unit 6 language goal: talk about how long you have been doing things. (...

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Unit 6

Language Goal: Talk about how long you have been doing things.

( 学会谈论自己做某事持续的时间 .)Grammar Focus: Use “have/ has been doing” to talk about hobbies( 爱

好 ). 学会 “ since” 和“ for” 的用法 .

I have been teaching English for 8 years.

I have been teaching English since 1999.

I have been teaching English since I was 25 years old.


自 1999 年以来

自我 25 岁以来

I have been teaching English for 8 years.I have been teaching English since 1999.I have been teaching English since I was 25 years old.( 划线提问)

How long have you been teaching English?

时间状语 : 1. for + 一段时间     e.g: for 8 years

2. since + 过去的时间点 e.g: since 1999

3. since + 一般过去时的句子 e.g: since I was 25 years old


现在完成进行时构成: have / has been + +…

Add -ing to the following words:

















I have been teaching English for 8 years.I have been teaching English since 1999.I have been teaching English since I was 25 years old.

How long have you been teaching English?

Pairwork:How long have you been …ing … ?



成龙( Jackie Chan )1954:be born

1961~now: act

He has been acting for 46 years.

How long has Jackie Chan been acting?

He has been acting since he was 7 years old.

He has been acting since 1961.

Miss Zhao

1972:be born

1995~now:teach Chinese

How long has Miss Li been teaching Chinese?

She has been teaching Chinese for 12 years.

She has been teaching Chinese since 1995.

She has been teaching Chinese since she was 23 years old.

Chen Jingnan

Shi Biying

1993 : be born

2005~now: learn English

How long have they been learning English?

They have been learning English since 2005.

They have been learning English for 2 years.

They have been learning English since they were

12 years old.

A: How long has … been …ing?

Task 1: Pair work

B: … has been …ing since … .

cooking since 1997

readingsince 1983for 22 years

drawingsince 1995for 10 years for 8 years

for … .

Task 2:


He was born in Shanghai in 1980.

He is a basketball player.

He has been playing basketball since he was five years old.

He has been a member in NBA for 3 years.

Who is he?

She is a diver ( 跳水运动员 ).

She has been diving since 1988.

She was born in Hebei in 1981.

She won the gold medal at the 2004 Olympics.

Who is she?

They have beensinging for 4 years.

There are five boys in this group.

It is a popular Korean music group.

Who are they?

How long?

Alison I’ve been skating for 5 hours.

Sam I skated for 4 hours.



I’ve been skating for five hours.

I skated for two hours.

A: How long has Alison been skating?B: she’s been skating for five hours.

A: How long did Sam skate?B: He skated for four hours.

Please compare these sentences and find the differences:




A: How long has Alison been skating?B: she’s been skating for five hours.

A: How long did Sam skate?B: He skated for four hours.

Please compare these sentenses and find the differences:



现在完成进行时 :have/ has been+doing.


与过去时的比较:1.I watched TV for three hours.

我看了三小时的电视 . (我现在没有看电视了)

2.I have been watching TV for three hours.



How long have you been skating?

I’ve been skating since nine o’clock.

How long have you been singing?

I have been singing since I was 7 years old.

How long have learnt English?

I have learnt English for nine years.

How long did you skate?

I skated for two hours.

Since and for1.I have been studying in this school ____ two years.

2. He danced ___ one and a half hours. 3.Miss Wang has been teaching here ____ last year.

5.She has been in the U.S.A 2003.

4.He has been living here ____ he was born.






7.Marica has been running ____15 minutes.

8.Sarah has been sleeping_____ 9:00.

9.Dale has been talking on the phone

_____5 minutes.

10.Lucy has been studying Chinese

____ he was 6 years old.





A: How long has Victor been skating?

B: He has been skating for five hours.

A: How long did Celia skate?B: She skated for two hours.

A: How long has Alison been skating?

B: she’s been skating for five hours.

A: How long did Sam skate?

B: He skated for four hours.

2a. Listen to the interview with the skating marathon winner and check (√) the questions you hear.



1. How long did you skate today?

2. How long have you been skating today?

3. Was this your first skating marathon?

4. Do you skate every day?

5. When did you get your first pair of skate?

6. How long have you been skating?


a. No, I skated a marathon last year.

b. Yes, I do.

c. For six hours.

d. Since I was seven years old.


New words:

1.Hilltop School

2.Skating marathon.

3.Raise money.




7.the whole



筹集钱 . 筹集资金慈善机构几个 , 一些溜冰者整个

3a Read the passage and then complete the table.

I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one to start, and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he has been skating for four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.

Hilltop School 山顶学校raise v. 筹集

several adj. 几个的skater n. 溜冰者

词组翻译 :

1. 与某人谈话

2 为慈善机构筹集资金

3. 几个滑冰者

4. 整整五小时

5. 一年半

6. 第一个开始的人

talk to somebody

raise money for charity

several skaters

the whole five hours

one and a half years

the first one to start

3a. Questions1 . Why are students skating?

2. How much does each student raise for every hour they skate?

3. How long has the skating marathon been going?

4. Who was the first to start?

5. How long has he been skating?

6. How long have Sam and Lu Ning been skating?

7. Who was the last one?

8. When did he start?/How long has he been skating?

1. talk to sb =speak to sb 找某人谈话 I will talk to him about the matter.

2. raise money for 为…筹集资金 Students are skating to (in order to) raise money for charity. 不定式短语作目的状语

3. each 着重于个别的“每个” ,every 着重于全体 , 意为“所有的” .

分词作表语相当于一个形容词 , 表示主语的特征或性质 , 不可与主语交换

位置 .His hobby is growing flowers.

Tom’s job is tiring.动名词作表语是对主语的内容进一步解释 , 说明 , 相当于一个名词 , 可与主语交换位置

Growing flowers is my hobby.


She knows each student of the class.She knows every student of the class.

她认识这个班上的每一个学生 .她认识这个班上的所有学生 .

4. Alison was the first one to start.

We must find a person to do the work.

In my family my mother is always the first one to get up.

Name Has been skating forAlison 5 hours

Sam 4 hours

Lu Ning 4 hours

Li Chen 1 hour

3b It’s now 2pm. Write the Students’ names from 3a on the time line.

9am 10am 11am 12am 1pm 2pm

Alison SamLu Ning Li Chen


Name Sport When started

How long


A: Ye Lan, what sport do you play?

B: Tennis.

A: When did you start?

B: When I was eleven.

A: So how long have you been playing?

B: Three and a half years.


A: Ye Lan, what sport do you play?

B: Tennis.

A: When did you start?

B: When I was eleven.

A: So how long have you been playing?

B: Three and a half years.


4 GROUPWORK Interview your classmates. Ask them what sports they play and fill in the chart.

A: Ye Lan, what sport do you play?

B: Tennis.

A: When did you start?

B: When I was eleven.

A: So how long have you been playing?

B: Three and a half years.

Name Sport When started How long

Ye Lan tennis 11 years old three and a half years

Name Sport When(Which year, how old)

How long(for ,since)

Ye Lan swimming 10 years old three and a half years

Report:Ye lan likes swimming.She started swimming when she was 10 years old.She has been swimming for three and a half years.

Would you like to collect things?

教学目标:1 )谈论人们收藏某物多长时间;2 )培养学生有更多的业余爱好;3 )学生养成健康的生活习惯和高尚的情操。

Target language:

What do you collect?

I collect kites.

How long have you been

collecting kites?

I have been collecting kites since

I was ten years old.

What would you like to collect?

I’d like to collect stamps because

they are interesting.

Collect shells


Collect coins


Collect stamps stamps


flying a kite

movie tickets

a theater ticket

toy animals

toy animals//stuffed animals

T:Do you like to collect any of these things?

S: …

T:What do you like to collect?

S: I like to collect…


S:Because they are very ….

We know different people have different hobbies.Now let’s listen to the following three conversations.They are about Bob,Marcia and Liam and their collections. hobby( 爱好 )

stamp teapot stone

flash card doll picture book

Many people like to collect. They often collect … …

paper money traffic card

coin watch / clock newspaper

ticket picture

post card credit card drawing


1a 任务三:说说我的收藏。

I collect I would like to collectWhat do you collect?

How long have you been

collecting them?

What would you like to collect?

What do you collect?

How long have you been

collecting them?

What would you like to collect?

任务四:他们在收藏什么what How long How many






stuffed animals

movie tickets

He was 10. 22 for 5 years 35 since last year 20

注: stuffed animals 动物标本

I collect kites.I have been collecting kites since I was ten years old.I have about 22 so far.

She collects stuffed animals.She have been collecting stuffed animals for five years.She has about 35.

He collects theater and movie tickets.He has been collecting since last year.He has 20.

I usually fly them in the park when it’s windy.

She likes the panda best. She also

likes the tiger.

He puts them in his book.


table tennis badminton


Task 5: Talk about your hobby.


Hobby How long More information

A: What’s your hobby?B: Football and collecting CDs.A: How long have you been playing football?B: I have been playing football for 6 years.A:: How long have you been collecting CDs?B: I have been collecting CDs since 2000.

Singer Wanted

Our school will have an English songs contest( 比赛 ). Do you want to join it? Come on!

Task 6:

1. How long have you been singing? 2. How long have you been studying English? 3. What instrument( 乐器 ) can you play? 4. How long have you been playing the instrument? music teacher

1. How long have you been singing? 2. How long have you been studying English? 3. What instrument( 乐器 ) can you play? 4. How long have you been playing the instrument? music teacher

( Dad came back from work)Dad: How long have you been doing your homework?Son: Oh, I have been doing my homework for two hours.Dad: Good boy. (Mom came out from the kitchen)Dad: How long has he been doing his homework?Mom: Just for three minutes. A lazy boy!Dad: So what did he do?Mom: He played computer games for two hours.

Task 7:

collect 收集 shell 贝壳 marathon 马拉松 skate 滑冰 pair 一对 skate 溜冰鞋 since 自从 Hilltop School

raise 筹集 several 几个的

skater 溜冰者 stamp 邮票 kite 风筝 monster 怪物 globe 球体 anyone 任何人 run out of 用尽 store 储存 cake 蛋糕 particularly 独特地

collector 收藏家 by the way 顺便 common 共同的 extra 额外的 coin 钱币 topic 话题 be interested in

writer 作者 capital 首都 European 欧洲人

Russian 俄罗斯人 Jewish 犹太人的 Jew 犹太人 more than 比……多 emperor 皇帝 foreigner 外国人 quite 十分 certain 确实的 the Olympic Games

miss 想念

1. 溜冰者2. 邮票3. 风筝4. 怪物5. 球体6. 任何人7. 用尽8. 储存9. 蛋糕10.独特地11.收藏家12.顺便13.共同的14.额外的

skaterstampkitemonsterglobeanyonerun out ofstorecakeparticularlycollectorby the waycommonextra

时态填空 :

1.How long _____you___________ (collect) stamp

s? For half a year.

2.How long ____he _________(skate)? Since I __

_____(be) ten years old.

3.When ____he ____(start) learning to dance? In


4.We______________(run) on the playground sin

ce 6 o’clock a.m.


has been skating


did start

been collecting

have been running

词组翻译 :

1. 与某人谈话

2 为慈善机构筹集资金

3. 几个滑冰者

4. 整整五小时

5. 一年半

6. 第一个开始的人

talk to somebody

raise money for charity

several skaters

the whole five hours

one and a half years

the first one to start

选择填空:1.( ) How long ____you _____ last year?

A. have/slept B. have/been sleeping C. were/sleeping

2.( ) When ____he____ class today?

A. did/start B.is/start C.has/been starting

3.( ) How long ____you____? I have been swimming for an


A. have/swum B. have/ been swimming C. did/swim

4. ( ) I have been learning English since I___ seven years old.

A. am B. was C. have been

5.( ) Thank you for______ to me.

A. write B. writing C. wrote






7.I’m interested _____science now.

A. on B. at C. in

8.I have a good friend _____France whose name is Paul.

A. of B. in C. for

9. Can you tell me the differences _______Chinese food

____Western food?

A. / and B./ or C between and

10.I’m glad to hear that Tom has________.

A. arrived B. arrived in C. got

11. Can you tell me ______in today’s newspaper?

A. some interesting things B. any interesting thing

C. something interesting






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