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Reverse and Prevent Alzheimer´s

• AlF3 (aluminum-trifluoride) kills the 5th complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.Preventing the formation of ATP

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Parkinson´s Disease) or ACETYLCHOLINE (leading to Alzheimer´s Disease)

In Other words……aluminum and fluoride in the diet are bad.This power point will tell you which foods contain the bad guys

and how to eat a diet that will help reverse the signs and symptoms of these diseases, because once you stop killing off your mitochondria, because they have their own DNA, they can

begin to multiply on their own to help replenish the normal levels of neurotransmitters.

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A very common table salt used in Mexico

•Common refined table salt found all over the world. Contains both aluminum and fluoride.

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List of ingredients in this salt•1. Aluminum•2. Fluoride•3. Cianide•4. Iodine•5. Potassium •I think this salt is the waste product of the production of aluminum.•Some business graduate from from some Ivy Leage School may have come up with the idea to sell it instead of pay to dispose of it as biowaste.

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Normal red blood cells

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Aluminum added to red blood cells

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Aluminum and Fluoride-free Diet

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Pure sea salt•Pure sea salt, by nature does not contain enough iodine for a healthy thyroid so you must eat something from the sea like fish for it´s iodine content once or twice a week.• If you are allergic to fish take an iodine containing vitamin supplement that contains 150 micrograms of iodine. Take one tablet daily with a meal.

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•DO NOT USE•Aluminum or non-stick cookware.•Non-stick pans contain fluoride.

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•Stainless steel cookware or ceramic covered. Stainless steel is best.•You can bake in Pyrex but not in non-stick pans.

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•Many commercial breweries use a fistfull of powdered aluminum and fluoride to stop the fermentation process (kills the yeasts mitochondria)•A natural brew made in stainles steel tanks is fine if you can find it.

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Wine•Do NOT drink Organic wines. The term organic means that they do not use sulfites and instead do use aluminum and fluoride in the brewing process.•DO DRINK WINES THAT USE SULFITES to stop the brewing process. Needs to say CONTAINS SULFITES on label.

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•Fresh milk is better than milk that comes in an aluminum lined Tetrapack box but even fresh milk contains aluminum, so don´t drink gallons of it.

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•Instead of processed juice, make fresh juice. Aluminum free and more nutrition.

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•Forget anything that comes in a can. Even bottled soda contains salt which contains aluminum.•Aluminum can leach from the can as well.

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Salted nuts

•Anything commercially made is going to contain salt that contains aluminum because sea salt is more expensive and clumps when it gets humid. DO NOT EAT !!

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Natural peanuts

•Buy natural unsalted nuts and if you want salt add sea salt.•Stove top popcorn with sea salt is a very healthy snack.

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•All this crap has aluminum in it so forget it.•Some manufacturers are beginning to make products with sea salt.

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A better snack

•Fresh fruits, cucumbers and if you like it salty add sea salt.

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•Many cans are made with aluminum and Tetrapack is lined with aluminum. Stay away from these products and use fresh ingredients.

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Fresh is best!!!

•It even tastes better and has far more nutrition.

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This stuff is crap!!!

•It all contains aluminum salt plus preservatives.•Make your dishes from scratch ingredients. More work but you will live longer.

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This contains aluminum•Aluminum is used in this product to help it dissolve better.•DO NOT USE IT•Drink your coffee black or add fresh cream or milk.•Best to make coffee in a stainless steel French press.•Only buy coffee beans that say 100% coffee.

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•This antacid contains aluminum.

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•Tums used to be made with calcium. Maybe it still is.

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Cake mixes•They contain aluminum salt, aluminum containing baking powder and aluminum containing white fluor.•DO NOT EAT!!!

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Eating out•This is crap food. Aluminum salt. Aluminm baking powder.•DO NOT EAT!!!!

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Natural leavening

•. This is natural and ok to use. When baking it is best to avoid white flour as it contains aluminum. Better to use whole grain flour like whole wheat. They also sell aluminum-free baking powder.

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Coffee out

•They add aluminum lined Tetrapack boxed milk to their coffee which ruins a perfectly good cup of coffee. •Ask for fresh milk or don´t buy it.

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Deodorant•Almost all deodorants contain aluminum as their main ingredient.•Speed stick by Mennen makes a line of aluminum-free stick deodorants, but you can´t tell it´s aluminum-free by looking at the label. Check active ingredients.•Instead of aluminum it uses propylene glycol.•They have found more aluminum in breast tissue with cancer than tissue without breast cancer.•Aluminum is escreeted via the kidneys so this may protect the prostate as well.

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•The water you drink and use to cook with is very important. Be sure to only ingest aluminum and fluoride free bottled water. Even for just boiling pasta and cooking veggies. Use it for everything you put in your mouth.

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Don´t forget to eat fish once or twice a week for the iodine

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Now, you see how much aluminum and fluoride you have been ingesting without

realizing it?

Time to eat aluminum and fluoride –free to stay healthy, wealthy and WISE

Thank you, Andrea Shriver

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If this presentation has helped you, maybe you can help me pay on my

medical school loans. Send any amount to:

NAVIENT c/o Andrea Shriveraccount number: 9993053299

P.O. Box 13611Philadelphia PA 19101-3611

Thank you!

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• 1.• Meda E. Pavkov, Robert L Hanson, William C Knowler, Peter H Bennett, et al. Changing Patterns of Type 2 Diabetes Incedence Among

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11. Farina M, Rotta LN, Soares FA, Jaques R, Sousza DO, Rocha JB Hematological Changes in Rats Chronically Exposed to Oral Aluminum, Departamento de Bioquimica, Centro de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianópolis, Sc, Brazil. 12. Chu PL, Wu CC, Hsu CJ, Wang YT, Wu KD Potential Ototoxicity of Aluminum in Hemodialysis patients, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA.

• 13. The Harvard Letter, 1990 October (back in 1990)

• 14. Lisa Masconi, Sandro Sorbi, Mony J. De León, Yi Li, et al, .Hypometabolism is an antecedent in the presynaptic atrophy in Familial Alzheimers, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine; Nov. 2006; 47, 11; Health and Medical Complete pg 1778

• 15. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Nnaturales Alteraciones Morfológicas Inducidas por Aluminio, Revista Quimica Viva, Vol 4, numero 1, 2005. Revista del Departamento de Quimica Biológica, , Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

• 16. de Jong G, Ammeriaan CC, van Noort WL, van Eijk HG, van Landeghem GL, D´Haese PC, de Broe ME.An In Vitro Study on Binding of AL(III) to Human Serum Transferrin With the Isoelectric Focusing Technique, Department of Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Erasmus University Rotterham, The Netherlands. PMID: 7580055 PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE

• 17. . Kuman, Abbas, Fausto Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th Edition, Elsevier Saunders, (Hemochromatosis).

• 18. ALCOA Website: • 19. Christopher Bryson The Fluoride Deception, Book: Seven Stories Press, May 2004.• 20. Secretaria de Salud. Determinación de Aluminio en el agua Potable de Valencia y Localidades Cercanas – Gonzales P. Maria

Emma, Hernandez G. Cecilia, Departamento de Quimica General Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela y Kaechler Juan Carlos, Departamento de Quimica Technológica, Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela. Diario Official, Martes 23 de Septiembre de 2003, Norma Oficial de Salud,

• 21. Gonzales P. Maria Emma, Hernandez G. Cecilia, Determinación de Aluminio en el agua Potable de Valencia y Localidades Cercanas –Departamento de Quimica General Universidad de Carabobo,

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• 22. Donald Voet Univ. Of Pennsylvania,, Judith G. Voet, Swarthmore College, Biochemistry, 3rd Edition, Wiley International Edition, 2004

• 23. Editors: Maurice E. Shils, James A. Olson, Moshe Shine, A. Catharine Ross Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, ninth edition, 1999, Williams, Wilkins and Wlikins

• 24. Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., John E. Hall, PhD Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, tenth edition, 2000, Saunder

• 25. Kielczykowska M, Pasternak K, Boguszewska A, Musil I The Influence of Chosen Metals Administered in Drinking Water on Magnesium Balance in Rats, Department of General Chemistry, Skubiszewski Medical University of Lublin, PMID: 16146067 PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE.

26. Editors: Maurice E Shils, James A. Olson, Moshe Shine, A. Catherine Ross.Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, ninth edition, 1999, Williams, Wilkins and Wilkins.

• 27. A Mohn, S Di Michele, R Faricelli, S Martinotti and F Chiarelli, Department of Pediatrics and Department of Clinical Pathology, University of Chieti The Increased Frequency of Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Thyroid-Associated Antibodies in Siblings of Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Department of Pediatrics and Department of Clinical Pathology, University of Chieti, Chieti, Italy.

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• 30. Gonzales-Suárez I, Alvarez-Hernandez D, Carillo-Lopez N, Naves-Diaz M, Luis Fernandez-Martin J, Cannata-Andia JB Aluminum Postranscriptional Regulation of Parathyroid Hormone Synthesis: a Role for the Calcium-Sensing Receptor,, Bone and Mineral Research Unit, Instituto Reina Sofia de Investigación, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.

• 31. Mohn, Di Michele, R Faricelli, S Martinotti and F Chiarelli Incresed Frequency of Subclinical Hypothyroids and Thyroid-Associated Antibodies in Siblings of Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus,i, Department of Pediatrics and Department of Clinical Pathology, University of Chieti, Chieti, Italy.

• 32. Unnikrishnan AG, Kumaravel V, Nair V, Rao A, Jayakumar RV, Kumar H, Sanjeevi CB TSH Receptor Antibodies in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Department of Endocrinology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Cochin, Kerala 682-026, India.

• 33. T. Badar, Nagymajtényi L, Isimer A, Sahin G Effect of Folic Acid Supplementation on Aluminum Accumulation in Rats,, Department of Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey.

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