an overview of hrqol (health related quality of life ... 05 64-70.pdf · 호흡기졩환죠식:...

64 서론 1948 WHO , , (well-being)’ , 1,2) . , 660 3) . , , 4,5) . , 6) . An Overview of HRQOL (Health Related Quality of Life) Instrument and Application in Oriental Medicine Tae-Young Jeong, Jung-Hyo Cho, Chang-Gue Son Liver-Immune Research Center of Oriental medicine College, Daejeon University Objective: This study aimed to construct an overview of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scales for application in studies of traditional Korean medicine (TKM). Methods: We analyzed all HRQOL scales from the PROQOLID web site ( regarding to classification, application purposes, and translation to Korean version. We also searched clinical studies focused on “Quality of Life” using TKM. Results: A total of 660 HRQOL instruments were analyzed; 99 were for general condition while 559 were disease-specific. Twenty clinical studies for TKM were conduced using HRQOL scales. Conclusion: The adaptation of the international HRQOL instrument is strongly recommended in TKM-associated clinical study, and development of a TKM-specific HRQOL scale is needed for globalization of TKM. Key Words : Quality of life, HRQOL, traditional Korean medicine, PROQOLID 정태영 조정효 손창규 , , 대전대학교 한의과대학 간장면역학교실 Original article Received 17 December 2009 Revised 24 February 2010 Accepted 24 February 2010 손창규 Correspondence to (Chang-Gue Son) 대전대학교 부속한방병원 간장면역학교실 대전시 중구 대흥동 번지 301-724 22-5 Tal +82-42-229-6807, Fax +82-42-254-3403, E-mail [email protected] 31 2 (2010 3) J Korean Oriental Med 2010;31(2):64-70

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서 론

1948 WHO ‘

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An Overview of HRQOL (Health Related Quality of Life)Instrument and Application in Oriental Medicine

Tae-Young Jeong, Jung-Hyo Cho, Chang-Gue Son

Liver-Immune Research Center of Oriental medicine College, Daejeon University

Objective: This study aimed to construct an overview of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scales for application

in studies of traditional Korean medicine (TKM).Methods: We analyzed all HRQOL scales from the PROQOLID web site ( regarding to

classification, application purposes, and translation to Korean version. We also searched clinical studies focused on

“Quality of Life” using TKM.

Results: A total of 660 HRQOL instruments were analyzed; 99 were for general condition while 559 were

disease-specific. Twenty clinical studies for TKM were conduced using HRQOL scales.

Conclusion: The adaptation of the international HRQOL instrument is strongly recommended in TKM-associatedclinical study, and development of a TKM-specific HRQOL scale is needed for globalization of TKM.

Key Words : Quality of life, HRQOL, traditional Korean medicine, PROQOLID

정태영 조정효 손창규, ,

대전대학교 한의과대학 간장면역학교실

Original article

Received 17 December 2009:⋅ Revised 24 February 2010:⋅ Accepted 24 February 2010:⋅손창규Correspondence to (Chang-Gue Son):⋅

대전대학교 부속한방병원 간장면역학교실 대전시 중구 대흥동 번지301-724 22-5

Tal +82-42-229-6807, Fax +82-42-254-3403, E-mail [email protected]: : :

31 2 (2010 3 )J Korean Oriental Med 2010;31(2):64-70

2 :









연구 방법






‘ AND ’


결 과

대표적인 삶의 질 측정도구 개괄1.


11). 99

SF-36 WHOQOL4,12)




proqolid 559


질환별분류 도구숫자( ) 적용질환 도구숫자( )

일반인의삶의질측정도구 (99)

심혈관질환 일반 뇌졸중 심부전 말초동맥폐색질환 고혈압 심근경색 관상동맥질환 정맥기능부전(35): (4), (7), (5), (5), (4), (3), (3), (2),

부정맥 정맥혈전증(1), (1)

소화기질환 일반 식도역류증 염증성장질환 과민성장증후군 대변실금 위무력증 위궤양 셀리악병(34): (2), (11), (5), (5), (3), (3), (2), (1),

간질환 낭성섬유증(1), (1)

내분비대사질환 당뇨 비만 말단비대증 그레이브스안병증(44): (36), (5), (2), (1)

비뇨생식기질환 일반 요실금 여성성기능 발기부전 전립선비대증 하부요로증상 남성성기능 폐경(74): (3), (15), (11), (10), (7), (6), (5),

신장질환 배뇨장애 자궁내막증 자궁근종 월경과다 월경불순 과민성방광 만성전립선염(5), (3), (3), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1)

혈액계및면역계질환 천식 류마티스관절염 다발성경화증 감염 아토피성피부염 혈우병 전신성홍(57): (22), (11), (9), HIV (7), (2), (2),

반성낭창 중증근무력증 겸상적혈구증 골수이형성증후군(1), (1), (1), (1)

근골격계질환 일반 류마티스관절염 골관절염 자세관련질환 골다공증 정형외과 골절 섬유근통 관(45): (6), (11), (6), (6), (6), (3), (2), (1),

절질환 근육질환 척추측만증 손목터널증후군(1), (1), (1), (1)

악성종양 일반 남성생식기종양 두경부종양 유방암 소화기종양 여성생식기종양 폐암 신경계종양(72): (51), (6), (6), (4), (2), (1), (1), (1)

Table 1.


31 2 (2010 3 )



Table 1 .

, , ,




한국어로 번역된 삶의 질 측정도구2.

Table 2

. 660

95 ,

17 ,

신경계질환 일반 치매 간질 다발성경화증 수면장애 파킨슨병 요배통 편두통 척수손상 운동장(82): (7), (17), (12), (9), (7), (6), (4), (4), (3),

애 근위축성축삭경화증 실어증 뇌손상 손목터널증후군 듀켄근이영양증 이상운동증 전두엽기능부전 근(2), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1),

육질환 경항통 신경계종양 음성장애(1), (1), (1), (1)

안이비인후과질환 안질환 비염 구강질환 결막염 녹내장 굴절이상 청각장애 비인두염 이염 부비(37): (9), (8), (5), (4), (2), (2), (1), (1), (1),

동염 백내장 안구건조증(2), (1), (1)

병리적인증상 통증 피로 소화장애 요배통 현훈 변비 만성질환 오심구토 탈모 실어증(61): (16), (15), (11), (4), (4), (4), (2), (2), (1), (1),

위마비 (1)

정신과질환 일반 치매 우울 정신장애 발기부전 정신분열증 불안 약물관련장애 신체상(117): (31), (17), (16), (13), (10), (8), (7), (6), (3),

양극성장애 섭식장애 성욕감소장애 성기능장애(2), (2), (1), (1)

호흡기질환 일반 천식 만성폐쇄성폐질환 비염 인플루엔자 감기 낭성섬유증 폐암 폐렴 호흡기(53): (3), (22), (11), (8), (2), (1), (1), (1), (1),

능부전 부비동염 음성장애(1), (1), (1)

피부및결합조직질환 일반 류마티스관절염 유방암 습진 건선 하지궤양 여드름 아토피성피부염(38): (6), (11), (4), (3), (3), (3), (2), (2),

탈모 전신성홍반성루푸스 조갑진균증 사마귀(1), (1), (1), (1)

외과적수술 장루 관절성형술 유방수술 심혈관수술(5): (2), (1), (1), (1)

바이러스및감염질환 헤르페스바이러스감염 인플루엔자 감기 거대세포바이러스 사마귀 조갑진균증(16): (3), (2), (1), (1), (1), (1)

Table 1.



세전후남성 세이상노인 소아청소년 피로 비만BASIS-32) 40 (AMS), 65 (OARS), (CHQ, KIDSCREEN), (BFI), (DEBQ, IWQOL-Lite,

통증 수면장애 사회적기능OWLQOL, WRSM), (BPI, MPQ, NDI, ODI, NPSI), (ESS, JSEQ), (PSP)


소화기질환 만성간질환 변비 오심구토 과민성장증후군: (CLDQ), (PACQOL, PACSYM), (INV-2, INVR), (IBS-QOL)

비뇨생식기질환 요실금 과민성방광 성기능장애 발: (ICIQUI-Short Form, KHQ, ICQ-FLUTS, I-QOL), (OAB-q), (CSFQ, DSFI, FSDS),

기부전 전립선비대증 신장질환(IIEF, SEAR, SFI), (BPHII, I-PSS), (KDQOL)

신경계및근골격계질환 폐경후골다공증 골관절염 섬유근통 소아류마티스관절염 뇌졸중: (ECOS-16), (WOMAC), (FIQ), (CHAQ),

파킨슨병(SIS), (PDQ-39)

종양질환 일반적삶의질 암환자의정신적기능 암환자의오심구토 폐암 암환자의: (FACIT,MDASI, QLQ-C30), (MAC), (FLIE), (LCSS),

보호자 (CQOLC)

정신과질환 일반적삶의질 치매: (PAIS, PRIME-MD/PHQ, POMS, PGWBI, Q-LES-Q). (CDR, DAD, MMSE, CERED-Clinical Battery,

우울 정신분열증 불안 우울CERAD-Neuropsychological Battery), (BDI, CES-D, GDS, MADRS), (QLS, SWN, DAI), , (DUAK-AD,



기타 당뇨 피부질환 하지불안증후군: (DTSQ), (DLQI), (Dermatology Life Quality Index), (IRLS, RLS-QOL)

Table 2.


2 :


78 .

36 1








삶의 질 측정도구 이용한 한의학 임상연구3.


( .

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64 . 22



20 .

11 Table 1





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Urinary incontinence




고찰 및 결론



대상 사용된측정도구명

소화불량 KQOLS (Korean health related quality of life)25)

천식 QLQAKA (Quality of Life Questionnaire for adult Korean Asthmatics)26-31)

알레르기성비염 직접제작 이름없음( )32)

류마티스관절염 HAQ (Health Assessment Questionnaire)13,14)

전립선염 NIH-CPSI (National Institute of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index)20,21)

일반인 SF-36 (SF-36 Health Survey)16)

두드러기 DLQI (Dermatology Life Quality Index)17)

요실금 Urinary incontinence questionnaire24)

슬관절염 HAQ (Health Assessment Questionnaire)15)

질건조증 MRS (Menopause Rating Scale), MENQOL (Menopause-specific Quality of Life Questionnaire)22,23)

일반인 WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment instrument)19)

암 FACT-G (Functional assesment cancer therapy-general)18)

Table 3.


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“ ( )”9).






20 2001 ,




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