bg hasan ncbi c2

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  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    NeuroRx. Jul 2005; 2(3): 410422.#oi2 /-'/3-(4neuror&'('*'0/-


    Animal Models of Head TraumaIbo5a Cernak

    Aut$or in"ormation 6Copyrig$t an# !icense in"ormation 6

    T$is artice $as been cite# byot$er artices in PMC'


    7o to2


    Traumat! "ra# #$ur% & a !om'lex 'ro!e&& a# !o#&&t& o

    our o*erla''#+ ',a&e&- ,!, #!lue 'rmar% #$ur%-e*oluto# o t,e 'rmar% #$ur%- &e!o#ar% or ato#al

    #$ur%- a# re+e#erato#.1Prmar% #$ur% to t,e "ra# !a# "e

    #u!e "% #umerou& me!,a#&m&- ,!, #!lue t,e

    ollo#+ ma$or !ate+ore&: 1) re!t !o#tu&o# o t,e "ra#

    rom t,e &/ull; 2) "ra# !o#tu&o# !au&e "% a mo*eme#t

    a+a#&t rou+, #teror &ura!e& o t,e &/ull- a#or #re!t

    (!o#tra!ou') !o#tu&o# o t,e "ra# o''o&te t,e &e o t,em'a!t; 3) &,ear#+ a# &tret!,#+ o t,e "ra# t&&ue !au&e

    "% moto# o t,e "ra# &tru!ture& relat*e to t,e &/ull a#

    ea!, ot,er; 4) *a&!ular re&'o#&e to t,e m'a!t #!lu#+

    &u"ural ,ematoma 'rou!e "% ru'ture o "r+#+ "loo
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    *e&&el& lo!ate "etee# "ra# a# ura mater; e!rea&e

    "loo lo ue to #!rea&e #tra!ra#al 're&&ure or

    #ar!to#;2a# "ra# eema !au&e "% #!rea&e

    'ermea"lt% o !ere"ral "loo *e&&el&. Du&e axo#al #$ur%,a& "ee# re!o+#e a& o#e o t,e ma# !o#&eue#!e& o

    "lu#t ,ea trauma; t & !,ara!tere "% mor',olo+!al a#

    u#!to#al ama+e& o axo#& t,rou+,out t,e "ra# a#

    "ra#&tem a# lea& to u&e e+e#erato# o !ere"ral ,te

    matter.3e!o#ar% #$ur% me!,a#&m& #!lue !om'lex

    "o!,em!al a# ',%&olo+!al 'ro!e&&e&- ,!, are #tate

    "% t,e 'rmar% #&ult a# ma#e&t o*er a 'ero o ,our& toa%&.4It ,a& "ee# e&ta"l&,e t,at &u!, &e!o#ar% #$ur% ma%

    &+#!a#tl% !o#tr"ute to 'o&ttraumat! #eurolo+!al


    T,e 'ur'o&e o ex'erme#tal moel& o traumat! "ra#

    #$ur% (TI) & to re'l!ate !erta# 'at,olo+!al !om'o#e#t&

    or ',a&e& o !l#!al trauma # ex'erme#tal a#mal& am#+

    to are&& 'at,olo+% a#or treatme#t.2T,e e&+# a#!,o!e o a &'e!! moel &,oul emulate t,e +oal o t,e

    re&ear!,. 6or exam'le- !,ara!terato# o t,e "ome!,a#!&

    o #$ur% ma% #e!e&&tate a ere#t moel t,a# e*aluato# o

    mole!ular me!,a#&m& o t&&ue lo&&- or te&t#+ t,e e!a!%

    o #o*el t,era'eut! treatme#t&.27,erea& earler moel&

    are&&e "ome!,a#!al a&'e!t& o "ra# #$ur%-8-9re!e#t

    moel& are more tar+ete toar m'ro*#+ t,eu#er&ta##+ o !om'lex mole!ular etrme#tal !a&!ae&

    #tate "% trauma.-Re+arle&& o t,e +oal&- t & *tal t,at

    t,e !,o&e# ex'erme#tal moel &at&e& t,e ollo#+

    !rtera: 1) t,e me!,a#!al or!e u&e to #u!e #$ur% &
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    !o#trolle- re'rou!"le- a# ua#ta"le; 2) t,e #l!te

    #$ur% & re'rou!"le- ua#ta"le- a# mm!& !om'o#e#t&

    o ,uma# !o#to#&; 3) t,e #$ur% out!ome- mea&ure "%

    mor',olo+!al- ',%&olo+!al- "o!,em!al- or "e,a*oral'arameter&- & relate to t,e me!,a#!al or!e !au+ t,e

    #$ur%; a# 4) t,e #te#&t% o t,e me!,a#!al or!e u&e to

    #l!t #$ur% &,oul 're!t t,e out!ome &e*ert%.

    De&'te er#+ o'#o#& re+ar#+ t,e 'reerre &'e!e&

    u&e or moel#+ ,uma# TI-10ma#% #*e&t+ator& ,a*e

    a!!e'te roe#t moel& a& t,e mo&t &uta"le !,o!e or

    #eurotrauma re&ear!,. I#ee- t,e relat*el% &mall &e a#!o&t o roe#t& 'ermt& re'ett*e mea&ureme#t& o

    mor',olo+!al- "o!,em!al- !ellular- a# "e,a*oral

    'arameter& t,at reure relat*el% lar+e #um"er& o a#mal&.

    e!au&e o et,!al- te!,#!al- a#or #a#!al lmtato#&-

    &u!, &tue& are le&& a!,e*a"le # ',%lo+e#et!all% ,+,er

    &'e!e& t,a# roe#t&.

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    ,ole "o% t, t,e /#et! e#er+% o t,e o&!llat#+

    're&&ure a*e& t,at tra*er&e t,e "o% m'art#+ t,er ee!t&

    o# "ra# t&&ue.

    7o to2


    a&e o# t,e ex&te#!e o a re!t m'a!t a#or a!!elerato#-

    re!t %#am! "ra# #$ure& !a# "e !la&&e

    a& impactor nonimpact/acceleration,ea #$ur% moel&.

    ot, m'a!t a# #o#m'a!t #$ure& !a# "e urt,er *e

    e'e##+ o# t,e ,ea moto# at t,e mome#t o #$ur%;#amel%- ,et,er t,e ,ea moto# & !o#&tra#e to a +le

    'la#e- or t,e ,ea & u#!o#&tra#e a# alloe to mo*e


    Impac !rain in"ur#$ penerain% &ead in"ur#'direc !raindeformaion

    Pe#etrat#+ ,ea #$ur% a# ot,er re!t "ra# eormato#moel& are !au&e "% t,e m'a!t e#er+%- ,!, & el*ere

    to t,e "ra# 'are#!,%ma t,rou+, a &/ull 'erorate "% a

    m&&le or a !ra#otom%.

    (luid percussion in"ur# )(*I+ models,

    T,e 6PI & o#e o t,e mo&t reue#tl% u&e re!t "ra#

    eormato# moel&. I#ee- t ,a& "ee# ou# &uta"le or

    t,e &tu% o #$ur% 'at,olo+%-19-1',%&olo+%-1-20a#

    ',arma!olo+%21-22# a e ra#+e o &'e!e&- #!lu#+

    rat&-23-24m!e-25-28!at&-29-2'+&-2-30ra""t&-31a# o+& a#

    &,ee'.32I# t,& moel- t,e #&ult & #l!te "% a''l!ato# o

    a lu 're&&ure 'ul&e to t,e #ta!t ura t,rou+, a !ra#otom%-
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    =e#erall%- !e#tral a# lateral 6PI& ,a*e !om'ara"le

    'at,o"olo+%- alt,ou+, &t#!t ere#!e& ,a*e al&o "ee#

    re'orte "etee# t,e to moel&.11-42T,e lateral 6PI moel

    #l!t& 'rmarl% u#lateral !ort!al ama+e- rarel% #*ol*#+t,e !o#tralateral !ort!e& a# "ra#&tem- ,erea& !e#tral 6PI

    !au&e& "lateral !ort!al alterato#& a&&o!ate t, re!t

    axal mo*eme#t o t,e loer "ra#&tem.11-12T,e mmeate

    ',%&olo+!al re&'o#&e to "ot, t%'e& o 6PI& !om'r&e& o

    !,a#+e& # "loo 're&&ure (ma#l% a tra#&e#t

    ,%'erte#&o#)-23-35"re re&'rator% arre&t-43-44ele*ate

    !ra#o!ere"ral 're&&ure-2

    e!rea&e !ere"ral 'eru&o#'re&&ure-2reu!e !ere"ral "loo lo-2a# #!rea&e

    !ere"ral *a&!ular re&&ta#!e.2Moreo*er- alterato#& #

    !ere"ral "loo lo2-45-48a# #!rea&e 'ermea"lt% o t,e

    "loo"ra# "arrer ,a*e "ee# &,o# # "ot, 6PI

    moel&.34-35-49T,e mo&t reue#tl% re'orte ,&to'at,olo+!al

    ##+& are: 'ete!,al ,emorr,a+e # t,e "ra# 'are#!,%ma-

    ra#+#+ rom m#or to atal !o#lue#t ,emorr,a+e- axo#alama+e- &u"ara!,#o ,emorr,a+e- t&&ue tear& olloe "%

    o!al #e!ro&& a# !ell lo&&- a# !,ara!ter&t! *a&!ular

    ama+e at t,e +ra%,te #tera!e e#e a& A+l#+

    !o#tu&o#.B33-35-43-452ot, t%'e& o #euro#al !ell eat,-

    #e!ro&& a# a'o'to&&- ,a*e "ee# ou# # t,e&e 6PI

    moel&.5254Moreo*er- !e#tral a# lateral 6PI moel& ,a*e

    "ee# l#/e to altere o#! ,omeo&ta&&- #!lu#+ ele*ate#tra!ellular !al!um55-58a# t&&ue &oum-595m'are

    'ota&&um eul"rum-5-80-81a# e!rea&e #tra!ellular ree


  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    moel- e&'e!all% # "ome!,a#!al &tue& o TI. T,e

    !o#trolle m'a!t & el*ere to t,e #ta!t ura "% a

    !om're&&e arr*e# metall! '&to# !au+ eormato# o

    t,e u#erl%#+ !ortex.94-99

    rel%- t,e e*!e u&e # roe#tCCI moel& !o#&&t& o a '#eumat! !%l#er u&uall% t, a

    4 to 5!m &tro/e- ,!, & mou#te o# a !ro&& "ar &o t,at t,e

    'o&to# o t,e m'a!tor !a# "e a$u&te. T,e m'a!t *elo!t%

    u&e # t,e ma$ort% o &tue& & "etee# 0.5 a# 10 m&

    e'e##+ o# ar 're&&ure t,at r*e& t,e m'a!tor. T,e e't,

    o !ort!al eormato# & !o#trolle "% *ert!al a$u&tme#t

    o t,e !ro&&"ar ,ol#+ t,e !%l#er a# !a# "e *are rom"etee# 1 a# 3 mm- ,erea& t,e urato# o t,e m'a!t

    (ell tme) !a# "e a$u&te "etee# 25 a# 250 m&. It ,a&

    "ee# &,o# t,at !ere"ral ,emo%#am! re&'o#&e& &u!, a&

    ele*ate #tra!ra#al 're&&ure- e!rea&e "loo a# !ere"ral

    'eru&o# 're&&ure&-99,&tolo+!al95-9a# !ellular

    alterato#&--9-0a& ell a& u#!to#al e!t&98-1are relate to

    "ot, t,e e't, o eormato# a# t,e *elo!t% o t,e m'a!t.Im'a!t& #l!te at a *elo!t% ,+,er t,a# 4.3 m& (4.3.0

    m&) a# t, a e't, o !ort!al eormato# rom 1.0 mm

    #tate e&'rea a!ute a# !,ro#! #euro#al #$ur%.9-2

    4Pat,oa#atom!al alterato#&- #!lu#+ u&e axo#al

    #$ur%- ,a*e "ee# ou# # ,te matter o t,e &u"!ort!al

    re+o# a# !ere"ellar ola- #ter#al !a'&ule- t,alam! #u!le-

    m"ra#- 'o#&- a# meulla.2-12

    T,& moel al&o #u!e&!oma o *ar%#+ le#+t,.12I# +e#eral- !o#trolle !ort!al

    m'a!t #$ur% 'rou!e& a more o!u&e #$ur% !om'are t,

    lateral lu 'er!u&&o#- ,!, ma% ,a*e m'l!ato#& t,

    re&'e!t to t,e "e,a*oral &u''re&&o# a#or u#!to#al
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    alterato#& re&em"l#+ !oma.5Ta/e# to+et,er- t,e

    'at,o"olo+% o !o#trolle !ort!al m'a!t #$ur% re'rou!e&

    !,a#+e& re'orte # !l#!al ,ea #$ure& &u!, a& "ra#


    ele*ate #tra!ere"ral 're&&ure- reu!e !ort!al'eru&o#-99e!rea&e !ere"ral "loo lo-9#euroe#o!r#e

    a# meta"ol! !,a#+e&-a# !oma.12

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    moel& are ,el'ul # &tue& e*aluat#+ 'at,oa#atom% o

    lo!ale !o#tu&o#& a#or or ualt% !o#trol o treatme#t&

    ame to reu!e t,e &e o o!al le&o#&.2

    Impac !rain in"ur#$ &i%&-.eloci# missile in"ur#,

    x'erme#tal moel& o traumat! !ra#o!ere"ral m&&le

    #$ur% ,a*e "ee# e&+#e to &tu% !ere"ral 'at,o',%&olo+%

    o a m&&le ou# to t,e "ra#.110114>#e o t,e reue#tl%

    u&e moel& a& e*elo'e "% Care% et al.114118u+

    a#e&t,ete mo#+rel !at&. rel%- t,e a#mal& are 'la!e #

    a &tereotax! rame- ,ere# t,e &lo'#+ outer all o t,e

    r+,t ro#tal u& & remo*e t,u& allo#+ t,e m&&le to'e#etrate t,e #ta!t a# *ert!all% &'o&e 'o&teror u&

    all. ? 2mm- 31m+ &teel &',ere re rom a &ta#!e o 0

    !m at et,er 220 or 20 m& 'e#etrate& t,e r+,t ro#tal "o#e

    a# tra*er&e& t,e r+,t !ere"ral ,em&',ere rom a#teror to

    'o&teror. T,e e#er+% o a m&&le el*ere to t,e "ra#

    *are& "etee# 0. a# 1.4 J. T,& moel 'rou!e& *a&o+e#!

    eema arou# t,e m&&le ou# tra!/ # t,e #$ure,em&',ere-114-115ele*ate #tra!ra#al 're&&ure- e!rea&e

    !ere"ral 'eru&o# 're&&ure- #!rea&e "loo +lu!o&e-

    tra#&e#t #!rea&e # ,emato!rt- a# re&'rator% arre&t. T,e&e

    !,a#+e& are mo&t l/el% e#er+% e'e#e#t.118

    6##e@& moel112utle& a 0.22!al"er rearm to #l!t ,ea

    ou#& # a ',%&!all% re&tra#e &,ee' rom a ra#+e o 3 mt, t,e a#mal@& ,ea ,el # a# u'r+,t 'o&to#. T,e "ullet

    & re at t,e tem'oral re+o# o t,e &/ull- a# !au&e& a r+,t

    tolet tra#&*er&e ou# to t,e "ra# t,rou+, t,e tem'oral

    lo"e&. Mor',olo+!al alterato#& #!lue !ru&,#+ a#
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    la!erato# o t&&ue a# relate ,emorr,a+! !a*t%-

    e&'rea &tret!, #$ure& to "loo *e&&el&- #er*e "er& a#

    #euro#&- a& ell a& &torto# a# &'la!eme#t o t,e "ra#.

    T,e&e moel& are *alua"le # &tue& !,ara!ter#+,&to'at,olo+!al eature& o a m&&le ou#.

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    Tor#,em a# !ollea+ue&121-122e*elo'e a met,o t, !at&

    &u"$e!te et,er to a "lo t,at a& el*ere to t,e !oro#al

    &uture "% a Rem#+to# ,uma#e &tu##er121or to a# o"lue

    lateral m'a!t.123

    T,e "lu#t !ra#o!ere"ral trauma +e#erate&/ull ra!ture&- e'ural ,ematoma- &u"ural a#

    &u"ara!,#o ,emorr,a+e&- a# "ra# !o#tu&o#&.123T,&

    met,o al&o #tate meta"ol! !,a#+e&-124eema-121a#

    e!rea&e re+o#al !ere"ral "loo lo.122?lt,ou+, t,&

    moel ,a& "ee# 'art!ularl% *alua"le or &tue& o !ere"ral

    !o#tu&o# a# !o#&eue#t eema- t ,a& #ot "ee# el% u&e

    # re&ear!, o!u+ o# mole!ular a# !ellular me!,a#&m&o 'o&ttraumat! #euro#al !ell eat,. T,e lmte utlato#

    ma% "e ex'la#e "% t,e reue#t ,emorr,a+e& t,at

    a!!om'a#% t,e #$ur%.

    T,e rat moel o moerate ,ea !o#!u&&o# e&+#e "%

    =olma# et al.125utle& a 'e#ulum all#+ o# t,e &/ull

    ml#e o a#mal& a#e&t,ete t, ,alot,a#e-

    a''roxmatel% mm a#teror to t,e !oro#al &uture. T,eo'tmum a''le or!e a# a#+le o t,e m'a!t & a$u&te

    u+ a #omo+ram #terrelat#+ t,e a#mal@& "o% e+,t a#

    e&re #$ur% &e*ert%. 6or exam'le- # rat& e+,#+ 330

    430 +- t,e &ele!te a#+le *alue& are ra#+#+ rom 80E to 5E

    el*er& m'a!t e#er+% to t,e &/ull *ar%#+ rom 1.821. J.

    T,& moel & u#!om'l!ate "% &/ull ra!ture& a#

    !o#tu&o#&- t, a ,&to'at,olo+% #!lu#+ 'at!,% #euro#ale+e#erato# # #umerou& ore"ra# lo!ato#& at 4 , ater

    trauma. T,e =olma# met,o +e#erate& earl% #!rea&e #

    !ere"ro*a&!ular 'ermea"lt%- e!rea&e # !ere"ral "loo

    lo- a# ele*ato# o #tra!ere"ral 're&&ure.125Dre!t
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    relato#&,' "etee# t,e &e*ert% o #$ur% a# t,e urato#

    o u#!o#&!oue&& al&o ,a& "ee# emo#&trate.128T,&

    moel 'ro*e& a re'rou!"le ra#+e o ml to moerate

    &e*ert% o #$ur%- ,!, e'e#& u'o# 'e#ulum &tro/e-m'a!t loa- a# a#mal "o% e+,t. e!au&e t,& moel

    oe& #ot !au&e &/ull ra!ture& or &u"ural- &u"ara!,#oal-

    a# #tra!ere"ral ,emorr,a+e&- a# re'l!ate& ',%&olo+!al

    a# mor',olo+!al !,a#+e& t,at are !om'ara"le to t,o&e

    &,o# # ,uma# TI- t & re!omme#e or #*e&t+at#+

    t,e me!,a#&m& o "ra# #$ur% a# !orre&'o##+ t,era'%.

    Impac acceleraion models )unconsrained+,

    I# earl% m'a!t a!!elerato# moel&- a#e&t,ete 'rmate&

    ere #$ure "% a 1/+ ma&& m'a!t '&to# &tr/#+ t,e

    a#mal@& ,ea at a e&+#ate lo!ato# o# t,e &/ull.129-12

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    m'a!t & +e#erate u+ a ,uma#e &tu##er t,at & ame at

    t,e let tem'oral re+o# o t,e u#re&tra#e &/ull. T,e

    &!,ar+e o a "la#/ !artr+e- ,!, & #&erte # a !,am"er

    "e,# t,e 'roxmal e# o t,e "olt- 'ro'el& a !a't*e "oltrom t,e mule o t,e &tu##er; t,e mule *elo!t% e'e#&

    o# t,e 'reeterm#e !,ar+e.12T,& moel #u!e&

    e&'rea axo#al #$ur% # t,e ,em&',er! ,te matter-

    !e#tral +ra% matter- "ra#&tem- a# !ere"ellum- a& ell a&

    arou# !ere"ral !o#tu&o#&. T,e e+ree o axo#al #$ur% &

    &tro#+l% !orrelate t, &%&tem! a# !ere"ro*a&!ular


    >#e o t,e &,ort!om#+& o t,e ull% u#!o#&tra#e #$ur%

    moel& & t,e la!/ o #$ur% re'rou!"lt%- 'art!ularl% #

    term& o out!ome. T,u&- am#+ to #!rea&e t,e

    re'rou!"lt% o t,e out!ome 'arameter&- ot,er moel&

    ,a*e "ee# e&+#e t, re&tr!te ,ea moto# ur#+ a#

    ater m'a!t.131I# t,e&e moel&- t,e ,ea moto# & &m'l%

    !o##e to a +le 'la#e- t,u& m'ro*#+ out!omere'rou!"lt% t,out !om'letel% re&tr!t#+ ,ea moto#.

    I# +e#eral- t,e u#!o#&tra#e m'a!t a!!elerato# moel&

    emo#&trate a ,+, e+ree o *ara"lt% ue to la!/ o

    a!!urate !o#trol o*er "ome!,a#!al or!e& relate to m'a!t

    a# ,ea %#am! re&'o#&e.2

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    alterato#& ollo#+ 2m #$ur% are more exte#&*e t,a#

    ater 1m #$ur%- #!ate& +rae #euro#al #$ur% # re&'o#&e

    to m'a!t a!!elerato#.133-13Reu!e !ere"ral "loo lo a#

    ele*ate #tra!ere"ral 're&&ure ,a& "ee# &,o# a& a re&ult olo&& o !ere"ral autore+ulato# ur#+ t,e r&t 4 , ater t,e

    m'a!t.13-140Du&o#e+,te ma+#et! re&o#a#!e ma+#+

    &,oe t,at t,ere & a e*elo'me#t o a *a&o+e#! eema

    mmeatel% ater e+,tro' m'a!t olloe "% more

    e&'rea a# &loer eema ormato# ue to a

    'reom#a#tl% !ellular &ell#+.141Moreo*er- t,e Marmarou

    moel ,a& "ee# &,o# to #u!e motor a# !o+#t*ee!t&-142144&mlar to t,o&e &,o# ater lu 'er!u&&o#

    #$ur% a# !o#trolle !ort!al m'a!t. Cellular a# mole!ular

    re&'o#&e& to #$ur% +e#erate "% t,& moel ,a*e "ee# el%

    a#al%e. ?lterato#& # !ere"ral e#er+% meta"ol&m #!lue

    reu!e ?TP- =TP- a# #!ot#! e#%me& (#!ot#ame

    ae##e #u!leote- #!ot#ame ae##e #u!leote


    a& ell a& e!rea&e Na!et%la&'artate (t&reu!to# ,a& "ee# a!!e'te a mar/er o #euro#al

    %&u#!to#lo&&)148&tart#+ at 2 , ater #$ur%. Im'a!t

    a!!elerato##u!e #$ur% al&o #u!e& a ,+,l% &+#!a#t

    reu!to# # ree ma+#e&um !o#!e#trato#- !%to&ol!

    ',o&',or%lato# rato- a# #!rea&e& t,e rate o mto!,o#ral

    oxat*e ',o&',or%lato#- t, '< *alue& !lo&e to !o#trol


    ?to#all%- t,e e+,t ro' TI moel a!t*ate&'ro#lammator% meator&moulator&-14914!al'a#& a#

    !a&'a&e&-150-151a# #u!e& relea&e o !%to!,rome c150a#

    'roa'o'tot! !l2 aml% mem"er&151rom t,e mto!,o#ra

    #to t,e !%to&ol. Co#&eue#tl%- t,& moel #u!e& "ot,
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    a'o'tot! a# #e!rot! t%'e& o #euro#al !ell eat,. ?lt,ou+,

    t,e "ome!,a#!& o t,e m'a!t 'rou!e "% t,& moel & #ot

    ull% a# &tr!tl% !o#trolle- t & #ex'e#&*e- ea&% to

    'erorm- a# !a'a"le o 'rou!#+ +rae u&e axo#al#$ur%- ,e#!e t& 'o'ulart%.

    I# t,e Marmarou moel- t,ere & a 'o&&"lt% o a A&e!o#

    ,tB #u!e "% t,e e+,t ater re"ou##+ rom t,e &/ull o

    t,e a#mal re&t#+ o# t,e lex"le &'o#+e. Moreo*er-

    alt,ou+, t,e e+,t & e#!lo&e t,# a Plex+la& tu"e- a

    &l+,t let a# r+,t mo*eme#t o!!ur& ur#+ t& all; t,&

    ma% 'ote#tall% laterale t,e m'a!t- lea#+ to u#e*e#&tr"uto# o t,e m'a!t e#er+% a# #!rea&e *ara"lt% o

    out!ome mea&ure&. e!au&e o t,e&e &,ort!om#+&- e

    e&+#e a ,+,l% !o#trolle a# re'rou!"le rat moel o

    u&e traumat! "ra# #$ur%.152>ur e*!e !o#&&t& o a# ar

    r*e# ,+,*elo!t% m'a!tor t,at & tar+ete to !o#ta!t a

    &teel &! !eme#te o#to t,e roe#t &/ull. T,e m'a!tor & o

    t,e &ame ameter a& t,e &teel &!- ,!, & 10 mm #ameter. ? mole- +ellle "a&e (

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    t,e *elo!t% o t,e m'a!tor & !o#&ta#t (3.25 m&). T,e

    &ta#!e t,e m'a!tor tra*el& ater !o#ta!t#+ t,e &teel &!

    eterm#e& t,e #$ur% &e*ert% a# & u#er u&er !o#trol.

    6or!e o m'a!t & !o#trolle a# re!ore o# a 'er&o#al!om'uter !o##e!te to t,e e*!e t,rou+, a PoerGa"

    (toelt#+- 7oo Da/em- IG). Com'are t, Marmarou@&

    e+,tro' e*!e- our e*!e e#a"le& !o#trol o t,e

    *elo!t% a& ell a& o t,e ell tme- ur#+ ,!, t,e

    m'a!tor & # !o#ta!t t, t,e a#mal@& ,ea.152?to#all%-

    t,e la&er"eam #!or'orate # our e*!e e#a"le& 're!&e

    !e#tralato# o t,e ,t- t,u& 're*e#t u#e*e# el*er% om'a!t e#er+% to t,e ,ea.

    T,& moel o TI #u!e& "ra# eema t,at "e+#& 20 m#

    ater #$ur% a# 'ea/& at 24 , ater trauma- a& &,o# "% et

    e+,tr% e+,t rato& a# u&o#e+,te ma+#et!

    re&o#a#!e ma+#+. T,e 'ermea"lt% o t,e "loo "ra#

    "arrer & #!rea&e u' to 4 , ater #$ur% a& e*aluate u+

    *a#& "lue %e. Moreo*er- "ra# ree ma+#e&um!o#!e#trato# a# !%to&ol! ',o&',or%lato# 'ote#tal are

    &+#!a#tl% reu!e- a& emo#&trate "% ',o&',oru&

    ma+#et! re&o#a#!e &'e!tro&!o'% at 4 , ater #$ur%.

    Ma#+a#e&ee#,a#!e ma+#et! re&o#a#!e ma+#+- a#

    #tra!ere"ral #$e!to# o a luore&!e#t *tal %e (6luoro

    Ru"%- Mole!ular Pro"e&- I#!.- u+e#e- >R) &,oe u&e

    axo#al ama+e at 24 , a# 9 ater #$ur%. Mor',olo+!ale*e#!e o a'o'to&& a# !a&'a&e3 a!t*ato# & al&o ou#

    # t,e !ere"ral ,em&',ere a# "ra#&tem at 24 , ater

    trauma. Ta/e# to+et,er- t,& moel &u!!e&&ull% re'l!ate&
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    ma$or "o!,em!al a# #eurolo+!al !,a#+e& o u&e

    !l#!al TI.

    Nonimpac &ead acceleraion models

    Mo*eme#t o t,e "ra# t,# t,e &/ull rat,er t,a# a re!t

    m'a!t to t,e ,ea ,a& "ee# a!!e'te a& t,e ma$or etolo+!al

    a!tor # ,uma# !lo&e ,ea #$ure&. I#ee- t ,a& "ee#

    emo#&trate t,at ra' rotato# o t,e ,ea & o#e o t,e

    ma# !au&e& o u&e "ra# #$ur%.153T,u&- t,e 'ur'o&e o

    #o#m'a!t ,ea a!!elerato# moel& & to re'l!ate t,&

    !o#to#. T,e rotato#al a!!elerato# *a &,ear#+me!,a#&m& !au&e& u&e axo#al #$ur% a!!om'a#e "%

    *arou& 'at,o',%&olo+!al a# "e,a*oral !,a#+e&.154T,e

    #ertal ee!t- ,!, e'e#& u'o# t,e "ra# ma&&-

    eterm#e& t,e exte#t o t&&ue eormato#&.155

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    ',a&e olloe "% a &,ort e!elerato# ',a&e. T,e urato#

    o !oma- e+ree o #eurolo+!al e!t- a& ell a& t,e

    #te#&t% o u&e axo#al #$ur% lo!ale # t,e &u"!ort!al

    ,te matter- u''er "ra#&tem- a# !ere"ellum- are !au&all%relate to t,e me!,a#!al or!e a''le *a !oro#al rotato#

    o t,e ,ea.183T,& met,o re'rou!e& t,e ra#+e o m'are

    !o#&!oue&& ex'ere#!e # "ra# #$ure ,uma#& a#

    #u!e& e&'rea axo#al ama+e &mlar to t,at ou# #

    ,uma# "ra#& ater &e*ere TI.15-183

    mt, et al.180e*elo'e a ,ea a!!elerato# moel- ,!,

    #u!e& u&e "ra# trauma # m#ature e *a ,earotato#al a!!elerato#. rel%- t,e ,ea & &e!ure to a

    '#eumat! a!tuator t,rou+, a out !lam'. Tr++er#+ t,e

    '#eumat! a!tuator 'rou!e& l#ear moto# t,at & urt,er

    !o#*erte to a#+ular moto# t,rou+, a l#/a+e a&&em"l%

    re!tl% mou#te to t,e e*!e.180-184T,e !e#ter o ,ea

    rotato# & 'o&to#e !lo&e to t,e &/ull "a&e or !oro#al 'la#e

    rotato#- or at C2 or axal 'la#e rotato#. ?!t*ato# o t,ee*!e ra'l% rotate& t,e a#mal@& ,ea o*er t,e e&+#ate

    a#+ular ex!ur&o# o 110E # 20 m&- t, t,e 'ea/

    a!!elerato# at a''roxmatel% 8 m&. T,e e#&u#+ rotato#al

    a!!elerato# o t,e ,ea ,a& a "',a&! !our&e- t, a

    'reom#a#t e!elerato# ',a&e.180-185ot, !oro#al a# axal

    rotato#& #u!e u&e axo#al #$ur% ma#l% lo!ate # t,e

    ,em&',er! ,te matter a# "ra#&tem. ?!!umulato# oam%lo 're!ur&or 'rote#- a mar/er or u&e axo#al

    #$ur%-188-189a& &,o# # t,e ,te matter o #$ure a#mal&

    at 310 a%& ater #$ur%.18Moreo*er- 'rolo#+e !oma

    o!!ur& mmeatel% ater axal rotato# o t,e ,ea- "ut #ot
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    ater !oro#al 'late rotato#.18T,e &e*ert% o !oma & l#earl%

    relate to t,e a''le /#et! e#er+%- a& ell a& t, t,e

    exte#t o axo#al #$ur% # t,e "ra#&tem.180-18?!ute

    reu!to#& # t,e #euro#al mar/er- Na!et%la&'artate- a# ##tra!ellular ree ma+#e&um le*el&- 'er&&t#+ or u' to 9

    a%& ater trauma-185-190are al&o #u!e "% t,e mt, moel

    a& emo#&trate "% #u!lear ma+#et! re&o#a#!e

    &'e!tro&!o'%. T,e !,a#+e& # #tra!ellular meta"ol&m

    !au&e "% u&e axo#al ama+e # t,e ,te matter o!!ur #

    t,e a"&e#!e o alterato#& # '< a#

    ',o&',o!reat#e#or+a#! rato; t,e !o#!e#trato#& o ?TPa# la!tate al&o rema# !lo&e to #ormal *alue&.190

    T,e #o#m'a!t a!!elerato# #$ur% moel& u+ #o#,uma#

    'rmate& a# m#ature e mo&t !lo&el% re'l!ate t,e

    !om'lex 'at,o"olo+% o ,uma# traumat! "ra# #$ur%;

    ,e#!e- t,e% oer *alua"le #ormato# o# mor',olo+!al-

    !ellular- a# mole!ular re&'o#&e& to u&e "ra# #$ur%.

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    or+a#& !o#ta##+ ar or !o#ta##+ &tru!ture& t, ere#t

    e#&te& (ear- lu#+&- #te&t#e- et!.)-191re!e#t !l#!al a#

    ex'erme#tal ata &,o t,at 'er',eral "la&t trauma- t,out

    re!t ,ea #$ur%- !au&e& &+#!a#t "ra# ama+e t,!o#&eue#t !o+#t*e a#or motor &%&tem e!t&. T,&

    "ra# #$ur% & mo&t l/el% #u!e t,rou+, aere#t

    ,%'erex!ta"lt%- #!rea&e &%#t,e&& a# relea&e o *arou&

    #eurotra#&mtter& a# auta!o&- a#or /#et! e#er+%

    tra#&er o t,e "la&t o*er're&&ure to t,e CN.192-193T,e

    #u!to# &%&tem rout#el% u&e # "la&t ex'o&ure moel&

    !o#&&t& o a !%l#r!al metal tu"e t,at & !lo&e at o#e e#.T,e a#e&t,ete rat& are xe #*uall% # &'e!al ,oler&

    e&+#e to 're*e#t a#% mo*eme#t o t,er "o% # re&'o#&e

    to t,e "la&t. T,e "la&t o*er a# u#er're&&ure a*e& are

    t,e# +e#erate et,er "% eto#ato# o 'la&t! ex'lo&*e or

    !om're&&e ar # t,e !lo&e e# o t,e tu"e. T,e a#mal& are

    u&uall% &u"$e!te to a "la&t a*e t, mea# 'ea/

    o*er're&&ure o "etee# 154 a# 340 /Pa o# t,e #eare&t&ura!e o t,e a#mal@& "o%- ,erea& t,e 're&&ure &

    &u&ta#e or *ar%#+ urato#& o tme.193-194ell#+ o

    #euro#&- a# a&tro+lal re&'o#&e- a# m%el# e"r& # t,e

    ,''o!am'u& ,a& "ee# ou# ollo#+ moerate "la&t #$ur%

    # a#mal&.193Immu#o,&to!,em!al ##+& ,a*e

    emo#&trate &+#!a#t ama+e to t,e #euro#al

    !%to&/eleto# # la%er& IIIH o t,e tem'oral !ortex- # t,e!#+ulate +%ru& a# t,e 'rorm !ortex- t,e e#tate +%ru&-

    a# t,e C?1 re+o# o t,e ,''o!am'u& o*er 9 a%& ater

    "la&t ex'o&ure.194Moreo*er- e*elo'me#t o oxat*e &tre&&-

    alterato#& # a#toxa#t e#%me ee#&e
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    &%&tem&-193#!rea&e #tr! oxe meta"ol&m- a# &u"&eue#t

    !o+#t*e e!t&195,a*e "ee# &,o#. T,e&e ##+& &u++e&t

    a re&em"la#!e "etee# t,e "la&t#u!e #euro#al

    %&u#!to# a# t,at ou# # re!t traumat! "ra# #$ur%.I#ee- t ,a& "ee# re'orte t,at t,e roe#t "la&t ex'o&ure

    moel o #re!t #eurotrauma !a# #u!e ma#% eature& o

    "ra# ama+e o"&er*e # *!tm& o a#

    ex'lo&o#.198-1992a''roxmatel% 3040 mm 21013F) to #u!e &e!o#ar% ,%'oxa. ># t,e ot,er ,a#-

    moel& t,at !om"#e me!,a#!al "ra# #$ur% a#

    ,%'o*olema a#or ,%'ote#&o# #l!t "ra# #$ur% u+

    o#e o t,e a"o*eme#to#e ex'erme#tal TI moel& t,
  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    &u"&eue#t ,emorr,a+e- ,!, e!rea&e& t,e mea# arteral

    're&&ure to 3050 mm

  • 8/9/2019 Bg Hasan NCBI c2


    a# 'ota&&um)- +e#erato# o ree ra!al&-

    #lammator%mmu#e re&'o#&e- relea&e o ex!tator% am#o

    a!&- a# alterato#& # mult'le

    #eurotra#&mtter#euromoulator &%&tem&.4-200-201

    T,e&e re&ult&'rom'te t,e e*elo'me#t o *arou& t,era'eut! &trate+e&-

    &u!, a& am#&trato# o ma+#e&um- +lutamate a#ta+o#&t&-

    mmu#omoulator&- a#toxa#t&- a# a#ta'o'tot! a+e#t&-

    amo#+ ot,er&.202205

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    ePub )beta+


    P9: )(;(

    A Nove Mouse Mo#e o" Penetrating Brain In5ury=:rontiers in Neuroogy' >

    Dectrop$ysioogica monitoring o" in5ury progression in t$e rat cerebear corte&=:rontiers inSystems Neuroscience' >

    Moecuar Hy#rogen in 9rinking Eater Protects against Neuro#egenerative C$anges In#uce# by

    Traumatic Brain In5ury=P!oS ND' >

    Nociceptive Neuropepti#e Increases an# Periorbita Ao#ynia in a Mo#e o" Traumatic Brain

    In5ury=Hea#ac$e' (-/(>$=relatedreviews&logdbfrom=pmc$=relatedreviews&logdbfrom=pmc$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pmc$=relatedreviews&logdbfrom=pmc$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pmc
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    See a'''


    Cite# in Books


    Recen Aci.i#CearTurn ""

    Anima Mo#es o" Hea# Trauma

    Traumatic brain in5ury2 cinica an# pat$oogica parameters in an e&perimenta '''


    D&perimenta cose# $ea# in5ury in rats2 prostagan#in pro#uction in a nonin5ure'''


    An e&perimenta protoco "or mimicking pat$omec$anisms o" traumatic brain in5ury'''

    D&perimenta traumatic brain in5ury

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    ReviewAnima mo#es o" neuroogica #e"icits2 $ow reevant ist$e ratG=Nat Rev Neurosci' (--(>

    Eorks$op on anima mo#es o" traumatic brain in5ury'=%

    Neurotrauma' /;;0>

    Eorks$op on anima mo#es o" traumatic brain in5ury'=%

    Neurotrauma' /;;0>

    ReviewAnimate mo#es o" $uman $ea# in5ury'=% Neurotrauma'/;;0>

    Review Biomec$anics an# neuropat$oogy o" a#ut an#

    pae#iatric $ea# in5ury'=Br % Neurosurg' (--(>
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    See more '''

    A&ona regeneration a"ter crus$ in5ury o" rat centra nervous

    system "ibres innervating perip$era nerve gra"ts'=% Neurocyto'


    Re#istribution o" "acia nerve motor neurons a"ter recovery

    "rom nerve crus$ing in5ury in t$e gerbi'=Acta toaryngo' /;;.>

    A&ona #amage in severe traumatic brain in5ury2 an

    e&perimenta stu#y in cat'=Acta Neuropat$o' /;11>

    D&perimenta brain in5ury in#uces regionay #istinct apoptosis

    #uring t$e acute an# #eaye# posttraumatic perio#'=% Neurosci'/;;1>

    9i""usion an# $ig$ resoution MRI o" traumatic brain in5ury in

    rats2 time course an# correation wit$ $istoogy'=D&p Neuro'(--->

    Aterations in regiona brain catec$oamine concentrations

    a"ter e&perimenta brain in5ury in t$e rat'=% Neuroc$em' /;;0>

    T$e roe o" e&citatory amino aci#s an# NM9A receptors in

    traumatic brain in5ury'=Science' /;1;>

    Nove #iketopiperaine en$ances motor an# cognitive recovery

    a"ter traumatic brain in5ury in rats an# s$ows neuroprotection invitro an# in vivo'=% Cereb Boo# :ow Metab' (--*>

    P$ysioogic $istopat$oogic an# cinera#iograp$ic

    c$aracteriation o" a new "ui#percussion mo#e o" e&perimentabrain in5ury in t$e rat'=% Neurotrauma' /;11>

    Metaboic Juanti"ication o" esion voume "oowing

    e&perimenta traumatic brain in5ury in t$e rat'=% Neurotrauma'/;;F>
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    A#aptation o" t$e "ui# percussion in5ury mo#e to t$e mouse'=%

    Neurotrauma' /;;1>

    Regiona an# tempora c$aracteriation o" neurona gia an#

    a&ona response a"ter traumatic brain in5ury in t$e mouse'=ActaNeuropat$o' /;;;>

    See more '''

    Eorks$op on anima mo#es o" traumatic brain in5ury'=%

    Neurotrauma' /;;0>

    Investigation o" morp$oogica c$ange o" atera an# mi#ine

    "ui# percussion in5ury in rats using magnetic resonance imaging'=Neurosurgery' /;;F>

    ReviewAnimate mo#es o" $uman $ea# in5ury'=% Neurotrauma'


    P$ysioogic $istopat$oogic an# cinera#iograp$ic

    c$aracteriation o" a new "ui#percussion mo#e o" e&perimentabrain in5ury in t$e rat'=% Neurotrauma' /;11>

    Traumatic brain in5ury in t$e rat2 c$aracteriation o" a atera

    "ui#percussion mo#e'=Neuroscience' /;1;>

    A "ui# percussion mo#e o" e&perimenta brain in5ury in t$e rat'

    =% Neurosurg' /;1F>

    T$e eary critica p$ase o" severe $ea# in5ury2 importance o"

    apnea an# #ys"unctiona respiration'=% Trauma' /;;1>

    Dary c$anges o" intracrania pressure per"usion pressure an#

    boo# "ow a"ter acute $ea# in5ury' Part /2 An e&perimenta stu#yo" t$e un#erying pat$op$ysioogy'=% Neurosurg' /;1;>
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    C$anges in CB: morp$oogy an# reate# parameters by "ui#

    percussion in5ury'=Acta Neuroc$ir )Eien+' /;;3>

    Continuous monitoring o" posttraumatic cerebra boo# "ow

    using aser9opper "owmetry'=% Neurotrauma' /;;(>

    Regiona patterns o" boo#brain barrier break#own "oowing

    centra an# atera "ui# percussion in5ury in ro#ents'=%Neurotrauma' /;;*>

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    Eorks$op on anima mo#es o" traumatic brain in5ury'=%

    Neurotrauma' /;;0>

    ReviewAnimate mo#es o" $uman $ea# in5ury'=% Neurotrauma'


    Controe# cortica impact2 a new e&perimenta brain in5ury

    mo#e'=% Neurotrauma' /;11>

    A controe# cortica impact mo#e o" traumatic brain in5ury in

    t$e rat'=% Neurosci Met$o#s' /;;/>

    !atera cortica impact in5ury in rats2 pat$oogic e""ects o"

    varying cortica compression an# impact veocity'=% Neurotrauma'/;;0>

    A mo#e o" parasagitta controe# cortica impact in t$e mouse2

    cognitive an# $istopat$oogic e""ects'=% Neurotrauma' /;;.>

    !atera cortica impact in5ury in rats2 cerebrovascuar e""ects o"varying #ept$ o" cortica #e"ormation an# impact veocity'=%Neurotrauma' /;;0>

    C$aracteriation o" a&ona in5ury pro#uce# by controe#

    cortica impact'=% Neurotrauma' /;;->
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    Neutrop$i accumuation a"ter traumatic brain in5ury in rats2

    comparison o" weig$t #rop an# controe# cortica impact mo#es'=% Neurotrauma' /;;0>

    Traumatic brain in5uryin#uce# e&citoto&icity assesse# in acontroe# cortica impact mo#e'=% Neuroc$em' /;;*>

    Sustaine# sensory4motor an# cognitive #e"icits wit$ neurona

    apoptosis "oowing controe# cortica impact brain in5ury in t$emouse'=% Neurotrauma' /;;1>

    Morris water mae #e"icits in rats "oowing traumatic brain

    in5ury2 atera controe# cortica impact'=% Neurotrauma' /;;F>

    Mo#i"ication o" t$e cortica impact mo#e to pro#uce a&ona

    in5ury in t$e rat cerebra corte&'=% Neurotrauma' /;;0>

    Tempora pro"ie o" apoptoticike c$anges in neurons an#

    astrocytes "oowing controe# cortica impact in5ury in t$e rat'=D&p Neuro' /;;;>

    See more '''

    D&perimenta investigation o" cerebra contusion2

    $istopat$oogica an# immuno$istoc$emica evauation o"#ynamic cortica #e"ormation'=% Neuropat$o D&p Neuro' /;;;>

    Imme#iate in vivo response o" t$e corte& an# t$e boo#brain

    barrier "oowing #ynamic cortica #e"ormation in t$e rat'=Neurosci!ett' /;;;>

    Ceuar an# moecuar mec$anisms o" gia scarring an#

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    A new e&perimenta mo#e o" contusion in t$e rat'

    Histopat$oogica anaysis an# tempora patterns o" cerebraboo# "ow #isturbances'=% Neurosurg' /;;3>

    See more '''

    D&perimenta $ig$veocity missie $ea# in5ury'=In5ury' /;1(>

    D&perimenta missie woun#ing o" t$e brain'=Neurosurg Cin N

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    D&perimenta missie woun# to t$e brain'=% Neurosurg' /;1;>

    Brain e#ema a"ter an e&perimenta missie woun#'=A#v Neuro'/;;->

    Pat$oogy o" e&perimenta traumatic craniocerebra missie

    in5ury'=% Comp Pat$o' /;;*>

    Pumonary pressurevoume c$anges atten#ing $ea# in5ury'=%

    App P$ysio' /;F->

    D&perimenta $ea# in5ury in t$e rat' Part /2 Mec$anicspat$op$ysioogy an# morp$oogy in an impact acceerationtrauma mo#e'=% Neurosurg' /;FF>

    Review D&perimenta mo#es o" brain in5ury'=% Neurotrauma'


    Acute c$anges in regiona brain water content "oowing

    e&perimenta cose# $ea# in5ury'=% Neurosurg' /;1/>

    D""ect o" e&perimenta bunt $ea# in5ury on acute regiona

    cerebra boo# "ow an# e#ema'=A#v Neuro' /;;->

    Acute responses to bunt $ea# trauma' D&perimenta mo#e

    an# gross pat$oogy'=% Neurosurg' /;1*>
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    Acute c$anges in regiona cerebra metaboite vaues "oowing

    e&perimenta bunt $ea# trauma'=% Neurosurg' /;1.>

    Cerebrovascuar c$anges in a rat mo#e o" mo#erate cose#

    $ea# in5ury'=% Neurotrauma' /;;/>

    Histopat$oogic conseJuences o" mo#erate concussion in an

    anima mo#e2 correations wit$ #uration o" unconsciousness'=%Neurotrauma' /;;0>

    Stu#ies on e&perimenta concussion2 reation o" p$ysioogic

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    Coup an# contrecoup in5ury2 observations on t$e mec$anics

    o" visibe brain in5uries in t$e r$esus monkey'=% Neurosurg' /;F/>

    Cerebra concussion an# traumatic unconsciousness'

    Correation o" e&perimenta an# cinica observations o" bunt$ea# in5uries'=Brain' /;F0>

    A $ea# impact mo#e o" eary a&ona in5ury in t$e s$eep'=%

    Neurotrauma' /;;3>

    9i""use neurona perikaryon amyoi# precursor protein

    immunoreactivity in a "oca $ea# impact mo#e'=Acta Neuroc$irSupp' /;;1>

    T$e e&an cavarium "or t$e stu#y o" cerebra responses to

    acute trauma'=% Trauma' /;F->

    A new mo#e o" #i""use brain in5ury in rats' Part I2

    Pat$op$ysioogy an# biomec$anics'=% Neurosurg' /;;0>

    A new mo#e o" #i""use brain in5ury in rats' Part II2

    Morp$oogica c$aracteriation'=% Neurosurg' /;;0>
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    Monitoring weig$t #rop veocity an# "oam sti""ness as an ai# to

    Juaity contro o" a ro#ent mo#e o" impact acceerationneurotrauma'=% Neurosci Met$o#s' /;;3>

    Kai#ation o" a cose# $ea# in5ury mo#e "or use in ongtermstu#ies'=Acta Neuroc$ir Supp' (--->

    9isruption o" MAP( immunostaining in rat $ippocampus a"ter

    traumatic brain in5ury'=% Neurotrauma' /;;1>

    T$e e""ect o" varying impact energy on #i""use a&ona in5ury in

    t$e rat brain2 a preiminary stu#y'=D&p Brain Res' (--*>

    Impact acceeration in5ury in t$e rat2 evi#ence "or "ocaa&oemma c$ange an# reate# neuro"iament si#earm ateration'=% Neuropat$o D&p Neuro' /;;F>

    Intracrania pressure in a mo#i"ie# e&perimenta mo#e o"

    cose# $ea# in5ury'=Acta Neuroc$ir Supp' /;;F>

    :aiure o" cerebra autoreguation in an e&perimenta #i""use

    brain in5ury mo#e'=Acta Neuroc$ir Supp' /;;1>

    Bip$asic pat$op$ysioogica response o" vasogenic an#

    ceuar e#ema in traumatic brain sweing'=Acta Neuroc$ir Supp'/;;F>

    Impact acceerationin#uce# severe #i""use a&ona in5ury in

    rats2 c$aracteriation o" p$osp$ate metaboism an# neuroogicoutcome'=% Neurotrauma' /;;.>

    Magnesium attenuates persistent "unctiona #e"icits "oowing

    #i""use traumatic brain in5ury in rats'=Neurosci !ett' (--*>