appendicitis- dr. sigit

APPENDICITIS Dr.sigid djuniawan, spB

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Post on 10-Sep-2015




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    Dr.sigid djuniawan, spB

  • Anatomy and physiology of appendix

  • The appendix is a slender, worm-shaped pouch, averaging 510cm in length, that protrudes from the top of the colon in the lower right abdomen

  • Location

    McBurneys point:one-third of the way from the anterior,superior iliac spine to the umbilicus.Pelvis and right ilac fossa appendixAnterior or posterior ileum appendixRetrocaceal appendix Right lateral caceal appendix
  • Retrocaceal appendix

  • Supply & nerve

    Appendix artery: a final artery ,from ileocolic arteryAppendix vein : portal veinsympathetic nerve :celiac plexus and lesser splanchnic nerve T10,T11

  • Acute appendicitis

    Appendicitis is a common cause of abdominal pain

    life-threatening condition because of systemic sepsis (systemic inflammatory response syndrome/SIRS leading to multiple organ failure) following rupture and abscess formation

  • Etiology


    anatomy :wormed-shaped


    plenty of lymph glands

    mechanical reason:

    food residue, ascarid,


  • Etiology

    Gastrointestial diseaseBacteria invasion:

    all kinds of G- bacilus

  • Pathology

    Four type:

    Acute simple appendicitisAcute purulent appendicitisPerforation and gangrenousAppendiceal abscess
  • Acute simple appendicitis

  • Acute purulent appendicitis

  • Perforation and gangrenous

  • Gangrenous


  • Appendiceal abscess

  • Results

    Inflammation disappearInflammation localizationInflammation diffusion
  • Clinical manifestation

    symptoms :

    abdominal pain :

    Periumbilical or epigastric pain that migrates to right lower quadrant

    Pain becomes persistent and well localized. It worsens with moving, breathing deeply, coughing, sneezing, walking, or being touched

  • Symptoms :

    Gastrointestinal symptoms:

    Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting occur after the onset of pain



    bladder and rectum stimulus symptoms

  • Symptoms

    General symptoms :

    tired ,headach


    Rapid pulse

    SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome)
  • Signs

    Tenderness in the right lower abdomen, usually about a third of the distance from the navel to the top of the hip bone

    peritoneal irritation sign : muscular rigidity

    Blumberg sign

    bowel sounds disappear

  • Others

    Rovsings sign:pain in the right lower quadrant upon palpation of the left lower quadrant.Psoas sign :pain on active elevation of the legsThe obturator sign: pain on internal and external rotation of the hipRectal exam & vaginal exam
  • Lab test

    Mild to moderately elevated WBC with left shift is typical but rarely may be normal, range of 11000-17000/mm3

    over 20000/ mm3 perforation

    UA may show ketonuria or a few RBCs or WBCspregnancy test (women only)
  • Lab test

    B-usX-rayDiagnostic abdominal puncture
  • Diagnosis

    Periumbilical or epigastric pain that migrates to right lower quadrantTenderness in the right lower abdomen, usually about a third of the distance from the navel to the top of the hip bone
  • Differential diagnosis

    Two type :

    A: required surgery

    B: not required surgery

  • Differential diagnosis

    Required surgery:

    Perforation of gastointestinal tract

    ulcer,tumor, diverticulitis

    obstetrics and gynecologic disease:

    ectopic pregancy,ovarion torsion

    Meckel diverticulitisTumor
  • Differential diagnosis

    Not required surgery

    Pelvic inflammationMesenteric adenitis:at exploration a normal appendix and enlarged lymph nodes in the mesenteryViral & bacterial gastroenteritisPneumonia, pleurisy
  • Treatment

    Early operation:

    surgical removal(appendectomy)

    Acute simple appendicitis: appendectomy Acute purulent and gangrenous appendicitis:

    appendectomy and/or drainage

  • Treatment

    Appendiceal abscess:

    if local in right low quadrant

    antibiotic therapy and general treatment

    if infection diffusion

    incision and drainage

  • Treatment


    Incision :

    incision over the point of maximal tenderness,generally at McBurny point

    true McBurneys incision

    tansvers skin incision

    36cm long

  • Incision



  • Incision

    tansvers skin incision
  • Treatment



    The taenia of the colon are followed to the base of the appendix

  • Treatment



    Mesoappendix is divided between clamps and ligated

  • Treatment



    The base of appendix is divided and ligated 0.5cm from caceum and inverted using a purse-string

  • a



  • Treatment

    Suspected case: not definite.

    Admit the patient to hospital for further observation 12-24hrs


    exploration incision

  • Treatment

    Antibiotic thearpy:

    Acute simple appendicitisContraindication of operationAppendiceal abscess
  • Treatment

    Antibiotic thearpy

    antibiotics: broadspectrum antibiotics


    gentamycin triad drugs


    3rd generation cefotides

  • Treatment

    New method :

    laparoscopy appendectomy

  • Complication

    Acute appendicitis:

    Abdomen abscessInter or extra fistulaPhylephlebitis
  • Complication

    Operation :

    Incision infectionPeritonitis and abdomen abscessBleedingStool fistula Stump infectionAdhesive intestinal obstruction
  • Appendicitis in neonate

    SeldomNon-specific clinical manifestation

    Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting diarrhea


    Difficult in early diagnosisHigh rate of perforationHigh mortality
  • Appendicitis in neonate

    Diagnosis &Treatment

    Carefully physical examEarly operation
  • Appendicitis in child

    Quick onset and severe

    high fever and vomiting present early

    Non-typical tenderness at right low quadrantHigh rate of perforationHigh mortalityMore complication
  • Appendicitis in child


    Early operationTransfusion and correct dehydrationBroadspectrum antibiotics
  • Appendicitis in pregnancy

    Uterus enlargement

    elevation of abdominal wall

    Tenderness site upper shift

    appendix displaced


    Inconspicuous of


    rebound tenderness

    muscular rigidity

    Without adherent blanket of omentum

    Peritonitis diffusion

  • Appendicitis in pregnancy

    Treatment :

    Operation :appendectomyTo late pregancy :early operationSuperior Incision No drainageBroadspectrum antibioticsParturient with perforation :

    cesarean section and appendectomy

  • Appendictis in the elderly

    Less well-defined symptoms and signsSevere pathologic typeError diagnosis easilyHigh rate of perforationPay attention to tumor
  • Chronic appendicitis

    Etiology and pathologyClinic feature and diagnosis

    right low quadrant pain

    local tenderness


