arabic encyclopedia of plant pathology &

1 لفطريات والنباتمراض ا ة العربية الموسوعArabic Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology &Fungi لق الحمدانيلخاحمد عبد ا الدكتور ماد إعدMohammed AL- Hamdany سيرةت العراقيلفطرياص ا متخصProf. Abdulla, Samir Khalaf الجزءالث الثPart III. )ض نباتأمرا( Pages Codes Contents ولت الجزء ا محتويا ds# loads/111749 لثانيت الجزء ا محتويا ds#

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الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات والفطريات

Arabic Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology &Fungi

إعداد الدكتور محمد عبد الخالق الحمداني

Mohammed AL- Hamdany

متخصص الفطريات العراقي سيرة

Prof. Abdulla, Samir Khalaf

)أمراض نبات( .Part III الثالثالجزء

Pages Codes Contents

محتويات الجزء األول



محتويات الجزء الثاني


Page 2: Arabic Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology & Abdullah, S.K. III.pdf · Mohammed AL- Hamdany ... leaves of Taefi (cv.) ranged between 0.27-0.32



)أمراض نبات(مكونات الجزء الثالث الحالي

3 SIII-1 القابلية االمراضية للفطرPhaeoacremonium aleophilum على صنفين

العراق -منطقة كردستانمن العنب في

6 SIII-2 التشخيص المظهري والجزيئي للفطرPhaeoacremonium aleophilum

العراق –هور كروم العنب في محافضة دهوك تدالمرتبط بظاهرة

8 SIII-3 تشخيص السالالت الفسيولوجية للفطر المسبب للذبول الفيوزارمي على البطيخ في

جنوب العراق

11 SIII-4 دراسات على الذبول الفيوزارمي في الطماطة في العراقII نباتات غير العائل .

تحمل الفطر المسبب في منطقة البصرة

13 SIII-5 مسح وعزل وتشخيص مسببات موت بادرات الطماطة في مزارع الزبير وسفوان

في البصرة

16 SIII-6 تواجد الفطرينThielaviopsis paradoxa وThielaviopsis punctulata

في ترب بساتين أشجار نخيل التمر في جنوب شرق إسبانيا

18 SIII-7 المواصفات الجزيئية والقابلية اإلمراضية لعزالت الفطرCylindrocarpon

destructans شمال العراق –عزلت من نباتات عنب في دهوك

22 SIII-8 السالالت الفسيولوجية للفطر المسبب للذبول الفيوزارمي في الطماطة على أصناف

العراق –مختلفة في منطقة البصرة

24 SIII-9 التشخيص والقابلية المرضية للفطرBotryosphaeria parva المرتبط بتدهور

شمال العراق –كروم العنب في منطقة كردستان

28 SIII-10 دراسة حول الفطرsp. Olpidium العراق -في منطقة البصرة

31 SIII-11 تواجد تعفن )خياس( طلع النخيل المتسبب عن الفطرMauginiella scaettae

36 SIII-12 تسليط الضوء على بعض أمراض اشجار نخيل التمر(English)

52 SIII-13 دراسات إحيائية إضافية على الفطر المسبب لتعفن او خياس طلع النخيل

Mauginiella scaettae (English)

56 SIII-14 تدهور العنب في وسط العراق بالفطريات المرتبطة

59 SIII-15 فطريات 9)دراسات عن الفطريات التي تسبب امراض وتحلل االشجار في العراق


74 SIII-16 فطريات بازيدية( 7)دراسات عن فطريات تعفن اشجار الغابات


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.SIII-1القابلية اإلمراضية للفطر Phaeoacremoacremonium aleophilum على

صنفين من العنب في منطقة كردستان العراق

Pathogenicity of Phaeoacremoacremonium aleophilum associated

with Grapevine decline in Kurdestan Region -Iraq

Raed A. Haleem, Samir K. Abdullah and Jaladat M. S. Jubraell

عنب مجذر أقالم على أغصان Phaeoacremoacremonium aleophilumأعراض تقرح الفطر

أعراض A-Cبعمر سنة بعد عدة أشهر من تلويث الجروح أو حقن معلق أبواغ الفطر وتمثل الصور

أغصان نباتات أعراض التقرح على D-Eالتقرح لتجارب التلويث اإلصطناعي داخل البيت الزجاجي ،

سنة تحت الظروف الحقلية . 15عنب بعمر


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العنب اشجار من صنفين سيقان على Phaeoacremonium aleophilum الفطرإمراضية أختبرت

او للفطر سبوري بعالق الساق حقن هما بطريقتين العدوى تمت .الزجاجي البيت ظروف تحت وراشمي تايفي

السيقان على واضح تقرح ظهر .الفطري الغزل من بقرص الجرح مكان تلقيح ثم ومن الساق في جرح بعمل

للساق طولي مقطع عمل عند .تايفي الصنف على (ملم 20.65 تقرح اطول وكان اشهر اربعة بعد المعاملة

بطريقة العدوى اظهرت .التقرح منطقة في( الساق طول على اللون سوداء الى بنية خطوط تكون لوحظ

الطري اختزال الوزن الى الممرض للفطر العدوى ادت .الحقن بطريقة العدوى من كفاءة اكثر الجروح

الغزل من بقرص النبات عدوى تم الحقل في اما .السيطرة بمجموعة مقارنة معنوية بصورة للساق والجاف

اطول سجل .كهربائي ثاقب باستخدام الساق داخل ثقب عمل خالل من او بالساق جرح عمل بعد الفطري

الصنف وعلى االولى الطريقة استخام عند العدوى منى اشهر خمسة بعد على النبات (ملم 17.5 ) تقرح

مرة الول Phaeoacremonium aleophilum الفطر سجل .تايفي الصنف عن معنوي وباختالف راشمي

العراق في


The disease severity of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum on the symptomatic

leaves of Taefi (cv.) ranged between 0.27-0.32 after two and four months of

inoculation with significant difference from Rashmew (cv.) Pathogenicity test was

performed on two cultivars, Taefi and Rashmew, under the greenhouse conditions.

One year-old rooted grape cuttings were inoculated with P. aleophilum by two

methods, injecting the spore suspension into the green shoots, and artificial

inoculation of wounded shoots with mycelial mat. Symptoms appeared as

brownish to black discoloration in a longitudinal section of all plant shoots. The

highest canker length (20.67 mm) was produced after four months of wounding on

Taefi shoots with significant difference from control treatment. Inoculation by

wounding shoots was more effective than injecting shoots. P. aleophilum caused

significant reduction in fresh and dry weight of green shoots compared with non-

inoculated treatment. Under field condition, two methods of inoculation were

adopted, wounding the green shoots, and drilling a hole into the grapevine arms

followed by inoculation with mycelia mat. The highest canker length (17.50 mm)

was obtained after 5 months on wounded shoots of Rashmew (cv.) with a

significant difference from Taefi (cv.).This pathogen has been reported for the

first time in Iraq.


Haleem. R.A., Abdullah, S.k. and Jubrael, J.M.S.(2013) . Pathogenicity of

Phaeoacremonium aleophilum associated with grapevine decline in Kurdistan

region-Iraq. J.Univ. Zakho Vol.1.No.2 :612-619.

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على أغصان أقالم عنب مجذرة بعد شهرين وأربعة أشهر Phaeoacremonium aleophilumقيم شدة إصابة الفطر

Rashmewو Taefiمن التلويث اإلصطناعي )تلويث الجروح( للصنفين

.Phaeoacremoniumللفطر المسبب لتقرح األغصان Rashmewو Taefiاإلستجابة المرضية لصنفي العنب

Aleophilum خالل أطوال المناطق المتقرحة بعد التلويث اإلصطناعي من.

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SIII-2 . التشخيص المظهري والجزيئي للفطرaleophilum Phaeoacremonium

العراق-المرتبط بظاهرة تدهور كروم العنب في محافضة دهوك

Morphological and Molecular Identification of Phaeoacremonium

aleophilum Associated with Grapevines Decline Phenomenon in

Duhok Governorate

Raed A. Haleem , Samir K. Abdullah and Jaladat M.S. Jubraeel


Decline symptoms on grapevine included plants that failed to thrive normal

with reducing shoot growth and chlorotic interveinal areas that latter became

necrotic. In a cross section of grapevine arms, the internal wood tissue were

frequently dark brown to black with a wedge-shaped necrotic sectors.

Phaeoacremonium leophilum was isolated from infected tissues of declined plants

in pure culture and identified on the basis of its morphological and cultural

characteristics. For accurate identification of P. aleophilum the PCR technique was

employed. Ten isolates were selected from different locations. These isolates were

subjected to specific

PCR assay. The specific primers for P. aleophilum were used to amplify the ITS

region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) containing ITS1, ITS2 and the

intervening 5.8 rRNA genes. PCR results obtained from Phaeoacremonium

isolates indicated that only three isolates were related to P. aleophilum. The

remaining isolates may represent different species of Phaeoacremonium. P.

aleophilum is reported for the first time in Iraq.

Keywords: grapevines decline, Phaeoacremnium aleophilum, molecular detection.


Haleem. R.A., Abdullah, S.k.and Jubrael, J.M.S.(2011). Morphological and

molecular identification of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum associated with

grapevine decline in Duhok governorate, Iraq. J.Basrah Res.(Science) 37(4):

1-8.Available online at:

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حيث شكل المستعمرة في الوسطين Phaeoacremonium aleophilumالتراكيب الفطرية للفطر

Malt Extract Agar يسار(A و )Potato Dextrose Agar يمين(A ثم الغزل الفطري )

(Phialids) واألبواغ الكونيدية التي تخرج من الفياليد

عتماد كليا على المظاهر الخارجية التي يستخدمها الكثيرين من العاملين اإلأثبتت الدراسة الحالية عدم

بحقل أمراض النبات عندما يتطلب األمر الفصل بين عزالت تنتمي ألنواع جنس معين .. فقد عزلت في هذه

عزالت من أعراض إصابة لكروم عنب عليها أعراض التدهور . وجد ومن خالل المظاهر 10الدراسة

Phaeoacremonium aleophilumأن العزالت العشرة متقاربة بشكل كبير مع الفطر الخارجية بالمرتبط بتدهور العنب ولكن توضيف التقنية الجزيئية أعطى نتائج مختلفة ، حيث وجد بأن ثالثة عزالت فقط

Phaeoacremoniumمطابقة للنوع المذكور ، وقد تكون العزالت السبعة الباقية ألنواع أخرى من الجنس


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SIII-3 . تشخيص السالالت الفسيولوجية للفطر المسبب لمرض الذبول الفيوزارمي على

البطيخ في جنوب العراق

سمير خلف عبد هللا محمد عبد الرزاق السامر صالح مهدي البدر

مستل من اطروحة دكتوره للباحث الثاني

Physiological races of Fusarium causing wilt in Muskmelon in South

Region of Iraq

S. K. Abdullah M. A. AI-Samir S. M. AI-Bader Abstract

The occurrence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis, the causal agent of

Fusarium wilt on muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) in Iraq has been reported in

muskmelon fields in southern Iraq. Determination of physiological races of the

pathogen has been confirmed, using three differential cultivars (Charentias T,

Charentias Fom-l and Charentias Fom-2). Six isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp.

melonis express both races I and 1,2. Four of them from Saddamiat AI-Qurna,

Numania and Dair have been assigned to Race-l , while the other two isolates

from Safwan and Zubair sites have been identified as Race 1,2.


المسبب لمرض الذبول الفيوزارمي على Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonisسجل وجود الفطر

نباتات البطيخ في حقول المحصول في بعض المحافضات الجنوبية للعراق . حددت السالالت الفسيولوجية

ترب ملوثة إنفرايا أصص تحوي على للفطر بإستخدام ثالثة أصناف كاشفة )تفريقية( زرعت بذورها في

أظهرت أربعة عزالت كانت قد جمعت من بطيخ عليها أعراض الذبول. بعشرة عزالت جمعت من نباتات

من 2و1، بينما عزلتي سفوان والزبير تعودان للساللة 1مناطق القرنة والنعمانية والدير بأنها تعود للساللة

ونتائج 2في جدول الذي يبين كيفية تشخيص سالالت الفطر المسبب الفطر الممرض كما في الجدول التالي

. 3التشخيص في جدول

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مصادر العزالت: ق: القرنة، ن: النعمانية ، س : سفوان ، ز : الزبير ، د. الدير وجميعها مدن في جنوب العراق.

نفذت تجربة تحديد السالالت المتواجدة في حقول البطيخ في المواقع المدروسة من خالل الخطوات التالية:

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عزل الفطر المسبب من جذور نباتات بطيخ عليها أعراض الذبول .1

تنقية كل عزلة على حدة .2

معقم .. (Millet seeds)إكثار كل عزلة على بذور دخن .3

كغم( تربة .. تركت التربة رطبة بعد التلويث لثالثة أيام . 1تلويث ترب في أصص ) .4

زرعت خمسة بذور من األصناف التفريقية في كل أصيص.. .5

يوم .... 28أخذت النتائج بعد .6


Abdullah, S.K., Al-Samer, M.A., Al-Bader, S.M., (2003) Physiological races

in Fusarium causing wilt in muskmelon in south region of Iraq. Iraqi J.

Agric. (Special Issue) 8:145-149.(In Arabic).

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SIII-4 .دراسة الذبول الفيوزارمي على الطماطة في العراق

نباتات غير العائل حاملة مسبب الذبول الفيوزارمي في منطقة البصرة .II

Studies on Fusarium wilt of tomato in Iraq

II. No host plants as a pathogen carrier in Basrah Region

Samir, K. Abdullah and Ismail, A. L. S. Ismail


The tomato wilt pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in no host

plant has the capacity to colonize them to different extent without showing any

appreciable disease symptoms. Out of 18 plant species screened, 7 were found to

be colonized by the pathogen.

وجد بأن الفطر المسبب لمرض الذبول الفيوزارمي على الطماطة قادر على إستعمار أنسجة بعض

عوائل بعد زراعتها 7عائل نباتي، عزل الفطر من 18العوائل النباتية التي تعتبر غير عائل للفطر، فمن بين

في تربة ملوثة به..

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Fusariumأسماء العوائل النباتية الغير عائل للفطر المسبب لمرض الذبول الفيوزارمي على الطماطة

oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici أستعمرت من قبل الفطر الممرض بدون أن تتكشف عليها أعراض

خالل غياب نباتات الطماطة؟؟؟؟الممرض مرضية مما يجعلها أماكن جيدة وآمنة لديمومة الفطر

النسب المئوية لألنسجة المصابة بالفطر المسبب لمرض الذبول الفيوزارمي على الطماطة عند زراعة

نباتات غير عائل في تربة ملوثة به مع وصف األعراض المرضية التي تكشفت على النباتات


Abdullah, S.K. and Ismail, A.L.S. (1976). Studies on Fusarium wilt of tomatoes in

Iraq. : II.Non-susceptible hosts as carriers of wilt Fusarium in Basrah area. Proc.

Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. 42B,(4): 189-193.

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.SIII-5 الزبير وسفوان مسح وعزل وتشخيص مسببات موت بادرات الطماطة في مزارع


D.S.A.AL-WaiIY and S.K.Abdullah

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Isolation and identification of pathogenic fungi causing

Damping off diseases of tomato seedlings at Safwan and

Zubair fields in Basrah D.S.A.AL-WaiIY and S.K.Abdullah

This study was conducted to survey the tomato seed-decay and seedlings damping-

off diseases in the desert fields qf Safwan and Zubait regions in Basrah

Governorate and to isolate their causal pathogens. The results of the field survey

showed that the incidence of tomato seed decay and seedling damping-off diseases

were recorded in all fields and in both regions for three dates of tomato sowing

(first l-15/8 ; second 1- l5l9 ; third 1-15/10) .The highest incidence (29.15% ) was

recorded in the second date of tomato sowing. The isolation results showed that

many pathogens caused these disease cases, among them are Pythium

aphanidermatum{Edson)Fitz. , Fusarium oxysporum schltdle. ,Fusarium solani

(Mart.) Sacc. and Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn', with high frequency and also

Alternaria solani , Alternaria alternata and Fusarium equesiti(Corda.)Sacc'

with low frequency. The highest appearance and frequency was observed for

Phytophthora aphanidermatum in the first date in both regions 'followed by

F.oxysporun , Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani ,In the second date, the

highest appearance was recorded for F.solani , F.oxysporum and R.solani in both

regions , as well as Alternaria solani , Alternaria alternata and F.equesiti but by

low frequency , In the third date the highest frequency was for R.solani followed

by F.solani and F.oxysporum. The pathogenicity tests recorded that the strongest

isolations for Phytophthora aphanidermatum were Pa6 ,Pal,Pa3 andPaT where the

infection intensity were 53.7, 52.3,49.3 and 4g.g% respectively , while the

strongest isolations for F.oxysporum were Fo2 and Fo3 where the infection

intensity approached 58'8 and

54.9 % respectively , However for F.solani isolate Fs5 was the strongest and the

infection intensity was 56.30/o, while for R'solani the isolations Rs6 , Rs8 and Rs7

were the strongest and the infection intensty were 45.7 ,52.5 and 54.1 0%


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اسابيع من زراعة بذورها في 3للصنف سوبرماريموند بعد جدول: قيم شد اإلصابة على بادرات الطماطة

لكل ممرض .قرب البصرة و مناطق 10تربة اصص ملوثة بالوحدات اللقاحية للممرضات المعزولة من

Phytophthora العزالت



oxysporum Fusarium

solani Rhizoctonia


1 52.3* 33.9 22.6 15.4

2 37.8 58.8* 22.0 23.4

3 49.3 54.9* 32.5 21.6

4 43.1 43.4 22.5 15.0

5 40.1 36.9 56.3* 37.5

6 53.7* 18.6 28.8 54.7*

7 49.9 38.9 32.9 52.5*

8 36.1 46.5 40.4 54.1*

9 31.6 43.1 44.9 47.1

10 48.0 40.0 22.5 43.5

LSD 3.11 5.97 5.4 2.25



1,6 2,3 5 6,7,8


D.S.A.AL-WaiI Y and S.K.Abdullah. 2004. Isolation and identification of

pathogenic fungi causing damping off diseases of tomato seedlings at Safwan and

Zubair fields in Basrah. Iraqi J. of Biology, 4 (1): 88-105.

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SIII-6 . تواجد إثنين من ممرضات نخيل التمرThielaviopsis paradoxa و

Thielaviopsis punctulata تربة أحد بساتين أشجار النخيل جنوب شرق إسبانيا

Incidence of the two Date palm pathogens, Thielaviopsis paradoxa

and Thielaviopsis punctulata in soil from Date palm plantation in

Elx, South-East Spain.

Samir K. Abdullah1; Leticia Asensio; Elena Monfort; Sonia Gomez-Vidal ;

Jesus Salinas; Luis V. Lopez Lorca, and Hans B. Jansson


The present study reports the frequent isolation of the two date palm pathogens

Thielaviopsis paradoxa (de Seynes) Hohn and T. punctulata (Hennebert) Paulin,

Harrington & McNew from soil of date palm plantations at Elx, south-east Spain,

using dilution plate, direct soil plating or by soil treatment either with acetic acid or

phenol. The two species showed a high isolation rate. T. punctulata detected from

all samples (100% isolation rate), whereas, T. paradoxa showed 52% isolation

rate.Total fungal colony count, ranged from 1.1x105–6 x105, CFU/g dry soil. Out

of these, T. punculata comprised between 0.2–3.2% and T. paradoxa, between

0.5–4.4%. Both species were characterized by development of thick-walled

aleuroconidia either singly (T. punctulata) or in chains (T. paradoxa) in addition to

the Phialoconidia. The widespread occurrence of the two pathogens in soil may

contribute to the possibility of infection of newly transplanted offshoots of date



في تربة أحد بساتين أشجار نخيل التمر Thielaviopsisكشفت الدراسة عن وجود نوعي الجنس الفطري

المباشر من التربة وطريقة جنوب شرق إسبانيا من خالل توضيف تقنية التخافيف و العزل ELxفي منطقة

Thielaviopsisبلغ تردد عزل النوع أو الفينول للتربة. (Acitic acis)إضافة حامض الخليك

punctulata 100% للنوع 52.17بالمقارنة مع %Thielaviopsis paradoxa 1كما في الجدول:


Samir K. Abdullah1; Leticia Asensio; Elena Monfort; Sonia Gomez-Vidal ;

Jesus Salinas; Luis V. Lopez Lorca, and Hans B. Jansson. 2009. Incidence of the

two Date palm pathogens, Thielaviopsis paradoxa and Thielaviopsis punctulata in

soil from Date palm plantation in Elx, South-East Spain. Journal of Plant

Protection Research, 49(3): 276-279.

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)أبواغ على شكل سالسل ( ، T. paradoxaأبواغ النوع Thielaviopsia ،2-3أبواغ نوعي الجنس

Thielaviopsis punctulataبينما تمثل الصور السفلى األبواغ المفردة التابعة للنوع

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SIII-7 .الفطر وأمراضية الجزيئي التوصيف Cylindrocarpon destructans المعزول

العراق شمال دهوك في العنب ومكر جذور من

جبرائيل صالح محمد جالدت و عبدهللا خلف سمير، حليم عبدالجبار رائد


من جمعت والتي العنب كرمات نبات جذور من Cylindrocarpon الفطر من عزالت عشر عزلت

صغر النمو، قلة :شملت اعراض المصابة النباتات اظهرت .العراق شمال دهوك محافظة في مزارع خمسة

قاعدة عند خاصة االوعية في االسود الى بني بلون وتخطط ، الجذور كتلة في اختزال السيقان، حجم

على "اعتمادا Cylindrocarpon destructans للفطر تعود انها علىى العزالت جميع شخصت.الساق

بالفطر خاصة بادئات استخدمت العزالت هذه تشخيص من التأكد لغرض .والزرعية المظهرية الصفات


the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) containing ITS1, ITS2 and the

intervening 5.8 rRNA genes of Cylindrocaropon.

وذلك الزجاجي البيت ظرف تحت الفطر أمراضية أختبرت .المشخص النوع صحيح بشكل ميزت والتي

X6 10 / تركيز (للفطر سبوري معلق في دقيقة ثالثين لمدة العنب اصناف من لنوعين اتنبات بغمرجذور

اختزال عن فضال االوراق في وتنقر باصفرار تمثلت مرضية اعراضا المصابة النباتات أظهرت.)ملم1في

للنباتات والجذور السيقان من لكل الجاف الوزن اختزال في معنوي فرق تسجيل تم .الجذرية الشعيرات في

العراق في مرة الول الفطر هذا سجل .السيطرة مع مقارنة المصابة

Molecular Characterization and Pathogenicity of Cylindrocarpon

destructans isolates from grapevines in Duhok, North Iraq



Ten Cylindrocarpon isolates were detected from roots of declined grapevines (Vitis

vinifera L.) plants collected from five vineyards in Duhok governorate, North Iraq.

The symptoms of the declined host including reduce vigor with small-sized trunks

,reduction in root biomass, black discoloration and brown to black streaks in wood

mainly at the base of rootstock .Based on cultural and morphological

characteristics, all isolates were identified as Cylindrocarpon destructans. These

isolates were subjected to species-specific PCR assay. Total genomic DNA was

isolated from pure cultures of the isolates. The average DNA yields ranged

between 1.5-6.7 μg/ml with a purity 1.6-1.8. The specific primers for C.

destructans (400 bp) were used to amplify the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal

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DNA (rDNA) containing ITS1, ITS2 and the intervening 5.8 rRNA genes of

Cylindrocarpon produced appropriate and successful results with the selected

isolates confirmed that all isolates were correctly identified as C. destructans.

Pathogenicity of C. destructans was tested under greenhouse conditions. One –

year old dormant rooted cuttings of the two grape cultivars, Reshmew and Taefi,

were inoculated by dipping their roots for 30 min in the conidial suspension (1 ×

106 conidia ml-1). Infected vines showed reduced vigour with small leaves,

interveinal chlorosis and necrosis. Other symptoms included a reduction in root

biomass and root hairs. The severity

of root mass reduction reached to 0.41 on Taefi (cv.) after five months of

inoculation with significant difference compared with control treatment. C.

destructans caused significant decrease in the fresh and dry weight of grapevine

shoots and roots. This fungus is reported for the first time in Iraq during this study.

على جذور العنب من خالل التلون الحاصل Cylindrocarpon destructansتقييم شدة إصابة الفطر

في المجموع الجذري فضال عن اإلختزال الحاصل في كتلة الجذر

Raed , A. Haleem; Samir, K. Abdullah and Jaladat M. S. Jubraael. 2014.

Molecular Characterization and Pathoginicity of Cylindrocarpon destructans

isolates from grapevines in Duhok, North Iraq. Basrah Journal of Science (B)


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Cylindrocarpon destructansأعراض الإلصابة على جذور العنب بعد التلويث اإلصطناعي بالفطر

والتي تبدو في األسفل أشكال المستعمرات واألبواغ الكونيدية الكبيرة والصغيرة ومن ثم األبواغ الكالميدية


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بعد التلويث اإلصطناعي بأبواغ الفطر Rashmewو Taefiشدة اإلصابة لنباتات العنب للصنفين

Cylindrocarpon destrunctans

بعمر شهر واحد Cylindrocarpon destructansحضر لقاح الفطر من خالل غسل مستعمرة الفطر

مل من الماء المقطر المعقم للحصول على معلق األبواغ الكونيدية الذي مرر خالل طبقتين من قطعة 10بـ

1لكل بوغ 61X10للحصول على Haemocytometer قماش . حسب تركيز األبواغ الكونيدية بواسطة

كغ من تربة 20مل . استخدمت شتالت عنب بعمر سنة واحدة للصنفين زرعت في أصيص يحوي على

( وضعت داخل البيت الزجاجي . قطعت أطراف جذور الشتالت 1:3معقمة )تربة مع بتموس بنسبة خلط

ورات % هايبوكل1.5دقيقة في 2قبل التلويث ومن ثم عقمت من خالل غمر الجذور المجروحة لمدة

الصوديوم ومن ثم غسلت مرتين بالماء المقطر المعقم. تم تلويث الشتالت من خالل غمر الجذور بمعلق

حول دقيقة . زرعت الشتالت بعد التلويث تحت ظروف البيت الزجاجي . حقن 30األبواغ الكونيدية لمدة

التلويث استخرجت جذور مل من معلق ابواغ نفس الفطر وبعد خمسة أشهر من 40كل نبات بعد شهر

الشتالت وقيمت شدة اإلصابة من خالل تلون الجذور أحجامها بالمقارنة مع جذور معاملة المقارنة )بدون



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Occurrence of physiological races in Fusarium causing wilt in

tomato cultivars in Basrah, Iraq.

Isamail, A.L.S., and Abdullah, S.K.,


Four isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Iycopersici from Basrah, yielded

both races 1 and 2. Cultivar Walter was found resistant td both the races.

.Fusarium oxysporum f احتوت اربعة عزالت للفطر المسبب لمرض الذبول الفيوزارمي في الطماطة

sp. lycopersisi وجد بأن صنف الطماطة التفريقي . 2و 1على الساللتينWalter . اليصاب بالساللتين

جدول: اإلستجابة المرضية ألصناف الطماطة التفريقية تجاه أربع عزالت من الفطر المسبب لمرض الذبول

ق الفيوزارمي جمعت من نباتات طماطة مصابة في جنوب العرا

Fusarium oxysporumعزالت الفطر المسبب للذبول الفيوزارمي على الطماطة

f. sp. lycopersici

أصناف الطماطة


PZ-32 RTZ-26 PM-8 RTM-12

S S S S Bonny Best

R R R S Floradel

R R R R Walter

S: Susceptible حساس R:Resistant مقاوم

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يوم ألصناف مختلفة بالمعلق المائي ألبواغ العزالت المحلية األربعة 14لوثت جذور بادرات طماطة بعمر

يوم كما في الجدول 10ومن ثم زرعت البادرات في ترب معقمة وحسبت النسب المئوية للذبول بعد



Isamail, A.L.S., and Abdullah, S.K., (1976). Occurrence of physiological races in

Fusarium causing wilt in tomato cultivars in Basrah, Iraq. Indian Phytopathology,

29, 378-380.

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Identification and Pathoginicity of Botryosphaeria parva

Associated with grapevine decline in Kurdistan Region –Iraq

Raed, A. Haleem ; Samir K. Abdullah and Jaladet M.S. Jubrael


During a survey on fungi associated with decline symptoms on grapevine cultivars

growing in Kurdistan region of Iraq, several isolates of Botryosphaeria species

were encountered. All isolates were identified as Botryosphaeria parva Pennycook

and Samuels. Pathoginicity test for isolate DKI 1 was performed on two cultivars,

Taefi and Rashmew. Under greenhouse conditions, one-year grape rooted cuttings

were inoculated with the pathogen isolate by two methods, injecting the spore

suspension into the green shoots and by artificial inoculation of wounded shoots

with mycelial mat. The highest canker length (15.0 mm) was produced after four

months on the shoots of the Taife cultivar artificially inoculated with mycelial mat

of the pathogen. Under field conditions, two methods of inoculation were adopted,

wounding the green shoots and drilling a hole in the arms of mature vine, followed

by inoculation with mycelial mat. The highest canker length (11.17 mm) was

obtained after 5 months on wounded shoots of the Rashmew cultivar and with

a significant difference from the Taefi cultivar. The pathogen caused a reduction in

fresh and dry weight of green shoots and roots compared with the non-inoculated

control. This is the first report on B. parva in Iraq.

Key words: Botryosphaeria parva, grapevine, Iraq


Haleem. R.A., Abdullah, S.k.and Jubrael, J.M.S.(2012).Identification and

pathogenicity of Botryosphaeria parva associated with grapevine decline in

Kurdistan Region .Iraq .Acta Agrobotanica 65:71-78.

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A) Colony of Botryosphaeria parva on MEA-left, PDA-right, after 10 days of

incubation at 25oC. B) Pycnidia of

B. parva on the surface of grapevine cane bark. C-D) Conidiogenous cells hyaline,

holoblastic forming conidia at their

tips discharged from mature pycnidium. E) Conidiogenous cells and immature

conidia. F) Mature conidia. Scale bars:

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Symptoms of Botryosphaeria parva on infected grapevine: A- Dark brown,

discoloration canker on young shoot inoculated by wounding, and B) Dark brown,

discoloration canker on young shoot inoculated by the injecting of spore

suspension, under greenhouse condition; C) Dark brown canker on young shoots

wounded artificially under field conditions; D) Black internal discoloration visible,

in cross-sectioned arms inoculated by drilling a hole; E) Black streaking in the

longitudinal section of a young shoot inoculated by wounding of a 15-year-old

Rashmew plant under field conditions.

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Botryosphaeria تقرحة على سيقان شتالت صنفي عنب بعد تلويث الجروح بالفطرأطوال المناطق الم


أطوال المناطق المتقرحة لطريقتين في التلويث )تلويث الجروح وحقن معلق أبواغ كونيدية للفطر

Botryosphaeria parva في سيقان شتالت عنب بعد شهرين وأربعة أشهر من التلويث

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Abdullah, S.K., Abbas, A.F. and Hammadi, K.J. (2003). A study on the

Olpidium sp. in Basrah region. Iraqi J. Agric. (Speceal Issue) 8(3) 36-44.(In


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Occurrence in Elx, SE Spain of Inflorescence Rot Disease of Date

Palms Caused by Mauginiella scaettae

S. K. Abdullah1, L. Asensio, E. Monfort, S. Gomez-Vidal, J. Palma-Guerrero, J.

Salinas2, L. V. Lopez-

Llorca, H.-B. Jansson and J. Guarro


Fungal inflorescence rot of date palms, caused by Mauginiella scaettae, was

detected at all four sites surveyed in Elx, SE Spain. There was a higher incidence

of the disease in male than in female inflorescences. The pathogen responsible

for the disease was isolated and identified as M. scaettae. Sequencing of the


transcribed spacer (ITS) region of this fungus demonstrated that it is close to


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Mauginiella scaettaeإختبارات القابلية المرضية للفطر

جنوب شرق إسبانيا Elxالنسب المئوية لتعفن لتعفن طلع أشجار نخيل التمر في مناطق مختلفة من

كجزء من دراسة مقارنة بين طلع األشجار المذكرة والمؤنثة

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Mauginiellaاعراض التعفن بعد التلويث اإلصطناعي بأبواغ الفطر المسبب لتعفن)خياس طلع النخيل (

scaettae بالمقارنة مع استخدام الماء فقط

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Mauginiella scaettae isolated from symptomatic date palm

inflorescence. (5) Growth on potato carrot agar (PCA), potato dextrose

agar (PDA) and malt extract agar (MEA). (6) Hyphae and

conidia of the fungus.

ثالث أوساط غذائية وأشكال على معزولة من نورات زهرية مستعمرات الفطر المسبب لخياس طلع النخيل

والخيوط الفطرية ةاألبواغ الكونيدي

Polymerase chain reaction: The ITS1-F (5¢-CTTGGTCATTTAGAGGAAGTAA-

3¢) and ITS4 (5¢-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3¢) primers

(Invitrogen,Barcelona, Spain) were used for amplification of the ITS region (White

et al., 1990; Gardes and Bruns, 1993). Amplification was carried out in a volume

of 40 ll, containing 4 ll of 10X Termo buffer, 4 ll dNTP (0.2 mm final

concentration), 3.2 ll MgCl2 (2 mm), 0.1 ll of Taq DNA polymerase (0.5 U/ml)

and 2 ll of each of the primers (0.5 lm) in sterile double-distilled water to 20 ll, and

20 ll DNA template to each tube. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was

performed in a GenAmp 9700 thermal cycler (Perkin-Elmer, MJ Research,

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Waltham, NJ, USA) using the following conditions: initial denaturation for 8 min

at 95_C, 35 cycles of 30 s of denaturation at 95_C, 20 s of annealing at 53_C and

60 s of extension at 72_C; this was followed by final extension for 5 min at 72_C.

The PCR products were separated on a 1.2% agarose gel, stained with ethidium

bromide and viewed with ultraviolet light. PCRamplified fragments were purified

using QIAquickPCR (Qiagen, Amersham, Piscataway, NJ, USA) columns

following the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA sequencing PCR purified products

were quantified using Hoechst fluorochrome (Sigma, Madrid, Spain) and calf

thymus DNA according to Ausubel et al.(2002) and then amplified using Big Dye

Terminator,mix (Applied Biosystems, Madrid, Spain) according to the

specifications of the manufacturer, and samples were sequenced in an ABI-PRISM

3100 sequencer (Applied Biosystems). After alignment of the ITS sequences, these

were submitted to the NCBI GenBank database

( and compared with existing ITS sequences.


Abdullah, S.K., Asensio, L., Monfort,E., Gomez-Vidal,S., Palma-Guerrero,

J.,Salinas, J., Lopez-Lorca,L.V. ., Jansson.,H-B. and Guarro.J. (2005)

Occurrence of inflorescence rots disease of date palm in Elx, SE. Spain. J.

Phytopathology .153; 417-422.

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Diseases of date palms (phoenix dactylifera L.) . SIII-12

Samir K.Abdullah, L.V.Lopez Lorca and H.B.Jansson.


Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of the most important fruit trees

growing in the Arabian world and some neighboring countries and represents a

good cash crop for many farmers. Palm diseases are among the major factors that

affecting the products. Fungi and Phytoplasma are known as the most causal

pathogens on date palm trees. The present study is an attempt to provide an update

informations on the previously known as well as the recently reported pathogens

on date palm trees. The causal pathogens, their associated symptoms, distribution,

known epidemiology and possible control strategies are discussed.

Keywords: date palm, palm diseases, fungi, phytoplasma.

تتضمن الدراسة مسح ألمراض أشجار نخيل التمر وكما يلي:

Diseases caused by Fusarium species 2-1. Bayoud disease

The causal pathogen is Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtendahl f.sp.albedinis


The pathogen F.oxysporum f.sp.albedinis (FOa) is a soil-bone fungus .Up to date

the disease is only known from the Eastern part of North Africa.The disease was

first known in Morocco since more than a century ago(Killian&Maire,1930). The

disease then spread to neighboring Algeria(Djerbi,1982). More than twelve million

date palm trees in Morocco and three million in Algeria have been killed since the

origin of the disease. This castrotraphy imposed negative effects on the farmers in

the affected areas by creating social and economical problems due to their leaving

their lands and loosing their main source of income. Beside that , the neglected

lands were subjected to the phenomenon of desertification .Almost all the

Moroccan oases were affected by the disease , while the spread of the disease was

restricted to the western and central oases in Algeria. Unfortunately , the most

commercial cultivars in North Africa ( Medjool and Deglet Noor) are highly

susceptible to bayoud disease. This resulting in dominating the poor quality

cultivars on the expense of those of high quality(Djerbi,1982).

Biology and epidemiology of the pathogen

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Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.albedinis developed chlamydospores in dead tissues of

different organs of the infected plant especially in the roots. Chlamydospores may

released to soil after decaying of such tissues where they remain dormant and can

survive in soil for longer than eight years (Tantaoui,1989). Under favorable

onditions , chlaymydospores germinate and penetrate the roots of the host

plant.The mycelium of the fungus enters the vascular tissue of the infected root and

then advanced to the stem. The fungus develops microconidia in the vessels and

carried upwards to reach the terminal bud. The fungus colonizes the surrounding

parenchyma cells by inter and intracellular mycelium during its upward rogression

in the xylem vessels .The tree dies when the fungus and its toxins reach the

terminal bud. The mycelium continue to develop in the dead tissues and develops

numerous chlamydospores in the sclerenchyma cells ( Louvet,1977). The fungus

has been found colonizing roots of several other crops and vegetables grown as

intercrops in palm groves. These symptomless carriers serve in the persistence and

the increase of the pathogen inoculum in date palm nursery (Djerbi et al.1983).

The spread of the pathogen from the infected areas to non-infected one can be

achieved by planting infecting offshoots or by the transport of dead palm

fragments harboring the fungus ,symptomless hosts, manures, infected soil and by

irrigation water passes through infected fields. Colonies of the pathogen on potato

dextrose agar appear salmon-pink . Phialides short swollen at the base and pointed

at the tip. Microconidia are mostly unicellular ,hyaline spherical to elongated, 3-15

X 3-5 um. Macrocoidia are falcate ,usually 3-septate, 20-35 X 3-5 um.

Chlamydospores are spherical, occurring singly or in groups of two to three,

intercalary or teminal. Sclerotia are rare in culture, dark blue to black, 1-2 mm

diameter (Bounaga, 1975).

Disease symptoms:

External symptoms: The first external symptom of the disease appears on one or

more leaves of the middle crown. The affected leaves showed a leaden hue color

and then withens from base to top. Pinnae or spines stunted on one side of the leaf ,

become white and then the disease progress from the base to the apex. After one

side has been affected ,the whitening begins on the other side , progressing this

time from the top of the leaf to the base , until the whole leaf dies. Corresponding

to the passage of mycelium in the vessels of the rachis , a brown stain appears

lengthwise on the dorsal side of the rachis and advances from the base to the tip of

the frond. Afterwards , the leaf appears arched , resembling a wet feather and

hangs down along the trunk . The whitening and dying process of the pinnae may

take a few days to several weeks. Similar symptoms then begin to appear on

adjacent leaves . The palm dies when the terminal bud is affected. Death of the

palm can take place from 6 weeks to 2 years after the appearance of the first

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symptoms depending on the cultivar and the planting conditions . Finally offshoots

at the base of the palm tree are attacked ( Built et al.1967, Louvet et al.1970,


Internal symptoms: When the affected palm is uprooted , a small number of

infected roots showed reddish color. Toward the stipe base, the colored areas are

large and numerous in numbers. Higher up , the colored vascular bundles separate

from the healthy tissue. Palm fronds manifesting external symptoms exhibit a

reddish brown color when cut, showing highly colored vascular bundles . herefore,

a continuing of vascular symptoms is existing from roots of the palm to the

tips of the fronds (Zaid et al.2002).

Diagnosis and detection of the pathogen:

Preliminary diagnosis are verified by isolation and identification of the fungus

from infected plant materials , symptomless carriers and soil. Pathogenicity test

should be applied by artificially inoculation of fungal isolates to the roots of young

date palm seedlings at the two leaf stage. Confirmation of the pathogenicity is

recognized by the death of the plants after 1-2 months (Watson,1974). However,

applying inoculation test to asses pathogenicity of F. oxysporum fsp.albedinis

remains difficult mainly because of time consuming. Studies at the molecular level

showed that isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. albedinis are genetically closely related

and assigned to a single clonal lineage (Tantaoui et al.1996). In a recent

stydy,Fernandez et al.(1998) able to develop a specific oligonucleotides to use as

primer in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for rapid identification of the

pathogen. It has been well documented now that PCR has identified the presence

of many forma speciales of F. oxysporum ( Plyler et al.1999, Fernandez et al.1998,

Tantaoui et al.1997).

Control of Bayoud disease:

Since the pathogen is a soil-borne fungus, control of the disease by using chemical

materials is uneconomic, except for a limited site of infection in a disease-free

areae. Soil fumigation by methyl bromide has been used as a control measure in

Algeria (Frederix &Den Brader,1989). The practical way for controlling the

disease is by selecting resistant high quality cultivars. In Morroco, this was

achieved by the results obtained in field and laboratory (Djerbi et al.1986).A

collaboration between Moroccan and French scientists led to the development of a

rapid and efficient selection of bayoud resistant individuals from the large number

of date palm trees obtained by natural crosses which display good date quality. The

diagnostic tool based on the presence or absence of two plasmids-like DNA ( the S

and R plasmid) in mitochondria as a reliable molecular marker of resistance or

susceptibility to bayoud disease caused by the fungus F.oxysporum f.sp.albedinis

(Quenzer et al.2001). By using in vitro propagation it would be possible to

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select hundreds of bayoud-resistant genotypes to rehabilate the Moroccan and

Algerian palm groves that have been destroyed by bayoud (Zaid et al.2002). Other

attempts used as a control measure of the pathogen of bayoud disease were

including inducing resistance and using biocontrol agents. Inducing of host

resistant in the date palm in response to FOa expressed different mechanisms such

as the induction of phytoalexins biosynthesis , the accumulation of cell wall-bound

phenolic, the intensification of liqnification and the increase of accumulation of

caffeoylshikimic acid. The induction of these mechanisms is always early and

intense in the resistant cultivars , whereas, , it is late and weak in susceptible

cultivars (El Modafer & El Bustani,2002). Pretreatment of date palm seedlings

with an hypoaggressive isolate of FOa , protected them partially from further

infection with FOa , the bayoud disease pathogen. Such protection involved

biochemical interaction between the host plant and the Bayoud pathogen.Plants

treated with the hypoaggressive isolate accumulated higher amount of phenolic

mainly non-constitutive hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives along with constitutive

caffeoylshikimic acid.(El Hassne et al 2004b). These compounds thought to play a

role in date palm defense against FOa as previously showed by Daayf et al(.2003)

and EL Modafar et al.(.2000). El Hassni et al.(2004a) investigated the effect of

chitosan on the growth and morphology of FOa and its ability to elicit a defense

reaction against the pathogen in date palm roots. Chitosan at 1 mg .ml reduced the

growth of FOa on potato dextrose agar medium by an average of 75% and caused

morphological changes in the fungal mycelium , while mycelial growth was totally

inhibited in a liquid medium. In addition chitosan injected into roots at three

concentrations (0.1, 0.5 and elicited peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase

activity and particularly at the concentration, increased the level of

phenolic compounds. Chitosan led to the accumulation of non-constitutive

hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives known to be of great importance role in date

palm resistance to FOa (El Hadrami et al.1996). In a recent study, El Hasseni et

al.(2007) tested twenty one isolates of microorganisms (Bacteria and Fungi) to

determine their effect on the mycelial growth and sporulation of FOa and the

potential of these antagonists in the induction of defense reactions in date palm

seedlings. Four bacterial isolates viz. Bacillus pumiius WI, Rahnella aquatica W2,

B.cereus X16 and undetermined isolate have exhibited a high inhibition toward

mycelial growth of FOa (70-77%) or its sporulation ( 80-95%) of the control.

Application of these antagonists to date palm seedlings has led to trigger defense

reactions with an accumulation of non-constitutive hydroxycinnamic acid

derivatives , known to play a crucial role in resistance of date palm to FOa. The

reaction was more clear in resistant cultivars than in susceptible. An actinomycete

strain assigned to the genus Kitasatosporia isolated from date palm rhizosphere

soil sample collected in Marrakesh showed strong antifungal activity against FOa

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and appears of high potential interest for the biocontrol of the disease (Oubdouch

et al.1996).

2-2. Wilt diseases caused by other Fusarium species.

In recent years several reports on the isolation of Fusarium species from roots,

leaves and trunks of date palm trees showed wilt and decline. Abdalla et al.(2000)

during their investigation on the incidence of date palm disease in Saudia Arabia

and in particular in Al Qassim and Medina Al Monawara regions, several trees

showed symptoms of wilt and dieback very similar to those caused by FOa. Three

Fusarium species were isolated from the infected leaves and roots of the date palm

trees. These identified as F. proliferatum, F. solani and F. oxysporum.

Pathogenicity test on the date palm seedlings showed that F. proliferatum should

be regarded as a potentially dangerous pathogen of date palm in Saudia Arabia ,

since the species was the most frequently isolated one from palms showing disease

symptoms . Although, F. solani was highly pathogenic on seedlings of date palm,

but it was considered less important than F. proliferatum in the regions since it was

isolated rarely.In contrast , the F.oxysporum strains tested showed low virulence on

the date palm seedlings (Abdalla et al.2000). More recently, Mansoori and Kord

(2006) reported a serious disease of date palm caused by F. solani associated with

yellowing and death of the fronds. The disease occurred in date palm groves in

Kazeron district, west of Fars province in Iran. The causal pathogen was isolated

from the crown and xylem rays sampled from the trunk 1.5 m above soil level.

Pathogenicity test was performed by planting 1-year old date palm seedlings in

artificially infested soil with an isolate from the trunk of diseased palm tree as well

as seedlings planted in naturally infested soil. Similar symptoms were obtained in

both procedures, distal portions of the roots and crown were affected. The

pathogen was re-isolated from the crown and leaf bases of the inoculated seedlings.

In Iraq, a similar disease symptoms caused by F. solani have been reported

recently (Al Yaseri et al.2006). The wilt symptoms appeared with gradual

yellowing that reached the palm tipكfollowed by quick death.

2-3 Fusarium species associated with date palm decline.

Fusarium monliforme and F. solani were found associated with declined date palm

trees in Egypt (Rashed & El Hafez, 2001). Symptoms appeared on th leaves, fruit

stalks and the heart of palm tree. The symptoms on the leaves appeared as ellowish

brown streaks on rachis, then turn to brown and eventually became malformed and

dried. The symptoms on fruit stalks appeared as brown necrosis and stunting of ew

fruit stalks. On the heart of palm tree , the new leaves exhibited yellow to brown

color. Pathogenicity test proved a relation between the infection by F. moniliforme

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and F.solani and the decline of date palm. Fusarium oxysporum and F.solani were

the most frequent and most abundant in the roots of date palm trees showing

decline in middle of Iraq.(Sarhan,2001).

3- Inflorescence Rot of Date palm

Origin and importance: Inflorescence rot disease also called Khamedj in North

Africa caused by Mauginiella scaettae Cav. was reported for the first time by

Cavara (1925) in Libya. The disease was reported subsequently in other North

African countries.

Cabrolin,1938;Muneer,1955;Calcat;1959;Michael&Sabet;1970,Taxana&L arous

,2003) and has also been reported from Arabian Peninsula (Abu Yam & Abu

Blam,1971;Djerbi;1982; Al Shridia & Al Shahwan,2003) and from Iraq

(Allison,1952;Hussain,1958,Al Ani et al.1971,Abdullah et al.2006). Recently the

disease has been reported in Elx, SE Spain (Abdullah et al.2005). The disease is

considered as the second most dangerous pathogen causing losses to date palm,

next to FOa, the bayoud pathogen. The disease is considered to be of major

economic importance in Iraq and Suadia Arabia . Severe outbreaks occurred in

Basrah, Iraq in 1948-1949 and 1977-1978, causing 80% loss of the annual harvest (

Al Hassan & Waleed). Losses up to 70% of the crop occurred in 1983 in the Katif

province, Suadia Arabia (Zaid et al.2002).

Disease symptoms:

Infected spathes first showed rot symptoms when they begin to emerge in early

spring . These symptoms were observed on the external surface of unopened

spathes as brownish or rusty-colored lesions . The side of the spathe facing the

infected flowers showed similar but milder symptoms. When the infected spathes

split, symptoms appeared mostly nearly the top of the spathe and thereafter, a

complete destruction of the flowers and strands occurred. (Fig.1:a,c). Severely

affected spathes at an early stage remain unopened and became dry (Fig1:b) (Al

Ani et al.1971;Djerbi,1983;Abdullah et al.2005).

Diagnosis and detection of the pathogen:

The major cause of inflorescence rot is considered to be the fungus Mauginiella

scaettae Cav. (Cavara,1925; Hussain,1985;Al Ani et al.1971;Djerbi,1983;Abdullah

et al.2005). However, other fungi such as F.oxysporum , F.moniliforme, F.solani,

Trichothecium roseum, Botrytis aclada, Thielaviopsis paradoxa, Acremonium

strictum and Memmoniella sp., have also been found associated with date palm

rotted inflorescences and considered of minor importance (Brown & Butler,1938;

El Behadli et al.1977; Rattan & A l Dboon,1980; Al Roubaie et al.1987; Al

Shraridia & Shahwan,2003; Taxana & Larous,2003; Abdulah et al.2005).

Mauginiella scaettae can be easily isolated from rotted inflorescence after surface

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disinfection of small pieces with 5% sodium hypochlorite solution and plated on

suitable culture media such as malt extract agar, potato dextrose agar or potato

carrot agar. Isolation can be achieved also after incubation of disinfected pieces in

moist chambers and then picking up conidia which developed abundantly and

streak them on a suitable medium. Inoculated plates should be incubated at 25 C.

The fungus grows as white colonies with immersed and superficial mycelia.

Mycelium is composed of branched hyaline septate hyphae. Colony reverse at first

creamy to pale brown, becoming black in some isolates on potato dextrose agar.

Sporulation are abundant showing powdery appearance . Immersed Hyphae are 2-

2.5 um wide ,aerial hyphae measuring 3-4 um wide. Arthroconidia produced by

segmentation of the aerial hyphae ,unicellular, or multicellular, hyaline , glistening

white in mass, non-septate conidia, 6- 8X2.5-4um, septate conidia 6-14 X 3-4um

,2-eptate conidia 16-22 X 3.5- 4um, 3-septate condia 12-26 X 3.5-5um 4-septate

condia,24-26 X 3.5- 4.5um and 6-septate conidia up to 35 um long (Fig.1:d) (

Cavara, 1925; Abdullah et al.2005). Pathgenicity test can be performed on

detached inflorecence free of disease. Inoculation with spore suspension of the

pathogen developed typical symptoms after 4 days.

Biology and Epidemeology:

The ultrastructure of the cell wall and the hyphal septa, together with the

diazonium blue B test have shown that M. scaettae represents an Anamorph of an

unknown ascomycete ( Walt, Van der and Hopsu-Hava, 1976; Arx, Von et

al.1982). Recently Abdullah et al.(2005) showed that sequncing of the Internal

transcribed spacer (ITS) region of this fungus demonstrated that it is closely related

to Phaeosphaeria I.Miyake clade B and in particular to P. triglochinicola which

belongs to subclade B4 according to Camara et al.(2002). The majority of species

of Phaeosphaeria form pseudoparenchymatous ascomata with bitunicate asci

which mainly occurred on monocotyledonous plants ( Barr,1987; shoemaker &

Babcock,1989). Al Ani et al. (1971)demonstrated that the pathogen is mainly

reserved as mycelium in infected inflorescence remaining on palms from the

previous season or remain within the infected leaf bases. Al Roubaie et al.(1987)

suggested that the primary infection by M. scaettae probably occurred during the

early stage of floral bud formation and prior to the envelope development of the

spathes and their hardening. The availability of rain prior to the stage of flower bud

formation and during the early stage of bud formation is probably responsible for

creating favorable conditions for fungal growth ,when hyphae hidden between the

leaf bases can grow and infect newly developed inflorescence (Abdullah et

al.2005). The disease is more serious in hot and humid regions or in areas with

prolonged periods of heavy rains. Hussain and El Baldawy (1977) indicated that up

to 52% of palms might be affected in Al Fao town in Basrah province, southern

Iraq, where high humidity is prevailed , whereas; proportions of the affected trees

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in the middle Iraq was ranging between 10-20%. Abdullah et al.(2006)

demonstrated that conidia of M.scaettae germinated best at high % r.h. Maximum

percentage of conidial germination (80.7%) occurred at 95% r.h. and declined

sharply (20.8%) at relative humidity below 95% r.h. and no germination occurred

below 80% r.h. Moreover, obvious increase in sporulation occurred according to

the increase in relative humidity. The highest is being at 100% r.h. and the lowest

occurred at 70% r.h( Abdullah It is generally assumed that conidia of

M. scaettae are very short lived and do not persist through the winter. Primary

infections are thought to arise from mycelium (Al Ani et al.1971; Al Hassan &

Waleed,1979; Djerbi,1983). However, Abdullah et al.(2006) have showed in a

recent study that conidia of M. scaettae can survive as a saprophyte in infected

dead inflorescences for a period of more than twelve months and therefore, these

conidia may contribute to the new infection. Eight isolates were tested for their

ability to produce extracellular enzymes on solid media. All isolates showed

positive activity with varying degrees for cellulase, lipase, protease, phenol

oxidase, Polygalacturonase and pectate lyase. In contrast, all isolates gave a

negative test for amylase(Al Saadoon et al.2004).

Control measure:

The first step in the control of inflorescence rot disease achieved by good

management such as leaf pruning and collection and burning of all infected

inflorescences. Application of several fungicides including 3% dichlone spray or

4% thirame spray at the rate of 8 litres per individual palm ( Al Hassan et al.1977).

4- Diseases caused by Ceratocystis paradoxa and C. radicicola.

Ceratocystis paradoxa (Dade) C.Moreau ( anamorph: Thielaviopsis paradoxa (de

Seynes) Hohn.), and C.radicicola (Bliss) Moreau (anamorph: T. punctulata

(Hennebert) Paulin, Harrington et McNew, are two pathogens commonly found

either alone or in combination associated with several disease symptoms on palm

trees. These fungi can infect any part of the palm tree, and symptoms are often

expressed as black scorched leaves, trunk rot, neck bending or inflorescence

blight.( Suleman et al.2001; Djerbi,1983, Zaid et al.2001; Abbas & Abdulla,2003;

Abbas et al.1997; El Gariani et al.2007) . These disease have been observed in the

majority of date growing areas of the world ( Abdullah et al. 2009). The diseases

are more likely to occur on stressed trees especially in areas where drought and

salinity are prevailing . In vivo studies also showed that both C. paradoxa and C.

radicicola colonized palm tissues under drought stress at -2.3 MPa and had

relatively larger necrotic lesions then developed into cankers , death of buds and

eventually plant death (Suleman et al.2001). In severe cases, the pathogen attacks

the terminal bud and heart leading to the mechanical weakness of the tissues in the

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uppermost portion of the trunk resulting in the neck bending. Sometimes the crown

rotted off ,leaving a bare trunk ( Abbas & Abdulla,2003). Some palms recover

probably by the development of a lateral bud initiated from the unaffected

meristematic tissues of the terminal bud. The palms set normal growth back by

several years and that is why it is called in Arabic Medjnoon (fool disease). (Zaid

et al.2003). The anamorphs of the two pathogens produced an abundance of

endoconidia (Phialoconidia) and Chlamydospores ( aleuroconidia) on media such

as potato dextrose agar, malt extract agar and potato carrot agar. In T. paradoxa

anamorph of C.paradoxa , the aleuroconidia borne terminally in chains from short

hyphal branches and are thick-walled ,pale brown to brownish black, smooth, oval,

measuring 10-17 X 5-10um, phialoconidia are hyaline to pale brown, cylindrical

formed endogenously in uniseriate chain measuring 7-12 X 3-5 um ( Fig.2:a,b).

In T. punctulata anamorph of C. radicicola , the aleuroconidia are borne singly on

a short hyphal branches and are thick-walled, minutely roughened , pale brown to

dark brown, oval, measuring 8-22 X 7-14 um. Phialoconidia are hyaline to pale

brown, cylindrical, formed endogenously in uniseriate chain measuring 6-12 X 3-5

um ( Fig.2:c,d). The thick-walled aleuroconidia are likely to play a role as survival

propagules of the two plant pathogens in soil.

Control measure:

The avoidance of wounds on palms grown in the field or nurseries can limit

disease incidence ( Chase & Broschat,1993). The affected fronds, leaf bases and

inflorescencs should be pruned , collected immediately and burned . The pruning

cuts and surrounding tissues should be protected by spraying with any copper-

based fungicides ( Zaid et al.2003).The use of less saline water for irrigation (

Suleman et al.(2001). In laboratory, Suleman et al.(2002) assessed the efficacy of

the biofungicide Mycostop on C. radicicola which causes black scorch on date

palm in Kuwait. Mycostop at a rate of 0.35 g /l or greater reduced spore

germination , plasmolysed germlings and reduced sporulations . Roots inoculated

with C. radicicola and then treated with Mycostop were less necrotic than those in

untreated soil.

5- Diplodia leaf-base disease:

The disease is caused by Diplodia phoenicum (Sacc.)H.Facet & L.J.Klotz. The

fungus attacks offshoots while they are still attached to the mother palm or after

their detachment and planted out. The disease was originally reported from

California by Fawcett & Klotz (1932) and then its distribution covered most of

date palm growing regions ( Djerbe, 1983; Sarhan ,2001; El Deeb et al.2007).

The pathogen may infect the outside leaves of the offshoots while younger leaves

and the buds remain unaffected but finally both of them killed. Other types of

symptoms, started with the infection of the central young leaves and terminal bud

and then gradually infect the outside leaves and finally leading to the death of the

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whole plant. On the leaves of the older palms, symptoms appeared as yellowish

brown streaks ,15 cm to one meter in length extending along the leaf- base and

rachis . The upper part of the leaf remain unaffected and still appear green. The

symptoms appeared on the ventral surface of the leaf which facing the palm crown.

Pycnidial bodies developed on the dead leaf bases . Pycnispores are at first hyaline

,unicellular becoming dark two-celled with age, measuring 22-24 X 10-12 um.

Pycnidia can bee seen after incubation of infected pieces in moist chamber. Since

the infection of the palm takes place through the wounds made during pruning or

cutting when removing the offshoots from the mother plant, disinfection all tools

and cut surface is necessary . In addition to dipping or spraying the removed

offshoots with various fungicides such as benomyl , bordeaux mixture, or thiram (


6- Graphiola leaf spot:

The disease is also called false smut on date palm. The causal pathogen is

Graphiola phoenicis (Moug.)Poit. Symptoms of the disease appear as subepidermal

spots on both sides of the pinnae (leaf flat) and on the rachis with small black sori

(fruiting bodies) developing in abundance on old fronds . The sori are 1-3 mm in

diameter, more abundant in the apical regions of the pinnae . Sori superficially

resemble a scale insect but microscopic examination revealed the presence of

powdery yellow spores on whitish filaments . Spores are spherical to ellipsoidal ,

3-6 um in diameter, with smooth hyaline wall. The disease is widely spread and

occurs whenever the date palm is cultivated under humid conditions but absent in

less humid regions ( Abbas & Abdulla,2004; Djerbe,1983; Zaid et al.2002; El

Deeb et al.2007; El Gariani et al.2007; CAB international,2003). Date palm

cultivars showed variability in their response to the pathogen. For example,

Barhee, Abdal Rahman, Gizaz showed resistane, while cultivars Khistawi, Gozi,

are tolerance. In contrast cultivars Khisab, Ashrasi,Maktoom, Zahdi and Bream are

very susceptible ( Nixon,1957; Sinha et al. 1970; zaid et al.2002). Severe infection

reduces tree growth and date production through premature death of leaves . To

ovoid the incidence of the pathogen, leaf pruning and then burning of the infected

leaves should be carried out to prevent new infection. Spraying the palms after

pruning with appropriate fungicides such as bordeaux mixture, mancozeb, cupric

hydroxide and maneb ( Zaid et al.2002).

7- Belaat disease:

The causal pathogen is phytophthora sp.. The disease is of minor importance and

sporadic. It is known from North African countries (Calcat,1959; Toatain,1967).

Symptoms appear at the crown of the palm.Young fronds whiten and die ,followed

by the infection and death of the terminal bud and then progression of the infection

downwards in the trunk as a conical wet heart rot form, releasing an odour of

acetic and butyric fermentation ( Zaid et al.2002).To ovoid attacks by this fungus ,

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efficient management of date palm plantation is recommended . To control the

disease at its early stage ,;spraying with maneb or bordeaux mixture at the rate of 8

liters /palm is recommended. Offshoots of the infected palms usually remain free

of the disease( Djerbi,1983).

8- Omphalia root rot:

The disease is caused by two species of Omphalia ( O. tralucida Bliss and O.

pigmentata Bliss). The disease is of minor economic importance to date palm and

it is known from USA (California) and in Muritania ( Fawcett & Klotz,1932;

Bliss,1944). The disease is characterized by the premature death of fronds followed

by the retardation and cessation of the plant growth , and then necrosis and

destruction of the roots . Sachs(1967) recommended the use of brestan or dexon

fungicides at the rate of one spray every two weeks for eight weeks as a chemical


9- Leaf spot diseases:

In general , leaf spot diseases are of minor economic importance .Different fungal

species have been isolated from palm leaves showing leaf spot symptoms. Leaf

spot diseases are very common on date palm trees in all date palm growing

countries ( Carpenter & Elmer,1978; Fayad & Mania,2006; El Deeb et al.2007;

Livingston et al. 2002). Generally infection is more severe on the lower whorls and

old leaves than in upper young leaves, and the infection rate and severity is

increased with increasing palm age. Negative correlation between tannin and wax

content in the leaves and severity of infection were recorded ( Fayad &

Mania,2006). Among these diseases , brown leaf spot caused by Mycosphaerella

tassiane ( anamorph: Cladosporium herbarum) is the most common. Symptoms of

the disease occur on the rachis ,pinnae and spines as dark lesions with well-defined

margin on green leaves and on drying leaves, the margin of the lesion remains

reddish brown as the centre becomes pale. Other fungi caused leaf spot symptoms

on palm trees include Alternaria alternate, Bipolaris australiensis, Drechslera sp.,

Helmnthosporium sp., Colletotrichum sp., Stemphylium sp., Pestalotiopsis

palmarum , Chaetosphaeria sp., Phomopsis sp., Phoma spp., ( Livengston et al.

2002; Fayad and Mania,2006; El Deeb et al.2007, Carpenter & Elmer,1978; El

Gariani et al 2007). Control measures include annual pruning of old infected leaves

and their immediate burning is recommended ( Zaid et al.2002). At early stage of

the disease, spraying with mancozeb , mancozeb + copper are effectively control

the disease ( Livingston et al.2002).

10- Disease caused by Phytoplasma.

10.1- Al Wijam

In Arabic Al Wijam means poor fruitful . The disease was observed for the first

time by Nixon (1954) in Al Hassa oasis eastern of Saudia Arabia .The main

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symptoms of the disease are leaf stunting with yellow streaking and a marked

reduction in fruit and stalk size. Leaves become choritic and their life span is

reduced. Stunting and yellowing increases with age leading to the death of the

leaves. Diseased spathes are shorter than healthy one and split open before their

complete emergence. Fruits and fruit stalks showed reduction by 36-40% in the

size. Al Hudaib et al.(2007) reported on the identification and molecular

characterization of phytoplasma associated with Al Wijam in Al Hassa ( Saudia

Arabia). The phytoplasma; identified from 28/40 date palm showing typical Al

Wijam symptoms clearly placed in the 16SrI group "Ca.P.asteris" which is

supported by the sequencing and phylogenetic data. Moreover, phylogenetic

analysis showed that the phytoplasma identified in the leafhopper Cicadulina

bipunctata Melichar was 100% identical to that detected from date palm showing

Al Wijam symptoms and accordingly it has been identified as a putative vector of

the disease (Alhudaib et al.2007).

10-2- Leathal yellowing.

The importance of the disease was first known from USA (Florida) on coconut

palms destroying about 1/2 million coconut palms ( McCoy,1976). The disease has

wide range of hosts including Phoenix dactylifera L., P.canariensis Hort., and P.

reclinata Jacq ( Thomas,1974). Symptoms on coconut are characterized by early

dropping of developing fruits , followed by formation of new inflorescence which

rapidly becomes necrotic, a rapid and generalized yellowing and eventually the

death of the palm. In Kuwait, Al Awadhi et al.(2002) reported their finding on a

phytoplasma associated with yellowing disease of date palms. The disease

displayed similar symptoms of Al Wijam as expressed on leaves, spathes and

bunches of date palm. In Egypt, Ammar et al. (2005) detected phytoplasma

associated with diseased date palm refereed to it as streaking and yellowing

disease. Harrison et al.(2002) detected phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrIV

group, subgroup D, causing lethal yellowing decline in Canary Island date palm in


10-3. White tip die-back.

This is newly recognized disease on young date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.).

The disease occurs in isolated foci in northern Sudan ( Cronje et al.2000a).

Symptoms appeared on 5-8 years old palm trees which die within 6-12 months of

symptoms appearance . Severe chlorosis of the emerging leaf and at the tip of the

pinnae of older fronds which change quickly from green to dry white without

showing yellowing of the crown..Using molecular techniques, the causal pathogen

has been assigned to Phytoplasma ( Cronje et al.2000a).

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10-4. Slow decline:

The disease is attacking mature date palms along the Nile between Dongola and

Mero-karem , North Sudan. Palm death occurs between 1-2 years after appearance

of symptoms and causing losses estimated at 6%. The symptoms appeared at first

as yellowing of the outermost fronds and progressing towards the young central

fronds and newly emerging leaves. Eventually, all fronds dry white to light brown

and are then shed leaving few young leaves at the top of the trunk which may

break off leaving the trunk alone( Cronje The sequence of slow decline

Phytoplasma 16S/235rDNA intergenic spacer showed a very high (99%) homology

with comparable sequencies of Phytoplasma associated with White tip-dieback

disease on young date palm ( Cronje et al.2000b).

11- Brittle leaf disease.

In French the disease is called "Malade des feuilles cassantes". The disease was

first known from southern (desert) parts of Tunisia . According to Mehani (1958)

palms with symptoms of the disease were found since 1960s in Nefta and Tozeur

oases. However, only after twenty years the disease begins to draw attention due to

the rapid increase of the effected trees particularly in the Nefta oasis ( Tukrouni et

al.1988). In Algeria, the presence of the disease was confirmed in 2006 ( Al saadi

et al.2006). The causal pathogen is not yet determined exactly. The symptoms are

assocated with manganese deficiency and the presence of a small double strand

RNA. However, the effected trees in the field seem to cluster into foci , suggesting

a biotic origin. A possible soil microorganism is responsible for rendering soil

manganese insoluble and unavailable to the palm trees ( Triki et al.2003). The

early symptoms of the disease appeared on the fronds showing chlorosis . Leaflets

become brittle, twisted, frizzled and shrivled with a scorched appearance . In

severe cases, only frond midribs without leaflets remain. Affected trees have

shorter fronds, stop growing and eventually die. Four to six years may elapse

between the appearance of the first symptoms and the death of the tree (Tiriki et


12- Date Bunch Fading Disorder (DBF).

The date palm bunch fading disease was first reported in 1997 in the south of

Kerman province (Iran). In the last 5 to 6 years, the DBF has been the most

harmful phenomenon on date yields in date palm plantations of southern Iran. The

mean amount of damage at different regions and in different years has been

estimated between 30-50% of the crop (Karampur,20002).Symptoms of this

disorder occur at first as light yellow lesions on peduncles and gradually

developing to longitudinal pale brown strips on the whole peduncle. Date fruits

wilt usually from the bottom of the strand up and then the pedicel, peduncle and

whole bunch wilt dry.(Karampour,1999).Many fungal species have been isolated

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from affected date palm trees showing DBF disorder. These include Alternaria sp.,

Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Trichoderma sp., and

Thielaviopsis paradoxa. Among the isolated fungi, T. paradoxa had the ability to

increase incidence of DBF disorder on date tree "Mordaseng" under drought and

hot winds stresses in natural climatic conditions of date palm plantations in

Hormozgan province exclusively . Karampour and Pejman (2007) concluded that

the associated fungal agents had no direct and or primary role in occurrence of

BDF disorder

Mauginiella scaettae a,rotted female inflorescence, b:unopened male

spathe due to severe infection c: opened infected male spathe. d:

arthroconidia in chains.

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Mauginiella scaettae c: opened infected male spathe. d:arthroconidia in


Ceratocysts paradoxa ( Anamorph: Thielaviopsis paradoxa)

a,b:Aleuroconidia(chlamydospores) and Phialoconidia (endoconidia)

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Ceratocystis radicicola ( Anamorph: Thielaviopsis punctulata) c,d.

Aleuroconidia and Phialoconidia. Scale bar =20um

Reference :

Abdullah,S.K.,Lopez-Lorca,L.V.and Jansson.H.B. (2010). Diseases of date palm

(Phoenix dactylifera L.). Basrah J. Date Palm Researches.9(2) 1-43.

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Further biological study on Mauginiella scaettae , the pathogen of

inflorescence rot disease of Datepalm

S. K. Abdullah; A.H. Saadoon and A. H. AL-ISSA


Inflorescence rot disease of date palms cause d by Mauginiella scaettae Cav .

was reported for the first time by Cavara (1925a,b) in Libya. The disease has also

been reported in other North African countries (Chabrolin,1928;

nier,1955;Calcat,1959; Michael and Sabet,1970) , from Arabian Peninsula

(AbuYam and Abu Blam,197l;Djerbi,l982) and from Iraq (Allison,l952;

Hussain,l985;A1-Ani et al.l97l).Recently, the disease has been reported in Elx,

South East Spain (Abdullah et a1.2005) Although studies on some biological

aspects of the fungus have been made (Al-Saadoon et a1.2004,Michael and Sabet,

1970; Al-Hassan and Waleed, 1977), informations on the saprophytic survival and

the effect of some environmental factors on spore germination of the pathogen are

meager. The results of studies on the ability of the conidial propagules of the

fungus to live as a saprophyte in dead inflorescence tissues and the effect of

different relative humidity on germination and sporulation of the fungus are

presented here.

Isolation of the pathogen:

Small pieces (3cm long) from infected female inflorescence were surface

disinfected with 5Yo sodium hypochlorite for l0 min. and then washed three times

with sterile distilled water. The surface sterilized pieces were placed in plates

containing malt extract agar (Oxoid, England) supplemented with chloramphenicol

(50ug/m1., SDA, Iraq). The plates were incubated at 25 C in the dark.

Saprophytic survival of conidia:

Seventy two pieces (3 cm long) removed from severly infected inflorescence of

female Khidrawy cultivar were surface sterilized with 5 o% sodium hypochlorite

for 10 min. and then rinsed three times with sterile distilled water. The surface

sterilized pieces were placed on top of moist sterilized paper in Peri dishes and

incubated at 25 C for 7 days to enhance sporulation and then left for other 7 days to

dry after removal of Petri dish lid. Dried pieces showing sporulation were

distributed in 9 cm Peti dishes ( 3 pieces/dish). Two sets were made (each 36

dishes). Peti dishes of one set were incubated at25 C, others were incubated at

room temperature. To test the viability of the conidia, infected pieces in each Petri

dish from both sets were removed each month for period of 12 months. The pieces

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were put in sterilized vials (12 ml.size), each vial contains 5 ml. of sterilized water

agar solution with sucrose (2g agar,5g sucrose, 100 ml. distilled water). Vials were

agitated gently to remove conidia from the infected pieces and conidial

suspensions were obtained. A 3 drops from each conidial suspension were put on

sterilized glass slide and incubated at 25 C for 24 h and then stained with

lactophenol cotton blue. Conidial percentage germination were calculated for 3

replicates, each one with 100 conidia.

Effect of relative humidity on sporulation:

Seven small pieces (3 cm long) from infected inflorescence were surface sterilized

with 5%o sodium hypochlorite for 10 min. and then washed three times with sterile

distilled water. Pieces were blotted dry on sterilized filter paper. The small pieces

were placed on glass rodes and were incubated over different concentrations of

H2So4 to produce atmosphere

of 95,90, 85, 80, 75,70yo r.h. in 15 cm closed glass Petri dishes (Solomon, 1951).

Distilled water was used to acieve l00Yo r.h.. After seven days incubation, each

piece from each corresponding relative humidity was put into small sterilized vials

containing 2 ml. sterile distilled water. To acieve spore suspension, each vial was

gently agitated. Spore concentration was calculated by using improved double

neubaner heamocytometer. Effect of relative humidity on conidial germination:

Thin films of water agar (2Yo) were prepared and cut in small square pieces (2X2

cm} The agar was dried in oven at 60 C to ensure that there was no liquid

water at the surface. The agar pieces were put on sterilized glass slides and

incubated into 15 cm closed Petri dishes over solutions of different H2So4

concentrations as described above. The thin films left for 24 hto achieve the same

relative humidity of the chamber. The dishes were incubated at 25 C. Conidial

suspensions were prepared in sterile water from sporulating 7 days old culture.

Two drops (ca. 0.05 ml) of each spore suspension were placed on each agar film.

Dishes were agitated gently to spread the spores over the agar surface. After 24 h

incubation at 25 C., the agar thin films were stained by cotton blue in lactophenol.

Conidial percentage germination was counted in 10 field using 100 conidia /field

and the mean number was calculated.

Results and Discussion:

Conidia of Mauginiella scaettae incubated at different relative humilities varied

greatly in germination percentage. Conidia germinated best at high % r.h and

showed maximum percentage of germination (80.7%) at 95'h r.h. followed by

64.1% r.h. A sharp decline in percentage conidial germination was obtained at

relative humidity below 95%o and no germination occurred below 80% r.h. (Table

l). There is obvious increase in sporulation according to the increase in the relative

humidity. The highest is being at l00o/o r.h. and the lowest occurred at 70%o r.h.

(Table I ). It has been well documented that inflorescence rot disease of date palm

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caused by Mauginiella scaettae is particularly serious in areas characterized by

higher humidity or with prolonged periods of heavy rain in winter and spring (Zud

et a1.2002; Abdullah et a1.2005). Hussain and El-Baldawy (1977) indicated that

up to 52Yo of palms might be affected in Al- Fao town of Basrah province,

Southern Iraq, where high humidity is prevailed, whereas, the proportions of the

affected trees in the middle Iraq was ranging between 10-20%. It is generally

assumed that conidia of Mauginiella scaettae are very short lived and do not

persist through the winter. Primary infections are thought to arise from mycelia (

Al-Ani et al.l971; Al-Hassan and waleed,l971; Djerbi,1983). However, the present

study revealed that conidia of Mauginiella scaettae can survive as a saprophyte in

infected dead inflorescence for a period of more than 12 months (Fig.l) and hence

these conidia may contribute to the new infection

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Abdullah, S.K., Al-Saadoon, A.H. and Al-Issa, A.H. (2006) Further biological

study on Mauginiella scaettae, the pathogen of inflorescence rot disease of date

palm. Proc.12th Medit.Phytopath.Union. 200-202.

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Fungi associated with grapevine (Vitis vinifera L) decline in middle

of Iraq

Samir K. Abdullah, Marwan Q. Al-Samarraie, Akeel H. Al-Assie


Fungal species associated with three (Vitis vinifera L.)cultivars exhibited decline

grown in the main grapevine production area in Salahaldin province, middle Iraq

were surveyed during 2012 – 2013. Based on microscopically and cultural

characteristics, a total of 24 species in addition to non-sporulating mycelia were

identified. The most frequently isolated fungi from shoots were: Aspergillus niger,

Cladosporium cladosporoides, Cadophora spp., Clonostachys rosea, Penicillium

spp. Phaeoacremonium sp. I, Neocytalidium dimidiatum and Stachybotrys atra,

whereas, Fusarium spp., Acremonium sp., Cylindrocladiella viticola,

Cylindrocarpon spp., and Phaeoacremonium sp. 2, were the most frequently

isolated fungi from roots. Cylindrocladiella viticola is recorded for the first time

from Iraq(Table1)

تبد عليها أعراض التدهورمقاطع عرضية في سيقان واغصان نباتات العنب التي

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(Vitis vinifera)ن وجذور العائل النباتي العنباالنسب المئوية للفطريات المعزولة من سيق

تداخل الفطريات المعزولة من أصناف العنب ومواقع تواجد األصناف في محافضة صالح الدين وسط


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Cylindrocladiella viticola, Penicillate conidiophore, stipe with vesicle and



Abdullah,S.K., Al-Sammarai,M.Q.and,Al-issa,A.H.(2015). Fungi associated with

grapevine(Vitis vinifera L .) decline in middle of Iraq. Egypt Acad.J.Biol.Sci.


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Studies on fungi causing diseases and decays of trees in Iraq

S.S. Rattan, Samir K. Abdullah and A.L.S. Ismail


Nine species of wood-rot Aphyllophorales associated with diseases and decays

of conifers and other hardwoods in northern Iraq are described and illustrated. Out

of these, Phlebia roumegueri; Amphinema byssoides;Phellinus pini ; Coriolus

versicolor, Phanerochaete gigantea, Hirschiosporus abietinus. Gloeoporus qdustus

and Stereum rugosum are new records while Gloeocystidiellum zawitense is

described as new. The new combination, Phanerochaete gigantea is also


1. Phlebia roumegueri, a, basidiospores; b, basidium; c, incrusted cystidium

(Lamprocystidium); d, basidiole; e, simple-septate Hyphae.

Collections examined: on bark of Pinus halepensis vat. brutia, Saara Tuka,

Dohuk, Iraq, Jan. 28, 1976, leg. Rattan & Abdullah 223 ; on log of Pinus

halepensis var. brutia, Zawita, Dohuk, Iraq, Jan. 31, 1976, Rattan & Abdullah

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(UBM'IH), Rattan & Abdullah .This species is very common on coniferous

stumps and logs and is associated with white-rot. Thind (1973) has suggested its

potentialities as biological control for Fomes annosus (a severe heart-rot pathogen

of conifirs). The occurrence of this species in north Iraq along with the butt-rot

pathogen (Fomes pini) in interesting but its role in disease epidemiology is yet

to be investigated.

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات الفطريات

و Mycobankفي المصنفين Phlebia roumegueri (Bres.) Donk, 1957تم تغيير إسم الفطر

Species of Index Fungorum (SIF) ليكونPhlebiopsis ravenelii (Cooke) Hjortstam

، أحد أجناس العائلة Phlebiopsis Jülich 1978الذي ينتمي للجنس البازيدي 1987

Phanerochaetaceae ضمن الرتبة البازيدية ،Polyporales والصف ،Agaricomycetes أحد

صفوف القبيلة البازيدية في مملكة الفطريات .

Phlebiopsis ravenelii

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2. Phellinus pini, a, basidiospores; b, basidium; c, setae; d, basidiole; e, skeletal

hyphae; f, generative hyphae.

Collections examined: on living trees of Pinus halepensis var. brutia' Suara

Tuka, Dohuk, Iraq, Jan. 31, 1976, leg. Rattan & Abdullah 228(UBMH), Rattan

& Abdullah 229 (UBMH). This species is associated with heart-rot in conif'ers

Several infected trees were observed in Suara Tuka area.

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات الفطريات

Mycobankفي المصنفين Phellinus pini (Thore ex Pers.) Lloyd, 1915تم تغيير إسم الفطر

الذي ينتمي Porodaedalea pini (Brot.) Murrill 1905ليكون : Species of Index Fungorumو

، Hymenochaetaceae، ضمن العائلة البازيدية Porodaedalea Murrill, 1905للجنس البازيدي

، أحد صفوف القبيلة البازيدية في Agaricomycetes، في الصف البازيدي Hymenochaetalesوالرتبة

مملكة الفطريات.

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Porodaedalea pini

3. Coiolus versicolor, a, basidiospores; b, basidium; c, basidiole

Collections examined: on stump of Pinus halepensis var. brutia, Suara Tuka,

Dohuk, Iraq, Jan' 31, 1976, leg. Rattan & Abdullah on stump under frondose trees,

Mosul, Iraq, April l, 1976,

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات الفطريات

Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd 1921ليصبح Coiolus versicolorتم تغيير إسم الفطر

، التابع للجنس البازيدي Species of Index Fungorum (SIF)و Mycobankإستنادا إلى المصنفين

Trametes Fr. 1836 ضمن العائلة البازيدية ،Polyporaceae والرتبةPolyporales إحدى رتب ،

، في القبيلة البازيدية لمملكة الفطريات . ومن الجدير بالذكر يضم Agaricomycetesالصف البازيدي

نوع. 820مايقارب Trametesالجنس

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Trametes versicolor

4. Amphinema byssoides: a, basidiospores; b. basidium; c, thin-walled

cystidium (septocystidium);d, basidiole.

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Collections examined: on slash of Pinus halepensis vat. brutia, Zawtta, Dohuk,

Iraq, Jan. 31,lg76,1eg. Rattan & Abdullah 226 (UBMH)' This species is associated

with white-rot and is a primary colonizer of coniferous slash. It is easily ecognized

by the yellow, pelliculose Fructifications, presence of septate Cystidia and small,

yellow, cyanophilous basidiospores.

النبات الفطرياتالموسوعة العربية ألمراض

للجنس البازيدي Amphinema byssoides (Pers.) J. Erikss. 1958ينتمي الفطر البازيدي

Amphinema P. Karst. 1892 ضمن العائلة البازيدية ،Atheliaceae والرتبة ،Atheliales أحد ،

التابع للقبيلة البازيدية في مملكة Agaricomycetesوالصف Agaricomycetesرتب الصف البازيدي

. Amphinemaالفطريات. توجد خمسة انواع أخرى ضمن الجنس

Amphinema byssoides

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Amphinema byssoides

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5. Gloeocystidiellum zawitense, sp. nov. a basidiospores; b,basidium; c,

gloeocystidia with irregular crystals in the apical part; d, basidiole; e,simple-

septate Hyphae.

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات الفطريات

Gloeocystidiellum zawitense S.S.Rattan, Abdullah & Ismail جديد البازيدي الفطر العزل

من غابة صنوبر حلبي في منطقة زاويتة شمال العراق تميز عن بقية انوع الجنس البازيدي ، 1978

Gloeocystidiellum باشكال وأحجام األبواغ البازيدية وبغياب اإلتصال الكالبي في الخيوط الفطرية للنوع

جذوع بأنه سطحي كالطالء على Gloeocystidiellum zawitenseالجديد . إتصف الفطر البازيدي

. Pinus halepensis var brutiaوأغصان أشجار الصنوبر للنوع

Gloeocystidiellum zawitense S.S.Rattan, Abdullah & Ismailينتمي الفطر البازيدي العراقي

، Stereaceae ضمن العائلة البازيدية، Gloeocystidiellum Donk, 1931للجنس البازيدي 1978

، ضمن القبيلة البازيدية في مملكة Agaricomycetes، أحد رتب الصف البازيدي Russulalesوالرتبة

. 83. ينضوي تحت الجنس البازيدي مايقارب (Basidiomycota / Fungi)الفطريات

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على جذوع متحللة ألحد األشجار sp. Gloeocystidiellum الفطر البازيدي

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6. Stereum rugosum' a' basidiospores;-b' basidium: c' conducting hypha; d'


e. simple-septate Hyphae

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات الفطريات

الذي عزل من جذوع أحد أشجار الصنوبر Stereum rugosum Pers. 1794ينتمي الفطر البازيدي

Stereaceae، ضمن العائلة Stereumالحلبي في زاويتة/ دهوك شمال العراق ، للجنس البازيدي

ضمن القبيلة البازيدية في مملكة Agaricomycetes، إحدى رتب الصف البازيدي Russulalesوالرتبة

. Stereumنوع ضمن الجنس 700أكثر من Index Fungorumالفطريات . ذكر المصنف

Stereum rugosum

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7. Phanerochaete gigantea a: basidiospores , b:basidium, c: cystidium

(Lamprocystidium), d: basidiole, e: simple septet hyphae

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات الفطريات

& Phanerochaete gigantea (Fr.) S.S. Rattan, Abdullahوجد الفطر البازيدي الجديد

Ismail, 1977 مغطيا أجزاء من بقايا جذع أحد أشجار الصنوبرPinus halepensis var brutia في

منطقة زاويتة قرب محافضة دهوك في شمال العراق . أتصف جسم الفطر بأنه يشبه الطالء السميك على

500، ولونه كريمي أو أصفر يميل للكريمي، بسمك قد يصل إلى (Resupinate)سطح بقايا جذع الشجرة

وتراوحت ابعاد Gloeocystidia. عند إختبار الحشوة الخاصة بالفطر لم تالحظ الـ (µm)ميكروميتر

ميكروميتر، أما البازيديا التي تتواجد عليها األبواغ البازيدية فتراوحت X 12-18 100 -60السيستيديا

ميكروميتر. X 5-6 35 -30أبعادها

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Phlebiopsis gigantea

Phanerochaete P. Karst. 1889للجنس البازيدي Phanerochaete giganteaينتمي الفطر

، أي إن الفطر يكون تراكيبه Polyporales، ضمن الرتبة Phanerochaetaceaeللعائلة البازيدية التابع

على الرغم من أن الرتبة ، (Pores not Gills)الجنسية )بازيديا وأبواغ بازيدية( في ثقوب وليس غالصم

(Fungi/لفطريات، أحد صفوف القبيلة البازيدية في مملكة اAgaricomycetesتنتمي للصف البازيدي

Basidiomycota ( كما أقرت ذلك المصنفIndex Fungorum ذكر في المصنفين .Mycobank و

Species of Index Fungorum (SIF) للفطر قد أصبح من أن اإلسم الحاليPhlebiopsis gigantea

(Fr.) Jülich,1978.

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8. Hirschioporus abietinus, a: basidiospores , b: basidium , c' thin-walled

Cystidia with irregular crystals in the apical part (Septocystidium), d'-basidiole; e'

clamped subhymenial hyphae.

Collections examined: on fallen branches of Pinus halepensis vat. brutia, Suara

Tuka, Dohuk, Iraq, Jan. 31, 1976, leg. Rattan & Abdullah 234 (UBMH). This

species usually occurs on rotting coniferous wood and is associated with white


الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات الفطريات

Trichaptum ليصبح Hirschioporus abietinusتم تغيير إسم الفطر البازيدي

abietinum (Dicks.) Ryvarden 1972 إستنادا إلى المصنفينMycobank وSpecies of Index

Fungorum(SIF) والذي يتبع الجنس البازيديTrichaptum Murrill, 1904 ضمن العائلة ،

Polyporaceae والرتبة ،Polyporales والصف البازيدي ،Agaricomycetes أحد صفوف القبيلة ،

نوع مع 60. ذكر وجود Index Fungorumاألول و إستنادا إلى المصنف البازيدية في مملكة الفطريات

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قد وضح جنس الفطر SIFومن الجدير بالذكر بأن المصنف . Trichaptumالنوع الحالي ضمن الجنس

. (Incertae sedis)بسبب عدم وجود عائلة مؤكدة Hymenochaetalesضمن الرتبة

Trichaptum abietinum

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9.Gloeosporus adustus ' basidiospores; b' basidium; c' basidiole; d': Hyphae

with clamp connection,

ناميا على بقايا أشجار مقطوعة في أحد المناطق الواقعة Gloeosporus adustus البازيدي وجد الفطر

. عرف عن الفطر بأنه مسبب التعفن 1976في الموصل شمال العراق خالل هذه الدراسة المسحية عام

لمجموعة أشجار المخروطيات وعادة ما تتكشف األجسام الثمرية (White fibrous Rot)الليفي األبيض

. على بقايا األشجار المقطوعة

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات الفطريات

.Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) P ليصبح Gloeosporus adustusتم تغيير إسم الفطر البازيدي

Karst. 1879 التابع للجنس البازيدي Bjerkandera P. Karst. 1879 ضمن العائلة البازيدية ،

Meruliaceae والرتبة ،Polyporales والصفAgaricomycetes في البازيدية ، أحد صفوف القبيلة

Indexنوع مع النوع الحالي أقرها المصنف Bjerkandera 64مملكة الفطريات . يضم الجنس

Fungorum .

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Gloeosporus adustus

Bjerkandera adusta اإلسم البديل


Rattan, S.S. and Abdullah, S.K. (1978). Studies on the fungi causing diseases and

decays of trees in Iraq. Nova Hedwigia 29, 765-779.

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Sudies on the wood rot fungi of Iraq

S. S. Rarran and Samir K. Abdullah


Seven species of wood-rot Aphyllophorales collected from the pine forest in

Northern Iraq are described and illustrated. Out of these, Gloeocystidiellum

luridum; Radulomyces subriolaris; Athelia acrospora; Amphinema

lomentellhstrum; Stereum sanguinolentum and Asterostroma medium are new

records for Iraq while Galzinia cystidiata is proposed as new species

Collection Sites & Trees :

Pinus halepensis var. brutia , Juniperus axycedrus , Quercus aegilops L. or Q.

infectoria and Olive. The study was, therefore, undertaken to investigate the

wood-rot fungi from this coniferous complex. Collections were made during

January-February, 1976, and a study of some Resupinate forms has revealed

some interesting and noteworthy species. Seven such species are recorded in this

paper. Out of these, six are new records for Iraq while Galzinia cystidiata is

proposed as new. Abbreviations used to designate herbaria are those of Lanjouw

and Stafleu (1964) while the Herbarium, College of Science, tlniversity of Basrah,

Iraq, is abbreviated as UBMH.


. Rattan, S.S. and Abdullah, S.K. (1976). Studies on the wood rot fungi of Iraq.

Indian Phytopathology, 29, 296-302.

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1.Amphinema tomentellastrum الفطر البازيدي المرادف

Amphinema tamentellastrum (Bres.) Christ., 1960.

Fructifications : Resupinate, pelliculose, loosely adnate, widely effused, up to

300 µ, thick in section; hymeneal surface white to cream but turns greyish ochre

Amphinema tomentellastrum

a.Basidia&Basidioles, b. Cystiia, c: Basidiospores

لموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات والفطريات ا

Amphinema أو Amphinema tomentellastrumينتمي الفطر

tomentellum (Bres.) M. P. Christ. 1959 للجنس البازيديAmphinema P. Karst.

، إحدى رتب الصف البازيدي Athelialesوالرتبة البازيدية Atheliaceae، ضمن العائلة 1892

Agaricomycetes أقر المصنف .Index Fungorum وجود األنواع الستة التالية ضمن الجنس:

Amphinema angustispora P. Roberts 2001 ; Amphinema arachispora Burds. &

Nakasone 1981; Amphinema byssoides (Pers.) J. Erikss. 1958; Amphinema

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diadema K. H. Larss. & Hjortstam 1986; Amphinema sordescens (P. Karst.) P.

Karst. 1893; Amphinema tomentellum (Bres.) M. P. Christ. 1959.

Species of Index Fungorum (SIF)و Mycobankومن الجدير بالذكر بأن كل من المصنف

للفطر البازيدي (Synonym)أحد األسماء المرادفة Amphinema tomentellumعتبرا اإلسم قد إ

Amphinema byssoides (Pers.) J. Erikss., 1958 . الذي ينتمي لنفس المراتب التصنيفية

Amphinema tomentellastrum بدال من Amphinema byssoides اإلسم البديل

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2.Asterostroma medium الفطر البازيدي

Asterostroma medium

d, Asterosetae; e, Basidium; f, Basidiospores; g, asterophysis from the

hymenium Asterastroma medium Bres., 1920.; Fructifications: Resupinate, spongy-

pelliculose, separable, up to 1 mm thick in section;hymenial surface ochraceous to

ochre-brown or camel brown, smooth, finely granulose to reticulose-porose under

the lens, minutely cracked in thicker parts; margin thinning. fibrillose to

rhizomorphic, white to paler concolorous. Rhizomorphs rather scanty, pale yellow

to ochraceous, sparsely branched. Context light brown in section composid of

loosely arranged asterosetae and hyphae. Hyphal system monomitic, hyphae 2-2.5

µ wide, subhyaline, branched, septate, clamps absent, thin-walled. Asterosetae

abundant,50-130 µ in diameter, composed of 4-7 rays radiating from rays subulate,

up to 90µ long and 3'-4.5 µ broad at the base, unbanked or forked at the tip, light

brown, thick-walled, wall up to I µ , thick, setae present in the basal or central part

of context are larger but these become progressively smaller towards the

hymenium. The setae present in the hymenial layer.

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات والفطريات

Asterostromaللجنس البازيدي Asterostroma medium Bres. 1920ينتمي الفطر البازيدي

Massee, 1889 ضمن العائلة البازيدية ،Lachnocladiaceae الرتبة البازيدية ،Russulales في ،

القبيلة البازيدية في مملكة الفطريات. يضم الجنس ، أحد صفوف Agaricomycetesالصف البازيدي

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Asterostroma Massee, 1889 35 نوع إضافة للنوع الحالي أقرت في المصنفIndex

Fungorum ،

Asterostroma medium

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3. Athelia acrospora الفطر البازيدي

Athelia acrosporta

h, a cluster of basidia and basidioles; i, clamped

hypha; j, basidiospores

Athelia acrosporta Julich, Willdenowia, 1972. Fructifications : Resupinate, pelliculose, fragile, loosely adnate to separable in

flakes, widely effused, up to 100 µ thick in section; hymenial surface white,

smooth but it appears finely granulose under the lens, Context sub hyaline in

section, composed of few, loosely arranged hyphae supporting a pellicle-like

hymenium at the top. hyphae 2.5-4.5 µ, subhyaline, thin-walled, branched at wide

angles, septate, clamps. absent or occasionally present at some of the septa among

the balal hyphae, Basidia l0-14 x 4.5-5 µ, Clavate-cylindrical 4.--spored,

sterigmata up to 4 µ long. Basidiospores 5-6 ellipsoid to ellipsoid-cylindrical,

subhyaline, , often occurring in groups, the walls thin, smooth, nonamyloicl

Collection examined : S. S. Rattan 204 (UBMH), on slash under Pinus halepensis

var. brtttia, Zawita (Dohuk), Iraq, January 29,1976. This species is common on

slash of Pinus and seems to be associated brown rot. It is characterized by the

shape and size of basidiospores and presence of only few clamps among the

basal hyphae.

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الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات والفطريات

التابع للعائلة Athelia Pers. 1822للجنس Athelia acrospora Jülich 1972ينتمي الفطر البازيدي

، في Agaricomycetes، إحدى رتب الصف البازيدي Atheliales، والرتبة Atheliaceaeالبازيدية

ا النوع نوع بضمنه 125ما يقرب من Atheliaالقبيلة البازيدية داخل مملكة الفطريات. ينضوي تحت الجنس

. Index Fungorumالحالي أقرت في المصنف

Athelia acrospora

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4.Galzinia cystidiata البازيدي العراقي. الفطر

، K :Cystidium ،L :Basidiumحيث ، Galzinia cystidiataالبازيدي لتراكيب الفطرمخطط

m:Basidiole ،n ، بازيديوم في طور التكوين :oأبواغ بازيدية :

العراق، ماعدى المنطقة الشمالية ، فإن البحث على الرغم من عدم وجود غابات عديدة في أغلب مناطق

قد أسفر عن عزل سبعة (Wood Rotting Fungi) )الغابات( عن الفطريات المسببة لتعفن األخشاب

، بينما Galzinia Bourdot, 1922فطريات بازيدية أحدها أعتبر نوعا جديدا في الجنس البازيدي

Pinus halepensis varأعتبرت الفطريات األخرى كتسجيل أول لوجودها في غابة أشجار الصنوبر

brutia تضمنت الفطريات المعزولة األنواع الستة لمنطقة زاويتة التابعة لمحافضة دهوك في شمال العراق .

التالية: 1. Amphinema tomentellastrum

2. Asterostroma medium

3. Athelia acrospora

4. Gloeocystidium luridum

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5. Radulomyces submolaris

6. Stereum sanguinolentum

تم إعتماده وفق Galziniaنوع جديد في الجنس البازيدي Galzinia cystidiata بينما أعتبر الفطر

اإلسم التالي والذي يشمل إسم الفطر والمؤلفين والسنة وكما يلي:

Galzinia cystidiata S. S. Rattan & Abdullah 1977

تتواجد تحت الطبقة العليا تراكيب ( Resupinantus )وصف الفطر البازيدي بأنه من النوع السطحي

الفطر البازيدية من غزل فطري واألجسام البازيدية واألبواغ البازيدية . توصف مستعمرات الفطر على

ميكروميتر ، يرافق وجوده 250سم وسمك اليتعدى X 1 1.5جذوع وأغصان األشجار بأنها صغيرة بأبعاد

دية )تحت السطح( بيضاء إلى كريمي ، ناعمة بدون وجود تعفن أبيض اللون وتكون طبقة الحشوة البازي

. تتراوح أبعاد السيستيديا (No Clamp Connection)إتصال كالبي في الخيوط الفطرية

(Lumprocystidia) 45-100 X 12-18 ميكروميتر(µm) مغزلية الشكل إلى شبه مخروط ، والبازيديا

ذنيبات 4ل هراوية أو إسطوانية . تتواجد على البازيديا ميكروميتر بأشكا X 4.5-5.5 30-20بأبعاد

(Stregmata) 6-5تحمل األبواغ البازيدية وتكون أبعاد األبواغ X 2.5-3 كل بوغ محمول على ذنيب

ميكروميتر. 8بطول

ضمن العائلة، Galzinia Bourdot, 1922للجنس البازيدي Galzinia cystidiataينتمي الفطر الجديد

، أحد Agaricomycetes، داخل الصف البازيدي Corticiales، والرتبة Corticiaceae البازيدية

. ينضوي تحت الجنس (Basidiomycota /Fungi)صفوف القبيلة البازيدية في مملكة الفطريات

Galzinia اقي وكما يلي: وبضمنها النوع العر نوع( 13)األنواع البازيدية التالية

Galzinia athelioides Parmasto 1965; Galzinia culmigena (R.K. Webster & D.A.

Reid) B.N. Johri & Bandoni 1975; Galzinia cymosa D. P. Rogers 1944; Galzinia

cystidiata S. S. Rattan & Abdullah 1977; Galzinia ellipsospora S. S. Rattan

1977; Galzinia forcipata Pouzar 1983; Galzinia geminispora L.S. Olive 1954;

Galzinia incrustans (Höhn. & Litsch.) Parmasto 1965; Galzinia

longibasidia Hallenb. 1980; Galzinia occidentalis D. P. Rogers 1944; Galzinia

pedicellata Bourdot 1922; Galzinia sect. Membranogalzinia Parmasto 1968;

Galzinia vesana Boidin & Gilles 1990.

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5. Gloeocystidiellum luridum الفطر البازيدي

Gloeocystidium luridum تراكيب الفطر البازيدي

Basidia, b: Clamp Connection ; c:Basidiospores

للجنس البازيدي Gloeocystidiellum luridum (Bres.) Boidin 1951ينتمي الفطر البازيدي

Gloeocystidiellum Donk, 1931 ضمن العائلة البازيدية التي إختلف فيها المصنف ،Mycobank

، بينما وضع الجنس في Gloeocystidiellaceae Jülich 1981 ,حيث وضع الجنس ضمن العائلة

Species of Indexو Index Fungorumفي كل من المصنفين Russulalesالعائلة البازيدية

Fungorum(SIF) .تنتمي العائلتين لنفس الرتبة Russulales والصف البازيدي ،Agaricomycetes

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نوع ضمن الجنس البازيدي 82يوجد القبيلة البازيدية في مملكة الفطريات . ، أحد صفوف

Gloeocystidiellum Donk, 1931 من ضمنها الفطر الحالي اقرها المصنفIndex Fungorum .

Gloeocystidiellum luridum

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6.Radulomyces submolaris الفطر البازيدي

a, basidium; b, basidiole; c, basidiosporcs

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات والفطريات

للجنس البازيدي ، Radulomyces submolaris Parmasto 1968ينتمي الفطر البازيدي

Radulomyces M.P. Christ. 1960 ضمن العائلة البازيدية ،Pterulaceae والرتبة ،

Agaricales أحد رتب الصف البازيدي ،Agaricomycetes ضمن القبيلة البازيدية في مملكة ،

Indexأقرها المصنف Radulomycesنوع آخر ضمن الجنس 23الفطريات. يوجد مع الفطر الحالي

Fungorum ومن الجدير بالذكر بأن المصنف .Species of Index Fungorum(SIF) قد جعل إسم

& Cerocorticium submolare (Parmasto) Jülichالفطر الحالي إسم مرادف إلسم بديل وهو

Stalpers 1980 .

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Radulomyces molaris

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7. Stereum songuinolentum البازيدي الفطر

Stereum songuinolentum , d: basidiole; e: Basidium; f: Cystidia; g: Basidiospores

الموسوعة العربية ألمراض النبات والفطريات

، ضمن العائلة Stereum، للجنس البازيدي Stereum sanguinolentum ينتمي الفطر البازيدي

Stereaceae والرتبةRussulales إحدى رتب الصف البازيدي ،Agaricomycetes ضمن القبيلة

نوع ضمن الجنس 700أكثر من Index Fungorumالبازيدية في مملكة الفطريات . ذكر المصنف

Stereum .

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Stereum sanguinolentum

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6. Encyclopedia of Life (eOL) online published by Wiley-Blackwell.

7. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

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