bicarbonate promotes bk- / 4-mediated k excretion in the renal distal nephron

1 1 2 3 4 Bicarbonate promotes BK-α/β4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron 5 6 7 Ryan J. Cornelius, Donghai Wen, Lori I. Hatcher, and Steven C. Sansom 8 9 10 Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology 11 University of Nebraska Medical Center 12 Omaha, Nebraska 13 14 Running Head: Bicarbonate promotes BK-mediated K secretion 15 16 Corresponding Author: Steven C. Sansom 17 Dept. of Cellular and Integrative Physiology 18 985850 Nebraska Medical Center 19 Omaha, NE 68198-5850 20 (402) 559-2919 21 (402) 559-4438 (Fax) 22 Email: [email protected] 23 24 25 26 27 Articles in PresS. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol (September 19, 2012). doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00490.2012 Copyright © 2012 by the American Physiological Society.

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Page 1: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron






Bicarbonate promotes BK-α/β4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron 5



Ryan J. Cornelius, Donghai Wen, Lori I. Hatcher, and Steven C. Sansom 8



Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology 11

University of Nebraska Medical Center 12

Omaha, Nebraska 13


Running Head: Bicarbonate promotes BK-mediated K secretion 15


Corresponding Author: Steven C. Sansom 17

Dept. of Cellular and Integrative Physiology 18

985850 Nebraska Medical Center 19

Omaha, NE 68198-5850 20

(402) 559-2919 21

(402) 559-4438 (Fax) 22

Email: [email protected] 23





Articles in PresS. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol (September 19, 2012). doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00490.2012

Copyright © 2012 by the American Physiological Society.

Page 2: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron


Abstract 28

Ca-activated K channels (BK), which are stimulated by high distal nephron flow, are utilized during high 29

K conditions to remove excess K. Because BK predominantly reside with BK-β4 in acid/base transporting 30

intercalated cells, we determined whether BK-β4 knock-out mice (β4KO) exhibit deficient K excretion when 31

consuming a high K alkaline diet (HK-alk) vs. high K chloride diet (HK-Cl). When WT were placed on HK-alk, 32

but not HK-Cl, renal BK-β4 expression increased (Western blot). When WT and β4KO were placed on HK-Cl, 33

plasma [K] was elevated compared to control K diets; however, K excretion was not different between WT and 34

β4KO. When consuming HK-alk, plasma [K] was lower and K clearance greater in WT compared to β4KO. The 35

urine was alkaline in mice on HK-alk; however, urinary pH was not different between WT and β4KO. 36

Immunohistochemical analysis of pendrin and V-ATPase revealed the same increases in β-IC, comparing WT 37

and β4KO on HK-alk. We found an amiloride-sensitive reduction in Na excretion in β4KO, compared with WT, 38

on HK-alk, indicating enhanced Na reabsorption as a compensatory mechanism to secrete K. Treating mice 39

with an alkaline, Na deficient, high K diet (LNaHK) to minimize Na reabsorption exaggerated the defective K 40

handling of β4KO. When WT on LNaHK were given NH4Cl in the drinking water, K excretion was reduced to 41

the magnitude of β4KO on LNaHK. These results show that WT, but not β4KO, efficiently excretes K on HK-alk 42

but not on HK-Cl and suggest that BK-α/β4 mediated K secretion is promoted by bicarbonaturia. 43


Key Words: maxi K, collecting duct, intercalated cells, acidosis, alkalosis, potassium secretion, distal 45

nephron 46


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Introduction 48

Modern day humans ingest a diet of high Na, low K and high acid content; however, some remote 49

populations, such as the Yanomami of South America, consume a low Na, high K, alkaline diet, similar to 50

ancient man. The low Na and high alkaline content of the Yanomami diet indicates that the elimination of K 51

may not depend on distal Na reabsorption but rather HCO3 secretion, which could also generate a lumen 52

negative potential that could drive K transport in the distal nephron. 53

Connecting tubule cells and principal cells (PC) of the cortical collecting ducts contain the assembly of 54

epithelial Na channels (ENaC) and renal outer medullary K channels (ROMK) in the apical membrane in series 55

with the Na-K-ATPase in the basolateral membrane; an electrophysiological arrangement that explains Na-56

dependent K secretion. However, in conditions of high K intake distal flow is stimulated (19; 23; 24) primarily 57

because of K recycling and inhibition of Na and Cl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb (50). High flow 58

stimulates large, Ca-activated K channels (BK) to secrete K, as demonstrated ex vivo with isolated tubule 59

perfusion (51; 58) and in vivo by volume expansion (38), genetically eliminating ROMK (2), pharmacologic 60

blockade of vasopressin (V2) receptors (41) or treating with a high K diet (24). Moreover, the arrangement of 61

only ENaC and ROMK in series with the Na-K-ATPase would substantially limit the amount of distal K 62

secretion to a ratio of only two secreted K per three absorbed Na, which is the ratio of the Na-K pump. Isolated 63

perfused tubule studies (rabbit CCDs) using electrophysiological techniques have indicated that the ratio of K 64

secreted to Na absorbed can far exceed the pump ratio in high aldosterone (DOCA-treated) conditions (45); 65

however, the mechanism has never been resolved. 66

ROMK secrete K under the aldosterone-regulated Na for K exchange mechanism in the distal nephron 67

(11; 16; 59). BK secrete K in the distal nephron during conditions of high K intake and may also secrete K 68

during conditions of low Na delivery, in a “Na independent” manner. A recent study showed that blockers of 69

luminal BK or basolateral Na-H exchange inhibited Na-independent K secretion (31). After cell entry, Na would 70

stimulate Na-K-ATPase and drive K into the cell. However, most BK reside in the Na-K-ATPase deficient 71

intercalated cells (IC) of the distal nephron (24; 34). Moreover, if Na independent K secretion involves Na-H 72

exchange, the generated HCO3 would require a cellular exit pathway, such as the Cl/HCO3 exchangers of IC. 73

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Although the β1 subunit (BK-β1) is localized in PC (17; 37; 39), IC contain BK-α with the BK-β4 subunit 74

as the BK-α/β4 (17). When placed on a high K diet, mice with a knock-out of the BK-β4 (β4KO) exhibit 75

attenuated K excretion (23). Moreover, the BK-α/β4 of IC secrete K as a counter cation to negative ATP ions 76

extruded from IC (22). BK-α/β4 also reside in MDCK-C11 cells, which have many properties consistent with IC 77

of the distal nephron (22). However, in vivo evidence has been elusive for a role for BK-α/β4 in the steady 78

state secretion of K under conditions of high K intake. 79

We have shown previously that the pore-forming BK-α is expressed in the IC of the distal nephron and 80

its expression is enhanced by a high K alkaline diet (24). However, it wasn’t determined whether the 81

associated BK-β4 subunit, also found predominantly in the IC, was enhanced by a high K alkaline vs high K 82

acidic diet. The present studies were performed to determine whether the associated alkaline anionic content 83

of the Yanomami diet played a role in eliminating a high K load with nominally free Na content and whether the 84

BK-α/β4 have a role in eliminating the high K, alkaline diet, as opposed to the high K, chloride diet. To achieve 85

this objective, we determined the effects of high K alkaline vs a high K acidic diet on expression of BK-β4, and 86

we studied the K and Na balance of WT and β4KO mice on diets with varied Na, K and alkaline contents. 87

These results contribute to our understanding between the interaction between K secretion and acid/base 88

transport in the distal nephron. 89

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Methods 90

Animal Studies 91

We maintained the mice in accordance with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the 92

University of Nebraska Medical Center. Mice had full access to water at all times. For all experiments we fed 93

12-20 week-old wild type (WT; C57Bl/6, Charles River, Wilmington, MA) and β4KO (generously provided by R. 94

Brenner) mice either regular mouse chow (control; 0.6% K+, 0.32% Na+), or one of several special diets 95

(Harlan Teklad, Madison, WI) for 7-10 days before sacrifice. Special diets were either high K with alkaline 96

anions (#TD.07278; HK-alk; 5.0% K+ with 5% of equal carbonate/citrate/Cl and 0.32% Na+), high K with Cl as 97

the counter anion (#TD.09075; HK-Cl; 5.0% K with 5% Cl, 0.32% Na), or a low Na, high K diet with alkaline 98

anions (#TD.08240; LNaHK; 5% K with 5% equal molar carbonate/citrate/Cl and 0.01% Na). A subset of mice 99

on LNaHK was supplied with NH4Cl (280 mM) plus sucrose (2%) in their drinking water to induce an acid load. 100

We collected urine samples using metabolic cages (Nalgene), as previously described (23). After treatment, 101

we collected fresh urine samples for analysis of Na and K with a flame photometer (Jenway Clinical PFP7) as 102

previously described (19) and for pH and osmolality measurements using a Model 215 pH meter (Denver 103

Instruments) and Model 3250 osmometer (Advanced Instruments). At sacrificing, we extracted blood from the 104

carotid artery, measured hematocrit and centrifuged for measurement of plasma K, Na, and osmolality. 105

The transtubular K gradient (TTKG) was calculated as: (U[K]/P[K])(Posm/Uosm), where UK and PK are the 106

urinary [K] and plasma [K], respectively, and Uosm and Posm are the urinary and plasma osmolalities, 107

respectively. 108

Some WT and β4KO were treated with HK-alk + amiloride (5 mg/Kg/day) or HK-alk + vehicle dissolved 109

in water via osmotic pumps (ALZET, DURECT Corp.), implanted subcutaneously in the back, for 48 hrs. until 110

sacrifice. The vehicle values (n >3) were combined with control values when they were not significantly 111

different from controls. 112


Western blotting 114

Western blotting was performed as described previously (22; 23) following manufacturer’s protocol (Bio-115

Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) except RIPA buffer was replaced with PBS containing 0.5% SDS. Primary 116

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antibodies included anti-BK-β4, 24 kDa, (rabbit polyclonal, diluted 1:500, Alomone Labs, Israel), and anti-β-117

actin, 43 kDa (mouse monoclonal, diluted 1:5000, Santa Cruz) with either goat anti-rabbit IgG or donkey anti-118

mouse IgG conjugated horseradish peroxidase (HRP) secondary antibody (diluted 1:20,000 – 1:40,000, Santa 119

Cruz). Expression of primary antibodies was quantified by densitometry using Quantity One (Biorad). 120


Immunohistochemical staining and quantification 122

For fluorescent immunohistochemical staining (IHC) of kidney sections, the kidneys were harvested, 123

immediately fixed in Histochoice MB (Electron Microscopy Sciences, Hatfield, PA), embedded in paraffin and 124

sectioned onto slides for IHC as previously performed in our laboratory (18). Antibodies were used as follows: 125

anti-V-ATPase (goat polyclonal, diluted 1:100, Santa Cruz), anti-aquaporin 3 (goat polyclonal, diluted 1:100, 126

Santa Cruz), and anti-pendrin (mouse monoclonal, diluted 1:200, MBL). After washing, we incubated the 127

tissue for one hour (23°C) in the dark with the secondary antibody (donkey anti-rabbit IgG conjugated Alexa 128

Fluor 488 and donkey anti-goat IgG conjugated Alexa Fluor 594, diluted 1:200). The coverslips were mounted 129

onto slides overnight with Prolong Gold (Invitrogen), sealed with nail polish. These were viewed on a Leica HC 130

fluorescence microscope with a 40X/0.75NAHCXPL Fluotar objective. Images were captured with an QImaging 131

Retiga EXi CCD camera (Surrey, British Columbia, Canada) and analyzed with ImageJ software (version 1.42, 132

National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). Quantification of V-ATPase signal intensity in IC apical and 133

basolateral membranes was determined following online instructions in single-channel, gray scale images after 134

background correction as performed previously in this lab (23). 135



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Results 138

BK expression with high K alkaline vs high K chloride diets 139

It was shown previously that the pore-forming BK-α subunit, predominantly expressed in the IC of the 140

distal nephron, was intensified in mice on a high K-alk diet by Western blot (24). We performed experiments to 141

determine whether the BK-β4, expressed with the BK-α in IC, (17) was enhanced in the renal cortex of mice on 142

a high K-alk as opposed to a high K-Cl diet. As shown in the representative blot of figure 1A, The BK-β4 143

antibody did not detect protein at the size of BK-β4 in β4KO mice. As shown in the summary bar graph of 144

figure 1B the expression of BK-β4/β-actin is 0.91 ±0.07 (n=5) in HK-alk mice, which was significantly greater 145

(by 82%) than mice treated with control diet (0.50 ±0.06; n=5) and mice treated with HK-Cl (0.49 ± 0.05; n=5). 146

These results indicate that the BK-α/β4 channel has a role to excrete K when the high K diet is alkaline but not 147

when the diet is acidic. 148


Potassium excretion with high K alkaline vs high K chloride diets 150

We determined the ability of WT and β4KO to excrete K when consuming a high K diet with HCO3 (HK-151

alk) as the major counter anion as opposed to Cl (HK-Cl) for 7-10 days. Figure 2 shows the K clearance (A), 152

plasma K concentration (B) and transtubular K gradient (TTKG; C) for WT and β4KO on control, HK-Cl and 153

HK-alk diets. As shown, the K clearances (figure 2A) of 176 ±18 ml/day/gmKW (n=7) for WT was not 154

significantly different from that of β4KO (167 ±19 ml/day/gmKW; n=10) on a control diet. When placed on HK-155

Cl for 7-10 days, the K clearances for WT and β4KO were significantly elevated, compared to control, to similar 156

values of 1045 ±60 (n=5) and 1188 ±208 ml/day/gmKW (n=5), respectively. However, when placed on HK-alk, 157

the K clearance of WT was 2187 ±116 ml/day/gmKW (n=34), which was significantly greater than the K 158

clearance of WT on HK-Cl and β4KO on HK-alk (1530 ±97 ml/day/gmKW; n=22). 159

The plasma K concentrations of WT and β4KO on HK-Cl and HK-alk are shown in figure 2B. As shown, 160

the plasma K concentrations of both WT and β4KO on were similar, with values of 7.17±0.26 mM (n=6) and 161

7.38 ±0.27 mM (n=5), respectively, which were significantly greater than the plasma K concentrations of mice 162

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on control diets. When placed on HK-alk. The plasma K concentration of β4KO was 5.06 ±0.12 mM (n=22), a 163

value significantly greater than 4.64 ±0.07 mM (n=33); both values were significantly less than the respective 164

values on HK-Cl. 165

The TTKG is a calculation of the luminal to plasma K concentration ratio after secretion/reabsorption of 166

K and before water extraction in the collecting ducts. As shown is figure 2C, there was no significant difference 167

in TTKG between WT (8.5 ±1.1; n= 9) and β4KO (6.4 ±0.7; n=9) on a control diet. When placed on HK-Cl, the 168

TTKGs of WT and β4KO were significantly increased to 12.9 ±0.7 (n=6) and13.2 ±0.7 (n=5), respectively. 169

However, when placed on HK-alk, the TTKG of WT increased to a significantly greater value of 21.0 ±0.7 170

(n=24), compared with WT on HK-Cl, and β4KO on HK-alk, which was 16.4 ±1.0 (n=9). 171


Effects of high K alkaline and high K chloride diets on IC profile of WT and β4KO 173

Previous studies revealed that the number of cells identified as α-IC increase in acidosis (46). 174

Moreover, the Cl/HCO3 exchanger (pendrin), identified on the apical membrane of β-IC, exhibits increased 175

expression in the distal nephron when mice consume HCO3 orally (21; 55). We first determined the ability of 176

the HK-alk diet to alkalinize the urine. As shown in figure 3, the urinary pH on a control diet was similar in WT 177

and β4KO with values of 6.19 ±0.14 (n=6) and 6.04 ±0.07 (n=7), respectively. The urinary pH values for WT 178

and β4KO on HK-Cl were 5.97 ±0.14 (n=9) and 5.98 ±0.09 (n=6), respectively, which were not different from 179

the respective pH values for WT and β4KO on the control diet. When placed on HK-alk, the urinary pH values 180

of WT and β4KO were significantly elevated, compared to HK-Cl; however, the value for WT (9.00 ±0.16; n=7) 181

was not different than that of β4KO (8.71 ±0.20; n=13). 182

We used double immunohistochemical staining (IHC) with anti-pendrin and anti-V-ATPase to determine 183

whether mice on HK-alk, compared with HK-Cl, elicited an increase in the number of pendrin-marked cells. 184

Pendrin-identified cells mark β-IC plus non A-non B cells (26). We used kidneys from four different mice in 185

each group (control, HK-Cl, HK-alk), with five sections of each kidney for an N of 20 in each group. The means 186

of each group represent the percentage of pendrin-positive cells per V-ATPase positive cells, which mark all IC 187

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cells. As shown by the representative kidney sections (figure 4A; WT only shown) and the summary bar plots 188

(figure 4B) the proportion of pendrin positive cells for control diet WT and β4KO mice was 34.0 ±7.3 % (n=18) 189

and 21.0 ±9.3 %, respectively, of the total cells with positive staining for V-ATPase. When mice were placed on 190

HK-Cl, the proportion of β-IC was 27.4 ±5.9 % for WT and 30.7 ±3.3 % for β4KO, values not different from 191

those of the control diet groups. The proportion of pendrin-positive cells in the HK-alk treated mice increased to 192

57.8 ±10.4 % for WT and 64.6 ±5.1 % for β4KO, values significantly greater than the respective values for HK-193

Cl. 194

Figure 4C shows results of quantitative fluorescence analysis of the anti-V-ATPase staining of renal 195

sections from WT mice on control and HK-alk diets. As shown, double IHC staining with anti-aquaporin 3 196

(AQP3) and anti-V-ATPase reveals distinct PC and IC, respectively, of cortical collecting ducts. Increased 197

basolateral V-ATPase staining is observed in the section from WT on HK-alk. Figure 4D is a bar plot 198

summarizing the percent β-IC in sections from WT and β4KO on control and HK-alk. On a control diet β-IC WT 199

and β4KO comprised 21.0 ±4.0 % (n=17) and 19.5 ±3.1 % (n=10), respectively. On HK-alk, the proportion of β-200

IC increased similarly and significantly in both WT and β4KO to values of 39.8 ±6.0 % (n=9) and 44.8 ±4.3 % 201

(n=12), respectively. 202

These results showed that HK-alk changed the phenotypic profile of the distal nephron to a high 203

proportion of cells that secrete HCO3 and alkalinize the urine. However, the increase in β-IC and the urine 204

alkalinization with the HK-alk diet is the same for WT and β4KO, suggesting that the BK-α/β4 is not required for 205

secreting HCO3 via pendrin and that the reduced K excretion of β4KO on HK-alk cannot be the result of 206

reduced quantities of β-IC or urine alkalinization. 207


Compensatory ENaC-mediated Na reabsorption in β4KO 209

It was a concern that β4KO have deficient K secretion on HK-alk because of defective Na 210

reabsorption, not enabling Na-K exchange. However, as shown in figure 5, the data indicate that β4KO on the 211

HK-alk diet is compensating for reduced K secretion by enhancing the ENaC-mediated Na reabsorption in the 212

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distal nephron. As shown by the Na clearance values in figure 5A, the Na excretion is decreased in β4KO on 213

HK-alk. The Na clearance of 4.1 ±0.3 ml/day/gmKW (n=12) for β4KO was significantly less than the WT value 214

of 6.3 ±0.6 ml/day/gmKW (n=15). However, when treated with amiloride to block ENaC-mediated Na 215

reabsorption, the Na clearance of β4KO increased to 7.8 ±0.7 ml/day/gmKW (n=10), which was not 216

significantly greater than the Na clearance value for WT (7.3 ±0.4 ml/day/gmKW; n=7). 217

The Na clearance for WT on HK-alk increased slightly, but insignificantly, when given amiloride, 218

indicating minimal ENaC-mediated Na reabsorption. We used the hematocrit readings as evidence for Na 219

retention and volume expansion in β4KO on HK-alk. As shown in figure 5B, the hematocrit of β4KO was 40.3 220

±0.5 % (n=14), a value significantly less than WT (45.7 ±0.4 %; n=27). When treated with amiloride, the 221

hematocrit of β4KO was 47.9 ±1.3 % (n=9), a value not different from the WT value of 48.6 ±1.3 % (n=9). 222

These data indicate that β4KO are retaining fluid as well as Na when placed on HK-alk. The effect of amiloride, 223

to normalize the hematocrit, indicates that the fluid retention was the result of ENaC-mediated Na reabsorption. 224

Weight gain or loss is also an indicator of ENaC-mediated Na retention. As shown in figure 5C, the 225

weight of WT on HK-alk did not change significantly throughout the course of the diet (Δ wt. = -0.33 ±0.15 gms; 226

n=10). However, weight of β4KO on HK-alk increased by 3.3 ±0.8 gms (n=10). When placed on HK-alk plus 227

amiloride for two days, the weights of WT and β4KO were not significantly changed. 228

The enhanced fluid retention of β4KO and increased Na excretion when placed on amiloride shows that 229

ENaC is over-active in β4KO. β4KO may be attempting to compensate for the decreased K secretion by 230

increasing Na reabsorptive stimulated K secretion. 231


K handling with low Na, high K diet 233

The results from figure 5 suggest that the β4KO are attempting to compensate for the lack of HCO3 234

promoted K secretion by enhancing the Na-dependent K secretion. If so, then the ability to excrete a high K 235

load should be further compromised when the mice are placed on a low Na, high K, alkaline diet (LNaHK). 236

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As shown in figure 6A, the K clearance of WT on LNaHK was not different from WT on HK-alk. 237

However, β4KO on LNaHK exhibited significantly less K clearance, with a value of 1221 ±129 ml/day/gmKW 238

(n=8), compared to the WT value of 2239 ±153 ml/day/gmKW (n=9). As shown in figure 6B, the plasma [K] of 239

WT on LNaHK was 4.71 ±0.24 mM (n=9), a value not different from WT on HK-alk. However, the plasma K 240

concentration of β4KO on LNaHK was a significantly greater value of 7.53 ±0.23 mM (n=7). The TTKG for WT 241

on LNaHK was 22.9 ±1.5 (n=10), a value not different from WT on HK-alk; however the TTKG for β4KO on 242

LNaHK was only 13.8 ±1.0 (n=8), a value significantly less than WT on LNaHK (figure 6C). 243

WT should maintain K balance when placed on a low Na, high K diet as well as a normal Na, high K 244

diet as long as the diet is also alkaline. Our LNaHK diet was designed to mimic that of the Yanomami, based 245

on their urinary outputs (33). However, WT may have an exaggerated defect with low Na if the animal is made 246

acidic. The results of acidifying the mice on LNaHK, by giving NH4Cl in the drinking water, are shown in figure 247

7. Figure 7A shows that the urinary pH of WT on LNaHK was 8.59 ±0.04 (n=3) with regular water, but 248

significantly lower, at 6.63 ±0.04 (n=3) when drinking acid water. For β4KO on LNaHK, the urinary pH was 8.70 249

±0.07 (n=2) when drinking regular water and 6.77 ±0.22 (n=5) when drinking acid water. As shown in figure 7B, 250

WT exhibited a significant decrease in K clearance to a value of 1083 ±132 ml/day/gmKW (n=5) when 251

consuming LNaHK with acid water. This value was approximately 50% the value for WT consuming LNaHK 252

with regular drinking water. However, the value of 1215 ±208 ml/day/gmKW (n=5) for β4KO on LNaHK plus 253

acid water was not different from the value for β4KO on LNaHK with regular drinking water. When mice on 254

LNaHK were treated with acid water the plasma concentrations of WT and β4KO were significantly elevated, 255

compared with LNaHK, to values of 6.8 ±0.4 mM (n=6) and 6.6 ±0.7 mM (n=5), respectively (figure 7C). The 256

TTKGs for WT and β4KO on LNaHK plus acid water were significantly decreased, compared with LNaHK, to 257

similar values of 15.1 ±1.1 (n=5) and 14.4 ±1.5 (n=5), respectively (figure 7D). These results show that WT 258

maintained K balance when placed on a low Na, high K diet, as long as it is also alkaline; however, if made 259

acidic, the ability of WT to maintain K balance on LNaHK was diminished to the capacity of β4KO. 260

The amounts of food consumption and urine output for WT and β4KO on each diet are shown in table 261

1. All groups of mice on high K diets consumed nearly twice as much chow as mice on the control diets. There 262

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was no significant difference in the quantity of chow consumed by WT and β4KO on any diet. Urinary excretion 263

rates of WT on HK-alk, HK-Cl and LNaHK were significantly greater than control. Significance was not 264

detected in urinary excretion rates among all groups other than groups on a control diet, which excreted urine 265

at about 20% the rate of mice on high K diets. 266


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Discussion 269

Our results show that wild type C57Bl/6 mice handle a high K alkaline diet, regardless of the Na 270

content, with a minimal increase in plasma [K]. The expression of BK-β4 subunit, found in IC of the distal 271

nephron, is enhanced in kidneys of mice on HK-alk, but not HK-Cl. When given the HK-Cl diet, or when NH4Cl 272

is added to the drinking water of mice on LNaHK, the plasma [K] increases significantly in WT, demonstrating 273

that mice consuming high K maintain K balance more easily when the diet is alkaline. However, the stimulatory 274

effect of renal HCO3 does not enhance K secretion in β4KO. We found that the defective K secretion of β4KO 275

is not a result of less β-IC, or deficient Na reabsorption-K secretion exchange. Rather, Na reabsorption-K 276

secretion exchange is enhanced in β4KO on HK-alk, probably as a compensatory mechanism. 277


BK-β4 expression with high K diets 279

A previous study showed that mRNA for BK-α and BK-β4 was increased in isolated cortical collecting 280

ducts of rabbit on a high K diet (32). The anionic content of this diet was not revealed but it is presumed 281

alkaline since rabbits are vegetarians. We have found by western blot that HK-alk enhances the BK-α in the 282

renal cortex of mice (24). We show here that the BK-β4, the subunit identified in IC, is up-regulated by HK-alk 283

but not by HK-Cl. This is consistent with the notion that the BK-α/β4 of intercalated cells, which are endowed 284

with acid/base transporters, is involved in HCO3-promoted K secretion. 285


Potassium excretion with alkaline vs acidic high K diets 287

Our results confirm a previous study showing an impairment of K excretion in β4KO (23). The high K 288

diet of that study was the same as the HK-alk diet of the present study. The anionic content of HK-alk is a 289

mixture of carbonate, citrate and Cl. The alkaline anions are ultimately converted to HCO3, where they are 290

secreted by the β-IC of the distal nephron to produce alkaline urine. 291

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We have not determined the role of alkalinity on K handling in WT vs β4KO on a normal K diet. 292

However, the BK-α/β4 should be only relevant with a high K load, which induces a flow rate of more than four 293

fold. Therefore, we would not expect that the alkalinity of the diet would make a difference between WT and 294

β4KO in handling a normal K load. In support of this notion, studies showed no change in K handling when rats 295

on a normal K diet were treated with NaHCO3 in their drinking water (12; 40). 296

The TTKG, which estimates the K gradient across the final CCD, before the K is concentrated in the 297

medullary collecting ducts with water reabsorption, is an indicator of distal K secretion in response to an 298

electro-negative lumen potential generated by an active driving force (54; 57). The TTKGs of mice on a 299

control diet were close to the value of 6.3 found for humans (4). The TTKG was greater when mice consumed 300

HK-alk, in comparison to HK-Cl (20.9 vs 13.6, figure 2). This finding supports an earlier study showing that 301

acetazolamide-induced bicarbonaturia enhanced the TTKG of humans (4). 302

The competition between H and K secretion in the distal nephron is well recognized. Metabolic acidosis 303

with excess H secretion tends to cause hyperkalemia (1; 52) and metabolic alkalosis with excess HCO3 304

secretion tends to cause hypokalemia when consuming normal K diets (36). Decreased intracellular pH can 305

inhibit ROMK (30; 53); however, it is unclear how an alkaline diet affects the intracellular pH of ROMK-residing 306

PC, which are not specialized to transport acid-base. An increase in K secretion may occur with merely a 307

neutralization of the active H transport by the distal nephron, rather than by HCO3-driven K secretion. 308

However, the urinary pH of the LNaHK mice given acid water was 6.6-6.8, which was consistent with no 309

acidification by the α-IC because the pH of the urine entering the distal nephron is approximately 6.7 (7). 310

Therefore, the high pH of 8.3 in the final urine of LNaHK could only be derived from HCO3 secreted by the β-311

IC, which we found equally enhanced, with respect to total IC, in WT and β4KO on HK-alk. 312

How does an alkaline diet promote K excretion independent of Na reabsorption? One scenario is that 313

HCO3 is secreted from β-IC via pendrin, a Cl/HCO3 exchanger shown in this study and others to be up-314

regulated in animals given an alkaline diet (42; 47; 56). In other cells known to secrete high amounts of HCO3, 315

such as the pancreas (35) and airway serous cells (14), the Cl entering the cell in exchange for HCO3 is 316

recycled back across the apical membrane via a Cl channel such as CFTR, thereby generating an electro-317

Page 15: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron


negative lumen potential. However, the presence of CFTR or another Cl channel in the apical membrane of β-318

IC has not been established. 319


Defective β4KO secretion is disassociated from IC phenotypic change 321

Using either apical pendrin or basolateral V-ATPase staining, we found an approximate increase in the 322

proportion of β-IC, from comprising 20 to 35% of total IC in WT and β4KO on a control diet, to 40 to 60% of 323

total IC when mice were on HK-alk diet. That IC convert from β-IC to α-IC according to acid/base status was 324

shown previously (13; 46), with a recent study showing that preventing the conversion of β-IC to α-IC causes 325

acidosis (13). That pendrin estimated a higher percentage of β-IC with HK-alk than basolateral V-ATPase is 326

consistent with the view that pendrin also labels non A-non B cells (26), whereas basolateral V-ATPase should 327

only label β-IC. Both antibodies show that β-IC are increased equally in WT and β4KO, indicating that the 328

phenotypic switch is not dependent on BK-α/β4 function and decreased proportion of β-IC cannot be 329

responsible for the diminished TTKG and K excretion of β4KO on HK-alk. 330


Compensatory role of Na reabsorption in β4KO 332

Two recent studies supported the notion that there are two types of K secretion: the well-studied 333

exchange of Na reabsorption for K secretion in the distal nephron and another type of K stimulated transport 334

that is independent of Na reabsorption. Rats treated a high K diet for several days exhibited a mild increase in 335

plasma [K] with amiloride treatment; however, when treated with high K overnight, amiloride increased plasma 336

[K] to an extremely high value of 8.9 mM (10). Because these overnight-treated rats were not K adapted, they 337

did not develop a Na-independent mechanism for secreting K. In isolated perfused rat collecting ducts, 338

iberiotoxin, a specific BK channel blocker, inhibited K secretion in the absence of luminal Na (31) 339

demonstrating that BK channels mediate Na-independent K secretion. 340

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It might be expected that the Na-dependent component of K secretion would be enhanced if the Na 341

independent component is compromised. This was evident for β4KO as there was less Na excretion in the 342

β4KO than the WT on HK-alk (figure 4). We showed previously that β4KO exhibited reduced Na excretion on 343

HK-alk, along with a reduced hematocrit and increased blood pressure, which was evidence for Na retention 344

and volume expansion.(24). However, we have shown here that amiloride treatment returned the Na excretion 345

to WT levels. Thus, in the absence of HCO3-stimulated K secretion, β4KO compensate by increasing ENaC-346

mediated Na reabsorption to stimulate K secretion. Further evidence of compensatory Na reabsorption was 347

shown in the β4KO on LNaHK. In the absence of substantial dietary Na, the Na reabsorptive compensatory 348

mechanism was also compromised in β4KO as indicated by a further reduction in TTKG and an increase in 349

plasma [K] to near lethal levels. 350

The finding that plasma [K] increased to extremely high levels in β4KO on LNaHK indicates that BK-351

α/β4 is used for Na independent K secretion. The LNaHK diet, which is alkaline and has a K/Na ratio of near 352

500, might mimic the diet of the Yanomami. Similar to previous studies by our laboratory (19; 23), the plasma 353

[K] of WT increased only slightly, by approximately 300 μM, in mice consuming HK-alk, compared with a 354

normal diet (figure 1) (19). Moreover, the plasma [K] was not greater in WT mice consuming LNaHK compared 355

with HK-alk. We did not determine the ability to excrete K with a low Na, high K chloride diet; however, 356

consuming acid water considerably reduced their ability to handle a Na-deficient high K load. This result shows 357

that mice can excrete a high K load absent of Na as long as the diet is alkaline. The naturally high alkaline 358

content associated with the high K diet may be an important component of Na independent K secretion by the 359

Yanomami. 360


K balance 362

There is a decreased output of urinary K per K consumed in the WT mice on HK-Cl vs HK-alk. 363

However, the kidneys are not the only avenue for excreting K and the WT on HK-Cl are likely utilizing several 364

extrarenal epithelia to maintain K balance. Several studies have described K adapted (44) and aldosterone 365

regulated K secretion in the colon (6; 8), which handles 10% of K excretion under normal conditions. Even the 366

Page 17: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron


mice on a high K-alk diet excrete 10% less urinary K than they consume. Although water intake is a highly 367

variable measurement, we observe that mice excrete no more than 80% of the volume of water consumed, 368

showing that they are utilizing extrarenal avenues to eliminate the volume as well as the K. WNK4 and WNK1 369

kinases are present in a variety of extrarenal epithelial cells, including colonic crypts, pancreatic ducts, bile 370

ducts, and sweat glands (5; 25), indicating adjustments in Na, Cl and K homeostasis by several extrarenal 371

tissues. We have also noted that the mice on HK-Cl were very wet, indicating profuse sweating as an avenue 372

to eliminate K after achieving a high plasma [K] level. 373


Role of IC cells in K secretion 375

Although we have shown that the BK-α/β4 of IC have a role in reducing the size of IC during high flow 376

conditions (23), it has been controversial whether the BK-α/β4 can secrete K because of the paucity of Na-K-377

ATPase to deliver K across the basolateral membrane of IC. However, a recent study with the isolated rat 378

collecting duct has shown that K secretion is reduced by inhibiting NKCC1 (28), localized in the basolateral 379

membrane of IC (15). In the colon, K uptake via basolateral NKCC1 is the putative source of K that is secreted 380

via apical BK (48; 49). The question remains concerning the mechanism for cellular Na extrusion after Na 381

enters via NKCC1. 382

It is not unprecedented that IC transport electrolytes other than acid/base. Renal IC contain a pathway 383

for neutral Na-Cl absorption via a Na-dependent Cl/HCO3 exchanger (NDCBE) (9; 27). It will be interesting to 384

determine how specific transport pathways in IC sustain basolateral K entry and Na extrusion in a cell that is 385

nearly devoid of Na-K-ATPase (43). 386


Significance 388

We found that an alkalinizing diet not only enhanced TTKG, a high K diet with Cl as the counter ion is 389

detrimental, causing a large increase in plasma [K] due to a failure to excrete the high K load. Our results 390

explain why sustained-release KCl tablets can elevate plasma [K] to dangerously high levels and why the 391

Page 18: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron


antidote to “KCl poisoning” is NaHCO3 (20). On the other hand, KCl is the best treatment for the condition of 392

hypokalemic alkalosis (3; 29). 393


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Acknowledgments 395

This project was funded by National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Grants RO1 396

DK071014 and RO1 DK73070 (to SCS), and a fellowship (#11PRE7530018) from the American Heart 397

Association MWA Affiliate (RJC). 398






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Figure Legends 537 538 Figure 1. A. Western blots of BK-β4 (24 kDA) and b-actin (43 kDA) from mice on a control, HK-alk and HK-Cl 539

diet. Negative control shows absence of BK-β4 in β4KO kidneys. B. Summary bar plot of BK-β4/β-actin 540

expression in control, HK-alk, and HK-Cl treated mice. *p<0.05 using one-way ANOVA plus SNK test. 541

542 Figure 2. Bar plots illustrating differences in K clearance (A), plasma [K] (B) and TTKG (C) between WT and 543

β4-KO mice on control, HK-Cl and HK-alk diets. �p<0.001 compared with control diet, *p<0.001 compared with 544

WT and #p<0.001 compared with HK-Cl using one-way ANOVA plus SNK test. . 545


Figure 3. Bar plots illustrating the urinary pH values of WT and β4-KO mice on control, HK-Cl and HK-alk 547

diets. Symbols are same as figure 1. 548


Figure 4. A. Double IHC with anti-pendrin (arrows; green) and anti-V-ATPase (red) of renal sections from 550

control, HK-alk and HK-Cl diet mice. B. Bar graph summarizing the % pendrin-positive cells/V-ATPase-551

positive cells. (*p<0.01 compared with control diet). C. Double IHC with anti-Aquaporin 3 (AQP3; green) and 552

anti-V-ATPase (red) of renal sections from WT on a control and HK-alk diet. D. Summary bar plots of % 553

basolateral V-ATPase per total V-ATPase marked cells, comparing WT and β4KO on control and HK-alk. 554


Figure 5. Bar plots illustrating effects of amiloride on Na clearance (A), hematocrit (B) and weight change (C) 556

of WT and β4-KO mice on HK-alk diets. *p<0.001 compared with WT and #p<0.001 compared with HK-alk, 557

using ANOVA plus SNK test. 558


Figure 6. Summary bar plots depicting differences in K clearance (A), plasma [K] (B), and TTKG (C) between 560

WT and β4KO given HK-alk and LNaHK diets. *p<0.001 compared with WT. #p<0.001 compared with HK-alk 561

using one-way ANOVA plus SNK test. 562


Page 28: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron


Figure 7. Summary bar plots depicting differences in urinary pH (A), K clearance (B), plasma [K] (C), and 564

TTKG (D) between WT and β4KO mice on LNaHK plus normal or acid (NH4Cl) drinking water. *p<0.001 565

compared with WT and #p<0.001 compared with LNaHK using one-way ANOVA plus SNK test. 566


Page 29: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron


Table 1. Food intake and urinary volumes 568

mouse Diet food in


P vs. WT



P vs. WT3





P vs. con3

WT control 1.5 0.2 3.5 0.3 45.6


β4ΚΟ control 1.7 0.3 NS 3.8 0.4 NS 45.9


WT HK-alk 3.5 0.2 <0.001

19.3 1.1 <0.001


0.3 0.066

β4ΚΟ HK-alk 3.5 0.3 NS 0.001 19.7 1.4 NS <0.001


0.5 <0.001 <0.001

WT HK-Cl 3.3 0.2 0.002 16.1 1 <0.001

47 0.7 0.485

β4ΚΟ HK-Cl 2.9 0.4 NS 0.145 14.9 3.3 NS <0.001

40 0.9 <0.001 <0.001

WT HK-alk am

3 0.4 0.004 14.9 1.8 <0.001


1.3 0.02

β4ΚΟ HK-alk am

2.6 0.4 NS 0.069 14.8 0.6 NS <0.001


0.7 NS 0.518

WT LNaHK 3.6 0.3 <0.001

18.3 1.3 <0.001


0.8 0.771

β4ΚΟ LNaHK 3.5 0.5 NS 0.006 16 1.2 NS <0.001


0.7 NS 0.314


4 0.1 <0.001

13.4 1.2 <0.001


0.9 0.212


2.9 0.2 NS 0.086 9.3 1.1 NS 0.034 42.8

0.6 NS 0.123


Table 1. Values represent means for food consumption (food: gms/day) and urinary excretion rate (UV: 570 ml/day/gm kidney weight). SEM is standard error of mean. P vs WT is the probability that β4KO is different 571 from WT on same diet/drug using ANOVA plus SNK test. NS (not significant) is P > 0.05. P vs con is the 572 probability that WT or β4KO is different from respective genotypes on a control diet. The number of samples 573 (N) is >5 in all groups. Differences between groups were determined by the ANOVA plus SNK test. 574


Page 30: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron


control HK-alk HK-Cl

25 kD

WT β4-KO

A. Immunoblots

B BK β4/β actin densitometry


β-actin 37 kD50 kD

25 kD

B. BK-β4/β-actin densitometry





β4/ β


in (A




t l HK lk HK Cl


- β




control HK-alk HK-Cl

Page 31: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron

A. Potassium Clearance)

2500WT #

B. Plasma K concentration10









*#ɟ ɟ

a [K

], m




WT β4KO *


a [K

] (m


K c












control HK-Cl HK-alk0

C. Transtubular K gradient

control HK-Cl HK-alk0


25 WT β4KO



#ɟ ɟ





15 #ɟ ɟ

control HK-Cl HK-alk0


Page 32: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron

Urinary pH

10WT β4KO

# #pH 6




control HK-Cl HK-alk2

Page 33: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron

t l

A. WT – pendrin + V-ATPase B. % β-IC (pendrin-identified)

80# #


HK Cl / V-A


e +








% p


in +


40 #

HK alk

control HK-Cl HK-alk0

C. V-ATPase + AQP3B % β IC (V ATPase on BLM)

control HK-alk

B. % β-IC (V-ATPase on BLM)






% β






control HK-alk

Page 34: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron

A. Na clearance


B. Hematocrit










(%) 45




# #




e (m







HK-alk HK-alk + amil


0HK-alk HK-alk+amil


C. Weight change








Δ w


t (gm





HK-alk HK-alk + amil




Page 35: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron

B. Plasma K concentration

8 * #A. K Clearance

] (m

M) 6











* #






K c






HK-alk LNaHK0

HK-alk LNaHK





25 WT β4KO

** #





15 * #

HK-alk LNaHK0


Page 36: Bicarbonate promotes BK- / 4-mediated K excretion in the renal distal nephron

A. Urinary pH10 WT


B. K Clearance




8 # #












K c







LNaHK LNaHK + acid 0

C. Plasma K concentration10

LNaHK LNaHK + acid0











25WT β4KO











LNaHK LNaHK + acid 0

LNaHK LNaHK + acid 0