bett 2016 review

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with your official show review

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Welcome 4

Bett round-up 6

Bett Arena review 8

Summit review 15

Learn Live review 17

Bett Futures review 21

STEAM Village review 22

The Education Show 24

Your Bett stories 29

Exhibition highlights 37

Bett Awards 47

Bett global series 48

Exhibitors in profile 49

Bett 2016 Review is published by

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Who’s up for a memory test?It’s been a little while since the show, so we’d like to get back in touch to make sure the things you heard, saw and learned at Bett haven’t got buried amongst piles of lesson plans. So grab a cup of tea, put your feet up, put the marking down, and read on for a recap. (Don’t worry, we won’t actually test you).

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First of all, I hope you enjoyed your visit. You travelled from far and wide and I hope you’ve taken plenty back with you (both literally and figuratively).

We shared an immense amount of knowledge and experience in just four days, often delivered with humour and fun; which is a pretty accurate reflection of what education should be like. For this, a big thank you goes out to all our speakers and exhibitors, and to you for getting involved.

You only had to walk past the Arena wall, illustrated with your stories, to see the passion at the show and in the education community. If all this managed to excite you about education and the opportunities out there, just think how enthused your learners could be.

It was great to have so many learners getting actively involved at the show. They’re the ones whose experience of education will be influenced by all this technology, and we think it’s vital that we allow their voices to be heard. From hearing them speak on stage to having them judge the best stand at Bett competition, they were certainly an inspiration.

So, go ahead and inspire them further; meanwhile we’ll get on with planning Bett 2017!

See you next year,

Debbie French - Portfolio Director

See you again soonWell, next year, but apparently it’s already been 3 months since Bett, so it will come around soon! That definitely means it’s about time we checked in.

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“Taking kids to Rome, or the moon, or under the sea is now possible, and only through technology is that feasible.”Jonathan Rochelle, Director of Product Management, Google for Education

“It’s the fizz! It’s thehumm! It’s the faces!The people who are lapping up all the things that they’re learning here.”Stefan Gates, BBC Gastronaut


Bett round-up

Bett round-up

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“The role of a teacher is inspiring a whole generation to do amazing new things, and helping them get there.”

And the role of Bett is to inspire you to do amazing things, and help you get there! Here’s a brief look back at the show as a whole.

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Aleyne Johnson, Head of Government Relations and Citizenship, Samsung

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Plus, thankfully, our pupils have access to computers, unlike the children in New Delhi who taught themselves how to use a computer through a literal hole in the wall. This just shows how much children can pick up themselves when presented with the tools.

Setting the stageIt’s impossible to pick the best of the bunch, as by definition the Arena line-up is the best of the bunch, but let’s bring a few back to the front of our minds.

…a crash, bang and somewhat questionable smell is a great way to get that initial attention! This was essentially a session on how to blow your pupils’ minds. Not literally, although it looked like that may be the

“Baking a cake is actually chemistry and mathematics.”Amy O’Toole, Student, Scientist

Inspiring girls to pursue science is no easy feat, but Amy here was inspired to get involved in the Blackawton bee project and is never likely to look back. ‘Science’ and ‘fun’ is not actually an oxymoron. We partake in, and even seek out science without even realising it. For example, when baking a cake, it probably doesn’t occur to you that your brain is happily engaging in chemistry and maths. As Amy says, science isn’t just fun when there’s a crash, bang and nasty smell involved. However…

“You can’t do Hole in the Wall in England, all you would get are frozen children.”Sugata Mitra, Professor of Educational Technology, School of Education Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University

And what’s the ultimate tool? The internet – the collective knowledge of 7,000,000,000 people. Enter, the School in the Cloud; a ‘self-organised learning environment’ which requires nothing but an internet connection (hence no frozen children).

“Eat my Science!”*Stefan Gates, BBC Gastronaut

*No Bett visitor was harmed in the making of this seminar – even the ones who left with blue tongues returned to their normal colour eventually.

case when younger members of the audience supposedly consumed explosives. Turns out innocent old icing sugar & co. can make quite a scene (but a perfectly innocent, educational scene).

The field trip is such an important part of education, as it gets pupils out and about, experiencing new things. However, the school bus does have its limitations. Google Cardboard, on the other hand, does not. Imagine trying to take your class to the Great

“The bus can’t go everywhere.”Jonathan Rochelle, Director of Product Management, Google for Education

Ah, ok, so turns out you can get further than Australia. Granted, you’d probably rather stay down here, but the point is that the option is there for the human race in general. Travel into space was once deemed impossible, let alone packing up and moving

“You have the surface of Mars to go and live on.”Dr Ellen Stofan, NASA Chief Scientist

out there; so by the time your pupils are all grown up, who knows what opportunities there will be. “Make them in awe of the wonder of it all” (the unbelievable science-related work of NASA that is) and they could be the ones creating these opportunities.

Barrier Reef (so about as far away as you can get), so they can learn all about such a beautiful, fragile ecosystem. Well, we had a great scuba diving trip there, minus the jet lag, expensive flights and supervision of children in shark-infested waters.

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Fair point, you probably wouldn’t see an 18-year-old indigenous boy on his way to prison as opposed to university on Australia’s staple soap. But would your pupils be able to empathise with this situation, or are they too detached from such a different culture? You could tell them to be

What did the neuroscientists find when they examined Einstein’s brain? A bigger this, a bigger that and way more brain cells? Nope, absolutely nothing; it was exactly the same as a normal brain. So, just think of all the mini Einsteins under your influence! Keep your classroom full of laughter (just don’t disrupt the spelling test next door), as when we laugh our hearts beat faster, we breathe more and more oxygen goes to the brain. The brain liberates endorphins, which makes us feel good. For example, bet you’ll remember what a synapse gap is by thinking of Robert Winston hoisting himself across a ravine!

“You wouldn’t see that on Home and Away.”Dan Haesler, Educator, Writer, Speaker

“Any two of you working together have more brain capacity THAN Albert Einstein.”Robert Winston, Researcher, Doctor, Broadcaster, Professor of Science and Society, Imperial College London

empathetic, but wouldn’t it be better for them to form authentic relationships with their counterparts? Well, platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia and the like aren’t just there for watching videos of cats. They can aid that vital sense of connectedness and belonging.

Jumping into something you’re not convinced will go well is never a particularly appealing prospect, particularly when you’re in school and being judged on your progress and performance. But that’s why you’re here! Following the TED Talk which made ‘grit’ education’s

“Human beings do not like doing things they cannot do.”Angela Lee Duckworth, Psychologist, University of Pennsylvania

latest buzzword, Angela explained that it’s not always the most naturally bright students that do the best, it’s the ‘grittiest’. However, this doesn’t necessarily come naturally either, hence a bit of ‘surrogate grit’ on the teacher’s part certainly wouldn’t go amiss.

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“The gift of tomorrow is not given today, but the seeds of the morrow are sewn this day. The fruit of the future will be bitter or sweet, decisions made now impact what we will reap.”Beyonder, Spoken Word Artist

We hope you left Bett with a lot of seeds!

Cue an arena full of raised heart rates… However, the idea that some people are good at maths and some aren’t is actually just a big elephant in the classroom (nobody has room for that and it might squash the children). The brain is actually so flexible that anyone can reach high levels

“We’re going to do some maths together – hope that excites you rather than raises your heart rate!”Jo Boaler, Professor of Mathematics Education, Stanford University

in schools, therefore ‘Ability’ the elephant needs to jog on. A growth mindset is what you want filling your classroom. Learning from mistakes, determination to keep going and encouragement from others’ success. In fact, Jo is so invested in the growth mindset that she’s willing to rap for it.

“…we’re going to manufacture a million micro:bits and put them in the hands of every year 7 or equivalent across the UK.” Give kids a 5x5 LED display, 2 input buttons, an edge connector with programmable pins, an accelerometer, a compass and a bluetooth chip and they’ll run with it. And seeing

“We want to affect a whole generation of kids, so...”Cerys Griffiths, Executive Producer, BBC Learning

as the ‘smart’ future (energy, traffic management, fridges that basically manage your life) is at the mercy of coding, this is certainly an interest to be encouraged. Rohit thought he’d missed the boat with BBC micro, but then along came micro:bit! Congrats if you made it into his selfie.

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Determination and vitality

Young minds, big expectations

These sound like things you’d want your pupils to put into their education, right?Well, according to Dan Haesler, they are how engaged individuals pursue their goals. However, pupil engagement appears to dip after year 5, with a particular lull in year 10. Education needs to engage kids in their life, the world around them and their future. Obviously a lot of this involves technology, but boring stuff on an iPad is still boring stuff!

But as Kevin Morton (thanks for sparing him, Brighton University) says, there is more to tech in HE than digitising submission and marking. For example, could the flipped classroom grow up to become the flipped lecture theatre? Zoe Swan (University of Greenwich) has found that being able to brush up on topics before lectures has helped keep students engaged. However, Dave White (University of the Arts London) reminded us not to have our heads too far in the cloud, as students still want to feel part of an institution in the physical sense and that actually, they may not be natural technology experts.

It’s the way technology is integrated into learning that will make the difference. As Tricia Kelleher (The Stephen Purse Foundation) says, new ways of thinking and

doing things call for new engagement with learning spaces. The role of the educator is certainly not limited to content deliverer.

It’s a good job universities are getting pretty good at this online business, as a number of their lecturers swapped their lecture theatres for our Technology in Higher Education Summit theatre.

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Advertorial feature

Each year at Bett there is a certainty that one can find a new product or service that they wished existed!

Although student transportation posed a serious issue that needed addressing, this had not happened until now with the advent of a single tool to make life easier for all those involved, be they the drivers and monitors, traffic and security officers, school managers and ultimately, the parents.

What are the specific needs of each party? Drivers and monitoring escorts need to have an up-to-date itinerary, with any late amendments marked. They also need to be able to communicate instantly with parents when needed, in order to obtain the current state of ridership. Traffic officers need to have full control of weekly schedules, manage their daily changes and monitor the execution of the work. They need a Swiss knife to control all related resources not to mention a good algorithm that would shorten every route in time and distance. Parents would love to have a timely notification for their bus arrival, or to

know when their offspring is due to get off the bus while they’re still at office. Maybe some of them would dream of making changes to the weekly transportation schedule, easily through their loved mobile! As far as business people are concerned, their expectation of the transportation service is very simple: to lower its costs!

This year, for the first time here at Bett, we meet a new company which offers all the above tools and services, and many more, under a single s/w platform: SchoolBusNotes.

Once a school opens its own account in the cloud-installed platform, and feeds it with its own data, it can get straight to work. The platform is flexible in adapting to any modus operandi the school or the transportation contractor follows. Additionally, the use of a tablet enables one to obtain and also handle all the information while on the bus.

Parents need to install an app on their mobiles in order to receive personalised

notifications, monitor the bus location and communicate with school. If school policy permits, the schoolbusnotes platform has the in-built controls that can allow parents to enter changes to the daily transportation plan. They can enter a cancelation, submit a change of route for a different destination, or request an extra pickup.

Yet the most important feature of this product is the accurate notifications that parents receive and make long waiting times at the drop-off point a thing of the past.

School managers, transportation officers or parents who use student transportation can find more details at or contact them using [email protected]

[email protected]

‘Flipped learning’ is certainly a buzz phrase at the moment, and who better to explain what all the fuss is about than Kirsty Tonks, who’s been flipping lessons all over the place at Shireland Collegiate Academy. Put simply, the more insight you have before a lesson into how well your pupils are grasping a subject, the more you can tailor your lesson to suit them.

Hands up if you feel inspiredWhichever area of education is your forte, we’re sure you spent some time in a Learn Live theatre! (On account of the Learn Live series covering all sectors, conveniently split by theatre, of course).

The most popular four (and a half) letters in HE at the moment seem to be ‘MOOCs’. Laia Albo sacrificed the sun in Barcelona to discuss this relatively new method with us; now, that’s dedication! While courses online essentially mean they can be accessed from anywhere, they needn’t be restricted to distance learning. What’s to stop videos being used in a face to face situation?

With technology requiring a very hands on approach, we hope you managed to get involved in our aptly named Hands On Learn Live; from exploring the features of Office 365 and Windows 10, to getting creative with Lego Education and Minecraft, to bringing classroom resources alive with Blippar. Gone are the days when the board is the most mesmerising feature of the lesson.

But, in the midst of all these opportunities opened up by technology, ‘the killer app is still the teacher.’ (Well said, Neelam Parmar).

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Microsoft Learn Live review

“We hope that everyone who visited our stand or Partner Village left richer for the experience, and now feels more informed or confident in what their next steps may be, whatever they are trying to achieve.”

Time flies when you’re having educational funHow’s this for an example of how fast things move forward? In 2015, Microsoft introduced Windows 10. Just 12 months later at Bett 2016, they had teachers and headteachers speaking about how their schools have been using the operating system and the improvements they’ve seen. This time, they’ve introduced Learning Tools for OneNote; an add-in to improve the reading and writing experience, particularly for those children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia.

Microsoft’s educational resources aren’t exactly few

and far between, hence their stand doubled as a fellow Learn Live theatre to turn you into cool (sorry, even cooler), Microsoft-savvy educators. For example, if you said ‘Minecraft’, how many of your kids’ eyes would light up? Well, having explored the MinecraftEdu environment,

go ahead and wow them with your ‘crafting’ skills (but don’t be too disheartened if they’re still better). And what with every year 7 soon to be in possession of a micro:bit, it’s up to their teachers to use this opportunity to inspire a new generation of tech pioneers.

Join the Microsoft Educator Community at

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What’s (and who’s) new?The very best start-up companies (we know this because we sussed them out) have burst onto the education scene. Here’s a snapshot of the future – as in very near future.

Nano SimboxHumans can’t actually experience atoms and molecules, so how are you supposed to teach about them thoroughly? Through an immersive science learning tool that simulates moving atoms and zooms in to about a billion to the atomic scale, ideally.

now>press>playHow better to learn about the blitz than running for shelter in the thick of it? Obviously there’d be a health and safety issue around that, so best to do it through the safety of these snazzy pink headsets.

Alphabet BabiesWe’re all in agreement that learning should be fun, especially when you’re a tiny little early years pupil. These playful learning resources, including the interactive quiz launched at Bett, are linked to the national curriculum.

BraingoDeveloped by teachers, for teachers – bingo! This game format (Bingo, get it?), traditional teaching methods and audiovisual content make a great team for engaging pupils in the learning process.

OhbotHow do you think a robot would perform in a play? Or an interview? Well, programme this guy and find out. He comes with challenge activities tailored to the new computing curriculum.

TeachPitchThere are so many online resources, which is great, but you could really do with a library system where you could all see, rate and share the most relevant ones to you. Luckily, that idea’s made it to the cloud.

Pelican ConnectImagine a sophisticated, private Facebook just for your school (so, minus the random friend requests and pet related status updates). This community management system enables school to unite alumni, friends and ambassadors.

PobbleWhich one of you is now feeling pretty smug about your writing ability? Hope that Pobble package you won is doing wonders for inspiring your pupils to write.

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Picking up STEAMWho knows exactly what kind of jobs you’re preparing your pupils for?

A lot of them probably don’t actually exist yet! What we do know is that competence in STEAM areas is what will get them these jobs. Therefore, we went full steam ahead and built a village.

Think ‘Universe’All elements of the universe come from the same tiny building blocks, therefore everything is connected somehow. Francisco Diego (University College London) talked us through ‘All is one’, a coherent teaching approach for science education, showing how all natural sciences relate to each other. After all, what we can see is only a tiny fraction of what’s out there.

A healthy dose of codingThe raspberry has come to be something of a staple image when it comes to technology. The Raspberry Pi won’t count towards your five a day, but it will count a great deal towards a balanced STEAM education. This tiny computer can do everything its desktop sized counterparts can, plus interact with the outside world.

Talking of small but mighty…The BBC has a mission to educate as well as entertain, hence the micro:bit is heading for your school. How better to get your kids excited about coding, not to mention good at it, than giving them their very own coding device?

“We’re currently looking for ways toincorporate coding in our curriculum. The STEAM Village is really good and the presentation ‘How coding supports problem-solving in the curriculum’ wasreally interesting.”Chris, Assistant Headteacher

But, don’t we have to teach them to use it..?Yes, but don’t worry, the Institute of Engineering and Technology are producing a range of teaching resources for BBC micro:bit, including text-based and video-based materials.

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Inspiring minds

How well do you know The Gruffalo? Renaissance Learning gave us a taster of their Accelerated Reader programme, which is used in over 4,000 schools to motivate children of all ages and abilities to read for pleasure.

It had to be UUracil that is. ‘Global Teacher Prize’ finalist Richard Spencer had the audience out of their seats and dancing to his science lesson playlist. How better to get mitosis into your head than to do the Mitosis Mamba?

“Thank you for all the great work you do in our schools”Did you know that children from professional families will have heard 3 million more words when they start school than children from welfare families? Pie Corbett talked through creating a reading spine of quality literature and declared that teachers are the finest people he’s ever met.

Commando Joes (or Janes)Bring the ex-service men and women in to bring out confidence and inspire teamwork in your school. Whoever managed to master the Batak liteboard most impressively won a taster day.

“Reading makes you brainy brainy brainy”So, fairies appear to be real and happen to know a lot about phonics. After getting over the shock of the audience not knowing what a snail sounds like when it speaks, the Phonic Fairy took us on a trip through her Storytime Phonics series.

“Not everyone needs a chocolate peacock in their life”A chocolate peacock would probably be too nice to eat anyway… Nadiya Hussain translated her kitchen tips to the classroom (she considered becoming a teacher, you know), making the point that you don’t always need a show stopper. Sometimes, just three or four ingredients can work wonders.

Have you seen this wizard?Would you have enjoyed film making in school? More to the point, would your pupils? Warner Bros. Studio Tour brought along their green screen and told us all about their educational side.

“It’s so easy to say I’ll start Everest tomorrow”Bonita Norris was talking literally here, but on a smaller, less treacherous scale, simply say ‘yes’ to more, as you never know where you’ll end up. It’s the small steps that count (of which Bonita took many and did indeed find herself atop Everest).

So, technology is a massive part of education, but it hasn’t taken over the world yet. If you’re looking for advice and resources for other areas, The Education Show is where you want to head. Here are some nuggets from The Education Show 2016, to paint you a picture of what it’s all about.

Come along to The Education Show 2017, 16 – 18 March

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Your Bett stories

No wonder we trendedAs we always say, we love to hear about your experience at the show. Here are a few of your story snippets.

Bryan L. Miller @Edtechnerd - Jan 19Gotta try and get some sleep but this guy is too excited for @Bett_show to start tomorrow!! #Bett2016 #edspeakers

Charlie Love @charlie_love - Jan 19Great to catchup with @JayeRHill at #Bett2016. Chatting about ICT for learning in Scotland and looking forward to the stands tomorrow

Derek Larson @lars3eb - Jan 20So cool watching @theCatchbox in action here at @BETT_show. What a cool idea for making participation more fun! #BETT2016 cc/ @MJMadda

thinkwrite @ithinkwrite - Jan 20Great turn out for the “Are We Over Digitizing Education?” session by @mguerena at #bett2016. We hope the session raised lots of ?s.

Ranelagh Politics @RanelaghUKJan 20Luke emphasises need for strong relationships btwn 2ndaries and primaries, even more now standardised scores have replaced levels #bett2016

Mr Wing @mrwing_ict - Jan 20Great chat with the people from one of my favourite apps @explainevrythng about the new collaborative feature #bett2016

“I have enjoyed looking, dreaming and thinking at Bett. I have found the talks very useful and the atmosphere has been really friendly.”Hilary Saugstrup, School Support Coordinator

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Your Bett stories

Sabri Espasandin @sabrieo - Jan 20“What makes my practice better is engaging with people” @urban_teacher #wisewords #bett2016

Kyle Calderwood @kcalderw - Jan 20Love this idea of artistically sharing ideas on the wall at @Bett_show with @creativeconnec #bett2016

Jennifer Womble @JenWombleJan 20#bett2016 exhibit hall has a great energy today! Piccadilly lights & massive stands w/ friendly #edtech faces!

Maxine Taylor @_MaxineTaylorJan 20Watching a demo of the new #Minecraft Education edition at #bett2016. Wish I had this at school!

Joanna Norton @joannapnortonJan 20Teaching in conflict zones requires an innovative approach to education. #tech can play a role here #bett2016

Will Gordon @WillGordon5 Jan 20Disruption is healthy. Intervention is necessary. Lots of inspired disruption at #Bett2016 #edtech @GPA_ed

macmillanelt @MacmillanELT Jan 20Robert Winston: ‘the critical thing for learning is face to face teaching’ #Bett2016

“I love being inspired by the possibilities. You can get caught up in the stands, as there are so many and such a variety!”Hettie Patel, Teacher

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Your Bett stories

Andreas Starborg @AndreasStarborgJan 20Collaboration, blended learning, personalization, analytics, project based, self paced, online. Buzzwords from first day of #bett2016

tagtiv8 @tagtiv8 - Jan 21Great to catch up with the wonderful folk from @Zu3D & see the new features. Awesome animation #bett2016

Intel Education @IntelEDU - Jan 21Incredible to hear the @jamaledwards and @SBTVonline story. A fountain of knowledge, ideas and inspiration #IntelEdu #Bett2016

Gary King @Gary_S_King - Jan 22A meeting of great minds and where the magic happens with @urban_teacher and @TeacherToolkit #tmbett16 #bett2016

“We came with some pupils and find it very useful to see which stands they approach. They particularly enjoyed the Lego Education stand!”Rebecca Flaherty and Craig Smith, Deputy Heads

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Your Bett stories

“It’s my first time at Bett – I’m really impressed!”Jo Whiting, Teacher

“I’ve been before but I really enjoy it each year!”Shaun McMahon, ICT Technician and Teacher

“It’s great to see technology in action and how it can help aid education.”Vee Benn, Teacher

Join the conversation #Bett2016 #BettChat

Daniel Edwards @syded06 Jan 22#bett2016 on a Friday reminds me why it’s so important to talk to the real edtech gurus @Abdulchohan @Joe_Moretti @riley_ed @domnorrish

Lee Small @Leeasmall - Jan 23Great time at #Bett2016, loads of new ideas to use in the classroom. Monday morning getting #Minecraft on the network #MIEExpert

ThePeaPod @Peapodicity - Jan 22 @googlescifair @Bett_show That was a great session this morning. Very inspirational. Great to connect with you guys! #Bett2016 #STEM

Ceri Williams @cerirwilliams - Jan 22 Brilliant to catch up with @nightzookeeper & @thewikiartist, can’t wait to use it with the kids #bett2016

Ewan McIntosh @ewanmcintoshJan 22 @nataliehscott just blew my mind and ideas inspired in my head! #TeachMeet #bett2016

Philip Nottingham @trysomeicyteaJan 22Stunning work by @nataliehscott in refugee camps in europe. #humbling #tmbett16 #Bett2016

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Exhibition highlights

Cutting edge technology

VEX has exhibited alongside Rapid Electronics at this

year’s show to display products at the the cutting edge of STEM Education. Among the products on display was the VEX IQ Smart Radio. Rapid Electronics’ NAO robot has also proved to be an exciting attraction, particularly for the younger visitors.

Futuristic solutions

GBM have been working with educators to transform their institutions for over 20 years. This year at the Apple Solution Expert Village they’ve demonstrated

how iPads can be used across the curriculum from computing to English, and discussed with teachers what they think the classroom of the future could look like.

New kids on the blockBett is a fantastic platform for innovation in ed tech. Here are some highlights from brand new exhibitors this year.

Bringing you the world’s brightest, most inspiring events.If you’re interested in finding out more about our work or would like to discuss working together, please visit us at

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Exhibition highlights

Collaborative innovation

SEINET, the developer of innovative platforms for the educational and media industry, was focusing on two products at Bett. Xtent is the first collaborative

multichannel content authoring platform designed for the educational & media industry. xPad is an innovative platform that offers all the necessary components to distribute and monetize interactive digital editions for tablets and desktops in a publisher controlled and DRM enabled environment.

Improved sensors & interfaces

Visitors to the Scientific & Chemical Supplies Ltd stand

had an opportunity to get hands-on experience with the latest PASCO sensors and interfaces, to appreciate the improved learning experience for students and easy integration with existing infrastructure.

Experts in infrastructure

The Atea Group is the leading IT infrastructure

supplier in the Nordic and Baltic region, and Europe’s second largest. They have the experience, knowledge and tools to help you achieve the goals you have for teaching in the 21st century. This year the company exhibited at the Apple Solution Expert Village, with advisers on hand to help with planning, training, deployment and financing.

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Exhibition highlights

Open source 3D printing

Ultimaker’s vision has been to make 3D printing accessible to all. It is why all their desktop printers are extremely quiet, fast, accurate, reliable and effortless to use. This has also helped them to become one of the most successful and reliable open

source 3D printing companies in the world.

Diminutive learning tool

As part of the STEAM Village, the BBC and its partners

showcased the BBC micro:bit – a pocket-sized, codeable computer that will be given free to every 11 or 12 year old child in year 7 or equivalent across the UK. Visitors could get hands-on with the BBC micro:bit at inspirational training sessions plus demonstrations and coding activities that showcased the device as an amazing tool for learning and creativity.

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Exhibition highlights

Ed tech innovations for collaboration

Epson showcased its latest range of products which provide people in education the technology they

need to make teaching interesting, collaborative, interactive and fun. 

Android-powered screen

On display on the Clevertouch stand was a front-of-class interactive screen, powered by Android, that

is as easy to use as a tablet, along with the company’s revolutionary software.

Revolutionary learning experience

At Bett Fourier Education demonstrated their revolutionary einstein™ World learning platform. It

empowers teachers and inspires students by providing an engaging science learning experience unifying inquiry-based experiments, interactive multimedia activities and user-friendly analysis applications on any tablet or computer.

Electronic resources for ICT

TTS has over 30 years’ experience of supplying high quality educational resources to schools & parents

across the UK. At Bett this year the company demonstrated their self-developed, electronic resources to show how to use ICT across the curriculum to engage learners.

Have we met before?On the following pages you’ll find highlights from around the show and updates from our returning exhibitors.

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Exhibition highlights

Easy integration

Through open, usable, cloud-based technologies, Canvas

enables easy integration of the content, tools, and services that teachers need and students want. Demonstrations held at the stand has shown how Canvas is at the heart of the learning ecosystem. This learning platform is modern, open, reliable, cloud-based and integrates with social media and apps.

Interactive learning programs

2Simple has been making powerful and creative educational software for primary schools for 15 years and has won over 40 industry awards. Bett attendees

had an opportunity to view creative demonstrations of their interactive learning programs, including Purple Mash, multi-award winning app 2Build a Profile and Serial Mash.

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Congratulations to the winners!Early Years Digital ContentDiscovery Education – Dinosaurs Module in Discovery Education Espresso

Primary Digital Content Oxford University Press – Big Writing Adventures

Primary Digital Content London Grid for Learning / Computeam – Maya – A Journey through the Maya World with Dr Diane Davies, Maya Archaeologist

Secondary Digital ContentSAM Learning – SAM Learning

Best Whole Course Subject Curriculum ResourceOddizzi – Oddizzi

ICT Tools for Learning, Teaching and Assessment – non web basedCapita SIMS – SIMS Assessment with the SIMS Teacher app

ICT Tools for Learning, Teaching and Assessment – web based – classroom aids2Simple Software – Purple Mash

ICT Tools for Learning, Teaching and Assessment – web based – whole school aidsTES Global – TES Institute

ICT Special Educational Needs SolutionsCrick Software – SuperKeys

Digital DevicesAvantis Systems Ltd – Tectus

ICT Leadership and Management solutionsOxford University Press – School Improvement Pathways

ICT Exporter of the YearGL Education

ICT Service and SupportScomis

ICT Company of the Year (less than £3m turnover)bksb Ltd

ICT Company of the Year (over £3m turnover)Joskos Solutions

Free Digital Content/ Open Educational Resources – content suiteTwig World in partnership with Imperial College London – Reach Out CPD

Free Digital Content/ Open Educational Resources – single issue resourceThe National Archives – Magna Carta

International Digital Education ResourceWhizz Education – Maths-Whizz Suite

Educational AppsSuperMemo World – Olive Green

The ICT Innovator of the YearMakewaves

Outstanding Achievement in ICT EducationDominic Savage

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Exhibitors in profile

bksb Ltdi2 Centre, Hamilton Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5FBT: 01623 413333 E: [email protected] W:

Used by millions of students every year, bksb is the UK’s most popular GCSE and Functional Skills eLearning solution for English, maths and ICT.

CTOUCHUnits 5 & 6, Peter James Business Centre, Pump Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 3NTT: 020 8813 5777 E: [email protected] W:

CTOUCH Europe is an innovative Dutch company specialising in interactive learning solutions. CTOUCH interactive displays make it easy to create effective eye-catching teaching materials that make the classroom fun for everyone.

GCSEPod6 Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XFT: 01912 111999 E: [email protected] W:

21 curriculum-mapped subjects, more than 4000 audio-visual ‘Pods’, GCSEPod provides a true education anywhere experience for mobile learning and revision. In or out of school, on or offline.

Groupcall LtdCommerce House, 1 Raven Road, South Woodford, London, E18 1HBT: 020 8506 6100 E: [email protected] W:

Co-founded by Sir Bob Geldof, Groupcall is an education market leader in communication/data solutions. Its product portfolio comprises of: Messenger, Xpressions, Emerge and Xporter.

idXtra LtdThe Foundry, 156 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8EN, UKT: 0800 083 6053 E: [email protected] W:

idXtra are developers of smart card and biometric systems for managing security, attendance and payments. Systems enhance the student experience, improve retention and simplify administration.

Interactive Achievement31 Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HJT: 020 3078 7311 E: [email protected] W:

Interactive Achievement’s onTRAC® platform harnesses the power of formative assessment for K12 educators, guiding instruction in the classroom and providing real time data analytics.

15-16 November 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

18-21 May 2016 São Paulo, Brazil

25-28 January 2017 London, UK

6-7 April 2016 Abu Dhabi, UAE

27-28 October 2016 Mexico City, Mexico

Our global series

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Exhibitors in profile

MussilaKrókháls 5F, 110, Reykjavík, IcelandT:  +354 519 6424 E:  [email protected] W: 

Mussila is an adventurous music app for kids that teaches the basics of music through fun and creative play.

MV-NordicLucernemarken 17, DK-5260 Odense ST: +45 6591 8022 E: [email protected] W:

MV-Nordic is the leading supplier of reading and writing tools in Scandinavia. Including IntoWords which offers advanced literacy support, lowers the threshold to learning and communication, and supports inclusion.

Netex12-20 Oxford Street, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1JB, UKT: 0845 463 8200 E: [email protected] W:

Netex is an award-winning digital EdTech solutions provider. We work as technology and content digitisation partners for publishers and education providers.

PARAT GMBH + Co.KGSchachtlau 3-4, 94089, Neureichenau, GermanyT: +49 085 832 9400 E: [email protected] W:

PARAT is a leading manufacturer of IT system cases and carts for the educational and training sector. We offer innovative charging, sync and transport solution.

Pasco Scientific10101 Foothills Boulevard, Roseville, California, 9574, USAT: +1 916 786 3800 E: [email protected] W:

As a leader in science education, PASCO transforms student learning with innovative technology and curriculum and promotes 21st century readiness skills for the global marketplace.

TP-LINK UK LTD Units 2-4 Riverview, Cardiff Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8EWT: 0118 327 1135 E: [email protected] W:

TP-LINK, the world’s number 1 networking manufacturer, provides high quality, high speed wired & wireless solutions. A lifetime warranty & 24/7 support is provided for all business products.

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