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New Skills & New Jobs - Bridging the Gap 1 Case Studies Brochure English

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New Skills & New Jobs - Bridging the Gap 1

Case Studies BrochureEnglish

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New Skills and New Jobs - Bridging the Gap is a Project funded with European Commission support coordi-nated by Kerigma Innovation and Social Development (Portugal) in cooperation with GSI-Gesellschaft für Schweisstechnik International mbH (Germany), IPCA - EST -Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave - Escola Superior de Tecnologia (Portugal), BIC BB - Business In-cubator Centre in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia), BELKTRO - Bursa Chamber of Electronics (Turkey), TWIN Group (United Kingdom) (Grant agreement nr. VS/2012/0517)

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Instituto Politéncico do Cávado e do Ave - Escola Superior de Tecnologia IPCA - EST05

Technological Centre for the Portuguese Textile and Clothing IndustryCITEVE13

Associação Comercial e Industrial do Concelho de EsposendeACICE23

Escola Profissional Amar Terra VerdeEPATV33

Lewisham CouncilLondon Borough of Lewisham41

Simple Business SolutionsSBS47

Training International, Twin GroupTwin53

Training International, Twin GroupTwin59

MIT SkillsMITskills69

MAN Diesel & Turbo SEMAN75

Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbHGSI83

Wirtschaftsbetriebe Oberhausen GmbHWBO89

Zeitarbeit NRW GmbHSTART95

Inštitút hospodárskej politiky, n. o. - Economic Policy Institute (EPI)IHP101

Secondary vocational schoolSpojená škola107

Bursa Teknoloji Servis MerkeziBTSM121

Bursa Elektronikçiler OdasıBELKTRO127

Coşkunöz Vocational Education FoundationCEF133

The Turkish Employers’ Association Of Construction IndustriesİNTES139

Trexima Bratislava, LtdTREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.113

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Isabel Xavier - School Services Manager

Telephone: 00351 253 80 22 60

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Barcelos, Portugal


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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in IPCA is a Polytechnic school that is involved in in-structing professionals with adequate qualifica-tions to the labour market. Its success is proved by a high employment rate of its students and an increasing number of applications taking IPCA courses as the first option.IPCA community has about two thousand stu-dents and over one hundred teachers, most of them holding Master or Doctorate Degrees, di-vided for two Schools:- Management School (ESG)- Technology School (EST)Management School offers graduate courses in the areas of Accounting, Taxation, Finance, Banking, Insurance, Law and Tourism manage-ment. In addition, ESG also runs postgraduations and Technology Specialization Courses (called “CET”).On the other hand, Technology School (EST) of-fers graduate courses in the areas of Informatics, Design, Electrical Engineering and Engineering and Development of Digital Games. EST also provides CET in IT areas. Apart from the Schools, IPCA has a range of ser-vices that support the academic community.The Social Services (SAS) are responsible for so-cial policies, that try to give every student, main-ly those in financial difficulties or handicap stu-dents, better studying conditions, through social benefits. They help students in what concerns to accommodation, food, scholarships, psychologi-cal and medical needs, and to sports and cultural activities.

IPCA Library provides to the academic commu-nity the access to a large range of bibliography, that guides to success of teaching and investi-gation. Moreover, IPCA regularly publishes a sci-entific magazine Tékhne – Polytechnic Studies Review, that gives away different chains of sci-entific thoughts, in areas of interest of the world-wide polytechnic institutions. Tékhne wants to constitute a mean of communication between the specialists dedicated to investigation in di-verse fields.IPCA academic universe is also composed by a Students’ Association (AEIPCA), two Academic Students Musical Groups (Tuna), a male and a fe-male, and by some of the students who got their degree at IPCA and take part in the Association of Former Students Association.Finally, IPCA is taking the first steps in the areas of R&D and technology transfer, with the crea-tion of several Applied Investigation Centres. For the moment, IPCA has already done agreements with different companies so as to accept IPCA’s students for professional trainings, and to city councils, concerning the rendering of services to local community.To sum up, IPCA is a higher education School of Applied Sciences, in which all the academic community makes an effort to accomplish IPCA’s mission. Our mission is to contribute to society development, stimulate culture, investigation and research, and foment reflexive and human-ist thought.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group?Our target group are students attending higher degree studies and also other technical courses known as CET (Technological spEcialization Courses).

Who takes advantage of it?Mainly students from nearby cities.

What does your company offer?Technological Specialization Courses, Graduate courses as well as Master Degrees.

Also, the good level of employment rate for the graduated students at IPCA indicates the quality of the practices.

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What “best practice” examples you have done?Several prizes have been won by our students and teachers in different subjects from industrial de-sign, electrical engineering to entrepreneurship.

Also, the good level of employment rate for the graduated students at IPCA indicates the quality of the practices.

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What are your future plans? IPCA’s next goal is to open a multidisciplinary research center (DIGARC - Digital Games Research Centre) based in the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA) Campus, in Barcelos, Portugal. DIGARC is composed by a broad group of researchers with differ-ent scientific expertise, all related to the research in digital games and interfaces.The main objectives of DIGARC are the development of applied research in various fields of computer graphics as well as transferring knowledge and technology to soci-ety and the business community. Currently, the center develops its research and devel-opment activities around three main areas, namely Medical Devices Interfaces, Digital Animation and Computer Graphics. The results of DIGARC, related to its activities in ap-plied research and development of technological solutions, are disseminated through scientific and technical publications, development of functional prototypes, and train-ing of the next generations of young researchers.

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Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?.IPCA aims to expand the influence of DIGARC in the next three years.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?IPCA will need to gather the support of companies and individuals interested in developing prod-ucts, services and solutions for the upcoming future.

It will also be important to retain the preference of students in our educative offer.

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CITEVE is the Technological Centre for the Portuguese Texti-le and Clothing Industry

Paulo Mendes

Telephone: 00351 252 300 300

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Vila Nova de Famalicão, PORTUGAL

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in CITEVE is the Technological Centre for the Por-tuguese Textile and Clothing Industry, created in 1989. As a private non-profit organisation, it has 500 associated companies and more than 2000 customers. CITEVE’s main activities are technolo-gy transfer, laboratorial analysis, IPR information, training, technical and vocational secondary education, certification & standardisation activi-ties, and R&D activities at national and European level.CITEVE has 150 specialised staff, covering all business areas and specific technical demands of the textile & clothing sector, such as the Train-ing and Education Area where we have 8 work-ers and more that 100 apprentices per day. CITEVE has also a major role in implementation of EC and National projects towards the improve-ment of competitiveness of the T&C industries, which are very vulnerable to increasing compe-tition. In the field of Technology Transfer, CITEVE has participated in several initiatives sponsored by the European Commission, such as LEONAR-DO, INTERREG, and LIFE+.At a national level, it is also important to note that CITEVE develops several important projects in close relationship with the companies from the textile and clothing sector. CITEVE perform training courses created specifically for compa-nies’ needs and goals that are previously defined by company basis or sector basis. In different companies different analyses are carried out that can show us what the real needs are, and goals of a specific company, and therefore pre-

sent more adjusted and adapted content to bet-ter prepare the company workers. Aside from this, CITEVE also develop sector anal-yses for a larger number of companies, trying in this way to show a bigger picture of how the sec-tor is, and the difficulties and needs, according to its aims and goals.It is also important to explain the work that is un-dertaken after the training courses. CITEVE is con-cerned about the results of the training courses they develop. After all the training courses are developed an evaluation is performed to assess the levels of satisfaction, and CITEVE adjusts the training programs to the companies’ needs and goals. Hence the opportunity, for each and every training course developed, to be better adapted to the sector.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Tutored by AFTEBI - Association for Technological and Vocational Training of Beira Inte-rior technological schools - that CITEVE adopts in its facilities, V.N. Famalicão and Cov-ilhã, prepares technicians training oriented both practically and industrially. Resulting in the combination of efforts of municipalities, universities of Minho and Beira Interior, business centers, business associations and CITEVE, and offering technological speciali-sation courses from Level V, objectively responding to the needs felt in the business market.

ETT - Textile Technology School in CITEVE, offers the following specialisation courses:

CET in Fashion Retail:The Technical Trade Specialist Fashion is a professional, independently or within a team, who diagnoses, prepares, plans or performs various activities within product sales in industrial textiles and clothing, or distribution companies of fashion products.

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CET in Fashion Industrialisation Product:The Technical Product Specialist in the Industrialisation of Fashion is a professional, indepen-dently or integrated in a team, who operates within companies in the textile and clothing in-dustry, particularly in the development of new products and collections, market analysis and product marketing, industrial modeling, materials and textile processing technology, quilting, textile technology and carries control and quality management, the analysis of manufacturing defects, structure and cost analysis, planning industrial organisation and production manage-ment, using computer applications in the development of their activities.

CET Process Staining and Finishing Textiles:The Technical Specialist Processes Staining and Textile Finishing is a professional, independently or within a team who operates within businesses in textiles, designing and developing innova-tive processes and products to finalisation, including colorimetry, dyeing, printing and finishing, using appropriate methods of organisation, management and control, and through the emerg-ing textile technologies.

CET in Technical Textiles and Functional:The Technical Specialist in the Technical Textiles and Functional is a professional, independently or within a team, who designs and develops technical and functional textile products using ma-terials, processes and emerging technologies used in different sectors of activity.

CET in Mechatronics:The Technical Technology Specialist Mechatronics is a professional, integrating technology skills such as mechanical, electrical engineering, automation and information technology, aims to develop activities in the areas of design, planning, construction and maintenance, with a view to developing products, systems and improved processes, leading to increased quality and pro-ductivity.

CET in Audit Management Systems:The Technical Specialist in Audit Management Systems is a professional who participates in the evaluation of management systems, particularly in terms of planning, implementation and monitoring of the audit process checking whether the activities and results for the manage-ment systems, reference documents, laws and regulations conform with audit criteria.

Candidates may apply for enrolment in CET who are holders of high school qualifications or an equivalent degree.Those who have passed all subjects in 10th grade and 11th grade and have enrolled in 12th grade. Someone in the third year of a secondary education course or legally equivalent, but have not completed. The holders of a Level 4 qualification. Holders of technological specialisa-tion diploma or a degree or diploma of higher education wishing to retrain.

The major goal of this kind of training course is to prepare trainees to be included into different companies that have specific needs in very specialised areas in the textile and clothing sector. Aside from the training that they undergo with CITEVE, the trainees also have some time in com-panies, similar to internships where they develop the proper skills and knowledge to practise in the sector as relevant technicians.

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Who is your target group?

The target group that the ETT aims for are young students who have secondary or higher education, with a minimum age of 18 years old. Aside from these conditions, the school also aims to recruit young people who are interested in developing knowledge and skills in the textiles and clothing sector.It is an opportunity to train young technicians who very specialised in specific areas within the sec-tor, which can represent an opportunity to enrich the knowledge of the companies where they can be integrated.

Who takes advantage of it?

The beneficiaries of this kind of training process are mainly the companies within the textile and clothing sector, because they have the opportunity to have access to trainees with very specialised training in very specific areas within the sector. The kind of knowledge and skills that are developed during these training processes are in areas previously defined in articulation with the companies from the sector. This way, all the training is market oriented and adjusted to the companies’ needs and aims.

What does your company offer?

CITEVE, having in their facilities a training department combining the different needs of this kind of training. The training department has the facilities needed to perform the training programmes, with rooms fully equipped and prepared for IT training lessons. Aside from that, CITEVE also has specialised workshops with dedicated equipment which is also used by the companies within the sector. This way, the trainees can test their knowledge and skills in a controlled environment, but an environment that is very similar to the ones that they can find in the companies from the sector.Another important aspect that we need to highlight, is the fact that CITEVE is constituted from around 500 different companies from the textile and clothing sector, providing the perfect opportu-nity for the trainees to find a job opening and start developing their career.

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What are your future plans? For the future, CITEVE intend to continue to perform these kinds of training course. The Textile Technology School will have new versions presenting current and updated courses that are adjusted to the actual sector. In order to attune these courses it will be necessary to assess the ones that are being developed. This way CITEVE can see if the training courses are suitable for sector, if they need any kind of improvements, or even addition of content, to be relevant for the sector. With the results of this kind of evalu-ation done each and every year, it is possible for CITEVE to have a training offer that is relevant to the sector and adapted to its needs and goals

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?

For the next years there are no plans to expand the project. It is expected to be devel-oping as it is being developed to date.

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What kind of support would you need to realise your plans?

The development of this kind of training course needs some funding in order to be made avail-able for the trainees to attend the course without having to pay a fee. As youth unemployment in Portugal is close to 50% of the entire active young population, it is crucial to have funding that make it possible for the young to participate in these kinds of initiatives. Otherwise it is very difficult for the young, or even their families, to support their training. In another perspective we could have the companies funding these same training courses, as they are going to be the major beneficiaries from their training, but, on the other hand, the companies are also facing a serious crisis which makes it difficult for them to fund these types of initiatives.

Other annotations

Finally, it is also important to refer the relevance of projects like New Skills & New Jobs because they allow us to get to know about different realities in different countries and above all, be-cause it is trying to built a tool that can aim to match the skills that individuals have, and the skills that the companies want. The correct match between these two dimensions is a crucial factor for the success of training projects, as well as the success of the companies that want to hire someone.Any effort made in order to try to diminish the gap between these two realities should be val-orised and supported, because it can be very helpful to build better training programmes and even to create future employees better adapted to market needs and goals.

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ACICE – Associação Comercial e Industrial do Concelho de Esposende

Sérgio Mano

Telephone: 00351 253965769 e 00351 253962271

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Esposende – Braga - Portugal

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in ACICE - Commercial and Industrial Association of Esposende - is an entity, with Recognition of Public Utility, whose mission is to defend the interests of business and the local and regional community.

ACICE directs its activity towards effective in-vestment in training people, especially entrepre-neurs and employees, enhancing and thereby improving their skills, applied to sustainability and growth of business activities.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

One of the projects executed in the recent past was the project “Pep”, which was pri-marily aimed at companies with a number of employees not exceeding 100, who could benefit from support to bring about the realisation of actions ‘Action -Training’, with a view to providing training and consultancy services.

This project was comprised of 25 micro and small enterprises in different sectors, with the main objective being to raise the skills and knowledge of human resources, (includ-ing business owners/managers, technical staff and other employees), and introduce or-ganisational changes that best improve the performance of enterprises, allowing them to reverse or strengthen their competitive position.

As specific objectives, the aim of this project was to raise awareness of entrepreneurs and workers to the importance of expert advice and training, as part of the evaluation of intangible and organisational aspects of corporate life, from the perspective of a new organisational culture that perpetuates and develops beyond the intervention period of the project “Pep”.

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To be managed by micro and small businesses, this project constituted an effective support mechanism in the reorganisation of methods and procedures of work, with the necessary adaptation of enterprises to the global mar-kets in which they operate.

This structural reorganisation is particularly important, allowing maximisation of available resources while avoiding waste which endan-gers the development of business activities.

Moreover, it allows the identification of errors or failures resulting from unsuitable process management with the reality of domestic and international markets, enhancing effective solutions which effectively reduce the opera-tional risk of each activity.

Regarding its methodology, this project was implemented in three distinct phases, thus making it more comprehensive in its interven-tion.The first phase consisted of the elaboration of a diagnosis and a plan of action.

In this first phase, involving the consultant ap-pointed by the responsible enterprise, a diag-nosis was undertaken, according to the meth-odology of the SWOT Matrix, which analysed the strengths and weaknesses of the enter-prise in each area of activity, subsequently re-lated to the opportunities existing, not omit-ting the evidence of threats.

This analysis seeks to clearly identify in detail the main constraints of each of the strategic segments of an enterprise.

Based on the scenarios shown, a Plan of Ac-tion was prepared, involving both structural and organisational aspects of the enterprise, in terms of human resources (new profiles and competencies needed to develop training processes involving employers and employ-ees of the enterprise).

The second phase consisted of implementa-tion of the Plan of Action through the execu-tion of measures presented by the experts and consultants for conducting training for

the employees included in the plan of action, in accordance with the following forms of as-sistance:

ConsultancyIncluded all the coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the Plan of Action which was directed, primarily, to change the organisational culture and management, but also for changes that could arise at the level of positioning relative to the market or concepts used.

TrainingForeseen in the Plan of Action, the training was designed to fit the needs of the enterprise, to be more specific for the employees and entre-preneurs, using the following models: stand-ardised training and specific training..

The Standardised Training should preferably be inserted into the National Qualification Framework (NQF), and may also take as refer-ence the “Strategic Plan of Training for Trade and Services and other sectoral diagnosis de-veloped by beneficiaries.

The Specific Training was based on the Diag-nostic, and Plan of Action of each enterprise, covering areas that were not covered by the standard supply and had to be designed spe-cifically according to the needs of the enter-prise.

The third phase was constituted by the perfor-mance evaluation, through the preparation of the implementation of the reports by meas-ure/action and elaboration of a final report for each of the entities/enterprises involved. In this phase of intervention, it fell to the con-sultant, with the collaboration of the trainers involved, to produce a Final Report of Perfor-mance Evaluation within each enterprise.

The applicability of the all intervention phases of the project “Pep” ensured effective gains for all enterprises involved in it, empowering the identification of problems and consequently helping to solve gaps in the organisational structure.

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The project also allowed the possibility of realisation of training in the enterprise, actioned by the design and implementa-tion, according to the real needs of each individual enterprise, increasing compe-tencies in terms of knowledge and inno-vation.

It was also crucial in achieving the in-tended results, to have availabile a team

of consultants, and elaboration of the relevant documents for licensing the business, to create a spirit of cooperation between the different agents of the en-terprise and to create new mechanisms, at the level of communication, that led to the simplification of procedures, and restructuring of corporate identity, in the markets in which they operate, in national and international terms.

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What are your future plans? Given the success with this project, of improvements in business activity, ACICE intends to further develop activities of the same type, ensuring the participation of all entities who benefit individually and collectively, thereby enhancing the growth of the com-munity in which it operates.

ACICE also want to provide the necessary tools to continue to provide support to the business community, according to their needs, both at the operational level, and in terms of human resources, thus helping overcome the difficult process of economic and financial adjustment of the country.

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What kind of support would you need to realise your plans?

Given the size and nature of this type of project which involves significant implementation costs, there is a need for support in terms of funding by the relevant public authorities.

Through the full or partial funding of these projects, it is possible to ensure the continuity of partici-pation of business, since the organisation does not possess, in the current economic climate, funds for investment in this kind of implementation.

The dynamics of work are designed, the intervention of processes are identified, and professionals are increasingly specialised in their areas, so ensure financing conditions and allow continuation of projects, with the actual needs of enterprises in mind, so that they can continue to be successful.

Other annotations

ACICE remains committed to help in the development and growth of entrepreneurs able to compete in the first line of the different markets in which they operate, competing with various international partners, and being a leader in quality and innovation.

This will be a reality if the support strategy is maintained, and investment to the business community continues, enhancing wealth creation, and the maintenance and growth of jobs.

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Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde

Paula Fernandes

Telephone: 00351 253 322 016

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Vila Verde, Portugal

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in Leonardo Da Vinci – this training abroad ena-bles students to attain skills, attitude concerning work and career, and an insight of the working world, outside of their native region.

Study Visits to enterprises – this school practice enables students to contact the labour world and its idiosyncrasies.

Mobipro – this programme, developed in a joint venture with the German authorities, allows stu-dents’ placement in Germany, in German schools and enterprises, pursuing dual VET and certifica-tion.

Ecoschools - This international programme of the Foundation for Environmental Educa-tion (FEE) aims to empower students to be the change our sustainable world needs by engag-ing them in action-orientated learning. Through commitment to the Eco-Schools seven step

process, improvements will be seen in both the learning outcomes, attitude and behavior of stu-dents and the local community and, ultimately, the local environment. This programme enables students to contact deeply, some of them for the first time, with environmental policies and their outcomes, thus, preparing them for envi-ronment-directed enterprise policies they will contact in the labour world.

Volunteering projects – The school’s social vol-unteering group Epajuda acts through multiple interventions such as: fundraising events (shows, social events, sales) in order to help and support with the solidarity project within the school’s and local community’s neediest; cooperating with charity NGOs; food distribution to the areas’ neediest families; poorest families; home appli-ances repair by Home Appliances Repair Techni-cian course..

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Vocational course students, adults (employed and non-employed) searching for valida-tion of their formal and informal knowledge.

Who takes advantage of it?Students and enterprises that receive them during training periods; adults searching for validation of their knowledge.

What does your company offer?Vocational teaching courses and training. Adult formal and non-formal knowledge vali-dation and certification, through training in technical skills (short-term) and general

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Therefore contributing to:• Enhancement of competitiveness, regarding the labourmarket, of adults with validatedknowledge; • Settlementofyouthintheschoolinfluencearea;• Formationofintermediateboardsnecessaryforthedevelopmentoflocalareas;• Diminishtheschoolabandonmentrateandlackofsuccess;• Valorizationofpotential• Revitalizethesocialtissueinlightofequalrights;• Optimizationofresources.

In sum, offers Technical ability, training for Professional attitude and Career Management.

What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?

Promotion of agreements between the school and enterprises, enterprise associations - in order to, respectively, adjust course offers to labour market profile demand, and placement of the students during the training periods - and also higher education institutions.

Attaining ISO 9001 certification.

Unifying all documental procedures pursuing, therefore, homogenization of documents and pro-ceedings.

Implementing a registry platform that enables grade releasing, classes’ abstracts, and many more parameters essential to school functioning, regarding both students and teaching staff.

Applying hygiene, health and safety at work rules to the school’s canteen, laboratories and cafeteria, particularly, and the school generally.

Social and volunteering project integration.

Existence of a Psychology and Guidance Service (SPO) that accompanies students during the school career and, afterwards, regarding integration in the labour market.

Conciliation of the training offer connecting schools, professional and entrepreneurial associations, local councils, stakeholding institutions, Ministry of Education and enterprises.

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What are your future plans? To explore new areas of cognizance in order to preview future regional, national and global labour market demands;

To close the distance between enterprises and school;

To consolidate conditions which motivate those that work and study in our school (EPATV) so that they will get involved and work actively in the processes of continuous development;

To promote internal and external training.

To invest in environmental quality and improvement of working conditions;

To continue to encourage and promote cultural and pedagogical activities that will sat-isfy the different publics of EPATV and contribute to shorten the distance that separates the world of work from the school world.

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To improve the quality of life of all the school community.

To attain all objectives that lead to ISO 9001 certification maintenance.

Pursue new certification standards.

Update the technical, professional, social and cultural skills that follow the evolution of society.

Will you expand in the next three years further on your project?

In the past three years we have developed the interaction between our institution and the enter-prises related to the areas of learning we explore; we are still endeavouring efforts to improve results in this field. We have managed to bring together several sectoral partners (entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial as-sociations and school Course Directors) aiming, in the near future, to create an advisory board, main-taining regular meetings in order to assess the job profile demand directly from the market, hence predicting the labour market’s new tendencies .

Therefore, we aim to obtain full employability for a vast majority of courses, though we have already attained this in some courses for several years.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?

Job offer and supply actualized databases, regarding the professional profiles sought.

Curricula review in order to integrate new skills sought by the labour market.

Ensuring proximity with the entrepreneurial classes (we already are working this theme) through the insertion of reliable information channels.

Economical activity code (CAE) review - for this it’s necessary to draw the attention of decision-mak-ing authorities.

Other annotations

The project title – New Skills & New Jobs - suits with accuracy its content, regarding students‘ labour-market integration success and, also, the synchronization between demand and supply, in order to potentiate the employability increase and entrepreneurial projects‘ success.

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London Borough of Lewisham

Kevin Turner – Economic Development Manager

Telephone: 020 8314 8229

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Lewisham, London

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in Leonardo Da Vinci – this training abroad enaThe Local Labour and Business Scheme (LLBS) uses planning agreements to provide assistance for local businesses to access business opportu-nities as well as provide training and employ-ment opportunities for unemployed residents through the various construction developments taking place in the borough.

The Local Labour and Business Co-ordinator manages and develops local labour and pro-curement opportunities for the benefit of Lew-isham residents and businesses.

The Local Labour and Business Co-ordinator (LLBC) is the main council contact for engaging with internal and external partners, contractors and developers. This ensures that the Econom-ic Development team are consulted in relation to the proposed local labour obligations in the planning agreements for future developments, and approve local labour statements and strat-egies submitted in compliance with planning agreements and conditions that council offic-

ers are aware of the local labour and business scheme and are encouraged to promote it on projects where planning agreements or condi-tions are not in place where practicable, that developers and contractors comply with local labour and business obligations, securing em-ployment and business opportunities for local residents and businesses

The programme helps businesses access local procurement opportunities by getting them fit to supply and linking them to opportunities. The Council’s Local Labour and Business Scheme engages with the Council’s partners and prime contractors and identifies opportunities which local businesses can compete for. The procure-ment team in the Business Advisory Service sup-port businesses to be ‘fit to supply’ then broker local businesses to these opportunities. From April 2012 the service has helped 36 businesses to be fit to supply and nine businesses to win new contracts amounting to £1.9M.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? The target group is unemployed Lewisham residents and Lewisham independent busi-nesses

Who takes advantage of it?The above target groups

What does your company offer?Access to training opportunities for unemployed residents that remove barriers to ac-cessing employment. For example, security training and food hygiene training.

Access to work placement, apprenticeship and employment opportunities relating to construction and post-construction positions.

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Meet the Buyer events and business support for businesses to access procurement opportunities.

An annual jobfair with other 1000 residents attending.

What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?

A Local Labour toolkit has been designed and implemented to track and monitor achievements.

A Business Accord is being piloted which encourages businesses to sign up to a commitment to pro-vide local employment and business opportunities

An annual jobfair that links real job opportunities to unemployed residents

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What are your future plans? To further develop the Business Accord.

To develop a pre-construction training package to increase access to on-site employ-ment opportunities.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Future expansion of the Local Labour and Business Scheme is dependent on the amount of developments coming forward in the borough.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?On-going support of the procurement service in-house, developers signing up to offer opportunities and partners to refer businesses and residents to opportunities.

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Simple Business Solutions

Antonia Smith

Telephone: 02086912482

Email address:[email protected]


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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in Providing business training, advice and support to unemployed residents of two London boroughs

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? The target group is young people seeking work experience to prepare for entering the job market.

Who takes advantage of it?We have had mostly European students so far.

What does your company offer?The company prepares assigned European students with practical work experience, en-trepreneurship awareness and improvement of business language skills.

What “best practice” examples you have done?Working with Spanish, French and German students at the same time as providing an excellent example of cultural interaction and values exchange.

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What are your future plans? The company is currently redirecting its operations to private commercial clients pro-viding business support, mentoring and coaching. The focus will be much more on one-to-one mentoring of micro business owner/managers or Small to Medium Enter-prises (SMEs).

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Twin Training International, Twin Group

Richard Ryder

Telephone: +44(0) 7970095722

Email address:[email protected]

Location:London, UK

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in Twin Employment & Training (TE&T) is a Welfare-to-Work and Skills provider for British residents, delivering government-funded training pro-grammes & free recruitment services, leading to employment opportunities in the UK. TE&T has a national network of 70 partners providing edu-cation & employment services across the UK, de-livering welfare-to-work provision as an industry leading supplier of Employability and Training services; working across multiple contracts and demographics. We are also one of the 33 preferred suppliers under the UK Governments Framework for Em-ployment Related Support Services and deliver

against some 15 plus welfare to work and train-ing contracts including the Work Programme, JCP Support Programme, NOMS Ex-offenders Programme, Apprenticeships, NEET contracts and the Families with Multiple Problems Con-tract. Twin works closely with all the major UK co-funding bodies including DWP, JCP, SFA, ESF and LAs, and is currently delivering from 13 centres across London and the South West. Twin is Of-sted inspected, ISI approved and accredited with Investors in People and Merlin.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? All unemployed individuals.

Who takes advantage of it?Customers who have been referred to our services through the Job Centre Plus.

What does your company offer?Twin offers local centre based support and facilities with experienced, friendly staff who facilitate the Job Search and Training process.

What “best practice” examples you have done?1/ Bridging the Skills – Job search gap, by investing into a comprehensive system to en-able people to go to one place, and find geographically convenient, keyword matched jobs advertised on any of the recruitment boards on the internet.

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We provide our customers access to (currently) 131,000 live vacancies taken from 173 jobs boards. All customers are registered on the system as added value when they join Twin, and are given their user name and passwords on a card so they can log in anywhere and job search. This overcame our customers’ biggest fear that there “aren’t any jobs out there” during the recession, and afterwards.

Our PICS tool is a complete end to end Customer Management System, tracking the customer from referral through to in work / post course support and has been customised to run a variety of train-ing and employability programmes from both the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and DWP. It operates as a central gateway for several distinct databases, and allows these databases to talk to each other:

• Customerdatabase(contacts,sectorinterests,location…)• Organisations(contactdetails,sector,location…)• Vacancies(Organisation,sector,location,salary…)

Taking the vacancy feed from the vast majority of websites and independent employers, PICS is able to map this information into key search criteria, with which staff can match customers to vacancies that are right for them. Search is particularly effective when using the SOC code classifications, distance from home post-code, and keyword with wildcard searches.

2/ Twin has always believed in blending programmes together to create a flowing customer jour-ney that systematically breaks down customer barriers. Without knowing the Traineeship Agenda, we were providing the Workskills Qualification (CV, interviews, how to jobsearch) plus a vocational progression, work experience and apprenticeships to allow customers to move gradually into work as they overcome their barriers. New College Swindon identified this as running parallel to the Gov-ernment’s new Traineeship model and we are now working together to move the Traineeships into the private sector to assist the deprived area of Woolwich which has had a lot of negative media at-tention recently.

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What are your future plans? To focus on the areas we have proven to work, and diversify our customer base to bring these technologies to a wider variety of people, such as university students. With the systems we have in place, no graduate should be jobless.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Yes, Twin run regular community leader events in our facilities at Lewisham to promote cross sector growth.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?Pilot projects and ‘proof of concept’ projects are costly. We cannot afford to do these on our own in the current climate. Further EU funding to allow innovation to blossom would be desirable

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Twin Training International, Twin Group

Peter Fox

Telephone: +44(0) 20 8297 1132

Email address:[email protected]

Location:London, UK

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in Twin Group is a London-based education, skills and training provider who provide opportuni-ties for clear progression for UK residents, in-ternational students, individuals and groups by helping people to achieve personal success. We offer a range of services including award-winning education, travel, work experience, volunteer opportunities and employment both in the UK and internationally. Twin’s mission is simple; to change lives by offering diverse, high quality education, training programmes, work

placements and employment services to people from the UK and abroad, helping them achieve their personal and professional goals.Twin are award winning experts in delivering work experience, graduate and professional internships plus volunteer programmes world-wide which match the career objectives of the individuals we work with.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Individuals from all over the world above 16 years of age.

As well as EU clients, who are generally EU-funded (this funding is managed by ECOTEC on behalf of the EU Leonardo da Vinci mobility programme), though can be self-fund-ed, students from Japan, Taiwan and South Korea can undertake the programmes on a Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) visa.

Also, non-EU clients, from outside of the YMS countries, can undertake a short as-sessed internship on a Tier 4 visa as part of a structured programme of learning at NQF Level 3 as part of our Career Development Programme where students undertake a recognised, accredited UK qualification [Edexcel BTEC Workskills Certificate], attained through guided classroom study and practical work experience in the UK. Twin Group is a UK Border Agency Highly Trusted Sponsor which enables this.

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Who takes advantage of it?Students who participate in the Internship Programme and a wide range of large and small employ-ers who may ultimately find staff with the language skills, and/or shortage skills they require.

Internship programmes increase opportunity and enable:

Employment skills Soft skills Language skills. Cultural awareness Confidence building Mobility so increased opportunities

What does your company offer?We organise, plan and monitor work experience for many thousands of students both in the UK, EU and internationally. Sectors we work in include:

Marketing & Sales Engineering Travel & Tourism Hotel & Catering Finance & Accounting Public Relations Advertising LawInternational Trade Human Resources IT Communications Administration Media Fashion Architecture Social Services Retail Art & Design Education Leisure Environmental Charitable Customer Service

Work Experience opportunity types are:

Internships: General, Intermediate & Graduate Hospitality Employment Programme Leonardo da Vinci (UK)

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What “best practice” examples you have done? 1/ Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) endorsed Professional Development Programme in Work Experience. ILM is the management and leadership arm of City & Guilds.

ILM accepted Twin Groups’ procedures for induction, interview procedures, and moni-toring of Work Experience plus the self-study Learning Materials provided, and have endorsed the programme specifically for our organisation.

Topics for study include:

• HowOrganisationsWork• HowtoAccessHelp• CustomerService• CompanyProcedures&CodesofPractice• TheDataProtectionAct• Safety&SecurityintheWorkplace• EmergencyProcedures• StandardsforAppearance&Behaviour• Diversity• Communication• AngerManagement

Students also receive 6 months free Studying Membership of the Institute of Leader-ship and Manangement, giving access to a range of resources and services designed to support their learning and development with their registration.

2/ Internship Training Programme in the Hospitality industry e.g. the Millennium & Copthorne chain of hotels. A 3-month structured programme with rotation through Front of House and Back of House with Food and Beverage, Housekeeping and so on.

3/ Professional and graduate internships with top UK organisations that can, and do, lead to employment at best, and if not, do add to an individual’s skills considerably in terms of ‘Bridging the Gap’ and gaining subsequent employment.

Example companies Thomson Reuters, Dale Carnegie, The London Bridge Experience, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, London Mutual Credit Union, Latis Sci-entific Ltd, LA Fitness Gym, GA Associates, Fluent 2, Fernbach Software Ltd, Eurostaff Group, Premium Tours, the Japan Society, International Community School, RDP Crea-tive UK, Lake View Country House, and Sunningdale Golf Club

Students gain valuable employment skills and work experience practice in an interna-tional environment and language skills are improved by immersion.

Students return to their country with an enhanced CV, which gives them greater access to job opportunities, and increases their employability on the EU market.

They improve cultural awareness & broaden their horizons, and also build up their con-fidence.

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4/ The Career Development Programme can be undertaken by EU and non-EU students and is a pro-gramme of learning, as mentioned in Target Group, wrapped around a company placement. Candi-dates study a combination of modules, a number of which comprise of both theoretical and practical components. For such modules an assessed internship is an essential component of the programme.Modules include:

Strategies to Improve Job Interview Skills Planning for Professional Development Learning from Work Placement Negotiation Skills and Persuasion in the Workplace Communicating Solutions to others Solving Work-related Problems Mentoring Skills for the Workplace Critical Thinking Developing Personal Skills for Leadership

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What are your future plans? To focus on areas of industry, for professional and graduate internships, where there is a shortfall of suitably qualified staff and development is needed e.g. engineering, IT.

Research has been undertaken for this initiative e.g. to identify specific branches of en-gineering where there is a gap in UK skills e.g. particularly Electronics, Pharma, Health Technologies, Energy, plus some shortages in Chemical and Petro-chemical engineer-ing; Mechanical and Production engineering; Electrical engineering; Vehicle engineer-ing; Marine engineering; Aerospace and Aviation engineering; Project engineering; and Civil and Structural engineering.

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Did you plan to expand in the next three years further on your project?

Yes, building relationships with further organisations. We currently place 2000 interns per year but plan to expand this. Companies can benefit as follows: • increaseandexpandthenetworkingcapabilityoftheUKcompanyabroad• linguisticaddedvaluetotheUKcompanyintermsofcollaborating,networkingandmarket-ing with non-native English speaking countries• newapproaches,ideas,andprocessimplementationpathwaysformtheirtrainingandcoun-try that will enhance operations to the UK company• instrumental in advancing the UK company’s profile, reach and capabilities of workingabroad• providetheUKcompanywiththeresearchanalysisanddevelopmentplaninputtoseeknewbusiness abroad• canprovidetrainingandworkshopstotheUKcompany’semployeestoensuretheirknowl-edge and understanding of techniques, ways of working and cultural parameters from abroad are enhanced and developed

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?

Continued and extended funding from the EU in the form of Leonardo da Vinci funding, (to be Eras-mus +) for example, to assist with the above. Relocation funding for shortage sectors/ industries and target groups would be highly positive.

Other annotations

We are mindful of all relevant regulatory factors e.g. Visa requirements, Health & Safety Law and Practise, UK and EU Employment legislation.

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John Osborne

Telephone: 0845 430 9009

Email address:[email protected]

Location:West Byfleet

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in MITskills is a government funded training pro-vider delivering SFA Apprenticeships and EFA employability programmes. Started in 1998 by Hisham Zubeidi MITskills was originally Motor Industry Training and delivered apprenticeships solely to the motor vehicle industry.

MITskills has since expanded its delivery model to other sectors such as Business Improvement Techniques, Performing Manufacturing Opera-tions and Hairdressing.

MITskills was named one of the top providers in the UK by 10 Downing Street and is a leading provider in the Surrey and South East.

Mitskills currently has over 2000 apprentices on its programmes and a growing supply chain of companies that deliver on MITskills behalf.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? 16-24 year old learners who wish to enter the job market or train whilst in employment.

Who takes advantage of it?UK learners who require help or further training to achieve employment or improve their careers.

What does your company offer?

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What does your company offer?Vocationally based training centre equipped to a very high standard and full bespoke training solu-tions to meet learner and employer requirements. MIT delivers in the following sectors:

• MotorVehicle• BusinessImprovementTechniques• CustomerService• BusinessAdministration• HairDressing

MIT also offers Pre Apprenticeship programmes in all the above sectors for the unemployed.

What “best practice” examples you have done?We have constant feedback from the employers and learners we deal with as well as reporting sys-tem from our supply chain.

MITskills has achieved Investors in People Gold Award and the supply chain model used is now a new Investor in People model.

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What are your future plans? To increase our sector of delivery and expand the current business model.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Yes MITskills is currently growing its supply chain and increase the number of sectors it delivers. The main aim and company strategy is to be a one stop shop for government training programmes.

MIT continues to increase the value of the contracts it holds with central government and is now building relationships with other direct funded organisations to share best practice across its networks.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?Support from employers and the government funding agencies is crucial to the British economy. Constant support from all the relevant bodies is required to improve not only the education standard of the young people of today but also to ensure that a current and motivated workforce is available.

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Other annotations

The communication between employers and training organisation across the globe is of the high-est importance. As Technology progresses the world is becoming a smaller place and training needs need to keep up with the changes. Employers need to be better informed of what can be achieved by young people and the advantages of taking them on.

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MAN Turbo Diesel

Telephone: +49 208 692-01

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Steinbrinkstrasse 146145 OberhausenGermany

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, based in Augsburg, Ger-many, is the world’s leading provider of large-bore diesel engines and turbomachinery for marine and stationary applications. It designs two-stroke and four-stroke engines that are manufactured both by the company and by its licensees. The engines have power outputs rang-ing from 450 kW to 87 MW. MAN Diesel & Turbo also designs and manufactures gas turbines of up to 50 MW, steam turbines of up to 150 MW and compressors with volume flows of up to 1.5 million m³/h and pressures of up to 1,000 bar. The product range is rounded off by turbo-chargers, propellers, gas engines and chemical reactors. MAN Diesel & Turbo’s range of goods includes complete marine propulsion systems, turbomachinery units for the oil & gas as well as the process industries and turnkey power plants. Customers receive worldwide after-sales servic-es marketed under the MAN PrimeServ brand. The company employs around 15,000 staff at more than 100 international sites, primarily in Germany, Denmark, France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, India and China. MAN Diesel &

Turbo is a company in the Power Engineering business area of MAN SE.With the four Strategic Business Units Engines & Marine Systems, Power Plants, Turbomachin-ery and After Sales, they offer their customers a broad range of products and services in the fields of energy and transport.MAN can look back on more than 250 years of industrial history. The roots of the company, and indeed of the whole MAN Group, go back to 1758. That was the year the “St. Antony” Iron-works laid the foundation for the coal and steel industry in the Ruhr region. In the years 1893-1897 Rudolf Diesel, and M.A.N. engineers de-veloped the first diesel engine at the Augsburg premises, and, in 1904 the company constructed its first steam turbine at Oberhausen.This innovative spirit continues to characterise the company today – MAN Diesel & Turbo and their business units are one of the technological leaders in their sector. They forward technologi-cal developments to their relevant business seg-ments.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? The target group of MAN are young, motivated people with a good middle school edu-cation. MAN offers in various fields, professions education. The company still offers a dual degree for young people with a high school diploma.

Who takes advantage of it?Both. The trainee and the company take advantage of the concept.

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What does your company offer?The MAN Group is one of Europe’s leading commercial vehicle, engine and mechanical engineering companies, generating annual revenue of around 15.8 billion euros and employing a workforce of approx. 54,300 worldwide. MAN is a supplier of trucks, buses, diesel engines, turbomachinery and turnkey power plants, with all corporate divisions holding leading market positions.The strategy pursued by the MAN Group aims to create sustainable enhanced value in its fast-grow-ing business areas of Commercial Vehicles and Power Engineering. The Industrial Governance man-agement system, with its clear distribution of roles, centralises strategic management activities and strengthens the operational responsibilities of the three subgroups, MAN Truck & Bus, MAN Diesel & Turbo and MAN Latin America. Each area must measure up to the best competition in its field.The MAN Group’s guiding principles create a framework for responsible conduct on the part of all MAN employees, which is mandatory, to uphold the principles of sustainability. Our corporate values - reliable, innovative, dynamic and open - play a key role in MAN’s success in product markets and the capital market, as well as in attracting qualified employees, and social acceptance of all our business activities.MAN can look back on a corporate history of more than 250 years.

What “best practice” examples you have done?MAN offers employees many opportunities to grow with their duties.Working at MAN means developing ideas with enthusiasm and initiating changes. MAN are deter-mined to make their worldwide cutting-edge products a little bit better day by day and advance technology, pushing it beyond its existing limits. Working at MAN is influenced by the company’s international environment.

Success based on their valuesTheir corporate values - reliable, innovative, dynamic and open - have always shaped the people at MAN. They form the basis of MAN success, both in the past and for the future.

Worldwide presence offers perspectivesMAN employees work all over the world - developing large diesel engines in Denmark, assembling trucks in India or producing buses in Brazil.MAN is one of the world’s leading engineering groups, operating in more than 120 countries. Half of MAN (approx. 52,500 employees) work outside of Germany. This allows for international exchanges, cross-border teamwork among colleagues and Group-wide job rotation.

Challenges spur onMAN has developed its stronghold in the global market through outstanding engineering achieve-ments and the highest production quality. This is only possible by ensuring ongoing training and motivation of all employees. This is why MAN promotes initiative, and willingness to learn, on the part of each individual and supports personal development by way of a systematic development program.Taking on challenges and growing with one´s assignments - employees can gather international experience or change business areas at their worldwide locations. Developing new products or set-ting up new areas of activity can also offer a number of attractive challenges within a subgroup. MAN supports anyone who is happy to accept new challenges and shows talent and commitment, by providing extensive programs and training courses.

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Managers from our own ranksAnyone who qualifies, especially in terms of technical, commercial and social compe-tence, has the possibility of participating in MAN’s own management development program. This program serves to successively prepare trainee managers and high-po-tential employees for future assignments. Targeted promotion of their own manage-ment trainees allows them to fill most executive positions with their own employees.

Assessing performance and potentialThe core of MAN’s personnel management is based on a fair and objective assessment of performance and potential. MAN therefore regularly carries out such assessments. Employees and supervisors jointly analyse and evaluate the employee’s skills from their own perspective. The result of this potential assessment is incorporated into an indi-vidual development plan.

Individual development planAn individual development and support agreement is drawn up based on the poten-tial assessed. Specific support measures are agreed for the next year by comparing the competency profile, the employee’s experience and the future assignment. These in-clude:

On–the-job measures MAN´s dynamic approach offers regular opportunities for dedicated employ-ees to grow with new assignments. They can, for instance, expand their own cultural horizon during a limited stay abroad, collecting managerial experience by acting as a substitute for a few months, or improving their management techniques as a project manager. Off-the-job measures Technical seminars, training programs for personal development, coaching or development programs offered by the MAN Executive Academy, as well as other se-lected management schools. MAN´s extensive range of offerings allows each employee to further develop his or her own social and technical skills.

Target agreement systemEach year, managers and employees agree individual targets for employees at a joint meeting. A performance assessment at the end of each year serves to determine the degree to which an employee has achieved his or her personal target and also to as-certain the amount of variable remuneration due. In this way, a direct link is created between personal performance and the company´s successMAN also offers all employees a variety of benefits in the companiesMAN believes in good workplace conditions. These form a basis for employee commit-ment. This is why MAN makes sure that each employee can benefit from the advan-tages of a worldwide enterprise.

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MAN leads the way in terms of personal and social benefits, as much as in the use of innovative tech-nologies. The most important terms are:

Company pension planFor many decades, the company pension plan has been one of the most important benefits. The MAN Group provides employees with an employer-financed company pension plan as part of the MAN Profit-Sharing and Pension Plan (MPP). In addition, it helps to boost private pension plans by way of deferred compensation. Managers are also offered their own pension plan based on our Capi-tal Account Plan.

Occupational health and safety and health promotionMAN wants their employees to stay healthy. This is why they have launched several initiatives to pre-vent occupational illnesses. These initiatives include physiotherapy advice for assembly-line workers, occupational health checkups, skin protection days, cardiovascular risk advice or activities, such as running meetings, back care programs and nutrition and non-smoking courses.

If an employee still becomes sick, MAN provides support in the form of outpatient and emergency care. And of course, they also help employees reintegrate into the workforce after an accident.

KindergartenTo allow employees to combine job and family as easily as possible, MAN has, among other things, set up a child care center, “MAN Löwenkinder”, in some locations. “MAN Löwenkinder” is open to all children and offers 36 daycare and 50 kindergarten places with educational support in an area cover-ing a total of 800 square meters.

Variable remunerationAnyone taking on special responsibilities at MAN is able to benefit from the company’s success. Vari-able remuneration creates a direct link between personal performance and the company’s success. This can therefore be individually influenced by each manager and jointly by all employeesMAN corporate values - reliable, innovative, dynamic and open - have always shaped the people at MAN. They form the basis of our success, both in the past and for the future.

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What are your future plans?

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?They are still looking for personalities who can apply both their technical and social competence. Outstanding performance is only possible in a team where everyone can contribute their skills. The working world is influenced by decade-long relationships with international busi-ness partners. It goes without saying that MAN expects their employees to respect oth-er cultures and assume social responsibility.MAN employees act as initiators of technological change and they are looking for top performers who want to make a difference.

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GSI – Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH

Christian Ahrens Wolfgang Hildebrand-Peters

Telephone: +49 203 3781-132

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Bismarckstraße 8547057 DuisburgGermany

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in GSI - Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik Inter-national mbH - was founded in 1999 by DVS - Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und ver-wandte Verfahren e.V. (German Association of Welding and Allied Processes).

It is an amalgamation of efficient Schweißtech-nische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalten (SLVs) (Welding Institutes) with 80 years of experience in joining and testing technology. The branch Bildungszentren Rhein-Ruhr (BZ RR) is responsi-ble for the practical training and the training of trainers in cooperation with SLV Duisburg in the Rhein-Ruhr area in Germany.

GSI is a non-profit liability company which works neutrally for individuals, craft firms, industrial companies, authorities and research institutes. The target of GSI is common education and con-sulting, as well as technology transfer in Germa-ny and abroad.

GSI is active on the fields of education, consult-ing, providing expertise, research, development and trial testing. Furthermore, it aims at an inten-sive technology transfer between Germany and abroad, thus assuring a high extent of compe-tence in the fields of welding, cutting and test-ing.

Through the long-standing experience in weld-ing, cutting and testing, GSI is the competent provider in the field of theoretical and practical education and training. All training courses are offered considering the German technical rules and standards as well as guidelines of the DVS, the EWF (European Federation for Welding, Join-ing and Cutting) and the IIW (International Insti-tute for Welding). The practical training of welders as ‘’Interna-tional Welder“ in GSI is based on the guidelines of the International Institute of Welding (IIW). It

comprises the practical training and theoretical education of welders with examinations accord-ing to DIN EN 287 and DIN EN ISO 9606, respec-tively.

The practical training of the participants aims at welding trial and test pieces, as well as teach-ing knowledge of the processes, material be-haviour and the relevant standards and safety regulations. The practical training provides the participant with the comprehensive capabilities required for practical work in manufacture or as-sembly.

Theoretical education and training (train the trainer/inspector) is offered within GSI according to the overriding topics: Education of welding personnel, welding – joining – cutting, manu-facturer qualification – certification – approval, manufacture, materials, construction, material testing, corrosion, corrosion protection, sur-face treatment, truck superstructures, adhesive bonding, general further training and labour protection.

Furthermore, GSI SLVs offer a comprehensive programme of conferences and colloquia. For example the conference WELDING TRAINER – “The Future of Education” (

The conference WELDING TRAINER is about the emphasis of the application and integration of the welding simulation systems into practical welding education. The conference informs about the development of modern, virtual education systems for the ed-ucation of welders. We will inform about mod-ern Virtual Welding Training Systems (VWTS) and about the way participants are being trained by their integration into regular welding training.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? International Welding Engineer (IWE), Welding Technologist (IWT), Welding Specialist (IWS), Welding Instructor/Trainer, Welders, technical students and trainees, employed, unemployed, people of all ages, disadvantaged people with a good manual skills, etc.

Who takes advantage of it?Industrial employers and employees, chambers, government, job centre, etc.

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What does your company offer?- Welder Training- Special Training- Training, Testing and Certification ac-cording to DIN EN ISO 7912 (NDT)- Training of Welding Supervisors- Training of Specialist Corrosion Protec-tion Personnel- Conferences/Seminars- Manufacturer Qualifications and Weld-ing Certificates- Construction and Fabrication Monitor-ing- Certification Procedures via DVS Zert

- Testing, Monitoring and Certification (TMC) Agency for Construction Products in Met-al Construction According to the Pressure Vessel Directive- Testing Agency for Railway Welding Consumables- Qualification of Welding Processes- Expert Reports- Research, Development and Technology for optimum fabrication in the welding industry.

What “best practice” examples you have done?

In the past 15 years, different Welding Train-ing Systems have been developed all over the world and discussions have been initiated as to whether, and to what extent, the so-called Vir-tual Welding Training Systems (VWTS) can be in-tegrated into the welders’ is being discussed just as intensively whether the VWTS are even ringing in the end of classi-cal welder training. Amongst other bodies, the “Welding Training Systems” working group in DVS which was founded in September 2011 is dealing with questions like these. In this work-ing group, GSI is also intensively involved in ex-pert discussion about everything to do with the VWTS as well as in their refinement.The Premiere event on the subject took place in 2010, i.e. the first international GSI specialist conference entitled “WELDING TRAINER 2010 — The Future of Education”. In its Welding Train-ing Systems Laboratory, GSI — Bildungszentren Rhein-Ruhr develops and tries out a modular training concept in order to be able to integrate the VWTS into the welding training. GSI present-ed the initial results on the occasion of the sec-ond international conference entitled WELDING TRAINER 2012 at SLV Duisburg in Germany.Two fundamental facts are already definite at present: On the one hand, the VWTS will be re-fined technically as a result of experience and rising computer capacities. On the other hand, the VWTS nevertheless cannot succeed in por-traying all the aspects of the real welding pro-cess.

The greatest advantage of the VWTS is the chance for permanent correction by the system during the exercise. Furthermore, the trainer has the possibility of seeing the exercise sequence and the trainee at the same time. Thus, the train-er can provide assistance directly. This results in a totally new teaching and learning situation. Because the trainee is already corrected and as-sessed during the virtual welding process where-as, in classical training, the quality of the welding bead of the trainee is, as a rule, only evaluated after the real welding process. Due to the direct feedback of the VWTS, a greater understanding of the sequences is permitted at the start of the training in welding technology. By practising the individual parameters, the learners are guided to the manual skills required for the welding pro-cess step by step. In spite of this, the VWTS are not all-rounders and limits are set on them too. The experts agree that the systems cannot re-place the training in the booth altogether.

Last but not least, VWTS are ideal means of arousing the enthusiasm of novices for welding technology, of improving the image of welding technology, and of awakening positive associa-tions to this occupational field.

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What are your future plans? We will be holding a national Welding Trainer Conference 2014 in Duisburg, Germany and an international Welding Trainer Conference 2015 at the DVS-Congress/DVS-Expo in Nuremberg, Germany. Besides giving a platform for the latest updates concerning the Virtual Welding Training Systems, the conference provides an international stage to discuss, but also to push forward, a standardised curriculum and the development of a mandatory ‘train the trainer’ seminar in order to instruct welding personnel on a broad basis. Furthermore we are involved in a European Leonardo Networking project called “Interactive Weld”. In this project studies and dissemination actions are planned. On the national site we are also planning projects to integrate VWTS regularly and on a huge basis into the welders training and are looking for support and subsidies for these plans

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Step by step the GSI will be going on with the integration of VWTS into the welding training of all levels. GSI has widened the scope of participants concerned in the VWTS and identified different interested parties, such as practical welding empoyees, engi-neers, educators and trainers but also vocational training colleges and industry. GSI in cooperation with the DVS will provide information about the development of and results in the field of VWTS during their conferences. Other dissemination possibilities will also be supported by the GSI.

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What kind of support would you need to realise your plans?Financial support for projects and the equipment.

Other annotations

We have Company Headquarters and Cooperating Facilities in:- Germany- Czech Republic- Poland- GUS/Baltic States (Tallin)- Turkey- Egypt- China

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WBO Wirtschaftsbetriebe Oberhausen GmbH

Eva Elsweiler

Telephone: + 49 208 8578-414

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Buschhausener Str. 14946049 OberhausenGermany

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in The publicly-owned-undertakings of the City Oberhausen (WBO) are a service company in the field of supply and disposal. Its main tasks

include street cleaning, road construction and urban de-watering and waste disposal.WBO is a publicly - privately run company.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? In the case of New Skills and New Jobs the target audience of WBO is the trainees of the organisation.

Who takes advantage of it?Both. The trainee and the company take advantage of the concept (see below).

What does your company offer?

The company offers services for the city and their inhabitants. For young people with high school graduation it offers the opportunity to learn the profession of car me-chatronics.

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What “best practice” examples have you undertaken?

The aim of the training at WBO is to train the trainees for their own company. As many of them as possible should be transferred into company-jobs, after final qualification in their training.

For the selection of trainees a particular process already been used for many years. In addition to good academic performance, special attention is paid on the social skills of the future trainees. After testing the trainees complete typical forms for the job; they will be also tested in a personal interview. These interviews take place with HR management, the leader of education, and the employee representative.After consultation of all three parties it will be decided who will get the traineeship/vocational training opportunities at WBO.

During the last years, the company offered the trainees a special item in their education. Every week there is a lesson that is called “Meisters-tunde” (Hour of the Master of Training) for the trainees.In the implementation, that means that the trainees learn every week for two hours, to-gether with their training supervisor, in a special room with time allocated.

During this time the trainees work on their spe-cial work plans. After finishing, these will be controlled by the training supervisor. The work plans are dependent on the year of education and they are part of their training.The trainees have to demonstrate these results in the form of a training report. Under the super-vision of their training supervisor the work plans

are checked, and adjusted accordingly, after completion.

The trainees have also the opportunity to ask their questions during the lessons. In certain cases, it is possible to create a test on special collected exhibits. The training supervisor gets, through this procedure, an accurate impression of the efforts of each trainee. Weaker trainees will also be offered the opportu-nity to take part in tutoring at school.

By constant monitoring and support of the ap-prentices, the company tries to avoid the risk of the trainees achieving poor results.A further additiional effect of the “Meisters-tunde” is that the trainees get the feeling of be-ing perceived as part of the company.

As a result, it should be noted that throughout the past few years, each trainee has passed his final examination.In addition, a large number of trainees have moved into a permanent job at WBO and are now already key players in the company.Some of the trainees endeavour to undertake the next level of education at a masters’ school.

So the company educates their own key players for their needs, and aligns their future to youth.

Of course, time and money play a big role for this type of care. However, this is supported by the training supervisor and sponsored by the com-pany/WBO.

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What are your future plans? To compensate the retirement of mature employees by well-trained young people.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Continuing with this support of young people and trainees.

What kind of support you would need to realize your plans?Despite intense conversation and selection before the beginning of the vocational edu-cation, some trainees break off their education and leave without a qualification. They have shown themselves at job-interviews from one aspect only. Testing of soft skills would be desirable for these cases.

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START Zeitarbeit NRW GmbH

Andre Möllenbeck

Telephone: +49 (0) 201835140

Email address:[email protected]

Location:START Zeitarbeit NRW GmbH Viehofer Straße 68 45127 Essen

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in START is a temporary employment agency that links the requirements of companies with the potential of motivated temporary employeesto a successful concept throughout North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in Germany.

START assists companies in case of peaks of work orders or outfalls because of illness. The compe-tent staff of START guarantees a fast and efficient processing of personal requests and job match-ing.

Only if all three parties - customers, applicants and temporary employment agencies - find their ideas in this “triangle business”, it is successful.

Summary of services:- Development of a requirement profile- Personnel recruitment and selection ac-cording to the requirements- Continuous advisory service- Motivated, high-performance employ-ees- Qualified authorized agents as a perma-nent contact for your personnel planning- Extensive network of offices in NRW

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Jobseekers with different skill levels

Who takes advantage of it?Companies and temporary workers in NRW

What does your company offer?Not always correspond the qualification of the employee to the requirements of the customer. Therefore, the qualification of time workers of START has a great importance. From year to year a large part of the surplus is used to qualify the employees.

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With the suitable training of the temporary em-ployees, START optimizes the competitiveness of enterprises and the employability of employees. Planning, organization and monitoring of the qualification process is done by the authorized agents. On the basis of the requirement profiles the staff is prepared with modular trainings for

the labor market. The transfer of professional knowledge and skills takes place in a network of cooperating educational institutions. If nec-essary or desired, the training can takes place at the workplace in companies.

What “best practice” examples you have done?START offers employees an in-service training for the acquisition of vocational qualification as ma-chine and plant operator (degree of the Cham-ber of Commerce):- Duration: 6 months (training on the job)- Educational objective: external exami-nation- 150 hours of theory lessons in presence phases (at work)- 150 teaching hours of theory in self-learning phases with the help of a tutor-assisted learning platform alternating with attendance phases (blended learning)- Practical part is passed at companies (=customers). Here also the practical part of the final examination takes part.- Learning level measurement by learning platform- Double burden: “Work + Learning” is re-

duced by “learning to learn” training modules and by health care delivery modules for dealing with stress and test anxiety- Pre-condition: 3 years practical work ex-perience (activities of an expert!)- Until now 40 participants with the age of 35-55 years; a lot of them have migration back-ground- Low Drop-out rate- Failure rate = 0- Approx. 50% of the participants get a fixed job at the customers enterprise- Large image factor for temporary em-ployment - Employees can be employed for better (qualified) jobs- Employees have saver jobs in crisis times- Guarantee for employment after a suc-cessful qualification for the staff

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What are your future plans? In-service training will be extended to the acquisition of professional qualifications for metalworker (German: “Teilezurichter”) and warehousemen.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Development of customized flexible qualifications to ensure the demand for qualified and skilled workers.

What kind of support you would need to realize your plans?Flexible offers of training providers.

In cooperation with health care experts shall be developed training modules to strengthen psychosocial health resources. Educational institutions should integrate these trainings into their qualifications.

Other annotationsExpansion of the core business to job transfer and optimizing the branch network by fusion with the Traq.

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Inštitút hospodárskej politiky, n. o. (IHP)

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)

Lucia Kleštincová

Telephone: +421 903 556 728

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Bratislava, Slovakia

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in The Economic Policy Institute (EPI, Slovak name: Institut hospodarskej politiky) is both an eco-nomic think-tank and an independent, apolitical and non-profit organisation. EPI was established in October 2009.

As a third sector entity, EPI wants, through its activities, to contribute to the development of an independent society based on the principle of market economy. Our institute considers free-

dom and rights of a citizen to be the most sig-nificant democratic principle of such society. It is through comments on social events and matters especially in economic areas that we strive to support social discussions about current issues directly or indirectly affecting citizens. Based on conducted analyses, in particular analyses of public finances, we want to raise arguments in-tended for not only experts, but also the general public.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Graduates, employers.

Who takes advantage of it?As potential beneficiaries of feedback from the labour market we perceive all actors involved in the “production and consumption” of education: applicants for study and their parents, students, universities, government institutions, employers, the media and other actors in the process of improving university education .

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What does your company offer?

Our main activities include:• conductinganalysesof sectordevelop-ment in the field of public administration• conducting analyses of particular eco-nomic policy components of the Slovak govern-ment• regular quarterly evaluation of the de-velopment of public finances• organizing conferences andworkshopsdedicated to specific issues relating to the econ-

omy• presenting outcomes of our own EPIwork through media• makingcommentsondecisionsofgov-ernment and opposition in the field of the econ-omy through the media• organizingtraining• officialpublications

What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?

Linking the universities and the labour marketWith the kind expertise and financial support of PosAm Ltd.The project aims to encourage public debate on the rarely discussed concept of allocative ef-ficiency in Slovak higher education. A value-for-money approach is proposed as an alternative to quantity-driven financing. The latter has had some adverse impact on the quality of higher education and ultimately led to a brain-drain of Slovak talent and limited graduate employabil-ity.

The project has unfolded in two streams, which are seen as essential for enhancement of gradu-ate employability. Firstly, on the policy level, ex-pert discourse among all relevant stakeholders

has been facilitated to promote the urgent need to launch nation-wide graduate tracer studies, more efficient allocation of disposable resourc-es, and greater responsiveness to labour market needs.

Secondly, on a community level, the project plat-form “Nemaj na saláme” ( informs future university students´ choice by providing them with unique information on the most popular graduate jobs (job requirements, salary expectations in the respective sectors etc.). In addition, 150.000 brochures summa-rizing this information have been distributed among high-school students all over Slovakia.

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What are your future plans?

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?

What kind of support you would need to realize your plans?

According to analysis of supply and demand for education it will be possible to specify parameters for future changes of content in the higher education system. No other ap-proach to the conception of reform creates the necessary preconditions for such provi-sion of educational services, the outcome of which will be that graduates will be well prepared to enter the labour market, and in accordance with the currently required competency profile B.

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Spojená škola (secondary vocational school)

Mgr. Dušan Hanula

Telephone: +421 43 400 11 50

Email address:[email protected]


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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in A Secondary vocational school in Martin partici-pates in the fulfillment of the objectives of the education system.The main objective of the school is to continue building a comprehensive educational body for

the preparation of specialists, particularly in the fields of engineering, automotive industry, elec-trical engineering and preparing professionals for small and medium businesses.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? students, employers.

Who takes advantage of it?students employerspotential employeesprospective students

What does your company offer?We cooperate with the following companies, institutions and employers in the region to maximize the placement of students in the labour market, not only in the region but also in the European Union: Automotive KIA Motors Slovakia Ltd., Volkswagen Martin, Lombardini, Viena International, Maschintech, ZOS vrútky, Nissan – car servis and other 47 companies and service centers.

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On the basis of cooperation with practice, we find out their needs and try to match the content of education.

We also cooperate with the practise in the field

of application of new information and com-munications technologies: Siemens, Enika Ltd., Jablotron Ltd.

What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?

Along with practice we cooperate also with in-stitutions of higher education, for example with University of Žilina or Constantine the Philoso-pher University in Nitra.

Our school operates as a training and consul-tancy centre for e-twinning projects, e-twinning

for international cooperation of schools in the European Union.

We also have the status of Centre for Vocation-al Education and Training – we ensure quality theoretical and practical training for students in companies focusing on their needs - the place-ment and employability of graduates.

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What are your future plans? Educational innovation and using of modern diagnostic and measurement techniques to adapt the learning process to the requirements of employers in the automotive in-dustry.

Rebuilding the content, form and methods of teaching - this will lead to innovations in the education process, through the use of advanced methods and forms of teaching to develop the key competencies of students.

Everything with regard to the requirements of employers in the automotive industry as well as improvement of the material-technical base of the school, and the involve-ment of modern technologies and progressive didactic tools, adapt educational school system and our graduates to the needs of employers.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Whereas we are the most successful vocational school in the region, we have many students and believe in increasing tendency.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?EU grant for technical modernisations.

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TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.

TREXIMA Bratislava, Ltd.

PaedDr. Lucia Dítětová

(manager of the labour market and human resources section)

Telephone: 02/333 222 96

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Bratislava, Slovakia

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in Our specialized statistical research and advi-sory consulting company was established in 1992. We develop and apply in Slovakia, as well as in its regions, new, effective methods in the modern and successful survey of wages, em-ployment, human resources management and comprehensive productivity. We systematically develop and apply new approaches; we follow best international experience and best practice

in research, monitoring and forecasting labour market needs, the development of employment, earnings and labour costs. Based on a compre-hensive knowledge of various aspects of the la-bour market we will implement a unique know-how in the field of information systems designed to meet the information needs of our clients and to systematically increase their success in secur-ing their own jobs.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? In the first place, it is intended for unemployed people, both jobseekers and voluntar-ily unemployed who are looking for work. They can find here employers’ requirements as regards to education, knowledge, skills, competencies (e.g. communication, foreign language skills, presentation skills, physical fitness, etc.), but also a continuously up-dated database of job vacancies.

Who takes advantage of it?The information is also intended for pupils, students, their parents and school counsel-lors regarding what education is needed to perform various jobs, for which schools offer such education, as well as advice on planning a future career.

Employees of labour offices gain a useful information system facilitating registration process of clients, creation of their personal profiles and their mediation to employers with vacancies, plus planning of job seekers training and the like.

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Employers receive useful information as regards to performance of personnel management, pub-lishing of requirements for the qualification of the labour force and publishing of job vacancies.

Who participates in the creation of the catalogue of occupations and how?

What does your company offer?

It’s the experts from various fields, i.e. employ-ers, educational counsellors, teachers, psycholo-gists, physicians, statisticians, who work in ISTP expert teams. They provide information about characteristics of jobs, optimal education (in-

cluding degree and study programmes), certifi-cates, health restrictions as well as wages and job vacancies.

What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?

ISTP - - stands for Labour Market Integrated System which is a database of all existing jobs in the Slovak labour market, as well as counselling tools that are useful for find-ing a job corresponding to educational attain-ment, experience, knowledge and skills of the website user.

ISTP has been operating since 2003. The reason for its creation was high unemployment, which necessitated the need to improve and optimize advisory and brokerage services of labour of-fices. For this purpose, a free publicly-accessible portal was created that offers to the unemployed on-line access to their labour potential diagnosis and follow-up search of adequate job vacancies. It was also an appeal to employers to publicly articulate their requirements and demands for a qualified workforce.

The project is guaranteed by the state authori-ties. Project Garant is Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic and the project coordinator is the Central Office of La-bour, Social Affairs and Family.

Worth mentioning is also is support from the Federation of Employers’ Associations of the Slo-vak Republic, National Union of Employers, Con-federation of Trade Unions of the Slovak Repub-lic and Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Slovak Republic, for instance in the con-text of Slovakia’s commitments arising from the European Social Charter and ILO Convention on free provision of timely labour market informa-tion. Functionality of the application is ensured by TREXIMA Bratislava implementation team.

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Iemployers, employees

Who takes advantage of it?employers,representatives of employers,jobseekers,employeesemployee representatives,central government authorities,Labour Officesrepresentatives of governments,pupils and students,graduates of high schools and universities,career advisers,training institutions etc.

(system of professions)

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What does your company offer? - Analysis of mechanisms for labour mar-ket monitoring and transferring its requirements in education, and labour market training in EU countries, OECD and the Slovak Republic,- proposal for system solution to harmo-nization of current and future demands of the labour market with education and training sys-

tems to labour markets in the Slovak Republic,- design, creation and regular updating of a publicly accessible information system of a Na-tional system of professions.

What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?

http://www.sustavapovolani.skHere you can find a Job register and register of competencies

Job register:Database of national standards in employment classified by economic activities, which includes employers’ demands placed on qualified job performance.

As a first step, select a working area that interests you, or use full-text search engine employed.Than you can find relevant work positions

(for example: Gastronomy - F&B Manager, Bar Manager, Waiter, etc. – for each you can find a card of this work position which contains the characteristics of this positions and required competencies (professional knowledge, profes-sional skills, general competence)

register of competenciesAn internet application that is used to present the content database skills (professional knowl-edge, professional skills, general competence). Competence can be described as a set of require-ments (skills) necessary for good performance of the selected job. Constitutes a major part of the structure of the national employment standards. register - register of competencies)

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What are your future plans? Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and high quality services cooperating organisa-tions and all partners. The main principles of our work are high quality, reliability, flexibility and efficiency.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?TREXIMA Bratislava holds a certificate of quality management system from a reputable company Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance according to EN ISO 9001:2008 and EN ISO 9001:2009. Consistent and correct application of the demanding requirements of these standards provides us with sufficient support for long-term development, innovation and continuous improvement achieved results and ensures compliance with the prin-ciples of the Code of the European Statistical Office.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?Further cooperation with all stakeholders.

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Bursa Teknoloji Servis Merkezi

Murat Ocaklı

Telephone: +90 (224) 253 10 10

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Bursa ,Turkey

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in BTSM Kurumsal was established in 1998. The company is selling some electronics products, after sales maintenance and operation services, and it has an e –trade department .The company has had a training department since 2002 .There are trainings for employees about IT techolo-gies, maintenance and operation services. There

are 35 employees in the organisation .The or-ganisation also gives company training to the apprentices from vocational schools. Most of the company employees are the people who have had apprenticeship training at the company be-fore.The company is an authorized service point for the electronics company VESTEL, Turkey .

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Our target group is the customers to whom we sell electronics products (TVs etc), the customers to whom we give services and after sales, and our employees/ apprentices.

Who takes advantage of it?Our customers can have better services after the new technologies training. The ap-prentices who have new training in our company are employed in our company and other companies .

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What does your company offer? • Homeelectronicssales• ITproductssales• MaintenanceandOperationsservices–after sales• CustomerTrainingafter-sales• Occupational Health and Safety Train-ings for apprentices and employees

• CurrentandNewTechnologiestrainingfor the electronics products the company is sell-ing

What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?

Our company have done much special training to different people as below, which is best prac-tice to enable people to have new skills:

1-Technical Professional Development Training : The employees and apprentices have had occu-pational development training, new electronic devices and maintenance Technologies related to the changing technics with the support of the company VESTEL –The training can be done in-side the company and/or at the factory plants of VESTEL in Manisa,TURKEY

2-The students from vocational technical high

school have had practical training on new elec-tronic products once a year characteristics of this positions and required competencies (professional knowledge, profes-sional skills, general competence)

register of competenciesAn internet application that is used to present the content database skills (professional knowl-edge, professional skills, general competence). Competence can be described as a set of require-ments (skills) necessary for good performance of the selected job. Constitutes a major part of the structure of the national employment standards.

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What are your future plans? The company is planning to have more new technical departments related to elec-tronics area services.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Our organisation would like to work further on current projects .

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?We need consultancy support, learning know- how of new technologies, exchange of experiences through meeetings and workshops.

Other annotationsWe would like to continue these international studies with different partners.

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Bursa Elektronikçiler Odası

Talat Demircan

Telephone: +90 224 224 40 45

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Bursa ,Turkey

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in • EnglishDespiteAllNegativityGrundtvigProject

The project is about English training.

Since English has become the main language of international communication, it is essential for European citizens to improve their English com-munication skills. The objectives of the partner-ship are the following:- To share best practice to enable one an-other to understand the methodologies of each partner country in communication skills, visiting different organisations during workshops to ob-serve their methods of English teaching.- To improve communication skills in Eng-lish of both learners and trainers.-To understand and value the expertise of each institution involved in the project.- To provide trainers who teach English with new ideas and tools to help them meet their target groups’ needs.- To support entrepreneurial activities and improve workers’ skills as far as international professional communication is concerned.- To improve job opportunities.

• NewSkillsNewJobs

“The New Skills and New Jobs – Bridging the

Gap” project is a collaborative partnership in-volving organisations from Germany, Portugal, Slovakia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. The Project aims to contribute the objectives of the Progress Program 2011 Call for Proposals by Im-plementing the skills dimension of the flagship initiative “An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs”.

AimsIn this framework, the key aims of the project are:- To share best practices between differ-ent partners and also within actors involved in market job;- To get familiar with existing tools of skills diagnosis and prognosis in European institu-tions;- To increase knowledge about how to de-velop methodologies of projection to anticipate skills needs;- To increase knowledge about how to adapt the training system to skills demand;

• Occupational Health and Safety AwarenessProject

- Awareness Campaign for 1200 members - Training in Health and Safety for 400 members- Annual training for 1200 people

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Our target group is the members of the Chamber, their employees, apprentices .

Who takes advantage of it?Members , their employees, apprentices .

What does your company offer?Our studies are determined by No. 5362 Craftsman Law. The Chamber studies are re-lated to these duties:

To fulfill the vocational and technical requirements of the member crafts & artisan and their employees, to support them concerning vocational development and providing vocational training for the No. 5362 law .

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What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?Our chamber has undertaken much specialist training for different people which is best prac-tice in enabling people to gain new skills:

3-GSM Maintenance and Operation Training : The participants trained on mobile phone main-tenance which was a new occupational branch thus increasing the empoloyability rate

4-LCD/LED TV Maintenance and Service Train-ing : The members and their employees had oc-cupational development training on LCD/LED TV maintenance 5-The students from vocational technical high school had practical training on Satellite-Anten-na Maintenance and Service Training in 2 groups of 43, and 20 students respectively.

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What are your future plans? The chamber plans to do projects on “Health and Safety” –“Renewable Energy“ - “Waste Management and Recycling for electronic tools and components” .

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Our organisation would like to work further on current projects

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?We need consultancy support, learning know- how of new technologies, exchange of the experiences with meeetings and workshops.

Other annotationsWe would like to continue the international studies with different partners .

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Coşkunöz Vocational Education Foundation ( CEF )

Gültekin İpek

Telephone: 0 224 280 06 97

Email address:[email protected]

Location:Bursa / Turkey

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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in CEF are executing permanent programmes and projects in the field of vocational education.

The Projects are - EU Project: ‘’Here is the Opportunity!‘‘ which is about active employment. This project focused on women and youth. 150 unemployed attended. At the end of the training programmes 98 unemployed were recruited. ( 2008 – 2010 ).

- EU Project: ‘’ Educating and Recruiting of Disabled ‘’. This project executed by CEF, Bosch

and İşkur involved as participants and promot-ers. 60 disabled attended this project and ap-proximately 75% of them were recruited. (2005 – 2006).

- Ministry of Education Project: Designing and Applying of Quality Module for Vocational High Schools. CEF gave quality programmes to students. After that, the Ministry of Education set this programme to curriculum (2007).

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Target groups are graduates from high schools, unemployed, disabled and woman.

Who takes advantage of it?Employers, unemployed and graduates who have not any vocation.

- To ensure vocation by training programmes and jobs by a recruitment centre - To ensure work opportunity- To support and improve skills - Scholarships for about 50 students every year

What does your company offer?Approximately 5.000 people make use of CEF programmes over 25 years. Its resources coming from Coşkunöz Holding companies revenue. CEF is in coordination with univer-sities and ındustry.

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What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?Permanent Programmes : - Vocational Training Programme ap-proved by the Ministry of Education since 1988. To date 25 periods realised. This programme takes 18 months. - Applied Vocational Development Pro-gramme since 2006. 12 months duration.

- Technical Teacher Improvement Pro-gramme since 2008. - Heavy and Dangerous Work Programmes for companies. - Technical training programmes request-ed by industry.

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What are your future plans? Expanding our services, giving scholarships to more students.

Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?Being a foundation giving direction to vocational technology.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?We need the support of government to improve the technical training materials, tools and machines.

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The Turkish Employers’ Association Of Construction Indus-tries (İNTES)

H.Necati Ersoy-Secretary General

Telephone: 0312 4415380

Email address:[email protected]


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Briefly describe the project(s) in which your organisation is currently involved in The general aim of the project is to define na-tional standards and qualifications for the oc-cupations of Wooden Formworker, Barbender, Industrial Piping Fitter, Industrial Formworker, Construction Painter , Work Health and Safety Staff (Construction), Ceramic Tile Setter Plaster-er, and Tunnel Formworker, whose priority has been identified across the construction sector, and to establish and operate an effective and sustainable ‘Occupational Qualifications - Exami-nation and Certification Centre’ compatible with the EQF and based on the NQS for these occupa-tions.

The project facilities would help to strengthen the relationship between occupational training and employment in the construction ındustry, ensuring active participation in the sector by all stakeholders serving the sector, identifying and documenting the levels of occupational knowl-edge, skill and competence of the labour force working and wishing to work in the construction sector in Turkey. Finally, quality will improve, de-veloping employment and increased efficiency and competitiveness in the Turkish construction sector and so the national economy

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When you think about best practices related with “New Ski-lls & New Jobs” and creating bridges

Who is your target group? Construction workers, employers, field engineers, trainers, technicians, organisations providing occupational training

Who takes advantage of it?Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, Minis-try of National Education, Higher Education Council, Vocational Qualifications Agency, Turkish Employment Agency, Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, Public Procurement Agency, Non-governmental organisations operating in the sector

What does your company offer?Forming the positions of ‘Vocational Qualification Specialists’ and training activitiesDefining national occupational standards and qualifications. Developing examination materials, preparing the infrastructure for the accreditation process.

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EEstablishing the Occupational Qualification – Examination and Certification Centre Informa-tion Processing System, Competence Certifi-cates and Bar Code Identity Cards Pilot applications concerning examination and certification procedures, documenting compe-

tent candidates in the construction sector.

What “best practice” examples you have undertaken?

During the project, work was completed on the administrative and technical infrastructure for the accreditation by TÜRKAK in accordance with the procedures and principles of 17024 TS EN ISO/IEC and the authorisation by the VQA of the Occupational Qualification and Certification Economic Enterprise of the Employers Associa-tion of Turkish Construction Industrialists (INTES MYM), which was established in January 2010 and operates as an Examination and Certifica-tion Centre (VOC_TEST). The Accreditation Cer-tificate was obtained on 05.01.2012 for the occu-pations of Wooden Formworker, Barbender and Industrial Piping Fitter. The certification author-ity was obtained from the VQA on 19.01.2012.

Following the completion of the accreditation and authorisation process under the project, Oc-cupational Qualification Exams were held in line with requests coming to the INTES OQC. A total of 229 candidates were taken into the examina-tion and 111 candidates were entitled to receive certificates.

Lecture notes covering the learning outputs in-cluded in the national qualifications have been prepared for each occupation by academics. The notes have been made available for use on the INTES web page free of charge.

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What are your future plans? The goal of the INTES is to prepare standards and national qualifications for 50 occu-pations with priority in the construction sector and to obtain the authority to carry out certification in these occupations. After the end of the project, the basic vocational qualifications system will be extended and further developed.

Efforts will also be maintained to promote the national qualifications system and to increase awareness in the sector. The number of institutions and organisations with which there is cooperation in this respect will be increased. In addition, joint projects will be implemented with the public authorities concerned with the subject, and ef-forts made to increase the employment of workers holding Vocational Qualification Certificates in the sector. The first step in this direction is the protocol signed between the ISKUR and the INTES. Under this protocol, the door will be opened for unemployed persons registered with the ISKUR, across the country, to be taken into vocational quali-fication exams.

Demand is increasing among member firms of the INTES to have their employees ac-quire certificates. The INTES OQC will continue its services to respond to such demand.

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Did you expand in the next three years further on your project?With projects directed mainly towards increas-ing quality and developing human resources in the construction sector, important experience has been gained in relation to raising awareness among the relevant stakeholders in the sector. In the next three years developing quality assur-

ance syatem for certification process is the main target of İNTES.

What kind of support would you need to realize your plans?Strong coordination between the TURKAK, MYK and MEB would help to realise our plan.

Providing a contribution from all stakeholders is also important.

Other annotationsPositive feedback has been received from the owners of construciton firms about the certification system in the construction sector. The owners of firms became acquainted with the seriousness of the system and its implementation principles during the vocational qualification examination. İNTES continue to hold one-to-one meetings with the firm owners to create awareness about the vocational qualifications system and certification in the sector.

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New Skills and New Jobs - Bridge the Gap is a Project funded with European Commission support coordinated by the Kerigma (Portugal) in cooperation with GSI-Gesellschaft für Sch-weisstechnik International mbH (Germany),IPCA - EST-Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave - Escola Superior de Tecnologia (Portugal), BIC BB - Business Incubator Centre in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia), BELKTRO - Bursa Chamber of Electronics (Turkey), TWIN Group (United Kingdom) (Grant agreement nr. VS/2012/0517)