arduino 与开放硬件 寇天友. outline arduino 平台介绍 arduino prototype arduino 创业...

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Arduino 与开放硬件


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• Arduino 平台介绍• Arduino prototype• Arduino 创业• 展望物联网• 开放硬件与开源软件

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• Arduino 平台介绍• Arduino prototype• Arduino 创业• 展望物联网• 开放硬件与开源软件

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What is Arduino?Arduino is a popular “open source” single board

microcontroller. It is designed to make the process of using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible.

This idea began in Italy and its initial purpose was to make STUDENT design projects more affordable than other prototyping projects at the time.

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Arduino SoftwareThe Arduino programming

platform was designed in JAVA to help newcomers become familiar with programming. The language used to write code is C/C++ and only uses TWO functions to make a functionable program.

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The schematicThis is basically a SERIES circuit where the resistor and LED are wired one after another.

1.Run a red wire from the 5V on the Arduino to the red strip on the BB.2.Run a black wire from the GROUND(GND) on the Arduino to the blue strip on the BB. 3.Place the LED on H 22 and 21 with the longer lead(+) of the LED in H22. 4.Place a resistor on I21 and I11. Notice that both the resistor and LED share row 21.5.Run a red wire from Digital 13 port on Arduino to F226.Run a black wire from J11 to the blue strip.

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CompileTo compile your sketch, click the checkmark.

Make sure your Arduino is plugged into an available USB port.

Click the arrow to download the program to Arduino. If everything is attached correctly. The LED should blink.

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• 1. Arduino 的 IDE 是免费、开源的。• 2. Arduino 的硬件也是开源的,包括原理图和 PCB 图。• 3. Arduino 的所有资源都可以免费下载,并且可依需求自己修改 !• 4. Arduino 的附件只需 1 根 USB 线,编程、烧写一键搞定。• 5. Arduino 使用低价格、容易购买的微处理控制器 ATMEGA168 。• 6.

支持多种互动软件: Flash , Max/Msp , VVVV , PD , Processing 等。• 7. 可简单地与传感器,各式各样的电子组件连接 (EX :红外线 , 超

音波 , 热敏电阻 , 光敏电阻 , 伺服马达 ,… 等 ) 。• 8. 利用 Arduino ,能突破以往只能使用鼠标、键盘等输入的装置的


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• Arduino 平台介绍• Arduino prototype• Arduino 创业• 展望物联网• 开放硬件与开源软件

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Arduino Board Overview

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Big Brother: Wiring ($79.95)

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Arduino Project Examples:• LED Matrix from processing

–• Arduino Flash Control

–• Google Earthwalk

–• Ultrasonic grass

–• Piezo pong

–• Accelerometer and Flash

–• Interaction “Soapbox”


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• Arduino 平台介绍• Arduino prototype• Arduino 创业• 展望物联网• 开放硬件与开源软件

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Using EAGLE to design your circuit

• Powerful schematic capture tool

• Integrated circuit board design tool• Free version’s

limitations are enough for a shield

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Lay out the circuit board• Position

components using electrical engineering principles

• There aren’t many, but there are a few critical ones

• Power supply splitting, Star Ground, Ground plane, EMI

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Take your time laying out the board

• Most designers spend ~5-10 hours laying out a simple shield!

• Personal preferences, aesthetic appeal, ease of use, ease of manufacturing

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Send circuit board out for production

• Research fabrication houses

• Compare rates, lead times, shipping

• Consider assembly

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• Kickstarter!• Word of mouth• Reach out to

hackerspaces/hacker fairs

• Get people talking about it!

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Cost Analysis• Determining costs is usually

done at the idea phase• Spreadsheets!• Excel is your friend• Understand that prices rise

and fall, stock is depleted and replenished, and suppliers may fail to deliver

• The longer it takes to develop, the more variables will develop

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Start selling your product!

• Keep up to date on your products status

• Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, News

• Every product is 1% inspiration, 9% perspiration, and 90% marketing!

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• You are now a marketable inventor!

• Consider patenting your idea if it is worth more than $10,000

• Open source alternatives

• Creative Commons

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Understand that your product will not always sell

• Many factors go into making a successful product

• Even if you did all the steps correctly, you may still fail to make a profit

• Engage the customers that you do bring in

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• Arduino 平台介绍• Arduino prototype• Arduino 创业• 展望物联网• 开放硬件与开源软件

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Connecting physical peopleand things over IP

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Arduino plus XPort for IP

• Using Arduino shield for Lantronix Xport

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Touch to Touch 1

“Touch Macquette”, Thomas Edwards, 2006

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Touch to Touch 2

“lyt_A”, FoAM, 2006 (

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Breath to Breath

“Blow Up”, Scott Snibbe, 2005

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Massage to Massage

Sharper Image Shiatsu Massage Cushion

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Pin to Pain?

“Voodoo Word”, Mike Larsson

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Xylophone to Xylophone

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Change to Change

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Andy Fundinger / wwward

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• Arduino 平台介绍• Arduino prototype• Arduino 创业• 展望物联网• 开放硬件与开源软件

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开源的方式开放源码软件通常是有版权 (copyright ) 的,实际上,开源软件同时涉及源码本身和开发过程,涵盖了三个方面的意义:






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开源软件 精神开放源码的精神在于使用者可以使用、复制、散布、研究、改进软件。最早可以 回朔到 1960 年代。当时,售卖大型计算机的厂商如 IBM ,把一些软件及原始码一并送给客户,让客户能够因不同需求而自行更改软件。在 1991-1992 年期间,住在芬兰的 Linus Torvald 制造了第一版的 Linux 操作系统。在一群热心的程序人员努力下,把 Linux 操作系统以及外围的应用程序逐一打造。






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Opensource software

• opensource community-mysql vs oracle SQL server-linux vs MAC and Windows-php vs asp and jsp-apache vs Websphere and WeblogicMozilla vs IE Android vs iPhoneGoogle Vs Microsoft

• Trend of company– Cloud– Data and Network– Product -> framework standard -> service

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Open hardware

• thinking– Motorola merged by Google– Dell, HP and Sony ever market cap vs Apple– Google 2011 Annoucement with Arduino– Linux Mobile vs Win-Tel

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• decreasing hardware price• Talents contribution• Open spirit••

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思考• 标准化• 保护与 license• 设计分发• 产品产业链• 市场建设

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• Arduino 平台介绍• Arduino prototype• Arduino 创业• 展望物联网• 开放硬件与开源软件