%, topola (Populus spp) - 5%, divlji kesten (Aesculus hippocastanum) - 3% i japanski bagrem (Sophora japonica) - 1% [Katastar „Zelenilo“, 2009; 26]. U park-šumi Šikara najčešća vrsta drveta je hrast lužnjak (Querqus robur). U dvorištima kuća nalazi se zimzeleno drveće koje nije zvanično zabeleženo u Katastru, voćke od kojih je među najčešćim orah (Juglans regia). Površine pokrivene žbunjem, kojih je u Somboru sve manje, delom obrastaju samonikli žbunovi poput zove (Sambucus nigra), trnjine (Prunus spinosa) i divlje ruže (Rosa canina). Travnate površine u gradu se redovno održavaju, a dodatne značajne površine predstavljaju bašte i voćnjaci. Na ruderalnim zapuštenim staništima masovno su prisutne korovske vrste poput pepeljuge obične (Chenopodium album), štira (Amaranthus retroflexus), burjana (Sambucus ebulus) i ambrozije (Ambrosia artemisifolia).

1 Pogledati 132-134 stranu

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pretežno čine vrtse vrba (Salix spp.). Mostonga nastaje spajanjem severnog i istočnog kraka na severnoj periferiji Sombora i protiče kroz grad dužinom od oko 7 km (od mosta na obilaznici Bezdan-Subotica do tromeđe kod Rokovaca). Ovaj vodotok spada među glavne melioracione kanale u opštini Sombor, a deo je detaljne kanalske mreže. Stara Mostonga je mrtvaja, koja danas pokazuje tipične karakteristike močvarnog staništa. Njeno korito je nekada bilo sastavni deo vodotoka Mostonge. Bara Bager nalazi se na severnoj periferiji grada, nastala je iskopavanjem gline za potrebe lokalne ciglane. Ukupna površina sa okolnim jamama iznosi oko 3 ha, a nivo vode zavisi od količine padavina.

Ornitologija u Somboru Među prvim objavljenim podacima o pticama našeg grada je beleška koju je 1950. godine u časopisu Aquila objavio László SZEMERE [22]. Skoro deceniju kasnije, 1959. godine u Gradskom muzeju je otvorena diorama ptica. Preparator Radivoj MIHAJLOVIĆ je prikupljao podatke o pticama, pre svega iz okoline Sombora, ali na žalost rezultati njegovog rada nisu objavljeni, a do njegovih beležaka nismo uspeli doći. Antun ŽULJEVIĆ od 1977. godine proučava ornitofaunu Sombora, a od 1981. godine prstenuje ptice. Rezultati njegovih istraživanja su delimično objavljeni u stručnim ornitološkim časopisima, prvenstveno u časopisu Ciconia. Prstenovanjem ptica i velikim brojem nalaza doprineo je da Sombor postane prepoznatljiv kao značajno mesto za ptice, kako na seobi, tako i na zimovanju i gnežđenju. Pored Antuna ŽULJEVIĆa u Somboru su još prstenovali ANTUNIĆ Zdenko, koji je 1983. godine prstenovao 52 ptice [21], i VARGA Pavle koji je 1991. godine ukupno 63 jedinki prstenovao.

Metode i način rada U knjizi su objavljeni podaci koje su autori sakupili od 1977. zaključno sa avgustom 2010. godine. Objavljene informacije u ovoj knjizi se odnose isključivo na grad Sombor bez prigradskih naselja2

2 Pogledati 132-134 stranu

. Podaci su sakupljani, posmatranjem, fotografisanjem i prstenovanjem ptica. Za vreme redovnih izlazaka na teren, tokom cele godine, beleženi su: datum posmatranja, mesto, vrste ptica, brojnost, njihov pol, starost i ponašanje. Većina fotografija je snimljena u poslednjih pet godina (2005-2010) uglavnom na teritoriji Sombora. Sve fotografije su snimljene od strane autora, izuzev jedne, gde je ime autora navedeno. Podaci o prstenovanjima ptica se takođe odnose isključivo na teritoriju grada Sombora, na vremenski period od 1981. do avgusta 2010. godine. Na teritoriji grada prstenovano je ukupno 76 vrste ptica, 12.851 primeraka. Za svaku vrstu je posebno naveden ukupan broj prstenovanih jedinki, kao i podaci o nalazima prstenovanih primeraka sa stranim prstenom i koje su prstenovane u

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Somboru a nađene u inostranstvu. Ova knjiga ne sadrži uopštene informacije o pticama. Ptice smo grupisali u tri kategorije, pri čemu smo uzeli u obzir podatke o tome da li se vrsta gnezdi na području grada i da li je redovan ili ređe posmatran gost. U kategoriju redovnih gostiju svrstali smo vrste koje zimuju, koje se sele preko područja grada i koje dolaze radi ishrane. Od ukupno 152 pomenutih vrsta 59 su gnezdarice, 39 redovni i 54 su neredovni i ređe viđeni gosti. Gnezdarice i redovni gosti su prikazani fotografijom i opširnijim informacijama vezanim za staništa u gradu. Za ptice koje spadaju u kategoriju ređe posmatranih dati su samo detaljni faunistčki podaci o posmatranjima u našem gradu. Imena ptica su data na četiri jezika (srpski, engleski, mađarski i nemački), a u drugom redu je dat naučni naziv [10, 11, 15, 24, 25]. Klasifikacija vrsta je data prema knjizi MAGYAR et al. [11]. Kod klasifikacije su uzete u obzir kategorije, red (ordo), porodica (familia) i rod (genus), koji su navedeni naučnim nazivom, dok u slučaju reda i porodice data su i srpska [27] i engleska imena [5]. Objašnjenje pojedinih pojmova koji se upotrebljavaju u knjizi:

Seoba (migracija) ptica je pomeranje populacije sa područja gnežđenja na zimovališta i obrnuto. Prolećna seoba se odvija od početka februara do početka juna, dok jesenja seoba, traje od kraja jula do početka decembra u zavisnosti o kojoj vrsti ptica se radi. Zimovanje je zadržavanje ptica tokom dužeg vremena u zimskom periodu na određenom području. Neke ptice dolaze u naš grad od početka oktobra, a ostaju do kraja marta. Brojnost gnezdeće populacije se odnosi na period od 2000. do 2010. godine, a određivana je potpunim prebrojavanjem (cenzusom) ili ekstrapolacijom delimičnih cenzusa. Populacionim trendom se naziva promena brojnosti populacije u određenom vremenskom intervalu na određenoj teritoriji. Trend populacije može biti u porastu, opadanju, stabilan ili fluktuirajući (promenljiv). Trendovi populacija dati u ovoj knjizi procenjeni su prema podacima iz razdoblja od 2000. do 2010. godine i odnose se na područje grada Sombora. Ispod naziva za svaku vrstu obeleženi su meseci u kojima je ptica prisutna u Somboru. Tamno-žuta boja označava mesece kada se ptica najčešće i u najvećem broju može posmatrati, dok svetlo-žuta boja pokazuje mesece kada se ptica može videti ređe i u manjem broju.

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Study area

Sombor lies in the northwest of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia) (UTM CR-57). The town was mentioned for the first time in 1360 by the name Coborszentmihály, as a settlement of an aristocrat called Cobor. The name Sombor was first mentioned in the 16th century, during the Turkish rule. The status „Free royal town” was given to Sombor in 1749 by the Austro-Hungarian empress Maria Teresia. According to the latest census (2001), there are 50.950 inhabitants in the town. The town (without the suburban areas) covers an area of about 2.950 ha3

Sombor has four different wetland habitats, the Veliki bački Canal, the watercourse Mostonga, Stara Mostonga and Bager Pond. Veliki bački Canal is part of the hydro-system Danube-Tisa-Danube. The total length of the Veliki bački Canal in Sombor (from the bridge on the Sombor-Apatin railway line to the ramification near Rokovci) is 5.2 km. The banks of the Veliki bački Canal are overgrown with reed (Phragminthes australis) and shrubs, mainly containing willow (Salix spp.). Mostonga is a watercourse stretching between the northern and the eastern arm on the northern periphery of the town. Its total length, from the bridge on the bypass Bezdan-Subotica to the ramification near Rokovci, is about 7 km and it is one of the most important melioration canals in Sombor municipality. Stara Mostonga is still water which shows nowadays tipical characteristics of a marsh habitat. Its bed was once a part of the watercourse Mostonga. The Bager Pond is located on the northern part of the town. The pond was formed by digging of clay for the local brickyard. The total size of

, and the centre is about 60 ha (2%). Sombor is a typical low-land town situated on 89 m above sea-level. The climate is temperate continental, where the average yearly amount of precipitation is about 590 mm (400-900 mm), and the average yearly temperature is 10.7˚C [7]. July is the warmest month with an average temperature of 20.9˚C, and January is the coldest with an average temperature of 0.9˚C [23]. Sombor is considered to be one of the greenest town of Serbia, some consider it among the greenest in Europe. Trees are planted along avenues, in parks (Park Heroja, Park Ivo Lola Ribar and Omladinski Park) and and park-forests (Šikara, Šumica and Hipodrom). Parks cover 10 ha (0.4% of the whole territory of the town), while the greenery next to the streets, in the housing areas, hedge and other vegetation covers 176 ha (7.06%), and the grass on the streets 51.5 ha (2.06%) [26]. The total length of tree avenues is 121 km, containing about 18.000 trees. Most of the trees (60%) are Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) which is the most popular tree and is the symbol of our town. Other trees, like Linden (Tilia spp.) (14%), Maples (Acer spp.) (8%), Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) (7%), Poplar (Populus spp.) (5%), Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) (3%) and Japanese Pagoda-Tree (Sophora japonica) (1%) were less frequently planted [Land registry „Zelenilo“, 2009; 26]. In the Šikara Park-forest the commonest tree species is the Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur). In the yards of the houses there are many coniferous trees, fruit-trees and Walnuts (Juglans regia). The area covered with shrubs has decreased recently in Sombor. Shrubs are partially grown by native species such as the Black Lace Elderberry (Sambucus nigra), Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) and Dog-rose (Rosa canina). The herb vegetation of the town include grassy areas, whereas habitats such as gardens and desolated orchards are also widespread. In desolate ruderal habitats one can find Goosefoot (Chenopodium album), Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), Danewort (Sambucus ebulus) and Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisifolia).

3 See page: 132-134

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pond, including the surrounding pits, is about 3 ha. The water level depends on the precipitation.

Ornithology in Sombor The first information about the birds of Sombor comes from SZEMERE László, who observed the birds of Sombor and published these results in the journal Aquila in 1950 [22]. Almost two decades later, a diorama of birds was opened in the Town Museum in 1959. The taxidermist Radivoj Mihajlović had collected data about birds, mostly from around Sombor, but unfortunately, none of his observations were published, and we could not get his notes. Since 1977 Antun Žuljević has made observations on the avifauna, and since 1981, he has also been ringing the birds. Part of the results of his research has been published in ornithological journals, mostly in the journal Ciconia. Beside Antun ŽULJEVIĆ, Zdenko ANTUNIĆ ringed 52 birds in 1983 [21], and Pavle VARGA 63 individuals in 1991. The ringing of the birds and the large number of findings made Sombor recognized as an area important for birds during their migration, wintering and nesting.

Material and methods This book presents field data collected by the authors from 1977 until August 2010. Data were collected from observations, nature photography and bird rining only for the town of Sombor, but not in the suburban areas4

Bird names are given in four languages (Serbian, English, Hungarian and German), while the scientific name is given below the common names [10, 11, 15, 24, 25]. The classification of the species follows the book by MAGYAR et al. [11], and includes order

. Regular field work was conducted during the whole year in the last three decades. Data on bird species observed, photographed or ringed, as well as about their sex and age, number, location, date of observation and behaviour have been recorded in a database. Photographs were made by the authors (except for one where the autors name is given belove the photo), and most photos were taken in the last five years (2005-2010), mainly on the territory of Sombor. The ringing data are also from the territory of the town and for the period between 1981 and August 2010. A total of 76 bird species were ringed in the town, with a total number of 12.851 ringed individuals. For each species we present the total number of the ringed individuals separately, as well as we present data on the recoveries of birds ringed in other countries and on the number of birds ringed in Sombor but recovered abroad. This book does not contain general information on bird species. A total of 152 bird species was recorded in Sombor. The bird species were classified into three categories based on whether the species breeds in the town, or whether it is a regular visitor or a rarely observed guest. Regular visitors include species that visit the town for wintering, migrating through the town or for feeding. From the total of 152 recorded species, 59 are regular breeder, 39 are regular visitors and 54 are irregular or rarely seen vagrants. In this book, breeding species and regular visitors are illustrated by photographs and further information is presented on their occurrence in Sombor. Species that are rarely observed are not illlustrated with a photograph (except for a few species) and valuable faunistic data are given about their observations.

4 See page: 132-134

- 14 -

(ordo), family (familia) and genus (genus), for which we used the scientific name. For orders and families, the names are also given in Serbian [27] and English [5].

Specijalna ornitološka mreža za hvatanje ptica, obala Mostonge, jul 2010. godine / Special ornithological net (mist net) for bird capture, banks of Mostonga, July, 2010

We use several technical terms in this book. The explanation of these terms are as follows. The migration of birds is the movement of individuals from the nesting area to the wintering place, and back. The spring migration starts in the beginning of February and ends in early June, while the autumn migration lasts from the end of July until the beginning of December. The exact dates of migration varies by bird species. Wintering means that birds are staying in an area for a longer time in the winter season. Some birds come at the beginning of October and stay until the end of March. The size of the nesting population was given for the period 2000-2010. The number of individuals was estimated by a complete census over the town or by extrapolation from partial censuses. Population trend is the change in the size of the population on a certain territory in a certain period. The trend of the population can be increasing, decreasing, stable and fluctuating. The estimated population trends are given for each bird species for the last ten years (2000-2010). Below the name of the birds, we present a table that shows the month when the species is present in Sombor. The dark yellow colour presents months when the bird can be observed most often and in large numbers, while the pale yellow presents months when they can be rare and seen in smaller numbers.

- 15 -

Ptice / Birds

Classis: Aves

Ptice gnezdarice Sombora

Breeding birds of Sombor

Bara Bager, jun 2008. godine / Bager Pond, June, 2008

- 16 -

Ordo: Podicipediformes Gnjurci / Grebes

Familia: Podicipedidae Gnjurci / Grebes Genus: Tachybaptus Mali gnjurac / Little Grebe / Kis vöcsök / Zwergtaucher Tachybaptus ruficollis (Pallas, 1864)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 0-2 selica / migratory

Mali gnjurac je neredovna gnezdarica u Somboru. Gnežđenje je utvrđeno na bari Bager u pojedinim godinama. Na seobi i zimovanju pojavljuje se u manjem broju (posmatrano je do 12 primeraka) na vodotoku Mostonge i na Velikom bačkom kanalu.

The Little Grebe breeds irregularly in Sombor. Its nesting was observed in some years only on Bager Pond. They appear in smaller numbers (up to 12 individuals) during migration and the winter season on the watercourse Mostonga and on the Veliki bački Canal.

- 17 -

Ordo: Ciconiiformes Štakari / Storks and allies

Familia: Ardeidae Čaplje / Herons and Egrets Genus: Ixobrychus Čapljica / Little Bittern / Törpegém / Zwergrohrdommel Ixobrychus minutus (Linneaus, 1766)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 5-10 selica / migratory

Čapljica se gnezdi u sastojinama trske bare Bager, Velikog bačkog kanala i Stare Mostonge. Prstenovano je 16 primeraka 2008. godine. The Little Bittern nests in the reedbeds of Bager Pond, Veliki bački Canal and Stara Mostonga. There were 16 individuals ringed in 2008.

- 18 -

Familia: Ciconiidae Rode / Storks Genus: Ciconia Bela roda / White Stork / Fehér gólya / Weißstorch Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 1-3 selica / migratory

Gnezda bele rode u našem gradu se nalaze na dimnjaku firme Inpro, na električnom stubu kod Fabrike akumulatora i kod bare Bager [9]. 1974. godine bilo je 11, a 1979. godine 9 gnezda. Ovi podaci o broju gnezdeće populacija se odnose na Sombor sa prigradskim naseljima [8]. Razlog opadanja broja je nestajanje vlažnih staništa, a time i smanjenje mogućnosti ishrane. There are three White Stork nests in Sombor: on the top of the chimney of the firm Inpro, on the electric post near the battery factory (Fabrika akumulatora) and near Bager Pond [9]. In 1974, there were 11 nests in Sombor and in the surounding suburban settlement, while in 1979, there were nine [8]. One reason for the decline is the shrinking of wetland habitats and consenquently the loss of feeding opportunities.

- 19 -

Ordo: Anseriformes Plovuše / Waterfowl

Familia: Anatidae Guske, Plovke i Labudovi / Ducks, Geese and Swans Genus: Anas Patka gluvara / Mallard / Tőkés réce / Stockente Anas platyrhynchos (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 5-10 stanarica / resident

Patka gluvara se gnezdi u priobalnoj vegetaciji vodotoka Mostonge i Velikog bačkog kanala. Za vreme hladnih zima kada Veliki bački kanal zaledi pojavljuje se u većem broju (do 45 primeraka) na Mostongi kod Apatinskog puta, jer tamo voda nije zaleđena ni za vreme jakih mrazeva. The Mallard nests in the bank vegetation of the watercourse Mostonga and Veliki bački Canal. In cold winters when the Veliki bački Canal freezes, they appear in larger numbers (up to 45 individuals) on the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put, because here the water does not freeze even in the hardest frost.

- 20 -

Ordo:Accipitriformes Grabljivice / Eagles, Hawks and allies

Familia: Acciptridae Jastrebovi / Osprey, Kites, Hawks and Eagles Genus: Buteo Mišar / Common Buzzard / Egerészölyv / Mäusebussard Buteo buteo (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 2-2 stanarica / resident

Mišar se gnezdi u Omladinskom parku i park-šumi Šikara. U zimskom periodu brojnost ove vrste se povećava, naročito u Omladinskom parku i u park-šumama. Tri primerka su prstenovana 1998. godine i jedan 2000. godine. The Common Buzzard nests in Omladinski Park and Šikara Park-forest. In the winter, the number of individuals increases, mainly in Omladinski Park and the park-forests. Three individuals were ringed in 1998 and one individual in 2000.

- 21 -

Genus: Circus Eja močvarica / Marsh Harrier / Barna rétihéja / Rohrweihe Circus aeruginosus (Linnaeus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 0-1 selica / migratory

Eja močvarica do 2010. godine nije registrovana na teritoriji grada. Te godine jedan par je pokušao gnežđenje u sastojinama trske bare Bager. Par je posmatran u periodu od 11.04. do 20.05.2010. godine. Prazno gnezdo je pronađeno 15.05.2010. godine. Zbog naglog porasta nivoa vode 03.06.2010. godine gnezdo je nađeno potopljeno. Gnežđenje ove vrste u gradskom reonu je u svetskim razmerama retko beležen. The Marsh Harrier has not been observed in the territory of the town until 2010. In 2010, a pair attempted nesting in the reedbeds of Bager Pond. The pair was observed in the period between April 11, and May 20, and an empty nest was found on May 15. Due to the sudden rise of the water level, the nest was found submerged on the June 3. The nesting of this species in urban areas is rarely observed throughout the world.

- 22 -

Ordo: Galliformes Koke / Fowl

Familia: Phasianidae Prave koke / Grouse, Pheasants and Partridges Genus: Phasianus Fazan / Pheasant / Fácán / Fasan Phasianus colchicus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 10-20 stanarica / resident

Fazan se gnezdi u ruderalnoj vegetaciji na periferiji grada. Često dolazi i u gušće naseljene delove periferije. The Pheasant breeds in ruderal vegetation in the outskirts of the town. They often visit the inhabited parts of the suburbs.

- 23 -

Ordo: Gruiformes Ždralovi / Cranes and allies

Familia: Rallidae Barske koke / Rails, Crakes and allies Genus: Galinula

Barska kokica / Moorhen / Vízityúk / Teichhuhn Gallinula chloropus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 30-50 selica / migratory

Barska kokica je gnezdarica priobalne vegetacije i sastojine trske na Mostongi, Velikom bačkom kanalu i bari Bager. Najlakše se može posmatrati u periodu gnežđenja kod Štranda. Povremeno se pojedinačni primerci mogu videti zimi, na Mostongi i Velikom bačkom kanalu. The Moorhen nests in the bank vegetation and reedbeds of the watercourse Mostonga, Veliki bački Canal and Bager Pond. Near Štrand it is easy to observe them in the nesting season. Single individuals can occasionally be seen in the winter season on the watercourse Mostonga and on Veliki bački Canal.

- 24 -

Genus: Fulica Liska / Coot / Szárcsa / Bläßhuhn Fulica atra (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 0-1 selica / migratory

Liska se smatra neredovnom gnezdaricom u Somboru. Jedan par se gnezdio u tršćaku bare Bager do pre par godina (1997-2006) dok je površina otvorene vode bila veća. Može se posmatrati i u zimskom periodu na Mostongi kod Apatinskog puta i na Velikom bačkom kanalu, i povremeno u prolećnom periodu na bari Bager. The Coot breeds irregularly in Sombor. One pair bred regularly in the reedbeds of Bager Pond between 1997-2006, when the surface of open water was larger. The species can also be observed in the winter season on the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put and on Veliki bački Canal, and at times during the spring on Bager Pond.

- 25 -

Ordo: Columbiformes Golupčarke / Doves and Pigeons

Familia: Columbidae Golubovi / Doves and Pigeons Genus: Columba Golub grivnaš / Wood Pigeon / Örvös galamb / Ringeltaube Columba palumbus (Linnaeus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 2-2 selica / migratory

Golub grivnaš se redovno svake godine gnezdi u Omladinskom parku i u šumskom pojasu uz Veliki bački kanal. The Wood Pigeon nests regularly every year in Omladinski Park and in the forest belt along Veliki bački Canal.

- 26 -

Domaći golub / Domestic Pigeon / Parlagi galamb / Straßentaube Columba livia (Gmelin, 1789), Columba livia forma domestica


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 500-1.000 stanarica / resident

Gustina gnezdeće populacije domaćeg goluba je oko 2,5 para /10 ha. U najvećem broju se sreću na Novoj Selenči i u centru grada. Vrlo rado se hrane plodovima bođoša viseći na granama drveta, a ovu interesantnu pojavu ranije je zapazio i objavio SZEMERE [22]. The Domestic Pigeon can be seen in larger numbers in Selenča and in the centre of the town. The density of the breeding population is about 2.5 pairs /10 ha. They eat the fruits of the Common Hackberry during hanging on the tree branches. This interesting behaviour was already noticed by SZEMERE [22].

- 27 -

Genus: Streptopelia Gugutka / Collared-dove / Balkáni gerle / Türkentaube Streptopelia decaocto (Frivaldszky, 1838)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 3.000-4.000 stanarica / resident

Nemamo tačan podatak o tome kada se gugutka pojavila u našem gradu, ali prema disperzionoj karti naseljavanja Evrope [6], u Somboru se naselila 1920-tih godina. Beleška iz 1941. godine ukazuje da je njena brojnost brzo rasla [22]. Ova vrsta je jedna od najčešćih ptica našeg grada (12 parova /10 ha). Nastanjuje gotovo sva staništa. Prstenovano je 18 primeraka u periodu od 1989. do 2009. godine. We do not have precise data about the year when the Eurasian Collared-dove first appeared in Sombor, but according to the dispersal map for Europe [6], this species probably came to Sombor in the 1920s. A note from 1941 shows that their number increased fast [22]. Today it is one of the most common species (12 pairs /10 ha). It inhabits almost all kinds of habitats. There were 18 individuals ringed in between 1989 and 2009.

- 28 -

Ordo: Cuculiformes Kukavice / Cuckoos and Turacos

Familia: Cuculidae Kukavice / Cuckoos Genus: Cuculus Obična kukavica / Cuckoo / Kakukk / Kuckuck Cuculus canorus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija Breeding population

Status Status

stabilan / stable 5-8 ženki / females selica / migratory

Na teritoriji Sombora kukavica najčešće parazitira u gnezdima velikog trstenjaka (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). Brojnost gnezdeće populacije ove vrste nije data u broju gnezdećih parova, jer ova vrsta ne formira parove. Deset primeraka je prstenovano 2009. i 2010. godine. In the Sombor area, Cuckoo most often parasitizes the nests of the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). The number of nesting pairs is not given for this species because the Cuckoo does not form breeding pairs. Ten individuals were ringed in 2009 and 2010.

- 29 -

Ordo: Strigiformes Sove / Owls

Familia: Tytonidae Kukuvije / Barn Owls Genus: Tyto Kukuvija / Barn Owl / Gyöngybagoly / Schleiereule Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 1-3 stanarica / resident

U Somboru se kukuvija najčešće gnezdi na tavanima starih građevina. 1970-tih godina na glavnoj ulici su se mogli posmatrati primerci kukuvije kako love vrapce pokućare (Passer domesticus) koji su noćili na platanima (Platanus hybridus). Jedan primerak je prstenovan, i jedan je nađen sa Mađarskim prstenom 1996 godine [17]. In Sombor the Barn Owl breeds mainly in the attics of old buildings. In the 1970s, individuals could often be observed as they hunted House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) which night-roosted on Plane-trees (Platanus hybridus) on the Glavna ulica street. One individual was ringed, and one was found with a Hungarian ring in 1996 [17].

- 30 -

Familia: Strigidae Tipične sove / Owls Genus: Otus Ćuk / Scops Owl / Füleskuvik / Zwergohreule Otus scops (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 0-2 selica / migratory

Ćuk je neredovna gnezdarica u našem gradu. Gnežđenje je utvrđeno u parkovima Heroja i Ivo Lola Ribar, na Vidovdanskom trgu i u ulici Milana Rakića. The Scops Owl is an irregularly nesting species in our town. Nesting was registered in the Park Heroja and Park Ivo Lola Ribar, at the Vidovdanski trg square and near the street Milana Rakića.

- 31 -

Genus: Athene Kukumavka / Little Owl / Kuvik / Steinkauz Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 3-5 stanarica / resident

U Somboru se kukumavka najčešće gnezdi na tavanima starih salaša na periferiji grada. Zabeleženo je i gnežđenje na zgradi Carine početkom 2000-tih godina. 11.02.1984. godine prstenovan je jedan primerak na Onči, koji pronađen uginut 10.01.1985. godine [21]. In Sombor the Little Owl nests mainly in the attics of old boweries in the outskirts of the town. Nesting was registered in the building of the customs (Carina) at begin of the years 2000. On February 11, 1984, an individual was ringed on the Onča, which was found dead on January 10, 1985 [21].

- 32 -

Genus: Asio Utina / Long-eared Owl / Erdei fülesbagoly / Waldohreule Asio otus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 20-30 stanarica / resident

Utina za gnežđenje koristi isključivo svračija (Pica pica) gnezda na teritoriji grada. Od oktobra do marta skupljaju se u jata na drveću u neposrednoj blizini opštinskog suda. Najveća brojnost je zabeležena 11.01.2010 godine, kada je izbrojano 210 primeraka (usmeno saopštenje ĐAPIĆ, 2010). The Long-eared Owl exclusively uses the nests of Magpies (Pica pica) for nesting in Sombor. From October until March they form flocks and roost on trees near the Courthouse of the Municipality (Opštinski sud). On January 11, 2010, 210 individuals were counted here (voce viva ĐAPIĆ, 2010).

- 33 -

Ordo: Apodiformes Čiope / Swifts and Hummingbirds

Familia: Apodidae Čiope / Swifts Genus: Apus Crna čiopa / Swift / Sarlósfecske / Mauersegler Apus apus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 30-50 selica / migratory

Beleške iz 1940-tih godina svedoče o gnežđenju nekoliko parova crne čiope u Somboru [22]. Gnezdi se na Novoj Selenči i u centru grada. Povoljno mesto za fotografisanje ove vrste je kod zgrade Gimnazije. Observations from the 1940s confirm the breeding of a few pairs of this species in Sombor [22]. The Swift is nesting on Nova Selenča and in the centre of the town. There are good opportunities to photograph this species near the building of the grammar school (Gimnazija).

- 34 -

Ordo: Coraciiformes Kreštalice / Kingfishers and allies

Familia: Alcedinidae Vodomari / Kingfishers Genus: Alcedo Vodomar / Kingfisher / Jégmadár / Eisvogel Alcedo atthis (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 2-3 stanarica / resident

Vodomar se gnezdi u obalama Velikog bačkog kanala i Mostonge. Zimi i u toku jesenje seobe redovno se mogu videti na Mostongi i na bari Bager. Jedan primerak je prstenovan 1990. godine i četiri primerka 1995. godine. The Kingfisher nests in the banks of Veliki bački Canal and watercourse Mostonga. During the autumn migration and winter, individuals can be seen on the Mostonga and on Bager Pond. One individual was ringed in 1990 and four in 1995.

- 35 -

Familia: Meropidae Pčelarice / Bee-eaters Genus: Merops Pčelarica / Bee-Eater / Gyurgyalag / Bienenfresser Merops apiaster (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 10-30 selica / migratory

Poslednjih deset godina (2000-2010) gnezdi se u kolonijama u obali rečice Mostonge kod Apatinskog puta, kod bare Bager [13] i kod Josićkog puta. Na prolećnoj (april i maj) i jesenjoj (avgust i septembar) seobi mogu se videti migraciona jata u preletu iznad celog područja grada. Šest primeraka je prstenovano 2000. godine i jedan 2001. godine. For the past ten years (2000-2010) the Bee-Eaters have nested in colonies at the bank of the watercourse Mostonga near road Apatinski put, near Bager Pond [13] and near the road Josićki put. During the spring (April and May) and autumn (August and September) migration, migratory flocks can be observed as they fly over the town. Six individuals were ringed in 2000 and one in 2001.

- 36 -

Ordo: Piciformes Detlići / Woodpeckers and allies

Familia: Picidae Detlići / Woodpeckers Genus: Picus Zelena žuna / Green Woodpecker / Zöld küllő / Grünspecht Picus viridis (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 0-1 stanarica / resident

Početkom 1990-tih godina gnezdilo se 4-5 parova u parkovima grada. Ostao je samo jedan par u Omladinskom parku, koji se ne gnezdi svake godine. In the early 1990s, 4-5 pairs of Green Woodpecker nested in the parks of the town. Nowadays the nesting of only one pair can be observed in Omladinski Park, and this pair does not breed in all years.

- 37 -

Genus: Dendrocopos Veliki detlić / Great Spotted Woodpecker / Nagy fakopáncs / Buntspecht Dendrocopos major (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 30-50 stanarica / resident

Veliki detlić se gnezdi na celom području grada. U najhladnijem periodu godine povremeno posećuje hranilice. Devet primeraka je prstenovano u vremenskom periodu od 1989. godine do 2009. godine. The Great Spotted Woodpecker breeds in the entire area of the town. In colder winters, they sometimes visit bird-feeders. Nine individulas were ringed between 1989 and 2009.

- 38 -

Sirijski detlić / Syrian Woodpecker / Balkáni fakopáncs / Blutspecht Dendrocopos syriacus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 20-30 stanarica / resident

Nemamo tačan podatak o tome kada se ova vrsta pojavila u našem gradu, ali prema podacima za ostale gradove u Vojvodini, procenjuje se da se naselila krajem 1920-tih godina [1]. Gnezdi se na celoj teritoriji grada. Prstenovan po jedan primerak 1989., 2006. i 2007. godine. We have no precise information about the year when the Syrian Woodpecker appeared in our town, but according to data for other towns in Vojvodina, we assume that they settled at the end of the 1920s [1]. This species breeds in the entire area of the town. Single individulas were ringed in 1989, 2006 and 2007.

- 39 -

Ordo: Passeriformes Ptice pevačice / Passerines

Familia: Alaudidae Ševe / Larks Genus: Galerida Ćubasta ševa / Crested Lark / Búbospacsirta / Haubenlerche Galerida cristata (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 10-20 stanarica / resident

Ćubasta ševa se gnezdi na njivama i livadama na periferiji Sombora. U zimskom periodu je brojnija, naročito se često viđaju nakon snežnih padavina. Jedan primerak je prstenovan 1995. godine. The Crested Lark nests on crop-fields and grasslands in the outskirts of Sombor. In the winter, their number is higher, mainly when there is snow-cover. One individual was ringed in 1995.

- 40 -

Familia: Hirundinidae Laste / Swallows and Martins Genus: Hirundo Seoska lasta / Barn Swallow / Füsti fecske / Rauchschwalbe Hirundo rustica (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 500-700 selica / migratory

Seoska lasta gnezdi se na celom području Sombora. Vrlo rado pravi gnezda u ulazima kuća („ajnfortima”). Gustina gnezdeće populacije u gradu je oko 2 para /10 ha. U razdoblju od 20. avgusta do 4. septembra 1990. godine na periferiji je posmatran jedan potpuno beo (leucistični) primerak. Prstenovano je 21 jedinki u vremenskom periodu od 1989-2010. godine. The Barn Swallow nests in the entire area of Sombor. They often build their nests in house entrances. The nesting density of the population in the town is about 2 pairs /10 ha. Between August 20 and September 4, 1990, an entirely white (leucistic) individual was observed in the outskirts of the town. There were 21 individuals ringed between 1989 and 2010.

- 41 -

Genus: Delichon Gradska lasta / House Martin / Molnárfecske / Mehlschwalbe Delichon urbica (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 800-1.000 selica / migratory

Gradska lasta se gnezdi u većem broju u kolonijama na Novoj Selenči, u centru grada i na zgradama firme Inpro. Gustina gnezdeće populacije je 3 para /10 ha. Neobično ponašanje gradskih lasta zabeleženo je u centru Sombora 16.09.2008. godine, kada su se nakon naglog zahlađenja selidbena jata pokušavala sakriti u gnezda lokalne populacije. Prstenovano je 22 primeraka 1997. godine, a 2000. godine 44. The House Martin nests in colonies on the buildings in Nova Selenča, in the centre of the town and on the buildings of the firm Inpro. The nesting density is 3 pairs /10 ha. An interesting behaviour was observed in the centre of Sombor on September 16, 2008, when a migratory flock tried to enter the nests of the local breeding population after an abrupt fall in air temperature. There were 22 individuals ringed in 1997 and 44 in 2000.

- 42 -

Familia: Motacillidae Pliske / Wagtails and Pipits Genus: Motacilla Bela pliska / White Wagtail / Barázdabillegető / Bachstelze Motacilla alba (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilna / stable 3-5 selica / migratory

Bela pliska se gnezdi na periferiji našeg grada. Većina gnezdeće populacije se seli, dok pojedini primerci prezime. Jedan primerak je prstenovan 1997. godine. White Wagtails breed in the outskirts of our town. The majority of the breeding population migrates, while a few individuals spend the winter here. One individual was ringed in 1997.

- 43 -

Familia: Turdidae Drozdovi / Thrushes and Chats Genus: Luscinia Mali slavuj / Nightingale / Fülemüle / Nachtigall Luscinia megarhynchos (C. L. Brehm, 1831)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 100-150 selica / migratory

Gnezdi se u gustoj žbunastoj vegetaciji na teritoriji celog grada. Sečom žbunja u Omladinskom parku u februaru 2008. godine gnezdeća populacija je smanjena za 10%. Prstenovano je 61 primeraka od 1995. do 2009. godine. The Nightingale breeds in dense shrub vegetation in the entire area of the town. After cutting of the shrubs in Omladinski Park in February 2008, the population decreased by 10%. There were 61 individuals ringed between 1995 and 2009.

- 44 -

Genus: Phoenicurus Crna crvenorepka / Black Redstart / Házi rozsdafarkú / Hausrotschwanz Phoenicurus ochruros (S. G. Gmelin, 1774)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 250-300 selica / migratory

Prvo zabeleženo gnežđenje crne crvenorepke u Somboru je podatak iz maja 1981. godine. Od tada se brojnost stalno povećavala, a od sredine 1990-tih godina se stabilizovala. Gustina gnezdeće populacije trenutno iznosi oko 1 par /10 ha. Gnezdo svija na zgradama, a ponekad u napuštenim gnezdima seoske laste (Hirundo rustica). Većina gnezdeće populacije se seli, a samo pojedinačni primerci prezime. Prstenovano je 55 primeraka u vremenskom intervalu od 1989. do 2010. godine. The first recorded nesting of the Black Redstart was in May 1981. Since that time, the number of nesting pairs has increased, and in the middle of the 1990s, it stabilised. The current density of the population is about 1 pair /10 ha. They build their nests usually on human-made constructions and sometimes in the deserted nests of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). The majority of the breeding population migrates, only single individuals spend the winter here. There were 55 individuals ringed between 1989 and 2010.

- 45 -

Genus: Saxicola Crnoglava travarka / Stonechat / Cigánycsuk / Schwarzkehlchen Saxicola torquata (Linneaus, 1766)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 5-10 selica / migratory

Ova vrsta se gnezdi na ruderalnim staništima na periferiji, pored Mostonge, kod hipodroma, kod kafilerije i na mnogim drugim mestima u gradu. Veći deo gnezdeće populacije se seli, a samo pojedinačni primerci prezime. Jedan primerak je prstenovan 2010. godine. The Stonechat nests in ruderal habitats, such as along the Mostonga, near the hippodrome, near the town pound (Kafilerija) etc. The majority of the breeding population migrates, while only single individuals spend the winter here. One individual was ringed in 2010.

- 46 -

Genus: Turdus Obični kos / Blackbird / Fekete rigó / Amsel Turdus merula (Linnaeus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 400-500 stanarica / resident

Krajem 1970-tih godina gnezdilo se do pet parova u parkovima i park-šumama. Od 1980-tih i 1990-tih godina gnezde se u sve većem broju, a danas na celom području grada. Gustina gnezdeće populacije je oko 1,5 para /10 ha. Zimi se rado hrane jabukama postavljenim na hranilicama. Prstenovano je 80 primeraka u periodu od 1984. do 2010. godine. At the end of 1970s, only a few pairs were nesting in parks and park-forests. During the 1980s and 1990s, their numbers increased, and nowadays they can be found in the entire area of the town. The density of the breeding population is about 1.5 pairs /10 ha. In winters they gladly eat apple placed on bird-feeders. There were 80 individuals ringed between 1984 and 2010.

- 47 -

Familia: Sylvinidae Grmuše / Old World Warblers Genus: Acrocephalus Trstenjak rogožar / Sedge Warbler / Foltos nádiposzáta / Schilfrohrsänger Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (Linnaeus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 1-2 [12] selica / migratory

Trstenjak rogožar je redovna gnezdarica u sastojinama trske bare Bagera [12]. Za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe se redovno može videti na Velikom bačkom kanalu, na rečici Mostongi i bari Bager, a pojavljuje se i na drugim staništima. Prstenovano je 28 primeraka u vremnskom periodu 1995-2010. godine. The Sedge Warbler is a regular nesting species in the reedbeds of Bager Pond [12]. During the spring and autumn migration they can be regularly seen at Veliki bački Canal, at the watercourse Mostonga and Bager Pond, and sometimes even in other habitats. There were 26 individuals ringed between 1995 and 2010.

- 48 -

Trstenjak mlakar / Marsh Warbler / Énekes nádiposzáta / Sumpfrohrsänger Acrocephalus palustris (Bechstein, 1798)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 5-10 selica / migratory

Trstenjak mlakar se gnezdi u zakorovljenim tršćacima Mostonge kod Apatinskog puta, uz Staru Mostongu, u neposrednoj blizini Vrbare na Velikom bačkom kanalu i na bari Bager. Povremeno je posmatrano i zabeleženo gnežđenje na zakorovljenim žitnim (Triticum spp.) poljima na periferiji grada. Prstenovano je 24 jedinki u vremenskom periodu od 1983. do 2010. godine. The Marsh Warbler nests in the weedy reedbeds of the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put, at the Stara Mostonga marsh, at the Vrbara near Veliki bački Canal and on Bager Pond. Sometimes nesting was registered in weedy wheat (Triticum spp.) fields in the outskirts of the town. There were 24 individuals between 1983 and 2010.

- 49 -

Trstenjak cvrkutić / Reed Warbler / Cserregő nádiposzáta / Teichrohrsänger Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Hermann, 1804)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 0-1 [12] selica / migratory

Trstenjak cvrkutić je neredovna gnezdarica na bari Bager [12]. Za vreme prolećne i jesenje migracije se redovno viđa na Velikom bačkom kanalu, Mostongi i bari Bager. Prstenovano je 13 primeraka u periodu od 1983. do 2010. godine. The Reed Warbler is a non-regular nesting species of Bager Pond [12]. During the spring and autumn migration, they can be regularly seen at the Veliki bački Canal, watercourse Mostonga and Bager Pond. There were 13 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2010.

- 50 -

Veliki trstenjak / Great Reed Warbler / Nádirigó / Drosselrohrsänger Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 40-50 selica / migratory

Veliki trstenjak se gnezdi u sastojinama trske Velikog bačkog kanala, Mostonge, Stare Mostonge i bare Bager. Na bari Bager je konstatovana gustina od 9 do 10 parova po hektaru [12, 14], što je za evropske prilike veliki broj. Primerak na fotografiji snimljen 04.05.2010. godine na bari Bager ima beli kolor marker (plastični prsten). Kolor markeri omogućuju lakše praćenje ponašanja ptica. Prstenovano je 148 primeraka u periodu od 1983. do 2010. godine, od toga 39 i kolor markerom 2010. godine. Na bari Bager je uhvaćen primerak 2008. godine prstenovan na Malti [20]. The Great Reed Warbler nests in the reedbeds of the Veliki bački Canal, watercourse Mostonga, Stara Mostonga and Bager Pond. On Bager Pond, the density of the nesting pairs is between 9 and 10 pairs/ha [12, 14], which is high relative to other European sites. The individual on the photo (taken on May 4, 2009 on Bager Pond) has a white colour ring. Colour rings are useful for studying the behaviour of the birds. There were 148 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2010, 39 also with a colour ring in 2010. One individual that had been ringed in Malta was recovered on Bager Pond in 2008 [20].

- 51 -

Genus: Phylloscopus Obični zviždak / Chiffchaff / Csilpcsalpfüzike / Zilpzalp Phylloscopus collybita (Vieillot, 1817)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 0-3 selica / migratory

Obični zviždak je neredovna gnezdarica u Omladinskom parku. Viđa se redovno na prolećnoj i jesenjoj seobi. Posmatrana je u manjem broju i u zimskom periodu. Prstenovano je 47 primeraka u periodu od 1983. do 2010. godine. The Chiffchaff is an irregularly nesting species in Omladinski Park. The species can be regularly seen during the spring and autumn migration but they also spend the winter here in much smaller numbers. There were 47 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2010.

- 52 -

Genus: Sylvia Grmuša čavrljanka / Lesser Whitethroat / Kis poszáta / Klappergrasmücke Sylvia curruca (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 0-3 selica / migratory

Ponekih godina se gnezdi u Omladinskom parku i u parku Heroja. Takođe se pojavljuju pojedinačni primerci za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe na teritoriji celog grada. Prstenovano je 34 primeraka u periodu od 1983. do 2009. godine. The Lesser Whitethroat breeds in some years in Omladinski Park and Park Heroja. Single individuals can also be seen during the spring and autumn migration in the entire area of the town. There were 34 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2009.

- 53 -

Obična grmuša / Whitethroat / Mezei poszáta / Dorngrasmücke Sylvia communis (Latham, 1787)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 5-10 selica / migratory

Obična grmuša je redovna gnezdarica u žbunastoj vegetaciji na periferiji grada, a najbrojnija je uz vodotok Mostonge kod Rokovaca. Prstenovano je 24 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1983. do 2009. godine. The Whitethroat is a regularly nesting species in the shrub vegetation in the outskirts of the town, but it is most numerous along the watercourse Mostonga near Rokovci. There were 24 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2009.

- 54 -

Crnoglava grmuša / Blackcap / Barátposzáta / Mönchsgrasmücke Sylvia atricapilla (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 100-150 selica / migratory

Crnoglava grmuša se gnezdi u žbunastoj vegetaciji. Pojedini primerci ostaju i tokom zimskih meseci, kada se rado hrane jabukama postavljenim na hranilicama. Prstenovano je 214 primeraka u periodu od 1983. do 2010. godine. The Blackcap nests in the shrub vegetation. Some individuals stay during the winter season, when they gladly eat apples placed in bird-feeders. There were 214 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2010.

- 55 -

Familia: Muscicapidae Muharice / Chats and Old World Flycatchers Genus: Muscicapa Siva muharica / Spotted Flycatcher / Szürke légykapó / Grauschnäpper Muscicapa striata (Pallas, 1764)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 0-3 selica / migratory

Siva muharica se redovno u većem broju može videti za vreme jesenje seobe na celoj teritoriji grada, dok je na prolećnoj seobi malobrojnija. Ponekih godina se gnezdi u Omladinskom parku i u parku Heroja. U junu 2009. godine posmatran je jedan primerak kod Vidovdanskog trga. Moguće je gnežđenje na tom lokalitetu. Prstenovano je 19 jedinki vremenskom u periodu od 1989. do 2000. godine. The Spotted Flycatcher can be regularly seen during the autumn migration in larger numbers in the entire area of the town, while their numbers are much smaller during the spring migration. In some years they nest in Omladinski Park and in Park Heroja. In June 2009, an individual was observed at the Vidovdanski trg square, and there is a possibility that this bird was breeding here. There were 19 individuals ringed between 1989 and 2000.

- 56 -

Familia: Aegithalidae Dugorepe senice / Long-tailed Tits Genus: Aegithalos Dugorepa senica / Long-tailed Tit / Őszapó / Schwanzmeise Aegithalos caudatus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 5-10 stanarica / resident

Dugorepa senica se gnezdi u parkovima i u park-šumama. Zimi se mogu videti jata u parkovima i park-šumama ali i na periferiji grada. Prstenovano je 193 primeraka u periodu od 1995. do 2008. godine. The Long-tailed Tit nests in parks and park-forests. In winter, they can also be seen mostly in parks and park-forests, but they can occur in the outskirts as well. There were 193 individuals ringed between 1995 and 2008.

- 57 -

Familia: Paridae Senice / Tits and Chickadees Genus: Parus Plava senica / Blue Tit / Kék cinege / Blaumeise Parus caeruleus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 3-5 stanarica / resident

Plava senica se gnezdi u Omladinskom parku i park-šumama. Od oktobra do marta može se videti u većem broju na celoj teritoriji grada, kada rado dolazi na hranilice. Prstenovano je ukupno 1.288 primeraka u periodu od 1981. do 2010. godine. Uhvaćena su tri primeraka sa mađarskim prstenom 2001., 2007., i 2008. godine [4, 20, 2]. Primerak prstenovan u Somboru januara 2001. godine nađen je u Mađarskoj marta 2001. godine [16]. The Blue Tit breeds in Omladinski Park and park-forests. The Blue Tit can be seen in larger numbers in the entire area of the town from October until March. They often come to the bird-feeders. There were 1.288 individuals ringed between 1981 and 2010. Three individuals were recovered with Hugarian rings in 2001, 2007 and 2008 [4, 20, 2], and one individual ringed in Sombor in January, 2001 was recovered in Hungary in March, 2001 [16].

- 58 -

Velika senica / Great Tit / Széncinege / Kohlmeise Parus major (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 50-100 stanarica / resident

Velika senica se gnezdi na teritoriji celog grada. Zimi se pojavljuje u velikom broju, a na hranilicama je čest gost. Utvrđeno je da ptice koje se gnezde u našem gradu čine manji deo zimske populacije, dok veći deo su zimski gosti sa severa. Prstenovano je ukupno 6.052 primeraka u periodu od 1981. do 2010. godine. Uhvaćen je po jedan primerak prstenovan u Mađarskoj 2006., Austriji 1989. i Rusiji 1998.godine [19, 17, 4]. Primerci prstenovani u Somboru nađeni su u Mađarskoj (2) 2005. i 2008., Ukrajini (1) 1984. i Belorusiji (1) 2001. godine [21, 16, 3, 20]. The Great Tit breeds in the entire area of the town. In winter, they appear in large numbers and they are the most common species on bird-feeders. Majority of winter birds are come from north and a smaller part of the wintering population contains locally breeding birds. A total of 6.052 individuals were ringed between 1981 and 2010. Three individuals recovered in Sombor had been ringed in Hungary in 2006, in Austria in 1989 and in Russa in 1998 [19, 17, 4]. Individuals ringed in Sombor were recovered in Hungary (2) in 2005 and 2008, the Ukraine (1) in 1984 and Belarus (1) in 2001 [21, 16, 3, 20].

- 59 -

Familia: Sittidae Brgljezi / Nuthatches and Wallcreeper Genus: Sitta Brgljez / Nuthatch / Csuszka / Kleiber Sitta europaea (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 3-5 stanarica / resident

Brgljez se gnezdi u parkovima i park-šumama. Ponekad se zimi može videti na hranilicama. Osam primeraka je prstenovano u periodu od 1998. do 2007. godine. The Nuthatch breeds in parks and park-forests. In winter, it can be observed at bird-feeders sometimes. Eight individuals were ringed between 1998 and 2007.

- 60 -

Familia: Remizidae Bele senice / Penduline-tits Genus: Remiz Senica vuga / Penduline Tit / Függőcinege / Beutelmeise Remiz pendulinus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

fluktuira / fluctuates 5-10 selica / migratory

Senica vuga se gnezdi u Omladinskom parku, uz Veliki bački kanal i uz Mostongu. Pojedini primerci se mogu posmatrati i tokom zimskih meseci. Primerak na fotografiji, snimljen 24.05.2009. godine, nosi prsten Beogradskog Centra za markiranje životinja. Jedan primerak je prstenovan 2008. godine. The European Penduline nests in Omladinski Park and along the banks of Veliki bački Canal and watercourse Mostonga. Individuals sometimes can be observed during the winter. The individual on the photo (taken May 24, 2009) was marked with a ring from the Centre for Animal Marking in Belgrade. One individual was ringed in 2008.

- 61 -

Familia: Oriolidae Vuge / Orioles and Figbirds Genus: Oriolus Vuga / Golden Oriole / Sárgarigó / Pirol Oriolus oriolus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 50-100 selica / migratory

Vuga se redovno gnezdi u parkovima i na periferiji grada. Šest primeraka je prstenovano u periodu od 1984. do 2001. godine. The Golden Oriole regularly nests in parks and in the outskirts. Six individuals were ringed between 1984 and 2001.

- 62 -

Familia: Laniidae Svračci / Shrikes Genus: Lanius Rusi svračak / Red-backed Shrike / Tövisszúró gébics / Neuntöter Lanius collurio (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 5-10 selica / migratory

Rusi svračak se redovno gnezdi uz vodotok Mostonge, u šumskom pojasu uz Veliki bački kanal i u blizini park-šuma. Za vreme jesenje seobe može se videti na celoj teritoriji grada. Prstenovano je 30 primeraka u periodu od 1983. do 2001. godine. The Red-backed Shrike nests regularly along the watercourse Mostonga, in the forest belt along Veliki bački Canal and near the park-forests. During the autumn migration, they can be seen in the entire area of the town. There were 30 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2001.

- 63 -

Familia: Corvidae Vrane / Crows and Jays Genus: Garrulus Sojka / Jay / Szajkó / Eichelhäher Garrulus glandarius (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 3-5 stanarica / resident

Sojka se gnezdi u Omladinskom parku, park-šumi Šikara i u šumskom pojasu uz Veliki bački kanal. Jedan primerak je prstenovan 1995. godine. The Jay nests in Omladinski Park, Šikara Park-forest and in the forest belt along Veliki bački Canal. One individual was ringed in 1995.

- 64 -

Genus: Pica Svraka / Magpie / Szarka / Elster Pica pica (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 220-250 (census 2009) stanarica / resident

Svraka je redovna gnezdarica na celoj teritoriji grada. Prema prebrojavanju u 2009. godini gustina populacije je oko 1,2 para /10 ha. U zimskom periodu na grupnom noćilištu skupi se i do 200 primeraka. Poznata su dva lokaliteta na kojima noće: šumarak pored pruge kod Partizanskog groblja i u Omladinskom parku. Po jedan primerak prstenovan 1989. i 2000. godine. The Magpie is a regularly nesting species in the entire area of the town. According to a census in 2009, the nesting density is about 1.2 pairs /10 ha. During the winter, they form flocks of up to 200 individuals which roost together. There are two well-known roosting places: the small forest near the railroad next to the Partizansko groblje graveyard and in Omladinski Park. Two individuals were ringed in 1989 and 2000.

- 65 -

Genus: Corvus Čavka / Jackdaw / Csóka / Dohle Corvus monedula (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 50-70 stanarica / resident

U Somboru čavke se gnezde u dupljama starog drveća i u dimnjacima starih kuća. Brojnost čavke se u zimskom periodu poveća dolaskom primeraka iz severnijih delova Evrope. Povoljno mesto za fotografisanje je staro drveće u parku Ivo Lola Ribar. In Sombor the Jackdaw nests in cavities of old trees and in chimneys of old houses. The wintering population is augmented by birds coming from the northern parts of Europe. Good opportunities to photograph them are the old trees in the Park Ivo Lola Ribar.

- 66 -

Gačac / Rook / Vetési varjú / Saatkrähe Corvus frugilegus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 220 (census 2009) stanarica / resident

U Somboru postoje tri gnezdeće kolonije gačaca: u parku Ivo Lola Ribar, u park-šumi Hipodrom i pored Fabrike akumulatora. U poslednjih 20 godina broj gnezdećih parova i brojnost zimujuće populacije je naglo opao. Krajem 1970-ih i početkom 1980-ih godina na noćilištu u park-šumi Šumica boravilo je možda čak i do pola miliona gačaca. Tokom zime 2009-2010. godine prvi put u poslednjih 30 godina je zabeleženo da nema ni jednog noćilišta gačaca u gradu. Prstenovano je 20 jedinki u periodu 1983. do 1991. godine. There are three Rook nesting colonies in Sombor: in the Park Ivo Lola Ribar, in the Hipodrom Park-forest and near the battery factory (Fabrika akumulatora). For the last 20 years, the number of both the breeding and the wintering population declined rapidly. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, up to half a million Rooks roosted at the roosting site in the Šumica Park-forest. Sadly, the winter of 2009-2010 was the first time when there was no roosting site in Sombor. There were 20 individuals ringed between 1983 and 1991.

- 67 -

Siva vrana / Hooded Crow / Dolmányos varjú / Nebelkrähe Corvus corone cornix (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 3-5 stanarica / resident

Siva vrana se gnezdi na periferiji grada i u park-šumama. U zimskom periodu na grupnom noćilištu posmatrano je i jato od 300 primeraka u park-šumi Šumica. The Hooded Crow nests in the outskirts of the town and in the park-forests. In the winter, up to 300 individuals can be observed at their roosting place in the Šumica Park-forest.

- 68 -

Familia: Sturnidae Čvorci / Starlings Genus: Sturnus Čvorak / Starling / Seregély / Star Sturnus vulgaris (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 500-700 selica / migratory

Čvorak se gnezdi na teritoriji celog grada. Gustina gnezdeće populacije je oko 2 para /10 ha. U oktobru 2009. godine na periferiji grada više puta je posmatrano jato od oko 1.000 primeraka kako se hrane plodovima bođoša. Populacija koja se gnezdi u Somboru zime provodi u južnijim krajevima, a čvorci koje zimi možemo posmatrati su gosti. Osam primeraka je prstenovano u periodu 1987. do 2009. godine. The Starling breeds in the entire area of the town at a density of about 2 pairs /10 ha. In October 2009, a flock of about 1.000 individuals was observed several times in the outskirts as they ate the fruits of the Common Hackberry. The nesting population of Sombor spends the winters in the southern regions, while the individuals seen in the winter are visitors. Eight individuals were ringed between 1987 and 2009.

- 69 -

Familia: Passeridae Vrapci / Sparrows, Snowfinches and allies Genus: Passer Vrabac pokućar / House Sparrow / Házi veréb / Haussperling Passer domesticus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 2.000-3.000 stanarica / resident

Gustina gnezdeće populacije vrapca pokućara je oko 8,5 parova /10 ha. Na platanima (Platanus hybridus) u glavnoj ulici 1970-tih godina noćilo je i do 10.000 primeraka. Povremeno u manjem broju posećuje hranilice. Zapaženo je da se gnezdi u otvorima kuća, a kada ljudi prestanu da žive u tim kućama vrapci pokućari napuštaju to stanište. Prstenovano je 273 primeraka u periodu 1988. do 2010. godine.

The breeding density of the House Sparrow is about 8.5 pairs /10 ha. In the 1970s, flocks of up to 10.000 individuals roosted on the Plane-trees (Platanus hybridus) of the Glavna ulica street. They visit the feeding places in smaller numbers at times. It was observed that when they nest in the holes of the houses, and when the house is abandoned by people, the House Sparrow also leaves the house. There were 273 individuals ringed between 1988 and 2010.

- 70 -

Poljski vrabac / Tree Sparrow / Mezei veréb / Feldsperling Passer montanus (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 2.000-3.000 stanarica / resident

Poljski vrabac se gnezdi na celoj teritoriji grada. Gustina gnezdeće populacije je oko 8,5 parova /10 ha. U zimskom periodu formiraju velika jata od po sto i više primeraka. Poljski vrabac je čest gost na hranilicama za ptice. Prstenovano je 1.417 primeraka u periodu 1981. do 2010. godine.

The Tree Sparrow breeds in the entire area of the town. The breeding density is about 8.5 pairs /10 ha. During the winter, Tree Sparrows form large flocks (up to more than 100 individuals), and they are frequent visitors on bird-feeders. A total of 1.417 individuals were ringed between 1981 and 2010.

- 71 -

Familia:Fringillidae Zebe / Finches and Hawaiian Honeycreepers Genus:Fringilla Zeba / Chaffinch / Erdei pinty / Buchfink Fringilla coelebs (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 5-10 stanarica / resident

Zeba se gnezdi u parku Heroja i u park-šumama. Za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe, ali i tokom zime, često se može videti u celom gradu. Povremeno, u manjem broju dolazi i na hranilice. Prstenovano je 102 primerka u periodu 1983. do 2009. godine. The Chaffinch breeds in Park Heroja and in the park-forests. During the spring and autumn migration, as well as in the winter they can be seen in the entire town area. They come to the feeding places at times. There were 102 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2009.

- 72 -

Genus: Serinus Žutarica / Serin / Csicsörke / Girlitz Serinus serinus (Linneaus, 1766)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

stabilan / stable 200-300 selica / migratory

Gustina gnezdeće populacije žutarice je oko 0,85 para /10 ha. Većinom se zadržava na pojedinačnim stablima i u drvoredima gde se i gnezdi. Devet jedinki je prstenovano u periodu 1983. do 2009. godine. The breeding density of the Serine is about 0.85 pairs /10 ha. They mostly prefer solitary trees and tree avenues, where they also nest. Nine individuals were ringed between 1983 and 2009.

- 73 -

Genus: Carduelis Zelentarka / Greenfinch / Zöldike / Grünling Carduelis chloris (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

u porastu / increases 400-500 stanarica / resident

Zelentarka se najčešće gnezdi na četinarima, ali i na listopadnom drveću i u žbunovima. Gustina gnezdeće populacije je oko 1,5 para /10 ha. Često dolazi na hranilice. Primerak na slici snimljen 09.04.2009. godine, prstenovan je u Somboru prstenom Centra za markiranje životinja u Beogradu. Prstenovano je 593 primeraka u periodu 1982. do 2010. godine. U Somboru je dosada uhvaćeno tri primerka prstenovanih u Mađarskoj 1986., 2008. [18, 20] i 2010. godine. This species breeds mainly in coniferous trees, but sometimes also on deciduous shrubs and trees. The nesting density of the Greenfinch is about 1.5 pairs /10 ha. They often come to bird-feeders. The individual on the photo (taken on April 9, 2009) was ringed in Sombor with a ring from the Centre for Animal Marking in Belgrade. A total of 593 individuals were ringed between 1982 and 2010. Three individuals ringed with Hungarian rings were recovered in Sombor in 1986, 2008 [18, 20] and 2010.

- 74 -

Štiglic / Goldfinch / Tengelic / Stieglitz Carduelis carduelis (Linneaus, 1758)


Populacioni trend Population trend

Gnezdeća populacija (parova) Breeding population (pairs)

Status Status

opada / declines 50-100 stanarica / resident

Štiglic se gnezdi na celom području grada. Viđa se preko cele godine, a u jesenjem i zimskom periodu pojavljuje se u manjim jatima. Prstenovano je 50 primeraka u periodu od 1981. do 2009. godine. Uhvaćen jedan primerak sa mađarskim prstenom 1996. godine[17]. The Goldfinch breeds in the entire area of the town. They can be seen during the whole year, in autumn and winter in smaller flocks. There were 50 individuals ringed between 1981 and 2009. One individual with a Hungarian ring was recovered in Sombor in 1996 [17].

- 75 -

Redovni gosti

Regular visitors

Vodotok Mostonge kod Apatinskog puta, januar 2010. godine / Watercourse Mostonga

near road Apatinski put, January, 2010.

- 76 -

Ordo: Pelecaniformes Kormorani / Pelikans and allies

Familia: Phalacrocoracidae Kormorani / Cormorants and Shags Genus: Phalacrocorax Veliki kormoran / Great Cormorant / Kárókatona / Kormoran Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Veliki kormoran je gost. Redovno se može posmatrati u preletu. Povremeno dolazi radi ishrane na Veliki bački kanal, pre svega u zimskom periodu.

The Great Cormorant can be regularly observed as individuals fly over the town. At times, often in the winter, they feed on Veliki bački Canal.

- 77 -

Ordo: Ciconiiformes Štakari / Storks and allies

Familia: Ardeidae Čaplje / Herons and Egrets Genus: Nycticorax Gak / Night-Heron / Bakcsó / Nachtreiher Nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Gak je prolaznica i letnji gost. Redovno se viđa na Velikom bačkom kanalu i na vodotoku Mostonga, gde dolazi radi ishrane. Tokom prolećne i jesenje seobe preleće iznad grada. Poslednjih deset godina (1998-2009) mogu se posmatrati jedinke i na bari Bager, gde dolazi radi ishrane.

The Night-Heron is a passenger and summer visitor. Individuals can be regularly observed at Veliki bački Canal and on Mostonga, where they come to feed. During the spring and autumn migration, they fly over our town. In the last ten years (1998-2009), Night-Herons could also be observed at Bager Pond, where they also come for food.

- 78 -

Genus: Egretta Velika bela čaplja / Great Egret / Nagy kócsag / Silberreiher Egretta alba (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Velika bela čaplja je zimski gost koji se redovno pojavljuje na Mostongi i povremeno na Velikom bačkom kanalu. Pojedinih godina u jesenjem periodu sreće se na bari Bager, gde dolazi radi ishrane.

The Great Egret is a winter visitor. It can be regularly seen at Mostonga and at times at Veliki bački Canal. In some years, individuals can be observed at Bager Pond also in the autumn. They visit these sites for food.

- 79 -

Genus: Ardea Siva čaplja / Grey Heron / Szürke gém / Graureiher Ardea cinerea (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Siva čaplja je gost, redovno se viđa zimi na Mostongi i povremeno na Velikom bačkom kanalu. U poslednjih nekoliko godina, u jesenjem periodu pojavljuje se i na bari Bager. Na ovim staništima se hrani. U ostalim dobima godine može se videti u preletu iznad grada.

The Grey Heron is a passenger and a visitor. It can be regularly observed in the winter at Mostonga and at times at Veliki bački Canal, but in the last few years they also appeared in the autumn at Bager Pond. They come to these habitats for food. In the rest of the year, they can be seen as they fly over the town.

- 80 -

Mrka čaplja / Purple Heron / Vörös gém / Purpurreiher Ardea purpurea (Linnaeus, 1766)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Mrka čaplja je prolaznica i letnji gost. Pojedinačni primerci povremeno se viđaju na Velikom bačkom kanalu, na Mostongi i na bari Bager, gde dolaze radi ishrane. Redovno preleću naš grad tokom prolećne i jesenje seobe.

Purple Heron is a passenger and a summer visitor. Single individuals of Purple Heron can be seen at times at Veliki bački Canal, watercourse Mostonga and Bager Pond, where they come for food. They regularly fly over our town during the spring and autumn migration.

- 81 -

Ordo: Anseriformes Plovuše / Waterfowl

Familia: Anatidae Guske, Plovke i Labudovi / Ducks, Geese and Swans Genus: Cygnus Labud grbac / Mute Swan / Bütykös hattyú / Höckerschwan Cygnus olor (Gmelin, 1789)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Labud grbac je zimski gost. Od decembra 2006. godine u zimskom periodu pojavljuje se u manjem broju, do sedam primeraka, na Velikom bačkom kanalu kod Štranda. Jedan primerak je posmatran i u letnjem periodu, 04.07.2010. godine. Nije plašljiv i rado prihvata hranu od ljudi. Najpoželjnije je hraniti ih kukuruzom ili hlebom.

The Mute Swan is a winter visitor. From December 2006, it regularly occurs in small numbers, up to seven individuals, in the winter on Veliki bački Canal near Štrand. One individual was noticed in summer, on July 4, 2010. They are not timid and they accept food from the people. The best food for feeding them is corn or bread.

- 82 -

Genus: Anser Guska glogovnjača / Bean Goose / Vetési lúd / Saatgans Anser fabalis (Latham, 1787)


Jata guska glogovnjače se svake zime redovno viđaju u preletu iznad grada, kada sa noćilišta u Podunavlju odleću na njive u okolini grada radi ispaše ili lete u suprotnom pravcu. Najčešće formiraju mešovita jata sa lisastom guskom (Anser albifrons). 1980-tih godina ova vrsta je bila mnogo češća i brojnija od lisaste guske, dok joj je brojnost početkom XXI. veka opala, a broj lisaste guske se povećao.

Foto / Photo by: © Seprényi Attila, 2010 Bean Goose is a winter visitor. Flocks of Bean Geese can be seen regularly, every winter, as they fly from their roosting places near river Danube to the fields around the town for grazing. Usually they form mixed flocks with White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons). In the 1980s, the Bean Goose was more common and more numerous than the White-fronted Goose. Since 2000, its numbers have declined, while the number of White-fronted Geese increased.

- 83 -

Lisasta guska / White-fronted Goose / Nagy lilik / Bläßgans Anser albifrons (Scopoli, 1769)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Najčešće se mogu posmatrati jata u preletu iznad grada u zimskom periodu, kada sa noćilišta u Podunavlju radi ispaše odleću na njive u okolini grada ili kada lete u suprotnom pravcu.

The White-fronted Goose is a regular winter visitor. It can often be seen when they fly over the town from their roosting places near river Danube to the fields around the town for grazing or back.

- 84 -

Ordo:Accipitriformes Grabljivice / Eagles, Hawks and allies

Familia: Acciptridae Jastrebovi / Osprey, Kites, Hawks and Eagles Genus: Accipiter Jastreb / Goshawk / Héja / Habicht Accipiter gentilis (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Jastreb je zimski gost. Može se videti od jeseni do proleća u Omladinskom parku i park-šumi Šikara. Povremeno se mogu posmatrati pojedinačni primerci i u letnjem periodu.

The Goshawk is a winter visitor, it can be observed from autumn to spring in Omladinski Park and Šikara Park-forest. At times single individuals can be seen in summer too.

- 85 -

Kobac / Sparrowhawk / Karvaly / Sperber Accipiter nisus (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Kobac je gost. Redovno se viđa na prolećnoj i jesenjoj seobi, a 10-20 primeraka i preko zime ostaje u našem gradu. Može se videti na celom području grada, a najčešće u park-šumama. Dva primerka su prstenovana 1983. i 1990. godine.

The Sparrowhawk is a visitor. It can be regularly seen during the spring and autumn migration, but 10-20 individuals spend the entire winter in our town. The Sparrowhawk can be seen in the entire area of the town, but most often in the park-forests. Two individuals were ringed in 1983 and 1990.

- 86 -

Genus: Circus Poljska eja / Hen Harrier / Kékes rétihéja / Kornweihe Circus cyaneus (Linnaeus, 1766)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Poljska eja je malobrojan zimski gost (posmatrano do tri primerka) na periferiji našeg grada. Redovnije se pojavljuje u zimama sa snežnim pokrivačem. Najčešće je posmatrana u okolini Omladinskog parka, ali se pojavljuje i u okolini hipodroma i park-šume Šikara. Primerak na fotografiji (snimljeno: 21.12.2009. godine, na obali vodotoka Mostonge kod Omladinskog parka) drži domaćeg goluba (Columba livia forma domestica) u kandžama, što je interesantan podatak, pošto se poljska eja pretežno hrani glodarima (Rodentia) i povremeno manjim pticama pevačicama (Passeriformes).

The Hen Harrier comes in winters in small numbers (up to three individuals) to the outskirts of our town. They are present more regularly on snowy days. Individuals are most often observed near Omladinski Park, but they also appear near Hipodrom and the Šikara Park-forest. The individual on the photo (taken on December 21, 2009, at the bank of watercourse Mostonga next to Omladinski Park) holds a Domestic Pigeon (Columba livia forma domestica) in its claws, which is an interesting observation because the Hen Harrier mainly feeds on rodents (Rodentia) and on smaller passerines (Passeriformes) at times.

- 87 -

Ordo: Falconiformes Sokolovi / Falcons and allies

Familia: Falconidae Sokolovi / Falcons and Caracaras Genus: Falco Obična vetruška / Kestrel / Vörös vércse / Turmfalke Falco tinnunculus (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Obična vetruška je stanarica, ne gnezdi se u našem gradu, ali se tokom cele godine redovno viđa na periferiji grada u potrazi za hranom. Zimi, ako se zadrži snežni pokrivač, zajedno s jatima ptica pevačica dolazi i do centra grada. U Somboru je jedan primerak prstenovan 1985. godine, i jedan primerak je uhvaćen 2003. godine koji je prstenovan u Slovačkoj [3].

The Kestrel is a resident. It does not nest in Sombor, but it can be seen during the whole year in the outskirts as it searches for food. During the snowy winters they follow the flocks of small passerines and come to the centre of our town. One individual was ringed in 1985 and one that was recovered in 2003 had been ringed in Slovakia [3].

- 88 -

Sivi soko / Peregrine Falcon / Vándorsólyom / Wanderfalke Falco peregrinus (Tunstall, 1771)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Sivi soko je zimski gost. U poslednjih deset godina (1998-2009), zimi se redovno pojavljuje jedan odrasli primerak sivog sokola na tornju Karmelićanske crkve kod parka Heroja. Viđen je i jedan sivi soko na Selenči, ali moguće je da se radi o istoj ptici zapaženoj u parku Heroja. Jedan mladi primerak je posmatran 23.01.2010. godine u Omladinskom parku.

Peregrine Falcon is a winter visitor. One adult has appeared regularly every winter in the last ten years (1998-2009) on the tower of the Carmelita church near Park Heroja. One individual was seen in the Selenča too, but there is a possibility that it was the same bird from the park. On January 23, 2010, a juvenile individual was observed in Omladinski Park.

- 89 -

Mali soko / Merlin / Kis sólyom / Merlin Falco columbarius (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Mali soko je zimski gost kojeg možemo zapaziti na području celog grada, najčešće za vreme snežnih zima. Primerak malog sokola u uspešnom lovu na drozda borovnjaka (Turdus pilaris) koji je gotovo iste veličine, posmatran je kod Parkića, na raskrsnici Sonćaskog puta i ulice Samka Radosavljevića. U ulici Ognjena Price zabeležen je primerak na migraciji 22.04.2006. godine, kada su ga napadale seoske laste (Hirundo rustica). Ovo je zanimljiva pojava, jer se te dve vrste na našim prostorima izuzetno retko sreću istovremeno.

The Merlin is a winter visitor. It appears mostly when the entire area of the town is covered by snow. An individual was observed at Parkić (the square of the streets Sonćanski put and Samka Radosavljevića) as he successfully hunted a Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris), which is almost of the same size. An individual was also seen during the migration on April 22, 2006 at the street Ognjena Price, when he was attacked by Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). This was an interesting phenomenon because these two species can be rarely seen together at the same time in our region.

- 90 -

Ordo: Gruiformes Ždralovi / Cranes and allies

Familia: Gruidae Ždralovi / Cranes Genus: Grus Ždral / Crane / Daru / Kranich Grus grus (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Ždral se može posmatrati u preletu iznad grada za vreme prolećne i jesenje migracije. Podaci pokazuju da se u poslednjih 30 godina veličina jata i broj posmatranja stalno povećava.

Cranes can be observed as they fly over the town during the spring and autumn migration. Observations show that the size of the flocks and the number of the observations have increased continuously in the last 30 years.

- 91 -

Ordo: Charadriiformes Šljuke / Gulls, Button-quails, Plovers and allies

Familia: Scolopacidae Šljuke / Sandpipers and allies Genus: Tringa Sprudnik pijukavac / Green Sandpiper / Erdei cankó / Waldwasserläufer Tringa ochropus (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Sprudnik pijukavac je zimski gost. Najčešće se može posmatrati u januaru, kada je i najbrojnija. Jedan do devet primeraka zimuje od kraja novembra do početka marta na Mostongi kod Apatinskog puta. Dva primerka su prstenovana 1990. i 1991. godine.

The Green Sandpiper is a winter visitor. They can be mainly observed in January, when they are most numerous. Fom the end of November until the beginning of March one to nine individuals spend the winter at the Mostonga near the road Apatinski put. Two individuals were ringed in 1990 and 1991.

- 92 -

Familia: Laridae Galebovi / Gulls and Terns Genus: Larus Obični galeb / Black-headed Gull / Dankasirály / Lachmöve Larus ridibundus (Linneaus, 1766)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Obični galeb je prolaznica, letnji gost. Pojedinačni primerci u potrazi za hranom u periodu gnežđenja, od aprila do juna, redovno se viđaju na Velikom bačkom kanalu. Dolaze uglavnom sa gnezdeće kolonije, koja se nalazi u Crvenki (30 km udaljena). 1980-tih godina dok je gradska deponija bila na Apatinskom putu na samoj deponiji zimi je boravilo i do 200-300 primeraka. U ostalim periodima godine viđa se u preletu iznad grada. Sedam primeraka je prstenovano 1989. i 1990. godine.

The Black-headed Gull is a passenger, a summer visitor. Single individuals of Black-headed Gulls can be observed on the Veliki bački Canal in the nesting season (April-June) when they search for food. They come from the nesting colony near Crvenka (30 km away). When the town dump (bivša gradska deponija) was near the road Apatinski put, in the winters of the 1980s, between 200 and 300 Black-headed Gulls stayed on the dump. In the rest of the year, individuals can be seen as they fly over the town. Seven individuals were ringed in 1989 and 1990.

- 93 -

Morski galeb / Caspian Gull / Sztyeppi sirály / Weißkopfmöwe Larus cachinnans (Pallas, 1811)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Morski galebovi pojedinačno ili u manjim jatima tokom cele godine preleću naš grad. Pojavljuje se u mnogo manjem broju i ređe nego sinji galeb (Larus michahellis).

Single individuals or small flocks of the Caspian Gull fly over our town during the whole year. They appear in smaller numbers than the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis).

- 94 -

Sinji galeb / Yellow-legged Gull / Sárgalábú sirály / Mittelmeermöwe Larus michahellis (J. F. Naumann, 1840)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Sinji galeb redovno preleće iznad našeg grada pojedinačno ili u manjim jatima tokom cele godine. Pretežno se mogu viđati polno nezreli primerci. U poslednjih deset godina (1999-2009) mnogo češće se može posmatrati tokom cele godine.

Yellow-legged Gulls regularly fly over our town during the whole year as single individuals or in smaller flocks. In the last ten years (1999-2009) this species could be observed with an increasing frequency in any part of the year. Most individuals observed are immatures.

- 95 -

Ordo: Passeriformes Ptice pevačice / Passeriformes

Familia: Troglodytidae Carići / Wrens Genus: Troglodytes Carić / Wren / Ökörszem / Zaunkönig Troglodytes troglodytes (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Carić je prolaznica i zimski gost. Pojedinačni primerci za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe mogu se redovno videti na celoj teritoriji grada. Veliki broj primeraka prezimi na području grada. Prstenovano je ukupno 51 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1981. do 2009. godine.

Wren is a passenger and a winter visitor. Single individuals can be regularly observed during the spring and autumn migration in the entire area of our town. Many of them spend the winter here. There were 51 individuals ringed between 1981 and 2009.

- 96 -

Familia: Prunellidae Popići / Accentors Genus: Prunella Obični popić / Dunnock / Erdei szürkebegy / Heckenbraunelle Prunella modularis (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Obični popić je prolaznica i zimski gost. Redovno se mogu videti pojedinačni primerci na celom području grada za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe, a mnogi i prezime. U zimskom periodu rado boravi u visokom korovu. Prstenovano je 63 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1983. do 2009. godine.

The Dunnock is a passenger and a winter visitor. Single individuals can be regularly observed in the entire area of the town during the spring and autumn migration. Most of them spend the winter here. In winter, the Dunnock often stays in tall weedy vegetation. There were 63 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2009.

- 97 -

Familia: Turdidae Drozdovi / Trushes and Chats Genus: Erithacus Crvendać / Robin / Vörösbegy / Rotkehlchen Erithacus rubecula (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Crvendać je prolaznica i zimski gost. Redovno se može videti na celoj teritoriji grada za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe. Veliki broj primeraka i prezimi. Prstenovano je 199 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1983. do 2009. godine.

The Robin is a passenger and a winter visitor. It can be regularly observed on the whole territory of the town during the spring and autumn migration. Many of them stay for the winter. There were 199 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2009.

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Genus: Turdus Drozd borovnjak / Fieldfare / Fenyőrigó / Wacholderdrossel Turdus pilaris (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Drozd borovnjak je zimski gost. Ponekih zima se pojavljuje u velikom broju i hrani se plodovima bođosa (Celtis occidentalis). U februaru 1999. i 2010. godine procenjeno je da je u gradu boravilo najmanje 5.000 primeraka. Kada ponestane hrane napuštaju naš grad. Pojava drozda borovnjaka u jatima zabeležena je zimi 1941-’42 [22]. Noću su boravili u žbunovima u Omladinskom parku. Meštani Sombora ovu vrstu nazivaju „bođošar”. Prstenovano je 266 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1990. i 2009. godine.

The Fieldfare is a winter visitor. In some winters, it appears in a very large number and eats the fruits of the Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis). In February 1999 and 2010, there were at least 5.000 individuals in our town. When there is no more food, they leave the town. They appeared in flocks in the winter of 1941-42 [22]. They spent the nights in the shrubs in Omladinski Park. The local popular name of this species is „bođošar” which means „hackberry bird”. There were 266 individuals ringed between 1990 and 2009.

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Drozd pevač / Song Thrush / Énekes rigó / Singdrossel Turdus philomelos (C. L. Brehm, 1831)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Drozd pevač spada u prolaznice. Pojedinačni primerci na prolećnoj i jesenjoj seobi mogu se videti na teritoriji celog grada. Deset primeraka je prstenovano u vremenskom periodu od 1995. do 2009. godine.

Song Thrush is a passenger. Single individuals can be observed during the spring and autumn migration on the whole territory of the town. Ten individuals were ringed between 1995 and 2009.

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Mali drozd / Redwing / Szőlőrigó / Rotdrossel Turdus iliacus (Linnaeus, 1766)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Mali drozd je prolaznica i zimski gost. U proleće i jesen u gradu se mogu videti primerci na migraciji. Prezimi pojedinačno ili u jatima veličine i do 50 primeraka. U našem gradu najvažniji izvor hrane su im plodovi bođoša (Celtis occidentalis). Mali drozd se često može videti u jatima drozda borovnjaka. Osam jedinki je prstenovano u vremenskom periodu od 1997. do 2009. godine.

The Redwing is a passenger and a winter visitor. It often spends the winter in Sombor as a single individual or in flocks (up to 50 individuals). Individuals can also be seen during the spring and autumn migration. Their most important food resource are fruits of the Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis). They can be often seen in the flocks of Fieldfares. Eight individuals were ringed between 1997 and 2009.

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Drozd imelaš / Mistle Thrush / Léprigó / Misteldrossel Turdus viscivorus (Linnaeus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Drozd imelaš je prolaznica i zimski gost. Pojedinačni primerci redovno se pojavljuju svake zime u Omladinskom parku, u park-šumama Šikara i Hipodrom, a ponekad i u ostalim delovima grada. Povremeno se viđaju i primerci na prolećnoj i jesenjoj seobi. Hrani se plodovima bele imele (Viscum album) i najčešće se može videti na drveću na kojem raste ova poluparazitska biljka.

The Mistle Thrush is a passenger and a winter visitor. It appears regularly every winter as a single individual in the Omladinski Park, in the Park-forests Šikara and Hipodrom, and sometimes in other parts of the town. At times individuals can be seen during the spring and autumn migration. They eat the fruit of the Mistletoe (Viscum album) and can usually be seen on the top of trees where this semi parasitic plant grows.

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Familia: Sylvinidae Grmuše / Old World Warblers Genus: Phylloscopus Šumski zviždak / Wood Warbler / Sisegő füzike / Waldlaubsänger Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Bechstein, 1793)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Šumski zviždak je prolaznica. Za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe redovno se mogu videti primerci na celoj teritoriji grada. Pretežno se mogu posmatrati pojedinačni primerci, ali vrlo retko i manja jata od 2 do 5 primeraka kako skupljaju hranu u krošnjama drveća. Prstenovano je 11 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1989. do 2009. godine.

The Wood Warbler is a passenger. During the spring and autumn migration, individuals can be observed in the entire area of the town. Most often, single individuals are seen, but very rarely smaller flocks of 2-5 birds collecting food in the canopy of the trees can also be observed. There were 11 individuals ringed between 1989 and 2009.

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Genus: Regulus Kraljić / Goldcrest / Sárgafejű királyka / Wintergoldhähnchen Regulus regulus (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Kraljić je prolaznica i zimski gost. Obično se zadržava na četinarskom drveću. Najčešće se viđa u oktobru i novembru za vreme jesenje migracije. Poneki primerak se može videti i zimi i za vreme prolećne seobe. Prstenovano je 34 primeraka u vremenskom intervalu od 1995. do 2009. godine.

The Gold crest is a passenger and a winter visitor. It prefers coniferous trees. It can be mostly observed during the autumn migration, primarily in October and November, and less often in the winter season and during the spring migration. There were 34 individuals ringed between 1995 and 2009.

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Familia: Paridae Senice / Tits and Chickadees Genus: Parus Jelova senica / Coal Tit / Fenyvescinege / Tannenmeise Parus ater (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Jelova senica je prolaznica i zimski gost. Najčešće se može videti za vreme jesenje seobe, u oktobru i u novembru. Prstenovanjem je dokazano da po koji primerak prezimi u našem gradu. Povremeno se pojavljuje na hranilicama. Prstenovano je 11 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1982. do 2010. godine.

The Coal Tit is a passenger and a winter visitor. It can mostly be seen during the autumn migration, in October and November. Ringing data proved that a few individuals can also spend the winter in our town. Sometimes they appear on bird-feeders. There were 11 individuals ringed between 1982 and 2010.

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Siva senica / Marsh Tit / Barátcinege / Sumpfmeise Parus palustris (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Siva senica je zimski gost. Ponekad se viđaju zimi u Omladinskom parku i park-šumi Šikara. Zabeleženo je do četiri primerka. Njihov stalni boravak tokom zime je dokazan prstenovanjem. Osam jedinki je prstenovano u vremenskom periodu od 1995. do 2009 godine.

Marsh Tit is a winter guest. In some winters, up to four individuals were observed in Omladinski Park and the Šikara Park-forest. They are stationary during the winter, which was proved by ringing data. Eight individuals were ringed between 1995 and 2009.

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Familia: Corvidae Vrane / Crows and Jays Genus: Corvus Gavran / Raven / Holló / Kolkrabe Corvus corax (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Gavran je stanarica. Poslednjih godina (2008-2010) često se može posmatrati u preletu iznad grada. U zimskom periodu se pojavljuje u Šikari i u Omladinskom parku.

The Raven is a resident. In the last few years (2008-2010), it could often be seen flying over our town. This species can be observed in the winter season near the Šikara Park-forest and Omladinski Park.

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Familia: Fringillidae Zebe / Finches Genus: Fringilla Severna zeba / Brambling / Fenyőpinty / Bergfink Fringilla montifringilla (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Severna zeba je zimski gost. Za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe, kao i zimi često se viđaju po celom gradu, pojedinačno ili u manjim jatima. U manjem broju posećuje i hranilice. Prtsenovano je 295 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1983. do 2010. godine. Uhvaćen je jedan primerak 1987. godine prstenovan u Mađarskoj [18].

The Brambling is a winter visitor. During the spring and autumn migration and during the winter season individuals or small flocks can often be observed throughout the town. They rarely come to the bird-feeders. There were 295 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2010. An individual ringed in Hungary was recovered in Sombor in 1987 [18].

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Genus: Carduelis Čižak / Siskin / Csíz / Erlenzeisig Carduelis spinus (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Čižak je prolaznica i zimski gost. Redovno se može posmatrati za vreme prolećne i jesenje seobe, a poneki primerci ostaju i preko cele zime. Povremeno se viđa i u periodu gnežđenja (april, maj, jul i avgust), ali to su primerci u skitnji [28]. U okolini ne postoji odgovarajuće stanište (zasadi četinara) za gnežđenje. Prtsenovano je 169 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1981. do 1987. godine.

The Siskin is a passenger and winter visitor. It can be regularly observed during the spring and autumn migration, but some individuals stay here also during the winter season. At times they can be seen in the nesting season (April, May, July and August) but these individuals do not nest here, they are vagrants [28]. There is no suitable habitat (coniferous plantation) for the nesting of this species in the general area. There were 169 individuals ringed between 1981 and 1987.

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Konopljarka / Linnet / Kenderike / Bluthänfling Carduelis cannabina (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Konopljarka je zimski gost. Može se redovno posmatrati u jatima na periferiji Sombora za vreme hladnih, snežnih zima. Prstenovano je 25 primeraka u vremenskom period od 1984. do 1995. godine.

The Linnet is a winter visitor. During the snowy winters it can be regularly observed in flocks in the outskirts of Sombor. There were 25 individuals ringed between 1984 and 1995.

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Genus: Pyrrhula Zimovka / Bullfinch / Süvöltő / Gimpel Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Zimovka je zimski gost. Mogu se videti pojedinačno ili u manjim jatima. Pretežno se hrani semenom jasena. Zimovke su provodile zimu u Omladinskom parku, dok u februaru 2008. godine nisu isečeni izdanci jasena (Fraxinus spp.). Povremeno se može posmatrati i u park-šumama Šikara i Hipodrom. Jedan primerak je prstenovan 2005. godine.

The Bullfinch is a winter visitor. It can be observed as individuals or in smaller flocks. This species feeds mostly with seeds of ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees and it had regularly spent the winter in Omladinski Park until February 2008, when the ashes were cut down. At times they can also be observed in the Šikara Park-forest and Hipodrom Park-forest. One individual was ringed in 2005.

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Genus: Coccothraustes Batokljun / Hawfinch / Megyvágó / Kernbeißer Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Batokljun je tokom zime čest gost u našem gradu, gde se hrani plodovima bođoša (Celtis occidentalis). Retko se pojavljuje u velikom broju, kao na primer u februaru 1999. godine kada je broj batokljuna, koji su boravili u gradu procenjen na najmanje 1.000 primeraka. Povremeno se može videti i u periodu gnežđenja. Postoji mogućnost da se povremeno gnezdi u Omladinskom parku i park-šumi Šikara. Zimi posećuje hranilice. Prstenovano je 107 primeraka u vremenskom periodu od 1984. do 2010. godine.

The Hawfinch is mostly a winter guest. This species spends the winter in our town and feeds on fruits of the Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis). In some winters, they appear in large numbers, such as in February 1999 when it was estimated that in the town there were at least 1.000 birds. They can also be observed during the nesting season, and in some years there is a possibility of nesting in Omladinski Park and Šikara Park-forest. During the winter they visit the bird-feeders. There were 107 individuals ringed between 1984 and 2010.

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Familia: Emberizidae Strnadice / Buntings, American Sparrows and allies Genus: Emberiza Strnadica žutovoljka / Yellowhammer / Citromsármány / Goldammer Emberiza citrinella (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Strnadica žutovoljka je zimski gost. Pojavljuje se na periferiji grada u potrazi za hranom, pojedinačno ili u manjim jatima veličine od 4 do 20 primeraka i to najčešće za vreme snežnih zima. Prstenovano je 17 primeraka u vremenskom period od 1984. do 2009. godine.

The Yellowhammer is a winter visitor. In winters with thick snow cover it appears individually or in smaller flocks (4-20 birds) searching for food in the outskirts of the town. There were 17 individuals ringed between 1984 and 2009.

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Barska strnadica / Reed Bunting / Nádisármány / Rohrammer Emberiza schoeniclus (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Barska strnadica je prolaznica i zimski gost. Viđa se na prolećnoj i jesenjoj seobi u sastojinama trske Velikog bačkog kanala i bare Bager. U velikom broju prezimi kod nas. Često boravi na rudealnim staništima. U velikom broju je (200-500 primeraka) zabeležena dva puta: zimi 1983/84. godine u visokom korovu u blizini stare klanice i u januaru 1995. godine na bivšoj gradskoj deponiji kod Apatinskog puta. Prstenovano je 543 primeraka u periodu od 1983. do 2009. godine.

The Reed Bunting is a passenger and winter visitor. It can be seen during the spring and autumn migration in the reedbeds of Veliki bački Canal and Bager Pond. This species spends the winter here in large numbers. They often stay in ruderal habitats. A large number (200-500 individuals) was twice noticed in the tall weedy vegetation near the old slaughter-house (Stara klanica) during the winter 1983/84, and next to the former town dump (bivša gradska deponija) near the road Apatinski put in January 1995. There were 543 individuals ringed between 1983 and 2009.

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Genus: Miliaria Velika strnadica / Corn Bunting / Sordély / Grauammer Miliaria calandra (Linneaus, 1758)

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Velika strnadica je stanarica. Pojavljuje se na periferiji grada tokom zime sa više snega. Na bivšoj deponiji kod Apatinskog puta viđeni su primerci u proleće što nam ukazuje na mogućnost da se tamo velika strnadica gnezdila. Jedan primerak je prstenovan 1984. godine.

The Corn Bunting is a resident. It appears in the outskirts of the town in winters with thicker snow-cover. Individuals were also observed in the spring (possible breeding) on the former town dump (bivša gradska deponija) near the road Apatinski put. One individual was ringed in 1984.

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Ređe beležene ptičje vrste u Somboru Rarely registered bird species in Sombor

Žuta čaplja / Squacco Heron / Üstökösgém / Rallenreiher Ardeola ralloides (Scopoli, 1769) Posmatran je jedan odrasli primerak žute čaplje u potrazi za hranom 30. juna 2009. godine na bari Bager. One adult was observed as it was looking for food on June 30, 2009 at Bager Pond.

Ardeola ralloides Egretta garzetta

Mala bela čaplja / Little Egret / Kiskócsag / Seidenreiher Egretta garzetta (Linneaus, 1766) Jato od 18 primeraka male bele čaplje posmatrano je u preletu iznad Velikog bačkog kanala kod Apatinskog mosta, za vreme jesenje seobe, 17.08.1997. godine. A flock of 18 individulas was observed flying over Veliki bački Canal near the Apatinski most bridge during the autumn migration on August 17, 1997. Crna roda / Black Stork / Fekete gólya / Schwarzstorch Ciconia nigra (Linnaeus, 1758) Po jedan primerak crne rode zabeležen je kako „hvata termal” u blizini ulice Svetog Save (20.06.2003. godine) i u ulici Ognjena Price (26.06.2003. godine). One individual was observed once near the street Svetog Save (June 20, 2003) and on another occasion near the street Ognjena Price (June 26, 2003) as it was soaring upwards on a thermal. Divlja guska / Greylag Goose / Nyári lúd / Graugans Anser anser (Linnaeus, 1758) Dana 23. aprila 2004. godine posmatrane su dve ptice u niskom letu iznad Mostonge, moguć par. On April 23, 2004, there were two birds, a potential nesting pair, observed as they flew over the watercourse Mostonga.

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Krdža / Teal / Csörgő réce / Krickente Anas crecca (Linnaeus, 1758) Krdže su tri puta posmatrane na vodotoku Mostonge kod Apatinskog puta u februaru 1991. godine: 17-tog su viđena dva mužjaka i jedna ženka, 20-tog su zabeležene četiri, a 24-tog sedam primeraka. Dana 1995.01.24. godine zabeležen je jedan mužjak, takođe na vodotoku Mostonge. The Teal was observed three times on the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put in February 1991: on the 17th a male and a female, on the 20th four individuals and on the 24th seven individuals. On January 24, 1995, one male was seen, also on the watercourse Mostonga. Grogotovac / Garganey / Bőjti réce / Knäkente Anas querquedula (Linnaeus, 1758) Na rečici Mostongi kod Apatinskog puta dana 15.03.1995. godine posmatrana su dva mužjaka i jedna ženka za vreme prolećne seobe. On March 15, 1995, two males and one female were observed on the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put during their spring migration. Patka njorka / Ferruginous Duck / Cigány réce / Moorente Aythya nyroca (Güldenstädt, 1770) Posmatran jedan primerak na bari Bager dana 02.08.2010. godine. One individual was observed at Bager Pond on August 2, 2010. Osičar / Honey Buzzard / Darázsölyv / Wespenbussard Pernis apivorus (Linnaeus, 1758) Jedan primerak je viđen za vreme prolećne seobe 3. maja 1998. godine u preletu iznad ulice Vere Gucunje. One individual was observed as it flew over the street Vere Gucunje during the spring migration on May 3, 1998. Orao belorepan / White-tailed Eagle / Rétisas / Seeadler Haliaeetus albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758) Viđen je jedan mladi primerak 23.05.2009. godine u preletu iznad bare Bager. One juvenile was observed flying over Bager Pond on May 23, 2009. Gaćasti mišar / Rough-legged Buzzard / Gatyás ölyv / Rauhfußbussard Buteo lagopus (Pontoppidan, 1763) Po jedan primerak je posmatran u Omladinskom parku 15.02.1991. i 07.01.1992. godine. One Rough-legged Buzzard was observed in Omladinski Park on February 15, 1991 and another was seen at the same site on January 7, 1992.

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Siva vetruška / Red-footed falcon / Kék vércse / Rotfußfalke Falco vespertinus (Linnaeus, 1766) Posmatrana je jedna ženka 14.04.2007. godine za vreme prolećne seobe kod park šume Hipodrom. One female was observed on April 14, 2007 during the spring migration near the Hipodrom Park-forest. Lastavičar / Hobby / Kabasólyom / Baumfalke Falco subbuteo (Linnaeus, 1758) Posmatran je jedan primerak u okolini Partizanskog groblja 24.05.1998. godine. Tri primerka su viđena 23.09.2001. godine na obali Velikog bačkog kanala kod Pika. Po jedan primerak je viđen 21.05.2004. i 12.06.2006. godine u ulici Ognjena Price. Posmatran jedan primerak u preletu iznad bare Bager 20.05.2010. godine. One individual was observed near Partizansko groblje graveyard on May 24, 1998. Three birds were seen on the September 23, 2001 on the bank of Veliki bački Canal at the Pik. One specimen was registered on May 21, 2004 and on June 12, 2006 in the street Ognjena Price. An individual was observed as it flew over Bager Pond on May 20, 2010. Prepelica / Quail / Fürj / Wachtel Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1758) Posmatrani pojedinačni primerci (Tabela 1) / Single individuals were observed (Table 1):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality Status / Status

13.05.1990. ulica P. Preradovića seoba / migration

10.05.1991. periferija / periphery seoba / migration

11. & 23.08.1991. Omladinski park seoba / migration

07.07.1998. ulica Vere Gucunje seoba / migration Jarebica / Grey Partridge / Fogoly / Rebhuhn Perdix perdix (Linnaeus, 1758) Jato od 15 primeraka posmatrano je na periferiji grada 14.02.-16.02.1991. godine. Par sa pet mladunaca viđen je 25.05.-19.09.1991. godine (lokacija gnezda nije utvrđena, ali se verovatno nalazila izvan istraživanog područja). 29.01.1992. godine zabeleženo je devet, a 09.04.1995. dva primerka jarebice. Jedan primerak viđen 02.07.2010. godine na Jarošu. In the outskirts of the town, a flock of 15 individuals was observed between 14 and February 16, 1991. A pair with five fledglings was seen between May 25 and September 19, 1991. The nest site was not found but it was likely that it was outside the study area). Finally, nine individuals were observed on January 29, 1992 and two individuals were seen on April 9, 1995. One individual was seen on Jaroš on July 2, 2010.

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Sivi barski petlić / Little Crake / Kis vízicsibe / Kleines Sumpfhuhn Porzana parva (Scopoli, 1769) Posmatrana jedna ženka na bari Bager 18.04.2010. godine. One female was observed at Bager Pond on April 18, 2010. Barski petlovan / Water Rail / Guvat / Wasserralle Rallus aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) Po jedan primerak barskog petlovana zabležen je na vodotoku Mostonge: 16-24.01.1995. godine, 03.02.-14.03.2005. godine i 11.03.2006. godine. Single individuals were observed wintering on the watercourse Mostonga between January 16 and 24, 1995, February 3 and March 14, 2005, and March 11, 2006. Vivak / Lapwing / Bíbic / Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Beleženo je tokom seobe u preletu (Tabela 2) / Individulas were registered during migration as they overflied (Table 2):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality Broj / Number

06.11.1995. periferija / periphery 25

05.03.1999. ulica Vere Gucunje 1

11.03.2001. Park-šuma Šikara 1

08.03.2003. Omladinski park 11

22.03.2009. park Heroja 1 Barska šljuka / Snipe / Sárszalonka / Bekassine Gallinago gallinago (Linnaeus, 1758) Jedna barska šljuka prstenovana je 26.11.1995. godine i jedan primerak je posmatran 06.02.2005. godine na vodotoku Mostonge kod Apatinskog puta. Takođe je posmatran jedan primerak na prolećnoj seobi 16.04.2009. godine na bari Bager. One individual was ringed on November 26, 1995 and one individual was observed on February 6, 2005 at the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put. Another individual was observed on Bager Pond during spring migration on April 16, 2009. Šumska šljuka / Woodcock / Erdei szalonka / Waldschnepfe Scolopax rusticola (Linnaeus, 1758) Posmatran je jedan primerak u Omladinskom parku 11.11.2007. godine. One individual was observed in the Omladinski Park on November 11, 2007. Polojka / Common Sandpiper / Billegetőcankó / Flußuferläufer Actitis hypoleucos (Linnaeus, 1758) Viđen je jedan primerak 07.05.1998. na vodotoku Mostonge. Dana, 21.07.2010. godine viđen je jedan primerak u letu iznad Velikog bačkog kanala kod Pika.

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One individual was observed on May 7, 1998 on the watercourse Mostonga. An indiwidual was seen as he flied over Veliki bački kanal at Pik on July 21, 2010. Sivi galeb / Common Gull / Viharsirály / Sturmmöwe Larus canus (Linnaeus, 1758) Dva mlada primerka su posmatrana 09.01.1990.godine na gradskoj deponiji smeća, koja se tada nalazila pored vodotoka Mostonge kod Apatinskog puta. Two juvenile individuals were observed on the January 9, 1990 on the town dump which was at that time located next to the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put. Grlica / Turtle Dove / Vadgerle / Turteltaube Streptopelia turtur (Linnaeus, 1758)

Grlice su posmatrane tokom seobe (Tabela 3) / Turtle Dove were observed during migration (Table 3):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality Broj / Number

16.08.1990. periferija / periphery 2

10.08.1991. Omladinski park 1

26.04.1994. Omladinski park 1

05.05.1995. Omladinski park 2

07.05.2000. Omladinski park 1

02.08.2000. park Heroja 1

29.04.2001. Omladinski park 1

05.05.2001. Omladinski park 1

06.04.2006. park-šuma Hipodrom 1

03.05.2010. bara Bager 1 Ritska sova / Short-eared Owl / Réti fülesbagoly / Sumpfohreule Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763)

Posmatran je danju po jedan primerak (Tabela 4) / Single individuals were observed at day-light (Table 4):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality

januar 1984. / January 1984 park-šuma Šumica

13.02.1999. ulica Vere Gucunje

07.02.2010. ulica Ognjena Price

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Leganj / Nightjar / Lappantyú / Ziegenmelker Caprimulgus europaeus (Linnaeus, 1758) Jedan primerak viđen je u Omladinskom parku 26.04.1996. godine za vreme prolećne seobe. One individual was observed in Omladinski Park during the spring migration on April 26, 1996. Pupavac / Hoopoe / Búbosbanka / Wiedehopf Upupa epops (Linnaeus, 1758) U Omladinskom parku posmatran je pupavac na jesenjoj seobi 23.08.1991. godine, a primerak na prolećnoj seobi zabeležen je 03.04.2001. godine. Na prolećnoj migraciji 23.04.2003. viđen je primerak u preletu iznad parka Ivo Lola Ribar. 04.05.2010. godine jedan primerak se oglašavao u okolini ulice Hadži Svetića. Krajem 1970-tih godina gnezdio se u park-šumi Šumica. Single individuals were observed on August 23, 1991 during the autumn migration and on April 3, 2001 during the spring migration in Omladinski Park. On April 23, 2003 an individal was seen as it flew over park Ivo Lola Ribar also during the spring migration. On May 4, 2010 one individual was recorded around the street Hadžića Svetića. At the end of the 1970s, they bred in the Šumica Park-forest. Vijoglava / Wryneck / Nyaktekercs / Wendehals Jynx torquilla (Linneaus, 1758) U Omladinskom parku prstenovana su dva, a posmatrana su tri primerka u vremenu od 29.03. do 5.05.1995. godine. Šest jedinki je posmatrano od 18.04. do 1.05.1996. godine. Ova zapažanja ukazuju na moguće gnežđenje. Po jedan primerak vijoglave posmatran je 05.05.1997. i 23.04.2000. godine. Two individuals were ringed and three were observed between March 29 and May 5, 1995 in Omladinski Park. Six individuals were observed between April 18, and May 1, 1996. An individual was seen on May 5, 1997 and also on April 23, 2000. These data indicate that the birds were possibly breeding. Siva žuna / Grey-headed Woodpecker / Hamvas küllő / Grauspecht Picus canus (Gmelin, 1788) Posmatran je jedan mužjak od 04.01. do 23.01.2010. u park-šumi Šumica. A male was observed in the park-forest Šumica between January 4, and 23, 2010.

Picus canus Dendrocopos medius

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Srednji detlić / Middle Spotted Woodpecker / Közép fakopáncs / Mittelspecht Dendrocopos medius (Linnaeus, 1758)

Srednji detlić je posmatran u zimskom periodu (Tabela 5) / Middle Spotted Woodpeckers were observed in the winter season (Table 5):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality Broj / Number

09.01.1991. Omladinski park 1

13.01.1991. park-šuma Šikara 1

15.02.2001. park-šuma Šikara 1

09.12.2001. park-šuma Šikara 1

04.01.2010. park-šuma Šumica 1 Mali detlić / Lesser Spotted Woodpecker / Kis fakopáncs / Kleinspecht Dendrocopos minor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Slika 2 / Fig. 2) Beleženi primerci (Tabela 6) / Registered individuals (Table 6):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality Broj / Number Status / State

20.01.1986. ulica P. Preradovića 1 ♀ prstenovan / ringed

25.08.1989. ulica P. Preradovića 1 prstenovan / ringed

22.10.1990. ulica Vere Gucunje 1 posmatran /observation

15.02.1995. Omladinski park 1 ♀ posmatran /observation

06.03.1995. Omladinski park 1 posmatran /observation

29.12.2000. park-šuma Šikara 1 ♀ posmatran /observation

25.02.2007. ulica Ognjena Price 1 ♀ posmatran /observation Poljska ševa / Skylark / Mezei pacsirta / Feldlerche Alauda arvensis (Linnaeus, 1758) Jedan primerak poljske ševe zabeležen je u blizini Omladinskog parka u prolećnom periodu: 26.04.1994. godine. Pevajući mužjak je posmatran 13.03.1999. godine u blizini park-šume Šikara, a 15.03.2001. godine kod park-šume Hipodrom. One individual was seen near Omladinski Park on April 26, 1994. One singing male was observed next to the Šikara Park-forest on March 13, 1999 and near the Hipodrom Park-forest on March 15, 2001. Bregunica / Sand Martin / Partifecske / Uferschwalbe Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758) Posmatran je primerak za vreme prolećne seobe 3. juna 2000. godine iznad Mostonge kod Apatinskog puta. Dva primeraka na jesenjoj seobi zabeležena su

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27.08.2006. godine u ulici Ognjena Price. Posmatran je primerak na prolećnoj seobi u preletu na bari Bager 11.05.2010. godine. One individual was observed during the spring migration on June 3, 2000 next to the Mostonga near the road Apatinski put. Two individuals were seen during the autumn migration on August 27, 2006 in the street Ognjena Price. One individual was observed during the spring migration as it flew over Bager Pond on May 11, 2010. Planinska trepteljka / Water Pipit / Havasi pityer / Bergpieper Anthus spinoletta (Linnaeus, 1758) U periodu od 14. do 17.02.1991. godine posmatrana su jedan od tri primerka na Mostongi kod Apatinskog puta [29]. There were one to three individuals observed at the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put between February 14 and 17, 1991 [29]. Livadska trepteljka / Meadow Pipit / Réti pityer / Wiesenpieper Anthus pratensis (Linnaeus, 1758) Jedna livadska treptaljka je posmatrana 17.02.1991. godine, zabeleženo je 15 primeraka 29.11.1993. i pet primeraka 21.12.2009. na obali Mostonge. One individual was observed on February 17, 1991, 15 on November 29, 1993 and five on December 21, 2009 on the banks of the watercourse Mostonga. Šumska trepteljka / Tree Pipit / Erdei pityer / Baumpieper Anthus trivialis (Linnaeus, 1758) Viđeno je na prolećnoj seobi po jedan primerak šumske trepteljke u Omladinskom parku 01.05.1995., 29.04.2001. i 06.05.2003. godine. Takođe je posmatran primerak u okolini bare Bager 25.04.2010. godine. Single individuals were observed during the spring migration in Omladinski Park on the May 1, 1995, on April 29, 2001 and May 6, 2003. One individual was also observed near Bager Pond on April 25, 2010. Žuta pliska / Yellow Wagtail / Sárga billegető / Schafstelze Motacilla flava (Linnaeus, 1758) Dva primerka su posmatrana za vreme prolećne seobe 23.04.1991. godine na periferiji grada. Two individuals during the spring migration were observed at the periphery of the town on April 23, 1991. Potočna pliska / Grey Wagtail / Hegyi billegető / Gebirgsstelze Motacilla cinerea (Tunstall, 1771) Posmatran je primerak zimi od 22.11. do 11.12.1995. godine i 14.02.1999. godine kod vodotoka Mostonge na Apatinskom putu. An individual was observed at the watercourse Mostonga near the road Apatinski put during the winter season, between November 22, and December 11, 1995, and on February 14, 1999.

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Kugara / Waxwing / Csonttollú / Seidenschwanz Bombycilla garrulus (Linnaeus, 1758) U zimu 1941/42. godine zabeležena su zimujuća jata [22]. Posmatrano je do 50 primeraka u Omladinskom parku i na periferiji grada u vremenskom intervalu od 15-tog do 24.02.1991. godine. U središtu grada viđeno je 30 primeraka 06.12.1990. godine i 11 primeraka 06.02.2001. godine. Deset kugara je zabeleženo 12.01.2006. godine u Omladinskom parku. In the winter of 1941-42, several wintering flocks were recorded [22]. One to 50 individuals were observed in Omladinski Park and in the outskirts of the town at approximately the same time between February 15 and 24, 1991. There were also 30 individuals seen on December 6, 1990 and 11 on February 6, 2001 in the centre. On January 12, 2006 10 individuals were observed in Omladinski Park. Obična crvenrepka / Redstart / Kerti rozsdafarkú / Gartenrotschwanz Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Linnaeus, 1758) Za vreme jesenje seobe posmatran je jedan primerak 29.08.1990. na periferiji grada, jedan mužjak 13.09.1991. godine u blizini ulice Vere Gucunje, a jedan mužjak na prolećnoj seobi 16.04.2006. godine u Omladinskom parku. During the autumn migration one individual was seen in the outskirts of the town on August 29, 1990 and two males, one on September 13, 1991 near the street Vere Gucunje and one on April 16, 2006 in Omladinski Park. Obična travarka / Whinchat / Rozsdás csuk / Braunkehlchen Saxicola rubetra (Linnaeus, 1758) Posmatran je primerak u blizini hipodroma 22.04.1995. i 23.04.1999. godine. One individual was observed near the Hippodrome on April 23, 1991 and on April 22, 1995. Obična beloguza / Wheatear / Hantmadár / Steinschmätzer Oenanthe oenanthe (Linnaeus, 1758) Posmatrana su dva primerka za vreme jesenje seobe 12.08.1991.godine u blizini Omladinskog parka. Two individuals were observed during the autumn migration near Omladinski Park on August 12, 1991. Kos ogrličar / Ring Ouzel / Örvös rigó / Ringdrossel Turdus torquatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Viđen je mužjak za vreme prolećne seobe 3. aprila 1997. godine u Omladinskom parku [31]. One male was seen during spring migration on April 3, 1997 in Omladinski Park [31].

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Cvrčić potočar / River Warbler / Berki tücsökmadár / Schlagschwirl Locustella fluviatilis (Wolf, 1810) U prolećnoj seobi zabeležen je po jedan pevajući mužjak u Omladinskom parku 28.04.1995. i 26.05.1995. godine. Two singing males during the spring migration were observed on April 28, and on May 26, 1995 in Omladinski Park. Obični cvrčić / Savi’s Warbler / Nádi tücsökmadár / Rohrschwirl Locustella luscinioides (Savi, 1824) Za vreme prolećne seobe zabeležen je jedan pevajući mužjak na bari Bager 09.04. i 13.04.2010. godine. One singing male during the spring migration was observed on April 9 and 13, 2010 at Bager Pond. Žuti voljić / Icterine Warbler / Kerti geze / Gelbspötter Hippolais icterina (Vieillot, 1817) Beleženo tokom seobe (Tabela 7) / Registered during migration (Table 7):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality Broj / Number Status / State

22.08.1989. ulica P. Preradovića 1 prstenovan / ringed

03.09.1989. ulica P. Preradovića 1 prstenovan / ringed

30.07.-05.08.1991. ulica Vere Gucunje 4 prstenovan / ringed

05.05.2001. Omladinski park 1 prstenovan / ringed

20.05.2001. ulica Vere Gucunje 1 ♂ posmatran /observation

14.05.2005. Omladinski park 1 prstenovan / ringed

21.09.2008. ulica Ognjena Price 1 prstenovan / ringed

08.05.2009. ulica Ognjena Price 1 prstenovan / ringed

30.08.2009. ulica Ognjena Price 1 prstenovan / ringed Pirgasta grmuša / Barred Warbler / Karvalyposzáta / Sperbergrasmücke Sylvia nisoria (Bechstein, 1795) U ulici Vere Gucunje prstenovan je jedan mladi primerak za vreme jesenje seobe 27.07.1991. godine. U Omladinskom parku jedan primerak je prstenovan 29. aprila 2001. za vreme prolećne seobe. Near the street Vere Gucunje a juvenile individual was ringed on July 27, 1991 during the autumn migration. One individual was ringed on April 29, 2001 in Omladinski Park during the spring migration.

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Siva grmuša / Garden Warbler / Kerti poszáta / Gartengrasmücke Sylvia borin (Boddaert, 1783)

Tokom prolećne seobe beleženo (Tabela 8) / Registered during the spring migration (Table 8):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality Broj / Number Status / Status

19.08.1983. periferija / periphery 2 prstenovan / ringed

25.09.1983. periferija / periphery 1 prstenovan / ringed

22.08.-16.09.1989. ulica P. Preradovića 10 prstenovan / ringed

01.05.1995. Omladinski park 1 prstenovan / ringed

26.05.1995. Omladinski park 1 prstenovan / ringed

07.05.2000. Omladinski park 1 posmatran / observed

15.05.2001. Omladinski park 2 prstenovan / ringed

19.05.2004. Omladinski park 1 prstenovan / ringed Brezov zviždak / Willow Warbler / Fitiszfüzike / Fitis Phylloscopus trochilus (Linnaeus, 1758) U Omladinskom parku tokom prolećne seobe 04.04.1995., 31.03.2001. i 03.04.2001. prstenovan je po jedan primerak, a 02.04.2006. posmatran je jedan mužjak. Jedan primerak posmatran je 11.05.2005. godine u ulici Vere Gucunje. Single individuals on migration were ringed in Omladinski Park three times: on April 4, 1995, March 31, and April 3, 2001. On May 11, 2005 one individual was observed in the street Vere Gucunje. Finally, one male was observed in Omladinski Park on April 2, 2006. Vatroglavi kraljić / Firecrest / Tüzesfejű királyka / Sommergoldhähnchen Regulus ignicapillus (Temminck, 1820) Vatroglavi kraljić posmatran je za vreme prolećne seobe 14.04.1995. u Omladinskom parku i za vreme jesenje seobe 01.11.2007. godine u ulici Ognjena Price. One individual was observed during the spring migration on April 14, 1995 in Omladinski Park and one during autumn migration on November 1, 2007 near the street Ognjena Price.

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Crnovrata muharica / Pied Flycatcher / Kormos légykapó / Trauerschnäpper Ficedula hypoleuca (Pallas, 1764)

Crnovrata muharica zabeležena za vreme seobe (Tabela 9) / Pied Flycatcher registered during migration (Table 9):

Datum / Date Lokalitet / Locality Broj / Number Status / State

22.08.-14.09.1989. ulica P. Preradovića 3 prstenovana / ringed

04.08.1991. ulica Vere Gucunje 1 prstenovana / ringed

09.08.1991. ulica Vere Gucunje 1 prstenovana / ringed

19.08.1991. ulica Vere Gucunje 1 uginula / died

26.04.1997. Omladinski park 4 posmatrana / observed

16.04.2000. Omladinski park 2 prstenovana / ringed

07.05.2000. Omladinski park 2 prstenovana / ringed

29.04.2001. Omladinski park 1 prstenovana / ringed

30.04.2004. Omladinski park 1 prstenovana / ringed

21.04.2006. park-šuma Hipodrom 1 ♂ prstenovana / ringed

02.05.2007. ulica Ognjena Price 1 ♀ prstenovana / ringed

05.09.2009. ulica Ognjena Price 1 ♀ prstenovana / ringed Brkata senica / Bearded Reedling / Barkóscinege / Bartmeise Panurus biarmicus (Linnaeus, 1758) Viđena su dva mužjaka i jedna ženka za vreme jesenje seobe 11. oktobra 2008. godine na bari Bager. Two males and one female during the autumn migration were observed on Bager Pond on October 11, 2008. Kratkokljuni puzić / Tree-creeper / Hegyi fakusz / Waldbaumläufer Certhia familiaris (Linnaeus, 1758) Jedan primerak kratkokljunog puzića, koji je prstenovan, je zabeležen u Omladinskom parku 11.11.2000. godine, a ponovo je uhvaćen 30.11.2000. godine. Na istom lokalitetu takođe je prstenovan po jedan primerak: 12.11.2001. i 10.02.2002. godine. Posmatran je jedan primerak 04.01.2010. godine u park-šumi Šumica. At Omladinski Park, single Treecreeper individuals were ringed on November 11, 2000 (this individual was recaptured on November 30, 2000), on November 12, 2001 and on February 10, 2002. One individual was observed at the Šumica Park-forest on January 4, 2010.

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Dugokljuni puzić / Short-toed Tree-creeper / Rövidkarmú fakusz / Gartenbaumläufer Certhia brachydactyla (C. L. Brehm, 1820) U Omladinskom parku 09.01.1991. godine prstenovan je primerak, koji je ponovo uhvaćen 27.01.1991. godine. An individual ringed at Omladinski Park on January 9, 1991, was recaptured on January 27, 1991. Veliki svračak / Great Grey Shrike / Nagy őrgébics / Raubwürger Lanius excubitor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Slika 1 / Fig. 1) Po jedan primerak je viđen 28. februara 2001. godine kod park-šume Šikara i 2. januara 2010. godine kod garaže Severtransa. One individual was seen near the Šikara Park-forest on February 28, 2001 and one on January 2, 2010 near the garage Severtrans. Sivi svračak / Lesser Grey Shrike / Kis őrgébics / Schwarzstirnwürger Lanius minor (Gmelin, 1788) Po jedan primerak sivog svračka posmatran je 13.07.1991. godine kod park-šume Hipodrom, a 11.08.1991. godine kod Omladinskog parka, 08.06.1994. i 05.06.1995. godine kod park-šume Hipodrom i 24.06.1996. na periferiji grada. Takođe je zapažen primerak kod park-šume Hipodrom 07.06.1997. godine. Predpostavka je da se jedan par ove vrste gnezdio kod park-šume Hipodrom u periodu od 1994. do 1997. godine [30]. Single individuals were observed on July 13, 1991 near the Hipodrom Park-forest, on August 11, 1991 at Omladinski Park, on June 8, 1994 and on June 5, 1995 near the Hipodrom Park-forest, on June 24, 1996 in the outskirts, on June 7, 1997 near the Hipodrom Park-forest. It is possible that one pair bred near the Hipodrom Park-forest between the period from 1994 and 1997 [30].

Slika 1 / Fig. 1. Lanius excubitor Slika 2 / Fig. 2. Dendrocopos minor

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Literatura References


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[14] MÉRŐ, T. O. & ŽULJEVIĆ, A. (2009): Gustina gnezda i uspešnost gnežđenja velikog trstenjaka Acrocephalus arundinaceus u opštini Sombor (Breeding

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density and breeding success of the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in Sombor municipality). Ciconia 18: 91-98.

[15] MULLARNEY, K., SVENSSON, L., ZETTERSTRÖM, D. & GRANT, P. J. (1999): Bird guide. 1999, HarperCollins, London.

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[18] RADOVIĆ, D. & SUŠIĆ, G. (1989): Nalazi prstenovanih ptica u godinama 1986 i 1987 (Recoveries of Ringed Birds in the Years 1986 and 1987). Larus 40: 53-75.

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[21] SIROTIĆ, G. (1988): Nalazi prstenovanih ptica u godinama 1979-1985 (Recoveries of Ringed Birds in the Years 1979-1985). Larus 38-39: 25-94.

[22] SZEMERE, L. (1950): Zombor madarai. Aquila 50-54: 173. [23] TOMIĆ, P. (1996): Klima. In: ÐURIČ IĆ J. (Ed.): Opština Sombor. Prirodno -

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[24] VASIĆ, V. F., SIMIĆ, D. V., STANIMIROVIĆ, Ž., KARAKAŠEVIĆ, M., ŠĆIBAN, M., RUŽIĆ, M. KULIĆ, S., KULIĆ, M., & PUZOVIĆ, S. (2004). Srpska nomenklatura I. (Serbian nomenclature I.) Dvogled 4, septembar 2004: 7-19. Beograd.

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Naučna imena vrsta ptica Scientific names of bird species

Accipiter gentilis 84 Accipiter nisus 85 Acrocephalus scirpaceus 49 Acrocephalus arundinaceus 28, 50 Acrocephalus palustris 48 Acrocephalus schoenobaenus 47 Actitis hypoleucos 118 Aegithalos caudatus 56 Alauda arvensis 121 Alcedo atthis 34 Anas crecca 116 Anas platyrhynchos 19 Anas querquedula 116 Anser albifrons 82, 83 Anser anser 115 Anser fabalis 82 Anthus pratensis 122 Anthus spinoletta 122 Anthus trivialis 122 Apus apus 33 Ardea cinerea 79 Ardea purpurea 80 Ardeola ralloides 115 Asio flammeus 119 Asio otus 32 Athene noctua 31 Aythya nyroca 116 Bombycilla garrulus 123 Buteo buteo 20 Buteo lagopus 116 Caprimulgus europaeus 120 Carduelis cannabina 109 Carduelis carduelis 74 Carduelis chloris 73 Carduelis spinus 108 Certhia brachydactyla 127 Certhia familiaris 126 Ciconia ciconia 18 Ciconia nigra 115 Circus aeruginosus..21 Circus cyaneus 86 Coccothraustes coccothraustes 111

Columba livia forma domestica 26, 86 Columba palumbus 25 Corvus corax 106 Corvus corone cornix 67 Corvus frugilegus 66 Corvus monedula 65 Coturnix coturnix 117 Cuculus canorus 28 Cygnus olor 81 Delichon urbica 41 Dendrocopos major 37 Dendrocopos medius 121 Dendrocopos minor 121, 127 Dendrocopos syriacus 38 Egretta alba 78 Egretta garzetta 115 Emberiza citrinella 112 Emberiza schoeniclus 113 Erithacus rubecula 97 Falco columbarius 89 Falco peregrinus 88 Falco subbuteo 117 Falco tinnunculus 87 Falco vespertinus 117 Ficedula hypoleuca 126 Fringilla coelebs 71 Fringilla montifringilla 107 Fulica atra 24 Galerida cristata 39 Galinula chloropus 23 Gallinago gallinago 118 Garulus glandarius 63 Grus grus 90 Haliaeetus albicilla 116 Hippolais icterina 124 Hirundo rustica 40, 44, 89 Ixobrychus minutus 17 Jynx torquilla 120 Lanius collurio 62 Lanius excubitor 127 Lanius minor 127 Larus cachinnans 93

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Larus canus 119 Larus michahellis 93, 94 Larus ridibundus 92 Locustella fluviatilis 124 Locustella luscinioides 124 Luscinia megarhynchos 43 Merops apiaster 35 Miliaria calandra 114 Motacilla alba 42 Motacilla cinerea 122 Motacilla flava 122 Muscicapa striata 55 Nycticorax nycticorax 77 Oenanthe oenanthe 123 Oriolus oriolus 61 Otus scops 30 Panurus biarmicus 126 Parus ater 104 Parus caeruleus 57 Parus major 58 Parus palustris 105 Passer domesticus 29, 69 Passer montanus 70 Perdix perdix 117 Pernis apivorus 116 Phalacrocorax carbo 76 Phasianus colchicus 22 Phoenicuros ochruros 44 Phoenicurus phoenicurus 123 Phylloscopus collybita 51 Phylloscopus sibilatrix 102 Phylloscopus trochilus 125 Pica pica 32, 64 Picus canus 120

Picus viridis 36 Porzana parva 118 Prunella modularis 96 Pyrrhula pyrrhula 110 Rallus aquaticus 118 Regulus ignicapillus 125 Regulus regulus 103 Remiz pendulinus 60 Riparia riparia 121 Saxicola rubetra 123 Saxicola torquata 45 Scolopax rusticola 118 Serinus serinus 72 Sitta europaea 59 Streptopelia decaocto 27 Streptopelia turtur 119 Sturnus vulgaris 68 Sylvia atricapilla 54 Sylvia borin 125 Sylvia communis 53 Sylvia curruca 52 Sylvia nisoria 124 Tachybaptus ruficollis 15 Tringa ochropus 91 Troglodytes troglodytes 95 Turdus iliacus 100 Turdus merula 46 Turdus philomelos 99 Turdus pilaris 89, 98 Turdus torquatus 123 Turdus viscivorus 101 Tyto alba 29 Upupa epops 120 Vanellus vanellus 118

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Na terenskim izlascima povremeno su nas pratili Pavle VARGA i József

HARANGOZÓ. Milivoj VUČANOVIĆ, Ivan ĐORĐEVIĆ, Nenad SPREMO i Ottó SZEKERES pomogli su nam prilikom fotografisanja pojedinih vrsta. Eleonora PURGER je doprinela poboljšanju teksta na engleskom jeziku. Tehničku podršku pružili su nam UG Somborski Omladinski Boom, Maja JANJATOVIĆ i Szabolcs GODNICS. Korisne primedbe dali su nam Milica GRUBIŠIĆ i Heinrich SABRANSKY. Ideje za dizajn korica pružio nam je Peter MRAKOVIĆ. Veliku pomoć oko prikupljanja novčanih sredstava za štampanje ove knjige pružili su nam Christoff CZWEILI i Csaba László MÉRŐ. Pokretač ideje o pisanju ove knjige je Dr. Jenő J. PURGER, kojem pripada velika zasluga za njeno objavljivanje i posebna zahvalnost autora. Svima koji su nam na bilo koji način pomogli pri izradi ove knjige srdačno zahvaljujemo.


We thank to Pavle VARGA and József HARANGOZÓ for the collaboration in field-work. Milivoj VUČANOVIĆ, Ivan ĐORĐEVIĆ, Nenad SPREMO and Ottó SZEKERES helped with taking photographs of birds. ELEONORA PURGER worked on improving the English text. Somborski Omladinski Boom, Maja JANJATOVIĆ and Szabolcs GODNICS gave us technical support. Usefull comments were given by Milica GRUBIŠIĆ and Heinrich SABRANSKY during the check of the manuscript. Peter MRAKOVIĆ made useful suggestions for the design of the facing pages. Christoff CZWEILI and Csaba László MÉRŐ greatly helped in securing financial support. The idea of publishing this book was raised by Dr. Jenő J. PURGER and we are especially grateful to him. We thank everybody who have helped us in publishing this book.

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