carl zehr media release feb 4, 2014

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  • 8/13/2019 Carl Zehr Media Release Feb 4, 2014


    Media ReleaseFor immediate release

    Tuesday, February 4, 2014

    Mayor Zehr chooses not to seek re-election for 6thterm

    !T"#$%$R After 26 years on Kitchener City Council (17 as Mayor and nine as City Councillor),

    Carl Zehr has announced his intention to retire from elected office after this term !urin" that same#eriod of time Mayor Zehr also ser$ed 2% years as a &e"ion of 'aterloo Councillor

    $er the #ast three decades our community has accom#lished a "reat deal,* noted Zehr +yor-in" to"ether, residents, .usinesses, community "rou#s, munici#al staff and councils ha$e .uilt acity that is truly the en$y of many other munici#alities 'e ha$e #ro$ided residents ith the ser$icesthey need today, hile transformin" our local economy into one hich creates /o.s for decades tocome and #ositions us ell to com#ete " 0 am dee#ly honoured and "rateful to ha$e had theo##ortunity to #lay a leadershi# role in many of those accom#lishments and .elie$e stron"ly in thecommunity e ha$e .uilt*

    !m&ro'ed Munici&al (menities ) *er'ices+

    Zehr "i$es credit to his collea"ues on fi$e different City Councils o$er the #ast 17 years ho ha$eor-ed to"ether ith the community to com#lete a of si"nificant #ro/ects that ha$e madeKitchener a .etter #lace to li$e, or- and #lay ome of the munici#al amenities that ha$e .een .uilt,e#anded or u#"raded o$er the #ast 17 years include3

    12 community centres .uilt or e#anded u#on4

    Acti$a #orts#le .uilt (2 ice #ads, indoor al-in" trac- and .oin" facility, 5! old Certified)4

    Mc5ennan 8ar- and 9uron :atural Area created4

    !om Cardillo Arena e#anded tice in #artnershi# ith the Kitchener &an"ers4

    'alter +ean rand &i$er ;rail de$elo#ed and ri$er crossin" .uilt4

    6 of Kitchener holes, a #itch and #utt and #ractice facility4

    #ortsorld Arena #urchased and u#"raded (2 ice #ads)4

    8eter 9allman +allyard u#"raded to tournament standards4

    :e Kitchener Mar-et .uilt4

    % of the City

  • 8/13/2019 Carl Zehr Media Release Feb 4, 2014


    ome of the strate"ic in$estments made throu"h !0F include3 'ilfrid 5aurier ni$ersity