cm [013] kung fu

© ABCC Australia 2015 KUNG FU CM [013]

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Kung Fu

Kung Fu in China is the art or technique of using force effectively for health or to cause harm to one’s opponents. It is often referred to in the West as Chinese martial art.

Chinese martial art had been in existence in China for millennia. All practitioners know how to use force well in thousands of styles. The basic concept is to develop ways to harness one’s innate energy resources and expand it when the need arises. As kung Fu pre-existed the study of physics, the way of Kung Fu is shrouded in mystery. Picture credit – Wikipedia

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Transfer of Energy

The commonest performance of Kung Fu is the generation of energy inside the body and inject it through the leg or fist into the body of an enemy. If the injection is fast and powerful, the body of the enemy cannot adjust fast enough to accommodate the strike, the body parts become deformed and damaged. So force is understood to be the transfer of energy from one body to another.

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Chi into Kung Fu

If one can manipulate this Qi well, not only would one become healthier, but the force or power issued from his body will be much greater. So force in the mind of the practitioners became something that can be moved around inside the body or even be ejected from the body to affect your opponent.

In the beginning of the 6th century, the concept and practice of Qigong (the practice of Chi or Qi) was introduced into Kung Fu and the Qi style of Kung Fu emerged. The success led to the believe that force is the manifestation of this mysterious Qi or fluid force inside the body.

Picture Credit : Jade comics. Hong Kong.

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.comPicture Credit : Jade comics. Hong Kong.

Force Gone Berserk

This detachable force becomes an essential part of Kung Fu comics, especially those found in Hong Kong and the rest of Asia. The force can be moulded into different forms for any disastrous results.

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Explosive Power from Detachable Forces

The forces do not need to be generated and transferred in contact. They can be issued from the body and be seen like firework everywhere around the combatants. The more brilliant and violent they are, the greater would be the power. This is also done to effectively impress the readers so as to exhort the greatest resonance from the readers.

Picture Credit : Jade comics. Hong Kong.

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Japanese Power

The practitioners may sometimes achieve developing telekinesis or psychokinesis. They can gather enough power in their body and issue forward a powerful blast to eliminate their enemies. Of course, if the enemies also know how to do it, they would blast back, and a battle more awesome than cannons and fire ensures.

Picture Credit : Dragon Balls. Japan.

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Picture Credit: Capcom. Super Buster

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Metropolitan Destroying Power

When carried to extreme, may end up with city-destroying powers as so popular in many Japanese manga. I saw Akira was described as the man who could summon enough power to destroy the Tokyo city.

Picture Credit : Japanese comics Akira

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Western Concepts

The Asians are now not alone. The Westerners are fast catching up. The Star War movies portrait characters with more mysterious power. To the creator of Star War, force seems to be some sort of gas diffused throughout the universe, and warrierswho are properly trained could use it for good or bad purposes.

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Contact & Detachable Force

So there are two types of force concepts prevalent in the world culture. One is the contact force that is commonly used in daily life and in combats; the other is the detachable or remotely controlled force popular in comics and fictions.

Contact Forces Detachable Forces

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Force in Contact

Presentation of force styles may vary, but the underlying concept are the same. More or less the practitioners understand that force is a kind of substance that can be created and shared. It may or may not be leaving the body as an extension, but the fact that its needs for a solid contact to be transferred cannot be denied.

The same feeling exists in both the East and the West civilizations. Momentum and Force cannot be seen, but they are tangible and may be existing everywhere. They have been there waiting to be recognized for thousands of years.

Force transferred on contact.

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THE PHONONTo be continued on CM [014]: