bankarstvo: ambicije i moguĆnosti


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  • 6 Bankarstvo 1 2015



    asopis Bankarstvo u ovoj godini upisae 44. godinu izlaenja menjajui u svom dugom trajanju i izgled i koncepciju prilagoavajui se vremenu u kom je stvaran. Svih ovih godina ostao je po svojoj tematici, aktuelnosti i kvalitetu jedinstven asopis u Srbiji ali i na prostorima susednih zemalja. Od 2012. godine Bankarstvo se nalazi na listi naunih asopisa (M52) po odluci Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnolokog razvoja. Prole godine Ministarstvo je odluilo da zadri rangiranje naunih asopisa iz prethodne godine. Dosadanji postignuti rezultati u kvalitetu i aktuelnosti kao i u ispunjavanju drugih poznatih ili manje poznatih uslova (obavezna recenzija radova, apstrakt na engleskom jeziku, redovna dinamika izlaenja, odgovarajui broj lanova Izdavakog saveta i Redakcionog odbora iz zemlje i inostranstva, zastupljenost stranih autora, itd.) stvaraju realna oekivanja da e Bankarstvo u ovoj godini ne samo zadrati postojeu klasifikaciju ve da e na toj listi i napredovati.

    Prema odluci Izdavakog saveta i Redakcionog odbora u 2015. godini bie izdata etiri redovna broja Bankarstva i jedan specijalni broj namenjen predstavljanju bankarskog sektora sa rezultatima poslovanja u prethodnoj godini. Osim toga, uneta je jo jedna novina: budui prilozi za asopis Bankarstvo primae se na srpskom jeziku, kao i do sada, a kada autor za rad dobije pozitivnu recenziju bie u obavezi da potom, a prema Upustvu za autore, poalje isti rad i na engleskom jeziku. Kao to je to sluaj sa srpskim tekstom i engleski e redakcijski biti lektorisan i ukoliko ne zadovolji kriterijume dobrog prevoda bie ponovo vraen autoru na popravku i doradu.

    Bankarstvo je u 2014. godini, zajedno sa specijalnim brojem, imao sedam brojeva sa ukupno 1.264 stranica sa razliitim temama u sledeim blokovima: uvodnik, originalni nauni rad, pregledni nauni rad, struni lanak, prevod,


    Prof. dr Veroljub Dugali

    Generalni sekretar Udruenje banaka Srbije

    [email protected]

  • 7Bankarstvo 1 2015




    This year Bankarstvo Journal has entered the 44th year of publication, having adjusted its design and concept throughout this long period to the times in which it was being created. All these years it has remained a unique journal in Serbia and the region in terms of its subject matter, current topics and quality. As of 2012 Bankarstvo Journal has entered the list of scientific journals (M52) according to the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Last year, the Ministry decided to keep the ranking of scientific journals from the year before. The results achieved so far when it comes to quality and staying up-to-date, but also to fulfilling other known and less known conditions (mandatory review of articles, English abstracts, regular publication dynamics, appropriate number of Editorial Board and Publishing Council members from Serbia and from abroad, presence of foreign authors, etc.), generate some realistic expectations that in 2015 Bankarstvo Journal will not only keep the existing classification, but even make further progress on the list.

    Pursuant to the decision of the Editorial Board and Publishing Council, in 2015 there will be four regular issues of Bankarstvo Journal and one special issue devoted to the operations of the banking sector, featuring the business results in the previous year. Moreover, another innovation has been introduced: future contributions for Bankarstvo Journal will be received in Serbian, just like so far, and after the authors get a positive review, they will be obliged to send their papers in English, too, following the Instruction for Authors. As in the case of the Serbian text, the English version will be proofread, and if it does not meet the criteria of good translation, it will be sent back to the author, for amendments and corrections.


    Prof Veroljub Dugali PhD

    Secretary GeneralAssociation of Serbian [email protected]

  • 8 Bankarstvo 1 2015

    prikaz knjige, izvetaj sa Berze. Originalni nauni radovi bili su najvie zastupljeni u asopisu na ukupno 720 strana, a potom pregledni nauni lanci, na ukupno 214 stranica. Prilozi u Bankarstvu uvek imaju: dva recenzenta uz zagarantovanu tajnost autora kod recenzenata i recenzenata kod autora, UDK broj i JEL klasifikaciju. asopis je prisutan u Srpskom citatnom indeksu (Scindex) i Bibliometrijskom izvetaju o asopisima (BI). Od maja 2013. godine nalazi se u jednoj od najveih baza naunih asopisa u svetu: EBSCO PUBLISHING.

    Prema izvetaju EBSCO baze do 30. septembra 2014. godine teme iz asopisa Bankarstvo su interesovale sedam inostranih klijenata iz: Institute of Chartered Accounants Australia, Ifs University College, Sap, Horvath and Partner Gmbh, Oracle America, Pricewaterhousecoopers Centre i Bank of Guyana. Kako su ovo podaci baze na kojoj se Bankarstvo nalazi neto vie od godinu dana moemo biti zadovoljni prikazanom poseenou uz uverenje da e se njen broj vremenom poveavati. Potvrdu tog oekivanja dobili smo izvetajem EBSCO baze za sledei period do kraja prole godine.

    Od 1. oktobra do 31. decembra 2014. godine povealo se za 50% interesovanje za radove koji su objavljeni u Bankarstvu. Odnosno, dve strane institucije (General Motors Library i Sas Inst Inc) su pokazale interesovanje za 12 tema.

    Nismo se na tome zadrali jer elimo i u tom pogledu znaajnije rezultate. U proloj i ovoj godini zapoeli smo komunikaciju sa SCOPUS bazom, najveom bazom saetaka i citata

    r e c e n z i r a n e literature u svetu kako bi se asopis B a n k a r s t v o naao


    u ovoj bazi. Nakon predaje asopisa i drugih potrebnih podataka Ministarstvu prosvete i nauke i dobijenih informacija o rangiranju naunih asopisa iz ekonomije za 2015. godinu usledie priprema za prijavljivanje SCOPUS-u. Koliko je zahtevna lista SCOPUS-ovih uslova za dolazak na njihovu bazu govori i podatak da je na njoj trenutno prisutno samo tri asopisa iz nae zemlje koji su, iroko shvaeno, tematski okrenuti finansijama i ekonomiji. Ukoliko je ova lista asopisa iz Srbije svee aurirana, mada objektivno postoji odreena skepsa u tom pogledu, na njoj se nalo ukupno 65 asopisa iz raznih oblasti (medicina, geografija, matematika, elektrotehnika, umetnost, astronomija itd.).

    U narednim godinama nameravamo da i dalje irimo listu lanova Izdavakog saveta i Redakcionog odbora kao i listu strunih recezenata. Razmatraemo i mogunost prelaska na digitalni oblik izdavanja asopisa paljivo ocenjujui njegov tira u tampanom obliku koji se sve vie potiskuje mada, uvereni smo, nee nikada potpuno nestati. Urednitvo e se i dalje angaovati da asopis odnosno radovi budu tematski to aktuelniji i raznovrsniji, a o kvalitetu e brinuti svi, poev od glavnog i odgovornog urednika, ostalih lanova redakcije do recenzenata koji u tome imaju veoma znaajnu ulogu.

    Ovo je prilika da pozovemo sve mlade strunjake iz oblasti ekonomije, finansija i bankarstva da svojim radovima doprinesu kvalitetu asopisa. Posebno apostrofiramo studente sa osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija i raznih specijalizacija na prestinim univerzitetima u inostranstvu ili na radu u svetskim kompanijama koji bi svojim radovima jo vie obogatili i osavremenili tematiku

  • 9Bankarstvo 1 2015

    In 2014 Bankarstvo Journal, including its special issue, had seven issues totaling to 1,264 pages covering various topics in the following segments: Editorial, Original Scientific Paper, Scientific Review Article, Expert Article, Translation, Book Review, and Stock Exchange Report. Original scientific papers were predominant in the journal, with a total of 720 pages, followed by scientific review articles, with a total of 214 pages. Articles submitted for publication in Bankarstvo Journal always have: two anonymous peer reviews, UDC number and JEL classification. The Journal is present in the Serbian Citation Index (Scindex) and the Journal Bibliometric Report (JBR). Since May 2013 it has been within one of the largest scientific journals databases in the world, i.e. EBSCO PUBLISHING.

    According to the EBSCO database report as of 30 September 2014, the articles published in Bankarstvo Journal raised the interest of seven foreign clients from: the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, Ifs University College, Sap, Horvath and Partner Gmbh, Oracle America, PricewaterhouseCoopers Centre and Bank of Guyana. Given that these are the data from the database in which Bankarstvo Journal was present for only over a year, we can be satisfied with the reported number of hits, and certain that this number will only increase over time. This expectation was confirmed by the EBSCO database report for the subsequent period, i.e. by the end of 2014.

    In the period from 1 October until 31 December 2014, the interest for papers published in Bankarstvo Journal increased by 50%. More precisely,

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    foreign institutions (General Motors Library and Sas Inst Inc) showed interest in 12 topics.

    However, we have not stopped there, because we are striving towards even more significant results in this respect. In 2014 relevant communication was initiated with SCOPUS, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, with a view to getting Bankarstvo Journal included in this database as well. After we submit the Journal and other necessary data to the Ministry of Education and Science, and subsequently receive the information about the 2015 ranking of scientific journals in the field of economics, the preparations for SCOPUS application will be launched. How demanding the list of SCOPUS entry requirements is, confirms the fact that this list currently includes only three journals from Serbia which are, broadly speaking, thematically oriented towards finance and economics. If this list of journals from Serbia is freshly updated, though there is some doubt about it, it gathers a total of 65 Serbian journals in various fields (medicine, geography, mathematics, electrical engineering, art, astronomy, etc.).

    In the forthcoming years, we plan to continue expanding the list of Publishing Council and Editorial Board members, and the list of expert reviewers. We will also be considering the option of shifting to the digital form of publication, carefully assessing the Journals circulation in hardcopy, the form which has been increasingly suppressed, although we remain assured it will never comple te ly

  • 10 Bankarstvo 1 2015

    Bankarstva omoguavajui ovom asopisu da stekne renome i van naih granica. Koristi od ovakve saradnje bile bi viestruke: asopis bi obilovao novim sveim idejama, istraivanjima i razmatranjima i tako postao itaniji, a mladi autori, pre svega oni koji se nalaze u svetskim finansijskim metropolama, svojim radovima bi otrili svoju strunu misao i gradili sopstveni ugled. Namera nam je da doprinesemo stvaranju

    novih i brojnijih samosvesnih i drutveno angaovanih mladih strunjaka i uesnika u oblikovanju boljeg i bogatijeg drutvenog i ekonomskog ivota Srbije.

    Glavni i odgovorni urednik dr Veroljub Dugali

  • 11Bankarstvo 1 2015

    disappear. The Editorial Office will still be engaged in getting the published articles to be as current and versatile as possible, and their quality will be assessed by everyone, starting from the Editor-in-Chief, other members of the Editorial Office, and reviewers, whose role in this process is of utmost importance.

    This is an opportunity to invite all young experts in the field of economics, finance and banking to contribute to the quality of our Journal by sending their papers. We are particularly targeting the students on graduate, master and doctoral studies and different forms of specialization at prestigious foreign universities, or young experts employed in worldwide companies, whose papers would additionally enrich and modernize the topics

    of Bankarstvo Journal, enabling it to gain reputation beyond Serbia as well. The benefits of such cooperation would be multiple: the Journal would abound with fresh ideas, studies and examinations, thereby increasing its readership, whereas the young authors, mostly those from the global financial metropolises, would sharpen their ideas, building their own reputation in the process. In other words, our intention is to facilitate the creation of many self-aware and socially engaged young experts, who would participate in the shaping of a better and richer social and economic life of Serbia.

    Editor in ChiefVeroljub Dugali PhD