unit 3 reading cultural differences language points (1)

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Unit 3 Reading

Cultural differences

Language points (1)

Language points:

difference L3accumulate L2 experience L6celebration L15embarrassing L32

clarify L36participate L39serve L41adjust L51


1. difference (u. c.) 差别,差异,差异点

Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil.

There isn’t any difference in structure between the two machines.

There are many differences between American English and British English.

It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.

different adj. A be different from B in sth

differ vi. A differ from B

It won’t make much _______ whether you agree or not. A. trouble B. difference

C. troubles D. differences

make a / no difference ( 没 ) 有影响, ( 不 ) 起重要作用


2. accumulate “ ” 积累,搜集 accumulate experience / wealth / information / data

They have accumulated great wealth by hard work.

Dust accumulated on the desk.·

· “ ”辨析:以下几词均有 集中 之意,但侧重点有所不同。accumulate指点点滴滴或成年累月的积累,多用以积累财富、经验,积满灰尘;assemble指组装零件,(人)集合;gather指收集,把分散的人、物集中;collect指精心、有选择地收集,收藏。

① It took me three hours to assemble the radio yesterday.

② He gathered his strength for the fight. ③ Kate, with her brother, used to collect stamps for


3. experience: n. ( U )经验;( C) 经历 v. 经历1)…teaching experience2)…exchange experience3)… an enjoyable experience.4)…experience cultural shocks5) the countries which experienced the financial storm/crisis…6)the people who experienced the earthquake …使用以上片语造句

adj. 有经验的experienced an experienced teacher/workerexperienced---skilled/skilful

4. celebration People spend Christmas in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.人们过圣诞节是为了庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。

On July 4 in the US, a parade is held in celebration of the Independence Day.在美国的七月四日,人们举行游行庆祝独立日。

congratulate 祝贺 congratulate sb. on sth./doing…


congratulations to sb. on sth./doing…

Fred has passed the examination. Let’s have a little party to ___ him ___ his success.A. congratulate; onB. celebrate; for C. celebrate; on D. congratulate; for

The three sisters decided to hold a family party to ________ their parents’ silver wedding.A. welcome     B. congratulate    C. memorize     D. celebrate



5. embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的 embarrassed adj. 感到尴尬的 embarrassment n. 尴尬embarrass v. ( 使 ) 窘迫, ( 使 ) 为难He stood there with an_________ expression when he heard the __________ news.

The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife that the dinner was terrible so I was _____.

A. confused B. nervous

C. shameful D. embarrassed




6. clarify v. 澄清,阐述 It was chaos (混乱) then. No one can clarify the situation. To clarify,…( To speak in detail)

7. participate “ 参加” participant n. 参加者,参与者He couldn't participate in the games because of his sudden illness.Professionals cannot participate in the tournament.

China often participates in the world peace-keeping missions中国经常参加国际维和行动。

辩析: ① Tom took part in / participate in the struggle after his

father' s death. ② Kate joined us in dancing and singing, and had a

good time. ③ The headmaster promised to us to attend our cla

ss meeting next week.

8. serve v. 1) 服务; 2 )端上(饭菜 / 水果等食物) 3 )做…职业 4) 起…作用;1) We should serve the people heart and soul.2) serve meals(breakfast, lunch, dinner), food (rice,noodles…), drinks, fruits…3) Peter serves as a CEO in the company. 4) Language serves as a tool.

9. 1) adjust 适应 常带介词 to

It was a few minutes before his eyes adjusted to the dark.

The body quickly adjusts to changes in temperature.


2) adjust 作“调整”“调节”解时,为及物动词。You can adjust this desk to the height of any child.


Adjust your language to the age of your audience.


I had the brakes of my bicycle adjusted.

3) adjust oneself to … 意为“使自己适应……”She soon adjusted (herself) to his way of life.她很快使自己适应了他的生活方式。

My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A. treated B. adopted C. adjusted D. remedied


Practice Workbook P 116 A1 A2

A1 1.unbelievable 2. celebrate 3.similarities 4. logged 5. differences

6. misunderstood

A2 1. participate in 2. embarrassing

3. clarify 4.topic 5. accent 6. adjust to

7. tradition


课课练 Page 63

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