thoughts - lxxii [cromnibus, kurdistan, cruz]

Post on 18-Jul-2016






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To maximize the focus of this “Blast” e-mail, the attachments encompass a summary of what Rush said yesterday and a reformulation of what was included in yesterday’s Daily-Alert regarding events in the Middle East [amplified a bit by subsequent hyperlinks, but insufficient, for it failed to include an explanation as to why Only Obama forced Israel not to build ]; below this discussion of the CRomnibus bill is a brief Kurdistan-related update, for BHO persists in promoting wrongheaded policies.

Again illustrative of how profoundly Penn State’s travail affects all citizens [including those who eschewed Corbett, as I’d predicted for 2+ years via PoliticsPA, oral-pleas and, ultimately, promotion of Guzzardi as a working-hypothesis stalking-horse for a primary-challenge], note the latest legal machinations [a New criminal complaint was filed against Sandusky, Judge says no to mediation in Penn State lawsuit, Some Penn State trustees want meeting to consider joining NCAA lawsuit, Group split].

This clears the way to elucidate what promises to be crunch-time in D.C. for Boehner and the GOP-Establishment [and Mike Fitzpatrick]. Republicans say they have the votes, but should they fund the President’s unconstitutional actions, they will be violating their oath to the constitution, for the Republican Budget Deal Spits in the Face of Voter Anger.

All those people who refused last year even to CONSIDER a primary-challenge [because of their “friendship” with Fitz] must now confront their consciences [and how he has abused their senses of loyalty]. When I saw him a year ago @ the $-raising banquet for the Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center, he muttered to me [sotto voce] that I should not do anything I would later regret; I have no regrets for predicting he would betray the “base” when voting to fund ObamaDon’tCare and, now, when poised to vote to fund Amnesty. [We politely chatted a few months ago @ an event sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition at which he, alas, demurred instead of adopting a pre-election forthright posture on Illegals.] Hope he can be salvaged is fading rapidly, notwithstanding privately-received reassurances that he has “heard” us.

Because it is so mandatory to gain an appreciation of what [lame-duck, and therefore, “free”] Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick plans to do in a few hours, it is desirable to remit ANOTHER notification focused on this issue; multiple conservative-entities are bombarding activists with e-mails [and, in the case, of Heritage Action, ‘phone calls] pleading that we tell your Members of Congress to vote against funding Obama's amnesty because, per Tea Party Patriots, that we Demand Congressmen Defund Executive Amnesty. Currently, per Drudge, we are confronted with REPUBLICAN BETRAYAL: OBAMACARE FULLY FUNDED - AMNESTY TOO! Here is the lie-of-the-land:

On Thursday, the House Votes to Fund Obama's Amnesty via the so-called "cromnibus." This $1.1 trillion, 1603-page bill would fund most of the federal government through September 30, 2015 while extending funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) until February 27, 2015. This is a dereliction of duty, plain and simple. The spending bill does nothing to block President Obama's unilateral, unlawful executive amnesty.

One need only note the reaction of key-players to recognize what’s happening; whereas Conservatives Expressed Anger That Amnesty Not Defunded In Omnibus ['The Fix Is In'], the White House is 'Gratified' That Republicans Are Not Blocking Amnesty, perhaps because Republicans Secretly Want Obama's Amnesty. Indeed, the Boehner Omnibus Gives Social Security Benefits To Illegal Aliens Under Obama


Amnesty and the CRomnibus Contains Crony Kickbacks for Blue Cross. We know BHO has the ability to cost-shift and, thus, allowing any funding during the next two months will permit him to “create facts” that he will later claim are immutable [AND c/w Congressional action]. Sarah Palin Threw Down Gauntlet to GOP: Block Obama Amnesty Funds or Face 'America's Wrath' because If Republicans Don't Fight Now, They Never Will. {Also, know that Obama Blamed Conservative Talk Shows For American Anger Over Executive Amnesty.}

Note trends in updated hyperlinks c/o Breitbart: Ramos: 'Pressure from Journalists' May Have Changed Obama on Exec Amnesty; Jeff Sessions Pledged to Fight Executive Amnesty, Sheriffs Detail How 'Every County Eventually Will Become Border County' ; Top Democrat Admits: Not One Member Of House Rules Committee Actually Read Omnibus Bill Before Hearing; BLOOD IN THE WATER: TEAMSTERS, JIMMY HOFFA, JR. TO CONGRESS: KILL THE OMNIBUS BILL; Boehner's Omnibus Uses Budget Gimmicks To Bust Through Spending Caps Set By Congress--AGAIN; Hal Rogers Falsely Claims Omnibus Doesn't Break Budget Caps in Congressional Testimony; Boehner Ally Admitted the Omnibus Bill Was Crafted in Literally a Cigar Smoke-Filled Back Room; Pelosi Voices Concerns with Omnibus Package; Tom Coburn threatens spending deal over defense bill. {Also, note that BHO on Colbert [complete] remains hysterical upon second-viewing.}

The Dems are currently engaged in misdirection; while Harry Reid Blames Obamacare for Midterm Losses ['We Never Recovered'] and Kathleen Sebelius claims Obamacare Needs a Name Change; the Dems are Prepping the Media for 2016 Anti-GOP Onslaught. {Also, know that Support for gun rights reaches highest levels in 20 years, for a Pew Poll showed Americans Want Gun Rights, Not Gun Control; Beloit, Wisconsin Police Chief Reversed Course and will no Longer Asking to Search Homes for Guns and Piers Morgan admitted he Was 'Too Aggressive' in Pursuit of Gun Control.}

Time portrayed “runner-up” for “Person of the Year” Massoud Barzani as an “The Opportunist” because, “when the Islamic State threw the Middle East jigsaw puzzle into the air, the Kurdish leader reached for a piece”; although the lingo in this piece is patronizing, it’s great he was noted.

I weighed-in by citing a series of articles co-authored with Dr. Sherkoh Abbas, President of the Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria which explore [as per selected titles] why the USA must provide exclusive support for these friends of the West: America Must Prioritize Arming the Kurds…even if it Antagonizes Iran and Turkey [Israpundit]; America Must Recognize Kurdistan [Jewish Policy Center]; NATO must arm the Kurds, but only the pro-American Kurds [The Hill]; NATO Must Help the Kurds Now [National Review]; Arm Kurdistan to Defeat the Islamic State...ASAP! [American Thinker]; and The Invisible People [Front Page Magazine]. It is noted that The Islamic State executed [ inter alia ] its top Mosul official for espionage ; Kurdish sources reported that this group is under increasing pressure from Iraqi forces and international airstrikes.


Omnibus Gives $500 Million Worth of Weapons, Aid to 'Appropriately Vetted' Syrian Rebels, despite the fact that the U.S. Has Given Up On 'Pro-West' 'Moderate' Syrian Rebel Groups; per prior articles, this allows for funding the Free Syrian Army that is led by people who despise both Kurds and Israel.

In response to the latest POTUS-’16 survey, a reader noted the GOP’s deep bench of Governors [who are “generally better prepared to exercise proper executive authority than are US-Senators”] and, thus, proposed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker [“won three elections in four years”] for POTUS and Mexico Governor Susana Martinez [“tough-minded Latina”] for Veep. He assessed three senators thusly: Florida’s Mario Rubio “has the necessary foreign policy bona fides” [reference?], Texas’ Ted Cruz “is more sizzle than steak” [despite his leadership of the defunding effort last fall] and Kentucky’s Rand Paul “has the ‘crazy father in the attic’ problem and isn’t tough enough on foreign policy” [concur].

My response: Martinez/Rubio are problematic on Illegals; Cruz is consistently correct on all the issues [an often before others even react], perhaps due to his having employed Amanda Carpenter for communications. [His latest: Sen. Ted Cruz: 'Torture is Wrong. Unambiguously. Period. The End.'] Thus, I’ll support him and Walker [in either order, depending upon how the primary-voters rule], assuming Walker’s foreign policy is sufficiently muscular; the priority is to oppose the Establishment-types. [TRUMP may be SERIOUS, but he doesn’t harbor sufficient legal gravitas, and I still feel Hillary won’t run (State Dept. Stonewalled Hillary Clinton's Files from AP's FOIA Request), particularly if, as predicted the Afghan Military will Collapse after American Combat Troops Exit.]


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