bo aabbabaoawaaabsawaissa ' bm!bmbebgfcaki rla'iimfc. jbbb-€¦ · ijr---iffa bo...

IJr - -- Iff MM a BO aaBBaBaOawaaaBsaWaiSSa ' JWBlBfcJJT!r' "' j jft 'Js1SaW''Oaaak 'j ---- . Z5 slllaaaaaawlilliv 7 ' BM!BMBEBgfcaK"i" wjBiiy . rla'iiMfc. . jjr , 7T ' ' " " "" "BISKSCUBCSMm r"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaB aaaaaaw ""BaaaamSaaaaaaawipT"'F ""araaaaaaaBr naaaaf aaaaBBJBr tjBBgfcp aaaaaaaw '"'laaar'aBBaBay JaTiBr. ., 3P.jj3b-V- . fc-- Ti? "" "jgc-ff v t "'HPajHLGt-- "m 2P wf v 'fcjBSMMflBt- - jBBB- - 3K-Ib- fHEnKKi amF t aaaBB aaa bbbbbi saaai BaaaaaaaBB bbbbbi e lc'WKi'-JilknHHKslHEfe- Y osMaaBaBaBaBaBaBaa " jkS8K j- - 1l3PMMBjfc-Lhfc- Kh 9aBBaBBBBBaoav v" v cvTKv P BsrBBaaBB' K bbbbw PBlKSH.BPTYr?4 b&k aPBBBaBBaBBaBBanraa oi yeas BBiPvscxl1 Jlm By A. C. H OSMER. Mril2JS,. Irons toepin irO Eui &WMtEs woirfe "Was fcv42ir dfoi ttouduiM LAUS OAP 'II Hi1! e&me feljerketifAfltdlljowv SfeUkwd? before N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. VvS -- H." BB Free of Charge to MY Customers AN ELEGANT OIL PAINTING! Given Away to Every purchaser of $10 worth of goods. These are not Cheap Pictures, but fine pictures painted in oil and are fit to grace any one's walls. A strict account of your purchases will be kept and when you have bought in all $10 worth for csh, yon will be presented with one of these. No advance will be made in prices but as usual with the Cincinnati Sho eStore We will sell you better goods for less money than any shoe store in "Webster county, Respectfully yours, F. G. BLAKESLEE. food, recalates the Proprietor er the For a pood Square neat. Bearding and Lodging "' p week A kind or Frenta Bread, Pic and Cakes. Tor Orange, Lemon aad Banana All rruil and Candjr, XhIn, Cigar, Tatoacca, frenh Oyster, and ICe cream In eaan. los. Castoria is Br. Samel far ImflmU It eaataias Beitker Oaiam, Br other Xarcatic It 1 a kaiamlaaj for Iroaa, Syrnpa, aad Castor On. It is Pleasant. Its is thirty years' as ay Millions of Mathers. Caateria destroys Warms aad allay Casteri Soar Card cores aad Wind Colic. Caatoria reHevas teethiae cores Castoria the aad bowels, aiviac aoalthy aad aataral sloea. - Jb toria is the Castoria. goodegectcpoB ibdt tlr m d.g. a OSM! jjgwLMtt. - Castoria k the best renMdyf rbtch I am acqnalated. I far distaot wbenmtwWn aal teadoftfae deatroyiaf tkeir levad aaw, ay fiiilatHliii. morsalae, ainti dowa i to BaraaawatBaiai srTaanaSL" BB.J.T. "MB" - I 1 am. asam .r """Ifci tie men Hwcuujsa,, ofaa- - ceastiaatioa aad Castoria. TRY JOS.HERBURGER, City Bakery and Restaurant, ' , klndrfreh Headquarter Herburger, i a is Pitcher's nreaerintiom andChUdrcJa. Marpkise smtataace. pmaatitvta Paregoric, SMtkiac caaraatea fcverishBeas. preraaU Taatltias; Diarrhoea tremble, assimilates Childrea's esgfafa,laexuJlatBMMcfar hwtMMfliM kj4ercatottaeircBlklrw,a4a What lf:V1 HI fil --. . - r m .."i mwiwiiiiiBhwiw -- v. aw " - . Caanttew- - aai-- vmmc v """C ocr pisa,wniwiiii UaHSaaw ijaarTltir utav vaamaaM Camr, Ark. Aum C Saw. T' --- -! Eternal Vigilance is Red LOCAL DBIFT. Trnisea t Dejo's. Mrs. Geo. Cather is Tin i ting in the east Jake Miller waff in Superior this week. Hammocks and croquet at Cot-iag'- s. Lew Albright was in Lincoln this week. Attorney Martin was in Red (Jlomd Monday. Rev. J. D. Palis was in Kearnej this week. New wheat and oats are coming to oar market. . Rob Martin was in Oberltn the fore part of the week. The best stock of machine oil is to be found atDejo's. For machine oils eheap call at the second hand, store. 2t M. W. Diekeraon and wife are visit- ing in South Dakota. Cotting is still selling lots of wall paper at way down prices. Mr. Blodgctt of Kansas C.'ty, Mo., was in Red Cloud this week. Oar old friend J. W. Xorns, of Blue Hill was in Red Cloud on Mon- day. Attorneys Oilham and McNeny were in Omaha on legal business this week. Thursday morning Frank Cowden received a fine Fast Mail safety bi- cycle. Mrs.Thos. Enigb, entertained a few friends at "as evening tea' on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Allen o! Onaha, a bo ted oe-enli- st was in Bed Cloud this week is consultation with Dr. Tullcys. The ham of the threshing machine is to he heard loating on the gentle Nebraska xephyrs these days. Jndge Trnnkey has been harvesting this week and Judge Schenck has been holding down his bench. A. H. Bowea a prominent attorney of Adams county metropolis came down to the Gate City on business this week. Rev. Mr. Ely, was at Strang this week, assisting in ordination services of the congregational minister at that place. The B. & M. will soon put on some extra trains fcr the purpose of taking Nebraska's big grain crop to eastern markets. Buy your paint of Cotting. He sells the strictly Southern and Globe leads and the Lincoln mixed paint that cannot be beat. Wm. Barrett, will soon be aroand canvassing for albums, bibles, dec. Those desiremg sarh work will do well to trade with Mr. Barrett. Any one who maliciously took the rubbers off the ice cream freezer at court hoase yard belonging to Mr. Keler' will please retara them at once, otherwise there will be troable. With this issue The Chief is 19 years old and s still willing to take good siied water melons ia part pay- ment of sabscriptioa bills, provided the bills are small and the melons large. Chris Fasaler oar handsome Demo- cratic t res nrer, became tired of the monotony of ofiee life and strack out for a week's vacation oa his farm for the purpose of showing the bora how to harvest Charley Wiener, proprietor of the Golden Eagle clothing hoase, haa jast returned from a two week's pleas-ar- e trip to the mountains. He will go east ia aboat two weeks to lay in his fall stock. Oar citixens shoald tale hold of the creamery project with a will bom of desperation. It is jat what is needed ia Bed Clead aad oaght to be established by all mrans as con- ducive to the pahlie gaod. A colored man from Lincoln, by the name of Wobbery, entertained oar people last Friday night in the M. E. el.arch, oa the aahjeet of pro- hibition. It was an able lecture from his stand point and the gentleman was able to male it that way. Mrs. Brewn, wham we pablished aa article ia reference to seme fear r ive arecks age, as hciag B,fert, - nately lasaae. m ymkM j . ago rontoem ia sue auu. aaa SI"lef the beaaaie iaanatat aid m bow ia the arylam. Thk wsaiaa'a life aaa ae af aatli atwow aai sac is la grettl j fittiei. the Price of Liberty' Cloud, Webster County, WriUes ferTita Chikf A Bfew Tersloa ofiae Biearaska CTuae-"Bn- lah Land") I'tc reached tlie land of rain and beat. Wkere all things grow for man to eat. The winds that blow with growing heat O'er all this land is hard to beat. Chohus: Oh. Nebraska land, sweet Nebraska land, As on the fertile soil I stand. I look away across the plains And am thankful for the rains. Tin Gaalrel calls with trumpet sound And says the rain kw soaked the ground . The farmer goes into kls corn. And there he stands at early mora, And sees the corn while being shocked That there are four ears on each stalk. We liar wheat plenty, scads of oats. And lots of corn to feed to stoats, Our fowls are fat. plenty to eat. Pigs curl their tails, crossing the street. Our horses Clydesdale, Norman race And fat as found ia any place. Wadobota life and aseaa to stay, And are so rich we wont go away. Br aw Iowa Farmer. The name of H. C. Scott has been receiving very favorable mention for some time from all the different politi- cal sources of the county as a candi- date for sheriff this fall. All who have expressed themselves in oar hearing in regard to this office, (and there arc many,) say that this county never had a better man. During his incumbency as sheriff, he made mang friend, and saved many homes for the almost homeless. Hank has an abund- ance of good, honest horse sense and a heart in cases of calamity as big u an ox. SLould he be nominated this fall his election will be certain. The Leader is particularly stuck on Hank because he's a man in every sense of the term. He was sheriff for four years of this county, and during that time no one dared to charge him with oficial rottenness. That Hank Scott will be Webster county's next sheriff there is no doubt in the minds of this people. Potsdam is almost a unit for him. Not only does his friends exist here, bat over the entire county as well. He always recognixed the fact that daring his incumbency that he was a public servant, and one thing about him can be said: "While he's big in siie he never got to big for his office." Blue H ill Leadsr. W. C. Laird, of Oak creek, and several o nis neighbors among whom are J. H. Hobirt, Austin Biley, and brothers, Wm. Hobart, four of the Simpsons, and Mr. Reddinger, had their crops entirely destroyed by hail lafct Saturday. The facts are that it is a very hard blow to these men as they lost their entire crop last season by drouth and now by hail. They should certainly have the sympathy of the people of Webster county in their calamity. Mr. Laird informed our reporter that the hail fell six inches deep and that they were many of them still in the draws on Moa-aa- v. His corn aas entirely destroyed and he is left in such a condition that lie has no show for a crop this year. It is certainly too bad. Adams eoanty people are pushing John M. Bagan, of Hastings for the district jndgship. The people of this county, regardless of political affiliation should forward the name of James McNecy. Mr. MeNeny is a thorough law student and one among Nebraska's able lawyers. Mac is not otily a lawyer of much ability, but is wherever known, recognized as a man of fairness and integrity. He is a repablican, true, but politics shoald cut no igare when we take into consideration the f taess of a man for this position. The Leader believes that in the election of Mr. JlcNeny, the people will grt their "eqaal dis-tribati- on of jastiee," aad that is cer- tainly all any mortal oat side of heav en wants. Blac Hill Leader. The people of this city wha have friends buried in the eity cemstery should take the matter in hand of either Exing it ap 01 forming a aew company, or both. It is a shame to leave it in ts present condition tea or aacared far by aay ewe. It seems to as that tie people who are directly interested weald get together aad do something in regard le the matter. Let it be doae at once aad the d'sgraae of having men aa sightly cemetery he wiped eat. aWHTl The fam oa Jack owaca bv Mr. imish has been moved fraoa stiohar. )soa'sraU?theJuaa;rh raaoh moor I . . ....'.- - uowiaa. vaare ae win aaoaa iao i- - ia, jtaaar tae autfaeas asaa aaa a fall line of rubber aaa! leather Mtxag C and One Dollar a year "Neb., Friday, July 31, 's PraceettBca. Board coBvened July 30, 1391, 10 a. m. Members present 12. Adjourned to 1 p. m. 1 p.m. Jalv0191. Members present 17. Bight of way along the bank of creek on soath-cas- t quarter of Sec. 23, town 1, range 11, by Daniel Snyder for the sum of $35 00, was accepted and clerk ordered to draw warrant for the same when said Snyder and wife ap- pear and acknowledge the same as re- quired by law. Petition of Thomos Crouch and others for the purpose of opening the road between section C aad 7, town 2, range 10, was presented to the board, and ea motion the parties John Lohl and T. Emigh be requested to appear before the board at their next meet- ing and show reasons why said road should or should not be opened. Petition of Chas. Campbell and other asking for an appropriation of $100.00 for the purpose of repairing bridges on section line between sec- tions 11 and 12, 13 and 14,23 and 24, 25 and 2C and 35 and 36. Moved and carried that an appropriation of $50 be granted. Petition from Batin and Oak Creek asking for an appropriation of $200 for each township, said petition was laid over from last meeting, and on motion said petition was again laid over until next meeting. Board adjourned to 8 a. m. July 31. 1891. July 31, '91,8 a.m. Board convened. Members present 13, -- . Committee on printtag recommend- ed that the printing of the delinquent tax list be awarded to the Bed Cloud Chief. Moved and carried that re- port be accepted, and that the pr'nt-in- g of said tax list be awarded to the Bed Cloud Chief. Moved and carried that clerk be in- structed to procure booths and .ballot boxs for the next general election and to procure such supplies as cheap as possible. Moved and carried that all claims except insane claims allowed at this meeting be paid oat of the bridge fand. The following claims were audited and allowed and clerk ordered to draw warrant for the sale: Robert Damerell $18 00 allowed $ 12 00 B. 8. TibHts work on pd 9 10 Bed Cloud" Democrat printing 22 50 F. P. Shields 15 00 Mc Avoy 4b Becd Livery 2 00 D. Kesler work on jail 3 00 J. B. Wilcox map for clerk . 5 00 A. C. Hosmer supplies 5 00 G. W. Dow irons and bolts. . 3 20 H. A. Shinkle board pris 54 75 A. H. Crary Supervisor 11 00 J. J. Kiadschcr. ....... ., 7 50 G. W. Hammell 10 40 D. Kesler 6 10 G. P. Cather 10 75 Wm. Irons 6 70 W . C Laird. .............. . 15 90 G.E.C00B 6 10 R.L.Alyea 4 60 W. H Patteroea 8 80 10 60 11 50 !& XJ a HQaHsaB 7 1C alOsaBK JA94pCF 6 40 A. H. HeCaWaa . 7 00 ISaVaVC FUsa... 8 00 H. G. SaUkle jmitor 4 00 T. H. Dekrkojde 8 40 H A. Shinkle 8 85 allowed 4 85 A. K. Balis 6 20 eradit ea taxes $5 29 91 F. H. DeJohoyde 6 20 eredit a taxes 6 20 A ld a 3 fa aCCI f9v Xj C. A. Teel Taking iasane Lncn 46 80 D. & Coombs Brown case 3 00 J. W. Talleys Brewn case.... 8 00 H. A. Shiakle care Mrs. Brown 18 50 Moved aad carried that the bridge located between section 28 aad 33. town 2, range 9, he moved to between Sec 30 4k 31 team 2 nagc 9, Wehctcr cemty. Adj. to 1 p. Jaly 31. '9L mi is the Price of The Chief. 189 . laavalc Harvesting is all done and some have commenced haying. Crops never looked better this time of the year than now. The Mcul last Thursday was a suc- cess. Miss May Flutumel speut Saturday and Sunday in Red Cloud. The s:hool board hare hired Miss Jessie Warren for the coming year. Inavale now has a lawn tcnis club. Ed Parmer from Hates county i visiting his folks this reek. The Inavale nine ana the Pumpkin HuskerM nine p'ycd a very interest' ing game of ball lat Sstntday. The score s!ood 12 to 18 in favor of Ina- vale. Mr. Hull and family it visiting his brother and family this week. Charlie Olmsted gave a party Iat Friday evening. having a good time. Mr. Prcntis returned from his trip to Ohio, Tuesday. Mr. Davis don't go Jo Red Cloud any more. Wonder why? RUSTl.KU, C'awles. Several of our people left on Mon- day for the mountains, in .crch of health, recreation, Ac Fred Good engineer's wnc of the wagons and Jacob Fuller the other. Mrs. Keener and daughter of Illi- nois have just come to visit their rel- atives, Mr. Kceney and Mrs. Adam-son- . Mrs. Sarah Peak enjoyed a birth- day surprise party on Tuesday, 23th. Mrs. C M. Brown has just returned from a vim of two month, with rel- atives and friends in New York State. Rev. McYcy, of Red Cloud, was cu our streets Tuesday looking hale and hearty as ever. X Willaw Creek. Well Mr. Editor, I have heard sev- eral say they would like to sec Mana-tobi- a write again, so I will scribble a few items again if you will kindly correct mistakes. Again has this vicinity been called on to give up one of it's best and most beloved 30ung ladies. Miss Eva May Lewi.-- , died July 18th and was burried the 19th, at Pleasant Hill cemetery amid the largest concourse of friends we have ever seen at a funeral. Every one was deeply effected and fully sympathized with the mother and brothers. Eva was past 21 and the stay and friend of a happy household. Any body can tell to look Tom La- cy square in the face that he doe not wear talse 'ecth all because a new boy arrived at his home the 13th of Julv all doing well as reported by Dr. Moore. A weed was mcasued the other day on the creek bank, it is fourteen fctt two inches in bight. Nearly all the farmers are done har- vesting, some arc cutting hay, and the best eorn prospect at this time of any year ft aeventeen years vccetables have grown almost beyond belief and still plenty of nun every few day. The people in this community arc all making great preparations to at- tend the reunion at Bed Cloud ia September. Clarence Lewis has been rcry sick bat is slowly improving at this time. Mrs. Adamsoa expect her ssothtr and sister from the east this week. Maxitobia. J P. S. Fair's barn was strack by lightning on Sanday evening the 19th, and wasbaraed with it's cos tents eoasuting of some rye, two lister, 13 cellars aad several sets of doable har- ness, besides a sow aad pigs. Hr. Fair kept his baggy ia the bara bat as they had wsed the baccy en Sanday aad did not get home aatil it berao to rain they did not pat in the bora. The bora was insvrrd. Harvortiagis aealy all doae and the oats aad wheat are the hoariest we ever saw ia Kasnaa, and avow we near the ham of the throhsia- - chine asalsu SiD. S. GaVK 7 Baking Bjwder ABSouneor pmk Mark Talk. To The Ciutr TLi rTeriatrj? talk about aa increase of the cutrency to 150. per capita ctvinp pooplc are money only flauv uaeibe among the people, without a reliable antidote What is the uc of tilling suoh stall. If the per capita was $100 per head and one had nothing to dispone of J whit help would it be to hits'" A Htan cau't tret something for itethia. If a man has nothing to Kit upon the market he cannot expect te got mone that way but rrxrt to fouie other method Sonitf people hold the- - idea that if the per capita was 50 per head, all they would hare to d to grl it would be to present thir claim to the government. What noueuel The trouble today mth the circulating medium i that the well-to-d- o hare it safely housed in their pockets aftaid to venture in any kind of ontrrprises for fuar that they will be hnsWI to realize a profit therefrom, hense a stagnation of lu.Mncr There will alwayr be 'two condition to the human family, the wealthy and those who labor. There a)waj hr ben and alway will be Th bible sugi;tuta that a man should (tarn what be eats by working and therefore triMo mast be two claftr viz The em- ployer and the otupioten. We don t believe that the Crratir ever drirod ! that a man should be o dihoat j that he should fail to pay hi honast j debts, and failing expect the govern -j ment to do so for him, hence the orv that a man should be relierod of hi present debts comes only from human- ity (not all of them) rather than from Divinity. There's people who have to do a great deal of talciug in order to hold their jobs and the cry lojay that people arc impoverished for th want of a 'circulating tuodiuai is onfi of the "jobs.' There arc plenty of people who are "crying reform" that arc immensely rich. Why don't they open their coffers and mske money freer? thev stmplv like all other ; who havo means at thoir disposal ; don't want to invest it where there ls no chance of setting a good return; and the agitation agatuu the men of means is one of the causes of the hard timnfc nf tnt)r Tht Tutr nrpritl t" the wealthy In impendent a freely a ! it does the art-rag- e wealthy Republi can or Democrat. Humanity is the same the world over A man will tint i'ita nr inml )n!!p wtiori lio od bo ii. The. way to en gra oow and ibo6e in iuiuu iuv amir v arc saiiinK .jrur Republican, Independent or I Democratic friend a robber and thirl, ''v that it is barely possible tbit he hold same opinion of you. are no set of men whatever ar more honest in politics than others. There are corrupt men in all parties It is the case sometimes, when thev arc that they go other ranks cry "thief " lustily. H i an old trick. The hue a&d cry going on fibou'd be off, asd shield their neighbors credit for being just at honest aa they eoaider themselves, aad then there would be a tendency for better time. Tou ay be rich ;otirc!f sometime, and then yoa will dulike it have people yoa a thief beeoc yoo bare been ! toes. Don't be mistakes, present eryef "thief " men who could not get oft re is the old parue? and sow are looks sr of reform. Jp?0. A meeting was held JadreTraa-key'- s aftrrcrtB with a view of ecario a creamery fr IWi I ru,4 "U t..Jrr.t. , .n- - - , . . . . ia erraajierv wan; fccre foar or fire lbd' dtAktrs ' nrovidinr given f O lunArrl dmllmrm wt-rr- ti I eoas idcrcd the ana aosoiateo a mmwiux it,ty?cv i. .. ' ' t Mr. 3iadj. JUsoer, Mr. Pat - 1 htcraUtT. aao! everybody iavked be aoweat tku - .. rntUn Clerk O Croae were Hock tbki Vol- - U. No. 1 Krunlttn tle. J TB?cirotir x:iue holding atsmtro MUg 4 ftwi ouirrtit t arruigautMote far th At th Hi. HMMlUjYJf f tho comttaw, Arraaqpawoo wes ootapiotod fr onUi' 4vof u tap r tho Wr Yi4PR. MsUl(h4 at Tojxika. KM4. ltkfla oonUla lag the adioru mtmmi ppof lU dorote oonaidof omo to a ouottp of lb town. CimwHoaUo foam th ranWK ooooratiog ratOn woooroad The BU Mgormi vry RaoraJ for the round trip froiu point wtiUn a radio of luO nuW. C J Ptatt wa a oatnsiU-tm- j to srracjj a program for the Ur hUn tournament hot con the Kama, and Nobraika guard. On looUon it wa rdnrd that ho pron i authorise! lo oonlraat any wfeaUvror ow aoaounl of th rMoi iool Mpo a wnitttm order Mwod by Uo ltrmat of tho rounioM oaumutlc-P- . Aotoo llijjby. J oufti4grot the MteroUry CJ. J Warran. ' AH poo will lak te notice and theroUy av th4mni'v and sit ttpnbU a! annty atto J 1. MtlW w4 Wtoser wm author M"1 U ul and lav Uc tv unmu grounds in aorilKo with pivtl prtjorrl b; MrvVlcnet aod aopWk1 the ( Y Calhor and GlJjrWarren m 9iM.l a eommilUM en pffrobagiand Aon Iltgby and O J WarraWHr eumniitto ririlo with atjthrky to Uitaktf oootpaot. M I. lrmkon)iindr award-- t tho oootraet for furthin;j hay f"r ihtf rouutOH Joho WilUamon thq traw and Gut the mni A lottor irom .xtutor ra44ooViaao road in whteh U U ted Ahi M hr jlft it mUt ovrry cgrtitffoo5rrfor tho reunion the 11. IJroffvlftV baltorT from Fort Ltat en worth; and ha th matu-- r ljfor tho orrUr of war for oon- - ptdcrataim " " - - A happy fanner whe we sr tt t at? tho following "A sltort time me theaowwasaad. oarte eooW rai-ho- r hed. bogad Her lioof wote re her utl waa Mnup, and mile he trudged from to drink, with careoly tr5iiglh envoh to wink. wnir ion, hiokd bloc .. idade. Uer tsl M ek htir eye are ' bricht, a toort ao dars the srowd i . r.l.i Tt. uu.. .li. . i- ,- frtj MJ4.- - MV W. T. Jf )4frr ? oh ink, ak boys to uk drink God hi on tho rain it make a man feol yung again. He ff! )ik toJtng Up hal aod howllog Hkc a democrat.' Mrs. Ir. 5ohenflk retar?d t'lne-da- y erenin-- ; from a tn day tilt i the vicinity of Alma. Xebr . whero -- h bea called by the lckae of her fjtcr Mr, rtiloy "Aujtk" as b i called by xatay pede of thi eosnty, Mr. Riley'a health i o moeh im- - jjr b i sov able a tvit oat. Mr. ? reprt that osa of th wso roada is Ilarlao aod Ph!tlp twunUo arc almost ijpiaLlj on a coast of rcecet raio. Soot City, Iowa, Oct. 17, '01. Fifth Aocaa1 Cora Palac Fetrrl, c Jf . i3fin fi. ., -- ,t later tkns Oct. 10 51. A- - CoooTor, acat. Bteonial EseawpaaHrot, XeWaak VaUrm Ilaoka KsirhU of j Xeb A 17. x. izji. .ei in .ruTMi. aoay I tieieU to ZcxUvn at fr iaai thiri for the tv& trit. !! t , , ,- - , . ... . s r& l s-r- r. atat. A, Ks, ." - ' ItelnH Cij - . w H Mine. .. jhto . .xbz. -- -. - s-- r WW t&tnm, we vj(. M tnn4 ltiptit to rw. tc nr. t t .j .Jl. Ii Ha Ceni&oJ Hm Htia - -- -e , voawver. Ajtea. . ... There wall wr a soair w ar ZS? raav Ch! . t ' and ejum, and our the oaltlc is sure ti will ie . no tw Rot ie th rain th to make times better u ! tall the can ral bar courage talk up the oom-- ,, 1 head bawl, hor hide JRfiiolb, no munity in which you Jive, and brj, ,,..,, ., nrotrudo, he Mac a city I the There that cast overboard into and railed men give caU sacecssfol in the it by Uw got by by the came and the W( that BriraoV, for it la somenew measure and arej" l"P 3"'w- - "w w "" " Q makiag the ...laaght to attract w - I All uci will U limits to their sapport byfair or foal j - trm W- - ander th. pretext that there i need to -- " ia oSce Satorday o. I - oaeres wwi a eootiag he is a fcoss Sf-- Ti, Satarday Jo vt appoint! iadohtqdoowwi appointed Carl hesl Pythiae. absolutely enterprises, tiranee mo'o., the aUat at Fatrftcld, whioh the artTi9. to Aar ZZ lcT. Far farth-- laukxar the rntoos Ther iformitE.fri'4toar thi ca- - oaiashtee. eoamar f JTcorr fit.!aoew4B o A. Cooler agrat. . X4. f'tr mor, aanl Geo. Warn., will ririt fair- - pek Aaj. 13, laSl, P-f- 4 Ia4-fei- d TaeasUy a4 reaon the woo l ?? mmita&m. Ar xl.sTiJ: Tf;ooLe. ftPmnEuawai tss m esrt to 91 Kasaojaber SatardaTl AagitlK,atheaayforthc AaTaerXeJiottallis4rict ia G4e wookv wnt ooo all eotteoraml, Cba all rotmnltteo, on hc gr The of: IS aa os. asm. ta I i f: a r 1 tr

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MMa BO aaBBaBaOawaaaBsaWaiSSa '

JWBlBfcJJT!r' "' j jft 'Js1SaW''Oaaak 'j

---- . Z5 slllaaaaaawlilliv 7' BM!BMBEBgfcaK"i" wjBiiy . rla'iiMfc. .

jjr , 7T ' ' " " "" "BISKSCUBCSMm r"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaB aaaaaaw ""BaaaamSaaaaaaawipT"'F ""araaaaaaaBr naaaaf aaaaBBJBr tjBBgfcp aaaaaaaw '"'laaar'aBBaBay JaTiBr. ., 3P.jj3b-V- .fc-- Ti? ""

"jgc-ff v t "'HPajHLGt-- "m 2P

wf v 'fcjBSMMflBt- - jBBB- - 3K-Ib- fHEnKKi amFt aaaBB aaa bbbbbi saaai BaaaaaaaBB bbbbbi e

lc'WKi'-JilknHHKslHEfe- Y osMaaBaBaBaBaBaBaa" jkS8K

j-- 1l3PMMBjfc-Lhfc- Kh 9aBBaBBBBBaoav v" v cvTKv P BsrBBaaBB' K bbbbw PBlKSH.BPTYr?4 b&k

aPBBBaBBaBBaBBanraa oi yeas BBiPvscxl1 Jlm


Mril2JS,. Ironstoepin


Eui &WMtEs woirfe

"Was fcv42ir dfoi

ttouduiM LAUS



Hi1!e&me feljerketifAfltdlljowv

SfeUkwd? before


VvS-- H." BB

Free of Charge to MY Customers


OIL PAINTING!Given Away to Every purchaser

of $10 worth of goods.

These are not Cheap Pictures, but fine picturespainted in oil and are fit to grace

any one's walls.

A strict account of your purchases will be kept and whenyou have bought in all $10 worth for csh, yon will be

presented with one of these.

No advance will be made in prices but as usual with the

Cincinnati Sho eStoreWe will sell you better goods for less money than any shoe

store in "Webster county,

Respectfully yours,


food, recalates the

Proprietor er the

For a pood Square neat. Bearding and Lodging "' p weekA kind or Frenta Bread, Pic and Cakes.

Tor Orange, Lemon aad Banana Allrruil and Candjr, XhIn, Cigar, Tatoacca, frenh Oyster,

and ICe cream In eaan.los.

Castoria is Br. Samel far ImflmU

It eaataias Beitker Oaiam, Brother Xarcatic It 1 a kaiamlaaj

for Iroaa, Syrnpa, aad Castor On.

It is Pleasant. Its is thirty years' as ayMillions ofMathers. Caateria destroys Warms aad allay

Casteri Soar Cardcores aad Wind Colic. Caatoria reHevas

teethiae coresCastoria theaad bowels, aiviac aoalthy aad aataral sloea.-

Jb toria is the


goodegectcpoB ibdt tlr m

d.g. a OSM!jjgwLMtt.

- Castoria k the best renMdyfrbtch I am acqnalated. I

far distaot wbenmtwWn aal

teadoftfaedeatroyiaf tkeir levad aaw, ayfiiilatHliii.morsalae,ainti dowa

i to BaraaawatBaiai srTaanaSL"


"MB" - I 1 am. asam

.r """Ifci

tie menHwcuujsa,, ofaa--

ceastiaatioa aad




City Bakery and Restaurant,'

, klndrfrehHeadquarter





Pitcher's nreaerintiomandChUdrcJa. Marpkise

smtataace. pmaatitvtaParegoric, SMtkiac


fcverishBeas. preraaU Taatltias;Diarrhoea






lf:V1 HI fil

--. . - r m.."imwiwiiiiiBhwiw " -

.Caanttew- - aai-- vmmc v """C ocr

pisa,wniwiiiiUaHSaaw ijaarTltir utav vaamaaM

Camr, Ark. Aum C Saw.

T' ----!

Eternal Vigilance is



Trnisea t Dejo's.Mrs. Geo. Cather is Tin i ting in the

eastJake Miller waff in Superior this


Hammocks and croquet at Cot-iag'- s.

Lew Albright was in Lincoln thisweek.

Attorney Martin was in Red (Jlomd


Rev. J. D. Palis was in Kearnejthis week.

New wheat and oats are coming tooar market.

. Rob Martin was in Oberltn the forepart of the week.

The best stock of machine oil is tobe found atDejo's.

For machine oils eheap call at thesecond hand, store. 2t

M. W. Diekeraon and wife are visit-

ing in South Dakota.

Cotting is still selling lots of wall

paper at way down prices.

Mr. Blodgctt of Kansas C.'ty, Mo.,was in Red Cloud this week.

Oar old friend J. W. Xorns, of

Blue Hill was in Red Cloud on Mon-


Attorneys Oilham and McNeny

were in Omaha on legal business thisweek.

Thursday morning Frank Cowdenreceived a fine Fast Mail safety bi-


Mrs.Thos. Enigb, entertained afew friends at "as evening tea' onWednesday afternoon.

Dr. Allen o! Onaha, a bo ted oe-enli- st

was in Bed Cloud this week isconsultation with Dr. Tullcys.

The ham of the threshing machineis to he heard loating on the gentleNebraska xephyrs these days.

Jndge Trnnkey has been harvestingthis week and Judge Schenck hasbeen holding down his bench.

A. H. Bowea a prominent attorneyof Adams county metropolis camedown to the Gate City on businessthis week.

Rev. Mr. Ely, was at Strang thisweek, assisting in ordination servicesof the congregational minister at thatplace.

The B. & M. will soon put on someextra trains fcr the purpose of takingNebraska's big grain crop to easternmarkets.

Buy your paint of Cotting. Hesells the strictly Southern and Globeleads and the Lincoln mixed paintthat cannot be beat.

Wm. Barrett, will soon be aroandcanvassing for albums, bibles, dec.

Those desiremg sarh work will dowell to trade with Mr. Barrett.

Any one who maliciously took therubbers off the ice cream freezer atcourt hoase yard belonging to Mr.

Keler' will please retara them atonce, otherwise there will be troable.

With this issue The Chief is 19years old and s still willing to takegood siied water melons ia part pay-

ment of sabscriptioa bills, providedthe bills are small and the melonslarge.

Chris Fasaler oar handsome Demo-

cratic t res nrer, became tired of themonotony of ofiee life and strackout for a week's vacation oa his farmfor the purpose of showing the borahow to harvest

Charley Wiener, proprietor of theGolden Eagle clothing hoase, haajast returned from a two week's pleas-ar-e

trip to the mountains. He willgo east ia aboat two weeks to lay inhis fall stock.

Oar citixens shoald tale hold ofthe creamery project with a will bomof desperation. It is jat what isneeded ia Bed Clead aad oaght tobe established by all mrans as con-

ducive to the pahlie gaod.

A colored man from Lincoln, bythe name of Wobbery, entertainedoar people last Friday night in theM. E. el.arch, oa the aahjeet of pro-

hibition. It was an able lecture from

his stand point and the gentlemanwas able to male it that way.

Mrs. Brewn, wham we pablishedaa article ia reference to seme fearr ive arecks age, as hciag B,fert, -

nately lasaae. m ymkM j .ago rontoem ia sue auu. aaa SI"lef thebeaaaie iaanatat aid m bow ia thearylam. Thk wsaiaa'a life aaa

ae af aatli atwow aai sac is lagrettl j fittiei.

the Price of Liberty'

Cloud, Webster County,

WriUes ferTita ChikfA Bfew Tersloa ofiae Biearaska

CTuae-"Bn- lah Land")I'tc reached tlie land of rain and beat.Wkere all things grow for man to eat.The winds that blow with growing heatO'er all this land is hard to beat.

Chohus:Oh. Nebraska land, sweet Nebraska land,As on the fertile soil I stand.I look away across the plainsAnd am thankful for the rains.Tin Gaalrel calls with trumpet soundAnd says the rain kw soaked the ground .

The farmer goes into kls corn.And there he stands at early mora,And sees the corn while being shockedThat there are four ears on each stalk.We liar wheat plenty, scads of oats.And lots of corn to feed to stoats,Our fowls are fat. plenty to eat.Pigs curl their tails, crossing the street.Our horses Clydesdale, Norman raceAnd fat as found ia any place.Wadobota life and aseaa to stay,And are so rich we wont go away.

Br aw Iowa Farmer.

The name of H. C. Scott has beenreceiving very favorable mention forsome time from all the different politi-cal sources of the county as a candi-

date for sheriff this fall. All whohave expressed themselves in oarhearing in regard to this office, (andthere arc many,) say that this countynever had a better man. Duringhis incumbency as sheriff, he mademang friend, and saved many homesfor the almost homeless.

Hank has an abund-

ance of good, honest horse sense anda heart in cases of calamity as big uan ox. SLould he be nominated thisfall his election will be certain. TheLeader is particularly stuck on Hankbecause he's a man in every sense ofthe term. He was sheriff for fouryears of this county, and during thattime no one dared to charge him withoficial rottenness. That Hank Scottwill be Webster county's next sheriffthere is no doubt in the minds of thispeople. Potsdam is almost a unit forhim. Not only does his friends existhere, bat over the entire county aswell. He always recognixed the factthat daring his incumbency that hewas a public servant, and one thingabout him can be said: "While he'sbig in siie he never got to big for hisoffice." Blue H ill Leadsr.

W. C. Laird, of Oak creek, andseveral o nis neighbors among whomare J. H. Hobirt, Austin Biley, andbrothers, Wm. Hobart, four of theSimpsons, and Mr. Reddinger, hadtheir crops entirely destroyed by haillafct Saturday. The facts are that itis a very hard blow to these men asthey lost their entire crop last seasonby drouth and now by hail. Theyshould certainly have the sympathyof the people of Webster county intheir calamity. Mr. Laird informedour reporter that the hail fell sixinches deep and that they were manyof them still in the draws on Moa-aa- v.

His corn aas entirely destroyedand he is left in such a condition thatlie has no show for a crop this year.It is certainly too bad.

Adams eoanty people are pushingJohn M. Bagan, of Hastings for thedistrict jndgship. The people of

this county, regardless of politicalaffiliation should forward the name ofJames McNecy. Mr. MeNeny is athorough law student and one amongNebraska's able lawyers. Mac is nototily a lawyer of much ability, but iswherever known, recognized as a manof fairness and integrity. He is arepablican, true, but politics shoaldcut no igare when we take intoconsideration the ftaess of a man forthis position. The Leader believes

that in the election of Mr. JlcNeny,the people will grt their "eqaal dis-tribati- on

of jastiee," aad that is cer-

tainly all any mortal oat side of heaven wants. Blac Hill Leader.

The people of this city wha havefriends buried in the eity cemsteryshould take the matter in hand ofeither Exing it ap 01 forming a aewcompany, or both. It is a shame toleave it in ts present condition tea

or aacared far by aay ewe.

It seems to as that tie people who aredirectly interested weald get togetheraad do something in regard le thematter. Let it be doae at once aadthe d'sgraae of having men aasightly cemetery he wiped eat.

aWHTlThe famoa Jack owaca bv Mr.

imish has been moved fraoa stiohar.)soa'sraU?theJuaa;rh raaoh moorI . . ....'.- -uowiaa. vaare ae win aaoaa iao

i- - ia, jtaaar tae autfaeas asaa aaa afall line of rubber aaa! leather MtxagC

and One Dollar a year

"Neb., Friday, July 31,

's PraceettBca.Board coBvened July 30, 1391, 10

a. m.Members present 12.

Adjourned to 1 p. m.1 p.m. Jalv0191.Members present 17.

Bight of way along the bank ofcreek on soath-cas- t quarter of Sec. 23,

town 1, range 11, by Daniel Snyder forthe sum of $35 00, was accepted andclerk ordered to draw warrant for thesame when said Snyder and wife ap-

pear and acknowledge the same as re-

quired by law.Petition of Thomos Crouch and

others for the purpose of opening theroad between section C aad 7, town 2,range 10, was presented to the board,and ea motion the parties John Lohland T. Emigh be requested to appearbefore the board at their next meet-

ing and show reasons why said roadshould or should not be opened.

Petition of Chas. Campbell andother asking for an appropriation of

$100.00 for the purpose of repairingbridges on section line between sec-

tions 11 and 12, 13 and 14,23 and 24,25 and 2C and 35 and 36. Moved andcarried that an appropriation of $50be granted.

Petition from Batin and Oak Creekasking for an appropriation of $200for each township, said petition waslaid over from last meeting, and on

motion said petition was again laidover until next meeting.

Board adjourned to 8 a. m. July 31.1891.

July 31, '91,8 a.m.Board convened.Members present 13, --

. Committee on printtag recommend-ed that the printing of the delinquenttax list be awarded to the Bed Cloud

Chief. Moved and carried that re-

port be accepted, and that the pr'nt-in- g

of said tax list be awarded to theBed Cloud Chief.

Moved and carried that clerk be in-

structed to procure booths and .ballotboxs for the next general election andto procure such supplies as cheap aspossible.

Moved and carried that all claims

except insane claims allowed at thismeeting be paid oat of the bridgefand.

The following claims were auditedand allowed and clerk ordered to drawwarrant for the sale:Robert Damerell $18 00

allowed $ 12 00B. 8. TibHts work on pd 9 10Bed Cloud" Democrat printing 22 50F. P. Shields 15 00McAvoy 4b Becd Livery 2 00D. Kesler work on jail 3 00

J. B. Wilcox map for clerk . 5 00A. C. Hosmer supplies 5 00G. W. Dow irons and bolts. . 3 20H. A. Shinkle board pris 54 75A. H. Crary Supervisor 11 00

J. J. Kiadschcr. ....... ., 7 50G. W. Hammell 10 40D. Kesler 6 10G. P. Cather 10 75

Wm. Irons 6 70W . C Laird. .............. . 15 90G.E.C00B 6 10

R.L.Alyea 4 60W. H Patteroea 8 80

10 6011 50

!& XJ a HQaHsaB 7 1CalOsaBK JA94pCF 6 40A. H. HeCaWaa . 7 00ISaVaVC FUsa... 8 00H. G. SaUkle jmitor 4 00T. H. Dekrkojde

8 40H A. Shinkle 8 85

allowed 4 85A. K. Balis 6 20

eradit ea taxes $5 29 91F. H. DeJohoyde 6 20

eredit a taxes 6 20A ld a 3fa aCCI f9v Xj

C. A. Teel Taking iasane Lncn 46 80D. & Coombs Brown case 3 00J. W. Talleys Brewn case.... 8 00H. A. Shiakle care Mrs. Brown 18 50

Moved aad carried that the bridgelocated between section 28 aad 2, range 9, he moved to betweenSec 30 4k 31 team 2 nagc 9, Wehctcrcemty.

Adj. to 1 p. Jaly 31. '9L


is the Price of The Chief.

189 .

laavalcHarvesting is all done and some

have commenced haying.Crops never looked better this time

of the year than now.

The Mcul last Thursday was a suc-

cess.Miss May Flutumel speut Saturday

and Sunday in Red Cloud.The s:hool board hare hired Miss

Jessie Warren for the coming year.Inavale now has a lawn tcnis club.Ed Parmer from Hates county i

visiting his folks this reek.The Inavale nine ana the Pumpkin

HuskerM nine p'ycd a very interest'ing game of ball lat Sstntday. Thescore s!ood 12 to 18 in favor of Ina-


Mr. Hull and family it visiting hisbrother and family this week.

Charlie Olmsted gave a party IatFriday evening. having a

good time.Mr. Prcntis returned from his trip

to Ohio, Tuesday.Mr. Davis don't go Jo Red Cloud

any more. Wonder why?RUSTl.KU,

C'awles.Several of our people left on Mon-

day for the mountains, in .crch ofhealth, recreation, Ac Fred Goodengineer's wnc of the wagons andJacob Fuller the other.

Mrs. Keener and daughter of Illi-

nois have just come to visit their rel-

atives, Mr. Kceney and Mrs. Adam-son- .

Mrs. Sarah Peak enjoyed a birth-day surprise party on Tuesday, 23th.

Mrs. C M. Brown has just returnedfrom a vim of two month, with rel-

atives and friends in New York State.

Rev. McYcy, of Red Cloud, was cuour streets Tuesday looking hale andhearty as ever. X

Willaw Creek.Well Mr. Editor, I have heard sev-

eral say they would like to sec Mana-tobi- a

write again, so I will scribble afew items again if you will kindlycorrect mistakes.

Again has this vicinity been calledon to give up one of it's best andmost beloved 30ung ladies. MissEva May Lewi.--, died July 18th andwas burried the 19th, at Pleasant Hillcemetery amid the largest concourseof friends we have ever seen at a

funeral. Every one was deeplyeffected and fully sympathized withthe mother and brothers. Eva waspast 21 and the stay and friend of ahappy household.

Any body can tell to look Tom La-

cy square in the face that he doe notwear talse 'ecth all because a new boyarrived at his home the 13th of Julvall doing well as reported by Dr.Moore.

A weed was mcasued the other dayon the creek bank, it is fourteen fctttwo inches in bight.

Nearly all the farmers are done har-

vesting, some arc cutting hay, and

the best eorn prospect at this time of

any year ft aeventeen years vccetableshave grown almost beyond belief and

still plenty of nun every few day.The people in this community arc

all making great preparations to at-

tend the reunion at Bed Cloud iaSeptember.

Clarence Lewis has been rcry sick

bat is slowly improving at this time.Mrs. Adamsoa expect her ssothtr

and sister from the east this week.


JP. S. Fair's barn was strack by

lightning on Sanday evening the19th, and wasbaraed with it's cos tentseoasuting of some rye, two lister, 13cellars aad several sets of doable har-

ness, besides a sow aad pigs. Hr. Fairkept his baggy ia the bara bat asthey had wsed the baccy en Sandayaad did not get home aatil it beraoto rain they did not pat in thebora. The bora was insvrrd.

Harvortiagis aealy all doae andthe oats aad wheat are the hoariestwe ever saw ia Kasnaa, and avow wenear the ham of the throhsia- -chine asalsu SiD.

S. GaVK 7


ABSouneor pmk

Mark Talk.To The Ciutr TLi rTeriatrj?

talk about aa increase of the cutrencyto 150. per capita ctvinp pooplc aremoney only flauv uaeibe among

the people, without a reliable antidoteWhat is the uc of tilling suoh stall.If the per capita was $100 per headand one had nothing to dispone of J

whit help would it be to hits'" A Htan

cau't tret something for itethia. Ifa man has nothing to Kit upon themarket he cannot expect te got monethat way but rrxrt to fouie othermethod Sonitf people hold the-- ideathat if the per capita was 50 perhead, all they would hare to d to grlit would be to present thir claim tothe government. What noueuelThe trouble today mth the circulatingmedium i that the well-to-d- o hare itsafely housed in their pockets aftaidto venture in any kind of ontrrprisesfor fuar that they will be hnsWI torealize a profit therefrom, hense a

stagnation of lu.Mncr There willalwayr be 'two condition to thehuman family, the wealthy andthose who labor. There a)waj hrben and alway will be Th bible

sugi;tuta that a man should (tarn whatbe eats by working and therefore triMomast be two claftr viz The em-

ployer and the otupioten. We don tbelieve that the Crratir ever drirod !

that a man should be o dihoat j

that he should fail to pay hi honast j

debts, and failing expect the govern - j

ment to do so for him, hence the orvthat a man should be relierod of hi

present debts comes only from human-

ity (not all of them) rather than fromDivinity. There's people who have todo a great deal of talciug in order tohold their jobs and the cry lojaythat people arc impoverished for thwant of a 'circulating tuodiuai is onfiof the "jobs.' There arc plenty ofpeople who are "crying reform" thatarc immensely rich. Why don't theyopen their coffers and mske moneyfreer? thev stmplv like all other ;

who havo means at thoir disposal ;

don't want to invest it where there lsno chance of setting a good return;and the agitation agatuu the men ofmeans is one of the causes of the hardtimnfc nf tnt)r Tht Tutr nrpritl

t"the wealthy In impendent a freely a!

it does the art-rag- e wealthy Republican or Democrat. Humanity is thesame the world over A man willtint i'ita nr inml )n!!p wtiori lio

od boii. The.

way to engra oow


in iuiuu iuv amir v arc saiiinK.jrur Republican, Independent orI

Democratic friend a robber and thirl,''vthat it is barely possible tbit he hold

same opinion of you. areno set of men whatever ar morehonest in politics than others. Thereare corrupt men in all parties It is thecase sometimes, when thev arc

that they go otherranks cry "thief " lustily. H i

an old trick. The hue a&d cry goingon fibou'd be off, asdshield their neighbors credit forbeing just at honest aa they eoaiderthemselves, aad then there would bea tendency for better time. Tou

ay be rich ;otirc!f sometime, andthen yoa will dulike it have people

yoa a thief beeoc yoo barebeen ! toes. Don'tbe mistakes, present eryef "thief "

men who could not get oft re isthe old parue? and sow are looks sr

of reform. Jp?0.

A meeting was held JadreTraa-key'- s

aftrrcrtB with aview of ecario a creamery fr IWi

I ru,4 "U t..Jrr.t. , .n- -

- , . . . .ia erraajierv wan; fccre

foar or fire lbd' dtAktrs

' nrovidinr given fO lunArrl dmllmrm wt-rr- ti


eoas idcrcd theana aosoiateo a mmwiux it,ty?cv

i. .. ' ' tMr. 3iadj. JUsoer, Mr. Pat- 1

htcraUtT. aao!

everybody iavked be aoweattku - ..



Croae were Hock tbki

Vol-- U. No. 1

Krunlttn tle.J

TB?cirotir x:iueholding atsmtro MUg 4 ftwi

ouirrtit t arruigautMote far thAt th Hi. HMMlUjYJf

f tho comttaw, Arraaqpawoo wesootapiotod fr onUi' 4vofutap r tho Wr Yi4PR. MsUl(h4

at Tojxika. KM4. ltkfla oonUlalag the adioru mtmmi ppof lU

dorote oonaidof omo to a ouottpof lb town.

CimwHoaUo foam th ranWKooooratiog ratOn woooroad The BU

Mgormi vry RaoraJ for

the round trip froiu point wtiUna radio of luO nuW.

C J Ptatt wa a oatnsiU-tm- j

to srracjj a program for the UrhUn tournament hot con the

Kama, and Nobraika guard.On looUon it wa rdnrd that ho

pron i authorise! lo oonlraat anywfeaUvror ow aoaounl of

th rMoi iool Mpo a wnitttmorder Mwod by Uo ltrmat of tho

rounioM oaumutlc-P-. Aotoo llijjby. Joufti4grot the MteroUry CJ. J

Warran. ' AH poo will lak tenotice and theroUy av th4mni'vand sit ttpnbU a! anntyatto

J 1. MtlW w4 Wtoser wm

author M"1 U ul and lav Uc tvunmu grounds in aorilKo with pivtl

prtjorrl b; MrvVlcnet aod aopWk1the

( Y Calhor and GlJjrWarren m9iM.l

a eommilUM en pffrobagiand

Aon Iltgby and O J WarraWHreumniitto ririlo with atjthrkyto Uitaktf oootpaot.

M I. lrmkon)iindr award-- t

tho oootraet for furthin;j hay f"rihtf rouutOH Joho WilUamon thq

traw and Gut the mniA lottor irom .xtutor ra44ooViaao

road in whteh U U tedAhiM hrjlftit

mUt ovrry cgrtitffoo5rrfor tho

reunion the 11. IJroffvlftV baltorT fromFort Ltat en worth; and ha th matu-- r

ljfor tho orrUr of war for oon- -

ptdcrataim" " - -

A happy fanner whe we srtt t

at? tho following

"A sltort time me theaowwasaad.oarte eooW rai-ho- r hed. bogad

Her lioof wote re her utl waa Mnup,

and mile he trudged from todrink, with careoly tr5iiglh envohto wink. wnir ion, hiokd bloc

..idade. Uer tsl M ek htir eye are

' bricht, a toort ao dars the srowdi. r.l.i Tt. uu.. .li. . i- ,-frtj MJ4.- - MV W. T. Jf )4frr ?

oh ink, ak boys to ukdrink God hi on tho rain it make a

man feol yung again. He ff! )ik

toJtng Up hal aod howllog Hkc a


Mrs. Ir. 5ohenflk retar?d t'lne-da- y

erenin-- ; from a tn day tilt i

the vicinity of Alma. Xebr . whero -- h

bea called by the lckae of herfjtcr Mr, rtiloy "Aujtk" as b i

called by xatay pede of thi eosnty,Mr. Riley'a health i o moeh im--

jjr b i sov able a tvitoat. Mr. ? reprt that osa of thwso roada is Ilarlao aod Ph!tlptwunUo arc almost ijpiaLlj on a

coast of rcecet raio.

Soot City, Iowa, Oct. 17, '01.Fifth Aocaa1 Cora Palac Fetrrl,

c Jf . i3fin fi. ., -- ,t

later tkns Oct. 10 51.A-- CoooTor, acat.

Bteonial EseawpaaHrot, XeWaakVaUrm Ilaoka KsirhU of

j Xeb A 17.

x. izji. .ei in .ruTMi. aoayI tieieU to ZcxUvn at friaai thiri for the tv& trit. !!t , , ,- - , . ... .

s r& l s-r- r. atat.A, Ks, ." - ' ItelnHCij - . w H Mine. ..jhto . .xbz. -- -. - s-- r WW

t&tnm, we vj(. M tnn4 ltiptit torw. tc nr. t t .j .Jl. Ii

Ha Ceni&oJ Hm Htia

- ---e , voawver.Ajtea.

. ...There wall wr a soair w ar

ZS? raavCh!

. t ' and ejum, and our the oaltlcis sure ti will ie

. no tw Rot ie th rain thto make times better u

! tall the can ral barcourage talk up the oom-- ,,

1 head bawl, hor hide JRfiiolb, nomunity in which you Jive, and brj,,,..,, ., nrotrudo, he Mac a city


the Therethat

castoverboard into


railed mengive


sacecssfol inthe

it by







and the




for it la somenew measure and arej" l"P 3"'w- - "w w """Qmakiag the ...laaght to attract w -

I All uci will U limitsto their sapport byfair or foal j -trm W- -ander th. pretext that there i need to --"

iaoSce Satorday

o.I -oaeres wwi a

eootiaghe is a fcoss Sf--


Satarday Jo












the aUat at Fatrftcld, whioh the artTi9. to Aar ZZ lcT. Far farth--laukxar the rntoos Ther iformitE.fri'4toar thi ca- -

oaiashtee. eoamar f JTcorr fit.!aoew4B o A. Cooler agrat..



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