chhattisgarh agriculture


Upload: archanavarughese

Post on 24-Jan-2017




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The entire state of Chhattisgarh is situated under Rice-agro-climatic zone. 80% population of the state is rural and the main livelihood of the villagers is agriculture

and agriculture based small industries.

The economy of the state is mainly based on Chhattisgarh agriculture. The agriculture sector contributes around 38% to the State’s Net Domestic Product.

Paddy is the main crop in this area. Whenever there is large variation in the yearly rainfall paddy is the main crop which directly affects the main crop.

With the proper facilities, use and management of available water resources it is estimated that about 75% of the gross sown area of the state can be irrigated.

The irrigation potential has now been raised to 1.844 Million hectares at the end of March 2012 which is 33.15% of gross area.

The entire agricultural operation is divided into two crop seasons- Kharif and Rabi. The Kharif season starts from the third week of May and lasts till the end of

October followed by the Rabi season.

As Chhattisgarh is endowed with good soil, adequate rainfall and good irrigation facilities, yet it needs to realise its full agricultural potential.

Chhattisgarh Agriculture provides ample supply of raw materials for the establishment of Agro based industries. High stable and regular supply of agricultural produce provides

adequate opportunity for marketing and food processing industries.

For more details