catalog infoinvent 2013.a2a597bfb2394c60a922eccf3287bc68

CATALOG OFICIAL Expoziţia Internaţională Specializată 19-22 noiembrie OFFICIAL CATALOGUE International Specialized Exhibition November 19-22 Organizatori | Organizers Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova (AGEPI) | State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei (A.Ş.M.) | Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) Agenţia pentru Inovare şi Transfer Tehnologic (AITT) | Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT) Centrul Internaţional de Expoziţii „MOLDEXPO” S.A. | International Exhibition Center „MOLDEXPO” SA Parteneri | Partners: Organizaţia pentru Dezvoltarea Sectorului Întreprinderilor Mici şi Mijlocii / Organization for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Sector Development Consiliul Coordonator al Audiovizualului / Broadcasting Coordinating Council Expoziţia Internaţională Specializată INFOINVENT 2013 INFOINVENT 2013

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  • CATALOG OFICIAL Expoziia Internaional Specializat 19-22 noiembrie

    OFFICIAL CATALOGUE International Specialized Exhibition November 19-22

    Organizatori | Organizers

    Agenia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual a Republicii Moldova (AGEPI) | State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)

    Academia de tiine a Moldovei (A..M.) | Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM)

    Agenia pentru Inovare i Transfer Tehnologic (AITT) | Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT)

    Centrul Internaional de Expoziii MOLDEXPO S.A. | International Exhibition Center MOLDEXPO SA

    Parteneri | Partners:

    Organizaia pentru Dezvoltarea Sectorului ntreprinderilor Mici i Mijlocii / Organization for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Sector Development

    Consiliul Coordonator al Audiovizualului / Broadcasting Coordinating Council



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    I N F O I N V E N T 2 0 1 3

  • Consiliul editorial/ Editorial Board: dr. Lilia BOLOCAN (preedinte/chairman), dr. Svetlana MUNTEANU,dr. Maria ROJNEVSCHI, Victoria ANDRIU, Svetlana TACU, Margareta PETRACHE

    Alctuitori/Compilers: Ecaterina POPA, Alina FODEA, Olga LAVRICCopert, design/ Cover, Design: Cristina BUCUCITehnoredactare/ Make-up Editing: Cristina BUCUCI

    Responsabilitatea pentru coninutul lucrrilor prezentate n vederea publicrii n Catalogul INFOINVENT-2013 revine n exclusivitate participanilor.

    Responsibility for the content of works presented for publication in the Catalogue INFOINVENT-2013 belongs exclusively to participants.

    Imprimat la AGEPI/ Printed with AGEPIAGEPI, 2013

    Adresa AGEPI /AGEPI Address:Str. Andrei Doga nr. 24, bloc 1 / 24/1, Andrei Doga Str.MD-2024, Chiinu, Republica Moldova / MD-2024, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaTel.: 40-05-00, 40-05-80, 40-05-91, 40-05-92, 40-05-93Fax: 44-01-19 E-mail: [email protected]

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    Stimai participani i oaspei ai EIS INFOINVENT-2013,

    Inovaia de astzi este succesul de mine aceasta este motorul principal al creterii economice globale. Anume din aceste considerente, Expoziia Interna-ional Specializat INFOINVENT, care a ajuns la cea de-a XIII-a ediie, a devenit pentru inventatorii i cercettorii, instituiile i ntreprinderile inovatoare din ara noastr i din statele nvecinate, un mediu favorabil de prezentare i evideniere a celor mai valoroase i de perspectiv invenii, produse i tehnologii noi, soiuri de plante, desene i modele industriale, obiecte de artizanat i meteugrie. Tot-odat, expoziia constituie i o platform de organizare a ntlnirilor de afaceri cu reprezentanii sectorului real al economiei.

    La lucrrile expoziiei INFOINVENT particip instituii i ntreprinderi, inven-tatori din Republica Moldova, Romnia, Ucraina, Belarus, Italia, Slovenia, Congo, China i Federaia Rus, care prezint pe standurile expoziionale cele mai recente elaborri tehnico-tiinifice. Noutatea ediiei actuale a expoziiei const n extin-derea categoriilor de expozani i de lucrri prezentate, graie includerii unor noi compartimente, precum: produse/servicii inovative, proiecte inovaionale i de transfer tehnologic, creaia tinerilor i industrii culturale i creative. Acest fapt face posibil participarea att a inventatorilor i cercettorilor, ct i a ntreprinderilor, inclusiv din sfera businessului mic i mijlociu, meterilor populari, tineretului studi-os, tuturor persoanelor creative din ar.

    Sperm ca eforturile depuse de participani i organizatori s fie recompensa-te prin valorificarea realizrilor din domeniul tiinei i inovrii prezentate n cadrul expoziiei, contribuind astfel la apariia mai multor produse i servicii inovative i sporirea competitivitii ntreprinderilor autohtone pe piaa intern i extern.

    Doresc tuturor participanilor la Expoziia Internaional Specializat INFOINVENT-2013 mult sntate, succese n promovarea inovaiilor tiinifi-ce i culturale, premii importante i rentlniri la ediiile viitoare!

    Lilia BOLOCAN, Directorul General al AGEPI

    Dear participants and guests of the ISE INFOINVENT-2013,

    Todays Innovation is Tomorrows Success this is the main engine of the glo-bal economic growth. It is precisely for these reasons that the International Special-ized Exhibition INFOINVENT, which reached its thirteenth edition, has become for inventors and researchers, innovative institutions and enterprises in our country and in neighboring countries, a favorable environment for the presentation and highlighting of the most valuable and far-reaching inventions, new products and technologies, plant varieties, industrial designs, handicrafts and crafts. However, the exhibition is a platform for organization of business meetings with representa-tives of the real economic sector.

    In the work of the exhibition INFOINVENT participate institutions and enter-prises, inventors of the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy, Slov-enia, Congo, China and Russian Federation, presenting on the exhibition stands new scientific and technical developments. Novelty of the current edition of the exhibition is to extend the categories of exhibitors and works presented, thanks to the inclusion of new parts, such as: innovative products/services, innovation and technology transfer projects, creation of youth and cultural and creative industries. This enables the participation of both inventors and researchers and enterprises, including from the small and medium business sector, peoples craftsmen, stu-dents and other creative people in the country.

    We hope that the efforts made by the participants and organizers to be re-warded by exploiting the achievements in science and innovation displayed in the exhibition, thus contributing to the emergence of more innovative products and services and enhancement of competitiveness of autochthonous enterprises on domestic and foreign market.

    I wish all participants in the International Specialized Exhibition INFOINVENT-2013 good health, success in promoting scientific and cultural innovations, important awards and reunions in future editions!

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    Stimai oaspei i participani la Expoziia Internaional Specializat INFOINVENT-2013,

    n contextul actual, reuita unui stat depinde preponderent de o economie dinamic, bazat pe inovare, creativitate i exploatarea noilor idei, capabil s se conecteze la lanurile valorice globale, s profite de oportuniti i s creeze lo-curi de munc de nalt calitate. Acest deziderat nu poate fi atins prin promova-rea industriilor i raionamentelor tradiionale. Capul de temelie al progresului, n acest proces aparine cercetrii i rezultatului acestei activiti.

    Prin urmare, resursele inovaionale, capacitile potenialului uman cali-ficat trebuie direcionate spre stimularea societii i mediului de afaceri de a implementa producia intelectual, care, eminamente, vor asigura schimbarea spre un mediu durabil i competitiv.

    Organizarea expoziiei este nc un prilej de a pune n valoare potenialul uman, care este cel mai important produs al societii noastre, precum i de a consolida platforma de comunicare ntre domeniul de cercetare-dezvoltare, cel inovaional, educaional i de afaceri.

    n numele Academiei de tiine a Moldovei, permitei-mi s v urez mult succes, ct mai multe invenii i ct mai mult interaciune cu comunitatea ti-inific!

    acad. Gheorghe DUCA, Preedintele A..M.

    Dear guests and participants in the International Specialized Exhibition INFOINVENT-2013,

    In the current context, the success of a state depends mainly on a dynamic economy, based on innovation, creativity and exploitation of new ideas, able to connect the global value chain, to profit from opportunities and to create high-ly qualified jobs. This goal cannot be achieved by the promotion of traditional thinking and industry. The foundation of progress, in this process, can only be attributed to research and research results.

    Therefore, innovational resources, the capacities ofhighly qualified human potential must be directed towards the stimulation of society and business to implement intellectual products, which, consequently, will ensure the change towards a sustainable and competitive environment.

    The organization of this exposition is yet another opportunity to highlight human potential, which is the most important product of our society, as well as to consolidate the communication platform between research and develop-ment, innovation, education and business.

    On behalf of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, I wish you much suc-cess, many more inventions and as much interaction as possible with the scien-tific community!

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    Stimai participani i oaspei ai Expoziiei INFOINVENT-2013,

    Unicul forum expoziional al inventatorilor din republic are scopul de a suscita interesul ntregii societi fa de domeniul promotor al progresului teh-nico-tiinific, fr de care dezvoltarea omenirii nu ar fi avut loc. Tema abordat este actual pentru faptul c, transferul tehnologic reprezint o premis impor-tant de dezvoltare dinamic a economiei, care presupune o larg implicare a tehnologiilor de ultim or n toate domeniile de activitate.

    De aceea, pe parcursul celor 13 ediii, C.I.E. Moldexpo este alturi de co-munitatea de cercettori, contribuind la crearea spaiului informaional unic n domeniul inovaional, la promovarea i valorificarea potenialului tiinific nai-onal, la atragerea investiiilor n tiin.

    Pavilionul expoziional este pista pentru lansrile de know-how, schimbu-rile de idei, ncheierea contractelor de cooperare. Expoziia permite autorilor s prezinte publicului specialist, dar i celui larg, cele mai bune invenii sub aspec-tul noutii, importanei sociale, eficienei economice.

    n sperana c inveniile expuse i vor gsi aplicare n practic, servind im-bold pentru multe afaceri avantajoase, doresc participanilor perseveren n promovarea noilor produse i servicii, iar vizitatorilor delectare i sentimente de admiraie la atingerea de ceva nou.

    Mult succes tuturor!

    Arcadie ANDRONIC, Directorul general al

    C.I.E. Moldexpo S.A.

    Dear participants and guests of the Exhibition INFOINVENT-2013,

    The only in Moldova exhibition-forum of inventors aims to raise the inter-est of the whole society toward the field of promotion of scientific and technical progress, the one that ensures the development of humankind. This topic is a per-manently actual one, because the technologic transfer is an important precondi-tion for the dynamic development of economy, which requires a broad involve-ment of the most advanced technologies in all fields.

    That is why IEC Moldexpo, during the 13 editions of this event, is closely co-working with the research community, contributing to the creation of a unique in-formation field in innovation, to the promotion and enhancement of the national scientific potential, to the attraction of investments in science. The exhibiting pa-vilion is the track for the launch of know-how, exchange of ideas and conclusion of cooperation agreements. The exhibition allows authors to present to the ex-perts, but also to the general public, the best inventions in terms of novelty, social impact and economic efficiency.

    Hoping that the presented inventions will find practical application, serv-ing as a great incentive for many advantageous business developments, I wish the participants perseverance in promoting new products and services, and visitors great pleasure to see new impressive things.

    Good luck to all!

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    Stimai oaspei i participani la Expoziia Internaional Specializat INFOINVENT-2013,

    n acest an, Expoziia Internaional Specializat INFOINVENT a ajuns la cea de a XIII-a ediie, devenind n timp un eveniment important, care are ca scop pre-zentarea i promovarea celor mai valoroase idei, inovaii i creaii.

    Misiunea major, care coaguleaz activitile Ageniei pentru Inovare i Transfer Tehnologic, const n realizarea practic a rezultatelor din sfera cerceta-re-dezvoltare, inovare i transfer tehnologic n Republica Moldova prin susinerea continu a transferului tehnologic n cadrul parteneriatelor dintre inovatori i oa-menii de afaceri.

    Noi considerm inovarea ca fiind cea mai important component a creterii economice durabile. n acest context, mi exprim convingerea c anume inova-iile vor contribui la promovarea imaginii Republicii Moldova, la mbuntirea calitii vieii i prosperitii cetenilor. Sperm ca potenialul economic al ino-vaiilor s devin mai atractiv pentru investitorii autohtoni i strini, astfel, prin aport comun, economia rii s se dezvolte pe calea inovrii continue.

    De fapt, decizia de a ne axa sau nu pe o dezvoltare inovaional ine de ale-gerea de a urma calea unei ri dezvoltate sau de a rmne venic o ar n curs de dezvoltare.

    Dear guests and participants at the International Specialized Exhibition "Infoinvent 2013",

    International Specialized Exhibition "INFOINVENT" this year has arrived at its thirteenth edition, becoming in one course a major event that aims to present and promote the most valuable ideas, innovations and creations.

    The major mission, clotting the activities of the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer, is to achieve practical results in the field of research and development, innovation and technology transfer in Moldova through the con-tinuous support of technology transfer in partnerships between innovators and businessmen.

    We consider innovation as the most important component of the sustain-able economic growth. In this context, I am convinced that innovations will con-tribute to promoting the image of the Republic of Moldova, improving quality of life and prosperity of citizens. I hope their potential to become more attractive for domestic and foreign investors, as the common input to develop the economy on the path of innovation.

    In fact, the choice of whether or not we focus on innovative development is a decision to follow the way of a developed country or to remain forever a de-veloping country.

    Roman CHIRCA,Directorul general al AITT

  • Programul Expoziiei Internaionale Specializate INFOINVENT-2013 Program of the International Specialized Exhibition INFOINVENT-2013

    MARI, 19 NOIEMBRIE1000 1800 Program expoziional1000 1100 Concert cu ocazia inaugurrii

    EIS INFOINVENT-2013 10 00 1600 Activitatea Comisiei de Experi1100 1200 Inaugurarea festiv a EIS INFOINVENT-2013 Locul desfurrii: Pavilionul central,

    CIE MOLDEXPO S.A.1200 1300 Vizitarea expoziiei de ctre conducerea Republicii

    Moldova, reprezentanii autoritilor publice cen-trale, oaspeii din ar i de peste hotare

    1400 1700 Conferina Inovaional Rolul inovaiilor pentru sporirea competitivitii economiei naionale Organizator: AGEPI

    Coorganizatori: A..M, AITT sub patronajul Ministe-rului Economiei al Republicii Moldova

    Locul desfurrii: Casa vinului, str. Ghioceilor 1, C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.

    1600 1700 edina Comisiei de Experi pentru bilanul apreci-erii exponatelor

    Locul desfurrii: Sala de conferine, Pavilionul central, C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.

    17 00 1900 Cocktail festiv (conform invitaiilor) Locul desfurrii: Casa vinului, str. Ghioceilor 1,

    C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.MIERCURI, 20 NOIEMBRIE 1000 1800 Program expoziional1000 1700 Conferina Inovaional Rolul inovaiilor pentru

    sporirea competitivitii economiei naionale (continuarea lucrrilor)

    Locul desfurrii: Casa vinului, str. Ghioceilor nr. 1, C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.

    1000 1100 edina Juriului Internaional pentru desemnarea laureailor i acordarea distinciilor

    Locul desfurrii: Sala de conferine, Pavilionul central, C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.

    1100 1200 edina Comisiei pentru decernarea Medaliilor de Aur ale OMPI Inventator remarcabil, Cea mai bun femeie inventator i Cel mai bun inventator junior i a Trofeului OMPI ntreprindere Inovatoare

    Locul desfurrii: Sala de conferine, Pavilionul central, C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.

    JOI, 21 NOIEMBRIE1000 1800 Program expoziional1100 1300 Festivitatea de premiere a laureailor EIS

    INFOINVENT-2013 Locul desfurrii: Pavilionul central,

    C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.1300 1500 Bursa inveniilor i tehnologiilor noi din

    domeniul medicinii i farmaceuticii Organizatori: AITT, USMF N. TESTEMIANU Locul desfurrii: Sala de conferine, Pavilionul

    central, C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.1500 1700 Bursa inveniilor i tehnologiilor noi din dome-

    niul agroalimentar Organizatori: AITT; Ministerul Agriculturii i Industriei

    Alimentare al Republicii Moldova Locul desfurrii: Sala de conferine, Pavilionul

    central, C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.VINERI, 22 NOIEMBRIE1000 1800 Program expoziional1000 1200 Masa rotund Rolul industriilor creative pentru

    dezvoltarea economic a rii Organizator: AGEPI, Ministerul Economiei al Re-

    publicii Moldova i Ministerul Culturii al Republicii Moldova

    Locul desfurrii: Sala de conferine, Pavilionul Central, C.I.E. MOLDEXPO S.A.

    1800 nchiderea ediiei a XIII-a a EIS INFOINVENT

    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 191000 1800 Exhibition program1000 1100 Concert on the occasion of inauguration of the

    ISE INFOINVENT-2013 1000 1600 Activity of the Commission of Experts1100 1200 Ceremonial inauguration of the

    ISE INFOINVENT-2013 Venue: Central Pavilion, I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA1200 1300 Visit of the exhibition by the leadership of the

    Republic of Moldova, representatives of central pub-lic authorities, guests from the country and abroad

    1400 1700 Innovation Conference The Role of Innovations for Enhancing the Competitiveness of the National Economy

    Organizer: AGEPI Co-organizers: ASM, AITT, under the patronage

    of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova

    Venue: Wine House, 1, Ghioceilor Str. , I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA

    1600 1700 Meeting of the Commission of Experts for exhibits appreciation results

    Venue: Conference Hall, Central Pavilion, I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA

    1700 1900 Festive Cocktail (on the basis of invitations) Venue: Wine House, 1, Ghioceilor Str. ,

    I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SAWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 201000 1800 Exhibition program1000 1700 Innovation Conference The Role of Innova-

    tions for Enhancing the Competitiveness of National Economy (continuation of work)

    Venue: Wine House, 1, Ghioceilor Str., I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA

    1000 1100 Meeting of the International Jury for appoint-ment of winners and presentation of distinctions

    Venue: Conference Hall, Central Pavilion, I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA

    1100 1200 Commission meeting for WIPO Gold Medal Award Outstanding Inventor, Best Women Inventor, Best Young Inventor and WIPO Trophy Innova-tive Enterprise

    Venue: Conference Hall, Central Pavilion, I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA

    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 211000 1800 Exhibition program1100 1300 Ceremonial awarding of laureates of the ISE

    INFOINVENT-2013 Venue: Central Pavilion, I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA1300 1500 Stock of inventions and technologies in medi-

    cine and pharmaceutics Organizers: AITT, SUMP N. TESTEMITANU Venue: Conference Hall, Central Pavilion, I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA1500 1700 Stock of inventions and technologies in the

    agro-food field Organizers: AITT, Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Industry of the Republic of Moldova Venue: Conference Hall, Central Pavilion, I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SAFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 221000 1800 Exhibition program1000 1200 Round table The Role of Creative Industries

    for Economic Development of the Country Organizer: AGEPI, Ministry of Economy of the

    Republic of Moldova and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova

    Venue: Conference Hall, Central Pavilion, I.E.C. MOLDEXPO SA

    1800 Closing of the 13th edition of the ISE INFOIN VENT


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    Distincii, diplome, premii ale Expoziiei Internaionale Specializate INFOINVENT-2013

    Distinctions, Diplomas, Awards of the International Specialized Exhibition INFOINVENT-2013

    Medalia de aur a Organizaiei Mondiale a Propriet-ii Intelectuale (OMPI) Inventator remarcabil

    Medalia de aur a OMPI Cea mai bun femeie inventator Medalia de aur a OMPI Cel mai bun tnr inventator Trofeul OMPI ntreprindere inovatoare Premiul Guvernului Republicii Moldova Cel mai do-

    tat inventator al anului Premiul Mare al AGEPI Premiul AGEPI Cea mai bun invenie creat de un

    tnr inventator Premiul AGEPI Cea mai bun invenie creat de o

    femeie inventator Premiul AGEPI Cel mai reuit design industrial Premiul AGEPI Pentru cea mai reprezentativ parti-

    cipare la expoziie Medalii de aur, argint, bronz acordate de AGEPI Premiul Academiei de tiine a Moldovei Cea mai

    bun implementare a unei invenii Premiul AGEPI i al Ministerului Agriculturii i Indus-

    triei Alimentare al Republicii Moldova Cel mai de succes soi de plant

    Premiul AITT Cel mai bun proiect de transfer tehno-logic al anului

    Premiul Camerei de Comer i Industrie a Republicii Moldova Produs inovativ de succes al anului

    Diploma i Premiul Ministerului Economiei al Repu-blicii Moldova i ale Organizaiei pentru Dezvoltarea Sectorului IMM Cea mai inovativ ntreprindere din sectorul IMM

    Diploma i Premiul A..M. Cel mai ingenios elev ino-vator

    Diploma i Premiul Ministerului Educaiei al Repu-blicii Moldova Cea mai bun creaie a tinerilor

    Diplome i premii ale Uniunii Inventatorilor i Raio-nalizatorilor Inovatorul din Moldova

    Meniuni ale Saloanelor internaionale de invenii, produse i noi tehnologii

    Alte distincii i premii

    CONCURSURI Trofeul AGEPI pentru inovare i creativitate:

    pentru ntreprinderea care deine cel mai impu-ntor portofoliu de obiecte de proprietate indus-trial nregistrate

    pentru instituia de cercetare-dezvoltare care de-ine cel mai impuntor portofoliu de obiecte de proprietate industrial nregistrate

    Concursul jurnalistic republican S construim eco-nomia rii cu proprietatea intelectual

    Concursul republican de desen pentru elevi Stop pirateria i contrafacerea

    Gold Medal of the World Intellectual Property Or-ganization (WIPO) Outstanding Inventor

    WIPO Gold Medal Best Woman Inventor WIPO Gold Medal Best Young Inventor WIPO Trophy Innovative Enterprise Award of the Republic of Moldova Government

    Most Gifted Inventor of the Year Grand Prix of AGEPI AGEPI Award Best Invention Created by a Young

    Inventor AGEPI Award Most Successful Industrial Design AGEPI Award For the Most Representative Partici-

    pation in the Exhibition Gold, silver, bronze medals awarded by AGEPI Award of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Best

    Implementation of an Invention Award of the AGEPI and the Ministry of Agriculture

    and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova Most Successful Plant Variety

    AITT Award Best Technology Transfer Project of the Year

    Award of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova Successful Innovative Product of the Year

    Diploma and Award of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova and the Organization for the SME Sector Development Most Innovative En-terprise in the SME Sector

    ASM Diploma and Award Most Ingenious Innova-tive Pupil

    Diploma and Award of the Ministry of Education Best Creation of Youth

    Diplomas and awards of the Union of Inventors and Rationalizers Inovatorul of Moldova

    Mentions of the International Exhibitions of Inven-tions, New Products and Technologies

    Other distinctions and awards

    COMPETITIONS AGEPI Trophy for innovation and creativity:

    for the enterprise with the most impressive port-folio of registered industrial property objects

    for the research-development institution with the most impressive portfolio of registered industrial property objects

    Republican Journalistic Contest Building Countrys Economy with Intellectual Property

    Republican Contest of Drawing for Students Stop Piracy and Counterfeiting

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    Comitetul de organizare al Expoziiei Internaionale Specializate INFOINVENT-2013

    Organizing Committee of the International Specialized Exhibition INFOINVENT-2013

    Copreedinii Comitetului | Co-Chairs of the Committee

    DUCA Gheorghe academician, preedintele Academiei de tiine a Moldovei (A..M.) Academician, President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM)

    BOLOCAN Lilia doctor n tiine, directorul general al Ageniei de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual a Republicii Moldova (AGEPI)

    Doctor of Science, Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)

    Vicepreedinii Comitetului | Vice-Chairmen of the Committee

    CHIRCA Roman directorul general al Ageniei pentru Inovare i Transfer Tehnologic a A..M. (AITT) Director General of the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer of ASM (AITT)

    ANDRONIC Arcadie directorul general al Centrului Internaional de Expoziii MOLDEXPO S.A. Director General of the International Exhibition Center MOLDEXPO SA

    Secretarul Comitetului | Secretary of the Committee

    ROJNEVSCHI Maria doctor n tiine, directorul Departamentului promovare i editur al AGEPI Doctor of Science, Director, Promotion and Publishing Department of AGEPI

    Membrii Comitetului | Members of the Committee

    BERLINSCHI Emilia eful Seciei expoziii a Centrului Internaional de Expoziii MOLDEXPO S.A. Head, Exhibition Division, International Exhibition Center MOLDEXPO SA

    OLARU Tudor vicepreedintele Camerei de Comer i Industrie a Republicii Moldova Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    of the Republic of Moldova

    TIGHINEANU Ion academician, prim-vicepreedintele Academiei de tiine a Moldovei (A..M.)

    Academician, Prime Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM)

    GANA ION doctor n tiine, vicedirectorul general al AGEPI Doctor of Science, Deputy Director General of AGEPI

    Reprezentantul Ministerului Economiei al Republicii Moldova Representative of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova

    Reprezentantul business-ului din Republica Moldova Representative of business in the Republic of Moldova




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    13Juriul internaional al Expoziiei Internaionale Specializate INFOINVENT-2013

    International Jury of the International Specialized Exhibition INFOINVENT-2013Preedintele de onoare al Juriului | Honorary Chairman of the Jury

    VINCENT Jean-Luk preedintele Expoziiei Internaionale de Invenii de la Geneva, Elveia Chairman of the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland

    Preedintele Juriului | Chairman of the Jury

    DUCA Gheorghe academician, preedintele Academiei de tiine a Moldovei (A..M.) Academician, President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM)

    Vicepreedinii Juriului | Vice-Chairmen of the Jury

    TIGHINEANU Ion academician, prim-vicepreedintele Academiei de tiine a Moldovei (A..M.) Academician, Prime Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM)

    MUNTEANU Svetlana doctor n tiine, vicedirectorul general al Ageniei de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual (AGEPI)

    Doctor of Science, Deputy Director General of AGEPI

    CHIRCA Roman Directorul general al Ageniei pentru Inovare i Transfer Tehnologic (AITT) Director General of the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer

    Secretarul Juriului | Secretary of the Jury

    ARNAUT Ana eful adjunct al Seciei biblioteca i colecia de arhiv a AGEPI Deputy Head of the Library and Archive Collection Division of AGEPI

    Membrii Juriului | Members of the Jury

    GUAN Ala directorul Departamentului invenii i soiuri de plante al AGEPI Director of the Inventions and Plant Varieties Department of AGEPI

    LUCHIAN Sergiu eful Seciei transfer tehnologic, AITT Head of the Technology Transfer Division, AITT

    TODERA Ion academician, directorul Institutului de Zoologie al A..M. Academician, Director of the Institute of Zoology of ASM

    LUPACU Tudor membru corespondent al A..M., directorul Institutului de Chimie al A..M. Corresponding Member of ASM Director of the Institute of Chemistry of ASM

    Reprezentantul Ministerului Economiei al Republicii Moldova Representative of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova

    PLONI Gheorghe Vicepreedintele Comisiei pentru Testarea Soiurilor de Plante, Ministerul Agri-culturii i Industriei Alimentare

    Vice-Chairman of the Commission for Variety Testing, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry




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    13 Reprezentantul Ministerului Educaiei al Republicii Moldova Representative of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova

    Reprezentantul business-ului din Republica Moldova Representative of business in the Republic of Moldova

    Reprezentantul unui incubator de afaceri Representative of a business incubator

    Reprezentani ai saloanelor internaionale de invenii, produse i tehnologii noi, ai instituiilor i organizaiilor de peste hotare participante la EIS INFOINVENT, desemnai de ctre Comitetul de organizare.

    Representatives of international exhibitions of inventions, new products and technol-Representatives of international exhibitions of inventions, new products and technol-ogies, of foreign institutions and organizations participating in the ISE INFOINVENT, appointed by the Organizing Committee.

    SANDU Ion Preedintele Forului Inventatorilor Romni, preedintele Comitetului organiza-toric al Expoziiei Internaionale de Invenii EUROINVENT, Iai, Romnia

    Chairman of the Romanian Inventors Forum, chairman of the organizing Commit-tee of the International Exhibition of Inventions EUROINVENT, Iasi, Romania

    STANCIU Emil Coordonatorul Salonului de Invenii, Cercetare i Noi Tehnologii PROINVENT, Cluj-Napoca, Romnia Coordinator of the Exhibition of Inventions, Research and New Technologies

    PROINVENT , Cluj-Napoca, Romania CIUPAN Cornel Preedintele Filialei Cluj-Napoca a Societii Inventatorilor din Romnia Chairman of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Inventors Society




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    13Comisia de experi a Expoziiei Internaionale Specializate INFOINVENT-2013

    Commission of Experts of the International Specialized Exhibition INFOINVENT-2013

    Preedintele Comisiei de experi | Chairman of the Commission of Experts

    MUNTEANU Svetlana doctor n tiine, vicedirectorul general al Ageniei de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual (AGEPI)

    Doctor of Science, Deputy Director General of State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI)

    Vicepreedinii Comisiei de experi | Vice-Chairmen of the Commission of Experts

    GUAN Ala directorul Departamentului invenii i soiuri de plante al AGEPI Director of the Inventions and Plant Varieties Department of AGEPI

    MOSCALU Elena eful Seciei Marketing inovaional, AITT Head of the Innovation Marketing Department, AITT

    Secretarul Comisiei de experi | Secretary of the Commission of ExpertsARNAUT Ana eful adjunct al Seciei biblioteca i colecia de arhiv a AGEPI Deputy Head of the Library and Archive Collection Division of AGEPI

    Membrii Comisiei de experi | Members of the Commission of Experts


    Membrii Comisiei de experi reprezentani ai AGEPI | Members of the Commission of Experts Representatives of AGEPI

    ANDREEV Svetlana expert principal, Secia mecanic, electricitate Senior Expert, Mechanical Engineering, Electricity Division

    CAISM Natalia expert coordonator, Secia mecanic, electricitate Coordinator Expert, Mechanical Engineering, Electricity Division

    CERNEI Tatiana expert coordonator, Secia mecanic, electricitate Coordinator Expert, Mechanical Engineering, Electricity Division

    COLESNIC Inesa eful Seciei tehnici agroindustriale Head of the Agro-Industrial Techniques Division

    DUBSARU Nina expert principal, Secia tehnici agroindustriale Expert Senior, Agro-Industrial Techniques Division

    JOVMIR Tudor expert principal, Secia chimie, biologie, medicin Senior Expert, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine Division

    GHIU Irina expert, Secia mecanic, electricitate Expert, Mechanical Engineering, Electricity Division GROSU Petru directorul adjunct al Departamentului invenii i soiuri de plante Deputy Director of the Inventions and Plant Varieties Department




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    13GROSU Viorel

    GOREMCHINA Ludmila

    expert principal, Secia mecanic, electricitate Senior Expert, Mechanical Engineering, Electricity Division

    expert principal, Secia desene i modele industrialeSenior Expert, Industrial Designs Division

    IUSTIN Viorel eful Seciei chimie, biologie, medicinHead of the Chemistry, Biology, Medicine Division

    LEVICHI Simion doctor n tiine, directorul Departamentului mrci, desene i modele industriale Doctor of Science, Director of the Trademarks and Industrial Designs Department

    LEVICHI Svetlana expert coordonator, Secia chimie, biologie, medicinCoordinator Expert, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine Division

    LUPAN Aurelia doctor n tiine, expert principal, Secia tehnici agroindustrialeDoctor of Science, Senior Expert, Agro-Industrial Techniques Division

    LUPACU Lucian expert, Secia chimie, biologie, medicinExpert, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine Division

    SU Tatiana eful Seciei mecanic, electricitate Head of the Mechanical Engineering, Electricity Division

    SPTARU Leonid expert principal, Secia mecanic, electricitate Senior Expert, Mechanical Engineering, Electricity Division

    AITAN Alexandru eful Seciei desene i modele industrialeHead of the Industrial Designs Division

    Membrii Comisiei de experi Reprezentanii Seciilor de tiine ale Academiei de tiine a Moldovei (A..M.) | Members of the Commission of Experts Representatives of Science Divisions of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM)

    CULIUC Leonid academician, coordonatorul Seciei tiine Naturale i Exacte a A..M.Academician, Coordinator of the Natural and Exact Sciences Department of ASM

    TRONCIU Vasile doctor, coordonatorul Seciei tiine Inginereti i Tehnologice a A..M.Doctor, Coordinator of the Engineering and Technological Sciences Department of ASM

    GROPPA Stanislav academician, coordonatorul Seciei tiine Medicale a A..M.Academician, Coordinator of the Medical Sciences Department of ASM

    GAINA BORIS academician, coordonatorul Seciei tiine Agricole a A..M.Academician, Coordinator of the Agricultural Sciences Department of ASM

    Membrii Comisiei de experi | Members of the Commission of Experts


    BADR Iurie doctor n tiine, eful Direciei economie i finane, AGEPI Doctor of Science, Head of the Economy and Finance Division, AGEPI

    FODEA Alina


    specialist principal, Secia marketing, servicii, AGEPISenior Specialist, Marketing, Services Division, AGEPI

    specialist coordonator, Secia transfer tehnologic, AITTCoordinator Specialist, Technology Transfer Department, AITT




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    13Membrii Comisiei de experi | Members of the Commission of Experts


    VERMEIUC Lilia eful Seciei nregistrare opere, AGEPI Head of the Works Registration Division, AGEPI

    POPA Ecaterina eful Seciei marketing, servicii, AGEPI Head of the Marketing, Services Division, AGEPIBADR Veronica expert, Secia desene i modele industriale, AGEPI Expert, Industrial Designs Division, AGEPI

    Reprezentantul Ministerului Educaiei al Republicii Moldova Representative of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova

    Membrii Comisiei de experi | Members of the Commission of Experts


    SAHAN Svetlana directorul adjunct interimar al Departamentului mrci, desene i modele industriale, AGEPI Ad Interim Deputy Director of the Trademarks, Industrial Designs Department, AGEPIMIHAI Adela specialist principal, Secia economie i statistic, AGEPI Senior Specialist, Economy and Statistics Division, AGEPI

    CHEPTENE Ana specialist principal, Secia marketing, servicii, AGEPI Senior Specialist, Marketing, Services Division, AGEPIMORARU Victor dr. hab., coordonatorul Seciei de tiine Sociale i Economice a A..M. Dr. Hab., Coordinator of the Social and Economical Sciences Department of ASM

    Reprezentantul Ministerului Economiei al Republicii Moldova Representative of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova Reprezentantul business-ului din Republica Moldova Representative of business in the Republic of Moldova

    Membrii Comisiei de experi | Members of the Commission of Experts


    GANA Ion doctor n tiine, vicedirectorul general al AGEPI Doctor of Science, Deputy Director General of AGEPIBELEI Olga eful Seciei control i respectarea legislaiei, AGEPI Head of the Legislation Control and Enforcement Division, AGEPI

    DNIL Aurelian doctor, coordonatorul Seciei de tiine Umanistice i Arte a A..M. Doctor, Coordinator of the Humanities and Arts Department of ASM

    BOBOC Sergiu expert n domeniul industriei culturale, Secia politici culturale n teritoriu i cultura scris a Ministerului Culturii al Republicii Moldova

    Expert in Cultural Industry, Cultural Policy in the Territory and Written Culture Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova

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    13Agenia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual a Republicii Moldova

    State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova

    Str. Andrei Doga nr. 24, bloc 1, MD-2024, Chiinu, Republica Moldova

    Tel.: +373 22 40-05-00, 40-05-92, 40-05-93 Fax: +373 22 44-01-19

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Agenia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual (AGEPI) este organul guvernamental speciali-zat, nvestit cu dreptul de a acorda protecie obiectelor de proprietate intelectual.

    Prin intermediul AGEPI este protejat eficient proprietatea intelectual (PI): invenii,soiurideplante,mrcideproduseideservicii,indicaiigeografice,denumirideorigi-

    ne, specialiti tradiionale garantate, desene i modele industriale, topografii ale circuitelor integrate. opereliterare,artistice,tiinifice,programedecalculator,alteobiectealedreptuluideautori

    drepturilor conexe.

    AGEPI examineaz cereri i elibereaz titluri de protecie a obiectelor de PI, informeaz i ofer con-sultaii juridice ce in de protecia i realizarea drepturilor de PI, editeaz Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Intelectual (BOPI) i revista de proprietate intelectual Intellectus, promoveaz i popularizeaz pro-prietatea intelectual, organizeaz atestarea mandatarilor autorizai, cursuri de instruire i perfecionare a specialitilor n domeniu, acord servicii de prediagnoz a PI i alte servicii aferente.

    n luna iulie 2013, AGEPI a obinut Certificatul de conformitate a Sistemului de Management al Ca-litii implementat n cadrul instituiei conform standardului ISO 9001:2008. Deinerea acestui certificat garanteaz c serviciile Ageniei ndeplinesc condiiile de calitate, prescrise de documentaia elaborat conform standardelor internaionale. Astfel, beneficiarii pot fi siguri c se vor bucura i n continuare de servicii de calitate.

    * * *State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) is the specialized governmental body invested

    with the right to grant protection for intellectual property objects.Through AGEPI is effectively protected the intellectual property (IP): inventions,plantvarieties,productandservicetrademarks,geographicalindications,appel-

    lations of origin, traditional specialties guaranteed, industrial designs and topographies of integrated circuits

    literary,artistic,scientificworks,computerprogramsandotherobjectsofcopyrightandre-lated rights

    AGEPI examines applications and issues titles of protection of IP objects, informs and provides legal consultancy relating to the protection and enforcement of IP rights, publishes the Official Bulletin of In-tellectual Property (BOPI) and the journal of intellectual property Intellectus, promotes and popularizes intellectual property, organizes the attestation of patent attorneys, training and retraining courses for specialists in the field, provides IP pre-diagnosis services and other related services.

    In July 2013, AGEPI has obtained the Certificate of conformity of the Quality Management System implemented within the institution in accordance with the ISO Standard 9001:2008. Ownership of this certificate guarantees that Agencys services meet the quality requirements, prescribed by the docu-mentation prepared in accordance with the international standards. Thus, beneficiaries can be sure that they will continue to benefit from quality services.

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    13Academia de tiine a Moldovei

    Academy of Sciences of Moldova

    Bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt nr. 1,MD-2001, Chiinu, Republica Moldova

    Tel.: +373 22 27-14-78Fax: +373 22 54-28-23

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Academia de tiine a Moldovei (A..M.) este unica instituie public de interes naional n sfera tiinei i inovrii, coordonatorul plenipoteniar al activitii tiinifice i de inovare, consultantul tiinific al autoritilor publice ale Republicii Moldova.

    Istoria A..M. ncepe la 12 iunie 1946, cnd a fost nfiinat Baza Moldoveneasc de Cercetri tiinifice, reorganizat n 1949 n Filiala Moldoveneasc a A a URSS. n 1950 aceasta reunea dou in-stitute, Grdina Botanic, 11 secii i laboratoare autonome. La 2 august 1961 a avut loc sesiunea de fondare a A..M. n acelai an au fost desemnai, din rndul oamenilor de tiin i cultur, primii 11 academicieni i 13 membri corespondeni ai Academiei de tiine.

    Primul preedinte al A..M. a fost Iachim Grosul, academician al A..M, doctor habilitat n tiine istorice (19611976), fiind urmat de Alexandru Jucenco, academician al A..M., doctor habilitat n tiine biologice (19771989), Andrei Andrie, academician al A..M., doctor habilitat n tiine fizice i mate-matice (19892004) i Gheorghe Duca, academician al A..M., doctor habilitat n tiine chimice (din 2004).

    n 2004, sub conducerea preedintelui A..M. academician Gheorghe Duca, a fost elaborat i apro-bat Codul cu privire la tiin i inovare. Documentul a iniiat o nou etap n revitalizarea i dezvoltarea tiinei naionale.

    n prezent, A..M. include 19 instituii de cercetare, n care activeaz 1466 de cercettori tiinifici, inclusiv 207 doctori habilitai i 663 doctori n tiine. A..M. ntrunete 97 de membri titulari i 76 membri de onoare.

    O latur deosebit n activitatea forului tiinific suprem o constituie implicarea n procesul educaional prin crearea Liceului i Universitii Academiei de tiine a Moldovei.

    La 11 octombrie 2011, la Bruxelles, Comisarul European pentru Cercetare, Inovare i tiin, dna Mire Geoghegan-Quinn i academicianul Gheorghe Duca, preedintele Academiei de tiine a Moldovei, au semnat Memorandumul de asociere a Republicii Moldova la cel de-al aptelea Program Cadru al Comunitii Europene pentru Cercetare i Dezvoltare Tehnologic (PC7).

    Astfel, Republica Moldova devine prima ar din cadrul Parteneriatului Estic i a doua inclus n cadrul Politicii Europene de Vecintate, care obine statutul de ar asociat la PC7. Ca rezultat al aso-cierii, Republica Moldova obine drepturi similare celor ale statelor membre ale UE, devenind membru al Spaiului European de Cercetare.

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    13* * *

    Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) is the only public institution of national interest in the sphere of science and innovation, the plenipotentiary coordinator of scientific and innovation activity and scientific advisor of the public authorities of the Republic of Moldova.

    The history of the Academy of Sciences began on June 12, 1946, when the Moldovan Scientific Research Basis was founded. It was reorganized in 1949 into the Moldovan Branch of the Academy of Sci-ences of USSR. In 1950, it included two institutions, Botanical Gardens, 11 departments and autonomous laboratories. On August 2, 1961, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was created. In the same year, the first 11 academicians and 13 corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova were ap-pointed, being selected among scientists and public figures.

    The first President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was Iachim Grosul, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Doctor Habilitate of Historical Sciences (19611976). Subsequently, other presidents followed: Alexandru Jucenco, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Doctor Habilitate of Biological sciences (19771989), Andrei Andries, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Doctor Habilitate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (19892004) and Gheo-rghe Duca, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Doctor Habilitate of Chemical Sciences (since 2004).

    In 2004, under the guidance of the President of ASM, academician Gheorghe Duca, the Code on Science and Innovation was drafted and adopted. This historic document marked a new stage in the revitalization and development of national science.

    Currently, the Academy of Sciences includes 19 research institutions, with over 1466 scientific re-searchers, including 207 doctors habilitate and 663 doctors of science. ASM includes 97 academicians and corresponding members and 76 honorary members.

    A special aspect in the activity of the superior scientific forum is focused on the involvement in the educational process through the establishment of the Lyceum and University of the Academy of Sci-ences of Moldova.

    On October 11, 2011, in Brussels, the European Commissioner for Science, Innovation and Research Mrs. Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, and Acad. Gheorghe Duca, President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, have signed the Memorandum of Association of the Republic of Moldova to the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).

    Thus, the Republic of Moldova has become the first country within the Eastern Partnership and the second country included in the European Neighbourhood Policy to be associated to the FP7. As a result of the association, Moldova has acquired rights similar to the EU member states, becoming a member of the European Research Area.

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    13Agenia pentru Inovare i Transfer Tehnologic

    Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer

    Str. Mioria nr. 5, MD-2028, Chiinu, Republica Moldova

    Tel:+37322 88-25-65, 88-25-66Fax: +373 22 88-25-60

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Agenia pentru Inovare i Transfer Tehnologic (AITT) este o instituie n cadrul Academiei de tiine a Moldovei, constituit la 29 octombrie 2004 n baza Codului cu privire la tiin i inovare nr.259-XV din 15 iulie 2004 n scopul coordonrii, stimulrii i implementrii mecanismelor activitii de inovare i transfer tehnologic n Republica Moldova.

    Secia Transfer Tehnologic coordoneaz implicarea activ a agenilor economici de drept privat n formarea parteneriatelor dintre domeniul tiinific i mediul de afaceri. Acest obiectiv se ndeplinete prin implementarea i impulsionarea rezultatelor tiinifice n realizarea proiectelor de transfer tehnologic finanate din bugetul de stat i cofinanate din surse private. Recepionarea proiectelor de inovare i trans-fer tehnologic se face n baz de concurs, dup ce are loc expertizarea, selectarea, finanarea i monitori-zarea proiectelor.

    Secia Marketing Inovaional este constituit n vederea implementrii politicilor i instrumentelor de marketing, implementrii i controlului activitii de marketing, legislaiei naionale i internaionale, eticii de marketing, sistemului informaional, metodelor i tehnicilor de generare i prelucrare a informaiei, dezvoltrii managementului resurselor umane.

    Scopul activitii seciei Politici i Relaii Internaionale este definirea i implementarea reglementrilor n domeniul inovrii i transferului tehnologic n Republica Moldova, de asemenea dezvoltarea relaiilor de parteneriat cu organizaii de cercetare i inovare din strintate.

    Activitatea seciei Infrastructur Inovaional este orientat ctre crearea i dezvoltarea infrastructurii inovaionale: parcuri tiinifico-tehnologice i incubatoare de inovare i monitorizarea activitii acestora. De asemenea, activitatea seciei este orientat spre dezvoltarea i implementarea mecanismelor de susinere a infrastructurii inovaionale i de facilitarea cooperrii dintre comunitatea tiinific i mediul de afaceri.

    * * *Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT) is an institution of the Academy of Sciences,

    established on 29 October 2004 under the Code on Science and Innovation no.259-XV of 15 July 2004 to coor-dinate, stimulate and implement the mechanisms of innovation and technology transfer activities in Moldova.

    The Technology Transfer Department coordinates the active involvement of private economic agents in forming partnerships between the scientific area and business environment. This objective is met through the implementation of scientific results and acceleration of technology transfer projects financed from the state budget and cofinanced from private sources. The receipt of innovation and technology transfer projects is based on competition, which takes place after expertise, selection, funding and monitoring of projects.

    The Innovation Marketing Department is set to implement policies and marketing tools, implement and control the marketing activity, national and international legislation, marketing ethics, information system, information generation and processing methods and techniques, develop the human resource management.

    The purpose of the Policies and International Relations Department activity is the definition and imple-mentation of regulations on innovation and technology transfer in Moldova, also development of partner-ships with research and innovation organizations from abroad.

    The Innovative Infrastructure Department activity is oriented towards creation and development of in-novation infrastructure: scientific-technological parks and innovation incubators and monitoring their work. The work of the department is also geared towards developing and implementing innovative infrastructure support mechanisms and facilitating the cooperation between the scientific and business community.

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    str. Mioria nr. 5, MD-2028, Chiinu, Republica Moldova

    Tel: +37322 88-25-00, 22-40-76 Fax: +37322 88-25-10, 23-80-47

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Parcul tiinifico-tehnologic Academica i Incubatorul de Inovare Inovatorul au fost cre-ate la 30 august 2007, n baza proprietii .S. ASELTEH din cadrul Academiei de tiine a Moldovei, n conformitate cu Legea Republicii Moldova nr. 138-XVI din 22 iunie 2007 Cu privire la parcurile tiini-fico-tehnologice i incubatoarele de inovare.

    Scopul organizrii acestor structuri este crearea condiiilor favorabile pentru oamenii de tiin i antreprenori n realizarea cu succes a proiectelor de inovare i transfer tehnologic, rezultatelor cerce-trilor tiinifice, inveniilor, know-how.

    Parcul i Incubatorul particip la promovarea pe pia a produselor, serviciilor i tehnologiilor noi competitive. Administratorul unificat al Parcului tiinifico-tehnologic Academica i Incubatorului de Inovare Inovatorul este .S. ASELTEH, desemnat n baz de concurs de Consiliul Suprem pentru ti-in i Dezvoltare Tehnologic al A..M. ntreprinderea dispune de o echip de administrare cu experi-en n domeniul inovrii i de un numr mare de oficii i spaii de producere, capabile s gzduiasc rezideni-companii de inovare de diferite profiluri.

    * * *

    Scientific-Technological Park "Academica" and Innovation Incubator "Innovator" were cre-ated on 30 August 2007, on the basis of property S.E. "ASELTEH" within the Academy of Sciences under the Law of the Republic of Moldova no. 138-XVI of 22.06.2007 "On Scientific-Technological Parks and Innovation Incubators".

    The purpose of organization of these structures is to create favorable conditions for scientists and entrepreneurs for the successful implementation of innovation and technology transfer projects, scientific findings, inventions, and know-how.

    The Park and Incubator participate in market promotion of products, new competitive services and technologies. The unified Administrator of the Scientific-Technological Park "Academica" and the Innovation Incubator "Innovator" is the S.E. "Aselteh", appointed on a competitive basis by the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development of the ASM. The company has a large number of offices and production spaces, designed to host innovation resident companies of differ-ent profiles and a management team with experience in innovation.

    Parcul tiinifico-tehnologic Academica i Incubatorul de Inovare Inovatorul

    Scientific-Technological Park "Academica" and Innovation Incubator "Innovator"

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    bd. tefan cel Mare nr.1 MD-2001, mun. Chiinu, Republica Moldova

    Tel.: +373 22/271671Fax: +373 22/270774

    e-mail: [email protected]:

    Centrul Proiecte Internaionale (CPI) este o instituie public auxiliar a Academiei de tiine a Moldovei (A..M.), care promoveaz i gestioneaz programe bilaterale i multilaterale n domeniul tiinei i inovrii, lansate n cadrul acordurilor de cooperare dintre A..M. i diverse organizaii, funda-ii internaionale i instituii de profil din Germania, Frana, Italia, Romnia, Belarus, Rusia i Ucraina, precum i n contextul celui de-al 7-lea Program Cadru al Comunitii Europene pentru cercetare, dez-voltare tehnologic i activiti demonstrative (2007-2013).

    CPI ofer asisten managerial, tehnic, financiar i juridic membrilor comunitii tiinifice din Republica Moldova pe ntreaga perioad de derulare a proiectelor de cercetare i inovare.

    Ca rezultat al semnrii Memorandumului de nelegere ntre Uniunea European i Republica Moldova privind asocierea Republicii Moldova la cel de-al aptelea Program Cadru al Comunitii Eu-ropene pentru Cercetare i Dezvoltare Tehnologic (PC7), Centrul Proiecte Internaionale este direct implicat n activitile privind valorificarea plenar a statutului de ar asociat.

    * * *

    The Center of International Projects (CIP), is an auxiliary public institution of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), which promotes and manages bilateral and multilateral programs in science and innovation, launched within Cooperation Agreements between ASM and various inter-national organizations, foundations and institutions from Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine as well as within the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Tehnological Development and Demonstration Activities (2007-2013).

    CIP provides managerial, technical, financial and legal assistance to scientific community of Moldova throughout the entire period of the research and innovation projects.

    Following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the association of the Republic of Moldova to the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research and Technological Development, CIP is directly involved in the activities for the plenary implementation of the status of associated country.

    Centrul Proiecte Internaionale al Academiei de tiine a Moldovei

    Center of International Projects (CIP) of Academy of Sciences of Moldova

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    13Camera de Comer i Industrie a Republicii Moldova

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova

    Bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt nr. 151, MD-2004, Chiinu, Republica Moldova

    Tel.: +373 22 22-15-52, 23-84-10 Fax: +373 22 24-44-25, 23-84-10

    e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]://

    Camera de Comer i Industrie (CCI) partener de ncredere n dezvoltarea businessului Dvs. este o organizaie neguvernamental, autonom i independent, fiind reprezentantul oficial al me-diului de afaceri din Republica Moldova. CCI activeaz n baza Legii nr. 393-XIV din 13.05.1999 Cu privire la Camera de Comer i Industrie.

    Obiectivul major al CCI a RM este crearea unui mediu i a unei comuniti de afaceri n societate i reprezentarea intereselor membrilor si n relaiile cu autoritile guvernamentale din Republica Moldova i cu cercurile de afaceri strine. Instituia cameral acord asisten n dezvoltarea diferitor genuri de activitate de ntreprinztor.

    Printre activitile CCI se numr:

    organizarea participrii reprezentanilor mediului de afaceri la misiuni i forumuri economice n ar i peste hotare, la evenimente expoziionale, desfurarea ntrevederilor de afaceri, vizitelor la ntreprinderi, prezentrilor de companii i produse;

    prestarea serviciilor de broker vamal, expertiz, evaluare i certificare a mrfurilor, eliberarea carnetelor ATA;

    organizarea seminarelor, trainingurilor, cursurilor pe teme actuale, derularea proiectelor de instruire, inclusiv cu implicarea experilor de peste hotare, n scopul sporirii calificrii ntre-prinztorilor i forei de munc de la companiile autohtone;

    participarea, n calitate de reprezentant oficial al businessului, la realizarea mai multor pro-iecte pentru mbuntirea mediului de afaceri, la elaborarea actelor normative care vizeaz interesele ntreprinztorilor sau care sunt orientate spre nlturarea barierelor i restriciilor n funcionarea economiei de pia (informaii detaliate despre serviciile oferite de CCI gsii pe

    n vederea soluionrii litigiilor comerciale pe cale amiabil, pe lng CCI a RM activeaz Curtea de Arbitraj Comercial Internaional (

    Pentru ca serviciile i activitile CCI s fie mai accesibile ntreprinderilor din diferite regiuni ale rii, inclusiv pentru cele din stnga Nistrului, sistemul cameral este format din 10 filiale: Bli, Cahul, Edine, Hnceti, Orhei, Rbnia, Soroca, Tighina, Ungheni, UTA Gguzia, care, la rndul lor, au mai multe reprezentane n regiunile deservite.

    n prezent, Camera de Comer i Industrie a RM are peste 1400 de membri ntreprinderi care i desfoar activitatea n toate sferele economiei naionale. Registrul membrilor CCI, precum i toate activitile, noutile CCI, alte informaii utile pentru agenii economici pot fi accesate pe pagina web a CCI:

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    *** Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) a reliable partner in your business development is

    a nongovernmental, autonomous and independent organization, acting as the official representative of the business environment in Moldova. CCI operates according to the Law No. 393-XIV of 13.05.1999 On the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    The major objective of the CCI of RM is to create a business environment and community in the society and represent the interests of its members within the relations with government authorities of Moldova and foreign business circles. The institution assists various types of business activities.

    CCI activities include: organizing the participation of business community representatives in economic forums and

    missions in the country and abroad, in exhibitions, business-to-business meetings, visits to en-terprises company and product presentations;

    cproviding customs broker services, expertise, assessment and certification of goods, issuing ATA cards;

    organizing seminars, trainings, courses on current issues, conducting training projects, inclu-ding with the participation of foreign experts, in order to enhance the enterpreneurial skills and the labour force of the local companies;

    participation, as the official business representative, in several projects meant to improve the business environment, in drafting regulations addressed to the interests of entrepreneurs or targeted to remove barriers and restrictions in the functioning of the market economy (for further details on the services provided by CCI, please access

    For the amicable settlement of trade disputes, under the CCI of RM activates the Court of Interna-tional Commercial Arbitration ( ).

    In order to make CCI services and activities more accessible to enterprises from different regions of the country, including those on the left side of the river Nistru, the Chamber has 10 subsidiaries: Balti, Cahul, Edinet, Hincesti, Orhei, Rabnita, Soroca, Bender, Ungheni, ATU Gagauzia, which in turn have more branches in the respective areas.

    Currently, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moldova has over 1400 members compa-nies that operate in all spheres of national economy. Register of members and all CCI activities, news and other useful information for traders may be accessed on the CCI website:

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    80298 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49 89 2399 4636

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Oficiul European de Brevete (OEB) este o instituie responsabil de procesarea cererii unitare de brevet european depuse de inventatorii i companiile particulare, care doresc s obin protecia inveniilor pe teritoriul a 40 de ri ale Europei.

    n calitate de Oficiu de Brevete din spaiul european, OEB susine inovaia, competitivitatea i progresul economic pe teritoriul Europei prin acordarea serviciilor de nalt calitate i eficien, n conformitate cu prevederile Conveniei Brevetului European.

    De asemenea, OEB acord publicului larg acces gratuit la bazele de date de brevete pe care le administreaz. Acestea acoper toate domeniile tehnologice, incluznd inveniile create pe parcursul sec. XIX i pn n prezent. Totodat, bazele de date respective constituie o surs de idei pentru inova-tori, ingineri i cercettori din ntreaga lume, oferind i informaie de ordin juridic, cum ar fi, de exem-plu, durata de valabilitate a brevetului i teritoriile pe care i se acord protecie.

    Oficiul European de Brevete recomand urmtoarele baze de date cu acces gratuit pentru cercetri documentare n domeniul brevetelor:

    Espacenet European Patent Register European Publication Server

    Conform solicitrilor, experii Oficiului European de Brevete sunt mereu disponibili pentru furni-zarea informaiei adecvate despre OEB.


    The European Patent Office (EPO) provides a uniform application procedure for individual in-ventors and companies seeking patent protection in up to 40 European countries.

    As the Patent Office for Europe, it supports innovation, competitiveness and economic growth across Europe through a commitment to high quality and efficient services delivered under the Euro-pean Patent Convention.

    The EPO also makes its patent databases available to the public. They cover all areas of technology and contain inventions stretching from the 19th century to today. They are a source of ideas for innova-tors, scientists and engineers over the world, and also contain useful legal information such as whether a patent is in force or not, and where.

    The European Patent Office recommends the following free databases for patent research: Espacenet European Patent Register European Publication Server

    According to requests, experts of the European Patent Office are always available for the furnish-ing of adequate information about EPO.

    Oficiul European de Brevete

    European Patent Office

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    13Oficiul de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual al Republicii Populare Chineze (SIPO)

    State Intellectual Property Office

    Haidian District, Beijing, ChinaTel.: 86-10-62356655

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Oficiul de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual (SIPO) este afiliat direct Consiliului de Stat, cu urmtoarele responsabiliti:

    (1) Organizarea i coordonarea activitilor de protecie a DPI la nivel naional i mbuntirea dezvoltrii sistemului de protecie a DPI; instituirea mecanismului de colaborare privind aplicarea legii PI cu alte departamente n scopul lansrii activitii relative administrative de aplicare a legii; lansarea activitii de publicare a informaiilor PI; i implementarea Compendiului privind Strategia Naional de PI a Republicii Populare Chineze cu departamentele conexe.

    (2) Standardizarea ordinelor de baz privind administrarea brevetelor; planificarea i elaborarea proiectelor de legi privind PI i brevetele i regulamentelor; planificarea i implementarea politicilor i sistemelor privind administrarea brevetelor; elaborarea politicilor i msurilor de standardizare a schimburilor de tehnologii de brevet; ghidarea autoritilor locale spre examinarea i mediatizarea diferendelor de nclcare a brevetului i adoptarea msurilor cu privire la activitile de falsificare i imitare a brevetelor; precum i ghidarea i standardizarea activitii de evaluare a activelor intangibile de PI cu departamentele conexe.

    (3) Elaborarea politicilor activitii externe privind PI; cercetarea tendinelor de dezvoltare a PI n rile strine; planificarea comprehensiv a afacerilor externe legate de PI; lansarea negocierilor externe n sectorul PI pe diferite categorii; i comunicarea, cooperarea internaional i schimburile n activitatea de brevetare.

    (4) Elaborarea programelor de dezvoltare pentru activitatea de brevetare la nivel naional, elabo-rarea planurilor de lucru n domeniul brevetelor, examinarea i aprobarea planurilor de lucru spe-ciale, preluarea responsabilitii de dezvoltare a sistemului naional informaional de servicii publice n domeniul brevetelor, promovarea diseminrii i utilizrii informaiilor de brevet cu departamentele conexe, precum i conducerea activitii privind statistica de brevet.

    (5) Stabilirea criteriilor de realizare a drepturilor exclusive asupra brevetelor, topografiilor circuite-lor integrate i desemnarea organizaiilor de gestionare a activitii de realizare a drepturilor; formula-rea criteriilor de nclcare a drepturilor exclusive asupra brevetelor, topografiilor circuitelor integrate; precum i dezvoltarea politicilor i adoptarea msurilor pentru perfecionarea i supervizarea manda-tarilor autorizai i serviciilor intermediare.

    (6) Publicitatea i popularizarea legilor, regulamentelor i politicilor privind brevetele i elabora-rea planurilor de educare i instruire n domeniul PI conform regulamentelor.

    (7) Conducerea altor activiti atribuite de ctre Consiliul de Stat.

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    State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) is directly affiliated to the State Council with main responsibilities including:

    (1) Organizing and coordinating IPR protection work nationwide and improving the construc-tion of IPR protection system; establishing the collaboration mechanism of IP law enforcement with related departments to launch relative administrative lawenforcement work; launching the work of publicizing IPrelated information; and implementing the Compendium on China National IP Strategy with related departments.

    (2) Standardizing the basic orders of patent administration; planning and formulating drafts of IP and patent laws and regulations; planning and implementing the policies and systems on patent ad-ministration; drafting the policies and measures to standardize patent technology exchanges; guiding local authorities to handle and mediate disputes of patent infringement and crack down on activities such as patent counterfeits and imitations; and guiding and standardizing the assessment work of IP intangible assets with related departments.

    (3) Drawing up the policies of foreignrelated IP work; researching IP development trends in for-eign countries; comprehensively planning foreignrelated IP affairs; launching foreignrelated nego-tiation in IP sector according to different categories; and conducting international communications, cooperation and exchanges in patent work.

    (4) Working out the development programs for the patent work nationwide, drafting patent working plans, examining and approving special working plans, taking up the responsibility of the construction of the national public service system of patent information, promoting the spread and utilization of patent information with related departments and undertaking the work of patent sta-tistics.

    (5) Laying down the criteria of affirming the exclusive rights of patents and integrated circuit layout designs and appointing organizations to manage the work of right affirmation; formulating the criteria of infringing the exclusive rights of patents and integrated circuit layout designs; and develop-ing the policies and measures for the development and supervision of patent agents and intermedi-ary services.

    (6) Publicizing and popularizing patent laws, regulations and policies and drafting plans of IPre-lated education and training according to regulations.

    (7) Undertaking other work assigned by the State Council.

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    Haidian District, Beijing, ChinaTel.: 86-10-62103862

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Fondat n 1993 i n subordinea direct a Oficiului de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectual (SIPO), Centrul Informaional de Brevete al Republicii Populare Chineze (CPIC) este o organizaie public naional pentru serviciul informaional de brevete, dedicat afacerilor privind F&M i C&D sistemelor informaionale, prelucrarea informaiilor de brevet i diseminarea informaiilor de brevet.

    Bazndu-se pe eforturile consistente timp de aproape dou decenii, CPIC deine acum o for de personal care se ridic la 403, cu 5 persoane deinnd titlul de doctor n tiine, 112 titlul de magistru i 168 titlul de liceniat. Dotat de ctre SIPO cu drepturi de gestionare i utilizare a bazei de date de brevete, precum i de gestionare comprehensiv a serviciilor, i echipat cu o reea naional pentru colectarea i diseminarea informaiilor, CPIC presteaz utilizatorilor din ar i celor din strintate servicii de acces rapid i de calitate superioar prin aplicarea tehnologiilor informaionale avansate.

    La data de 23 iulie 2009, CPIC a fost aprobat n mod oficial, de ctre TCIC (TCIC Global Certifica-tion Ltd., Canada) i CIS (Certification & Information Security Services GmbH, Austria), ambele servind ca autoriti tere de atestare pentru ISO 20000, pentru atestarea pentru Managementul Serviciului TI, marcnd recunoaterea la nivel mondial a unui rol de lider n acest domeniu. i, de asemenea, a adoptat n mod oficial o atestare CMMI ML3 la 26 iunie 2010.

    n vederea satisfacerii cerinelor utilizatorilor, CPIC ncearc s se dezvolte ca un grup informaional modernizat i puternic, care are drept scop F&M sistemelor de TI, dezvoltarea software i integrarea sistemului, servicii informaionale de brevet, i prelucrarea informaiilor de brevet.

    * * *

    Founded in 1993 and directly subordinated to the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), the China Patent Information Center (CPIC) is a national level public organization for patent informa-tion service, dedicated to affairs on O&M and R&D of information systems, patent information process-ing, and patent information dissemination.

    Relying on consistent efforts over nearly two decades, the CPIC now holds a force of staff amounting to 403, with 5 academically qualified for doctorates, 112 for masters, and 168 for bach-elors. Endowed by the SIPO with the rights of patent database management and utilization as well as comprehensive service management, and equipped with a nationwide network for information collection and dissemination, the CPIC provides users at home and abroad with services of quick ac-cess and superior quality by application of advanced information technologies.

    On July 23rd, 2009, the CPIC was formally approved, by TCIC (TCIC Global Certification Ltd., Canada) and CIS (Certification & Information Security Services GmbH, Austria) both serving as thirdparty certification authorities for ISO 20000, for certification for IT Service Management, marking worldwide acknowledgement of a leading role in this field. And also formally adopted a CMMI ML3 certification on June 26, 2010.

    With a view to meeting users requirements, the CPIC endeavors to be developed towards a strong and modernized information group pillared with O&M of IT systems, software development

    and system integration, patent information service, and patent information processing.

    Centrul Informaional de Brevete al Republicii Populare Chineze

    China Patent Information Center (CPIC)

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    13Beijing Xinfa Patent Information Co. Ltd.

    Beijing Xinfa Patent Information Co. Ltd.

    911-913, No.2 Fuhai CenterBeijing, P.R.China

    Tel: +86 10 62102158Fax: +86 10 62102517

    Beijing Xinfa Patent Information Co., Ltd. este un furnizor de soluii al serviciului informaional n domeniul proprietii intelectuale. Compania se angajeaz s ofere soluii pentru ntregul proces de creare, aplicare, protecie i management al proprietii intelectuale, i ajut clienii s discrimineze oportunitile inovaiei, s optimizeze managementul inovaiei, s mbunteasc capacitile inova-iei, s reduc riscul inovaiei i s ating n cele din urm succesul n afaceri.

    Compania deine un grup de experi care au fost angajai n serviciul informaional de proprieta-te intelectual pentru o lung perioad de timp, i are avantaje importante n constituirea sistemului informaional de proprietate intelectual, documentarea i prelucrarea datelor, precum i elaborarea bazelor de date.

    nc de la nfiinare, compania a realizat cteva proiecte digitalizate i intelectualizate ale SIPO i unitilor subordonate ale acestuia, a oferit cu succes soluii ale serviciului informaional de proprie-tate intelectual mai multor ntreprinderi i instituii publice, i a oferit un suport puternic pentru cre-area, aplicarea, examinarea, managementul i comercializarea proprietii intelectuale pentru clieni.

    * * *

    Beijing XinfaPatent InformationCo., Ltd. is an emerging vendor of information service solu-tion in intellectual property area. The company is committed to provide solution for the whole process of the creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property, and assist custom-ers to discriminate innovation opportunities, optimize innovation management, improve innovation capabilities, reduce innovation risk and finally achieve business success.

    The company owns a group of experts having been engaged in intellectual property information service for a long time, and has prominent advantages in intellectual property information system construction, data mining and processing as well as database construction.

    Since establishment, the company has undertaken several digitalized and intelligentialized R&D projects of the SIPO and its subordinate units, successfully provided intellectual property information service solutionsfor multiple enterprises and public institutions, and provided strong support for the creation, application, examination, management and trade of intellectual property for customers.

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    str. Tretiacov 152, MD-3805, Comrat, Republica Moldova

    Tel.: 029831163Fax: 029822443

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Universitatea de Stat din Comrat (USC) este o instituie public de nvmnt din Republi-ca Moldova fondat n anul 1991 n UTA Gguzia. USC este o universitate cu dezvoltare dinamic, care asigur regiunea de sud a republicii cu specialiti de nalt calificare. Procesul de nvmnt se desfoar n cadrul a 4 faculti: Cultur naional, Economie, Drept i Agrotehnologii; 16 catedre i pregtete specialiti pentru 38 de domenii ale economiei naionale. Studenii i perfecioneaz cu-notinele n secia cu frecven la zi sau prin coresponden, n trei cicluri ale sistemului de la Bologna: licena, masterat i doctorat. Universitatea de Stat din Comrat are 7 centre culturale: german, ameri-can, britanic, grecesc, turcesc, azer i rus i este participant la numeroase proiecte internaionale, printre care principale TEMPUS (5 proiecte) i Erasmus Mundus.

    * * *

    () - 1991 . , . 4 : , , -; 16 -, 38 . . 3 : 1 , 2 , 3 - . 7 : -, , , , , . - , TEMPUS ( 5 ) Erasmus Mundus.

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    Comrat State University (CSU) is a public educational institution in Moldova and was founded in 1991 in ATU Gagauzia. CSU is a dynamically developing university aimed at providing the southern region of Moldova with highly qualified specialists. It consists of 4 faculties: National Culture, Eco-nomics, Law, Agrarian-Technologic; 16 departments training specialties for 38 fields of the national economy. Educational process in the University is organized in full- time and part-time courses, in three cycles of the Bologna system: first cycle licentiate, second cycle master's degree and third cy-cle doctoral candidacy. The university has 7 cultural centers: German, American, British, Greek, Turk-ish, Azerbaijani and Russian. Comrat State University is the participant in many international projects, the main of them: TEMPUS (at the moment university is involved in 5 projects) and Erasmus Mundus.

    Universitatea de Stat din Comrat (USC)

    Comrat State University

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    str. Tretiacov 152, MD-3805, Comrat, Republica Moldova

    Tel.: 029831163Fax: 029822443

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Misiunea Incubatorului inovaional "InnoCentru" este "Contribuia la dezvoltarea ntreprin-derilor inovatoare n regiunea de sud a Republicii Moldova, comercializarea i difuzarea tehnologiilor i elaborrilor sciento-intensive pe piaa din Republica Moldova i cea internaional.

    Principalele direcii de activitate ale Incubatorului inovaional "InnoCentru":

    1. Agent de dezvoltare a regiunii (Sudul Republicii Moldova).

    2. Comercializarea i transferul de tehnologie.

    3. Suport consultativ al proiectelor inovaionale (rezidenilor poteniali i actuali ai incubatorului).

    Pentru implementarea cu succes a proiectelor inovaionale n incubator, sunt implicai profesorii Universitii de Stat din Comrat (USC) i din alte universiti din Republica Moldova.

    "InnoCentrul", ca parte a clusterului inovativ-educaional din Gguzia i cu sprijinul Academiei de tiine a Moldovei, realizeaz proiecte de dezvoltare inovaional n domeniul agriculturii, industri-ei constructoare de maini, al tehnologiilor de conservare a energiei i al biotehnologiilor.

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    : - , - .


    1. ( ).

    2. .

    3. ( ). - .

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    The mission of the InnoCenter is: "Promotion of innovative business in the southern region of Moldova, commercialization and diffusion of knowledge-based technologies and projects in the Moldovan and international markets."

    The main activities of the Innovative Incubator InnoCenter are:

    1. Region development agent (South of the Republic of Moldova).

    2. Commercialization and technology transfer.

    3. Consulting support of innovative projects (potential and existing residents of the incubator).

    For the successful implementation of innovative projects in the incubator are involved university professors and also from other leading Universities of Moldova.

    "InnoCenter", as part of innovation and education cluster of Gagauzia and with the support of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, realizes projects for innovative development in the field of agricul-ture, mechanical engineering, energy concervation technology and biotechnology.

    Incubatorul Inovaional InnoCentru al USC

    Innovative Incubator InnoCenter CSU

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    13Centrul Internaional de Expoziii Moldexpo S.A.

    International Exhibition Center Moldexpo SA

    Str. Ghioceilor nr. 1, MD-2008, Chiinu, Republica Moldova

    Tel.: +373 22 81-04-62, 81-04-16, 81-04-19 Fax: +373 22 74-74-20

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Centrul Internaional de Expoziii Moldexpo - organizator al celor mai mari expoziii internaionale de diferite profiluri, cu participarea companiilor autohtone i strine

    Membru plenipoteniar al Asociaiei Mondiale a Industriei de Expoziii (UFI) Membru plenipoteniar al Alianei Trgurilor din Europa Central (CEFA) Membru asociat al Uniunii Expoziiilor i Trgurilor din Rusia (UETR) "Moldexpo" este un complex expoziional modern care contribuie prin intermediul manifestri