broaden view of mis research and disciplinary 雲科大資管系:方國定

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Broaden View of MIS Research and Disciplinary 雲科大資管系:方國定. 我國研究的隱憂. 1. 研究的完成,只在於 『 為研究而研究 』 ; 2. 研究的歷程不在於解決問題,而只是 『 玩 弄工具 』 ; 3. 研究結果只是 『 研究工作的結束 』 ,並 未有 『 確實的結果 』 出現。 4. OEM 的學術研究 5. 無關痛癢. Characteristics of Goods Research. 1. Purpose clearly defined - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Broaden View of MIS Research and Disciplinary


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我國研究的隱憂 1. 研究的完成,只在於『為研究而研究』; 2. 研究的歷程不在於解決問題,而只是『玩 弄工具』; 3. 研究結果只是『研究工作的結束』,並 未有『確實的結果』出現。 4. OEM的學術研究4. 5. 無關痛癢

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Characteristics of Goods Research

1.Purpose clearly defined

2.Research process detailed

3.Research design thoroughly planned

4.Limitations frankly revealed

5.High ethical standards applied

6.Adequate analysis for decision maker’s needs

7.Findings presented unambiguously

8.Conclusions justified

9.Research’s experience reflected

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Research Relevance 的要求 主題:必須為實務界關心的議題 Implementable: 研究結果必須為確實可行 Critical Thinking: 研究結果必須提出前瞻的觀點與創新的典範 Style and Tone: 報告必須通俗易懂

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Measurement Questions

Investigative Questions

Research Questions

Management Questions


Level 5

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Management-Research Question Hierarchy

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資管的構成要素Information Systems

Management Science (Problems, models, solvers)

Computer Tecgnology (Data, software, hardware)

Human and Organization (individuals, organizations, institutions)


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影響資管研究的力量 資訊科技的發展

Mainframe, PC, Internet 3GL, 4GL, Visual development, Web

services 實務應用的演進

TPS, DSS, AI/ES,SIS, e-Business/EC 理論建立的需求

Generalization of observations

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Research Process

Apply ValidResearch Methodologies

Understandthe Research Domains

Body of Knowledge

Knowledge of ResearchMethodologies

Knowledge of Research Domains

Results Contributeto the body of knowledge



A Framework of Research

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點、線、面、趨勢考量 點: IS keywords 線: IS themes, 面: IS theories 趨勢: IS Key Issues

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A Keyword Classification Scheme for IS Research Literature


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MIS Quarterly, 1993 1987—1992

MIS Quarterly, JMIS, Information & Management, Management Science, & Communication of ACM.(1300)

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E IS Management EA Data Resource Management EB Personnel Resource Management EC Hardware Resource Management ED Software Resource Management EE IS Project Management EF IS Planning EG Organizing IS

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E IS Management EH IS Staffing EI IS Evaluation EJ IS Control EK IS Security EL IS Management Issues

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E10201 Effectiveness UF System effectiveness E10202 Efficiency UF System efficiency E10203 User friendliness UF User orientation E10204 IS performance UF EDP performance UF Performance incentives E10205 Productivity E10205.01 Programmer productivity E10205.02 Managerial productivity E10205.03 Office productivity E10205.04 Organizational productivity E10205.05 Group performance

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E10206 Quality E10206.01 System quality UF Software quality E10206.02 Information quality USE Information attributes E10206.03 Service quality E10207 User satisfaction UF User information satisfaction E10208 IS Utilization UF IS Use UF System use UF Computer use UF Information utilization E10209 IS Reliability UF Software reliability E10210 IS flexibility

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EI02 EVALUATI0N CRITERIA ( 續 ) (3/4) E10211 IS impacts E10211.01 Organizational impacts E10211.02 Social impacts E10212 Size of backlog E10213 Cost E10214 Computer performance E10214.01 Response time UF Turnaround time E10215 Ease of learning E10216 Information overload E10217 System errors E10217.01 Program correctness E10218 IS development time UF Software development time E10219 Semantic integrity E10220 IS development effort UF Software development effort

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E10221 Risk E10222 Complexity E10223 Accessibility E10224 Sophistication E10225 Strategic impact

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NumRank Journal Top High Med Low NII Resp Score

Rankings of 38 IS and IS-Retated Journals

1 Management Science 81 25 4 4 0 114 3.612 MIS Quarterly 80 33 8 1 1 123 3.543 Communications of the ACM 65 37 11 4 0 117 3.394 Decision Sciences 38 47 23 10 1 119 2.935 Journal of Management 24 39 29 4 1 97 2.84 Information Sys 6 Journal of the ACM 32 35 15 13 4 99 2.797 ACM transactions on various 28 36 33 9 0 106 2.78 subjects8 IEEE transactions on various 22 39 27 8 1 97 2.75 subjects9 ACM Computing Surveys 20 42 31 15 1 109 2.60 10 Harvard Business Review 29 37 40 14 6 126 2.5511 Computer(IEEE) 13 33 33 8 3 90 2.5012 Information and Management 10 45 36 12 1 104 2.4913 Sloan Management Review 14 45 36 13 4 112 2.46

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Rankings of 38 IS and IS-Retated Journals

14 Journal of Information 5 24 36 17 4 86 2.10 Systems Mgt15 Information Systems 5 16 28 21 1 71 2.0416 Information Resources 2 25 43 22 4 96 1.99 Management Jrnl 17 Journal of Systems 11 14 36 31 3 95 1.99 Management18 Journal of Information 3 16 35 18 3 75 1.97 Management 19 ACM Special interest Group 4 21 48 31 1 105 1.96 pubs20 Journal of Computer 4 16 28 25 3 76 1.91 Information Sys 21 Journal of Information 3 16 22 16 8 65 1.85 Science22 Journal of Computer and 2 11 24 20 4 61 1.79 System Sci23 Information Processing and 2 10 32 24 3 71 1.77 Mgt24 Software Practice and 2 10 21 22 5 60 1.70 Experience 25 Computer Journal 2 12 23 28 7 72 1.6426 Journal of Microcomputer 2 9 34 31 6 82 1.63 Sys. Mgt. 27 Information Society 0 7 21 21 4 53 1.5828 Jrnl. Of the American Soc. 1 10 23 24 8 66 1.58 For Info. Sci.29 Datamation 1 20 39 40 16 116 1.57

NumRank Journal Top High Med Low NII Resp Score

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Rankings of 38 IS and IS-Retated Journals NumRank Journal Top High Med Low NII Resp Score

27 Information Society 0 7 21 21 4 53 1.5828 Jrnl. Of the American Soc. 1 10 23 24 8 66 1.58 For Info. Sci.29 Datamation 1 20 39 40 16 116 1.5730 Database Programming and 1 9 26 22 11 69 1.52 Design 31 office:Technology and 2 9 27 32 10 80 1.51 People32 Data Management 1 11 27 37 10 86 1.4933 Infosystems 2 10 31 40 12 95 1.4734 Jrnl. Of the Assoc. for Educ. 0 7 26 26 12 71 1.39 Data Sys. 35 Computerworld”In Depth” 0 8 34 52 12 106 1.36 section 36 Computer Decisions 0 6 26 41 9 82 1.3537 Computer Management 0 4 19 37 8 68 1.2838 Government Data Systems 1 5 12 21 27 66 .97

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Additional Journal Information System Research International Journal of Information

Management Decision Support Systems

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Important IS ConferencesInternational Conference on Information Systems

(ICIS)Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences

(HICSS)Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)Pan Pacific Conference On Information Systems (PCIS)

Europe Conference On Information Systems (UCIS)Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (DSI)Information Resource Management Association

International Conference(IRMA)

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Information Systems Research Thematics

Research Questions




Characterizing the ISR Submissions Stream

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Information System Research, 1993 1987—1992

ISR submissions (397)

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TABLE 2Thematic Areas and Their Categories (1/3)

Theme: Categories: Computer-supported Cooperative Work computer-supported cooperative work Information and Interface information economics information and managerial decision making human-computer interactionDecision Support and Knowledge-based DSS designSystems DSS model management DSS development and implementation DSS outcomes DSS applications expert system applications expert system design, evaluation, and performance knowledge acquisition

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TABLE 2Thematic Areas and Their Categories( 續 ) (2/3)

Systems Projects system development process system project estimation tools and techniques in system development user involvement requirements analysis and modeling data modeling and database design software maintenanceEvaluation and Control IS performance evaluation data management computer resource allocation IS security and control IS ethics IS personnel

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TABLE 2Thematic Areas and Their Categories( 續 ) (3/3)Users IS-user relationships user perceptions and attitudes user information evaluation and satisfaction (user involvement) end user computingEconomics and Strategy IS economics IS, strategic management, and business outcomes inter-organizational information systemsIntroduction and Impact information systems implementation information technology diffusion organizational outcomesIS Research IS typologies IS research

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IS ResearchInformation & Interface

information&managerialdecision making

ComputerSupported CooperativeWork DSS design

Decision Support & Knowledge-BasedSystems


Introduction & Impact

IS implementation


user perceptions & attitudes

user informationevaluation & satisfaction

user involvementSystemsprojects

Evaluation & Control

IS performanceevaluation

Computer resourceallocation

IS economics Economics & Strategy

IS,strategicManagement , &Business outcomes

FIGURE3.Prominent Bridges Among the Thematic Areas.

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System developmentprocess

IS economicsIS research

IS implementation

IS performanceevaluation user information

Evaluation &satisfaction

Information & managerial decision making

user perceptions & attitudes

computer supported cooperative work

DSS development & implementation

computer resource allocation

Information technology diffusion

requirements analysis & modeling

user involvement(see systems projects)

end user computingIS ethics

data management

tools & techniques in system development

data modeling & database design

organizational outcomes

IS implementation

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CAIS (Communication of the Association for Information Systems), 2004 1991--2000 ISR, MISQ, JMIS, MS, Decision


203 theories

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Figure1. An Ontology of IS Theories

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Table1. Theoretical Frameworks and Number of Papers Per Year

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Table 4. Change of Dominant Theoretical Frameworks

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IS Key Issues Related Work 1982 1984 1986 1989 1992 1995 2000

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Table 2. 1994-95 key-issue Framework (1/2)


Key lssueMeanRatin






Building a Responsive IT InfrastructureFacilitating and Managing Business Process RedesignDeveloping and Managing Distributed SystemsDeveloping and Implementing an Information ArchitecturePlanning and Managing Communication NetworksImproving the Effectiveness of Software DevelopmentMaking Effective Use of the Data ResourceRecruiting and Developing IS Human ResourcesAligning the IS Organization Within the EnterpriseImproving IS Strategic Planning



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Table 2. 1994-95 key-issue Framework( 續 ) (2/2)


Key IssueMeanRatin





Implementing and Managing Collaborative Support SystemsMeasuring IS Effectiveness and ProductivityIncreasing Understanding of IS Role and ContributionFacilitation Organizational LearningManaging the Existing Portfolio of Legacy ApplicationsFacilitation and Managing End-User ComputingUsing Information Systems for Competitive AdvantagePlanning and Integrating Multi-Vendor Open SystemsDeveloping and Managing Electronic Data InterchangeOutsourcing Selected Information Services



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Key information management issues in Taiwan

Key IM issuesSection 1


Section 2 rank



Public rank

Top management supportImproving communication with end-usersGoal alignmentCreating business competitive advantageIs strategic planningData securityOrganizational location of IS departmentData resourcesIntegration of information technologiesDatabase management systemsInformation architectureImproving software development qualityRecruiting training and career development of IS personnelUser friendliness of ISDecision support systemsPreventing Computer viruses

1(6.20 )2(6.13 )4(5.98 )5(5.95 )6(5.94 )3(5.99 )7(5.93 )8(5.88 )

11(5.78 )10(5.83 )13(5.66 )12(5.68 )19(5.51 )14(5.64 )16(5.60 )9(5.86 )

1(9.66)3(12.20 )2(12.09 )4(13.52 )5(13.6 )

8(17.75 )6(13.99 )7(15.80 )9(18.14 )

10(18.50 )12(19.32 )14(19.52 )11(18.59 )17(19.98 )16(19.61 )23(21.23 )






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針對過去資管國外主要期刊的分類整理,共調查 3841 國外期刊論文 調查期刊包括: MIS Quarterly, JMIS,

ISR, CACM, MS, DS,DSS, I&M 共 8 種

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Classification Scheme

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Ten Categories of Issues Human: individual, group, organization, Social issues Systems: Concepts and methodology, system development, system application Technology and analysis models Management Research method and philosophy

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Distribution of Research Topics

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Trends in Five Research Areas

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資訊管理的發展階段時期 研究重點 研究方法 處境與關鍵因素 萌芽期 (1980—1984)



借用其他領域的理論 發展期 (1985—1991)



研究的質與量增加MIS交流園地成立,MIS Quarterly , ICIS ,

茁壯期 (1992-1998)

創新性與影響性 選擇最適合的研究方法 研究主題、方法繁多ISR出版

紮根期 (1999-2001)

一般性與科學性 多元研究方法研究結果的嚴謹性


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未來研究方向 科技的變化與應用,如 platform 的改變

(Web services, mobile computing)

管理面的探討(如 EC 對 business 的 Impact, Internet marketing).

理論(本土)的深化發展 Vs. OEM 的省思

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未來研究方向 (Hirschheim and Klein ) Sense making

Action research


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Association for Information Systems

AIS Special Interest Groups

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AIS Special Interest Groups SIGABIS (Agent-Based Information Systems) SIGADIT - (Coming Soon) SIGCCRIS - (Special Interest Group on Cross-Cultural Research in Information Systems) SIGDSS (Decision Support, Knowledge and Data Management) SIGEBIZ (E-Business) SIGe-Culture (e-Culture) SIGe-Gov - (Electronic Government) SIGED: IAIM (Education) SIGENTSYS (Enterprise Systems) SIGGIUIT (Global Improvements Using IT) SIGHCI (Human-Computer Interaction) SIGHealth (IT in Health Care) SIGISAP (IS/IT Issues in Asia Pacific) SIG IS-CORE (Information Systems - Cognitive Research Exchange) SIG ISO (IS Outsourcing) SIGISDC - (Information Systems in Developing Countries) SIGITPM (IT Professional Management) SIGLEAD (Leadership in IT) SIGODIS (Ontology Driven Information System) SIGPAM (Process Automation and Management) SIGPhilosophy (Philosophy and Epistemology in IS) SIGRLO (Reusable Learning Objects) SIGSAND - (Systems Analysis and Design) SIGSEC (Security) SIG-ASYS (Accounting Information Systems) SIGSEMIS (Semantic Web and Information Systems)

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