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Drawing en C Sharp

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C# Object Oriented Programming

Hasta ahora, en C # Esenciales hemos analizado los conceptos básicos de la programación en C #,

como los tipos de variables y control de flujo. Aunque sería posible escribir un programa funcional

utilizando estas técnicas, hay mucho más para convertirse en un programador competente C #. C # es,

ante todo, un lenguaje orientado a objeto y, como tal, cualquier programador de C # se prevé la

creación de aplicaciones orientadas a objetos utilizando este idioma.

C # proporciona un amplio soporte para el desarrollo de aplicaciones orientadas a objetos. El tema de

la programación orientada a objeto es, sin embargo, de gran tamaño. No es una exageración afirmar

que libros enteros se podría dedicar a la materia (porque los libros enteros se han dedicado al tema).

Como tal, una descripción detallada del desarrollo de software orientado a objetos está más allá del

alcance de C # Es-sentials. En su lugar, vamos a introducir los conceptos básicos que intervienen en

la programación orientada a objetos y luego pasar a explicar el concepto que se refiere al desarrollo

de aplicaciones C #.

¿Qué es un objeto?

Un objeto es una pieza autónoma de la funcionalidad que se puede utilizar fácilmente, y volver a uti-

lizarse como bloques de construcción para una aplicación de software.

Los objetos consisten en variables de datos y funciones (llamados métodos) que se puede acceder y

pidió al objeto de realizar las tareas. Estos se denominan colectivamente como miembros.

¿Qué es una clase?

Así como un plano o dibujo del arquitecto define lo que es un elemento o un edificio se verá como

una vez que se ha construido, una clase define lo que un objeto se verá como cuando se crea. Se de-

fine, por ejemplo, cuáles son los métodos de hacer la voluntad y cuáles son las variables miembro


Declarar una clase de C #

Antes de que un objeto puede ser instanciada primero tenemos que definir «modelo» de la clase para

el objeto. En este capítulo vamos a crear una clase de cuenta bancaria para demostrar los conceptos

de la programación orientada al objeto C #.

Una C sharp clase se declara utilizando las palabras clave public class seguida del nombre de la clase.

Aunque el compilador de C # aceptará casi cualquier nombre para una clase, programación conven-

ción dicta que un nombre de clase comienzan con una letra mayúscula:

public class BankAccount


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We have now defined a class which currently contains no members. The next task, therefore, is to add

some members.

Creating C# Class Members

Los miembros del grupo o propiedades son esencialmente variables y métodos incorporados en la

clase. Miembros pueden ser públicos, privados o protegidos. Métodos del público se puede acceder

desde fuera del objeto y también son visibles en las clases derivadas de la clase actual. Métodos

privados sólo se puede acceder por los métodos que figuran en la clase y no son accesibles a las clases

derivadas. clases protegidas sólo están disponibles para las clases derivadas.

Esta es la clave para lo que se denomina encapsulado de datos. Convenciones programación orientada

a objetos Dicstados que los datos deben ser encapsulados en la clase y acceder y configurar sólo a

través de los métodos de la clase (normalmente llamado getters y setters).

Ahora podemos extender nuestra clase CuentaBancaria para agregar variables miembro para contener

el nombre y número de cuenta. Fiel al concepto de encapsulación de datos vamos a hacer algunos de

estos miembros privados y los métodos de escritura para acceder a estos valores más tarde:

public class BankAccount


public string accountName;

public int accountFee;

private int accountBalance;

private int accountNumber;


Now that we have defined the properties of our class we need to look briefly at a few additional data

member types, and then learn how to create object instances from the class.

Static, Read-only and Const Data Members

In addition the data member types we have looked at so far, C# also provides support for a number of

additional member types.

C# static member types (also referred to as class properties) are used to store data values which are

common to all object instances of class. For example, all bank customers would likely earn the same

rate of interest on a savings account. An interestRate member would, therefore, be declared as static

since it is common across all object instances of the class.

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Static members are declared using the static keyword. For example:

public class BankAccount


public static int interestRate;


Static members are accessed through the class, not though the object. For example we would change

the interestRate member for all object instances by reference the BankAccount class as follows:

BankAccount.interestRate = 10;

For data members that must not be modified the const and readonly keywords are provided by C#.

Both achieve the same objective of preventing the value assigned to a data member from being

changed after it has been declared. The value of a const or readonly member must be assigned at

creation time:

public readonly daysInWeek = 7;

Instantiating an Object from a C# Class

The process of creating an object from the class 'blueprint' is called instantiation. The first step is to

create an object variable of the required object type. An instance of the object is then created using

the new keyword and assigned to the object variable:

BankAccount custAccount;

custAccount = new BankAccount();

It is also possible to declare the object variable and assign the object in a single statement:

BankAccount custAccount = new BankAccount();

Now that we have an instance of our BankAccount class the next step is learn how to access the

members of the class.

Accessing C# Object Members

Now that we know how to write a class and instantiate objects from the class, we now need to know

how to access the members of the object. Firstly, you will recall that we declared some members as

being public and others as being private. The public methods are fully accessible from outside the

object. This is achieved using something called dot notation. Dot notation is a mechanism by which

object members may be accessed by specifying the object and member names separated by a dot (.).

For example, to access the accountName member of an object named custAccount we would reference

this member using custAccount.accountName:

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using System;

class Hello


public class BankAccount


public string accountName;

public int accountFee;

private int accountBalance;

private int accountNumber;


static void Main()


BankAccount custAccount = new BankAccount();

custAccount.accountName = "John Smith";

custAccount.accountFee = 5;

Console.WriteLine ("Customer Name is " + custAccount.accountName);

Console.WriteLine ("Account Fee = $" + custAccount.accountFee);



The above code assigns values to the accountName and accountFee members of our object. It then

references the properties in order to display text which reads:

Customer Name is John Smith

Account Fee = $5

This approach works well for public class members, but not for private members. An attempt, for

example, to use dot notation to access the private accountNumber member will result in a compilation

error along the the lines of:

error CS0122: 'Hello.BankAccount.accountNumber' is inaccessible due to its protection level

In order to access private members we need to provide access methods in the class.

Adding Methods to a C# Class

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Class method members are sections of code contained in a class which can be called from outside an

object to perform specific tasks. Common types of methods are getter and setter methods which are

used to access private data members of a class. For example, we can declare a getter and a setter

method to get and set the protected accountNumber member:

public class BankAccount


public string accountName;

public int accountFee;

private int accountBalance;

private int accountNumber;

public int getAccountNumber()


return accountNumber;


public void setAccountNumber(int newNumber)


accountNumber = newNumber;



Class methods are called using dot notation. For example, to set the value of the accountNumber:

BankAccount custAccount = new BankAccount();

custAccount.setAccountNumber( 12345 );

Console.WriteLine ("Account Number = " + custAccount.getAccountNumber() );

The above code sets the account number using the setter method and then displays the account number

using the getter method.

Now that we have looked at method class members the next task is to look at two special class meth-

ods, constructors and finalizers.

C# Constructors and Finalizers

Despite the grand sounding names, C# class constructors and finalizers are nothing more than methods

which get called when an object is instantiated and destroyed. The constructor is particularly useful

for allowing initialization values to be passed through to an object at creation time. Let's say that we

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would like to be able to initialize the accountName and accountNumber members at the point that we

initialize the custAccount object. To do so we need to declare a constructor.

Constructors are declared the same way as other methods with the exception that the name of the

method must match the class name:

public class BankAccount


public string accountName;

public int accountFee;

private int accountBalance;

private int accountNumber;

// Constructor

public BankAccount(string acctName, int acctNumber)


accountName = acctName;

accountNumber = acctNumber;


// ....


We can now use the constructor to initialize these members at object creation:

BankAccount custAccount = new BankAccount("Fred Wilson", 123456);

Finalizers are used to clean up any resources used by a class object when the object is destroyed.

Unlike constructors which can be triggered from code using the new keyword there is no way to

explicitly call a finalizer (for example there is no delete equivalent to the new keyword). Instead, the

finalizer will be called when the garbage collector decides that the object instance is no longer needed.

All the programmer can be sure of is that the finalizer will be called at some time between the when

the object is no longer needed by the code and the point that the application terminates.

Finalizers are defined in the same way as constructors with the exception that the name is preceded

by a tilde (~):

// Finalizer

public ~BankAccount(string acctName, int acctNumber)


// Code to perform clean up


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C# Inheritance

In C# Object Oriented Programming we looked at the basics of object oriented programming in C#.

Now that we have covered these basics the next topic to be covered is that of class inheritance.

What is Inheritance?

The concept of inheritance brings something of a real-world view to programming. It allows a class

to be defined which has a number of characteristics and then other classes to be created which are

derived from that class. The derived class inherits all of the features of the parent class and typically

then adds some features of its own.

By deriving classes we create what is often referred to as a class hierarchy. The class at the top of the

hierarchy is known as the base class and the derived classes as subclasses. Any number of classes may

be derived from a class. It is only possible for a derived class to inherit from one class. As such, C# is

known as a single inheritance programming language.

Classes need not only be derived from a base class. For example, a subclass can also inherit from

another subclass.

An Example of Inheritance

As with most programming concepts the subject of inheritance in C# is perhaps best illustrated with

an example. In the previous chapter we created a class called BankAccount:

public class BankAccount


public string accountName;

public int accountFee;

private int accountBalance;

private int accountNumber;

public int getAccountNumber()


return accountNumber;


public void setAccountNumber(int newNumber)


accountNumber = newNumber;


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This class does a good job of defining characteristics common to any type of bank account, such as

account holder name, account number and current balance. Imagine, however, that our banking pro-

gram needs to support a number of specific types of account. For example, the bank might offer its

customers an interest bearing savings account. A savings account will have all the characteristics of

our BankAccount class but would also need a way to store the prevailing interest rate. One option

would be to create a brand new class from the ground up called SavingsAccount which duplicates

everything we have in our BankAccount class, plus extra members needed for a savings account.

Another, more efficient method is to derive a SavingsAccount class from the BankAccount class and

then add in the extra functionality into this subclass.

Creating a Subclass in C#

Now that we have ascertained that we need to create a sub class of our BankAccount class we can

take a look at the code necessary to achieve this. Subclasses are declared in the same way as any other

class with the exception that the class name is followed by a colon (:) followed by the name of the

class from which it is to inherit. With this in mind we can begin by creating our SavingsAccount class:

public class BankAccount


public string accountName;

public int accountBalance;

public int accountNumber;

public BankAccount (string name, int number)


accountName = name;

accountNumber = number;


public int getAccountNumber()


return accountNumber;


public void setAccountNumber(int newNumber)

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accountNumber = newNumber;



public class SavingsAccount : BankAccount



We have now created a sub class of BankAccount called SavingsAccount, but at this point the Sav-

ingsAccount class is no different than its parent class. Next we need to add some new members to add

the behavior we need:

public class SavingsAccount : BankAccount


public double interestRate;

public SavingsAccount (string name, int number, int balance, double rate)

: base (name, number)


accountBalance = balance;

interestRate = rate;


public double monthlyInterest()


return interestRate * accountBalance;



We now have a new class called SavingsAccount which inherits all the members of the BankAccount

class and adds some members of its own. In particular we have added a new data member called

interestRate which will store the interest rate paid on the account together with a new method to

calculate the monthly interest.

Passing Arguments to the Base Class Constructor

Of particular significance is the constructor. In the BankAccount base class we have a constructor

which takes the account name and account number as arguments. In the SavingsAccount subclass we

need to accept two additional arguments - the balance and the interest rate. The : base code instructs

C# to handle the name and number arguments using the constructor from the base class. The remaining

two arguments are then passed to the SavingsAccount constructor.

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With our subclass complete we can now make use of it:

static void Main()


SavingsAccount saveAccount = new SavingsAccount("Fred Wilson", 123456, 432, 0.02F);

Console.WriteLine ("Interest this Month = " + saveAccount.monthlyInterest() );


C# and Windows Forms

The Windows Form is a vital component in the development of any Windows-based application.

Forms essentially provide the windows that make up a Windows application. In fact, the terms win-

dow and form are often used interchangeably. Forms allow the C# developer to create windows and

layout controls (such as buttons, labels etc) in those forms to provide the application's user interface.

In the next chapter (Designing Forms in C# and Visual Studio) we will look at how to layout controls

inside a form. Before we reach that stage, however, there are a surprising number of ways in which

the form itself can be modified and configured. We will cover these options in detail in this chapter.

Creating a New Form

Throughout this chapter we will work with a form in a new project. Begin by starting Visual Studio

and creating a new Windows Application project. Name the project CSharpforms.

Once the new project is created you will see a new Form in Visual Studio ready for you to begin work.

Changing the Form Name

All GUI objects in a C# application need a name so that they can be referenced in the C# code. When

a new object is added to an application in Visual Studio it is assigned a default name which usually

consists of the object type and a number. For example the first form object in an application is named

Form1, the second Form2, and so on.

To change the name of a Form to something more meaningful, simply click in any area of the Form

in Visual Studio and change the (Name) value in the Properties panel.

Changing the Form Title

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Each form in Visual Studio repre-

sents an application window in the

finished C# based application.

The text displayed in the title bar

for each window should be

changed to display something

meaningful. This should either be

the name of application, or a de-

scription of the form's function

(for example Order Entry or Save


The value of the text to be dis-

played in the window title is de-

fined by the selected form's Text

property. To change the title of the

form, therefore, select the Text

value in the Properties panel (located by default in the bottom right hand corner of the Visual Studio

main window) and change it to a new value (for example, 'C# Form Example'):

Changing the Form Background Color

The background of any form may be changed either by specifying a new color, or by using a back-

ground image. The background color is controlled by the BackColor property of the form. By default

this property is set to Control. This specifies that the form should use a system defined default color.

This color varies between different Windows versions, and changes when the user changes the overall

color scheme of their Windows system.

To change the background color, select the form in Visual Studio and locate the BackColor property

in the Properties panel. There are a number of ways to specify a color.

Color by name - Simply type in a color name into the BackColor value field (for example Red,

Yellow, Cyan etc).

Color by RGB value - Colors may be specified by entering the hexadecimal RGB values (for

example #FFFFFF for white, #000000 for while and so on). RGB values may also be specified

using decimal values (for example 255,255,255 for white, 0,0,0 for black etc).

Color from existing palette - Clicking on the down arrow in the BackColor value field will

display a drop down menu. Lists are available for web safe colors, custom colors and system


Once you have selected a new color the background color of your form will change to reflect the new


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Changing The Form Background Image

In addition to changing the background color of a form, it is also possible to specify a background

image. This is specified using the form's BackgroundImage property in the Properties panel. When

the BackgroundImage property is selected in the Property panel a button containing the label '...'

appears. Click on this button to display the Select Resource window:

Click on the Local Resource op-

tion button and click on Import to

browse for an image. If you don't

have any images of your own

readily available try looking in for

the Sample Pictures folder in My


Once selected, the image will be

applied to the form background

and any controls added will ap-

pear on top of the image. The fol-

lowing figure shows a form with a

background image and a Button


If the image used for the back-

ground is smaller than the form

size, windows will use multiple

copies of the image in a tile ar-

rangement to ensure the entire

available area is filled.

Configuring the Minimize, Maximize and Close Buttons

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Each window in a Windows application has, by default, Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons in

the top left hand corner of the title bar. In addition, clicking on the icon on the right hand side of the

title bar drops down a control box containing the same options, plus options to resize the window.

These options make it easy for the user to perform tasks such as minimizing or maximizing a form. If,

however, you do not want these controls to be available for a particular form they can be disabled

from the Properties panel for the form in question. To disable the Maximize button set the Max-

imizeBox property to False. Similarly, disable the Minimize button by setting the MinimizeBox prop-

erty to False. In each case the button will still be visible, but will be disabled so the user cannot click

on it.

To remove all controls, including the Control Box and the Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons set

the ControlBox property to false. When set, the only content in the form's toolbar will be the form


Setting Minimum and Maximum Form Sizes

The minimum and maximum sizes of a form can be specified. These limitations are controlled via the

MinimumSize and MaximumSize properties respectively. Once set, assuming the form is sizable, the

user will not be able to resize the form beyond the size boundaries you have defined using these


Specifying the Position of a Form on the Display

The initial position of a form when it is first displayed in an application is controlled by the form's

StartPosition property in conjunction with the Location property. The StartPosition property can be

set to one of a number of different values:

Manual - Sets the initial position of the form to the X and Y coordinates specified by the

Location property.

CenterScreen - Specifies that the form should be positioned in the center of the display.

WindowsDefaultLocation - This is the default setting for this property and dictates that the

form be positioned in the default Windows location for new windows (typically near the top

left hand corner of the screen).

CenterParent - If the form is a child of another form, this value specifies that the form should

be positioned within the center of the parent form.

Changing the Form Border

By default a form can be resized by the user. Visual Studio allows both the behavior, and the appear-

ance of the border to be controlled by manipulating the FormBorderStyle property. The border may

be configured to allow, or disallow resizing of the form, with a variety of border styles (such as 3D).

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To change the border, select the FormBorderStyle in the Properties panel of the form you wish to

modify. Click on the down arrow in the value field to drop down a menu of items and select the setting

of your choice. Feel free to experiment with the different settings, using the F5 key to build and run

your application to try out each setting.

Stopping a Form from Appearing the Windows Taskbar

By default every form in an application is shown in the Windows desktop taskbar when it is created.

Whilst this is acceptable for a small application consisting of one or two forms, it is unlikely that you

would want every single form to appear in the taskbar.

To prevent a form from appearing the taskbar simply set the ShowInTaskbar property to False.

Creating a Transparent Form

The Opacity property can be used to control the degree of transparency of a form of control. The lower

the opacity percentage, the more transparent the form or control. To make a form transparent, select

the form and change the Opacity percentage to 70% (if you select a percentage that is too low the

form will be invisible when the application is run). Press F5 to build and run the application. The form

will be partially transparent in that you can still see the form and its controls, but you can also see

what is on the desktop behind the form.

Designing Forms in C# and Visual Studio

A primary job of a C# programmer is the development of graphical Windows based applications.

Given this fact, it is not surprising that an important part of developing with C# and Visual Studio

involves the design of Windows Forms. In this chapter of C# Essentials, we will cover in detail the

design of Forms using Visual Studio.

Visual Basic Forms and Controls

The form object is essentially a container for holding the controls that allow the user to interact with

an application. Controls are individual objects such as Buttons, Toggles and TextBoxes. In C# and

Windows Forms we looked at the many options for configuring a Windows Form. In this chapter,

however, we will cover the steps involved in laying out controls on a Form in Visual Studio.

When a new Windows Application project is created in Visual Studio the first object you will see is a

form. Typically it will appear in the design area as follows:

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Controls are added to the form us-

ing the Toolbox. The Toolbox is

usually accessed by clicking on

the Toolbox tab to the left of the

Visual Studio main window. The

Toolbox can be pinned in place so

that it no longer auto-hides by

clicking on the push pin in the title

bar. It can also be detached and al-

lowed to float anywhere on the

desktop by clicking and dragging

on the title bar after applying the

push pin. When detached, the

Toolbox appears as follows:

Visual Studio provides three

methods for adding new controls to a form. In this chapter we will cover each of these different


Double Clicking the Control in the Toolbox

The Toolbox contains all of the controls available to be added to a form. One way to add a control to

form is to simply double click on the control in the Toolbox. The control is then automatically added

to the current form. The advantage of this approach is that it is very quick to add multiple controls to

a form. The downside is that Visual Studio does not know where you want the control positioned in

the form and consequently positions the controls near to the top left hand corner of the form. Once the

control is added to the form you will need to click and drag it to the desired location.

Dragging a Dropping Controls onto the Form

Another approach to adding controls to a form is to click on the control in the Toolbox and drag it

onto the form. When the control is in the required location, release the mouse button to drop the

control into place. The position of the control can subsequently be refined using the mouse or arrow

keys to move the location of the control.

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Drawing a Control on the Form

The most precise mechanism for adding a control to a form is to draw

it. This is achieved by first selecting the desired control in the

Toolbox. Once the control is highlighted, move the mouse pointer to

the location on the form where you would like the top left hand corner

of the new control to appear. Click and hold down the left hand mouse

button a drag the pointer. A box will be drawn as you drag the pointer.

When the box reaches the required size for the new control, release

the mouse button. The new control will appear positioned and sized

according to the size and location of the box.

Positioning and Sizing Controls Using the Grid

When adding controls to a form it is possible to configure how con-

trols are positioned and sized by activating a grid. When the grid is

active, controls "snap" to the nearest grid position when added to a


There are a number of ways to configure the granularity and behavior

of the Visual Studio grid. These settings are global in that, once de-

fined, they apply to all forms and projects, not just to the current form

or project. Note also that for some reason, changes to the grid do not

immediately take effect in forms in which you are already working.

Grid settings are changed using the Visual Studio Options screen. To access this screen, select Op-

tions... from the Tools menu. When the dialog appears, click on Windows Forms Designer in the left

hand tree. Once selected the dialog should appear as follows:

The settings available here require

some explanation:

GridSize - This setting controls

the vertical and horizontal dis-

tances between the grid points on

the form. This essentially controls

the granularity of the grid. The

smaller the gaps between grid

points, the greater control over

control size and position.

ShowGrid - Controls whether

the grid dots are visible in the

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form. Note that this setting controls only whether the grid is visible, not whether controls snap

to the grid locations. Snapping is controlled by the SnapToGrid setting.

SnapToGrid - This setting determines whether the grid is used when controls are added. When

set to True new controls will "snap" to the nearest grid location when added. When set to False

the grid is ignored and controls will appear where they are dropped or drawn.

LayoutMode - Controls whether controls are laid out by snapping to a grid location, or are

aligned with other controls in the form. Aligning with other controls is achieved using "Snap

Lines" which are covered in detail in the next section of this chapter.

Spend some time changing the settings and adding new controls or move existing form controls. In

particular, try different GridSize and SnapToGrid settings.

Positioning Controls Using Snap Lines

One of the key objectives in designing esthetically pleasing forms is getting controls aligned. One

way to make the task of aligning controls involves the use of "Snap Lines" in Visual Studio. When

activated, the Snap Lines feature causes a line to be drawn between an edge of the control you are

currently moving and the corresponding edge of the closest control on the form when the edges are in


To active Snap Lines select Options... from the Tools menu, click on Windows Form Designer in the

tree to the left of the Options dialog and configure the following settings:

Layout Mode: SnapLines

SnapToGrid: False

ShowGrid: False

Once the settings are applied, add a Button control to a form. Next, click on the ListBox control in the

ToolBox and drag it over to the form. As you move the ListBox below the Button a line will appear

between the controls at any point that edges align. For example the following figures show a line

appearing at the point the left and right hand edges of the controls align:

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Selecting Multiple Controls

It is often useful to be able to select multiple controls in a form. Normally when you click on one

control in a form, the currently selected control is deselected. There are two ways to select multiple

controls. One method is to hold down the Shift key while selecting controls. With the Shift key pressed

any currently selected controls will remain selected while other controls are clicked.

Another method is to rubber band the controls. To do this click on any empty area of the form to the

top left of the group of controls you wish to select. With the mouse button depressed drag to draw a

box around the controls. When you release the mouse button all the controls within the box area will

be selected.

To de-select individual controls from a group of selected controls, simply hold down the Shift key and

click with the left hand mouse button on the control to de-select.

Once a group of controls are selected you can move all the controls at once, maintaining their positions

relative to each other, simply by clicking and dragging the entire group.

Now that we have covered selecting groups of controls we can now look at some other tasks that can

be performed on groups in Visual Studio.

Aligning and Sizing Groups of Controls

Visual Studio provides a number of tools to assist in aligning groups and sizing groups of controls in

a form. These features are accessed using the layout toolbar. To display the layout toolbar right click

on any part of the standard Visual Studio Toolbar and select Layout from the drop down menu. The

resulting toolbar will appear as follows:

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Select a group of components and click on the various buttons in the toolbar to see the effect. For

example, all the controls can be left or right aligned and resized to the same size, width or height. It is

also possible to equally space the controls, and then increase or decrease the spacing used to separate

the controls. It is also possible place controls on top of one another and change which control appears

on top of the stack (this can also be done in C# code using the BringToFront() and SendToBack()

methods of the respective controls).

All together, the range of options allows just about any uniform layout to be achieved from a group of

controls in a form.

Setting Properties on a Group of Controls

In addition to changing the size and layout of a group of controls it is also possible to set properties

simultaneously on the group. When multiple controls are selected as a group the Visual Studio Prop-

erties panel changes to list only the properties which are common to all the control types comprising

the group. Changing a property value in the properties panel applies that change to all selected con-


Anchoring and Autosizing Form Controls

All the controls we have worked with so far have been a fixed size. They have also remained that

same size, even if the form in which they reside is resized. It is often useful to have a control resize

when the form is resized. This is achieved using the Anchor property. To use this property, select a

control in a form and click on the down arrow in the value field of the Anchor property in the Proper-

ties panel. A graphic will be displayed indicating the anchors currently set (typically the top and left

edges of the control). Activate the anchors on the right and bottom edges of the control to anchor those


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Once the anchors are in place,

press F5 to compile und run the

application. When the form is dis-

played and resized, the control

with the anchors will grow in pro-

portion to the size of the form.

Setting Tab Order in a Form

Despite the advent of the graph-

ical user interface and the mouse,

it is still common for users to nav-

igate forms using the keyboard.

The standard keyboard navigation

technique involves the use of the

Tab key to move from one control

to the next in a form. For this rea-

son it is vital that the Tab Order be configured to implement a sensible sequence of moves between


To view and change the current tab order for a form, display the Layout toolbar (if this is not already

visible, right click on the standard Visual Studio toolbar and select Layout). On the Layout toolbar

click the Tab order button (usually the last button on the right). The form will be displayed with a

number next to each control:

To change the order, simply click on each control in

the order you wish for them to be navigated by the tab

key. As you click on each control the number will

change, starting at 0 until all the controls have been

sequenced. The tab order is now set.

Understanding C# GUI Events

In the days before graphical environments such as Mi-

crosoft windows, applications were developed using a

procedural approach. This meant that the path a user

would take through an application was dictated by the

programmer at the point the application was developed. For example, the application might display a

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menu listing several options, and prompt the user to select an option. Depending on the user's selec-

tion, the application might display a data input screen in which data would need to be entered in the

order in which the fields were displayed on the screen. Once the data was entered the user would then

be able to press a key to save the data and return to the menu screen again.

The world of the graphical user interface is very different from the old days. Today a user is presented

with windows containing multiple controls such as buttons, text fields, toggles and sliders. The mouse

allows the user to interact with any of the visible controls in any order they choose. The programmer

can, therefore, no longer dictate the path a user will take through an application. A new way of han-

dling the interaction between a user and an application was needed. This approach is known as event


Instead of a procedural approach to programming, applications are now event driven. In essence, the

developer defines what the user interface is to look like, and then defines subroutines which will be

called when particular events are triggered. For example, the C# programmer might create a Form

containing a number of Buttons. For each Button, the programmer will define the C# code to be

executed when a Click event is triggered on each button. When the application runs, an event loop sits

in the background and waits for an event to be triggered in the application. Once an event is triggered

(such as button click or a keystroke in a text field) the event loop looks at the object from which the

event was triggered to see if an event handler has been defined by the developer for that particular

event type. If a handler has been defined, that subroutine is executed and the event loop continues to

loop waiting for the next event to be triggered.

Event Triggers

There are a number of ways events can be triggered:

User Interaction - One of the most common ways for events to be triggered is through user

interaction with controls in a Form. Each control has a number of events which can be trig-

gered. For example, a text field can trigger an event when a user types a character or when a

user moves the mouse over the control.

Object Event Triggering - Objects can trigger their own events. For example, the Timer object

can be configured to trigger its own Timer event after a specified amount of time has elapsed.

Operating System - The Windows operating system can trigger events which can be handled

by the application. For example, Windows will trigger an event when part of a window is

obscured by another window. In this situation C# receives an event when the previously ob-

scured window area is re-exposed so that it knows to repaint the area.

Programmatically triggered events - The event of any object may be triggered by the program-

mer from within the C# code. For example, a program may need to simulate the event triggered

by a user clicking on a button.

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Wiring Up Events in Visual Studio

In this section we will look at the steps involved in configuring events on controls in a Form. Create

a new Windows Application project in Visual Studio called CSharpEvents.

In this example we are going to create a Form containing a TextBox, a Label and a Button. We are

then going to set up event handlers such that any text typed into the TextBox will appear in the Label

control. We will also wire up an event handler on the Button to close the application when the button

is pressed.

The first step is to design the Form. Using the Toolbox (see Designing Forms in C# and Visual Studio

for an overview of designing forms) add a TextBox, Label and Button to the Form so that form appears

as follows:

Select each control in turn and using the Properties panel change the

Name of the controls to myButton, myLabel and textInput respectively.

The Form design is now complete and we can now begin to connect the

events to event handlers.

We will begin by defining an event procedure for the TextBox. To ac-

cess the textInput control event procedures simply double click on the

TextBox control in the Form. Visual Studio will subsequently display

the event procedures for the textInput control. By default Visual Studio

picks the most common event, the TextChanged event, and creates a

stub of the subroutine to be called when that event is triggered by the user.

In our example we want every keystroke performed by the user in the TextBox to be displayed by the

Label control. In this case the TextChanged event is exactly the event we want.

With the TextChanged event still selected it is time to write the C# code that will be executed when

the event is triggered. To do so, we will need to set the Text property of the myLabel control to equal

the Text property of the textInput control. The properties of objects are accessed using what is called

dot notation. For example the Text property of myLabel is accessed in C# code as follows:


To modify the event procedure, therefore, the code for this event needs to be modified as follows:

private void textInput_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


myLabel.Text = textInput.Text;


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Visual Studio, of course, makes life easy for us when accessing properties of objects. At the point that

you type the '.' after myLabel a drop down list of properties available with this type of object is dis-

played from which to choose. Either select the Text property from the list, or continue to type the word

Text. Repeat this for the textInput property

The implementation of the TextChanged event handler for our inputText control is now complete.

Now we need to implement the event procedure for the Button. Return to the form design by clicking

on the Form1.cs tab above the code editing area and double click on the myButton component to

access the code behind the button. This time the event we need to catch is the Click event. Once again,

Visual Studio anticipates out needs and takes us to the myButton_Click() event code.

Modify the event procedure to call Close() as follows:

private void myButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




Now, when the button is pressed the application will exit.

Compile and Running the Application

Finally, build and run the application by pressing the F5 key or clicking on the Debug button in the

toolbar (the button displaying the green Play triangle). The application should compile and run. When

you type text into the TextBox the characters should also appear in the label:

Clicking the Button should close the application as specified in the Click() event procedure.

Setting Up a C# Timer Event

At the beginning of this chapter we mentioned that objects can trigger their own events. So far we

have only looked at events triggered by user interaction with the application's user interface. We will

now look at configuring the Timer object to trigger its own events. The first step is to add a Timer

object to our application. First, display the Toolbox if it is not already visible, unfold the Components

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section of the Toolbox list and scroll down until you find the Timer object. To add a Timer to the

application simply double click on it. Because the Timer is not a visible object it appears in a special

area beneath the Form as shown in the following figure:

With the Timer object selected,

use the Properties panel to change

the Enabled property to True and

the Interval property to 10000

(which will cause the Timer to

trigger a Tick event every 10 se-

conds). Next double click on the

Timer object to edit the event pro-

cedure. The Timer object has a

single event, the Tick event, which

is triggered each time the timer in-

terval elapses. We are going to

write code to set the myLabel con-

trol to display Your time is up

when the Tick event triggers:

private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)


myLabel.Text = "Your time is up";


Build and run the application and notice that after 10 seconds the label text changes to "Your time is

up". Enter some text into the TextBox so that the Label text changes again and wait 10 seconds. Once

again, the Timer will trigger the Tick event and the Label text will change.

Creating Top-Level Menus in C#

Since it is almost impossible create an application without needing a menu of some sort, this chapter

is dedicated entirely to the topic of creating top-level menus. The next chapter will cover Creating

Context Menus in C#. As you will see as we work through this topic, C# combined with Visual Studio

make the creation of menus extremely easy.

Creating a Top-Level Menu

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Top-level menus (the type of menus that run across the top of forms) are created using the Menu Strip

control. The first step in creating a menu, therefore, is to add a Menu Strip control to the form. With

your Visual Studio project loaded, and the Form to which you wish to add the menu selected, double

click on the Menu Strip control in the Menus and Toolbars section of the Visual Studio Toolbox. You

will notice that the Menu Strip object is added to the panel beneath the form, and that a Type Here

field appears at the top of the form as follows:

Use the Properties panel to change

the name of the Menu Strip object

to mainMenu. Click in the Type

Here field at the top of the form

and enter &File. This as the effect

of creating a menu item object la-

beled "File". The ampersand (&) is

added to instruct C# to use the 'F'

at the beginning of the file as the

accelerator key for this menu item.

As such, pressing Alt+F when the

application is running will be

equivalent to clicking on the menu

item with the mouse pointer. The

location of the ampersand in the

menu item Text property dictates

the accelerator key. For example

H&elp will declare 'e' as the accel-

erator for this particular men item.

Windows indicates the accelerator

for a menu item by underlining the letter (as you will see by the underlined 'F' on your File menu


Once the File menu item has been added, Visual Studio will create both a drop down menu and a field

to add another menu item as follows:

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Click on the Type Here field and

type &Open File.... When you

have entered this text Visual Stu-

dio will add another Type Here

field beneath the "Open File" en-

try. Click in this field and enter

&Read File.... Once again, Visual

Studio provides the opportunity to

add another item. This time, how-

ever, we are going to add a differ-

ent type of item to the menu. As

you move the mouse pointer over

the Type Here field, the field will

highlight and a down arrow will

appear to the right of the Type

Here text. Clicking on this arrow

drops down a menu of items to

add to the menu:

The options available are as follows:

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MenuItem - Creates a sub-menu (also known as a pull-right menu) which essentially pops up

a new menu to the right of the currently displayed menu.

ComboBox - Adds a ComboBox control to the menu. Although you have the option of adding

a ComboBox to your menu, you should resist the urge to do so. The placing of a ComboBox in

a menu is not considered to be good user interface design.

Separator - Places a separator after the last menu item to be added. Separators in menus are

useful for distinguishing between groups of menu items.

TextBox - Adds a TextBox control to the menu. As with the ComboBox, you should resist the

temptation to add such a control to a menu as it violates GUI design convention.

For our example we will add a separator to our File menu. To do so, simply click on the separator

option in the menu.

As the final entry in the File menu, add an E&xit item.

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We will now create a second drop down menu. Click in the Type Here field next to the File menu and

enter &Edit to create an Edit menu. Use the same technique outlined above to add Cut, Copy and

Paste items to the Edit menu.

The last task in creating our top-

level menu is to add a Checked

menu item. A checked menu item

maintains state of being either set

or unset. When a Checked item is

set, a check mark appears and

when they are unset the check

mark disappears. Once completed

the form layout should appear as


To create a Checked item in the

menu enter Save on Exit in the

Type Here field and then right

click on the item to display the

popup menu. From the menu, se-

lect Checked. The menu item will

now be displayed with a check

mark next to it. In the property

panel for the checked menu item,

change the Name property to


The menu is now ready to be

tested. Press the F5 key to build and run the application. When it appears, click on the File and Edit

menus to confirm that they appear as you intended.

Deleting and Moving Menu Items

To delete a menu item in Visual Studio, simply right click on the item and select Delete from the

popup menu. To move an item within the same menu, click and drag the item to the new position by

holding down the mouse button. Release the button when the mouse pointer reaches the new location.

To move an item from one menu to another, first right click over the menu item then select Cut from

the popup menu. Next, click on the new menu to which you wish to move the item and, with the

mouse positioned on the menu item you wish to appear below the new item, right click and select


Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts to Menu Items

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It is conventional to allow menu items to be selected using the keyboard using what are known as

keyboard shortcuts. These are key sequences that typically involve pressing a key whilst holding

down the Ctrl, Alt or Shift key.

Keyboard shortcuts are defined by setting the ShortcutKeys property of a menu item object. For ex-

ample, to configure the Exit menu item to use Ctrl-X, select the menu item and click in the value field

of the ShortcutKeys property in the Visual Studio Properties panel. A panel will appear providing the

option to select Ctrl, Shift or Alt and also the key to be pressed in conjunction. Use this panel to

configure the Ctrl+X key sequence for this menu item.

Programming Menu Items in C#

Now that we have designed a menu system in Visual Studio, the next step is to make the menu items

do something when they are selected by a user. This is achieved using the event procedures of the

individual menu options. We will demonstrate this using our example by wiring up the Exit menu

option so that it closes the application, and by writing an event procedure for the Save on Exit menu

option to change the checked status of the Checked menu item.

We will begin by writing a C# event procedure for when the Exit menu option is selected. In Visual

Studio click on the File menu so that the menu drops down and double click on the Exit menu option.

Visual Studio will subsequently display the Click event procedure for this menu item. All we need to

do is add a Close() call to this procedure to exit the application:

private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




Having made the appropriate change, press the F5 key to build and run the application. Selecting the

Exit option from the File menu should now cause the application to close. Restart the application and

try the Ctrl+X keyboard shortcut to Exit the application.

The final step is to write some C# code to change the setting of the SaveOnExitMenu object such that

selecting the option in the menu changes the checked status. To achieve this, double click on the Save

On Exit in the Edit menu to display the Click event procedure for this object. Enter the following C#

code to invert the current setting of the Checked property of the SaveOnExitMenu object:

private void SaveOnExitMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


SaveOnExitMenuItem.Checked = !SaveOnExitMenuItem.Checked;


Press F5 to build and run the application once again. When Save on Exit is clicked, the checked status

will change to either, set or unset depending on the current setting.

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Creating Context Menus in C#

C# context menus are the menus that pop up when the user clicks with the right hand mouse button

over a control or area in a Windows based form. They are called context menus because the menu is

usually specific to the object over which the mouse was clicked. Context menus are also sometimes

referred to as Popup menus or Shortcut menus.

This chapter will provide an overview of the steps necessary to create and program Context menus in

C#. For information on creating Top-level menus see the Creating Top-Level Menus in C# chapter of

this book.

Adding Context Menus to a C# Form

Context menus are added to a form in C# using the ContextMenuStrip object and associating it with a

particular control. Begin by creating a new Windows Application project in Visual Studio. Next, add

a RichTextBox component to the form so that the form appears as follows and name it MyTextBox:

The purpose of this example is to create a context menu on the form

which will contain options to hide and show the MyTextBox object.

From the Visual Studio Toolbox, double click on the ContextMenuStrip

object. The object will be added to the form. You will notice, however,

that since the menu is not located at any specific position in the form, it

is located in the panel beneath the form. To display the menu in the form,

or edit properties of the object, simply click on this instance of the object.

With the object selected, change the name to TextBoxMenu by changing

the Name property in the Properties panel. You will notice also, that a

representation of the context appears in the form area:

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Add items to the menu simply by

typing in the Type Here fields.

Each time you enter a new item a

new Type Here field will appear.

To add an item other than a menu

option, click on the small down ar-

row which appears in the text box.

It is possible to add ComboBoxes,

Separators, TextBoxes and Menu-

Items to a context menu. With the

exception of separators and Menu-

Items, these items should not be

placed in menus because they vio-

late the rules of good GUI design.

Once an item has been added to

the menu, right clicking on the

item provides a list of properties

which may be changed, such as

making an item checkable, or dis-

abling an item so that it cannot be

selected by the user. It is also pos-

sible to define an image to be dis-

played for the menu option.

To complete this phase of the tutorial, add menu items labeled Hide and Show.

Associating a Component with a Context Menu

Now that we have designed our context menu we need to associate it with the form object. To do this,

select the form in Visual Studio and scroll through the properties in the Properties panel until you find

the ContextMenuStrip property. Click on the down arrow in the value field and select TextBoxMenu

to associate this menu with the form.

Press F5 to build and run the application. When the application loads, right click with the mouse on

any part of the form to display the context menu.

Programming C# Context Menu Options

Now that we have designed the context menu, and associated it with the form object, we need to write

some C# code to cause the MyTextBox object to hide and show depending on the menu selection. This

is achieved by implementing Click event procedures for the hide and show menu items. In Visual

Studio, select the TextBoxMenu object in the panel beneath the form. Once selected, a representation

of the context menu will appear in the form. Double click on the Hide menu option to display the

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Click event procedure code for this menu option. We now need to write some C# code to call the

Hide() method of the MyTextBox object as follows:

private void hideToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




Similarly, the Click event of the Show menu option can be implemented to call the Show() method of

the MyTextBox object. Double click on the Show item of the context menu in the form to display the

event procedure and add the call to the Show() method as follows:

private void showToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




Compiling and Running the Application

Compile and run the application by pressing the F5 key. Right click anywhere on the form to invoke

the context menu and select Hide. The TextBox will disappear from the form. Right click again and

select Show to once again display the TextBox:

Building a Toolbar with C# and Visual Studio

Toolbars provide a quick way for users to perform tasks without having to navigate the application's

menu system. For this reason alone, no Windows application would truly be complete without at least

one toolbar. In this chapter of C# Essentials we will cover in detail the topic of creating toolbars in C#

using Visual Studio.

Creating a Toolbar

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Toolbars are referred to in C# as ToolStrips. The first step in creating a toolbar is to add a ToolStrip

control to the form. Begin by starting Visual Studio and creating a new Windows Application project

named CSharpToolbar. When the new project has been created and the default form appears, display

the Toolbox and double click on the ToolStrip control to add it to the form:

Various types of control can be

added to a toolbar. To add a con-

trol, simply click on the down ar-

row of the button on the toolbar. A

menu will appear listing the vari-

ous types of control which may be

added. Select a button control.

Once the new button control has

been added, right click on the but-

ton to display a menu containing

various options for modifying the

control (including setting a new

image on the button).

Using the above technique add

two more buttons to the toolbar.

Press F5 to build and run the ap-

plication. The application should

appear as follows:

Adding Tooltip Text to Toolbar Controls

Tooltips are small messages which are displayed when the mouse

pointer moves over a control. They are intended to provide a brief

description of the function of the control. Tooltips are especially

useful for toolbar controls because such controls are typically small

buttons which only display a small icon. This means it is often not

clear exactly what a control does. By defining a Tooltip, it is possible

to provide useful tips to the user as to what the control does.

Tooltips are specified via the Text property of the control in question. To add Tooltip to the first button

in our example toolbar, select the button in the form and change the Text property in the Properties

panel to Displays Date and Time. Similarly change the Text property of the second control to Hides

Date and Time.

Press F5 to build and run the application. When the application starts, move the mouse over each

button. As the mouse hovers over each control the tooltip text should appear.

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Programming Toolbar Controls

In order to make the toolbar controls useful we need to write some C# code in the event procedures.

For the purposes of this example, we will program two of our toolbar controls to hide and show a

DateTimePicker control. Open the Toolbox if it is not already visible and double click on the

DateTimePicker control to add it to the form. Move the new control so that it appears as follows:

With the DateTimePicker control

selected, change the Name prop-

erty in the Properties panel to My-


Finally, we need to write the C#

code to hide and show the date and

time control. Double click on the

first button in the toolbar to dis-

play the Click event procedure for

this control. The event procedure

needs to call the Show() method of

the MyDateTime object as fol-


private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




Similarly, we need to call the Hide() method of the MyDateTime object when the second button is

pressed as follows:

private void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




Once the C# code has been written, press F5 to build and run the application. When the toolbar buttons

are clicked the date and time control will appear and disappear accordingly.

Changing the Toolbar Position

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By default, the ToolStrip object will be position across the top edge of the form. Whilst this is the

most common location for a toolbar, it can be positioned along the top, bottom, left or right edges of

a form, or even in the center of the form using the Dock property. To modify this property, select the

ToolStrip object in the form and look for the Dock property in the Properties panel. Click on the down

arrow in the value field to display the location map:

Click on the new location and the toolbar will move to the new position.

Using Bitmaps for Persistent Graphics in C#

In the previous chapter we looked at the basics of drawing graphics in C# using the Graphics Object.

In that chapter we dealt with the issue of making graphics persistent by performing all the drawing

sequences in the Paint() method of a component. In this chapter we will look at using bitmaps to

provide persistent graphics

Why Use Bitmaps for Graphics Persistence in C#?

In the previous chapter we explained that simply drawing graphics on a component in C# is not suffi-

cient to ensure the graphics will remain if part or all of the window containing the graphics is obscured

by another window. In such situations the application will not know to redraw the erased graphics

once the obscured section of the window is uncovered. To address this problem we used the Paint()

method of the component to ensure that the draw commands were executed again when the Paint()

event was triggered. This approach works well for simple, pre-defined graphics but is not suitable for

complex drawings or situations where different graphics are drawn each time the application runs (for

example the graphics may be drawn based on interaction with the user).

To address such situations it is preferable to draw the graphics on a bitmap residing in memory which

can be rendered on a component whenever the a Paint() event is triggered. This avoids the problem of

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having to call all the Draw methods or store and replay a complex sequence of draw commands each

time the graphics need to be refreshed.

Creating a Bitmap

The first step in this tutorial is to create a new Visual Studio Windows Form Application project

named CSharpBitmap. Once the project is created, double click on the Form to display the source

code. Within the class declaration for the form we need to add a Bitmap declaration called myBitmap

as follows:

namespace CSharpBitmap


public partial class Form1 : Form


private System.Drawing.Bitmap myBitmap; // Our Bitmap declaration

public Form1()




private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)





This bitmap will be used to store the graphics image in memory ready to be displayed to the user.

Instantiating a Bitmap and Creating a Graphics Object

Having declared a Bitmap to store our graphics we now need to instantiate it. This can be performed

in the Form1_Load() method of our form so that it is executed when the form is created:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


myBitmap = new Bitmap(this.ClientRectangle.Width,




Having created a bitmap object the next step is create a Graphics Object for the bitmap so that we can

draw graphics into the bitmap. This is achieved by calling the Graphics.FromImage() method, passing

through the bitmap as the argument. Our Form1_Load() method should now appear as follows:

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private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


Graphics graphicsObj;

myBitmap = new Bitmap(this.ClientRectangle.Width,



graphicsObj = Graphics.FromImage(myBitmap);



Note that it is important to dispose of the Graphics Object before we exit the method to free up


Drawing onto the Bitmap

Now that we have our object we can draw onto it using the Graphics Object just as we would writing

to any other graphics object (for details on drawing to a graphics object read Drawing Graphics in


In this example we will create Pen and Rectangle objects and use them to draw an ellipse:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


Graphics graphicsObj;

myBitmap = new Bitmap(this.ClientRectangle.Width,



graphicsObj = Graphics.FromImage(myBitmap);

Pen myPen = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Plum, 3);

Rectangle rectangleObj = new Rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200);

graphicsObj.DrawEllipse(myPen, rectangleObj);



When compiled and executed the code will create the bitmap in memory, create a Graphics Object

associated with the bitmap and draw an ellipse into the bitmap image. It will not, at this point, display

anything to user because the bitmap is still just an image sitting in memory. The next task is to wire

up the Paint() event to render the bitmap into the Graphics Object of our form.

Rendering a Bitmap Image on a Control

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The next step is to write some code for the Paint() event of our form. Select the form in the Visual

Studio design area and click on the lightning bolt button in the Properties dialog to display events.

Double click on the Paint event to go to the code area. In the Paint() event enter the following code to

draw the bitmap image onto the form:

private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)


Graphics graphicsObj = e.Graphics;

graphicsObj.DrawImage(myBitmap, 0, 0, myBitmap.Width, myBitmap.Height);



When compiled and executed the graphics created in the bitmap image will appear in the form area:

Changing the Background Color of a Bitmap

If you followed the tutorial you will now have a plum color circle drawn on a black background. The

background is black because this is the default for a new Bitmap object and we made no attempt

change the color after we created the Graphics Object. Had we wanted a different background color

we could have called the Clear() method of the bitmap's Graphics Object in the Form1_Load()

method, passing in a new color:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


Graphics graphicsObj;

myBitmap = new Bitmap(this.ClientRectangle.Width,



graphicsObj = Graphics.FromImage(myBitmap);

graphicsObj.Clear(Color.White); // Set Bitmap background to white

Page 40: Clase 04 (Aplicaciones Graficas)

Página 40

Pen myPen = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Plum, 3);

Rectangle rectangleObj = new Rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200);

graphicsObj.DrawEllipse(myPen, rectangleObj);



The above code will clear the bitmap prior to creation of the image and, in doing so change the color

of the background to white:


A more efficient and persistent approach to displaying images in C# can be achieved by rendering

images into memory in the form of a bitmap, and then displaying the bitmap in a component’s Paint()

method. This avoids the necessity to repeatedly perform potentially complex and CPU intensive draw-

ing operations each time an image needs to be rendered or refreshed. In this chapter we have worked

through the steps involved in creating persistent graphics in C# through the implementation of bit-
