carmel divine grace foundation secondary school 迦密主恩中學 · carmel divine grace...

Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 第四十三期 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701 0908 傳真:2704 0404 網址 4.2010 賜,發揮神給予我們的才能是很重要的。 若基督徒因尋找才能而感到困惑,不妨禱 告尋求上帝的帶領,上帝必會使他明白自 己的才能所在,而只要在人生路上緊隨上 帝的腳步,他必定可以抓緊機會發揮才 能,這也是榮耀上帝的一種方法。」 王老師最喜愛的聖經金句:「我靠着 那加給我力量的,凡事都能作。」《腓立 比書》4:12-13,他深信依靠上帝必可得到 面對難關的力量,他心懷感恩地說:「人 生不會一帆風順,總會遇上困難、逆境, 但上帝的幫助是很奇妙和真實的。每次向 上帝祈求,我總能得著力量勝過挑戰並完 成一些看似無法完成的事。回想過去,種 種奇妙的經歷,只能總結一句:全是恩 典。」 同學會否對自己才能感到懷疑?是否 對上帝的存在仍半信半疑?大家不妨聽聽 王老師的說話:「同學在校的日子總會過 去,終有離開主恩家的一天,所以同學要 珍惜在校園的每一刻,多方學習,多作嘗 試,必定能發揮所長,不辜負上帝在每人 身上所賜下了恩典。我也希望每位同學藉 著祈禱把一切的擔憂、困苦,或對神的疑 惑,一一向神傾訴,只要同學肯敞開心扉 去認識上帝,便必定能經歷祂的引領。若 大家在信仰上有疑難,可以找任何一位老 師傾談。願神祝福每位同學能在人生路上 茁壯成長,榮神益人。」 王然老師是 我校的宗教事務 組主任,每天面 對繁重的教學、 行政工作之外, 他還肩負推動校 園的福音工作, 但工作的壓力無 法令他喪氣、冷漠。性格開朗的他總是嘴 上帶著微笑,樂觀地面對一切,還愛幫助 別人。他說這都是神的恩典,讓他發展潛 能,在工作上見證主。 王老師形容自己是一個經上帝之手 不斷陶造的人。他決志信靠主都出自神的 恩典。在中二時,王老師參加了學校的夏 令會,在傳道人的鼓勵下,他決志信主, 這成了他人生的轉捩點。雖然對當時的情 景,已印象模糊,但決志一刻的感受仍深 深烙在他的腦海中。決志後,他認真地跟 隨上帝,聖經說:「不要怕,只要信」他 就抓緊這應許,從容面對一切,縱然有許 多事情令他惆悵憂心,但經過禱告交託, 內心深處總會得到平安。「中學年代的我 每天乘巴士上學,每當巴士遲遲未到時, 我便會感到焦慮。自從我信了主後,等候 巴士時我都會祈禱。奇妙的是,每一次我 害怕遲到時,最終都會逢凶化吉。記得有 一次上車後發覺自己離遲到還有四分鐘。 最終卻能準時到達學校,還有⋯⋯」他娓 娓道來,多年來的生活經歷,見證著神是 信實的,他明白上帝無時無刻都在看顧信 靠祂的人並垂聽禱告。 王然老師的才能從「天」而降? 王老師坦言:「我相信我所擁有的領 導和教導才能,都是上帝給我的,祂更賦 予我關心人和與人溝通能力。其實,懂得 依靠上帝,就是我最大的才能。」在神的 奇妙安排下,他成為宗教事工組(宗工組) 的負責老師。帶領宗工組對他來說不是件 容易的事,所以他無時無刻都向神尋求帶 領。求上帝給他有領導才能,好讓他能帶 領宗工組,而在授課方面,他時常向神祈 求賜給自己與人溝通的才能,希望自己能 在課堂上好好傳達上帝的話,讓同學明白 上帝的救恩。 「每星期五下課後只安排小組及團契 活動,此乃學校優良的傳統。作為宗工組 的一分子,帶領同學認識上帝既是我的責 任及理念,也是我成為老師的原因。將同 學帶到上帝跟前是件要緊的事,所以我和 一眾帶小組或團契的老師們不論身體有多 累,我們也堅持帶領小組及團契。」這正 是他心底話,難怪每逢星期五總在禮堂遇 見他。 王老師造就同學的生命,深受同學的 愛戴,全賴上帝的帶領,使他的才能得以 發展。王老師對此亦深有感悟:「因為我 們是依神的形象所造,每人也蒙受神的恩 靠着上帝 發展潛能 林瑞美校長的話 堅持不斷持續發展,校外評核大獲好評 繼零九年十月教育局局長孫明揚先生蒞臨參觀本校後,本 年一月又有教育局校外評核隊來臨,雖然兩次的造訪性質截然不 同,但他們不謀而合地充份肯定了本校的教學工作,並給予好 評。他們的讚賞成了本校努力的最佳印證。 校外評核隊對本校「管理與組織」、「學與教」、「校風與 學生支援」與「學生表現」這四個工作範疇都有很正面的評價。 在他們所給予的口頭報告中,清晰肯定了學校為教育所付出的 努力,也確認了學校的優良傳統和特色:校風淳樸,老師教學認 真,學生守規向學,校園洋溢著溫馨和諧之氣氛,家長與學校有 良好協作等。此外,校外評核隊很欣賞本校有良好的組織體系, 周全的工作規劃,富系統性的自評機制,推動學校持續發展,在 各方面不斷進步和優化。學校能有這些美好成果,是有賴校董 會、眾師生和家長們的不斷努力。 在此,我們對各持份者衷心感謝, 並將所得的榮耀歸給愛我們的天 父。 無須微調教學語言,保留 英語教學特色 本校一直是西貢區唯一英文津 貼中學。老師和學生的英語能力及 有關英語的支援策略,均達到優良水平。在英語教學方面,在校的 老師已累積了豐富經驗,所以新教學語言政策的施行對本校並沒有 任何影響,在下一個學年,全級五班中一生必然以英語授課,老師 們並會致力提升同學之語言藝術素養,且擴濶其國際視野。 1 School Motto : Self-discipline through the understanding of the Word, Service to mankind through faithfulness to the Lord 校訓:明道律己 忠主善群

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Page 1: Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 · Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701

Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School

迦密主恩中學Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary SchoolCarmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary SchoolCarmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary SchoolCarmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary SchoolCarmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School

第四十三期校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701 0908傳真:2704 0404 網址













靠着上帝 發展潛能








School Motto : Self-discipline through the understanding of the Word, Service to mankind through faithfulness to the Lord校訓:明道律己 忠主善群

Page 2: Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 · Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701

Fong Yim Mei (6A)

Lai Pui Tung (6B) Cheung Shuk Yee (6B)

The main theme of the Study Tour in Si Chuan, 22-27 December 2009, was to give free English lessons to the kids in the village. We knew that the fi ve-day visit of Si Chuan could not help them to make great improvement in English language but could give them happiness. At last, we did it. Kids loved to have lessons with us and we learnt a lot too.








Heart on Kids - Si Chuan Study Tour



Theme of the School Year : Be Responsible, Excellent Carmel Students本學年主題:盡責優秀主恩人

Page 3: Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 · Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701






年青人的醒覺 —脫離電腦的枷鎖李錦華 7A








林嘉樂 7C







School Motto : Self-discipline through the understanding of the Word, Service to mankind through faithfulness to the Lord校訓:明道律己 忠主善群

Page 4: Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 · Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701

A Day With a Famous Person Sophia Ng Tsz Ying 3D

Literature And Writing

No reason for a diffi cult life Iris Yip King Nga 7A

The behaviour and opinions of the post-1980 generation on the issue of high-speed railway has aroused public attention. These teenagers think they have suffered a lot because of the government policies and the economic atmosphere. They even hold a belief that their life is harder than their older generations. Still, if we take a closer look at the issue and think twice, it is not diffi cult to fi nd the truth is just the opposite.

Generally speaking, the post-1980 generation enjoys an easier life. One of the obvious evidences is that they enjoy freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is seen as a basic right of any human. However, the older generations were deprived of the basic right. Many elderly were mainlanders. They suffered a lot from the Central’s policies in their early days. Most of them experienced the time of Mao’s. During those days, they dared not voice their own ideas which were different from that of Mao’s. They were not free to express their ideas. They experienced the evil Cultural Revolution that they were forced to obey the rules and take the ideas of Mao. Compare with the older generations, the post-1980 generation has much freedom of speech. They are allowed to shout and yell outside the Legislative Council. Chances are also given to them to share their views with government officials. There is no restriction on what they say and think as it is protected by the well-developed legal system in Hong Kong. Compare with the older generations, they at least enjoy the basic rights.

Apart from that, it is widely known that the living standard of the post-1980 generation is far much higher than the older one. In the old days, people could only earn a little by making plastic products, clothing and other industrial work. Their income could be very unstable as wages were often paid at piece rate. Their salary was usually just enough to maintain the basic living. Children in those days did not have many entertainments. They only had simple toys. They could not talk to their friends on the phones. They even did not have a TV to kill time. Besides, most of the older generations lived in a much worse condition. They either lived in zinc houses or low-rent houses. The environment was very crowded. They had to share pubic facilities like toilets and kitchens. There was not much privacy. But now, the younger generation earns more that just enough. They can buy things more than necessities. It is not

uncommon to fi nd the post-1980 generation carries a Gucci handbag and talks with their friends on a trendy and latest mobile phone. When you get on the MTR, teenagers around you just play NDS, PSP or use other electronic devices. Furthermore, the post-1980 generation lives in a house with its own toilet and kitchen. Some can even go to the Club House when they have nothing to do. Can these happen in the past?

The post-1980 generation argues that the government forces them to accept its plan and this adversely affects their future development. It is true that the government policy does not always suit all the people, but the life of the older generations was not supported and guaranteed by any government policy at all. In the past, the government did not make any commitment that all children should receive free education. They could enter a school only if their parents were wealthy enough to afford the high tuition fee. Also, people’s living was not guaranteed once they were unemployed since the government would not arrange assistant programmes and subsidize them. Now, all the post-1980 generation receives 12-year compulsory education. They at least receive the basic knowledge like recognizing words. Besides, their living is guaranteed. If they lose their job, the government will provide temporary social welfare to them. They can even apply for social assistance if they have fi nancial diffi culties. More than that, the Labour Department helps them to find at least a job. Also, related training programmes are offered to equip them with different skills. If they are unfortunate and fall sick, they can simply go to a public clinic or a government hospital and get the standard treatment by just paying a very low cost. Government policies take care of all aspects of the lives of the residents, including the post-1980 generation. Has the post-1980 generation ever imagined how their life would be without these proper government plans?

From the observation in our daily life, it is very hard to find evidence to prove that the post-1980 generation is experiencing a harder life than the older generations. Instead of just lodging complaints, why don’t the post-80s listen to others and do a sincere refl ection on their attitude towards their study, work and even the society?

Dear Diary,

Aha! You know, my dream has come true! Albert Einstein called me yesterday and we had a dating today. In the morning, I took him to a Chinese restaurant to ‘Yum Cha’. He ordered a lot of food to try and he looked like a child. His favourite food is dumplings. He ordered shrimp dumpling, pork dumpling and vegetable dumpling. I could see him wear a big smile on his face.

After breakfast, we went to the Science Museum. Einstein is a scientist so I thought he might like the place. He saw himself in the Museum and felt very excited. ‘Come! Come! Please help me to take a picture,’ Einstein yelled. After taking the picture, I then excused myself. When I came out from the toilet, Einstein was trying to invent something. At that moment, he was very man. Suddenly, there was an explosion. The manager came out and he was shocked. He was shocked not because of the explosion but because of Einstein. He did not call the police. Instead, he asked

Einstein to take pictures with him and he put them in the Museum. He felt very proud and pleased!

At night, I took Einstein to Sogo to do some shopping. It was interesting that Einstein was scared by a dummy. He hid behind me. Then he bought me a present. It is a dovetail. It is the only tail in Hong Kong. After that, I changed my clothes and took Einstein to the Avenue of Stars. We walked along the waterfront. It is very romantic. There are handprints of different celebrities. Einstein put his hands on top of the others. He is so funny!

Suddenly, Einstein held my hands and we danced together in a sea of people. At fi rst I felt very embarrassed. Later, I felt better and got a bit excited. Then we travelled across the Victoria Harbour by ferry. The view was beautiful.

I will never forget this day with Albert Einstein. Today is the most meaningful day to me. Oh! It’s getting late. I need to go to bed now. Talk to you tomorrow!


Theme of the School Year : Be Responsible, Excellent Carmel Students本學年主題:盡責優秀主恩人

Page 5: Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 · Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701

Number the Stars Tony Lee Chak Tung 3D

To protect or to deprive? Sze Miu Tung 5BPreviously in November, it was confi rmed that a brand new domain

name which is in Chinese character would be launched on the global internet system. When Chinese people were delighted with the good news of the fi rst ‘own’ domain name, the government announced that all personal websites would have to be closed. To state my view at the beginning, I resolutely oppose the regulation with three main reasons.

First of all, the regulation brings down the facility of the internet. As an internet user, the most important benefi t I have ever experienced from the net is the convenience it brings. Whenever you want to search for information, what you need to do is as simple as typing a few words in the search engines. Numerous websites are here providing a vast variety and quantity of information for people – most of which are personal. Neither can you know how to knit a scarf from any of the websites of licensed companies, nor acquire the latest updated schedule of a signer from websites of government-authorised organizations. Our society is changing every second. The internet is the quickest way to obtain information. Undoubtedly, the regulation enormously narrows down our range of resources.

Secondly, the relevant authorities are actually able to solve the problems of wide-spread pornography and piracy in a more acceptable way. Another news article mentioned that the government has banned over 250 pornographic websites before. This means that it does have the

ability to control the situation with a less draconian measure. Some may argue whether it is economical to check every complaint one by one. However, we should focus on the best way to eliminate the problem. I believe that the ‘healthy’ content occupies a higher proportion than the pornographic content among all personal websites. If the authority can do better, why does it choose to throw the whole pie away for a small rotten part? Is the regulation necessary to alter the condition?

Thirdly, the regulation deprives people of their freedom of speech and sharing in the internet. I have browsed a number of personal websites of mainland. Many of the articles and art works were worth preserving but finally disappeared. Some renowned forums where abundant net surfers gathered to discuss diverse topics and share different stuff were also closed down forcefully. It is deeply pitiful to see a modern government erase all online platforms off. The purpose of clearing up pornography and piracy is to protect people’s rights, but its action is in fact ignoring people’s need.

From the above, we can easily analyse and conclude that the regulation is absolutely unreasonable. Our national leaders should not do things which are of no value. A Chinese proverb goes, “The drinker’s heart is not in the cup.” For anyone who really thinks the government is trying to achieve the purpose it mentioned, they should alter their mind. What is the real reason behind the regulation? The answer is obvious.

When two Nazi officers opened the door of Annemarie’s room, they saw Ellen and Annemarie, who used the blanket to cover their whole body, lying on the bed.

“Get up!” the blond hair German shouted. “Go! Go outside immediately!” Annemarie was frightened and what she could do then was to grasp the Star of David more fi rmly.

“Haven’t you heard my word?! GO OUTSIDE NOW!!’’

Trembling, the two girls got up and followed the German slowly. Both of them prayed in their heart repeatedly.

Under the light, although Annemarie grasped the necklace fi rmly, the blond hair still saw the beam which came from the Star of David.

“Hah! Interesting! Seems that the young lady in front of me has held something shiny in her hand. Would she like to show them to all of us?” the blond hair said slyly.

Annemarie was very scared and she knew what would happen if she did as what he said. However, she had no choice.

“It’s mine and I’m Jewish,” She took a deep breath and said with a slight quiver in her voice. Another German who had dark hair stared at the Star of David for quite a long time. Although it was such a small movement, it was noticed by Annemarie.

“No! I am a Jew, not you, Annemarie! Thanks for helping me! I can’t let you sacrifi ce yourself. Me! I am the Rosens’ daughter. Catch me but not them! I’m so proud of being a Jew and have a good…” Ellen stopped suddenly.

“Pa!” the blond hair slapped Ellen across her face and shouted. “Is it very funny? I’m a Jew! No, not you, I’m the Jew! Do you think I’m stupid? Hah! Seems that all of you want to be Jews, then I should send all of you to the concentration camp! Let’s lock them up and go!” He passed the dark hair soldier a smile and locked the Johansens and Ellen up. “Say Goodbye to your house because it’s the last chance all of you see it!”

The blond hair went out of the house first and the dark hair followed him, leaving a key on the table next to Annemarie ‘carelessly’. Annemarie picked it up immediately and followed her family to leave the house.

“Bye,” she said without looking at her home and she realized that she might have no chance to come back again.

“Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o,” the blond hair sang cheerfully while the dark hair was driving them to the concentration camp.

“What will we get? A pint of beer? A beautiful woman? 5 people! We’ve caught 5 people a night! I’m so excited for the prize!” the blond hair laughed cheerfully.

However, the dark hair looked worried and drove much faster.

“Wo-o-wo-o~ Hey, guy! Where are you driving? It isn’t the way to the concentration camp! The concentration camp is in the…Hey! Hey! Halte!” the blond hair realized that the way his partner drove was different from before. He picked up his gun and pointed at the dark hair.

“Halte! I say ‘H-A-L-T-E’!”

“You have got a gun? That’s powerful! But we have two guns!” Mr. and Mrs. Johansen, with no handcuffs on their hands, pointed their guns to the blond hair together.

“Where are your handcuffs? Why...” the dark hair stopped and the blond hair screamed. He opened the door and pushed the blond hair into a forest, and drove on.

“Thank you, but …who are you? Why do you save us?” Ellen, who was still frightened, asked.

The dark hair didn’t answer.

“I know you are on our side! Otherwise you won’t leave the key to us! We just want to thank you!” Annemarie said.

“Run straight along the road and you will see a dock. A boat is there. Get onto it and go to a safe place! Never come back until the war ends,” the dark hair told them quickly and nervously.

“OK. Thank you very much! I will never forget you. May God bless you. Your name?” Mr. Johansen gave him a thankful smile.

“David.” the dark hair said impassively. He drove on quickly and he knew that he might be killed soon. However, he still gave himself a smile.

Looked up into the dark sky, the stars were shining. “Brave!” Annemarie said to herself. That night, she finally understood what bravery meant.


School Motto : Self-discipline through the understanding of the Word, Service to mankind through faithfulness to the Lord校訓:明道律己 忠主善群

Page 6: Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 · Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701

Life In Carmel Live In Grace

English Speaking Wednesday

Gospel Week

Health Week

20th Anniversary Inspection Parade of Hong Kong St John Ambulance Brigade Carmel Combined Cadet Division


Theme of the School Year : Be Responsible, Excellent Carmel Students本學年主題:盡責優秀主恩人

Page 7: Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 · Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701

Glorify Thy Name – Shine for Jesus Shine for CDG

Inter-school Athletics Championships Overall Champion

Inter-city RoboCup CompetitionChampion, three 1st Runners-

up, two 2nd Runners-up and two Excellent Awards

Hong Kong SpeechFestival - Solo Verse Speaking Champion - Kong Hiu Ting (6B)


Competition Result

Dec 2009

Interschool Penmanship

Competition (English Section )

Second in Junior Division: Lam Yan Yan (3E)Outstanding Award in Junior Division: Mak Hiu Yan (3A)Outstanding Award in Senior Division: Chan Ka Mei (6B)Merit Award in Senior Division: Chung Lai Kwan (4B)

Nov-Dec 2009

61st Hong Kong Speech Festival - Chinese


Champion in Cantonese Duologue: Ngan Shuk Man (5B), Sze Miu Tung (5B) Second in Cantonese Solo Verse Speaking: Mak Hiu Yan (3A)Second in Solo Prose Speaking: Chung Wing Yan (1B)Third in Solo Verse Speaking: Lee Tsz Chun (2C)Third in Putonghua Solo Prose Speaking: Choi Yi Nam (2D)Third in Putonghua Solo Prose Speaking: Ng Pui Sin (6B)

Nov-Dec 2009

61st Hong Kong Speech Festival - English


44 students entered the festival.Champion in Solo Verse Speaking: Kong Hiu Ting (6B)Second in Solo Verse Speaking: Wong Tsz Chun, Bryan (2B)Third in Solo Verse Speaking: Lam Tuan Kiet (2B), Leung Ka Ka (4C), Leung Wai Yin (6C) and Kong Hiu Man (7C)

Dec 2009

Huaxia Cup Recitation Talent Competition

Champion in Solo Prose Speaking: Ng Pui Sin (6B)

Dec 2009

Inter-school Abacus and Image Computing


Champion: Lee Tsz Chun (2C)

Dec 2009

Inter-city RoboCup Competition, China

Champion in Humanoid Free Gymnastics: Cheng Tsz Mau (6B), Wong Ho Tin (3D), Chan Chun Kei (3D) and Chung Nga Tat (3C)1st runner-up in Interchange Centre of Gravity Two Legs Robot Short Distance: Man Wing Tak (3B) and Ng Kwan Yeung (3D)1st runner-up in Humanoid Free Gymnastics: Lau Shan Shan (6C), Chan Wing Suen (3D), Fu Hing Choi (4B) and Chan Pan (4B)1st runner-up in Servo Motor Robot Humanoid Performance (Dance): Man Wing Tak (3B), Ng Kwan Yeung (3D), Cheung Lung (3B), Chan Chun Kei (3D), Wong Ho Tin (3D), Cheng Tsz Mau (6B), Cheng Ho Yu Jacky (3C), Chung Nga Tat (3C) and Chan Hing (3A)2nd runner-up in C-shape Foot Two Legs Robot Short Distance Run: Lau Shan Shan (6C) and Cheung Lung (3B)2nd runner-up in Interchange Centre of Gravity Two Legs Robot Short Distance: Cheng Ho Yu Jacky (3C) and Chan Hing (3A)Excellent Award in C-shape Foot Two Legs Robot Short Distance Run: Chan Chun Kei (3D) and Chung Nga Tat (3C)Excellent Award in Servo Motor Robot Humanoid Performance (Dance): Fu Hing Choi (4B), Lam Fei Yin (4C), Lam Tsz Kiu (4C) and Lam Hiu Fan (4D)

Jan 2010

Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Meet

1st runner-up in Boys A-grade High Jump: Lo Lok Tak (5B)

Jan 2010

Chai Wan District Athletics Meet

1st runner-up in Boys B-grade High Jump: Lo Lok Tak (5B)2nd runner-up in Boys B-grade Triple Jump: Lo Lok Tak (5B)

Jan 2010

Government Scholarship

Wong Pui Yan (6B), attained 9 As in the HKCEE 2009 Wong Pui Yan (6B)attained 9 As in the HKCEE


School Motto : Self-discipline through the understanding of the Word, Service to mankind through faithfulness to the Lord校訓:明道律己 忠主善群

Page 8: Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 · Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 迦密主恩中學 校址:將軍澳寶林邨 電話:2701

Working Committee

Laughter Is Good Medicine

Honorary Advisor: Principal, Ms Lam Sui MeiAdvisors: Ms Luk Mei Yee, Ms Luk Kam PoChief Editors: Cheng Me La (6C), Lu Szu Ying (6C)Editors: Hui Un Ian (4B), Sun Jony (4B)Reporters: Lam Yuk Yee (4A), Lam Siu Yin (3D), Li Chui Ling (3D)

April - June: HKALE, HKCEE, Graduation Ceremony, Second Term Examination

Inter-school Football Competition 2nd Runner-up Boys A-grade

Prayer ItemsQ1. How do you cut the sea in half?

Q2. What do you call a cute volcano?

Q3. Why did Tigger look inside the toilet?

Q4. Why is the math book so unhappy?

Q5. Which is faster: heat or cool?

A1. With a sea saw

A2. Lava-ble.

A3. He was looking for Pooh!

A4. It is full of problems.

A5. Heat, because you can always catch a coldHong Kong Girls Team

Champion - Au Tsz Yu (6C)


Competition Result

Feb 2010

Inter-school Athletics Championships

Overall Champion1st runner-up: Girls A-grade3rd runner-up: Girls B & C-grades 1st runner-up in Long Jump: Au Tsz Yu (6C)2nd runner-up in Long Jump: Ip Tan Hung (7C)1st runner-up in 4X400m Relay: Cheng Ka Yung (1A), Cheung Wai Ting (4E), Shiu Tze Kwan (5C), Siu Shuk Fong (5E) and Au Tsz Yu (6C)Champion in 100m and 200m: Lau Fan Hei (4A)3rd runner-up in 1500m: Lo Ka Wai (3A)1st runner-up in 4X400m Relay: Lo Ka Wai (3A), Law Wing Chi (3B), Chan Wing Suen (3D), Yip Wai Ying (3D) and Lau Fan Hei (4A) 2nd runner-up in 100m Hurdle: Wu Ching Hang (2E)3rd runner-up in 1500m: Kan Wai Tung (1A)

Feb 2010

CYC Award Purple Badge: Leung Ka Man (4A), Cheung Yuk Ming (5B), Cheung Yuk Lee (5D) and Leung Ka Yan (5D)

Feb 2010

Inter-school Football Competition

2nd runner-up in Boys A-gradeLeung Ka Chun (4C), Chan Wai Leung (5A), Lai Kai Ho (5A), Chung Yan Hon Michael (5B), Chau Hoi Yuen (5C), Lau wing Sing (5C), Ng Ho Ming (5C), Tze Chi Wai (5C), Wu Wai Cheung (5C), Cheuk Tak Fung (5E), Chu Keng Hong (5E), Lau Tak Kei (5E), Tsoi Yat Sing (5E), Wong Pak Ho (6A), Wong Wing Cheung (7A) and Chu Siu Ho (7C)

Mar 2010

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes

Lo Lok Tak (5B) and Huang Yu (7B)

Mar 2010

Schools Interport Basketball


Champion - Au Tsz Yu (6C)

Mar 2010

2010 RoboCup Competition, China

3rd runner-up, going to join the International RoboCup 2010 on behalf of China

Mar 2010

4.23 World Book Day: Creative

Competition in 2010: Cities Today

Best 12: Lam Pui Wai (3D)

2010 Robocup - 3rd Runer-up


Theme of the School Year : Be Responsible, Excellent Carmel Students本學年主題:盡責優秀主恩人