bartolommeo ammannati

Bartolommeo Ammannati, (born June 18, 1511, Settignano, near Florence [Italy]—died April 22, 1592, Florence, Italian sculptor and architect whose buildings mark the transition from the classicizing Renai ssance to the more exuberant  Baroq ue style. A!!annati began "i# career a# a #culptor, car$ing #tatue# in $ariou# Italian citie# in t"e 15%&# and '&#) *e trained +ir#t under  accio andinelli and t"en under Jacopo San#o$ino in -e nice, .or/ing .it" t"e latt er on t"e 0ibrar y o+ St) ar/) *e .a# called to o!e in 155& by 3ope Juliu# III on t"e ad$ice o+ t"e arc"itect and art "i#torian, 4iorgio -a#ari) A!!annati' # !o#t i!portant .or/ t"ere .a# in collaboration .it" -a#ari and 4iaco!o da -ignola on t"e $illa o+ 3ope Juliu#, t"e -illa 4iulia (begun 1551) o#i!o de' edici (o#i!o I broug"t A!!annati bac/ to Florence in 15556 "e .a# to #pend al!o#t all o+ "i# re!aining career in #er$ice to t"e edici#) *i# +ir#t co!!i##ion .a# to +ini#" t"e 0aurentian 0ibrary, begu n by ic"elangelo) A!!annati interpreted a clay !odel #ent "i! by ic"elangelo in 1558 to produce t"e e#pecially i!pre##i$e #tairca#e, leading +ro! t"e $e#tibule into t"e library proper) A!!annati'# !a#terpiece in Florence i# t"e 3itti 3alace, ."ere, beginning in 157&, "e enlarged t"e ba#ic #tructure by Filippo runelle#c"i, de#igning a courtyard and +acade opening onto t"e oboli 4arden#, ."ic" A!!annati "ad a part in de#igning) "e +acade o$erloo/ing t"e courtyard i# $ery unu#ual in it# ru#ticated (roug""e.n treat!ent o+ #ucce##i$e le$el# o+ :oric, Ionic, and orint"ian attac"ed colu!n#) At t"e 3itti 3alace it  pro$ide# an appropriately rural yet i!pre##i$e bac/drop +or t"e garden#) . o ot"er !a;or .or/# by A!!annati in Florence are t"e ridge o+ Santa rinit< (157=>796 de#troyed 19, rebuilt 1958, ."ic" contain# elliptical arc"e#, and t"e Fountain o+ ?eptune (157=>=&6 t"e latter, in t"e 3ia@@a della Signoria, +eature# a colo##al !arble #tatue o+ t"at deity) In "i# old age A!!annati .a# #trongly in+luenced by t"e ountere+or!ation  p"ilo#op"y o+ t"e Je#uit#) *e repudiated "i# earlier nude #culpture# a# lu#t+ul, and "e de#igned #e$eral au#tere building# +or t"e Je#uit#) Wrong above Bartolomeo rancesco Rastre lli,  (born 1=&&, 3ari#, France  —died April 1==1, St) 3eter#burg, u##ia, rench!born in"entor of an opulent Russian Baroqu e architec ture that combined elements of Rococo with traditional elements of Russian arch ite cture, producing multicolour ed and decorati"e ornamentat ion on all facades ) + Italian de#cent, a#trelli !o$ed to St) 3eter#burg in 1=17 .it" "i# + at"er, t"e #culptor artolo!eo arlo a#trelli) :uring "i# +ir#t +i$e year# in u##ia, "e .or/ed .it" "i# +at"er decorating t"e interior# o+ t"e palace# o+ t"e u##ian ari#tocracy) Fro! 1=21 "e .or/ed independently a# an arc"itect, and "e i!!ediately !ade a na!e +or "i!#el+ a# a !a#ter .it" a ric" i!agination) $er a period o+ 5& year# a#trelli erected a great nu!ber o+ palace# +or u##ia'# ruler# and !e!ber# o+ t"e i!perial court) *e .a# in #pecial +a$our .it" t"e e!pre##e# Anna I and

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Bartolommeo Ammannati,  (born June 18, 1511, Settignano, near Florence [Italy]—died

April 22, 1592, Florence, Italian sculptor and architect whose buildings mark the

transition from the classicizing Renaissance to the more exuberant Baroque style.

A!!annati began "i# career a# a #culptor, car$ing #tatue# in $ariou# Italian citie# in t"e

15%&# and '&#) *e trained +ir#t under  accio andinelli and t"en under Jacopo San#o$ino in

-enice, .or/ing .it" t"e latter on t"e 0ibrary o+ St) ar/)

*e .a# called to o!e in 155& by 3ope Juliu# III on t"e ad$ice o+ t"e arc"itect and art 

"i#torian, 4iorgio -a#ari) A!!annati'# !o#t i!portant .or/ t"ere .a# in collaboration .it"

-a#ari and 4iaco!o da -ignola on t"e $illa o+ 3ope Juliu#, t"e -illa 4iulia (begun 1551)

o#i!o de' edici (o#i!o I broug"t A!!annati bac/ to Florence in 15556 "e .a# to

#pend al!o#t all o+ "i# re!aining career in #er$ice to t"e edici#) *i# +ir#t co!!i##ion .a#

to +ini#" t"e 0aurentian 0ibrary, begun by ic"elangelo) A!!annati interpreted a clay !odel

#ent "i! by ic"elangelo in 1558 to produce t"e e#pecially i!pre##i$e #tairca#e, leading+ro! t"e $e#tibule into t"e library proper)

A!!annati'# !a#terpiece in Florence i# t"e 3itti 3alace, ."ere, beginning in 157&, "e

enlarged t"e ba#ic #tructure by Filippo runelle#c"i, de#igning a courtyard and +acade

opening onto t"e oboli 4arden#, ."ic" A!!annati "ad a part in de#igning) "e +acade

o$erloo/ing t"e courtyard i# $ery unu#ual in it# ru#ticated (roug""e.n treat!ent o+

#ucce##i$e le$el# o+ :oric, Ionic, and orint"ian attac"ed colu!n#) At t"e 3itti 3alace it

 pro$ide# an appropriately rural yet i!pre##i$e bac/drop +or t"e garden#)

.o ot"er !a;or .or/# by A!!annati in Florence are t"e ridge o+ Santa rinit< (157=>796

de#troyed 19, rebuilt 1958, ."ic" contain# elliptical arc"e#, and t"e Fountain o+ ?eptune

(157=>=&6 t"e latter, in t"e 3ia@@a della Signoria, +eature# a colo##al !arble #tatue o+ t"at

deity) In "i# old age A!!annati .a# #trongly in+luenced by t"e ountere+or!ation 

 p"ilo#op"y o+ t"e Je#uit#) *e repudiated "i# earlier nude #culpture# a# lu#t+ul, and "e de#igned

#e$eral au#tere building# +or t"e Je#uit#)

Wrong above

Bartolomeo rancesco Rastrelli,  (born 1=&&, 3ari#, France —died April 1==1, St)3eter#burg, u##ia, rench!born in"entor of an opulent Russian Baroque architecture

that combined elements of Rococo with traditional elements of Russian architecture,

producing multicoloured and decorati"e ornamentation on all facades)

+ Italian de#cent, a#trelli !o$ed to St) 3eter#burg in 1=17 .it" "i# +at"er, t"e #culptor

artolo!eo arlo a#trelli) :uring "i# +ir#t +i$e year# in u##ia, "e .or/ed .it" "i# +at"er

decorating t"e interior# o+ t"e palace# o+ t"e u##ian ari#tocracy) Fro! 1=21 "e .or/ed

independently a# an arc"itect, and "e i!!ediately !ade a na!e +or "i!#el+ a# a !a#ter .it"

a ric" i!agination)

$er a period o+ 5& year# a#trelli erected a great nu!ber o+ palace# +or u##ia'# ruler# and!e!ber# o+ t"e i!perial court) *e .a# in #pecial +a$our .it" t"e e!pre##e# Anna I and

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Bli@abet" I, ."o .ere partial to opulent luCury) For Anna "e built t.o palace# in o#co. 

(t"e Dinter and Su!!er Annen"o+ palace#6 neit"er "a# #ur$i$ed, t"e Dinter 3alace in St)

3eter#burg (e$entually de#troyed by a +ire, but later re#tored by a di++erent arc"itect, and, +or

"er +a$ourite, ount Brn#t Jo"ann iron, t.o palace# in 0at$ia) "e e!pre##, plea#ed .it"

a#trelli'# .or/, con+erred upon "i! t"e title o+ c"ie+ court arc"itect)

:uring t"e 2&year reign o+ Bli@abet" (1=1>71, a#trelli built 12 palace# and a nu!ber o+

cat"edral# +or "er) Dit" "er per!i##ion "e al#o built elaborate "o!e# +or "er courtier#) (In St)

3eter#burg t"e Strogano$ and -oront#o$ palace# "a$e #ur$i$ed)

Fro! 1== to 1=52 a#trelli .or/ed on a recon#truction o+ t"e  palace o+ 3eter"o+ ) "e t"ree

#tory building #tretc"e# nearly 1,&&& +eet (#o!e %&& !etre#) Situated on t"e #ea#"ore and

#urrounded by a great nu!ber o+ +ountain#, t"e palace—in t"e .ord# o+ t"e director and

 painter AleCandre enoi# —ga$e t"e i!pre##ion o+ being t"e Ee#idence o+ t"e Sea ing)G

Fro! 1=9 to 1=57 a#trelli rebuilt t"e ol#"oi :$oret# (4rand 3alace in #ar#/oye Selo

(no. 3u#"/in and erected a #erie# o+ pa$ilion# in it# par/) "e #ar#/oye Selo 3alace (no.called t"e 3u#"/in 3alace i# #o!e 1,&&& +eet long, note.ort"y +or t"e orna!entation o+ it#

+acade# and interior# and t"e .ealt" o+ it# pla#ticity and colour) "e Frenc" a!ba##ador,

$ t"e palace on t"e day o+ it# inauguration, co!!ented, E"ere i# only one t"ing

!i##ing "ereH a #uitable ca#e to "ou#e a ;e.el o+ #uc" !agni+icence)G

In 1=8 at t"e be"e#t o+ t"e e!pre##, ."o—t"oug" partial to t"e ;oy# o+ li+e, .a# al#o $ery

religiou#—.anted in "er old age to beco!e a nun, a#trelli began building t"e S!olny

ona#tery on t"e out#/irt# o+ St) 3eter#burg) A large t.o#tory #uare o+ !ona#tic cell#

#urround# a !a##i$e inner courtyard, in t"e centre o+ ."ic" #tand# a grand +i$edo!ed

cat"edral) "e #tructure'# abundant orna!entation !a/e# it appear to "a$e been c"i#eled out

o+ a #ingle  c"un/ o+ #tone)

"e Dinter 3alace in St) 3eter#burg (1=5>72 .a# t"e pinnacle o+ a#trelli'# creation) "e

t"ree#tory building i# in t"e +or! o+ a uadrangleH t"e #uare eCpan#e# are united

.it" one anot"er at t"eir corner# by .ide t"ree#toried gallerie# in ."ic" antec"a!ber# and

li$ing uarter# .ere located) "e abundance o+ orna!ent gi$e# t"e +acade# a +eel o+ #urging

inner "e palace i# t"e pinnacle o+ u##ian arc"itectural aroue and t"e beginning o+ 

it# end)

at"erine t"e 4reat regarded t"e aroue #tyle a# crude and +a$oured  ?eocla##ici#!, and #"e

di#!i##ed a#trelli +ro! #er$ice) S"ortly be+ore "i# deat" t"e u##ian Acade!y o+ Art#accorded "i! an "onorary !e!ber#"ip)

One of the greatest architects active in Russia, Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli waschiefly responsible for the style of architecture that became known as Russian Baroque,making him an important contributor to Russian art, as well as one of the great Baroquearchitects, of the 18th century. e starte! as a court artist un!er "eter the #reat $rule!1%8&'1(&)*, before being appointe! senior court architect in 1(+ by -mpress nne. /nthis role, Rastrelli directed the campaign of architectural renovation and

construction carrie! on !uring the reigns of nne $1(+'0* -liabeth $1(01'%&*,

2atherine $1(%&'3%* an! le4an!er / $181'&)*, creating an unmistakable style ofBaroque architecture that blends Russian typologies with Renaissance

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architecture and later Italian and French Baroque. 5ith the help of several otherBaroque architects an! numerous other Russian artists , he achieved powerfulmonumental linearity in his designs, as well as extraordinary decorative effectsfrom the coloured facades of the 6ummer "alace $1(0'007 !estroye!*, "eterhof"alace, near 6t. "etersburg $1(0('))*, the 6molny 2onvent an! 2athe!ral $1(08'%0*,the 2atherine "alace at sarkoye 6elo $1()&')%* an! the 5inter "alace $1()0'%&*. /n

a!!ition, his interior designs were famous for their lavish Rococo style, and theiruse of mirrors. /n the same way that the "alace of 9ersailles spawne! a mini'renaissance in the activities of French !esigners an! the French :ecorative rts, so the!esign of the royal buil!ings of 6t "etersburg stimulate! the emergence of a large schoolof artisans an! master craftsmen; a tra!ition of Romanov art which culminate! in thee4quisite <ewellery of the Faberg= -aster -ggs. $6ee also; Russian "ainting; 18th2entury.*


Born in "aris, Bartolomeo Rastrelli was the son of the sculptor an! architect 2arloBartolomeo Rastrelli. rriving in Russia at the age of 1), he receive! his first

architectural commission in 1(&1, !uring the era of "etrine rt, when he was invite! to!esign a palace for "rince :emetre 2antemir of >ol!avia. From an early stage, Rastrelli?saim was to inect Romanov Baroque with the latest Italian motifs. ll went well,an! as his works please! the Russian court, so he rose through the ranks becomingsenior court architect in 1(+; a position he retaine! un!er the -mpresses nna an!-liabeth $1(+@1(%&*. /n a!!ition those cite! above, his main commissions inclu!e!;6aint n!rew?s 2hurch, Aiev $1(08'%(*, 9orontsov "alace, 6t. "etersburg $1(03')(*,ermitage "avilion, sarskoe 6elo $1(03*, >ariyinsky "alace, Aiev $begun 1()&*, an!6troganov "alace 6t. "etersburg $1()+')0*. Other buil!ings inclu!e the >itava "alacean! the nnenhof "alace at efortovo.

Rastrelli?s popularity an! influence gave him many followers, who forme! a !istinct

school of architecture calle! CRussian BaroqueC. mong them were the Russianarchitects; !.I."hevakinski $1(1+'8+*, #.F.$okorinov $1(&%'(&*, %rince &mitry'asilyevich (khtomski $1(13@1((0*, '.I.Ba)henov $1(+('33*, *atveyFyodorovich $a)akov $1(+('181+* an! I.+.!tarov $1(0+'188*, some of whoma!opte! the principles of neoclassical art an! entere! the service of -mpress 2atherinethe #reat.

heir successor -mpress 2atherine // $2atherine the #reat*, however, consi!ere!Baroque architecture to be too ol!'fashione!. 6he replace! Rastrelli with the 6cottisharchitect "harles "ameron $1(0)'181&*, who went on to !esign a number of buil!ingsin the more mo!ern style of Deoclassical architecture, inclu!ing the "avlovsk "alace$1(8&'8%* an! the le4an!er "alace $181&*, near 6t "etersburg. >eanwhile, Rastrelli

was retire! to the :uchy of 2ourlan!, a coastal region of atvia, where he was given thetask of completing an! !ecorating several palaces owne! by the !ucal court, such asRun!ale "alace, "ilsrun!ale $complete! 1(%(* an! Eelgava "alace $complete! 1((&*. Dotlong before he !ie!, Rastrelli was electe! a member of the /mperial ca!emy of rts, 6t"etersburg.

Buildings &esigned by Bartolomeo Rastrelli

he "atherine %alace -/012034he 2atherine "alace is a Rococo palace situate! in the former town of sarskoye 6elo, tothe south'east of 6t. "etersburg, Russia. :esigne! aroun! 1(1(, by the #ermanarchitect Eohann'Frie!rich Braunstein, as a summer resi!ence for -mpress 2atherine /, it

was e4ten!e! by architects >ikhail emtsov an! n!rei Avasov at the request of-mpress nna, before her !aughter -mpress -liabeth finally turne! to Rastrelli an!

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aske! him to !emolish the buil!ing an! replace it with a more gran!iose an! flamboyantRococo structure. is new buil!ing !ale! courtiers an! mbassa!ors alike.

he %eterhof %alace -/5/2004ocate! in 6aint "etersburg an! forming a series of palaces an! gar!ens ' sometimesreferre! to as the CRussian 9ersaillesC ' the "eterhof "alace was built by "eter the #reatan! later e4ten!e! by Rastrelli, who a!!e! wings, an! re!esigne! part of the gar!ensan! fountains.

he !molny "onvent and "athedral -/562354

he 6molny 2onvent of the Resurrection $9oskresensky*, situate! close to the RiverDeva, 6t "etersburg, consists of a Russian Ortho!o4 cathe!ral surroun!e! by a comple4of monastic buil!ings. Originally built for -liabeth, the !aughter of "eter the #reat, whoopte! to become a nun after being refuse! the succession to the throne. s it happene!,however, her successor sar /van 9/ was overthrown in 1(01, an! -liabeth succee!e!,although work on the convent continue! at her behest. he convent?s cathe!ral isregar!e! as one of Rastrelli?s greatest works. he cathe!ral?s planne! bell'tower woul!have ma!e the cathe!ral the tallest buil!ing in Russia, but -liabeth?s !eath prevente!

its completion. /t wasn?t until 18+) that the buil!ing was finally complete!. he nearby6molny /nstitute, an important historical buil!ing, is name! after the convent.

he 7inter %alace -/052314he official 6aint "etersburg resi!ence of the Russian sars $1(+&'131(*, themonumental green'an!'white 5inter "alace was !esigne! by many !ifferent architects,most notably Rastrelli, who use! a style known as CRussianC or C-liabethanC Baroque.6hape! like an elongate! rectangle, its main faca!e stretches for &) metres. hebuil!ing contains an estimate! 1,) rooms, 1,(8 !oors, 3) win!ows an! 1&staircases. /t later became a symbol of the 131( Russian Revolution.

Other ma<or buil!ings !esigne! by Rastrelli inclu!e;

' 6ummer "alace $1(0'007 !estroye!*' 6aint n!rew?s 2hurch, Aiev $1(08'%(*' ermitage "avilion, sarskoe 6elo $1(03*' 9orontsov "alace, 6t. "etersburg $1(03')(*' >ariyinsky "alace, Aiev $begun 1()&*' 6troganov "alace 6t. "etersburg $1()+')0*

8ther 9eading Baroque #rchitects

/n a!!ition to those architects cite! above, the best known Baroque !esigners inclu!e!;

#ustria:;ermanyEohann Bernhar! Fischer von -rlach $1%)%'1(&+*Eakob "ran!tauer $1%%'1(&%*Eohann :ientenhofer $1%%+'1(&%*n!reas 6chluter $1%%0'1(10*Balthasar Deumann $1%8('1()+*Eoseph -manuel Fischer von -rlach $1%3+'1(0&*ans #eorg 5eneslaus von Anobels!orff $1%33'1()+*6ee; #erman Baroque rt $c.1))'1()* an! #erman Baroque rtists.


he :ientenhofer Family of architects $1%0+'1(00*Eakub uguston $1%%8'1(+)*Ean Blae< 6antini ichel $1%(('1(&+*

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Britain6ir 2hristopher 5ren $1%+&'1(&+*6ir Eohn 9anbrugh $1%%0'1(&%*

Franceouis e 9au $1%1&'(*n!re e Dotre $1%1+'1(*Eules ar!ouin >ansart $1%0%'1(8*6ee; French Baroque rtists.

Italy#iacomo Baroi !a 9ignola $1)('(+*"ietro !a 2ortona $1)3%'1%%3*Bernini $1)38'1%8*Francesco Borromini $1)33'1%%(*6ee also; /talian Baroque rtists.