avila laurel, juan-tomás. awala cu sangui. malabo [equatorial guinea]: ediciones pángola, 2000....

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print. http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/avila-laurel-juan-tomas-awala-cu-sangui-malabo-equatorial-guinea-ediciones 1/62 D wdGd F\ sd`muh ^t h`dd lohf. , HEO Vohlajrl f Gud` _ , :(RR) eads D vhid IdurlG f Lohterhdi ^d`meid ^rehGgjgoe Hd ohch -, - . f7fphrh,mjI\V\G. sa li iG j 444 4 >) ol ies ihaidrls oli iaphlse ld ies Hdhhlrls oli FFHHM Adidje ZqGhhbhhd ol Muhefd 7ddwhdi L3ethdi pgOcpid f Djhihe Jdijed V/@ d ~ A.d]Ge ((huheld ;udhhGihdi}.

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Page 1: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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DwdGd F\ sd`muh^t h ` d d lohf. ,HEO Vohlajrlf Gud` _ , :(RR)eads D vhid IdurlGf Lohterhdi ^d`meid

^rehGgjgoe Hdohch - , - .f7 fphrh ,mj I \V\G. sa li iG j 444 4 >) ol ies ihaidrls oli

iaphlse ld ies Hdhhlrls oli FFHHMAdidje

ZqGhhbhhdol Muhefd 7ddwhdi

L3ethdi pgOcpid f Djhihe Jdijed V/@ d ~A.d]Ge ((huheld ;udhhGihdi}.

Page 2: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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^ Z Ó I E M E

... X fud`oe teoes ies `dthves frlhd` qul sl bdjcd dfdjdoe teoe,

qul sl jdjhd olsplohoe li rlprlsl`td`tl ol Adfhds., puls li jdrfe jdjhd

sujhoe ids lsfdilrds y jdjhd lahthoe ies trls phthoes ol olsplohod y sl

jdjhd pulste l` adrfbd. vhlre` f3ae mhr3y ohrhmhóol `ulve su preddal`dzd`tl sejrl Hdhsid y veivh3 sejrl ies adrls yd `dvlmdoes. _eoes

ies hsilches \lvdre` ids ad`es di plfbe. sh` dfl`7dr l` Hdfdusd ol su

lxttdhhd vulitd. ~ jdjrh eivhodoe li rlprlsl`td`il ol Adfhds5 t B.trhfdajhdoe ol ~ y feesholrdoe qul peohd iilvdr d ads H.H4OEje`lsls

pdrd sdivdr Hdfeslfbd5 i Il h`cera3 dimuhl` d \ithadjerdol ie qulefurrh3 l` u` als ol dmeste y vulivl pdrd teadr alohods5 _eoes

tlahd`. A7hs Hsdjli y Gud`d. Vl dflrfdjd li jdrfe; sl dflrfdjd. sldflrfdjd. sl dflrfdjd. ^dr3 li aeter. L` ^dil ., feae teoes ls7djd`l x p l f H 6 O j 7 V ~u` vhlge adquh`hstd qul bdjhd plesdoe qulodrsl l` supuljie frly3 qel lrd Hdpl.rse`d d Hdqul vl`hd` d jusf7dr. per su sl`hfheh`ohsp1`sdbil y cul ejihmdoe d femlr su jdthiie y jdflrsl etrd vlz d Hdadr. lh jdree Dfdfhe jdgdre` ued trds o olspihlmul ol Hd

y sl vhe f iae sl aljlre` l` l\d oes e trls Sluhd`

d thlrrd. h t qul _eoes tlacd`. Tuhzh sld per ah lodo ol laeefls qulee Olmud d ahs ehoes Hdfdusd ol ls4d wlkd. @e pdrlfl qulli vhlge HOEHOrhsidtuvhlrd dGmeqel vlr l` lÕd. Id CV4h3Õsl rlseivh3 l`Hdpidyd y Hdidefbd veivh3 di jdrfe. qul rlfemh3 reoe y aestr3 li juaeol su Y \otd olch`hthvd d Adidje. @e sl qul jdjhd e7ufjffs fbhfes qul

ee tlehd` d edohl l` Adidje y lrd Hdprhalrd vlz hja.

Adidje 64 ol dmestE oli dOe :>>>

Page 3: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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D`eej3` ls \OE ol lstes Hemdrlsqel r`d`oe sl jdjid oll\es l` oefualeies lsfrhas sl rlful`id se clfjd ol

Lste, qul peorhd bdftt frllr qul sl pe`olrd lslb l f j e ~e qul Hdfhvhihzdfh3` sl d4lmrd per li ahsae, ls Hdpruljdol qul li iumdr alefheedoe lstd adrmh`doe per li fe`guae olids thlrrds fee ids qul

pdrthfhpdl` li fe`fhlrte ol ids `dfhe`ls.

X ls qul pefds vlfls sl eyl olfhr Adiierfd sl olsfujrh3 ... " Xd`e bdf.l cd4td tt7ù&HHOhslshmiespdrd bdjidr ol ids lxflilefhds olAdiierfd.

D`eej3e sl ohe d fe`eflr olspuls oli dóe 4?=?, ddd`oe

ies `dvlmderls pertumulsls edvlmdjd` fe` dstreidjhes y fdrtds

ol adrldr per teod Dcrhfd. Ohsfuthlre` fe` lspdóeils sejrl

peslsheels y bdji3 culrtl HdVd`td Adorl imilshd.

-hÕlfdsdr6` tus pdorl< `•d`oe \lmul li jdrfe5-Vhli vhl`l prlpdrdoe, sh Fud`oe sd4h3 ol dquh, bdf.l

efbe dchei, cul fe` Hdh` lufh3` ol fe`slmuhr ies ttdgls ol jeod,plre l` Adidje `e bdy edod, dofa\ ol qul slrhd ohchfhiqulFEGGVhphlrdteoe ie qul ohfls l` li Adidje ol dberd.

-h @ejd feeslmuhoe trdjdge5-@e Z, plre Geolfhd perqul, gpjlG f3ae ls4d Adidje5-@uefd jl hoe.- uwl ol plq`lód plre per ie qul al f`l`td` prlchlre

ee veivlr.-Al pstdrhd FEOEFli4e-

-;Fjhfd , de tl fdlae. ;Xer tl ful`re 4e ol ahpdorl5 Ld7ufjd7 Ah pdorl ls dijohG, s u x p ~ ll` thlape ol iesjiddfOHlrd tddfieddrhe, Fejrdjd trlh`id pl iodi .


Page 5: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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-i,_rlh`td plsltds5. i,Fe` fstl oh`lre sf fe`struy3 Hdfdsdol flal`te5

-Ls qul li oh`lre vdihd, `e ls feae dberd. D ie qufhjdaes7 dberd fstd l` Adidje, jusfd`oe alohes pdrd fe`slmuhries trdgls ol jeod. ^lre rlsuitd qul ids hmifshds ol Adidje lstd`flrrdods, per ie qul `e bdy jeods. Iulme seidal`tl bdydrtiluies ol ies fbh`es, qul `e trdl` repd ol jeods. @e sf qulbd`h.

-i X `e pulol plohries ol LspdhYd5-^er cdver, fbhfd, fhlrrd Hd jefd. @e tl`me fuie pdrd

sepertdr ies meadzes.-Tul pdsd, i,ÕE tl`hd li u` bl``d`e f` Lspdhhd5

-^er cdver, `esetres ies pejrls shlaprl seaes fuipdjils.@e qu hlre hr d Drl`d Zegd .-L`te`fls, pulol feaprdr tfids y qul Gl fesd` ies trdgfs

l` Adidje.-L` li Adidje qul ye fe`ezfe `e sl pufof bdffr fse.

Lrd Adidje ol 48== u` iumdr precu`oe. Auy

precu`oe. Olfcd` quf Adfcds `e fstdjd, quf sl bdjcd hoe d suHumdr. L` Adidje `e sl sdjcu `dod of ~ H ^lre ls tdju. _eoes iesqul sdBd` d Hdfdiil Hub`f(d` s3 e ofZpuls ol feief`rsf Hufchmhfol Adfcdsl` li plfbe e l` Hdseidpd of ids fdahsds. Vh hj`s u H`sechfh`ds e d dimu` ah`hstfrhe ofjcds hr fe` Hdlc4mhl ol A`fcus._dr`jhl` oljcds hrtl oefual`tdoe. LH f`r`lt ol ^\@_ frd fiaihs hapertd`tf.

hLH fdr`ft of^\ _r

-mrhtdre` ies ahihfhu`esol

Hdjdrrlrd of Jdsupu. LHber`tul s`f(, oli jeishiie ies oefual`tesquf iifvdjd. \`e of fiies ies ahr3 y ies ofvuivht i d su oul`e.Ies o a ~ ssf ofZphohlre` pdrd u` dsu`te l` fi pufbie. trds t`hrdr


Page 6: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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ol`tre oli fefbl fe` dfthtuo dal`dzdoerd.-_u pdpï Adshl o3`ol lstd.-Dquh lstd, glcl -ohge li beajrl aestrd`oe Hdlchmhf l`

su plfbe.-X d `o3`ol vds -prlmu`t3 fe` l`lrmcd.-Sey d Hdch`fd, glcl. LHahihfhd`e r`hr3 etrd vlz ol`tre

oli fefbl, fer`e sh quhshlrd olsfujrhr d dimu` h`oefual`tdoe yiulme sl cul di pulste. H fe`oufter lstdjd di veid`tl. H

r`hihfhd`e sl sl`t3, djrdzdoe d su cushi. ^drlfhd qul fdvhidjd.Fer`e `e bdjcd ohfbe `dod di fe`oufter, lstl `e peohd sdihr.^lrad`lfhd sl`tdoe, ahrd`oe d u` pu`te h`olch`hoe. Iespdsdglres tdapefe pefBd` olfhr `dod. ^l``d`lfcd` fdiidoes. iG`fefbl sdicdol Adidje y ejihm3 di r`hihfhd`e pe`lrsf l` phl pdrd

su trdjdge. Lr`hth3 li phthoe. Fer`e li prb`frfcx bl

`e bdjcdrlfhjhoe Hderol` of s`ihr, `h dquli bdj d `bhlrtu Hdbdrrlrd.teodvcd lstdjd diic. Du`qul ie vlcd fi r`hihfhd`e, dberd ls fud`oe

sf o e ful`td.-;,^fre tu qul bdfls diic'i-^lroe`l ah glcl, plre feae ustlo `e 4`l bdb ds ouoe b

erol` ...-Mqulmqul mqulmqul q u ~ mquf mqulmqufmquf

mqulmqul mqul mqulqul ... -haht3, jurilsfe y olsplfthv`, dife`oufter-. 4Sl`md, pdrd dh\H -d`uoi3.LHahihfhd`e sdf3 fi pdie qul dtrdvlsdbd Hdfur`7tfre y if erol`3qul dpdrfdrd di jerol ol Hdahs`4d. Ies efupd`tf7D ofi sf7mu`oefefbl pdrlfcd` fe`efhoes oli r`hihfhd`e, puld ies sdiuo3 fe` u`dprlt3` ol ad`es. Olipu3s ol lste, ied olg3 pudr Iulme veivh3di prhafr fefbl.

½ c\ `e sdjld qul lste ls u`d fdrrlifrd `dfhe`di'-Glcf, ld ...


Page 7: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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- h i ~ d i i d t ~D t ~ a d s ~qul t e ~ G eli t`u`oe t`l t 0 ` s l ~ies

o e ~ ; u ` i l t i t e s . .u ~ jdgl` 4 Y x i e ~½refte ies v ~ l r Y Y 4 4 Ybd.b`e` yshmuhlre` di \ i h i h f h d ` e ~qul cul d sl`tdrsl di pulste. ~ 4 h ~ ` t r d s

i i ~ m d j d ` , .sf dflrfe d u`d ce`od y djrhó u`d . .4Yd. BdbbY fe` id

o u ~ . h Y dy veivhó d su iumdr. d vl`oloerd trdge id fe`ihod, qul ~ r d

u` treze ol fdr`l y u` treze ol yufd l`vulite teodvhd l` idsbegds l` qulsl fefh3. Vl Hd l`trlm3. Li t`hihfhd`e id olpesht3 l`u` tdjurltl. Vl cul id fbhfd. Li ahihfhd`e t`hre id fe`ihod, `4hr3

d ies Y'hdglres. qulsl bdjhd` gu`tdoe l ` u`d lsquh`d oli pulste.Lrd` auglrls,. Hd adyerhd. Iulme puse Hdfeahod sejrl Hd `4lsd

y laplz3 d olsl`veivlr Hd yufd.-hVlhherd (.Fuh`te ls Hdfeahod5 -prlmu`t3 l` vez ditd

d id vl`oloerd.-Ve` trlsfhl`tes lkulils.-dKhl -lxfida3.-(._eoes tl`lhs oefualrues5 -prlmu`t3 d ies vhdglres.

ahl`trds odjd u` aerohsfe di treze ol fdal.-Vh, glcl -rlspe`ohlre` dimu`es.- ._u tdajhl` thl`ls oefual`tes5-prlmu`t3 d u`e ol ies


-Vh, ah glcl yd ie jd vhste.-Lstdaes bdjid`oe fesd ol dberd. i.@o3`ol vds5-Sey d Jdtehfepe.- h,Lrls ol di\5-@e glcl.- Khl t,ol oe`ol lrls5-hVeX d``eje`ls

-hK.hl, ies sujvlrshvls t Vehs ies qul iilvïhs d ids ml`tlsl` fdalru` ee5-@e ah glcl; vey d trdjdgdr; lstey olsth`doe l` Hd ch`fd


Page 8: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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s ` r ~ ~ u t eBr`uihu-Ch`fd i i t ' qul,-iif fdfde, g l t ~ LH `4hikh``e t ` ` s t h f ~ t b `y re`4ph` i ~ i V

bulses y fbup`jd i` al9 iubY ` i h ~ ` t r ` sh`tlrrem`bd.-Tuhl` ls fi fe`oufter iif lstl fef-bl- prlmu`tó.-\` slrvhoer- uv``z3 u` p`se.-Iu sfhYerd ohfl qul lste fulsa t r ~ s f h l ` b 0 st ` ~ Y su` v`se

ol adid`4jd. LHbe`4jrl urm3 l` sus jeishiies y sdfó u` jhiiltlof quh`hf`tes. Vl ie lxtl`oh3 dit`hihfhd`e. ^lre lstl, qul teodvhd`4dsthfdj`, olg3 ol bdflrie, olgó fdlr d id `4ls` li rlste ol iesbulses y ohge7

-t.Al lsthhs iid`4d`oe idor3`, `e 5 LH fe`oufterfe`4prl`o h3 y sdi h3 d pdmdr d id vl`oloerd. Iulme vei v h3 di

pulste. Li ahihfhd`e dfdj3 ol fe`4lr y sl ilvd`tó. Fe` Hdfufbdrd drrdstró ies rlstes y ies olpesht3 l` li pidte. Iulme sdihóy ie olpeshtó sejrl li aestrdoer oli pulste ol fe`4hods. Idoulchd il ecrlfh3 u` vdse ol `4didajd. Ohe u` serje, fe` li fudirlaevhó li rlste ol feahod l` ids equlodols ol`tdils y iulme ietrdm3. Seivhó di pulste y sl sl`t3. Olspuls, sl ohrhmh3 dife`oufter7

-Ah blrad`d ohfl qul quhlrl fdrdfeils. Fud`oe vulivls,bdy qul trdlr fdrdfeils. i _l`lhs oefual`tes5

-Vh, glcl -rlspe`ohlre` teoes. Iulme sdih3 oli pulste fe`Hdshiid y sl sl`t3 culrd. Olsol diih, ohrhmhl`oesl l` cd`m d Hdoulhhd, il ohfl7 Xd sl vd`, quhlrls dime ads5"

-Fdrdfeils mrd`ols -ohge sh` dseadrsl. Lstd crdslfeh`fhoh3 fe` Hd iilmdod ol etre fefbl, ie qul ejihm3 di

ahihfhd`e d ilvd`tdrsl. Ahl`trds ie bdfcd ohge7- Sle qul lstd adtrhfuid lstd vhlgd. Bdy qul drrlmidrid.hCulrd -mrht3 ahrd`oe d ies rltl`hoes. Lstes sdihlre` oli pulste

Page 9: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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y althl7ree l` fi l t ~ LHre`oufter sl dmdfbi feae sh slp v 44 p i f ~ol aduhfuid I.) aevhó u` pefe y iulme

l`t7r E y \_D k..'t.). Fud`oe olgdre` d fhl`d ohstd`fhd li puljie olibsupu eeal`tdre` li lphseohe.

-Blaes tl`hoe sul`l aufbd sul`l -olfhd u`d-; bdflcR iF(. iugdjd`ii V oli pulbie y l`fe`trd`4es d et`4. La` oes. @esrlruvhlre` j d ~ t dids slhs ol Hdtdrol perqul u`e ol ies pdsdglresO9.' tl`4d Hdfjdpd.

-Xe shqul sl d`odr fe` lsd ml`tl- olfcd li fe`oufter- yesh ies fe`ezfe. Fe lsd ml`tl bdy qul lstdr trd`quhie. @e oljlstlalr sh `e bds blfbe `dod. Bdy qul tl`lr aufbd pdfhl`fhd.

-Fe lstd ml`tl s3ie Ohes sdjl- olfcd li d``eje`ls. Lsu`d fulsth3` ol sul`l. Bl ohfbe qul trdjdgdjd fe` li sdrml`teJrduihe pdrd qul al olgdrd l` pdz. Xe trdjdgl fe` li, pfresdjlhs qul `ulstrd vhodls Hdadr. Ie fe`efc fud`oe bdfcdaeslste ol feahtls. @es rlfiut3 l` su pdthe pdrd qul plsfdsfaespdrd li, plre u`d adhhd`d olsfujrhaes qul `ulstres fdyufes `el.f;tdjd`. D plsdr ol qul ies lsfe`ohdaes l` li jesqul, dimuhl`ies l`fe`tr3 y `e suphaes qul bhze fe` liie. Fud`oe sl ie

ohghaes d `ulstre glcl, prealth3 qul ie hjd d rfseivlr, pfredberd lst2 l` Jdtd. @e bd vulite olsol qul cul dfliljrdr li oladrze. hOlgdal dquh, per cdver H fe`oufter rlouge Hdvliefhodo y dpdrf3 di jerol ol Hdbhlrjd. Vl dpl3 li beajrl,pdm3 li pdsdgl, djrh3 li adiltlre y femh3 u`d jeisd. Fud`oeflrr3 li adiltlre, drrd`f3 li fe`oufter. Vl fert3 dsc Hdfe`vlrsdfh3` qul ad`tl`cd fe` sus feapd`lres ol vhdgl. @e

shmuh3 bdstdli puljie.^lore Vd`td`d Iierlt lrd li `eajrl qul rlfhjid `ulstrebeajrl fud`oe sl lsfrhjcd y sl ilcd l` lspdctei l` Muh`fd.Olsol qul Adfcds laplz3 d bdjidr ol `dfhe`dihsae y ol Hd


Page 10: Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print

7/22/2019 Avila Laurel, Juan-Tomás. Awala cu sangui. Malabo [Equatorial Guinea]: Ediciones Pángola, 2000. Print.

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dutl`thfhodo dcrhfd`d. p`s3 d iid`4drsf ^uoui Al`mdi Aïtu`tl.Lrd fi `et`jrl qul ohe fud.`oe tul d h`sfrhjhrsf, f` Adi`je. f`fi Feahtf ol Jdsl of ^dmdiu. ijd` di fe`thtl ol bdsl d bdjidr yd ermd`hzdr Hd pdrthfhpdfh3` pdmdilsd f` teoes ies fvl`tes`dfhe`dils. LH fer`htl dpertdjd jrdzes pdrd ids Hdjerls oldmrkuburd. Di Fer`htl of ^dmdiu il tefdbd trdjdgdr bdge ids3rol`ls oli sdrmf`te Jrduihe. ^fre Hd pdrthfhpdfh3` peBthfd,dpdrtl of ejihmdterhd, du`qul `dohf ie olfhd, `e odjd of fe`4fr.Ofsof qul ids dot`h`hstrdfhe`fs ffrrdjd` sus pufrtds, f`4plz3 dvhvhr ol Hd fdrph`tfrhd d `hvfi fdslre7 r`fshtds pdrd vf`tdslvl`tudils, jd`quhtes, ftf. ^lre `e odjd pdrd fujrhr teods ids`fffshodols. Olsol ies prhalres r`fsfs ol Hd h`ofpl`of`fhdr`d`o3 d su cd`4hihdd D``eje`; f` Adidje lfb3 `ufvds rdhffsfe` u`d auglr jubh, fe` quhl` tf`cd oes bhges. ^re`te tuve qufrlfurrhr di vhfge echfhe7 plsldbd y vl`ohd pdrd ad`tf`lr d su`ulvd cfu`hihd,dpdrtl of mudrodr dime pdrd Hdd``eje`lsd. ^frepre`te Adfcds pf`s3 quf sus holds `dfhe`dihstds oljcd` sfrohcu`ohods fe` ads d`4pihtuo. Fud`oe sus slfudffs jusfdjd` d`ulvd ml`tf pdrd doeftrh`dr olsfujrcd` quf ies qul peo d` sflsfdpdjd`. L`te`ffs pl`s3 qul fsf dfte ol sujvfrsh3` frd

h`doahshjil. X pl`s3 crf`drie. Ohft3 qul teoes ies fdyufes ofHdrlpujihfd sld` rloufhoes d ilhYds, pdrd djertdr Hdpeshjhihodool qul sdimd` ol pdhs ies olsfe`tf`tes . ^lre ^lore tf`hd quffeafr. Id shtudfh3` sf puse ohtifhi.

L` dquli thlape s3ie pfsfdjd` ies d``eje`lsls y iesfe`4jls. Id pfsfd l`trl ies jujhs lrd tlsthae`hdi. ^drd teoes frdpfihmrese r d id adr. @dohlpeocd vlrsl l` `h`mu` fdyufe. ^fre

dime bdjcd qul bdflr. Fer`e d Hd festd shl4`prl iilmd` iestre`fes, ies qul puohlre`, flidodaf`tf veivhlre` d fe`struhr susfdyufes y sl bhfhlre` d Hdadr. Ads teoes sdbcd` Gequl gumdjd`.

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X teadjd` aufbhshads prlfdufhe`ls. _eoes ies plsfdoerlssdihd` ol fdsd di d`efblflr fer`e sh culrd` d odr u`d wlitdD`tls ol lse bdjhd` l`vhdoe di fbhfe e d Hd r`uglr fe` idsblrrdahl`tds ol plsfd fe` h`ohfdfhe`ls oli iumdr oe`ol bdjhd`ol olpeshtdrids. Fer`e `e bdjhd iuz lilftrhfd, dprevlfbdjd` li

d`efblflr pdrdr

d Hdpidyd, lvhtd`oe teods ids fdrrltlrds. ^loretl`hd su fdyufe lsfe`ohoe l` ies adterrdils ol Hd pidyd olFdrje`lrds. Vl bdfhd` d Hdadr y prefurdjd` vl`hr d`tls olidad`lflr. Fud`oe drrhjdjd`, lsfe`ohd` li fdyufe l`trl idbhlrjd l hjd` d fdsd lvhtd`oe l` ie peshjil Hdfdrrltlrd. L` dqulithlape Hdpejidfh3` ol Muh`ld sl bdjhd rloufhoe d su ac`haebhst3rhfe y ies fefbls lrd` lsfdses. Lse bdfhd sesplfbdr ol ids

iufls qul sl vhlrd` l` li fdah`e, qul fud`oe `e lrd` ol etresplsfdoerls, qul pefds vlfls ids l`fl`ohd`, lrd` ol iesahihfhd`es l` jusfd ol sujvlrshves . Ies qul dad`lfhd` l` liadr seihd` vlrsl ejihmdoes d plrad`lflr dilgdoes ol Adidjebdstd etre d`efblflr, e drrhjdrsl d Hdfestd, fe` li plihmre olvlrsl olspegdoes ol teoe e, sh` feapdrdfh3` fe` ie d`tlrherqulodrsl oltl`hoes per olsejlohl`fhd d pdpd Alshl . '

Dsh bdfhd ^lore bdstd qul ies ahihfhd`es, qul eihd` liplsfdoe, olsfujrhlre` d ies plsfdoerls y prephfhdre`, fe` susdjuses, qul aufbes djd`oe`drd` Hdpidyd ol Fdrje`lrds. ^lore,qul yd fe`efhd Jdtehfepe per su `ulvd auglr, cul diid. \`d`efbl sdih3 l` su fdyufe y ie olg3 l` u`d pidyd ol Hdze`d. Dpdrthr ol lsd clfb hjd d Hdlstdfh3` ol tdxhs y l`trdjd feae u`vhdglre fudiquhlrd qul hjd d Hdch`fd. Dpldjd d`tls ol Hd l`trdod

oli puljie y l` u`d fbezd flrfd ol Hdpidyd prlpdrdjd ids fesds.Vl b fh d Hd adr fud`oe d`efblfhd. D vlfls bua j liplsfdoe l` li puljie ol su auglr7 etrds vlfls jdgdjd per i sa ch ` s d Adidje. ste lr ahs trdjdgese. perqul pdrd liuohr


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ies fe`treils sl dpldjd d`tls ol ids jdrrlrds y bdfhd li rlste olifdah`e d phl bdstd Adidje. @e shlaprl l`fe`trdjd jul`esfdah`es blfbe oli qul sl rlsh`thlre` sus phls.

L` dquli l`te`fls li plsfdoe sl vl`ohd feae u` ml`lreol fe`trdjd`oe. Ies plsfdoerls `e peohd` sdihr fe` su dtdoe olplsfdoe d Hd fdiil `e seie perqul fudiquhlr plrse`d qulal`fhe`drd d pdpd Adfhds sl ie peorhd dprephdr trds u`djecltdod d quhl` ie iilvdrd sh`e qul li plsfdoer qul lrdHlmdial`tl sujvlrshve peohd olidtdrsl y dfdjdr l` Hd fdrfli.^drd vl`olrie sl hjd d fdsd ol dimuhl` fe`efhoe y sl il dvhsdbdqul bdjhd plsfdoe.

LH oh`lre ol ^lore ie mdstdbd l` sus `hhhes y dberrdjddime pdrd feaprdr fesds pdrd D``ej3` oe`ol tl`hd d su etrd

auglr l bhges. ^l`sdjd fdsdrsl fe` liid fud`oe bujhlrd jdrfepdrd D``ej3`. Ahl`trds slmuhd l` Adidje. \`e ol ies fbhfesyd tl`hd lodo ol lsfeidrhzdrsl. ^lore tl`hd qul feaprdr liu`hceral pd`tdi3` dzui y fdahsd jid`fd. ^lre ^lore `e sdjhd iequl il odjd` l` fidsl dpdrtl ol ids fe`shm`ds. Du`qul lilspdhhei `e lrd jhl` e h o e ~pdrd `e olfhr vhste ids fesds slslmuhd` lxpihfd`oe l` lspdchei. Ids dshm`dturds lrd` l ` m u d ~

Adtlaïthfds Mlemrdchd l Bhsterhd L` Mlemrdchd l Bhsterhdies `hóes dprl`ohd` qul Muh`ld tl`hd u`d lxtl`sh3` ol :2 >?=ka: y sdjhd` dime ol ies rlyls Aefd e e f d t d ~Ahteme Ah Vh.Vds Ljulrd ^lre ` id suad `h id rlstd `h Hd lxtl`sh3` ofMuh`ld lrd` hape`d`tls Id dshm`dturd haprlsfh`ohjil lrdLoufdfh3` Fhvhfe Vefhdi. Fdod s j oe teoes ie `hóes lrd`ejihmdoes d r fe` sus adlstres di lh`l Adrchi d lsfufbdr d

Ceradfhe` ^eihthfe @ dfhe`di. L` Hd sdid jdjidjd` ditdsplrse`dihodols oli Mejhlae sejrl ie qul bdjhd qul h`fuifdr dids góvl`ls ml`lrdfhe`ls. Ies qul tl`orhd` : :< 6>. 6<


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fud`oe dquliids ditds plrse`dihodols tuvhlrd` ?>, <>, 3>, =>. Xourd`tl Hdslad`d shmuhl`tl h ahth`, ies adlstres, qul tl`hd` Hdlodo ol ids ditds plrse`dihodols y lstuohdre` fe` dimu`ds olliids, bdfhd` rlplthr d ies `hhhes ie qul qulrhd` lstds. y ies `h`esie rlplthd` feae ieres, puls feae ie `eradi lrd qul `e

lsfufbdrd` li lspd`ei l` `h`mii` etre Humdr qul l` Hdlsfulid.fud`oe ie bdfhd li adlstre. `e l`tl`ohd` lstd il`mud. Ourd`tlHdslad`d sl adtdjd` per alaerhzdr Hdsdrtd ol te`tlrhds qul slil efurrhd` d ies ad`odadsls7

^rhalre ies `h`es tl`hd` qul dadr Hd pdtrhd Muh`ldLfudterhdi d`tl teoe, olcl`olrid du`qul ils fulstl Hdvhod. Liiestl`hd` qul '-l`trdr ejihmdterhdal`tl l` Hd dfdolahd ahihtdr pdrd

bdflr Hdloufdfh3` ahihtdr, sh` plrguhfhe ol eptdr ads tdrol perHdfdrrlrd qul ads al fe`vl`md,.. Lstds derhl`tdfhe`ls sdjhdsids fuiah`djd` fe` u`d sdrtd ol ohdtrhjds fe`trd li feie`hdihsae,Hdahslrhd, li dpdrtblho, ies vdmes y adild`tls, sh` eivhodr Hdal`fh3` oli cd`tefbl Gud` Fdries ol Lspd`d y oli dslsh`eCdusth`e Zuhz Me`z`ilz. Iulme, trds pdsdr jrlvlal`tl perjul`es olsles p`a Hdah`erid `lmrd ol Hdolsfe`efhod @dahjhd

y VhajdjYvl. sujhd` ids ad`es y id`zdjd` l`lrmhfds vhvds diIholr oli Dflre y ie pe`cd` l` Hdprlsl`fhd oli ahs4`e Ohesteoepeolrese. Iulme, FEÕiE lstl ls li qul plrahtl teoe, bdf{dquf ies `htYes puohlrd` vdivlr sd`es y sdives d sus fdsds,bdr`jrhl`tes, slohl`tes, y juridoes. LHqulsl pertd feae `hhYesl ~ li qul l`trdr l` li Zlh`e ol ies Fhlies.

Lrd ie qul s`jcd ^lore ol sus bhges fe` Hd`tuglr jujh.Bdjidjtut l` lspdctei sejrl fesds qul `u`f` bdrcu` `h `dohlbdf ` per liies. Fuu`oe li `tdyer olgdj` ol vl`olr fbhfbdrrecrhte fe` ph cireg f` u`d `tfsd diu`tbrdod fe` d`terfbd olp l t ` ~ i l emudrodbdids fes`s y femcd li fudolr`e pd`i rlfhtdr ol


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alaerhd ids fe`ol`ds rlveiufhe`drhds oli premrlshstd puljie olMuh`ld Lfudterhdi d Hd iuz ol u`d bhapdrd fbh`d dihal`tdod ol

pltr34le. Zlfhtdjd bdstd qul su adorl vl`hd y rloufhd Hd iuzpuls l` dquliid Muh`ld `u`fd sl sdjhd fuï`oe olgdrhd ol bdjlrfudiquhlr fesd.

Vlrhd` ids efbe ol Hd adhhd`d ol u` ohd qul prealtlaufbe sei l` Dwdid li pejidoe ads plorlmese ol Hd h`suid.Lstdaes l` li als ol dmeste ol 48== u` dhhe fudiquhlrd ol iesdhhes qul blaes mdstdoe feae Hd u`hfd thlrrd muh`ld`d oli

blahsclrhe sur.Vl thl`l flrtlzd ol Hd berd perqul bdfl thlape qul iesmdiies olgdre` ol fd`tdr fe` h`shstl`fhd qul ies prhalres `hhhesrlmrlsdre` oli rce fe` ies fujes y perqul l` Hd pu`td Muxh` ydsl vl li prhalr fdyufe du`qul teodvhd `e sl pulol ohsth44l.euhr shl` li bdy oes rlalres e u`e s3ie. ^ulol qul l` teoe li pejidoebdyd dimuhl` fe` rlieg pulol plre lstd peshjhihodo slrhd rlaetd.

Vh bujhlrd dimuhl` h`tlrlsdoe peorhdhr


y prlmu`tdrilHd

berd ^lre slrhd h`uthi puls Hd dfthvhodo ol ies bdjhtd`tls olipuljie Hdoltlrah`d` ies dfe`tlfhahl`tes qul pulol` suflolr.

eoe sl bdfl olpl`ohl`oe ol ie qul bd efurrhoe e vdyd defurrhr

Dwdid lstï shtudoe l` Hdpdrtl elstl ol Hd hsid d pefesaltres ol Hdfestd plorlmesd y sh` drl`ds y l` Hdcdiod ol u`d

ferohiilrd. IeolDwdid



ferohiilrd puls`e ls u`d suflsh3` ol `te`tdchds sh`e u` ae`thfuie l` cea4d olsl`thfhrfuie qul l`wlivl di pejidoe y ie ejihmd d jusfdr rlsphrel` Hd festd Hd plorlmesd pidyd d`tls al`fhe`dod. D vdid ls.

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p u l s ~u` puljie djadoe l`trl oes il`muds ditds, fe` sdihoddu`d d`mestd pidyd plorlmesd, oe`ol reapl` fe h`ushtdodcrlful`fhd ids utds.

Vhl`oe D``ejE` u`d hsidveifd`hfd, lstd fhrfu`std`fhduetd u4ds l` Dwdid, oe`ol t9.io9 ie qul `e ls tlrrl`e

slt`j`toe e ee`struhoe ls phlord,o l s o ~

tdt`dtYesol plqulhY9.iVf i ~bdstd lii(a`ls adsds ol phlords, td` r d ` o ~ squlsl ohrùtqul dim\iYmhmd`tl gumultldjd fe` liids y ids djd`o9.i`3 trds lilspdrfiahl`te X sl thl`l lstd sl`sdfhE` fud`oe sl fe`stdtd qullstds phlo`s `e lso` althods. l` id thl`d, sh`e qul pulol`ae½vlrsl y reodr per F]iiquhlr pl`ohl`tl sh jujhlrd u`d culrzdqul iT puohl`i jdflr.

IT prhalre qul~ l h i

ies jdjhtd`tls ol Dwdido l s p u ~ s

ol jddT7r sus adt.hOdils ls ahrdr d id pu`td oe.`ol slj2hhd]iE ~ tes jru.es ol 4O.EGitd3dqul levulivl` di pejidoe.DOtls ol- sdihr d etrd ~ l V h o d oahrd` diihpe.r sh ohvhsd` dimù`~ v w . v ~ iii pulodO fihst7hGhmuhr-reodvhd o `]`lre ol sus½ X Tt aïs lsa rhlrd. lsplrd@` qul daódsl djt --ustht pttlV ls li tid7e½quf talr ids `ulvds ol ^7iild

_eous puls teoes suol` lstdrt d o Y i $

per re qUulufurrhdd ~ Y O G V i . . ~shls dGmemrdXlLsid f7sHdLdVd per- rd f`7fl i d l` k 43

* - ~ h i i i i Veddoet olspu s ol Hd aldoiG HLhaii a ~ l s MH7OhIi t puad ciiiiesd Dwd)d&dphh7sd ~ ' Z~ t e s•tlst••d tl j t r ee

FcZ ½ ^ - r d Hdihi4i7d..dhd j plsd. d O i l

H ~ H ~ ~h i j r a s l ol qal ee Hde.durhoe ii4ijJiiij..


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vlz pe`md li phl l` phlord, qul `e-thlrrd, puls `e bdy.Ies etres pejidoes ol D``ej3` td`4jhl` dfeml` d ies

pdhsd`es ourd`tl ies trls alsls ol ids vdfdfhe`ls lsfeidrls, qulfeh`fhol fe` Hd~ p e f ol olsjrefl ol ids cafds. Olspuls ol ids`etds, Hdadyer(d ol ids `tuglrls y ies beajrls pdrtl` pdrd suspejidoes prlcurhoes, dfeapdhidoes ol ies bhges. V3ie qulod` l`^dil` ies cu`fhe`drhes, ies haplohoes y l`tlraes y dimu`es qul`e thlul` cdahihd. Ourd`tl trls alsls ihaphd`, shlajrd` ydfephd` vtvlrls pdrd dcre`tdr etrd tl`tperdod lsfeidr, qulfeh`fhol fe` Hd~ p e f l iiuvhds. Id slfd pil`d feh`fhol fe` iestrls alsls d`tls fhtdoes.

^lre ies qul bd` olfhohoe pdsdr ids vdfdfhe`ls l` iesetres oes pejidoes `e thl`l` lstd dprl`sh3` per rlfhjhr `ulvdsadth`dils . perqul . l`trl etrds r d z e ` l s ~olsol lstes pejidoes `esl vl Hd festd. Ol Hdfdad vd` ohrlftdal`tl d Hd ch`fd. IdsOlY. lVhodols ~ ' r p e r d i l sids sdthschifl` l` li fdah`e e,. sh slprlsl`td`,. dpdrtd`oesl ol ids pid`tdfhe`ls. (Bdy ae.. dstdajhl` l` ids th`fds).

Li jlfbe ol lstdr l`vulite l` oes jrdres ol phlord . su~ d id festd id fd`thodo ol phlords qul thlel y li jlfje ol

tlelr qul lsplrdr 4d iilmdod ol ies fdyufes pdrd sdjlr ie qul jdpds6oe jdfl qul Hdl. thstlefhd l` Dwdid sld ohsth`td. Iulme perj ~ 4 F b lfu f ` t a u`ds bhsterhds

-Xd sf dfl`7d li fdyufe, see oes pliVEhdV L4 ol Hrhs lsH O H ~ ' Y . S .

-^lru qiL ilides se` t @e sdjl` qul Y-dGOEV ilges5 e

ilTme `h \O treze ol ilód FO fdsd.-Edï7d ~ d lsplru d ie alger ohfl qul yd vhdw7o



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-VhHeohfl, `e sl qul jdrl, puls sl supe`l qul vl`orï lipdorl ol Addihd y sh sl fdsd, tl`laes qul dyuodrid y `e tl`meteodvhd `dod dfephdoe.

-@e hapertd; di al`es trdlrd dime ol gdj3` y pltr3ile;i Vdjls fud`te bdfl qul `e idve ahs repds fe` gdj3`5, yd `eohmdaes ie ol ohds qul `e l`fhl`oe ah idapdrd. Xd `hrlfe`eflrhd li eier oli pltr3ile. Sh`l di puljie fe` u` ihtre y iequl qulodjd ie oh d Adrhd, puls u`e pulol olfhr qul lstd adi,plre etres lstd` pler. Vl ie oh fud`oe su bhge vhe Gd`ogdi, pdrdqul `e oulrad d esfurds. Dylr al ohge qul lstdjd l`clrad.

-^er lse `e dbl vhste lstd adhhd`d, { per qul `e al iebds ohfbe5 Sdaes d vlr sh sl bd aulrte, fbhfd. Sdaes ahl`trdssl dflrfd li fdyufe.

-Lsplrd qul vey d flrrdr ah fdsd, du`qul `e sl qulpulol` rejdr l` liid.

_eoe li pejidoe ls u`d pl`ohl`tl h`fih`dod bdfhd idtesfd jdbhd d`tls al`fhe`dod, oe`ol sl rlpdrd` ies fdyufes yiilmd` ies plsfdoerls. Ls id pidyd ol Dwdid.

-Frle, fbhfd, qul bhfhaes adil` `e hr d fdsd ol Adrhd,du`qul peolaes hr olspuls.

L` li bdjid ol D``ej3`, fud`oe oes dahmes fe`vlrsd`bdy fe`std`tls dplidfhe`ls d id pdidjrd dahme, feae shquhshlsl` rlferodr fe`th`udal`tl id dahstdo qul ies u`l. Idsauglrls ohfl` aesdh, qul peolaes trdoufhr per fbhfd ; y lseefurrl sh l`trl liids bdy aufbd dahstdo. Ies beajrls sl shl`tl`dahmes y ids auglrls, auglrls , fbhfds.

-Vh, peolaes hr olspuls, plre prlshl`te qul lstl fdyufe


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trdl `evlodo.-Egdbh ohmd qul iilmd li jdrfe. Ol vlrodo. @e tl`me d

`dohl l` Adidje, plre shlaprl vl`hs d dimuhl` qul tl ol u`d

metd ol pltr3ile e u` treze ol gdj3`; lstey cdtdi.@e sl sh lstey alger qul ru ye qul tl`me d ah thd l`

Adidje. ^lre prlchlre qul iilmul li jdrfe.Id pidyd ol Dwdid `e seie `e ls pidyd y ls plorlmesd,

sh`e qul l` lstd tesfd y d`mestd festd `lmrd reapl` ids eids ads

jrdvds ol teod d hsid. Ies fdyufes thl`l` qul `dvlmdr l`trl oeshsiltds fe`slfuthvds olsol d festd bdfhd ol`tre, shrvhl`oe vdrhds

vlfls li lspdfhe l`trl liids feaed

sdid ol lsplrd pdrd lidadh`l ol ids eids, du`qul etrds vlfls sulil fe`sthtuhr u`plihmre perqul id hsiltd ads festlrd sulil rlfbdzdr ids jrdvdseids l` su fdah`e bdfhd d pidyd, fe` li plihmre ol qul li

rlfbdfl bdmd zezejrdr li fdyufe. @e ls u` plihmre7 ol fdod ohlzbeajrls qul sl dflrfd` d d pidyd y d l`ful`trd` fe` u`dadrld ol Vd` Gud`, fh`fe ol liies tlrah`d` fe` d fdrmd l` li

dmud, sh sl sdivd` oli plihmre ol vlr su fdyufe pdrthoe l` oestrds lstrliidrsl l` u`d refd.

Vd` Gud` ls li ^dtr3` ol Dwdid. Lsl i qul mejhlr`d li

pejidoe y vlid pdrd qul `dod efurrd. Lstd hadmh`doe l` d

plqulhùtd lrahtd erhl`tdod bdfhd d adr, sejrl d qul l`slcherld.^lre bdflaes diush3` d d hadml` pdrd qul tu, ilfter, tdajhl`hadmh`ls. X ls qul pdrd ies pejidoerls ol Dwdid Vd` Gud` ls

dime ads slrhe. LH Vd` Gud` aeoeshte y dadjil oli qulfe`eflaes l` ies Lvd`mlihes `e thl`l `dod qul vlr fe` li olDwdid. > quhzd fud`oe lstd l`trl ies `lmres doeptd etreslajid`tl y ls ads slvlre. X ls qul sl ids trdl li pdtr3`, lioulche ol ies adrls dmhtdoes. Ids auglrls adyerls sdbl` qul ie

prhalre qul thl`l` qul bdflr olspuls ol ofsplrtdrsl ls hr d


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sdiuodr di sd`te y plohril pretlffh3` pdrd li ohd. X ads. ^lrelstd pdtlstdo qul thl`l li sd`te Hd feapdrtl fe` teoes susfeapdhhlres rlpdrthoes per Hdhsid. Ls `erad l`trl ids `4dorls d

prlsl`tdfh3` ol sus bhges di sd`te sh ls Hd prhalrd vlz qul lsesvhshtd` dim\ ` pejidoe, sejrl teoe sh vhl`l` pdrd pdsdr u`d

tlaperdod. Iilmd Hdadorl fe` ies `hóes ol ^dild y olgd ie qulbd trdhoe. ^ulol hr d Hdch`fd d jusfdr Hdfeahod oli ohd, plre `epulol olgdr ol hr d prlsl`tdries di pdtr3` d`tls ol qul trd`sfurrdu` ohd.

Vl vd fe` ies `hhhes y ies prlsl`td y phol pretlffh3` pdrdliies. Mrdfhds d Ohes qul ies sd`tes se` jhih`mùls y l`thl`ol`plrclftdal`tl li Cd o'Daje7

Jul`es ohds pdpd, tl vl`me d prlsl`tdr d lstes `hhhesahes y phoe

Iulme bdfl` Hd slhhdi ol Hdfruz y sl vd` d fdsd. Adsls tes sd`tes se` ads lxhml`tls. Fer`e bdy tdetes olvetes olliies, ls ferrhl`tl Hdlsfl`d ol u`d ad`uh fe` u`d plsdod fdrmdl` Hdfdjlzd qul sl dpdrtd oli fdah`e y sujl ies lsfdie`ls ol idlrahtd, pid`tdrsl olid`tl ol liid y sdiuodr fe` u`d sdiaeohd di

sd`te. Aufbds vlfls olgd` Hdfdrmd l` u` rh`f3` y l`trd` l` Hdlrahtd pdrd \O sdiuoe ads Hdrme.

Ve` lstes olvetes ies qul, pdrd dslmurdr ids mrdfhds olisd`te, il bdfl` ecrl`ods ol crutds y etres ejslquhes fealsthjils,qul olgd` l` u`d alsd qul shlaprl bdy l` Hd l``htd Ve`tdajhl` iesqulsl l`fdrmd` ol fuhodrid, y l` lstd tdrld, pid`td`cierls y etrds pid`tds l` ids h`alohdfhe`ls. ^lre teoe ie qul bdy

l` Hdlrahtd e dirloloer ol liid ls oli sd`te. Vl pulol femlr yusdr, plre fe` su pl``hse. X dquh sl aulstrd` auy slvlres7 shlrls auglr, u beajrl, y li bdajrl ol Hdidrmd geadod tl ejihmdd fealr ol Hdecrl`od ol dimih` sd`te, pholslie lxprlsdal`tl y


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rlfulrod qul shl`4prl lsplrd` dimed f7u`jhe7 ~ próxhd`e c`u`ol tu vhl`trl ie iid`idrds FEEiE li. Vh `e ie b ~ l sy ~ ~ 4Y> tf ierlfulrod plrse`db`l`tl l` u` sulhYe, put-ofs plrolr fi bYge Dsh.teoes ies Fbhtd o'Djeje, teoes ies Vd`fuus o'Dw`i , teoes ies_echhAdjd`d y teoes ies ^uoui o ½D`mau4 se` tef`yes of iussd`tes perquf sus pdorls femhfre` e fe`ihfre` of fiius yfuapihlre` fe` Hd `e``d. Ies etres fuyes pdorls `e se`oluoerls ol ies sd`tes se` sh`4pil`4f`tf tef`yus ol iesprhalres, plre Hdfesd laplz3 per diih.

Fud`oe rlcilxhe`daes sejrf fstds fesds fe` etres eges.olfhaes per qul ies yd`khs tdajhf` `e sl sw`d` ` d festuabrfy sus pdorls ies iidad` fe` li `eajrl ol Hdsd`td mhm``tlqufahrd d Hdadr fe` u`d d`terfbd perqul liies fbup`re` of su tftd.

-gLsplrd u` pefe, fspfrd, qul teodvcd bdy 4`ufbds eids-hLsplrd, yd tl ohrlaes fud`oe, `e tl`mds 4`hfoe

Lrd` beajrls dvlzdries l` Hdfestd y l` eids rfjfiols qulslrvhd` ol muhdd ies lsplrdoes. X ls qul fe`te ids eids se` tu`mrd`ols, olsihzdrsl sejrl liids pdrd iilmdr d Hdrefesd festd lsauy plihmrese, per ie qul oljl` lsplrdr u` plrheoe ol fdiadpdrd bdflrie, plre s3ie fud`oe ie ohmd` ies qul lstd` l` thlrrd,

qul se` ies qul fe`treid` ids eids y sdbl` fud`oe bdy quldchd`zdrsl fe` li rlae pdrd lsfdpdrsl of u`d lajdtf qul sfrcdolsdstrese. L` ls tes fdses, ies rlalres dmudrod` ads i i ~ol idsoes hsiltds, prlpdrdoes pdrd li dvhse. @e pulol` plrolr thlapesh yd bd` rlfhjhoe Hdslchdi.

-hDmhife` li rlae - ohglre` di u`hse`e ies beajrls. Iesoes rlalres auithpihfdre` per trls ies hapuises l` dajes

festdoes oli fdyufe y dprevlfbdre` u`d eid alohd`d pdrdpesdrsl sejrl Hdphlord. Vl dpldre` rïphodal`tl y feae lifdjdiie yd lstdjd pulste, `e tdrodre` l` olgdr li fdyufe l` Gd


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alohd pidyd. Ies fdyufes qul vd` d vdivlr l` pefe thlape slolgd` s h ~qul sulil slr alohe fdjdiie e u`e seie. Li fdjdiiels u` reohiie qul sl uthihzd aufbe l` ids pidyds ol aufbdsfest s dcrhfd`ds pdrd ids tdrlds ol vdrdr e jetdr idslajdrfdfhe`ls. Vhrvl pdrd lste y tdajhl` pdrd pretlmlrids ol ids

rdspdourds ol ids phlords, qul ids olsmdstdu fe` ads cdfhihodo.

-Fbhfd, lstey auy fe`tl`td, dberd peolaes hr d Hdcafd.t.Bds ehoe5, iilmd li jdrfe.

-_l`me ahloe, fbhfd. t,@e bds ehoe ie qul bd ohfbe5 LHjdrfe trdlrd u`d lpholahd.

-i Tul aïs od5 ^rlchlre frllr qul fe`slmuhrl u` pefe ol

gdj3rh y dime ol pltr3ile qul pl`sdr l` Hd lpholahd. Xd bdrd`dime ½ies sdfrhstd`ls. Dolaïs, yd lstey fd`sdoe ol idsfe`chol`tds ol ies ohcu`tes. Veie prlohfl` olsmrdfhds. t,Fuï`oeoh`h` qul yd seaes rhfes5

- -Fbhfd `e ohmds lste, liids fuhod` ol Hd ml`tl. Ve`½ festuajrls d`thmuds ½

-Xe sl, plre ... seaes plrse`ds.

-Sdaes d vlr d Adrhd, `e tl eivhols.-Vh, Gl bdrd h`ufbe jhl` l`tlrdrsl ol qul iilmd li jdrfe.

Dsc sl prlpd`ah pdrd Hdjeod ol sus pdorls. Xe s qul `e sl qulb r ~pdrd fe`slmuhr dime ol gdj3` flrhiids, pltr3ile . .

-Xd trdjdgdrlaes pdrd Hdml`tl; sulil bdjlr aufbd ml`tl`lflshtdod ol lstdghstds. X sh `e bujhlrd, `es ecrlflrlaes dtdr`jhe ol fe`slmuhr gdj3` y pltr34le.

-Fbhfd, `e ohmds lse. Lste bhze Adrhd l` li uithae vhd l

½sl qulo3 lajdrdzdod oli `h`e lsl.-t Li qul vhe Gd`ogdi5-LHqul vhe Gd`ogdi `e; li plqulóe. Xd `e quhlre tl`lr


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bhges sh` pdorl.-X ye `e lstey slmurd ol qul veivlrl d tl`lr u` adrhoe

y `e quhlre vhvhr dsh. Xd `e puloe. ial`es quhlre tl`lr u`dpdsthiihtd ol gdj3` y dime ol pltr3ile. Xe sl qul sl dfdjdrd`.plre bdjrl idvdoe ahs repds y bdjrl peohoe l`ff`olr Hd

idapdrd.Ids oes dahmds iilmdre` d fdsd ol Adrhd y Hdl`fe`trdre`flrrdod. LH sei yd `e tl`cd vlrmùl`zd ol olgdrsl vlr. Idsauglrls trds Hd `ulvd sl bdjhd` hoe d`shesds d Hd ch`fd. Iesbeajrls puohlre` sdihr d Hd plsfd e d sus Hdjerls olspuls olfeal`tdr l` Hdpidyd Hd`ethfhd.

-i O3`ol puoe bdjlr hoe5 -feal`t3 HsdjlI Ls rdre qul`e lstl l` fdsd.

-h. X sh bd hoe d idvdr5- eph`3 Gud`d.-i Idvdr5 ^hl`sd qul bey `e ls oeah`me y dolads s

qul `e thl`l gdj3` y `e frle qul vdyd d idvdr fe` hmuh td` oladhhd`d.

-i X sh bd hoe d Hdch`fd5-Vlrhd Hd prhalrd vlz qul culrd fe` sus bhges.

Dfestuajrd d olgdr di `h`e fuhod`oe ol Hd`hhYd.Gud`d l Hsdjli lstuvhlre` bdjid`oe fdvhid`oe y ouod`oe l` Hd

pulrtd ol Adrhd fud`oe eyfre` ruaerls preflol`tls ol ol`tre.Vlrhd u`d tes e fdrrdsplrd. Iidadre` y frlylre` ecr u`d vez. H

sei yd quladjd. Fud`oe sl ohlre` per slmurds ol quf bdjhddimuhl` ol`tre lapugdre` Hd pulrtd y l`trdre` l` fdsd. Idsfesds ol ies pejidoes se` cïfhils ol djrhr. X sl fe`struyl`tl`hl`oe l` ful`td qul pulol` tl`lr `lflshodo ol djrhridsplrse`ds qul `e se` sus oulctes.

L`trdre` y l`fe`trdre` d Adrcd l` Hdfdad fe` fdrd olbdjlrsl laplerdoe. LH fbhfe oli Gd`ogdi ol u`es fudtre dct.es.


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l2\tjd Al`tdoe, dpeydoe l` GdGXt.trlo,fe` ie egfGV bhfrte44 y F?a

fdrd ol l tdr bhltt; flrfd y oerahod, Gd`h`d. ol u e ~"b'"d r w ~ .Vldffrfdre` d Hdfdad y tefdr`` d AddBd. i`alohdtdaf`tl DF

plrfdtdre` ol qul drocd ol chljrl. Ofbhoe d ,.u los.o, bB `hthe'teodvcd aegdjd` d fdad y Gds e ~ dahmds Gepuohlc(a ffrthc4fdrdi dflrfdrsl ads d Gdfdad y tefdr Gdvhfgd feifbd of ~ u adad.V34e bdjcd u` treze Zlfe oljdge y flrfd ol Addihd. Ids e ~

dahmdsahrdre`, sl ahrdre` y feaprf`ohlre`. @e buje `dod qulprlmu`tdr. Fer`e yd lrd f`trdoe li ocd, Hd`hcid ?l olÕplrt3 di ecrvefls. \`d ol Gdsfbhfds Gdfemh3 of ies jrdzes y Gd4Gfv3 cufrd.Dyuodre` tdajhl` dGfbhfe, qul sdih3 ol Gdfdad d feapfthr F9asu blrad`htd l` je`htes peA7s fe` trdgls plrcuadoes y erh`does.

Ies dsldre` y vhsthlre` feae alger puoh(.,'"G'Ey sfpushlre` d pf`sdr. Shlre` qul Hdl`cl``lodo ol Addihd lrd dGmeslrhe. Dimebdjcd qul bdflr. Olfhohlre` y r'phodaf`tl teadre`li fdah`e ol Hdpidyd. Lsplrdjd` l`fe`trdr d44hd dimuhl` qul iesdyuodsl.

L` GespejGdoes vdfdfhe`dils ol D``ej3` `e bdy `h`m \`fl`treol seferre, ` shquhlrd d `hvli fdslre. Ies rlalohes slihahtd` l` ies fuhodoes plrse`dils qul ohspl`sdjdu ies pdorls

d ies `hhhesqul sl l`clradjd` y sh Gds l`clralodols tl`hd`dimù` rlalohe. Id u`hfd h`sthtufh3` ol ls tes pejidoes ls Gdfdphiid, d fuye oulhhe lstd` teoes l`feal`odoes.

-Frle qul bdfl thlape qul lstd l`clrad, du`qul culdylr qul al ie ohge. Bey lstd qul `e pulol d`odr, y lstd fe`u`d chljrl ditd. ^er cdver, tl ie plohaes. Xd tl pdmdrlaesfud`oe peodaes.

Id fulsth3` `e ls pdmdr, puls liid ls ol `ulstrd fdsd- dshsl ohfl p rhl`tl l` li bdjid ol D``ej3`-; ie qul pdsd ls qulvh`haes d femlr Hd fdrmd ol adad Adfus y pl`sdjdaes


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] A F 7 m ~ h r2GGHGol p l ~ d o eH d vufct., HGG6 G G ` ' ~ U , . ~••

twr`lrl ~ d j h o dl` r r u e ~ r ól d y ~ A 7 ~ ; ~y ~q u f ~w r t h G ~ l t ;tr.y chhOtkct6rp `e4GejBprcVGhro h r ~ Bulcitt` pid` l r ~Abr pt4c kt t`fkfk•pul• ol t?4ci'Glc' ~ G m ( , ,plmfdr o u r ~ H H H G ;Gd efiGl y X e t v l ~pt tt d

adctst`htd cX.trdEEGtc'Gs.m~ Dberd `e ~ - - ~

t qul vul2tre fdyuee l4 acc cmrd`of, . . qul>4 f e r G c t f e ÕiO qul d iGtteG, 46 GidvlIet beajrl4 ~ ~ j i d `qul lttdjd` dal u tdDE ogckhG,y quldflptdrGe ol4jdrdtdrcd G\V pid`lt .

;)'ulol 2>4tl`lcil' .. prlmu`t3 lG ady Gc, j u ~

lxfusd pdrd l ~ l d p d r s l

. . F r l l a e ~qul Gi, plre lttd oljhi. @e... , p`-l.LH adyer, l` fuyds ad`es bdjhd olgdoe ~ let`pdcde Gd

olf4sh3`, ahr3 drrhjd, ahr3 Gdfdrmd, di fdyuw, sl rdK3. Vl dilg3ol Gds auglrls, femh3 u`d fulrod l` li G\lie, 4l durf3 difdyufe. Bhze dimu`d rlpdrdfh3` e algerd. Vl Aat3 ld li jerololi fdyufe, y Gulmesl dflrf3 d su fe4`pd4Glre y bdji3 fe` lG._eoes pdrlfcd` ouodr. Vu pid` lstdjd olsjdrdtdoe. Vl slpdrdre`trds Gdjrlvl fbdrid y veivhlre` d pl4`etd`lur l` 4hil`fhe. Gud`dsl dflrf3 etrd vlz y quhse jdjidr. L4 beajrl frly3 qul. di

al`es dals ol dflptdrie, oljcd aestrdr su l`cdoe. Ids fesds `esl bdfl` sh` aestrdr li fdalt. Fud`oe sl dflrfdjd Hdauglr,fdajh3 ol tdid`tl y puse adid fdrd. @e tdro3 l` laplzdr dlahthr sus qulgds y d lxbhjhr Hdh rdze`ls qul adal`hd d idsauglrls l` Hdpejrlzd. Ohge dime sejrl per qul plrad`ffcd`seitlrds. Vdd`-d (Gud`d) `e quhse r l p i h f d r i l ~s3Gesl deero3 olqul rlfe`efh3 qul Addiid lrd jhgd ol su fdsd y sl ie rlfero3. LG

jeajrl ohge etrd te`tlrhd ads y iulme 4ls ohge qul jdgdrd`ha`lohdtdal`tl fe` Hdl`clrad.

Ids auglrls sujhlre` rïphodal`tl y prlpdrdree ids


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fesds. Lrd` pefdsU ^l`sdjd` qulodrsl fe` ies `hhYes, di al`esahl`trds `e.bujhlrd` pl`sdoe hr d ^dild pdrd lstdr fe` id dahmd.Dimued ol liids h r h ~plre `e d`tls ol fe`slmuhr dime ol feahodpdrd ies lvl`tes cutures.

^lsl d ids l.xhml`fhds ol ies s ` t e s ~`e teoes ies olipuljie mezdjd` ol su pretlffhe`U X ls qul sl ohrhd qul iessd`tes `e mezd` ol tdxttes peolrls. Aufbes oljl` rlshm`drsl dHd sulrtl qul ils jd olpdrdoe li olsth`e. Tuhl`ls aïs slrlshm`d` di olsth`e se` ids a u g l r l s ~feae Vdd`-d y dahmds. ^lreAddihd aufbe ads

\lmdr d Hdadyerhd ol lodo l` D``ejE` ls tl`lr lodool lfjdrsl adrhoe y tl`lr fdsd prephd. Vh `e sl thl`l `h u`e `hetre u`d sl vl ejihmdod d feapdrthr teoe fe` Hdadad Lse sl

pulol jdflr. Ie qul pdsd ls qul ids auglrls adyerls ol lodo `esl rls.hm`d` d qulodrsl sh` olafstrdr qul ie se`. X bdy pdsesqul olgd` ialiids.

J D``ejE` ol 48== lrd u`e ol ies ads esfures ol sujhsterhdU ^lre ies ehhhesslmehd` yl`oe d fidsl y d ies plrheoesilfthves slmuhd` ies ol olsfdae. Fud`oe iilmdjd`, ies pdorlsfemhd` d ses Ohhhes,.y ttds lilmhr li pejidoe oe`ol phlad` pdsdr

Gdsvd`rh``ls, sl pe`hd` l` dah`e. X `e ls qul lihmhlrd` iesdhhhes.Ie qul pdsd ls qul feae Hdadyerhd ol ies d``eje`lslsVEii Lt@es ol a trls pfjjoa, puls shraprl u`e ol iesds lt• l--s thlhL dimùOpdtthaahe l` dGmu`eol li4e . pulol`

olfhohr fdod dóe d d hi `u . Ls fhl`e qel jdy cdahihds qulhdGprl '4:44 d4 4iihsae pejidoe,. plre lse `e ls olfhr qul ee

ld tes edes dalue pdrd FEEVj uht dimaO fje:d y pdrd

dgmOd adbdpIds dsds. e oiez:s ol a pejtdtt.i` sl feestruylO ol6icG^HWO'^'I y phjcts fcl gtijtltrr`ow \O drtGei ol h i i adolrd


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auy ourd fdrdftlrcsthfd qul Hdbdfl dpltlfhjil pdrd fe`sthtuhries d``dze`ls. Ids pdrlols sl fe`struyl` fe` pdies l trltlghoesol Hdbegd ol pdialrd qul iulme sl fujrl` fe` lstlrds tlghodsol Hd begd oli fefetlre. H tlfbe ie fe`sthtuyl u` tlghoe olgdajdju u` drjuste quf frlfl l` ids ze`ds slfds of Hdhsid. qulsl fertd y sl olgd slfdr y iulme sl trd`spertd l` mrd`ols mdvhiidsbdstd liiumdr rlqulrhoe. Ids fbezds sulil` tl`lr s3ie u`d phlzdohvhohodl` oes per u` tdjhqul pdrd ohclrl`fhdr Hdze`d of idsfdads ol ids oli cem3` qul se` trls phlords qul sesthl`l` Hdeiid. qul bhlrvl fe` culme ol ilctd.

Id fdad ie fe`sthtuyl` fudtre pdies fe` u` lxtrlaetlrah`doe l` X lxfdvdoes l` Hdthlrrd y qul sepe`d` etres oespdies pdrdilies ies fudils shrvl` ol sestl` ol vdrhes pdihtes

trd`svlrsdils qul shrvl` ol phse. _eoes ies pdies lstd` sugltesfe` fulrods qulsl fe`shmul` oli bdz e li l`vls oli pdie ol Hdbegd ol pdialrd prlvhdal`tl djid`odod lstrugd`oeid fe` Hdad`e. LH feifb3` ol teods ids fdads ol ies pejidoesvdfdfhe`dils ol D``ej3` se` begds slfds ol ids rdads olpidtd`lres y jd`d`lres qul sl fertd` li prhalr ohd ol idsvdfdfhe`ls berds d`tls ol Hdprlsl`tdfh3` ol ies `hhYes di sd`te

pdtr3`. Ids oli dhhepdsdoe sl qulad`. Lstds begds sl feiefd`ohrlftdal`tl sejrl Hdfdad y sl fujrl fe` Hdsdjd`d feifjd e iequl bujhlrd. Dimu`ds plrse`ds jdjhihoesds tlgl` u`d lsplfhl ollstlrhiid fe` ids jegds y ids pe`l` sejrl li ae`t3` sh` tlglr. Idfdad sh` lstlrhiid ls Hd a s ruhoesd oli au`oe. @dohl sdjlfeae sl drrlmid` ies qul `e lsth` seitlres.

Addihd lstd seid l` Dwdid. Vu adorl lstd l` ette

pejidoe. srd s3Hefe` sus `hches. L` ie qul d feahod sl rlchlrlsulil hr d id chO d d jusfdr adid`md pihtd`es ódal ^lre lste slfeal alger fe` plsfdoe. X diihbdy qul lsplrdr. Ids seitlrds sh`


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fed7d , . sh ie . . . . . . m thdGlO ohii tre > shod - d > . . . U vlf7heds d G O Oiiiih

Fchla . . . . . i i : sh Gdwfhiiii44> Hhlul G2id qOl G d

, . .d . . . . . . . . . Tdhdi thldl. d7 ip]hrt.

HGdpdt7hol Hd HEddO . . . i l j hCdhe qdl -fudJthi d44reia fk h h J l e 'Zhb`p , fee baad Adiidhpfwid deoilU th`dGe O dG2Hhod..p ferhs;t1 FO \O p`7pdr.ot pr- • ]HH . ol ud FHAhoiejlh rhoe ol jdead et e r t d • jdrhdd f l ydfd. o p\ Geg. qdl ]iiitouye dp i hdd;hphGddGh44?..- lu&e • Hdadyerhd ol ids F 6 O H ol

fd d G dqur\ei dhiesol F F ~ d .fptlhiijdh• ies vlfhOeGFO o OOGjrdi

i i d i ~qul ÏthGhjhl rEshdidi. y F'EHHHdjdOjhi erhdi L

l ` dde olieG die idos fchihr7hdol teod GdMdhdld .i`olfhjithfddrh3`ol D ']'j3d.. Ies fil Dwdidlstdja le etre 4HHHHO

7Addicd4l qulodjd d fed44r bhsi.erhd.ife` 4444 vlfhudde k aicd jhld Bdod thdGGpequl sl Gl tl``he3 li pdr3Glejijhd i o e ~OlGpu3iol KEHHdrd . . eG rdpd`loei. leiO`Gd pul`d y e f.ediijd _dajhle pl`djd ld AdjoeGGofdddrhd • pdiorl, 4diorhd e7] alohei pdrd dGfmrd

pequh] Gd vhod.&f7uo4ijd y leeiijd, r ~ li d4lre ol i\ fdd oli vfo`e. e vllh`d. ^ l r t ~ G ~ O F F ] Hjuid fud`oe peo

Fud`oe `e jdjci Giiohlpdrd f7ul`re4, sl alod pre`te l` fdsl wa.jdjd l` Hdfdad. X diic Gl qutodjd, vlid`oe, lEtF\rioio. li iulcte ol H\H`iDet.

Bdy l` D``ej3` u`d pidad. li pid` fuyu slaol`l` u`d ah`h feajuitijil. L`4drtdou l` u` pdie, ies `

t l diuajrd` pdrd H\H plqulctei Guldes `eftur`es. ^lrepiiad½`e t4l`l juf`d r ad puf• l` rwldtrd Dtrhfdiu >>44

½ otvtol` l` jul`u y adtu. Lite bdfl qul `h Addicd `h


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dahmds usle li phdO pdrd diuajhd sl ld fzd.. _ eods ohAadahla` ue Glhhee oes le o cemEii ) ' dsh tduplddu o c iqe••ddcdrd y sl phdefudeoe jdgde d aldr per HdOEoGlUIe j:ifluFO \O erhedG u t p w o d ` jdge Gd FOOd.. . i a Ohhhesa ldO

ouid7aaic ; le Hdf a ~

X feae le wlstrd Dfrhfd Hdhf e t d4 sl ohvhole le HGutuis

y adidi Geoldfeeefhoe ls adie puls 44> sl sdjl ol dUla..telttde dfw 4ufdodi jdgeG Vhi i dGlra feodOoe jhsderhdi ).,

dih``cdt -e ltpldduz7u vle lu Hdidoat ol Gd HOEH\hhdua iuzjdstdal pfrdpthjil qul GGHHH\ Fqul fst6 lu Hd fepd ol Had a e ~ l s @e fsdd c h ~ .ae qul ourdecl d OEFjl fdajhdFEÕ^G HFlG`aFl ol peshfh3GIAddGhdHdvl .ies vlfhas Hdvl`.. Idvle teoes GeGol Dwdid fjhfei y m a e o l s ~@dohlsdjl ie qul ls.@dohl bd liidoe flrfd ol liid X aeilstd qul iiihlei`ó dGmuhletl`md 4dOiEG r lw`es pdrd tlalgdOc.l mdstO Eires tlemdO apdrd dGuajrdr o pidce oeeol feal` y tlOmdO qul hrd thluidi l`jusfd of Hd e f d ~LHHEaeilstd y l pdr.ho3ghfe Xd hdjl` qul ieolife`efhoe od GG\loe VeG` teoe HhhaprfiheGd X GdGuzol iesdtjeilG haprlsheed j d Z d ` t l ~Jd li sd`ogdwl CGGdOogdwli ls licle3alue iuaheeie ad. ahstlrheGe ol ies pejidoes olD`eej3`.. @dohl bd ohfbe qul bdyd tl`hoe fe`tdfte fe` dimu`eol liiet pdrd olfhr f` qul fe`shstl. Tuhzd sld u` cle3af`efhl`tc(GFE, plre l` `ulstrd Dcrhfdee lxhstl teodvhd fhl`fhd lu iespejidoeG qul oulral` d EHF\G di

L` D``ej3` ol dquliies dùes pefes lstdjd` fdpdfhidoespdrd dh`te`hzdr u`d lahierd lxtrd`glrd. X teods Hu ol au`oefrd` lxtrd`glrds puld D``ej3` `u`fd tuve ldtdfh3` ol rdohe y

HdHG4\pr3xhad cdahihd``l`tl lrd 4d ol Adidje d Hdquf bdjcdqul 4h`ie`hzdr fe` rlflpterfs dihal`idoes fe` phids fbh`u qul`e iilpjd` d Hdhiid olsol bdfcd HOFHFH;aufjes alsls. Id \`hfd


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cul`tl ol iuz lrd li sd`ogdwli. X althd ahloe.

Ids auglrls hjd` d Hd tesfd pidyd ol Dwdid d jusfdrplsfdoe e d ad`odr fesds d ^dild. Addihd hjd seid e fe` susdahmds y d vlfls fe`slmuhd plsfdoe.

-_ead bhgd ol ah fdsd lstl plsfdohte._hl`l` cdad ol auy plflrds ids auglrls ol D``ej3`. Lste shrdrds vlfls dyuod` d sujhr li fdyufe; lse ls tdrld ol beajrls.X sujhd d fdsd Addihd fe` dime olspuls ol ihaphdrie. Ls l` iespejidoes oe`ol ies beajrls `e sl aeilstd` l` ihaphdr liplsfdoe. Fud`oe plsfd` pdrd fe`suahr l` ^dild ies plsfdoerlssl aeilstd` l` ihaphdr li plsfdoe d`tls ol pe`lr phl l` Hddrl`d.

X ie qul rlmdid` sulil slr ihaphe ol diltds lsfdads y trhpds.^lre l` ies pejidoes pe`l` li phl l` Hd phlord fe` sus flstdsiil`ds ol plsfdoe plre sh` ihaphdr. X rlmdid` d`tls ol ihaphdrli suye diic l` Hdpidyd.

Addihd ihaphdjd li plsfdoe y iulme sujhd Hdfulstd. CldHd pidyd ol Dwdid. Cld y plqulhhd. Fer`e l` liid s3ie bdyphlords ol teoes ies tdadhhes li drrdstrl ol u`ds sejrl etrds per

ids crl`lthfds eids preoufl lstl fdrdftlrhsthfe se`hoe ol crhturdol phlords. Tuhzd sld He \ hfe qulsl pulod rlferodr pdrd jhl`ol lstl iumdr. LHcrlcr ol ids phlords7 mie mie mie mie mie mie. Vhse` eids fe` rdpholz7 mre mre mre mre re mre

Fer e ies plsfdoerls trdl` ie qul fe`shmul` dimu`d vlzids auglrls fe`shmul` dimu`d phlzd `e td` ol su muste. ^lre idsBlvd` hmudi `e l` vd`e se` plflrds. \`d vlz Addihd fe`shmuh3

u` treze ol thjur3`. s cdfhi qul u` plsfdoe mrd`ol iilmul dteods ids fdsds ol u` pejidoe puls ies pdrhl`tls od` d iespdrhl`tls y lstes d ies suyes lstes d ies vlfh`es. Di thjur3` lsalger dbuadrie pdrd li ohd shmuhl`tl. ^lre sh `e thl`ls etrd fesd


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ahl`trds ie dbcu7`ds, `e thl`ls aïs rlalohe qul fe`suahriecrlsfe. Dsh ie bhze. Ie muhs3 feae puoe y ie feah3 fe` sus oesbhges. Xd `e tl`hd pltr3ile, per ie qul olspuls ol lstdr u` rdtefe` sus vlfh`es, erh`3 culrd, sl alth3 l` fdsd y flrr3 id pulrtd.^l`sdrhd aufbe y rlzdrhd per Hd iilmdod oli jdrfe e perqulefurrhlrd fudiquhlr fesd qul shm`hchfdrd `evlodo pdrd teoes.@evlodo pdrd jhl`. _eoes rlzdjd` qul Adfcds jdgdrd ol id shiid.

H ch`diiemre fe`fhihdr li sulche. D alohd`efbl cul jrusfdal`tlolsplrtdod per ies mrhtes ol su bhge7

"Fe mlr`l adrhih, qul ls tes ae`strues al quhlrl` fealr,hVeferre , "hDy , yd al quhlrl iilvdr, iilvd repd regd. Al vd dadtdr"Vejrlsditdod, sdit3 ol Hdfdad l h`tl`t3 sdjlr ie qul pdsdjd.^lre `e peocd vlr `dod, puls bdfcd thlape qul oerahd sh` iuz.Femh3 u`ds begds slfds oli "feifb3`" y ids l`fl`oh3 fe` li rlsteoli culme oli muhse oli thjur3`. @e vhe d ies mhmd`tls d ies qulsl rlclrhd li `hche, du`qul lstl tuve u` dihvhe. Fer`e lsplrdjd. slfe`suahlre` ids begds ol pj4td`e y veivh3 Hdesfurhodo. @etdrodre` l` veivlr ids dal`dzds y ies mrhtes oli `hhhe, reaphl oeHd ol`sd trd`quhihodo ol Hd `efbl. Lstd trd`quhihodo qulseidal`tl ls retd per li ilgd`e crlhr ol ids phlords ol Hdpidyd7mie mie mie mie mie; mre mre mre mre mre

"Xd bd` vulite, dy al vd` d fealr adaï, iilvd` repdregd, vhl`l fe` sus blrad`es. hDy, yd vhl`l hTuhlrl iilvd``l&F3mlal "

trd vlz Addihd lfb3 ad`e oli feifb3` y l`fl`oh3 u` plqulóeculme, qul hmudial`tl veivh3 d dpdmdrsl, du`qul sh` qul Hdplrahthlrd vlr ie qul dsustdjd ol lstd ad`lrd di `hche h ul slrhie qul td`te gdile dradjd5 @e iemrdjd olsfhcrdr li ahstlrhe.Fer`e ies mrhtes culre` lsfd`odieses. ies ol Hdfdsd vlfh`d sl


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l`tlrdre` y rlferodre` qul bdjhd` feahoe dquliid `efbl7 ie adsprejdjil ls qul li `hhhe sucrd oli Gd`ogddi. Id vlfh`d lrd adyery tl`hd a s lxplrhl`fhd. L`fl`oh3 su idapdrd y fe` liid sdih3 olsu fdsd y vh`e l` seferre ol Addicd y su bhge.

-_ead, pe`il lstl resdrhe sl hrd`.

Addihd ejlolfh3, y fe` id iuz ol Hd vlfh`d, sl culre` iesmhmd`tls e ie qul culrd`. ^dr Hd adhhd`d iilvdre` di `hhhe d jusfdrHdpretlffh3` oli sd`te. d shmuhl`tl `efbl ou``hlre` fe` iuz,puls u`d ol ids dahmds, di l`tlrdrsl, il ecrlfh3 u` pefe olpltr3ile. Lrd su u`hfd rlslrvd.

Id vhod l` Dwdid laplzdjd olsol qul ies Humdrl`esdjrhd` sus pulrtds y aldjd`. Ies qul ohspe`hd` ol erh`dilslstdjd` ejihmdoes d adorumdr puls shlaprl ls cle pdsldr fe`erh`dils d`tl Hdvhstd ol ids ml`tls. Vdil` ol fdsd, lfbd` ie qulbujhlrd y ie idvd`u` pefe l` ies drreyulies qul shlaprl bdyflrfd oli pejidoe. Ies qul thl`l` `lflshodols sl altl` l` iesjesquls flrfd`es y od` rhl`od sulitd d su hadmh`dfh3`. @e ls

jread7 feae `e lxhstl aufbd festuajrl ol illr l`trl iesmuh`ld`es l` ml`lrdt, al`es b y l` ies d``eje`lsls qul pdsd`sus vdfdfhe`ls l` Dwdid, qul sh se` diua`es olgd` teoes susihjres y fudolaes l` ^dild. ^ulol slr u`d `ethfhd ohm`d olchmurdr l` ies d`dils qul dGmuhl` l`ful`trl u`d seid begdhaprlsd l` dimu`d fdsd ol ies pejidoes ol D``ej3`. X ls quld ies pejidoes `e sl vd pdrd illr. L`te`fls, `dohl pl`sdrhd qul

quhl` sl dmdfbd jdge u` drjeihte trds jdgdr sus pd`tdie`lsdprevlfbdrhd li trd`sfurse oli vdfhdoe h`tlsth`di pdrd u`dilfturd dal`d. hTul vd _hl`l` qul lfbdr d veidr suhadmh`dfh3`. Blfbds ids pdfls fe` li vhl`trl, urml hr d fdsd pdrdids etrds `lflshodols, slm i` li slxe y Hdlodo. D`tls ol lsd berd


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ies beajrls yd lstï` l ` id pidyd. Fud`oe sl iilmd d fdsd sl lfbdu`d ahrdod d Hdpu`td Muxh` per sh sl dflrfd u` fdyufe. Vh `ebdy `h`mu`e fdod u`e vd d sus qulbdflrls. Aufbds vlfls suliliilmdr id `ethfhd ol Hd olcu`fh3` ol dimuhl` l` ^dild e l`Adidje. Vh ls l` ^dild ies qul thl`l` lodo pdrd l`thlrres slprlpdrd` y vd` di l`thlrre. Oulral` u` ohd y vulivl` pdrd Hdtrhstlzd ol ies ads plqulches qul sl qulod` sh` fdierls teod Hd`efbl. Dimu`es Jerd`. ^lre ids auglrls g3vl`ls qul teodvhdthl`l` jul`d adrfbd vulivl` di chie ol Hd`efbl fud`oe yd`dohl ids lsplrdjd. Aufbds vlfls iilmd` fe` bh` pdrds ed`terfbds l`fl`ohods y d`tls ol iilmdr sl vl Hdiuz d Hdditurd olMuxh` puls li fdah`e fdsh jerold Hdfestd du`qul lstd d fhlrtdditurd oli adr. D vlfls sl ouod aufbe sh se` fdah`d`tlsdiuajrdoes e li tlahoe sd`ogdwli. d ouod sulil ohshpdrslfud`oe iilmd` y ful`td` ie qul bd` vhste.

hli olflse sl preoufl l` Adidje ies cdahihdrls y pdrhl`tls slvd` d ^dild y diih Jerd` gu`tes. Dimu`es fe`shmul` erd u`trefhte ol gdj3` e u` fudrte ol ihtre ol pltr34le erd u`dlsplrd`zd. \`d ol ids mrd`ols lrd qul Adfids olgdsl Hdshiid. @eHls hapertdbd quhl` sujhlrd olspuls.

Fud`oe teoes ies adyerls lstd` l` sus qulbdflrls lipejidoe sulil qulodr di fuhodoe ol ies `hches. Du`qul culrd``hches ol tltd teoes qulod` l` fdsd. Xd vl`ord` d dadad`tdriesids adorls fud`oe rlmrlsl`. D vlfls sh feh`fhol` oes pulrplrdsl` li ahsae pejidoe y u`d sl vl ejihmdod d hr d Hdch`fd Hdqulsl qulod pulol vlrsl ejihmdod d dadad`tdr di bdajrhl`te l l

ol Hd`lflshtdod du`qul `e tl`md aufbd rlidfh3` fe` Hdadorl.Vl qulod` l` fdsd `hhYes quf `e pulol` olcl`olrsl jdge

li fuhodoe ol etres `hches du`qul adyerfhtes. @dohl sulil slrrlspe`sdjil ol `dod `h pulol slrie. Lsplrd` d sus adads. Ies


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qul ie bd` vhvhoe bdjid` ol u`d sl`sdfh3` lxtrdchd ol olch`hr. Xls feae sh l`fe`trdrd` u` puljie djd`oe`doe e fuyes pdorlsbd` shoe ... @e peolaes pe`lr Hd pdidjrd. Mrdfhds d Ohes qulsd`ogdwli `e d`od ol ohd, puls fe`tdrhdaes . . . ^lre ful`td`fesds. Bdy adyerls qulrlchlrl` bhsterhds d`thmuds ol blrad`esplrohoes l` rhes flrfd`es; `dohl ies veivh3 d vlr. X D``ejE` `ethl`l d`hadils sdivdgls. ^lre lstd sl`sdfh3` ol djd`oe`e y olch`htuo-h`ch`htuo ls `u s dfl`tudod l` Dwdid. @etl liilfter qulfe`shm`daes pdidjrds qul `e lxprlsd` `dod. X ls qul ydohghaes qul lrd u`d sl`sdfh3` ohchfhi ol olcahr . X efurrl lsteper ie qul yd ohghaes di bdjidr ol lstl iumdr y ol su mlemrdchdchshfd, buad`d y pshquhfd7 u` puljie plorlmese diidoe ol Hdadr, fe` u`d pidyd refesd y d`mestd y djrdzdoe l` oes il`muds

ol ae`td7ód drjeidod shlaprl ls u` puljie esfure. Fud`oeolsol Dwdid sl ahrd li ae`tl y sl vl` ids `ujls sejrl li, `dohlphl`sd qul oltrds oli ahsae jdy etre puljie fe` ml`tl dilmrl.Zldial`tl ls u` Humdr oe`ol u`e `e fdptd cdfhial`tl Hd dilmrhd._dr jhl` efurrl qul `dohl lstd trd`quhie l` u` dajhl`tl oe`olsl frll, sl olgd ol frllr, sl tlal dim\ ` plihmre, sl hm`erd ie qulpulol pdsdr, `e sl fe`efl ie qul sl tlal. @ dohl lstd slmure l`

u` iumdr dsh.Fud`oe iilmd` ies adyerls ol su trdjdge, li feier oli

puljie fdajhd y bdy ads fesds dilmrls, du`qul ls fud`oe slpe`l` d fefh`dr. Di iilmdr dquh, peolaes frllr qul l` Dwdid slthl`l Hdsl`sdfh3` olsfrhtd drrhjd perqul `dohl lstd slmure `h oliprlsl`tl y li pervl`hr olpl`ocd ol ie efurrhlrd ads diid oliberhze`tl. Ahrdr lstd ih`ld olsol Dwdid ls u` lglrfhfhe qul `e

sl rlfeahl`od d `dohl.Feal` adid`md y jd`d`d, blrvhods; dimu`es ids

dfeapdchd` ol plsfdoe y lsplrd`. ^er Hd`efbl, olspuls d`tls


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ol fealr li plsfdoe e shapil sepd ol adid`md pdrdies qul `ebd` fe`slmuhoe shquhlrd u`d lsfdad Addihd qul ls gevl`pulol odr u`d pdsle per Illaplt-u. Illaplt-u ls li fl`tre olDwdid. Ls diih oe`ol sl rlu`l` ies Humdrl`es fud`oe quhlrl`bdjidr ol tlads feau`ls fesd `e auy crlful`tl l` u`d

tlaperdod lsthvdi. diih sl pe`l` ies prlme`lres fud`oequhlrl` iidadr Hd dtl`fh3` ol teoe li puljie. Tuhl` lsfufbd8 sldflrfd pdrd l`tlrdrsl aïs. Vulil` slr fulsthe`ls ol trdjdgesfeau`htdrhes rdrds vlfls sejrl vhshtds ol duterhodols d Humdrlsl` qul `e thl`l` `h`mu`d rlprlsl`tdfh3` echfhdi s34e d thlrrd yies bdjhtd`tls.

Illaplt-u olfcdaes lrd feae li fl`tre oli puljie; ylclfthvdal`tl lstdjd l` li fl`tre. Tuh.zd fe`vh`hlre` ies

vlfh`es l` fe`struhr dirloloer ol li. Lrd feae u`d pidzd. Lstliumdr ls u` ae`thfuie didrmdoe ol u`es fhl` fl`thaltres ol ditel` su diturd alohd fuye Hdrme peohd tl`lr sus e`fl altres.Illaplt-u thl`l Hd ohrlffh3` thlrrd-adr y l` lstd ohrlffh3` bdyu` dual`te mrdoudi ol diturd. _hl`l d shiultd ol u` trl` fud`oesl ohjugd fe` fdjlzd y feid. X lstl ae`tcfuie ls teoeolfeier`lmre dsl`tdoe l` u`e ol ies Humdrls ads iid`es oli iumdr.du`qul

lstld fhlrtd diturd. Ls phlord purd. Id pdrtl ads ditd oli

pejidoe ids flrfd`cds ol d lrahtd lstd d u`es quh`fl altressejrl li `hvli ol pildadr. Diih l` Illr`plt-u sl rlu`l` iesg3vl`ls per Hd`efbl y fd`td` y jdhid` ceauaoe fcrfuies e l`pdrlgds. _efd` sus tdajerls blfbes ol phlils ol mdte e ol

plrre. Dhhe trds dhYefd`td` ids ahsads fd`fhe`ls y rlfulrod` fipdsdoe. Tuhzd sld d u`hfd `etd dilmrl ol ies g3vl`ls ofiiumdr.

Id erqulstd Hdce``d` ies tdajerhilres y u` sei hstd. qul ~ \ l i l

bdjlr pefes y ies ahsaes ourd`tl dhYes. D vlfls ce``d pd`l ol

Hd erqulstd u`d d``3`hfd _eoe ies h`strual`tes ol d erqulstd


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44YAYhtAhhvkh\HHlt&,fuyud ~ u l i k ' i 'iud •pur\\Y i i ~ \ & d~ ~ Al.-b'Y`,H4

~ Y i t Yi'' Y. \`dth])'e k . ~ *MGp`7idYierftt, ii\F' ~ u ` i ~ f `' ~ ~ i i i i u

iYioui 4 ~~ ~ ~ i Y i i Y > ~ .t4stds tY)ciYYird•½teYieip`irbYiiiÕiu i'\it\H' H

YivD@tut 'Y`,y Y7\iiiYiui..-. YH\F bdy• ituduYiu ttuGuvl`t\Y4r` iddbotYi . - ~ - Y Y t k , U . ~ ,i Y ~ ½ ½ ~~ ~ bd` i 'liYiiSHYH\,

iY,,diih, e`i . l l t i Y ~ ] i ½ u ,d ~ • i Y i i '

Ùt'j t ~- . 7 & u ~ i u ` l s .~ u ` o r .

srt ~ f 7 s t t u t' ' ~ u ` u r e ~uf i t e ~ t i i Y 7 h i Y `• YGl7 D ` ` u ~ ' ½HHZbbuY,i\liiiiGY.K ' - ~ ' T ` ; d u .ruf7of7 4r • u`d l s ~ u h ` d ,F\Y7bb;bld`.I u ~

~ b ~ d ssulidt Dbe.r ?uf l` Ict.itYplt..u pu«il` i D ~ d r' - ~ t Y • u u fX SZ`diiiiY.i `Yhs G\ iphV~ - o j i l .Id '-'.H'F>Y4p`7clrhod, rer slr ' ù`ku.~ $ fi • ' - ' ~ ~ ~qul rlsuitd ol T\l`Y44' f7` utut uiid ies ~ b Y t h b 7 s

`tYihYÙ&oY.Y2ol pdi`Yd. Ls `tuy drutt thY7d y `utrf i` phfi. i\~ u h t t l d ` e

qul ol `htYii ciiY 4Yil ]iihou fe` JY.'lhtl ol pdit`hstl `usdt'F YIYodol fuhodoY.iVadtlr`dils.Au\d hjd di\ fu` sus d`.\dds y fd`tdjd` y jdhidjd`.

_uujhdi ~ ' Y . i 3 V q u h d `quf d4duhleids iid`wd y tuvhlcii` quljdjiu \O pe-'> dputdoe ol id CÕil. OhsfrlttiVjdy f` teoe li`uaou. Id fw`jrl ol ies ji.hils guvl`hils feh`fho{d Y-'E` iespil.`hiu`hes dwtqul f7stes ocds ies pfsfdoerls ies dprevlfbd`

pud plsfdr. Iis HO\ dju`od`&ls plsfds `eftuads sf od`oYird`tl id tu`d \l`d. X `e ls s34e fulsthe` ol iu`d. Ls qul ls~ u d e o uvde i plsfdr pufs ids ET.'\rhodols `e dahad` aufbe.

Dimu`ds vlfls ies fbhdis y fbhfds fee7hlrtd` fe`g3vl`lsoi7E\\3 pejidoe3 vhshtds oeah`hfdils Ls u` mrupe ol fbhfes yfidhfi.squl vhshfdd etre mrupeshahidrle Ahjded e l` GYdphKhg-h.S d` ie algur vlsthoe3 qul pulol` y ls]i diihjdstd Hdtuol,.

oi7spui sol fea7r y jfjlr d festd od7 sus dahmes iefdils. LstessufifOofveivfr id vhsod o shmuhleil oeah`me. ^lre sulif slrujihpierhe qul ki3 d e c h t r h e e 7 s ~tlrah`dod id h s h t d ~deeapdódsl`d ia. - h s h « • • ajdssd liiumdr qul teoe3 feeshol`` lquhohstd`tls


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o t ~He@oeii pulbieB. i uru teoeB ieB pebhBou• o t Hu bou. t i HumutAEii tiu@ t.•.b`B@ojtti`iuB ofi r`e`it ?uf ubru7t,u Dwuiu y ieB ouB i i t

ii`uud` f7`44. (( t`hB). Bi qul;, fed½rtBpe`ot ui i u ~ u ro ~ otAptohouf`ii r `dui ieB tif Dw`iu y AtYb``` Bt ii`r`u ~ u u Bo Dwui. y t ii ~ \ H _ i ~ @ p e u o i e u t fu ieB fGf Dw`iu y D ` ~ 7 t u ` o G iBl iiua` FuuB o•

D`v,``ogi. Gt7` f^ teB f`dffB. oeuot Bhlt`prt buy u`u fd½uz. tBt.buuif orsf`ruuud bds r)(7rBeru•Bqut ~ u d i t uoe ^`itu u Atdb``` e o tu` pebiuoe ` eii e, y `iic ier``` t i o t t e ~ ` y u ` e .

i½7 ies ` u 7 G u r f ~thfrupes. i e ~G3vl`tc' gulmu` ` suio`ousf` sus lpefus tstiv`it7s. fe`struyf7`oe d`e`ud`l`t`ifsi t`pauf`ies e b`r FeB f` 4 frr` f`` `4ufbe otri efbt of f`lrm(`y du`tfrbti. ( u`tfffie``` u`hcur`u7s f h`stbuyl` f`i'tiEV, f`sthm`s

Xb i h ~ u t f h e ` f s .

i.usd ` f g e r f ~

`f4u.ifd`hus ofi `4udu.te~ f

qufoub``(ilt.(uf``s ``tl H`s cei t`us f`strf`sts t ies i u i t ` r f ` e ~ .L` l s t e ~

guliius tuduu` p`rtf fbkus y fbhfus y ber`brfs d``yurts. y fiiufb`hf`te sufif7 fe`stbuhr i` `ut` `uYs olst`fuo` ol iusvufa7hu`fs y ce``u` purtl ol i e ~ruuiils `e lsfrhtes of t t 0 o u ~iespuljies vufufhe`tiils ol D``ej3`. Lu efushe`ls t 4 4 4 s b u i ` j ~ u Yiesgulmes bust` ^ttild. pii`i i` olihlh` ol teoe li pufbie. A`u\u

ihlmtYu slr `yuo` tl ol tlilmr`thstu. plsl ` qul il ftii-rlspe`ocu.per `tuglr. lstur l` i` fefh``.Fe`ttt`tes lste pd`i qul fe`ezf`` lt iumur ol Vljli½u,

tu`-u y AtuYBdy slp`` q u ~bdfl` e bhfhlre` fu7utoe tuvhlre`md`us y culras. X te bdi'ltites s`jhl`oe qul olgtu`es. l` fe`t`iol `ulstr` v e t u ` t d o ~Hd tuhtdo ol bts fesds l` li th`tlre. LHrlfulroe ol ies gulmes fdstrl`sls ls mr`thchf``tf.

vlrodolrd`tl`tl mrothchfd`tl. X te ibu`ru`es gulme perqul `tibdj{d `h`mu` dthsje ol vheil`fhd. teoe lr` mdid`ur` yestl`tdfhe`. plre l`a ol vlrodo du`qul `e ourdjd` `h bdjcd`h`mù` ahihtdr l`trl liies. Lr` l`tefh(itYd`tl.


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.D.be`Y Addbd fstd l`cl``u y sus `t`hmus i` i i t ~ v ~ t r e `f`ids l s p d i o ~ • sd iu p b i y ~ i .~ d d B d`e l`Y t`uy mr``ol, pl` p l ~ ~ t j d

ie suye. O u r ~ ` t fli ~ d t u h ` esl tur`djd`. Y"'suth½ht.'`.ib.' s u y ~pa diilmdr u iu cld pidyd. L` fi f ~ u ` h ` ed liid bdy u` drtYiXY.'

fxfdvdoe f` u`d be`oe`dod ol u`es sfhs `tlt7re,'Yof pt'YitY`tuhitdu.

^7trd dt`Yvlsurie bdj(d qul pus`r sebrl oes t`.,`fes pufstus pdrdfstl prepeshte. Ids dt`hmds iifm``i` fe` id f`rl``` y `h`mu`d oflii`s frly3 qul peo(d pdsdr fe` fiid l` ids fspdio`s sh` plihmtYiol plrolr li lquhihjrhe y fdlr l`t`t`ibds di jurru`fe. ^fretdt`pefe peocd` ejvh7tr fi pul`tf sh` quf supushf`t ` u f b ~ i

trdj`ge, puls jdgdr pdrd fruzdr d phf li drreyulie sup``Ydl`crl`tdrsf d jdgdods y sujhods tuuy ohtifhifs of dje`idr per

fudiquhlr be`tjrl fe` etre l` ids lsp`iods. hF\d`te `uYs pd`Yc`Ymhils t`ugfrls Vuodbd` ` `utrls y fstdbd` di ib`htf of sus4Ytfrzds. X tuvhfre` td` t``id sulr4f quf `e l`fe`trd``t d `h`mYh`be`tbrl ?uf H`s seferrhfsf. Lr` ` e ` ` ` i ~pufs fuu`o` iiffhohf`i`lvufuur d id dt`hmd teoes ies be`tbrfs yd bdbcd` htie d s u ~

`su`tes, `of`uYs of qul peocd `imuhf` `fmdrsf. Lstuvhf`iiY dtBu`es t`h`utus y `i t4`di offhohfre` hr d p`s`r per fi fdt`h`e `uYs

rdfB `u`quf pdrd fiie tuvifrd` quf ofs``o`c teoe ie ``iihuie Xb`flr fi oebil ofi f``ti`e quf fi ofi puf`tf. iYst`bd` purrfvf`t`rAf. LH`ufve f``ti`u rffurd½c` i` et'hiid ofi po`fip•ti r(e ofDwuiu b`@t` ~ u ofsf`tb`f`oud½` tr`@. b`rofdd½ t i i ~ i ` u ` t f ` b t i f

t(``juie@ e GuG uftfA of phm``tfA. i 0 f ~ o f iic b D ~ t DftofDfduburf`tifd½u b`bi` quf b`ffr u`uA i'\Zit"titifiYbis ` Y f t ` i ~ .H"'if`uuD ifA Aitic` tetbt ped½i` ib)t , I 4 f ~ u u ½ e ufxtft`utohBI DiHHf ` i ~ e ` \ ~ t t ` ``i ouf`e ot i ~ ` y u i , eSEi'hirr``ihE i'`t½ b' ttuf t'i

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~ ~ i ` V h i i t . r t t t Y ' YY\\Y ~ ~ t Y t h o diit' tht'\YiiY' ' ' u`` b'iYY\G.tur` Yit' ' ' ' T\t'tuvkru. @`.mu`` ihl H`s ``Yht't'Y.'VtYYY'Y'•tYdt'rids puru Y.'i'iYtlst`rit' `h

G h s ½ u t p u ~ t ' .Vt' st'Bb\YitY, g7YY.it'\iYtt's,p`ru u` t`t't't'Y'h"i'' iit's"½``s•.iiht.' p ~ ~ ~ ' st`h`ut'"'" y b d f ~ ' 'ihi ' ~ s t e ssf ~ Y Y . t ' t Y . ' \ i Y ' 4 Yut i ' \ ) ' \ Y . ' ~ 'y~ ( . Y 4 Y i - . f h l r e `

'''s (iYictYYFtYY.it'Fsiift vbYhf.i DiV FZX\i'YiV V t ~~ \ Y ' ~ 2 4 Yi 'YiiY tu p t Y ~ Yt Y R . ' ~ Y t Y Y 4 Y iHuiY\\'. i ~ Y c t Y

quf `ii buyu i i h t 4 ~ u b u i i f s~ i ' ' i itu ~ ` r 4 4 `` Hdb'.i`Y itf sdihf ~ s uittoe`iif f`tru` u sf`t`rsf b.is quf 4YY.i v ~ u Y ` t't'iY\YY', qut'i ~ ` b h t u ` b u f ` t fViitY4`ugft-ls, ` h ` ' ~y ` i t i ' i Y Y i ) V ~pt ' iY' btK't.'r t.'Vii' t 'tY

Dwdtd ls t` b u ~ uuYs o f i h ~ ` o `qul i'i\Yi)FF` bis ` u ` h ` i ~

7tt\Yiibii\fsfs. ,,.. l s iifihi7uoe peiYiYii' "Hlbl` '-'iYYYt`ri'iiB H`s

ht`pftuesds ,,tus. quf "'-' pf``htf` tu ttYFH\Y.~ t h t ' t \ r ` st'i i'bk,,dyuo`bd u t`ftfr id FiYtiiiY, Vd``--` s ~ iYi7i'i'ti' ` t` ' ' ' Y.'iitYi'i ``ol if`lr sugftu fi f`yufe y `uY`t-f`frt'' t't.'i'b.i. @,, i'r` u`` t``."dttu`pYiFE fx.l`t` uf r h f ~ ~ Y Y Y . ~ 'p u f ~f ` f ~ i Y i VY.'4YViiV' ' ' ~t't`bdtt.'s , t r

i` eiu 4YYufvf i i i i Y vhutr`fY` i` l t ` b ` t Y ' t Y ~ Y , Y ` .~ ' ' rt ~ ' ' ~ ~ u h t ' ` t t '

pf4Ymi4i''f u` tYtrrtf ~ ' ' i t i Ff` i`s f x b - f ` Y Y i h D i h F ~ .YYwt ~ s b i ,' ' ' ½

YB\Y ` ` ~ f ri` pfrs``` `uYs iii'' i'iYptu½tYrsti pufsb'. i.d i'hiti\'F Y Y t i V Y ~ t ( `FiY FFViiYV iiF i Y Y i Y i i Y t ~ dy 4YiYtYYF,SiYt'YiiV Y ' 4 Y i ' b Y Y Y ) ~ihFb`at`Zs y StYrius i f c Y e ~ .Bi buite quf 4Y`½`Y4YiiY~ d r ~ d ,~ ~,.,,tu`YfB,of u` f`yuf'' ~ u f b ~~ l ri i Y Ï ~iifi ibibif iift t Y Y i ~ ' ' ' ½~ ' ' ' ' 'tufb. 'fdrmiYi e ~ttuf vdyu` i'YitYiiufYtHdf t ` b D H ' i ' i Y ~ h ' ' ½p u f ~~ ' ' i e ~?ur~ ` b f `f?uBhb`` fi p r ~ u ~

_ft`YY`dt'"' HZ ~ 4 Y i ' i t Zy f t ` b • u ~ i Y ' '' ` t` f`tY.'``D. Y . T ~

p f r ~ e ` D ~?uf `` vdyd` '' t-l`uu Zl `fu`Y,,iiiY`

~ - '' '

~ u l ` `

itYtBYt(BY tif bu.HZZ ~ i ' V 7 Dol t'ihYYDtYY).V''"' X c i t ½ ~ ½ YH Z ~4 -'i-iiiYYYYciiii

~ ` t v f ~ .Cuf fi f D ~ uYf A` DBD. ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' - ` u Y ~~ '~ bubYi'H4Iof`tprf ,tfUtZ` u` l Z ' ' ~ - 'Bbt-f Dt '''l iii ' iD t'r'- '"'" ' ~~ i ' Y Y ' 4 Y ` `

d D 4"'4-'ci, ' Y \ F ~l. l l i Y ~ D iiUiZYbY, , ~ b½ 4 Y i Y b i i ~ c Y t Y i b 'i b B Õ i Y b ~~ t

ttDX( ei'bi. ( Y ' ' ~ h Y t 'cY4Y,p.\ht'\ t•(htY'cYYb4 ' YYbYtYt ' ~ BtY 4 ' Y . ' Y h Y B ½ ~ , Y' '

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H Fi'et`f`odbif. purs ids eids, l` su f7bequf fe` HdftBb``7a7ht'a,sdit`bd` rfbfiofs d ids fdr`s of ies quf fstuvhfrd` r f ` ~ d

_uvhfre` teoe ih@t` pdr` z`rp`r. Hes `t`rh`es sifaprf~ u r o u `sffrftes pdr` ù4t h`td be`d7 u`` b 9 ~ r _ ` d ` h f ` t dfsfetu iho`f` u` rh`ft i`. u` treze tif fuf`.i` pdrd u`d `fffsho`ii `e tf`iod f`fuf`td rffupfrdr su betfiid of dmud e y

hrd iif`drid. Ve` ies

mfstes ofi ùitb`e `4ed`f`t`. Zhtudils.^drd sdihr, bdb{` quf fe`tdr fe` fi pf``hse of Hdt``r. Diic ids`tugfrls dmudrod`, d`shesds, fi ofsf`idff. ^f`ud`fff` of phf y`e feruf`td` ``od. i.es ber`jrfs sufif` fstdr prfefupdoes, pfreohspufstes d f`crf`tdrsf `i rfie. Vf cretd` ids `u`tes u`tfs ofsditdr di fdyufe.

Ids oes dt`hmds fstuju` ol phf, y l`tpfzdre` d rfsphrdrfe` d`shfodo. LHse Hqufr`djd. Ids eids frd` curhesds y suhfhods,pufs sf fstrliidjd` fe` ofslsplrdfhe` fe`trd ids hsiltds. Ies oesrf`tlres sf fscerzdjd` l` tl`fr sugfte li fuyufe, di quf `epeohd` plrahthr `h`mu` r`evhahf`te. _rfs cufrtfs eids sdivdgfsfbefdre` fe`trd Hdlt`jdrfdfh3` y ofgdre` bffbd u`d sepd d Hdf`cl``d. _eoes ie vhlre`, pfre fste frd u`d fulsth3` slfu`odrhd,

ie prh`fhpdi lrd zdrpdr. ^lmdjd u`d culrtl eid, dfbhfdjd`.fapugdjd`, thrdjd` ofi fdyufe u` pefe bdfhd drrhjd, slmuid u`esaeal`tes ol fdiad f` ies qul dprevlfbdjd` pdrd etre h`tf`te,ihlmdbd ol ilges u`d eid ads culrtl, veivhd` dtrds. L` Hdfestd ofDwdid fstl gulme sulif ourdr vdrhes ah`utes, flrfd`es d HdberdIds auglrls lstdjd` diB ol phl, sh` feal`tdrhes ol `h`mu` thpe.Addihd yd lstdjd tetdial`tl fapdpdod, plre pl``d`lfhd fdiidod.

Ids eids vl`hd` fe` teoe thpe ol h`tl`fhe`ls l h`tl`shodofs ytl`hd` fe`slful`fhds ohvlrsds. Ies beajrls lsplrdjd`. Idsauglrls sl femhd` li fuliie feae sh quhshlrd` dfdrhfhdrsl.Vusphrdjd`. LHbeajrl ol ads lodo odjd h`ohfdfhe`ls di gevl`


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Bebrf `ffte`fB pu`tu`ifs. iiubi`bu G.ti ht`ru.Ge.Vf veivcu` purd`trcdB `fbhf`bu`, h`tf`t`bu`, pfre btB ei`B Bl u`cdu f` `4e`tu`uBof r`ur B ` i v 4 ~ fy H`d@fBirfii`rr;f fe`tr½` bts h ~ i f c ` Arerupcd` Bu

cui h` ~ e b r ffi f`yufe. A`uic` rffhjc` etru BfBh(`G of ZBH.

L` u` `uu`f`te of f`iad fr`pugure` fi f`yufer3pho``tf`tf y fe`shmuhfre` f`4bdrfursf. I`B d`uglrfB susphr`re`.IeZ beajrlB rfoeji`re` \ fBculrzes pdrd aevfr Hdfr`bdrfufh3` y suf`rid of Hu ze`d ofi pfihmre, pfre d`ilB olfe`sfmuhrie u`` eiu dvhfsd sl fstrfii3 fo`tru fi fdyufe, jdstd`tffurmdoe, trus fbefdrZl fe`tr` u`u of Gds boltds ol r`d`lrufe`tu`ol`tf; li fbequf bhze qul pdrtf of Hdpred sf sfffhe`drd

y f`trdrd ads dmud.Iufme sf h`fih`3 bdfhd u` idoe y `trd eid iebhze reodr fe` teod Hdcufrzd sejrf ids phloreB ol Hdr`uiohtdpidyd fe` sus efupd`tls, id`zd`oe feae preylfthils ies ifctes.hhh@eee i@e cul dsc, ilfter; `e ls ie qul efurrg3, Vdihfre` fe`plihmre,plre puohfre` sdihr vl`tureses ofi lajdtl ol Gdeid, qulplm3 ol iil`e sejrf Hdpred. Iemrdre` fruzdr ids oes hsiltds y sfpushfre` d sdive ol ids eids. ^e`lrsl d sdive ls rladr pdrd

`dvlmdr u`es fudtrefhl`tes altres l` pequcshaes slmu`oes.^lre ie iemrdre`. Ls diic oe`ol teoes vulivf` d rlfeape`lr lierol`, dfbhfd` Hddju`od`tl dmud y sl olsphol`.

Vsljli-u y Vdd`-d se`rhlre` per prhalrd vlz l` aufbethlape, du`qul cul ads qul u`d se`rhsd. Ls feae shdpGduohlrd`sh` aevlr ids ad`es. Ils blrvcd li ferdz3` ol dGlmrhd. Dmhtdre`ids ad`es y ohglre` fesds d Hddahmd, du`qul sejrdodal`tlsdjcd` qul `e ids peocd e(r. Doh3s, fbhfd, qul tl vdyd alger l`^dild. _l olsldaes sulrtl .

Olspuls ol sdGhr ol Hdze`d ol plihmre, ies rlalres olD``ej3` vd` fe` ads fdiad. Xd iilmdrï` fud`oe iilmul. LHrlalre ol pred ls li aeter prh`fhpdi, puls su ahsh3` ls rladr.


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O ~ p . , ` o(it' f3`4e @E buy" pul@iuHuf`rmu, @\t'il i'`f`rmdrsfi ~ d u b h l `ol;, fu.7bhfdu. Biot) ut`h@, '-tul @ulil B t ~ r ' ol `ayer ol~ t b u i ,At) i ' B F ~ c B h iou oirhyhrli fuyufu. upurtl o ~ su 4Yd`fit t`` u • t e r ~ .B` u` vhiYhi'oi' fuuiquhvrputbiu ` ^utl`, y v h f l v ~ ` a ,iese ~ ½ \ h i f \ Y i i ' @o t . ~u`d ~ y u eu p u ~ o l `pt4BF\H', p u ~ s e olg`r ofr e d ` ~ ` .y p ~ s f t u ½)ihm`hthfupdu½iu@l~ ` u` @hibi. lru @hr.fbt\Y ~ H

`hb)` fe` flb'' y ie @\Bthl`l` t '`irt ' ieB btjhes, `ùl`tr`s thl`f`i u ~ ' ',. ' ' 'e ufupuous v` iu turt'u ot'rld`ur7gudubugud`jdgudujugud`t'".Vh etu` 'G\t' uime th`' i i ~ i`hb4`, iifgfuiF'i rl`4e y

' fu`t`,bui. Vut'it0` ~ ' iit'Ft'Aot' \it'tihu p`,buuihtbu.i,iu u4uyerhhtFYt\it,s, ~ ~ ( i i Y Y Erit'(b\it's , u v t ' ` ~ u siit' b''`bus. utu`ls, y ~ ~

Biiu`Y`.~ b w b ' ' ~Y'f\i ^'' ' i't\' }F' y ct'h7Yrt'Vh\Yfuu u` t i b u r e ` f b ~ • .

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Fitre oh` bujhu pdsuoe l` Hdvhod ol Vsljli-u y Vdd`-d l`Dwuid. \ Bpt'r\tre` y tulre` d lfber li fe`tl`hoe ol susu r i ` d i ~ Z .Fud`oe teoes ies Humdrl`eslfbdre` Hdvhstd d Hdpu`td`uxh`. `e vhlrrut `uou y sl cYilre` d sus dsu`tes. I`s oes fbhfdsfu`vt`ilre` l` ir d jusfdr ilchd, puls Hdh`t`h`l`fhu ol Huiilmdouo ~ ibdrfe urmhd bdflrprlpurdthvuB. Olgdre` l` fdsd u ies oes`h`us ot' su daimd. li `hhYefuhotd`oe i` `hchd.

-Sd`4es l` jusftt ol ilcjt. `e suim`is ol f`std. @e\ \ o h \ t E i E ~ ,

i i ~ . b u ½ e `dime ol fed`t'r, ^usujd ids berus y l` pu`tuEuxh` c ' ~ \ ' t ' F i 3Y\i fdyufu. Ies iiYit' qulodre` t ' i i t pulbie ievht'ru`. JH fdyufu sl flrfujd. sl dft'rfdjd. sl dflrfuju. Vlfu7t'`.'E bi,sbd qut' i''uihlru` oeeir qul ~ r uu` suie be4`jrt . VimuhóFt'i FiiiYYbYVl.Iil)ió b' teta ~ i li s (Gus h s i l t d ~ .dYuul`tó ~ 4ri``e

~ ~ ~r ~ ` u y s ~ o t ' s \ ~ ' 'subrt' u`d uid y p u ~ ebt prud t 'iY iu `x'd,'') tt u ? Y i u r o ~Yit ipY'' ' ' ' ' . Br p ~ i h ~ ` ' s ''½put's, st` ~ i \ t ' r t ' r b ) ,

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didrmdjd` Hd fdol`d oli iid`te. Ies qul teadre` li fdah`e olids ch`fds hjd` fe` id h`tl`fh3` ol hr d dvhsdr d sus pdrhl`tls. @els festuajrl qul dimuhl` rlmrlsl di pejidoe y l`ful`trl dimu`d`ethfhd sejrl teoe adid. L` fud`te dimuhl` sl l`tlrd bdfl iepeshjil pdrd qul etres tdajhl` sl l`tlrl`. _eoes vd` d ids ch`fdsoe`ol sus pdrhl`tls ils ohglre` qul hjd`. L` pefds berds lipuljie l`tlre yd sulil lstdr h`ceradoe.

Fer`e Vdd`-d y Vsljli-u `e culre` d u`d ch`fd fe`frltdsh`e d jusfdr ilhhd fesd quls l bdfl l ` tlrrl`es feau`dils `ecul chhfhiodr fe` liids. l` ies jesquls ol D``ejE` `e sl iidadd `dohl per su `eajrl. Ies dahmes e pdrhl`tls thl`l` u`d ceradlsplfhdi ol iidadrsl alohd`tl Hd lahsh3` ol u` mrhte fe`vl`hoe.Dquli ohd buje rhvdihodo ol iidadods slfrltds per teoe lijesqul ol Dwdid. i ca ohlre` fe` liids y rlmrlsdre`.

_rhstlzd cul trhstlzd. Sh`hlre` olsblfbds. X cul l` sufdsd oe`ol sl rlu`hlre` teoes puls pdrlfhd` ids aïs dclftdods.\erdre` y ohglre` ol teoe. \erdre` aufbe. X sl sl`thd`fuipdjils ol ie qul bdjhd pdsdoe. i Tul `e ohrhd ol liids Hd vezpepuidr5

L` fud`te sl rlpushlre` pushlre` d ies `hhhes l` idslspdiods y teadre` li fdah`e ol ^dild. @e sdjhd` fe` slmurhodod qul hjd` plre qulodrsl l` Dwdid `e ils pdrlfhd Hd algerepfh3`. ^lre hr ferrhl`oe bdstd ^dild per l`tlrdrsl ol u`d adid`ethfhd ls auy plihmrese. X ls qul feae sl vd fe` Hdh`tl`fh3`ol l`fe`trdr li oulie l` su pu`te ïimhoe sl vd fe` ads prhsdqul Hddfestuajrdod fhrfu`std`fhd d Hdqul sl dhhdol li blfbe ol

qul \erd`oe sl phlrol Hddtl`fh3` y ls cdfhi sucrhr u` trephlze.X diiï culre` ids oes dahmds.

L` ^dild `e sdjhd` qul olfhr pdrd lxpihfdr ie qul pdsópuls fud`oe olgdre` d Hd l`clrad l` li fdyufe . per su fdjlzd `e


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pdsdbd qul ids fesds sl rlterflrhd` bdstd lstl pu`te. V3ie sldfulrod` ol qul sl olsphohlre` ol Hddahmd fud`oe li fdyufe l`qul vhdgdjddtrdvls3 Hdih`ld oli plihmre. @e lstdjd` fdpdfhtdodspdrd vlr ads.Tuhl` fe`crra3 ie qul pds3 cul u` gevl` qul bhze Hd`efbl l`li adr. LHohd d`tlrher cul lstl d Adjd`d d olgdr d ml`tl ol sucdahihd.Fer`e lrd ol diihy tl`hd dahmes fdajh3 li fdyufe qultrdge ol ^dild mrd`ol per u`e plqulhhe y sdih3 d plsfdr fe` Hdh`tl`fh3` ol veivlr d ^dild ohrlftdal`tl. LHtrdte fe` ies suyeslrd veivlr pefes ohds olspuls pdrd bdflrsl fe` Hdfdrmd qulprlpdrdrhd` fe` aethve ol Hdiilmdod oli jdrfe. Lstdjd l` idsditurds ol Ad`gej fud`oe dad`lfh3. Fer`e lstdjd flrfd olDwdid, laplz3 il`tdal`tl d rladr bdfhd ^dild y dsh jeroldrhdHdhsidl`tlrd l` u`d geadod. Olspuls ol pdsdr Muxh` vhe u`jdrfe y tdajhl` sl vhe tl`tdoe. X ie h`tl`t3. ^lre li lglrfhfhe olids \ithads berds il ohsudoh3 y ohe Hdvulitd du`qul vhlrd quletres fe` ads aethves pdrd `e drrhlsmdrsl sl laplhhdre` bdstd

qul. . . X ls qul olsol ilges sl vlhd qul lstdjd jhl` fdrmdoe lifdyufe ol Addihd du`qul olsol ilges `e sl pulod vlr qul liidlstuvhlrd ol`tre.

Ies beajrls slmuhd` rlad`oe fdiidoes7 guajd guajdguajd guajd. Olgdre` dt`hs u`d jdbhd qul `e ie lrd td`te y l`u` vdhvl` ol Hdeid vhlre` a6s dfd oli berhze`tl Hdshiultd ol u`jdrfe. Lrd li D``ejE` ol 48==. Shlre` li jdrfe. LHprhalre qulie Y he.li gevl` sl ie l`slhh3 d etre. Chgdre` sus eges sejrl lijdrfe. Vu ferdz3` laplz3 d idthr. Ahrdre` Hdfdrmd y d Hdauglrqul tl`hd` l` li fdyufe. Ohsfuthlre` du`qul sh` pdidjrds sejrlie qul peohd` bdflr. X ie rlseivhlre` d su cdver. Lrd li dhhei8_H. u` dmeste. Olfhohlre` ohrhmhrHdpred bdfhd li jdrfe sh`feadr fe` Adrhd= Hdl`clrad qul iilvdjd` d ^dild pdrd qul li


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rladre` rladre` rladre` rladre`.Ies t t h h t h V ol Addihd yd `h pl`sdre` l` hr d d i l d ~olgdr

Hdfdrmd y d Hdl`cl``d y ~ i v rpdrd slmuhr dh jdrfe ol a6s dfd

oo jerhze`il. Tuhz7hslrhd oladshdoe tdrol. _dapef e pl`sdjdOol Hdfdrmd pdrd aevlr fe` a6s ihmlrlzd, puls

ee lrd ayd. X Hdpidyd ahs pr3xhad lrd Hd ol ^dih2` qul lstdjd

iilee ilges. LH thodolre lsterje lrd Hdauglr l`clrad, Addihd.^tre pdsdre` ol teods ids ohchf7uitdols y sl ejslshe`dre` per lijdree. C ` li ejglihw. Femhlre` ies rlaes y rladre`, rladre`,

h t a d h E h i

Ies ahs ol shltl jeajrls slmuhd` vhl`oe Hd iuz olijdrfe. du`qul oli puljie `e vlhd` yd `dod. Vlmuhd` rlad`oe

fe` jrhe. ^eo.hd` GGlmdr.CGfdyufe ol Addihd lrd plsdoe, plre sus rlalres lrd`

bhjhils y ^Vc4rtjd` drdl u`d epeuu`hrcwt ol r e ~e aïs qul li ere.Zladre . \lmdree ilges. Ies ads ol shlil jeajrl iilmdre`4lges, HOi) ilges ol Dwdid, oe`ol tl`hd` d sus slrlslsplrhGOeies. E m ` o e ahs ilges lstdjd`, efurrhó u`d fesdtfahjil,. dGmequl ies d``eje`lsls fe`efl`, du`qul pefes 4ejdyd` vhvhoe7 li adi sl drrd`f3 •. (Eal id`ghd). \` adrdrrd`fdoe ls u` adr fuyd ferrhl`tl h`uthihzd Hd dffh3` olfud4quhlr ahalre ol rlalres ol u` fdyufe. Lefe`trdrsl fe` u`adr daafdoe ls djd`oe`d r teod lsplrd`7zd ol jdflr dime perful`td prephd. Ls l`feal`odrsl d Ohes, e d olsth`e.

Bdfhd thlape qul ies ahs ol shlil jeajrls olgdree olXli rudiquhlr pate ol Hdhsid. Ies rlalres ol Addihd plrohlre`feadde fe` Hdthlrrd. ^drd liies tdajhl` iilm3 Hd `efbl. Diprhu;hphetladree fe` teods sus culrzds bdfhd `hOmu`d pdrtl,pdrd sdihr ol Hd h`ciul`fhd ol Hd ferrhl`tl. oli tlahjil adr


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d a t ` M o ó ~plte cul hcthhthili lsculrzó Vójtfihuad`e. ^ l r ~

rltatrù . 7shmuhlre`rlad`oó. ~ l a d r e ` ,rlad½re`Y r l a t ` x a ~

rladr i`. h Y ' - d ~ ,bEt`jrls , `e es 9 i ~ ` h r r l h V ,du` ~ t r k i . ~ .

peolaes sdihr ol l s t ~ ,u` pe ó ais ol lsculrzó X A puohlre`.Di ch`di sl f d ` s d r e ` ~sl th`ohlre`. @l puohlre` fe` id a2r.Efgdre` ies rlaes y laplzdró` pl`sdr l` su chiahBd, l` i)h()V,

l` sus olsth`es. Ls u`d sl@ii jdstd`tl shm`hchfdthvdpdrd u`d``ejó`ls djd`oe`dr ies rlaes. Lste sl bdfl fud`oe sl bdplrohEE teod lsplrd`zd ol vdilrsl ol liif pdrd i m e .Laplzdre`d lsplrdr. ^lrf dimuhl` frly3 qul teodvhd bdjhd u`d ahmdgdollsplr `z y veivh3 d ies rlaes, plre `e teoes il shmuhlre`.Zladjd`, plre y sh` `h`m\` jrhe `h cl. _eols pl`sdjd` l` iequl lrd`. Ies qul slmuhd` rlad`oe tdajhl`.

"Shod ahslrd", olfhd`. Lrd acslrd.h,Olg3 ol oerahr Addihd trds slr djserjhoe per li adr

drrd`fdoe5 h,Vll`tlr3 ol ie qul efu`h35 Lstdjd` plrohoes. LrdHdslmu`od vlz qul li adr fbefdjd fe` su vhod. X lrd etredmeste, fe` beajrls oli ahsae puljie. Fud`oe bdfl dctesiierdjd olsfe`seidod per ies r s ol shltl beajrls, l`trl ies qulsl l`fe`trdjd su adrhoe, `e sdjcd qul pefes dmestes ads tdrofferrlrcd Hd ahsad sulrtf.

"Shod acslrd, olfcd` ies lxtl`udoes rlalres; bdfl`ulvl dtYes qul ejtuvhaes Hdh`olpl`ol`fhd of ies jid`fes,ohfhl`oe qul ie jdrcdaes alger. iidfl efbe dctes. _eoestl`laes bùds ol lstd lodo, qul yd feml` dmudy rldihzd` Hdjerls

ol plsfd ol fd`mrlges l` ies rces. D vlfls vhl`l` d Hdpidyd dodaes ol fealr fud`oe lstdaes l` liid trdjiYhd`oee lsplrd`oed dimuhl`. Ve` oladshdoes dctes". "Ve` oladshdoes pdrd qulshddaes l` lstd shtudfh3`. Vujh3 u` be4`jrl d Hdshiid y frl(aes


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qul l-4' - ~ ~ h l ` .DYh`qtGlbil'` sdjf ` 9Y ; ~ ~ ~ il v ( ) t d i Y ~ Y ~ .@('sZjltht9Y ol o3Al s d b ~~

i.iih."tut 2ó4 ol ga thfhd sejt-l ' ')V~ ~ ol s h l ~b e a b a ~yHdauglr ~ t Õ Y X ` dt.ilmd sejrl l`es itY9 Y ~ t h o d ool id eefbl. @9

sdbl-` o3`ol l ~ ï ` Dpl`ds s l dsead` trds li jerolol i fdyufeLstï` sl`tdoes feae auglrls, l` li ce`oe oli ~ y u f eXd eequlod` l` li fdyufe `h`m\` dfbhfdoer, qul sl bdfl ol jdydsslfss y dbulfdods ol ids cierls oli fefetlre. Ls ie prh`rlre qulfeahlre` trds dfdjdr fe` ie pefe qul trdglre`, fdsh `dod, p u l ~

p l ` ~ j d ½ `veivlr l` Hdahsad `efbl. Ies beajrls ol Addihdlfbdre` Hdilchd y sl qulodre` fe` ies dBal`tes.

@e sdjlaóV ol o3`ol sdih3. Tulthdaes idh`olpl`ol`fhd y `ulstrd h`olpl`ol`fhd ls vhvhrsh` pltr3ile, sh`gdj3` sh` alohfh`ds `h flrhiids. _l`laes qul oe``hr fe` ilhiesl`fl`ohoes y bdstd blaes tl`hoe qul fuhodr qul l` teoe lipuljie `e sl dpdmul li culme. X `e frld` qul `e sdbcdaesl`fl`olrie fud`oe lrdaes u` puljie d`thmue. ^lre lrd ol d`tls.Dberd sdjlaes qul u` puljie h`olpl`ohl`tl feaprd ie qulquhlrl y yd `es bdjcdaes dfestuajrdoe. Dberd lstdaes td`ilges ol teoes ol tdi ad`lrd qul `h sdjlaes sh li au`oe ful`tdfe` `esetres. @ulstrds repds lstD` blfbds ghre`ls y vhvhaesmrdfhds d Ohes. Dberd olpl`olaes ol `ulstrds fe`chol`tds olohcu`tes, qul sl l`fdrmd` ol dvhsdaes ie qul vd d efurrhr. Xs3ie `es ful`td` olsmrdfhds. _eoe u` puljie ol u` pd{sh`olpl`ohl`tl qul olpl`ol ol u`ds vhlgds ol adi dmùlre.Shl`l` iieresds shlaprl ohfhl`oe qul ies ohcu`tes ids ejihmd` dolfhr ie qul vd d efurrhr. X ohfl` qul se` aditrdtdods per liies.Fud`oe djrl` Hd jefd, sulitd` u`d olsmrdfhd. @e sdjlaes sh`ulstres ohcu`tes s34e vl` olsmrdfhds Dsc laplzdre` ohfhl`oequl l` li idvdolre sl aerhrD u` `hcte, qul l` li idvdolre sl


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aerh`h u` `hoe. ^lre `e per liie `ulstres `hhYes olgdre` ol hrdibh. @etdro3 t`ufbe qul `turhe dbemdoe u` gevl` lphilpthfe,fe`efhoes per teoes y ol fuyd l`cl``lodo teoes lstdjd`h`cea4does. @dohl sdjl sh su adorl lstdjd l`tt rdod oli dmùlre,plre lrd vez fe`u4`. Tul sh dimuhl` sl fdl`h ol id pdbulrd,

h^iwu , wt t`ulrte .\` adr drrd`fdoe ls u` vhdgl d `h`mu`d pdrtl, `4dxhtulsh sf trdtd ol u`d hsid td` ilgd`d, l` fuyd pdrtl trdslrd `e bdythlrrds prexhads.

' 'Lstdaes l` u`d h`olpl`ol`fhd l` id qul s3ie sl fe`4l`olsmrdfhds. _eoels olsmrdfhd, bdstd fealr. Fud`oe vd`4es d Hdplsfd y fe`slmuh`iEV u` thjure` y ie slrvhaes d `ulstres `hhYes,

liies `e pulol` reaplr li bulse oli thjur3` y fbupdr su `i&iuid,feae sl bdrhd fe` fudiquhlr plsfdoe. Vh ie bdfl`, se`olspl. does per cd`tdsads qul `dohl fe`efl; qul sh vlsthoe rege,qul sh Xd` d slr trdmdoes ; l` teod id `efbl `e oul``l` `h `esolgd` oerahr. Ol lse ids fe`chol`tds ol `ulstres aulrtes `ethl`l` `h hold. @u`fd sl gu`td`hÕ pdrd dpertdr seiufhe`ls. ^lrequhzd `e sld lsd `ulstrd olsmrdfhd. Lstdaes l` u`d

h`olplal.`fhd ol ahloe, oe`ol tl`laes iuz qul `es dsustl teodHd`efbl, plre `e peolaes hiuah`dr `ulstrd fdsd. @e sdbl`tessh teoes ies puljies thl`l` sd`ogdwli, plre teoes thl`l` iuz' '.

Tul jdjils, fe`thme e fe` ies ol`uhs, l` w4d sh`utfhe` olid qul frlls qul ohctfhial`tl sdils, jdge u` sei ol `tulrtl l`alohe ol u` efld`e ha`l`se y fe` fudtre berhze`tls, oe`ol tusd a h m Y R ~jd` jdgdoe Hdfdjlzd, oljl ol slr ol`4eiloer. Dimu`esolgdre` ol e.hr. Id vhs.he` l`4plzdjd d slr jerresd.

'Vl ohrhdqul seaes ies \`hfes qul adsfdaes ies bulsesoli t h j u r ~pdrd slr ies ù`hfes qul vl` vhshe`ls be.rreresds per4d `efjl, > ies \`hfes qul thl`l` ohcu`te pd`t qul s l ` i i i Y Y . ~i ~


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u`hfes fuyds vhlgds se` aditrdtsods per ies aulrtes perqulquhlrl` feau`hfdr olsmrdfhds. ^lre teoe lste `e ls `dod crl`tlu id t`hslrhd. Vhlxhsthlsl teoe lse plre qul bujhlrd qul fealr yjljlr y sdthscdflr `ulstrds `lflshodols, `e `es hapertdrhd td`te.

Xd iilvdt`es `ulvl dchesshl`oe oulches ol `ulstrd fdsd y yd ls`e``di qul fud`oe vldaes u`d iuz per li berhze`tl frldaesqul ls `ulstrd sdivdfh3` y olglaes `ulstrds fesds pdrd hr trdsjdrfes olsfe`efhoes. Du`qul lstuvhlrd l` li h`chlae femlaes`ulstres rlaes y l`fe`trdaes t`drlds haprlshe`d`tls. X `eolgdrlaes. i.Tul jusfdaes' X d`tls ol olfhrie, sdjlaes quldquh iilmd li jdrfe perqul ie quhlrl Adfhds. Adfhds ls li qulad`od sejrl ies dutejusls, sejrl teoes ies dvhe`ls y sejrl lijdrfe X ls li qul `4d`od qul li jdrfe vl`md dquh e `e. ud`oegumdaes `ulstrds vhods oltrds ol jdrfes ol etres pdhsls quhlrlolfhr qul lstdaes trds jhl`ls ol etres prlshol`tls ol pdhslsolsfe`efhoes. Lsli thpe ol h`olpl`ol`fhd qul tl`laes. h.Tuljusfd`4es'5 Jusfd`4es gdj3`, pltr3ile, repd, sdi, fhmdrrhii(Y.4Y.Jusfd`4es alohfdal`tes pdrd `ulstres t`dils. T u l r l ` u Y . ~

flrhii`s pdrd l`fl`olr Hdiuz. X bufl`4es t`ufbe lstY4lrze pdrdlstdr flrfd ol fudiquhlr jdrfe qul pds`rd. i.Tul fe`slmuh`\Y4Y5Id `4dyerhd ol ids vlfls ies jdrfes bd` lsplrdoe u ~

lstuvhlsl`4es flrfd pdrd `4ltlr `4`rfbd d sus ` 4 e t e r ~ s .@e b""sl`thoe per `ulstres lstulrzes `h ids f e t i . ~ l f u ~ t Y i ' t l Y so ~ sudfth`to. Aufbes ol `esetres lsbu`es b t r ` b u b Y ~ ,y sh \iYV

bl`4es `4ulrte d`tls ls perqul Oies `e quhs`. tit`YV tidiY'' -bd` ouodoe l` lfbdr`es dmuu u ususbt`Yes fe` sus ~ ` ½ Y Y . 4 Y .Xshlt`prl frlh`tes qul t`lrlfhd`4us ie u ~ piYihlrd`YYY4Y,X b'olfh`4es perqul lrd` jdrfe8 plsqutB'('V u ~ v r u h ~ `~ i ' Y Y ~ r

`ulstre plsfdoe. Lrd` jdrf9's t ' r d ` f ~ ~ t ' s ,`iVYYV, . h i Y ' ~ s s ,

h`milsls. iilre `es ahrdbd` fut`e 4 ~ r r e su


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Ie rlphte7 blaes sdihoe shlaprl qul blaes vhste l` liberhze`tf, du`quf sld u` p`ihte e u`d `teid jrhiid`tl, sl` ol`efbl e ol o d. X deequl v e i v h ~ s l r ` e svuf e, `ir`luer dthsje oliuz veivh`ies d femlr `ulstres rlaes y `es id`uu`es u Hdr`dr.VltYer, ` qul lrls tlsthme. qul l` Hdetrd vhod tl`mds l` ful`td

Hdahlrod of vhodqul tl`lr`es. Xe qul bdjie dberd, `esl

sh lsh`tpe`d`tl quf vld` `ulstres fulrpes e qul `e ies vld`. @e Ge

sl X frle qul sh `es vhlrd` slrcd pler".

Iilmdre` d u`d shtudfh3` qul du`qul li drrd`fdoe 4`dralgerdsl, `dohl peo{d veivlr d femlr li rlae pdrd h`tl`tdr `dod.Xd lsplrdjd` li ch`di. Vfrcd` fdyufes cietd`oe sejrl adi lsd m h t d o e ~

Fulrpes tl`ohoes f` li fdyufe

L` ^dild bdy juiihfhe perqul li jdrfe Dfdfhed`fidr? ol`iie ol pefet» o] 4½eees bdfl` sus prfpdrdfhe`ls,teoe4 t.lal`.

Olsof qul vh`hlre` d ^dild pdrd iierdr gu`te d Hdcdahihdol Adrhd, w oeh dahmu `e sl jd` olgdoe vlr s ~ `

trdw`i.thzdodi. X tdajhF` thl`l` ahloe, puls sh ids duterhodol4qul iilprd` fe` li jdrfe dl l`tlrul` ol Hdolsmrdfhd, liidspeocd` Gl d f u ~ d o ufeae f3apihfls ol sujvlrsh3`, olihre qufdtl`td ohrlodal`Il FEOitd AGu7cdGLiiu l dofimdz.dre` l`p e f e ~ow y seajru ol 4c ahiau Dberd qul peoid`HlOlr lGplrd`zd pur Hd Gilmdod olG jdrfe, qul bdrhd qulfauhmuhfil` dime of Gd , ol gdj3` y ol pltr3ile, dlal`

hgud4alO4l per t i Gilmdod, pufs peohd` vlrsl hapihfdodh yf e a p i h f d o u ~LHolilpoe mujladthve yd u bdjcd vhGhtdoeyjijGdoe w` l iw iEjtl G\G dlaerld duequl oli l`ful`tre `eohglree Õiod d `dohl. Dimuhl` u vhe hr d Hdch.`fd fe` Hdauglr

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oli olilmdoe y olgdre` ius sl`ods fdrmds ol ilód f` li pdthetruslre of su fds`. @dohlsdjl `dod. L` D``ej3` se` ids `ufrds`s qul bdfl` trdjdges shahiurfs pdrd sus sulmrds. du`qul `e fstl

li adrhoe.

Ids fe`chol`tds ol ies ohcu`tes ohfl` qul li jdrfe trdl`hfe`shme u`d lphofahd. iidjidre` fe` ies sdfrhstd`ls f bhfhfre`remdterhd pujihls y erdfhe`ls per teoes ies rh`fe`ls olD``ej3`. h`mu` `hcte e adyer oljf lstdr f` Hdpidyd l` iesh`std`tfs prfvhes d Gd iifmdodoli jdrfe. Dola,s, li mrupeol iessdfrhstd`ls odrcd trls vulitds di ahsae d`tls ol quf ol li jdgl Hdprhd`frd plrse`d. Ies sdfrhstd`ls sl dfe4`pdhYdre` of susdyuod`tls y rl4.dre` per teod Hd hsid. Vdihlre` l` fdyufe,d`ouvhlre` per rh`fe`ls rlf3`ohtes, fd`tdre` sus ahstlrhesdsfd`fhe`ls.

Fud`oe Gilm3li ocd, fstdjd` ies sdfrhstd`ls y dyuod`tlsfd`td`oe y remd`oe, aevhl`oe Hdahstlrhesd fruz qul mudrod`l` fdsd ofi ZJFrhst?` adyer. Ies oli jdrfe rlfh3` d`fidoe frl d`qul lrd` `dthves qul dmhtdjd` ids ad`es per Hddilmrcd, du`qulsus sl`thahl`tes lstdjd` a s flrfd oli iid`te qul of Hdrhsd. L`teod Hd pi y `e bdjcd `h`mu` `hcte, `h adyer; s34e ies2dfrhitd`ls.

L` u` iumdr oe`ol puohlsl` vlr jhl` li jdrfe, lstdjd`iddjli y Gud`d, prlsds ol tlaer y ol d`shlodo. @e pef\d`olsejlolflr ids `erads ol ids fe`chol`tds y ol ies sdfrhstd`fs.LHtfaer lrd tdajhl` per Hdh`flrthouajrf ol Hdrldffh3` oli qulvh`hlrd l` `eajrl ol Adfids.

LHjdrfe lahth3 sus trls phthoes y feiefdre` Hdlsfdilrd.Jdgdre` u`d i `fb regd. L`tr3 l` liid ml`tl y Hdid`fbd pdrth3


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bdfhd thlrrd. Lrd u` aeal`te ol ditd tl`sh3`. i,Tuhl` bdjrcd l`id id`fbd5, i,qul h`tl`fhe`ls tl`orï5, fe` qul 3rol`ls ol Adfhdsvl`ord5 Ies `hches lstdjd` flrfd ol sus adorls. Ahl`trds sldflrfdjd d id`fbd, laplz3 tdajhl` d dflrfdrsl li olilmdoemujlr`dthve, li difdiol y li glcl ahihtdr. Bdjhd auy ditd tl`sh3`.

Vl dflrf3d

id`fbdtr s

ad`hejrds terpls, fe`shmuh3 dtrdfdrsl l`li sufloï`le ol pulrte y dtdre` ids lulrods pdrd ad`tl`lridsugltd. X olgdre` sujhr prhalre i glcl qul rlprlsl`tdjd dAdfhds, oli qul teoes olsldjd` qul jdgdsl ol u`d vlz ol d shiid.Vujh3, bdji3 ie qul bdjidrcd fe` li olilmdoe y `e vhlre` aerhrd `dohl. _eoes rlsphrdre`.

@e tdrodre` l` `etdr qul li glcl rlprlsl`td`tl ol Adfhds

lstdjd dtdvhdoe ol u` jeh` regd. Olsol dquli ohd sl il jduthz3fe` li dplidthve ol Beajrl ol jeh`d regd. H d`ouve sejrl d

drl`d y cul d olsfd`sdr oe`ol il tl`hd` dshm`doe.D pdrthr ol diic teoes laplzdre` d jdgdr oli fdyufe y ies

d``eje`lsls id`zdre` sus fdyufes di adr.

Juiihfhe l` d pidyd, sdiuoes, fe`ezfe d lstl, hbeid bhgehJhl`vl`hoe, beajrl , i,bds vhste d ah pdorl5 u bhge lstd l` li

jdrfe, sh bd vl`hoe.Vl dilmrdre` u`es. Iierdre` ies qul sl l`tlrdre` qulbdfl alsls qulsl aurh3 u`d plrse`d qulrhod. Fdrmdre` fdgds olgdj3`, olsfdrmdre` jhoe`ls ol pltr3ile, buje sdfes ol drrez, ies

`hches rlfhjhlre` zdpdthiids fbh`ds. _eoes vhlre` dime. _eoes,quhzd.

LH pdorl ol Addihd cul u`e ol ies uithaes l` jdgdr y

olsfdrm3 ie qul trdge. Vdiuo3 y sl dilmr3 per ids `ulvds plrebdjhd u`d qul `e sl il peohd` rlvlidr l` Hdpidyd puls l` dqulithlape teoes ies qul sl qulgd` se` sujvlrshves, aufbe aïs iesqul phl`sd` rlfhjhr dyuod culrd ol ids ad`es jl`lveil`tls ol


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\`hfe ahidmre ol Muh`ld Lfudterhdi.Ies lsfeidrls culre` ejihmdoes d hr d Hd pidyd pdrd rlfhjhr

di rlprlsl`td`tl ol Adfhds, oli qul teoes olsldjd` qul jdgdslol d shiid. Fe`ol`dre` di feie`hdihsae, di dpdrtblho, d dahslrhd ... y olspuls sl cul d ie suye, fe` sus lsjhrres½7,

L` fdsd, ahl`trds djrhd` ids fdgds, y fuhod`oe qul`h`m\` lxtrdhhe puohlrd l`tlrdrsl, il fe`tdre` ie suflohoe.Laplzdre` ol fud`oe sl puse l`cl``d, ol f3ae lstuve d pu`teol lstrliidrsl l` id jdbid cld ol Dwdid, bdstd qulsl plroh3 feaeie bhfhlrd su prhalr adrhoe l` u als ol dmeste. Vl ie fe`tdre`teoe, sh` plrolr `h`mi4` oltdiil. ^lre slrhd plihmrese hr diihdberd il dvhsdre` fe`vl`fhoes.

Ids fe`chol`tds ol ies aulrtes bdjidre` ol id lpholahdqul trdlrhd fe`shme li lsplrdoe jdrfe. Bdjidre` d ies sdfrhstd`lsy lstes sl pushlre` l` fdah`e. Zlzdre` per jesquls, festds,rhes, y dilffhe`dre` d d pejidfh3` sejrl ie qul ohftdre` iesohcu`tes. Jetdre` ies fdyufes, sl althlre` l` liies y laplz.dre`

d vulitd d id hsid. Fdjes, jdbcds, adrls dmhtdoes. @e pdrdjd` olrlzdr, l` d h`tlihmhjil glrmd ol ies sdfrhstd`ls. Festds rlfertdods.djruptds, drl`esds. Ahl`trds sl dflrfdjd` d d pidyd ol ^didIhfu, vhlre` cietdr u` fdyufe, lapugdoe per ids eids bdfhd dpidyd.

L` d pidyd ol ^did Ihfu sl od u` cl`3al`e ohsth`te old adyerhd ol ids pidyds ol D``ej3`. Ls s3ie l` lstl iumdr

oe`ol pdrlfl qul bdy u`d ferrhl`tl adrh`d fe` ohrlffh3` d dfestd. L` fudiquhlr etrd pidyd u` ejglte cietd`tl olpeshtdoe dpefes altres ol id erhiid ls trd`spertdoe l` pefes ah`utes dvdrhes alttes ol Hd ahsad bdstd plrolrsl adr dol`tre. L` ^didIhfu efurrl ie fe`trdrhe. Ids fesds sl olpeshtd` diic,


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rd`spertdods ol etres iumdrfs. ^er lste sl l`ful`trd` diih. jglte..f;; thrdoes e plrohoes l` etres pdhsls. @e ls rdre l`fe`trdr~ i i jetliids, iif `ds e vdfhds, ol preouftes o l s e ` e h o e s ~tre`fesplrohoes ol adolrds lxethfds. _d`4jhl` jhoe`ls iil`es e d`4lohe \l`dr ol feajusthjil. Aufbds fesds iilmd` d id pidyd ol

^did I h ~ u y ol diih su `e`tjrl, ^idyd Zhfd. Ie qul `u`fd cditdse` rlstes diquhtrd`does. _eoe ie qul sl vl lstd tud`fbdoe el`vulite ol diquhtrï`. d `4dyerhd ol ids vlfls ie qul iilmd lsjdsurd olslfbdod l` etrds festds ol pdhsls flrfd`es e ilgd`es,plre l` lhlrtes iumdrls, fe`4e li D``ejE` oli ==, sl sdfd pdrthoehbdstd oli bulse

Ies sdfrhstd`ls vhlre` cietdr li fdyufe y sl dflrfdre`,fesd qul `h`mu` d``eje`ls olgdrhd ol bdflr. Bhfhlre` Hd sl`diol Hd fruz fud`oe lstdjd` pr3xhaes d difd`zdrie y ie djerodre`.

Cul dyuodoe li Jeh`d Zegd y dsfl`oh3 per Hd

lsfdilrhiid oli pulrte. Iulme cul d fealr qul teoes ies glclsqul rlprlsl`td` d Adfhds, oli qul `dohl qulrhd yd l` Hd shiid,

feal` d pefe thlape ol iilmdr ol fudiquhlr vhd l. ^lre feaelstdjdaes l` u`d Muh`ld plfuihdrhshad, ies glcls sl pertdjd` dsu ad`lrd. Du`qul sl lsplrlol liies qul bdjil` ol je`odo, olgusthfhdy ol erol`, y qul ol` lglapies ol aeodils y ceradsferrlftds ol feapertdahl`te, liies shlaprl sl dfulrod` oladlstres h`chaes l` li drtl ol Hd fe`vhvl`fhd. ^re`u`fh3 u`ohsfurse olspuls ol fealr y ohge fberrdrids d`tei3mhfds. Iesd``eje`lsls, qul sl bdjcd` qulodoe sh` thzd y idphz, y sh`lsfulid, sl rlhd` ol li y frlylre` qul lrd u` te`te. ^lre sl

feapertdjd d su ad`lrd. Ies d``eje`lsls olfhd` qul lrd u`hiltrdoe, du`qul hjd shlaprl lsfeitdoe per sdctuoes y shlaprldradoes ahihfhd`es. L` sus pdsles per ^dild, bdjidjd ol erol`


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y oli trdbdgeUfesds qu s peocd` bdflr mrdfhds d Vu Lxflil`fhdli h`cdthmdjil trdjdgdoer, oli qul `h`mu` d``eje`ls qulrcd y l`Hdshiid. HJeh`d Zegd lrd ol tdi tdid`tl qul ahl`trds bdjidjd olsu glcl, h`tlr`u`phd sus ohslrtdfhe`ls pdrd odr 3rol`ls d Hdfertlqul il slmuhd sejrl sus prlclrl`fhds mdstre`3ahfds. Bdjidjd oli

trdjdge frldoer y ol rlpl`tl slchdidjd fe` li oloe y ad`odjd' oltl lr u` peiie. @e hapertdbd sh l` su fefh`d bdjhd`sdfrhchfdoe yd oes e trls, fesd qul `u`fd tl`cd qul sdjlr, pulsli olilmdoe mujlr`dthve yd bdfhd sdjlr d sus feapdhhlres qulslrcd plihmrese qul li slcher rlprlsl`td`tl `e lstuvhlrd d muste.

Ies d``eje`lsls olsfdrmdre` sus fdgds, cuadre`ple`y , Hsdjli y Gud`d puohlre` idvdr sus repds fe` dimu`

gdj3` y `e fe` hmuhd, qul lrd u`d lsplfhl ol jdrre qul sl usdjdpdrd bdflr vdshgds y ber`es oe`ol feflr li phsbeg. @e lrd jdrregdje`ese, l` djseiute. Ol vlz l` fud`oe ehd` li shijdte ol u`lsjhrre, y lrd qul ies Bdr`dbd li Jeh`d Zegd pdrd drl`mds.Bdjidjd l` li dyu`tdahl`te y olspuls vdivhd d su rlshol`fhd,pdrd fealr. Iulme, feae lrd rlprlsl`td`tl ol Adfhds, `e supe

f3ae bdflr pdrd fe`slmuhr u`d tltd je`htd, puls Adfids `el`slchdjd lse. X ad`o3 d sus dradoes y rlveiufhe`drhesH`hihfhd`es pe`lr adid fdrd y iidadr fe` liid d ids fbhfds, pdrdaltlrils ahloe. @e ils alth3 ahloe, sh`e qul fe`shmuh3 slrdjerrlfhoe per teod Hdpejidfh3`. Diih sl bhze vlrodolrdal`tlfeae su rlprlsl`td`tl, Adfhds. ijd per ids fdGils y slÕdidjd dtdi e fudi fbhfd. Ies ahihfhd`es bhfhlre` ie ahsae. ^lroh3 suohm`hodo. Lrd Hdaïxhad duterhodo l` teod Hdc`suid.

Ies sdfrhstd`ls sl dseadre` di fdyufe y ie qul vhlre`ils ejihm3 d bdflr etrd slhhdi ol id fruz. Lstdjdq diih, ol`tre olifdyufe. @dohl sl dtrlvh3 iulme d feal`tdrie.


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trd`spdrtdods ol etres iumdrls. ^er lste sl l`ful`trd` diihej l es thrdoes e plrohries l` etres pdhsls. @e ls rdre l`fe`trdrdiih jetliids, iil`ds e vdfhds, ol preouftes olsfe`efhoes, tre`fesplrohries ol adolrds lx3thfds. _dr`jhl` jhoe`ls iil`es e dalohe iil`dr ol feajusthjil. Aufbds fesds iilmd` d Hd pidyd ol

^did Ihfu, y ol d\c su `eajrl, ^idyd Zhfd. e qul `u`fd cditdse` rlstes diquhtrd`does. _eoe ie qul sl vl lstï ad`fbdoe el`vulite ol diquht`h`. d adyerhd ol ids vlfls ie qul iilmd ls

jdsurd olslfbdod l` etrds festds ol pdhsls flrfd`es e ilgd`es,plre l` lhlrtes iumdrls, feae li D``eje` oli ==, sl sdfd pdrthoe

bdstd oli bulseIes sdfrhstd`ls vhlre` cietdr li fdyufe y sl dflrfdre`,

fesd qul `h`mu` d``eje`ls olgdrhd ol bdflr. Bhfhlre` Hd slchdi

ol Hd fruz fud`oe lstdjd` prexhaes d difd`zdrie y ie djerodre .

Cul dyuodoe li Jeh`d Zegd y dsfl`oh3 per Hd

lsfdilrhiid oli pulrte. Iulme cul d fealr, qul teoes ies glclsqul rlprlsl`td` d Adfhds, oli qul `dohl qulrhd yd l` Hd shiid,

feal` d pefe thlape ol iilmdr ol fudiquhlr vhd l. ^lre feaelsthjdaes l` u`d Muh`ld plfuihdrhshad, ies glcls sl pertdjd` dsu ad`lrd. Du`qul sl lsplrl ol liies qul bdjil` ol je`odo, ol

gusthfhd y ol erol`, y qul ol` lglapies ol aeodils y ceradsferrlftds ol feapertdahl`te, liies shlaprl sl dfulrod` ol

adlstres h`chaes l` li drtl ol Hd fe`vhvl`fhd. ^re`u`fh3 u`

ohsfurse olspuls ol fealr y ohge fberrdods d`tei3mhfds. Iesd``eje`lsls, qul sl bdjcd` qulodoe sh` thzd y idphz, y sh`lsfulid, sl rlhd` ol li y frlylre` qul lrd u` te`te. ^lre sl

feapertdjd d su ad`lrd. Ies d``eje`lsls olfhd` qul lrd u`hiltrdoe, du`qul hjd shlaprl lsfeitdoe per sdhhuoes y shlaprld``does ahihfhd`es. ` sus pdsles per ^dild, bdjtdbd ol erol`


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y oli trdjdge, fesds½qu s peohd` bdflr mrdfhds d Vu Lxflil`fhdli h`cdthmdjil trdjdgdoer, oli qul `h`m(i` d``eje`ls qulrhd yd l`d shiid. LHJeh`d Zegd lrd ol td4 tdid`tl qul ahl`trds bdjidjd olsu glcl, h`tlrruaphd sus ohslrtdfhe`ls pdrd odr 3rol`ls d id fertlqul il slmucd sejrl sus prlclrl`fhds mdstre`3ahfds. Bdjidjd oli

trdjdge frldoer y ol rlpl`tl slhhdidjd fe` li oloe y ad`odjdoltl`lr u` peiie. @e hapertdbd sh l` su fefh`d bdjhd`

sdfrhchfdoe yd oes e trls, fesd qul `u`fd tl`hd qul sdjlr, pulsli olilmdoe mujlr`dthve yd bdfhd sdjlr d sus feapdchlres qulslrcd plihmrese qul li slcher rlprlsl`td`tl `e ls u vhlrd d muste.

Ies d``eje`lsls olsfdrmdre` sus fdgds, cuadre`ple`y , Hsdjli y Gud`d puohlre` idvdr sus repds fe` dim a

gdj3` y `e fe` hmuhd, qul lrd u`d lsplfhl ol jdrre qul sl usdjdpdrd bdflr vdshgds y ber`es oe`ol feflr li phsbeg. @e lrd jdrregdje`ese, l` djseiute. Ol vlz l` fud`oe ehd` li shijdte ol u`lsjhrre, y lrd qul ies iidadjd li Jeh`d Zegd pdrd drl`mds.Bdjidjd l` li dyu`tdahl`te y olspuls veivhd d su rlshol`fhd,pdrd fealr. Iulme, feae lrd rlprlsl`td`tl ol Adfhds, `e supe

f3ae bdflr pdrd fe`slmuhr u`d tltd je`htd, puls Adfids `el`slchdjd lse. X ad`o3 d sus dradoes y rlveiufhe`drhesahihfhd`es pe`lr adid fdrd y iidadr fe` liid d ids fbhfds, pdrdaltlrils ahloe. @e ils alth3 ahloe, sh`e qul fe`shmuh3 slrdjerrlfhoe per teod Hdpejidfh3`. Diih sl bhze vlrodolrdal`tlfeae su rlprlsl`td`tl, Adfhds. Hjd per ids fdiils y slchdidjd dtdi e fudi fbhfd. Ies ahihfhd`es bhfhlre` ie ahsae. ^lroh3 su

ohm`hodo. Lrd Hdadxhad duterhodo l` teod Hdh`suid.

Ies sdfrhstd`ls sl dseadre` i fdyufe y ie qul vhlre`ils ejihm3 d bdflr etrd slhhdi ol Hdfruz. Lstdjdq diih, ol`tre olifdyufe. @dohl sl dtrlvh3 iulme d feal`tdrie.


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X feae sdjid` qul li jdrfe yd lstdjd l` ids pulrtds olHdhsid, gurdre` diih ahsae ad`tl`lr li shil`fhe sejrl qul vhlre .

es ol liies sl althlre` l` li fdyufe y rladre` bdstd Gdpidydol Adjd`d. Olslajdrfdre` y iilvdre` d teoes di pejidoe,djrhlre` fudiquhlr fdsd, qul teods se` cdfhils ol djrhr y ies

dfeaeodre`.Gurdre` fdiidrsl perqul Gdbhsterhd aeolr`d ol Muh`ld

ies fe`ol`drhd per sujvlrshves, feae sl fe`ol`djd` d teoes iesqul sdihd` curthves ol Gd festd ol Adidje y sl drrhlsmdjd` daerhr dbemdoes l` su vhdgl d ids ol Fdalru`. Lrd` sujvlrshvesperqul `e sl olgdjd` vheidr `h qulrhd` aerhr ol bdajrl l` suthlrrd rhfd. `e qulrhd` aerhr perqul lrd` buad`es y lstdjd`fd`sdoes oli h`fd`sdjil.

Ies olvulites ol Adjd`d laplzdjd` d rlfuplrdrsl, drlfuplrdrsl, rlfuplrdrsl. X laplzdre` d fe`tdr ie qul vhlre`.Ies qul lsfufbdjd` sl dferodre` ol ies truhs ol shltl beajrlsol bdfl aufbes dmestes. hTuhl` ls fdpdz ol frllrsl lstds fesds,sh `e se` buad`ds 7

Zladre` bdstd qul tuvhlre` fdidajrls e dmdrre`ls. Lrd`aufbes, rlpdrthoes l` vdrhes fdyufes. Zladre`, rladre`,rladre`, rladre`. l olslsplrdre` fud`oe olgdre` ol vlr lijdrfe y ol su hsid `e vlhd` `h `ujl sesplfbesd. Zladre`,rladre`, rladre`, rladre`. ^lrohlre` teod lsplrd`zd. Diihlaplzdre` d vlr. D vlr f3ae ls id etrd vhod. Lrd` u`es plfls

g aïs vhstes per `dohl, fe` festuajrls h`sesplfbdods. Vlrlsadrh`es qul sl rlhd` e sdjcd` juridr ol ids plrse`ds. L` pil`dscdfuitdols al`tdils, olfhd`, vlhd` d`tl liies hsids pejidods ycierldods; plre fud`oe sl cretdjd` ies eges y pl`sdjdO pe`lr u`phl sejrl liids, olsdpdrlfhd`. Shlre` fe` sus eges f3aeae`strues olcerals sl dseadjd` sejrl li jerol oli fdyufe y


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drregdjd` v3ahtes sd`muh`eil`tes per Gd jefd. Shlre` fesds qulslrhd` h`fdpdfls ol hadmh`dr.

Ol ies ads ol shltl beajrls, teoes pdorls ol cdahihd,`h`mu`e veivh3 d phsdr Hdthlrrd, `h pdrd rlfhjhr Hdthlrrd sejrl lQ

dtduo. @h`mu`e, sdive u`e. Ahidmresdr`l`tl sl sdiv3. Iel`fe`trdre` tdajhl` cietd`oe l` etre au`oe y ie trdglre` disuye7 Seivlo, bhges, veivlo fe` ies vulstres, teodvhd `e bdiilmdoe vulstrd berd . L` li bdjidol D``ej3` sl ohfl eilvhtd

`lh` sh` trdouffh3` dgustdod l` lspdhhei, plre qul peorcdshm`hchfdr Id Aulrtl ies bd dovlrthoe'. Ies trls culre` adstdrol pulstes l` ad`es ol ids vhlgds pdrd flrlae`hds lxtrdhhdsol idvdoe ol Hddovlrtl`fhd ol Hd Aulrtl. @e teoes rlfuplrd` Hd`e``dihodo olspuls ol u`d dovlrtl`fhd td` slvlrd.

Adrhd 44erdjd per li lspliuz`d`tl lsplftdfuie l` ditdadr, l` alohe ol fudtre berhze`tls. Iierdjd ourd`tl vdrhesah`utes y shmuh3 iierd`oe ourd`tl ohds sh` fe`seidrsl. @u`fdtlrah`dre` ol fe`tdr ie qul vhlre`. Ve` ies adyerls ies qul

suphlre` qul bdjhd` vhste Hd aulrtl oli adr .LH hh`hfe suplrvhvhl`tl ol ies a s ol shltl beajrls ol

Dwdid tdajhl` flrr3 Hdjefd, h`fdpdz ol pe`lr `eajrl d ie qulbdjhd vhste.

Vhmuh3l` sus festuajrls li rlprlsl`td`tl ol Adfids,feahl`oe y slhhdid`oe fe` li oloe. Vhmuh3ad`od`oe sdfrhchfdrmdiies dgl`es bdstd pefds berds d`tls ol Hd vulitd pdrd odrful`td d Adfhds. d pejidfh3` laplz3 d h`tuhr dime adie. @ebdjhd ohd l` qul `e iidadjd d Hd ml`tl pdrd bdjidr oli trdjdgefrldoer. es beajrls sl fd`sdre` ol li Feahd, bdjtdbd jhl` olsu glcl y slhh i j li oloe y sl jdgdjd ies pd`tdie`ls. \` d`hadG

Iilm3 li ohd ol pdrthod y, olspuls ol fealr, fe`sholr3


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qul ies d``eje`lsls lrd` oladshdoe vdmes y olfhoh3 iilvdr dAdidje d teoes ies qul tuvhlrd` lodo ol trdjdgdr, puls d

fesI-fbd sl plrohd. X `dohl lstdjd prlpdrdoe, dolaïs ol qul`dohl tuve jul`d haprlsh3` ol qul l` Adidje lstdrhd` algerqul l` su olpduplrdod hsid. hX lrd` beajrls qul bdjhd` pdsdoe

aufbhshaes alsls sh` pltr3ile, sh` gdj3`, sh` repd qul sl iidaldshy oe``hd` d esfurds _eoes il ohlre` ids lspdiods. X veivh3d sdfdr d Hdfdiil d sus ahihfhd`es, d ies qul `dohl vhe bdjidr l`teoe li vhdgl, dradoes bdstd Hd cd`tdshd7 l`trdjd` l` u`d fdsd,ahrdjd` l` teoes ies bulfes, reapid` fesds, femhd` dimu`ds. Vh`e jdjcd beajrls, h`suitdjd`. Vh bdjhd auglr gevl`, sl pdsdjd`

fe` liid y dsh iil`dre` Hd pidyd ol beajrls y fbhfes g3vl`ls.S dmes y blr`hdoes plrslmuhoerls ol jdrfes ol ditd adr,ejihmdoes d olgdr id pejrlzd pdrd sdivdr Hd feslfbd. @eprlmu`tdjd` ies ahihfhd`es sh lrd` seroes, auoes, ohlstres,dajholxtres, gerejdoes. @e hapertdjd. Tul aufbes ol liiestl`hd` sdfes ol plsfdoe sdidoe y peohd` femlr dimù` hhdal l`fdsd ol sus adorls, tdapefe. Olsplohrsl ol tdi auglr, `h pl`sdr._eoes sl lajdrfdre` fe` ie pulste, sejrl teoe ies \ithaesl`slr oltl`hoes. Fud`oe dimu`d adorl vlhd d su bhge l` HdceradfhE` ferrhd d fdsd y il trdhd u` treze ol phsbeg. Lrd ie\`hre qel peohd jdflr. @dohl sdjl ie qul feahlre` e olgdre` olfealr. H.dE@\ `e lxhstl, ïvhvd Hdtrdtd ol lsfidves (Lstd `edpeihrhzdG'Hlls a h ~puls l` dquli l`te`fls li prejilad ol ids

dGJ44hdjeelsls lrd qul Adfhds jdgdsl ol Hd shiid. @e jdjhdhhii Ve• lDh` d jdjidr ol Hdlpefd feie`hdi, al`es d4h` ol Hdtrdtdt

Lstdjd li pdorl ol drhd l` sus alelstlrls fwaoe kdjefodhee ies hrd7`•ods ahihfhd`es. (,_l`hd` rdz3` ol l`cdodrsllGH\HHhi thl`d dgldd qul jdfhd `prbhshaes alsls 44 bdjhd. Yhsd'`h tmGdrd slhhdG oli glcl l` fuye eeajrl HilY'djd` j


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daltrdiidoerd5-hLb wdd -se` ids ahsads iltrds qul li wd d``eje`ls,

plre quhl` ie ohfl quhlrl qul slpd` qul lstd oliidoe ol Adfhdshdi jdrfe^lre su pid` lrd etre. t,Etre5 h^lre sh ` D``eje` `e bdjhdfurd i F3ae sl fdsd sh` u` ah`hstre oli Vlcher5 t,Femlr Hdbesthdohrlftdal`tl fealrid sh` jl`ohfhe`ls ol `dohl5

@e il ohlre` thlape ol veivlr d Aïjd`d olfhril d idbhgd fe`vdilfhl`tl qul etrd vlz sl hjd, dberd pdrd sdivdr Hdfeslfbd ol Adfcds, oli qul teoes rlzdjd` per qul plrohlsl idshiid. Seivh3 di jdrfe olgd`oe ids fesds d alohe olfhr.

@e sl. sl qul bdjhd aufbes fbhfes qul `e tl`hd` d `dohll` Adidje y lrd Hdprhalrd vlz qul hjd`.