assessment for learning in preschool contexts · 2014. 2. 11. · expression, gestures, tone of...

1 促進學習的評估﹕ 觀察及記錄兒童的學習成果 Dr. Dora Ho 何彩華博士 The Hong Kong Institute of Education 香港教育學院

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Page 1: Assessment for Learning in Preschool Contexts · 2014. 2. 11. · expression, gestures, tone of voice, etc. •to describe the child’s activities and interactions互動 •careful




Dr. Dora Ho 何彩華博士

The Hong Kong Institute of Education 香港教育學院

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• 說明進行觀察對瞭解幼兒發展和學習的重要性。

• 透過實務經驗幫助學員運用軼事記錄法及檢核表法。並說明該兩種方法如何應用於紀錄兒童學習歷程, 從而回饋和促進教學的實踐。

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• 探討在課堂推行幼兒觀察的可行性, 及如何面對時間、 空間、 資源運用和與同儕協作的挑戰。

• 說明建立幼兒發展檔案的原則和實施。

• 闡釋在計劃和實施幼兒發展檔案時應持的專業責任和操守。

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研究 培訓 學與教

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• To observe is to take notice, to watch attentively, to focus on one particular aspect 某方面 of all of the massive stimulus in the environment在環境中的大量的刺激

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Observation is an important tool that helps you to fill in the gap between theory and practice. Direct observation as an assessment method has four features特點:

• Behavior is observed in natural setting自然環境

• Behavior is recorded or coded as it occurs

• Impartial 公正, objective客觀 observers record behavior

• Inference 推論by the observer

(Ramsay, et al., 2002)

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• 提升個人敏覺力

• 瞭解童年期的特殊素質

• 對個別兒童行為與發展常模的關係有更深入的瞭解

• 瞭解個別兒童行為與環境和時間改變的關係

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• Understanding of the kinds of social relationship 社交關係among children and among children and adults and how these can be facilitated 促進in school

• Awareness of the classroom environment, schedule and program, how well these are meeting the needs of children and staff, and how they might be improved

• Greater insight 專業的洞察力into our own ways of responding to children and situations

• 促進兒童的學習與發展

• 提升專業的洞察力,更能回應兒童的需要 (Feeney, 2001, p.107-112)

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-由於學前兒童表達能力弱, 觀察技巧對於理解


-觀察前需要有清晰的計劃: 觀察目的, 數據的記


-行為觀察與記錄互為影響, 在實務上不能分割,



較及合併 (如家長面談, 校內紀錄, 病歷, 其他專

業評估記錄) , 以提高分析的準確性

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Observational Methods

• Anecdotal observations軼事記錄法/narrative descriptions 口頭描寫range from notations about developmental milestones 發展里程碑to behavioral descriptions行為描述 The observer determines決定 the events, timeliness of the record, and the richness of detail.

• Time Sampling observations 時間取樣法record behavior over a period of time or during a particular event. In time sampling, staff record what children are doing every ten or fifteen minutes.

(Head Start Information and Publication Center, 2007)

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• Event Sampling observations事件取樣法

In event sampling, the observer watches for a specified behavior特定的行為 (e.g. cooperative play) and then records exactly what preceded 先前的the event, what happened during the event, and what the consequences of the event were.

• Checklists 檢核表are observations of a specific list of items, skills, or behaviors to be performed. Checklists generally require a response of yes, no, or sometimes and can be completed during the observation period or later.

(Head Start Information and Publication Center, 2007)

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• Rating scales 評量表focus on specific behaviors and require the observer to judge判斷 the degree to which the behaviors are exhibited出現. Rating scales usually are numerical 數字的or use descriptive phrases 描述的句語that cover a range of behaviors.

• Running records are brief, continuous descriptions. Staff use a narrative style口頭描述方式 to record information.

(Head Start Information and Publication Center, 2007)

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一. 軼事記錄法(Anecdotal observation)



由於同時間發生的事件頗多, 記錄員只能記錄她認為



個性特質, 發展階段, 及推測影響行為的前因及後果

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由於只有文字的描述, 軼事記錄法不能提供數量化的資


記錄員須要避免作出過多主觀的推斷, 以免影響其他人




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二. 時間取樣法(Time Sampling observations)

將觀察時間分為多個時段, 時段一般為5至30秒, 當目


這種方法適合較經常出現的行為, 而行為有明顯的起

始及完結點, 例如閱讀書籍、 笑、 玩玩具等



果, 而只能比較行為在不同時段的差異

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三. 事件記錄法(Event Sampling observation)

觀察員在等待目標行為出現後, 便作出記錄直到行為完結

這種方法適合於有明顯的起始及完結點的行為, 而出現的頻率較低

這種記錄方法可以得到數量化的資料作統計及分析, 包括行為出現次數, 行為維持的時間及程度等

間距記錄法彈性較高, 易於運用在不同的環境, 但需要觀察員十分專注, 所得的數據也不能推斷行為出現的前因後果, 而只能比較行為在不同時段的差異

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觀察及記錄的方法 四. 檢核表(Checklist)

記錄行為“有”或“無”, “是”或“不是”, 幼兒

工作員可依學童的發展, 行為問題或依教學目標訂出

一系列明確具體的行為, 用來觀察行為是否出現或能


檢核表可以很容易成為觀察學童的工具, 例如檢核學

童如何參與學習角落, 作為設計佈置及輔導學童學習


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當我們對學童的行為有足夠的了解時, 我們更可以將學

童的行為架構轉化為檢核表的形式, 易於作分析


由於紀錄較簡單, 也可讓較年長的學童自行填寫檢核表,

幫助「 輔助」數據的收集

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學童 科學區 語文區 藝術區 體能區 附註

學童甲 ///

學童乙 // /

學童丙 // /



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兒童性別 男 男 男 男 男















3 9/12

範疇 年齡 發展項目 2=做到 1=有時做到 0=未能做到

玩具操作 2-3

擰開大蓋罐 2 2 2 2 2


給玩具上弦 2 1 1 2 2

用前二指拑擰泥膠 2 2 0 2 2


2 2 1 2 1



2 2 0 2 1

兒童小肌肉發展和執筆寫畫能力檢核紀錄 (協康會,1996;Schickedanz,1986)

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五. 評量表(Rating scales)

將所觀察的行為按等級記錄, 以積點量表(如學童發展


評量表方便使用, 節省時間及不需受特別訓練使用,

應用範圍廣泛, 資料也易於分析整理, 也能判斷行為


評量表的缺點是易流於主觀判斷, 若行為句語表達不

清, 觀察員便會以自己的知覺判斷

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六. 「快速記錄」(Running Record)


並沒有特定的觀察目標和觀察行為, 觀察員隨身帶 備紙筆, 將學童的有特殊意義的行為及發展記錄下來

雖然為非正式的觀察, 但可作為補充資料,輔助瞭解 學童的成長和發展

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客觀 - 有目標但不帶主觀偏見

專注 - 在觀察時段保持專注

敏銳 - 能觀察入微,反應快

判斷 - 分辨不同類別的行為

表達 - 能清晰描述及記錄所觀察的行為

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-了解觀察環境的情景和特性,如物件的安放,活 動 類 型,人數,座位編排,燈光及聲音等

-觀察時間, 空間 , 器材和人手

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四. 資料記錄



-避免價值判斷(objectivity 客觀性 vs.


-小心分辨你想觀察/不想觀察的(what you see

from what you might/might not have wanted to



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六. 解讀/詮釋(Interpretation)

-對兒童的行為所進行的個人假設提高警 覺

-基於專業知識和經驗 (兒 童 發 展 ,社會文化的 影響, 個 人因素等)



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七. 結論(Conclusion)

• 根據定期的觀察, 總結兒童不同範疇的發展

• 觀察所得的資料須要與從其他途徑獲取的作比較及合併 (如家長面談, 校內紀錄, 病歷, 其他專業評估記錄) , 以提高分析的準確性

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八. 建議(Recommendations)

• 根據結論, 指出兒童的發展特點和潛能

• 調整教學策略

• 加強家校溝通與協作

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Written Observation撰寫觀察

Acknowledgement 確認of feelings and reactions

• take the opportunity to reflect on your responses without distorting 扭曲the observation

• These feelings and reactions don’t belong in a file on the child or in the written information

• to value the process as part of professional growth專業成長

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Written Observation撰寫觀察

1. Background information 背景資料

- observer

- name of the child

- age

- sex

- date and time of observation

- context/setting

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Written Observation撰寫觀察

2. Observational Data 察觀資料

• to note some of the child’s unique personal qualities兒童的特殊個人素質: way of moving, facial expression, gestures, tone of voice, etc.

• to describe the child’s activities and interactions互動

• careful choice of words conveys the essence of the child and situation

• avoid words that have a strong emotional impact強烈的情緒反應 or bias built into them.

• value judgments about children should be omitted刪除

(Feeney, 2001)

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Written Observation撰寫觀察

3. Writing interpretations 分析撰寫

• being essential重要that your interpretations be based on description

• to make liberal use of the words might and seems to in written interpretations

(Feeney, 2001)

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Written Observation撰寫觀察

4. Reflections 反思

• to use descriptive data and your interpretations to substantiate your conclusions支持你的結論

• to use observational data and your interpretations to inform, plan and improve your teaching practices

• to reflect on your professional growth

Feeney, S. (2001)

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資料不足及不確定的行為, 不要輕易作結論



與同事多作討論, 增加個人專業能力和對學


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Activity for next workshop

• Focus on ______ development of the child by using a checklist

• Observe a child engaged in an activity or an interaction with others (10-15 minutes) and take some photos during the observation process

• Keep detailed records and prepare to share your observation and experience in next workshop

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請仔細閱讀“幼兒行為評估表”, 你會用哪


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• 是否合乎該年紀的發展常模?

• 有哪些字句的意思不清晰?

• 對幼兒行為範圍的介定是否過於籠統, 抑或過於狹窄?

• 觀察項目是否過多, 抑或過少?

• 還有哪些地方需要改善?

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• 訂立檢核表的原則

• 1. 目標的適切性

• 2. 年齡的適切性

• 3. 活動的可行性

• 4. 項目的數量多少

• 5. 項目的具體性和表達的清晰度

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理論/ 現存評核表


仔細閱讀/ 深了理解

同儕交流/ 操作化


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• How to conduct進行observations

• How to analyze/interpret分析/解讀information & data

• How to compile 整理information & data

• How to use information to guide practice指引教學實踐

• How to communicate information to children, colleagues and parents

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Limitations of using standardized test 標準測試

in Early Childhood Education

• 1. Simple facts and low-level cognitive ability低層次認知能 力

• 2. Memorization記憶

• 3. Isolated evidence of achievement單獨成功的證據

• 4. Limited verbal ability有限的語言能力

• 5. Biased 偏差against children unfamiliar or uncomfortable with test-like activities

• 6. Judgmental rather than developmental

• 7. Negative and stigmatized (labeling effect標籤)

• 8. Discourage不鼓勵individual differences

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Portfolio Assessment requires 兒童發展檔案評估

• information from parents & colleagues

• recorded observations of the child at play, in routines 常規and in process of learning

• a collection of the child’s work兒童作品

• organizing all information into a comprehensive picture 全面的情況of the child

• applying the information to curriculum design and implementation課程設計及推行, teaching and learning process

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Principles of Conducting Assessment

• 1. Aiming at overall developmental needs of children兒童全面的發展

• 2. Gathering information from different sources

– regular observations日常觀察

– reports on children’s behavior

– information provided by parents

– class work of children

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Principles of Conducting Assessment

• 3. Using appropriate assessment tasks 適合的 評估項目

• 4. Conducting in the form of classroom activities

• 5. Identifying the strengths強項and potentials 潛能of children

• 6. Be aware of the age, background and prevailing emotions of children affecting their performance

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Principles of Conducting Assessment

• 7. Comparison made between the past and present performance 前後表現的比較 of the same child rather than among children

• 8. Involving Children in the process so that they can see their progress進展and gain

greater self-confidence自信

• 9. Avoiding prejudice 避免偏見in the course of assessment

• 10. Parents be informed of the results in a clear, systematic and positive manner有系統及正面


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The Work Sampling System

• The Work Sampling System 兒童評量系統is to assess評估and document記錄 children’s all-round development (i.e. skills, knowledge, behavior, and accomplishments成就)

(Meisels et al.,2003)

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The Work Sampling System

• 1. Portfolios兒童發展檔案( including core

and other items核心及其他項目)

• - purposeful collection有目的收集of

children’s work throughout the year

• 2. Developmental checklists發展核查表

• - intended to reflect反映all-round development of the child

• - are structured around developmentally appropriate activities 就發展適切的活動來設計

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The Work Sampling System

• 3. Summary reports 撮要報告 • - Contains specific criteria 特定的準則for assessing

children's performance in each domain of development • - Teachers carefully review the checklists and portfolio and

then make overall judgments全面的判斷 • - Consists of a brief summary簡明撮要of the child’s

performance • - To indicate the child’s strengths and potentials for

further development • - To make recommendations for home-school


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Logistics Challenges


• Schedule安排observation time regularly常規地into the program day

• Include times for doing observations in the written schedule.

• staff are free to observe without having to worry about the children.

• Establish a schedule 建立日程 for observing children in individual interest areas

• Assemble observational materials and put them at predetermined observation stations to encourage their use.

(Colker, 1995)

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• Suggest staff wear clothing or aprons圍裙with pockets containing index cards or Post-Its so they can quickly record observations.

• Enlist邀請 parent volunteers家長義工and even children to assist in some types of observation. For example, parents can complete time or event sampling checklists of their children. Children can track跟進how often they use activity areas by putting clothespins in a bottle every time they enter the block or art area.

• Observation schedules should be periodically reviewed定期地回顧

(Colker, 1995)

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New Challenges

• Teachers • - Time, space, equipment and technique • - Organization and planning • - Professional competence專業能力 • - Critical reflective ability批判反思能力 • - Collaboration among teachers教師協作 • - Collaboration with children and parents

Page 58: Assessment for Learning in Preschool Contexts · 2014. 2. 11. · expression, gestures, tone of voice, etc. •to describe the child’s activities and interactions互動 •careful

The Work Sampling System

• 1. Comprehensive • 2. Aiming at all-round development • 3. On-going process • 4. Both formative構成的and summative 總結的 • 5. Positive ways to identify areas to be improved • 6. Enhancing communications between teachers and

parents • 7. Developing an in-depth understanding深入瞭解 of

individual children • 8. Encouraging individual differences

Meisels, S. et al. (2003) Work sampling system : an overview N.Y. : Pearson.

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Ethical and Professional Responsibilities in using portfolios assessment

• Aware of personal bias 個人偏見& preconceived notions先入為主的見解

• Be fair公平and impartial公正

• Be sensitive洞察 to individual differences

• Be sensitive to social and cultural differences

• Aware of the limitations限制of observation and developmental portfolio

• Observe the right to privacy私隱權

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New Challenges

• School stakeholders學校持份者 • - Teachers • - Children • - School management and leadership • - Parents

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• School management and leadership

• - Role, school structure and culture

• - Administrative support and professional development

• - Planning計劃, implementing實踐, monitoring監察 and evaluating評估

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• Colker, L. J. (1995) A Trainer's Guide to Observing Young Children: Learning to Look, Looking to Learn (Washington, D.C.: Teaching Strategies, 44.)

• Feeney, S. (2001) Who am I in the lives of children, Columbus, Ohio : Merrill Publishing Co.

• Head Start Information and Publication Center

• Observation and Recording: Tools for Decision Making


• Ramsay, et al. (2002) Essentials of behavioural assessment,

New York : J. Wiley & Sons.

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Useful materials

• Samuel J. Meisels ... et al.著.幼/ 廖鳳瑞, 陳姿蘭編譯 (2002) < 幼兒表現評量 : 作品取樣系統> 台北市 : 心理出版社股份有限公司

• Oralie Mcafee and Deborah J. Leong著; 廖鳳瑞編譯 (2005) <幼兒發展學習的評量與輔導 >台北市 : 心理出版社股份有限公司