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VENLIGBOERNE Appendices Eva Larsen (20132647) Master Thesis Aalborg University The School of Engineering and Science (SES), Techno Anthropology, Advisor: Margit Saltofte Nielsen

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Eva Larsen (20132647)

Master Thesis

Aalborg University

The School of Engineering and Science (SES),

Techno Anthropology,

Advisor: Margit Saltofte Nielsen

8th of June, 2015

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Venligboerne, Appendices - Page 2 of 60

Appendix 1 - Interview guideInterview Guide:

My name is Eva Larsen, and I teach Danish to asylum-seekers at Vrå højskole. I am taking a

master’s degree at Ålborg University, and would like to find out how the technology of

Facebook supports grass-roots integration efforts. My father was a refugee from Poland in

the 1950’s and I grew up in America. I would like to understand how Venligboerne

contributes to integration in Vendsyssel.

1. Where are you from, and what is your background?

2. How did you hear about Venligboerne, and how did you get started with the group?

3. Can you give an example of how you’ve used the group?

4. What has been the best thing about the group?

5. Do your friends know about and use the group?

6. Is there anything you wished was different- like planning, organization, trips, more of

certain activities?

7. If you could give anything to Venligboerne, what would you give?

8. If you could get anything from Venligboerne, what would you like?

9. Do you have comments about how Facebook has worked for the group?

10. Has Venligboerne made your life better? How?

11. Is there anything I haven’t asked about that you’d like to tell me?

Thank you so much for your time.

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Appendix 2 - Mads last day Interview Mads Nygaard This was his farewell coffee Fri 20. March

Samarbejde Horne efterskole… det kom på plads da der havde været arrangeret en fest I

Hyttebyen hvor Eritreanske kvinder lavede mad. Der var en lærer fra efterskolen som var

med, og hun syntes at det var helt fantastisk, eksotisk og velsmagende. Hun fortalte kokken

på eferskolen at der var nogle damer fra Eritrea der var fantastiske til at lave mad, og han

ringede så Mads op for at høre om de kunne lave mad på efterskolen. Mads sagde “ja” og

tog sin bi log kørte pigerne til Horne en gang om ugen.

Der er 4 elever som har køkkentjans sammen med de Eritreanske damer, og de får en

oplevelse af hvordan man laver mad, og snakker, og er overfor hinanden i Eritrea.

Det er et integrations projekt som gavner Eriteanerne, som lærer hvordan Danskere arbejder

og snakker, og Danske unge som ser flygtninge i et andet lys.

Mads says, “Every asylum center should have a café like this with someone to coordinate

volunteers and activities and Facebook contacts.

There is a vagtplan for the 100 or so volunteers who are more or less active. It has been a

problem accessing this, as well as some of the other pages for volunteers- everything seems

to end up on the same page.

The kvindecafe has been an overwhelming success.

Interview Mads Nygaard This was his farewell coffee Fri 20. March

Samarbejde Horne efterskole… det kom på plads da der havde været arrangeret en fest I

Hyttebyen hvor Eritreanske kvinder lavede mad. Der var en lærer fra efterskolen som var

med, og hun syntes at det var helt fantastisk, eksotisk og velsmagende. Hun fortalte kokken

på eferskolen at der var nogle damer fra Eritrea der var fantastiske til at lave mad, og han

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ringede så Mads op for at høre om de kunne lave mad på efterskolen. Mads sagde “ja” og

tog sin bi log kørte pigerne til Horne en gang om ugen.

Der er 4 elever som har køkkentjans sammen med de Eritreanske damer, og de får en

oplevelse af hvordan man laver mad, og snakker, og er overfor hinanden i Eritrea.

Det er et integrations projekt som gavner Eriteanerne, som lærer hvordan Danskere arbejder

og snakker, og Danske unge som ser flygtninge i et andet lys.

Mads says, “Every asylum center should have a café like this with someone to coordinate

volunteers and activities and Facebook contacts.

There is a vagtplan for the 100 or so volunteers who are more or less active. It has been a

problem accessing this, as well as some of the other pages for volunteers- everything seems

to end up on the same page.

The kvindecafe has been an overwhelming success.

Next to me sits an asylum seeker who has just been granted refugee status, He looks at me

forlornly, and says, “I am going to be sent to Frederikshavn, and I don’t know anyone there.”

I quickly go through my mental rolodex, and draw a blank. I have one friend there from

nursing school, who I haven’t seen in years.


When I come home, I remember Janice’s small comment which I actually didn’t note down

after the interview. She mentioned that the Eritrean women who came to make pottery in

her home asked her if she might have not-perfect teapot they might have because theirs

was broken. She said, “They had a really hard time asking.” And she said, “the Syrian men do

not seem to have a hard time asking for things.”

I think perhaps we as volunteers in this field should be careful not to disable.

Mads’ example of the taxi from Facebook…

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We need work on our help being something that makes the individual more capable in the

long run.

Dear Hot Hutters

One of the most difficult tasks in Hot Hut City is communication. So many different

languages. So many rooms for misunderstandings. My favorite communication took place in

January. Always late at night. Sunshine shopkeeper, Osman Isse, realized that I also had a

hard time sleeping. Osman is a man of few words. He generally uses his smile more than his

tongue. Late at night in January we communicated like this: Osman would send me a smiley.

I would take a small break from what I was writing and send a smiley back to him. No words.

Just a smiley going both ways.

An hour later the same thing would happen. Only this time around I would be the one

sending him a smiley. And Osman replying the same way. Again no words. Just a silent

bridge between two people having a hard time falling asleep.

Next morning we would meet in Sunshine as if we had been talking all night. And in a way

we had.

Keeping it simple is a very good idea in Hot Hut City. That’s what you, Hot Hutters, have

managed to do in our group. From day one! No yelling. No fighting. You’ve behaved like true,

poetic diplomats all the way through. Amazing! Especially when you take into consideration

the strain you’re all living under, the endless waiting for immigration papers, the lack of

space in your huts, the many different religions and languages having to live side by side.

Yesterday I told my friend Fawaz about my Dad. My Dad was a real troublemaker. If my Dad

saw a No Smoking sign he would immediately light his pipe and walk into the forbidden. My

Dad was a great believer in Bad Haram. I think I’ve inherited a lot of my Dad’s nature.

Sometimes extremely friendly, sometimes grumpy and moody. Fawaz has right from the

beginning of our friendship called me a troublemaker. He’s right.

When I see a rule, I don’t believe in, I try to break it. I also try to make everyone around me

agree with me. This, however, was not the case when Merete nine days ago felt a need to

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slow down on our openness in Hot Hut City. I informed all in Sunshine that I didn’t agree

with her wish, but I also asked you to respect her opinion.

Only trouble was, that I, myself, couldn’t keep silent. Yesterday, when I yelled out my

frustration, many of you got confused. And many Danish Venligboere did, too. What’s going


Well, in a way it’s pretty simple. Merete and I have reached a point where we don’t see eye

to eye on the future of Venligboerne. I would like to change the entire asylum system in

Denmark. Preferably tomorrow. And Merete believes that a river of kindness eventually will

do the trick. Her belief is completely natural, especially since you, dear Hot Hutters, have

done everything you possibly can to prove her point. By being as eternally kind, humble,

giving and caring as you are.

Patience has never been one of my strong points. And if I stay in our group, I’ll keep yelling a

lot. No good. Instead I’ll find a new place to yell from. Cause yell, I’ll keep on doing! The

asylum system in Denmark sucks, period! But Venligboerne is not the right platform to yell


That’s why I’ve decided to leave our group. Friday morning at 10 I’ll open Sunshine for the

last time. From then on I shall only pay you visits in your huts. Not as a member of staff, not

as a member of Venligboerne, simply as your friend.

TSee you, Friday! Coffee

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25 people like this.

men det er din beslutning - Kan du ikke blive - og så bare råbe din frustration ud i andre

sammenhænge? Vi kan jo ikke knipse med fingrene og ændre asylsystemet over natten - Det

kræver et langt sejt træk - Og der er Venligboerne et rigtig godt udgangspunkt - Kom nu,

Mads - Sammen står vi stærkere!

March 18 at 5:00pm · Like · 7

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I think it is sad, that you decided to stop, Mads. However, I completely understand and

respect your decision. I hope that you find the right forum to vent your frustrations, and if

you ever run for office, you got my vote and I will be the first to vo...See More

March 18 at 5:08pm · Like · 5

I will try to be in Sunshine on friday, but I do not drink coffee.

March 18 at 5:31pm · Like · 2

Merete Bonde Pilgaard Kære Mads. Respekt for din beslutning

Du har ret - vi opfatter Venligboernes formål forskelligt. Ja jeg tænker: "lidt efter lidt

kommer vi rigtig langt". Og du vil (som du skriver) hellere brøle og kæmper for

forandring....hellere en ændring idag en...See More

March 18 at 6:29pm · Edited · Like · 6

Jeg vil gerne være med begge steder.

Jeg forholder mig overhovedet ikke til den beslutning Mads har truffet, men jeg vil møde

ham derude et sted og forsøge at lave noget politik ud af det. Enhver må kunne se, at det der

foregår i og med Venligboerne, er det bedst mulige spejl for en nation, der har drevet

umenneskelig integrationspolitik i årevis.

March 18 at 6:03pm · Like · 12

- tak fordi du er som du er - en inspiration -tak

March 18 at 6:06pm · Like · 2

Kære Mads, jeg er rigtig ked af, at du forlader Venligboerne - men er sikker på, at du bedst

selv ved, hvad der er det rigtige for dig at gøre. Jeg har været rigtig glad for dine indspark her

på siden, dem vil jeg savne! God vind fremover. Hvis der er nogen, der vil være i stand til at

råbe døve politikere op, er du helt sikkert en af dem Tak, fordi du er som du er.

March 18 at 8:47pm · Edited · Like · 4

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Merete Bonde Pilgaard And in English: Dear Mads. Respect for your decision. You are right -

we have a different view on Venligboernes purpose. Yes, I think: "Little by little we come a

long way." And you will (as you write) rather yell and fight for a change .... better tod...See


March 18 at 6:40pm · Edited · Like · 1

Sorry to hear about the frustrations with institutional structures-- they are the same the

world over, and without great effort there is no change. Also, I don't return to DK til the

afternoon on Friday ... but hopefully you'll be around and I can say hello/goodbye. And

hopefully I'll still run into you around "the huts"

March 18 at 6:39pm · Like · 1

Louise Dalsgaard Søde Mads. Jeg brøler videre sammen med dig. Jeg er nemlig også en

"brøler". Det har mine forældre lært mig at jeg skal gøre, og jeg gør det jævnligt. Har gjort

det i min folkeskole, når jeg så lærere som ikke var ordentlige, i min vennegruppe når

nogl...See More

March 18 at 6:48pm · Like · 16

Jeg kan ikke lade være med at ærge mig over, at der ikke er plads til diskussioner om

asylsystemet i Venligboerne. For mig at se har det været det mest konstruktive længe - en

meget forfriskende venligrevolution og et frisk pust i et asylsystem, der d...See More

March 18 at 6:53pm · Like · 9

That sucks!

March 18 at 7:45pm · Like · 1

I pray that your good heart may help many others.

March 18 at 7:48pm · Like · 2

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Du ER altså noget helt særligt, Mads.

March 18 at 8:16pm · Like · 4

Jeg begræder også din beslutning, Mads.

March 18 at 9:58pm · Like · 3

Et enormt tab for vores venner, men forståeligt Mads.

March 18 at 11:18pm · Like · 4

Dear friend and my brother, Mads Nygaard

you have been always the first supporter for us

your volunteer work, made a big difference in the life of all of us...See More

March 19 at 1:34am · Like · 8

Dear venligboerne friends ...

Such a wastage that we will lose friend and brave warm hearted inspiring gifted writer .

I believed and I will stay believe that ... by kindness we could change the world . But still we

are not in paradise ... my intention was just with your kindness trying to show that who flee

from the war zone he or she has no choice , and they longing just for hope and opportunity

to rerun again and struggle in the life ... and venligboerne with all of volunteers made a huge

step to help ... we will continue together (( alle sammen )) ... for all people who looking for

inspiration and humanitarian illumination ... believe in the power of love and ignore all of

negativity ... we are brave enough to enlightenment the dark nights ... this communication it

goes both ways ,for whom need it to heal them soul wounds ................ the new Comers and

the volunteers

Dear Mads Nygaard I hardly could accept your choice but I will try to understand it ...

Because I can feel it , soul of

(( troublemaker )) you're one of those men who has wings always flying alone on surface of

the skys ... but let me tell you something your wings spread to gave all inspired dreamers

same wings to join the stars , and promise to all of venligboerne friends and specially you to

keep flying for kindness and love ... Don't you dare to think you can step away , hell no cause

always people need your ideas and suggestions and inspiration ...

Thank you my friend ...

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March 19 at 1:50am · Like · 19

Jeg ved ikke, at jeg havde til at takke Dem men der er ingen ord siges og udtrykke dig for

respekt og taksigelse, som Carry du Mads Nygaard

March 19 at 2:13am · Like · 9

Det er godt at der er nogle der står ved deres holdninger og tør at brøle det ud. Problemet

er bare at hvis man brøler på sådan en måde så budskabet ikke kan forståes eller

misfortolkes så er man ikke nået et eneste skridt mod forandring - og tro mig a...See More

March 19 at 4:53am · Edited · Like · 5

Lots of love and respect Mads Nygaard you are our bridge to communicate with people to

be trusted by them you're our hope, smile, happiness. I can't tell your kindnes you mean a

lot to us I wish I wrote this in my oun language and can tell more I'm speechless . you're

agreat person

Yesterday at 12:00am · Edited · Like · 8

Dear Mads. I too understand your 'brøwl', your crying out against the asylum system. It is

inhuman, and it turns individuals, who each come here with their tragic stories, all rooted in

war and persecution beyond their control, into numbers, just as you say. Friendliness cannot

change that system, only political struggle can do that. Friendliness, human warmth and

kindness and understanding can only lessen the burden, light up the darkness, for the

refugees that come here seeking protection. It can maybe also spread out - like an antidote

to a contagious disease - and help overpower the fear and ignorance that is cynically bred by

politicians and so-called political commentators and analysts in order to prevent Denmark

from fulfilling its obligations to protect the victims of the consequences of war and

persecution in the world. By coming into contact with this inhuman system and learning how

it works and affects the people it is supposed to protect, how it can keep people in a

situation that weakens their spirit and makes them less and less able to use their own

resources and even force them to return to the situation they fled from, these friendly

volunteers will also become actors in the struggle to change the system. We see now that

the government is presenting new legislation which aims to quickly recognize the resources

that refugees bring with them and get them out of centers and into schools and jobs. It is

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obvious, just from your experiences in Hjørring, how creating opportunities for these people

to use their resources and emerge from isolation in their small huts increases their chances

for beginning a new life in a new society that sees them and welcomes them. Could it be that

the work Venligboerne are doing has influenced some politicians in Christiansborg? So I think

it is a shame if Venligboerne are not able to accept your 'brøwl', even while they fight the

system through friendliness.

March 19 at 4:14pm · Like · 2

Bottom of Form Ethnography at Hyttebyen

Several challenges arise in describing and doing ethnography focusing on Venligboerne.

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Appendix 3 - Janice

Interview Janice Hunter tors. 19.3 kl. 9.00- kl.11.00 Tornby Gl. Skole

Janice is a ceramic artist in Tornby and is originally from England, but has been living in

Northern Jutland with her husband for many years. She has a 42 year old daughter who is a


Janice noticed the group Venligboerne around Christmas-time in 2014, because she usually

works a lot during this period, and there are few tourists who usually fill her home and

studio. She attended a preliminary meeting in Hyttebyen at the office, which was about

ideas and who did what. Mads Nygaard was the main driving force , and he had made an

arrangement with one of Janice’s aquaintances who had several horses and a large tract of

forest. This was an inspiring trip for the refugees,

Mads also mentioned that he saw a need for a women’s group, as the women seemed to be

more reserved, and did not necessarily come forward when one mentioned trips and


Janice tells about an experience at hyttebyen, when she has volunteered to drop by with

something. She was on her way to swimming that evening, and she asked L. who happened

to be standing in the café at the time, if he wanted to go swimming. He most certainly did.

He had, however, never tried before. Janice was surprised, and told about what happened

with sparkling eyes. “he sank like a rock” she said. There were others at the pool who helped

L., and at one point, she said, “there were several men trying to support him as he

unsuccessfully floated.” He never did learn to swim, nor did he get asylum. He was one of

the ones who disappeared. He fled rather than be extradited. “that was difficult.” Said

Janice. “but I could help others.”

L. shared a dwelling with 3 others. (Rwanda, Nepal, China and Ghana) Janice invited the

whole group swimming, and was quite surprised that the refugee from Nepal was quite an

adept swimmer. Apparently he was from an area with a ferocious river. One had to learn to

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swim, otherwise one would drown. There was also a man from China. He was difficult to

communicate with because he had no English or Danish. His only language was Chinese.

The man from Nepal was invited to a Buddhist temple in Vidstrup that Janice knew about-

she had visited it before long ago. It is cared for by a single Buddhist nun, and is called

“Pagoda” although it most of all resembles a red brick house. There were plastic flowers and

Buddhas. The Nepalese man could not communicate with the Vietnamese nun, and he was

quite reserved.

The experience with the Nepalese man at the Pagoda is related with a smile. The stories and

trips weave in and out of each other through the interview, and Janice has a wry way of

reflecting on her experiences that in the superficial humor portrays a good measure of

wisdom, and a great deal of self-knowledge.

One of the arrangements was Bjergby beboer forening, which had arranged a community

meal. Janice was asked to give a talk on India with slides. Instead of payment, she asked if

she might take some refugees along for the meal. Unfortunately, the Eritreaens were fasting,

but the others made up for this by eating a lot.

The funniest episode, relates Janice, was fastelavn- Mardi Gras celebration in Hirtshals.

Janice’s husband is one of the arrangers of the annual party. The whole event takes place in

the harbor. There was an Armenian refugee who fled from political repression. This woman

is an avid blogger, and posts almost daily on the internet with assistance from the library.

This woman jumped into the harbor in a survival suit- in spite of the fact that she could not

swim. She was crowned Kattedronning for her efforts with the Mardi Gras barrel (like a

piñata ed.)containing sweets.

Janice tells of her friend, Doris, who wanted to participate in Venligboerne, but did not know

how to get started. She had family in Svendborg.

One of the refugees was going to move to Svendborg, and Janice took that person to the

train station. She thought he would have bags and boxes, but he didn’t. He just had one

small suitcase. Janice posted a picture of him at the train station. Doris met him at the other

end of his journey, In Svendborg. She helped him to get set up.

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She helped him with a new network where he was going.

This seems to be the essence of Venligboerne. This simple kindness.

There is a gentle weaving of a network, based on mutual trust and respect. Janice

recommended that her daughter use a Kurdish Baglan (lute/balaika) player as a warm up for

her show in Northern Jutland. Her daughter was not sure- her style is very Nordic, and she

sings a good deal of pop. Janice held an audition for the Baglan player, and recorded it on

her mobile phone. Her daughter was impressed enough that she let him be her warm up

band. He lives in Ingstrup, now, and there is another refugee who has been granted asylum,

and will be living there. The hope is that these two may help each other, and that the good

experiences they have had can sustain further growth. The network build upon itself.

We experiment a lot, says Janice. We can’t wait too long, otherwise the individual refugees

will be gone, so it’s good that it isn’t a bureaucratic system.

She says, “it would be nice to know that some of the efforts have a long-term effect.”

Some of the connections forged by Mads to the efterskole and the gymnasium seem to be

lasting activities/programs

The library seems to be a very good support

Yesterday, the girls from Eritrea went to Horne efterskole to a fundraising supper to benefit

Venligboerne. They were supposed to stand up, so the diners could see who they were

helping. The girls were very shy. It seemed difficult. But when they were at Janice’s house to

make a coffee pot, they had a great time. They really wanted some chickens, like Janice has,

so they could butcher them for their Easter meal. Mads called out from the café, where they

all were, “I’ve got some. I will bring them in.”

Janice says this organic growth of ideas and activities is what drives the volunteer efforts at


However, there is a problem with the accessibility of refugees because those with Facebook,

with English, or better Danish are automatically easier to contact, and provide translation for

others. There is a hierarchy that she and others can see, now. She says “we help to support

their status with our networking possibilities.”

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The latest unrest in the ranks she deftly steps around. It is clear she likes the work she has

been able to do so far, and that this work is important for her.

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Appendix 4 - Doris

Interview Doris tirsdag 31. Marts

Doris starts by telling that she invited S. from Eritrea to drink coffee together with her


S. told them her story. Her own mother and sister do not know where in Denmark she is.

During the war in Eritrea, the whole family fled to Ethiopia, and were sent home after things

calmed down. But S and her family were required to get work permits, and they were

required to leave Ethiopia with only the clotes on their backs.

Doris and I speak of conditions in Eritrea. There is nothing to be found on the internet, in

terms of journalism, in English, or Danish about what is going on in the country. The Danish

Eritrean case weighs heavily without being discussed. Doris says Eritrea is similar to a police

state, and that ordinary people and refugees are afraid that there are informers who are

either threatened, forced or paid to give information about peoples movements, activities

and whereabouts. Eritreans seem wary, not terribly open. Especially compared to Syrian

refugees, who speak openly and directly

The Eritrean woman whom Doris spoke with, when confronted with all of the difficulties

here in Denmark replied, “At least you have freedom”

Doris says she has done a lot of the practical work. She has followed the different groups ,

and she says she joins each group the starts up. There are 5 groups now. Venligboer bygger

Venligbroer, which helps to establish contacts for refugees in the new cities they are sent to.

Doris, herself was one of the founders of this sub-group when she met one of the refugees

from Hjørring as he arrived in Svendborg, where Doris was visiting at the time. She helped to

make a smooth transition for him so that he could find shops, pick up groceries, and get

established in his new city with limited Danish skills, few contacts, and no car.

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There is a Venligboer page for recipes,

One for driving and practical assistance, one for the women’s cafe+ this one has the

schedule for the cafe. Doris shows it to me… a few weeks ahead. Many days have names

already plotted in, some days are free. The schedule is hand-written, and photographed. This

must be what one of the other volunteers was complaining about- she was unable to see the

writing because it was hand written. (It seemed quite clear to me)

Doris counts, there are 5 groups in all.

She says she likes reading about the group on Facebook, it is easy to follow. I mention that

Merete has written something only recently. Doris is intrigued- we are talking about whether

or not the refugees stories should be posted on the page. Doris says this is a good way for us

all to see them as people with their own stories. She likes getting a peek into the lives that

she volunteers to work with. Merete has posted that only positive stories be posted- so

nothing negative about the politics of where people are coming from. We discuss this a little

back and forth.

We also discuss Mads Nygaard a little. Doris says it is a loss for many of the refugees that he

is no longer there (This is because he was very negative concerning the Danish Refugee

System, and expressed some polemical opinions about the employees at the center) He was

a good sparring partner for many of the male refugees- especially since most of the

volunteers who drop by are female. He was great at starting activities and planning larger


Doris says that Venligboerne is positive because they have shown the way. They have show

how to get in contact with refugees. One can sit here in one’s home, and there can be a

family who needs help on the other side of the street, and one doesn’t know how to help.

Venligboerne shows how to get in touch, and how to give a hand.

Doris has been involved in many of the activities hosted by Venligboerne. She tells of J.

Making dinner in the woods a 3 or 4 course meal. She tells of taking a group of refugee

women to a local school. None spoke English, their Danish was not good, and most of the

staff was busy with an activity, so these women sat on the playground and spoke in Eritrean.

It seemed that unflappable Doris was at a loss. She stopped in her story, until I asked, ”Well,

what did you do.” She chuckled ”I took them on the beach to see the summerhouses that

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had fallen into the water.” she paused again, ”As soon as they saw the ocean, they started to

laugh and smile. They were so happy.”

This is what Venligboerne seems to be about for the volunteers- the chance to make

someone smile. Someone who hasn’t had a lot to smile about recently.

The openness of Facebook- security concerns –especially Eritreans- They are not necessarily

keen on having anyone know where they are being transferred.

Doris likes the Facebook format

She says her husband is not keen on foreigners. This is another positive aspect of

Venligboerne, there is no confrontation. One is not forced to take a side. Here, people are

just people.

Doris says, ”This is what Venligboerne is about: just helping people- not refugees, or

foreigners, just people.”

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Appendix 5 - BowlingBowling April 2. 2015

There was a bit of nervousness and confusion at the beginning. My friend wanted to show

me how Venligboerne works, and had extended her network, so she actually was responding

to a request for a bowling afternoon that she had seen online. (I hadn’t noticed it) One of the

Eritrean men had apparently posted. I asked if I might be allowed to come along. I am not

terribly subtle in these situations, although I always try not to be too awkward- somehow I

never manage.

We arrived, and my friend had to go back to Hyttebyen to pick up the rest of the party- there

were too many people for one carload. (I had said I would have been able to pick up the

others, but I was driving on a spare tire, and was both nervous at the fact that I had to drive

slowly, and was nervous that the spare- or some other part of the car might break)

I arrived, as did she, with the first group-four Eritrean men. We talked briefly- bowling is not

my thing. I find it really fun, but I am not good at it, and chronic shoulder problems make it a

challenge. She asked if maybe I could get started while she picked up the last two people. I

said I’d try.

I went to the desk, and asked the young man about the shoe thing- I have always loved

bowling shoes. He assured me, it was quite straightforward, shoe were included. Then he

asked how many we were. My friend wasn’t sure if she was picking up two or three more

people. I told him I thought we’d be 7 or 8 people. Oh, he said, then you’ll need two lanes.

Ok, I replied, how much will that be? I could have sworn he said 800kr. And with a

confirmation coming up, it seemed a little steep. I said maybe she would get some money

from the center she was helping, Anyway, I ineffectively went to wait by out lane. The folks

at the next lane had k=left behind colored drinks with parasols. I was a little jealous. My

friend came back and saved the day, She got the two lanes for just 400 kr. But then none of

the men wanted to split the cost with her. We bowled some more or less helpless sets, had

fun, changed balls- I found my ultimaye gutter ball. I brought a box of chocolate which we

slowly chewed our way through. I was interesting, I started documenting the session on my

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camera. Our English skills are a little lacking interms of s conveying meaning, but we were

joking about whether or not they could send the bowling alle shenanigans home? One of the

Eritraensshowed me th sms mms smd fil settings on his camera. I sked- but what would they

say if they got a film of you at a bowling alley” the reply was, “OH YES! Look at him, he is

bowing with the white people!” I had never felt myself so exotic before.

I got one strike, but it was more fun when Y did well, because his face would light up, an he’d

do high-five, or fist bump.

But my friend was stuck with the bill. I mention paragraph 18 funds, but she feels it is not so

great an expense that she needs compensation. She drives the Eritraens home.

(at this point, I get an independent on-line request for homework assistance)

I drive a Syrian and a Sudanse man back to café Sunshine where we are joined by an Eritrean

woman, They speak of the wonderful, large parties that have been organized with dancing

and food. And of a couple at the other side of the large round table. We are told they are in

love. They seem completely enraptured- she Danish, he Syrian. From my perspective he has

some cruel and calculating lines around his mouth and eyes. He said he would like to go back

to computer engineering at the university. He has been told he does not have to start from


The refugees sat around the table, some had been at the camp for 6 months, and told that is

was very dull before Venligboerne showed up. Now, with 200 volunteers, those who go out,

are quite busy. We don’t have time for all of the activities, they smile. The young man who

was wrapped up in the woman at the end of the table, uncurled, and said, “yes, someone

invited me to see the university- because I studied computer engineering in Syria, and they

promised that I did not have to start from the beginning. But I did not have time to go for

weeks, because I was so busy with activities.” My friend asked, but have you been accepted

into school?” he replied, “no, but they promised I did not have to start from the beginning,

and that it was in English.” “But you haven’t applied yet?” She asked. “Not yet”

One of the men who went bowling with us said, “ in my hut, there are three other Sudanese

who never go out. They don’t speak English, just Arabic. They go to Danish lessons and come

back home. But they are quite happy.”

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The problem has been that most refugees do not speak English or Danish, and it is therefore

the few who do, that are invited out for activities.

I wonder what it is we are training them for with these sometimes expensive activities that

leave out their comrads?

My friend’s bowling partner tells me that before they had café Sunshine, they just had a

computer room where they would just sit and fight

The couple leave together. Apparently he doesn’t want anyone to know about the

relationship. She would rather that everyone knew that he was hers.

Is this an alternative to a dating service? Is this one of the goals? Could pressure be exerted

so that the situation was rather bad?

What at we teaching these people through this behavior? You do not have to pay for your

activity, as long as you seduce a middle aged woman with your eyes, you’ll be fine.

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Appendix 6 - Café meeting’Café meeting Venligboerne at hyttebyen 28.04.15

Arrive at 5pm. The band is still practicing in the café, and we are unsure of whether we have

come to the right place. Two Africans are standing outside with clarinets practicing for Music

without Borders. It sounds rather unpleasant, and we do not feel terribly welcome.

We stand outside to assess the situation, thinking we perhaps have come the wrong

evening. Then Jens shows up with his arms full of popcorn and cheese puffs, and with a huge

smile. He apologizes for the band- they are not supposed to be there right now, but they

have to practice (this is obvious) for music without borders. The arrangement is large, and

includes local and national bands.

We sat outside in the sun at picnic tables set end to end. During the time that we were

there, there was a flow of about 20 people. JGT said that this was not a very high number of

people, that there usually were more at the cafés. He also said that anyone could post on

Facebook and “make” a café.

JGT was very knowledgable about travel arrangements for refugees. For example, he

recommended the bus to Copenhagen, instead of the train, said that younger people could

benefit from a “wild card” to reduce ticket fees, and suggested that anonymous rejsekort be

purchased for travel, so that refugees could save on train fare.

He also knew about rules that the commune has for residency, and ensured housing for a

student at Aalborg University, so that he could continue the education that he started in

another country. It is evident that he has helped many refugees at the center, and he was

warmly greeted by all. J. and D. both of whom I had previously interviewed were also there.

They contributed to the lively conversation. There was also a couple who were artisans, one

a glassblower, and the other a jeweler. They were both from another European country, and

it was the first time that both had come to Hyttebyen, the refugee center. They were very

positive about the experience, and the wife said she was not on Facebook, but after having

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been to the café, that she would like to go on Facebook, to see what was happening. Her

husband was on Facebook.

JGT was clearly the person with the most experience in practical matters, but the tone was

warm and friendly, rather anarchistic, and no one was steering the meeting, taking notes, or

making sure that there was order. It was relaxed, and everyone talked.

One of the refugees who came with me was fascinated by the instuments that the band was

playing. He immediately asked if he could have one. I said I did not know, but we could talk

to the person who was responsible for the band. The gentleman with whom we spoke

referred us to the band leader who said he was welcome to come and practice with them. I.

needed to come the next Tuesday, and they would make sure there was a drum for him, as

this was the instrument he was used to. I. was very excited about this. I am still not sure if he

knows completely what he has committed himself to, but I assume if he has experience

drumming, that he will be an asset to the band, and will be there for Musik uden Grænser.

The other two refugees who accompanied me were more reserved, but they had a good

time, and both were impressed by the atmosphere and the opportunities that seemed


JRT said that Hyttebyen has the lowest incidence of domestic violence, according to police

and DFH of any of the refugee centers in Denmark. There is no direct correlation between

this peaceable environment and Venligboerne, but JRT believes that the reason for this is

that Venligboerne spread hope.

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Appendix 7 - More DocumentationGrundydelsen udgør 54,04 kr. pr. dag pr. voksen. Hvis ansøgningen er i

den indledende fase, hvor det endnu ikke er afgjort, om ansøgerens asylsag skal

behandles i Danmark, er tillægsydelsen på 9,02 kr. pr. dag. Hvis det er afgjort, at

asylsagen skal behandles i Danmark, sættes tillægsydelsen op til 31,54 kr. pr. dag.

Tillægsydelsen udbetales bagud hver anden torsdag.

Forsørgertillægget for 1. og 2. barn er i den indledende fase på 63,06 kr. pr. barn pr.

dag. Hvis det viser sig, at asylsagen skal behandles i Danmark, sættes

forsørgertillægget op til 85,57 kr. pr. barn pr. dag. Der er reduceret forsørgertillæg

for 3. og 4. barn på 45,05 kr. pr. dag pr. barn.

Hvis asylansøgeren bor i et asylcenter med cafeteria (vederlagsfri

bespisningsordning) og er i den indledende fase, udgør forsørgertillægget 9,02 kr. pr.

barn pr. dag for de første to børn. Hvis asylansøgeren bor i et asylcenter med

cafeteria (vederlagsfri bespisningsordning) og er i sagsbehandlingsfasen eller har

fået endeligt afslag på asyl og medvirker til sin udrejse, udgør forsørgertillægget

31,54 kr. pr. barn pr. dag. Der udbetales ikke forsørgertillæg for 3. og 4. barn, hvis

asylansøgeren bor på et center med cafeteria (vederlagsfri bespisningsordning).


Law about integration

LBK nr. 1094 af 07/10/2014 om integration af udlændinge i Danmark

1) Integrationsloven Kommunerne har bl.a. pligt til at tilbyde nyankomne flygtninge og

familiesammenførte udlændinge integrationsplaner og integrationsprogrammer i henhold til

INL § 4 stk. 1 jf. lovens kap. 3a og 4. a) Integrationsplan Kommunen skal fremsætte tilbuddet

om en integrationsplan snarest muligt og inden 3 måneder efter, at kommunen har

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overtaget integrationsansvaret jf. INL § 15a stk. 1. Den pågældende udlænding har ikke pligt

til at tage imod tilbuddet om en integrationsplan, men kan vælge tilbuddet herom til inden

for den 3-årige introduktionsperiode. Integrationsplanen, som består af en udredningsdel og

en indsatsdel, skal dels fastholde et fokus på den beskæftigelsesrettede indsats, dels sikre en

bredere integrationsindsats på tværs af de kommunale forvaltningsenheder jf. INL § 15a.

Integrationsplanen skal dermed understøtte en sammenhængende indsats, hvor den

beskæftigelsesrettede indsats, som er fastsat i integrationskontrakten, skal koordineres med

indsatser inden for andre forvaltningsområder, herunder f.eks. særlig støtte til børn og unge

efter SEL. For at sikre denne bredere integrationsindsats skal kommunerne i hver enkelt sag

tage stilling til, hvilken forvaltningsenhed i kommunen der skal være ansvarlig for at

koordinere og følge op på integrationsplanen for den pågældende udlænding og dennes

familie jf. INL § 15b-c. Koordineringsansvaret kan f.eks. placeres i den forvaltning, som

varetager hovedindsatsen for en familie, ligesom der er skabt hjemmel til, at den

koordinerende funktion kan varetages af jobcentret jf. LASAB § 14. Udveksling af oplysninger

om de pågældende udlændinges rent private forhold mellem forvaltninger, myndigheder og

private i forbindelse med udarbejdelse af og opfølgning på integrationsplanen skal ske på

grundlag af de gældende regler i PDL §§ 7-8. b)

Some of my students and their families have pictures of diplomas or other valuable

documents on their phones. Almost all have photos of family on their phones. Today, I sat

next to an Afghan refugee on the train who was going to Copenhagen for his interview. He

passed his first interview, and failed his second, but went to a lawyer-Burhan, and had his

second interview changed, but then failed the next time. And now he was going for another

interview. His Danish was quite good after a year and four months. He said he was 37, and

had a sister who lived in Copenhagen. His wife and children were in Jallalabad. He said she

had had an aneurism, and could not use her arm. He showed me photos of a beautiful,

modern, young woman in her mid-twenties. He said he had worked with the American

military as an interpreter, and as a medic. He showed what perhaps was a certificate from

the American military, and photos of himself in combat clothes with other men. I have no

experience with how to judge what can be paid for in Afghanistan, and what might be real,

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and what not. I am glad it is not my decision. He seemed like a kind man, who cared for his

family. He also seemed like someone with a good deal of cultural capital. He said, “Denmark

is no. 1 in the world for refugees.” In spite of his claims to have worked for the American

military, he did not wish to live there, “just like you” he said.

I have a student who has been granted asylum. She has four children. Three girls and a son

who is 17. She told me she did not like him (her son). He was sleeping when I came to say

goodbye to them. They had been granted asylum, and were moving to another town, farther

west. It took my student a while to wake her son. When he did get up, he was detatched

and apathetic, wanted to smoke, she did not want him to. He disappeared with his

cigarettes, and made a big deal of himself when he returned. My student appealed to me,

said, “smoking is not good for him, he is still growing.” I agreed, said it was difficult at that

age, because one does not realize that addiction will last a long time, sometimes a lifetime. I

also said, he could be smoking worse things than cigarettes. No one laughed. It was a little


I started talking to the boy while she cleaned up. He was intelligent, knew a lot of history,

could tell me about different towns in Syria, and their significance. He seemed possessed of

the arrogance of youth. Showed me his exam papers on his phone. I could not read them.

Then he said he wanted to be a merchant marine captain like his father. I asked him how he

was going to do that. He said he did not know. He would have to take years of language

training to be able to take courses in Danish. His English was quite good. And he said he

could read and write French. Somehow it made sense that this young man who had studied

hard in Syria, was not able to be positive in his family, when he had to start from scratch

with language, and when he had lost his status and the possibility of following a normal

educational trajectory. He had, in a way, lost several years of education. His apathy seemed

to indicate a desperation about what to do. There was otherwise a warm and generous tone

in the household, with the four children coming home to the small apartment in a good

mood, and sharing their experiences about their day. Had the young man been shown how

to turn his Syrian education into something he could use here, he would have gained

something valuable.

Venligboerne could have made a difference.

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Sundt Samspil i Hjørring VestbySundt Samspil i Hjørring Vestby er et satspuljeprojekt målrettet borgere i den vestlige del af

Hjørring By.

Et projekt i satspuljen Forebyggelse i Nærmiljøet, administreret af Sundhedsstyrelsen i

perioden november 2010 til november 2014 og praktiseret af rigtig mange mennesker, som

har været med til at styrke trivsel og sundhed i lokalområdet Hjørring Vestby.

Byrådets Sundheds-, Ældre- og Handicapudvalg var projektets politiske målgruppe. En faglig

styregruppe bestod af repræsentanter fra kommunale forvaltninger: børn og undervisning,

arbejdsmarked, ældre og sundhed. Projektgruppen var ansatte i Hjørring Sundhedscenter.

Væsentlige samarbejdsparter var engagerede mennesker, beboerdemokratiet i de almene

boliger, University College Hjørring, LIUF: den lokale idrætsklub samt mange kommunale

afdelinger og institutioner, som Børne og Ungehuset Lundergård, Lundergårdskolen, Hjørring

Musiske Skole, Den Kommunale Tandpleje, Jobcentret og Ældrecenter Vesterlund.

Mange tiltag og tilbud er udviklet på tværs af sektorer og fag og i samarbejde mellem mange

forskellige mennesker. Og de gode samarbejdsrelationer og resultater vil forhåbentlig vare

ved langt ind i fremtiden.

Her på siden kan du finde forskelligt materiale, som fortæller om indsatser samt formidler

erfaringer og resultater. Ønsker du yderligere oplysninger, er du velkommen til at kontakte

Hjørring Sundhedscenter.

Mette Jakobsen

Projektleder i Sundt Samspil i Hjørring Vestby

Hjørring Sundhedscenter november 2014

So the political foundation of Venligboerne was actually started before the Facebook group

itself began.

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On this sound framework, the Facebook group could take off.

All of this was facilitated by Mads Nygaard, who with colorful projects, and a dynamic

personality made the group look inviting to both refugees and volunteers who came by to

see café Sunshine.


This is the full project description, with budget. The groundwork for Venligboerne is, in

essence, financed by Sundhedstyrelsen- the health ministry. Which is different from many of

the other initiatives. This is in itself not a reason for success, but it does point to the fact that

a health, or coping strategy is a functional starting point for helping refugees to “live again”.

Mette Jakobsen-projekt leder

Lilli Damsgaard, formand Sundt Samspils politiske styregruppe


A citizen of Hjørring Kommune asks Lilli Damsgaard of “Sundt Samspil” in August 2011,

“where is the user participation?” This question is asked in 2015 again by Louise – and Mads

Nygaard- “Where is the user participation” Do the refugees themselves express goals for

growth? Do they tell volunteers or center workers what they need to learn, or what they

wish for?

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Appendix 8 - Notes Merete AsylcentretMøde Venligboerne Merete Asyl centeret Marit Facebook 17 Marts kl 19

Note from Venligboernes version of the meeting (without my personal comments)



It started as a health project in an area of town where the citizens were poorer and more

marginalized than in other parts of Hjørring. Vestby.

There was a higher incidence of depression and the health index in this part of town is

generally lower. The idea behind the original project was to go for walks together and talk

about what could be done to make things better with these citizens. They practiced meeting

others with respect- instead of saying Your dog shit on my sidewalk! Ask what the dog’s

name is, what kind of a dog it is, and then get into eventual problem areas. This project

changed small group of Hjørring residents.

In the fall of 2014, suddenly there were more and more foreigners in Hjørring. Merete asked

herself, “can I do something to make these people more welcome?” There were also Danes

who seemed distrustful, and it seemed natural to help.

Mads Nygaard was at the Asylum center at the time, and he said, “the women seem to need

a women’s café” This was the start of the café at Hyttebyen.

Merete says she is sometimes asked what her professional method is, and she replies that it

is simply, ‘friendliness”.

There is the story of Lone, one of Merete’s aquaintances, and a volunteer at Hyttebyen. One

day, when she was in the café, someone came in and was looking at the stereo, which did

not work.

She told Merete afterwards, I accidentally gave it away. I said it didn’t work, and the guy said

he could fix it, so she told him he could have it.

One operates with one’s heart.

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Oxytocin, a hormone, is secreted in the blood and brain when one displays kindness, and

therefore one’s whole attitude may change if one is kind.

It lowers anxiety and stress.

“Venligboerne” “you prepare us to live again.”

Facebook page for all of the work- weekly plans have been put out by Mads and Patricia

(I did not see all of the undergroups until I was at Janice’s today… and I don’t know if I saw

them all-it seems like a messy way to inform folks and distribute plans and activities ed.)

What is the structure, and how much is necessary? (this from Jens Guldsmed Thompsen who

contributed comments)

How does one start?- question from group (Perhaps there might be some instruction? On

the page)

Marit Jammerbugt Asylafdeling - de er ansat af Udlænding styrelsen, som udliciterer til

“Udeoperatører” siden 2012 Der er 3,800 asylansøgere i centre drevet af Jammerbugt


Slide fra Udlændingstyrelsen om Asyl registrering

Phase 1 og 2 big interview

“Ny i Danmark” er der info nummer.

Grundydelse. Can get tillægsydelse if they attend classes and help with maintenance of the


Health NUS nødvendig uopsættelig smertelindring. Ingen CPR, so they cannot use the regular

system, they need to go via representatives in their camp.

Open clinic 3 x weekly… eyes, teeth, psychologist, etc.

Aktiverings tilbud…

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One thing that the refugees might like as an activity is to bicycle with the residents of the

nursing home. Another might be to offer massage services or hairstyling, or cosmtology for

other residents.

Privacy is necessary… ask with photos. One refugee from Gaza experienced that his familiy

member was executed after appearing in TV Nord

How can new members of Venliboerne be screened? There may be some prejudice because

those with Arab last names may not be deemed safe, even if they live in another refugee


Marit mentioned coping strategies and the possibility of splitting because refugees come

from a culture of distrust where pushiness is rewarded.

The centers have a budget for activities and schedule 4 yearly trips or parties.

My notes… some Reflections

Jens G.T. framer problemstilling Venligboerne i forhold til “platformen Facebook- og

kommunikationen” det var svært ikke at have aktiviteterne særskilt, ligeledes billeder og

små historier.

Og så den løbenede kommentar som fylder meget.

Kirsten fra biblioteket sagde, “De folk, det kunne ligeså godt være mig. Det er derfor jeg vil

gøre noget. Jeg ville gerne at der var nogen der rakte en hånd ud til mig.”

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Marit fra Asylcenteret fortæller om coping og mestringsstrategier taget med fra hjemlande

hvor administration ikke virker. HUn fortæller at de tit oplever splitting, og at asylansøgere

bruger mange midler for at prøve at få deres vilje overfor personalet på centrene. Hun

virker hård og firkantet i hendes opfattelse. Har sikkert også oplevet meget.

Frivillig N. oplever centeret i Vrå som firkantet “de har deres favoritter” fortæller han.

Magt+ udøver vi så ikke den samme magt? Hvordan lærer man folk at Danmark bygger på

andre værdier+ maske lige netop igennem de frivillige.

Compare and contrast Marit and Louise

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Appendix 9 - Interview with KInterview with K. about Venligboerne

K. is a 40-year old Syrian man who is neatly dressed. He explains that he studied literature in

Syria, but worked in a shop under the present leader. He was jailed for his writing. He is

curious about Denmark and the Danes. He still writes in Arabic, and borrows books from the

library in Arabic, which he has the local librarian order for him.

He posted for the first time in Venligboerne about the middle of March , he says. The

response, he says, was not overwhelming.

He does not answer my question about how it feels to have people respond to his post. He

seems not to understand my question, or to avoid it. He is not someone who has ever

mentioned feelings, although he has a great love of literature. My hypothesis is that as a

person who has a professional relationship with K. this is not an area that is open to

discussion. Language is a hindrance, as well, in that we use a cel phone with google translate

to facilitate communication. This does not function very well, and the main part of the

interview is conducted without translation, in broken English, Danish, and with gestures and

drawing. K. is quite patient.

He did not use Facebook in Syria because it was “not free”. It was under surveillance. And it

was “dangerous”

K. says that one person wrote a comment on his first post. He is not aware of the “like”

function, and that it means approval.

The response on his first post was enough that he wanted to try posting something again.

He says, “ I like for people to understand that I’ve only been here for 4 months when I post.”

“Someone wrote a mean response, like ‘I don’t understand what you’re writing’ This made

me sad.”

“But another time, I deleted a picture, and someone wrote, ‘where is K’s beautiful picture?’

and that made me happy.”

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“I like for people to see that the world is a nice place- these pictures show that- flowers, all

pictures of nature- this is beautiful.

All people like nature- anyone who doesn’t like it, has a big problem.”

K. has met two Danes through his posts on Venligboerne. They commented on his photos,

and then asked to write through messenger.

He is very proud because one person, M. writes daily, in Danish. He has learned a good deal

of Danish by writing with this person. Unfortunately, he cannot yet speak on the phone,

because there are too many words he does not understand, and too many words he cannot

pronounce. But he can write.

L. writes to him 2-3 times a week.

Both people have visited K. and have spent time talking with him. He seems pleased that

they have become friends.

I tried to ask for a positive acknowledgement of this fact. Venligboerne has helped to create

a network. The translation failed again.

I am sure that using Venligboerne would stop if it was a bad experience.

He describes his use of Facebook as a hobby. The response he receives seems important.

He takes some of the photos he posts himself. In this way, he discovers his town and

surroundings, looking for motives for his camera. He is physically active by walking in the

area. He also takes closing photos from Arabic News on Facebook, if he finds them suitable.

In this way, he maintains a link between two cultures.

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When I started this project, I took a job as a Danish teacher for a group of refugees with little

or no prior education in their homelands. Many of these people were emotionally

devastated after long, uncertain journeys without their families. Most were in crisis in the

most literal sense. Johan Cullberg, Swedish psychiatrist, describes the state if crisis thus: the

ancient greeks saw it as a decisive turn, a sudden change, or a fateful occurrence… it is more

and more often seen as psychological response patterns in reaction to acute internal and

external problems. (Cullberg, Krise og Udvikling, s. 6)

I like my students as people, and some have had a hard time, all will tell a difficult story to

get a positive interview. I might do the same. Many of them represent the investment of a

whole family, desperate for new opportunities. In that sense, this seems more like a

question based in world economics, and the unfairness created by inequality.

Refugees have pictures of diplomas, of family on their mobile phones. Today, I sat next to an

Afghan refugee who was going to Copenhagen for his interview. He passed his first

interview, and failed his second, but went to a lawyer-Burhan, and had his second interview

changed, but then failed the next time. And now he was going for another interview. His

Danish was quite good after a year and four months. He said he was 37, and had a sister who

lived in Copenhagen. His wife and children were in Jallalabad. He said she had had an

aneurism, and could not use her arm. He showed me photos of a beautiful, modern, young

woman in her mid-twenties. He said he had worked with the American military as an

interpreter, and as a medic. He showed what perhaps was a certificate from the American

military, and photos of himself in combat clothes with other men. I have no experience with

how to judge what can be paid for in Afghanistan, and what might be real, and what not. I

am glad it is not my decision. He seemed like a kind man, who cared for his family. He also

seemed like someone with a good deal of cultural capital. He said, “Denmark is no. 1 in the

world for refugees.” In spite of his claims to have worked for the American military, he did

not wish to live there, “just like you” he said.

I have a student who has been granted asylum. She has four children. Three girls who are 7,

9 and 13 and a son who is 17. She said she did not like him (her son). He was sleeping when I

came to say goodbye to them. They had been granted asylum, and were moving to another

town, farther west. It took my student a while to wake her son. When he did get up, he was

detatched and apathetic, wanted to smoke, she did not want him to. He disappeared with

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his cigarettes, and made a big deal of himself when he returned. My student appealed to

me, said, “smoking is not good for him, he is still growing.” I agreed, said it was difficult at

that age, because one does not realize and addiction will last a long time. I also said, he

could be smoking worse things than cigarettes. No one laughed. It was a little embarrassing.

I started talking to the boy while she cleaned up. He was intelligent, knew a lot of history,

could tell me about different towns in Syria, and their significance. He seemed possessed of

the arrogance of youth. Showed me his exam papers. I could not read them. Then he said he

wanted to be a pilot like his father. I asked him how he was going to do that. He said he did

not know. He would have to take years of language training to be able to take courses in

Danish. His English was quite good. And he said he could read and write French. Somehow it

made sense that this young man who had studied hard in Syria, was not able to be positive

in his family, when he had start from scratch with language, and when he had lost his status

and the possibility of following a normal educational trajectory. He had, in a way, lost several

years of education. His apathy seemed to indicate a desperation about what to do. There

was otherwise a warm and generous tone in the household, with the four children coming

home to the small apartment in a good mood, and sharing their experiences about their day.

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Appendix 10 - J. Homework AssistanceApril 2nd, 4:07pm

Hej. Det er bare fordi at jeg skal skrive en samtale mellem dem efter 5 år. Og jeg ved ikke helt hvordan jeg skal

skrive indeledning? smile emoticon


Write a minimalistic text (approximately 400 words) based on a conversation between the American and the girl in

Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" 5 years later.

I'll look at it with an American friend in about 1/2 hrs time.

Okay, thanks. smile emoticon

Can you speak danish? smile emoticon


Okay, det er bare fordi jeg har skrevet noget men jeg skal jo skrive en indeledning først altså har skrevet det her

smile emoticon

Now we're sitting here like five years ago with the same problem. The same problem? We are certainly not going

to do the same mistake as five years ago I do not think we should keep it, we are still not ready to take such a


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Ja, god start

Tak. Men jeg håber i kan hjælpe mig videre. smile emoticon

Men kører bil lige nu

Jaja, men safde du ikke om 1/2 time? smile emoticon


Superr. smile emoticon

Kan dy hjælpe mig nu? smile emoticon

Hej Jenan, jeg har ikke fået brillerne med. Det lykkedes mig ikke at læse historien. Jeg er nød at vente til jeg

kommer hjem i aften

Okay. smile emoticon

Men forstår du godt hvad det er jeg skal har hjælp til? smile emoticon

Du skal skrive en samtale der foregår 5 år efter historien slutter?

Mellem de to perosner der er i novrellen. smile emoticon

Jeps- sender stik ord i aften

Super. smile emoticon

April 2nd, 9:06pm

So, you've decided that the woman is pregnant again.

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Vil du starte med at skrive om stedet, ligesom Hemingway ligger ud med i den oprindelige?

Måske noget symbolsk til at beskrive stedet-området?

Drikker de stadig, og rejser rundt? Hvorfor har de ikke knyttet bånd... er der en politisk grund (den spanske

borgerkrig) Der er nogle gange den holdning blandt folk i krig at deres anliggender ikke gør en stor forskel

Derfor betød det måske heller ikke så meget for pigen at hun ikke gennemførte graviditeten

Ja FET drikker stadigvæk og rejser rundt

A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of

maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness.

White elephant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness. The term derives from the story that the kings of Siam, now Thailand, were accustomed to make a present of one of these animals to courtiers wh…

Det beskriver barnet?

Hmmm, hvad mere? Du antager at de er i samme situation igen- har de lært noget? Er hun ikke ved at være

bitter? Hun viser næsten ikke en krusning af følelse... ingen foragt, vrede, længsel. Hemmingway er kendt for at

hans kvinder ikke træder ret meget frem. Kunne du måske få lidt mere ud af hende i denne samtale som du

skriver nu?

Måske skulle hun smække lidt med døren

Du har ikke så mange ord (i opgaven) at gøre med. Det skal være minimalistisk. Men en start som, "She sat

there, not a girl. That was five years ago. Then she was a girl, now she was at another table with another drink.

The same man, the same situation, another drink."

Så kan de sammen beskrive stedet, vejret, årstiden.


Hvis du har brug for mere, må du gerne skrive igen. Jeg ved ikke om det har været en hjælp, men jeg håber jeg

har kunne give lidt ideer, uden at styre for meget. VH Eva

April 3rd, 8:53am

Hej. smile emoticon

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Jeg har lavede det om, jeg vil lave det sådan at de mødes efter 5 år tilfældigt i en caffen og så snakke de om

hvordan deres liv er nu og at hun sådan er glad for at hun ikke fik lavede aborten og at hun har forladt ham her er

det? smile emoticon

She looked at him while he was ordering the coffee, trying to remember how it was back then. It was hard to

imagine how much impact he had on her life back then in a way she felt sorry for him. He wanted to live life - but

never commit himself - and now he was sort of the same boyish person - not wanting to take responsibility. She

observed him while he walked back to their table - and in that moment she felt really lucky - lucky that she had not

accepted that he had the final word regarding her life.

“How are you?” he asked, while pulling out a chair at their table.

“Fine! Really fine!” she answered - knowing, that the doubt vanished - and she really felt fine.

April 3rd, 12:28pm

Oh, that is beautifully written- nice and clean like Hemingway! Perhaps you'll be the new feamle Hemingway? Hope your professor likes it. Good job!!! Just check if you have enough dialogue- I think it is fantastic!

Men hvad kan jeg mere skrive? smile emoticon

Hmmm. Hvad med "I was wondering if you'd like to meet her?" og så beskriv den lille person som han har

efterladt. Hans forundring

Kan du ikke give mig et eks. altså hvad du præcis mener

Hendes glæde ved at have truffet valget om at vælge ham fra ok. prøver

Okay. smile emoticon jeg venter smile emoticon

"I was thinking of bringing her, but she actually thinks someone else i her father. So she's home. But I have a


Altså skrive jeg skrive det efter det jeg har skrevet? smile emoticon

Så hun stikker faktisk lidt til ham, men prøver at se hvor langt han vil være med

Ja måske, hvis du syntes det passer?

Ligesom han gjorde ved hende

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Okay. smile emoticon

Har du tid til at hjælpe mig igen hvis jeg få brug for det? smile emoticon

smile emoticon

Jeps. Fri i dag. Er hjemme med familien

Okay, jeg skrive hvis jeg få brug for hjælp: )

Og det lyder hyggeligt. smile emoticon

Og ellers skriv bare, jeg kan tage lidt tid en anden gang hvis det skal være Jeg hjælper tit min spejder gruppe

med engelsk opgaver

Ja, det er dejligt at der er solskin!

Hej hej!


smile emoticon

smile emoticon går til og fra computeren, men kigger ofte.

Okay. smile emoticon

Altså jeg har det her ind til videre smile emoticon

She looked at him while he was ordering the coffee, trying to remember how it was back then. It was hard to

imagine how much impact he had on her life back then in a way she felt sorry for him. He wanted to live life - but

never commit himself - and now he was sort of the same boyish person - not wanting to take responsibility. She

observed him while he walked back to their table - and in that moment she felt really lucky - lucky that she had not

accepted that he had the final word regarding her life.

“How are you?” he asked, while pulling out a chair at their table.

“Fine! Really fine!” she answered - knowing, that the doubt vanished - and she really felt fine.

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“I was thinking of bringing her, but she actually thinks someone else is her father. So she’s home. But I have a


Jeg kan vireklig ikke komme videre

jeg ved ikke helt hvad der sker med mig

plejer ikke at være sådan

Very good! Nu må jeg spørge, er det dialogen der skal fylde 400 ord, eller helheden?

Ja det er det

Det lyder super godt! Kender du nogle søde børn? Prøv at beskrive dem... fra hendes vinkel

Altså skal han ikke forstår spørger hvordan hun siger ud?

Joo, god ide! Er han klar til det? Jo, det er han nok, fordi han er vandt til at styre

Måske også for at tjekke at det nu er hans barn

how the child looks?

Lyder det ikke forkert?

Jeg tror man ville skrive, "So, tell me, does she have blonde hair? And are her eyes green like yours?" She said,

"She has your eyes- blue. Blue like pigeons eggs."

Okay? smile emoticon

Just my suggestion... Don't want to write too much

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Det er helt okay. smile emoticon

hvad mener du med eyesblue

hun har dine øjne... de er blå..., men man kapper bare en del af "de er" af

Okay. skal jeg så ikke skrive noget om altså at han siger. Okay. do you have other children?

God ide. hvad svarer hun så?

Yes. I have two other children. And a wonderful man

Super- that is fine. So, she has found her identitiy as a mother and wife

Yes. smile emoticon men er det grammatisk rigtigt? smile emoticon

I think I'd write husband, to indicate that it is a lasting relationship- you could emphasize by making a comment

about a ring.

Altså hvordan kan du ikke skrive det du menr?

"I have two children besides her. And I have a husband." He looked briefly at her finger "Hmm, I don't see a ring,

he said"

"I don't wear it in places like these" she replied.

Men hvorfor gør hun endelig ikke det?

altså hvad er der glat med stedet?

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Eller, " I do not like to wear a ring because I work with my hands all day." De to replikker giver helt forskellige

indtryk af hvem hun er

Hvad mener du

altså hvorfor mener du hun ikke gider og har den på

i først replik

Det er måske en måde at sige til ham at hun er finere end ham nu.

Okay. smile emoticon

Men skal jeg blive ved med at skrive she said og he said?

Ringen er et meget stærkt symbol+ det er bedst du selv, hvis du vil bruge den, finde ud af hvordan den skal

bruges. Den behøver ikke at indgå i samtalen

altså skal jeg skrive "Do you have other children" he said

det er fint. Han tør gå videre med hendes historie

Okay. smile emoticon

smile emoticon

Men altså til ringe ikke, jeg vil godt har den med da det er noget der viser hendes kærlighed osv. smile emoticon

Ja, og at hun er forbundet med hendes mand

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Præcis. smile emoticon

Brug den som du syntes er bedst

Skal jeg nok. smile emoticon

smile emoticon

Orv jeg tænkte lige man kunne slutte af med ringen, ved at skrive at hans drink efterlod en ring- det var den

forbundethed han havde ønsket. Så udvider man metaforen, og viser at man kan bruge den på flere måder

Altså jeg har det her ind til videre Hills Like White Elephants She looked at him while he was ordering the coffee,

trying to remember how it was back then. It was hard to imagine how much impact he had on her life back then in

a way she felt sorry for him. He wanted to live life - but never commit himself - and now he was sort of the same

boyish person - not wanting to take responsibility. She observed him while he walked back to their table - and in

that moment she felt really lucky - lucky that she had not accepted that he had the final word regarding her life.

“How are you?” he asked, while pulling out a chair at their table. “Fine! Really fine!” she answered - knowing, that

the doubt vanished - and she really felt fine. “I was thinking of bringing her, but she actually thinks someone else

is her father. So she’s home. But I have a picture. “So tell me, does she have blonde hair? And are her eyes

green like yours?” She said, “She has your eyes blue. Blue like pigeons eggs”. “Do you have other children?”

“Yes I have two children besides her. And I have a husband.” He looked briefly at her finger “Hmm, I don’t see a

ring”, he said” “I do not like to wear a ring because I work with my hands all day”.

She looked at the table where the waiter had removed his empty glass. "Aah, looks like you're leaving a ring- too

bad they did not have a coaster"

Det lyder fint det du har skrevet

Forstår ikk det ehr kan du forklar mig det på dansk

ooks like you're leaving a ring- too bad they did not have a coaster"

ahh," det ser ud som om du efterlader en ring, det er synd de ikke havde en øl brik" såden en bordskåner-ting

Ah nu forstår det. smile emoticon

Det skal ikke være alt for gennemsigtigt, men alligevel hentyde til at ringen som han efterlader, er en som hun kan


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Rigtig nok, men nå jeg skrive det ikke så er det jo afslutning og jeg mangler staidig nok jeg har kun skrevet 233


ok, skriv lidt mere. Du ved hvor du starter, og hvor du skal slutte... bare stille og roligt- han vælger- vælger ikke at

se barnet? Så du har valgt at det er ham der prøver at styre samtalen, men hun er tilfreds med sit liv, så hun har

ikke behov for at fortælle noget+

Så måske skal han stille nogle flere spørgsmål.

Men hvad kan han mere spørger om skal han spørger hende om hendes mand og hvad han arbejder som?

Hvordan gik det da jeg tog afsted? Eller "vi kom til Barcelona sammen, hvad gjorde du så?'

Skal han spørger om det?

Put nogle andre spørgmål ind før hun fortæller om barnet

Hvad mener du?

Ja, sådan for at fylde ud.

Kan du ikke vise mig et eks så jeg forsråe hvad du mener?

undskyld inden hun fortæller om manden. Han sagde, "Jeg kiggede på dig da jeg kørte væk med toget i

Barcelona. Jeg tænkte at du så så lille og fin ud. Du skulle bar ind for at besøge din familie et par dage. Men du

kom aldrig. Jeg ventede ved grænsen. Jeg ventede så længe jeg kunne. Så måtte jeg køre videre. Der var mange

der skulle over grænsen.

Så han fortæller at han forlod hende fordi han skulle over grænsen, og hun havde sagt at hun ville med, men kom


altså efter det her

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She looked at him while he was ordering the coffee, trying to remember how it was back then. It was hard to

imagine how much impact he had on her life back then in a way she felt sorry for him. He wanted to live life - but

never commit himself - and now he was sort of the same boyish person - not wanting to take responsibility. She

observed him while he walked back to their table - and in that moment she felt really lucky - lucky that she had not

accepted that he had the final word regarding her life. “How are you?” he asked, while pulling out a chair at their

table. “Fine! Really fine!” she answered - knowing, that the doubt vanished - and she really felt fine. “I was

thinking of bringing her, but she actually thinks someone else is her father. So she’s home. But I have a picture.


the waitress comes by, they order beers.

Kan du ikke vise mig hvad du mener

jeg er helt forvirrede

Det ser fint ud. ring kommentaren skal sættes ind.,

og hendes beskrivelse af barnet

men hvad med det du sagde med grænsen osv?

og hans forklaring af hvorfor han har efterladt hende- du kan skrive en anden forklaring, men det med at han

ventede på grænsen er meget i Hemmingway's ånd

Men hvordan ville du skrive det?

så hele opgaven ser sådan ud-



prøver at lave en oversigt

over havd

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Opgaven indledning, snak om barn, hvorfor han forlod hende, mand og ring, hans ring på bordet, og farvel

(måske får han billede og adresse med)

men jeg ved ikke hvordan eg skal skrive det med hvorfor han forlod hende

så for hvert "tema' f.eks "snak om barn" så find ud af hvor mange ord der skal fyldes på (ca. 50, eller 100)

okay men hvordan ville du har forklarede det med hvorfor han eferlod hende på engelsk

Prøv at bruge og oversætte det der står lidt tidligere i samtalen. "I watched you disappear on the platform..."

skal jeg skrive videre på det

Yup. He took the train. And she was supposed to stay with family for a few days in Barcelona. He went to the


She was supposed to meet him, but she did not come. He had to cross. And she was left behind.

men kan du ikke vise mig hvor hen du ville skrive det her altså i det jeg har skrevet

Lige efter hun viser ham billedet

Han prøver at forklare

men så er der noget jeg ikke forstår hvis hun viser ham billedet hvorfor skal hun så fortælle ham hvordan barnet

siger ud

jaa, det kan du have ret i.

Skal jeg så have alt det her

efter det

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"I watched you disappear on the platform..."Yup. He took the train. And she was supposed to stay with family for a

few days in Barcelona. He went to the border.She was supposed to meet him, but she did not come. He had to

cross. And she was left behind.

Jeg tror at det skal skrives pænt sammen, så det lyder som noget han fortæller hende.

Jeg er nød til at gå en tur med min familie. Prøv at skriv ca. 50 ord til hvert tema... og udvid det hvis du syntes.

Hvis du har lyst, kan jeg kigge når jeg kommer tilbage.

smile emoticon

men det er også fordi jeg ikke forstår hvad du mener altså det jeg forstår er det he

She looked at him while he was ordering the coffee, trying to remember how it was back then. It was hard to

imagine how much impact he had on her life back then in a way she felt sorry for him. He wanted to live life - but

never commit himself - and now he was sort of the same boyish person - not wanting to take responsibility. She

observed him while he walked back to their table - and in that moment she felt really lucky - lucky that she had not

accepted that he had the final word regarding her life. “How are you?” he asked, while pulling out a chair at their

table. “Fine! Really fine!” she answered - knowing, that the doubt vanished - and she really felt fine. “I was

thinking of bringing her, but she actually thinks someone else is her father. So she’s home. But I have a picture.

“So tell me, does she have blonde hair? And are her eyes green like yours?” She said, “She has your eyes blue.

Blue like pigeons eggs”. “Do you have other children?” “Yes I have two children besides her. And I have a

husband.” He looked briefly at her finger “Hmm, I don’t see a ring”, he said” “I do not like to wear a ring because I

work with my hands all day”.

April 3rd, 3:41pm

Det ser jo rigitigt godt ud! Hvad mangler der så?

Hvor mange ord har du, og er der mere de skal sige til hinanden?

Jeg tror at du har en fin opgave, hvis der er mere, så må du sige til.

Godt arbejde!

Men sagde du ikke at jeg skulle skrive om hvorfor han forlode hende?

Jenan, jeg ville selv syntes at det var godt at høre hvorfor de ikke har haft kontakt i de fem mellemliggende år,

men det er op til dig. Det lyder som om at hun er ved at blive "din" stemme, og det er sådan det skal være for at

skrive godt. Hun skal sige noget af det du tænker. Fedt at hun kan se at han er barnlig. I forhold til opgaven er de

foreslag bare ideer til dialog forløb. Det er op til dig, om du vil have de holde punkter, eller bruge nogle andre.

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Okay. smile emoticon

Var det op til mig, ville jeg bruge de dialog punkter- omkring barnet, en beskrivelse af barnet, hans historie om at

efterlade hende, hendes ring, og måske en farvel. og så "bygge" to- tre måske fire ekstra replikker om hvert af de

punkter, både for at "sømme" det sammen, og for at få det til at "glide" som samtale. Det med at skrive, er lidt

som et håndværk.

Men jeg gar en beskrivelse af banret og hendes ring

Men kan du ikke hjælpe mig med det med hvorfor han efterlod hende

Det ville jeg, men se hvad der føles naturligt for dig...Jo. det vil jeg

Tak, venter på dig. smile emoticon

Altså kan du ikke skrive det ind i det jeg har skrevet, og så lover jeg at hvis jeg synes det ikke er min tanker så

skal jeg nok ændre det? smile emoticon

After,He asks- how are you? (jeg kan ikke lige kopiere)

Okay. smile emoticon

så ville jeg nok skrive, "I waited for you at the border."

She replied. "I came. It was hot. You weren't there"

ja smile emoticon

"After I left you in Barcelona. You went to see your family. I thought you went to the hospital. And I went to the

border. I waited for days but you did not come.

okay. smile emoticon

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She said, "I was delayed. My aunt was ill. I could not leave." She said tiredly, "They told me you had crossed

when I came."

Okay. smile emoticon

And you knew I had no papers."


"I had to return to Barcelona"

Okay. smile emoticon

And he says, "??? fortæl mig hvad han så siger

Hvad mener du?

Er han sur, ked af det? Han har svigtet massivt... hvad tror du han siger til hende?

Han var nok lidt sur?

så prøv en replik hvor han lyder lidt sur

Er helt lost. frown emoticon

Han skal nu sige noget om hvorfor hun kom til grænsen og han ikke var der

Hun kom ikke fordi hendes tante bliv syg, og han tog over grænsen velvidende at hun ikke kunne følge med.

But why wasint you here?

ok! He looked at her and said, "But you were not there on time!"

Og hvad siger hun til ham?

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At hun ikke så ham?

hvad ville du skrive

Måske, men nu har vi sagt at hun kom senere fordi hendes tante blev syg.

Okay smile emoticon

Det jeg ville skrive, var nok "Her eyes became small. She had promised herself she wouldn't be mean. She was

happy now. " They told me you had crossed before I came. They told me you had a pretty young lady in one

hand, and a bottle of beer in the other."

Eller sådan noget wink emoticon

hvor vil du skrive det henne

Lige efter de forklarer hinanden om hvordan det ikke lykkedes dem at mødes

I begyndelsen.

Okay. smile emoticon

Jeg skriver det så sender jeg det til dig og ser om det er det du mener smile emoticon

Super..ser frem til at se hvad du skriver smile emoticon

Ja. smile emoticon

Først har jeg lige et spørge

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er det sådan du ville skrive det?

Hills Like White Elephants.docx

Det ser rigtigt godt ud. Hvad tænker du?

Men er det sådan du ville skrive det?

Nu kender jeg slet ikke dig- så det er lidt underligt at skrive om ting der kan være meget personlige, men jeg

syntes du har gjort et super stykke arbejde

Tak. smile emoticon

Ja, jeg ville nok skrive det meget i den dur

Okay. smile emoticon

Men 1000 tak for hælpen. smile emoticon

Har du nok ord til at opfylde opgave-kravet? Det var så lidt

Ellers kan du "fylde" lidt på. Det er bare flot

Ja. Men nu vil jeg lidt bruge andre ord ogsådan. smile emoticon

Godt! Glad for at jeg kunne hjælpe på vej

smile emoticon

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Hvor kommer du fra? smile emoticon

smile emoticon

Født i San Francisco. Havde Dansk mor, og Polsk far. Hvad med dig?

Kommer fra Irak. smile emoticon

Langt væk, med en fantastisk historie. Og din familie, er de også her?

Ja, altså jeg er kun 16 år. smile emoticon

Ville have gættet meget ældre ud fra din anskuelse af manden i historien. smile emoticon

Haha, okay. smile emoticon

Og jeg er en gammel kone på 47 der læser på Ålborg Universitet. Ha ha! smile emoticon

Held og lykke med opgaven, og uddannelsen

Okay, du er da ikke gammel. smile emoticon

Og hvad læser du som? smile emoticon

Tusind tak! jeg læser en kandidat i Tekno-antropologi (dvs, mødet mellem teknologi og menneskets virke)

Okay, spændende. smile emoticon

Så sådanne ting som rejsekortet, facebook, andre kommunikationsmidler...

Det lyder da spændende, jeg troede du var dansk lærer. smile emoticon

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Ja, det er et nyt studium, så det er rigtigt spændende. Der ikke nogle "plejer" ift metoder og emner, Det er også


Det er mit studiejob smile emoticon

Når okay. smile emoticon

Og dig, hvad kan du lide at lave når du ikke læser Hemmingway?

Altså jeg går i skole hvor jeg har matematik, fysik og kemi. Kemi er min y-fag jeg elsker det rigtig meget. smile

emoticon Ellers går jo meget op i sport osv. smile emoticon

Fedt- jeg havde det ikke så godt med fysik. Første dag jeg kom ind i klassen spurgte jeg om jeg ikke kunne få

kvantemekanikken forklarede. Min lærer sagde, "Jeg tror vi skal starte med penduler" og så gik det nedad bakke

derfra. frown emoticon

Ej hvor trist. frown emoticon

Det er lidt sjovt set i bakspejlet.

Haha.. smile emoticon

Min stor bror studier i Ålborg universitet. smile emoticon

Super, hvilke stiudie går han på?

Ah det noget med medcin

hmmmm. Det lyder godt! Håber han er glad for det. Jeg er nød til at løbe. Vi skal have noget mad på bordet.

Hyggeligt at chatte

Okay. smile emoticon Jeg synes også det var hyggeligt. smile emoticon

smile emoticon held og lykke med opgaven!

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Mange tak, og held og lykke med at lave mad. smile emoticon

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Appendix 11 - Facebook postFacebook Wed. 18.02.2015 Facebook transcript (no longer available online) Louise


Svar til alle - eller måske mig selv ….Facebook transcript (no longer available online) Louise


Sikke dog en ståhej der har været herinde i dag. Ja - men det er nok svært at undgå, når så

mange forskellige mennesker med forskellige udgangspunkter og baggrunde mødes. Jeg har

tænkt meget og nøje over det hele. Jeg brænder - lige som alle jer andre - også for det her.

Jeg har min egen vinkel på det. Jeg ser i min dagligdag de sørgelige rester af de mennesker

som for 10-20-30 år siden blev tæsket igennem vores asylsystem. Jeg taler med dem hver

dag. Taler med deres børn. Jeg arbejder med radikaliserede indvandregrupperinger, som det

så fint hedder. Efterkommere af flygtninge. Og ved I hvad? Vi har ikke gjort det særlig godt!

Asylsystemet sucks. Vores "integration" sucks! Jeg har gennem mit arbejdsliv ofte fået at

vide som Mads også fik at vide, "du må ikke være venner med dine borgere/klienter". Det

ville jeg heldigvis skide højt og flot på. Hvis de ville være venner med mig, så ville jeg da også

være venner med dem.

Jeg er ret god til mit arbejde. Jeg vil nærmest påstå at jeg er en af de bedste på mit felt. Og

hvorfor? Fordi jeg har læst bøger? Fordi jeg har taget uddannelse? Nixen Bixen Karen Blixen!

Fordi dem jeg arbejder med VED at de for mig ikke er et nummer. De er ikke bare en i

rækken. De er Omar, Hussein, Mohammad, Abed og Ali. De er MINE drenge. Jeg kender

dem. Kender deres familie, deres venner, deres tanker og drømme. Jeg lytter på dem og

anser dem for at være klogere på dem selv end jeg er på dem.

Jeg gik ind i Venligboerne fordi jeg tror på at der er en anden måde at gøre tingene på. En

bedre måde, så vi ikke skaber de tomme hylstre af mennesker jeg ser sidde rundt omkring i

"ghettoerne" som jeg ser i dag. Mennesker som blev gjort til numre. Blev gjort til "sager der

skulle behandles" og ikke mennesker som skulle spørges.

Mit eneste og klareste budskab er - tag dem som det handler om med på råd. De ved bedst.

Ærlig talt

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From Venligboerene Facebook ons. D. 18 marts.

The point of this post was whether or not the asylum+seekers were included in decision

making. I added that it was not a question of whether or not people made legitimate

contributions, but rather about structure- where debate was placed and where activities

show up, and where stories are put. Facebook provides relatively few possibilities on a group

page to be able to view longer debates, and scroll back and forth in regularly provided


My notes:

In this case the dialogic form of Facebook has not provided this particular group with the

visual differentiation of content area that would support their regular use patterns.

However, facebook is a natural platform, because all of the refugees have it, and it provides

the possibility for democratic participation.

Mads Nygaard skriver på Facebook at kommunikation er den svære opgave I netværket. Der

er ikke fællesmøder med brugere og frivillige, og der er bekymring over at man er for

accepterende overfor et dårligt asyl+system. Som beskrevet ovenfor. Man vil ændre

systemet fra Mads og Louise’s side+ ikke acceptere at mennesker bliver betragtet som et


Merete vil udbrede venlighed og høflighed, så borgere selv mærker at de kan gøre en forskel

med deres holdning. At de selv er ansvarlige for at der bliver mere venlighed.

Hun siger at der er mange der spørger til hendes metode, og hun siger at det er meget

simpelt+ det er venlighed.

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Hun var fjern den aften jeg så hende+ muligvis fordi uoverensstemmelserne var under

opsejling. Hun holdt oplæg, og var stille den 1 1-2 time det andet oplæg varede.

Ironisk, tænker jeg, at de der vil redde individer, retter blikket på systemet, og Venligboerne,

som var kritiseret for at være for accepterende overfor systemet, egentligt fokuserer mest

på individet.

The platform was not flexible enough to bear the differentiation needed to continue work on

two fronts- one arguably more revolutionary- oriented towards changing the system, and

another focused on making the individual aware that he or she could change things.

Power relations and perceived power relations.

Marginalized – artists writers refugees- identification others

HOW does change really occur? Civil Rights US, INdia- miitants and pacifists, the system itself

needs to want to change