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Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing Presented by KONATHALA BISHWANTH 310506403026 Integrated dual degree ( CS&SE Dept, Andhra university 1 Guided by Kunjam Nageswara Rao Asst.Professor,CS&SE Dept, Andhra university

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Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing


310506403026 Integrated dual degree (

CS&SE Dept, Andhra university


Guided by Kunjam Nageswara Rao Asst.Professor,CS&SE Dept, Andhra university

Agenda ▪ Introduction ▪What is cloud computing? ▪Why we need cloud

computing ? ▪What is security ? ▪Why we need security in

cloud computing ? ▪ Introduction to linear

programming ▪Why linear programming in

cloud computing?


▪ Existing System ▪Disadvantages ▪ Proposed System ▪ Advantage ▪Mechanism ▪Hardware Requirements ▪ Software Requirements ▪ Implementation ▪ Sample screens

Introduction ✦Cloud  compu*ng  enables  customers  with  limited  computa*onal  resources  to  outsource  their  large  

computa*on   workloads   to   the   cloud,   and   economically   enjoy   the  massive   computa*onal   power,  

bandwidth,  storage,  and  even  appropriate  so;ware  that  can  be  shared  in  a  pay-­‐per-­‐use  manner.    

✦Security   is   the   primary   obstacle   that   prevents   the   wide   adop*on   of   this   promising   compu*ng  

model,   especially   for   customers  when   their   confiden*al   data   are   consumed   and  produced  during  

the  computa*on.    

✦Trea*ng  the  cloud  as  an  intrinsically   insecure  compu*ng  plaBorm  from  the  viewpoint  of  the  cloud  


✦Focusing   on   engineering   compu*ng   and   op*misa*on   tasks,   the   secure   outsourcing   of   widely  

applicable  linear  programming  (LP)  computa*ons.  

✦The  resul*ng  flexibility  allows  us  to  explore  appropriate  security/  efficiency  trade  off  via  higher-­‐level  

abstrac*on  of  LP  computa*ons  than  the  general  circuit  representa*on.    

✦Formula*ng  private  data  owned  by  the  customer  for  LP  problem  as  a  set  of  matrices  and  vectors,  we  

are  able  to  develop  a  set  of  efficient  privacy-­‐preserving  problem  transforma*on  techniques,  which  

allow  customers  to  transform  original  LP  problem  into  some  arbitrary  one  while  protec*ng  sensi*ve  

input/output  informa*on.  


What is Cloud Computing ? ✦Cloud computing provides a variety of computing resources ,

from servers and storage to enterprise applications such as email, security, backup/DR, voice, all delivered over the Internet. The Cloud delivers a hosting environment that is • Immediate, •Flexible, •Scalable, •Secure, Available while saving corporations money, time and resources.


Cloud Distribution Examined5

Why cloud computing ?✦Cloud Computing is very much useful to a smaller companies to

generate similar savings and capabilities on its own.

✦Many of the issues blamed on the cloud in large enterprises - security, integration, compliance and so on - often cause fewer problems in small companies that can't properly deal with them anyway.

Main Reasons why cloud computing is even better for small businesses

• Economies of scale. • Enterprise-class functionality. •Money Matters. • Infrastructure vs. Applications. • The Legacy Issue. • Security Problems. • Compliance. • Reliability.



1. Economies of scale: This one's obvious. The larger the company, the easier it can generate economies of scale on its own. Small companies, by definition, have more limited resources. Anything that can give them access to scale in purchasing and pricing is a big win!

2. Enterprise-class functionality. Big companies have the heft to create the custom functionality they need. Small companies simply don't have the resources to do that. In the cloud, though, they can leverage development, maintenance and upgrades across many, many small businesses... And, increasingly, consumers as well.

3. Money Matters. Startups and small companies are often under capitalized and pay-as-you-go cloud computing solutions typically don't require lots of upfront cash. Even if they don't end up saving much as the monthly fees add up over the long run, avoiding capital expenditures can be a make-or-break issue for cash-strapped small businesses.

4. Infrastructure vs. Applications. For the enterprise, cloud computing often means complex Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) projects that have to be installed and integrated into a company's existing systems. For smaller companies, cloud computing often means complete cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) applications and application suites. No IT required.

Reasons why cloud computing

5. The Legacy Issue. A common enterprise objection to cloud computing is how will it work with the company's legacy applications. Small businesses - and especially new businesses - typically have fewer and less complex legacy apps. Taken a step farther, that means startups and small businesses have less installed infrastructure they'd need to throw out to move into the cloud. As for new businesses, why would you actually buy anything you could "rent" instead?

6. Security Problems. I'm not saying security isn't important to small businesses (though many don't take it as seriously as they should). I'm saying that while security in the cloud may still be shaky by enterprise standards, it's almost always far better than what small businesses are able to provide for themselves.

7. Compliance. Because you don't necessarily know where your data is stored in the cloud, IaaS can cause confusion as to whether it complies with local, national and international regulations. That's a huge issue for multinational corporations, less so for most small businesses.

8. Reliability. The cloud is more reliable than most people think. When widely used cloud services and applications have outages, it makes national news. When an individual company - large or small - has a similar problem, they work hard to make sure you never even hear about it. The bottom line, though, is that even accounting for network connectivity hiccups, the cloud is probably a lot more reliable than what small businesses can afford to provide for themselves.


9Evolution of cloud computing

Isp-Internet service provider Asp-Application service provider SaaS-software as a service IaaS-infrastructure as a service PaaS-Platform as a Service

What is security ?Security is the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable and valuable asset, such as a person, dwelling, community, nation, or organisation.

✦Cryptography ✦Redundancy ✦Disposal ✦Transfer security ✦Firewalling What exactly firewall does is.✦ It isolates the virtual machines ✦ Brilliantly filters addresses and ports ✦ Prevents Denial-of-Service (DoS) ✦ Detects external security assessment measures


Why security is need in cloud computing ?"The Notorious Nine," the top nine cloud computing threats has been identified by the CSA (Cloud Security Alliance).The report reflects the current consensus among industry experts surveyed by CSA, focusing on threats specifically related to the shared, on-demand nature of cloud computing.

The top most threats to the cloud computing are :


✦Data Breaches✦Data Loss✦Account or Service Traffic Hijacking✦Insecure Interfaces and APIs✦Denial of service✦Malicious insiders✦Abuse,✦Insufficient due diligence✦Pegged shared technology vulnerabilities

Software and Hardware Specifications


Operating System : Windows XP

Software : JAVA (JDK 1.6.0)

Protocol : TCP/IP

IDE : NetBeans,Xampp



Processor : Pentium-IV

Speed : 1.1GHz

RAM : 512MB

Hard Disk : 40GB

General : Keyboard,

. Monitor, Mouse.


Outsourcing computation to the commercial public cloud is also depriving customers’ direct control over the systems that consume and produce their data during the computation, which inevitably brings in new security concerns and challenges towards this promising computing model.

The outsourced computation workloads often contain sensitive information, such as ✦The business financial records, ✦Proprietary research data, ✦Personally identifiable health information etc.

Existing System

★End to end data confidentiality - ✦unauthorised information leakage ✦sensitive data have to be encrypted before outsourcing

How ever,Ordinary data encryption techniques in essence prevent cloud from performing any meaningful operation of the underlying plaintext data making the computation over encrypted data a very hard problem.

There are huge financial incentives for the cloud to be “lazy” if the customers cannot tell ✦ The correctness of the output ✦Possible software bugs ✦Hardware failures, even outsider attacks might also affect the quality of the computed results.


Proposed System

Our Linear Programming outsourcing scheme which

provides a complete outsourcing solution for not only

the privacy protection of problem input/output, but also its

efficient result checking. We start from a secure LP

outsourcing design framework.


✦Optimal solution using LP problems. ✦Better security on both uploading and downloading. ✦Integrating mathematical implementation in encryption



Mechanism Design Framework

• KeyGen(1k ) → {K }.

• ProbEnc(K, Φ) → {ΦK }.

• ProofGen(ΦK ) → {(y, Γ)}

• Result Dec (K, Φ, y, Γ) → {x, ⊥}


Mechanism Design Framework

These four algorithms are summarised below :

• KeyGen(1k ) → {K }. This is a randomized key generation algorithm which takes a system security

parameter k, and returns a secret key K that is used later by customer to encrypt the target LP problem.

• ProbEnc(K, Φ) → {ΦK }. This algorithm encrypts the input tuple Φ into ΦK with the secret key

K. According to problem transformation, the encrypted input ΦK has the same form as Φ, and

thus defines the problem to be solved in the cloud.

• ProofGen(ΦK ) → {(y, Γ)}. This algorithm augments a generic solver that solves the

problem ΦK to produce both the output y and a proof Γ. The output y later decrypts to x, and

Γ is used later by the customer to verify the correctness of y or x.

• Result Dec (K, Φ, y, Γ) → {x, ⊥}. This algorithm may choose to verify either y or x via the

proof Γ. In any case, a correct output x is produced by decrypting y using the secret K. The algorithm

outputs ⊥ when the validation fails, indicating the cloud server was not performing the computation



18Architecture of secure outsourcing linear

programming problems in Cloud Computing .

Finding File

Encrypt the File

Send to Cloud Server

Decrypt the File

Give Solution / Verification key

Response to Customer


✦Finding File

✦Encrypt the File

✦Send to Cloud Server

✦Decrypt the File

✦Give Solution / Verification key

✦Response to Customer


20Finding File & Encrypt the File



21Send to Cloud Server & Decrypt the File



22Give Solution / Verification key

Linear programming process where the optimal solution gets solved and verified




Response to Customer




Conclusion✦The problem of securely outsourcing LP computations in cloud computing, and

provide such a practical mechanism design which fulfils input/output privacy, cheating

resilience, and efficiency.

✦By explicitly decomposing LP computation outsourcing into public LP solvers and

private data, our mechanism design is able to explore appropriate security/efficiency

trade offs via higher level LP computation than the general circuit representation.

✦This develops problem transformation techniques that enable customers to secretly

transform the original LP into some arbitrary one while protecting sensitive input/

output information.

✦One can also investigate duality theorem and derive a set of necessary and sufficient

condition for result verification.



Thank You