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Page 1: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,



R. M. Ziki and RB Lo Anderson

Institute of StatistiosMimeograph Series Noo 2.88AprU~ 1961

Page 2: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


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2.1 Decision Problems .. • • .. .. • • • • .. • .. • .. .. • • .. •2.2 The Problem of Fluctuations in a Firm's

Production Over Time .. • • • .. .. • • .. .. .. • .. .. • ..2.3 Mathematical Formulation of a Basic Model • .. .. .. • • ..



3.0 A SIMPLIFIED MODEL .. . • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • .. .. 9

A Procedure for Obtaining ¢ = Max Z .. • • .. • .. .. .. .. •Allocation to a S:i.ngle Time Period .. .Allocation to Two ~ime Periods .Two Useful Lemmas • .. • .. .. .. • .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •Allocation to Three Time Periods ......... • .. • • • •Allocati on Theorems .. • .. • • • .. • .. • .. • • • .. • • ..Su.mrnary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


The Simplex Computational Procedure • .. .. • .. • • .. .. •The ll1al Problem of Linear Programming ..

The Problem of Line ar Programming .. .. .. • • • • ..Brief Mathematical Background .. .. • • .. .. • .. • •Properties of a Solution to the Linear Programming

Problem • • • • • • .. • • .. • • • • • • ......



.. . . .. . . • • • • .. .. .. . .. .. • • · . .... . ... .. ..

.. . .





A Linear Programming Formulation of the ProductionStabilization Problem. .. .. • .. .. • ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

A Line ar Programming Formulati on of the SimplifiedModel • • • ., • • • • • • • • •• • ... ••• • • • •

A Solution for the Simplified Problem by the SimplexMethod. • .. .. .. .. .. • .. • • • • • .. .. • • .. • • • ....

A Useful Initial Basis to Start the IterativeProcedure for Solving the General ProductionStabilization Problem .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. • 0 0 0 ..

A Criterion for Selecting the Vector to be Introducedinto the Basis .. .. .. • • .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. Procedure for Finding the Optimal Solutions (One orMore) to the General Production StabilizationProblem for Each Value of c in the Interval c ~O ...







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TABlE OF CONTENTS (continued) v



o e 0' e • • • • • •

601 Sunnnary 0 0- 0 • • • e 0 6 0 e 0 e e & • • 0 • • •

6~2 Limitations and Extensions of the Studied Model •

LIST OF REFERENCES 0 & 0 • & • • • 0 0 0

• •• •



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.. 5.1•



5.. 4.





Optimal allocation plans for the simplified model, (3.01). 28

Simplex tableau for B(l) e .. .. • .. 48

Simplex tableau for B(.f,) .. ".. .. .. • • • • • .. • • .. • .. • •• 52.

Simplex tableau for B(T). • .. • • • • • .. .. • • .. • • .. • ... ~7

Simplex tableau for B(T+l) e .. " " ".. 61

Matrix formulation of linear constraints for the generalstabilization problem <) <) .. .. • ••• 62

Page 5: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


2 0 1 Decision Problems

A decision problem arises when it is necessary to choose from arnong

various alternate courses of action9 one of which is best according to a

certain criteriono Although the art of making optimal decisions is as

old as mankind9 the mathematical theory of decision-making is a new

development 0 Careful mathematical formulation of many economic~ mili-

tary and other problems helped in the development of mathematical tools

needed for their solutiono On the other hand, development of statistical

decision theorY9 linear and non=linear prograrnming~ game theory and

queuing theory resulted in new practical disciplines, such as operations

researchjl management science9 and systems analysis o All of these are

basically concerned with the sarne task~ to analyze various feasible courses

of action with a view to determining which course offers the fullest

desired satisfactiono A decision problem typically has four parts

[Karlin9 1959] ~

98(1) A model expressing a set of assumed empirical relationsarnong the set of variables o

(2) A specified subset of decision variables~ whose valuesare to be .chosen by the firm or the decision-makingentity 0

(3) An objective function of the variables, formulated insuch a way that the higher its value~ the better the6ituation is from the viewpoint of the firmo

(4) Procedures for analyzing the effect on the objectivefunction of alternative values of the decisionvariables o


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2 0 2 The Problem of Fluctuations ina Firm t s Production Over Time

It has long been realized that fluctuations in a firm's produc-

tion over time may have some disadvantages.. SUch fluctuations cannot

always be avoided; this is the case for many agricultural products,

since seasonal variations in weather conditions may make it impossible

to produce some crops except in a particular season. If weather con-

ditions permit.j) the farmer may avoid having idle land and equipment

by rotating suitable crops in successive seasons within a year"

The problem of fluctuations in production is not, however,

limited to agricultureo A manufacturing firm, for example, may be

faced with a fluctuating monthly demand for its product. If' the

demand is known or can be accurately predicted, the firm faces the

problem of choosing from among many production schedules which

satisfy the monthly requirements.. For example, the firm can produce

each month approximately the amount required in that montho However,

this fluctuating production schedule is costly to maintain because of

overtime costs in high=production months and because of costs asso-

ciated with releasing personnel and machinery in low production

months" On the other hand, the firm can overproduce in months of low

requirements, store the surplus, and use the excess in months of high

requirements" The production can thus be made quite stable" However,

because of storage costs~ such a schedule may not be the most efficient.

This illustrates the diffieulties that can arise if there are conflic-

ting objectives inherent in a problem" What is required, in problems

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of this kind is a production schedule that minimizes the sum of the costs

arising from fluctuations in production and from storage.. In other words»

the optimal schedule is one which compromises between the conflicting

objectives 0 For a particular problem, the optimal schedule will depend

on the relative magnitude of the two types of costs o A modification of

this problem is obtained by assuming that there are no market limitations

on the quantity that the firm can sell at any given month but that prices

follow a seasonal patterno Given certain limitations on the producing'

and storing capacities of the firm,l) it is required to find how much the

firm should produce, store,l) or sell during each of a specified number of

months 0 In the programming literature» problems of this type are termed

"production=scheduling and inventory control problems.," Riley and

Gass [1958] give a comprehensive bibliography of published papers

written on the different aspects of these problems o Obviously a basic

characteristic of the commodities involved is that they must be non­


For perishable commodities,I) stabilization of production over time

may not be aClhieved by storage o However» if it is technically possible

to produce the commodity at any time within the yearf) it may be advan­

tageous to the firm producing such a commodity to explore the possibility

of planning its production over time in such a way as to reduce fluctua=

tions in production., An example of au ch a commodity is the banana/) We

will summarize here some economic characteristics of the banana discussed

by [1959J ~

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(1) The banana is a highly perishable fruit which can be

harvested for a distant market during a very limited

period of the life of the buncho

(2) Bananas can be produced at any time of the year o The

producer'can to some extent affect the time at which

the banana tree matures o This could be done by

either varying the time of planting, by pruning (con-

. trolling of fo11owers)~ by changing the rate of ferti­

lization used, or by a combination of these o

(3) Factors that can affect the yield per tree are:

location, rate of fertilization, and the time at which

the tree matures o

(4) The price of the banana depends on the availability of

other fresh fruits and in general follows a seasonal

pattern 0

(,) The peculiar demands made by a banana cargo are such

that ships mst be especially designed and constructed

for the job; they~e not, in general, suitable for

carrying other cargoes o

(6) One effect of the perishability of the fruit is that

the producer is at the economic mercy of the shipping

organization0 As a result, some producing companies

found it necessary to own the ships needed for trans­

porting their bananas to world markets o


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From these characteristics it can be seen that (a. firm engaged in

producing bananas has an interesting decision problem" The firm has to

decide on a production schedule that maximizes its profits in the face

of certain restrictions. In gener,al, the 'restrictions faced by any firm

maybe classified into two groups: those set by technological restric-

tions (e"g", available methods of production and shipping requirements)

and those set by conditions in the market (e"g", prices and market

capacities).. W.e will follow a suggestion made by Charnes, Cooper and

Farr [195$.) :UtA useful beginning to many facets of optimal programmingmay be made by determining what might be called thecompany8s 'plant profit potential. I By assuming purelycompetitive conditions so that current prices constitutethe only market limitation, a measure of maximum profitpotential can be securedo "

It must be recognized, as the authors point out, that the magnitude of

profits and the character of the optimal solution vary with changes in

the structure of prices" Moreover practical sales considerations may

make it impossible to s ell what is technologically, at given ,prices,

the best to produce.

The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions, is,

nevertheless, of interest.. It provides a basis of long range sales

and prcduction planning. It also provides a basic structure of

computations which can be used as a baginning for other calculations ..

For example, restrictions on the amounts that can be sold in any given

time period may be added to modify the solution obtained without these

restrictions ..

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In the next section a mathematical model is formulated to study the

decision problem f aced by a tirmthat has to spend large amounts of

capital on a specialized factor that could be idled part of the time by

fluctuations in productionc

2,,3 Mathematical Formulation of a Basic Model

Assume that a firm has under its control f different resources;

e"g"9 areas of land available to the firm at different time periods for

starting a new production process9 or areas of land in different locations"

Let Nr be the amount of the r th resource (r ... 19"",,~f) that is available

to the firm" The time interval in which it is technically feasible for

the firm to produce1 using any of the the f resources, is divided into T

equal time periods 0 We make use of the following ~

~t ... the p art allocated by the firm from resource r to

produce in the t th time period (t := l~ 0 0 0 ~T) 9

Yrt ... the yield or output per unit of nrt; ioeo,9 the yield

obtained in the t th time period from a unit of the

thr resource o

the price per unit of the commodity in the tth time

period minus the direct variable costs needed to obtain

one unit of the commodity in the tth time period from

the r th resource" 1/

1/ D'irect variable costs in 'Prt are to include any variable costs

realized in either the production process or in transportingthe commodity to markets (e"g,,~ fertilizer costs and fuel costs)"

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a ~ the cost per unit of a certain factor 5 (e"go, a ship)

for being available in any of the T tim.e periods o We

will assume that the units of the factor S, are of the

same type and thus are completely interchangeable in

their useso

b ~ the quantity of the commodity that can be accommodated

by a unit of factor a in a tim.e periodo

The number of units of the factor S needed during the T time periods

is the maxinro.rn output by the firm in any of the T time periods divided by

b; if this ratio is not an integer, use the next largest integer" If b

is relatively large compared With the maximum output that can be pro-

duced by the firm in any of the T time periods, the number of units of g:

needed by the firm is approximately the same for any production plan.. In

this case

C ""' a 0 [the number of needed units of SJcould be taken as a fixed costo However, if b is relatively small

compared with the maximum feasible output, we cannot consider C fixed,

since this maxinro.rn is a function of the allocation plan chosen by the firmo

The number of needed units of S, can be approximated tlby

~ [the max:i.mum output by the firm in any of the T time period~

~ ~ Max [ ] nrtyrt] 0

t T""l

tI The approximation is a result of the above~mentioned iildivis~ .-,ibilityo

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This approximation obviously imp~oves with the increase in the relative

magnitude of the maximum output to b. Hence,


e:= a Max'6' t

where c =alb.

Under the above aSSlllllptions, the decision problem faced by the firm

may be summarized as follows:

Find the allocation plan:

Which maximizes the objective function

Sllbjectto the restrictions


]nrt~ Nr and nrt~O; r = l, ...,f; t =1, ...,T.tal

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In this section the analysis of a simple model will be used to

illustrate some basic characteristics of the problem.

If there is a single resource that could be channeled to yield an

output in time periods, t = 1,2" ...,t, ... "T, the subscript r(in Section

2.3) could be dropped from Nr,nrt'Yrt and Prt.

Assuming that PI = P2 =: ••• =: Pt = PT =: P> 0, the problem

is to maximize


Z; = P~ ntYt - c Max rIl:1Yl' ...,ntYt' •""~YT1 "t=l L'

subject to the conditions





(3.02 )


t =1, •••"T. (3.04)

Definition: A feasible solution to the problem is a solution

~I = (nl,n2' •••"~' •••'~) which satisfies conditions

(3.03) and (3.04).

It is clear that there are infinitely many feasible solutions to the

problem. Among these, it is required to find a solution which maximizes

3.1 A Procedure for Obtaining ¢ = Max Z,

'Without any loss of generality, let the yields be arranged. "as follows:


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The following variables will be used:

tz.(t) =p~ntYt - c Max [tl:1.Yp .. u,n,eYtJ '


,e (3.12)where nt ~ 0 (t=l.ll" u"t) and ~ nt = N ;


¢(t) = Max z:(t), i"e. (3.13)

¢(1) = Max ~(l) = pNYl .. cNY1 = NYl (p-c) ,

¢(2) ... Max ~(2) = Max [P[~Yl+ n2Y2] -c Max[~Yl'~Y21J 'nl+ ~=NL

nl~ 0 ;


.0000.0.00 ••••• 0-000.0000-0000000

t=l, 0"'" T

It is clear that ¢(l)",¢(2)~ "o,,~¢(T)~¢,

where ¢ = Max Zo

Since the only restrictions on the tntJ are nt ~ 0 and


~nt~ N, a lower bound for ¢ is zero; this is based on thetel




~ 0= n2= 0"" '" ~= 0.. Moreover since p and c are co nstants, whose values

do not depend on the allocation plan, theni! ¢>O,the allocation plan

whic~, maximiz,8I:j'Zmp.s"t be SUch that (13 ..03) is astrict 'equality; Hence


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If the allocation plan wmch maximizes Z(T) is found, it would be the

required plan if !I(T)~ 0; otherwise the p~an with Il:L"" ~=.H=~ • 0

would be the required plano In tJ::e results which follow, a tentative

solution will be indicated by n10, etc.

3..2 Allocation to a S:ing1e Time Period

The solution n1'"' N;~= n3= .... '"' n.r = 0 is a feasible solution with

its corresponding value of Z being

Z(l) ~ NYl(P-c) '"' !I(l) ..

It is apparent that Z,(l) ~ 0 according to whether p Sc. If !tel»~ 0, it

is a maximum among all solutions 'Wi. th only one ~> 0, because Yl is at

least as large as all other Yt"

303 Allocation to Two Time periods

Let z(2)(k) be the value at Z obtained by setting n2= k ~O;


nr= N = k ~ 0;n3"" n4 '"' ..... == ~- 0, i.e.,

z;(2)(k) § P~I(N-k) + Y28 - c Max~N-k)Yl'kY21 •

NYlcrase 2 01: (N-k)Yl~ kY2; or k~ < N.. In this case"Y1+ Y2

Z~2) (k) "" P[Y1(N-k) + Y2k) - C(N-k)Yl

"" flI(l) + k[cYl ... P(Yl- Y2)] .. (3.32)

(2) NYIHence Z: (k) for k~ is monotonic in k; decreasing if

Yl+ Y2

if [ 011'" pC Yl- Y2)J <. 0 and increasing if [cYl- P(Yl-Y2)] > O.

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-12-NYl 2 0 2: (N-k)Yl~ kY2; or Yl

+ Y2 ~k~N. In this case,

~2)(k) "" P[Y1(N-k) + Y2kJ - ckY2 =.Py1N + k~P(YI-Y2)-CY~. (3.33)'/

Since p,c>°and Yl~ Y2' z,(2) (k) is a monotone decreasing function

NYlof k for ~ k ~ N.

Yl+ Y2

From (3.32) and (3.33) it is clear that Z(2)(k) is a piecewise

continuous linear functi on of k. Its maximum will be at


NYl (2) (1)If oY.l "" P(Yl- Y2):; O~ k ~ and ¢ c, ¢ = Npy •

Yl+ 1a 2

If 0Yl- P(Yl- Ya»O or c)p(l- Ya/Yl)' ¢(a) is obtained by

solving the two equations nl + ~= N;~Y1= naYa = NHa/a, ~here$ in

general H.e is the harmonic mean of the first .e ordered y.~. Hence,

NY2 NYl (2)n.. "" : na =< ; rj ::0 NHa(p - c/2).

.L Yl+ Y2 . Yl+ Y2


¢(2) - llaxt¢(l), ~(p - 0/2») • (3.3.5)

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.. -


Proof: The solution to this set of s independent equations:


~lni :=0 N, ~Yl= n2Y2= 0 .. = nsys is niYi = NHs/s.J.=

Any depa.rture from equality of the lniYiJ must make at least one

of the { ni YiJgreater than NHs/s.

r, 1 NHsLemma 3.2: Min lnlYl'~Y2)O"JnsYsJ ~ S- J

]ni = N

ni~ 0

the equality holding when ~Yl= ~Y2= ... =' nsys· NHs/So

Proof': As above, any departure from equality or the i~1i}also mst make at least one of the 1niYi) less than NRs/s.

3.5 Allocation to Three Time Periods

Let zO) (k) be the value of ZOtbtained by setting n3= k ~O.. Then

¢O) (k) =- Max. [zr~) (k)] ; ¢O)= Max r¢cn(kil,nl + ~:=o N-k O~ k~Nr


where z(3)(k) ... P(~Yl+ ~Y2+ ky3) - c Max &YlI~12,kY~ • Hence"

¢(» (k) • pI,,),,· Max [p(":!.YJ.+ "2Y2) - • Max [":!.Yl.'''2Y2'ky3]1 •. ~+~ ... N-kl J

~,n2~ 0

12Case 3.1: 011- P(Yl- 12) ~ 0 or c/p~l - 1. .. In this case, the interval


(o~ k~ N) is divided into the follow:ing three sub-intervals:

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In II' Max rI1.Yl'~Y2,kY3]'" '. Max . [I1.Yl'~Y2J ' since11..+ ~= N-k'- n1+ ~= N-k

NHby Lemma 3.1 -l- ~ Max: [~Yl'~Y2,kY31 ' the equality holding only when

I1.Yl= n2Y2= kY3= NH3/3. Hence, from the results in section 3.3,

~Yl= ~Y2= (N-k)H2/2 and

¢f~)(k) = pkY3 + (N-k)H2(p - c:,/2) = ¢(2)+ k [C~2 .: p(H2'- Y3)] •


In ~, it appears that ¢~3)(k) is obtained bysalving the follow:ing


niY2- [N-k(1 + 1/'"1>] '"2 &; (N -~ (Yi + Yi">] '"2

r. H3 3 1] NH3=NY2 Ll - "3 (ifj -12) ... T 0

NH3 NH3 r: ]Since nlYl'" kY3 ~ T am n2Y2 ~ T ' Max (1.Yl'~Y2,kY3

z~3)(k) =< kY3(2p-c) + PY2 [N - k(l+ Y3/Y1)J

== NPY2 - k [Y3(CY1- PYl+ PY2)/Y1'" P(Y2- Y3)J •

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SUppose we change .(3.52) as follows:

I1:l0 = 11. + 5 and ~O = ~ - 5, 0< 5~N - k(l + Y3/Yl)'

In this case, Max [I1:l0Yl'~OY2,kY~ == (11.+ 5)Yl and ~~3)(k) would be

changed by 5 [P(Yl- Y2) - eYlJ ~ O. Similarly if

I1:lo == nl - 5 and ~O = ~ + 5, 0<' 5~ kY3/Yl ,

Max [~OYl'~OY2' kY3] == Max [n20Y2,kY31 ==

== Max L(N-k - ky3Yl + 5)Y2,ky3J •

Hence z~3) (k) would be changed by -5p(Yl- Y2) - cA, A~ 0"



0.' if ky3~(N-k-ky3/Yl+ 5)Y2';A= .

(N - k - kY3/Yl + 5) Y2- ky3 at 'k:'Z3«N-k~:,IYi~·8)Y2 :~.

In either case, ~3)(k) would be decreased; hence ¢~3"(k) is given

by (3 ..53)e Since cYl- PYI+ PY21t 0 and Y2~ Y3' ¢~3)(k) is a monotonically

non-increasing function of ko Hence ¢~3) (k) is a maximum. when

kY3= NH3/3; i.e.,

(3) NH3 [NH3 ]¢a .. T (2p-c) + PY2 N - 3Y3 (1 + Y3/Yl)

NH3 r H3 1 1 J== T (2p-c) + NPY2 L1 - )' (Yj + Yi)

"" NH3(p - c/3} :0 ¢13>[k == NH/3J •This checks that the maximum value of ¢~3) is the same as the value of

¢i3) at its maximum value of k; hence, ¢(3) is not in the second


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In I.3' it appears that ¢iJ,) (k) is obtained by setting ~.. N - k,

~ - O. In this case kY.3~ (N-k)Y1; hence,

Max: [~yp~Y2,kY.3J ~ ky.3.


1l1.3)(k) :=0 P [(N-k)Y1+ ky.31-CkY.3- NPY1- k [P(Y1- Y.3) + CyJ ,(.3.55)

which is a monotone decreasing function of k.

Suppose ~O ... 5 and ~O = N - k - 5, 0< 5~N-k;Max [~OYl'~oY2,ky.31

i~ still ky.3 and z,~.3) (k) is changed by 5P(Y2- 11) ~ O. Therefore,

¢~3)(k) is given by (.3.55) and

0) NY1 r: J NY1Y.3¢) - NPY1- Y1+ Y.3 t.:(Y1- Y.3) '* cY3 ... 11+ Y.3 (ap - c)

(.3) C· . Ny± 1III ¢2 .k ... Y1+ YiJ •

.. be concerned with the first interval; i.e.,

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Case .3.2: cYl- p (Yl- Y2) <O. For this case, we have s IDwn previously

that ¢(2) =¢(l) = NYl(P-c)o We also assume that ¢(3)(k) is

obtained by setting ~ = N - k am ~ = oi in vh ich case

Max [nlYp~Y2,kY31:1 Max U-N-k)YPky3] <)

z,(J) (k) • ) Nh (P-.O) + k [- P(Y1- Y3) + OY1] , if k ="iLNYIP + k fr(Yl- Y3) - cy3J:I if k = k2"

Suppose we consider ~O "'" 8 and I1.0 I: N - k .. 8, 0 < 8 ~ N-ko

For k I: k1' Max [<N-kl,,",8)Y1'8Y2,klY31 can be anyone of the three,\)

depending on the magnitude of 80 Hence the change in z,(3)(~)

will be ~ 8 [( ... P(Yl- Y2) + CYll < 0 0 For k =' ~.Il

Max ~N-k2-8 )Y1' 8Y2,9k2Y3] =- Mo: [8Y2.1lk2Y3J 0 In this case the

change is ~ .... 8p(Yl- Y2)<"00 Hence ¢(3)(k) for Case 30 2 is given

by (3059).. Again we note that ¢(3)(kl ) is a monotonic decreasing

function of ~,9 since .. P(Yl.... Y3) ... cYl~ - P(Yl- Y2) + cYl<0;

similarly for ¢(3)(k2)o Therefore for Case 3 0 2, /:~'\

91(3)= NY1(P ... c) I: ¢(l)o

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3.6 JUlocation Theorems

The allocation plan for two time periods is one of the following


(a) nl "" N, n2 "" 0;

(b) nlYl "" n2Y2' nl + ~ "" N.

W:e note that both solutions have the following property:

Similarly, the allocation plan for three time periods is one of the


(a) ~ "" N, ~ "" 0, n3 "" 0;

(b) ~Yl = n2Y2' ~ + ~ = N, n3 = 0;

(c) ~Yl = ~Y2 "" n3Y3' I1. ... ~ + n3 =:0 No

Again for (a), (b), or (c), ~Yl~ ~Y2~ n3Y30

This suggests the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1:


two positive constants, the allocation plan Which maximizes

T() ~... [ Jz. T == P ~~Yt ... c Max~lYl'oo •.9~YT ,


subject to the restrictionsT

nt~O.9 t "" 1,,,oollTll and ~nt = N"tal

has the following property: ~Yl~ n2Y2~ ••• ~¥T"

Proof: Let Z~T) be the value of Z{T) when

nt oY£ "'" ~+l oYt+' and ~ 0 + nt +Lo =< no' for Yt> Yt+l .9, ,:J. , '"where O~no< N. Therefore,

Page 23: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


2n 1. Y ~. [n y: Y ]z: ~ ... p ··0 t t+l + ~ _ c Max 0 t t+l , U ,o Yt+ Yt+l Yt"" Yt+l

In general, let llt"'" nt,o + 6~0 and llt+l= nt+l,o- 01-0, so that

nt + nt +l = no; hence»

(T) [2nbYtYt+l ~z: .... p Y +0 Y + et + 6(Yt- Yt+l)t t+l

Since Max [lltYVllt+olYt+l] ~ nt»oYt

that can occur are:

by Lemma 3.1, the only cases


(a) U ~Max: [lltYt"llt+1Yt+~ llt"oYt ;

~(T) = ~(T) ... p6(v ... v )o ~t ~t+l 0

(b) MaJe" [lltYt.!Jnt+1Yt+l]>u~nt"oYt ;

Z(Tt Z~T)... p6(Yt"" Yt+l) - cLMax ~tYt.tllt+1Yt+~ ... UJ"(c) Max: [ntYtj)nt+1Yt+lJ~nt.!JOYt> U ;

Z(T)_ zeiT). P5(Y~- Yt+l) - • {Max EtYt'''t+1Yt+~ - "t,oYt) •

In all cases, if 8 <0, Z;(Tt Z(T)< 0; ·therefore, 6 ~ 0; i~eo,o

nt Ytf nt+1Yt+P for all to In other words, a necessary condition

for a solution to be the maximum solution is that

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Theorem 3.2:

.&-1 .&

If (.&-1). - Yo ~ L <clp <.& _ Y ~ 111 t=l Yt .&+1 t=l Yt

, for



"a: = p~ntYt - c Max rnlYl' ... ,ntYt'''.'~Y'l'J 't=l L I


subject to the conditions ~nt~N ~nd nt~ 0, t=l, ...,T,t=l

is given by .&


N/~ Lt=l Yt

n y. = 't to



t=l, ••• ,.&,

t = t.t1, •• • ,T •

Proof: We will first prove that the optimum allocation using

"... '&-1

:e period~ wh~~ c/p) ('&-1) - Yo ~ (Ly ) is given by (3.61).. 1It~ t


Then we will further prove that, if c/p. <(.&-1) - Y.& ~ (1..),, t=l Yt

the optimum allocation has n.& = O. These results have already

been proven for .& = 2 and 3. The method of proof is to assume the

above is true for .& periods and prove it holds for ('&+1) periods.

In other words, it is assumed that if


c/p >.&-1 - Y.& ~ (1..)t=l Yt


= N(.&p-c)1~~--).t=l Yt

(3.62 )

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Let Z;(t+l)(k) be the va.lue of Z,(t+l)where nt

+1= k~Oo Then

¢(t+l). Max [z:(t+l~lII!l Max r¢(t+l) (k)] 0 (.3063)O~k~ NL


For O~kYt+l~N/~ l/Yt, using Lemma 301,t=l

:p; Max GIY19 0 00 "ntYt,kYt+J

~nt· N-kt=l


Hence if c/p> t ... 1 ... Yt ~ (l/Yt), from (.3,62:) and (.3064),t=tl


D..tYt - (N=k)/~ (l/Yt)' t ... I" ()O o,9t ; (.3()6,)tal


ilt +1 )(k) =< pkYt+l + (N-k)(:&p-e)/~ (l/Yt).tal

lII!l ¢(t) + ~9 (3066)t

where A :: PYt+l + (c-:tp)/~ (l/Yt) 0 (3 0 67)t=l

t~ t

For Nl·~ (l/Yt)< kyt+l~NYt+p kyt+l> (N"'k)/~ (l/Yt) 0

t~ t~


t>= (N-k)/~ (l/Yt) ;. t!ilill

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, ~-

therefore, if kY'+l> (N-k) ~ (l/Yt), ky'+l cannot be the .smallesttal

of the tIl.tYt3 ' i.e." there must be some (ntYt)< kY'+l for

t= 1, ...,'. Hence by Theorem 3.1, any solution with


kY.e+1> Nl~ (l/Yt)tal

cannot be a maximum solution; i.e.,

91(.e+1) = Max [¢<'+l)(k~ = Max [91(.e+1)(k)].o~k~N .e~

o~ kY.e+l.f N/~ (l/Yt)tal

'+1From O.66} we see that, for o~ ky.e+l~ N/~ (l/Yt) ,¢('+l}(k)


is a linear function of k. Its rnax:i.mum will be found as follows,

using (3.67):

(a) If A " 0, k == 0; that is, far

.ea/p <, - Y.e+1 ~ (l/Yt) •


This agrees with the results for' = 2 and 3 that, if

'-1 ,.e -1- y,~(l/Yt)<C/P<.e- Y.e+l~(l/Yt}'

tal tal

the optimum solution is,... 'ntYt == N/~ (l/Yt) ,

t=lt = l, ••• ,.e ;

(3068) ,

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(b) For A> 0, kY$+l == Nt] (l!Yt); that is, fort=l

.eo/p) $ - Y$+l] (l!Yt). Henoe from (3.65),



ntYt = kY$+l = N!] (l!Yt)~ t =1, 00 o~.e.t!l!ll

$ .e-l

Since Y.e+1~Y.e,ll .e ... Y.e+1 ] (l/Yt)~ .e-l-y.e ] (l!Yt) ;tal t=l


henoe, this solution also holds for the postulated interval.


o/p).t ... 1 - Y.t ] (l/Yt) 0


(0) For A := 0, any value or k in the interval


O~ kY.e+l" N!] (l/Yt) is optimal; the remainingt=l .

nt (t .. 1» 0 oO.jl.e) are given by

.entYt = (N...k)!] (l!Yt) 0


Henoe we have shown t ha.t ¢(.e) is given by (3062).9 us ing the

solution (3061), if .e-l

c/p /'" (.t-l) ... Y.t] (l!Yt) ;t=l

also that "r(.e+1) 88 d(.e) (n • 0) if)£'. P .t+l


c!p<./, ... Y./,+l ] (l!Yt) 0


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There remains to prove that in the interval

8~ 8

(8-1) - Y8 ~ (l/Yt)< c/p <8 - Y8+1 ~ (l/Yt)t~ t~

, t =8+1, 000' T 0

In other words" we wish to prove that all ~.. t >8.. are zero.


¢(8+2 ) (k) = MsJc. z:(8+2) (k)8+1

n8+2= k; ~~ lit N ... kt=l

(3 0 611)


For kY8+2> N/ ~ (l/Yt)~ no maxinnun solution could be obtained"t=l


using the same argument as above 0 If' O~ky8+2~ N/~ (l/yt)" thetal

Max: t 1of (30611) is simply 91($+1) with N replaced by (N-k)o But

for interval (3069), the opt:i.nnun solution is (3068) with N

replaced by N - k o If k> 8,n8+1Y8+1 .. O( kY8+2 =n8+2Y8+2:: ;

however this cannot be an opt:i.nnun solution by Theorem 2 01. There­

fore k must equal 0;i.e09 91(8+2) is obtained from the solution

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tN/~ l/Ytt8Ol1

o t • t+1,t+2: 0


'" .

BW the same arguments it can easily be seen that in interVal

(3069), . 'n ~¢(T). I!aJ< \. p]11t7t - c !lax [":1.71" ."¥T1

T Lt=l ~J

~Ilt = Nt-l


is obtained by the solution


tN/t~ (l/Y:t) 9

ntYt =o ~

ft ft

Therefore ¢(T) "" N(tp-c)/~ (1/Yt) 0 Since c/p( t"Yft+1~ (l/Yt),t~ t~

ftp) c; hence, ¢(T») 0 and ¢ = ¢(T);Leo, Z; is maximized by (0612)0

The folloWing special situations should be mentioned o

It has been shown in Section 305 that in the interval

0< c/p <'1 "" Y2/Y1 9 (30613)

¢(;))is obtained by the so'lution ~ 118 N, ~ "" 0, n3 "" 0; ioeo"

that ¢(3) Ill! ¢(2) 18 !del) ... NY1 (p"'C) 0

Ry the same arguments made in proving Theorem 3 02, it can easily

be seen that in tre interval (30613) !I(T) is obtained by the solution

~ ~ N, Ilt = 0; t "" 2~ooo9To Trerefare, ¢(T) = NY1(P-c).

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(ii) It is also clear from the proof given in Theorem 3.2 that if


c/p )(T-l) - YT·~ (l/Yt) 9t-l

¢(T) is obtained by the solution


ntYt - NI~ (l/Yt);t-l

(iii) For t ... 1~•••~T-19

tc/p<t -~(l/Yt) implies that c<.ep;


therefore fi(T) = ¢(t) = N(.ep-c)~ (l/Yt) >O;i.e., ¢ • ¢(T). ¢(.e).tal

$iJnilarly, if


(T-l) - YT~ (l/Yt) <c/p(T,tal

T'¢(T) ... N(Tp-c) ~ (l/Yt) ~O; hence fi _ ¢(T).


(iv) If c/p) T, ¢(T) is negative; hence the allooation plan whioh

maximizes ~ would be Il:L - ~ ... 1)0. =- ~ - 0, giving ¢ - O.

(v) As indioated for t-2. and 3 and (c) above if


alp ... (.e-l) - Y.e ~ (l/Yt)'t-l

t ... 1, •••,.e-l;

wi the optimum solution is given by.e

O~ n.eYt!:: NI~ (l/Yt) :tal t-l

.;.;.. c'[(N - n.e)1~ (l/Yt),rliit-. t-l. ,~O , t • .e+l, ...,T.

In this ease ¢(T) - ¢(t) _J6(.e-l) -NPY.e 0


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307 summary

In this section we have analyzed a simplified model to illustrate

some basic characteristics of the pnofulemo The optimal allocation plans

were obtained for every value of c/p in the interval c/p)Oo This

interval was divided into (T+I) sub-intervals, in each or which an

explicit optimal solution was obtainedo Given c, p and Yt (t = 19 0 oo.\lT)

one can easily find the appropriate sub-interval and thus the optimal

allocation plano These results are presented in Table 301 The simpli­

fying assumption that the firm is concerned with the optimal allocation

of a single resource made it possible to obtain the above results with

the analytic tools used o However, for studying the more realistic and

thus more complicated model formulated in Section 2 0 3, we will need a

set of analytic tools more powerful and flexible than "lhose used in

analyzing the simplified modelo The methods of linear programming pro­

vide us with such tools o

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e.. ~


Table 3.1 optimal allocation plans for the simplified model, (3.01)



0< c/p<: 1 - '12/'11

1 ~ '12/'11< c/p<2 - '13/'11- '13/~2


optimum Allocation Plan !I

~ • N, ~ - n3 • ... • Dr .... 0

NY2 Ny!n.. ,n..= ,

.L '11+ '12 .. " Yl+ '12

""~ • ~ • 0






t~ t

(t...l) - Yt~l/y'J<c/p<t - Yt+l~~/Yt)tel tal




N/ ~~/Yt) ~ t '. l, ...,~tal

, t • t+l, ••• ,T


NH~(p ... cit)



(T-l) - YT'~l/Y~(C/P<Ttal .



nt'1t - N/~~/yJ ' tal, oe .,T. tal

nt - 0 , t • 1,.oo,T

NHT(p - cil')


!I It' is important to note that to find the optimum allocation plan only c/p and y. /'1.(i,j,. 1,,, ••,T) need be known. ~ J I

t~ . t NCXl

2/ It' c/p u (t-l) - '1e.~ (l/Yt)" ¢ - ¢(t) == ¢(t-l) =NPYt , where ¢(t). NHt(p-clt). HtUt/~ (l/yt). •

t-l." ,.. tal

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In this section we will state the general linear programming problem.

and discuss some of its most important characteristics. To facilitate

the discussion, a brief mathematical background will be given. The

material contained in this section is based on that in Allen [1956],

Dantzig (195J.], Charnes, Cooper and Henderson [1953], and Gass [1958J.

For brevity, theth eoreins needed for the development will be givan

without proof.

4.1 The Problem of Lire ar Programmirg

The general linear programming problem is to find a vector

Xl .. (xp~,••• ,xj ' •••,~) which maximizes the linear function:


z: .~c.x.,j=l J J

subject to the linear constraints

X j ~ 0, j =1,.. ••,n;


(4.12 )

+a..x. +~J J

+ a2··x . +J J

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • 0 ••• (4~3)

+ a. x = J.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

where the aij, bi and c j are given constants and m<n. It will be assumed

that equations (4.13) have been multiplied by - 1 where necessary to make

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The linear programming problem may be stated in terms of matrix


Maximize Z a ~t! ,

subjeot to ! ~.Q,

and ~ a ~x.t+ !2~+ ... + !jXj + ... + ::'n~ a ~,

where ~t(l x n) a (Ol, ••• ,Oj, •••,On);

!'(l X n) a (x:!.' ...,xj ' ...,Xn );

£1(1 x n) a (O,O,o ••• ~ ••••••O);

A (m::x n) a (aij ) and !oj is the jth oolumn of A;

~'(l x n) a (bl, •••,bi, •••,bm).

4.2 Brief Mathematioal Background


Given any set of veotors x(.e) where x(.e) 'a rx.,(.e) x1.e} x(.e}lGJ. ,--~ , ... , n J,

.e = l, •••,s.Definition 4.1: A linear oombination or the veotors x(I)is

for arry set of soalars [-":e]. The linear oombination is positive if all

"".e~ O. It is convex if all "".e~ 0 and -<:t+ ""2+ ... + ""s a 1.

The vectors !(.e) may be thought of as points in a space of n


FIefinition 4.2: The set 5: of the points !(.e) is a convex set, if for

all pairs of points in S~ any convex combination is also in S.

Definition 4.3: .An extreme :point of a convex set a is a point of S which

oannot be expressed as a convex combination of arr:r other two distinct

points in S.

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-31­The n columns of the matrix A = (a p ..,a.,o ... ".~,.J may be viewed as

~ -J -n

n points in a space of m dimensions.

Definition 4.4: A.ny set of k points (say the first k a-l IS) are linearly-J

dependent if coefficients A., not all zero, can be found so that:k J

] Aj.a

j= 0;-

j=l - -

otherwise, the set is linearly indepen:ient.

As a result, if a set of k points is linearly dependent, then one

point (corresponding to a non-zero A) can be expressed as a linear

combination of the other pointso For example, if Al r! 0 thenk A

!J. =- j~ it!j ·On the other hand, if the set is 1 inearly independent, no one point

is a linear combination of the others.

Theorem 4.1: Not more than m of the n points !;J..'!:2,ooe"!n in m

dimensions (m< n) can be linearly independento

As a result of Theorem 4.1, if there are (m+l) points, at least

one of them be linearly dependent, a linear combination of the

others. However, even among m points there may be linear dependence.

Suppose that exactly m points, say .!J..,!2," ""!m' are linear indepen­

dento Then they form a basis of m-dimensional space in the sense that

every point in the space can be expressed as a. linear combination of

The coefficients in this expression are of great use in solving the

linear programming problem. Let these coefficients be defined by:

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a. = a.. x.. . + a...x..- .+-J ~-.LJ .-r::Ui:::J ••• .. a. x..+ ••• + ~X • ,-~ ~J ~.. InJ


i.e., a. = Bx.-J -J

where B • (~'!2, •••,:a' ...'!m)


j .. 1, ...,n

It is important to note that !j is a vector as distinguished from

the scalar x j which is a member of the solution vector!. A.lthough this

notation may be confusing, it is standard in the linear programming

literature; and will Rot be changed in this thesis.

4..3 Properties of a 50lution to theLinear Programming Problem

Definition 4.. 5= A feasible solution to the linear programming p:oblem

is a vector Xl = (X1'X2' •••'~) which satisfies conditions (4.12) and


Definition 4.6: A basic feasible solution to thelinear programming

problem is a feasible solution with no more than m positive ~.

Definition 4.7: Anon-degenerate basic feasible solution is a basic

feasible solution with exactly m positive Xi.

Definition 4&S: kmax~ feasible solution is a feasible solution

which also maximizes (4.11).

Definition 409: A linear functional f(!) is a real valued function

defined on an n-dimensional vector space such that f or every vector

25 := -<! + ~L f(!) = f(-4!L + ~!) == -d<!!) + ~r(!) for all n-dimensional

vectors U and V and all scalars .( and ~ &

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-33-Note that the objective function (4 ..11) is a linear functional for

those ~ satisfying (4.12) and (4,,13).

Theorem 4.2: The set of all feasible sOlutions to the linear programming

problem is a convex set.

we shall denote the convex set of the feasible solutions to the

linear programming problem by r. Since r is determined by the inter­

section of the finite set of linear constraints (4.12) and (4,,13),

it can either be void, a convex polygon, or a convex region which is

unbounded in some diJioectiono If' r is void, the problem doe s not

have any sOlutions; if it is a convex polygon, the problem has a

solution with a finite value for the objective function; and if r

is unbounded, the problem has a solution, but the maximum :might be

unbounded. If' r is a convex polygon, it has a finite number of

extrema. points and every feasible solution in roan be represented

as a convex oombination of the extreme, feasible solutions in r.

An unbounded r also has a finite number of extreme points but not

all points in r can be represented as convex combinations of these

extreme points. For computational purposes r is assumed to be a

convex polygon.

Theorem 4&3: The objective function (4,,11) assumes its maximum at an

extreme point of the convex set r generated by the set of feasible

solutions to the linear programming problem. If' it assumes its maximum

at more than one extreme point, then it takes on the same value for

every convex combination of those particular points o

As a result of Theorem 4.3 we need only look at the extreme

points of r in order to determine the maxinn.lm feasible solution~

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Theorem 4.4:-34-

If a set of k~ m vectors .=a"!2'. ""!k can be f!ound that

are linearly independent and such that

and all xi~ 0, then the point ~' = (Xi"x2' ••• 'Xk,0, •••"O) is an extreme

point of the convex set of feasible solutionso

Theorem 4.,:the vectors associated with positive X1 form a linearly independent set.

From this it follows that" at most, m of the xi are positive.

Yiithout any loss of generality the set of vectors ~, ".'!n

can be assumed to contain a set of m linearly independent vectors.

If this is not evident when a particular problem is being solved,

the original set of vectors is augmented by a set of m linearly

independent vectors and a 13 alution to the extended problem is


Clfurollary: Associated with every extreme point of r is a set of

m linearly independent vectors from the given set ~,~, •••'!n.

The preceding theorems may be summariz~d by the following:

Theorem 4.6: .!' = (Xi"X2' oe og~) is an extreme point of r if and only

if the positive x j are coefficients of linearly independent vectors in


~ &;XJ

9 "" b •j=l-u -

From the assumptions and theorems of this section we can conclude

that only extreme points need to be investigated and thus we can

our search to those solutions which are generated by m linearly indepen-

dent vectorso There are a: finite number of such solutions since there

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-35-are at most (:) sets of m linearly independent vectors from the given

set of n. However for large n am m it would be almost impossible to

evaluate all the possible solutions and choose the one which maximizes

the objective functiono

The simplex procedure, devised by G.. Bo Dantzig [1951J finds an

extreme point and determines whether it is the maximumo If it is not"

the procedure finds a neighboring extreme point whose corresponding

value of the objective function is greater than or equal to the pre­

ceding value" In a finite number of such steps (usually between m and

2m) a maximum feasible solution is found o The simplex procedure makes

it possible to discover whether the problem has no finite maximum

solution or no feasible solutions ..

404 The Simplex Computational Procedure

Assume that the linear programming problem is feasible, that every

basic feasible solution is non-degenerate and that a basic feasible

solution is given. As will be seen later these assumptions are not

restrictive.. Let this given solution be ~ "" (~.lI~~ 0 ooSlJCln), where

the zero elements have been deleted from ~ and the associated set of

:llJ.!:.L + ~!:! +

and :;,~ .. ~c2 +


000 +xc ""Z:O.1lmm

(4 .. lU)


where all xi> O. In matrix notation1l these can be written as

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In order to determine if Max Z, = ~O we need to determine the change

in Z as a result of replacing ~ by some other extreme point solution.

The simplex method does this by determining the sign of the change in Z

resulting from the replacement Of !o by anyone of the neighboring

extreme point solutionso This is accomplished without computing these

neighboring extreme point solutions.

Suppose we introduce Q units: of one of the variables, say the jth

one.!> whose corresponding vector is not in Bo The solution ccntaining Q

units of the variable j has to fulfil the linear constraints (4012) and

(4013) in order to be feasible o

As a result of introducing Q units of variable j, let the variables

XJ.Sl~.!> 000.!>:Jtn be changed to JIl- QJIlj9~"'-Q~j"H.9:Jtn-Q:Jtnj' respectively,

or in general !o is changed to ~ em Q.!j' where !j = (JI1.j'~j' 0& O.ll~j).

To satisfy condition (4013), x. must be chosen SUch that-J

B [!Co Q!j] ... Q!j =£; j'" M+l.!>ooo»no (4044)

Since B is non-singular and in order to satisfy (4044), x. is g1ven by-J

[ =1 ~ I =1 -1x. "'" B b... Ie ... B a .... B a. 0

-J - -J-J Oh45)

To satisfy condition (4012),1) Q must be such that ~.... Q!j?.Q.

ioe o.!> :x:t "" @Xij~ 0,1) ~ ... @~j ~ 090" °9Xm ... @:Jtnj ~ 0 0 (4046)

Given x. as in (4045) and some Q Which satisfies (4046), the change in-J

Z will be


Page 41: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


If for a fixed j.9 c. = Z.• >0 and some Q) 0 satisfying (4046) canJ J

be found» then the new Z. will be greater than ZO° This leads to the

follow:ing theoremo

Theorem 40n If for any fixed j the condition c j - z,j> 0 holds,9 then

a set of feasible solutions can be constructed such that Z>Zo for any

member of the set where the upper bound of Z is either finite or

infinite 0

mase.I: If finite,!) a feasible solution consisting of exactly

m positive variables whose value of the objective function is

greater than the value for the preceding solutiono

Case II~ If infinite, a feasible solution consisting of

exactly m .. I positive variables can be constructed where the

vvalue of the objective function could be arbitrarily large"

Since Xi> 0 for all i in (4046),!) it is clear that there is for

@}O either a finite range of values @j)@)O or an infinite range of

values such the xi = @Xij.9 i "'" l,9a.9 ""0.\lm.\l remain positiveo It is clear

from the assumption in the theorem that for a fixed j» cf" Z:j> 09

Z § Zo .. @(cj = z,j) is a strictly monotone increasing function of @o

~se I: If for a fixed j with c j = Z:j> 0 at least one Xij ) 0 in

~;__l (4 ..45) and (4046)$) for i "'" 1.fi2.\l 00 0.\lm$) the largest value of @ for

which all elements (xi = @~j) remain positive is given by

Q. ... Minf ; 1)1 0 .fiJ i Lij

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If i ... i. yields @'J) it is clear that the variable corresponding toJ J

i l;;l i. in (4046) will vanish; hence» a new feasible solution isJ

obtaine4> consisting of Qj and (m-l) of xi"" @jXij; i=l,90oo»mg i I if"

A new basis is obtained consisting of a. and (m-l) of the m-J

vectors previously used o With this basis, we can perform a new set

of computationsJ) as above.

If' a new cj'" Zj> 0 and a corresponding xij>O,\) another solution

can be obtained with a greater value of Zo This process will con-

tinue either until all cj"" Z;j~ 0, or untilJ) for some c j"" Z;j> 0,9

all x ..~ 00 If all c.= Z" >O,\) the process terminateso~J J J

case II: If at any stage for some j.\l Cj

"" Zh> 0 and all x .. ~ 0,J . ~J

then there is no finite upper boundll and for any Q> 0 all elements

of (4046) are positive; hence a feasible sOlution consisting of

m+l positive xi is obtained o Therefore by taking @ large enoughg

the corresponding value of the objective function~Z: = ZO+ Q(cj"''' Zj)

can be made arbitrarily large o

Theorem 4,,8~ If for any basic feasible solution ~ "" (:x:t.\l0 OOSlXm) the

condition c j = Zj6-0 holds for all j "" 11l000.\lnll then (4041) and (4042)

constitute a maximum feasible solution"

The results of Theorems 406 and 4,,8 enable us to start with a

basic feasible solution and generate a set of new feasible solutions

that converge to the maximum solution or determine that a finite

solution does not existo The non=degeneracy assumption was made to

insure the convergence to the max:i.muln solutiono W'iithout this

assumption,\) the procedure can conceivably repeat a basis and hence keep

Page 43: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


returning to the same basis. The s:ilnplex procedure is then said to have

cycled, and the computational routine for determining the maximum

solution breaks down.

However, Dantaig, Orden and Wolfe (1954J and Charnes, Cooper and

Henderson (1953] have resolved degeneracy from both the theoretical and

computational points of view, using the basic ideas of the s:ilnplex

procedure" This "makes the simplex method available without blemish as

a crisp tool for proving pure theorems," Hoffman [1955].Dantzig (195Y points out that the number of iterations needed to

obtain a maximum feasible solution is expected to be greatly reduced

not by arbitrarily selecting any vector a. satisfying Zj< c. to be-J J

introduced in the basis, but by selecting the one which gives the

greatest immediate increase in Z.

one which corresponds to

The vector a. should thus be the-J

~x Qj (c j - z,j)J

Where for each j, ~. := Min lXi ~ >o.J 0 x..~ ~J

A criterion which involves considerably fewer computations, and

which has proved to bean excellent one is to select the vector which

corresponds to

Max(c.- Z:j).j J

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-40-4.5 The Dual Problem of Linear Programming

Associated with every linear programming problem as stated in

section 4.1 is a corresponding optimization problem called the dual

problem. The original problem is termed the primal. The primal is

stated as in Section 4.1, i.e.,

Find! which maximizes ~ =~'! subject to the linear constraints:


am A! = E"Where ~, ~, A, 02, b are defined· in (4014). The associated dual

problem is:

Find :!i(mxl) which minimizes V =£':!i subject to the linear .


AI!~~o (4.52)

In the dual problem the variables up i =1, •• ",m, are not restricted

to be non-negative. However, if the restrictions in the primal are

written A.! ~ E" the variables ui in the dIal are restricted to be non­


The importance of the dual problem can be seen from the following

theorem known as "The Duality Theorem."

Theorem 4.9: If either the primal or the dual problem has a finite

optimum solution, then the other problem has a finite opt:innlm solution

and the extremes of the linear functions are equal; i.e o , Max Z:: = Min V.

If either problem has an unbounded optimum solution, then the other

problem has no feasible solutions.

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In sections '01 and , ..2 we will :r;resent a linear programming formu.-

lation for the general and s:implified production stabilization problems.

In section '03 a solution will be given to the simplified :r;roblem using

the simplex method o In this we will not assume as in (3.01) that

Pl = P2 = 0 •• =Pi = 000 = PTo A useful initial basis will be suggested

in Section '04 for starting the iterative procedure of solving the general

production stabilization problem o A criterion for selecting the vector

to be introduced into the basis will be given in Section '0'. The

properties or the initial basis suggested in section '04 and the criterion

suggested in Section ,., will be used in Section ,.6 to obtain the optimal

solution to the general production stabilization problem, associated

with each value of the cost parameter c in the interval c~Q;.

'01 A Linear Programming Formulation ofthe Production Stabilization Problem

Recall that our objective was to find the allocation plan:

subject to the constraints~


~t ,?O and t~nrt~Nr ;


(,012 )

.. (,.13)

Page 46: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


Let Gt = ~ nrtYrt = total output in time period t"

and G* = !lax r:-J1 = !lax r] '\-1yr1' ] '\-2Yr2' ..., ] "rTYJ.t L &=1 r=l r=l ~

The variable G* has the following relations with the other variables:


~nrtYrt - G*~O;r=1

t ... l" ..."T • (5 o~5)

Hence if we include (5.15) among the:restrictions on the allocation

variables, the problem is restated as:

Maximize the linear objective function

f T

~ ~ ~YrtPrt - c G*"r=l t=l

subjeot to the linear inequalities

Ilz-t~ O;G*~ 0;




t~Ilz-t"!:-Nr ,,


Et "" G* - ~ Ilz-tYrt ~ 0"r=l

r =l" ..."f.

t ... 1" •••"T,




and D'r == Nr - ~~t ;;'0,t=l

r ... 1" •••,f. (5.111)

We oan now state the problem in the general linear programming form

given in Section 4.1 as follows:

Page 47: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


Find the vector:

[!1, ...,~;Dl,.·.,Df;"21"··'"2T;"';~1"·"~T;.··;nfl'.·"nfT;G:J(,.112)

which maximizes the linear objective function

subject to the l:inear constraints:



and Et + ]nrtYrt - G* = 0,r=l

r=l, •••,f;t=l, ••• ,T,

tal, oe .,T;


Dr + t~nrt == N,r r=I, •••,f. (5,,116)

Note that the number of variables: n = T + f + Tf + 1 ... (T+l)(f+l);

and the number of constraints: m ... T + f'<; n.

,.2 A Linear Programming Formulationof the Simplified Model

If there is only one resource that could be channeled to yield an

output in time periods t ... 1,2, ••• ,T, the problem can be stated in the

general linear programming form as follows:

Find the vector !' =[El' ooo'ET;D;~ ..~, o..,nr;G*] ,which maximizes the lirear function:

T Tz: ... 0]Et + OD + ] ~YtPt - c G* ..

t=1 tal

Page 48: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

-44-subject to the linear constraints:

It ?,o;uz O;nt ~ O;G*~ 0,

*and Et + ntYt - G = 0, t=l~...,T;



For this simplified model the number of variables:n = 2.(T + 1); and the

number of constraints: m = T + 1.

I -1 E1 0, \_,

--I E 01-1 2f, 0 .. 0

I-1 Et, 0,, .. .. - ..,

1-1 ET 0,;- - -

0 D N

















Y1 0 • 0

o Y2 It 0

Constraints (,.24) and ('02,) may be stated in matrix form:

I I•

• 0.0 10 1• I,

.0.0 '01, I,

• • • • ,. I •, I

.' 1 • 0 ~ 0: 0 0 .. Yt" 0, ,• .. • • '. I •

l I~ 0 • 1 I 0 I 0 0 • 0 " YT

, I-,-t----~ 0 .0,1,11 _,1.1o 0

1 0

0 1

• •

"0 0

• •

0 0

The column vectors of the matrix A maN' be identified

A • [.'!&.t'~l :~!!Et' "!!&r:.:n:~.~•.•" •.•~:~] •as follows:

Page 49: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

5.3 A Solution for the Simplified Problemby the Simplex Method

In this section we will drop the assumptions made in section 3..0

that Pl= P2= .... = Pt= ... = PT= p'O, and that Ylt. Y27, .. • 'ZYT"

Without any loss of generality we can assume that


The general simplex method may be divided into two distinct com-

putational phases:

Phase I is concerned with determining a first basic feasible solution"

Phase II (which starts with the first basic solution) is concerned with

obtaining a feasible s elution.

In Phase I two general cases can arise:

(1) The problem matrix contains m vectors that can be explicitly

arranged to form a unit matrix. This is the case here. It

is clear from (5.26) and (5.27) that

B Dr:~'!E2' •••'!Et' •••'~;~ DIT+1 = 1m • (5.32)

The corresponding initial extreme-point solution is:

x =B-~ = Ib == b.~ - - -"

i.e., !6 ==[~,E2'''' .,Et , H o'E.r;~ == ~,o, I>U,O, u.,O;N] •

Note that this is a degenerate solution..

(2) A set of m linearly independent vectors, other than the above, can

be selected which yield a feasible solution.

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Yl \ 0 0 • • 0 , -1_. r- - - - - ----_ .. _--

0 I 1 0 0 r -1• ..I

0 I 0 1 0 I -1• ..I I

= I I (5.34)• I • .. • • • • •I I

0 I 0 0 • • 1 \ -1I _ L _

- -1- - - - - - - - - -I I

1 I 0 0 .. .. 0 I 0l,

By subtracting (..l times each element in the first row) from theYl

corresponding element in the last row, the resulting matrix is in

triangular form

IB(l)1 = 7i(1)T-l ~ • 1 , 0,

i.e., the vectors of B(l) are linearly independent.

It can be easily verified that

(5.36)•~(l~ -1 =


0 1 000 .. 0 1- -.I _ - -- -- -- - or ----

-1' 1 0 .. • 0' YlI ,

-1" 0 1 .. 0 0' y.I , 1• I

-0 I 0 .. .. 0 "I ..I l

-1, 0 ' 0 .. .. 1 I Yl- -11---- --I-1: 0 0 .. .. 0: Yl

The corresponding extreme-point solution is: !(l) =[B (l~ -1£ ,

i.e., ~(lj ~ = [~;E2,E3'." .,ET;G*J =~;NYl'NYl' ••• ,NY1;NY1] ..

Page 51: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

-47-Note that this is a non-degenerate basic feasible solution. We will

start Phase II with the initial basic feasible solution given by (,.37) •

.Also note that here we prefer the notation x(l) instead of x , because- -0

of its connection with the number of time periods used.

Phase II starts by expressing all vectors in terms of the initial

basis. If we let a. =B(l)x~l),-J -J

x(.l) = CB,(ln -la .-J ~ ~ -J' j =1, •••,n.


[0(1~1 • rn/'B:1' ...."Et....."E.r~OGit]. [PJ.Yl;O, ••••0••.••0;-oJ

(5.39 )

The information available at this point is presented in Table (,.1), the

s:ilnplex tableau when B(l) is the basis. Z;~1), for j = 1, ... ,n, is

obtained by taking the inner prcxluct of x~l) and c(l) as given in (,.38)-J -

and (,.39).

The (c j - ~j) for those vectors in the basis will always equal zero.

For vectors not in the first basis we have:

c - Z'11) = - c<o;El J!i1

t = 2, ...,T;



(, .312)


Page 52: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

e e

Table 5.1. Simplex tableau for B(1)



j . .E1 ·: .E2 ... • ·E.t • 'E.r ~ D ~ 11. : ~ • nt • ~ 'G*

C j e : e • () • 0 ,0 ,P1Yl' P'2Y2 • PtYt : PTYT ,- 0

. otlJ xtl) ~..lIJ ,xS..~.1.J. • xi.I. .J. • ~.,(I.. J 'xilJ Ixtl) I x(1) • x(1) .. Xt1.,) '~:)Bas~s - - -~-'~2 ""' , ,-Jj ,~' -~ -llt -~ 'OOJ,j'R, . , , , ,a P1Yl N 0 '0 • 0 • 0 ,I 1,1 • 1 • 1 0-~ , ' ,- - - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - ~ - - 1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _, , , , ,~2 0 NYI -1 : 1 • 0 • 0 ,11' 0 ,11~ ¥'2· Yl • Yl ,0

'II ", I• ' 0 .. ,. ,. , 0 ,0

· : '. '. ' '.I , , I

I I.!E 0 NYI -1 , 0 • 1 • 0 '11' 0 Yl. Yl+Yt • Yl I 0t I , ' ,, ,

• • 0 • , ••••• '. ' •• 0" •• I.I , I ,• ••• ' ••••• ,II ,. , ...... ,.

!J!: 0 NYl -1 : 0 • 0 • 1 '11' 0 I Yl • 11 • 11i'YT ' 0T , , ' ,- - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - r - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - ~ -, ' , ,!Q..i~ -0 NY1 -1 lOco 0 • 0 'Yl' 0 'Y1 • Y1 • Yl ,1

I , , , ,



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-49-If (5.313) is non-positive, the solution given in (,5.37) is a final

.. solution with the corresponding value of the objective function:

~(l) =NY1(Pl-c)' (5.314)

Since P2Y2 - P1Yl of; cYl~O implies (Pl-c),?P2Y2/Yl> O,,-z.,(l).>,C i£2'5(l) is


If' P2Y2 - P1Yl + cYl70, !~ is introduced into the basis" The

vector to be eliIninated from the basis is the one corresponding to:




~ rows

J, -1

, -1,1 "I, -1o

"o 0 " 1~' 0 0 "- - - - - - - -f- - - - - - - - -t- -

therefore,!E is eliminated from tl:'e basis.2

The second basis is B(2) =[ ~'!n2;.!:E3' ."'!ET;!o.J.

The matrix B(2) is a special case of

B(.t)-[ -" .. J- ~" ".. '!n,!E ' "",~,,~ ,~1. ~ $+1 T

o .. 0: 0 0 " 0I

12 " 0 I 0 0 " 0I

" • • I" " " "

0 0 0 I 1 0 0 1-1• I ••0 0 • 0 I 0 1 " 0 • -1

I I (T~) rows" • " " " • .. .. • •0 0

I1 •

" 0-'-0 0 It .-1-- - - - -- - - - - - - - -,- -I1 1 " 1 I 0 0 " 0 0 1 row


:e. columns (T-:e) columns 1 column

Page 54: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

I I_ K(~)

I 0 0 • 0f K(~)

Y1Y~ I I Yl• I

_ K(~) ,0

IK(~~, 0 0 • I

Y2Y.e ,I Y2,


~ (l/Yt)tal

It may be easily verified that [B(~~ -1 =

Let Kte,~ a.--.:_&.~~;.


K(.e ).,. Y.e



•,I. • • • I •I I

• ..!. [1 -K(.elf ~ DO. 0I K(.e~Y~ Y:e:J' f Y.e'

I- - - - - - - ... - - - .. - - - -- - - - -- .. - -- -,-- - -I

1 0 • 0: K(~)

Io 1 • 0 I K(~)


• • • • , I

1o 0 • 1 I K(~)





II K(~)j



(T-~ )colunms~ columns

- - - -- .. - .. -- - - .. - _.. --•,,,,~


The number of rows in each consecutive section of rows is the same as the

number of columns in each consecutive section of columns.

Page 55: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


The corresponding extrellB point solution is given by

[~(.e~ t =Gl'~' •••"n.e;E.e+l'E:e+2" ••• ,ET;Gj

= ~~~t).N~~t)•••••N~;t);NK(t).NK(t)""'NK(t);NK(tiJ•(.5.319)

(5.322 )

(.5 ..321)

(.5 ..320)h = 1" • ..".e;

Note that !.(.e) is a feasible solution. In Table .5.25he s:iJnplex

tableau when B(.e) is the basil, all vectors have been expressed in terms

of B(.e). Thus we obtain c.- Z;~.e) for all vectors not in the basis:J J

"E - ~t) = K(t) r~Pt- J-Ph'h h Yh hal J

C - z(t)= PhYh - K(t) ~Pt-]' for h = t+1• ••••~;~ ~ =1 J

"D- ~(J. - K(t{ipt- <. C'1,.- z;~)

We prove the following theorem:

Theorem .5.1: If P1Yl,ZP2y2-2: ...ZPTY~' the maximum feasible oolution

to the linear programming problem formulated in Section .5.2 is given by

one of the following: Y(i) If O~ c .{Pl- P2Y2!YV {!

the maximum feasible solution is !.(l) as given in (.5.37).

The value of the objective function is ~(l)= NY1(Pl-C).

Y Similarly to the results in Section 3 .. 6, in this Section if.e-l .e-l

c =~Pt- P.eY.e ~(l/Yt), Z;(.e-l) = z:(.e)= NP.eY.e" .e= 1,2, .... ,T.tal tal

Page 56: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

e e e

Table 5.2. Simplex tableau for B(t)

~t PtYe NK(t)Y




Basis £,(t) x($)

a NK(~)

-D1P1Y1 Y1

a NK(t)

~ P2Y~ Y2




, 0

••1 •






~ .' G*.',PrYT -c1

(e) 1 (e)~~ '~



K(e) , 0Y1 ,


K(e) : 0Y2

• K(e)+YT: 0K(t)















o ,K(t) K(t)+Ye+2I



o : K(t)

I 1-- - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - -, . 1

o •• 0 I K(t) K(e) • K(e) 1 1,


1 •

1,1 1I ,

1 IK(e) 1 0, ,1 ,

- - -,- - -1- -, ,o ,K(e) 1 0

Er I D ,ne+21

, n1 ~ · ne, ne+1

1 0 1,

01 IP1Y1 P2Y2 · PeYe I Pe+1Ye+1 Pe+2Ye+2 .

~e) :~e) :x(e)1. x(e) · x(e) I x(e) x(e)

Til"""). -~ -Dt I -ile+1 -De+2--,----- ---------











IEH1 Ee+2

, 0 01

:~e) ~t)1 e+1 e+2T


, 0


11 01

•I •



I,, 0•1- -,- - - - - - - -




_ K(e)Ye

K(t)- Ye

_ K(e)Ye

_ K(e)Ye

_ K(e)


_ K(e)Y1Ye





_ K(e)


_ K(t)


_ K(e)


K(e)- Y2Yt

_ K(t)


_ K(e)


.1:.f1 _ K(e )]Y2[ Y2 ]




_ K(e)


_ K(e)


_ K(e)Y1


K(e)- Y1Y2

1 1o ,K(e) I 1

'Y1 11 ,

IK(e) ,o 1 Y I 0

1 2 1

1 1I· ,.


'. '1 1, ,

.1:.f1 _ K(e)} 0 0 0 IK(e) 1 0Ytt Ye]' • 'Ye I

1 I I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --,- - - - - - - - - - -,- - -,- - • - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 , I

o .K(e) 1 0 0 • 0 1'K(e)+Yt +1 K(e)1 1


1 1o IK(e) 1 0

1,1 •

.1:.[1 - K(t)]h Y1








- c





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• for ~ =2,ooo,T-l,

the maximum feas ible solution is :.(~) as given in (5 (319) •

The value of the objective function is

1.($) a NK($) ~Pt- cJ.T-l T-l T

(iii) if ]Pt- PrYT ] (l/Yt)<:'c ~ ]Pt't=l tal - tal

the feasible solution is x(T) where-~(T~' =[~S~'OOOIn.r;G*J

_ rNK(T) NK(T) NK(T) °NK(TJ) : hence~LYl ~ Y2 ,000' YT ' ~, "

Z;(T) a NK(Tr~Pt- J.hal JT

(iv) If c >]Pt 'tal

the feasible solution is x(T+l) where-

proof: (i) waspDoved above. To prove (ii) we need to prove that

all [C j - Z3~~ for vectors not in B(~) are non-positive.

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From (5.320) we have, for h =1,2, •••,t,

0E - zi$) .. !illl r~Pt- J-!'hh h Yh ~=l ~.

= K($) ~Pt- ° - !'hYh]~h..J= Ky:h:l t:it_ P$Y$$]:~:J - oJ + ,[(p$yr PhYh) ~Q./ylL •

tal tal . tal ~

Since PtYt- PhYh ~ 0, for h = 1, • •• ,t, ~ - zit )foO ifh h

t-l t-l

c Z]Pt - PtYt] (l/Yt) • (5.323)tal tal

For all other vectors not in B(t) we have from (5.321) and (5.322)

= K( t ) [p$+1Y$+1~ (l/Yt) - ~ Pt+J·tal tal J

t t

Hence cn - 3:(t) ~O if c.5]Pt- Pt+1Yt+l]tl/Yt) •t+l nt +l tal tal

Combining (5.323) and (5.324), we have that if

t-l t-l t t

~Pt- PtYt] (l/Yt)~ C~]Pt- Pt+1Yt+l] l/Yt 'tal tal tal


all-Gj- z~tj fO; thus by Theorem 4.7, ~(t) as given in (5.319) is

a maximum feasible solution.

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To prove (iii) we note that

B(T) = (a ,a ,. ••,a ;~) =~ -~ -nt

Y1 0 • 0 • 0 -1

0 Y2 • 0 • 0 -1

• • • • • • •

0 0 • Yt • 0 I -1 •

• • • • • • I •I

0 0 • 0 • YT l -1

- - - --- - - -- - - - .l - -


1 1 • 1 •I

1 I 0I•

It can be easily verified that [B(T)] -1 =I'iE-K(T~ _ K(T) _ ~(T) _ K(T) ~ K(T)

•'jl'l Yl YIY2 l Yt • YJIT I Y1


_ K(T) i~ - K(T9_ K~T) _ K(T) I


YIY2 Y2 Yl Y2Yt •Y2YT Y2

• • • • • • •

_ K(T) K(T) -ir -£!ll _ K(T) I K(T)-- • y'. 1 . '1. --, • IYIYt Y2 Yt YtYT Yt,t_ tJ I

• • • • • • •


_ K(T) _ K(T) -it-K(TjI K(T)-- •


-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - -.- --K(T)--Y1

• K(T)

(5 ..326 )

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The associated extreme point solution is:


In Table 503 [the s :im.plex tableau when B(T) is the basis] ,all

vectors have been ""Pressed :in terms of B (T). Thus we obtain tj- Z~Tjfor all vectors not in the basis:


CE - ziT) .K(T) r]pt- ~ -Pt ~ t =1" •• oaT;t ~t Yt liml .]

CD - ~T) • - K(Tl]pt- J.~=l J

T-l T..l

A.s in (ii) it is clear that if c~~Pt - PTYT 2 (l/Yt) 9

tel t=l

cE - ~T)<:..O, for t:= l"""o,,T.t t


Moreover if ~Pt~O, CD - ~T)L. 0.. Hence ift=l

T-l T-l T

2Pt- I:YT7~ ~ (l/Yt)~C ~2Pt ' ,t=l tal t=l

the maximum feasible solution is x(T) 6 T

To prove (iv) we note that if 2pt 4-.c: at=l .


CD - Z~T) := - K(T) (~Pt- 0)70;t=l


(5 ..329)

Page 61: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

e • ~


Table ,.3. Simplex tableau for B(T)


I IG*j El E2 · Et · ~ I D I n

l ~ · nt · nT I


OJ 0 0 · 0 · 0 I 0 IPIYl P2Y2 · PtYt · PTYT I - c

x(T) (T) (T) I x(T) I x(T) x(T) x(T) iT)I

~}oCT) x(T) (T' I~I · ~t · ~ · ·Basis ~2 I =D :-~ -~ -:at -nT I



Yitl-~_ K(T) · _ K(T) _ K(T) I K(T) : 1 0 0 · 0 I 0a PIYl · ·~ Yl Yl Yl YI Y2 YIYt YIYT I Y1 I I




y}[1 - ®.] I

~ P2Y2NK(T) _ K(T) _ K(T) _ K(T)

I K.~T) : 0 1 · 0 · 0 I 0Y2 Y1Y2 Y2 Y2 · Y2 Yt · Y2YT I 12 I I


II . I . . · · . I .. . . . · I. · . II I


a PtYtNK(T) _ K(T) _ K(T) · ..1-. [1 _ K(T)]

_ K(T) I K(T) : 0 0 · 1 · 0 I 0~t Yt 71Yt Y2Yt Yt Yt · YtYT I Yt I I


I. · I . · . · . I .. . . . . · . . I •I I


NK(i') _ K(T) _ K(T) .. K(T) ..1:.[1 _ K(T)] : K(T) : 0I

a PfYT · · 0 · 0 · 1 I 0~ YT Y1YT Y2YT yilT YTYT I ;IT I I

I----------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - _.- ... - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - .- - - - - - - .. -- ---I


G* _ K(T) _ K(T) _ K(T) _ K(T) II- c NK(T) · · I K(T) I 0 0 · 0 · 0 1

71 Y2 ···'t YT I II




Page 62: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


hence, ~(T) is not a maximum solution, and the iterative process would

crontirme by introducing !n into the basis. To determine which vector is

to be eliminated from the basis, we note first that all elements of

~T) (in Table 5.3) are positive. Hence!n would replace the vector that

corresponds to


, K(T)!Y2 ,..., NK(T)/YT


= N for all ratios.

i.e.'!n can replace any of the vectors in the basis.. If we eliminate

~, we have

YI 0 .. 0 .. 0 , 0II

0 Y2 • 0 .. 0 I 0II.. .. .. .. • 0 I ..II

0= 0 0 • Yt • 0 III.. • .. • • I •II

0 0 • 0 .. YT I 0I- - - - - - - _.- -1- -I

1 1 I I ! 1.. .. •

= [~l_ ~ ~2j ,. B3 : B4.

Page 63: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


where Bl (T x T) is a. .diagonal matrix ,

It can be easily verified that

B1 =ail; B2 =g; B3= _;h' a+ =[- 1/Y1, ....- l/Yt;'~"~ l/YT] ;

B4 • 1.

B(T+1) -1Hence •

1 0 0 0 0- • •Y1

0 1 0 0 0- • •Y2

• • • • • • •

0 01 0 0...... ..... • •

v Yt

• • • • • • •

0 0 01 0• 0 -YT

--- - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 .. -

1 1 1 1 1-- -- " -- • --Yt Y2 Yt YT

Page 64: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


The associated extreme point solution is

"'" [~'~$OOO$nt'0009~;~"'" [o,OgOOO.\lO,l)ooo,pO;N] 0

Note that ~(T+l) is a degenerate feasible solutiono

In Table 504 [the simplex tableau when the basis is B(T+l)], all

(T+l) , r l .vectors are ;;expressed in tenns of B o·The LCf" ZjJ for vectors not

in the basis are

Z~.T+l) (0~ ... ,; "'" ... Pt $

t t

c z-:(T+l)0*'" G*


=... c + ~Ptt""'l


Since ~ Pt< c$ all cj

... z:~T+l) <'0; thus g x(T+l) is a max:imwn. feasible


A Useful Initial Basis to Start the Iterative Procedurefor Solving the General Production Stabilization Problem

The linear constra:ints (5 oll5) and (5 ..116) for the general production

stabilization problem are stated in matrix farm in Table 5 ..50 It may be

noted here that the assumption made in section 2.. 3 that it is technically

feasible to allocate any of the f resources to any of the T time! periods

is not' restrictive" For example, if' it is not technically feasible to

allocate units' of the r vth resource to the t vth t:ilne period, the variable

~ It g is deleted from the solution vector! and !n from the matrix .A~, rit v

As a practical comput:ing matter any Il:rt that has a non-positive Pr-t

cannot possibly be used :in the max:ilnum solution since it would obviously

Page 65: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

e e..


Table 5.4 Simplex tableau for B(T+l) Y• • 0*j I E1 E2 • Et • ET :n 8I1. n2 .. nt .. nr 8

8 . 8 dc. 0 0 .. 0 " 0 i 0 ,PIYl P2Y2 .. PtYt • PTYT , ." C

J,,'c- ,.... C x

~ :g2x

~ 8!D , !I1. x x x ~Basis - .." /I> .....Et " ~ .. -nt .. -nr I. I I ,

.~ PIYl o I 10 0 0 ' 0 I 1 0 0 0 I 1- 0 .. .. '" =-

Yl , I I YlI I I

=_1 R I I 1a P2Y2 01 0 - 0 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 0~ Y2 • .. .. .. I c= .-

I 8 I Y2

~ .. .. I • .. .. .. 0 .. I • I .. .. .. I.. .. .. '"I 8 I

.. .. .. I " • .. .. " "I .. I .. .. .. • .. .. 8 ..I 8 I


1 6 , I 1PtYt 0 0 - 0 i 0 I 0 0 1 0


Yt.. • '" I t=:l --

. YtI 1

I) " .. I .. .. • " " " I .. I .. .. .. .. .. • I ..I I I.. .. .. I " .. .. .. .. .. i .. I .. '" .. co .. .. ..I


aP~YT o I 0 0 0

1 , 0 I 0 0 0 1.....D.r

.. .. - • .. 1I ... _

YT 8 i I YT

18 I

!D 0 N I 1 1 181 I 0 I I(T)eD....,.._~ .. ""- .. <=- 0 0 0

Yl Y2 Yt YT " ..I 8 I. • I

T,('ll+1) I

I I'

"" C + ~Ptc. <= Z.. ' "" Pl ." P2 <I> ... Pt .. ." PT ,0 0 0 .. 0 .. 0J J tgl


!I For convenience, the superscript CT+l) has been omitted from the vector designations ..n

Page 66: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

f1><,r ":"

e- -.~ I ~ ~ ,.,.

~. .e e

Table 5.5. I'latrix formulation of linear constraints for the general stabilizaticm problem

1 0' 0I 1 1 1 10 · 0 · I

0 · 0 · 0, Yll 0 · 0 C 0 , · ·, Yrl 0 · 0 · 0 , · • 1 Yfl. 0 · 0 · 0 1 -11 I 0, , I , , 10 1 · 0 · ()J 0 0 · 0 · O. 0 Y12 · 0 · 0 I · ·' 0 Yr 2 · 0 · 0 , · • 1 0 Yf2 · 0 · 0 1 -11 I 0


" · · · · · ·, · .. · . · · , · ·, · · · · · · 1 · • 1I 1 , I 1

0 0 1 01 0 0 · 0 · 01 0 0 · Ylt · 0 , · • 1 0 0 · Yrt · 0 1 · • 1 0 0 · . Yft · 0 I -11 I 0· · 1 1 I I I 11 1 1 1 1 1

'1 · · · · · ·, · · · . · · 1 · ·, · · · · · · I · ·,1 I 1 , 1 1

0 0 · 0 · 11 0 0 · 0 · 0' 0 0 · 0 · YlT : · · ' 0 0 · 0 · YrT : · • 1 0 0 · 0 · YfT 1 -1 I 0I , , , 1

--~--------~--------------~---~----- _________ ~ ___ L ____ __________ L __ !.-1 , , I I 1 ,

0 0 · 0 · 01 1 0 · 0 · 01 1 1 0 1 · 1 , · ·, 0 0 · 0 · 0 1 · o 1 0 0 · 0 · 0 1 0

I~1 , 1 , 1 1 1

0: 0 0' 1 , I 1 10 0 · 0 · 1 · 0 · I 0 0 · 0 · 0

I · • 10 0 · 0 · 0 1 · • 1

0 0 · 0 · 0 1 01 1 1

.1 · · · · · ·, · · · . · · , · ·, · · · · · · I · • I . . · . · . I

1 I I , 1 I

I0' I 1 I 1 1

0 0 · 0 0 0, 0 0 · 1 · 0 0 · 0 · 0 , · • 11 1 · 1 · 1 1 · • 1

0 0 · 0 · 0 1 01 I NrI, 1 , 1 1.1 · · · · · • I · · · 0 · · , · · ' 0 0 · · · · 1 0 • 1, , I , 1 1

I I' I I0

1 I1 1 1 1

~0 0 · 0 · 0, 0 0 · 0 · 0 0 · 0 · 0 I · · , 0 0 · 0 · , · • 1 · · 1 l N~. 1

i.e •• ~ = E" where

x '= fi.~.·. Et ••• ET;!1.·D2,·· Dr'" Df ; nu· ~2' • , • ~t" •• ~T; •. nrl,nr2 , ••• , nrt, o .J nrT~

.nfl·nf~· nft' • • nfT ; Gi· , · · , • •

The colunm vectors of the matrix A may be identified as follows:

A = r:'~"!g ,..~.:v'!D •••.:v ,••~ ;~ '~ , • • ~ "'!n, ; • ; a ,a , , a , o , a ; · . a a o , a , ••a ;~· . o ,-nri-Ilr2'1 -'I; 1 2 r f 1 2 t .LT -nr1-nr2 -nrt -nrT -nft -nfT


Page 67: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,



be better to use the corresponding Dr. Hence, such a variable and its

corresponding column vector in the matrix .4 can be deleted_, We may

assume that for each r there exists at least one nrt with a corresponding

Prt '>o;otherwise, the resource should not have been considered.

The initial basis obtained by the following steps will be shown to

have some advantages:

(iv) t r vo

The number of non-zero variables in the solution consisting of the

variables in (5.41),(5.43) and (5.44) is equal to or less than

f + 1 + (T-l) =T + f o


Hence, this solution is a basic feasible solutiono Note that unless

there is a tie between G~l) and some other Gi1)(t r v), the relation

(5.44) is a strict inequality and thus (5.45) is a strict equ~ityo

Hence except in this case, the initial solution given above is a non-

degenerate basic feasible solution. The chance of such a tie is very'

Page 68: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


small and even if it oc~s, degeneracy can be avoided by changing

slightly the value of some Nr • To simplify the following development~

we will. assume that all basic solutions obtained are non-degenerate.

The vectors associated with the basic feasible solution given by

(5.41),(5.43), and (5.44) above may be grouped to form the initial basis

B(l) as fo±idW~: ~~ designate ~(t)as that ~twhich is non-zero in (5.L1)J

B(l) =

~ . .. ~!E '!E, •••'!E '~'!E ' ..•'!E ,!~ ~~ '···'!n '···~!n1 2 v-l v+l T .L(t) 4::(t) r(t) :t'(t

1 0 • 0 ~l 0 • 0 II

0 1 0 -1 0 0I

• • II

• • • • • • .. I• I

0 0 1 -1 0 0 I• • Te I B20 0 0 -1 0 0 I 'rows

• • I

0 0 0 -1 1 0I

• • I

I~. • • • • • • • I

I0 0 • 0 -1 0 .. 1 I= -- - - -- - - --- -- - -1 - - - - (5.46)

0 0 • 0 0 0 • 0,1 0 .. 0 .. 0

•0 0 • 0 0 0 .. 0 , 0 :'_1 • 0 .. 0~

I.. • .. • . .. • .. .. .. • .. .. .. •,0 0 0 0 0

,0 0 1 0

r0 • • .. ,~'\

rows.. •W

,.. .. .. .. ... .. • , .. .. .. • .. ..•0 0 .. 0 0 0 • 0 , 0 0 .. 0 .. 1,

T columns f columns


= ,B3 : B4

Page 69: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

-65...where Bl (T x: T) is a speciaJ. f onn of an elementary matrixo It is an

identity matrix except for the vth column which consists of ~ual

elements" -1;B2 (T x f)' is such. that the t th element in the r th column

~ ~rt if ~ti. in the baBis,

(0 otherwise;

B3(f x T) is a null matrix and B4(f x f) : If 0

B1 has the following properties:

(i) J Bl ): -1 ; (ii) Bil : Blo

Hence !B(l>j a I~IIB4 ~ Bfli1B21-1BJ II I- -1.

where Bl is a (T x T) matrix; B2 is a (T :Jll: f) matrix; B3 is a (f x T)

matrix and B4 is a (f x f) matrix, we can obtain [B(lH -lby solving

I Bl I B2 IBl , ~2 I IT I 0

--I - - - - .!. - - • - - 1 - -( IB4

, ,B3

I B4 B3 I 0 I IfI I,


Bl B2 {Bl I B2 Ir I 0

i.e. • t- = - J-- - - - -.. - ..-~- -- --I 1- 0


B4 I0 • If I 0 I If• I

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It can be easily verified that solving (5.47) gives:


• (5.48)

which can be easily computed.

Lemma 5.1: The value of the objective function, Z(l), correspondirg to

the initial solution given by (5.41),(5.43) and (5.44);i.e.,

T fZ(l) == ] ]n{l)p y. _ c G*(l) ,

t==l ral rt rt rt

o ° 11 Z dO t 1 t' °th G*Z G*(l)J.s max:unum among a, correspon mg 0 so u J.ons WJ. ~. •



T f

(5.41) obviously maximizes R = ] ]n tPtYt;t 1 1

r r r== r=

and since c~ 0, any solution with G*~ G~~(l) cannot possibly

have a corresponding z:: greater than Z:(l).

Lemma 5.2: Z:: has a fmite upper bound.


for c/O, Max Z::(R(l) ..

Theorem 5.a: If Z(s) [the value of tre objective function corresponding

to the solution given by the sth basi~ is maximum among Z. corresponding

to solutions with G*~G*(S)70 and if for' a fixed j, cj - z.~s)>0, then

~J 70 [where ~5 is the coefficient of ~ in the expression

]x~~jai = a.;l.i=l J.J - ~

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Proof: If for a fixed j" c j - J:3S)/ 0" there exists by Theorem 4.7

and Lemma S 02 a f inite

.[x~S)~Q.... Minl ..~ '70,J .; .... \SJ

J. x .., J.J


such that

exist llA-:l] 01 + [r:\st llj>4j~ 02 +•••+ [ ~s)_ llj";'~~ "m

+ Qjc. := z,(s) + Q. [C.- z,~s 51 ... z.(s+l),> z:(s) , (S.lAa-)J J J J J


where'in (S .. 410) and (Solll)

[x,(s)l t ... r2:,.(s) . ~s) xes~ is obtained by ._ ~ ~~ '000' ~ , .. o",_~ J

:~x(s) ",,~(s)f-lb ..L- 11 J -


[x~s)l' .fx..(~~"ooO~X~~)'GOO"X(~~is obtained by-J J ~~J. J.J mJ]

x~s) • [B(s)l-l a. (>

-J j-J

Without any loss of generality, let

xeS) !!Jl a*(s) 7'0 and xes) "" xes)m mj G*j"

From (5.41.1) and (S.ll2)

(a+1) (s) QX(.S) G*(s) Q (s)~OJIhi "" ~ - j-tIlj" - j~j" ,

• 1'>__ G*(s+l) G*(s) _ Q; (s) '" 0J.,,-., ... jXG*j'~ 0

• I-

Page 72: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


(s)Assume x"...... <. 0 ~U"C"J-/

We then have from (5",L13) that G*(S+1)~G*(8),

~(s+1)7~(s) 0



This contradicts the assumption in the theorem'that Z(s) is maximum

among all Z corresponding to solutions with G*~ G*(8); hence,.....

(5<)414) must be false; ioe,,~ ~~>o.

5~5 A Criterion for ~electing the Vectorto be Introduced into the Basis

Theorem 5<\>3: If Z(s) is maximum among all Z corresponding to solutions

With G~ G*(s)7 0, and if among the vectors with c.- Z~S)70, the vector

corresponding to ~ rCj-(:jS)l is introduced ~to :he (s+l)th basis,J [ xO*j J

then Z(s+l) is among all Z, corresponding to solutions with

G*? G*(8+l) ·h G*(8,+1)/ G*(8)E/ . , were .... 0

Proof: If for a fixed j,ll c j - Z,3 S );>O, then ~170 (by Theorem 5.2).

By TheDrem 407 and Lemma 50 2 there exists a finite

Qj & ~ rxf:~;> 0,1 Gj 1/

such'that Z(s+l) 00l Z;(s) + ~. rc .... Z:~8~ / Z;(S), (5 .. 51)J Ll


and G*(13+l) !lli G*~s) .. Q.x~~~ <G*(8) co (5.52-)J ~J

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5\1bstituting in (,.51) we obtain

Z;(s+l) =:a(S) + b-(:i1 ~i>(~? _ 0*(s+12 •


In (5.54) tj~A '7 0 represent s the increase in Z; resulting

from raising the level of the j th variable enough to decrease G*

by one unit. Hence if among the vectors with c j - Z3s )/0" the

vector corresponding to

~ [~j~FJis introduced into the (S+l)th basis, the corresponding ~(S+l) is

maJl=imum in the interval G*(s+l)L (;.*<. G*(S)" where G*(s+l) is'

determined by ~bstituting in (,.,2.) the Qj

cor;responding to the

vector chosen by this criterion.' Moreover since by assumption in

the theorem" z:(s) is max:im:um in the interval G*~G*(Sl" we have

that z:(s+l)rz:(s) is maximum among all Z corresponding to solutions

with G*Z G*(s+l).

Theorem ,.4: Assume the following conditions are satisfied:

corresponding to feasible solutions with

T f

all R = ~ ~ l'lz.t1'rtYrt corresponding tot=l r=l

a) z:(s) is maximum among all Z


b) Ri(S) is max:i.nIum among


feasible solutions with G*~ G*(s) 0; i.e., if G* is decreased" Hi

cannot be increas~d. Note that R(l) has this property.

Page 74: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


c) Among the vectors with c. - Z;~s)70, the vector that correspondsJ J

to~ ["J~~~J is introduoed into the (S+l)th basis.

Then R(s+l) is max:inn.un among all R corresponding to solutions with


Proof: If condition (a) is satisfied, and if c. - Z;~s»o, thenJ J

x&~) .>0 by Theorem 5..2. Consider a fixed a. such that c.- Z~~S» 0,U*,J -J J J

where condition (a) is satisfied and let x~s)= G*(s) and

x(s~ = ~~). It

m,J -U*,J

c.- Z;(s)J j

== c.J

= c. -J

m-l~ (s) ,,(8)~ Xi' c. + cxG* ji=l J ~ ,


=- A)s) + cxd:~)O ;

. (8) _ (s) ( (8»~.e., A. - c~.~. - c. - Z,. •

J " IJ'R'J J J

We first show that A~s)~O.J


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but this contradicts assumption ·~b); hence if conditions (a) and

(b) are satisfied, AYI)~ o.


0 z;(s)] [A(S) j~ j:a:i . · IIaX -.J~,. + 0 oorresponds to:

,j -~,j


~n E3·)/~;J ;. o.

Hence if condition (c), as well as conditions (a) and (b h are

satisfied, R(s+~) as given in (5.55) is maximum among all'R

corresponding to feasible solutions with G*£: G*(a+l). we also

have proved:

C.orollarz: Under conditions (a) and (b) in Theorem 5.4,A(s) .. exi~) _ fe _ z(s)l ~ 0

j .li*j tj jJ~ •

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In the following development we will assume that:

(1) The iterative procedure is started with the initial basis B(1) and

the associated extreme point solution obtained by steps (i), (ii),

(iii) and (iv) in section S04•

(2) The vector to be introduced into the (s+l)th basis is that which

corresponds to Mi.'n [IJ. ~s) / ~~~J >. o.(s) J \fll-J"/

XOil-j 70

(3) The vector to be eliminated from the basis is determined by the

regular simplex rule (Case I of Theorem 4.7; since by Lemma S.2

Z', haa a finite upper bound, there is no possibility of encountering

Case II of Theorem 4.7).

(4.) The problem is non-degenerate.

Let .Min rlJ.~S) /xd:J] == ).(13)'

xd:J? 0 L'We need to prove the following lenuna.

Lenuna S.. 3: The sequence of ).(s) obtained in the success i ve changes of

basis is monotone non...decreasing;ioeo, A.(l)~ >..(a~ .... ~~(S)~).(S+l~....


(a) we first prove that ).(2)~).(1).

(i) If >..(1) == 0 the proof is obvious, since ).(2)~ 0 by the

corollary to Theorem S.4.

(ii) Assume A.(l)~Oo For any c.- Z;~1) with ~~~)O, we canJ JU*J

write: or 1lJl) = ~~ rc - A~~~J. (S.S7)L ~j

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In the interval,

o ~ c ~ A(1)

no c.- z:~l) can be positive; hence, x(l) would be anJ J

optimal solution.

(iii) Assume that A(2)4 A(1). This implies that for any value

of c in the interval,

O~c~lo(2) , (5.59)

x(2) is an optimal solution. This is a contradiction,

since the interval (5.59) is contained in the interval

(5.58). Hence lo(2){. },(l), i.e., lo(2)~ lo(I).

(b) Vie next prove that lo(3)~lo(2)?lo(1). If lo(2) =t lo(l) == 0,

the proof is obvious (as above). Assume A(2).> O. Two cases

can arise:

(i) lo(2) "lo(l)~ O. In this case~(l) is an optimal

solution in the interval ~ c~ A(l)J , and ~(a) is

an optimal solution for

c = A(1) == A(2) , [Max Z(l) == Max z:(2) for t his value

of c7§

A(2) A(I)~ O. In this case 2:(1) is an optimal solution

for any value of c such that 0 ~ c~lo (1) .. (Note that if

>..(1) ... 0, 2:(1) is optimal only for c = 0.) Similarly,

2:(2) is an optimal solution for any value of c such

that A(l)~ co( A(2) ..- -

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The assumption that A.(3)~ A. (2) implies that for

c = A.(.3~ 1.(2), '!:.(3) is an optimal solution. This contra­

dicts either (i), (ii) or bothe Hence, 'A(3){ A.(2), and

in general 'A(3) ~ A. (2)~ A.(1).

(c) By an obvious extension of the se arguments, it is easy to see

that the lemma is true.

The results of the lemmas and theorems of Sections 5.4 and 5.5

suggest the following procedure ...

5,,6 A. Procedure for Findillg the Optimal Solutions (One or More)to the Gener al Production Stabilization Problem

f or Each Value of c in the Interval c ~ 0

(1) Find the initial basis B(1) and the asso ciated extreme point

solution, '!:.(1), by steps (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of Section 5.4.




If c = O~ this is an optimal solution.

Compute [B(lfl-1

as given in (5.48) ..

Obtain x~l) "" rB(l),-lQ. j = l!Juo,n.-J L::J -J'

Determine Min LA~1 }/x~G • 1.(1};


If A(1) "" 0, :(1) is optimal only if c = 00 If 'A(1);> 0, '!:.(l) is

optimal for any value of c wch that 0 ~c ''A(1) •

Introduce the vector that corresponds to 'A(1) into the second basis

and eliminate a vector by the regular simplex rule (Case I,

Theorem 4,,7) ..

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-75-(6) Determine l(2). By Lemma $.3, A(2)~l(1). If l(2):1 l(l),

!(2) or ~(l) are alternative optimal solutions, for c = A(2):I l(l).

If A(2) >A(1), ~(2) is an optimal solution for c in the interval

A(l~ C~A(2).

(7) If the above criterion is successively used, we can, for each basis,

determine a closed sub-interval of c such that the extreme point

solution associated with the given basis is an optimal solution for

any value of c in that alb-interval. It is possible that the

lower and upper limits for a sub-interval obtained at a given basis

are equal; i.e., that there is only one value of c such that the

corresponding solution is opt:ilnalo In this case the solution

corresponding to this particular basis and that obtained in the

preceding basis are alternative optimal solutions for this value of


(8). As long as the value of Z corresponding to any particular value of

c in a sub-interval derived by following this procedure is greater

than zero, the pro ces s can be co nt inued I)

(9) We cannot remain indefinitely at a value of l (a)= Co (say). For

suppose that we want to solve the problem for some c v~co. It is

clear that we can write any cj- Z.3 s ) that might be positive in the

sth basis as:

x~~ t' -$iJ ·Hence the steps that would be followed to solve the problem for

C :I c' must be exactly tb3 same as those followed until we reach

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the value X(s)=. cO* The asswmption of non-degeneracy guarantees

that we must be able to solve the problem for c := Ci. Hence we

cannot obtain a value A(s) = Co such that the lower and. upper

limits obtained in each succeeding iteration remain indef:initely

equal to cO. After we leave a basis, we cannot return to it or

to any basis corresponding to a lower value of c.

~: The remarks made in step (9) are suggested by some remarks

made by Gass G-958) in a similar si tua tiono

(10) The process will terminate by finding a finite value


C ~ ~ Max(PrtJ such that if C4C, the optimal allocation plantal r '

has a corresponding value of Z = 00

One can summarize these resu.lts as follows:

(a) If c = 0, !(l) is an optimal solution"

If c = a = A(l) = 0 •• =A(h)~A(h+l)9 ~(l)$~(2)$ooOg~(h) are

all optimal solutions.

(b) If O~C(A(l), !(l) is an optimal solution.

(e) If A(t-l) (. C <A(t),' !(t) is an optimal solution.

(d) If·· O(c. ,(h) .,(h+l) _ . ,(t)/,(t+1) (u.) (h+l) (t+l)= A ... A - ...... A ~ A $~'! $" •• ,.!

are all optimal solutions •

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6.0 Surrnnary and Limitations and Extensionsof the Studied MOdel

6 01 Sunnnary

This dissertation is concerned with the decision problem faced by a

firm which produces a non-storable connnodity and has to spend large

amounts of capital on a specialized factor that could be idled part of

the t:ime by fluctuation in production., In partimlar, it is assumed that

the firm uses f resources, Nr units of the r th resource being available

for production., These resources are to be allocated to one or more of

th thT different time periods, nrt units of the r resource to the t

period. Each of these I1:rt units can produce Yrt units of output at a

price less direct variable costs of Prt each;ioeo~ the total returns


are It = ~r=l



The decision problem is to determine the

which maximizes . ~f ~

z: := R - c Max ] I1:rtYrtt r=l

subject to the restriction ~I):.t4fNr and !1:rt~O., The cost of thet

specialized factor for being available :1n any of the T time periods is

approxLmated by a constant nmltiple of the maxinmm production in any

one time period. A detailed discussion of this matter is presented in

Section 2.30

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In Section 3.0 the basic model is simplified by assuming that f =: 1

and that Pl = P2 == 00. =Pt == .... == PT =p7 O. Optimal allocation plans

are obtained using this simplified model for every value of c/p in the

interVal c/p~O. This interval is divided into (T+l) sub-intervals, in

each of which an explicit optimal solution is given. The optimal

solutions and the corresponding values of the objective function are

presented in Table 3.1.

It is pointed out that for solving the general problem forIlUllated

in Section 2.3, the methods of linear programming are neededo

In Section 4.0 and succeeding sections, the general linear programnlng

problem is stated and its most important characteristics discuslBedo:' To

facilitate the discussion, a brief mathematical background is given. Th9

elements of the simplex computational procedures needed for the deveU.op-

ment in succeeding sections are also discussed.

In Section 5.1 a linear programming formulation of the general

production stabiliZation is given. These new variables are introduced~

G* = MaEI~"rtyJt '~=l ~



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The probleni is stated in a general linear programming form as


which maximizes the linear functionT £ T f

z: = O~Et + O~D~ + ~ ~nrtYrtPrttal r=l t=l r=l

subject to the linear constraints



Et· + ~n t Y t. - G* = 0,1

r rr=


n~ + t~nrt = Nr ,

These linear constraints are mmmarized in Table $,,$ in terms of column

vectors for each of the (f+l){T+l) variables~EVDr9~tand G*.-

In sections $,,2 and $,,3 the simplex method is used to solve the

simplified model except that the Pt are allowed to be unequal" The

PtYt are arranged so that PlYl~P2Y2 ~"u ~PtYt ~ "0" ~PrYT 7 00 It is

shown that:

(1) If 0 < c <'PJ. - P2Y2/Yl the optimal allocation plan is

~ "" N, nt "" 0 for t >1" The corresponding value of Z

is NYl (Pl-c) .> 0",.e-l .e=l .e .e

(ii) If ]Pt- P.eY.e. ~ (l!Yt) <.. c<'~Pt= P.e+lY.e+l ~ (l!yt ),t=l t=l t=l t=l

for.e = 2,o •• ,T-l~

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the optimal allocation plan is


N/ ~ (l/Yt)'tal


The corresponding value of Z: is

t ... 1, •••,~ ;

t i= ~+l, ...,T.


Nr] (l/Yt1 r]Pt - ;)0.~=l ,:J ~=l :J

T-l T-l T

(iii) If' ~Pt - PTYT ] (l/Yt)<: eL.]pt 'tal tal t;:l

the optimal allocation is


l1.tYt =- N/] (l/Yt),tal

t= 1, ... ,T.

The corresponding value ofZis

N f] (In) f]pt- J o.b=l J Lt=l J


(iv) If' c>~Pt the opt:i1nal allOCation plan istal

l1.t = 0, t ... 1, ... ,T.

The corresponding value of Z i~ ~ero.

~-l ~-l

(v) If c = ~Pt - PiY~ ~ (l/Yt) ,tal t;:l

the optimal allocation plan is

.eO$n~Y~~N/~ (l/Yt) ,


for ~ = 2, o ••,T,

Page 85: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,

.t(N-n.t)/] (l/Yt)



, t = 1, ... ,.t-l;

t - .t+l, •••, T.


~ 0,

The corresponding value of Z is NP.tY.t.

(v.O::J:f PlYl = P2Y2= ... • PhYh;> Ph+lYh+l' the first interval for

h h

c is 0 <c <~Pt- Ph+lYh.l ] (l/Yt) •1 1

The results presented in Table 3.1 are special oases of the results

in (i),(ii),(iii),(iv), and (v), when PI= P2-•••- PT =p;>O.

The elements in the solution veotor of the sth st~ge of iteration

for salving the general problem by the simplex method are irrlicated as

follows " E(.S) "",(s) n(S).G*(S)o . t ,~ '-~t I •

In seotion 504 the following initial extreme point s olution

(f .. T variable s /0) is chosen:

~) • 0r:>O • i:t PrtYrt • Mal< [PrlYrl'....Pr~r~~o otherwise ;




n:(l)r I: 0 for all ro

The inverse of the matrix B(l), whose oolumn veotors are those in

Table 505 corresponding to the (f+T) positive variables in the initial

Page 86: APPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES · PDF fileAPPLICATIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES ... The optimal solution obtained under the a bove assumptions,is, nevertheless,


solution, can be easily computed. The initial solution has the following

properties: T f

(1) R(l) = ] ] n~~)PrtYrt is a maximum R.t=l r=l

(2) Z(l) = R(l) - c G*(l) is maximum among all Z, corresponding to

solutions with G*~G*(l).

The linear programming procedure starts with an initial solution,

such as that, given above; determines if one of the omitted variables

can profitably be added; and, if one can profitably be added, deter­

mines which of the original set should be removed. Z(1) would be

changed by an amount c j- zjl); for each unit of'the j:tli variable if intro­

duced into the system, where c j represents the added returns due to

the jth variable and Z~l) the change in Z(l) due to changes in the otherJ

variables needed to satisfy the constraints. If at least one c.- ~~l)J J

is positive, that variable is added for which cj - z31»0 and

c.- Z;~l)J (i~ is a maximum, where ~~ >0 is def:ined in Theorem 5.2. .4XO*j

criterion is given in Case I, Theorem 4.7 for determining which of the

original f + T variables associated with B(l) is replaced by the jth

one. The suggested criterion for determining which variable should be

added:m~imizes the increase :in Z(l) for a unit decrease in G*.(l).

By successively following this procedure, starting with the vari­

ables associated with B(l), every solution obtained will have the

following properties:

(1) R(s) is maximum among all R corresponding to solutions with

G*~ G*.(s) ..

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(2) Z:(s) is maxinrum among all solutions with G*~ G*(s).

A procedure is suggested for finding the optimal solutions to the general

production stabilization problem for each value of c in the interval"

c~O" The details of this procedure are presented in Section 5.6.

6 0 2 Limitations and Extensions of the Studied Model

It must be realiZed that no mathematical model simple enough to be

manageable can provide complete solutions for the complicated decision

problems that confront a firm in the real world. However, as Dorfman

L195~ states:

II'Simplified models serve a real purpose in enablingus to deal intellectually with at least some ,forcesat work in the real economic world. They perform,partlY9 the function or an experiment under con­trolled laboratory conditions .. '"

Model building is a multi-stage .process. .A useful beginning

tOWjl.rds obtaining approximate solutions for the complicated decision

problems of the real world may be made by formulating a simplified model

which omits some factors that are present in the true situation, arrl;

solving the problems presented by the simplified model. The model may

then be enlarged to a more comprehensive model by including some of the

factors that have been omitted in the initial formulation. Solutions

are then sought for the problems presented by the enlarged model 0 The

solutions already obtained will usually help in attempting to solve the

more complex problems of the enlarged model 0

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The model studied in this thesis could be extended in many directions:

(1) It might be desirable to relax the assumptions that the firm can sell

any quantity it can produce, in any of the given t:ime periods" and

without affecting the market price at that time period. TIlis may be

achieved by one of the following:

(a) In solving the linear programming problem formulated in

Section 5.1, additional constraints may be imposed on the

allocation variables. For example:~.

] nrtYrt ~ ~t' t = 1, ..., T,r=l

where Qt is an upper limit on the quantity that the firm

can sell in time period t.

(b) Instead of aSS1.Uning that the price at any given time period

does not depend on the firm's production in that time

period, we can assume a knowledge of the demand function

that relates the firm's production in any given time period

to the price it receives for the commodity at that time

period. If these demand functions are assumed to be linear,

the problem can be formulated as a problem of quadratic


(2 ) We have assumed that the only costs that may make a fluctuating

production schedule an unefficient one are those investment costs

incurred by the firm in order to have enough units of a specialiZed

factor to accommodate the maximum production by the firm in any of

T time periods. This assumption was made to emphasize the effects

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of such costs on the firm's allocation plan. Other costs associated

with a fluctuating production schedule (e.g., costs of hiring and

releasing personnel) may also be included in the model if they are

considered important. For example, we can write

f f

~nrtYrt - ~nr t-1Yr t-l = qt - st' t = 1, ... ,T,r=l r=l'.9

where qt~ 0 represents an increase in production, and St~ 0

represents a decrease in production;i.e., if qt:( O,St => °and vice

versa, we can include qt'St (t=l, ...,T) among the decision variables

and assign to them appropriate costs in the objective function.

The restrictions on the decision variables would thus be augmented

by the set of equations:f f

r~nrtYrt - r~nr,t-1Yr.9t-l - qt + St == 0, t => 1, ...,T,

0) We have assumed that the amount of the r th resource (I' => 1, 0 ..,f)

that can be allocated by tb3 firm to produce in any of tb3 T time

periods is limited by a constant, Nr , which does not depend on the

allocation plan chosen by the firm. For any unit of this resource,

we are concerned with a single allocation to any of the T time

periods 0 In other words, we are not concerned with how that unit

will be re-allocated once a production process terminates. How-

ever, if the time interval over which the allocation plan is

required is long enough so as to permit successive production

processes on the same unit of any of these resources, the quantity

available from any resource for starting new production processes

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at a given time period will depend on how the units of that resource

were allocated at some previous time periods. The model studied in

this thesis could be extended so as to account for such dynamic

features in the allocation plan chosen by the fir.m.

(4) The model discussed in this dissertation is deterministic. By

assuming that the relevant market and technologipal conditions are

known with certainty, we have evaded some of the most critical

problems that confront the firm. Fu.rther research to introduce

random errors into the studied model is needed. Random errors

might be introduced in one or more of the following:

a) The prices received by the firm for its products.

b) The yields Yrt; r =l, •••,f, t =1, ••• ,T.

c) The time needed for a production process to be completed.

If random errors are introduced into the model, a problem of a

different nature arises. The subjective attitude of the entre­

preneur towards risk has to be taken into consideration.

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Allen, R. G. Do 19560 Mathematical Economics. The MacMillan Co.,New York ..

Charnes" AO $ Cooper:.> W. W" and Farr$ Do 195Jo Linear programming andprofit preference scheduling for a manufacturing firm .. Journal ofOperations Research Society of America, Vol. 1.

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Gass, S" 10 1958.. Linear Programming)! Methods and Applications.McGraw;=Hill,Book COo$l Inc.. New Yorko

Hoffman$) A. Jo 1955" How to solve a linear programming problem.ppo 397-424 in Directorate of Management Analysis: Proceedingsof the SeconaSymposium in Linear Programming.. Edited byH.. Antosiewicz" DeS/Comptroller)! Headquarters, UoS .. Air Force,Washington$) D. Co

Karlin, So 1959.. Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games,Programming and Economics 0 VoL 1.9 Addison-Wesley PublishingCo".9 Inc.. Reading,\) Massachusetts"

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(Mimeo Series available for distribution)

258. Hoeffding,Wassily. On sequences of sums of independent random vectors.

259. Webster, J. T., A. H. E. Grandage, R. J. Hader, R. L. Anderson. A decision procedure for the inclusion of an indepen-dent variate in a linear estimator. June, 1960.

260. Chakravarti, I. M. On some methods of construction of partially balanced arrays. July, 1960.

261. Roy, S. N. and R. Gnanadesikan. On certain altemative hypotheses on dispersion matrices. August, 1960.

262. Murthy, V. K. On the distribution of averages over the val'ious lags of certain statistics related to the serial correlationcoefficients. August,}960.

263. Anderson, R. L. Some needed developments in multivariate analysis. August, 1960.

264. Chapman, D. G., W. S. Overton and A. L. Finkner. Methods of estimating dove kill. October, 1959.

265. Eicker, FriedheIm. Consistency of parameter-estimates in a linear time-series model. October, 1960.

266. Eicker, FriedheIm. A necessary and sufficient condition for consistency of the LS estimates in linear regression. October,1960.

267. Smith, W. L. On some general renewal theorems for nonidentically distributed variables. October, 1960.

268. Duncan, D. B. Bayes rules for a common multiple comparisons problem and related Student-t problems. November,1960.

269. Bose, R. C. Theorems in the additive theory of numbers. November, 1960.

270. Cooper, Dale and D. D. Mason. Available soil moisture as a stochastic process. December, 1960.

271. Eicker, FriedheIm. Central limit theorem and consistency in linear regression. December, 1960.

272. Rigney, Jackson A. The cooperative organization in wildlife statistics. Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting, SoutheasternAssociation of Game and Fish Commissioners, Biloxi, Mississippi, October 23-26, 1960. Published in Mimeo Series, Janu­ary, 1961.

273. Schutzenberger, M. T. On the definition of a certain class of automata. January, 1961.

274. Roy, S. N. and J. N. Shrizastaza. Inference on treatment effects and design of experiments in relation to such inferences.January, 1961.

275. Ray-Chaudhuri, D. K. An algorithm for a minimum cover of an abstract complex. February, 1961.

276. Lehman, E. H., Jr. and R. L. Anderson. Estimation of the scale parameter in the Weibull distribution using samples cen·sored by time and by number of failures. March, 1961.

277. Hotelling, Harold. The behavior of some standard statistical tests under non-standard conditions. February, 1961.

278. Foata, Dominique. On the construction of Bose-Chaudhuri matrices with help of Abelian group characters. February,1961.

279. Eicker, Friedheim. Central limit theorem for sums over sets of random variables. February, 1961.

280. Bland, R. P. A minimum average risk solution for the problem of choosing the largest mean. March, 1961.

281. Williams, J. S., S. N. Roy and C. C. Cockerham. An evaluation of the worth of some selected indices. May, 1961.

282. Roy, S. N. and R. Gnanadesikan. Equality of two dispersion matrices against altematives of intermediate specificity.April, 1961.

283. Schutzenberger, M. T. On the recurrence of patterns. April, 1961.

284. Bose, R. C. and I. M. Chakravarti. A coding problem arising in the transmission of numerical data. April, 1961.

285. Patel, M. S. Investigations on factorial designs. May, 1961.

286. Bishir, J. W. Two problems in the theory of stochastic branching processes. May, 1961.

287. Konsler, T. R. A quantitative analysis of the growth and regrowth of a forage crop. May, 1961.

288. Zaki, R. M. and R. L. Anderson. Applications of linear programming techniques to some problems of production plan­ning over time. May, 1961.