yara daouk presentation

Post on 20-Mar-2017



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Hussein Daher, CEODania Daher, accounting manger Ali Daher , sales managerHassan Hamad , production manager Ismail Nassif, planning manager Ikrami Shaaban, material managerKassem Arabi, quality control manager

City Plast Co. was established in Lebanon in 1992 as a company for manufacturing, marketing and distribution of different varieties of plastic products, food packaging materials and related products. Within a limited span of time, company has grown to become one of the leading entities in this field, because of its reputation for supplying quantity products , its reasonable price structure and outstanding service.City Plast Co. provides best quality of all types of Nylon bags (printed, plain, vegetables, gar bags), Nylon rolls (construction, agriculture) Meat wrapping and Soufra roll. It also represents all types of disposable items.City Plast Co. is managed by a team of dedicated, high qualified and experienced professionals. Their vision is to make the company one of the leaders in the global plastic industry. Their ideology is "Customer Satisfaction".With an eye on the future, our team is always on the lookout for newer, faster, betteralternatives in technology and product upgrading so that our esteemed clients get only the best value for money . Through product innovation , manpower training and utilization of resources to the optimum has been mantra at City Plast Co.

Company History

Company Contact Information.

City Plast Co

Address : Suburb of Beirut-Lebanon, AI Abyad St. Facing El Qaem Mosque, Nasr El DeinFakher El Dein Bldg.Phone: +961 1 541341, +961 1 541218, +96170850600Fax: +961 1 541219PO Box:Website: www.cityplast.netProducts information : All types of Nylon Bags, disposable items, and food packaging.Establishment year: 1992

Research & Development Function.

The Research and Development (R&D) function is concerned with developing new products or processes and improving existing products/processes. R&D activities must be closely coordinated with the organization's marketing activities to ensure that the organization is providing exactly what its customers want in the most efficient, effective and economical way.

The Purchasing function is concerned with acquiring goods and servi ces for use by the organisation. These will include, for example, raw materials and components for manufacturin g and also production equipment. The responsibilities ofthis function usually extend to buying goods and services for the entire organisation (not just the Production function). including, and for example, office equipment , furniture, computer equipment and scationery . In buying goods and services, purchasing managers must take into account a number of factors - collectively referred to as 'the Purchasing Mix', namely, Quantity, Quality, Price and Delivery.


1. Quantity. Buying in large quantities can attract price discounts and prevent inventory running out. On the other hand, there are substantial costs involved in carrying a high le'vcl of inventory.

2. Quality. There will usually be a trade-off between price and quality in acquiring goods and servi ces. Consequently. Production , R&D and Marketing Functions will need to be consulted to determine an acceptable level of quality which will depend on how important quality i s as an attribute of the final product or service of the organisation.

3. Price. Other things being equa l, the purchasing manager will look for the best price deal when procur ing goods and services, although price must be considered in conjunction with quality and supplier reliability, in order to achieve best value,rather than lowest price only.

4. Delivery. The time between placing an order and receiving the goods or services, the lead time, can be critical for production planning and scheduling and also has implication s for inventory control. Suppliers must therefore be evaluated in terms of their reliability and capability tor on time delivery.

How customer and clients are served.

Customer satisfaction drives successful private sector businesses. High-performing businesseshave developed principles and strategies for achieving customer satisfaction.Achieving high levels of customer satisfaction requires that organizations continually monitor and examine the experiences, opinions, and suggestions of their customers and people who are potential customers. Improving service quality to meet customers' standards is an ongoing part of doing business. In this way, customers drive the market and the organization. At the same time that organizations act to attract and satisfy customers, the customers themselves exercise ultimate influence. Their satisfaction depends on both their expectations and their treatment. Through their choices, customers decide which organizations survive and thrive, determine what goods and services are available, and shape how they are provided. In addition to using their purchasing power, informed consumers can shape the marketplace by communicating their preferences and standards to organizations that are poised to listen and respond .


Marketing is concerned with identifying and satisfying customers ' needs at the right price. Marketing involves researching what customers want and analysing how the organisation ion can satisfy these wants. Marketing activities range from the 'strategic' ,

Production function undertakes the activities necessary to provide City Plast products or services. Its main responsibilities are:

Production planning and scheduling.

Control and supervision of the production workforce.

Managing product quality (including process control and m onitoring.

Maintenance of plant and equipment Control of inventory.

Deciding the best production methods and factory layout.


Close collaboration will usually be necessary between Production and various other functions within the organisation, for example:

Research and Development, concerning the implications of product design forproduct ion methods and cost.

Marketing, concerning desired product functionality, appearance, qual ity, durability and so on.

Finance, concerning the availability of funds for purchase of new equipment and the acceptability of inventory levels.

Human Resource Management, concernig staff motivation implications of job design and production methods

concerned with the choice of product markets (and how to compete in them, for example, on pr ice or product differentiation) to the operational, arranging sales promotions (e.g., offering a 25 per cent discount), producing literature such as product catalogues and brochures, placing advertisements in the appropriate media and so on. A fundamental activity in marketing is managing the Marketing Mix consisting of the '4Ps': Product Price, Promotion and Place.

1. Product. Having the right product in terms of benefits that customers value.

2. Price. Setting the right price which is consistent with potential customers'perception of the value offered by the product.

3. Promotion. Promoting the product in a way which creates maximum customer awareness and persuades potential customers to make the decision to purchase the product.

4. Place. Making the product available in the right place at the right time- includingchoosing appropriate distribution channels.

Human RecoursesThe Human Resources function is concerned with the following:

1. Recruitment and selection. Ensuring that the right people are recruited to the rightjobs.

2. Training and development. Enabling employees to carry out their responsibilities effectively and make use of their potential.

3. Employee relations. Including negotiations over pay and conditions.

4. Grievance procedures and disciplinary matters. Dealing with complaints from employees or from the employer.

5. Health and Safety matters making sure employees work in a healthy and safe environment.

6. Redundancy procedures administering a proper system that is seen to be fair to all concerned when deciding on redundancies and agreeing redundancy payments.

Accounting & Finance

The Accounting and Finance function is concerned with the following:

Financial record keeping of transactions involv ing monetary inflows or outflows.

Preparing financial statements (the income statement, balance sheet and cashflow statement) for reporting: to external parties such as shareholders. The financialstatements are also the starting point for calculating any tax due on business profits .

Payroll administration Paying wages and salaries and maintaining appropriateincome tax and national insurance records.

Preparing management accounting information and analysis to help manage rs toplan, control and make decisions.

Tasks and missions were taken under the financial and accounting department.


The mission of the Finance and Accounting Department is to prov ide cost effective and efficient accounting and financial management services to the Board, stakeholders and subsidiary companies of City Plast Co.

Timely, accurate, clear and complete financial information is provided through budget and financial rep01ting, management information systems, forecasting and procedure development.


The department is driven by the following values:

QualityA high stand ard of excellence drives Finance to provide outstanding

levels of support and service. The Department continuously strives to be exemplary in all activities and to exceed expectations.

IntegrityThe Finance and Accounting Department commits to conforming to the highest level of ethical standards LeadershipThe Department leads by example, encouraging growth and development in City Plast Co.

TeamworkFinance aims to make the best decisions collectively and in the best interestof City Plast Co.as a team , we capitalise on the strengths of each member.

Student who have work experience by the time they become more marketable and be able to handle more responsibilities:

Possibly earn course credit

Some degree programs incorporate a work opportunity into a requirement for graduation by giving course credit for the work experience. Other programs have an internship as an elective course for credit. Contact your academic advisor for more information because earning credit varies by departments.

Be able to experience a prospective career pathMost students enter college with an idea of a major or career path ... and most students end up changing their mind s. Exploring is a very important part of the academic process, and gaining a work experience is a great way for students to acquaint themselves with a field they are looking to learn about. By the time of graduation, the students have confidence that the degrees they are receiving are the right ones for them.

Gain practical experience, by applying methods and theories learned in classes

Many people learn best by being hands on. But everyone can benefit from seeing the things that they have been learning in class, put to action; whether it's in a chemistry research lab, a marketing development meeting, or a substance abuse counselling session.

Network with professional s in your field, for references and future job

It's all about who you know. As a student intern, you are surrounded by professionals in the industry that you are seeking access to. It's more than just about getting a grade, earning credit, or making money . This is an opportunity to learn from everyone around you, ask questions, and impress them with your eagerness. These people can be your future colleagues or can be the connection to you r first job.

Develop new skills and refine others

Learn your strengths and weaknesses by creating learning objectives and receiving feedback from your supervisor . This is a unique learning opp01tunity that you may never have again as a working adult.

Finance functionsThe Department renders support and service to the line functions within City Plast Co. with the following key performance areas:

1. Prepare and issue City Plast's annual audited financial statements2. Preparation and evaluation of monthly management accounts3. Ensure compliance to applicable statutes, regulations and international financial rep01iing standards4. Develop and maintain effective systems of internal and financial control5. Develop and maintain efficient management information systems6. Provide sound advice on the financial and tax implications of business decisions7. Preparation and monitoring of annual budgets and forecasts8. Develop and ensure adherence to financial and accounting policies and procedures9. Treasury and cash management.10. Manage and administer the insurance portfolio of City Plast Co.11. Manage and co-ordinate decentralised accounting departments.

Why choosing City Plast Co.

A recruitment and selection policy is a statement of principles, outlining how your organisation will conduct its recruitment and selection process. The aim of such a policy is to ensure that a transparent and unbiased recruitment and selection process is followed; one that results in the appointment of the best candidate, based solely on m erit and best-fit with your organisational values, philosophy, and goals.

The main reasons are:

1. Job description s meet business requirements2. Candidates are assessed against consistent criteria at every stage3. The recruitment process is lawful4. The candidate can be confident it is a genuine job offer5. The process can be followed by all stakeholders.

The benefit s I get from training:

Gain work experience and transferable skills

Gain confidence in your abilities

Practice makes perfect. If you've learned about a specific technique in the classroom , you're able to test it out in the world of work. Then, you 'l l be much more equipped with the technique.

On the other hand , the firm also benefits from the trainee, On the job training is cost effective for companies because it often requires fewer resources than having to recruit new employees. Staff members lacking proper training are likelier to leave the company either by their own choice, or through termination by the business for poor performance. Training employees while they are working, as opposed to sending them to an offsite location , increases the chance that learned information will be fully assimilated. Additionally , employees often find onsite training more enjoyable than having to go to a classroom away from the job .

City Plast Co. SWOT Analysis.

Strengths1. We are able to respond very quickly as we have no red tape, and no need forhigher management approval.2. We are able to give really good customer care, as the current small amount ofwork means we have plenty of time to devote to customers.3. Our lead consultant has strong reputation in the market.4. We can change direction quickly if we find that our marketing is not working.5. We have low overheads, so we can offer good value to customers.

Weaknesses1. Our company has little market presence or reputation.2. We have a small staff, with a shallow skills base in many areas.3. We are vulnerable to vital staff being sick, and leaving.4. Our cash flow will be unreliable in the early stages.


1. Local government wants to encourage local businesses.2. Our competitors may be slow to adopt new technologies


1. Developments in technology may change this market beyond our ability to adapt.2. A small change in the focus of a large competitor might wipe out any market position we achieve.

As a result of their analysis, the consultancy may decide to specialize in rapid response, good value services to local businesses and local government.

Marketing would be in selected local publications to get the greatest possible market presence for set advertising budget, and the consultancy should keep up-to-date with changes in technology where possible .


This course ha s provided an introduction to the nature of organisations . You should now have an appreciation of the way in which different organisations are structured and of the different components within an organisation. You should also have an understanding of the main environmental factors that impact on organisations, including political/legal , economic, social/demographic and technological factors.

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