binani articles

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BINANI CEMENT LIMITED Binanigram - 307 031

Inter Office Memo To : Ms. Bina Verma

CEO, Asian Industry & Information Services Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai

From : President (Works)

Ref : BCL/HRD/NEWS/May 14 to June 14/ Dated : 10.06.14

Dear Madam,

We are enclosing herewith 04 number of news items, for publishing in the forthcoming News Journal.

1. Employee of month

2. Founder’s Day Celebration

3. Temple Pato Utsav

4. Environment Day Function


Anant Mahobe

CC: Managing Director –BCL


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Employees Of The Month - edited

The employee of the month for April 2014 award was awarded to Mr.! Chinnam Srinivasa Reddy, Sr. Foreman (CPP). He commissioned a boiler feed pump in a short time without the external help of a service engineer. The month of April was followed by yet another gallant act performed by Mr Bhanwar Lal Purohit, Jr.Engineer (Mech) & Mr.Krishan Kant Joshi, Turner, Mechanical department on May 1st, 2014. During the night shift the CM1 cleaning was paused in order to clean a water nozzle. During the routine task a tragic accident happened and caused the auxiliary gearbox to fail, resulting in panic between the workers. However these two brave employees put their minds together and came up with an effective twist on a typical in-house modification to fix the problem at hand within 3 days.

Mr Anant Kumar Mohbe President (Works) gave shield and certificate to all the three employees for their contribution.

Mr Anant Kumar Mahobe (President-Works) giving shield & Certificate “Employee of the Month” to Mr Bhanwar Lal Purohit, Jr.Engineer (Mech)

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Mr Anant Kumar Mahobe (President-Works) giving shield & Certificate “Employee of the Month” to Mr.Krishan Kant Joshi, Turner, Mechanical department.

Mr Anant Kumar Mahobe (President-Works) giving shield & Certificate “Employee of the Month” to Mr. Chinnam Srinivasa Reddy, Sr.Foreman (CPP)

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World Environment Day Celebrated in Binanigram – edited

The 43rd World Environment Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm in Binanigram on Thursday, 5th June 2014. The theme for this year was “Raise your Voice, Not the Sea Level” which bears specific relevance to Global Warming and its impact on small island nations and coastal areas, which are prone to extinction due to the rise in sea levels. On the occasion, Head (Environment) shed light on the condition of the island of Barbados as an example of the effects that island nations endure, such as change in climatic conditions, floods, draught and the possible collapse of economies dependent on marine resources. The main function was held in the factory premises. The program started with the inauguration of the environment exhibition by the Chief Guest, Mr. Anant Kumar Mahobe, President (Works). The exhibition displayed the entries under various competitions such as slogan writing, poetry, creative writing and poster making with the enthusiastic participation of employees and their families, which was praised by the visitors. On a more serious note an “Environment Oath” was taken after the competitions. President (Works) addressed the gathering about the essence of this year’s theme with emphasis on the importance of sustainable development, energy conservation, renewable resources and water conservation. He highlighted the fact that we should all contribute and actively support the company’s initiatives in preserving our natural resources and looking for opportunities so as to sustain our organization for generations to come. The daylong program of the Environment Day celebration ended with tree plantations by the employees in the factory premises.


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President (Works) inaugurating the exhibition on the occasion

President (Works) addressing the gathering

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Plantation by Mr. G.K Pitaliya (G.M - Packing Plant) & Mr. Pradeep Agarwal (DGM-Safety) on the Environment Day.

President (Works) giving away prize to Mr .Sameer Bhatnagar (Manager-Mechanical)

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