bali 8 pura tanah lot

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): Thank you! Tanah Lot, one of the seven sea temples of the Balinese coast has been an integral part of Balinese mythology since ages. It is a beautiful example of Balinese art and structural design. According to legends Tanah Lot was built in the 15th century by the Javanese Hindu priest Sanghyang Nirantha. The local ruler Bendesa Beraben became jealous when his followers joined this newcomer, and ordered him to leave. Nirantha then used his magical powers to move the cliff Tanah Lot was built on out into the sea. He also transformed his scarf to the holy snakes that still today is said to guard the temple. Beraben later converted to Nirantha’s Hindu religion.


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2. 8 3. Tanah Lot is a rock formationthat houses a pilgrimagetemple, the Pura Tanah Lot.This is a popular touristdestination as well as a culturalicon.Tanah Lot este o formaiunestncoas, care gzduieteTemplul Tanah Lot. nafarafaptului c este o destinaieturistic foarte popular, TanahLot este i un simbol cultural. 4. Penjor 5. Penjor 6. Tanah Lot view from Le Meridien Nirwana Bali Golf & Spa Resort 7. Tanah Lot view from Le Meridien Nirwana Bali Golf & Spa Resort 8. The temple is one of seven seatemples around the Balinesecoast.Each of the sea temples wereestablished within eyesight ofthe next to form a chain alongthe south-western coast.According to legends Tanah Lotwas built in the 15th century bythe Javanese Hindu priestSanghyang Nirantha. The largerock on which the temple sitshas been shaped by the oceanwaves over the years.Tanah Lot este unul dintre celeapte temple marine, construiteca un lan de-a lungul coastei desud-vest n aa fel nct s-lvezi pe urmtorul. Conformlegendelor templul a fostconstruit n secolul 15 de ctrepreotulhindusSanghyangNirantha din Java. Stnca pecare st templul a fost modelatde vnt i de valurile oceanuluide-a lungul anilor.Tanah Lot view from Le MeridienNirwana Bali Golf & Spa Resort 9. In 1980, the temples rock face was starting to crumble and the area around and inside the temple started to become dangerous. The Japanesegovernmentthen provided a loan to the Indonesian government of Rp 800 billion (approximately USD $130 million) to conserve the historic temple and other significant locations around Bali. As a result, over one third of Tanah Lots "rock" is actually cleverly disguised artificial rock created during the Japanese- funded and supervised renovation and stabilization program. n 1980, stnca a fost pe cale s se nruiei zona adevenit periculoas. Guvernul japonez a oferit un mprumut (aproximativ 130 milioane de dolari), pentru conservarea monumentului (i a altora din insul). Ca urmare, peste otreime dinformaiunea stncoas este de fapt o ingenioas deghizare a stncii artificiale create n timpul renovrii finanate i supravegheate deTanah Lot view from Le Meridien Nirwana Bali Golf & Spa Resort japonezi 10. Penjor 11. Penjor 12. A penjor is basically a long tapered bamboo pole that is stood vertically in theground, often on the roadside, and decorated in coconut leaves. Due to their lengthof sometimes more than ten metres, they droop charmingly over the pavement likean ancient street lamp.Un penjor este de fapt o tij lung de bambus, nfipt n pmnt, de multe ori pemarginea drumului, i decorat cu frunze de cocotier. Datorit lungimii lor, uneorimai mult de zece metri, ele se arcuiesc fermector peste drum ca nite vechi felinar. 13. Penjors, a welcome symbol for the gods and ancestors. The tall bamboo poles aresplendidly adorned with woven palm leaves, ribbon and flowers. People have beenworking on them for days and each one is different. Theyre made of simple, naturalmaterials, but just like the Balinese, they have a royal presence. The penjors swayin the wind. They reach up to the sky while being firmly planted to the right of everyhome entry. At each gate, youll also find small bamboo altars set up especially forthe holiday, each one bearing woven palm-leaf offerings for the spirits.Penjors, un simbol de bun venit pentru zei i strmoi. Tijele nalte de bambus suntsplendid decorate cu frunze de palmier mpletite, panglici i flori. Au necesitat zile demunc i sunt unice. 14. The penjor is a tall, curved bamboo pole decorated with coconut leaves with an offeringat the base. This is one of the media used by Hindus in Bali as part of almost everyimportant ceremony, especially for the anniversary temple celebrations.Aceste tije de bambus decorate, avnd la baz un mic altar cu ofrande, se fac pentrumarea srbtoare hindus Galungan dar i cu ocazia altor ceremonii importante, nspecial la srbtorirea templelor. 15. Balinese Hindus erect a penjor in front of their houses to symbolise the dominance of good (dharma) overevil (adharma), as well as offering thanks to God for the fruits of the Earth. About halfway down the polethey attach a small cage in the shape of a triangle and made from bamboo, called sanggah cucuk.Offerings are placed in this and it is considered to be a temporary throne for the Gods when they comedown to Earth for Galungan. If you take a close look at a Galungan penjor, you will notice thats alsoornamented with coconut leaves called sampian and also long strips of white and yellow material tosymbolise that it is a holy offering.A penjor is an offering consisting of a bamboo pole with decorations. The arched top represents GunungAgung, the body is a river that flows from the mountain to the sea, and along its route are the products ofthe harvest, tied to the pole. At the foot of the pole is a temporary shrine. Penjors are found everywherelining the streets at Galungan time, the month-long and most important Balinese religious festival. 16. When you hear Balinese gamelan and give an attention tothe melody you will find the sound of suling (bambooflute), the only wind instrument in the ensemble.Suling are made mainly of bamboo, a long tube bamboowhich has very thin surface. The head of suling, near asmall hole, is circled with a thin band made of rattan orrotan to produce air vibration.The suling note is scaled inpelogorselendrosystem, sulings with fivefinger-holes forpelogsystem and four forslendro system. 17. Text : InternetPictures: Nicoleta Leu & InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authorsArangement: Sanda Gamelan Bamboo & Flute - Kelompok Guna