ao, tdesday, jajtoabt !u, 1b18....

TWII , VOI..-1.. NO. S ii • : yCWBESTS m ijig Spartacans Prevented the Elec- tions in Some Rhineland-pi - ties But Margin of Socialists Unaffected BERLIN RETURNS SHOW TWO PARTIES LEADING Late Advices Show Armistioe OommisBion Obairman Elect- in B erlin— Ov8C.whelming Viototy Over Entire Ooimtry BEBLbr, Jon. SO (dftUjred).— 'Majority McUUsts »re ftr' ahead of any other party in the national a«8eabl7 elections, ' 'according to Jateat avsiiabl« r*tanu today. Xn Bavaria the Oentrtots main- ' ^n e d t]^dr atrong podtion. At Iiolpzlf, Indspendoat socialists ob- tained a majority. Zn Miinlcb, tho majority socialists secnred 161,000 ^ Tot«8 and the Indepesdonts 80,000. . In Baden, the Oentrtsts polled . 390.000, the majority sodallsts 388,000 -:and tha Independents liS,- 000 TOtes. Elections Hindered Spartocanfi nucecodod in provontisg tbo naUonol olectJonf^ Sunday in b «v- xjraJ Bbinclani! towns, it waa Uorned today. In tbis region it was boliovod thi> voto would bavo favored tho Cen- triatB (church party) and tho Oorniaa ■'icniocrats (iiborals) ao the apparent couhtry-wldo margin of the majority bo- xlalists in tho national osaoinbly is not aerioualy nffoctcd. .\ccorJing to tho latest available ro- turns tho varioux parties ^v'on tbe fol- Inwing (listricta: l>lstrlct Eotnms Majority sociiUUtit—City of Berlin (rOHult eloM); VTurtlomburff, Lorraieb, .^^^•<■kiOHbc^K. Lubock. Contrists (coalition of Ctfthoiics nail Protostnnts)—Bavaria (inclucHnit. so''* ./'rai diitrktR), ^Froiburtf,- Woldshot, Snrkingcn, Coimtnnco. German domoehits—KtaiuiheiDi, B^n- piiR. Bnrmon. Imlopcndonta (indepondont •ociflllvts iin<l U]>artacaod) — Prankfort-On-tho- ^rnln, Bwinnwlck, N ’litionallstn—Elbcrfeld, Magd^burfr. Pooplod Party {Pan-Oemianii)-^nonc. Mnjority norlnllstB Northern 8chlol«wriR, Ilnno^er, Droiuion, Bromea, Hnmburg, Nuroinburg, Chomnitc. Contrints—Kast Prussia. Two Parties in Berlin In Serlin, the majority nocialist« ap- 'parontly had olectod Phillip ^hiode- mann, Biebard Fischer, Wllholm Pfan- iiAZlUck, Bobort Schmidt and Hugo llelilmann; tho inrlopendent: soclflllBts,* Bujfo Hoasc, Solico Prosidont Eicbom, Louia Zcisn and Ilorr Laukaut;' the Ocrmiui. domo'pratii, QuHav Ilartmaan ond Herr Naiimann; and the Centrirts, Nationalists «ipd People*'' party, co-. operating, Wilhelm Karl,; Horr Vou Kordoff and'IIcrr Lodrowontz. Later returns showod that Mathlns Krezl)erb, chnirmnn of the florman ar- mistire eommissinn nnd lender of tbo ci’iitridt party, rredrirh Von Payor, for- jn o r vlce-i'honcollor: Herr Hanssmann *"nnii Horr Orooh'er also hnd been clect- <-d in Berlin. , Easy Victory , The majority Bocmli-'l* won an ca^v viitory In northern Sehlci.wip, which •M-as ono of tho fir^t illKtrifts to join tlie rrvolution. Pruwlfl, which hither- to hns bc<’ n ,rcB:ftrciccl ns strlngly aeninst that party, polh>d 100,000 Ntites for tho mnjority noelolist cnndidnteJ, niraJnst 117,000 for the eon*cn.-nlives. Tn HiMorer, tho mnjority so«lalIi>ts won oycrw^bclmlnRly, cetting 120,000 rotes to ri.OOO foi^the independent socIalL'it*. Itetums from Drttwlen. Brtmen and linmliurg showed similar rlctorjes for the mapority soeialists over the inde- pendents. . Mechanic Passenger.a Repair Ship’s Engine HALTTAXMn ; s., Jan. 2J.—PasMO: ^«ira aboard the FVroch liner Bochas- ^ats, who reoairod the sbip'a'maehlB- u'fT whea It ^ a m « damaged near thia port, are rwrpdpsible for the fact that f>he waa ready-to proceed oa ber wmj fo New York. ^ Thft Rochamb«aa w u forecd to pnt in for bunker coal when her crippled machinerj* and -bad weather delayed her. Mechanics on the pasjKOger liat vent to work aad got* the eagines in shape to eontinne the Toya^, A new paasenger arrived la mid'OeeaH when a daughter waa bom tfj^Iiootea-- aai! M«- T. M. WUto» cf T e w i- see. The ahlp cazrioa the JWth fiald artU- Irry. mainh~ from Iowa, 'a nnmber i>f war woiktr*. Metal Workers of Tacoma Are ' Out'on Strike 1 Fifteen Tboosand. Union Men N Stopped Work at Ten Thia Horning, in Shipyards < , •TACOMA, :.Wash., J a i 21. — Nearly 15,00Q,«uibn tue'^l workera in four »hl^- [ec- yords and iiiuo coutract shop dn Td- p: coma stopped work at 10 o ’c lo c this ^ morning in the most far-reaching s tr,^ iStS this clty'had ovar oxporicneod. Tito w|Ukout is in-protest Agaihst the Macoy board’s refusal to grant In- cronscs in wages demanded by the shlj>- yard workers, and* for a unlvoraal wage scale to dpply to metol trodcs and af- Wu filiated crafts in tlie nqrthwost. ‘ ’ \8ixteeu niotai trades unions are di- iice roctly involved, while tho strlko In- cInde-H various members of nearly- cv- ery othor union lu tho city. • ing; ^ At tho Soaborh yards, onojLhip.whicli . needed only three houru moro . ^ r k 'to .fit It fully for (iniliug, was tied up in . port by the,strike. 2 Seattle Joins in Shipyard Strikes “■ ' SEATTLE, Wiu-h,, -tau: 21.—TUitly thoumiid ori;anizeil workofl* in nhip' ^ yards nmi- eontnu't' shops in Seattle .wnlkod out a^ 10 o’rltwk today, con- formiiig to- tho fttriko order issued by t** - tho 'metal trndoK c-onncil and approved by tlio unions affiliated with that body. * Final aanetion wns givuji the big '»* strike yesterda?- by the conference striko ('omuiittetimen and buslooss agents of each metal union of ,tbe ing twcnty-ono Involved iu tbo walkout. lOv- A conferonco of employers was hold ned Iato yesterday. I f a policy agroement ved was renched, it was held strictly 80- ;jen- -cret. • < / nan ----- - ’' » New Republic Forms Queer Constitution ro- ---------- fol- BEKNE, J&ju 21.—Ali- titles and dec- orations arc abolished In tbo constitu- tion of tho' republic of Wurtlomburg, rlln ftfmploted by a leb commission. . n ' The constitution -further pstablishoH I comjilete roligioUK freedoii) requisition* jflV. churc.h funds which, .would bo use^l lu >nyiu(,' W * ehureh property ' seized; plados all schools under excln* sivo jurisdiction of tho state and os- ^ tnblishes u landta); i-floslsting only of ists which can be dlsmis»od at tljfl. any timo by a "^te of tho ijcople. It nl;u> pruvtdi'-4 for ,n prefideut uiiil cab- inot to bo olect»:d l*y a diroct vot.'. >nc. . . ^ mn May Investigate Charges of Ford WASHIXOTON, Jail.. 21.—Thd ton- ap. ate privileges and elections commUtee ^ 0. today ordered a favorable report on >an- Pomerene resolation for an Immodi- ugo investigation of Henry Ford’s at*; chargci^of. Irregularities In the Michi- >m, f^an senatorial eloetion. the Ford, iu a ]>etitiou, recently filed with tho senatO; chargod that in count- rta, i’iR. Ib t baUots, votes were CTodited to CO- Truman H. Ncwberrj-, who defeated /o» Ford, which should have been credited to Ford. lias ____ _ —- ■.. ar- ________________________________________ ^ WORLD NE^ ect- I ___ ____________________________________ av. D U B L IN , J a n . 2 1 .— T h e -1: ,ich thc'first “Irish farliament” h nic it was officially annonnced % ' meetings had been lifted. gly I , ® . ites ------------ : BtJDAPEST,* Jan 19*.— (I British mission in Tlemburg nt ;(e, bombardment of that city by Sts. exploded in a street near then ind xeived here today. / » for ^ _____ d(^ ^ OOFEHHAOEN. J&n. 21.— : minister, narrowly escaped ci th<mian tjroops took the city o the Esthonian official comm Secent dispatches reported T ing soviet troops in varions e: «o- un- - ^ ~ '- tin- WASHINOTON, Jan.* 21.— ^ annonnced the reinstatement ^ tional arm y, Oamp T ilto n , been dismissed as theiresnlt o ing the reinstatement Baker e led of the dismissal was made pi statement, :which has only no la • . . . OOPENBAQEN) Jan -21.~ sa* their candidates J^the W nrt to a dispatch'received here to ***' Centrists and two candidates and Oitisens’ p a ^ were elect jii to elect a candidate. Praotic dispatcK added.' KLLS TWIN 7Uii.S, JDABO jililDSILE "mn ^ OFPyEETSOON I sarly ______ _ , . ........ Greatest Industrial Battle ir ‘w* History of . Northwest Opem in Citlfe of Seattle and Ta- cpma This Worning ', WHISTLES NO t Tf Y. MEN ' AND ALL WORK CEASES di- ' . . > la. Eight Thousand Carpenters Qp- posed to Strike Also Throwi 'hicii Ont of Employment as Oon- jp j“ seqne’nce of Action SEAITI. e'. Wash., Jan. W ltl .10,000 shipyard workers ou strike it Seattlo and 13,00.0 in Tacoma, tho great C€S iii.lustrfal battlo in tho history ui tUe northwest, began at 10 o’clock thii lirty morning. nhip. In addition to this number, 8,000 car ittle pouter^ in Soattlo ■u'c thrown out oi eon- worl<, although thoy opposo<l tbo atriko I Sirens and whistles eeroocbod at the ivod appointed time. Immediately -the mei ody. down thoir tools and walked onfe big They poured out of tho Bkluner and enco Eddy-yards' by'the thousands, 12,500 0088 men iu all (quitting' at tho banner ship- ,the yard, of tlio eoontry.. Approximately 2,SQ0 quit at tbo Ames yards^ and slm- hold uumbers loft work at tbo-iGnthrio □ent i'lOH and. the Seattlo 2Torth Pacific go- 8hip>iard company.. Besides tho.sbii^ y yards, 130 small plants and epntract shops aro affected. ' While the, streets woro congested whon th(^ strikers walked, out, no dis- Jufbances of nny kind occurred. on Question Ono o f Wages The strike order, waa Issttod'by tho moral trades council following the re- titu- fiisai of the omploycrs to accopt thu “ rg, ,„.w baaic wa|jo scolo of 98 for nmchlu- y “ ifts, 97 for skilled‘labor and $ | for un- .Mkilled labor for an eight hotu day. iho» ••We’ll win this striko and securo substantial Auurican wages for Souttk • t>o Jabor, ’ ’ declared- Bert •Swiiin'; socrcfary '^^}y of the metal. trades council at noon today; , . • ' 08' “ Puhlio sentiment is wjth ns.'* , 0* TJie ontiro northwestj as rcproaoutod * ?! • j.'"’ organizod'labor, is solidly ^ack of the local strik?, Swain doclared. ■•I have nothing to say,” stated D. K. SIciuncr, president of tho Skinner 4 Kddy plant, when told that men nf his jtliiiit hud stopped work. \ "O u r caso seems to be eleur. It is rd one of unfair demands n us, that tho . public muat recognize witbut ulubcra' tion or commnot,” said Sd^^Am es, jiroslelent o f'th e Ames plant,... ttee _ _ _ _ _ _ -Jj” 0ITEU8 FBUIT OEOP CU3? aHOET'BT ITaoST •chi- RIVEESIDE, Calif.. Jnn. 21.—Orango iled iin.^ lemon cro]>s in Southern California nnt- have been reduced from 10 to 15 pet i to cent by sovcre frost, according to tho ktcd annual extiniate published today, ited Tho forecast is for HI,000 cars of oranges an.l 7.000 cars o f lemons. EWS EVENTS ic -last obstacle to convening of i” here today was removed whon td that all restrictions on pnblic — ( D elayed!)— Mem'bers- of the g natrowly escaped deatli during ' by the Ukraxiians, when a shell :hemi according to a dispatch re- ____________ ^ A .— Leon Trotsky, Bolsheviki war d captnre when Finnish and Es- ty of Narv&, it was annonnced in mmnniqne received' here today, d T ro ts ^ to be personally lead- IS engagements. ^ I.— Secretary of W ar Baker has □nt of Captain Sam Bncklew, na- on, to the service after he had lit of conrt m artial In an^onnc- er expressed regret that the fact e pnJsUc jinbseqnent to the rein- r now come to light. I.— Socialists elected .seven of 'nrttembnrg elections, according, e today.. Foxir Demomts, fonr - tes pnt forward by the'Peasants’ ilected,. The independents failed ■ctically every e li^ le voted, the DAll ao, TDESDAY, JAJTOABT !U, 1B18. State Vtiiitie^ Comn ;j Strong bpposit 1 . WASHIKOTOK, Jaa 21.~lstati J animons against government o ^ c systems and for thoir immediate . Ulmaulst^ representing the Natioa m ility Commissions, told the post - '• telegrams from .Da^tft^favored government o«n« atM fivi^red aome lagtoiud fonn ol in Px«6tioaUy all the nxessaftea con< anc cated the ccxamlSQlons' intentloa Bns k«ep them from going Into effect. raA PACKINGCOD ENTERS STP wn OF CHARG on- _______ J. Ogden Armour, Test terstate Commerce C .Not for Years Has Th ;««; bine, or Arrangemen iu. in Interests of his Fii FEDERAL TRADED ik- ATTORNEY ARE Mi! f »)■ K A ra o ai.,1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.- ,500 spicjicy w ith other podkwa, J .' ^jP' cent firo ,of the federal trade before the house interstate coi iirie elaborate dcflensB* o f M 8 ‘*cbncc ific finislied .witli^thie sweeping d that we have not for many yea ** coiubiuation or arrangement c ,tod -directly, or openly op seoretly dis- are utterly onfair and untrue. Influenza Masks Hamper Justice, tto ■ Attorney Claims lUi- '---------- un- Faces of Witnesses Hid by the '^0 Masks May Give Beneficial . . Expression,,He Says SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.. Jan. 21.— The wearing of influeniin masks may luunper justice, it wns doclarod in Judgo Graham's eouM today. Attorney .Waiter Lindforth, repre- senting one'of the'litigants_in o will / contostt/ boforo Judgo Qmham asked j .^ that wltnosaos bo_^tnictod by tho ' court to remove thoVr'masks, declaring , that tho statute entitles him. to soo tha faces of ^ho witnesses. Ho olso do- clared that tho facial expression of tho ' witnesses during testimony, waa often ^ as significant as tbeir words. Judge Orahnm refused to lift his or- • dor that masks; bo w;orn continually in court-' Ho Ttu'ggestei that Attorney *8T Lindforth ostablish authority, for hiii elalm and dctormino whether or not tlio mask ordinance coDfiicta with tho Tjja statute. ^ tJo ' .W ili HOT STRIKE OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan- 21.—About of 1,000 shipyard workers ewployod in jocal^ shipyard} voted ovorwholpiingl.v today not to strike. ^iNlllSTS Gi mm Royalist Revolution Is Spread- ing Rapidly In the Northern Provinces— Government and Rebel Troops,Clasti MADRID, Jan. 21.—Martial law has heen proclaimed throughout Portogat, according to reports reaching hero to- •lay. I Bumors were being circnlatod here of possible intervention by Spain. Warships havo been sent to Oporto, tho stronghold of the Monarchists. LIBSON. Jnn. S l^T ho conspiracy to'rwtore, tho monarchy apparently was still growing today despite assuraoce* by ths goremment that it had been snppreaeed. "The goremment Is m as^ of the ■sitnatioS," aaid-an official statement issued taJt night. -* “ The monarchial movement led by Oaptaln Paiva Coa- perlo ceatejod la 'Oporto, Braga and Viseu. i^ e re Manuel was proclaimed king despite Instroctions of the repre- sentstire of the former moqvch, who Is opposed to tbe effort to restore him to thd throne.'^ LISBON, Jaa. 21—Tho royaliita'^rev- - Slntfoa. which is attempting to rrstore tbe teonarrtywith the forawr^l'Ctng Maaoel on the throne, appeand'to b« spreading, Ihrotjghoot the northern prov- (Contiansd on p.nge eight) LY nmissions Indicate sition to Federal Control Itate Qtuities commtartona are sihnost on- >^erahlp of the telegraph and telephone late return to private hajvis. Charles E. tional Association of Ballzoad and PahUc postoffieo committee to ^ . om 19 cqmmlsalona aud only one—North )«uership. The North Dakota commlasloa' m of controL" condemned the- new to ll charges uxl Indl- Ion of opening proceedings In courts to - ftct. V.:'.. ■’ )MP ANY HEAD RONGDENIAL GEQFCOMBINI estifying Before House In : Committee, Declares Tha There Been Any Pool, Gorr lent Directly or Indirectlj F irm . i, COMMISSION AND ITS MADE SPECIAL TARGET] rMOlJD-CLAPPER 21-—^Flatly denying charg^of cot J. Ogden Armour replied to the rt ide commission today.* Testifyini commerce committee, he built up ai •ncem»8 bmain^ conduct **'Armou g denial: “I eay to you positive! years and are not now in" any poo at of aiiy kind, eitlier dirbbtly or is tly or under cover. A ll such charge rue.” , ------- *■ Heney Special Target - f^hroushnnt Armotu made the fe<fbral trade commlsaloir hla tar- get, attacking its methods during ms the recent investi^tlon directed . - by.^FrancU J. Honey. This waa Armour’s first appearance before a gOTonunent body. His company U has'not previously been given a chance to answer Mcoaatious. Ke- SAlft. _ Is Opposed to Mcenio Plan rn'av in\i-stigutioii made by tl jjj fetlcrnl ,t-omtnisBiun, nnd whlc has roHuitod iu the -pending bills, hiid boon admitted' by Chairman Co "will affordod no oppo flkod produce witncssos to Intri ducf testimony or to explain or ai irlog A*’ .'’’ documents Introduce I tha hoaring,” Armour asserted. - Uo oarnestly urgod eongress not 1 r pass ponding bill providing govemmoi ften of packing houses ant^ gover mont ownership or oporation~ of stoc s or- refrigerator car^ branch hO)isi y lg and <^h*r adjuncts to tbe paelds rnoy business. Effects -Far Baachlng If a monkey wroach ia thrown Ini tljo the gears of this business, its offe( will not bo ^onfinod to tho moat pacl ing industry,” Armour went on. “ Tl th(>ori(vt ^>n which ponding legislatio . i-t baatfil are not constructive, they ai NOt progressive. Thoy are reactionary.' . Such laws probably would bo ur constitutional, Armour's legal adviser beleivo. Touching briefly on high prices, th witness sai-l live hogs hail incroase in price per cent in four years. Lj I)»r and fuel costs have alto gone n| m out, III Profits Charge* I>enled III ChArges of excessive profits, howovo l l J woro denied. In 191«, Armour's proi ita are said .to have been l.S cents o ench .iollnr of sales ns*compared wit ad- X7 in 1D17. rtpf, Uc.-alling that ou November 1, 191’ tho food adtiiinistmtion limited pacl 3nd profit* to 9 por cent on tho capiH invested' IJT producing linos, Aj monr declared that only about on( r(ConUaued oa page eight) ^ igal, Says He Found , W if^s Body and Infant in Cisterr jrto, . ' Murder Is Believed Bather Thai racy Sulcide as Throat Shows rto«er Mark. leen ---------- ViTST PLAINS, M o, Jan. 21.—Franl the Welton, a farmer, formerly of O'NeU; nent Nebraska, and Carrie Hofland^' wbo I ihial s.iid to hare onee lived -with Weltoi Coa- as his eowBon law 'wifo, were Arrissto) and here today tharged with tbe nmrder o :nied I \VeIton ’a wffe, wbose body was fonni ipre- in a cistern en tbe Wetten'farm. Wal who ton says hjs wife com^tted snieldf him He said he came home and disco/ere- fr three months old baby la the cisters He reacued the baby, bot the womai rtani-. before he eonld remore her. Absence of water cn itra. Welta’ ^ fjln n g * aad finger print* cn her 1hfo« ’ , -and a bruise on ber temple l«d anthori I ___fitics to believe ihat she had be« mn ’.dcrrd. . 'IE #! ^PBIOB n V B nSEmiSElll i l BOND Llll] W ' ' • *• *, u- Twin Falls County Solon'Kead Off Attempt to Saddle thi _ J Amendment to Measure are = ' Refer to Committee . : ) BILL FOR c SIATION OF MINES BUREAU APPEAR! Bannock Bepresentatiye Fail 41£ to Head Off Division'Move- Education Gomes in fo r Gen erous Consideration hat ^ (Special to Tho News! . )1H- BOISE, Ida., Jan. 21.—Benator Sea’ er of-Twin Bails won, a victory in ih * senate this morning whon ho suecoede In overriding an attempt to have hi . senate bill, number 10 amended to-prt t vido « curative not for a condltlop. a > Idaho Falls. Tho voto of the senat in committee of tbo wholo followed npi>cal from tho mln from Twin PUl that t^o' amondmont offered jfrom*th southeastern elty wica not germain i con* the mcasuro und«r'consideration. Th J re- provides that • atlee an rino- bo“ d themselves pe cont of tho assessed vaioatlon, wa P amended with the consent o f the *c \0\ir thw tn Toad “ 10 per cent" instead' o vely '‘1°.” Seniitor Adams of -hTadlsoi asked that the matter be Uireeh«d'*on . ’ by tho judiciary comralttM, to whJcl ' Soavcr objected. The latter gained M rgeR point with only seven voting agalas . '' him. . Creates Boroaa of Mines' ' the Appropriating ♦30,000. for-the. use o iar- the bureau and deflnlng' tho otfleai ing in tbo proposed, organisation, a bH ted mado its .appeanxnco in the boiise tl^ taa mnrulng m ating the state bnivM e ore mines. my Beprosantntive Oudmunson' oif Bnrio k a Is the author of a meanre tojrivo ff he--- de^wndeut'school dlstrlois'a S g it t issue fifoding bonds to tako-care indehtednou between now tud Soptea / the ^ this year. - The bill carries th R-hlcb ««w>>'Kenc.y clauso and will. ..effect ’ la, U number of districts in' the stat« Col- Three,BiUfl Are Bead, ppor- Throo measures recoivod their fir* intro- reading }u ‘ the senate this . hiomia^ r on- They were senato bill number 33; whle Inccd ^ro'^dos' for an election to deeid d. wbothor parts of Idaho countjt will b ot to Valloy county; a bill by. Johii unont son adding restriction to the Ueensln ivem- of dontists; and a bill by Farady w stock ding highway district boads to the Ui ojises of alowablo secarltieh nnder the stat eking depository law. ' ' Penalisfla Overdrafts . _ Hereafter it will be a mi*demettO /or liarsons In tho stato to draw draft o'T check* agaliHt their accounU , o ‘Tb thoro Is insufficient funds, shoui ation introduced by Noilson o, J. Ttonnovillc in tbe house this morning ,, psaa. •yjj. Serrlce Men for Offjeera, , isefs to mako tho laws of Idaho eov cring officers of the national • gnan ^ the conform w itli tho Mt^onal defease afi ^aeed was plaecd in the houso machine tods; . La* lO'f^epreaonUvtlvo Johnson. iUl effl ® '’P' (Continued on page eight) ETOC lTEfflR ;OFPyilLIC lRK pitsi ./ Would Provide Immediate Worl for the Unemployed and Asks Money to Finance It WASHINGTO.V, Jan. 21.—Senate: Kenyon today introduced a bUl creat >rn “ “ wnerjfency public works boarc ta provide Immedlato Work foe tho nn employed. han The U ll appropriates *100,000,000 fei immediiita be(l^liming of pubUc works It ia to be used to enablo aay d ty state or federal agency lacking fna& to go ahead with pnhUc'work now oi at^any ;^tQre time when extraordinary rank unemployment exists. s'eUl, Pannaaent Food iO is This money .wonld later be retnra*^ ’‘Iton to tho fnnd so that at all times'a Urg< sstod «m wonld be available io r raeetln| tr of emorgency eonditiona. ound Farther provision f ^ money t6>4xpr Wel- .lit/poblle work in times of oneispley eid*. ment Is mads by empeWMaf ,th* wv -rred flnaneo corporation te. m»k» dirMMMt tem. to sUtes, which the state* m sy-ttta A iman lot to elti** or ftmaties. TUi'aea^ er. is to be repaid in tea y a m ' T im ltn>s haadred mUnoa d d ln a 'b set aaias h j iroat the bill aa the mairtwittn amoMt hoil- sttch adraacM. ~ mor- Aa aanaal report to e e a ic m '^ ttl board Is prorlied.

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TW II, VOI..-1.. NO. S i i • :

yCWBESTSm ijig

S p a r ta c a n s P r e v e n te d th e E le c -

‘ t io n s in S o m e R h in e la n d - p i­

t ie s B u t M a r g in o f S o c ia l is ts

U n a f fe c te d



L a t e A d v ic e s S h o w A r m is t io e

O o m m is B io n O b a irm a n E le c t -

in B e r l in — O v8 C .w h e lm in g

V io t o t y O v e r E n t i r e O o im tr y

B E B L b r, Jon. SO (dftUjred).— 'M a jo rity McUUsts »re f t r ' ahead o f any other pa rty in the national a«8eabl7 elections, ' 'according to

Jateat avsiiab l« r * ta n u today.Xn Bavaria the Oentrtots main- '

^ n e d t]^ d r atrong podtion. A t I io lp z lf , Indspendoat socialists ob­ta ined a m a jo rity . Zn M iin lcb, tho m a jo rity socialists secnred 161,000

Tot«8 and the Indepesdonts 80,000. . In Baden, the Oentrtsts polled

. • 390.000, the m a jo rity sodallsts 388,000 -:and tha Independents liS ,- 000 TOtes.

Elections Hindered Spartocanfi nucecodod in provontisg

tbo naUonol olectJonf^ Sunday in b«v- xjraJ Bbinclani! towns, i t waa Uorned today. In tb is region i t was boliovod thi> voto would bavo favored tho Cen- triatB (church party) and tho Oorniaa ■'icniocrats (iibora ls) ao the apparent couhtry-wldo margin o f the m ajority bo- x la lis ts in tho national osaoinbly is not aerioualy nffoctcd.

.\ccorJing to tho latest available ro- turns tho varioux parties ^v'on tbe fo l-

■ Inwing (lis tric ta :l> ls tr lc t Eotnms

M a jo rity sociiUUtit—C ity o f Berlin (rOHult eloM ); VTurtlomburff, Lorraieb, . ^ •<■kiOHbc K. Lubock.

Contrists (coalition o f Ctfthoiics na il Protostnnts)— Bavaria (inclucHnit. so''* ./'rai d iitrk tR ), ^Froiburtf,- Woldshot, Snrkingcn, Coimtnnco.

German domoehits—KtaiuiheiDi, B^n- piiR. Bnrmon. •

Imlopcndonta (indepondont •ociflllvts iin<l U]>artacaod) — Prankfort-On-tho- ^rnln, Bwinnwlck,

N’litionallstn—Elbcrfeld, Magd^burfr. Pooplod P a rty {Pan-Oemianii)-^nonc. M n jo rity norlnllstB — Northern

8chlol«wriR, Ilnno^er, Droiuion, Bromea, Hnmburg, Nuroinburg, Chomnitc.

Contrints—Kast Prussia.Two Parties in B erlin

In Serlin, the m a jority nocialist« ap- 'parontly had olectod P h illip ^h io d e - mann, Biebard Fischer, W llholm Pfan- iiAZlUck, Bobort Schmidt and Hugo lle lilm ann; tho inrlopendent: soclflllBts,* Bujfo Hoasc, Solico Prosidont Eicbom, Louia Zcisn and I lo r r Laukaut;' the Ocrmiui. domo'pratii, QuHav Ilartm aan ond H err Naiimann; and the Centrirts, Nationalists «ipd People*'' party, co-. operating, W ilhelm K a r l, ; H orr Vou K o rd o ff a n d 'IIc rr Lodrowontz.

La te r returns showod tha t Mathlns Krezl)erb, chnirmnn o f the florman ar- m istire eommissinn nnd lender o f tbo ci’ iitr id t party, r re d r irh Von Payor, for-

jn o r vlce-i'honcollor: H err Hanssmann *"nnii H orr Orooh'er also hnd been clect- <-d in Berlin.

, Easy V ic to ry ,The m a jority Bocmli-'l* won an ca^v

v iito ry In northern Sehlci.w ip, which •M-as ono o f tho f ir^ t illK trifts to jo in tlie rrvo lu tion. Pruwlfl, which hither­to hns bc<’ n ,rcB:ftrciccl ns strlng ly aeninst that party, polh>d 100,000 Ntites fo r tho m njority noelolist cnndidnteJ, niraJnst 117,000 fo r the eon*cn.-nlives. Tn HiMorer, tho m n jo rity so«lalIi>ts won oycrw^bclmlnRly, ce tting 120,000 rotes to ri.OOO fo i^ the independent socIalL'it*. Itetums from Drttwlen. Brtm en and lin m liu rg showed sim ilar r lc to rjes fo r the mapority soeialists over the inde­pendents.

. Mechanic Passenger.a R epair S h ip ’s Engine

H ALTTAXM n ; s ., Jan. 2J.—PasMO: ^«ira aboard the FVroch lin e r Bochas- ^a ts , who reoairod the sbip 'a 'maehlB- u 'fT whea I t ^ a m « damaged near thia port, are rwrpdpsible fo r the fa c t tha t f>he waa ready-to proceed oa ber wmj fo New York. • ^

Thft Rochamb«aa w u forecd to pn t in fo r bunker coal when her crippled machinerj* and -bad weather delayed her. Mechanics on the pasjKOger lia t v e n t to work aad got* the eagines in shape to eontinne the T oya^,

A new paasenger arrived la mid'OeeaH when a daughter waa bom tfj^Iiootea--

aai! M «- T . M . WUto» c f T e w i -see.

The ahlp cazrioa the JW th f ia ld artU- Irry . mainh~ from Iowa,

'a nnmber i>f war w o ik tr* .

M eta l W orkers o f Tacoma A re

' O ut'on S trike1 F i f t e e n T b o o s a n d . U n io n M e n

N S to p p e d W o r k a t T e n T h ia

H o r n in g , in S h ip y a r d s <

, • TACOMA, :.Wash., J a i 21. — Nearly ■ 15,00Q,«uibn tue '^ l workera in four »hl^-

[e c - yords and iiiuo coutract shop d n Td- p : coma stopped work a t 10 o ’c lo c this ^ morning in the most far-reaching s t r , ^ iStS th is c lty 'had ovar oxporicneod.

Tito w|Ukout is in-protest Agaihst the Macoy board’s refusal to grant In- cronscs in wages demanded by the shlj>- yard workers, and* fo r a unlvoraal wage scale to dpply to metol trodcs and af-

W u filia ted crafts in tlie nqrthwost. ‘ ’ \8 ixteeu niotai trades unions are di-

i ic e roctly involved, while tho s tr lko In- cInde-H various members o f nearly- cv- ery othor union lu tho c ity. •

ing; ^ A t tho Soaborh yards, onojLhip.whicli . needed only three houru moro . ^ r k 'to

. f it I t fu lly fo r (iniliug, was tied up in . port by the ,s trike .

2 Seattle Joins in“ S h ipya rd S trikes“ ■ ' SEATTLE, Wiu-h,, -tau: 21.—TU itly

thoumiid ori;anizeil workofl* in nhip' ^ yards nmi- eontnu't' shops in Seattle

.wnlkod out a^ 10 o ’rltw k today, con- fo rm iiig to- tho fttriko order issued by

t** - tho 'metal trndoK c-onncil and approved by tlio unions a ffilia te d w ith th a t body.

* F inal aanetion wns givuji the big '»* strike yesterda?- by the conference

s triko ('omuiittetimen and buslooss agents o f each metal union o f ,tbe

in g twcnty-ono Involved iu tbo walkout. lOv- A conferonco o f employers was hold ned Iato yesterday. I f a policy agroement ved was renched, i t was held s tr ic tly 80- ;jen- -cret. • < /nan ----- - ’ ' »

New Republic Form s Queer C onstitu tion

ro- “ ----------fo l- BEKNE, J&ju 21.—Ali- titles and dec­

orations arc abolished In tbo constitu­tion o f tho' republic o f Wurtlomburg,

r lln ftfmploted by aleb commission. . n

' The constitution -fu rther pstablishoH I comjilete roligioUK freedoii) requisition*

jflV. churc.h funds which, .would bouse l lu >nyiu(,' W * ehureh property

' seized; plados a ll schools under excln* sivo ju risd iction o f tho state and os-

^ tnblishes u landta); i-floslsting only o f ists which can be dlsmis»od attljfl. any timo by a " ^ te o f tho ijcople. I t

nl;u> pruvtdi'-4 fo r ,n prefideut u iiil cab- inot to bo olect»:d l*y a diroct vot.'.

>nc. . . ^mn M ay Investiga te

Charges o f F ordWASHIXOTON, Jail.. 21.—Thd ton-

ap. ate privileges and elections commUtee ^ 0 . today ordered a favorable report on >an- Pomerene resolation fo r an Immodi- ugo investigation o f Henry Ford ’s a t* ; chargci^of. Irregularities In the M ichi- >m, f^an senatorial eloetion. the Ford, iu a ]>etitiou, recently filed

w ith tho senatO; chargod that in count- rta, i ’ iR. Ib t baUots, votes were CTodited to CO- Truman H . Ncwberrj-, who defeated

/o» Ford, which should have been credited to Ford.

lias ____ _ —- ■ ■ ..a r - ________________________________________

W O R L D NE^ect- I___ ____________________________________

av. D U B L IN , J a n . 2 1 .— T h e -1: ,ich t h c ' f i r s t “ I r i s h f a r l i a m e n t ” h nic i t w a s o f f i c i a l l y a n n o n n c e d %'

m e e t in g s h a d b e e n l i f t e d .g ly I , ® .ites ------------ :

B tJ D A P E S T ,* J a n 19*.— ( I B r i t i s h m is s io n i n T le m b u rg n t

;(e, b o m b a r d m e n t o f t h a t c i t y b y Sts. e x p lo d e d in a s t r e e t n e a r th e n ind x e iv e d h e re to d a y . / » ‘fo r ^ ■ _____d(^^ O O F E H H A O E N . J & n . 2 1 .— :

m in is te r , n a r r o w ly e s c a p e d ci th < m ia n t jro o p s t o o k th e c i t y o th e E s th o n ia n o f f i c i a l c o m m S e c e n t d is p a tc h e s r e p o r te d T in g s o v ie t t r o o p s i n v a r io n s e:

«o-un- - ^ ~ '-tin- W A S H IN O T O N , Jan .* 2 1 .— ^ a n n o n n c e d t h e r e in s ta te m e n t ^ t i o n a l a r m y , O a m p T i l t o n ,

b e e n d is m is s e d a s t h e i r e s n l t o in g th e r e in s ta te m e n t B a k e r e

led o f th e d is m is s a l w a s m a d e p i s ta te m e n t , :w h ic h h a s o n ly no

la • . • . .O O P E N B A Q E N ) J a n - 2 1 . ~

sa* t h e i r c a n d id a te s J ^ t h e W n r t t o a d is p a tc h 'r e c e iv e d h e r e to

***' C e n t r is ts a n d t w o c a n d id a te s a n d O it is e n s ’ p a ^ w e r e e le c t

j i i t o e le c t a c a n d id a te . P r a o t ic d is p a tc K a d d e d . '



sarly ______ _ , . ........

G re a te s t I n d u s t r ia l B a t t le ir

‘ w * H is to r y o f . N o r th w e s t O p e m

in C i t l f e o f S e a t t le a n d T a -

‘ c p m a T h is W o r n in g ' ,

W H IS T L E S N O t Tf Y. M E N

' A N D A L L W O R K C E A S E Sdi- ' . .

> la. E ig h t T h o u s a n d C a rp e n te rs Qp-

p o s e d to S t r i k e A ls o T h r o w i

'h ic ii O n t o f E m p lo y m e n t a s O on-jp j “ se q n e ’n c e o f A c t io n

S E A IT I.e '. Wash., Jan. W lt l.10,000 shipyard workers ou s trike i t Seattlo and 13,00.0 in Tacoma, tho great

C€S iii.lustrfa l battlo in tho history ui tUe northwest, began a t 10 o ’clock th ii

l ir ty morning. ’nhip. In addition to th is number, 8,000 car i t t le pouter^ in Soattlo ■u'c thrown out oi eon- worl<, although thoy opposo<l tbo atriko I Sirens and whistles eeroocbod a t the ivod appointed time. Immediately -the mei ody. down tho ir tools and walked onfe b ig They poured out o f tho Bkluner and

enco Eddy-yards' b y 'th e thousands, 12,500 0088 men iu a ll (quitting' a t tho banner ship- ,the ya rd , o f tlio eoon try .. Approximately

2,SQ0 qu it a t tbo Ames yards^ and slm- hold uumbers lo ft work a t tbo-iGnthrio □ent i'lOH and. the Seattlo 2Torth Pacific

go- 8hip>iard company.. Besides tho .sb ii^ y yards, 130 small plants and epntract

shops aro affected. 'W hile the, streets woro congested

whon th(^ strikers walked, out, no dis- Jufbances o f nny kind occurred.

on ■ Question Ono o f WagesThe s trike order, waa Issttod'by tho

moral trades council fo llow ing the re- titu - fiisa i o f the omploycrs to accopt thu “ rg, ,„.w baaic wa|jo scolo o f 98 fo r nmchlu- y “ ifts , 97 fo r sk illed ‘ labor and $ | fo r un-

.Mkilled labor fo r an eight ho tu day. iho» ••W e ’l l win th is s triko and securo

substantial A uurican wages fo r Souttk• t>o Jabor, ’ ’ declared- Bert • Swiiin'; socrcfary ' }y o f the m e ta l. trades council at noon

today; , . • '08' “ Puhlio sentiment is w jth ns.'* ,0* TJie ontiro northwestj as rcproaoutod

* ? ! •j.'"’ organizod'labor, is solid ly ^ack ofthe local strik?, Swain doclared.

■•I have nothing to say,” stated D. K. SIciuncr, president o f tho Skinner 4 Kddy plant, when to ld th a t men nf his jt liiiit hud stopped work. \

"O u r caso seems to be eleur. I t is r d one o f un fa ir demands n us, tha t tho

. public muat recognize w itb u t ulubcra' tion or commnot,” said S d ^ ^ A m e s , jiroslelent o f 'th e Ames plant,...

ttee _ _ _ _ _ _

-Jj” 0 IT E U 8 F B U IT OEOPCU3? a H O E T 'B T ITaoST

•chi- ■RIVEESIDE, Calif.. Jnn. 21.—Orango

iled iin.^ lemon cro]>s in Southern California nnt- have been reduced from 10 to 15 pet i to cent by sovcre frost, according to tho ktcd annual extiniate published today, ited Tho forecast is fo r H I,000 cars o f

oranges an.l 7.000 cars o f lemons.


i c - la s t o b s ta c le t o c o n v e n in g o f i ” h e re to d a y w a s re m o v e d w h o n td t h a t a l l r e s t r ic t io n s o n p n b l ic

— ( D e la y e d ! ) — M e m 'b e rs - o f th e g n a t r o w ly e s c a p e d d e a t l i d u r in g ' b y th e U k ra x iia n s , w h e n a s h e ll :h e m i a c c o rd in g t o a d is p a tc h r e -

____________ ^ A

.— L e o n T r o t s k y , B o ls h e v ik i w a r d c a p tn re w h e n F in n is h a n d E s - t y o f N a rv & , i t w a s a n n o n n c e d in m m n n iq n e re c e iv e d ' h e re to d a y , d T r o t s ^ t o b e p e r s o n a l ly le a d - IS e n g a g e m e n ts . ^

I.— S e c r e ta r y o f W a r B a k e r h a s □ n t o f C a p ta in S a m B n c k le w , n a - o n , t o th e s e rv ic e a f t e r h e h a d l i t o f c o n r t m a r t i a l I n a n ^ o n n c - e r e x p re s s e d r e g r e t t h a t t h e f a c t e pnJsUc j in b s e q n e n t t o th e r e in - r n o w c o m e t o l ig h t .

I . — S o c ia l is ts e le c te d .s e v e n o f 'n r t t e m b n r g e le c t io n s , a c c o r d in g , e to d a y .. F o x ir D e m o m t s , f o n r - te s p n t f o r w a r d b y th e 'P e a s a n ts ’ i le c te d , . T h e in d e p e n d e n ts f a i le d ■ c tic a lly e v e r y e l i ^ l e v o te d , t h e


State V t ii i t ie ^ Comn ;j S trong bpposit

1 . W ASHIKO TO K, J a a 21.~ lsta ti J animons against government o ^ c

systems and fo r th o ir immediate . Ulmaulst^ representing the N a tioa m i l i t y Commissions, to ld the post

- '• telegrams from .D a ^ tft^ fa v o re d government o«n« atM fiv i^ re d aome lagtoiud fo n n ol

in Px«6tioaUy a ll the nxessaftea con<anc cated the ccxamlSQlons' in ten tloa Bns k«ep them from going In to effect.r a A


w n OF CHARGon - _______

J. O gden A rm o u r , Test te rs ta te Commerce C .N o t f o r Y ears H as Th

;««; b ine, o r A rrangem en iu. in In te re s ts o f h is F ii

F E D E R A L T R A D E D ik- A T T O R N E Y A R E M i!

f »)■ K A r a o ai.,1 W A S H I N G T O N , J a n . 2 1 .- ,500 s p ic j ic y w i t h o th e r p o d k w a , J . ' ^jP ' c e n t f i r o ,o f th e fe d e ra l t r a d e

b e fo re th e h o u s e in te r s ta te c o i iirie e la b o ra te dcflensB* o f M 8 ‘*cbncc if ic f in is l ie d .w i t l i^ th ie s w e e p in g d

t h a t w e h a v e n o t f o r m a n y ye a * * c o iu b iu a t io n o r a r ra n g e m e n t c ,tod - d i r e c t ly , o r o p e n ly op s e o re t ly dis- a re u t t e r l y o n f a i r a n d u n t ru e .

In flu enza Masks H am per Justice,

tto ■ A tto rn e y ClaimslUi- '----------un- F a c e s o f W itn e s s e s H id b y th e

'^ 0 M a s k s M a y G iv e B e n e f ic ia l

. . E x p r e s s io n , , H e S a y s

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.. Jan. 21.— The wearing o f influeniin masks may luunper justice, i t wns doclarod in Judgo Graham's eouM today.

A ttorney .Waiter L ind fo rth , repre- senting o n e 'o f th e 'lit ig a n ts _ in o w ill

/ contostt/ boforo Judgo Qmham asked j .^ that wltnosaos b o _ ^ tn ic to d by tho ' court to remove thoVr'masks, declaring

, that tho statute entitles him. to soo tha faces of ^ho witnesses. Ho olso do- clared tha t tho fac ia l expression o f tho

' witnesses during testimony, waa often ^ as s ign ifican t as tbe ir words.

Judge Orahnm refused to l i f t h is or- • dor tha t masks; bo w;orn continually in

court-' Ho Ttu'ggestei tha t Attorney *8T L indforth ostablish au thority, fo r hiii

elalm and dctormino whether or not tlio mask ordinance coDfiicta w ith tho

Tjja statute. ^

tJo ' . W i l i HOT STR IKEO LY M P IA , Wash., Jan- 21.—About

o f 1,000 shipyard workers ewployod in jocal^ shipyard} voted ovorwholpiingl.v

• today not to strike.

iNlllSTSGi mm

R o y a lis t R e v o lu t io n Is S p re a d ­

in g R a p id ly In th e N o r th e rn P ro v in c e s — G o v e rn m e n t a n d

R e b e l T r o o p s ,C la s t i

MADRID, Jan. 21.— M artia l law has heen proclaimed throughout Portogat, according to reports reaching hero to- •lay.I Bumors were being circnlatod here of

possible intervention by Spain.Warships havo been sent to Oporto,

tho stronghold o f the Monarchists.

LIBSON. Jnn. S l^ T h o conspiracy to 'rw tore, tho monarchy apparently was s till grow ing today despite assuraoce* by ths gorem m ent tha t i t had been snppreaeed.

"T h e gorem m ent Is m a s ^ o f the ■sitnatioS," aa id -an o ffic ia l statement issued taJt n igh t. -* “ The monarchial

■ movement led by Oaptaln Paiva Coa- perlo ceatejod la 'Oporto, Braga and Viseu. i^ e r e Manuel was proclaimed king despite Instroctions o f the repre- sentstire o f the form er m oqvch, who Is opposed to tbe e ffo r t to restore him to thd throne.'^

LISBON, Jaa. 21—Tho royaliita '^rev- - Slntfoa. which is a ttem pting to rrstore

tbe te o n a r r ty w ith the forawr^l'C tng Maaoel on the throne, appeand 'to b« spreading, Ihrotjghoot the northern prov-

(Contiansd on p.nge eight)

LYnmissions Ind ica te s ition to F edera l C on tro l

Itate Qtuities commtartona are sihnost on- >^erah lp o f the telegraph and telephone late return to private hajvis. Charles E. tiona l Association o f Ballzoad and PahUc postoffieo committee t o ^ . om 19 cqmmlsalona aud on ly one—N orth )«uership. The N orth Dakota commlasloa' m o f controL"condemned the- new to ll charges u x l Indl- Io n o f opening proceedings In courts to -ftc t. V.:'.. ■ ’

)MP A N Y H E A D RONGDENIAL G E Q FCOMBINIe s t ify in g B e fo re H ouse In : C om m ittee , D eclares Tha T here Been A n y Poo l, Gorr len t D ire c t ly o r In d ire c t l j F ir m . i,


21-— ^ F la t ly d e n y in g c h a r g ^ o f c o t J . O g d e n A r m o u r r e p l ie d to th e r t

id e c o m m is s io n to d a y .* T e s t i f y in i c o m m e rc e c o m m it te e , h e b u i l t u p ai

•ncem »8 b m a i n ^ c o n d u c t * * 'A r m o u g d e n ia l : “ I e a y t o y o u p o s i t iv e ! y e a r s a n d a r e n o t n o w in " a n y p o o a t o f a i i y k in d , e i t l i e r d i r b b t ly o r is t l y o r u n d e r c o v e r. A l l s u c h ch a rg e ru e .” ,------- *■ Heney Special Target -

f^hroushnnt Arm otu made the fe<fbral trade commlsaloir hla ta r ­get, a ttacking its methods during

m s the recent in v e s ti^ t lo n directed . - by.^FrancU J . Honey. Th is waa

Arm our’s f i r s t appearance before a gOTonunent body. H is company

U h a s 'n o t previously been given a chance to answer Mcoaatious. Ke- SAlft.

_ Is Opposed to Mcenio Planrn'av in \i-s tigu tio ii made by t l

j j j fetlcrnl trn .lc ,t-omtnisBiun, nnd whlc has roHuitod iu the -pending bills, hiid boon adm itted' by Chairman Co

"w ill affordod no oppoflkod produce witncssos to Intri

ducf testimony or to explain or ai irlog A*’ .'’’ documents IntroduceI tha hoaring,” A rm our asserted.

- Uo oarnestly urgod eongress no t 1 r pass ponding b il l provid ing govemmoi fte n o f packing houses ant^ gover

mont ownership or oporation~ o f stoc s or- re frigera to r c a r^ branch hO)isiy lg and <^h*r adjuncts to tbe paelds rnoy business.

E ffects -Far Baachlng“ I f a monkey wroach ia th row n Ini

tljo the gears o f th is business, its offe( w ill not bo ^onfinod to tho moat pacl ing industry,” A rm our went on. “ T l th(>ori(vt >n which ponding legislatio

. i-t baatfil are not constructive, they ai NOt progressive. Thoy are reactionary.'

. ” Such laws probably would bo ur constitutional, Arm our's legal adviser beleivo.

Touching b rie fly on high prices, th witness sai-l live hogs hail incroase in price per cent in fou r years. L j I)»r and fue l costs have alto gone n|

m out,I I I P ro fits Charge* I>enledI I I ChArges o f excessive pro fits , howovo l l J woro denied. In 191«, Arm our's proi

ita are said .to have been l.S cents o ench .io llnr o f sales ns*compared w it

a d - X7 in 1D17.rtpf, Uc.-alling tha t ou November 1, 191’

tho food ad tiiin istm tion lim ited pacl 3 nd p ro fit* to 9 por cent on tho capiH

invested' IJT producing linos, Aj monr declared that only about on(

r(ConUaued oa page eight) ^igal, •

Says He Found , W if^ s Body and

In fa n t in C isterrj r to , . '

M u r d e r I s B e lie v e d B a th e r T h a i racy S u lc id e a s T h r o a t S h o w s

r t o « e r M a r k .leen ----------

V iTST P LA IN S , M o , Jan. 21.—Franl the Welton, a farm er, fo rm erly o f O'NeU;

nent Nebraska, and Carrie Hofland^' wbo I ihial s.iid to hare onee lived -with Weltoi Coa- as his eowBon law 'wifo, were Arrissto) and here today tharged w ith tbe nmrder o :nied I \VeIton ’a w ffe, wbose body was fonni ipre- in a cistern en tbe W etten 'farm . Wal who ton says hjs w ife c o m ^ tte d snieldf him He said he came home and disco/ere-

fr three months old baby la the cisters He reacued the baby, bo t the womai

rtani-. before he eonld remore her.• Absence o f water cn i t ra . W elta ’

^ f j l n n g * aad fin g e r p r in t* cn her 1hfo« ’ , -and a bruise on ber temple l«d anthoriI___f it ic s to believe ih a t she had b e « m n

’.dcrrd. .

' I E # !^PBIOB n V B

nSEmiSEllli l BOND Llll]W ' ' • *• *,

u- T w in F a lls C o u n ty S o lo n 'K e a d

O f f A t te m p t t o S a d d le th i

_ J A m e n d m e n t t o M e a s u re are = ' R e fe r t o C o m m it te e . :

) B I L L F O R c S IA T IO N O F

M IN E S B U R E A U A P P E A R !

B a n n o c k B e p r e s e n ta t iy e F a i l

4 1 £ to H e a d O f f D iv is io n 'M o v e -

E d u c a t io n G o m e s i n f o r G en

e ro u s C o n s id e ra t io n

h a t ^ (Special to Tho News! . ) 1 H - BOISE, Ida., Jan. 21.—Benator Sea’

er o f-T w in Bails won, a v ic to ry in ih * senate this morning whon ho suecoede

In overrid ing an attempt to have hi . senate b ill, number 10 amended to -p rt

t vido « curative not fo r a condltlop. a > Idaho Falls. Tho voto o f the senat

in committee o f tbo wholo followed npi>cal from tho m ln from T w in P U l tha t t^o' amondmont offered jfrom *th southeastern e lty wica not germain i

con* the mcasuro und«r'consideration. Th J re - provides th a t • a tle e anr in o - bo“ d themselves pe

cont o f tho assessed vaioatlon, wa P amended w ith the consent o f the *c \ 0 \ i r th w tn Toad “ 10 per c e n t" instead' o v e ly ' ‘ 1 °.” Seniitor Adams o f -hTadlsoi

asked tha t the m atter be Uireeh«d'*on . ’ by tho jud ic ia ry comralttM, to whJcl

' Soavcr objected. The la tte r gained M rgeR point w ith on ly seven voting agalas . '' him. .

Creates Boroaa o f M in e s ' 'the Appropriating ♦30,000. for-the. use o iar- the bureau and defln lng ' tho o tflea i ing in tbo proposed, organisation, a bH ted mado its .appeanxnco in the boiise t l^ taa mnrulng m a t in g the state b n iv M e ore mines.m y Beprosantntive Oudmunson' oif Bnrio k a Is the author o f a m ean re to jr iv o ff he--- de^wndeut'school d ls tr lo is 'a S g i t t

issue fifod ing bonds to tako-care indehtednou between now tu d Soptea

/ the ^ th is year. - The b il l carries th R-hlcb ««w>>'Kenc.y clauso and w ill. ..effect ’ la, U number o f districts in' the stat«

Col- Three,B iU fl A re Bead,ppor- Throo measures recoivod the ir f ir* intro- reading }u ‘ the senate this . hiomia^ r on- They were senato b i l l number 33; whle Inccd ^ro'^dos' fo r an election to deeid d. wbothor parts o f Idaho countjt w i l l b o t to p u t. in Va lloy county; a b i l l by. Johii unont son adding restriction to the Ueensln ivem- o f dontists; and a b i l l by Farady w stock d ing highway d is tr ic t boads to the Ui ojises o f alowablo secarltieh nnder the stat eking depository law. ' '

Penalisfla Overdrafts . _ H ereafter i t w il l be a mi*demettO

/o r liarsons In tho stato to draw dra ft ’ o'T check* agaliH t the ir accounU , o ‘ Tb thoro Is insu ffic ien t funds, shouiation introduced by Noilson o,J. Ttonnovillc in tbe house th is morning

, , psaa.•yjj. Serrlce Men fo r Offjeera, ,

isefs to mako tho laws o f Idaho eovcring officers o f the national • gnan

the conform w it l i tho M t^onal defease afi ^aeed was plaecd in the houso machine tods; . La* lO'f^epreaonUvtlvo Johnson. iU l e ff l

® '’ P' (Continued on page eight)

ETOClTEfflR;OFPyilLIClRKp its i ./

W o u ld P ro v id e Im m e d ia te W o r l — f o r th e U n e m p lo y e d a n d

A s k s M o n e y to F in a n c e I t

WASHINGTO.V, Jan. 21.—Senate: Kenyon today introduced a bUl creat

> r n “ “ wnerjfency public works boarc ta provide Immedlato Work foe tho nn employed.

h a n The U ll appropriates *100,000,000 fei immediiita be(l^liming o f pubUc works I t ia to be used to enablo aay d t y state or federal agency lacking fna& to go ahead w ith pnhUc'work now oi at^any ;^tQ re time when extraordinary

rank unemployment exists. s'eUl, Pannaaent FoodiO is This money .wonld la te r be retnra*^ ’‘Iton to tho fnnd so th a t a t a ll tim es'a Urg< sstod « m wonld be available io r raeetln| t r o f emorgency eonditiona. ound Farther provision f ^ money t6>4xpr W el- . l i t /p o b lle work in times o f oneispley eid*. ment Is mads by em peW M af ,th * w v -rred flnaneo corporation te. m»k» dirMMMt tem . to sUtes, which the sta te* m s y - ttta A iman lo t to e lt i* * or ftmaties. T U i 'a e a ^ er. is to be repaid in tea y a m ' T im ltn>s haadred mUnoa d d ln a 'b set aaias h j iroa t the b il l aa the mairtwittn am oM t h o il- sttch adraacM. ~mor- A a aanaal report to e e a ic m '^ t t l

board Is p ro rlie d .


illlNUlOOS- KF eTTUDEf W ENpEf LE:P re s ii3 e n t in a n A d d re s s t o th e

; F r t h c h S e n a te , S a y s ; T h a t

f , C o u n fr !(^ S to o d F i r m o n th e

F r o n t ie r o t F re e d o m

/^ A M E R IC A A W R i c i A t E S I . ' • S E R V IC E O F F R A N C E

j D e c l a r e s O u r O w n C o u n t r y W a s y : S lo w t o O o z a p re h e s d B u t W e

K o w S e e th e G re a tB e s s o:^

th e F r e n c h S a c r i f ic e• . "______ _

P A K I8 , Jan. 21.— AddreHMOi; tho M-n- < utc Ijero ycHtcrdoy, PrcHidcnt Wilson * wUd: y

“ M r. Prosldent o f the Senate, M r. Preaident o f tho Bepubllc:

B “ Y o u havo m e fo o l y o u r ivo l-M ' eomo in w ords os-goiierouB aa tn q y arc f dc li((l> tfu l, an d I fe c i th a t y o u havo y ^ c io a a l y co lle d ten y q u r fr lo n d . . M a y i I I n o t 4n tp m c a ll th is Mkmjpaay a com- t S p a n y o f n iy f r ie n d s , f o r o v o ry t l iin g 1 ^ th a t yo u have bo f in o ly sa id td da y , .si^s, :

lia s tw on ro rro b o ra to d in e ve ry R ircnm* < L b to iic o - 'o f o u r v is i t to th is ^ouTitrv. I; JJ^cryw horc wo havo t^eon w c lcom eil,|> not only, but wolcom'od in the s p ir it ]

'.oad w ith- tho same thought u n til t has / S M m od 'M i f tb6 -fp lrit» o t ..the two ■

'eonntrios came together in an nnuiiin l 'nnd beautifu l aeeocd.

* PnOses Ooarags o f r ru ic < j ' ' “ We know tb o ' loAg p« ril though ■ j ' which Franco has gone. F nB c« thought I

us remote ia .comprohenidoB and njiu- I [‘ pathy an^ I doro say tbore wore times I

. whea wo d id not eomprehond- oa. you ' comprehended the danger in 'the. preS''• euee o f which tbo w orld stood. Vhere

WM tu> (imo when we d id not know • bow near i t was and I fu l ly andorstand, • i r t , tb a t tbrougbout these try in g >oars r wben mankind bas w aited fo r the ra* tastrophe, tho anx ie ty o f France mn^t bavo beeot tbe . deepest and m 'ls t eon- atant <;f a ll,, fo r sbo 'd id stou-1 a t .tbo fro t it ie r o f freedom. 8bo had carved ' out her own fortunes .through- a long period *. o f eager strugj^lo^ She had

. ;done great th ings in bu ild ing up ■« h' •-}grtMt aew I ^ u e e / «ad ju s t acro4s..iJie

border, separated from hor oa ly by « tow fo rtif ica tio n s and a l i t t lo <o iin tiy e<

~ w h o se neu tra lity i t has tnme>l tie t. tbe F oncmy d id not r«apect, la y thi> shadow pi east b y tbe. cloud whieh onvelcfv:'! mor- b< it .w ith tbe cloud o f {n trigve, (fat> cloud <<■

. o ( dark purpose, tlio- cloud o f ntnistsr ti< ' design. Tbia shadow la y a t tho very tb ■ Iwrdefs o f JTrance.^ And ye t, i t fine tr:

to remombor bere tb a t fo r th is mi- Was not on ly a p e ril bnt a (h.'UIcn^r*. ^3

France d id not tremble. France tjdJelly • and in her own way prepared hor tons

for^tho Btmggle th a t was coming. She *1 never took the In itia tiv e 05 d id a single th ing lh a t was oggrcsaivo. S h i had fjrcpared herself fo r defeosfl, u. t Jn t ii order to impoae her. wiU upou ith o r people. She had prepared bcrocif 'tbAt nn other people m lgb t l2 ) S 0 itn v in ujwn ber.

. . America iTnderstaads , “ As 1 stand w ith you and I m ix w ith ; the de ligh tfu l people o f tb is country ,,!

see th is in th e ir thought. America al- ways waa your fr iend . Now-iho nndvr- stands. Now she comprobends nnd now

. she hajr eome to b r in ^ V th is nessaffe I'*' th a t 'lu n d e n t^ d iB g , 4be 'w i l l always be ready to help. And, w h ile as you f f nay, sir', tbin danger may prove to be ‘ a continuing danger; while i t Is true thu t Prance m i l nlways be nearest “ ®

' th is t iire a t i f wo rannot lu m i t from a throat in to a promiRe there are maay elements tha t ought to reassure Prance. “ There is u now awakening and. an uwokeuod,Mr^]d. I t is not ahead'of os, bu i around u ^ I t known th a t its dear* oitt interests are invoWecl ia ita stand­in g together fo r a common purpoM. J * I t knows th a t tbo peril o f France, i f

_ i t continoos, w ill be the pe ril o f the worfd. I t knows th a t not only France

, must organize agaiuat th is pe ril bnt tha t tbe world- must oiTfanixe agaiakt

. it .Honors-TTnbod States

“ 6 0 1 see in these welcomes not oaly do hospita lity, not on ly k indneu, not only Oi hope, bat purpose^ a de fin ite clearly Je- dm f i n ^ pnrpose to th a t men understand- mi in g one another must now support-onn n another and thn t a ll the sons o f free­dom are nnder a common oath to see th a t freedom never snffera th is danger ag a in .''T o my m lsd th is is the impres- — •U-e element o f th is welcjme. 1 know Pn

. bow much o f i t , s ir, and I know how She li t t le o f i t to appropriate to ' myself. 1 me know th a t “I bave the very dJstisguished ert )ionor to s p e ^ fo r the people whom 1 for represent. B n t X know tba t you honor aoc me in * represeatativ ecapacity. and rig tb a t m j' words have va lid ity o a lr in tbe U&lted States. T de light In th is ^ welroae.-tbarefore, as i f 1 bad broagbt fh r poo^e of the Uaited States w ith me and A e y could see in your faccs what 1 see-IB-the ^ k e n a o f-w rkom o aad affection. .

Br>tb«rliDod o f the W orld - “ Tbe ra n o f the whol^ m atter i»|

.th a t Pranee bas e ^ ie ^ l and has wow' tbe bpotherhood o f the world. Sbe,h£>| rtM xl a t the ehiof port o f Uon+rer aod I (he thoogbU o f mankind and her broth -1 ers «renrwher», her hrcth<*r» in freedem j tn ra to her »ad center upon h r r i f ; .this be true, is I believe I t to b e . i ^


Im p p r ia h t P a r t iff German E lections

P layed bpW ohieh

O ne o r T w o - o n E a c h T ic k e t in

E v e r y D is t r i c t i n B e r l in —

« V o te r s M o s t ly W o m e n

■ By F I ^ N K J . TAVIX ilJ. he BB's L IN , Jan^'ao.— (Delayed)— Th8

. national olections *in Oermony today wore <Iori)natod~by women who •woi;b

['IQ vo ting and running fo r o ffice fo r the ' f i r s t time in tho history o f tho.coon- try . • In practica lly ovory d is tr ic t t ie wonieu were ih a great m a jo rity over the men.. , Thoro were a t leart'ono or two women rottBlng on oach' ticke t Jn •

r b fve ry dlB trlctl *Tho m ^ o r ity soclaliats wcrur expcct-

18 to have things largely the ir own . ^vny in most parts o f tbe country.

Tho independent socialists wero poll- }ii)> a Iiig .vo lo in tbo great. indn:<trial

- oi'iitcrs, whllo tho CethoIIe consQrv^tlve'• pnrty was expected to w in in the Khlne-

la iid , but olstfwhero thu Ebort-Schin-le-n. ninnu followo^a wore bolioved *0 be . jn easy wiiincfB. •

!'• E ng lish B rides A re ■,1- Beg inn ing to A rr iv era ■/o -LOND.ON, Jfto. 21.—Thirteen brand »y new American citizonesses w ill ro tum a- to the United States on tbo trunapbrt . ig P lattsburg, which Is due there January ’s, 29. 'i^Thoy aro tho English wives o f »)• Am orlcari' doughboys. Amoug thom^, v. w ith tho ir new addrenxcs, nro: d, L. A untin , 1127 South, 2Gth St.,I t I/iM o ln .“ ' Mm. w n iio Cooke, San P rancisct ',1 Mrs: A lice ,&lankonship. East S t

Louis, 111. ‘Mrs. iv y Johnson; Brookings, 8. D.

> f]

:fORitClli\r iifiiiiiips

' • — “ • th ’ F o r m e r A d ju t a n t G e n e ra l in th e

i‘ H o u s e S u g g e s ts S e n d in g ®

O ffic e r to M e e t M e n ‘ ‘d ■ ■ * ^ g (Special to . Tbe Nows) ”I BOISE, .Ian. a i—*rhat returning Ida- a ho aoldiors w ill roceivo a hearty and : ' B wjjcomo from the diroot rop- ®t resentatlves o f . th e ir state Is forecast- ^ r o<L bore through tbe p robab ility -ot np- B propria ti^n by tbe leg iila tn ro fo r th is r purposf. Telegrams wero road fl» the . honso from officers o f tho B<Mky Moun- I to in club i t New York asking /o r ne-

tion by tbe legislature and o ffe ring S ' th e ir organisation fo r tho proper dis­tr ib u tio n o f entertainment o«ui needed monoy.’ Former A d ju ta n t Oeaeral Moo­dy asked tha t the legislature provide ihe present A d jutant general w ith funds Ru and send him to New York to person; a« a lly attend to the w ork -. I t is oxpeeted Ge a .b t ll w il l mako its-appeamnre On tbo f i r floo r lu the morning. Moody’s suggM- ' J tion -was applauded in tho houao. Br

: ' ' ■'» '■ ’■ ■■ d ir

S t P au l StockyardsN o t in Conspiracy er*

---------- ■ Me•WASMW OTO.V, .ran: t»l.— Packcnr .M<

control the St. "Paul stockyartjB, accord- jo r ing to a lis t o f utockholdlngii' submit- Oc ted to tho house intt^ntati^ commerce en eommittee today by W illiam Mag}vny, Gc president and geneml manager o f the en yards. Ho denied, however," tha t his W j concern liad ever taken part In any F. “ conspiracy” w ith tho packers aa Le, charged b y '^ a n c ls J. Heney, oV tha t M i he and his employes w o rk ^ l undor non- M i tro l o f the “ b ig f iv e . " Ge

B. Buckingham, matmgrr o f the Oma- era ha stockyards company, to ld the senate lia i agricultural committee tha t the packers Me d id . not hold enough stock tb control aa the company. Me

nuckinghom na/d he d id not know any way to cut out aay steps in m m t pro- ^ duction to lowkr the cost to consumer. l ie declared be disbelieved in govern* meat ownership o f tho packing plant o r stockyards. , ^

, . -------------- ---------------- • PolA Fathom. ' as

• Whea ftallora speak o f fntboms Ihey I do not nlway»« tnenn the name tblag. lst< On l>onrd o man-of-war n fathom In t mrans n\i fe rt; oa boartJ tt merchaat' Joz msn five nod a h n lf feet, and oo board ofa n nrdilnK vpkscI flvo feet. iitc

fin iBEAD T H S O LASanTED A D a J " "

---------- —— --------— :------ ---------------------- fc ifPrance Is fortunate to hare suffered, fooi She is fortnaate to hsv« provcil hor wor mettle os one o f tha chsmpuins o f Ub- The e rty and she baa tied to herself, once eon fo r all7' a ll thoiiS wbo lovo frv«dom Feb aod tru ly bellev« ia th r progress and a n rights o f m an."------ ^*__________ ES

A A r c n 'o n c m tT t t


V off',.TH E 'STB B LU rO O BBAlEEaT -

T w ia Palla. Idabo ..,i.*'“ Oor M otto—Q oaiity . S e r l.n

YlC*“. - - * - I s,


/ ^

a s : "lay ' . / « r . 2 5 ^D e A C 9 Y ‘ 9 K kJ h B^ 0 ' .1 • '

t ie 1per I

/ • I S M a y S I



.. tbe I . - x S i e i / s v

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nd I ' P f f ■' I h Fm , 6h|P^ , . f Vir t . ' B B L JF*7 no f

IL ’ ■


Prasld4B t.W lls o a .8 ays 80*11 Nations > ^ w m LoM H eart I f t lw Food• ' .B m ia K o tP a o v d

^ W a s h in g to n , Jan. 21.— Defeat o f- the * 100,000,000 food appropriation oak- e ed by President Wilaos, would endaa- ~ ger tbo presidont’a wholo poaoe pro*

gram and dishearten the mwall nations “ be summonod to revo lt againat k in g s * ' r Senator Lewis, H linols, declared today in tho senate. .

‘ “ I f the senate defcatB.tho measure,J tlio world w ill mo th a t tho f ir k t th ing

ho asked as an anx ilia ry to his peaeo ^ plans'has boen-deaied him. . Theroaftor ^ no Bpeeches or editoria ls or assemblagoa J, iu th is country, plediging support w il l . I>v' o f any inflaence a t tlie peace table J. or In a ll E u ro p e /' sold Lewia. “

! Service M edals A re " i A w arded O ffice rsD WASIITOGTON, Jon. 21.—D lstln- ^ I guliihed servlco medals' 'baVe been• awarded upon tbe reeommendatinn o fI General Pershing to tbo fo llow ing of- - 9 fire rs In tho Umted States aim y:

‘ Brigadier General S tuart elntzolman. Brigadier .^ n o ra l M a lln Craig, Jitign- dier Oenciw Bobert C. I>avlB, M n jo r Oi-neral Andrew Brewster,- B rlga ille r th General W alter A . Bathel, M a jo r Gen*

f eral H nrry L . Rogers, M a jor General M e rritt W. Ireland, Colonel W o lt^r.D .

I .McCaw,.CoJonel A lfre d J3. Bradle./, Ma- »J- jo r General W illiam C. l!d»ngfit, M a jo r th- General Mason M. P o trlck , M ajor Oon- 8 5 oral Clarence C. W illiam s, Brigadier, Gcueml Edgar Russell, Btigadior Oen% *•> J eral Chas. 0 . l>awes, B rigadier Osaerol «'» I W illiam A tte rbnry, M a jo r Ocnsml 12.' F . McOlachlin, M a jo r General John A.I Le jo tue , Maj<» General. Aofiyfl j j ,I M a jo r General Edmund W illenmover, ^• M ajor Oeneral John F . O 'Byan, M a jo r

Genera! *Chas. G-.-Morton, Mojor-Oen*• eral E. M. Lewis, M a jo r Qenena.WU- I 11am Lassiter, M a jo r General James H .I McRae, M ajor General Oeorge B. Dun- I M a jo r General W illiam W eije l,

M a jo r Oenoral W illiam H . Johnson. T l ■ ♦ I . . . . Be

New P o lish Cabinet Has Been Announced »■

WARSAW, Jan. 10 (delayed).—The Polish cabinet was announced todav l *' as follows: . ’ jbci

Paderewski, premier and foreign mln- is te r; W odcikow iki, ta in is te r o f Ihe ' ” In te rio r; Floncia, m inister o f commerce; JoaJcki, m in ister o f ag rira ltu re ; Ira n - ofaki, m inister o f labor; Bunlaki, min- _ l i te r o f juatlce; Englitch, m inister o f 0 , finance; JaniM wrski, m inister o f health; Eberbanlt, m inister o f commun­ications; L indq, m inister o f posts and telegraphs; M ink icn ie r, m inister o f food; Pruchnik, m inister o f public ta r works; Pr*esmyeki. m inister o f arts. m® The new govemment has annooneed Mo constituent a«»cmbi>' w ill »i«. convened *>7 Febmar^' n in th to take u)< formation o f t ^ a new Polish cabinet. C

s - •’ tlo i&H FLO TTB S T B T TO DECBBASB I>>*

WXOES * tu t---------- Uo

U-ASin.V fiTO X, ./ate. I’ l .—--Kmploy- er* in several *ec:ioQ> of country have rr.Iiii-(vl wajjcs to a pre-war basis,’ * Sei-rctar;' Mnrrii>ob \>f the Aretrican Ki'-lcratiu ii o f I.s lw r >-harj;cJ to<lay. La ' »omi- iu 'f;iiifo< , Mt'rri»on allcv'cd. om-

havr hc*n .liVharp>f! anil then lofft-ro.l r t ir ir l.ark at tmirh lower, .(J!l;fr hi!iplpyrr» have nimply

a ii . i t ic ' that o'u a rrr ta in .1st" r.ll n-iir 1.0 he The

-----------— • ■ - . subSijl.scribe now fo r the NEWS. '<a.v


— ~~ '

S e Q a j I -

TTnufflSk.' *t

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■ '

^ ------' -----

V fc

m H ;• BIEOBSTIICLET01 HniEDMTEPEIIGE'; ' ■ ! -------------- ■ .-I> F re n c h A m b a s s a d o r S a y s i t . Is "

' Im p o s s ib le t o R e c o g n iz e S o - 1 ,, y ie t G o v e rn m e n t In A n y F o rm ”

• — N o D e f in i te U n d e rs ta n d in g «• g • t( '' B y ^ U U .IA M P H IL L IP SIM M S w J PABIS, Jan. 21.— The supremo •coun-J eil o f the aaaociated powers today fer- ^

iDMify took np fo r tho f ir s t tim e, the “ Bosd«n d toa tion whieh is recognised ' as the greatest present obstacle to s S‘ (lulck peace settlement and eitablish- ment o f the league o f nations.

The meeting,.which was held.lin tho Quhl D ' Orsay betwen 10:30 a^d aoon, ^ was attended-by'fwp-delogateo o f ’each 8* o f the fivo great allied nations, ProaJ. dent Wilson and Secretary Lousing re- ” pfeseutcd the United States. J T'

Nothing D ofln ito That no definite understanding was

rcached concerning representation fo r „i; tho various Russian factions w.-ia indl- |,j eated by tbe o ffic ia l announcement thn t cd the council would contluo its hearing pr on Russian a ffa irs tomorrow. This fu aJxD seemed to.dispose effeotnsUy o f mj the belief that the general poace con- so gross .would resume its aossionn tomor- ga row, although tbero is a possihiUty tha t to tho council Stay dispose o f )ts business (J. i l l time fo r the congress to under ly way in tho afternoon. kSi

Cannot BecogxUxa Sorlats Today’s' meetrngs was addrnssod by be

M; Moulens, Frcnch ambassador to Bus- mt sia, who recenyy returned from A«b-- go angel. A fte r hla 'a r r iv ^ In France, ha Noulena gave ont an ia te rv low in which tie be Indorsed Foreign M in is te r I 'ic 'to n ’s tr i attitude— thav any form o f rocognitioD I o f the soviet govemmont is imp'jssit)lo. col The council tomorrow ;w ill hear M. eri Bcavinlus, Danish m in ister to ’ et.*o- Co grad, who le ft tba t c ity a few-weeks nu ago when hla country broke «»ff dlplo- kn matlc relations w ith the Bolshoviki, of

The preiddent went from the tjim l D ’ th« Orsay to tho I'roncb senate, where h^i+n i

I had luncheon as the guest o f the mem- An bers o f tha t Ixxly. Antonin Uuboqt, sp< i)rcsident o f tbe senate, m ale an art- tie dress in whieh he assured Wilson tha t - the FrencR had spontaneoiiily given Cit the ir hearts to him. ovi

■ ■> an<

O ffic ia ls Censured “ by the G rand J u ry Fr.

- ----- t r iiSA.V FEA.VCTSCO, J»n. 2L—Seen,- „ '

ta ry o f Labor Wilson and John’ B. Den- more, his investigator b«re int«^ th'o | * Mooney case, were censured in a rspoft ^ by the c ity and «<)unty grand ju rytoday. . ' . ___ _ - .

Charged by Densmore la his sensa­tional dictaphone report to WQsoa that Pi tK s tric t Attorney .E iekerctt bad prosti* I tuted the hall o f justice during the Uooey prosecution were declared to le gronndirss. - ^ 7

• No indictments were re tnm el^ S®*• The report charged tha t Secmun.-y c f Labor Wilson had hampered d»e<jury iu it * attempts fo investigate fhe I>eiis- ®"1 Wore charges by refusing to send DenS' to-appear bef-^ro the j i r y .

W A M H IP V lS IT a 1 T A I.T j ,c iV IT A V E C C in A , la U y . Jaa. 21.— j 1

The Ani»*ricaa warship Leonidas and 27 ] t is l submarine chascra arrire^J lisre yeste r-i—f iJa.v. The crews w ill v is it Rome. lyoo

^ D A I L Y ; N E W S \

' Theori^s .on F lu . .'A re Topsy T urvy -

' 't t t Goat Is landI J ? i f t y M e n D i r e c t ly E x p o s e d i d i t h e D is e a s e .F a ile d t o C o n - •

T ‘ ' t r ^ c t t h e In f lu e n z a •

' , SAN FBANdlBCO, Calif., Jon. 81— Modi'eal theories re g a lin g Spu lab in* floensa w w tnrnbd topsy-turvy totlay by ou anuouDcmeot from the offiee of- tbo troveramont public^ heaUh ser­vice.

F if ty navy mon from Goat Iploud wero expo^d to InfluoBxa in evorj- poa- Bible way in . a tost conducted by* tha •govomment.. To, the surprisq o f tho doctors oot one oontracted .the disease..• Tbo men slept w ith the patients and walte<> qn theni. * .

Dr. yr. C, BUlitigs o f tho hoaltb ser­vice, who conducted the o ^ r im e n ts , (admitted previous theories the dlsooso were overthrown, *“ •

yiM frc •

BMTOIIIIII..SEW YORK, Jau; 21— Are Americaa

inch who have been overseas going baek to marVy Preucb g lrU t <• “ N’o, ” is th e ‘aiiBWor o f 14 out o f : IT) retuniod officers, according to a Y . ' W. C. A. representatlyo here who has :

. beon interview ing returning .officers on < th is subject. . ■ - , '

Tho consensus o f opinion of those in.- tor^’iowcd gives the •reason tHus: Tbo ■ Proncb g ir l Is not what American’ men ] ra il a p ^ Sho knows how-to cook, to <

~ sow, to make lovo. She cau bo a swoot* I

Shoart .She is hot a ]>al. Her horizon ' too often is lim ited to tbo homo. Her < life is lived within.doors. She can.nov- < « f ropJaee the American g ir l fo r a ll l

I nround inteUigcnce, activities, and dm- 1 ■ bltlons. Sibst o f a ll tlie American men i miss in her the jilayfe llow thoy havo i known a t bom e^the g ir l w ith tho ton- (

^ nis racquet, the g ir l «^o loves to li ik o long miles and to swim nh ii ride. 1

• ' W iil the men j (0 barl^.to Franco! ' “ “ A bso lu te ly ," say returned Amori- j

cans, “ feut tha t is because o f the call 3 o f Paris, tho fiarofree life in the cities j

over there, the th r il l and th'e romances j o f the ntmospbere o f Franco. In fs!ct, j

n m^st o f the men are coining bacK* to m any the girls tboy le f t behind, and j

9 then th e y ,p o b a b ly w ill t ry to 're tu rn j- to France and tako thOlr Amurlcan g ir l j

wives w ith ’ theni'to seo the world.” f• B n t . i t mayTiot,be III advised fo r tho ,

f. Amoricon g i i l to say to the .return ing ,men, “ You'd better h u rry ." For the j

^ Y. M. C.‘ A. is try in g to help tho French , J g irl ••etteb u p " witb hor American sis-

te r in outdoor octivltfes. This organ- . itn tio n is Sending women over a ll tbe I

IJ timo to teach o'^utdoor womon sports of I Ovory sort^ond even now nutny French

g irls bavo arscarded the iiiuoh sla'ndvr- od iKanch heel, in fiact, there is . a whole Islniirl in th o ‘lx>lre River given » over to outdoor life nnd'ithyslcal tra in - g

- ing. . aOver H it secretaries are iu Frunze o

• doing after-war workJ The Ked .Cross ,| f nurses’ hbts wero built and equipped f,• by t y Rod Cross. They were.thon turn- w t cd oVer to the Y. W. C. A. as a co-op- ,i { ernting orgnnirjition. nud the ia tte r lia s fi B furnishaij the workers fo r tbo huts and ri f Miaintoiflod the upSi>ep o f tboni. About o:• 50 o f tbe soci’etarios now aiT»BS arv cn-- gaged in th is work. W itb the return g t to th is country o f the nurses, the Y. W^ w I C. A. secretaries thus engaged p^bab- i t r ly w il l be transferred to .w ork o f other i t

kinds. t lNone but highly trained women nro ai

’ being sent over by tbe Y . W. C. A. A l- E- most a ll who have ffOnn over, or are ol• going over, are collcgo ^aduates. A l l bI , have had experience along some par- ‘ . I ticn la r line o f work. M a n y ^ ^ Indus- 'si I t r ia l exi^rtiv. ' * i I Some have beon professors in loading th . colleges. M iss Margaret .Morriss, form- oi , erly professor o f history a t M t. Holyoko ni . College, Mass., is at the bead o f tho )j, , nnrses’ -work, l^Ilss M ary McDowell, th

known as Aunt Mary o f the Stockyards hi o f Chicago,-perhaps moro fam ilia r w ith tbe tw ists aad kinks ia tho woman’a^gr ih idustria l Wotld tban almost any othor i „ American woman, is in Knutce, doing a {q special piece o f work fo r tbe associa-1 tion. ’ . <|i

Miss M ary Dingman o f New Y orkinL C ity and Paterson, N. J., who went I over when Am eric* went in to the fray and who has supcrv i^d build ing aitd vi m aintaining o f the 10 foyers', is now In tbia coun trj and e*i*ects to returned to „j, France very »o<)n to d ir r c t 't j ic indue tr ia l work.

It seems probable that i f the' V. W. mj C A. is able tn complete the program an ■ tarto il i n Pranrc, French women w ill jni Ih5 able to meet Ameriean. freclom w ith • a new hot IntenseK real F renrh 'fres- dom. c* on

, « * SOIProtecting Turtceyt Ffom Coyotsa. j.c I d certalo purls o f the Wwrt flocka iuj

c f (JnmesUc torkcys on fro n tie r tarm s a i a r« protect«>d from anacka by coyotes My t^ n g small bells to tbe necks o f the H< gobbler*. Tho tink le o f tb?^e bolls Is th. soffldenL In must oise*. to keep tbo <-ai afilmnls nway. w liliW no i Infrequently ^ i nnprdtected flocks which havo wao- gni dcred fa r from home nro aanibilated

I by Ih c bcists.—Popnlnr Mechanlea j MaSnslne.I ■ -- --------------------------- 1I To -“ fla a ifte ." a " T o L a t '* adrsr- es I tis ing campaiga' yoa assd ealy set aslds I—fo r perhaps a few day*->« ja r t a f f ‘y o o t p ^ e t Boaey. . ju f


M a n y f e l l s H e ld U p i h ^ b m m i t -

te e N o w td C o m i B e fo re B o th

41.1 H o u s b — U n e m p lo y m e n t t o

" , b e In v e s t ig a te d •;ho ,ae. * (6peeial to The Nows) nd . BOIBSj Jan. 21— W ith thu puuago

yostorday o f the codp adoption ia the senate, the way is now clear fo r action

ts, in - /^ e bonsQ on many b ills which bavo booin h ^d up In eommittee. A com'^

^ promisoi foUopring several coufereaces'- ' o f the senate code committee brought.

tho agreomenC tha t a ll o f tho laws o f . ' th is aosaion, wouhl be included ia tbe

codification conipletod next summor.The adm inbtratlon coutralizstion

| f measure w ill probably eomo up a t th is I dfternoOQ'a soaaion da i t i luu< boon I p rin ted and is ready fo r action. Whut.

V tho debate over Its provisions w il l load to cannot bs tonciutod a t thi.i tisio.

aa Senators Armstrdngi Nash, Korrick,.' t k P o rto r. and Robertson now havo the

d ra fting o f oinendments to tho atate o f prim ary law iu th o ir hands. Tfiey w ill Y . complete the ir work w ith in a fow day»- as and fhe finished product w ill be pro- on sonted to the upi>ar house during tho

week.n.- I t is believed hero tUa.t the f in a l re- bo su it o f legislative action w il l be a coni- oa promise between the elements whleh on. to tho one hand doalro the repeal o f the it* law omf en tho other l i t t lo In te rfo re ice ' »a w ith it. I t . can bo .stated authorita- er tlve ly th |it should the law bo repealed V- tho governor would oxorciso his constl- U1 tutloQol righ t to-veto tho .rmeasuro. Jt n- is also said tha t should tho amend- sn menta not bo too drastic th a t ho would, ro fa v o r changes should tho legislature ao n- dosiro.Ico I t is possible thay mcmbvra o f yifo

logislature w ill \ demand to know i^ iy aevorai • mines In northern Iilaho havo • beon closod thereby oddlng to tbe prob '

I* lent o f the unemployed in the state. A n Important mooting.^ was held today

“ by'in'etnbora o f tbo-'«migra(ioii an it4a>-" ” bor committees o f the two housos. Log- ’*> lalation to relievo tho unemployed and'"

to provide labor a t onco is In tho tnak- ing . Commftteo members were reluc

■*J ta n t to glvo out inform ation, but i t i- “ kaown that thero is a dearth o f work

fo r large numbers o f men and tha t th>* problem Is dally lncroafrin{>' Road, con

'2 struction, [ i waa urged by tbo commit- tees, a l i^ ld bcgln 'a t-th o earliest pos- alble moment.*,’

s- • ‘ .

White, House Is i Quite Q uie t Nowr- - ■ — • , .a WASHINGTON, .Jan. 21.’— e>,-.-rct n servico lAen, cooks,-nm iiis anrl iho,>■ greater number o f tho retiiiue o f ;’oHi

attached to thd o:^ecutlvo mansion. aii> e on leave ftjcse-days, T h a jstroani o f ' IS ■liploiiiats and celebrities usually to bo d found J in the receptiou room a t tho I- western oxtrvmrty o f tho building, has )- dwindled to ' an occasional v is it o f a friends o f Becrotar}’ Tum ulty or tho d romainiuK few others in tho executive t offieciL'* ,night, .one or two lonesome lightsa gleam from the windows. Passers-by ', wlfo are obviously v is ito ra -ln Wash- '• Ington look toward the build ing w ith , r interest but w ithou t eagcruess. A re- -

turned sotifier,- amall b ^ d s o fw om eu .0 and now and . then a small group of ' Engllshmi'ii temporarily in America or B other foreign fo lk appear asking to bo1 shiiwit the in te rio r o f the W hite Housu.• ■ '^ u le t prevails a t the executive man-• sion while tlio president and f ir s t ladv

are away. The atmosphere Is . muolr ,f tho same as in tho summer months of• ordinary times when the president re- 3 moves to the summer wblto houae. Then,' however, fhp president fakes w ith him . the cxecatlve force, which ho le ft be-• hind on the Euroiwan trip .‘ On Mondays, unless something o f •, greater Importance interferes, tbo cab- f in e t membeni ii;d iffe re a tly congregalo ‘ fo r rho meeti'ng a t which \ ’ko Prcsi- ' I dent Marshal is always late. Other

daji's Secretary Tum ulty come tlown ■ * about 1(1 a. Ul.•[ Outside, Bincc the f ir s t o f the year,

two Kuffragists wbo ju-e keeping » v ig il to express the ir disapproval o f tbe preaident, oscasaloaally toss a

' Hpeecli in to the wash-tub wherr- th« National Woman's i 'a r t y ’h “ eternal f i r e " is burning. The gnards.'who re­main to keep a watch over tbe gronnds an-l jjiitcways, ob^^rvo these ladie* with ind ifferent interest.

*.\nywherf from - p. tn. to 5:3ii, U> Tum ulty leaves^ accompanie<l by sumo r*iK»—somctioies tJii' fo n iilin r figure of some IVmocrat, but more of(ea w ith a jicrson whose entire manner aad b»ar- ^ug give the assurance that he i t nota personage. ^ *

Mr. Dslj-ympl.-, wlu, Ua- b«!n a White House guard - fo r many years, ojieas the door and <-lu»c» it. ,\ir. Tum u lty ’s car moves away. .Mr, Dalrymple ob- ser^eB that w r •houi,I I,,, having -nmo snow pretty ^oon. mi.I briishe. b>< im ­aginary lut o f Lu! frotn- bis tr..u-..T:..

Daily ThoUflht.I can te ll w lirre my o w q shop pinch­

es me.—Cervantes, •

r -.\.lv,-rti»e i ; in th«* Classified colnmaj ju f The .Vewa Somslody w ill waat It.

■ ITO bSa Y, JAMUABY 31, 1M8.



A n t ic ip a te D e m o b i l i 'r a t io n P ro b

le m s ' a n d P r e p a re t o M e e ' t h e m E f fe c t iv e ly W i t h W h a t

e v e r Is N e e d e d ■

Dpinotiilizatioit. o f America'e fiKh< •iiiK forcoH hiu» b rougljt to tho America

if, (.'ronn n liitT pn>l)]cf|> which i t hnutiflr ip iitcd nnil w it ii which, throuR it« homo sorvico section prganlrcd «om m.mthw ulnec, i t in thoroughly prepare •to cope to tho nilvantaKo both a f th return ing soldier aml o f tlio comtnunit; to which ho rotumfl. •. The orgftnixatlon o f tho T w in PttU county chapter honio ser^'ico sociio wnii cffectod last year. I ts work up t tho prcHont 'tim o han had to 'lo tnostl;

. w ith tcn illiJK -aaflis to jiee aa well b y ad v in * aw h y financial re lie f, to tbo /a n ilirfU o f raan in tho service.^

It IM proparod now to extoml th( '• 'wcrvice to rotuminf:,fioI<lier/i aod soil

or*.Beodiituurtcxs Opeiif

A t its hoadquartora in-room 5-o f thi • Idaho, power baild ing, corner o f M ali

Aveniie ond Socond atreot iw rth , o f(! f ia ls e f tlU» organlxation arV on dutj vni-h afternoon /rom 2 o'clock u n ti .* ti'i-le>‘ l<, fo r tho piir|)eHe o f advtsini w ith returned- noldiors and sailors ii respect tb the ir rights and advoiitngoi un>li-r m ilita ry and c iv il laws and reg iihitiong. and, ^o nvestigale and fu t iiish financia l ansistaiico In cases whon deserving sorvico men Are in nood ol u i.l to tide them, over u n til thoy socurt employment.

' Thn governnicnt has designated hom( iiurvice to give Infonuation to^ rota'm

. in;r soldiem, oapoclally in rofoico>>ce t< initurance, allotment . and allowance

. <-onii>«n(intlon and ro 'tro in lng -for dls nblod soldiers. E vo iy spldior, upot ^oavisg -eaoip, is instructod by bia com manding officer, to go a t onco to- hom< Hcrvice whoa bo gets homo. A Uttle jmmphlet, * ‘ When you get hom o" to lli him w hat homo servico can <lo fo r-b in iiik I fo r his fam ily . ' -

TJhe in fo n n a t io D - headquarters in i r xharge o f Judgo E. A Walters, choir' Ilian o f home service, <md tM rs. B. I t Mnrvicar, exerutive Kccretar)* home



W A a illX Q T O N ; .Tiui. 21.—A RcJ rMi-<s workcr'who ls ? lill ovurscas acrv in t' " i t h a ccrtoiu wel known d iv is ior iti l-'mnec which han iwun bard flgh<- ini;, rlo im she hns th e , prlw) Jnenio, »vhich i» ft iiniajl, dog-oared book.

When ihe book wjut blank it^w as jiliii'cd by thin Hod Gross man on tbe 4'uiiiiter o f a Bed Cross outpost near till- figh ting Uno. Soldiers and o ffi- .•,T* calling ..for tohocco, cigarettes, I'hurolnto, re iu fo rt bags and other com- Ulf>ditic^ adopted It as a register. When

’.-.II i-nstonior callcd fo r an>tbing ho would . n f f ix his signature in tho lit t lo book and

w rite a line or so o f comment. Now U contains ihe signatures o f mon from nImoKt cvcr>‘ state and from all ranks of the nrmy, gcner&ln down to privates.

The book boastn o f tho names o f such l i ig l i . noUbles ns Maj. Qen^ BuUard, Brig. Oen. H . I I . Hines and Col. A . N. S tark. *

T e m p e ra tu re a t th e N o r th Pole.I t la not a m nttcr o f rccord tha t

Poary took the tcm poniture during hin «hort Btay at the Tok*. hcnce th o ri' )» no North polo tcnjpem ture record thnt %vc litjow .a b o u t. The probable maxi- fm iiA tcnfperature, however, cfliinot be much above tho fn-ezlng point, not-

m-lthMtAudlug IW 2J-liuur dny, fo r Hie Pole Is Isolati-'d nttd In un occnn In which I t Is ncce^s/irj- to melt a ll tbe

y Jcc and snow before the Iminedtnfe ■' Burfncc tempomturtrl-lsea touch ubove •■-32 dcgroc.s Fnhri’Dfcolt..

Records Salt In Sea W atsr.A s Instrument hnn heen devised

which gives n contlniiouB .record of the sa lin ity o f eea w iito r by the nu*n«- uremeot o f Us e lectrical conductivity. A p a ir o f c le c tro ly ilr rt'llB hnve h«N-n deslgoed ^h lch , wTien u^ihI w it ii n »<ult* uble a lten jn ting-cum -n t’ gnlvnnotneter. w l» give M tls fac to ry openufon In con- nectloD w ith a recorder. Tbe tempera­ture compensodoQ Is obtained by placing botb cvlls^ which ore la tbe tw o a m u of a Wbcntstooe bridge, la a Qolfona temperature bath..

E arty Moming £xerel«e.■■Dont ro ll oo t o f bed like a Bailor,’

; Bays a newBjnper doctor. “ 8 tr* tc h the lODScle* and tbe legs and abdomen Iro^ m ediately a fte r awakening. ■ Patting

..on one’* stocking# In bed In. a good wny to accompllRb th l« result and n ^ i dnce flesh." Obviously, to fo llow these Instrtictlons. one should tnke the KiocklQgi to bed tbe n ight before. Most o f tbo exerdse, tb i'ti, na tu ra lly w ill conalst tn dndlog the scocklnga among the bed , clolhea the next morning.— Kons&s C ity Star.

No Charmer, This I m rtbertaore . w hy do they enll an

rar-splJttlBJP whJstJf a **»lr«nT". Our undcrstJBndlQs o f a atreo la 'th a t peo-

• {)lc don’t t ry to get away fro m her.—»GalTCSten'Newa.

Cl*MfS*d Ada . t f akaap—

• ; - I

[B S s’ ' '^ B o n tli S id e i r a b t , S a l i j ia i i I

h o m e s te a d Z ands f r o m B o r le 'H b a rg a ii iB /

-■ J / S H E . k Mrob; 1 8 7 S h ii f l R t H ' ' ......................

l i a t - '■

....iRlDDES.TNES 1 BEST ON JILL ESmred • ______

;„11" T w e n ty - S ix N a t io n s R e p re s e n t-

_ ed A re G u id e d b y th e F iv e :

ctioa G i'e a t P o v i/e rs ’ C o m m it te e ‘ip to ' . ------- ^□Btly By J. W. T. MASON' ad- NB^v yZh iK, Jan. 21.—Sapid acUoh fam - |,y the peace cougross la settling tho

• a ffa irs o f the .world’ can bo elpooted tbla from the mahuer In which tho unwieldy

membership o f twenty-six nations h t^ beeu cu t to a steering eommitteo o f t ie •‘ b ig f iv e . "

' ' Tlje ifestiny or c iv llixa tion is now In « [ . AIMcrlcA,^ I ta ly , Oreut

° ^ * B rita in , Fraude aud Japan; Whatover flii'v ngrei* upon must bo accepted by

1* J tilt* lessor nations aad by tbo 'i-eutral powers os woll. •

“ ■ roMWJins outsiilo Hie'nu-^ t lio r ity o f the peaci; cungruBH. fa f . . • Two Im portant Questions hore Kussinu situation is socoud laJ o f importanco o n l/ to tho formation o f n euro lengue o f nations. Tho maohiaory fo r

• (julck decisions, liav iiig been crea lc l 1 y lome *•'1' peace cougrcss, tliero Is no longer •ora- any roanon fo r an inde fin ite roEitsal r to to face tho problom o f wKat is to bo jice, w ith Russia. ;dU- Tho i>eaco'delegotc8'coanal' adopt the

ipon a ttlltide^o f o judgo. toward Russia be- Eom- ‘‘ft'iso t fo y have not a t thoir, dispona^ lome Buffieiont force to rompel obedience to Itt lo their umndatos. I t is the desire te lls Krnui-e.thait th is r.ourse<be pursued^ Iw t him tlie refusal o f the United. Status and

Orent B rita in to porm it ^o lr.a rm ie s to 4 in Ih- iiAod fo r a Russian campaign has la ir- mnilc tho French proposal impossible.. L. i l l NCttliug ly ith Russia, theroforo, i t is omo iK-iesimry fo r the puaoe congrcss to el^

ler* sooner or la ter in to form al nego* tintionn w ith w-hatevor or fnrtions.can givo the best asHurA'iieeg

• of s lnb ility . •Red --------- * -----------

m istake o f Name Biif- Pfemes F a ta l to

D is tr ic t JudgeS im i la r i t y o f W i f e 's N a m e t o

A n o th e r W o m a n ’s O an a e s ')£fi-ttes, F a t a l S h o o t in grom-.^ “ 5 . DKCATnK, Tex..* .Iwi.

. Uolgor, Waco, Texas, merchant, w io lato Rnturday shot .and'; probably - fa ta lly

rom Hugh D. Spcncor, form crTIIs-iQks jw'ls® sbot Spencor as tho. result o f a tTagic mistake, i t wajr ]ears>

lucbard fe n c e r wns divorced from bis w ife ,

j j ’ whoM 'name •wall S im ilar to th a t« o f Bolgcr’s vrife, 8i>oneor wrote his for. /Mer «-ifc, Buggettiog a meotleg la Vert Worth, fo r the purpose o f so^tling tho ir

• a ffa irs, J t was said. Through the fdm. i ia t iln r lty o f names the le tte r was dcllv- bln ereil to Bolger's •wife and fo il in to tho

1" fiKuiJ* af Bolger who had ne^-er «<-oa bnt nor hoard o f Spencer proriously.« * ' Bolgor 'bc lle \ing the Ictte'r wa.s iiU

t»e tn iil,.,]- fo r his own w ife .came to Do- ''Ot' cntiir ha<l SponcL-r poiutod out to him,

.'HirJ hogaii sLostiflg.l.nt« adyices'ifom Fort W orth, where

"J® .Sjieiicor wns taken tr. a hospital, sai.l ove lit t le chance fo r ' his recov-

Hci jfer nns'to he given aTiorlim lnary h<-sri;?g tmlay.

setl r a n BEST COUGH M B D IC D fE When A druggi-it finds thn t ,h\» cu»-

Jonicrs aU'BiJnk well* o f a ccrtnin prcp- 'tJ- .irstion. he forms a good opinion o f i t

ami when in neod o f such a medicine ult* is almost eertoin to use i t h imself and

in hi» fom ily . This is why so many druggists use and recommond Chamber- lain'(I Cough Bemedy. J . B . Jones, a

XI. known dnigg ist o f Cobnin, K y., “ C »0T», ‘ <1 have used Cluunberlain's

Cough Remedy in ray famUy fo r tho past seven years, and havo fonnd i t to be the^Jest cough medlelno X have ever know n."—Adv.

•r," ' — — . ,the Advertise I t In the C lajislfl^a c6lamo« Itn^ of T>e New*. Somebody w i i r w a n i ' i t . Ing

Z P j ^ F A L F A i iA Yost |A cecnnt' o f , m ild season, reeord P,„ breakiag wheat paatoret, ao Oot- m r eniment demand, must be shipped

prompU),. , * ,Coaaiga J?—W orld ’s largoat d lr tr ib a to n :


Z Kaasas G itf, M o.

«>- C otim ljtioa 75e per toa, Ubeial •— advaacea.

Befereaeea; A ay Eaasaa C ty I Baak o r the Goaimarelal Ageacie*.


WRTH SIDE TRACTm : j x t ^ O l U s r

iirlejr. ito S6<ic Onek. Some good

^ ^ T i i W A R TShoahbna'il,


io U ) ' Nibley-ChannelO OljlPAHT

w In V_' ” ■ ireut^ver SOVIET O O VEBNKBNT I b y O LAIU B N S W TEBBITOB'X it ra l • ----------

AMSTERDAM, Jon. 21—The funner o liie f of. the white. Ruraian soviet gm*- ernment Iihh proclaimed the Smolensk und MinHk-'districtH. part o f tho Bussioa

1 in '“ ''■■'‘'t government, according to dis- . ^ putchen rejoived lii-ro today. Tho prov- . ince of Minf)k -.^vas included In tho

. J Ukranlan republic. Tho Smolonsk dis- ' t r ic t adjoins the Moecow province ou

iiM i west.and is Separated from Minnk J ,bj- the province o f MoghUeff.

J,- XO THB DTBPBPTiOWould you not like {o 'fee l tha t your

lOHa) ■to'naeb troubles »re over, that yon ieau p J C8\t any k ind o f food tha t you crave t

Consider then the fae t that Chamber- lu jt Tablets have cured oth«r*-r-whyand • There are many who have

. been restored to health by ,takiag these I na tablets aud can aow eat aay- k lad ot

il)!o crave.—A dv. ,

Strenath, o f Character.Slrength J f cburucler Ik not mere

Btrongth o f fooling; It Ib tho resolute ' ros trflln t o f -xtning feeling. I t Ik uu-

yielding roMlKtutico to w ltiitevur would dlncontcDt utt from w ithoa t o r unset­tle us from y lth ln .—Dickons.

' "BJaek P;*ouc."Tho “ Black Di-uth. ’ - or

ffO P|nguc," wns nlHo known as tho "bu- bonle plague.” «n»l wns n scourge In- Europe und Asia In tho yenrs-between 3334-33151, when imJHIodb were_fiwupt

* away b y th e Hcourge, I t has rccurrctl from tlnro to tim e sloce tlien, but never BO huvcrcly. -

' 'Substltote fo r^ lJ tJnum . lato I'nitAdlutn fun ilH lifx « m ibntltiito fo r

plntlnum in the dental lndu>«try. thero-. TIIb- i,y releasing from use the la tte r motnl. t l ‘o I t Is nearly ns hard us Htcol, nnd hns

ara. <f,c curious projH?rry o f nwallowhff hydrogen. A ploco o f palladium w ill

'l^e, abrarb 050 times Us own bulk o f hy- «of tjrogen. , .. fo r. ^ . _________ __________ , .

M iniature Railroad. '. The snmllL'st^ paKscuger-cnrrylng ra ilway In England 1« to be found on

' the ostato o f S. P. Dcrbyshlrv, «t Uko- ° aton. T lie gnuge 'o f the rundhed Is

oaly seven InchoH. Tho engine, a per­fe c t. nio<lol o f the JUdlond m llw ay 1.000 claHH. three-quartcr-horHo pow* c r and w ill haul four adult paHsenge.rrt' o f the m lnliuun; truck. i

lore •la l.i Keep .Troubles to Yourself.'■ ,:ov- tbo vnst m ajority o f us Is

n*ino too cnrrfrct*- T ills .trouble, or l l j j j t dJ.-uippoloimcQt. mnko.H our world vory choerl<*fi5 a t tim es; but dwelling- upon our probk-nis, elaborating upon ou r dlillculUcfl, o r longing to shiiro Ihose unpli-aNiuit rcnlltU ’f " I t b otberB, w ill CAl'Qld U.*! OBi} Id Iji. Wc, ruch. lu-

f'P- divldually. im ist stnnd onr own ground.' f I t nnd. If we-are wIso. rofn.«o to '.)e Inllu- :iao enced by ariy un iirotliictlvo iw>odR. > and anyxjT. W hy Busy People Have Le^iure..I, a They finy btislest p.nipl*'

nave tho most tim e to give In iieni-lcf ia»* to othcfH, m n Jum clcur attention to the a new subject n t nn InHtnnt’s notice.; to T h i* simple because tho tiuslcKf re r P<^Ple. the ones who nrc nccomplUh-

Ing Ihe most, have lenmctl the a rt <»f prompt action, o f quick dlsmlMal o f

Tio« ^ ^ f l t bna to b« donp. • They can give ' i t . you « t any moment uodlvldod atfea*

tloa becaoa* Uselr minds are clear and ^ ready,

. _ M atter o f Matnematrc*.A w nm on-w hose-hobby.-w iiff''th«

rd p«ychoIo*y and tbe esoterir Influeac® V- o f colors, was deeply grxtllTed one

m orning when hcj' hu.*»b:iud admitted th a t the rr"m igh t be somethlt.s lo h\-r theory o f t r r a ll. " Ih iu w ii t'lJd me something today, which sjvme*!. to gq

I to provo. It.” be said. .•‘Duv.son?’• questioned U r* . Mmllson, nrauied. fot

Dnw^oa was tht* iiiiiiia;:<r of ber h fti Iwnd's stahhtt. -Y>-:u l»- '.-o'S tljf* bfl.v

t i cat moro tlian thv .r - .v .. ' ‘ Ile.ill*- How doea,be a cc -iM :'.n r “ \Vhj

:y tberw aps ten mc?re lays than grays.*

^ ' Claad^ed Ads ara «k«cp—c fflM tt** .

y i j i i i i i i l i i i i i n m i i i i i i l i i i i i i i i i i u i i iH i i i i i u

i p ^ U E . B L U E I= By W ARREf) L E I ejARTON. =

I ^.(OofkTHxbt. t91S. W n iira N i|ir«M ^r C«loa.k

-“.How. you fce lliy ; nuw. I to g e ^ ‘^Snug fts a bug in .a rug n

.'■Mehbe-we’d better forget dlggiaf fl«ld aad dig bock, fo r bouic, hey l”

,. .“ Bwfyboc}r*wouJ{l Joogh a t ua., m be A ll r igh t Id a .day o r two aad .wu’ i l f t r ik e a ■fresh tra il, seel"

— J Thus spoke Roger Sn;aU. j lc h man’i = BOO o f Chesterton, t lf ty miles distant. U a t Mea Actuiicu, S?cb , WaJla. Thej

were ;ln an old lA im uad. ly ing on t heap b f haj’ and covcrcd to tho chit

.v .lth It mggod imme blanket, Koger

.w ith iubttk-d <nce. watched bln clmn fl&d nUrne lidni}e tiboat.

Tbe la tte r hud set up ligh t house k£cinhg. Mu' hud il small one-buruei kerosene stuvo. u sk ille t nnd a fen other kitcbi-n acceKsorlcs, a pnekngo ol

‘cereal, a bottle of milk aod nn oW ten p o t This WOK constantly slmroerlns on the lit t le oil burner nud gave oui an nromutle steuui.

•Tou Kee, jo u ’s-«*-got the mensles,’ said Zob. “u iid oJ} Vou fa n do for I t li to lie u tlli nnd keep'wunn, so^I bor rowed the blanket w lthon t asking, nnt! as to the'W arm drlnka'you've got t< hnve thepc's^-louds o f .pennyroytil • Ir Ibe -fie lds and t'jiat's Hie tea you’n

'■ getting, I foiind u le tte r w ith a regu. la r and a 'tpecln l deliver)- stamp on ll

- 3 ] and cut them off nnd aold tliedi fo r ter — - cents nnil bought the .cereal."

••Ob. Xcb J The le tte r w s In tend rf fo ioot?-"

"Course I t WIIH. It 's addressed to a mer “ H® dropped It be-

fore It was nibllod. T il hunt ber up and deliver 11 .”

dan " i ’ou’rc a true lilu t‘ one. n in 't youTVII voiced It«»ger in grateful ndm lrallo ii.

*‘I try to bl'. Von vvouhl run away the himie nnd. liavlng none niyBcIf,

I wn« Rliu) lo Join you. Now yuu’ro iHlck. th ink I ’d drop you?”

“ “ ' JuHt .then tliere wore sounds o f Jolly Juvenile voices uutHide. H a lf K do*ea boys peered In curiously. “ It 's tlie two fellers we heard Jibout run iilng away from hym#." «poke'their leader,

our “ Keep o u t! This In a hospital Juat eau now.” warned Zeb. va t “ What do you m e iin l" wns luqulr«d. >er- “ Just wbat 1 sa>j M y c liu ijj’s down 'by w ith tlie niensles and I'm nursing ive him.” and Zeb went out.Nide-with tbo #so group. . . •

. "H uh I” niutiorod une o f tbem. “ He’s » ,liu-ky. DoiJ'i. hnve fo, go to school,

WlMb't I hud bin Hlcknoss.’’"Yn ii do?" ohalU-nged Zeb. his ©K*

’ rc brightening.' "Look' hore, uny o f you Jto fellowH iin^louH tu catch tlie nieasloK

«i> you ilo ir r im v e to go to achool fun be accn^nodiitt-d at te'ni cents per. A ll

'■‘t* you're got to «U> l!> to piiy a' dUm*. come ■ . la luul x lcby tity elium fo r an hour o r

t\v< i lu id ’fifon i .-I day or so you 'll break out mont te n u ilfn lly ."

If); ' Zell Iau;:he[I m lils own eoncell, but JU- Iho boys w.f'iit iiwny t lio tig liifu l. A t In ' noon two o f thom reap|K*iir«*tl w ith nn eu a ir o f mystery und, twenty .rent.-* lu* •pt ,t%veuii them. ~■etl ' ’‘Say." «ilisorved one o f them, »heop. -er Islily, •‘wo'll tnke twenty eenfs' wcirih

. o f your Hii-aNloH botwn'eii uk."“ I'hat'H liiiHlni-.'ut, ' ra id Zvb, and saw

theiii sinite<nieHlde blKpatleht.aad prt^ ceedt^d down town to buy some dellca-

rt*. Invalid chum., However Infection d id not occuf

and Ihe would-be victltnk nilssed ^ e opjKirtunlty o f nn anticipated vacation,

^11 but tho Ktory got out. MIks Inu B la ir. HchoJiltencher. leanunl o f the incident.

■ “ I never In-nhl o f such cold-lUooded illu b o llK in :" xhV to ld , un .»niwl»tant. “Th is ’M l WiiIIk uiuxt^be u horrible, wro'tcli. I hlinll see t iu t he .und Mn

tlS clium leave town at oOco." ot’ She WUH pretty us u picture and gen-

‘tie MS a dove, but fo r a dny o r two hud I** been luborliig finder diKuppointment

and chnsrln. Four days previous a ' ccrtuln shy. but' adoring young mnn hiid whl8|K.-rc«l to her ut u tennis p.arty tlm t he lniwid*>d- Kuudhig b c f a very linportiitit lo ite r next day. nnd It had Ootjconie. ,

.^*b, uinklng u (rush Infusion o f iK*n- nyroyul tea. was challenged from out-

j j j slile the barn by a young ludy waving -Id ber^mrjisol u t him. " ,

’•Conic here, ytju young reprulmte J" she «-nllitl. ".Vre you tho wretch who hiiM boon try liiK to scatter nn e|il<l.-uilo <»f diKtyi-<i' ilirtu iK li the town?"

™; -.Soiu.'- djHs.-iitwi Zeb, ’T ve Just . . iH>on iry lu i; lo keep my cliiiin. Koger'

Stuiill, c-iinjforiahlo.''"W i-ll, yon »Iu^l nmve on nnd leave

bore, or I ' l l hnve-the authcirltW a fte r you. I nni M lKM^Inlr. the xclioidteach- er, auif I must protect my cjinrijr.<.“

“ Oh. B iiyl” abruptly eJaculiUed Jicb. ’T vo ;:oi something fo r you," and he

to hauled out Uie le tle r from which he o. hud clipped the stamps. Miss B b ilr sf cxntnlqed . w ith trembling Mneor.-*. h- She m id .{lie liicloMure ’ f . “ Y ou 'dear lK>y!” siie cried, iilmost Df hugging him. “ l^elt mo where y<<u got re ll.;-0* ■' "1 found It,” exDlaln<*<l Zcb.

I t Btcallng, taking the stomp*? Then I guess L’d steal fo r Ihe best frlen fl I * v c r had, Unger Suiall." MH'* B la ir led li lm 6ti to n-ll nil olKnit bl<« srtning*

!« cloiogs. tradng la hl.i'fldoJIf.v ff-fe rvo r that fthuw i^ a veritable dlaiaoflU tn

le the roaglu.■d “ A fte r a ll. only fr le n d 'lilp and love •r cotmt fo r niurh..“ she said, and fo rlli- le w llh stfw to U. aroJd her Joy ovor the :q le tter, that tho two wayfan'rs wore f com forlably 1iou«ih1. the ftt lu -r o f Rog.>» er aent fo r. und *he so pload*‘<l f» r loy.II aU lOTlne 7A'h w ith th e ^ ^ to r tlia t he

deride*! tn tnu>> 7.<‘h ufcKm ate vime- th iiiu ..r lum. ^

And Mlsk Iu.t B la ir wua gluO of al?•* OC this, fo r huw ber fu to re m lgbt hav*

been marriMj had dM lo « le tte r never 'o i in d :

? D A I L Y N W S

i ia g I -— ■s . f ’ - ' - - - = ■ • , . . .5 •

- l i ; f l f H E N ^ y c u s t

- ^ * ^ s u i t o f e l o i

■ h p u s e . b e s t q

n w i t h a m a x :

« o . f o r a m i n i mand,

i» n '. B u y y o u r pat, to -LThey • D a S lS * on a

„ t ' r " T h e . p r o d u c■hum , - f “ . N e w s J o b I

W . \ i s , s o I d o r iirner •few . p a p e r , f i r s

j Z ' . , w o r k m a n s h

• a t t e n t i o n - t (

t a i l s w h i c h

I t i» , b e t w e e n g o t

nnd T h e s e t h i n *

If !n , V ' L i s t i t u t e N e wDu’rc

^ ■ “ W e mr ten ,i

8 fo r. w . - - - "

ioERIESSONEi 5 iyFOlLOIillo lly '■ ,jsen A m e r ic a n In d u s t r ie s A re E>

w ' - p e e te d t o S u f f e r p a c l( s e t

A f t e r W a r -N eeds- O v e r


GERM ANY, .loa. 10 fdc layo il). • jjjQ CharloK M. ^h w a b , Americaa Ble

magnate, declared hore today tb a t 1 He’s o*pocts hn cra o f ind listrla l depres!<b lool J.'* United S ta te )!'^ to r tho war ai

t lia t there w ill bo lit t le hURiness e pansion fo r a long time,

yyy ' 'D esp ite oxpofllAtlon% Amorica wi not ub ta iii much business from reeo

(.y,, structiou work in tlu ‘ ilevantated^ i A ll gions,—inasmuch a«t most u f tlio mate

ome ]>roduoed lo c ^ ly , stoir o r being uiM-d in p lo te^o f •wood, Sckvri -oak forecast tlm t Amorica ne

have 110; foar o f eoniprtitiou from G<but

Schwab arrived horo a fte r an oxte I nn tour o f the war Eone and hil„ . l dinner w ith .the AnioricAn correspo

dents in Coblene. -L*t-p. ' ^.r ih D O N 'T TOTT POEOBT IT

Bear jn mind tha t Chamberlain saw Tablets not only move tho bowals bi pro- im prova;.tha appetite and atraagthi lea- the digestion. Thoy ocnitaln no papsi

or othorVigosUva ferm ent b u t a treagi cu|* en the stomach and enable i t 'to p« ^ e fo rm its functioaa aatarally.—Adv. Ion, , . -I . M— 1» I . I '■a ir. . L IN B B STOPS POB^OOAI.*

H A L IF A X , iT r-S ., Jan. - 21.-—Tl French, line r Reehambau ,w lth Unit<

I SBatcs^troops aboard, a rrived here th a ftc ™ « o an il began >coaling In tl ImUJC^arbor.*—She ran sJiort o f coal'c

•enAdvartise i t ia tbe. Classified eolumi

o f Tbe 17ews. Bomebo<iy.-will w ant I

-OUaaifled Ads are aha a p -^^a e jjicir ty -cry ------------ -------------------------- ......---------had I. ~

Real Bargain^)ut- - ■ ^Ing Trackage lots acron from 0 . a L .

depot, *1500 each, o f ' WeU Improved e igh ty oa Balmoo, ,,,o 1125- ■

120 on Salmon, a ll necessary bnlldlngs, large cisteras, t7<L50. 80 acrca aoar K im berly , A-1 aoU, tOOOO ijnprovemenU in buildings, $.150 per acre.ICO near H o llis ter, one o f tbe bost

“ '■P forms on Salmon; *7000 improve- ti^f ments in boild iags; buildings fo r ch- tw o fam iU e ir

I f yoa have hooae fo r sale caa «l>. handle satire r ig h t now. he RoBlaess bu ild ing fo r sale on he M a in aveatia. ^

F o r U . S. govemmeat irriga ted lands a t .Orland, CaL, see K ^ r d a t L ue ’s o ffice or M yh r* a t Hote l

„ . Perrine. - . -U interested la ' North Side ^ d s ca ll or phene re tld ^ e e o f­fice 742.

z Nygofd’s Realty Go.a ir _______ ]_____________ .ig * — ' ■ ' ■ . ■ ■ s = = ^►•or ■ . ...... . I '

V, ^ A U C T IIII-

1?: W A L T E R <S1,5 . TWBB


Bafora da ting TOtir' salai, w r it* -JP b e te t , a ffle iaa t tatTle*.

Satisfiad p a tz m ta a t l f t to tBa rer E . O. W A l.T B a

■ i f

' ■■ •'<}: ■ ' ■.4',

s t a n d i n n e e d o f a n e w , : 1

l o t h e s y o u ' g o t o t h e

t q u a l i f i e d t o s e i ^ e y o u '

i x i m u r i i b i s d t i s f a c t i p h ’ ' ;

i m u m o t c o s t . ;

p r i n t i n g p n t h e , s a m e

u c t o f t h e T w i n F a l l s ;

I P r i n t i n g D ^ r t m e n t

r i m e r i t - ^ h i g h ; q u a l i t y .

r s t c l a s s i n k , c a r e f u l

s h i p a n d t h o u g h t f u l

• t o t h e m a n y t i n y d e -

: h m a k e t h e d i f J ^ r e n c e

r o o d a n d b a d p r i n t i n g ,

n g s , p l u s s e r v i c e , c o n - ■

2 W B p r i n t i n g . >

IVever D isa p p o in t ,

|0 S E ip |T Baisain PriiSKs

B P u u B g a r ro>cd t e r o o i l ;

r j . J . ' 7 P a M w v e r f i i id a o a , o r a r > } a n d p B t t d ik s d . ';

i>ir<ioR 8 . '^ a s u e o ^ e r ’ H a ^ o i v

r f f l n i i h e d . : « a d . o i w ; . • ; ; 'h a u le d . ■ ■- ' ■ w in . . ■ , ,

I i . MAGELBRO&Btono { P h o n e 0 6 ; i;bw.aV 1 . - • ■ -K . ' ' .•■• •

need — ---------------- . _ _

‘ M 0V 3B STAO fl jaANDS - r * ixte ii- ■ BBFORB I J ^ O B BOAS

hnd • . ' . • — ■" i- ' • *.ispon- W ASHINGTON, Jaii...21. .-rr^M b^

stage bautlB won a case beforw the Wi labor hoaVil lujre today. T 6 e » Iia ^

jttu<Uo' o f ^ in o u s P Iayett,"ljoa 'Aagtfe Ia in ’s orderod to-ro lnstate a ll; the-sta f 8 bn t hands who recently woat or a f t r ik gthen al5out .*>0 per' cent' were ta k i >«psia ■ingth. The war board today dropped the.fc , ' j ^ low ing labor dispute: . •

Em ployes'vs. Garfie ld Sm elting Cot pany, Salt- Lake C ity.


5 thin , I f somo great act o f herolsia wa» na< , thn essa rj-to protect a c jilld frdm crou] ,q1 /o ii do mother would hesitate to

her offspring, bu t when i t Ia oaly ntt ossary to keep a t hand a bottle e

umu.« Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy aad 'g iv J.. i t as soon as f ir s t in d lca tlo n ic

croup appears, tbere are many wbo aeg s f e ^ « c t it^., Cbamberlaia'a C o u ^ Bem*d;

f s 'w i t£ ^ !^ e r iX a t^ fX e ^ a n danJ effectual.—Adv.^

BEPOBTS A B B U K F O U N D ^ 'W ASniN O TO N , Jan. 81>-;Dlreet<

V General Hint-a t o ^ y deelared - ya^ui founded reports tha t the r a i l r o ^ a< lu inintrntlon contemplates raising' <

' o it l ir r fri-ight or jiasflenger rates.' ry ' —

D ZX A 7B D FB BIO H TC B A B B IV S B . .S-KWl'OUT KFWS, Va., Jan. 2I»

^ The fre igh te r K.>re«i.->pa, a week oven [due, iirrivcd hen* to 'lay from Franc

•g. w ith th irty.n i'vcn mea .and .tw o o f t or errs, x dct.-iohmont o f Bordcanx c a m

comjian’y number oae. ^la — '■

TB LBPO N II BATES SOSPBKDH P I“ . WA911INQTON, Jaa. 21.— No w t ^ W ill bo mode by the postoffice dspafl

ment concerning the aetioa o f the Nw ^ Jersey pub lle-titU ities "cdmolasiea ad

pending the now te lephone^tea ordersj is effective tomorrow by ,PoBtmaat*r ( M f - v n il Burleson. — . 1

I To " f ln a a e a ’ * a VTto 1 *« '* a a v JtU lag campaign yoa aaad o a l j aat a r a — fo r perhapa a few d a y » ^ j n i « year p ^ e t n o n ^ f. -• ^ I

r i O N E E R S


)CK AND FARM SAUS ;^]a rM a -a * . Wa Maart jPm

tBa ebaae ta r « f oar.-wodk, - • ^ 1

I p H i WlH .FALLS DAILY NEWil>T ‘I> » T w t f IU l> N « in

PoUUhlBg O i^ p u iy , Ine o rp e n U d al H h T w ia P iU ^ IdAbOf . u d Im bm v n t j mt'

i ^ o e a exempt S a n d y . '

BOT A - T^«AT> • - ..........l^ x M U a l

^V o H N a JZA B TZ7 — . K ««s B d lto i , ;. T a . p b m a . .- .

/ T o d a y ' s N e w s T o ( ? a y

'- 'S n fe r« d «a Beeond>elftu'mattor Apr^U V|^918, a t tbe po ito fflee At T w io Fa lb ; lilkho, QBder thn A et o f If& reh 3, 1879.

— ' B U B S < n U P T IO T l u m jlia U . ' < k n its •&00------------- O u T4mx — ---------KOO•ft ja t ■_ e m r t ith i ^ ------ M M$1M ________ _ 8 a o a tb * ------------M M$ -M - - - — 1 memlh _______ L$ M

i;A d re r t i i lB C B t tM opom sppUaatlen.

K o r M p o ^ U ^ i« ■MoaMdc^or tk * itm n o f lunftlftiKw l b m o m o I ^ ^ o fe - .M p h s or o tte r ooatribBtod a s tta r . ? lr& le s tabxaUtod <or n iU k tt io m w lU bo nw d or n o t s t t h * O M rotlos o f the 'editor and so mAaoMiipta w in bo r»- to n e d nnlocM ■<ffonip«nftd b j the n«»- '€Utry portago.

; ^

[. ' ‘ TH E B IO H T S P IR IT L Tbo C ity Com eil is te bo oongmtulat-

»1 <h] npoa lt« M tioQ in ouumingr the earo 1 by tbe th« Teceatly.'ostablishedI f la g decoration tT item o f Tw fn FoUi. T 'Tbe^merehants aad b n ^ e w men e f tho

e i ^ porchaeed the fla g * and the nec* esaary 'equipm ent fo r <^heir d iq tlay . H erea fte r t te e ity ^ look a fte r the

• iM tte r b f th o ir nae fo r decoration pnr* ^poaea a t aueh tim e* aa th e y 'a re 'to be Tiaed. • , \ .

<The whole n u tte r o f the o ie o f the .4 s t to r deeoratiTO pnrpoaea on a mu* ' i d ^ i l aeaie la ' aoond aad. r i^ b t. To 'bagiB w ith , th e n can be so . be tter aebaaa e f d e r a t io n doTiaed than t i ia t i ^ e b iae lndM a l ^ r a l oae o f ' t h e avblem « f A m erie^ now-aad a t a ll fu* Itn iv t/imea, b o t perhapa, partien la riy now. There baa been moeb telk* o f f la g s .o f Tecent ntontbs, American aad the othor U nd. The cHy irtiieh ia | w il l in g a t a ll tlmea t o . d ^ la y jn profo^ aion the co lon o f the g o ve ra m u t oodez | ivU eh we live^'^c^era to the w o r^ tbe i

o f a l l «ridonee :tba t there \a ao < n b in fo r any otber fla g . -*- jCbe pabUa a p liited boslneaa men irkoM wUUsgneaa jo b w . the borden n a ^ the reaoTt ^ a d b le ^ v a . l u r e ^ ; o f £ ^ .asother piece o f aTidenoe o f tbe . ^ t t i ia t the T w in [Falla ip l r i t * i f t idxoUy aaad->ibat tbe aanM old * t ib e iid T iew o f the whole propoaltloa o f , M o s ia n i^ C M p e ^ o n exiata t o ^ y as t I r l i ^ s lw iy s esiat«d~and tb a t whea I

Im ^ .w m e i to tho Blatter o f flatfa, H ‘ the ” th in g ia w orth doing a t a l l lU ^

I j i h i y t b Soiag weO. . ' ' t^/beaT^Dtion ria ito ra o f last weok ca ^ o

away a m igh ty cbeerfnl iqipreeaion ° o t T w in FkUa u d her people, and not “ tbe laaat o f tbe elementa whieb con* tr iba ted to th ia -waa the de<orat!ona o f '£ Tw in Falla^ bnaineaa a ^ tio a l '

I Ij

.f.. O B S T IV O B B S U U 8 o'<Paaaiag.the b u c k " aad bewailing ^

ith e ir nahappy p U ^ t wiQ n o t get Jobe to r aoldiera. p

The f lra t atep in a real^Jy .affeetlTe, t< jeonatrnctive plan fo r accompllabing tbla :end wonld be to f in d oot where tba ^ {oU are. A p o ll o f tbe employera o f ^ tbe a ty , tbo eoonty aad .^ e d ia trie t is if the policy tb a t w<{nld aaggeatJ tM lfrt? ’'\ Thtf next th ing ;wonld be to “ j;onT.«al«nt placoa o f r e ^ t r a t lo n wbere

0;he re tom iag a (ddi» qp. sailor looking fo r a jo b m l|i> t g ive b is name and ad- Ui

and tbo natnre o f Ibe Job wWeb a be conld fiU . • ‘ “>• I f the U aited Statea ea»ployiseat g, •a rrice caaaot perform these fonctiona, ^ ia d i t is hard ly to be expected, bonad oi ibont by red u p e and r e n t ^ o f of* ieia ldom aa ia, tha t it .c a a j then an * rgaaim Uoa, i f aeces^ry , o f ' p a t r i ^ itiaasa m igh t aad ongbt to ondertake c

r i 'W W k la ro lre d and do i t . FiBocb a coorae onght a o t 'to w o rk to

be dlaparagoment o r embarraasment o t b * aoploym ent aenrice, aod woold cer* a ia ly bo a a te ^ ^ '* ^ T * s “ of-anyth ing ha t th e emp)o/ip*Bt BOTTice haa y e t us liaaa a b le to offe i-inTS e solotion o f tbe rablam. wi

* ' ' o fla T .tyn y isT a th<

A iB M r c B A E t u r j ov u n o it tb— ■ do

HAV FRANCISCO, Jan. 2J.—Califor* tr i ia .aanaot ye t be cliaaed w o n g the tatea liated in Waahington aa ha'v-ing Ca a tlfle d tbe Sheppard' -amendmcat to rk lake the aatioa bone dry . ■ K iSoperior Coart Jndgea T ro n tt and on

'ratbers retained in effeet (h r tcu'><» tbi ary io inae tioa preventing Oovernor jh) lepbeas ce rtify in g tho reaolotioa to OO faahingtoa nntU they can review tbe rii< y i po iaU prweated la te y c ttc r ia y arc jr attomeya fg r this j^v e tn o r nn>I fo r th« be'.wine grower*. *» '

S E iD „ ™ * , C LA S m iT B D A P a .‘^n.

~ R l ~ A fter~the-W >[«wa «—I I !■■■ ■■ I I I I II ■ II- I 11 I1 fxn iv .. ' '■ ■ ■ i'm ti

“ I

.p ril X

87D. ^

£ :t s o ^ ■ v I K / M I l l i fn B a ' * * ' m m

sto- I r V f i i n rbIIL-IFP R U M; T im ely Tapica o f Oeneral lo ta rsst News Beadeia aad F r lA ^ d 'W ltboot Frejodlce In the

. la tcraets o f-tb e JPublie Oood■ ' L —___ I - . ; ---------- ^ ------ 1—_____!._____

E d llo?^Tw in ‘ f a l l s 'nowb.\ i>oar 8 i r : Bogarding a county memor*

ia l fo r Tw in Pnlls boys who have gone to onr arm y; '

1 would strongly urge a' Y . M. 0. A. ay, building,, w ith a trophy room fo r tho the o f trophies, ribbops aad medals^ won by tho boya from th ia eounty, and

no doubt many, o f the boya would wcl- b« come tb ia opportun ity to display tbe lr

medala, badgea and aouveaira. I t should Jxo be in 'cha rge .o t .n.graduate Y . iC O. A.

secretary w itb ifu ll memberahip jrtrivi- _ lege free to honorably dlaebargod tail*

o n and aoldiera.S aving m yaslf expertencsed tbevlone-

a t ,B«nenesa o f ereninga s p e n t !^ ^ atrange ] be town, th a t «Hune town b e i n g ^ ^ Pall« c

ten.,yeara WOO milea f«Jia home’, t■ and aot even 91R •fanOUar face, I can 1

tru ly aay w bat a club hooae o f th ia (o f aort wonld moan to yonag men. cad Tbi*,.^»rar baa been, fongbt aad won r Jg by the young men o f th ia country, ao i

why ahouldn 't oor memorial !•««, some* g ' t h ^ g b f value to thoae n en ^ p n the ir d

" re tnm and o f value to y 6nng i»<-n o f s ie fu tu re generation^ Tathex than^^^some- i io th ing omamenial to look 'tipen. )J V ery tru ly yonn^ ’ $

WU. H . S TA N '. .Y. C T w in Palla, Jan. ,20.

« - J - . g|y. .Editor. T^ria F a lla .N ew a t»f D w S ir: We read w ith intereat tbe ° Jt eommonta o f araoe .o f tbe. b d ^ e a a Aon^ o f-T w ln . Falla.aa..p&bliahed la yonr ia* '<>

aue o f. the 18th, regarding the best * memorial to Tw erected in commomora-

» tion o f/ the' great services the T w in ®la -Palls cooaty boya have rendered hn> P

m anity in the w ar jo a t eloaed. - *Tbe w rite r f irm ly believea th a t some "

provlsioa should b« made looking to ^ the .welfare o f the re tu a la g aoldiaob

^ and thn t aoma provialoa ahoold also bQ ^ ,Q madb fo r tho entertainment 'and «h*ro*

ation o f the yonng people o f thia coft- ' 'munity. Joat bow t ^ s ia \tM coold be ^

*’ w«?J«<^'ont to beat advantage we are»< not t ry in g to n g g M l. ' °

A Y . 1L,C . A ^ or aim ilar iaaU tution, ®large cnouglr to be a f i t t in g reB»iader ^o f the a e ^c e a 'w h ic h onr boya bave “

^ rendered^oor community and onr aartio n wonld probably cost $10,000 a year ^

• to m aintain and operate. Whether the ^ people o f Tw la '^aU a eounty wonld eare

), to take on themaelver th ia obligation ia - g doubtfu l in tba .xninda o f a good many J o f ua. • P'. The w r ite r w oold IQm te aee the com* ”

m nn ity thorongU y eaavaaaed to aaoer-■ t jd d '^ '^ tb e r o r not the peo|ile wonld

t ^ l y J ^ t aueh an in s titu tio n erected ”B and maintained In a atate o f high e ff l* f

clency.I f the verd ict o f tha people shonld

C be not to erect the Y . H . C. A ., or aim*- lia r institu tion , the w r ite r believes tha t v' K a caitaUe<memoTial would Iw tbe eree- *

tion o f a rim to rim bridge across the• Baake rive r canyon a t Sboshono' fa lls .

Such a ' atructoro wonld be a Tasting ^» toonomont to the great servlcea which 1 our boya have ao unselfishly rendered . the ir country. I t woold be in keeping w ith the b ig taaka they have ^ccom* ^

ptiahed, and woold bo a work worthy ' o f tho ^ i r i t o f enterpriae and adraaee- I n e n t, whieh ia alwaya found in Tw in .

Falls. Thia wonld b^ one o f t^e largest .., single span bridges in tha world, asd , sfonld add greatly to tho .attraction o f •' otfr fa lls and woold draw many tour*• ists -to our country. ? '; Lincoln eoun^' could be asked to jo in: us in the erection o f th is bridge, asd > ' , i f the 'h ighw a y dlatrieta on the N orth *

Side t w t wonld eoaaOct tU a bridga - w ith a good system o f higbwaya, mncb o f the traaseoatiaental trave l going to the northweat wonld ba d iv rr ts d tbrengjh - 1,

’ ll» r . N orth Side' tract, i ^ c h - would, donb'tlesa, ba a aaMt to tb a t ^ tn « . • , 2;

There is a movement on foo t fo r th * *ai Canadian aad TTait*d State* govara. ori RientH to place a greiat bridge actoaa o f N iagara r iv e r a t E o ffa lo , ia eommem* poi oration o f the work o f the aoldion the tbeae two n a tlo s a ' This bridge ns p r ^ ' ori poacd would cost som tthing lik a $10,- apt 000;000, aad I t is also proposed to spaa cot each approach w ith a great trium phal wo areh, wherein rccorda would l>e kept o f ro i the mea aerviag In tha armiaa o f tha out two eoontrica Some aach aim ilar plan crd fould be worked Ont fo r tbo span acroaa teri Snake r ire r <nn^on. This n-otiM' Ix* j bui


^ a r P a trio tism .^ If

y i i j

r a B r Uiif|'" •.

— ^ uot on ly n w o rthy monument'to iho sol*

t diora fro m ^h e cooununltles ;partlcipat- itig in the bu ild in g Of tho bridge, bn t would nlso bo a wonderful ndvcrtltiing assot to all southern Idabo.

This is a suggestion, which you i-iay “ pass on to the public i f yoo tU trk It “ w o ftliy b f consideratiodT .

'd . W . UPD EO B.vlT .• Tw in Falls, Jan. 20.

ior- E d ito r Tw in Falls News;«"® I>ear S i r : '

Just now every citieen o f* m unity is earnestly and inteaaely . la>

^ 0 tereated in the movement ia a a g o ra ^ lals by our County Council o f Defease i f t >o<l provide aome k in d 'o f memorial fo r- tb w rd - boys who went f r r tn T w in JWla, c o o a tf le lr to f ig h t fo r th e ir -boontry. R ia wall u ld tba t such a movement,haa been lanaeh* A . od and i t ia em inently f l t t ia g th a t ia

Ivi* a, proper way we give a ju s t aad *a- l i l* during re c e p t io n -to the heroic aor\'-

tee o l onr boys.- • ' _Be- I i l the columnf o f your valued paper ig» I_ have read w ith nhieb interest the i l l* opinions o f aeveral o f our cltUena w itn DO, reference to. tbe k ind o f memorial th a t an should be p rovided.. I t aeema tbat. thaa* hia opiolons confine themselve* in a gen­

eral fashion to two types o f monorials, on namely, a Y . M . 0. A. and a Comms* so n ity Club. Thoy show a de fin ite diver*

ae* goneo o f judgment and they fo llow a s ir discrim inating, lino tha t results in the o f setting op o f two. concrete iasoes. One le* issue Is involved in the ereotion o f a

Y. M. a A . buUdlng and o lher is-'. sue is involved in tbe orM tlon a f a

Community Club-House. * - These two Issues reveal two d is tinc t

^ u p e who seek to provide IL memorial to o iir boya. One gl«np empbaaizea the

liQ m a tte r^ tf libera l opinion in Ita endeav* on ora io provide a memorial.' I t iron ld

eteet a Community Club. Hooae abont ,,t which no iwsslbla linies eould be drawn.

I t would have its motnorial as liberal and broad in Ita ' conceptions and ptur-

g. poses as was tho service o f tho boys 'fo r whom the momonal wan erected. I t

jQ would bo the type o f memorial abont ^ which thore would bo no cleavage on [, the m atter of creed' or class. The oth*

^ r group emphasit«i the m atter o f con- f*er%*ativo judgment In ltH "effort to"pro- vido a memorial. I t would erect a Y. M. C TA. bu ild ing which would in i u very nature th row aronnd tho activ ities

' o f tho institu tion a wholesome rellgi- _ ous atmosphere. I t would’ provide a „ memorial th s t would n t onco hnvo «

defin ite and he lp fu l a ffilia tio n w itb a . great religious ins titu tion , an institu* ^ tion tha t has been since Ita inception a I,. s«od and powerfol force in oor national JJ life . . . . . • •■ '' ' ‘ :

.N o w , 'b o th groups are actuated by ly the h ighw t and purest motlvps. Tho ^ purpo*es ’onderly lng.'the judgment o f

each group ara o f the mort worthwhilo ^ k ind. Both groups seek to aoco|npljsh ^ practica lly tho Mme end. , I t is a b i t . regrettable tha t there should arise aueh , a divergence o f .ju'dgment invo lv ing

tw o d is tinc t and inherently oppoiod is . suet bccauM the movement under way '

must embody the m atter o f community un ity as well as tho m atter o t tn ive r-

Pal support. We must exercise tfie ut- ' most eare tha t we do not.create on this

^ most im portant .matter a lasting dlvla- ^ Ion o f community thought and commu-

* n lty Interest.” . Oor memorial most ty* ^ . p ify a universality of oplnlpn aad sup­

p o rt I t m'{ist be tho type o f memorial £* to which m-ery citizen caa give devoted

a ffilia tio n and In whlcb every c itlran^ CM have an undivided Interest. j ,** ‘P e r te ii^ y , I am very much in favor _° o f a V. M. C A. Every community o f* this size should have a V . M. C. A.j Tw ia Palls oeeds one very, badly. I t ^

would f i l l a need bere tha t has b«ea | ,evident fo r aeveral years. However,. J j»have not y e t convinced myself tha t m -

I Y . 2L C. A . as a memorial to our hero- ** lc \o y a .w o u ld gather *roond itse lf >a

* u n ity and a n n ive n a lity so hecewarr U* in a m atter o f th is sort.* I would lik e to 'p ropoM tho m atter -* o f a M em orial l ib r a r y as tho commu-* n ity 's testimony to the war sa vil'u o f ^* our boya. I t woold seem tha t on the* m atter o f erecting a Uem orial L ib ra ry

t ie tw e divergent group* could unite ^t and give bearty. support, 'WLat |* o rla l could be more f i t t in g than tha t I I o f a U b ra ry f I ta conceptions and pur-| |■ poaea are d is tiae tly in keeping w ith! ^ beat o f community Efe. The I•' o rla l U b j v y ' s ^ ' i * ro o a ^se t: j■ apart foe w fcr-tivp jiica aad relies. . I t II conld contain bronxe tablets on which I '' woold b * w ritten tbe names o f our he ' |

role boya. The l ib r a iV could work |' oot aad koep permanently the war rec-; I

crd every boy. The In te rio r and «ix- ; tenor architectural d?«iign o f thei build ing cpuld emho'l.v factors to ki-cp L_

] OjiiMl laiit M^ ..'80 aorta lia ii fnsD EttnbcAr.« 'U a i iw t i l ; aBia)i)iooMi; a n fo io *A ;I ■ ^ U t f ’parae ra .^ ' dO acTM o ttt from Tw in. Falla;^ I good IffipnTOBMiBti aad ^ 'Splen. r - d ld » la o a 'fn -« u 0 p « ra c n :« « )00 .} c u b aad balaaea n o o o par year.‘ ' A f la e 40 aU in b id a lfa lfa . S .

m n** from X la b e tljr . at.«S80 par ” .a c n ; . ib e r ig h t erop on. tb la ,40 ' ■{ OQgbt tO'&ak«>V100 par acz* n i t

I . - th la ytm f. -80 acta* aostbaaat ■ o f Tw in

F il la . aU good land, faooad bog<>. t i ^ a t f U B ^ T M n . .^ 4d acra* 8 l . f i i& lM . f to a Tw in - Fans; good 6 xocm Amuo, fd ir

•o titb ttnd la ip ;> nicw vlaoa s t tSSS ' p t tM ia . . ■■

! le tsch & Williams

Ml* ~i^vo aad enduring the national' serv* lat- ie« ijoo lism o f our boya ’ Tho children but o f " t l io com m unliy ' as, patroua,-^f tho Ing lib ra ry would bo brought, in to aa a t­

mosphere ty p ify in g ^ le enduring s ^ - lay ico rendered by tour b3ya to thoir. Aun*

I t trj* . And, too, tho Memorial lAbrary would bo fin a n c ia lly supported by the dommunlty. Thla is particu la rly . pro- \‘ ldod and reacts as ft d is tinc t argumoot In its favor. .The question o f support and care and mai^ageroont would never give concern. Tbe local lib ra ry ' board

' ban a beautifu l bu ild ing site fac ing the nn* c ity park. Thia ount to a la . aavlng in the m atter o t erecting a me* k d rforia l.t f t 4^eeause I am a member o f the U-

)b « i^ a ry board, someone m ig h t a r ^ e th a t i t f I havo a selfish interest ia tb la mat- a ll ter. Thia la fa r from tho case. ' I have )k* ttever discnsaed tho m atter w ith tbe ia o th u naabera o f the board. I am m- ayro th a t i t bas\aevor beea disenssad r\'- ia any board mooting. 1 4 °>ply bring

It to the atten tion o f the poblie be- >er cause I bellove i t to be meritorioos.- hfl ^o u rs very tru ly , ' H A L Q. B LU B ,« t . S im cintendent o f Schools,aa 'T w in Falla, Janoary 8L

?CITyilKlP5 fmpspuyc t C o u n c il E x p re s s e s W il l in g n e s s *> t o 'P l a y P a r t in M a k in g ,

t ! ‘ D e c o ra t io n s - U n i fo r mJd ----------at In furtherance o f a plaa to provide D. fo r d isp lay ing ' the '^m eric iu i f la g on ^ the. principle streets o f Tw in F ^ s 'on : r- orcaslons such' os the homecomtnK o f i )r any considerable numl>or o f returning I t Koldlers, celebrations, convantlons, etc.,

the c ity rouncll a t Its meeting Monday ! n ezprcsaed a willingness to take charge . B* o f tho care and hoisting o f theso flags ' 'I- nnd o f purchasing flags fo r tho pur- ! > pose o f making tho display unitorm ly f* d istributed regardloas o f whether or \ » not thcro are unoccupied ;lot» along !s the strceta to bo so d e e o ra t^ i ‘ fTho' p l u hnd ita Inccptlon here last ' a summer'When It. B. K ing o f the Idaho '* P o w ^ compaay took tl\p m atter up w itha individual, c ltlrcns and business mea . 3' w ith the result tha t about 100 flags a f f4 r« purchased. These flags, flung .

acrofa the streets in double rows, wore . lUsplaye^ fo r the f ir s t tim e lust week

y d ttr in g 'th d jo in t conference.0 I t ia purposed to provide fojutha dis-

play o f the flogs a t equal 'In tcrv iJa '' 6a0 Shoshone street fro m .the ra ilw ay ata- . h tion to the c ity und on M a in a|V-t onue from, tho fcil<rrHl bu ild ing to the . h intersection w ith Th ird streets.g ---------------------- ■ ------------------------------ -

J ' ( 2 , l d . S 3 ± f ± © d J

. i ■ ............ ............... I'* 'TOB BEN T— Tw<Hrw^ed,"pa J^ nished house. Inqu ire 672J. *

rO"B SALET-Thoronghbred lA o d e la-* land cockerel^ Belgian rabbits; also *

place fo r sale, fu l ly Improved. * Phone 772-W. «

1 ■ c‘ W A N T £ D --8 peelaI work,' d ry clean- *

ing, fancy band lanndry. ^one.^5 i4 .J .

f W A ItT E D TO B E N T — F araU liM ** modem house w ith f iv e or moro rooma ' W ili pay libera) rent. Fandly o f ‘ adults. AddrtsM 'P . O; Box 505, Tw ia! Fa lla • ■ 'i ' d ' -----------— ------------------- d


O A fO Z X n , C O M AM D f f W M t a * « ■MTtoa is M a l*

FS S S A l i k W A S B B AM D XASCM BT' W A m . D]

. ------------------- --------------------- ------------- id

I F a rm Loans! ABTHUB I . SIWm '

• ' b) I . K o e tU y pM jm m t aad i t a lg f t t I g,

ta rn d t y l o ^ a t aspedaOy fav* I wiI orabla rsta*. I B

I _, I. T B U B I .5 LDO— ' I

L S d a i l y N m s ■

' J b d i ^ ' a J ^ & . r k o f s

s T O B S L A tm U V S a T O O K ■r, PO BTLANB, Ora., Jan. 21.—CatUe- I; Bdceipta, 12®. M arke t lowor. .Bei

, staere, ♦[email protected]} .gooa to . ehob Steen, «m 2 ff@ ll.£5 : medium to. go« stAora, ^75@ 9.25r fa ir to good steer W.75®7.75-, choice choice cows an

, beifors, [email protected]; rood choico cot ’ and helfors, «8 .7S@9w5 ; medium 1

° • good'cows aad hafen,>7.5O(g^.60: fa „ to mediom cows' and heifers,' I 6.75; 6ann«ra, «[email protected]: .b'blla, «8.l ** @ 9.00;'calves; * [email protected]; atoekei

and. feeders, [email protected]. .“ Hogs—EecalpuT IM . • Tone o f. ma t ' ke t, steady. Prime mixed, ♦}6.50(

. 16J0; 'meaium, ♦16.00@16:40j. ron j a aad heavy, #[email protected]; plga, |18.60( ir 14.5P;,;bolk, ♦[email protected]. ’ >9 ‘ 't.(3bea^Beceipts,'nono. Tone o f ma

ket, s t ^ y . - Sdst o f mountain lamb tl4.00@ 14.60; valley lambs, $11.75

2 12J)0 yearlings, 411.00(^11.30; wother ’ [email protected]; ewea, |7.00@a00.',

n f ■ DENVEB, Jan. S l ^ - ^ t l e , /.ocolpl _ 300tt; markot ?teady to s t i^ n g ;, Btoei

r ; * tl4 .8 fi@ tl6 .75 ; cow* and helfore 18.6 ® t l l ; Btockors and foode tt tl2.2C^

*“ ® ♦14.50j calves t9.50@ |18. .Hog receipts 3500; markot steady

top 117; bu lk ♦10.75®|17.Shoop receipts 2000; m arket .steady

^ lumbs tl4 .75@ tl0 .26 ; ewea t7.7fi@Sl<

O M A H A U V E S T O O K port - SOUTH* OM AHA, Janl 21.—Cattlfrr over Beeeipta, 7,000; mai^Eot,. steady to 10^ >ard 15o higher; stoers, [email protected]; cow the and. b e l/e n , $6.75@14; stockers aoi

0 a moeders, [email protected]; calves, V .6 0 ^ me. 12.7S; bulla and. stags, t8 .7 6 @ m 0 .

Hogs—Becelpts, 21,000; markot, 16'1 U- higher; bu lk o f aalea, tl& 8 0 @ 1 7 j0 J ia t to p ,-tl7 .4 0 .' ' ; • aat- Sheep — Beeeipts, 4,800; market ave steady; yearlings, [email protected]; wotben tbe t8.50@ ll.S0; .lamba, tl3@ 16.40; e : ^ am tC @ ll.

in g —SOUTH ST. JOBBPB, Mo!, Jan. ? l'.- ba- Catt/e—3,500; 15@25c higher.

Hogs—lf,0 0 0 ; steady to lOc lower Top, tl7 .iV ); b u lk , tl6 .00@ 17 .4 r^- •

5, . Sheep—1,000; 10@15c lower.'

KANSAS c r f r , Jan. 21.—« J 0 caVtit jnarket. opened strong* to lOe higher and closed lOc lower. ,Top tl7 .6S ; bnlk |17@ tl7.40. . , ‘ . •

ogs opened steady to 10c lower aad closed 10c lower; top tl7 .6 5 ; bo lk $13

W @M7.40. ,I ■ ; 8 be<^ were'Trtoady.'

I i K A N S ite C ITY , Jan. S L ^O a ttle 're- eeipta 11,000; m arket 10c@15e hlgLer; atwira tl2@ tl8 .2 5 .

Hog recolE^a ,18,000; m arket atewly; bu lk tl7 .10@ tl7.40; medium tl7.25@

.'•17J50 ;.Sheop receipt* 4000; markeC bighsr;

lambs tl5 @ tl6 .6 5 . * ,Ide ' ■■— I "oa E a s t s t . l o o t s , Jan. 21.—Cattle 'on receipts 7500; no Texans^ ^narkot atrong o f and b ig W ; nattve |(730@ tlB.6O. ng Hog receipta 15,000; market steady,

5c loVor; mixed [email protected]; • good a y heavy tl7 .6 0 @ tl8 ; rough tl5 @ tlfl.4 0 . go Sheop receipt* 1450; market steady; Ig* owes t8.00@ tl0 js9; eannsra t5@ |9 ; ur- lambs tl0@ tl6 .6 0 . dy ■■■■— "or V C E lO A p p FBODUOE

CICAQO, Jaa. 21.—B utte r: extras 60; standards 00; firs ts 571-2@ 681'2; see- ondt 66@57.' .

ordinaries 67@C8; f irs U 60.. Cheese-twin* 86@57; Amoricas 87®

^ P o n lt^ : fo w l* 201.2; ducka 31; geese ^ 22 ; sp ritga 26; turka 80. '. ' Potatoes— 35 cars; Wiaconsln nnd

MlnnesoU tl.7 0 @ tl.8 0 .

. Z iIT B STOCK OPEKimO OHICAQO, Jaa. SL— Hog r^ce^ts

y. .57,000; market slow and weak, lie Cattle receipta 17,000.

Sheep receipts 22,000.

> CHXOAOO I^ V lf t 'BTOCS CHICAGO, Jan. 21.— Hog receipt* tS,-

000 ; m arket slow, 10c lower; bulk J tl7 .40@ tl7.75; botehen t l7 .6 5 ^ 1 7 J 5 ; ; r packing tl0 -30@ tl7 .45 j l ig h t 117.00'^

tl7 .00 ; pigs tl3 .5 0 @ tl5 ; rongh tlO @ _ lld .50. _ . ' ' •^ Cattle— BecelpU 17,000; market waa ^ strobgl higher; beeves t9.75@ t20;

butcher* and stockers t7 .3 f@ tl4 .50 ; cannera and cutters [email protected]; stock-

_ era and feedon [email protected]; cow* t7 J5 @ tI4 X 0 ; calves tl5 .25@ tl6,75;

J. 6 becp—BecelpU 22,000; d ia r ^ t doll, ^ lower; wool lambs tll.2 5 @ tl6 .4 0 ; ewes hd t4.75@ tl0.60.a ', f OHXOAOO O B A IK OPSNIKO la CHICAGO, Jan- 21.— Corn: .lanuaiy i

down 1 7-8; M h m a ry down I l. S; March! down le ; M ay down 1-2; Ju ly down 7 8 . .

Oats: January nominal; Fobmary

Ndown 5-8; Mareh down ! • ! : May d f lw ^ S-S; Ju ly down 5-8. ^

Provisions—Lowar. . * j

. OmOAQO C LO S IK a O B A IK f CHICAGO, J a p / 2L—C *m j January

np 1; February' np 7-8; MarqH up' 5-8|- i l a y nom inal; J p ly up M

<Hta: January, op 1-4; February up 1-2; March aad May np 3-8; Ju ly np 1-2.

Froviaioaa ateady. ' T

o a A IN B B V ra W 'CIIICAOO, Jan. 21.—Orain futures

bad a sharp break th eontset,- but gained' strength whe nhuying orders were received to absorb p it offering*. Local beaia -were seller* oa tbe ra lly . ’ B e lie f th a t .prieas .were on a graHoall decline stimtilafed morb boar*>i scntl ' ment. l ’ rori»ioo« werr neraUy I'lwvr.

-Ja n u a ry -com ..o ff-1 a t l - i l . ' th<^\

. o p a a i^ , moved up '2 % e ;-^ b ro a ry eon c 1J6 lower a t tho opea ln£ |jl,28 /fra * n

8e: M a rch -co n , IJST . ^ t h e openly ■— ' o f f I c j ^ n o d 2% ; M a y ^ o m ,jlr fw ii ^4

a t 1 .24^, tba t>panlsg,f w u d ir 2 K Jo ly oon,'^downT-8 a t Iba opealngj i.iB.

tU frr ' wa* 2 3?8 higher.' ".B w t Jaaoa ii^oa t*, bpenbg late^.at 6S '8.j ihoieo o f f . ^ e , gained the f r a c t to ; Febroar good oats^ down S-8 ‘ a t : tho i&n(p^ag, .65^

toers, Ukawisa'recovered iU lo q J .M k rc h 4^1 aad « f f a t tb a . ^ a i n g , 8-8 , waa-o

cows 8 -8; May\,oats, o f f 8-6 -a t .6 6 .6-8, th 1 to opaaiag, .gained 0^. Puly oata, dbw ; fa ir '9.8 a t .89 8-8, tbo opeaiag, waa ,64^. ' ;.7 6 ^ V • . • . V•6.00 SOUTH ST. P A U L ,-Jaa l S l . ^ a t t l cke n receipta 2500; m arket higher; t o p ; t l6

b o lk [email protected]. mar- . Hog receipts 11,000} markot steadv

1.50® top t l 7 ; b u lk tl0.90@>17. rongh .— Sheep, recaipt* 1200; aiarket ptcody i.80@ top t l ? ; b o llt tU @ t l4 . .

siar- IN D l^ A P O L IS , Jaa; 21/—Sog n uabr, ceipta iO.,500; market strong; heavio .75® t l7J )p@ tl8a o .

Cattle reccipi^^l860{ aiarket atronj ■ Sheep’ receipta 200 ; market 6c low ^

• ' iolpts ■ M BW T O R E 8 XOOSB. itoprs N E W YOEK, .Jan. 2L—Pficea^wer tS.60 generally i r r e ^ a r a t the opening 0 .2S@ stock m arkot today: U . S. Bto<

opened ohchaoged'at 89; Mexican P< troleum, 170, up % ; Crucible, 62%, o f

Baldw in,^ 06%; Studobakor, 48% •«idy; o f f 3.8;^2£tiriao preferred, 89%, o f f % 5«10. Bethlehem Stoel B , 55%, o f f %.

AdvarA ia t t <w f^|if ftftin*"!*o f The- Newsl Somebody wiO w ant I t

10@ • ' A .• .com ' M BW -^ZH BSand ■ . «

£0S> Obarles B. D riscoll, w ritten fo:tbe U nited Preaa). . •Yonag Year o f ^om iae , born ao well 'n b a t do tbe atara o f th a 'fu to ra ta li'

W bat ara the *U a* ;porteadiagf 'Why. are oo.r cooneillon f i lle d w lt i

h , „ , aoubt, ■ -W hy do the people ao madlv ahoutt

'What may tho Fates be sendingt ,

S l'^ Clouds, aud darkness■ are round th i moon.

Say, wjU the day be dawning aooaf . • Where w ill the stia 'be ris ingL

For East Is West while the W « t i i

itUe ■A S'l many a . prophet' aad sage aad pher, priestbulk muddled us w ith advising. • -

Have we seen the .end o f 'a world at *1 7 ‘ a trlfe , ■ '_ O f the bloody bualae8a ;o f tak ing l i f e , .

' O r o n ljr the sad b e ^ n ia g f W ill war s t i l l compaaa the worid w ith

"ie.O r w ill the kings and kaisers go,

' And ^ e people bava the ir Inn ing f

e luui bkK>d t lw t S o W U k. tha d r i r lg f ra in ,

u' . Be liko other red tidea, in valfi,’ Or is tbera aa end o f a laying l

The worid la w a itin g today Co hear tt iff *n»wer y o u 'l l g ive to these thngs,

■ Yonng Year, - '.W aiting, w a itin g M d praying.

S d I 1 I 1 I t I I " 1 ' ' V m 'T T i M 'I 1 i!(0 . + +

^ F LA O W3BE ^

JI9; J ^ ^ I 1"M 1 I M i T

No one knows how many uiew coun­tries thero w il l be in Europe by the end o f th is year. B u t one th ing is gore. Each ta f . these now eountriea must have a natioaal fla g ;'The oldest .o f European flags Is the

7 ® Danish. The w h ite croaa on a .red ground waa suggesicd'lo K in g Walde» zpar o f Denmark by a cross which ho Is believed to hayo seen iu the heavons

ind a t a c rit ic a l po in t la bla fo ttuaea That . was more than seven hundrod-yoars

ago, aad the Danish fla g haa re m ^ e d unaltered over since,

pts ’ Previous to the wUr tho newest fla g was the Australian. As most people know, i t shows tho five s ta n o f tho Southern Cross, and resembles a blend ' o f tbe Union Jack and. tbo Stars and* B tripea .. *• ' ' ' .

. The colors o f flag* are interesting. O f a ll the national flags the German

35. is the only one which has black ami w hite together.

^ No few er than 19 countries have red as an clenseut in tho ir flags. These in- elude the United States, Great B rita in ,

IQ. France) Ita ly , Spain, Denmatk, Belgi- um, Switzerland, S w ^e n , Portugal and

j j j ’ lUso Oermany, Austria-and Turkey.Eleven principal countries, including

f j . the U a ltc .l Statea, Great B rita in , France and Portugal, show* blue, while h a lf a

res have j^reen.' B raz il's fla g is most­ly green. I ta ly , however, is lbs only great European power to show green.

Nine have a f la g which I* p a rtly y<>llow, Amo:ig them are Spain, Belgi-

'.’ ^Jum', Sweden,. China and Brazil. -.There is white la n l* principal flags.

They are those o f ' the United States, . ^ Franr«», Russia and Ita ly ,- as w»U as * * Austria-and Oermany. The f la g o f Z^- . '^ador ia the w h ltm t o f a ll natioaal

j flags. I t Is made np o f two white ban, between them, a stripe o f blue on whleh there arr white stara.

ty ■81 * ----------------------------------------- --- -------------

t . SPECIAL THIS WEEK6 Bara Borax Wblta^ 8oap....t .25'U B a n Borax W hite B©aj»._. .50

“ 23 Bats B o ra r W h it* 8oap_. :.00Cans ••Baby Hebe'* 25 j

^ 2-pan* ta ll k c b e _____ , ___ .aay .j 5 gaL Farmer Joaas'BorghaialCTS

f Twin Falls Mercantile Go. ------------— ---------------------------------------

' ' . . T t lW A T , JAJniABT 21, 1919

in s iR■ FORCHIlUEiE

OEMSSm•5 T w in F a lls C o u t^ ly aiitS H ig h w a ;

D is t r ic t C o m m is s io n e rs P u s i

, P la n f o r P i ib l i t i W o r k t o R e

' l ie v e U n e m p lo y m e n t , • '


T a x p a y e rs t o H a v e P in a l S a j

- i n jh ro p o s a l f o r B e t t e r B o a d i

a n d O iv ln j W o r k f o r E e tn m . e d S o ld ie rs

Early prosocutipn o f pJans fo r build il l? An luld itioa to tbe/Tw!n Foils eoan ty genoral hospital l» the p iia c ip i it«m In th« ansrror tho county commis KSonorn hove to make to th# In q o lij o f tho 8« r ® t ^ o f Jabor' aa ,thoy « rill do;»1n resj^6t to pubUo worki and dlaisiBhios: o f tisemployment l may result’ th is .yoo r*from demobilisa- tlo a ttttd tK« sh ifting o f war worker*

Under .the prModitif;'-cQUnty admin' la tra tin , which b a ilt the h o ^ tn l , ■J>la fo r tho addition .had reachBd a staflre i^ere-eontrao tora ' proposals were to be

r i-all«d fo r when a regulation o f the war indnstries board prohibited further build ing. Now tba t the prohibltJca haa been removed and the need fo r the ad- diUot^ haa inrreased. rathor than dimin* ished, tho new commlsdo.nors'ore deter* miaed w ith as. l i t t le 3 eJay a« possib}«« to proceed w ith tho plans.

- Ootmty's 8 ph«» U m ltad I In Tlew b f t ie fa c t tha t tbe te rrito ry over whieh the county commisslonerB (•xereiae ja risd lc tion In respeet toTood m atten by the ’ oxlctenee o f tho Bnhl highway d is tr ic t on the west'end, (he rreatlon last year o f ’ the T w in TU ls

I highway d is tr ic t in the east end, and the propoeed organization o f the K l , ^ highway d is tr ic t 'to include a ll o f th<j

'balance o f the coonty hnng up In .U ti- lo tio n , i t Is regarded aa impTO&bte tha t the commissioners wOl nndertake any road -bailding program.

The gm tO T portion o f fonds availa- U * t t m M m l mnd atste approprin* t^ n s fo r road bttUdiog in Tw in lU h i potnity w in be divided between tha Buhl and T ir in Foils Ughway ^ r tr le ta . A program o f road bnfld lng ondertakea by the Buhl d is ttie t • o n * mostba alfo is

' s t i l l ancomplfted and condttloiis are■ . said to be tneli th a t tlie weat end dia-

t r ie t eaa and w ill proceed a t least the completion o f th is program th is year.

P lBUhln» fto g ra m Now i b the Tw in TaUa d is tr ic t a program

o f rood build ing in to be presented to . the taxpayers Jn the near fu ture along

w itb a propos^ fo r a bond issua Pre­lim inary snrveys and map making fo r th is pur7>ose iO«' practically completed, and as soon as i t ca nbe determined w lia t amount >«f money w il l be made available to tbe d is tric t from federal and state appropria tiou and from tho county taxcti, and wh’a l amount mufct he realized through a bond isauo to put through the proponed program, the mat- t;et w j l l \>e pu t up to the Totcr*. I t Is .fjrpcctod th a t'th ts question ran be sub­m itted oarly In P e tru jiry .

Computations so fa r have been based on tho 1917 assessmentn g iv ing to the Tw in Falls highway d ia trie t nn asseti- o<! vnlnatlon o f property o f ♦13,030,000 out aboBt ♦22,000,000 fo r tho county^ The htghway d is tric t commimioners are w a iting fo r a compilation o f the 1918 voloationn. which, i t ifl-ntnted w ill bo .•ompWwl w ith in a Vow day#.

Anto Tax an Item In 'a d d itio n to tho money tu be de-

• rived by tho d is tr ic t from 'county tox-Connty •AMossor .Qeorgo W. Wilcox

Mtimates tho amount coming to i t from its share o f tho motor rehlclo Ueensca

• collected w ill approximate $32,000.H. a Allen, utAtc h ig h w iy engineer,

has adTised tha t out o f >1,500,000 to be raised by a state tax' levy, fo r road building, Tw in F a ll i county’s ahare w ill be aboot $75,p00, out o f wblch tho Bnhl .lin tr ic t w il l receive • 12,000.

. Department W ants to Kaow Follow ing is the in fin ity addreksed~B^

F r i ix F rankfu rte r, assistant secretary o f labor U> the president of the 4>o«id ■

' o f count>* rom m issia^rs,. chairm M o f : the town s^ei^tfflen ,^ r corresposdlng j oU iclala o f alV*Abe cbuntim aad town*

iships in the United Btatea which has i ' r lie ited from the o ffic ia ls o f Tw in FaUs .

county- the foregoiag'statements: iAro you planning any pabUc '

• w ork i ia IfllO.T '.Vow i f the time to catch up on '

road repa in and new^roads post* ’ ]K»ied. on account o f war condition. ‘ 1 The national association o f fed- < rsl appropriatintt: are 'avallable fo r aid in atate and county roads.

.\b o u r ty mllUons o f federal a)>]>ropriationa are available fo r aid in atate and c o u ty roada.

I f onr eonntiy hsd been invaded «<■ ahraid have had to s tra in 'o n r

_rc*ourecs by borrowing vast snsts ■ rcatore'the rayagea o f war. Le t

ii« in thanksgiving fo r onr secnrity ,. » ' amall .fraction o f l& a txiL.f •>11 m in im proving American rrn>N ;in l in d e ^ lsp ln g the pnbUe ui.tVk wisioh n r i& t tc to the needs

'.111.I .'.'m fort o f onr people.-ynur connty w ill prepare.lo do

u - .'•V.'uv I'liJjlic work in 181®, It

■itltSPAY. JA ln iA E Y 21, m o .

• ------------ r ' -[ o c o l - g r W i i i e j

■ ■ . ' '■■ From Oaap.Lewls-^OuB A. SXooza^'*

turned ^from Camp IJowii on Mpnday.J- Ho hiw 'recelvcil hia diichftrge.

I Eetnnu* from B o d ie s te r - ^ r . ^ . T.• I Kcuely rotnrncil Monday’ from Roch­

ester, M inri., whero he haa been fo r . Bdvei^ weeks.way . —

'n e h - fo f C»UfcimI*--Charles Rife,USn who reccntlj- sold his farm property

near F ile r, le f t w ith his fam ily this morning fo r Capay .pancho, California.

Adopt French Orpb^&a-^Thu Boyal £ Neighbprs have recently adopted three

French orphans, and isave a fund near- VTE ly Uirgo enough to provide fo r a fonrth.

S a y Banker SoUQer Betuma—Bobort F.N'oro, who before his onlistment was

ttd s employed in tlie F irs t National bank) rotnmed w ith Mrs. Noro from norvico In Camp Lowis yeaterday. ‘

From fipiace Oamp—Georgf It. uild* Nathan ^ n d o n roturned trom oun- wJiori) th(*y have been n tho:ipa l w 6r)c fo r sovecal month*. They,mU. imvc' br«n di«r.Jinrgrd.

S ■ BecoverlDg a f t ^ Operation •— .Word o rlu thn t Thomas Dov*

ory, form er editor o f the Chronicle, l i lisa* >*pldly tw o vkrin g from a serious op< lera. Bocb«rt«t, lUton.

S ™ To V M t O w w Btocio—E. M. B r«, local represeniatlvo o f tbo Capay

9 Baneho and W alker Brothers lik ft Mon* fra r day ovening on a v is it to the ranch

a t Hamilton C ity, CaSfOrnia.I . ■ " • "■ ;

1 . ' A rm y M naldan Betoms—O irin A . nin- " f Twentieth in fa n try band,itOTi headquarters company, returned homo

Saturday ovoning, having received his discharge. He resumed hiii former work w ith tho P a rra t^ ^ p tic ii l cempan>’.

^ Leavas H osp ita l a t'B tm K t-.M rs . By:. ^ bU ^ietschke, who has ipoh t the last ” throe weeks in Bupert in charge o f the ^ emorgency influenza hospital thero, re- J j i turned to Tw in Falls yesterday. 9he

, nlso started the in f l^ n a a hospital here. U 8 ho w ill not re turn to tbt» hoapitai work

Betonilag from Fraiipe—Lieutenant H a ^ Benoit, on du ty fo r several months past os an < ^ ic o r o f the- Am-

1, . origan ordnance departm entjn France, ban landed in Now Y ork , according to a telegram from blm receivod bore on Monday b y his parents, M r. and Mrs. L. I. Bonoit. I t ia expected tha t he

^00 w il l arrive h^re about February 1.» *• '• "■ *!— / are Leaves fo r OoosnltatlOD—i>r. W. Ax dla- BulUvan, inspector in charge o f the bn* the reau o f animal industry hog cholera ir. ivontrol investigations in Idaho, w ill

leave th is eveninR ^o r Boiao fo r a con* foronee In respect to tho coming year's

^ work iu his dopartmont w ith the now- state veterinarian. D r.'J . D. Adama of “Moacow, and w ith tho niembora o f tho

jjjj. now «tat<' ilveatock snnitnry board.

^ A w a it Soldier's Betom—The nnniml meeting o f tho Idaho ntato.haiikii whirh was to httvp boon.hold Monday, has i been j>oeti>onod inde fin ite ly ponding the I return from B iboria o f L iou traan t Leo. ] r . Bmrl««*n, non o f the Into Mayor F i

n j. F. B ruckfii, who wan pr<'xidont o f tho / J, Inntitutlo iu Liewtouont Bracken has ,

been released from t^e Bprvlce to take , charge o f his fa th o r ’a a ffa irs here, and

^ is oxpeeted .to arrive' here in the nonr < tho <fntnre.t*a- ■ * .,00 p — ------ - ' )^ y ^ M . O T l X l C e X l l G M ± J ’

»18 '--------------------------------------------------------

R«v, Owi*n« o f Ihc Baptiat churchw ill KproJc th is I'venlng a t Ascension ^Kpisc.opnl rh tm h. Hia subject w ill bear j tii>ou the idea o f praver, re lating to

»*• Christian un ity. There is , being held ^n week o f jirn.ver^ in the EpiS'ojinl •

rla irch rtiip liasiz ing^prnvrr and .*liris- ^•“ tian unity.* Services are a t 10:30 .•>. m. ,

and 7:30 p. m.

Y . W . C ; A . D E C ID E S T O _ ,,

A D D W O R K E R S IN W E S T "'hi ^

NortliwM taxn F ie ld Doafarence ta Se. ^a ttle Votea to Balarga Pro- f'

BJ gram ta Fonr States “ry ' "

••p-Tlie de^'ialon o f the Northweatern **o f Field Conference o f the Y. W. C. A . * ig in Seattle last week waa to e n l iu ^ thea* program in Idaho, Oregon,- Mo'ataiia Ras and Washington fo r the.“ roming year. *Ils A lthough the central boer^ had already p

aent two new secretaries by caiaiftg the “appropriation in these fo n r statea there ®w ill bo three new fie ld secretsriea add- 4 ed who w ill have the organization and snper\-ision o f new'asaoclation* rh ien?J° o f the tJwBs ia charge. ^_____ • tl

ment tha t may tamporarily resalt from demobiUaation and the ahlft^ *■' ing o f wmr workera.

Not only w ill yo u r necessary pob- •* l i r worki* employ workers in yonr ^ locality, bo t they wiU help ateady the amploymeat o f workera now an- * gaged in prodncing tho • materials i ^ required, aad they w ill also enable *>* tbe indastriea producing aueh ma- teriala to employ additional work- em from among retum ing ioldif>ra ^ and munition workera: Conseqaenl* ly the b e n e fit o f. any nccciwory publif' warkji done ia your connty during a period o f unemployment «r

■ ' ' r ' , ■

- T W IN P A L L S


A d ju ta n t J . ,M . B ic e o f T w in

“ J / F a l ls P o s t M a k e s In v e s t ig a -

“ ■ • t io n o f C o n d it io r ts F a c in g R e -

. t u r n in g S o ld ie r a n d S a i lo r;oyal — —ihree Veterans here o f tbe C iv il war are lear- faking a hand in arrangements fo r t.'«e m b . reeepUon o f 'th e n tu m io g aoldlnra and

aallora and the ir re tn m ' to c iv ilia n oc- t F. cnpatlon. FoUowing aa iavestigatlon was nto tho eonditiona as' they aetaally rx* aak, 1st Ucr« fo r the retunvla^ soWier or •vice sailor, J, M. Bice, a d ju tA t o f Finn Me-

Cook poat, Grand A rm .v/of fho Bepub'; Ue, ;Twin Falls, todny n iido tho follow-

..’ll - ing atatomentiV ^ i Criticism Frompta* Investigation tho “ 1 wish to o ffe r a few remarks in

["hey defense « f tho good peoplo o f onr coon­ty und c ity and in answer to what I feel is rathor severe and aot wholly

/^orj warnuitod eriticiam q f the treatment Dov- we hove boen according .our aoldiora. ,0, l i “ A gcntlepian m akiiig thcso c rit i- op*. cisma had throo sons ift the eervico,,

onu.of w ho^ dioi^'in.^Mrvico and was buried ho^e. The other tw o have r ^

rad- turaed and are. em p loy^, ho said, n»fc ipay he^^addod that there are otAara wIio Ion* aret;0i i t o f jobs'and money; tha t wo had mch tieui tho boya'away w ith flags waving

nnd bands phiying, but nbw tha t thoy were rotom ing wo were paying uo at-

A . tuntipu to them, uidf “ As I havo takon some-part in the »mo ling ra v in g , I M t t U t I » l« i th« his others waa aomowhot responsible fo r tho

'ork facts ns stated, and a ta rting Moadoy morningi I took the m atter up w ith tho Hcd Cross and w ith the various employ-

6 y i ment agenciea-last <<i found ih a t at y>o c ity c le rk 'a of- the fiee .and n t tho farm bnreau there ia

very l i t t ^ demand fo r men, bn t a t the 9 he federal employment service offiee X ere. fou u d -tlia t they can p u t to , work on ®*lt the K ing H it] reclomatlon project more

men thnn hove filed app)ieatiohs fo r work. 1 was assured tha t 10 men could

ant lio provided w ith th is sort o f work jra l today.\m- — ----- People WIU l ia k e Oood.ICO, “ lU v lo g aarved tlire a yaara la : to tbe OlvU v fT aod baTlxig passed on throogh tha axperlancea o f decDob-

Irs. luxation aod o f saard i fo r employ* he meat, 1 know t l ta t tba i« iaay be, .

- nndoQbtedly w i l l be, setae d if- flca ltiss to oTsrcoHM, t o t know

'Ax O ta people h a r* n o t and v S l ' i io t bn* forget ottr q^laodld boya, aad v iU ora do aU th e r can to make the olun^a v ili back to d v u Ufa as easy’ fo r th a n on* aa ■ 's * * l 'fe e l tb a t the apleadd s p ir it ' lOw- 0^ aervice ahown by onr Amsricaa ' o f aoldlera botb a t home and oTsrsieas

the wUl not 'fa u them in aajT' trla la they may be caUed opon to . meet In the fntore.

iml Bed Otoaa on tbe Job , ..irh " I n concluAion, I wquld odd tha t tho :ia» returning soldier cannot*'dQ bettor tb a i| Hie to conault a t ouco w ith Iho Rod CroRs, oo. home aervlco section here,, whieh is F njilendidly organised nnd prepared to

tho givc^voluablo aasiatance in helptng to jas f«lv«t the problems w ith which ho is iko confronted." md — I -■ »’" “ D A D D Y L O N G L E G S ” - '


Every Beat FiUed a t Pexlonaanca a t the Levering, Which la One o f

J Most Pleaaing o f Beaaon * '

Those who were s<) fortunate aa to attend the performance o f '^Daddy * Long Legs” a t tho.Lavering loat n ight, and so fo r as could be seen there was

' ‘ not a vacant seat in the house, weri> given opjM3rtunity to witness a i><;r- formonce which w ill compare w ell w ith

” *• tha t o f any road company over #!eii in Tw in Falla. ' - ]

The entire production was on a high . plane, the atage settings were in keep- |

l y ing w ith thp piece and from start^ xo i finiah an almost complete absence* o f i the commou resort to stage trieks fo r 1 comrdy cffccts w a» e6Blpie)ious and i h ighly enjoyable. ,The compnny was ] welt balanced throughout and thore. ia < no quoation but what ih e audlenco ns

^ a whole was weU pleased. jIjp >f»!W .M irr Haynea a* Judy Abbott * na gave a remarkably convincing perform- ^

ancp and mado a* much o f a d if f ic u lt 1 j j. role an might l>e riiasonably Ihoked fo r s [ j j ia an even mor** experienced actrfesa. e „ Robert FhilUps as JeJrv ia Pendleton J. jnade the mn. f o f apleasing s ta ^ pr<*«- c i j ence aad a good voice, although, in th e p ly jo n iy piece o f action ca lling "for a n y |'‘

jpa rticn la r dramatic a b ility , hia w o rk : ■ thowed a disappointing weakness. «■

J. F. K itkman d* W alter*, the buU ef;f^ had a sma]^ and more or less discon- neete<l part which he played w ith a ^ sk ill and finixh which le f t nothing to q be <1e»ir*s5. The part o f'th e aupcranuat- ^ ed nnrse gave opportunity o f as fine q a piece o f character acting aa has ever ^

J been seea here and was in th^ handii o f one fn lly eqoal tp the opportunity. q

A ll in all, the play was refre'iihingtT q clean and wholeaome, well staged a n d i^ Well bandied threughout and fu lly paVq titled to the reception a<-cc*rder if.

-------------- a--------------- .. . joGet acme IK F O B itA T IO N abont I t— , 0

what i t w in coet, whare i t may b e |0

E y la Fargo eaine in from Kimberly I bn Monday.

W .-A . Peters o f '6 ’orome waa here on M bnalnees Monday. ; i l Mias B yrd F a a ita W a ll returned fro n

I * ■ Seattte on Monday. ’ ’ .M r . ,and Mrs. X KoUy o f Eden arc

V in In town fo r a fe w daya.a . JJayno o f Haaolton cam^ laat

^0 , n igh t lo r a shcrt stay.Geo'rge A..>Brewer e f Jerome spent

Monday evening here.h. B. Calcoteog Wendell spent M®°'

fJ<e businesa.' - ' ’and Mrs. Charies Huttone o f -Bapert is in oc- town fo r. a ' few daya

^ Olande Personiur o f 'ToeateUo waa bero on bnainesa yeaterday.

or . . ^Ue- 1>- MeBae o f WendeU la spending a tub- few days here on bnsiness, • '''

8 . ’p . Vandoment o{ B uh l spent Mon­day and Tuesday.

1,1 Miss Edua Bv«^son o f-B u h l came in igg. to attend tho theatre laat n ig h t t I C. A. BaUey spent yesterday and to- } lly day In Amorican Falla oa businesa

M r. a i^ Mrs. W . S k ille ra o f Caatle- ford .W W li) • town M » d a y eveninj^.

leo,. M r. and U ti. B. V . W ebb o f Oaatle- tras foM came In l^ n d n y for^ a abort stay. ^ “ H enry Peterson o f Coancil.,(Blnffp;

Iowa, waa a business v is ito r here yes- tu d a y .

In - M r. and Mrs. N , 0 . Thompsoa of ,ev Bohl came in to attend a theatre Mon-

day evening.^Sst. G liffo rd MeCormiek le f t yes-

terday m orning fo r a short v is it w ith •he frieada in tbe aortb.

M m O. M . H J l oJ H a u r to r who f ' spsat last w in te r he rs ' waa in town iy . v is iting , f r i e ^ Moaday*

• W. wr. Sm ith o f WendeU, form erly of- depo^ food isspeetor fo r aectlos ia « f tba eonaty, spent Koadn^ in Tw in

be FsUs. ;y' ^ M r. aad M ra W . M. Wayman, who

were bere from V a la lr, Moataaa, at- te n iing the.eonventloa la s t wook, art: staying «ve r fo r a few days.

iia ---------- -------------------- ,

W ants Sheep Backo t Value in Cash

I ■[ J . 'H . S to c k in e :, o f B u r le y , S a y s

B n h l U a n v H o ld s P lo c k i W r o n g f t a g '^

' ' 'A lleging th a t 181 sheep wortb *3,077,

I owned by himself, are w rongfo lly 'he ld by J. P. M ^ Ie r o f Bohl, J . B . Stoeking o f Barley, through bia attorasy, a T. Lowe, 'o f Bnrley, haa f ile d aa a ttio n in d is tric t court hero^ to compel MnUer to

. release tho ahoop or pay tbe value g iv­en and ia addition to pay, besidba the oxpensos o f tho su it, $350, o f which amount $S00 is claimed fo r loss o f flesh alleged to hnvo bcOn auffered by the sheep while in M u lle r's poasenion, and

[>o «1S0 in fo r oxponMs Incurred by Stock- U | ing in trave ling between B arley and R9 Buhl in regard to the controversy.Is Stocking aUogea.' in 'h ia complaint, to that M u lle r ia holding tho sheep on to account o f damage nold to have boon is sustained by him by roason o f the tre v

paas o f theae or jith o r ahoop. Stocking - seta out tba t boforo «^ringing the ac- * tion be tendered M ulle r $10 in restitu ­

tion fo r hla damage, whieb, he deelares, E is aa amount su ffic ien t to cover aueh

damsge. - ,r t " * ----------- .Requests Court to

Id e n t ify La nd lo rd ■.toly O o n s o lid a te d W a g o n a n d U a -

c h in e O o. W a n ts t o K n o w .. .

ri! W h o m t o P a y a t B a r le y

^ The ConsoUdated Wagon & Machine " compaay. In an action f ilo J ^ in .d is tric t

eonrt here ' Monday by its attorney,:h Janea B . Wise, is invoking the a id o([>- the court to detennino the proper per- :o son to whom i t shonid makii payment of >f rental- oo property « t Burley which i l i r holds under lease. The parties defend- d ant in tbe aetion are Charles I . Barr,IS Pearl Borrj-ltobeTt F . B arr and Clar- ia ence B. Wade. , _ 'IS The ccijnpsny seta out in its com­

plaint. th a t it-en te red in to a lease on t the property w itb the B urley Amuse-

ment company; tb a t tb ls property waa :t la ter tranaferred, I t beUeves, to Wade, r aad tha t tbe B a m make conflicting u cla ims to ownerablp. n The company asks the court to re

ceiv# aad bold in t ra s t 'IU rental pa.v-i e jm saU '.aa til de te ra ln ing whieb o f tb*>l

1 rlaimaittta ia legally entitled to receive Ic. «och paymenta. ,

;.( :^ t^> ie r{b e sow f w ^ H B W a I

• BTTT A N D S E LL A N D EX“ |* ehaag a«w and naed can . I O n r 1918 I \ i r d ___________________ tsoo'• One 1M7 .Ford____________________ MOO,' One 1^17 D o d g e .............. ..................»MOl Oae 1818 D o dge__________________ :

* O a* l f i l7 EBdaon Bnper________ JIJL'O'. Oae 1W7 CldsaobUe 40.................. iOZO; Ona 1P17 Hndson iO ......................... fO.'.O-

MaxwaU Boadster_____ 4600' Oae 1M7 B e o ____________________ I « 0; Oas 1917 K ia g 8_______________ .^.t9S0I Ona 1917 D o r t ________!____________WOO

. ,0 a * 1.917 IC a z w e ll________________m * .jiO a * 191* Oaklaad Bug___________ «175-

S D A I L Y N E j W S

3|l > MEw ly .- .

: DRESSare ' • - - - . - .


E $3waa ■ y ^ '

Ig a

£oa* *

I to- /r|B ... V**stio- ’Aay. \ \ i ^

[on- ^

res-r ith . ' . -

who -------- '


art! ■ ____ _ . . ___ .*^ ■

» NOD SI. H . E . B A B

*‘Buy Shoes at177,leld | U— ■ ■ ■ I


i i i Montana City Partly Destroyed by Firetheieb .O BEAT FA LLS , M oat., Jaa. 21v—A eab large pa rt o f Oreat Fa lla ’ bndaeas aee* tjio tion Is in aahea today, aa tbe resalt o f

a f iro t t a t last a igh t <Ud dasaaga ta ­ck. timated a t *450,000.

S ta r t in g 'a p p a m tly 'f ro m an explo-' aion in tbe ba^m ent o f tbe Paris D ry

iQt Goods store, ’\t»^spread rap id ly to six oa other business places, whUe the flromea )on Btood helplosa.o v Parla Store was aU^ aflame tb«>[gg foro the f ire waa discovered. Other ac. business houses destroyed were: tbs tu- Davis Jewelry company, Koayon aad •es, Wheeler Drag store, Kareber d o tb in g ich store, Montano F iacU Agency, Wigwam'

Cafe, Bauer’s Candy store, and the fid i- aon' Phonograph eo :^aay.

, y e s I T H E N E W O B IL L 18 OPEN. U Tables fo r ladiea-—Adv.


“riFirSELECTBICisy, -------o f -------------------------------------------------------nr ' •ofi* ■ _ '

id- -------rr,ir-

ni- >.

»e- ■ ■ I.


! for All Pk“ | __________ •

)o' , --------------------M , • ., .5o; • ■. •30: ^'.o'50 ^■>0 - )0 jO


EN’S ^$ S H 0 E i

5 J 5

One b a rg a in ta b le b r im f u l l o f .men’s ■

! . gun m e ta l b lu ch e r o r b u tto n d t e s s ' shoes. A lso E n g lis h toe. V a lues , th a t sold r e ^ l a r l y fro m

. , $5,00 to j6 .6 0 rA b o U t: 89 p a irs le f t , in a ll- ; sizes. W h ile th e y

] la s t, c lo s ir tg - fo f ”

3.»?iHlE C0 .<^R BE R , Pres^

at a Shoe Stort '11

VETERANS TO BE H0ST5 re TO RETRUWmiG SOLDIERS_ A M e n i r a o t lo c a l P o rt u l I M 1« o fmi- a . A . a . r t a a t n m m t i x i ot -Mntmmmea- ' '■ ■

Betumed so ld len aad sailors o f tbe p lo --g restjw ar, .jrhe tber 'tbey served in Dry « p ro e > 'p ro ^ tia a d ir ia la M ^ lH t i r i r f a g

camps or a t tbs ba ttle f rm ta , are to be Qca tbe gossta a t a re e s p tin g h m oa Sat­

urday, Febm ary 3, by members o f Dan McCook post, Oraad A rm y e f tbs Be*

ber pablie, aad o f tbe I^d ie a o f th * O, A .tbs •u d A abort program I * belag' arrangsd to iu g be followed w ith rafreabmenta

«*- Sickness ClosesSchools at CurryTho Curty oobooli'doood on U o o l> r

owing to the'abseace on,aocooat o f \ ^ekness o f tw o teaehera and' tweaty-

Dfl. fo n r pupils. ^




• A

LECTRIjC CO.F A L L S • ' *;


F A R M iiA i

■ & C. la ltc h e ll, P rine ipa B v Schitol, O ffe rs P rodu R " F a rm Bureau L a b o r. K : P rihc ip fes o f Eeonom

' P ro }ioA iiit; an a]>|>Ucntion to th o fa rm ^ ^ ■ i ' ia b o r w nK i' p rob lem o f mutUoilH huc- ^ H ' po iw fu lly UBtwl J )v InrffV onu iloycrn o f ^ ^ ■ i i a b u r . iu o th e r in d u K tr ic f, M.. 0 . M ^tch*

p r ln c i l 'n l o f tlit» T w in , rn l lB hlRh 8]>eakini; be fo ro a m oo ting lio ld

^ ■ v j i c r o u iK le r 'th o u iixp icvs .o f th o u ta tu ^ D i> fa r m . bu ronu ih iru ig th iv jo iu t con fe r-

fo r fo ii . i i i lo n it io n in oj)- ^ H : 'r ) io i i i t lo n to u u n ifo rm nu tle p la n , t1i« H l - i u u c ba.Hti'l o n . the oc'ouuiiui' ]>rinciplo ^ N i k n o w n ns th t’ |> rn > lu rtiv ily thcur.v o f H I K U s tr ib iit io n , nnd guv«i w -vcrn l <‘xnmj>lcit H - ’ O f th i ' w o rW n jj o f t i i i» p rin ripJo .

' M r. M itcho li (luring tho Bummer H 'TnonthB, wa« oawckitod w itb tho coonty

buroan bora oti'labor a ^n t;« I l is H'.'tiui^Kc-KtionH wuro biutod Iftrgtily upon the n '/ r o H u ltn o f bin '-obwrvation iu tha t ca* H ' - : pa rity and tho ir application to tho H ' j principles o f ocondmlcs. He naid la

-p a rt:R . . m i l f o n a .Wftge Breaks B ' : In co o tra a tin g o r com p aring th p rain* M < im u n i m o x lm ^ aad u n ifo rm wages th is

s ta te m e n t sobma to , be co rrcc t— n m in- H im u m w age te sds to bdcomo th 6*m axl* H * rnm uL .w ag e , a lso iv b p lt em p loyere ga in , B - M r tJ jro u ffh .a _> u rp )u ii o f lab o r.’ The B . '.iiia x im um wage tboda to bccoiuo tho B " T T n in ip im n rU o v jfjen l ib o re m gaiW pbW- B ^ > r , liay th rough. Si^Hhortngo o f la b o r a i H '- '.w a * tb»> cnw) J n E n g la nd d u r in g thft.■ ' fourteenth oontury foUowing tbo doplo- B - ' n ibU 0? Ihc labor forco duo to th’o 100■ ' yoon n-ar and p a rticu la rly thb ravages■ ;. o f (bu b1ael£ doath (said by m m o'tb be■ ' ' ‘ the same os tho Spanish, influoaza) H ' " ’Vben oDO-half o f Englood’a population B ' = <lii;i). Botb the 'm in im um u d n ia^m uB I V Wages, aro mocp or loss f lb x ib l^

A un ifo rm wage bo iro ro r i* i^g id and '• .Wl tends to. b re ik when either ptxty

«nii»s power, and tha t is oxactlj*. w lu it •we found i t doing hero, the paat sum*

. . nier titne a fte r timo. I t aeemed tha t ^ llic rp QiiAt be ou ito a provision fo r 'a

- ,-i»owiblo_ large dogreo o f-flex ibU ity , andw u a qaaatioa whether i t abra l^

. . t>c collcd uniform o r n o tProdricttoa a» * Me««nre‘

.A ga in , in thoa>toces« o f d is tribu tion ^ >;to .labor iU XiUr» aliaro fo r ih s p a rt i t p;v^la3Ti».iu tho crootlon o f tbe -i)»duc t we /;.|%Dst a tick to t^ a i fundamental eoton- '• rflip ic ''. principle itnown a» tho prodnb- ■ •iMvity, tbeoiy; o f d istribution. M believe . 'fw ^ ' ih o u ld prolong tbo doy in to the fu -

’’ 'tu ro aa fa r aa.posaiblif when w o pto- ' ‘ Cfod upon the monopoly theory o f dU* '. tr ib u tio a -T n theory th a t invoJve« a con-

' A tiiiit warfare between labororH and the enjpioyyr*. 1 aaatima tJiat wil mnn w a n ta 'to ro ii:H i’ to> thol doctrine o f the

' iro n la w b f os jus t enough wog-'■ CH fo r the moro Bubsistbndtf o f tbo work- V ing claas. Neither do wo t ^ v the Uto­

p ian v iew tba t d is tribu tion mukt be to ovorj- .m an ’ a<cording tb b is . n'oodH, or want«. O ur'^octp lnv r» • to efvr^r. maa

.nerord ing ns ho prwluecii a it« r bo has been g ivea a fa ir opportun ity ' to p rV

. <luce. W e ll, . i t wc prococd upon tWs tbobry—43.00 .per doy fo r ' fa tm tabor

...Way b« an arbltra j^- figure and *3.00 fo r each man is w ithou t regard t< tho iudivtdua) contribution o f tb r varipus

■labbrejv is abaoultely uA fa ir' one! in tho lo n ff run i t w fll'-not work satls/ac- to r ily . I t may work <ui the ba«ia,for tho / i r s t day u n til the emplbyer finds what tbo labdrer can do. I t may work fo r a Boason su^h as the past wben oth­er nrguments conld be used to p u t ^e n to w ork. B u t take i t year In and year out, i t would seem 'that we ehould stick <{uite closoly t^ .th o p ro d uc tiv ity 'theo ­ry- o f d iitr ib u tlo n in paying fa rm la ­bor.

' CoralUzlM to Bnla . •In troocludJog tU s b rio f discussion

I co ll your a tten tion to a. fow augges- tiona which seem to mo to be corailar- ion. which muat bo taken along w itb tbe goncral proposition ' o f* a ftox ibU Uniform wage ( i^ there bo such).

In <m artic le in .tb c W orld '» WorW o t Ju ly , }0 l8 , I w u quito interesUHl in the diflcuaaion o f .Mr. Chn.i. Schwab as n loader o f men. Ho ia n vcritablo ma»- tc r o f the a rt o f ge tting men to do th e ir lieat. -How doen he do i t t A pair- o rfu l method i | hia way o f rccognizlng nnci niT>n>ving good work. ThPre (in' I

. nica %’ho w il lb o more for n on the nlioulder from (.’harley - Srhwali thnu they would do fo r all tbo monoy some other m illionairo xould o ffe r tbem. lie baa the rare facu lty o f being uhlo to alap A F"»” on the shoulder w ithout g iv in g offcnBo; hi» domo«raey in geu- utne; one fo^la ami known inatinctive ly

• , tha t i t i* not .a po»e. What In auother man would be pa troo iiing . In .Charley fiekwab ia merely an exprewioa o f a' very real, ver>' nincere and *11 inelu- • ire 'b u m a n friendlinea*. I t u a rare g if t . I t ia nsoally boru rather than acquired.

Bonna fiyvtam P iysB u t M r. Schwab -loca not rely alio-

gether upon th is val.nable' p<‘r»onal k- power.- M r. ,Schwab b\-liove» in tho

ikonus method, and he rnnsider* i t tbo W s f mrana o f ge tting the best worlc oul B f every t"i»° associated w ith him. For » a ra the Bethlehem Steel Corporation

'l& » b e e a operated on the bonus aystem. BonS&ea fo r good work, fo r inrreased

-. pkxlaetida. fo r eeoaomica in bp^ratinn ■and fo r aetual aekieTemcnt have been d istributed a ll along the line from the p rw ld e n t wbo rec*i»»d * 1 ,000,000 laat yvar, tiowa to the mc2i lo the' b la ^ f&r* jiaeea. M r. B thwal. aaid: " I t I4 ^ # -

' a lble to obtain tke peraonal interest o f ’ • ip lo y e r * tkroagh • thia ayrtwn In a

- Abtkloable in a

^ V A O B .s x a C '

I IS V IE WS : . ;IO N S r e g a r d i n gABOR W AGE P R O BLEM

pal o f the T w in ,F a lls H igh, iu c t o f H is Experience as <r A g e n t in A pp lica tion to m ics 'irm large coriiornti'on. Tho umo « f tho btt- me- nuj* »yHtent hiiH.been the only Kueccsd-

o f fu l wny to Hoeiir(‘' individunt co'opern- tch- tiiin til the extent we havo found do- ligh n im b le ." , •.,■old . Advantage b f S lid ing Scale

in n.ld ltion to Mr. StJkwab’«. motli* odH^th«‘ro irt tbu slid ing nenle motbod

"J’ ' whieh I boiievo certain furniers in this community fo llow pnrtien lariy w it li tho month or yoar hands.. By iucrooalng the w/ige fivo (Iolur» or Homo Biich nnioiint ]>i>r. n io iitli i t in posalblp and rfsual to maintain thc intorost o f tho birod Bdin tbrbugii the harvunt soiuon. A ruIo;’\inftqQnt«d by Weiyon o f Cor- noil ill; h is ’ fiT O - m ani^bmoat is tha t tha pay: sbdtrtd- vary w ith the Boaebii o f the- ye a r.' I f n monUi band recelveB the « iin«= iu lj^ thb 'y?a f aroimd tho own* V r w ill 1)0 I* ge tting tbo muchin w ln'te^lJ’iiad in harvest when ilay hands a n oetttng b ig wages month

tin- nian w ill fAbl tha t lie in working fo r nothing.-'- By varying the pay tho year's

l l * ' to ta l mny be tlie nnmo, but both fotipi;. uti- ,T and laborer w ill be hotter (latinnbd.

P ro f it Sharing W o r k a ^ ^ tho t ly rd Bclibmo Li what linoy'bo ca ll­er od tt form o f p ro fit shariiig. I reeuU

’ tho faet that a man on thin trac t tol.l. tho «io'.laat:. Bjimmer t lm t hia^ plan waa o f

th is uaturn[ . The cnao in':Kand wna b5» inn irriga to r. < iH i i ' plan wan to pay a cer-

ta in wago'lln eaao tbe y io ld o f wheat ^ waa 40 buahc^ por (iuro. niojre lu caao

» i t waa 45, moru fo r 50 bushuls por aero, ion making

ha. oxcoHonti crop o f wfaoat. I t ia p<)c- bapH truo kliut in tho pant on fanua

a some k la ^ o f a.'rental uyHtom haa usu- ^ a lly constituted tbe only natiafoiUory

p ro f it a k a r ^ plan. However, I bo- Hove the' kbovp illustm U on may gi»'o

. . tho emplbyor o f farm labor some id«a ^ o f tho iWBJiibintlen o f tho method.

■ I mm not presuming thn t thcso throe o r 'fo n r nUKgeatioiu cover this fie ld, na to' ppsalbititioa o f -nr^c^nging a wage sciUo tb a t w il l moot tho needs o f a ll. Snow ing ss w« dd bowsVer. that,m any

loa lu g o labor employers ‘ do fo llo w thom SRceeaafally" snd ' tba t certain 'farmers

^ have giVon thom a tr ia l, i t would a«em tha t thoy n jight bo given Mome. place and quite a 'p rom inent placo in tho ap- p lication o f a wo^e n» uJiiforni ns is ren.M>nul‘Io am i-just. ' , .•

to- .................lia-ua. Help and Hope..u- B n ln rg r you r v ision n/nl xm»»p o f nn 'worldly nfTnln* by sIleiH. comnioolou . • w ith UiH Jininen.>Jlfy o f tho s tn r-n jrrw n

, unlvcrfio-^yrni w ill Hnd tiii* henrtjiPlu- T ] o’f Itfe ’fl db<iipiW)tntru«UtH. tbo epbeme*. ' m l g lit te r ntid tln«el tbn t , ■ Bentlnl to your liniii»lneK!;>. ure but

pnflslng phuHOB n f- j in t'xlKt«mee to-i>e do filt w ltb flerenely 'hntl ib te lllpen tly .

“ nii«l th n t' cniinot be done wlHefy u tiil w p il If-o n e # tem nlly urov«-lH In the

I f c lny o f t»nrt!i w ith o u t U)inneiit« o f Ri- len t wJtbdriiwnl to (be s tarrj- H.imndeH ofthouR bt.;.

tho ---------:---------------------' Beginning Tow er o f London.A .ro y a l'p a la c c , coofltnting o f what

Is known ns thn •^vhltc towcr,’ "*ni>- fo r ***0 bcRlnnUig^ the Towec o f Loriflon. I t wns com- ir k fiy W llllnm 's non. W lllln n i UjiJ. fus, who. Is 1008. ^urroundwJ Jt .w ltli len *>rood J ltc fi. Scveml 5«c

ccedfng kings mode additions (rt 1 . nnd -K in g Edwnrd I I I crocle<l tli> ^ chorcb. In 1C28 the bid w h itp t«iwi-i ^ w n* reb tillt, nnd In the r c lp i . «i

Cborlca I I a great nnmbct- o f nddltlnn ' w o r e ^ d c to It. Tbo new buHiU" - In tho tow er were completed In 1850.

Ion ■ ._______ 'BS* ' ” ~ ' ...

R ichest *Pcarl Fisheries. A ltliouR li most o f tbe buy.H tind in-

letH o f the remote IMnnd tcroupH of l lie Sbath|Scji» bnve V«'en strljipe fl o f

qJ th e ir • pearM wiirlnK b,lvnlvc roolliii'Us ^ liy venturesome world-wnyfarors, there

e'>ntlnne.;< to he fo tin il occnslonnlly ^ sm :ill nrons o f tbeso'.wnterK thn t bnve . lH-<-n Hniourhe<l by penri d iver* and_

^ wlUrh often yie ld wealth to the e i- IiUir''r8. The rlrbest penrly wntern lo

^ rJ ltb e world oro tbo.Kc adjacent to the j>klure.’«]»ie heuch town o f Broome,

nu “ ,Makino Amcrlcafie.

‘ ® ■ I f wo «-ilI pTnnt tbe rliHcIren n f o tr ^ luunlKrunt-a In Amerlenn Moll.glve ihc*u

Amerh-an ctjinpanlflns. teach tberii In -**■ <be' Anjerlean , lanKunce, let them

brenthe Aiiierlcno llte m lu re . O lsclpllor. '* ’■ them In the A inerican a rt o f s^lf-p iv - “ J” pniiuent, nurn? the ir bi’n rts in tbe sun- * sbine o f A«»erlcan lendernes-s Ktmiui-

ili.v nntl, cood felIowp»bl|i, nnd nlwny* ire n - 'iH f t the nu lure which Ood has

Riven them however It may-dlfTer fm m oum. tbey w il l crow up loyal, pa trio tic . deTOtcd. Americana.— Lym ao' AbbotC

t*-' • lal

Peculiar •A do rnm en t"bo W idows In the Iln w u lliift (slanda, ,ul op to very « ‘cent yenrs. bnd the name* ij,,. o f the ir (lend !iu?hnnd-< tattooed on

tb e ir toni;ti.*s. Esyptlnn women today gj bave theip l>pj« prlokc 'l hjn;* fo r heroco-

Inffnes«. .Vnd In Yi-rn. t(i.* northem- m«st Isl.nnd o f the J;ii>nrie^.- jirchlpHn- gn.’ ih<* fimhlon <Iem:itirN Uiat elrla nhnll trr<-atly enlnrse ll i. ‘ Tipparent lUxe o f th e ir mouths by a ta ttoo loc In red

Jp. about the Ilpfl.

b f • READ TH E C L lS a n T E D ADS. a *

' ■ I '

'M ;;:v ; '■■■:■g h I0 8 I

" : ; -TELlI . ‘ '

.•CSd- I ' ’ ■ • ■lera- S '

I E f f e c t i v e J a i

I ' - ■ - b ylOtll- I . thod atbia 6 the s

S ' . . 'I A n e w m e t h

tho I t h e . l o c a l s e r v i c e

Cor- I ' ' p l a c e d o n a s t a rtha t s

1 ^ d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h

I i c e is - g i v e n h e r e 'mch S '‘I V I>nth g | \ , .

I “ S TATIO N TOe , .....

nbd. a . . . \V U e n » ; t )O T s b n . iu a k i*8

a . • . H in t c o n v e rs a t io n iH d t

S ' ' tfu * c o iin p c t itmtoi< l 0 t io n h e ld , tiu *»j ) f H jp d t 'te r m in e ir bin g| - . .cer- H . . ' t \v ( ‘<‘n t o l l p o in ts a n ^ is

H- fo i* p a c ii s ix a i i |e s , u p'icTo, H < * ifjlit in ilc H Iko

^ ■ . " S t u t io n to H b i t io i i " ciiinua I ' ■ ■ Ik t ■ w iio ro v e r T o lc p h d“ “ “ ■ I ' ■ ■ ' a v a l la l) le : AVhert* t h is

I ■ : a t t i l l* .c a l l in g ; tu lo p lu n nfive I o p e ra te

'***^ I l l ie . 's u b w r ib i * ! 'a t t l i e tUroe g . . , . , . •__ ^I. aa ‘ grago 0 ■ *

I , “ PERSON TO‘*®'" g .. W h e n - a • i)(?rs<»n' n ia k fsiiers 9 .eea, a c o n v e r s a t io n is desinM ■»cc I . . n n d th e i-o n ile c t io n is (

I ' h o ld w i t h th h r jH T s o n ,I a p p iio s .

I / . - \ s l l i i s .'«^ifVii’ f n * m iir< ‘.so f g ' in ;;: e f f o r t , tlic* n ite f o r s

I i ; i ' i * a te r tJ u in tJa? •‘ ,s ta t i i•wn y ^piu- 3 . ■ 'I 'h is ‘ ‘ pc^rson to p e rs t) i

I »hiy r j i l t * be tw o o n t l i e pbut g • c a l l is itu n h ' d n r in j ; t l

I a n d th e n i ia i i i n i iu i r l ia r

‘ t'd f y o ''p e rs o n to j ie r s o n ' '*1 '' • •s ta t io n to s ta t io n * ' T n t(den I ' ^ -____ j

^^REPOR5 W h e n a “ p e rs o n fo pey p a r t i c u la r p e rs o n d e s i rI o r w h e n a n e x a c t te le p l

•i«i' B ' hu* p e rs o n d e s ire d h a s

"u It i l l I . “ re jM irt. c h a rp e " a p p lie

' I bJuch a r h a r j i i ; a ls o a p p l "o ' S , s e n t w h e n t l i e ’ v o n n e t it i" I h t)u r . o r i f hi* re fuse -s t'

I T h i.v r l i a r j je is to coverI a t i i iK . w o r k p e r fo rm e d

'c.r I . f o n r lh o r t h e " s t j i t i o n t

I . I n j i n v earfe w lic ro asUs 3 ' . . .,.ro 2 in r i i in n i in o h a r jie is lOeIly I - ' •ive & '

I . “ A P P O IN TIn a-

the g .. W Iic u fh e c a l l i f t ; : p a r t y

i ;T d < * f i i i i( c s p p c i f u i l t th i "per.w on . to )M'Xson” Iku l ie ld a t th e .s p e c if ie d t i a p p li« ‘s.

-T h e • •u p {M )in tJ a e a f' r a t ^ •< ‘r th a n t l ie “ s ta t i / ,

-in- T h e • • a p p o ii i t in c n t ’ * ra tr t i t e lM‘ tw o ( ‘ ii th<» i> o in t:

•as is i i ia ih M ln r in ^ ' t h e th iJ 'I'” J i i in i im i in c lia rp c i»* 2 5 t

• \ < i a p iM iL iit iiH ’ i i t c a l l isto s ta l i 'o n ” r i i i i - is h*HS t

S . “ iJ c iH u i c-riar:;! s ’ " 'a p p i oe* I o n n l i t io n s > p f» - if ie d“ I .a ll.s .

'®* i ‘ «m - 3•in- g

5 The Mouniam I

\ T W I N F A L L

NE.EPHONEa n u a ry 21, 1919^ as A ly th e P o s tm as te r Qei

thod o f c o m p u tin g charge ce.area) u n d e r w h ich a l l ti andaird basis, becomes e f f th is new m ethod and o f its re w ith i

O S T A T IO N ” R A T Ees a t o l l c a l l w i t h o u t « p _ e c if ) in ji

d e s ire d w i t h j l p a r t i c t i l a r p c r - io n is e s ta & {is h c d a n d c o u v e n u i- o n to s ta t io n '* , r a te a p p lie s , n e d h y th e a i r - l i n e d is ta n c e J is c o in p i i te d o n th e b a s is o f 5 c ip t^> t w e n t y - f o i i r ’ n i i le s , a n d 5 c b e y o n d t h a t d is ta n c e ,

c a l ls s h o u ld be ’ m a d e b y ' n u m - h<m D ire c to ry - in f o r m a t io n is l i s i n f o r in o t io h Ik n o t a v a i la b le in ie , s u c l i c a l ls i i ia y be m a d e b y a t o r th e n a m e a n d a d d re s s o f ,B te le p h o n e c a lle t l. '

0 PERSON** R A T E<es a t o l l c a l l , s p e e i r j i r ig t l i a t ' i r w l w i t h - a p a r t i c u la f p e rs o n s e s ta b liw h e d a n d e o n v e rs a t io n u, th e ‘ p e rs o n to p e r s o ir ^ rate*

re s a j r r e a tc r a m o u n t o f o p e ra te >r s u c h c a l ls is a lw a it o n e - fo u r th i t i o n t o s t a t io n ’ ’ n i t e .

st)n*’ u i i tc is c o m p u te d o n th e > p o in L '* in v o lv e d , w h e th e r t!n ,‘ ;

th e (h iy (*r d u r i i i i r th e J i in h t , . ;a r^ :e is SOc.

m '’ c a l l i-s accep (e< i w h e re th e ■nte is le s s th a n l i) c .

I ' ' - ' ■

R T CHARGE”p e rs o n '* c a l l is m a d e a n d th e

Hirt>d is a o t i n o r 'W i l l n o t t a lk , e p h o u e a d d re s s o f th e p a r t ic u - a s n o t been g iv e n a n d h e <yiu- »

te le p lu a ie w i t h in o n e h o u r a • lies ,

> p lies iM h e c a l l i i i { ; p a r t j* a b - - t ; t io u IB c o m p le te d w i t h in o n e s t«) t a lk . '*e r <-t>ai{«.*nsatJon f o r th e o p e r-

jd a n d is u s u a l lv abe>ut one- n t<» s la t io n ” ra te .

1 ‘ ‘ r e p o r t c h a r^ re " a p p lie .s . tin?O c a n d t in * i i la x i i i in u i

'T M E N T " R A TEr t y in , p la c in g h is c a l l a p p o in ts im e a t w liit^ h he w i l l t a l k o n a iK is is a n d t l ie c o n v e r .s a tio n is ' t i i i i e . th e “ a p p o in tm e n t ’ ' r a te

r a te is u s u a l ly a b o u t o n e ^ lm lf i t io n t o s t o t io n ” ra te ;

r a te i s ’ c o in p u te d o p th e d a y n t s inv»)lv<K i. w h e th e r t h e c a l l i j ' o r d u r in g th e n ^ g h t, a n d th e l>5c. . '

is ac*cepte<l w h e re t l ie ‘ 's t a t io n w th a n

;>ply u n d e r th e s ; im e . g e n e ra l ie d ft> r ‘ ‘ p e rs o n to jH irs o n ” *

lain States Telephi

j iiLj HJ iLiJHJaaiu:ii[U]LuiM]IU.lUHUJI«f —

A i s ^ b A l L Y N E W S '

* ' • . ' /

- -

EW" ■ ' E T O LL RI A n p o tx n c e d on Decc e h e ra l, ^ V a ^ h i n g t o n ,

g e s o n t e l e p h o n e t l i l l c a l l s

1 t o l l r a t e s t h r o u g h o u t t h «

i f f e c t i v e 1 2 : 0 l a . m . J a n i i a i

i t s a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e s e V e

. . “ M.ESSt:NGi> V hen a r a i l is in t id e o n a a r id a m e s ^ u '^ r is rt?<iui

' o f fh e <lesig7 ia te < i p e rs o n i th e d is t a n t p o in t , , th e “ i •p lio s . . '

T h is r a te is t l ie s ;u iie a s t l ih e H anie d is ta n c e ,. i> lu s a s e n ’ ictJ. • '

T h e - “ ia e s a e n g e r c 'a l l ’ * n i t i r a t ( ‘ b e tw e e n th<‘ p o in ts i{ is m a d e d u r in j ; th e d a y - o r m in im u m c h a rg t i is 25c .

■ ^ . * J le-^^se iiger c h a rg e s i n c u r r de s ire < i c o n v e rs a t io n is n o

• .X o “ iiie .vse h g e r ca.H” is ac t to 9 fa f it» n ” r a te i s lea.s JJiu

“ R e p o r t c h a r g i« ’ ’ a p p ly c o n d it io n s a s s p e tiP itn ^ ‘ c a lls . . , ■

S TA N D A R D TOLiT h e f o l lo w in g re i l iu -e d r a t

to u la tU m " a. n i. J a n u r t r y 21 , 1011)., .

8 :3 0 p . n i. to 12 ■ A lK )u t o iie -h a llf f to s t a t io n ’ ’ da^- ra1 2 : 0 0 m W n ig h t tA b o u t i. o n e - t |u a r t t t io n t ( i s ta t io n * ’ di

I* 'o r th e i)u rp o s e o f a 'p p ly i o f d a y a t th e p o in t a t w h i jnes-sijge o r ig in a te .s is ' i is e c

. T lu ‘ n i in i in u m n ig h t n i t e : (HI c a l ls m a d e a t n ig h t w h e c lia rg i* is less th a n t iu ; n i i i

/ • ________

“ C O LLE C l‘ •C < jlle c t c a l ls " a n * c a l ls fc r ( ‘v e rs q d ; . t h a t is , a re to-b< .s c r i ln 'r a t th e d is t a n t s t4 it c o n ip le te e l.

, S n c h “ c o l le c t c a l ls ’ ’ o r la iv t o n ly in c o i in e c t io n w i t h “ pi


.V .s s iin iin g th e a i r - l i n e d is t to Ik * m o n ‘ th a n 1 4 4 m ile s m ile s , th e fo l lo T \ in g i n i t i a l u n d e r .th e v a r io n s c la sse s

. — '’ ‘ tS ta t io n to s t i i t i d n ’.' n i t e C o m p le tcH l “ iH 'ra o u to jMjrw C o m p le te d , “ a p p o in tm e n t " C om p le te^d “ lu cK S e u g e r c a l

P lu s m i*s.senger c h a rg e jj.J{e j> o rt j-h a rg e .......................R a te b e tw e e n 8 :3 0 p . ‘m . :i

••.'s tiitioa to v t a t i o u " s e n R a te betw4*ep 1 2 :0 0 m id n i

‘ \s ta t, io u t o s t a t io n " s e rv

ihone and Telegraj

■r* ■ , . ' • ' ^

{ATESc e m b e r 1 3 , 1 9 1 8 ,

1, D. C.

I s ( t o p o i n t s o u t s i d e

: h e U n i i E e d S t a t e s ai-<?

i a r y 2 1 , 1 9 1 9 . A b r i e f .

i V e r a l c l a s s e s o f s e r v ^ [

; jGER” C A LLSII a ‘ p e rs o n t o p e rs o n ” b a s is [ i iu i r e d to H e rn re a t te n d a n c e I m a t a p u b l ic p a y s t a i io n a t - |

“ inessenge i* c a l l ” r a t< * ,a p f

■< th e “ a p p o in tm e n t r a ^ ” fo ri s a n y . charge* f a r m e s s e n g e r

• j i t e ' is c o m p u te d o n th e d a y | s invo lv<H l, w h e th e r t h e c a l l fo r d u r in g th e n ig h t , n n d tJ ie ’

i r r t K i a re t o ' l r e p a id e v e n i f n o t h e l(L

acce irteK l w h e n * th e “ s ta t io n (J ia n 15c.

l y u n d e r th e s a m e g e n e ra l i ‘ f o r “ p i* rs o n to p e r s o n ” I

LL N T G H T RATESra te .s ( } ) r iltJ ? W j-s e r^ c e on a - v/V o u h f ar<* < * ffe c tiv e 12 .*0 I

1 2 :0 0 m id n ig h t—r •I f K 'tb e “ s t4 it io n ' ra te .t t o . 4 :3 0 a . i } j ,— i r ’t e r . o f th e “ s t i i - ’ ( la y r a t t ‘ . . '

d y in g n ig h t r a te s , th e t im e v h ic h a “ s ta t io n tt» s t a t io n ” , se d . ‘

te iK 25c. D a y ra t< !6 a p p ly :h e n th e ‘ 's t a t io n to s t ^ i t io n " in i i i in m m n ig l i t n t te .

VT C A LLS ” ■ II f o r w h ic h th e 'c h a r g e s .ore ^ | r be c*o llec ti*d f r o m th e s u lh | it4 it it )n a t w h ic h th e c a l l ' is I

l iv e rs e d c h a rg tN a re a llo w e d “ p e rs o n lo j ) e i - s o n " c a l ls . ,

--------------- ■■■

OW ING HO W T H E IS A P P L IE D[ is ta u c e U e tw e e u t o l l p o in ts lies , b u t n o t m o re th a n 1 52 i a l p e r io d r a te s f o r s e r w e OH o f fe r e d w o u ld a p p ly ;

Lt« ........r............ $ 1 .0 0 ..le rs o n ’ ’ r o te ...................... 1 .23i t " n i t e ......... ................1 .50c a l l ’ ’ r a t e ........................... 1 .5 0

_ ■«

I. a n d l 2 : 0 0 m id n ig h t ,s e rv ic e o n ly ............. ........ .50d n ig h t u a U 4 :3 0 m.^ e rv ic e o r J y ...»..........................25

aiih Company

TDEBDAY,. J A lro ^ Y '. 'a i.


^BPSnnSSB OAKD,One insertion, per line ___Ono weok, per line ------------------___2

. On^ inontb per line __.......... ,.........T^ PHONE 32 >•

o B o z 2 r o r a A 5 5 m o o i r H o n e ^ j

^ • a r o b b w c o A f l g .

WODDOW aZ i& ll0 -^A lM A«bla«C woi . ^ -Moob 8bbp, fbone 21.

' ~ A ^ B i r mAUTO B E F A IB S —AQtos r o p ^ r ^ ' '

Wemer'e N o v a l^ Shop.

^ A t o n o m ^AtTOnONBES<~Z. S. BraoMD, ' an tioseer. Stoek or ranch sales ft >p c lftltjr. 23 ye*ra exporionce aeUlng.. Uneola, S«braa\ta. Now ae ottlee i ; N. 8ho®hono. Phone 719 or 881.' T i r PalU.. Idaho. . ■

7 Z m io T T O S o• W A N oi ir ir im fo -^ p h o n f l lo a ?

Musle Co.

OONTBAOTOE O. 3, STBVENS—Oonoral contrftcto

P h jperty to r aaJe. . Phono 781&.

{ professional,

' K t o r n x y b ' ^

A o t t 8 .

O! B a ild ing ."

N O R tH * B T B ra A K , BWffT

B. V . ItABSOlT — O«noral prM tie i Rooma 6 aod 7 Idaho Power Bldg.

FKENO H Langiiaico taught b j M n . 1 W. Mooch, 253 SU th N. PhoBo 48:

8W B B LB T 'A S W B B M ¥ ~ A tto m e y . a t Law. P ractiro ia a ll Oodrtt, T w i

Falla, Idabo.

B. M. WOZiF&T-LAWjrer, ^ o m a 6 «a< K, over Idaho Department Store, Tw ii Kolia, Idafao.

• J-. H . WZSB-^Lawyer. F o lly orgasiae< Collection DcFftrtment ' O tfiew

' Kooma* 6 and 7 Over T w ia J ^ a Baal ie T m at C^., Tw in. Falls, Zdabo.

A O O O m i M T O

WOtFHNXHGN f t O B O O O & ^ ^ m G Power Bldg. Tolephono 201 and 8Tfl


lie and I l in in g Engineer,.Twin V U b , Idaho. Phone

r o S o P R A O T ^

d b T 'v m Y ’T c B ^ v i i a n o b a hIT A B IU M —A n forma b f E k e tr ic lty M i& e n l Vapor and E loetrle. Z i ^ i Batba. 304 F i f t l i A to. K . TeL 2M

H ofM power In W ater.E a d i nomuJ homcpowcr o f boilers

requires .ooe cubJc^. foo t o f w ater ad boor.

Great P o litica l T ru th .. t ia l f a dott'n tneu coniro l every clt.v,

th reo oi' fo u r mi-ti control pvery coun­t r y town, tw’o o r thre® men control cv* e ry country neighborhood.- I t la the n a tu ra l law ond no nj-Btem o f covprji- m cnt w il l change It.—Topeka Cnpltnl.

J e tt and Jok*.A Joke U often rougher ond lr » i

dcllcate than a Jeat, a« a practica l Joke, b n t Jest often Ragseftta mot« o f llkhtneaa o r woBlDg than ii Joke, as t«i tu rn every th ing Into Jest. Joke Is. the word to use where nctlon Ifl ImpUtHl. w h ile Jest La senerally applied to aome- tb ln g aald.

.D ldK 'ou Ever Do T h la tV lx ltom or stranRcra coming in to an

ofllce arc often cmb'nrraiwrt by the dis- w u rtpny o f olflce pmployeea who ig­nore th e ir presenoo—o r w a lt fo r some one eiHe to Inquire the vlnltor'a ermnd.

/ A ny cinpIoy(>e who happens to be near ■' when a Btmnger enters Rbould address

b ln courtcouMy and axk If he can take > ft messagv o r be o f amitstance. Tbe

v in ltor'a Im iir ru lo n o f the employer n ftrn la affected by the.atU tadc o f tho employee.— Biddy Bye.

• -C ia a iif la rA d a are eh eftp ~ «ftoetiTa.

D O I N g a O F T H E v y i

.a Ok


I T -___ _____---------------

z^K M r i l

nrESDAT. JAHOABT 21, w it .

n i CLASS! FI£D^ ~ADVERTlS;ENENTSBB ' i "- - '. . ' . ' t "! m> BATBS-..:.10« Ono inaartlon, ^ v o id -------' ■ \

^ Ona we«k (D f t i lr and W oakly)___ M— 76< One m oirtij (D a lly and W eekly) _ S i

M ln lmnm charga fo r «acb luMZtte — - r - o f a tv c law lflaa ad, IB ctots. Ai

. a o a t n m r « ft atftt«id-p«do4 at tln a .n s : ■ PHOM Bsa

IT o r B U aPOB SALE—Pine young team. ' a <

droaa “ A . a , ” caro Nowa.

-------- FOB S A L B - t 'o r . I tou ring 'co r, gooBondltion. 160 Washington street..

• * FOB S A IiB —Onlona a t tb«' A b«1k Hay, O n lB * Feed Co. I ^ h o a a S

^____ >X»B 8A LE —B u ff Orpington rooa■ and* score. A. M. Bonwell, Curr;

‘ ‘ P’ i FOB SA LE OB TEADB—Fourliooi Qg-ft» house near blgh school. E. A . Moo

_______________ _, ' FOB SAIii^^Bonnd-reed ba liy eai

gondola .atyle, practically new. Phoji 204-J.

vogan POR SALtJ— LiR lit surroy, hamesi >/a^>on. .r. '\Vblker, S m ilM south Boe Creek ^ ' 0 (

actor. POR Q A L S ^ o o d eating I p o t ^ w SO conta bnndred. Cli^rooce Tonn{ Bouto 3, Phouo 5J8JB.

.FO B S A IiE OB BEN T—240 aere near CasUoford, 17S in a lfa lfa . E. C Cain, 650 Fourth weat.

"U T i FOB a A IiB -B e re a |n w w g » p « i f ca r; w i l l trade fo r KUtall ear. SBqniii a t Tw in FaHs A uto .0*.

------- FOB S A LE —7 room honae, 2' stox^'V* bam , ehicken honse, acre ground. 52J

B lue Lak^a B lvd . Phone 486.

FOB BA LE —Fonr tioraea an^baneai Id ir touring u r a

* ' truck. 249 S ix th are. W. s, F ■

FOB BAUEr—4-room ;noden houae____1 WOO down, baliinee easy terma. I n■neys quire a t i31 Blue Lakea b ird . T . B rw in ^ m h i lL '

____ POB S A LE —Briek;~30,000 Heyburrand commoji .yo llo^ and 8,000 Ogden com'

Dwin mon red press briek.-, C. V. Heuaer, Ho­te l Perrine.

liaed FOB. SA LE — Lot eleven, bloek one, !ie«a, now school addition. Make o ffe r. Ad' 3aak dross A . F . Johnson, Brady, 'Mod{., oi

aee M r. Seel.

‘ “ lV B “ 8 A i5 ^ ^ 8 6 0 0 ; 7 room « o tta ^------ - g f t ^ e ; h a lf b lock from Shoahoae ona 6, Boventb eaat. In q n in J . A . Steele, al 8TS. Perrine hotel. . . . •**

FOB BA LE — <0 aerea in O r e h a i^ w il l iake rosidoneo property In 'p a r^ balanco on tenna; eaa be divided inte 10-aofo tracta. Phoae

------ POR S A LB —L o t 2, Snyder Timot,T w ia Falla, fiv o acres; good ixaprove- m en ti; «4,S00, eaah'»3.300. Alao 160

eltT* HolUater. ' J. Q.Harris, Bnhl, Idaho, Boute 0.

FOB s ! i^ B —240 aerea one mUe w ^ '~ r* ‘ and one aad one>hal' south o f Jerome;

h igh ly improved. For deaeription sd- I « n (]re8s 8. S. Bhaw or Q. K . Bobinson,

owners, Joromo, Idaho.

' FOB B A LB -S e lU ag hay and produee is our b i^ e s a . ''P ro m p t re tn n a andhiRhoft p'ricea" ia onr hobby. Le t ua convincp you. The Northwestern Brok- erage Co., Idaho Power'BuUdlng. Phone

th . __[•ni- FOB ehicken feed, dairy feed, horse itn l. feed, hog feed,.balod hay, etc., tale-

pbono 23. Delivered anywhere w ith in the c ity lim its free of charge. 'Anchor

IrMi Hay, Grain ft Foed Co., 240-25d Sixth lea l ave. W., o f ■ - -----, j 4, FOR SALE—Seveniy-aeven acres, the w e ll •imprbve«l; 4 good work mares, ItHl. cows and calves; a ll .farm jsg inmple- me. ments. One and one-qnarter milea east o f

Bubl on state hiRhway. Terms i f a«ko<l fo r. Q. W. Daria, BahJ.- ■“

FOR BA LE — 40 acres, 3 mllea south- an east Jerome; 30 acres a lfa lfa , balance

dl5- stubble. No bnildinga, 5>ft. woven w ire Ig- fence. Price *145.00 per acre i f sold

>me before Fob. IsL For particu lan seo S. md. L . Hughell, 1 milo northwest Barry* lenr a o t* . ress --------------------- 'ako l''OR HALE— Houaohold furn lturo— D ie Ila vp le ft iron bod and aprioffs, kitchcn lyer tal>lc, porch roekrr, clcj^trlc washer,.'a th o 4awn jnow rr, few garden tools and mis-

cotlaiicoiiR n rttc lrs ; cau be ijcen at the Model Shoe Ktoro aftemoona a fte r 8:80.

It *. S . B . Boehr.

i m L O O N S

© a A v n ir v i . ^ ■ Z ' 5 ^j ^c iM o / VJM ■**

------HCLW. . \ —

J . L>*CU,6.< f I

D ' ' I ^ B S A I i^ M e a 'a dro^shoes, $3;! Model Shoo Co. .

S ~ B A i E - ^ W o m e n 's' '»orBo“ n ^ ‘ ' ' : dresQ shoes fq r W.46. Model Shoe '<

:FO B S A L i^ M e ^ s ~ w o rk shoes~i — 90 $8.65. Model Shoe Co. ‘

iftft ------- •- _______ — ■ oKw F O B ' SALBr-Huadroda o f pairs

,~»tea boys* a ll leather aehool ahoes fo r $2.: ^ 4 , 12.70 and td .lS . Model Shoe CoT*'

“ *■ • fo r BMt— « FO B BEN T—Pnmisbed, 9 room me

■ - ' ' em ' honae. Phone 760-W*

FO B BEN T—M6dom,fan>Uhoa roo ■ . ' 045.Second avenuo north.

F O B B B N 1w H ,nnkoep ij> { roOB J;;___ fom U koJ. 637^Tl>lrd W ert. , , .

FO E EENT—PurnUbod nice n o d . ^ room, furnaco heat .Phone 120M.

roost- ' " !Carry. _____________ T ” *? ? _____________-:------ W A N T E D -^ e a a Bags. News f lc . ,M o o n _____________1..::____________ ________ _

. W A N T E D — Nursing. Phono S2S'.------— Baker Rooma.• eab, ■ ■Phono W AN TED —^Young J'eraey fresh soo

R. G. care News._____ *■__Limesi*, W AN TED — Dressmaking, sowin Boek 202 Second ave. N.

____ w a n t e d —^ ob on ranch by man aiatoee, w ifo . E. J ., core o f News.

W A N TB IK -W ould givo good hoo_____ to one or more children, country homoeres P. O. Box 010.

W AN TED —A « T 0 room mod« • hoaae close in ;'m o» t be choap to r caj

P s i(» p . 0 . Box 1126.'

W A N TED — ihM P (01 • o a n_____ paatnre. P le a ^ o f feed, w ater aogtcTj shade. Ed Terpstra, ^ g e n o o .

. W A N T E D - H o o M k a ^ ( lo t Dri____ ; appreelatf good kena} auuk b * raipoine a s iU ile p ftt ty ; good w*gM . Address < ar o r ^ emre o f Kews.

____ PO SITION W ANTED — Competeilona^ housekeeper wanta poaltion where 1(. In - year>old son ean be. w ith her. BoneP. B . preferred. C. W ., e v e News.

_____ WANTTEn>—Man u d w ife fo r bacl'bum e lo r’a-ranch aear Jerome. M tui niQi eom- uB^entand i n ^ t i o n ; woman must b Ho- goou cook and housekeeper. - S. W., car

Nows.. , ,

W A ir rB D —A n k inds eloTer seed> Ad- red, alaike, white, aweet. The A lbe i

t., or Dlckinaon Co., Chicago. Local buyen J. A . Steele, Pforine Hotel, or * B . 'I

-------Spafford. Phone 106. *< a g e ,---------------------------------------------------- -------e on PO SITIO N .W A N TE D —Diaeharge e, s t aoj^ier, twenty-one y e m old, tw o an

ono-half years ua iV em ty 'edueatio l;------ would lik o elerical podtioa. F . E

carp o f Newa.P « t , -------^ _ia to ^ ____________ L O B T

------- LOST—B unch"o f keya ‘near poatoi^ t > flee, A . L . H am ilton ’s aame on tag roTo- Return to .Croder Transfer o ffice, M

............... .______ S T B A Y E DB T B A Y E ^ S b^’’^ mwes^ 3 y ro r

eme; eld, 1 dark bay gelding. Phono' 54( , ad. B 3, o r w rito Box 35, Boute 2. _

B T S A -b n )—Borsoi on S iln o ii tract____ One iron gray mare, weight 115(duee ponnds. Oae bay mare w ith l i t t lo sta: aad wojRht IISO; bMh branded. N o tify E

it ua A. Reinke,.Buk|, Idaho. I^ Ie r, Tel. No trok- 9512. . >hone --------;;------

Rests W ith Man to .Accomplish.' T in t <lin/r n f upiK irtuuIty Ik n<‘vci

t a ^ cloHMl to tlH! Hum whi) hnn tht' «lcalr£ ( to rcnlJ*!’ lil» 'n iiib liliiuH niicl Uu* -will

V to do 80. And to the oni* who bcUevMi th a t the w orld ta n fn ir Gold, tlic re I* no closed door. I t but nwulta the mnn

____ who w ill l i f t the latch nnd walkcrea, through • w ithou t qupfltlouliit: , whni ares, awaits him.aple- ---------- —

Too Easy.' N ew lyweil (explaining poker)—____ “ Now.’ I f you get a poor hand yotnth to b luff, and I f yon set a Kwd_ ’ band, you w in t tb miike a b lu ff thal w ire you’re • blufllnjc. Now there nre twe ■old blnfDnguonc la to b luff, the

a other not to bluff. I f you're a regulai '* b lc ffe r. you caD often b lu ff by no(

blufDng. and—** Jlrs. Newl>-wed-“ 1 Bcc; John,, dear, bat thnt tnme la too

ro— rid lcn loosly easy. Let's ploy :hcnr,,'a ■ ■ ■mis- Get aome IN FO BM ATIO N aboot i t — the what K w il l cost, wkers I t n a y b«

t:80. bonght to beat adTsatage—4krougl reading the ftda.

ju tT vA iy ■ e M *s C T ►»<>*»»*■ • • ' ^

n a r t h * •-•m3 )«HAS»A T>*«.

/ RlCHT 1 • ' - r ^

- ■

■ T W I N F A I J i S

' • • .. MisdeUaneousi S H * ~ 7 " " ^ ' " ^ ~ B a o i r s 5 o i i ^

' Take yonr eggs te tbe M ntoal <3r*ft- - .J Oo. . . d g r t . .

>e'Co. WHO marks I eattle % .apllts in o ■ ear, one in other, U rerersed en rib

'• 'o*” B o* 55, Murtaugb. • ,

— '— ' W IL L ,b u y good aeeond-haad.oanv ” o f cover fo r shoepshed. C. A.’ B la ir, pbo*2.^0, t io m . ■ , , .

T Y P E W m E B B — BebuiU maebln. : any make', fo r sale or re n t Bee Hoov

at Buaineaa College.'

TO TRADE—Oakland aix in fine cc “ ■ d ltlon to trade fo r Uventock. L ind A

tomobiU- Co.

T A K E N Steen on F . Terr ranch, M urtaugh. Brand J B ar dot (

___ le ft hip. 2 year^old. 0 . M. Deating.

ALW AYS in t l» n u iM <orJ>llK l I_____ fa lfa . Get onr pricea. Anchor Ha

Grain * Feed C a

r o f - L E T TJB ship your wheat. Call us i and get our proposition before yi aoiL—The^o rthw este ra Brokerage O

!2SM. pb„„e 331.

------ W E LL im ^ N E D TREES bear mo•0®°* and better qua lity f r u it ; wo ca u .f'i

niHh coiiipotcnt men to -do tbo wnr I ’ liDUi! 2.'-R2. K im berly N iirsoricfl.' '

• " t y p e w r it e r s , adding machint B and eaa^rogisten, a ll tbe atandard makt

fo r sale or ren t; easy monthly pa------- jjjouts. W rite J. ,R. Biehoy, Rupoihome Idaho:— Adv.lome. I " ~................

T A K E N .U P - 3 horses, 2 grayf, — roan; owner cau Iiavd by ideA tlfy in odcm paying upkeep aad advertising. O. . eash. Sflotigcr, Route 1, mHos souUtwos

Twin Falls.

“ « » NOTIOBI•od To a ll ownen and d rive n o f mot<

vohleles:You are her.eby no tified tha t a ll 191

J T licenses have expired aad tbe 1919 L ceases are now duo 'u d 'payable « t tb

' offiee o f the eounty assessor. Pleai call ftnd make applleatioa fo r aame.

GEO.*W, W ILOOX,, JO. ' Connty Asaeasoi

nrVBBTO BS A T T m S tn o K I have fo r salo, in the best town i

,acb- Idaho, several business' propertlei QQft Theso properties are a ll onder >loni t be figure thBt w il l re tu rcare ***• investment. I

s addition,, they possess splendid specu------ la tlve possibilities. Call upon, or w r it ied— Cbas. H . McQuown, Bubl, Idaho.

SBBS OOBN . Have several bushels o f selected Sli

*^ver K in g seed com tha t is aec2imste<____ to thia couatiT. I t ia not Pettljjree*fged bnt ia a good yie lder u d never has fa il aad ed to mature fo r me. I t made be tte r tha:

tion, 50 bnahels p ^ aere last year' under tu E., favoraU e condition. A saiAple o f th ' corn eotv be seen a t Tbe News o ffle i

W ill book ordera fo r A p r il delivery a 7 1-2 centa per pound, by.parce l poa

— add postage. Ed -V««fc—advt.

tag. ' L o « I1B, re. ----------------------------------------------- ------------

FA B M 1 X 2 ^ fftTerabls tezBJ — - A rth u r L . B 5 ^ ■

P U B LIC H E A L T H LAW Sean •546 “ Leav iag ’ Oarcaaaee Noar Highways

DwelUnga and Streams— ‘ ‘ Bee. 6984. A n y person who shal ract, knowingly leave tho c'areai«B o f nn; 1150 aiiimnl w ith in a quartef o f a roUe ol

any" inhabited dwelling, or on, alon| r E. or w ith in a ,quarte r o f-a mile of, nn^ N®- p u lilir highway or stream o f water

fo r a longer period than twenty-foUi boiirK, w ithout burying tho same, shal bo g u ilty o f a misdemeanor, and upoi

‘ver conviction shnll be hnod any sum no alro to errfeed ono hundred d o lla n .” w il l f t . 0 . JACKSON,‘VM Tienlth Offieer, Tw in Fall* County, Ida e la .bo. '

M B B T IN O OF 8TOCEEOLDBBS :hnt Tho adjourned mooting o f Stockhold

era o f tho T w in FoUa A th lo tie associa tion w il l take ploee in the E lk H a ll Jaanary 22, 8:80 p. m., fo r the pur poie o f electing a board o f direeton and the tniasaction o f anch othor bust aess as may come beforo the meetiag

^ Jan. 22, 1910. M. J. M AC AU LET, lhat «_Adv. Secretarytwo ■ -------———--------- ---------the N O TIC E ' TO SHBEPMBK

alar Wo un' prepared to furninh oil eaki “ 0^ from our warehonno at Murtaugh it

largo or small quantities. W. C. H allMnrfaugh.—Adv.

Kik- ___ ::--------------------- ------- ------------ ---.S arto ria l Item.

The man drewed In u l it t le b rie f su­i t— th o rity li.B cn e m lly very proud o f b ^

be apparel.—Boaton/Tranncript.ngk -------------------------------

Classifled Ads ftre ebesp— effeettre

A n d n

• / \ «OP4& C*HS*» . P'»Kai«><6^1 ' t » w t • ^ v . fHaviMc;, >r*^* n^ NB.I<pteoK.M>00 - v i Pe»»HAt>5 T H € ; MOVifc SC T: M A U M T E O

’ntawet'n y v

L S D A I L Y N E W S ..

Oresn- T H E R O L L

La oae •r ib . t S E C T I O N O N E

aanvfts The follow ing casualties aro report phono ^ y ^bo comznandiRg geaorat o f tbe A

erican ox|M>dltionar>' forcoHii •■ ' ■ Wounded aeveroly ....!.................. ......ibiaea, ■ ZDAHO OASUAXTIBBlo o re t K ille d in Action, Prevldusly B ^

ed M latlng in Action—P v t Bay B. Ti lor. J o l lM t t i

. Erroneoualy Beported K illed in i Uon—P r t . Joeeph CoiaettlJ Eathdrm

______ . - W B8TBBN IJB Tre rriU '*^oanded S e rv n lyio t oa Bugler George B. Cody, B anum , W; Ing . I*vt. Frank B ryant, Evorott, Wasb. -—— P f t . A lbe rt Ll Odell, Boyd, Ore. led ftl- P vt. Loo W. Shroeder, Proper, Waal

H V f Pvt. Ly le Smith, Butte, Mdnt.

^ S E C T I O N T W Os yon — 'ce Co., Tho follow ing rnnualtios aro report

liy 'th e rohimundin^ general o f tho A „ erii-iin cxpi'd ltla iiary forros: Jellied

- nctioii 27, died from wounds i: i, died " n rc iilent nml othor •■annoH 0, illed

, ' dlNunKo '.’II, ininmnK' in netioii 10, toi ' 82.' ■

•blnea, W ESTBBN t iB Tnakes, j o s ^ m A ction .

pay- Cor'j). Fred. Lundgren, OmccoIb, Nev. uport, P r t Harold Browa, BakenfJoJd, CaJ.

l ‘vt. Joseph A. Carottl, Fomdale, Ca Pvt. CJaire P. MeMqran, Beattie, Wm

fv in ir M ike ls ftj; Blaok Earth, WiiO. ’ D ied o f •wounds

jwost, Isaac Herttua, Bodar, Waah. .• Pvt. Oeorge W. Sheehan, Antconc

-------- Mont.Died o f Dlseaae

motor p „ , p , „ | J, Bldgo.'Co;. . . . P vt. Edmonil C. Lamb, Maneos, Colo

IO II Charles Lawson, Jr., Deor Harbti® th . • ;>leaae ia Action, P r e v lo ^ Beport*19, Missing In Action.)X , P vt. M elvin C. Catlin, Carson, Wash, easor. I ‘vt. Hans Brand, East Helena, Mont.-------' Wonnded. in Action (Dejrae Und ote_ . mined), Pr6rloualy Beported MUs- rtiB ^ ; ing to Action, • - .'long ’ vt.* Ludwig Storher, Oakland, (|al. etura ^ v t. Earl D. Sullivan, Fort ’ Bonto , In Mont.pecu. Betumed to Dnty, Prevlooalif Bepox ivrite, • ed. M A ctlim

Corp. Joseph B. Appel, E»lwaU, .Was Pvt. A lbe rt Corroek, Seattle, Wash.

J Sli- W illiam A. Roberts, Austin, Neasted Srroneooaly B e p o rM XlUed ia Aetlf

Pv t. Jftmea B. Bain, Portland, Oro. P vt. Harold H . Brown, Los Aagele

t h u Cal.^ M A B IN B OOBPS O A S U A X .^Bffiee . The fo llow ing eaaualties sre -repoit* ry a t by the ooramanding general-of the A j poat (-'ricau expotlitlonafy forces: killed

aetion 5, died o f - wonnda reeeived —— aptJon died o f disease Ji, wonadMl :

ni-ti'9rf*(soverely) 14, wounded in actJc 0»lightlv) 1, missing in action 1, toti

• ™ - :ii,. IDAHO. O A O T A lT lto

Wounded SOTerely—P vt. I^e ri I rftT*, Harris, Bninean.

WESTEBN L IS Tshall 'nny ' Died o f Disease

le o f P vt. W alter 0. Qrasslej Glondalo, A ri ilong Wounded Severely

Pvt. Frank L. Kplin, L«rcUwood, Mon t • Pvt. Kennoth J. Jacobsoii, Solt Lak

* in Action ■Pvt. Jos. E. Pby, Coano Gold, CaL Died o f Wounds, Previoaaly Beporte

)N, Severely WoundedIda- P vt. Lanco Butledge, San Frnneisci

Cal. - ,a ■ • ■ *Koid Cuatom Had Origin tong Aqo.“ The almost unlvi-n<al hnblt o f turn

Ing aside the hi*ud and auppreaalnj ’ the Bneczc o r cough haa on Intcrcstlni

ptor» oflRln- la derived from human a hnsi Perience. In the middle ngca (am

probably much carile r), when frequen ' plagucfl o f varioua dlsenaea swep

^ away whole populatlowi In Europe, i__ wns suspected nnd even believed tha

Infection was conveyed by coughloj pajjp and aneexlng. Hencc the adoption o [, In tbe precaution.H a ll, ------------------------------ ^

Slngtenesa o f Purpeae.------ - “ I t may wmnd straage." anld tb

boarcJlnK-hf»a«<* bnchflor, “ but a lo t r. SU- men arc convinced tha t the eaalcf

! b ^ way to w in tbe lu tttle o f l ife la t figh t I t alngle-hnnded.’*

t i r * . Classifled A^a are ekesp sffaetiT

d s o m e t i m e s i t i s b a d t o m a i

r fz > u T H tK K( <=>v&A-

rife *7

R O C K C R E E K C O M M U N IT Y :^ .po«^d M O U R N S P IO N E E R W O M ^

Death o f Mrs. T ;.M . A tk in .B ^ e v.......^ One o f Earliejrt. B e tt lm o f tke :

Tw in Pans Ooontry^ .V* !

^ ^^7 ’ •• (Bpeeial to The 'News)' la Ac- CBEEK—Mrs. T . -M. A tkdrum. Sunday mbmiog a fte r

'% lingering illness f ro u cancer o f X ^ stomach. Mrs. A tk in suffered fo r at

, W ya years bu t i t was o n ly -la Octob ‘jj ■ o f last yoor tha t she would submit

an operation. -ATash. -Shpltio Bowborry was born a t Too

U la li, August 19, 18G1, and was m arri tp Thomaa M. A tk in a t hor home 1881.‘ Two years la ter thoy moved Rock Creok whom thoy took np n boi and have rosidoH thoro ever sincc. S

portoil children were born to them, ■ fivo0 Am- whom'^ aro s t i l l liv ing , Clyde MonI lod in Mrs. Nophi Larsen, Mrs. Leoh Ro lied o f hend und Mrs. Curtis Bower. A ll o f ied o f childl-on except .Mrs, Bower won* he , total l it tho lim n o f her death, but n s i t cat

while she waj« sleeping none o f the fa i ily wero nt her ^edsido when the- «l rame. Two sisters, M n . Frank .^a y l

y V. o f Burioy and Mrs: 0. M. Niles 'o f Ha ' n rm a n .ii^ v o d Sunday. Puunral aer

Cal. w il l* bo a t tbo Crosby, chapel iWnsb. Tw in Pnlls Tuesday a t fl o 'clock p. i

w ith in te rm ent-nt'tko Tw in Palls Cem tery. .

Mrs. W alter K im bell waa takea to tl• • hospital Thursday afternoon su ffe rii conda, ptomaine poisoniag. '

A ll o f tho faujHy o f Chas. M attbe i r- have beea in , the'hospita l a t Kimber!

,'Colo. w ith the influensa, bnt are reeoverii Colo, very satlafaetory. There are. no otbi arbor, cases hero now. ' ^

• M r. a iid i t n . D. P. An>eo,. M fk A lt Mrted Gray, Robert Bruro, Sr., Robert Bros

J'r., M agaua 'Lom n and C. Peterson ft tended tho jo in t.c o a fe re n c e 'o f stoe

ont! graworn and fa rm en a t T w in Fa lls 1» > ‘ week. 'n o w Henry Jones waa j>ver from 'Ooi ^ Bpridga the la s t-o f the'week to mo^

aome ca ttle to another rw c b to foed.ft the rest o f the wlator.-

snton, . ' r

S E L L S L A N D A T P R O F IT ’

H E L D F O R T H R E E t t O N T KWash. .— — ■*:'lh. HaztltOn M aa Trtnsfexa fo r fie ,000 I^ev. Fana He Bongkt In .O ctober

L rtiia , l i f t r t f w r f U .000 • • ; j

’ • (Special to The Newa) '' H AZELTO N — M . W: Joh»ion 'lu

_ ' sold hia 80 aere farm east o f .HftieUc to ft M r. Mftyea o f Wyoming fo r f i t

w ited 000. J im Davis made the tale. L « t Am- Oetober tb is same fi^rm aold fo r. (11 ed ia 000. 'ed ia On Thunday evening Janoftry 18t ImI in Adelaide Bebelcah Lodgo No. 2 o f Hi iction zelton installed tho fo llow ing offieen total Mrs. H . E. Bundelfinger. N . G .;.M r

M. a : K e lly , V . 0 .; M r j. Lo la pa landr Bee. Bficy.; Mra. H . E ye n , J*ia. Beej and Mra. A llle WUley, Tr^as. A fix

* lunch was served a fte r lodge.M r. and M i& J. ,K. Webb, who hfti

been v is itin g fo r tbo paat few daya w ii M r. and M n . W. P. Abbatt, depftrt< F riday morning fo r th e ir heiad in Moa:

A "* - ta in Homo; M r. aad Mra. Webb w i refurn about tho f i n t o f Man-L to mal

Uoat. Hazoltun th e ir home.Lake, Dr. J. G. Lenz and H. iC. Belmoi

returned Saturday from Boiae whtil they spent; tha week on business.

Goo. Buckley, pump snperinteadei fo r tho N orth Side Pumping com pu j and E. A . Finkolnburg our_6fg reg ittlo w ater master, aro in Tw in Falls havia,

cisco, {j, attend the irriga tion congresa.

»• — - - - - - - - turn-1 An Opportunity.(and ---■ ■ —•—--------^luent Vwept fo r ambitioua yooa f fa rm er to >e, i t own his owa lu e k . 80 aeres eae 'M u m ftrket oa M llae r[q t f aegregatioa; oas-kalf ia a lfa lfft.

•LOOO eaah p ftp w a t, b a lu e e la tw enty yearly paymeatft

I tbe Seeot n f

- SMITH & HILL137 Shoekona Rt. Sotrth

BtiTe. Jr ‘ _____________________________

l a k e t h i n g s o u t t o o p e r f e c t


V; I

= = = = = s = ts = = = s = = = h = M = s s M ^

p B SMIRmODUCTH . ^ ;d a lio C h e e se Is D e c la re d b y

S p e c ia l is t In O ia r g e o f S c o r -

H ; ' In g to S ta n d S e c o n d to N o n e

: in 'H is W e s te r n E x p e r ie n c e

H . iL O V E R L E A F F A C T O R Y■ . C A P T U R E S F J R S T P R IZ E

’r e n d e r A w a r d f o r B u t t e r I s

i U a d e o n S c o re o f 9 6 — S ho '^ '-

- in j^ ’o f E x l i i b i t s J s C o n s id e re d

'G o o d in V ie w o f 'C o n d i t io n s

ly p. li. CAMMAOK, F ie ld Dair\-moa ' Tho da iry products scoring contest

^ H 'h o ld during tho year has helped to lm> ^ H 'b ro v o . tfaq, q u a lity o f the bo tto r and ^H e lie o M * mado in tho s t*to . Tho da iry

products^ B)>ocSaUst trbo scored theso A t stato fa ir .statod th a t tho Idalio

•Sheene oxhibltod would stand second to none he bad seen in tho west, and tbe

^ f u lg b e s t bu tto r scored 96 r-a ocors Tory ^ H p a c h to bo envied Ct a ll tfmes. Thore ^ ■ ^ o r e 47 snmplos o f bu tte r and SO sam*

Eo f cboeao ontored in tbe contest— is A good showing-considerisg the ial_ conditions o x ir tin g daring the

w ’ pofio'i), nKCSsitating tbe ellm lnat- ng o f many delrable a c tir it io s bocaose

the shortage o f labor.H i : . P r iio O H ^ JUTlaion

The fo lltfw ing is a dstailod_roport o f ho chboso d iv is ion g iv in g . thO' prise haners, tbo prisQa, th e ir donors and be score..Clover ^ a f Factory, avorage(Bore 0 3 i0 per 'c e n t; O. M . Opsted, beese maker; A dos Cborry prise; do* ated by J . .6 . Cherry Co., Cedar ^ p -

H ^ d s , Iowa.' . .■ | Cheese Factory, Idabo; M o iitu ro Tost

H itf it p riM ;.C oda r Bapids, Iowa. Weodel C ^ p . Facto ij;, Idabo; avor>

H ^ge score 93.Q0 por cont; B . J . Dobert H jb ^ e s e 'm a k e r ; p rico ,-I 'g iu . ^ n ^ m o , 1

ib l. salt*; donated b y D lga ibvo For* K l i e n t s Co., D etro it M ic h ig a ^ W o r 908* -• ■ ' { » Salt Co., New. Yor^, S. Y . ; Baker i■ leo 2£achino Co., Omaha, Nebraska. [ H ^ rM a tu a l G ro c e ry , .Georgotown, Idn- ^ K jo ; average sw ro B2.70 por pontj A . D. ^ B lU re d , cheese' ntokor; prize, . Nafis

Testing o u tf i t ; donated by L . P.■ W ls /C b l6ag0 , DL ^ “ ^^.nUCVitual Creamory Co., P a rb , i^ohn; ^^ 'jre ra g o uon* 02.71 per cont; .Tohn Jans- H ] , eboeso n a k o r; <;pize, Cho<M T r io r ; " H boated by iton roo & Crisscl! D a iry H U p p ly Co., Portland, Ore. *■ jK o laon JUcks Croamorj* Co., Driggs, ' H j la b b ; avorago scoru 02.2Q por cent; K . . H I KeUonj cheeao s>&korf.prise,'Chooso H fa k in g ]^ o k , Vani<l>'^o & Publon; do* ^ H -a te d by F . .R. .Cammack, F ie ld IX iiry * p H 'ta n , Boise, Idabo^ Ic H On the wholo tbe chcoso wais.of good It H ' ia llty , tho avorago fo r tho contest be- s< H g 02.8 per cent. Thero waa a decided H nprovcment in tho body and texture a

though tbo fla v o r showed leaa im* ti H |r0V(iment< Tho inipTovemcnt was largo- H r dbo to tho chMso specialist—work- H p g w ith the cbocso makers, and tb is sl H -js tis tanco was vory much appreciated n- H j y tbose tak ing advantago o f tho' op- H w rtu n ity to got expert assistance o s i H lp in io n OB choose improvenOQt■ I ' ImproT«meot In B a tte r1 1 'T b e ro was' docidod im provement id ' B .h o qua lity o f the bu tte r oxhil>ito>I, B w rin d p a lly in th e . workmanship and■ omposition, and iaipro\'cment to a loss l>> ■^legroo in the flavo r. Two o f tbe but- c i ■ fo r contests, .were held nt Moscow in th ■:,'ooperatioQ w ith ^ho da iry department w■ ;f the U o iv e n ity . Tho otbeni and in in I ^ Id ition tbe cheese scoring was bold a t t ii I ^ b e . A 'commercial aud proposition MejtTt) was given arid tho prtcceds fromH Ue sole o f the products a fte r scoring pn I r a s returned to tho manufacturer, in hi K jo t l i tho bu tle r and choeso dlvitnocft.■ ^ tbe bu tte r cuiitest there wore outor- co B as from 10 d iffe re n t creamcrics.' Tbo ro H bllow ing gives a detailed report o f tbo wi I j j r iz e s offort;d, tbe ir donors and w in - : ro I j s r s , and the aversRo ncurc. { I v

Farmers Coop. Creamery, Payette, | pa R « la ^ ^ avfri»Ke Hcore y;2..>.s j iu r . ceut; . tic B -'; E . Brown .butter maker; prir.c, lov- lcj■ tag cnp; donnled by J. Ford Co. _ at; I Nampa Coop. Crcamerj-, Nam pa,.Ida-j to■ o; average seore P1.S2 per cent; .M. I. < ■ Ita rk lia lte r ; prize, Forrington J r. Moist* tu' K n T ^ O reo ; doiuited by Croamc'y Ar K aekage M f ^ Co., San Francisco, Cal. f i j K Pend d 'o r^ I le Creamer}', Bandpolnt, mti B k b o ; avorago seore 02.15 per cent; J .■ !elpbr»^-, bu tte r makers prize, Oom- -thi■ I t te .A c id Test O u tf it ; donated b r tk< I ^ f . Qots,?.^. ti? L , Mo»eow, Idaho. e r I ! Boise Coop. C*reamery, Boise, Idabo; Dc■ Wrage score .^l.OC p«r cent; P Mo-I « iy , b tttt« r-m aker; p rite , Tbermome- aj»- I donated by D arts -W atk in i Dairy I > ^ 7 ^ *> 'Deavor, Colo.

Salmon Oreamery, Salmon, Idaho; av- M g* aeore 90.00 per cent; B. L . Jobn- M , b a tts r maker; prize, B o tte r ita k - ig , b y HclAogfaUo; doaated by A . H. l»rb«r U > « a m fl^ ‘ Sopply Co., Chicago,

. bai, Oartg|gm<sa B M afs P ena lty in ;

If lM f^ T e a T w ia tio a ia the samplta o f m n t« r as regards tlie moisture, sa lt aad Hfela eoaleat as w ell as tbe color va- me it t le a shows conclusively th a t oor fac- fee id M seed cU»er cbeckiag np o f sps biais l a ^ r a wbieh are la rge ly onder me he «aatf« l o f bu tter maker. H ost shi

c s h t - t r r carelessness o r dne l o oa< •iaek o F '(lB ie *-« .7 e«TiU. o f too mneh the

I work boing jiile d ou to tbe b u tto r . iu k - or. Sonio o f the fla v o r critfc is itis woro duo to lock o f control, or cnrolossnowi OH tiso part o f the buttormakor, and a

* eonsiderabio number to the poor qoal* ; i f y 'o f cream delivered by tbo produc­

er. A closer co-operation on tho part' o f tbe producer and tho croamjirymen

| . T ^ u l d olimin'ato many o f thoso.I ' ’ I t in hoped to continuo th is work^ on

[ I , a biggor4and bettor ncalo anotftQr yoar.


or** . ’(Continned oh page eight)

>ne re or thi* g\)unl~would bo r.oijuirod to y l>r< n il'll ivho havo ocon sorvico.' J W ould D raw 'C a Treasuiy

Two- b ills worfl HtJirtod on th e ir way i l l . th t' lower house which would c<it

7 P into the Htatu tri'n fiiiry . 'T h e f ir s t op* p'ropriatcM $n,2a-> to the F irs t National Bonk o f Monfow to nllny a jm lgomont

I® nuniiixt the tfn iverB ity o f Idaho and n f iw . firm ed bj- tho sill>rumo eourt.. This wn«

}in»sed two v^an* ago and ' votood by e d the go ornor. Tho other appropriation i - g Ih fo r the re lie f o f the Phoenix Lumber__ rompany and calls fo r ♦2,200.fi0 fo r ma*

torin i furnished bu ild ing ITn ivon lty pt taa Idaho in 1007.«st Fo ils to Bead O f f DlTlslon Im. E ffo rta by Eoprosontativo A. L . Bon- iQd »cll o f Bannoe^ to bi^vo tho houM b il l

creating Caribou co Q s^ from Baiinoe]c «.t inde fin ite ly postponed, fa ile d th is m o ^*

iliq ing whon the houao votod down the' to moUon. Tho b il l was tben p n t on see*

the ond rending. .. sry Tax. W eklth tox Bdacatlonere ^'or tho wealth o f Idaho to be taxed iQ . fo r tho education o f tbo children is tbo ^ g ist o f a b i l l introducodj in tbo' bonso the today by Bopresontative B. 8. H unt :he e f Madison’ county. Tho b il l provides at- fo r tbo -board o f oquolizatloa to lovy a tae tax which, when added to tho income

de rived 'from tho common sehool fund, w ill provide $20 per capita fo r n il chil- droa b f school ago in tho state.


(ContiBuod from psge one)

lo* h a lf o f th ia allowance waa actua lly p- eamod.

"T h o Poderal Tnwle* conunlssion,” s t ho continued, "h a s fa ile d completely j

to jn s t ify its chargoti o f unduly largo*ir- p ro fits . Jr t Sld« L Iu m ’ ]

“ Daring the lant eighteen year.-*, in- • .eluding tho w ar period, tho oarnings o f r

JJ. Arm our nnd company, on ebo actual r investment and appraised value o f ^hi* a businooH averago<i 8.0 por cent on ov- f orything— including a ll our bv..produclH n

/ nnd a ll o iir aB^ocinted lineit.”> “ .Side lines” .pay the b ill*, Arm our d

sni<l. in explaining the policy o f push* f Ihr by-prqdui'tB. Tho 'Knmi> saloa or- t gonita tion can be used and factories t

.. nnd» can bo-kopt buny in o ff- ' season periods. Sonp, v io lin strings,^ so ft drinks and-purfomo'Wcr« tiloflsed »/i I lcgitii4|,nte nido iincH fo r pdckenC

Befrlgeratlon. Ohongo^ ^0 Rofifcring to tho pending b ill, which '- would ' take re frige ra to r cam out of- pm-kers’ hands, A rn iour innlstud he hnd

lost money on re frigera to r cars fo r tbo ”1 last six year, but tba t they were es-- sentinl. Thoy are subject to fhe intor- 1 state commerce' eommisnion, he snid, e adding, tha t he fa iled to see am- advnn-• tago to tho public by government own-

enihip o f thom. ' ^Annou;; constilorK government owner-

B ship or stoekynr<Is'imr^at4>riaI as long !" J ns e ffic ien t servlcc in rendered, defend-- Ing prosent packer control. - -i “ As a packer, 1 am lnCcu-e»t««l in

noeing tho yards handled in the most ef- | f ic io n t way possible nnd i t is absolute- r

Iy im material to me who owns them. |_ Bed Tape and-Bestrlctlon

t ' “ Ownership by fhe govvrnniont iui- I I'lies red tapo and restrictions which ■ cannot bolp but add to tho costs o ff I tho ser^-ice. t om en tire ly raody and- ; w illin g a t onco lo rclin 'iu isU i^y hold- I ings upon being allowed Just compensa- ': tion.I Prices A re F ixedI “ Tbe biisine;iK o f Arm our and com- y ; pany is conducted in acconi w ith tho

higlieat and best business ethics o f tho . day. A RcncrnUon ago when pools and

combinations o f vurions kindn in raiU ' ronils an<l i^i every k in il o f business i

wero common and o f every day occur-1 I rence, woro ethical, and wero supponpil } My Icgfil, wo were thon sonie times i i l I party to them; but when now Icgi^la-i ' tiu ii or now illte^J>r1•tI»ti»)ll^ - o f o»l:«tinK ' legislation mnile such pools nnd i-onibin-1

, ations impro|>er, we absolutely ce.ised * * j to be parties to any o f them .”

Price agreements r»< to lard substi­tutes were not a result o f “ collusion,” Armour told ^he committee. They *e re fixed by tbe foo<l adm in istra tion to ^ stablixe prices.

He wcnt.^nto dctailod explanation o f ®" -the famous “ f i f t y - f i f t y " letters whieh tk * federal trade commission took aa ^ ' evidenfo o f a Working agreetncnt in Denver between S w ift aad Armour.

Armonr denied there w m such an agreement in a crim ina l sense.

N a ts ra l OompetlUTe BasU _ Wben P h illip D. Arm our wrote from coi Denver tha t “ cvc ij'tb in g her«» is on a ma 30-50 basis,” be meant, the witness said, tha t the divtBion was aboot eqnal pu' on « natural com]>ctitive basis, a con- tor tinuation o f an cven<»tart each concom I-<e had in - 1012 when, the ^> tio ^ a l Pack- qni ing company was sp lit by tbe two paek- te*

“ The 400” per cent stock dividead was by merely a bookkeeping traasactioa, |^ r - lar fe c tly honest and legal in every fo - cis spect,” according to Armonr. “ I t 1 merely gave eaeb stockholder ' f i r e the shares o f stock when* fo rm erly he-held g lx oae, the ra in s o f ^ h lc h was equal l o j i i * the f iv e ,w h ic h replsce<l i t . " • !>bo

• T W IN

iFOflDBiiiiiiyI iWTilNPIllCE:

OESP TEIinilGKIH T ^ ---------

P r e s e n t P r ic e s o f ^ o g s to C o n ­

t in u e , H e a d o f M e a t D iv is io n <1 to A n n o u n c e s j,n D e fe n s e t> f P o l­

ic y o f P r ic e . S c a leway . -c fit WASUINOTON, Jn ii^ 21.—The boy ap* price ugrcement policy of tbo food ud'

onol m inistration w il l -bo contniuod dof^plto iiont attacks u]ion tbo p re u n t scale o f $17.50 I a f in the face o f tbo proso.nt largo sur- won ]ilu8, F. 6. Snydor, hood o f 'th a muat by div ision, announced today,

tlon “ The food- adm itiis tra tion w ill fi<l. jbor n i l its pledge ^ iv o t i . to th e . hog jno- ma- ilucorB o f the‘'country on November, 3, r p t 1017,” said Snydor. “ Tho attuRK (b.v

tiie Chicago board o f trade), is s i t jiw - t if ic d , fo r the simple reason 'ha t tbo

3on- surplus o f hogs now in this country* w ill b i l l turn in to a b ig d e fic it bef&rti i.oxt t>um- ioc]c mer i f Europe ean got sn ffle ien t ihonty opt* and ships to move the tbo’ Ehortagv' in Spring®®*‘ ThoJiog conunitteo o f 'th o food ad­

m in istra tion w il l moetvJanuary 2S to agreo on a price fo r hogs during Fob* ruary. ; , .

tho ■i^The, visible demanda w il l toko corc 1°*® o f tho surplus Bomo tim e in M arch,” •“ " ' aaid Snydor. “ Spring w ill mo a n/ig iit 'des jiog abortogo inBlend o f an ove rflow .''' y Tho agreement referred to o.v Snyder

is tbo ^tntomont o f Joseph P., Cotton, chief o f tho meat division, and nowMn Europe w ith H erbert Hoover. Tho food adm inistration has no p rico -fix ing pow-i ers, bu t is authorized undor tlie I.over act to mako agreements w ith indnrtries fo r B ta lillte d prices.


<ContJnued from psge one>

inees torlay. A jnong T ljc^tW ns in tim t ''8®' region reported to be supportijg Oie

monarchists was Oucmarass. F ighting . has broken oiit.

In- •• Paiya Coneriro, who is beading the o f revolution, has proclaimcil h imself pro- jn l m ior and foreign m inister o f tho mon-j he arcbiiit government. Tbe roynl Hag ia >v- fly in g from hin b.oadquartors in V illa - :ls nova, a suburb o f Oporto,'

Nothing fu rthe r had boon loaraed to ­ur dny fro iii Manuel, who sont a telegrain d»* from England yeaterday, disapproving jr- tbo attem pt to rostoro h im to th« los throne.

Oovernment Troops O nt.I ' Oovernmenftroops wore aholUng San-I

tn ro ju ^^ d hnd driven the rebela from the Sajitarom va lloy and Jsom Quin^o,! A lpinrcu, Vnlado and Alcanboos.

ch ■ ' • •______

“ j Tho dispatch does n o t mnke clear J Aviifther the “ rebels” , referred to aro

royallsta or tho radloal \:lem ont which was seeking Bocializfltion o f tho gov- ernment. The radicals ibogan a revolt

l l ’ scverol da.vs ago and i t was predicted ^ the monarrhlsts would take advantage

o f tho situation to .attempt a CQup n f ^ thcir.own. I t Irp robab lo the “ rebels”

montioned arc radicals, as, they were , ki\own tft bp operating in the Santarem

d istrict:

-loislviiis I• HTimilOBLOW I i nr EiECTIONSi

Victory of German Moderates Gives tlie Bolshevist Move-1

I ment Severe Setback In Eu- i “ j rope—Lentne Scents Dange.-''J Bv J. W. T .M A S O X j, . j X E W Y n i lK , Jnn . -1 .— n o is h p v i.m | ^;npro.-»cl westunrd tbruUKb Europe b m i i.|Suffe ro il nT^ovofc rht*rk by the OVer-| ij I whelming victor^’ o f the modemtes in !

the Oerman elections.A chastening influence upon the Bus-

, sian program fo r k illin g o f f tho middle and npper cbisscs throughout the world

J is inevitable. W ithout overturning the Russian' soviet system, wblcb means

f only an extension o f local solj-govcro- J meat, the Oerman elections w ill act as , a Softening infuence npnn the BoUhe- j v lk i and may be axpecict \o demon­

strate tho fn tllit.v o f the doctrines o f J the red -flag and class warfare.

O lren F a ir T ria l Russian agitators were aJlowe.I to

1 conduct th e ir propaganda freely io Oc-f- I many and they received suffic ient a»- I »i tatl<Je Cron, German extremist* to 1 put thclr'case squarely before the cle«--■ toratr- The reiiull cannot l>e lo^: on I I.<enine. lie failed in his fig h t to con- . quer, western Europe. T-hc e lr r tio *. test, although rejectcil by the Bnl«he '

r ik i in Huc^ia itnc lf, most be accepted'I by them in foreign countries, partii--i-- la r ly a fte r their forces bavn been de-!- cisively l>eaJea in street fighting.: This matter is the chief conrern n f]■ the peaee (Iclrg^-ei in the ir <l.-l.stes!1 n1«ont Russi-t. The Oerman elc*ton f i;p - ' pjp iiftl'S lieta. -wttb an argument which:!>boubl l«* Terr effective at Mos- o’t. |

f ( little TflEGRAMSr BODDi B A N B IT SOBS B E S T A U B A inr SAN FBANCISCO, Jan. J l.—A miisk

0.1 bandit,walked Into Moa^a,-roflUur I I • dn t a t Sixth and M arket streots'oarlj

th is moming, orderod a m eal/ dfew :t i R d l^c to d several patrous t<I I I Uno up against the. wail,' r lflo d th i

cash reg ister-of $70 and,'backing out cscapod up tho .s tree t , ,


•o l- ,NEW Y O BK, Jan, r f l .—Three »toaav

ships arrlvod ' today w ith more that 4,500 troops and civilian-passcugeni.'

bog The transport- Goorgo ■\yn5Wngt011 ltd- oarrird ,.1,474 'meii. . '

pUo Tho Ita lian steamor Verd i from Oon- 7.50 c)» ntid O ibm ltar, brought OSO civ ilian Bur- pn»M‘ngors nnd 490 Bailors, luat . '

W BIT IN O B X P B B T 'A N D f i 'l- M 0 0 N B 7 W IT N B S a 'D IS a|>i'o- ■■■■■ —r.3 , - H \S F«ANC18CO, Calif., Jniu 21.— (b.v Thiindoro A. K y tk o , noted -linndwrUijig ji(*. ,nnd. photogmphie exporty. ifi dtJolI here tbo today.’ I l« died as n result o f a ch illi w ill on. his return from A huntinfe trip . uiQ. K y tak featured in tbo Mooney caso. ii(y H is testimony sought to Ostablisb an

f t l ib i fo t Mooney, _


T. -VKW YORK, Jan. 21.—Dan Morgan to«Uy <leclhred ho had matched Jack

, ,, B ritton , former wolto».wojgh(^' cham, . pion, w ith Benny Lepnard. w orld 's

“ Iy Hgbt-weight* rhampion,’‘ fo r A twenty- round bdut In Donvor, ou Washing* to n ’s B irthday.- The bout, Morgan aoid, wiU bo hold

In tho stock yordfl auditorium.


O IA’M PIA , Wash., Jan. 21.—Organ­ization sooators* have sounded the a l­u m fo wnril o f f legislation to transfer tbe -state capltol from O lympia to Tac­oma.

^ Resolutions probably w ill be ruBhod through tho senate today declaring tha t

j,p no - oieasures ta change tho capltol w il l bo considored.

hp W A B H IN O rO N ’ 8 W ELCOME 'TO c b o Ibs t h e o o n t in b n t

in- j ' “ “Jg OLVMPFA, Wash., Jan. 2L —Whon

Ijj. the 41st division men arrive at Now -York, tbo hnnd o f Washington atato w ill reach across fhe continent nnd wolcoino them, i f tho legislaturo rushes through a proposed appropriation o f

' ——

u-l I

0.; ' ■ "

ir , ■ , '■« ' .

/ T S H E a p p l i c a t i

2 ^ ^ p r i n t i n g , a l t l

' t h i s s o r t o f

Tl u n d e r t h a t n

P r i n t i n g - i s (

! a n d — j u s t p r :

t h e w o r d o f i

u s e s N E W S r

1 ! i t y o u r s e l f , i

*1 , ' w h a t w e g i v e

! l W e u S o n l y l

■! o g n i z e d b f a r i

o f f e r t h e s k i l

^ ■ m e n a n d t h e r

•i ' ' '>1 . . O u r w o rk mui

o r i t is n o t sap o in t.

The■ J o :

i '■ ■ ■

' , f

' l i ’ "

L S D A I L Y N f e W s '

^ Attentirtsinitaur*aarly ' ' r r --------------------------- — '— :----------------JW ,-a ,s to - ' ’ ' • ,

out, ' T he f la g s recent!s tre e is .are in tended

opB ' < ^d e c o ra tio n and ar a l l occasions re q u i

ttou • shou ld be ,r,§nioved p sion has ^assed._

SL' T he C ity C o u n c ill rem ove these decora ed and to s to re the

' an d , a lth o u g h th e bi chased a la rg e n u m b

^ tee on D ecora tions 1 fo rm a nd p ro m p t re

: »n b y tu rn in g th is w o r to th e C ity S tre e t'

^ w o u ld recom m end th men-

V . .

lam, R esjpectfu lly submId 's

C O M M IT T E Eloia ■ .

$10,000 to h d p poy-the reception cost-. ■ The Bocky M ountain club .of Now

Y ork has askod fo r th is niilch financial • _ _ _ _ _


hod ----------hat W ASHINGTON, Jan. 21.—That Son- viU ntor J. iiam ihon j> w is , Illino is , w ill

be attorney gdneml, sneeeoding T . W. Gregory, resigned, i f Secretary o f War i)akor also resigns, was the prediction today o f Low is’ friends in congress. According to eongrossmon claim ing in-

ion sldo ifkformation, ‘ thO administration ow piano to givo tho w a r portfo lio to'somg iito eastern or southern Dcpocrat and the >nd attorney goneralsbip to LOwis as n rc- ies presontatlvo o f tho middle west. K«‘- o f .preaontative Swagor Shirley, clialrnmn


a tio n o f in k on p aper doe i lth o u g h th e p ro d u c t resu ) f o p e ra tio n is fre q u e n tlj ;Tiame.

s o f tw o k in d s — N E W S ] p r in t in g . W e don’t w a n t ; f anyone fo r th is —ask th 3 p r in t in g , o r, b e tte r s t i l l , ' :, a t o u r expense i f you ( :ve you.

y th e best o f in kg and th e ands o f paper. A dded t< k i l l and experience o f cap e new est and m ost m odern

tiu s t be s a tis fa c to ry to ou r s a tis fa c to ry to us. W e ii(

■ < | >

le T w in Falls N eiJobN P rin ting D e p a rtm e n t

g = s a i .1 ■■ ' = s = s s = = i

ness Mcn-Altaitiiinn t l y , s u p p o r t e d o y e r t h e

; d a s a , p e r m a n e n t s c l i e m e

a r e t o b e p u t I n p l ^ ^ e f o r

u i r i n g d e c o r a t i o n s , ' a n d

I p r o m p t l y a f t e r t h e o c c a -

1 h a s a g r e e d t o p l a c e a n d

r a t i o n s w h e n e v e r V e q u i r -

le f l a g s ' w h e n n o t i n u s e ,

b u s i n e s s m e n h a v e ^ u r -

i b e r o f f l a g s t h e C o m m i t -

s b e l i e v e t h a t m o r e u n i -

r e s u l t s w o u l d b e d e r i v e d

w k a n d e q u i p m e n t o v e r

? t ' D e p a r t m e n t , a n d w e

t h i s p l a n t o t h e b u s i n e s s

) m i t t e d , ■


ostt. o f the house appropriation committee Now is mentioned in connection w ith Bakor'i ic io l job. Sherloy wos defeated fo r re-elci;

tlou. ) .


------- ' \3o“ - NEW YORK, Jan. 21.—Mrs.'MarceIlc WiU M ille r. |jre tty 17 year old brido o f Cor- W . pornl Harold M lllo r o f Bbodos, Iowa,

War arrived toda.v on tho transport I'Seorge tion W ashitigtoiv She considers tho tr ip ress.' nnything but a honeymoon. Jnst t s Iho

in - n tcnm cr was B a llin g hor husband’s or- tl'on dors to ro tum to,tho Dnited States wore omg revoked and she camo over nlone. the Hhe is being cored fo r hero by tho Y. rc- W. C. A . ^

J{«‘- —■ • I ----- --- ‘unn EEAJ^' TH E O LA S S IF IE b AI^S.

o e s n o t m a k e

i s u l t i n g f r o m

t l y m a r k e t e d '

! P R IN T IN G - i t y o u t o t a k e

t h e m a n w h o

1, t r y s o m e o f

1 d o ' n o t l i k e

- rt i e b e t t e r r e c - ' 1

t o t h e s e , w e

a p a b l e w o r k -

r n t y p e f a c e s .

u r c u s t o m e r s

n e v e r d i s a p -


ewsa t -

TDEflDAY, iA N tlA B y ^p i'lW O