toefl itp 19 juni 2

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7/24/2019 TOEFL ITP 19 juni 2 1/65





7/24/2019 TOEFL ITP 19 juni 2 2/65

Section 1Listening Comprehension

In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability tounderstand conversations and tals in En!lish" There are three parts to this section with

special directions for each part" #nswer all the $uestions on the basis of what is stated or 

implied by the speaers in this test" %o not tae notes or write in your test boo at any

time" %o not turn the pa!es until you are told to do so"

Part A

Directions& In 'art #, you will hear short conversations between two people" #fter each

conversation, you will hear a $uestion about the conversation" The conversations and

$uestions will not be repeated" #fter you hear a $uestion, read the four possible answers

in your test boo and choose the best answer" Then, on your answer sheet, find the

number of the $uestion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer

you have chosen"

Here is an e(ample"

On the recordin!, you hear&

In your test boo, you read& )#* He does not lie the paintin! either"

)+* He does not now how to paint"

)C* He does not have any paintin!s"

)%* He does not now what to do"

ou learn from the conversation that neither the man nor the woman lies the paintin!"

The best answer to the $uestion -.hat does the man mean/0 is )#*, -He does not liethe paintin! either"0 Therefore, the correct answer is )#*"

Sample Answer

+ %C


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1" )#* The man should use a new


)+* The man2s printer is not set

up correctly")C* There is nothin! wron! with

the man2s printer 

)%* She cannot help the man

ri!ht away

3" )#* He has spent a lot of money

on hiin! trips"

)+* He is too busy to spend time

outdoors on weeends")C* He would not lie to visit the


)%* The woman should study

more durin! the weeend"

4" )#* The 5obs have already been


)+* The man should hand in his

application very soon")C* The man can start wor


)%* The man is not $ualified for

any on the 5obs"

6" )#* Tae a brea outside

)+* .rite a shorter paper 

)C* Chan!e the li!hts in the

room)%* 7se a different computer 

8" )#* She cannot discuss the

assi!nment with the man


)+* She cannot lend her

maretin! boo to the man"

)C* She will be in maretin!

class tomorrow")%* She already handed in the

maretin! assi!nment

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9" )#* .ait for a friend

)+* :oo at the lunch menu

)C* ;et somethin! to eat

)%* Shop for !roceries

<" )#* He scheduled another


)+* He bou!ht a new suit for the


)C* He did not !o to the


)%* His interview was not


=" )#* The woman did not

remember her appointment"

)+* The woman needs to !et a


)C* The man may not need a new


)%* She also needs air in her ties"

>" )#* She saw a nail in the man2s


)+* The man should not drive on

the tire"

)C* The man may not need a new


)%* She also needs air in her


1?" )#* He is very busy @riday


)+* He has not seen his parents

for a lon! time"

)C* He is sorry that he missed

the dinner"

)%* He accepts the woman2s


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11" )#* 'rofessor Campbell chan!ed

the conference time"

)+* He is plannin! to stay until the

conference is finished")C* He will not attend the concert"

)%* He will wait for the woman"

13" )#* He bou!ht it from a friend"

)+* He has not used it yet"

)C* He is disappointed with it"

)%* He lies the camera that came

with it"

14" )#* .hen the photo!raph was


)+* .ho too the photo!raph

)C* .ho is picture in the


)%* .hether he wants the


16" )#* She was not able to find any

outside sources"

)+* She did not have any new ideas

about the topic"

)C* She misunderstood the


)%* She already included many

outside sources"

18" )#* ;ive the woman more time to

write her paper 

)+* Visit the woman in the hospital

)C* Refuse to accept the woman2s


)%* :et the woman chan!e the

topic of her paper 

19" )#* He never shops at the local

!rocery store)+* The woman should buy her

 produce from the farm

)C* The !rocery store has hi!her

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$uality produce

)%* It is cheaper to buy ve!etables

at the farm

1<" )#* The woman should continue


)+* The y will arrive late for


)C* He for!ot the reservations"

)%* He is not sure what is wron!

with the car"

1=" )#* She received her boos lastwee"

)+* She 5ust ordered her boos


)C* The man2s boo will probably

arrive soon"

)%* She will help the man place a

new order for his boos"

1>" )#* She does not a!ree with theman about the musical"

)+* She also en5oyed the sin!in! in

the musical"

)C* She is plannin! to see a

different musical"

)%* She would lie to see the

musical with the man"

3?" )#* +uy stamps at the post office)+* Aail the woman2s bills

)C* %rive to the woman2s house

)%* 'ic up a paca!e from the

 post office

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31" )#* The woman can mae her call


)+* There is a problem with the

woman2s telephone")C* The airline2s office are closed"

)%* He does not now what the

 problem could be"

33" )#* She plans to interview the


)+* The man2s interview was


)C* She thins the man2s resume isfine"

)%* The man should revise his


34" )#* 'am wants to !et a 5ob in the


)+* 'am will come home from the

infirmary on the weeend"

)C* The woman should !et offwor early to visit 'am"

)%* The woman could !o to the

infirmary on the weeend"

36" )#* He does not lie the

appearance of the old


)+* It is difficult to !et a room in

the old dormitories")C* The woman should consider

the disadvanta!es of the old


)%* It more inconvenient to live in

the old dormitories"

38" )#* The library closed earlier than

she e(pected"

)+* She could not find a birthday present"

)C* She piced Bac up at the !olf


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)%* The boostore did not have

what she was looin! for 

39" )#* He has not played tennis in a


)+* He does not now how to play


)C* His tennis racet is broen"

)%* H e needs to rest before he


3<" )#* Tae both sweaters alon!

)+* Choose the warmer sweater

)C* 'ic the bri!htercolored

sweater )%* .ear a heavy coat instead of a


3=" )#* He would lie the woman to

reschedule the meetin!"

)+* He will meet the woman

 briefly on @riday"

)C* The report will not be ready

until Thursday")%* The report was finished last


3>" )#* His 5ob starts ne(t wee"

)+* He is ea!er to start his new


)C* His professor was mistaen

about the 5ob"

)%* He believes the 5ob interview

went well"

4?" )#* Tae a shorter route

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)+* +uy new sun!lasses

)C* %rive on a different road

)%* Consider usin! Route 3<


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Part B

Directions& In this part of the test, you will hear lon!er conversations" #fter each

conversation, you will hear several $uestions" The conversations and $uestions will not be repeated"

#fter you hear a $uestion, read the four possible answers in your test boo and choose

the best answer" Then, on you answer sheet, find the number of the $uestion and fill in

the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen"

Remember, you are not allowed to tae notes or write in your test boo"


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41" )#* How to learn a second


)+* The importance of early

childhood education)C* 'hases of lan!ua!e

development in youn! children

)%* Aethods to help children

develop their vocabularies

43" )#* Their voice bo( is not

 poisonin! correctly yet"

)+* Their hearin! is not !ood

enou!h yet")C* They do not yet have the

muscle control needed"

)%* Their brains are not yet

ade$uately developed"

44" )#* They are difficult for children

to pronounce"

)+* They occur in all lan!ua!e"

)C* They are amon! the firstsounds babies mae"

)%* They are sometimes used to

refer to housepets"

46" )#* .hen children learn to say

whole sentences

)+* In the first month of life

)C* .hen children start to !o to

school)%* .hen children learn to

associate sounds with meanin!

48" )#* The life of a wellnown

Canadian architect

)+* The architectural desi!n of a


)C* The variety of museums in.ashin!ton, %"C"

)%* The chan!in! function of the

modern museum

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49" )#* +oth were desi!n by the same


)+* +oth are located in.ashin!ton, %"C"

)C* +oth feature similar e(hibits"

)%* +oth were built around a

central s$uare"

4<" )#* # classical temple

)+* # wellnown museum

)C* # modern office buildin!

)%* # natural landscape

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%irection& In the part of the test, you will hear several short tals" #fter each tal, you

will hear some $uestions" The tals and the $uestions will not be repeated"

#fter you hear a $uestion, read the four possible answers in your test boo and choose

the best answer" Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the $uestion and fill in

the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen"

Here is an e(ample"

On recordin!, you will hear&

 Dow listen to a sample $uestion"

In your test boo, you read& )#* To demonstrate the latest use of computer


)+* To discuss the possibility of an economic


)C* To e(plain the worin!s of the brain

)%* To dramatie a famous mystery story

The best answer to the $uestion -.hat is the main purpose of the pro!ram/0 is )C*, -To

e(plain the worin!s of the brain"0 Therefore, the correct choice is )C*"

 Dow listen to another sample $uestion"

In your test boo, you read& )#* It is re$uired of all science ma5or")+* It will never be shown a!ain"

)C* It can help viewers improve their memory sills"

)%* It will help with course wor"

The best answer to the $uestion -.hy does the speaer recommend watchin! the

 pro!ram/0 is )%*, -It will help with course wor"0 Therefore, the correct choice is )%*"

Remember, you are not allowed to tae notes or write in your test boo"


Sample Answer


# + C# +

Sample Answer


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4=" )#* To point out potential causes

of structural stress

)+* To describe an e(hibit from a

science museum)C* To e(plain elements that

appear in a buildin! he is

writin! about

)%* To su!!est information that

the woman should included

in her paper 

4>" )#* Traditional views on the

 purpose of a museum)+* Traditional values of Dative


)C* Traditional methods of


)%* Traditional forms of

classical architecture

6?" )#* How !rasshoppers find food

)+* How !rasshoppers fi!ht other insect

)C* How !rasshoppers

communicate with each other 

)%* How !rasshoppers escape

from dan!er 

61" )#* To correct a common

misunderstandin! about

!rasshopper )+* To help e(plain how well


 per has


)C* To compare the sie of

!rasshopper with that of

other insect"

)%* To show how $uicly

!rasshoppers respond to


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63" )#* They detect the nerve

impulses transmitted to a

!rasshopper2s le!s"

)+* They sense how far!rasshopper can 5umped"

)C* They detect chan!es in air


)%* They help a !rasshoppers

find food"

64" )#* The number of impulses

transmitted to the

!rasshopper2s le!s")+* The a!e f the !rasshoppers

)C* The number of sensory

or!ans the !rasshoppers has

)%* The sie of the nerves that

control walin!

66" )#* The advanta!es of an

economy based on farmin!

)+* Reasons farmers continuedusin! river transportation

)C* The role of cotton in the

7nited States Economy

)%* Improved methods of

transportin! farm corps

68 )#* The new technolo!y used to

 builds roads

)+* The ability to transport !oodsover land

)C* The trade in !rain and cotton

)%* The linin! of smaller local

roads into one lon! road

69 )#* Reduced char!es for

transportin! farm products

)+* Re$uired payment from

vehicles that used their roads)C* Aade repairs to older roads

)%* Installed streetli!hts on the

roads connectin! ma5or cities

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6<" )#* To describe the main parts of

the first airplane

)+* To compare the desi!ns of

two comple( machines)C* To illustrate an important

aspect of the invention


)%* To e(plain how inventors

loo for inspiration

6=" )#* Inventin! somethin! useful

can brin! financial rewards"

)+* Contests are sometimes usedto motivate inventors"

)C* Early contributors to an

invention are seldom


)%* Studyin! history has led to

technolo!ical breathrou!hs"

6>" )#* It wei!hed si!nificantly less"

)+* It was less resistant to rust"

)C* It could withstand hi!her


)%* It used more technolo!y from

ship buildin!"

8?" )#* They made them sli!htly

wider")+* They made them out of a

denser material"

)C* They twisted them in two


)%* They made their tips thinner"

This is the end of Section 1.

Stop work on Section 1.

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Do NOT red or work on n! other section of the test.

The s"per#isor wi$$ te$$ !o" when to %e&in work on Section '.

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Section 2Structure and Written Epression

This section is desi!ned to measure your ability to reco!nie lan!ua!e that isappropriate for standard written En!lish" There are two types of $uestions in this

section, with special directions for each type"


Directions& Fuestions 118 are incomplete sentences" +eneath each sentence you will

see four words or phrases, mared )#*, )+*, )C*, and )%*" Choose the one word or

 phrase that best completes the sentence" Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of

the $uestion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have


Eample !

;eysers have often been compared to volcanoes

they both emit hot li$uids from below Earth2s surface"

)#* despite

)+* because

)C* in re!ard to

)%* as a result of 

The sentence should read, -;eysers have often been compared to volcanoes because

they both emit hot li$uids from below Earth2s surface"0 Therefore, you should choose


Eample !!

%urin! the early period of ocean navi!ation, any

need for sophisticated instruments and techni$ues"

)#* so that hardly

)+* when there hardly was

)C* hardly was

)%* there was hardly

The sentence should read, -%urin! the early period of ocean navi!ation, there was

hardly any need for sophisticated instruments and techni$ues"0 Therefore, you should

choose )%*"

 Dow be!in wor on the $uestions"

Time& 38 minutes

Sample Answer



Sample Answer

C %#

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1" , the son of an impoverished

farmer, was born on :on! Island"

)#* The poet was .alt .hitman

)+* .hen the poet was .alt.hitman

)C* The poet .alt .hitman

)%* That the poet was .alt


3" in pronunciation that

Canadian En!lish asserts its

distinctiveness, and it has done

from earliest times")#* 'rimarily is

)+* 'rimarily has

)C* It is primarily

)%* There has primarily

4" Sta!ecoaches reached their

!reatest importance in the 7nited

States in the nineteenth century,

when paved roads made travel"

)#* was $uicer and more


)+* $uicer and more comfortable

)C* for bein! $uicer and more


)%* $uicer and more comfortable

to be

6" Colla!en and elastin, of the

sin2s connective tissue, are

composed of protein fibers"

)#* the chief components are

)+* the chief components that

)C* are the chief components

)%* the chief components

8" In the early ei!hteenth century,

Ohio !rew from a virtual

wilderness to become of the

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early states had been in 1<<9"

)#* most than more populous

)+* more populous than most

)C* more than more populous

)%* populous most than more

9" #lthou!h in the nature as

two atoms that are held to!ether

 by chemical bonds, most elements

occur as sin!le atoms"

)#* some elements that e(ist

)+* that e(istence of some

elements)C* some elements e(ist

)%* some elements e(istin!

<" The femur, or thi!hbone, is

in the human body"

)#* the bone is lon!est

)+* the lon!est bone that

)C* the lon!est bone

)%* that of which the lon!est bone

=" .hile flies are fre$uently

observed assembled in !reat

numbers, they are not social insect

termites, bees, and ants are


)#* sense that

)+* that is the sense

)C* in the sense that

)%* is the sense

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>" Raccoons can live in a variety of

habitats, they favor mature

forest areas with water readily

available")#* that

)+* such as

)C* why

)%* but

1?" +usinesses loo to maretin! and

mareters to solve a small number

of important problems "

)#* can be faced)+* that they face

)C* are facin! them

)%* of which they face

11" On attainin! ma(imum sie,

 by drawin! itself out and dividin!

into two dau!hter amoebas, each

receivin! identical nuclear

materials")#* the reproduction of the


)+* the amoeba, which


)C* reproducin! the amoeba

)%* the amoeba reproduces

13" #lthou!h the hu!e ice masses

!laciers move slowly, theyare a powerful erosive force in


)#* call them

)+* are called

)C* to call

)%* called

14" 'ortrait prints were the first

reproductions of #merican paintin!s widely distributed

in the 7nited States"

)#* were

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)+* that which

)C* that bein!

)%* to be

16" Only after bein! released throu!h

the weatherin! of continental

rocs into the oceans by the


)#* that carried chemical


)+* were the chemical elements


)C* when the chemical elementswere carried

)%* carried chemical elements

18" 'i!eons are swift, powerful flyers

with lar!e fli!ht muscles in their

chest, and their feathers are stiffer

and smoother of most other


)#* of those)+* those are

)C* those

)%* than those

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Written Epression

%irections& In $uestions 196? each sentence has four underlined words or phrases" The

four underlined parts of the sentence are mared )#*, )+*, )C*, and )%*" Identify the oneunderlined word or phrase that must be chan!ed for the sentence to be correct" Then, on

your answer sheet, find the number of the $uestion and fill in the space that corresponds

to the letter of the answer you have chosen"

Eample !

;uppies are sometimes call rainbow fish due to the

  # +

 bri!ht colors of the males"  C %

The sentence should read, -;uppies are sometimes called rainbow fish due to the bri!ht

colors of the males"0 Therefore, you should choose )#*"

Eample !!

Servin! several term in the 7nited States Con!ress, 

# +

Shirley Chisholm became a respected political fi!ure"  C %

The sentence should read, -Servin! several terms in the 7nited States Con!ress, Shirley

Chisholm became a respected political fi!ure"0 Therefore, you should choose )+*"

 Dow be!in wor on the $uestions"


Sample Answer


Sample Answer

+ C %#

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19" 7nited States #uthor :ouis may #lcott2s classic Little Women drew on hers own

home circumstances, the heroine Bo bein! a partial selfportrait

  C %

1<" #lthou!h #lasa is the state in the 7nited States with the lar!est area, Te(as is the

# + C %

one that is divide into the lar!est number of counties

1=" #ll harmonies music that is not contrapuntal depends from the relationship of 

  # +

chords, which are either consonant or dissonant

C %

1>" The number of embroidery stitches, e(amples of which are find on survivin!

  # + C %

linen samplers, !reatly increased in nineteenth century

3?" Independence political of newspaper became a common feature of 5ournalism

  # + C %

in the 7nited States of the 1=6?2s and 1=8?2s

31" # deep cave is completely dar, has stable atmosphere, and had an almost


constant temperature

  + C %

33" .hen a ray of li!ht passes from one transparent medium, such as air, into other,

# + C

such as !lass, it is bent


34" Especially abundant prairie re!ions, the tumbleweed plant brea from its root at

# +

maturity, dries into a rounded tan!le of branches, and rolled lon! distance with

C %

the wind

36" The international Aonetary @und was created in a effort to stabilie e(chan!e rates

# + C

without interferin! with the healthy !rowth of trade  %

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38" The ma5ority of children in the 7nited States attend elementary and secondary


# +

in their nei!hborhoods that are primarily fundin! by local and state ta(es  C %

39 The Aily .ay ;ala(y includes the Sun, its planets, and rest of the solar system"

# + C

alon! with billions of stars and other ob5ects"


3<" Some of the earliest mechanical devices were desi!ned to raise water from

# +

streams for the irri!ate of corps"C %

3=" #ll porcupines are essential nocturnal and are primarily plant eaters"

  # +

C %

3>" Auch of the early European colonists in Dorth #merica remared on the

# + profusion of birds, animal, and fish

C %

4? The #merican oolo!ist %ian @ossey conducted field studies of wild !orillas that


disproved old beliefs that !orillas were violence and a!!ressive

  + C %

41 Henry @ord2s application of the assemblyline techni$ue in manufacturin! resulted

  # +in the first massproduced car within reach of people with incomes avera!e

C %

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43" Aassive !ains in computer speed, power, and reliably have been lar!ely due

# +

to advances in silicon technolo!ies and manufacturin! processes

C %

44" #lthou!h there are various other sources, a !reat deal of heat comes directly from

# +

the Sun and accounts for the e(ist of life on Earth

  C %

46" .hen touched, the eys on a piano activate the mechanism that throws

# +

feltcovered hammers a!ainst the strin!s in the piano case, produced sound

C %

48" The conspicuous differences between plants or animals first led biolo!ist to create a


formal division of all life in two in!doms, 'lantae and #nimalia

  + C %

49" The male cicada sounds is made by specialied structures on the abdomen and

  # + C

which apparently serves to attract females


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4<" #stronomers use photo!raphy and si!htin! telescope to study the motions of all off

# + C %

the bri!ht stars and many of the faint one

4= Tree sparrows have three different call relatin! to fli!ht and live in colonies may

# +

consist of as many as a hundred birds

  C %

4>" The art of decoratin! tepees, clothin!, and moccasins with bird feathers and


# + C

$uills was a very ancient and sacred Cheyenne women2s crafts%

6?" 'ublished in 1>3=, Aar!aret Aeads Coming Of Age in Samoa was reported on the

first of seven culture in the South 'acific re!ion where she studied certain aspects

of childhood

This is the end of Section '.

If !o" finish %efore ti(e is c$$ed) check !o"r work on Section ' on$!.



Do NOT red or work on n! other section of the test.

The s"per#isor wi$$ te$$ !o" when to %e&in work on Section *.

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Section "Reading Comprehension

Directions& In this section you will read several passa!es" Each one is followed by

several $uestions about it" @or $uestions 18?, you are to choose the one best answers,

)#*, )+*, )C*, or )%*, to each $uestion" Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of

the $uestion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have


#nswer all $uestions followin! a passa!e on the basis of what is stated or implied in that


Read the followin! passa!e&



The railroad was not the first institution to impose re!ularity on society, or to draw

attention to the importance of the precise timeeepin!" @or as lon! as merchants

have set out their wares at daybrea and communal festivities have been celebrated,

 people have been in rou!h a!reement with their nei!hbors as to the time of the day"

The value of this tradition is today more apparent than ever" .ere it not for public

acceptance of a sin!le yardstic of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic& the

massive daily transfers of !oods, services, and information would proceed in fits

and startsG the very fabric of modern society would be!in to unravel"

Eample !

.hat is the main idea of the passa!e/

)#* In modern society we must mae more time for

our nei!hbors"

)+* The traditions of society are timeless"

)C* #n accepted way of measurin! time is essential

for the smooth functionin! of society"

)%* Society 5ud!es people by the times at which they

conduct certain activities"

The main idea of the passa!e is that the societies need to a!ree about how time is to be

measured in order to function smoothly" Therefore, you should choose )C*"  

Eample !!

In line 8, the phrase -this tradition0 refers to

)#* the practice of startin! the business day at dawn

)+* friendly relations between nei!hbors)C* the railroad2s reliance on time schedules

)%* people2s a!reement on the measurement of time

The phrase -this tradition refers to the precedin! clause, -people have been in rou!h

a!reement with their nei!hbors as to the time of day"0 Therefore, you should choose )%*"

Time& 88 minutes

Sample Answer

%# +


Sample Answer


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 Dow be!in wor on the $uestion"

#uestions 1$%







In preindustrial Europe, clothin! for everyday wor was made from whatever rawmaterials were available, mostly linen and wool" +oth sheep2s wool and the fla(

from which linen was made were spun into thread and woven into cloth at home,

and used to mae various articles of clothin! as well as bedcovers and curtains for

doors and windows" The surplus was sold either throu!h itinerant merchants or at

town marets and fairs" The weavin! of linen yarn remained lar!ely a rural

occupation until it was superseded by industrial mass production" The main! of

woolen cloth since the Aiddle #!es had been concentrated in towns, which were

also importin! and preparin! a new raw material from #sia& cotton" Thread madefrom cotton, was !iven to cotta!e worers to be woven into cloth on their own

home looms, !ivin! the rural te(tile industry a considerable boost" +ut in the

ei!hteenth century, factory massproduction be!an to compete with the handlooms,

and in the nineteenth century effectively replaced them

The main! of cloth into articles of clothin! was also undertaen by tailors, who

had multiplied in the towns since the Aiddle #!es as independents artisans" Tailor

made dresses, trousers, smocs, cloas, and capes were replacin! the rou!hly

 prepared sins and furs that had formerly served as protection a!ainst inclement

weather, thou!h in remote rural areas these remained everyday wear much lon!er

than in the towns" In this respects , as in so many others, the towns were the

 pioneersG in the towns, bucles, leather belts, and buttons replaced the strin!s and

clothbands that had been used to fasten clothin!" Stocin! and leather shoes came

into fashion, replacin! footwrappin!s and wooden clo!s" :eather shoes were

already widely worn in rural areas in the ei!hteenth century, when the farmers were

main! the !reater profits, thou!h they only became common as everyday wear

durin! the nineteenth century

1" The passa!e support which of the

followin! statements about cotton/

)#* It was stron!er than fla(

)+* It did not ori!inate in Europe

)C* It was e(tremely difficult to


)%* It was preffered over wool by

residents of rural areas3" The word -articles0 in line 6 is

closest in meanin! to

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)#* items

)+* sies

)C* re$uirements

)%* measurements

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4" .hat did the weavers do with their

surplus material/

)#* They e(ported them to #sia"

)+* They sold them locally")C* They stored them for later use

)%* They used them to mae

decorations to sell in the cities

6" The word -concentrated0 in the line =

is closest in the meanin! to

)#* unnown

)+* stren!thened)C* failin!

)%* centered

8" In what way rural te(tile industry

!iven a considerable boost/

)#* Industrialist moved their factories

to rural areas"

)+* Its products !ained popularitywith city dwellers

)C* Aassproduction techni$ues freed

worers from difficult tass

)%* It be!an to weave cotton cloth as

well as linen cloth"

9" .hy does the author mention -sins

and furs0 in line 1</

)#* To compare clothin! made by an

artisan with factorymade


)+* To su!!est that clothin! made

from cloth was inferior 

)C* To described characteristic that

affected the durability of clothin!

)%* To e(plain how clothin! fashions

were chan!in!

<" The word -formerly0 in line 1< is

closest meanin! to

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)#* seriously

)+* previously

)C* carefully

)%* reasonably

=" .hat was the author mean by statin!

-the towns were the pioneers0 in line


)#* Innovations usually appeared in

towns first

)+* :ife in the towns was difficult

durin! the Aiddle #!es

)C* 'eople were mi!ratin! from ruralareas to towns

)%* Silled tailors could only be

found in towns

>" The word -they0 in line 36 refers to/

)#* leathers shoes"

)+* rural areas"

)C* farmers)%* profits

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#uestions 1&$2&







The clay used by Colonial #merican potters was earth that came from ancients

rocs and was lar!ely aluminum silicate" Its fine particles, each only five thousandths

of a millimeter in sie, made it tend to stic to!ether and also made it easy to shape

when wet" aolin is white clay, but most clay is colored by some mineral impurity&

red, yellow, tan, !ray, or blue" The proportions of their elements mae some clays

 produce harder pottery than others and hardness can also be improved by what the

 potters add to their clay

ColoniaG potters found that the clay they du! was full of unwanted matter such as

 pebbles and the remains of old leaves and roots" Their first 5ob was to clean it" If they

were not too particular about the $uality of the clay, they could use a device to push it

throu!h an iron sieve" They would then mi( it in a -plu! mill"0 If the clay had to beclean for main! !ood pots, it was mi(ed with a lot of water, floatin! ve!etable

impurities were simmed of, and the -clay soup0 poured off, leavin! the pebbles

 behind in the tub" #llowed to stand, the clay would settle and the potter could remove

most of the e(cess water"

'ure clay will crac when it is heated, so the potters -tempered0 it by mi(in! in a

si(th part, or even a fifth part, of clean sand while the clay was still $uite soupy" @or

the latter and harder stoneware, they added both sand and powdered flint" The e(tra

water in the clay needed to be removed throu!h evaporation, often hasrened by heat"Then, when the mass has thicened, it was !athered into lumps and stored for wees

in a damp cellar to cure" #fter the time in the cellar, the clay stil had air bubbles in it"

Stron!armed apprentices beat it thorou!hly with clubs until the bubbles were !one"

#t this point, the clay was $uite wet and soft and was ready to be modeled into mu!s,

cups, pots, or whatever the potters desired"

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1?" .hat is the passa!e mainly about/

)#* .hat different types of clay

were used by Colonial #merican

 potters")+* .hat pottery styles were used in

Colonial #merica"

)C* How Colonial #merican potters

 prepared clay for pottin!

)%* How preparation of clay has

chan!ed since the #merican

Colonial period

11" #ccordin! to the passa!e, wet natural

clay can easily be shaped because of


)#* minerals it contains

)+* small sie of its particles

)C* proportions if its elements

)%* ran!e of its colors

13" It can be inferred from the passa!e thataolin clay is white because of its

)#* moisture contents

)+* hardness

)C* lac of minerals

)%* a!e

14" The word -it0 in line > refers to

)#* clay

)+* matter 

)C* 5ob

)%* $uality

16" The word -particular0 in line 1? is

closest in meanin! to

)#* hurried

)+* sillful

)C* #ctive

)%* concerned

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18" #ccordin! to the passa!e, all of the

followin! were steps taen in the

cleanin! process to mae hi!h$uality

clay for !ood post ECE'T

)#* 'ushin! the clay throu!h an iron


)+* Ai(in! the clay with lar!e

$uantities of water

)C* Cleanin! off floatin! ve!etable


)%* 'ourin! out the watery clay

The +"estions for this pss&e contin"e on the ne,t p&e.

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19" #ccordin! to the passa!e,

temperin! eep clay from

)#* cracin!

)+* hardenin!")C* +ecome lumpy"

)%* +ecome soupy

1<" The word -hastened0 in line 1> is

closest meanin! to

)#* limited

)+* accelerated

)C* Created)%* terminated

1=" #ccordin! to the passa!e, the

:#ST thin! to be removed from

the clay durin! its preparation was

)#* waters

)+* lumps

)C* flint particles

)%* air bubbles

1>" The word -modeled0 in line 34

most liely refers to

)#* heated

)+* hardened

)C* framed

)%* formed

3?" .hich of followin! best describes

the or!aniation of the passa!e/

)#* %etails lead to a !eneraliation

)+* Steps in a process are


)C* # statements is followed by


)%* Two sides of an issues arediscussed

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Section * contin"es. 

T"rn the p&e nd red the ne,t pss&e.

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#uestions 21$"&







In the early seventeenth century, when En!lish speain! communities were first

established in the north #merican colonies, every person spelled as he or she pleased"

En!lish ortho!raphy, lie style or contents, e(presses the whim and personality of the

writer or the printer" It was not until the early ei!hteenth century that the principal

+ritish authors all spelled pretty much alieG and not until %r" Bohnson2s %ictionary

)1<88* that +ritish writers possessed a standard that nearly all of them accepted"

The most influential #merican writers on En!lish was Doah .ebster" The colossal

 popularity of his spellersJthey had sold over 9? million copies before the end of the

nineteenth centuryJwas both a symptom and a symbol of the importance accorded to

lan!ua!e" .ebster2s #merican spellin! boo, -containin! an easy Standard of

'ronunciation,0 appeared in1<=4, but the demand it met had lon! been thereIn En!lish speain! communities in #merica there flourished a ritual or !ame that

 popularied the effort to mae -proper0 speech accessible to all" This was the spellin!

 bee" In this public ceremony, contestants too turns attemptin! to correctly spell

increasin!ly difficult words" The competition illustrated that there was no secret to

speain! or writin! the most -correct0 lan!ua!e of the community" The spellin! bee

was already familiar, especially amon! En!lish speain! residents of Dew En!land,

at the time of the .ar of Independence" #s early as 1<8?, +en5amin @ranlin had

 proposed public competitive !ame of spellin!G by the latter half of the ei!hteenthcentury, spellin! matches had become well established in the schools" #mon! En!lish

speain! people livin! in rural communities and on the western frontier, where the

spellin! was especially valued as a symbol of education, the institution too on a new

life in the nineteenth century"

Emphasis on -rules0 f proper speain! and writin! profoundly influenced the whole

attitude toward pronunciation amon! En!lish speain! #mericans" It e(plains what is

still perhaps the most importance distinction between +ritish and #merican

 pronunciation, the #merican tendency towards -spellin! pronunciation"0 Very early,

#mericans be!an tryin! to discover how a word -ou!ht0 to be pronounced by seein!

how it was spelled" This seemed to provide a ready standard of pronunciation in a

land without a cultural capital or a rulin! intellectual aristocracy

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31" .hat does the passa!e mainly


)#* The importance of spellin!

 bees)+* %ifferences between +ritish

and #merican spellin!

)C* The standardiation of En!lish


)%* The relationship between

spellin! and pronunciation

33" +efore the ei!hteenth century in

 Dorth #merica, En!lish speain!

 people spelled accordin! to

)#* the latest fashion

)+* personal taste

)C* the rules in %r" Bohnson2s


)%* the standard established in a

!eo!raphical re!ion

34" It can be inferred from the passa!e

that %r" Bohnson2s %ictionary


)#* all possible spellin!s of

En!lish words

)+* standardied spellin! of words

in En!lish

)C* rules for both spellin! and

 pronunciation of En!lish


)%* both +ritish and #merican

spellin! for new words in


36" The word -colossal0 in line = is

closest meanin! to

)#* enormous

)+* disappointin!

)C* profitable

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)%* temporary

38" The word -it0 in line 11 refers to

)#* the popularity of .ebster2sspellers

)+* the nineteenth century

)C* .ebster2s #merican Spellin!


)%* an easy standard of


The +"estions for this pss&e contin"e on the ne,t p&e.

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The fo$$owin& +"estions re %sed on

the pss&e on p&e *'.

39" #ccordin! to the passa!e, noah

.ebster2s wor was influential

 because it

)#* introduced new words into

#merican En!lish

)+* included ideas of spellin!

!ames)C* surpassed %r" Bohnson2s boo

in $uality

)%* filled a need that already


3<" The word -effort0 in line 16 is

closest in meanin! to

)#* attempt)+* stren!th

)C* difficulty

)%* re$uirement

3=" .hy was the -spellin! bee0 in line

1< important/

)#* it demonstrated that everyone

could learn correct lan!ua!e)+* it provided opportunities to

discuss variation in spellin!

)C* it helped each community

decide on proper


)%* it encoura!ed cooperation

rather than competition

3>" The word -profoundly0 in line 38is closest in meanin! to

)#* similarly

)+* mostly

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)C* previously

)%* deeply

4?" .hich of the followin! statements

 best describes -spellin! pronunciation0 in the fourth


)#* correct spellin! and

 pronunciation are determined

 by the aristocracy

)+* the spellin! of a word

determines how it is


)C* british rules are used for

 pronunciation, but not for


)%* the rules for pronunciation

are separate and distinct

from the rules for spellin!

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Section * contin"es.

T"rn the p&e nd red the ne,t pss&e.

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#uestions "1$'1







Aoltin! is one of the most involved processes a bird2s annual life cycle"

 Dotwithstandin! preenin! and constant care, the marvelously intricate structure of a

 bird2s feather inevitably wears out" #ll adults bird molt their feathers at least once a

year, and upon close observation, one can reco!nie the frayed, ra!!ed appearance of

feathers that are nearin! the end of their useful life" Two distinct processes are

involved in moltin!" The first step is when the old, worn feathers is dropped, or shed"

The second is when a new feathers !rows in its place" .hen each feathers has been

shed and replaced, than the molt can be said to completed" This, however, is an

abstraction that often does not happen& incomplete, overlappin!, and arrested molts

are $uite common

Aolts re$uires that a bird find and process enou!h protein to rebuild appro(imatelyonethird of its body wei!ht" It is not surprisin! that a bird in heavy molt often seems

listless and unwell" +ut far from bein! random, molt is controlled by stron!

evolutionary forces that have established an optimal time and duration" ;enerally,

molt occurs at the time of least stress on the bird" Aany son!birds, for instance, molt

in late summer, when the hard wor of breedin! is done but the weather is still warm

and food still plentiful" This why the woods in late summer often seem so $uite, when

compared with the e(uberant choruses of sprin!s

Aolt of the fli!ht feathers is the most hi!hly or!anied part of the process" Somespecies, or e(amples, be!in by droppin! the outmost primary feathers on each side )to

retain balance in the air* and wait until the replacement feathers are about onethird

!rown before sheddin! the ne(t outermost, and so on" Others always start with the

innermost primary feathers and wor outward" et other species be!in in the middle

and wor outward on both sides" Aost ducs shed their win! feathers at once, and

remain fli!htless for two or three wees while the replacement feathers !row

41" The passa!e mainly discusses how

)#* birds prepare for breedin!

)+* bird feathers differ from

species to species

)C* birds shed and replace their


)%* birds are affected by

seasonal chan!es

43" The word -Dotwithstandin!0 inline 3 is closest In meanin! to

)#* despite

)+* because of

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)C* instead of 

)%* re!ardin!


)#* informally

)+* re!ularly

)C* carefully

)%* eventually

46" It is possible to identify a bird that

is ready to molt by

)#* the appearance of this its


)+* its body sie

)C* its pattern of flyin!

)%* the $uality of its son!

48" In statin! in line = -This, however,

is an abstraction,0 the author means

that the two steps of moltin! are

)#* difficult to understand

)+* part of a lar!er process

)C* often not completed

)%* similar to other processes

49" The word -random0 in line 13 is

closest in meanin! to

)#* unfortunate

)+* unusual

)C* unobservable

)%* unpredictable

4<" The word -optimal0 in line 14 is

closest in meanin! to

)#* slow

)+* fre$uent

)C* best

)%* early

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4=" .hich of the followin! is DOT

mentioned as a reason that

son!birds molt in the late summer/

)#* fewer predators are in the


)+* the weather is still warm

)C* the son!birds have finished


)%* food is still available

4>" The word -others0 in line 3? refers


)#* ducs

)+* sides

)C* species

)%* fli!ht feathers

6?" Some birds that are moltin!

maintain balance durin! fli!ht by

)#* constantly preenin! and carin!

for their remainin! feathers

)+* droppin! fli!ht feathers on

 both sides at the same time

)C* ad5ustin!, the an!le of their

fli!ht to compensate for lost


)%* only losin! onethird of their 


61" The authors discusses ducs in

order to provide an e(ample of

 birds that

)#* !row replacement feathers that

are very lon!

)+* shed all their win! feathers at

one time)C* eep their innermost feathers

)%* shed their outermost feathers


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#uestions '2$(&







The atmosphere of Venus is $uite different from ours" Aeasurements taen from the

Earth show a hi!h concentration of carbon dio(ide in the atmosphere of Venus" In

fact, carbon dio(ide maes up>9 percent of Venus atmosphereG nitro!en maes up

almost all the rest" The Earth2s atmosphere, by comparison, is mainly nitro!en, with a

fair amount of o(y!en as well" Carbon dio(ide maes up less than ?"1 percent of the

terrestrial atmosphere"

The surface pressure of Venus atmosphere in >? times hi!her than the pressure of

Earth2s atmosphere, as a result of the lar!e amount of carbon dio(ide in the former"

Throu!hout Earth2s history, carbon dio(ide on Earth has mi(ed with rain to dissolve

rocsG the dissolved roc and carbon dio(ide eventually flow into the oceans, where

they precipitate to form new terrestrial rocs, often with the help of lifeforms" If thiscarbon dio(ide were released from the Earth2s rocs, alon! with the other carbon

dio(ide trapped in seawater, our atmosphere would become as dense and have as hi!h

a pressure as that of Venus" Venus, sli!htly closer to the Sun than Earth and thus

hotter, had no oceans in which the carbon dio(ide could dissolve or life to help tae

up the carbon

#lso, Venus had probably lost almost all the water it ever had" Since Venus is closer 

to the Sun than the Earth is, its lower atmosphere was hotter even early on" The result

was that more water vapor went into its upper atmosphere, where solar ultravioletrays broe it up into hydro!en and o(y!en" The hydro!en, a li!ht !as, escaped easilyG

the o(y!en has combined with other !asses or with iron on Venus2 surface"

Studies from the Earth show that the clouds on Venus are primarily composed of

droplets of sulfuric acid, with water droplet mi(ed in" Sulfuric acid may sound

stran!e as a cloud constituent, but the Earth too has a si!nificant layer of sulfuric acid

droplets in its stratosphere" However, the water in the lower layers of the Earth2s

atmosphere, circulatin! because of the weather, washes the sulfur compounds out o

these layers, whereas Venus has sulfur compounds in the lower layers of its

atmosphere in addition to those in its cloud"

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63" .hat does the passa!e mainly


)#* #tmospheric differences

 between Venus and Earth)+* How Venus lost the water it

once had

)C* The influence of the Sun on


)%* # comparison between the

upper and lower

atmospheres on Venus

64" The phrase -the former0 in line =

refers to

)#* the surface pressure

)+* Venus2 atmosphere

)C* Earth2s atmosphere

)%* # result

66" The word -eventually0 in line 1? is

closest in meanin! to

)#* in the past

)+* first

)C* ultimately

)%* occasionally

68" #ccordin! to the passa!e, what

cause Venus2 hi!h surface pressure

)#* %issolvin! rocs

)+* @re$uent heavy rain

)C* Its distance from the sun

)%* The composition of its


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The +"estions for this pss&e contin"e on the ne,t p&e.

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The fo$$owin& +"estions re %sed on

the pss&e on p&e *-.

69" .hy does author be!in the

sentence in lines 1113 with the

 pharase -If its carbon dio(ide were

released from Earth2 rocs,K0/

)#* To present a situation that is

contrary to fact

)+* To convince readers that a

certain process is harmless

)C* To describe an event that too

 place lon! a!o

)%* To e(plain what is liely to

happen in the future

6<" The word -trapped in line 14 is

closest in meanin! to

)#* cau!ht

)+* transported

)C* lacin!

)%* involved

6=" The passa!e su!!est that which of

the followin! helps e(plain why

Earth has ept most of its water/

)#* Earth2 surface contains only

small amount of iron

)+* Earth2 are always been cooler

than Venus

)C* Earth now has hi!her amounts

of carbon dio(ide than it used

to have

)%* EarthLs atmosphere has never 

completely bloced sulfuric

acid droplets

6>" #ccordin! to the passa!e, what

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happened to o(y!en on Venus/

)#* Aost of it was absorbed into


)+* It was released from water andthen combined with other


)C* It chemically combined with

hydro!en to form atmospheric


)%* It has been slowly replacin!

carbon dio(ide in Venus2

upper atmosphere

8?" The word -constituent0 in line 36

is closest in meanin! to

)#* type

)+* alternative

)C* product

)%* component

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This is the end of Section *.

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If !o" finish %efore the ti(e is c$$ed)

check !o"r work on Section * on$!.

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