transport lotniczy w programie horyzont 2020...• smarter flight control technologies for enhanced...

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Transport lotniczy w programie

Horyzont 2020 Konkursy 2015

Prelegent: Zbigniew Turek

Dzień informacyjny konkursów 2015 w wyzwaniu Smart, green and integrated transport w programie Horyzont 2020

Transport lotniczy

W niniejszej prezentacji wykorzystano materiały udostępnione przez KE i/lub Ministerstwa oraz Agendy RP


15 lat KPK

Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE

przy Instytucie Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN

istnieje od 15 lat.

W grudniu 2014 r. Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego

powierzył nam zadanie związane ze wspieraniem uczestnictwa

polskich jednostek w kolejnym programie badawczym Unii

Europejskiej HORYZONT 2020

KPK PB UE pełni rolę Koordynatora Sieci KPK, która skupia 11 RPK

Będąc inicjatorem i twórcą Polskich Platform Technologicznych ,

na stałe współpracuje i koordynuje Sieć BPK

zatrudnia ponad 30 doświadczonych ekspertów

Do tej pory zrealizował ponad 100 projektów,

był koordynatorem 18 z nich


Zadania KPK PB UE

Głównym zadaniem KPK PB UE jest :

• wspieranie uczestnictwa naukowców, przedsiębiorców, instytucje naukowe,

organizacje pozarządowe, administrację różnego szczebla w staraniach o

finansowanie badań w :

Kolejnym programie ramowym Unii Europejskiej Horyzont 2020

programie EURATOM

• Zwiększenie polskiego uczestnictwa we Wspólnym Przedsięwzięciu na rzecz

Realizacji Drugiej Wspólnej Inicjatywy Technologicznej w zakresie Leków


oraz reprezentowanie strony polskiej w przedmiotowym partnerstwie


• Wspieranie międzynarodowej mobilność naukowców EURAXESS

• Współpraca z podmiotami zaangażowanymi w realizację programów

współfinansowanych ze środków europejskich w celu zapewnienia

skoordynowanego wsparcia dla polskich uczestników HORYZONT 2020


Realizowane działania

Działania eksperckie

udział w Komitetach Programowych współpraca z KE

analizy, wkłady do „stanowisk rządu” polityka europejska

współpraca z MNiSW, MG, MRR polityka krajowa

Szkolenia i konsultacje

dni informacyjne, konferencje, szkolenia, warsztaty

działania mentoringowe

konsultacje przygotowywanych i realizowanych projektów

poszukiwanie partnerów, doradztwo finansowo-prawne

Informacja i promocja

krajowy portal programu HORYZONT 2020:

strona główna KPK:

strona EURAXESS:

wydawnictwa, media, udział w targach, konferencjach

Nagroda Kryształowej Brukselki


Krajowy portal programu HORYZONT 2020



Współpraca krajowa

nawiązanie bliższej współpracy i podpisanie umów z PAN, RGIB, NCBR, EEN w

zakresie działań mających zwiększyć udział polskich uczestników w programie


współpraca z przedstawicielstwem KE w Polsce

współpraca z KRAB, PARP

Współpraca międzynarodowa

wspólne działania z NCPami innych krajów

współpraca z KE, PE, agendami innych krajów

wspólne działania z Biurem PolSCA w Brukseli


Programy ramowe WE/UE

Programy ramowe:

narzędzie wzmacniania

konkurencyjności UE na świecie

instrument finansowy wspierania

badań i innowacji na poziomie


instrument wdrażania strategii

rozwoju UE (H2020 - strategii

Europa 2020, w tym inicjatywy

flagowej Unia Innowacji)

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020


Horyzont 2020 nowy program, nowe podejście

innowacyjność konkurencyjność

Jeden program, łączący trzy oddzielne programy/inicjatywy



Struktura programu Horyzont 2020


Program Horyzont 2020

Wyzwanie „Inteligentny, ekologiczny i

zintegrowany transport”


Transport – Program Prac i możliwości udziału


Agendy Badawcze,

Vision documents


Programy Prac




Koordynujące i wspierające


Budżet wyzwania Transport

6339 mld € na czas trwania H2020, w tym dodatkowe możliwości pozyskiwania

środków w ramach konkursów JTI:

- Clean Sky


- Fuel Cells & Hydrogen (wkład finansowy Transportu)

- [Shift2Rail]

- Green Vehicles Initiative

867 mln € przeznaczono na realizację projektów Programu Prac 2014-15

•Konkursy: coroczne,

dwuletnie, otwarte

•Jedno lub dwuetapowa

procedura składania


* Program Prac

zaktualizowany do wersji



Konkursy Transport 2015

Konkurs Budżet Otwarcie Tematy Zamknięcie

Mobility for


184 mln €

10/12/2014 MG.1.8(RIA part), MG.1.9, MG.1.10, MG.9.1, MG.9.5,

MG.1.2, MG.3.6(RIA part), MG.4.3, MG.5.4, MG.5.5(IA

part), MG.6.3, MG.8.4(RIA or IA part)

Zależne od

wybranego tematu

Mobility for


24/06/2015 MG.3.6(CSA part), MG.5.5(CSA part), MG.8.3,

MG.8.4(CSA part)

Konkurs Mobility for Growth Budżet na konkurs 2015 (mln €)

Aviation 36

Rail -

Road 23

Waterborne 18

Urban Mobility 66,5

Logistics 18


Infrastructure 17,5

Socio-economic and behavioral 5



Konkurs Mobility for Growth 2015

Wyzwanie „Inteligentny, ekologiczny i

zintegrowany transport”



MG.1.1-2014. Competitiveness of European aviation through cost efficiency and


MG.1.2-2015 Enhancing resource efficiency of aviation

MG.1.3-2014 Seamless and customer oriented air mobility

MG.1.4-2014. Coordinated research and innovation actions targeting the highest

levels of safety for European aviation

MG.1.5-2014 Breakthrough innovation for European aviation

MG.1.6-2014. Improving skills and knowledge base in European aviation

MG.1.7-2014. Support to European aviation research and innovation policy

MG.1.8-2014-2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with Japan

MG.1.9-2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with Canada

MG.1.10-2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with China

Call „Mobility for Growth”


MG.1.2-2015 Enhancing resource efficiency of aviation

Challenge: the impact of aviation on our environment in Europe would significantly grow due

to the expected increase of air transport traffic by 5% every year there is a need to work on

significant improvements for aircraft that will enter into service after 2025


• reduction of emissions and noise at the source (green technologies for aircraft and


• new approaches to an environmentally friendly overall aircraft lifecycle

• greener ground operations, technologies and procedures (sustainable biofuels, better use

of power from the terminal)

Impact: 75% CO2, 90% NOx (PAX / km) and 65% noise reduction by 2050 (baseline from

2000); reduction of air transport impact on environment; produce by 2050 competitive air

vehicles designed and manufactured in a resource efficient way and recyclable.

TRL: 1-6

Call budget for topic: 20mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 5-8 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions

Deadline: 23.04.2015 (1st stage), 15.10.2015 (2nd stage)


Mobility for Growth 2015 Coordinated Calls (three WP topics)

• MG.1.8 - 2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with


• MG.1.9 - 2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with


• MG.1.10 - 2015. International cooperation in aeronautics with


16 M€: Total EU contribution for EU partners for the three topics

( MG 1.8+MG 1.9+MG 1.10 ).

Scheme: Research and Innovation Actions (RIA).

At least 3 projects per third country expected to be retained.

Indicative expected EU grant per project: 1.3–1.8 M€.


Four specific areas of common interest identified for 2015

• Future passenger-friendly cabin architecture & systems

• Lighter integrated heat exchanger systems for engines

• Efficient composite structure manufacturing & monitoring

• Smarter flight control technologies for enhanced safety

EU Funding + equivalent amount from Japan for at least 3 coordinated

projects to be retained in 2015.

Mobility for Growth M.G. 1.8 (2015) Japan – EU Aviation

Call budget for INCO topics: 16mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 1,3-1,8 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions

Deadline: 23.04.2015 (single stage)



Four areas of common interest identified for 2015

• Reducing environmental impact through advanced design of novel aircraft configurations

• Reducing noise through novel materials design & application on engines and/or airframes

• Resource-efficient high-performance advanced-materials product development & manufacturing

• Reducing energy consumption through more electrical aircraft & systems integration

Mobility for Growth M.G. 1.9 (2015) Canada – EU Aviation

EU Funding + equivalent amount from Canada for at least 3 coordinated projects to

be retained in 2015.

Call budget for INCO topics: 16mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 1,3-1,8 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions

Deadline: 23.04.2015 (single stage)


Propozycje projektów przedstawione na spotkaniach brokerskich:

Mobility for Growth M.G. 1.9 (2015) Canada – EU Aviation



Four specific areas of common interest identified for 2015

• Innovative methods and numerical technologies for airframe and engine noise reduction

• Development of bio-sourced composite materials and environment-friendly multifunctional composites and structures for aeronautics applications.

• Flow control and advanced numerical tools for physical modelling of unsteady flows of aircraft and its components.

• Enhanced additive manufacturing of metal components and resources efficient manufacturing processes for aerospace applications

Mobility for Growth M.G. 1.10 (2015) China – EU Aviation

EU Funding + equivalent amount from China for at least 3 coordinated projects

to be retained in 2015.

Call budget for INCO topics: 16mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 1,3-1,8 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions

Deadline: 23.04.2015 (single stage)


• European* and 3rd Country participants prepare a common Description of Work, addressing one of the topic-areas, showing: - A comprehensive research plan properly involving

coordinated research activities between Europe and 3rd Country, ensuring genuine cooperation and added value to activities.

- Balanced effort between Europe and Canada.

• European* And 3rd Country participants prepare a draft Coordination Agreement on their working modalities. (Indicative checklist available at the call opening).

• Each side submits the forms in accordance with each side's financing sources procedures.

*European understood as from EU Member State or State associated to H2020.

H2020 Aviation Coordinated Call

How? Preparation


In addition to the General Horizon 2020 Eligibility and admissibility conditions:

• Proposals that do not include coordination with

corresponding third-country activities will be considered ineligible.

• Proposals will only be selected on the condition that their corresponding coordinated third-country activities will be funded.

• Participants in the EU actions are required to conclude a coordination agreement with the participants in the corresponding coordinated third-country activities. A final draft of these agreements has to be provided with the proposal.

H2020 Aviation Coordinated Call

How? Eligibility on EU side


H2020 Aviation Coordinated Call

Whom to contact?


Support Action: New SUNJET-II coordinator (Airbus G.I.)

Japan: Ministry of Econ. Industry and Trade (METI) Division Aerospace & Def.



Support Action

CANNAPE network in FP7:

Canada: Gov. "Industry Canada" / CARIC


Support Action: GRAIN 2

China: Ministry of Industry and IT (MIIT) Department of Equipment Manufacturing




MG6.1 – 2014 Fostering synergies alongside the supply chain (including e-


MG6.2 – 2014 De-stressing the supply chain

MG6.3 – 2015 Common communication and navigation platforms for pan-

European logistics applications

Call „Mobility for Growth”


MG.6.3-2015. Common communication and navigation platforms for pan-European logistics


Challenge: to develop architectures and open systems for information sharing and valorisation, connecting key

stakeholders with information and expertise enabling exploitation on the basis of trusted business agreements and

with the relevant authorities (transport authorities and customs being the most eloquent player, but there are also

other authorities in relation to health, safety, etc.)


The work should focus on solutions to enable actors to take fast and well-informed decisions inside and cross-

companies. Proposals should cover the development and integration of several or all of the following issues:

• Mobile communications for secured information exchange among actors

• Secure, resilient and trusted communications and information storage and processing

• Provision of position and spatial information regarding goods on the move through GNSS, RFID and 3G/4G

• Web-based open platforms to enable information exchange

• Technical and organisational guidelines for data and information system governance

• Deployment roadmaps for the application of collaborative systems and services

• Operational and business models that include the participation of SMEs in the voluntary sharing of data and

participation in collaborative business services


• Cloud-based data and services infrastructure, underpinned by common information models, will give all logistic

stakeholders opportunities to collaborate on both an operational and strategic level. The creation of an

architecture for logistics information sharing and valorisation will speed up the formation of a single logistics

information space in Europe, that is accessible for the transport sector, its users and, in addition, public


Call budget for topic: 18mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 16-18 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions

Deadline: 23.04.2015 (1st stage), 15.10.2015 (2nd stage)


Intelligent Transport Systems


Call „Mobility for Growth”



MG8.1 – 2014 Smarter design, construction and maintenance

MG8.2 – 2014 Next generation transport infrastructure: resource efficient, smarter

and safer

MG8.3 – 2015 Facilitating market take-up of innovative transport

infrastructure solutions

MG8.4 – 2015 Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined

delivery of infrastructure innovation

Call „Mobility for Growth”


MG.8.3-2015. Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure solutions


Overcome highly fragmented demand and deploy available innovative solutions for transport



Capacity building in the field of public purchasing of innovative solutions in transport

infrastructure leading to implementation of available RTD projects results.


Better coordinated dialogue between procurers and suppliers; competence building in public

sector; coherent basis for progressive step changes to regulation, standardization and public

procurement practice.

Call budget for topic: 13 mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 1 – 5 M€ per proposal

Type of action: Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) Cofund

Deadline: 15.10.2015 (single stage)


• When

– Challenge requires solution which is almost on the market or already on the market in small quantity but not meeting public sector requirements for large scale deployment yet. No R&D involved (R&D already done, or no R&D needed to solve problem)

• What

– Public sector acts as launching customer / early adopter / first buyer for innovative products and services that are newly arriving on the market (not widely commercially available yet)

• How

– Public sector acts as facilitator establishing a buyers group with critical mass that triggers industry to scale up its production chain to bring products on the market with desired quality / price ratio within a specific time. After testing / certification / labelling (optional), the buyers group buys a significant volume of solutions.

PPI – Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions

MG.8.3-2015. Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure



Supplier B

Supplier C

Supplier D

Phase 1 Solution design

Phase 2



Phase 3 Original development

of limited volume of first test products /

services Supplier A

Supplier B

Supplier C

Supplier D

Supplier B

Phase 0 Curiosity

Driven Research

Applied R&D / Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP)

Phase 4 Deployment of commercial volumes of end-products Wide diffusion of newly

developed solutions

Supplier D

Public Procurement of

Innovative Solutions (PPI)

• PCP to steer the development of solutions towards concrete public sector needs, whilst comparing/validating alternative solution approaches from various vendors

• PPI to act as launching customer / early adopter / first buyer of innovative commercial end-solutions newly arriving on the market



and/or X

Also normally multiple sourcing here to keep competition going

Objectives: – Price/quality products that better fit public sector needs

– Earlier customer feedback for companies developing solutions

– Better take-up/Wider commercialisation of R&D results

PCP – PPI Complementarity

MG.8.3-2015. Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure



MG.8.3-2015. Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure


Conditions for participation:

Minimum of 2 independent legal entities which are public procurers from 2 different Member

States or associated countries • Public procurers are contracting authorities or contracting entities as defined in the EU public

procurement directives

• Sole participant possible, if minimum participation requirements met

They can be complemented by other types of procurers that are providing services of public

interest and share the same need to procure R&D or innovative solutions • E.g. NGOs or private procurers

Other entities may participate as direct beneficiaries on condition that they add value to the

action, are not potential suppliers of solutions sought for by the PCP/PPI and have no other

type of conflict of interest • Assisting the procurers in the preparation, implementation and follow-up


Deployment of commercial end-products Early adoption of new to the market products / services

Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI)

Procurer 1 buying e.g. €2 Mio solutions from supplier A

Example: 5 €M PPI co-fund grant EU contribution: e.g. 0,2 €M for coordination + 4,8 €M for PPI (procurement of 24 €M)

EU contribution: Max 2,5 €M for coordination + 2,5 €M for PPI (procurement of 12,5 €M)

Example: 2,5 €M PPI co-fund grant EU contribution: e.g. 0,2 €M for coordination + 2,3 €M for PPI (procurement of 11,5 €M)

EU contribution: Max 1,25 €M for coordination+ 1,25 €M for PPI (procurement of 6,25 €M)


Joint PPI



P3 P4


Buyers group of


e.g. P1->P10 (min 2)

One Joint PPI call for

tender + joint evaluation

offers (based on

common tender specs)

Procurer 2 buying e.g. €1,5 Mio solutions from supplier B

Procurer 3 buying e.g. €5 Mio solutions from supplier D + A

Procurer 4 buying e.g. €2 Mio solutions from supplier B

Procurer 10 buying e.g. €2 Mio solutions from supplier X

Lot 1

Lot 2

Lot 3

Lot 4

Lot 10

MG.8.3-2015. Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure



MG.8.3-2015. Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure


Role of different actors:

Beneficiaries and third parties • Action involves beneficiaries that undertake together the PCP or PPI procurement, i.e. the buyers

group & the lead procurer

• Action can include third parties that can make in-kind contributions (make available

resources/equipment to the beneficiaries to carry out the PCP or PPI)

Buyers group • Procurers in the action that provide the financial commitments to undertake the PCP or PPI


• Min 2 public procurers from 2 different Member States or associated countries

Lead procurer

• Procurer appointed by buyers group to lead and coordinate the PCP or PPI procurement

Subcontractors • Successful tenderers, selected by the buyers group & lead procurer as result of the PCP or PPI call

for tender, to provide the R&D services (PCP) or innovative solutions (PPI). They do 'NOT' enter the

grant agreement with the EC.


MG.8.4-2015. Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation

Challenge: The main challenge is to overcome the lack of a common framework for

governance, management and finance of transport infrastructure projects (including

methodologies and modelling) with the aim to enable transparent, risk-based optimisation of

investments within and across the modes.

Scope (proposals should address one or several of the following aspects):

• Development of whole system planning environments (based e.g. on virtual design

concepts such as BIM - Building Information Modelling) to support the streamlined delivery

of infrastructure projects from concept to deployment. In this respect, the rail sector

deserves particular attention.

• Innovative, harmonised and lean procurement processes, accompanied by adequate

monitoring systems, contracting and tendering methods; management tools to provide help

in innovation delivery.

• Solutions for advanced infrastructure capacity planning and modelling for all transport


• Solutions for optimal cost-effectiveness, including network resilience, mapping of climate

risk hot-spots, reducing environmental impacts, including under climate change, together

with appropriate adaptation measures and cross-modal implementation strategies.

• Solutions for advanced asset management, investment strategies and innovation

governance, including smart monitoring systems (such as Structural Health Monitoring) and

adequate indicators for cost and quality.


MG.8.4-2015. Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation


Accelerated delivery of transport infrastructure through improved, transparent and

harmonised investment decision making at a European level.

Improved predictive capacity and maintenance planning of the European transport

infrastructure network.

Improved assessment of risks related to impacts of climate change and evaluation of possible

measures of adaption.

Faster adoption of innovation as a result of reinforced coordinated public-private partnerships.

Competence building in the area of transport infrastructure management.

SME active participation is strongly encouraged.

Call budget for topic: 3 mln € (RIA / IA), 1,5 mln € (CSA)

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): N/A

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions; Innovation Actions; Coordination and

Support Actions.


RIA or IA 23.04.2015 (1st stage), 15.10.2015 (2nd stage)

CSA 15.10.2015 (single stage)




MG9.1 – 2015 Transport societal drivers

MG9.2 – 2014 User behaviour and mobility patterns in the context of major societal trends

MG9.3 – 2014 Analysis of funding schemes for transport and infrastructure

MG9.4 – 2014 Research, technology development and market prospects for the European

transport industries

MG9.6 – 2014 Strengthening the R&I strategies of the transport industries in Europe

MG9.7 – 2014 Innovation awards for students and researchers in the context of the TRA

2016 Conference

Call „Mobility for Growth”


MG.9.1-2015. Transport societal drivers

Challenge: A sound understanding of behavioural and societal factors –including economic, social, demographic, cultural and

gender issues where relevant- that influence transport demand and supply is needed to ensure that, in shaping transport

policies and research and innovation activities, the values, needs and expectations of the society are met.


• A forum for communication, collaboration, relationship-building should develop multi-stakeholder interactions and produce

an action plan for innovative solution/options for transport and mobility to advance the agenda of the transport sector and

society at large. The work should be inclusive of the state of the art of ideas, trials and business endeavours on new

mobility concepts.

The action plan should focus on:

• Understanding user needs, mobility choices, aspirations and behaviours.

• Assessing how new mobility concepts would contribute to the overall transport efficiency.

• Exploring implications for policies, regulations, standards, forms of governance.

• Analysing societal resistance to acceptance of emerging transport technologies and services.

• Exploring market opportunities alongside the innovation chain, including services.

• Foster consensus-building and public-engagement, thus facilitating the dissemination of good practices and the

deployment of innovative transport and mobility solutions.


• Ensure an inclusive approach in providing a comprehensive overview of new forms of mobility and transport, and their

implications for users, the environment, society as a whole and policy makers.

• Enhance and better target transport policies and research and innovation priority setting.

• Address the mobility needs of specific groups and communities (accessibility; affordability, inclusiveness, safety, ageing

population, etc.).

• Promote innovative/alternative business models and social innovation.

• Enhance corporate social and environmental responsibility.

Call budget for topic: 3 mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): not exceeding 3 mln € per project

Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions

Deadline: 23.04.2015 (single stage)


Transport Inne obszary H2020



ICT 30 – 2015: Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects

This topic cuts across several LEIT-ICT challenges (smart systems integration, cyber-physical systems,

smart networks, big data) and brings together different generic ICT technologies (nano-electronics, wireless

networks, low-power computing, adaptive and cognitive systems) and their stakeholder constituencies.

Their applicability across multiple application domains (e.g. ehealth, energy, food chain, intelligent

transport and systems, environmental monitoring and logistics) bridges the gap to applications-specific

developments under the H2020 Societal Challenges.

ICT 24 – 2015: Robotics

a. Research & Innovation Actions to advance key technologies relevant for industrial and service robotics

In terms of market domains, the priorities are: healthcare, consumer, transport

b. Innovation Actions: Technology transfer - Industry-academia cross-fertilisation

Proposals are expected to demonstrate technology transfer in professional or service robotics,

in application areas such as manufacturing, commercial, civil, agriculture, healthcare, consumer or


Konkurs na współpracę z Brazylią

EUB 2 – 2015: High Performance Computing (HPC)

Scope: Specific focus will be on application work of HPC on societal challenges and in areas such as

transport, energy, environment, climate, health and bio-sciences, prediction and simulation of natural

disasters, disaster prevention and crisis management, urban development etc.


DRS-13-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 2: Demonstration activity on tools for adapting building and infrastructure standards and design methodologies in vulnerable locations in case of natural or man-

originated catastrophes


The expected increase of frequency and severity of climate-related natural catastrophes and the current

risks of disasters of geological origin pose a serious threat to buildings and physical assets located in

vulnerable locations, including critical infrastructures (i.e. […], transport stations, terminals [..]) along their

life cycle.


• approach to take into account the security issue from the conceptual design of any building to its

operation (in the case of a critical infrastructure)

• develop methods and tools for adapting building and infrastructure standards and design methodologies

in vulnerable locations to climate-related impacts and/or other natural hazards


More effective building standards and design methodologies for infrastructures

Enhanced security of citizens and assets

Action is expected to proactively target the needs and requirements of public bodies

TLR7 is expected

Call: : H2020-DRS-2015

Call budget for topic group (9 topics): 61,73 mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 3-5 mln € per project

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions

Call opening: 25.03.2015

Deadline: 27.08.2015

Konkurs ogłoszony w wyzwaniu BEZPIECZNE SPOŁECZEŃSTWA


NMP 2 – 2015: Integration of novel nanomaterials into existing production lines


Nanomaterials are intended to improve the performance of existing production technologies, and to give new

functionalities to products, such as lightweight solutions for transportation […]


Development and demonstration in operational environments; integration of technologies and processing for

using novel nanomaterials in production; improve the control and monitoring of the conditions required for

the use of nanomaterials; increase the level of robustness and repeatability; optimize and evaluate the

increased performances of the production lines in terms of productivity and cost-effectiveness; assess the

functionality and performance of the produced component/product.

Proposals should include an outline of the initial exploitation and business plans, which will be developed

further in the proposed project.

The implementation of this proposal is intended to start at TRL 5-6, target TRL 7, Implemented as cross-KET



Accelerated market uptake of nanomaterials and products

Improvement in existing manufacturing processes and equipment through integration of nano materials

Improvement in technical knowledge on the integrated manufacturing processes for nanomaterials

Contribution to development of business plans

Call: H2020-NMP 2014/2015

Call budget for topic group (4 topics): 64,43 mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 5-8 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Innovation Actions

Call opening / deadline: 22.10.2014 / 26.03.2015 (single stage)

Konkurs ogłoszony w ramach NANOTECHNOLOGIE


NMP 19 – 2015: Materials for severe operating conditions, including added-value functionalities


The need to develop materials which can perform well in severe operating environments (ie. transport)

The general aim is to develop new products or components with a step change in efficiency or performance

compared to existing ones, for operation in e.g. high radiation environments, highly corrosive environments,

low temperature environments, deep sea or space environments, or other extreme climate conditions.


• develop bulk materials that can function within an aggressive environment without property degradation

• Projects should include appropriate numerical tools (e.g. molecular dynamics) to capture the multi-scale

evolution of damage; and predictive modelling tools for materials operating in extreme environments.

• Proof of concept in terms of product and/or process must be delivered within the project, excluding

commercially usable prototypes, but convincingly demonstrating scalability towards industrial needs.


Increase in competitiveness and sustainability of European industry through high value products and

manufacturing processes in the application sector.

Employment and training through engagement in cutting-edge technologies

Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 5

Call: H2020-NMP 2014/2015

Call budget for topic group (10 topics): 148,37 mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 6-8 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Research and Innovation actions

Call opening: 22.10.2014

Deadline: 26.03.2015 (1st stage), 8.09.2015 (2nd stage)


NMP 22 – 2015: Fibre-based materials for non-clothing applications


Fibre-based materials for technical, high -value, high -performance products at reasonable prices, with

improved safety and functionality, represent a challenge for materials science and engineering.


Develop engineered fibre-based materials for novel, smart, high-value and high-performance non-clothing

parts and products for technical and industrial use. New approaches and production technologies for broader

spectrum of industrial applications (sustainability, recycling, safety, energy, and self-cleaning, other). Portable

final products may also be considered.

Cost effectiveness and commercial potential vs state-of-the-art solutions should be quantitatively monitored.

Market estimate should be outlined and developed, with recommendations for future industrial uptake.

Proof of concept of product/process must be delivered, excluding commercially usable prototypes, but

convincingly demonstrating scalability towards industrial needs. Dedicated multiscale modelling and

characterisation, and standardisation or the production of (certified) reference materials may also be


Proposals should include an outline of the initial exploitation and business plans.

Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Level 5-6


Increase in competitiveness and sustainability of European multiple sectors industry through innovative high

value products and manufacturing processes;

Employment and training through engagement in cutting edge technologies in various sectors, e.g.

transport, construction, sport and leisure etc.

Call: H2020-NMP 2014/2015

Call budget for topic group (10 topics): 148,37 mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 6-8 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Innovation Actions

Call opening / deadline: 22.10.2014 / 26.03.2015 (1st stage), 8.09.2015 (2nd stage)


LCE 12 – 2014/2015: Demonstrating advanced biofuel technologies


Biofuels are expected to be increasing contributors to the de-carbonisation of the transport


New and advanced biofuels using sustainable feedstock need to reach the market (to achieve

the EU targets regarding renewable energy in transport and CO2 abatement)


• medium-term challenges for market penetration of advanced biofuels

• Proposals shall aim at moving technoligies that reached already TRL 5-6 to TRL 6-7

through industrial demonstration projects


Advanced biofuel technologies tested at large industrial scale.

Significant social and economic impact (job creation, economic growth, safe and affordable

energy supply in Europe and beyond)

Call: H2020-LCE-2015-2

Call budget for topic group (2 topics): 80 mln €

EC contribution requested (EC suggestion): 5 – 20 mln € per proposal

Type of action: Innovation actions

Call opening / deadline: 10.12.2014 / 05.05.2015 (single stage)

Konkurs ogłoszony w wyzwaniu ENERGIA


ul. Krzywickiego 34

02-078 Warszawa

tel: +4822 828 74 83

fax: +4822 828 53 70


Zbigniew Turek


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