(발제)beyond total capture: a constructive critique of lifelogging +communications of acm -avigail...

capture:a constructive critiqueof Lifelogging +Communications of ACM -Avigail Sellen / 이이이

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Page 1: (발제)Beyond total capture: a constructive critique of Lifelogging +Communications of ACM -Avigail Sellen /이동진 x 2012winter

Beyond total cap-ture:a constructive critiqueof Lifelog-ging+Communications of ACM

-Avigail Sellen/ 이동진x 2012winter

Page 2: (발제)Beyond total capture: a constructive critique of Lifelogging +Communications of ACM -Avigail Sellen /이동진 x 2012winter

Beyond Total Capture:A Constructive Critique of Lifelogging


발제 : 이동진

Page 3: (발제)Beyond total capture: a constructive critique of Lifelogging +Communications of ACM -Avigail Sellen /이동진 x 2012winter

라이프로깅 Lifelogging

우리가 보고 듣고 경험하는 모든 것을 디지털로 캡쳐할 수 있다면 ?

What if we could digitally capture everything we do and see?What if we could save every bit of information we touch and record every event we expe-



“total recall” through “total capture”

Page 4: (발제)Beyond total capture: a constructive critique of Lifelogging +Communications of ACM -Avigail Sellen /이동진 x 2012winter

기록될 수 있는 모든 것들email, paper mail, and instant messages sent and received;content of telephone conversations; Web sites visited;

still images, video, ambient sound and location data.

environmental measures;light intensity and temperature variation

Internal biosensor dataheart rate and galvanic skin-response measures

reflecting our physical and emotional state.

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Page 6: (발제)Beyond total capture: a constructive critique of Lifelogging +Communications of ACM -Avigail Sellen /이동진 x 2012winter

“capturing everything”

New technologies could give each of us a comprehensive set of “digital memories” to augment

or even replace their biological counterparts.

But how sound are these goals? What benefits would the effort bring us?

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Vannevar Bush’s 1945 “Memex” vision.

Supporting the archiving, searching,and indexing of personal informationstores revolving around documentswith which we inter-


Page 8: (발제)Beyond total capture: a constructive critique of Lifelogging +Communications of ACM -Avigail Sellen /이동진 x 2012winter


MyLifeBits by Gordon Bell is a lifetime store of everything, aiming to fulfill the Memex vision.


Just as we can capture and collect personal interac-

tions with documents, we can capture activitiesaway from the computer, out of the office,in the everyday world. Key to it all is that many everyday activities can becaptured automatically and comprehensivelythrough digital tools thatallow us to not only store Important content, but also contextual details ofthe activities to help access the content later.

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Defining the Benefits: Five Rs

대다수 라이프로깅 시스템은 technical challenge 에 집중을 할 뿐 , 사용자를 위한 potential value 를 고려하지 않는다 .

Here, we outline potential benefits for memory by describing the ways such systems

might support “the five Rs,” or the activities we call recollecting, reminiscing,retrieving, reflecting, and remembering intentions:

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Defining the Benefits: Five Rs

Recollecting. Technology could help us mentally “re-live” specific life experiences,thinking back in detail to past personal experiences (often called “episodic” memories).

Reminiscing. As a special case of recollection, lifelogs could also help users re-live past experiences for emotional or sentimental reasons.

Retrieving. Lifelogs promise to help us retrieve specific digital information we’ve encountered over the


Reflecting. Lifelogs might support a more abstract representation of personal data to facilitate reflection

on, and reviewing of, past experience.

Remembering intentions. Another type of activity concerns remembering prospective events in one’s life (“prospectivememory”), as opposed to the things that have happened in the past.

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라이프로깅에 관한 많은 연구가 랩 스터디를 통해 평가가 이루어지고 있고 , real-world 의 실제 성과를 평가하지는 못하고 있다 .

Microsoft SenseCam

SenseCam 을 통한 실험의 경우 , 캡쳐된 이미지를 통한 recollecting 이겨우 삼개월만에 효과가 급감되는 것을 보였고 , 이러한 디바이스가 longer-term recollection 에 support 를 하는지 의심스럽다 .

Lecture 나 meeting 을 기록하는 장치 또한 많이 개발되었지만 , 이러한 장치가 학생들의 성적을 significantly 향상시키지는 않았다 .

Other research confirms the view that digital archives may be generally less valuable than people would hope.

Digital date 의 value 또는 utility 의 문제가 아니라 ,Access 의 문제일까 ?there is no consistent evidence that improving the quality

of search leads to increased use of search tools.

In general, these findings imply that archival data may be less valuable than the considerable effort expended on these systems would justify.

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Design Principles

Strategically targeting the weaknesses of human memory.Total-capture system 은 모든 데이터가 동등한 가치를 지녔다고 가정하고 데이터가 더 많을수록 좋다고 가정한다 . “as much as we can” 왜냐하면 미래에 기억을 할때 뭐가 필요할지 모르기 때문에 .

그러나 이러한 접근은 큰 약점이 두 가지 존재 .1. 모든 것을 다 캡쳐할 수는 없다 we can never capture absolutely everything.2. Huge amounts of data 에서 정보를 선택하도록 사용자에게 짐을 지운다 .

Psychology research provides a deeper understanding of the most frequent and critical kinds of

memory problems people have.

Not “capturing experience” but designing effective retrieval cues.Collections of digital data can serve as cues to trigger autobiographical memory about past events but are not memories in themselves.

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Lessons and Research Questions

Selectivity, not total capture.System designers should channel their efforts more fruitfully by identifying the situations where Human memory is poor or targeting the things users most want to remember.

Cues not capture.System designers must be explicit about the fact that these systems do not “capture experiences”but instead provide cues that might trigger different kinds of memories.

Memory refers to a complex, multi-faceted set of concepts.There are different types of memory, and system designers must clarify the aspects of memorythey are targeting (such as recollection, reminiscence, retrieval, reflection, and remembering inten-


Synergy not substitution.Rather than try to replace human memory with digital systems, system designers should look to capitalize on the strengths of human memory and help overcome its weaknesses. Lifelogging design must therefore be engineered to work in synergy with users’ own memories.