collegiate :l fi)li esesls^-sb-f rtving ®s» s?l lenox · ._ amewi, tells uh: l^ffafthese "...

V f---m*4e ' .¦?ttl CREAM GY THE .MAOAZlSrE^ Tym* vivs-WBcaias vax* *. £ m T__fft__m__WuLn\ .lu Jto^JfUiW. Of M«nD*Wi'rrf'l aNepunrtrni there mmp* emly -V>o mmi.lnwi vrMvam. Haye **. ¥__!__?« * .* "fir. UnpirTltT ... in one -ot Bia h.hnrrtn* mmaaime-**. whicb I om a-sbamed to Atty I wit* maned, . " . ixaran by coolly cutting out a laue n*Mi niece Aram tiie Wok *.! ti beautiful. Hftte Mmw.-wh*. vtuttl from an >-|i>|<J«>-smi)lmK!" It ia -sot to be doubted tbat inbnnwntty nwy be tnuml tn lie**ei»iof-v--r high i*****-!*-, ma -ph-^tojrtrtH. ¦^.|_aTe*ase_a*iti>-rtTt wns so in Mtw-e-D-ttie.'' This is the kagnactnf thear.port on vtviseetion, to wtucb ¦* *ataclMdtlu* name ol P-rofew-nr Hu-tlev. Battbetaet wbiob, ni my own iiiiiid. constitute* bytfnr.t-ie»*Hrwi*-eet4»bitct*i*_i to unrestrained ***- I* rn ttmns, ie ttbtrir*ca_erol worth lemme*-* in io ihenapi'iltin* t-twbablj _-*-*et readers me mt phyn**M*"«v is that science which trent* tnri-Mi* ftmifftons of **ife,suuh ns di-*r»«rtTon,i***s- andtbe circulatum of the blood, wbile ihe- j*is tbat fifrpesttn-iirt nf medicine which re- Uom discovery aaditanr-ltoation of remedieat'nr Mimi* -I veiiUm* to thnt, during ibe Tier tit » century, infliction of Jnlanae****»- i rnnk-own myriad* of weiitieiiv. living _boenot -waHted in the ttise-*A-vef*y ids mady ot acknowledged and generally ac¬ lu., tn fan enre of diaoese. '_*» »not «be general .p-it-hc. bat it is a -fart e*-»*n- j jooSodooHiUHi regarding tbe *$xpediency .trained lioert-y of Tivm-sotion. lt is by no Hut e. iiiiil to (leny the value to tbewpe-fitic-* >kuowii physiological fact* acquired tbns ut ,.Much, for instance, a* tbe more complete, te we poiseas regarduur the otrcnltrtion of _ or tbe diUinctina between motor aud nerves, nor can original investigation be iced absolutely valueleaa ns respect*-, remote ity of future nain. Wbat tb" -public bas a ask of ibnae wbo would indefinitely prolong jerialenle wittout-Htnte^upervision or eou- Wliat good have your painful experiments lisbed during tbe psst thirty year*.nat iu nlng facts in physiology, or causes of rare ..abie complaint*, but in the discovery of iui- metb-iKls for umeHumting human -tuBcring, _.._J| tbe -flare of disease T" The usual Answer to ¦fMudiry bi to bring forward facts in physiology quired iu the past, iu place ot facts iu .thcnt- . In urging tb* utility of a practice so th d_tng-T, the utmost .precaution ugaiust ©rrorof overstatemeut l.rcoiucs an itu- dtity. "Even so di*ttngu_-bed a scicntiirt nt, a Lubbock onoe rashly asserted in Psrlia- _y-t, "~riUmnt extwrinittnts ei living uni- waiiouldno-VBr bave bad tiie use <__ ether f" .everv Ataetkan sctiaocd-boy knows titant. tho y is cnn*.thnt the nee of ether astin anfe- -fihe aniutle«t discovery ol modern tunca. iirigiii in tbe torture of animals. henipeutical reenltH ot nearly half a century fnl-eirp-grlmeiils.*\re-*i»*-gk them iu vain. Dr. surgery t Wu William Fergusson, surtieon ._ amewi, tells uh : " liihurgory 1 am not aware l^ffafthese experiments on tho lower animals iii>v ag ind to tbe mitigation ot pain or to improve- meiit Hs regards surgical detailM." Have antidotes to poasons beeu dacaveriHl thereby t Bays Dr. Taylor, lecturer on toxt-*-olctgy for nearly half a ceu- -tury tn the chief London^fedical School (a writer -whose work on powous is a TecoEnised authority): **I do not know that we have as vet learned anything, .ao for as tretitmeut is coticjriied, from our experi¬ ments with them (i. e. p-jnsons) on nuimals.'" Dr. Anthon*,-, speaking nf Magcudte's experiments, mme : " 1 never gained one single fnct by seeing theao cruel experiments in Paris. I know nothiug .more from tbt-ui than 1 could bave read." Even phy¬ siologist* admit tbe onucity of therapeutic tesult*.. Mir Williiuii Gall, M. I)., was questioned before tbe commission whether-he could enumerate any thera¬ peutic remediefl which have-obcen discovi red by vivisection, and he replied, with fervor: "Tue cases -bristle around tis evtn'Wbere!'' Yet, excepting Hull's experiment* on the nervous s- sum, be could --snumcraie tmly various lorain of disease, our knowledge ot which is due to Harvey's discrfvery _*iw> years ago I Tbe question was pushed closer, .und so, brought to the neoessity ot a (letiuite reply, he. ausweivd : "ldonots'iy nt vreseut our thera¬ peutic* ore much, but there aro Inion of experiment which seenvto nromitte grcutJieli. in therapeutics." .The results of two cenrttines of e-sperhncnts, so far as tberapenti-ss arc couccrued, reduced to u seeming piotnisi.! Oy two p int a, then, thc evidence of tbe highest .scieirtitic authorities iu-Groat Uritain seems conclu¬ sive.first, that'experiments upon living uuinmls .emiducc chiefly to the henefit of the -science of physiology, aud little, if at all, at tbe .present day, io the ireHtiiieiitof iliseAoo or tbe um.-lioratinu of .huninn siihcritig; nut!, secoudlv, that repetitiou of pa*ufn1 i-xpanmettts tor -3_a!*i!*--teachinK in mndioal .school?) is both uiiue-ci-ssar.v and nujustUiahie. Ile -.Sht.^eiOf-oclusiou*-, iiffuct thc prucLicc of vivisection in thin country t Ia it true that experiment* ave nsttrtaally if*/rf(~med ni some of our men ital schouls, «It*>*ii c_(isiu_ extreme pain, t-oilltislrate well-known nnd accepted facts. .xpenments which Uiic-uhIi pb.v_iulog_f.ts pronounce "inffltqons" and "afro- cioua," wbicb i_uglish ph*, mciuus .ind »urge-nns stig- 1»_t__ttt as pitrposcle_e cruelty and ui-jiitrtiiiahli.. which even Huxley rcimrdn as unfitting tor ttacking sud Darwin deununocs um worthy of dete*- tntioti and abhorr.-Kct* T I coi ifess I see uo ocoasiun for any over-de.i.*f»*e retiaeenee in this matter. Kcivuce needs no socraey either for her methods or jr suits; her function is to reveal, not to bide, facia. The reilly to theso qttChUous tuu-Jt be iu tuc affirma¬ tive, in this country our pny-aiol_v<n*,ifl ar*- rather followers of Mngcudie and ti-.uttrd, after thc i_i*--ib*xls in Vogue nt Puns autl Leinsic, tuan ativerued by the cautious and sensitive Cviuservatism in this respect which ecnemlly chiracter-zcs ,lu* phvK.ological tc:n Inuit ot London and Oxford. Kwry'medical student iu Now-Vork know* that cxpetiuieirt« luvnlviuir pa>u arc repcai- vdly -pcrfonn-Al to illustrate teaching. It is no ¦ere.; ono nufd not go beyond ibe frank aduiis- ¦siiiiiH ol nus later text-books on physiology for abundant woof, not only of this, hui of tbo extent to which exnerimenlatiou is now carried in this «.tinily. "We have long been iu the habit, in class demonstrations, of removing tbe optic lulu ou tine aide from a pig-ion," says Professor Flint, of llv-llevne Hospital ftiedical Oolleire. in Ins excellent .wiixE on Physiidugy. " Tim cxperim<**nt of dividhig abo aynipwtnutic in the rieck, neuccially iu rabbits. 4k*o easily .perl-tfymed that the .piienoin«*uu obwerv..-.1 hy Bernard and Uiown-Bcqnard IruTo been repest- clly verified. We hove often dom-this in class d-amoustni-iiuns.'- " The cerebral lobes were re¬ moved trout a young piaeou hi the usual way. an -operation . . . whioh -we practice yeurtv as it, class deraon-itratioii." Hefernng to the removal *«f the cerebellum tbe same authority itHtes: ** Dur owu expertmcuts, *rrJskii liave been very nmncr- ous during the lost Ultfea yean, are simply vepeti- . tion* of those of Flinxrem. and the rest-L-i birve lieen the same -without -eau-et-tiow. We have Iri quoin) V -m-o-ovt-d both kidueys trum dotfs. uud wheu the operation is carefully penormed the nnitnaU live for from three to five days. . . . Dj*".tb always takes place with symptoms af blood poiaoiiiug.*" There le one exirnnmnnt in -wgurd to wtnch the f**veie obaracteTiitatiuu ef -Eiitrttsh scientists is .antonyn_i|rii-'*nle, "from tlicpaiu uoceasarU*)' at- teudiun it. JKtnuirous itiv*t_t,igatom have long «__)blwbed tbe fast that tbe giour eeuaor-y nerve nf the head end fnco is eudeweu with ttn-exiimaite de- .tfrse-at eena-hiltty. More than half a oeuturv ago l>f*fh Ms/at'ttdie and Hfr Charles-Bell ponrteil out that merely expoong and touching this tilth nerve gave sinus of uiuat acaie-puiu. "All who have di- a*uled tim ro__t__i bving auunuls mast have -reoog- sul-d, uot only that it is seiuutivo, burt thut its aensibihty ia far more acute thou thin of nuy other atrrrtn-u. trunk in the body.* ** The fifth pair," .at s Prof-tso.trJohn C. Dalton, " is ttie misst acutely .amu-itf ive nerve tn tbe whole body. ItsirriWttion hy SKChauical uieens alwa-t-s -ctiases iutetise pam. uud arron though tbe amino" be nearly cncoiisciotu-Totu the iuflueuce ol' ether, aro* severe injurv to its large inot is almost invmiebly follo-ived by cries." Testi- toouy on thia poifit m uuiform anu abundaut. If acicuoe speaks anywhere with assurance it is in regard to tbe praf-erttee ot tbis nerve. "Vet every ymr the -experruneut is reheated bvtune medical elwwes sibidI-* te demousrrate aceeptcd facts. " This 4* au cpc_--u.-u_.i_" soye i'lofeaoor Flint, referring to tiie division of this uervis, "that we huve -rtuuontly »erfornu-d with bucco***." -Ho adds that " lt is difll- 4-ult from tbe fact that, oue ta working in tbo dark, su.l it requira* a certsiu atnonnr of dexterity, to be acquiri-a wily hy pnwtit*." Milurie _t__rect,ii*us are tlieieloro Laid down lor the uncrativo procedure, .anu llhuHutkras given hoon ot the instrument to Ve us il and of lb** lieiifl ut n rubhk with the blade .af nie itu^tTunwnt in tts cnimul cavity. Holding the head of our rabbit fin-nv ii thc left baud we tie tinat.itKlto pciictrate tiieurauinm in u ; oi'tiouhu msuiiier. ''tect-iu tue operator leel*. ni _, ocrtaiii duptb that tao bony rewrtaiine eaastei; he is thou ¦ou th!*tifib pair, nud tue enc* ot the annual give .fVidtnior* shat thc nerve ia pressed upou.'-' iiniiuoiiy et individuals, mthcatmg the extent to w incl* *».vi»*ictiou us /<t proacut practis-d tu (tie Htnt^, mt-tht Im gi veir, tat it seem* better to submit )urt_uf within the xeuet of every rewter, uiui the aeno-racy-e-f which ts _-«yond euivjj. Ko leg_.l t_- stnetioun whatever exist, prevr_itiug thc pitfurni- tsie- ot nay ct-an-iiuieDt _-f**_J*t*d. luiieeil, I think rt maj safely be a**ii**»*'l .that, th tiie **Ju-v of Nt*w- ietk, lu a nng2« medical sobool, more min ta iu- Hiccted ttron firing animals, as-a aleaus cu teaciuag w«U*kviowB fania, than wpermitted tub* anne _**- .«in SkUue pnrpflw tn cAl timnstiBnal snooty,* ol i.rtnt rxtttnm wad tretrod. And mi enact **1 L__ truly . -MO'.*' vctttm o ptcftwm rfmohtn asea ali tiKftw __-- apenmeota," W*at net arni? ti.we 1 never netai may ag nil rnvxnmaaansnve unttx the euircriBg anfltoted, bali nnmiat -reoalt a shi«le <*xi*ant_iout ta-Qdb xn abe _di_*hft-et Orseoo Baa i_us«_miI my i taentnaor _n Ba-___m_ymu-,nw uxaamy **_.__-_ om ao; lanjiP-hettor m-emOdnvotm. __*'. ****^*mJo*W**-** -«i-nston. emdena* ¦ntmOAaadn itvhmyamta ^e iii ¦.gmt tor an*a -Marte : Betmntl r-ssi ¦¦ruinh aw* ni -J*- Ooma fctoni-. THK T*t?I>IXIX>L J__hl AULmcbX t\m\m\*s *fffn9fff$ WwtlM CtWDVVSNfr -AnRflMf, .-mvrr?%t-*%\niiaii-r) X**y 4Sa_tr Hm kn »ai**Mii*»wis4n*tha»aflili)itai smrid. tr-ox. ,,.>*» pea»o« n*ton_2j ueealsd to nay wbat IImv J-M-yat*. *(* ao&'liOj-U, Tinny felt, that tbey . 4*fa-*stMl an MUkk dismay,' t n~**ry**ltXron-~ievrw-uiii, Un. Qrnndv mi-tht say." Hmas »a»itlon ne un¬ precedented ihat to t*_k*4r-aeraaed te the church or Mm. Grundy to »« *QUi**idimt ni* am*srnrpttng to sub¬ vert the mural laws ol tbe universe. 'Inls is not -rororrsinji when it ts considered that -he polttu-atl Km-tftrwna-eaa maty hnmmtoot onrnemnme. The melita. BUntuAfr'ngwetvww hun iidward mid his wile as "thone flu.-cr p-.'iinle," which is a form of the sentence iff exile to The social Shena. The re¬ ligion* Hm. Orwndv w«v brand tb* h-snesrt snnmar as nn " unrieliever." He may stoutly deny hint. Grundy'* snpreniat.v_. vet itmrffine* to tinrf bis m- flaeno*. and earner. Tne political. Mrs. Grundy is v-ery po-sr«vfnl. Tire man w&o does not mird ber wiir.-iT*wo**d w "rrecrvntrt," ..itishonnrutile.'" ' -aoT**-, " silly," ** taine." He merely tallow* bm*»wn enn- science in*te>ad of ber will; that is to sav. he. noes men'lT What **ve*rv Itotiorable mau tinghi to do, nmi the only wimoairnt »s a scream of borror. "What wi ll -Ors. -ttrundv eay f" Man-y of those whoii*«n in the erv doepine it, and very-imvhably thc, despise tlieawelve** for swelhug it. thut lt ia the eoi.dttion.or-they think it te be the condition-of then poraeual und political advantage. BMlidee, Mra. Grundy's "say'* has a tremendous echo, tt is constantly ami in¬ finitely rejieat-jtd, and it is that wrvaerhertltlon which make* it terribie. A niau might hr v.-rv -.willmg that oneaopy alone newspaper should call hun a fttrty dog. a thief, and a linr. But when he is called by thew names in abundi-crt thousand copies of lt et-iirry mo**rrang in the week, anil luuitlreJs nf other newspapei* "repeat it, and nnltioi« of people who do not nersonallv know him, and wbo am apt to believe what tbey constantly eoe, read every tbty that he ts w-iltrty dog nnd r liar, a man witnrnlly begins tn count the ooat. and asks himself whether he bad not butter keep his opinions to himself if tbis is the penalty ot expressing them. thrt the moment -bc yi«lds snfl falls dttmb, he helps to make the -tyraiihical ___m. Grnndy. Mm. Grundy, in other words, is rim creatiou of those who despise her. If those who really spurn the idol would hut-show their contempt for it, ihe stone would drop and bc shivered in a moment. On thc other hand, the enormous power of the political Mrs. Grundy isshovp in the consternation with which contempt other word is treated. There is nothing mom ridiculous than the air with whioh those who themselves secretly hate her look upon those wbo quietly etty so, tts if they had causelessly committed hari-kari. Tel, we repeat, it is those: wno htlte her who th e. mae I *.*-*.-¦) make opposition to her will n kind of political suicide. " What will Mrs. Gruudy savf" Hut what matters what sho says, if her word isimpoteut? And impotent it i* if every man who scorns it laughs at it imrtend of fears it. It is not ciitrrago whicn is most nnfor- tunate in Ibis world, by any nieami. " For the first time, in mv life," said it dii-aiiirulsbed puiilic man re¬ cently, "1 flou*tCnre what the political Mrs. urnnrty *eys,*«ti*l I never was so happy and light-hearted." Other distinguished public mon.Webster. Cloy. Calhoun--lac«ed the courage, asked with terror what Mm Grundy would say, and died broken¬ hearted. Every man who defies this tyrannical old womnn does a great public service She ia a kiud of malia u Diana, a triple Duessa of society, religion and poli¬ tics, i-very-man who helps to rivet ber yoke is ,i public cuomy. "What will Mr*. Grundy myV Let ber Bay what she will,-so long as the honest man asks only what honor and manliness say, und having heard, goes quietly on to make their word his deed. LITERARY NOTES. An autograph letter of Thomas Campbell, sold reu. ntl. tn London, contains the followiug genial reft renee to Fusel): "I think this painter of tlevils litt:c better than a devi'in mind und conve-n.nt.ou. Il¬ ls diu.-mlngly conceited and ovarltearim.'." Filsell wltb all bis eccentricities Lui, os ta wei! known, many uiiftagliiK qualities. Tne (ti nu storr is told ol him that on ieiiviin: the noose one day hr* culled out to tlio m 1- vunt, " (Jive me my umbrella, fur 1 nm golnit to eec ono of Mr. CoiislnDle's mclure*." Many eminent meu oF lettere who nt one time or inuit ber lived in Hum* havo been honored hf tin: city in late years with u memorial tablet or other permanent moiiumcitt of their stay. It. has usutiUy taken tuc form otu tablet inserted in the inpadus ot tlte house-4 In which they lived. Goethe and Mle id v ii/ were hobob<oi'cil scviimi.vern's hkii. I-*aat fear a tol.let B'.'t upllu memory of Keats. Very soon ttie, >;ttiv ol wise old .MJautHli/ne will receive u sun.lnr re-*e::iiltiiin, and a proiiMt bu* Just coen marted for tin* erection of u tablet in honor ol Sn* Waifr Sc-nti. Some one bug M__f_M ¦ parnprapb Blionrlnir how ttulueut lstlic roil of contributors lo Thc Ed tr* brttvh Betfiew, comprising ns lt dues of the eery first order tn stau-siuau-liip, eloquence mid leainiuir.loi two -tenciutloiia. In Lord John Hns-ii ll lt bas a "Mat Minister; In Lord l'-niigiiuu). a C'bnuut-llor; lu l-ntl Denham,«Lord Chief Justice ; in liord Jeffrey, a mem¬ ber ot tbe Scottmb bench, and in Mr. Hmlng Ohm .mil Btr G. C. Lewla two Chu neel Inri* of the Kxclicqiinr. Among tbe historian,, who have contributed to Its column* arc Mocnuhiv. Carlyle, and _S.11,l,. i*: amour pouts. Ca nip bell. Moore uud Hager* : utnuiitt er-na*. »tt, Dir Jnni.s Stepl.ea, the father nf Leslie Ktfjihe.n, und Winnini ll.i/litt; anion'.' novelists, Thaokeray and ".ulwcr-Lviton, Diekens, their greatest entemporary In action, I*iiiur to write only from ac¬ cident: und Hinom* others, Di au* Mill:,an, Jubn Htuurt Mill nud blr "William Hauilltni Volume XI. of the " Eucyclopas'Iia Britan¬ nica," wlnou carnes th? work as lams "*?.-," * ls now ready iu thu two E lln*Jiir.'li e,lui,ns. li n* ..iveii out thur tht) Brtio.c ".tanai" i** by Pr f.-wor BnlMtteaa f*mith, and tho announcement tnllows Am**** upon tho new* that tao acti,))i ngaimt Prafeaior amil., by the Cnnrab for oortaiu dnctrtnts pul lorth tu his nrtleSe " Ueuterouomy," wliinh uppjared ir, an earlier volutne, hen wh-illy fath-d ot sui'-coiw. Mr. Froeiuau. tU** lilsti- riuu of tile Norman c,,iii|ni>t. WtttSH on llurult. Tin* iketob of Iluraee Oreciey, wUlch was lini't-d h> thu editor fa a pa«ru uud a half, ls by Mr. Waite.a,v He,' Tue It'V. Murk Patlisiin. authur of tiie " Muiou " ni tiie K:iglish Men of L'tttors B.rle*. writes nu Or.ttlu-., ar.d Mr. H. H. Htoddard on Hawthorne. Gkarlm Beriii- ncr'sHnii*,' .-intiiiti tins mtvet from Kliushurgh anti cop.t*; will be sent out lu 'a few d-tu. Tins edition, ns .-. will known, ls priated from tbe ongluai plates made i.y the Me-niTH. Blaek. , S. R. (iardiner baa t*ditt*d and tbe Camden Society has puiiliili-jd, for tho tlr*-t time In completa turtii, what aro known aa the " Tlumilton Pnper* " flljatS-ilUH), beiun|-lug to tao archive*) of thc present Duke of Hamilton, and relatltie to Janies, tbe first linke of Hamil ton, wbo was a m-*r kltisruaii of Charles I. aud occnphid a front station in the porty of ttie King lu Scot¬ land. Many of tbe letters arc addressed to Charles, nud oue ol th "tu, as au example of the quaint Scotcb-Knglsli ..pclt-nc of tbe time, ls lnt.restiinr. It is addressed " Moat Sacrett SoucT_m;N and contslus The followHic : ""Oltb a* aad u hart aa ever mau had, I rum wrytt to your rn'itte. tboe wbatt I sliuil say grclfes my aouli, aud I am sheave will be moat unwelcome to yonr matu. Teat I dare not neglect my deutie, nor ulli euer fall ia my sUeilgena. Knoe, tiien, to my unapenkablll grtf, ihat all the fiure booppca 1 hail wheu I wrytt my lost ar* quvt nan. I nd lor uoa I Hud must aortaulie timi thev uid neoer dtfolame nor oioe up thcr*Couenniit. All, nav many con-joter* of *taU UMmaelne*. *lledging itt to be narran ted aud to br justified by law, ubit-h m aleneut ao dangcroua to monarcblc asl Gun tiiit vett sea Lou thev can neill druid togidder. Tour auuoralt and all the la*t-*tre*ln tbe toun.a* I trm amlonlie informed, saves no lee then that b.v lau all t.ier proeldin-- nun neill lt.* uurrcntcd outlier before u Gene ru ll Assctublic or Purliu- _n__it.H An announcement, believed to lie ofiicial, of the time and manner of tho publication or tho revised translation of the Kew Testament haa appeared In * London "naper. Tbe translation will b* published iu fiie autumn, and along with tbe En-jllah version, two l-et-cenaion* of the Greek text will be Issued simultsne. onaly.ane.trom tbe Clnreudon (Oxford), tbootbor from tbe Pitt 'Cambridge) Pres*, fbeic two tt'-tts, tho announce¬ ment cays, will exhibit a notable and rather suggestive encrust in thc flifTorcnt mot hods pursued in tbeir con¬ struction. The Oxford text will represent the critical spirit of tbe nineteenth century, with Its tendency to seek new departures and to break with tho punt. Ac- cuirdlofdy tbe CUveuttan will puldlnh Hie text which the revlslonlsis hove f.miid lt no:e«__iiy .to tor tlictn- ¦elve*. after cnreful wclglnug and mature isotifdderut ion af all available evidence mr snd ngulust the rendlni:* adopted. " For tbe behoof, however, of tlioee weaker ve*ael» who continue to have a superstitions veneration for the miine ot itobert Stephens and Hie Greek used hy the truuahitm-s af HUI,** all passaitM tn whioh tba Ox- lind ta."Xf depart* from the n letvtd text will be ludl- caVi! by toot not/s, and lu them- noti-h the leodmg nt thc Texius Reocptus will he niven. The Cambridge text wall, on Sbe eoatrary.-bt' neither Mort, nor lee* than a reprint ot (lie Texuis Hceoptus-a it'a Toot notea. ftivlnf- the reading adopted by tho rcvla!oin*i-». Profrt-aer Pai- w«r _. rttarodslbie for tbe C.aroinlun lf*xi; Di*. Bcriv- -oracr lao* tbe ether. Dirtc J)nbluauott6. 1 OOKOUtIot thirtv^'^TlTu^iflT^&at XJ on Tuesday. June 90. |pC^KTl_ajRjKK PUBLtCAllOyfi.-; Tribune lode*. Iori 87D.....Price Me. .stib-ne Mlnteir Vlgmi.-.ittce BL Wnnnt't lixua.. .j^loo _(*, CajitlalaaallAl-er. By Itob*r*Oil>y«r._____aa» lifc. xnaimr. tbk TKJBL*yg. **Jfe->-Vi-fc. m*llhllACtlCtL Wes "Bouts and Ytrturo.* A________f- at ARTS. ftraAnte ttl a~ln___ar! ,.***«¦¦* V*_eetA.prTtumm ot n ttagn nenen^ent mw***t-n*ni. emartm" w__£Sa*Ii_* jut-ra," *»**&***_ned^XYndZmcuJ_9Mr muiiMM -J-^n-B-Y-*-* _mmu_. y«y.Toes- *"*".*.. ¦"^^^¦ig-! gpetiJmng^ hnmbtnyutesnetrjtius pertjotiaupnrtaloa«1 Mn, ute*.i Jiratrattion. Fer Sota Bem*ia.QtKV. %MAwtL DA-iNLVA-.fe Mi*. ..RADP0t-_-f>.8 BneTSS^ c-hti-tn_~-Si-». ti-n'im.tWb-aU'TifmYsxk. wiiLvnmev Moot rta* Orr gt. apatta*_«n way b.-urde bv lvit«*r npnmmelWu* genre._, liPATflSH, ITALIAN and FRENCH -eonve: - SJ a*ttiiti..nvt***MartB twill ownau-rt-al coi ri*>*|W_1a-C6<»*WM-*jrlit ht T_-if- tanban hy Pr-rf-M-tr MASC BL Jl-CV_-XLO,*IlH non .(ttl_»t..ih»et city trintmeve. Tor Boy* -aad Toting Man.tCouatov. Alexander lintititte, Military Hour ting School, ¦While maota, ts*. Y. *-*rtucnm,. o. i:. wi Art and" .Science.-*--Hnuinier sclinoi for 9 .-.-l-ira-a C. J. VV BI» ll T.A. M., PoCkf*kl)l---mlOul***>n. BOYS and YOUNO KEN privately titted'fnr rolieite. cnndlUoneii or re'tcl'Mi cmnliilaies eoaak-ad, Mininierur Wimer. M__i_l' HDI'l'MAJiN. I MVIL. MECHANICAL aad EN- \y H^KI-lU«8_-^lte RB.\l-*l",I_*iER HliLY-TKPH-NIC INH'I'ITUY"-*, TBOY, K. Y.. I'll"! oldest rinriiuiertur' In Ainerlro, -sext t-nrm *>t***1iis»*eptenili4?r lit. The mtglarter Sar lBSo contaltta a Ii* nit lb* rmrttines tnt the past 8*4 veurs, witn theiriiualtluna alao, cnurnu uf atuttv, T-jtialtuiiirnl-a. es* peueee, Otc. _i__r*___ _PA VII) M. OKKKMC Direotor. COLLEGIATE and COtV-ME-RCIAL INS II- TUTK, "*i(*llaven. Conn., (leneral Huasell'a Hfhoo). Preparator-v to*, sclenllfli* auhoobi or huuiu**aa. Ttii.r- oiigi physical lrntiilug bv millttirv nillllD**. fotaismtic-i,-tc. Ampin uii|s,riuuitv tor air, kine saunas, n-wiiig, Ac._ Fi)li Circular*- of the hvtrt pince where to *k*nd vonni? Ki-ntlf-iutMi anti hus ilurtug Hummer, atlrti-f.ns Prof. ALYRl-.O M. COI Tit, HiaUtat M. (Ity. rtVING INSTITUTE-llonrdtng .ind Day fm iKirs bnaliiM-v unit ant ematta tratnintr. Hprtair tenn comm enciit March ,;i. A. ARMAGNAC, t'srrytown. *V.Y LENOX ACAOE.MY.-Lonox, Mas-*.J ftiuudnri In lt-!"8. Beopens H***ifeiii!,t*r IS. 18*i0. Flt* boya Ior beat co.lefle*. lor tunas, ic. *d.'l"*e*s pniii-lpil. ii AIU. AN ll. 11.*, t.i.A UH. _Lenox. Beratahiti* Co, »Ifis«L_ MOUNTAIN HOME hOHOOL, St. Clo'id. M. J.: *)60 Per sch-io-l -roar; aitoimiiiitlatlon during vncatinn: iffrrcnrp. Air. lt. P. smith. No. HS, il.Y. Andre***-. Box 71, Or*ft*re, ». J.___ OPEN ALL KUMWER.-FOUR WEEKS AT OAl'lt MAY-KWIVIIIN C. H1IOKT1.I jill!.')- MKlilu tPenn.) ACADKMYtor rowan men anti her*. Kurt-' opiums! .lulv and Aiiftnat. Kor lllinualnl oirtulsr of Knmmsr Mbaal and sctiool warril 1H8')*b1, liuKiuniiiir in September, nilili-eas theprluclpiil, s*tVIT"l"IN C. KHOHTLino,'.. A .M. illurvuid ItMMiuat-.), MetPj. I'en:i.*. 1'-' miles fruin l'iilin-'. a-li> Thia academy hus teailinonlalalrinn i-avnrd Taylor, lion, rernnnrto W-u-att, Judgti Van llo-Mun. Key.-J. A. Childi*, I), lt., uml ninny* -othni pnlfulHt- PEEKSKILL (N. Y.i Military Acntlomy. For circulars s.lilr.«« Coi. f.j. witl'itlT. A. M.. l'rlnt tpat. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. cni htki;. I'ttiti. Civil Enrineenns, Chnmlstrv.ClaHHics ami Kngliah; degrees confi-rrad._ColoneJ ll I l.u. BYAIT. YrttfL EAR'S PBEPAHATOT-Sr SCHOOL, New- tiiirirh. N. V_A arn'Ct ito ir din;: school lor '-'.1 lint lo take the hi'thcsl rank nt Yal,* snit,. Voe eirrtihir-i ailtlrt -tri_IIKNUY Vf. glOLA-t, M. A. 'X .i.e.) r|MlE lute principal of a mk ¦(.¦.¦-.I'til private J scliool In tlil-t en v sill re,- -ive tim ut th ec bey* tor thu Hummer at hts ei-iuilrv linnie, fortv mltuH "ruin tin* el* v. lu il iitiat ixjrlioiH' alu iiutn'ij* brillliv, nu,I rem,,veil Umii all trtuii- tiil.oii i reni-ti *.]K.fcc:i. Ail.U'i na* l'UINCll'AL. C*re K. H. B.. Poet Oaci Hort AilQb, N. Y. CtltT._ W-'ILiLWTON .-I-.MIN'AL'V. i: *V 1'irp-ires Ihivh fo* mir l»¦«! * ullin- achools. 1'ull term _-i_flna Si pvnuib<ur !', les i, Kor c itali.iroe aodreaw_ J. W. KA IB HA -N '.v**.. Th. P.. ITlncical. ftUMMEE SCHOOL..Morn.-: ClawiCBt Inntt- 1-7 tote, Mtirri^Unvu. Is. J. I'm- Imv-t il.* itini'-i artal peapw rall in for ¦¦>¦ In tin* A ni it inn. or KWUU n Inn, lt lil li Mon nn*r himio. t»i:ti a few hmm lattlon tubb Har -daasiiw, matbetuntit k niiil celtiic h. I ,,r ji utiittli.t-i iintl ler'isnnplv a, T. COTBHWOKTH PfWCK N E. 'ri Aeenet. I in,ii, rtqnare, nmotlre-aia tl.a* I'rlmiimi, f,. H. MlxiUi-:. il urti*towu, .%..!._ $*M.(\ *,AYS fnr BOARD nnd TUITIOS em\r\f uni-Ni'liuol yo-ir iii Or. VViimnifV M1lit:iiIv Ito.iiil- linr -fiii-iii I'liuL-blaiMiiMiie. N.Y. Wliii,. Denna nr>- low, the achool is of Un ifradi.'. Head foi clri'iilirs tail WIG O tm A G Terr Touner -Lacuos.Country. N Engltah, French and German lit*; idhi-* and Lay-t-fibao: for vatin* hui.-- v,».t Rad IraUtuku Now-llava sly, ii in Bandit* cirtulat. r*LATEKACK (N. _.) COLLEGE and ill'lt- V/'SON BtVKIt lNMlTIIT*! ,1**!, laiiK ll it.iirti.-t.irh lo ,t,!|,»rliia-i,t- i.iii_'imi;,-s. All sud Music 8ini*biItt, e will <i|. :, or "-uininitr ,hui,il J.'lt t. _Rev. ALOX-P) FLACK, Pb. i>.. I'n**; HOVE HALL, Kew-Qavsn, ('..uti..Uub _ MOXTPOKTM BCIIOOL lin VOL'MU LADlliH. _ HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRL.***.Waltham, Mass.; evert *>uv iiintniiila.* t!i,,rourli Inst MW April'it*, rnriiriihitictii-i s.1 -Iress LADY I'ltlM ll'AU P.O. Itox :i.l4", notion. *iatu_ Nrw*York nfarcn**, Hb H. T. Hanks, i', Kaat a, tl. -t. _ Mis** BDLKLEY'SSchool farYouuirLatlicH, Tnrivio*. ii-* n tin-Unit n. wlIlTffupfM) Weil.. Kept. IS. 0SKIMING IXSTITl"IL lor LADIES, Bing Sine. .S. Y., Unit du--, to ibniiieter auu Mtr»fi***a ; rircaiaih tr. e._Kev. C. I). RICI mi RYE REM I NARY, live, K. portico- laran(li_ie»a _ Una. B. J. II IK. For Both Bc-cs.Cotmttry. /MIEGAUAV INSTlTUTuE, \j 1,,'i.7 uutl J,.',:*'." hpin**-* ,. I'lillaileti'liU. iinarilluc nnii Iiav hchooi lur ffonag bniuta uinl rldMrrn. Alien ut shu nu,nm tammast" i.uuflii. I'.-oMli i* tm* hm. |:iuae nt tl,,¦ l:tiu,.y. -U,..l,i, 1,'ll. ll. A I J.I.Y, I'lllu I|1I,. LHISTER SCHOOL, CIjIFION tl'Vi' 1 N. *i.-Ai'U'ieinii, ('oiiir: in . \ri. l..-niiri... livmnastlc*. atinuiiisteieii tv ,i, -|,,,i,l i.t".- dim lo tte luti'li of yuoug laitifa-i ami tie* formation "1 .. -i r.,-1 habit* of -tuiv ant. 1:1'-. >ildr.--sllie Hey. Dr, UKO 11111-: LOOM m. APLEWOODINSJ'JTI TE.Foi lioth «eii«i Couoftrilvllle, l'*'iin.* (cc imt ou.ii,, BMUlsnH |iru- ),; iel for busli.e-ia. Yale or ll.irvur I; III _ J.Mlllll! I.111'.I A. M.. Illll.lpHl. MT. KISCO KOrCATHiNAI, INS Ul { K\ Mt. KUco, .N. X., lo, V'lius tatie-i «iii| hiidr.n. wilt re- open Sept. lui tarma maionable. Mm p, itv.ui. PrtnaipsL, NEWTON COl.LKGlATi. INSTITUTE, N<-w- ton, H**S(-] lonni v. N. J., n upi-,it M-nie nlnr I" lor maleh ami lem ,1m ; clf*-m*ItQ*nr bea tin', ex,, i.-nt cv, rn* _%*nl «ml Cliri-iuii intiu-*n,. -a; tli,,i,,i|-*t, ut III for nus of for bnaineaa: a*t'*o tm enialovni". rei rtoiiM itiidpiiiH J. Fitly, Me'ir, l.i. ii., Juli,'" Ji'liu A. Iiialr, "Jer- tv City. b. H.-.TitVI'Nt-,. .i. M._ KOCKLAMD COLLEGE N'v.i.k. N. Y- loth HfXit (Iltirnt nnv tl,i:e *ppn florine fidd lier yrur; send for new eatalocuo. W. ll. IIA.NN'1**- TER. A. M._ ROCKLAND COLLEGE, Nyack-on-tlie-Hwi- son. witt le- npfiii for Httninirr Ilnunl and ufitiiins" atti tv tor acb.ilar-'il'i Jillie lo. A in.-l il'lith' tul li ni,, willi ja! ¦¦._- aul ilnvea. moiiiitslii ->renei.v,tii.nttii|r aud salt waler baillluK: willan citv ie_.-h, ul rsauaiiuiblr ratxs. Aiblr,**4 _ Vt. ll. IIANM-SI Kit, A. M._ ^wnrtliincrc ("nllc-.'-c, noni Philadelnhia, I'ciin. O .Itnder cai** "f l-rli)ii!i. l., lb ar in, r*il.t,ltt.*il thieer-,1* leito cour-iea-i' as-iral, 111*1*07 uml .clt'iitlii Iradi Caoiirsc ; tiretisrati,ry mm ol. Par itiirtiriilurs ml,lr, at litvaunl ll. t-tsL'lll. I'reat-Hwartliiii'iti r'il[,af(,a. li, ,nw ie Co., I, nu -"THE MIDSUMMER SESSION of tin* SEL- 1 LKt'K! t-CHOdl.. Nu. walk. Conn., will rommsite.-.1 un,- 24 antlPTi'1 f-teiiteniber I. Thli NfMatuii oflom ltiiliirenichls lo sneb pupil* us tloetrr to snend a Irw luiurs itally to si inly aud cnjnv a fonntrv hume tlurru*' ibe warm w iiittii i. Toil int r- mu lion may be obtained by aiulr-ut-nug an above. M Kiacelioneoas PARENTS in seareh of eohnols for their ctiiliirou will dna praspefOuami of tbe lilts*!' tu the emuil rr in WNCtMtYl) HCBOOL ANP COU.Rl-K 1>IBKCT()RY PUB IMHO. Malled for poataffi, -ic at offloe FRF-E. RP I'd Al. CATA¬ LOG UK* of tho bent frlioobt fiirul-rtiert ffr.itm. T. COTJUHWOBTH 1'IVCKNKY, Aceucy fur HcUtsila ami Tenrhera, nomesth* BalltliiiK, iirj*dwuya*d llili-t., N.Y. «V(-HOOL i'rojK'ilii'H lor t-yilo or rent..New k_7Humnier list mallet' 'oratamp. Hch.-rmtrh'jni. ao Y, Uih. CCHOOL Wanted..Either private school oe k"? ncarientv, or to tin rtieftole op muir for oui* by PnShvt** rlarn eierirvni-ti limce.tfm aranuiite: V-n ri'.-im' (rtnerleiu'ii au principal. Ti<.A(.', BO ItaBttl* M., Bostou, Uums. Ceacom. ALL wanting betit teaohcra*, American oi fiir-lifii, foi any ilniiurtnieut, low or blcli. ali mid havi. "C«inlldRt*s' Nt*w UalMln," in ille" fm pesta**. J. SV. HCHUBWI'.'BIlt.KS'. ht-cretar., Aiiierta-au Huhoul lustitutt, 8(^B.i»t I4*bmt,___ Y. _ AMEBICAM nnd EllROI'KAN TEACHERS' nc iu ai; strpplles, without cimrf-e, aalleaaa, seins.u, sudfatiiihus,witti iBoroushly rniupetciit profaaaon, jitiiui- polngml teseb'T* lamtlles kiiIiik, or to ibr (minny, jimmjjily sulteil witb sui-exicr tutors, loum ,iiI,,,m nm', guver* iieMM.'*,. Cull on ot aodtorw Pruliieaur LBOaN01U_,U7 Weat 85th »U. New-Voik._ AMERICAN and FOREIGN TEACHERS1 AOE.NX'Y auppllri. CoUsRaai fi -nd* unit J uniillej*. with tliorouRlify tompcteot FMfesaiir*, Principals uml Te i, Iht-.. Fumllie-i ffoliiff tilirut-U or tn itu, couolrr piomnlv-mit >1 wltb aiini-rliir Tutors fir (icnreriitaJMrs. Call on or ruldre *1 KIM M. J. YOUNO, Aniuttoan and Yvrotgn Teaciiurs' A cr ney. An Union- a«iuare._ ADY with exiH*ri«'iie<*, rujiitnl and iuthu-nce willi |iup>ls. wann partnernlitplii iiu- ohool tot ilrls, or RC11_B.taftiOBN,SI) gani illhrti. PINCKNKY'S AGENCY FOR 8CT100L8 A"fXi) TKACHEax..Tttt* Nt-iifntion of ¦|tnii-*iiiais ami swnacera ot aetutois 1* Invltt.l io uar lur-ft* lim ol superior toaetiei., both American niel lo,, Sgu. 1'. COTUfWOUTII PlVfK'M'.Y, DaaaaaUe iruihnua. __T**iI-ay, tor. l-l Ut st,. N. V. 'PkACHEks suiitiik-ti to Hcliaiois and famlliaaT X Mist yLORhNCE KIT..'H. EilLCATIO.NAL. BU* Bi:AU .basemeni. Tl Unlon-aqisir*. L ©eton SttnmerB. A MERIGAN LINE. 1\ PUB KlVEK vHTOWN AND I.IVRIll'OOl. Only Ti-anaatiantlr I.tne and r th-i AMHHICAN Kf.AO, anilbigt^rerr "WfjOnwaOin rrom rnnai'lr-tilaaiui iavarti-MU. _w__-maaiinu*( on alteraaie Hatuitlaj-a. I-UUT-iiB CMovTii, 'SJatnithiy. Joly 8. 7 -m. KED 8TA» LTNeI^OR ANTWEB3*. Satur*-* erery MaMrdty **»jiii*ila_j tmm rnUaMpM* *aB tvew-Yerx.'Uw numnvtf,. bntonn ynmrngna urimnnm boat* tilka ST the *-_rjr4«t*B_l, pott-to ym infcaitw s***«JMHi*lot-arsWri SBUBR WiiitiJlT * ao-v*. Ai tm "W-danS^t. Thltaa^frht. T»-i I *a ll np, BiuCYmmt A NCHOR LINE U. 8. MAIL STEAMERS. ___. »kw.yor_ __n> 0__Aa#OW. BxvmcmnBxdmXXotlmBnet^Aneu^onk, -_>«w*-»_rt».-Intra, *».m,|B-Mivt*..Julv lu. 7 ta -ahmnmm...JettT_L * p nixtntogn._my iV,ij*v«. *^*S_F_3^^?*2_a_S_S.**^ NrTToa?W__»__rfiB_x. Bren T mrJAnJf ttortb Bbrn. tamimt Cbntiet-x -.mwn;_\_ir^_n^ie_or-n..^.j*eYy ii.i*t»in. _a^_v__mg_Bm_tnt*._* entrypeeeeonen. Ctttas. ***4«_a -aST punaataa. woumwvirmturinrl -um. T____wD_«i_ao-*J a_wf_____-T_-_iw-)i-)rTAtioiiiAtATotooaZ *E>ttvtt*\ xritamttm.____ fim*£lAL '~QERM.1V. MA_a-w-Hj«i**»r-; 1 -*-.«..-..«.«. pawkei Cnny_n_* line Aw BJ-TtsaVTU.' s_gmBtAiooBii and Beam Bm*. ,,,,,, . .____. *-__¦* _. juw . ¦« u_-l-*J-i*-^ ...-J*ay lt- IJ.......J>¦ * M ni*:irt*F.K.. jbit -.j ¦aSteaa-tif ii **¦£*» * Pj_rrw4«lb,--****sea. *_-ha_3«*s~e. linn- linn.', or stir B*litJi»A>t.i»|i*ijii m th«^nJ-»^l^orB_M{lai__v Fi wt Oahi. .ame-, on-an c-Wt. too mnwntn.eoxteisor Ob'. C. fi. Kl Cit Alii) « -JO., *»*»».- {'Jua- A-* K UKI'A KPT A CO., di Broaulw*j. Sew rot*. _U«gMT_a'At-'ti-h*. tl Brmad^-,. N*aw*Y-__._ 1M 1>I _RI A L' G EIt bi AN MAH-. *"(>B'rU OE RM AN" I_LOTP * -ffTKA-n-tllll' KK-tJ WKW-YOBK. H'*i'T__4__--«ro5 *ia» B»-a_-W! _, , _. ,ft .WK'-TRII. We.iii-tu.iav. .luue:* I. O .NA.U-Hat. J uhf 10 JtOHla-l..h.,. jalt ti BIfKI*-'.*_t.i'i'_.L7 BATEtsO_**i*A«t4A<IFfrt-in MU-TORR to aoCTHAMP* ion, havrk nu a ter mb*. tl HST CAMI N ...-*!" CAKtM-AVTO t-T£K:'.AO_.«8U._. -CetnintiekeMsti-adiitMdrBt*-. Pt_t**M aKeerege .____>- cjd .>. S.-'H. Uteertige tickets t<*'»-l points In tbe Sooth of T.n^l¦*llrt,.#3l^. UI.'l.l.J'JH..*) dt CO.. li laowlfn.-Orw**-. .-TT-EKKU \l. J KAnSATLANTH! COMPANY, \J BETWIlKN NEW-YOUR ANI) HAVJttK. l'k-rof Oom*uv in w*) .No. gi North Ktv.r, fool, of Unrtrmmt, T**av«llers bv 'tins line at uln tsttn ttansu bf Bngllee ___* wsv -iud tho discomforts of cro-tstng Me Uhanini m n-nnmW j LABRADOR. Kancbaf-r.Wenoeaday. -Tobo 30. noon. rT LAU UK KT. Han-.iii I.We-rtneslav. Ju'v7. B p.m. AMEltlUUE. B. Jou.iUt Weilues av, Ju)y 1*. 10:3'*a. ni Oboe** timmi mi credit Lvoiiiuls. ot Paris, in¦mounts tosau*. LOV in UE BR ULAN. Agasnt. ito. * Ttaartmjianuea. G~UI0N LIN E. VS1 IUD RTArB** JLAJL BTl*A»f ERS. KOB QViXiml OWN A N 0 LIVKUP«J0__, . I_c_mui* Pier a8._N. IL. fisitof icing «_. ARTZ0NA.\7T.,..TUESDAY. Juue 21'. ll a.TO. WYUMiNo....".tuesday. July 6. tito p. m. 'MtvADA .TUESDAY. Juiy 18, 9 o.m. v, imo nh is" ".tuesday. Jui»*7..a.a(i a. m. ABLZOWA .TUESDAY. A Ult 3. HiStl». IU. CT Tbeac sta'amt-rs are bunt of iron, m watertlKht -oni- partmuniH. anti are fumlali** with every retiuietle to maaa fit* passa-'e a.iosa the Atlantic both safe and a*jreei*ble. bav* linc bath-i/oom, smoklnfr-rnoni. <liawln«ruptu. piano ami library, al-.,- experience.! sur-reon, at-vrardesa and caterer un en, li i-.t4v.nior. Ttie utiteroomu ano all niftier derk, tinta lu mr* hi-Mliiwe eri-ut-cstof all rniurie-a at sea, port-sot veuulatluu "''liri'PAMAOK taccortlln_rto utatcroo-n;. iso. tSO and tlllO. INTI:*'HEDI ATE, (M'». **TEE RAO li, at U-Wtttm. niTlU. Ko. ll) BROADV'AY. _ WII.LIAM8 AOTTIOir^ J KHAN LINE ROYAL ~M A11, STE AMER8. POR QUEENSTOWN AM) LIVERPOOL. E()TIC1*..-Tne aiuunur- Ul thi- Une tanto Lit-nt-m-tit Maurv's X-ane rowle, at aH aeaamia ul tbe your. CITY Or Ull*>IER.HU l'.KI'AV. July 1. Vl.AO tl. I*. CITY OK WltHWEljS.Tilt It*!)AY. Jutr H. 3 p. rn CITY OF ii KULI *..t«.ATUitDA.. Julv 17. 1 p. m. CITY OT M "NTltEAL_ THURSDAY. Jun* VJ. 8 I>.Si. CITY OF BIC1IMOM).--Aft: Bl) AY. Jil y 20. 1 U. m. Prom Pier t*7, f*. R. 1o<it ot ('liariiuti-ac CABIN. *)i-iuiiil .-toil. Jttuirn t c-ii.-u .:: f_iv,ir»blo torin*. Kl Lltlt .QIC, « -. Dr.ifUtut iowe.t nitoa. SidosiiH. aattnti'-roum*. smuktiiK um) imtti rooms amlitslUps. TlMMM* »t, ,.:¦,>:!- ,1.1 lilli OOtTV lUlttli *>_W.I|l OT |lllf_. J ll*; 0..LK. A.-"ui. u Knit an Bruilwuy. _*f. T. K LAY-YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINE These flrht-clfMs ateamshlpi. natl rueulnrly at 3 p. m. from l'ler \o. I i.rlh Uiver, as folioWai SANTIA"'*' Of. (I HA. lum. Ko'id*.Tlniradar .Tntm'.'4. (Aftoiiiiiioii.itiouN iimnii|m<«t ,1.) Kor freifrlu or i»-ts-ng-apply to W I I.LIa M P. CLYl'i: A (">. -Nu. Ad lirua ivray. _L.v\VT<);; BBOb., Aacer-tani Havana._. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANT. biilltnitfroni Plerloot, nf eminI--ti.. .North Bivur. >'ur f-ati t* mn. ,.,,, tm Ute istlimus ot Piinauia. -le ,m lim ACAIT l.i fi rinirwl t.iiilt I.noon, ('"ni,, ctlnr for Central unit Booth a morten and ICott *.-. I'i .<iii Mun .Tuncnto to Jupan Hint ellina* i-i,'.ni,!, mi ,,Y '!¦' !', .ia i vi;. -uiui,! *'f. Jnlv ', mxm. Prom f-nn ITanclttcot-j Honolulu. jsew-Tl'-aaiand aod Aaa- tnlm .-l,a.,ina<!il|, A l't*TRA LIA, ft ni!,!* y. Anlv Al, noon. or Inimeaimt. ly or. ntrivnl of r_,ndou mulls nt -Han KrancViort. Pmamugett lurfrartrd id HAN ri'.AN('I-*Ct). han OW lull ISLAM'*"-. .lAl'A.N. IJIIINA.. V -W.Z! ALA N O. AUKTUA- l.IA. S(,t AMI lt!I.AN, CK.VTLAL AMERICAN aud AILXIl'AN pom -. I ,,i ti,slit. ir:- snit Information, apply ot Oom'.iauv'a Oiiii'i*, nu Pier font ul lumt'-st. Nurth River. U. J. Ill 1.1.AV. t-nnieriiitcnilcuU WHITE STAR LINT.. ll 1 KITED KIA TE*) \ \n HO i'AL MAH. BTEAMUttS .i: .-I'.ISVV AM" I.IVKIU'JOU >OTl( !,. -i, in.a-.f i!,!** l.lne tn'*,' t|., L.M Route te.' lotnii,,,, il bl :.,, nt. M.«mv. U. k). N. on holli tn* oulw-j-J ami J,liiicwui,i v,'*s t _...! lt . ,. i,|,-..|. il. -iilunt'iy. J ul j t), -' |, ni - \ ii I'lint fifi'.*.Suiuiiiiy. Juiy ip, 7 a. m. Aliltl A I ii .c,,;,L J.iinl'i-'H.Tn ur il-tv. July lu, ll a. td. vi ', , iv i- or,:,i-.* J iv itt, 7 ii. ni I K"M TITK WHITE -'-TAK DOOK, KOOT'OB* XV-AP Ililli VI. Xa***-*I*_*MI* *ro uniliitin tn ala* hu*. uiinarpaaa»'d In aji* MiinOnenfH. I le' Ha atm. >*i i.. r.oii t. HniOfclllf n.i t BilU- ri-ne,-.rv pi-i>'<l siiil'liilitp*. v lo ,,'the ntii-i' and niutiou itr,» iraitfch, atfi-niini; ti detreu cit -jtini.'uri bltlierto unauunable ai ?!¦._ HAl'1-S..s.i!fifj|i, *«0 atm noa Bteora^-o, fli. Betuiu tlebst«..u Ia i ni ula* l-trm*. These ai .*»ui,ir*tr_un*i oelilmr catlin, sbrcp imr pin. lur iu-,1---, mm af n.aiM.uii'1 »th_r iii.oriusiiou u.ipiy at th* t',ni|iani"si>__iee»,-No. ."., lii'-jadwiir, New-Y-rtt or .No. I l'J Vt ulnu" »L. I'tulail itpll-V IL J. COKl'lrt. Aicenu Ctcnrotono. ..'K.ii i"\ ll 9 BRIGHTON BEACH iI.I.YN, fl.ATItt'-ll AND COVEY I**T,AM) ll .11.%*. A*. ivs LEAVE t. \ I'.r-ll AVI*., MIXII I-* OEPOT. Ult)'! .LYN. ti,,my from ii:.*M to ll: IA *. BL, ivie! lr un IMS*, m. to 10:1.1 p. in. lei If I,,en* v. Beg. am',- inMus ntl fro.n i: i>i>U,> ti itt ii*'u-»,* fr«n 11 A4 a.m. to ins11 n m. I.ti triiii ii,eu tba Hear* umm at 11:10 p. rn i-i, Av.-niii* j,. :. r 'mah .Aren't*. cars inn., ;'*,,,i i', *.-..,.i, *..' ri, t t.*,m,*, u .;.,.:, *-,,;it!i, \'. !' !'. (Iloni -^t s.1 rt* cramt nmi J:., I, n !>¦ t by iho i i.'iia.ii:t Av* un,* cnn and r.nn.i irausit t iu*. _¦_ -apt. I ELECTRIC LIOHTS for EXCtJRSlONg.- J orr iutii»i.!itri' v -. p*oth*a. Colver** ())is.*rv*i.*rr. a un 111*. a* linen ii vu-i:-. art i.a-n .tuh.-m MANHATTAN BEACH, via ii nu te s rouN'T. Me.mi rc. LVAN'tiltoVi: mm ft-nt nf tit I at., B, tl.: .-: 1.1. li. i".. tn -*'*. a ."¦'.. uiui ii alf !"'iirly to Mi .p.m. ii<*ittriiinir. -1 A .-*. ll .WI \N ULA il SI 7:.l ,. Ul ll,), ll;"),',, a. Ilk., l'_':().'., l'A.'Ai) sud iv, ry iiair-liiuir to lOt-14 p. in. VIA BAY Blt" IC meta 'ino- iuL!,yi:h nmi mattfawav. from 'JJii-iiireet. K. IL. n' B to, ii':::.", u. m., un.i t.i H:J.", p.m. l.i at tue LEROY HT Rfc KT Ma minute*, na PIER NO. o thin... miaul**, aftai leavlas --Mm. i'n- * .ats leavntv -"Jd- I 7^:.. and Sill* ii. m. iiu not itoj. ,.t Lomvaud I' ll.l Tue trteamer tt li. MARTIN marna len nt Mint, h-nl-st. at 'CAC o. m. noiirh to rv., n, ni. Tntbu from M laitsttmi lb ,, -ii. r,inn, >Iiini titi Ii. II. Marlin Ior Wlilleball-.L. loavtt hourlv from K'-'O ). m. ta I'.':'.") p. ni.. IlJ3 lo ii:'J.', p. rn., 7:U() to ti J " t>. U. unit 10.40 p. m. I nuns conn..! tina with steamer* foi Plei No ll. Leroy HI. *8A'JSr_-**_ le-ive e.*ery lioor trom ll a. m. io li fir, p. m. tilLMoBL'H PULL HAND uni LEVY every aftornoon mul eVi'tilUM- I*o tif.. Kxprcsa-jrin take iinpifairr frtim anv place tn "Vew. York, iui'1 u»i,-.pfri it ki Maiib-Utuii Boaob. tm.rt dully, at -vi..himpit paoaajt*. FlRE.VORI-S.-THfcT-ALEXANDRA EX- lllltrriiiN co. will «lve ajn-.ind thsplsv of Fireworks KVUIlY -tArt'll'lAY KVEKlNO, I'omm.licliiR June !(i, ui der th** personal atiporvlalon of Jam -i l'aln, of Lom],,n. Adnil»*lo:i, im iltnit S4.iim. 2.,,*.: wit out Beats, K'O;_ /\NLY DIRECT ROCKAWAY li EACH BOAT PALAIF. STKAUER TWII.TflnT. Lentos a'Jil-at.. N. lt.. at . 0:13 S. m. Db il 2-Ab p. tn. tantraInrarWL, K. lt.. at .lo-ooa. m. m ti :i:mi p. m. Len vin I'.er 1. N. lt., al. .IOUAa. ni. ami Hil '.p. m. Ii,-ti,n lui*, leave*. I, m, J'n,r ut.12:80 a. tu. aud 7:00 ii. m. E^,,^ " P>«r*i5-.e_lt Ten rent- cxira fur _*t*ml*Hton to tiler by any other line. Kine llhlitii-.' from pier. Nu w liking tMnuitli liol nan .h. r,x,,]i*...,ii iie.ketM i-a-ai'il liv tl" L'tin,'.iI Liillrtistl **ood tor r.itinn inp bv Or**ll Mar and Rlsatnat I'ttiiiclit. Mimi eenital mid popular ,-ortlon of tim bench.".fBrook- la.Il i linen. "Au ii I ticenn sad uml a lardlnrt nt tbo new pier l'JOO foot be}nu tbe brunker**.".i.s. Y. *auh. BELLE II Ell NIT AB I >T, The univ proftuslmm! fcmnlo diver, fflvos dally oshlbltion* frmn tbo pier aad._ PLYMOUTH HOCK !! EXTRAtTi TtK.sDAY, JIM*. 'JO, lflHO. nu* eutir,* 71H LEDI.'I EN I, ,,i full unllomi, will go tn Lonit linnell on tin) I'lvm)uth B mk._ OLYMOUTU BOCK. Fov Lon* Branch. uro Tiops a day. . l., aves font 2'jdut N. B, at !>::h> u. m., sm" uud stone I'l'-r No. 1 N. lt., lo s. m.. nmi Hiisi p. m. _ l-KLIOHTl-l'L C\lVy,lC EVKBY TltlP._ CTAliiN'S GLEN ISLAND. IO JSKtV ).'H it, tiLK ll A RIK) U. LOM! I Hi. A MI) SOUND. Ina- il, u .mt Rt unmet R LArUA M. H'l'AltlV nail HT. N*If'H0LA« ".'111 leit. for 0 1 ,!*.N I -I.A N I) dnilv and rtoud-ivs as follow*: .Tier Mi. l-i,N. K. .lett,-lt's Wkort. tt-ttl-at,. Eas. too. Cortl imii _t. Pillion P-trry.B-kl'o River lOiiK) A. RI. ll):,)) A.M. 10:J A. M. lioop. M. ititi P. M. ilU P. M. KOO ** K ID " 8:'Ji .. H:IH) '. ti: 0 " j " Htiturnln*-Ix>*ive OLEN INLAND 7i.(0 A. M.. Vl-.M, 8|30. r,.V,D, au.l IPI r. M. .I'inr No. IK N r.. nt emil mdt-st.. *m Caree bIm:k»-'roni litbave Slid tito ti neks li hui Hth-avc. I, ri-atl. ORA Nf) CONCEBT I.N I'AVILION DAILY. A ntirU'l!. ISLAND C1.A1I.BAKK d.lty fur 7,'i cents lu tho niarrnillcent dlniniriiiill nf tin* Clnb*btni«it. tuiiUT nt Illnim D. MsxitnUl, the eulal~»*(>i] eui-n-ur. Eke ii; rouml trip). AO coma alarie, U6 ownaa. WEST 1UUGHT0N BEACH, OOTTEY ISI.ANII. PltOWPECT PARK *nrtCONEY 1-*LA CD IUILROaD. Brooklvii liBr>*-t. Mn ti-av*, and Twsntlerh^it. (Orseuw-milt). Take P.irk aud Vtuiderbllt Avenue nara iroui laitoa nd C*tl_-rlue Ponies tbait*?r mrs Tirvr.RY i»o aivtrTE.s *_** TTfE -Mfyim. INO, fai'l r-r.rjr jr, minni*-*. AP-ffUNOoS and YVKSLBO. RBCVkVitUK 'raaK-CT* ONLY lb OKN If*. MpecbfJ excoralAB Uakau 1st Indies sud t-hlldwu ONLY, I 'f»l on all lr.hie ta Coney Ialaiul hefore t o'clock p. ni- and o.t all trains from Coner Taluna b*tar* tl cetaitt. p _ , (r*n*(iar* rte.ned) will be anni at lb (aeuis tar USUai ann 10 oonia tor nutldrsn andee l'J y*an. et *no; oatltlNSi under ave yeara ot aire tree. i*?._ud coiieeru if ic:) evory osteracaa ant. eventiur rr* tbo Pin* *t weat Brldnnn by D<rsr*ti_ra ««Miktsl trib Mn-dm-at Baud ena AilMiokl-, nbc wura**.w*l tm9te-*9*Xe*A*amOimr%, Len erin mom tbo Miana at Hil*, p. ra. ©rale* tmb .fender*. -/JRATES AlO) FEKDKB-. Tftt*brmsret mmnBeimustkat itrn tar* naff tm ettawanda or eoxavml, *-*_b Ognynet -sr -a-*-*laj|-*M**a* marax hmm eent Ptrrpiacoa, milli atuitraoa .*_ b-wnet ¦rats* tor wceaBiea -tfrsw T^niWi, YBaWVOiXM00*1 BittLt .*w_w|_J*i^^.»»*<w^S{*l'l|s. **>-*art'*tMU**»A-*-*l*IU_ J. at. conover _ uo.. -b'Jautau*C.w*i*iL, N. -*. Mung ak o Mnraro. The jiimwt vpn womum mb fbv Mianug ***& l.nbatnui -^MtlMai tmmmuoM -dt n*A*t*o_%. tba w**.*-** «**Hi tnnrrxnyptiam Ohm exhttmmj price* ^ -*-*-***-t«*-*day *w ano. Tbe basin*-* yeatapdgir watti -ama,awi #e»- _*-**__Uy -prieea wen saaak. totrttmrnta wm w*ro\y _rteadT-_tl7-U«'I7%. j__«^*Ofak***--i "A n*V0f*l CUMtc at 2.flfl. ai* iwtal __B ta .*_-*«. *». *. Ot_m*-rtock sharai were lo*a«^_r.C^att*i_r-itoa*«_--»ass« Cotisolidated Virginia at _U3. UokW -tarter yielded to 1.70. but recovered te XJ7A, Tbe nvactnl- fles of the Anrterioaa Boarf **««re aban* aloofly: Wi Iver imirgftt at -.c-tpai.TA. Aubnra and Hoe*. Ctntik at I.t*. Batik Qtmk m^^J-t*!?."4 Walker at ..>¦«. At the old Board, ilay BelleJAbU An 'Al, Hack-:yo to 28, bur later ft roae to 81 and Cuta- v.ras ilm&ped to .56. Goodshaw ***** steady at about l.-^«wi«i Htto^eiHinf at 1.00*1-70. 1 be marko te clewed -dall and weak. ** jr. r. xiyino stocco bxouaroo tg£*BB BROOKP C-Xle.12-39 SK UL UttCle Cbirt loo.una smalt Hite loo.. sa. 1.78 .iOt) 1,8 _ 1.80 Yueeaxarn -TOO.IB WO.17 Cfc-*r*oUt* lttv.Jhanll.bO -tQO.17.SU -tr-__*7*«iM 25. 17.76 Oremt fjatotl 01)0 b3.. AU Hnkill .JW *8.. 1.76 um. i.7«) IBO bsa 1.85 2 .0 .*__ 1.70 K*y adie loo..bia no lao. 3ft carara .100 ..118 fJsO -WCU... btu.. b«0. .llOb_. M too. .nt ap- :l IS ilia i_r noo, .. to WO.._*B Aut-arw'a*-** OM Ut. IiV5 KADM APTER SHOOKO CALL. .!)'.' Amie SOO. KK1. (io, Misha* mo aid.. 1.46 100 _I.',!) 700. ms .J00 si"). 1.4", ItSI b». 1.60 somh Halwer IWI.7o 'tuscarora fun Viriflnia 100.... 3.J6 .lb. 8.20 Cttryaollt-a Uti)., tb 17.25 «M)...b8.17.!S SftO.17.60 100.. ail. 17.88 Hukl!! -"OO...... 1.70 4t)0.. ait. 1.7o .J000..b3. 1.75 8)iO .... 1.76 Ut rle Cbl-ef -t)A. kU.0. -California 50.. blO. *_.*S Calavema 600.67 800_ .Sd Cf-btveras . BneaOre timi, aift-jn R*i>pab*n'ocj( 6000.... .01 "K-ilTT.. sn .ai soo bf... -tb a*kb«* 600.28 200 blO. 'i-f* Salim i Vavmn Cou ino _._ om to_.... itu* no. S.00 La l-nasee 200*80. -il.OO Itt.lO.... JIB 250 818 B1HHI.80 ,VHi..i---»4_.-Hi oeuth jana Beg-cav 1300 1-70 100 alO. 8.00 I hiter*** Ne- . Enesr-Tf lOOblS. 1A.2H .Hum bib UOi ._(>,«...... .tail _ AMERICA* MINING STOCK ETCfSfAcVOE SAL3&&- FIRST CAtly.lOUJO O'CLOCK A. M._ A'ltxitirk Ck 1 -Turanjco I silver Softrt j Hay-owor J 00.1.16 10O b.10. .fiO 11*00 Iff**. 1.1*5 ISO. .VU ¦JIM) b.10. 1.15 VMutewaSer CiowsU Betmn A W'r 800. 1.101100.70 200.16 tinu.. 6*» lUttlecree* sUvarl-nsir't \ lin).lim .to i 7MMHI.. *.% Soo. I'i ''Dil. 1.70 Amt* Mextoan _t"0 b80. I 200.f*8|B0_lu.. 7**. 8KCOS:. CALI^-12t30 o'clock P. M. _lub._U.'K Ck Silver Ku««Ti Durango j _*«__lo*n ono. LIA 600 WIO. LH5 400..blB .W«0. 8 liiiob;.'_ 1.161 ano tao. 1.80| aayHower ISO.- '*» tim Vi rpi ida 400.-1.7J 1"i0- 1.10 Barbee A WT ..(H) ali). Him Hnkill 7**0-LOS »i,0..wlO. hU Silver Nuupet 1300. 1.75 Battle I .reek |ll)0.... ?... 6 V ion. 1.70 Dnrapiro |S00...»3 4Ai Cltrj-aoMte^ 200. 1.75 800 billi .46 |SOO. ISL 4«S 100. J"**-* sa\ ri;ancisro clostso prices. kan Francisco, Saturday, June 26, IPSO. tammany-'¦" ott Uh) 8-v*, lt 9 i i AU Aloha. A'Te. Arcetit*. ii,i,i,,'t. Hr*st and Belober, i:iiiiioiu___. n.itiie_........ Ilelle Isle. It-aehutl_,. B.ton cou.. ...... Htiltver. . li's, k tlawk. Bi-)tiiture_.... 3 I aillnriiu. 2 fbollar. 3 C-iua. Vtr-ntua.. 'A1* frown Piniit. l"e Cons. facliio-. I'n ('Mk*.|OlllH. "if. Duiltev. *n Kureka On....17 Kieheouor._ l^t (.i.ui'i linn Cunt. S--i. (irsim I*t1ae. i*» tinten Terra. OlSSihllBat. I li Norerssa.. l's Hlltside. -Via . *i« liiilet.etideiier:. J mia CousolidattM.. '*ta bk IS 'Vi I BH l*% (i'i ts i '¦'-e. 1" *-' Y-*jit4ird*y. To dt»r. Jnstlo*...^._.. N ."fat Jackson_. 2*4 Mm-ican. 7^« 8 .Martin Wltite_X9m - Mono. _*_ 4»s -. l'» Ml'l IIBI.ill. ** **4 Mnv Belle. 'rt liuutinuan. 1*9 > linbern Belle ,.;__10«4 1""* "tnrtb flnuaitza. *a_ N.-~,ll!lV. t Niirlli'Tii Billie Isle .. a,,. Nfivaju..:._ .. *-i (ipliu. ti*U il. :.'. "'re_. '_¦*» v.>a 1\{ ()VI*TTI*I«U.1 .**-« .. 1'uiosi. 2M 2"i Lj RayuHitatanti Ebr.- *-? t*wva_fe_.._2:W t 10*4 ISien-s Ssvati4..llHi 1 l>V!-SevtbBiilwer."»» s.miUi "a«<***ua*iy. 1>J I*. RIlTtwKing. 6' 10 silver Hill. 'ij Iii Tiitra. 1"*. 4 ¦« Tin Top. 0. C«* »i9 Tuscarora. >,-, riiinufoiia-J.iibtt'd. m-a, 11)*% ."... iwate*. A'e t-j Yelki** jacko,._ b\ ti1. Tlir* Tiiscnrorn Miniuif C'on.i):!ny Las levied an ru,-tesgnient of 15 couts im-t sbare. Fint-P-allia linr** of bullion, n-fircaientinf* -$(17.- 2H0 74. were r.ccived in tins iit.v irom tiie unties mi Siitiii'liiv. ri)>* ta.Nil receipts for tbo week nmonntod toij*27il.445« 75. llie Hern Oliver L'iniip;iny reeHved four brieks of silver (in Haturdny, valued nt $:i."**00. Knur burs of inlver bnllitn), wmiii $7,421 9.*", *rore KTi'ivtii at tin* ofllce of tlio .^lormont tj)lvc*r Mirun« Company an Satnnlav. Miinai'i"!' Key*-**, of tho Chrysolite, reeenMy said winn a**ke*l by a re-iorter otinTOruiog tbe tiBcitiicj ul tia* new mm: "Tiifff*'tend, rrect.'wini nt*c vfilllnir uvd anxious to work, lei r:i tbe business tn a ftirtnijciit; tin y are us i-uid ii-, t ne exin; lenci d rainers, and oven iiintfT, for they do i ti li uitiie eorfe. f licv aro acenstomed to wotkiiut len uiui ittetve hoar* per ita**, and v-'heu tiiey cot hem «u-l work mil} ciiflit hollis tin y do il with u will. I had .100 men lu thc Ciirvs.illti bi r.irt-tbe *t)-ikc, and their last .tifeek's work footed up 128 foot ot drifts run. fctuoe the strike, .villi -ISO n,en univ, 1 iinvti marie 2(14feet, and luis in the ihio of th** Iim*l that thi* tiiniimig wa* ni'fj- leoteJ be'iiiv the sartfea, and work wss delayid aftrr-ar-l jr tbis. lt i- ml Unsli i isiiy that oult* vi-W-nm i>tst>iM (inn du ki,nd wink. Tl* trade ls ao i-asj ope tc leam nm! thc snoiier Ute oldiulucn icsrn thi*thc botte.- u wilt bo ."or thew." Mr. Vau I-raas, inst arrived at tbe Etnpir-n mme; telejfrtipliH : " Miih's ar** looking bettor taverj' day , leii'l MW idt'tilical with Ontario at sauie<ktntu ; all iiitltciinutiK ar*- that the Empire is a batter pr-»*t- .iar tliiiii we supposed." Fiw traces cl the strike now remain at l-r-advil!*-. It l*- h.-ikI that Cio niinerottretM as triad as tho mviifm tlia-t tin* .rouble ia over. -Svervthintr proin- isits well for n busy minson. Hero tuinius Milos nre repoite.1 n iw than ior aotne time past, lt is pre¬ dicted that: tho oaurp will yet seo a pt-ospertHi* tium- mer. A telepmin state** that the Arizona Mexican "mill is runuinit well. Mack Mmrre mun' looking gpleu- dully; taking nut lim* ore; will ootnineuoe imltiua it July I.5- The Little Chief shipped 175 tons ca Wednca-lar and ThurHthiy. The dispotcli from tbe Amie of Fridnv waa altrn-mf (lnplieiiteii on Hatuniay, bi^>_r_it«-ride_t Palr-<*er tcleifraphing: "Minc abowiu* con)ji4t-uible itu- prt'vetnent. Dnft in 31 looks very mieoeraemg.'1 Thc Denver Cit-, diHCtrrveyy abaft, ti>~e by tra in thc clem*, is now ooi-tpieeed to a depth of 265 foot- Tho bottom of tt-esluft at la-*_ r-sports wn inar- geutiferotw iroi,. iudionting tbat the cemtact was nenr. Ihe pt'ohubillty is tbat Dbe .tire tandy, for which tho conn any hus so patieutly labored, will soon be rnai-.heti. 'lite Shamus O'brien abaft is sbintht-d from bov) to hott-ann, aud at a depth of 810 feet shows hiirhlv mineruliaad porphyry. The new diitt in thc Cai lion ate iiiil -rrum tbe 300- foot level ia being driven abont throe fer fi per dury. Tbe superintendent says: " There is no doubt that this drill will reach the ore, as 1 au satisfied we are now on thc foot wall, even il we are too deep-ia aba shaft j thin may be the case. Tha ore is cartainly abood, nud wo will strike it about July 1." Atlantic is the name of a new mining district -re¬ cently oreaiitJicti m tho weateru pnrt of Cienr Cif*ck l'minty, Colorado, 'ibe existence of rich gold and silver ore* in true fissure veins hos been stnists*- lonlv proved. A town sito is to be selected at rime point tm Middle 4'lear ('i-et-k. Superintendent WaldVyex, of the Sprmg Valley Hydraulic, in his report dated June 17, stu'tea tittil an tmmnnse anwuut nt lau*. ia required -k) nrnko a t borough clean-up of all tbe (Inines aud sluice*. The report says tbe " clean-up will be tborosgh and complete, with the exception of tbe lower antne, winch we purpose leaving rather thoa delay tbe rdtnary work of tho untie by expenddog too much tune on it." The clcuu-up ia promiaeti to be -AinsbtHl by J illy 1. ] lu- Elko Cnnsoliilnted has finished tba rc- titnberiiig oi the lower tunnel. Oper.-itioiis will be resumed shortly. A contract has berm lat for an additional 60 -feet ni the minti abaft of the Davenport Consolidated. This will given depth of 175 feet, aud it is pro poaad to sink to a dept!) ef 250 feet. The vein widen* fruin li) feet at the top aad ia now 24 feet wide, with a pay streak of throe feet of solid mineiiil. 11)4* h vdranlic mining property now being offered hv Messrs. Watson, La -k li il ison consists of 400 MTOaof gold-benrrng irruveU wltb water rights to OOO miners inches, in the richest part ot the aari> feroti* belt of Mort bern California, The detpoofet av(aiuui)* about thirty-rive feet iu tlnnknota. and tba location oilers good tucilities for damp and tailing*. Tho gravel yields about 50 cents per cn hie yard. Tbe **.i,iir*l stock of the couinauv ia $1,500-0-Sio, ia 100.IHR) shares, par value ©15. A workiag oap«*al of 47-000 shares bus bo*-n sst apart ood made w«- furred stock, for the development of toe property. lt ts a poTtiim of tbis stock wbica b otterea, t_M tko' pnrehasai** of which are to receive had*, the amooat tiny p*y before the holders of Ute romaiaatg52,500! alu-.ra can nbare in dividends. Certain well-known j c.Qtft*list* are Ititciested ir tbe enterprise. _.'t_^i_______l,,« _"***--_* "***« «w<»* iw-i *. fl Ked Klepbaai-on ttmitiTOmfi ' fthtipad an MiHh los tons, aa.jytng oi«bty oaac-sa aer usa ; nh'imnd toe, tons oa tbe gath, assaying ley-auty oaticea pe* uro*' jniflHItt. ..I. gMrn-eca i»Mi|.t*iTSa*ia, rVft'lLIMi *i*aiU«nv W, *W. Wlettmx l*m\wnt-mmm\^AnWtw% "*MPWry, Bm* 9* WOUtCSt _i,j<. ~M_U^a*l4Aa_aw><ir,««sr.T*(fe a. t\muv*vr. Cob 'Iwai-n, Mourtr. orncc anti n ttitm tumbi mWmfnOBtonjafg_,4_. _ tOX-an-mtn-imW tts Xmntg*l t&Kmonne, ,«jwt*yii_a- Mft'tf" i-._*aHfiH w. **-. UeoTxnmm^t^etAbva. OT. AX BcAnb*-. aa Ac*. Binn, ana. .auOTiiwi Yea tba*. er*i Xaoaamr. tt___tjaa»-a-*.*A-iaoi__»i a. at .muds *». « Mast. a. w. -am, w. a ai-saii. raan-i A%4r .: jr, , ..., £^__t$_i__tt"t^_t43ra _ i.tityantnA ut Ctrpn-tnXjBbojOi fjHKi^oLitE silver i__isiasap». ' Locanow or _-3-*r_c& iiU_nrni_s, eSESLS^-SB-f -_f-_<-__--a-fc*_»__Xar__-llum ,_,_*¦. .' Timn**ii'a»»itl Mphiliii* hm Wm ®S»_S?L ** *.**_____!_ *\^h^**9Am^t*^*ru\mU. tnt. Ot Benian-. TJlif.aB. (H.__fo. fl!-TOW makai a *afia **.¦_ C-sn-n-i omg-T _-__--. .TJOPPER __-I80F - _»3inHa--sTiw»as-t-, .vnrxa i *aa_> cbewe. gMtt-no, ff-**S> sits a*t_«-_»- or _-a_*_a__-_. ._-_>.at__,- Cr_i_l*_a _a*ri_,-i-WU.oWJ. .lai-1. al **cK* a*-*i---t*---*-*A<*-^ *, l (K.'TCIBBai O.B. tflt-x, ifrsai***-*. ¦* Wi*. TWtnllxotb. Vic* Prwiaaw art*»-**»«_»_»*.,' Oencs-l X. AJJeoek. QtvnwO X n\ BeatlM-' »u4 C***_a '*/ ?I*" Bourn H. MnB-aJL Saoteaay. B. M. Etona, ht. E., Swart***.(Knit. _<*ari**K7t. -i*--**ot_*»__nf. ta UeBShtgwAf.. *.**. /^bowell GaQr^raiSiO bo:_*-PAsnf Min**.B__e«wiivt*,nta_«ro»,.N.a 860-UM* __-*_*nl LsmL CAHTAS* «60*9,BM. tB-AcUmnX OX OACBB, ttetnunit et nteek, Vtdm TtumOen_mnr et n*w-TSoBn, Dflouat o. b., p-a-td.a. _ &n\utoT)ktrrr, "fta fi*-..**. a.__au«*9«a«wrr.' J. ft. now'.end, P. O Houvct. B.BL Bmxten. Tiartiaa. j_,_4.__if_«*U aadB. Enan, jr., (mpaa-inluaiStiuk-. _ Qgoe ol Oompanr. W fir.dwny, I-***-*Mf_-_-._. L" AG LE KITER CONBOI-LDATKD Jil'"*!ISO _"0-CPA"i-tT.» Oi*<*-*nt*^a*w-*i*-f-r «-e I_a**a*-af MM* Beth 1-inicipad Offlo-a. 1S7 Bi.dwagr, _. C. Own thirty mine* sod nae null at** amt-l m Eagle District. HuTDtuR Ctuinty, CoU capUal fUaooaooo*. lAOAt*- .lures; par value st $10 stock full jtabl aad vmnnstmbn, OFFlCISBSk Ben. CALVIN T. HtXI-RURD. PretlOeaL .TllKV. W. CROCKER, Vtc-»--*T**t-_-B. MARTIN TIATCHCIl.SeeMaqr'l TRU-sTEKK.Ab*! li. Brena,Chart. 'SJ-*-*, IB. Bksirltt. Hutt. _*-*-itb«t An..Jo-Ma a. 1 ITortter, ftou. CaWinT. MulJmrd. Aatttmr -UllU.. II. Uart, Henry D. Atwler. Mar-* Tfirtar. Jai-a 0, Chauncey T. Bowen. _ M0EN" co.nsoliixated Justso -cokpaxs. Onranlredn»»_-rtUe btw* Ot Baw-TutU. laficatlOB of hinno: CAKBOMATB XI-X*. l_-_m_**L_, -oui.o__a>a_. Capital Stock, f0,000,Out*: imxim Haa P*r V__aa4a_. STOCK FOLL PAID ANA "-TIA«¥lSHSA_t__t general 0FE1CES nt tim Ooivj/nar- Bo. 10 Otear-ai. New-Ycr.:. . _.'_. _.___ -)EPOsiTORT. CnathK'uiiil Nacto-al Bask. E*v-Y«9k. RF.OIt.TUAU OF '1RA_\S>*|..BS. Cantrai Xrna. C_» _.**- Vork. OFFICERS President, noa. ClrXCI. L. BOOTH Yloe-Viesl Put. Fl-KI) TAYLOR. f*_»crfatart ,»»-J*-0. S. TKiUlV. OeueniJ J-siiagurul Ute Mines, JOS. W. WaTROX vaiMfm non. Jna I_ Riiutl. ea-Oovem-v of OtAonAo; JoevnaX UL Wataon,?_ K. KM-ta, Fre-l. Taylor, a ?. ~n_W Be-aR/Sasf, iii). ..-*- Turrr. _ _____________ KOliEKT^ON ELECTfii-C uitE RKiH cnoN COMPANT, Ornrainieit ou_er Lawa 44 tito 8tuc ot New*York. Capital mock, th.noo.0m-. -ro-i.twO eb-rm*-, nat %ai«e. ML '¦'nil *..»_and *wiif_*--i*l** I_I"ni.EY F. Hi*.ama .v. ->*oTwts-y aa* X-***aui-_t. Thi* ooitipaiiv ls now nreparel te nd Bemuse* tn atm voe at ibm )iriu*e«*i, ttht-ch rem tte all elates* of HbaUauua aaa *.> li at* t'*r* ores, except Ibose -JoutMl oin* -*i-*. el a ont ot gt emt ten. All Inrtlfi-renieu* npon tb* yatean (kima pauy will bc riouiptly proaetnrte*!. rrtudii.'lufiiic inone Ai ana 'ie. Uv, bu Broad ec *y. Bom. Yotxc . r£HE BONANZA CHIEF oom) __in_*o croicPAjrT. Cst^HSl.'ll-OOO^OQ. Mb..1-rt .ewwitB*. rreaidf-nt. "»'. W. WICKCB; TiOB-vrtMid-auV stTCILUKi SM)« ; M**retf_*f. B. F. aUOMABiii OTseOteXU. J- g^*\BF_-rt H. A. lULiiARlMQK, O. a -KUMliVflU-t, ALABMAM 'IRAf-C. W. W. r\liMh\%ai(JtX-xA-LOmiKrW,nBOW-rvcm C*Ol._ HAUMOEBB, ."- tot naru.- utan isoulM at sae oBca 6 _jt!_ 18 WAl-LTTrBSFT 10. TELKU-BAFH CONSOLIDATED MININO) PIONKKTt DISTRICT. riNAl, *COTJNlY, ARI! CAPITAL «TjCK,Ba,60<W«0; IM MOfiaO tut dBi OFFICERS : fcAraeal A. Dm Kwalf, PreaMtM stock Exebanr**); C. C. MirnrtiT, "V_or**T**e*i"te«« JL F. anona*, fceortawry aaa Ti ia aatm. mmes* at -Pn_ap»- xnie-Mtnre A'ltBaa, Vernier* 1 u.i*s. a li, HutptnxW.B'. Clewell, Join A. nmtnenon. Pl****i*l Amma Wn*ar* a lliianM*. (X- Y. Biutxg _j__mk*X ma SS Sro*d»«jr _gt.- Yiara. Bcmtntar et Trtj-ten ia rtew-Tortt.Unka Tra** Coinpany. CuubkI.Barslrgi*-* Verwan. Ko. 1W BraaaV ¦wnv, New-York) Hen. A. W. nair, Hui ViiiiuI.*, ___, Mlniuff huueiinti ndont.F. E. Beuton. OFFICE: SO. 48 BROADWAY. 9EWYORK. 11 goord ono fioomo. _. Bas* SMal ADVERTISEMENTS -FOB THE lOM- JA, TO UK T&IBC-IB WI IX BB AEOEIVED AT t I'-TOWN OVJ-ICKB, Na l-T" «., or Ban wat* Tw«-*«rT-«ii»a-*u *mym «*>*»**, TUB**."a.r. fwH"*** h-*M ****** *i-ABL___tt t>*/rK Na 4.AHI i*_drtl***_. ow. q^^i*ii_g«nF^*Sj-Joifca (nsrleni k.vtiigt Benn B*u__o, «b «. B a.t_,at_afll ofBc-err^-i »3i? EAST 20TH-«T..Ona Bake af roon_i. oJr\J with overy convemiwice Xe Yet with yrf-B* t«M» ar -s-imoot I,.ra- -J.s-ao-a»_aac*|nirilluiii*B: r**tfw-*a*4*.. 1 If? EAST 30TH-ST.-A pavktbo Hmlyi a I vf teetnvt floor :e»ol*anmvA rmone; baSht aa* aat cold water closets ; waa n mumABl*l ul*** Sa__**17**¦_*> _»er pris.: r-teeeaoe*. EAST 40TH-ST- auto -floor fioa Lei> liiftmi ave-To let. tv l Icely fut-r.latoeA raoea WC*Ul«r*o eUmnt,__ a-m__p«vai«t__>_li,v : lao*a*n ciir*l antaaaB. WfMt Sida. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS, «*- eellcut board snd lM.e««a*M*rU *t moderate pt lue*, fae f-inlllea aud jt-aaUaaniu traudfuu, Bl itt nar dai*. *U west 1 Otb-ak, nea.rSt--*-*, R(»OMS.-Fiu-f4__e«l ot aafaraiaW-l. tacatftar er moonbi? 1 il* pn nontk. tiWmnlMtmk, 1 JTH-Sf,, 250 miST.m^irMiHjbMg ba«M. I ** Tfs-ua. booae *aatoe-roqn; m law.tBannm utswi tnuuie-e gum* ae.waetfaawi 1 ntttmnam u-yaraa. C-8T-, aeoaasl -_w*nae w.- < omi tetma ex!.db SooTTiii ¦.£ 1 *.**l*aU*ta» MMSaaa*!' ta.tbn. _AA WEST 27TH-.sT^ aaoaa- bonan nra*: Ar A. at amoeartsg, *-*«- *-*- ..¦ ¦».* ¦¦.- or *n salle, also *p*ci.m< ern .na.ia_** 1 .feai .-*7 WEST aiST-St.^^l^«i*n»_~a»_i_i ?P f roane 1 lint and edn wexn ; fc__a* etown* 1 Ba sinai pricfra; arjcia-nituo4_ttt-auaf<ir jtbraietan. Atecdltmeoflt. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE WR1*. -tl- YORK TRIBIIN*. WIIX BB REOBIVKO AT TM! UP.TOWAO+-FICEB. *>--. l^»BB<Br.4w^,e««.Vhh>tr-BMt- .?- PJ <.*. W<s*tTve_w.ttrtNNM*. .nwr r N&JM x_a jrourteonth-wt, .nar ^i^tSrKSaiML- . (»2l«Jw»_«_a *__«__-iat_«, w a a. **,-ai FIRE _ . W0W0U -txb-CMaoB n-utwokka. BBiixiAiTT oautam, aecma Kjtftsg a ta*vng_m%mmvjvvm't

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Page 1: COLLEGIATE :l Fi)li eSESLS^-SB-f rtVING ®S» S?L LENOX · ._ amewi, tells uh: l^ffafthese " liihurgory 1 amnotaware experiments on tho lower animals iii>v agind totbe mitigation





Tym* vivs-WBcaias vax**. £ m T__fft__m__WuLn\ .lu Jto^JfUiW.

OfM«nD*Wi'rrf'l aNepunrtrni there mmp* emly-V>o mmi.lnwi vrMvam. Haye **. ¥__!__?« *

.* "fir. UnpirTltT ... in one -ot Bia h.hnrrtn*mmaaime-**. whicb I om a-sbamed to Atty I wit*

maned, .


. ixaran by coolly cutting out a lauen*Mi niece Aram tiie Wok *.! ti beautiful. HftteMmw.-wh*. vtuttl from an >-|i>|<J«>-smi)lmK!" It

ia -sot to be doubted tbat inbnnwntty nwy be tnumltn lie**ei»iof-v--r high i*****-!*-, ma -ph-^tojrtrtH.¦^.|_aTe*ase_a*iti>-rtTt wns so in Mtw-e-D-ttie.'' This is

the kagnactnf thear.port on vtviseetion, to wtucb¦* *ataclMdtlu* name ol P-rofew-nr Hu-tlev.Battbetaet wbiob, ni my own iiiiiid. constitute*

bytfnr.t-ie»*Hrwi*-eet4»bitct*i*_i to unrestrained ***-

I* rn ttmns, ie ttbtrir*ca_erol worthlemme*-* in

io ihenapi'iltin* t-twbablj _-*-*et readers memt phyn**M*"«v is that science which trent*tnri-Mi* ftmifftons of **ife,suuh ns di-*r»«rtTon,i***s-andtbe circulatum of the blood, wbile ihe-j*is tbat fifrpesttn-iirt nf medicine which re-

Uom discovery aaditanr-ltoation of remedieat'nrMimi* -I veiiUm* to thnt, during ibe

Tier tit » century, infliction of Jnlanae****»-i rnnk-own myriad* of weiitieiiv. living

_boenot -waHted in the ttise-*A-vef*y idsmady ot acknowledged and generally ac¬

lu., tn fan enre of diaoese. '_*» »not«be general .p-it-hc. bat it is a -fart e*-»*n-

j jooSodooHiUHi regarding tbe *$xpediency.trained lioert-y of Tivm-sotion. lt isby no

Hute. iiiiil to (leny the value to tbewpe-fitic-*>kuowii physiological fact* acquired tbns ut

,.Much, for instance, a* tbe more complete,te we poiseas regarduur the otrcnltrtion of

_ or tbe diUinctina between motor audnerves, nor can original investigation beiced absolutely valueleaa ns respect*-, remoteity of future nain. Wbat tb" -public bas a

ask of ibnae wbo would indefinitely prolongjerialenle wittout-Htnte^upervision or eou-

Wliat good have your painful experimentslisbed duringtbe psst thirty year*.nat iunlng facts in physiology, or causes of rare

..abie complaint*, but in the discovery of iui-metb-iKls for umeHumting human -tuBcring,

_.._J| tbe -flare of disease T" The usual Answer to

¦fMudiry bi to bring forward facts in physiologyquired iu the past, iu place ot facts iu .thcnt-. In urging tb* utility of a practice so

th d_tng-T, the utmost .precaution ugaiust©rrorof overstatemeut l.rcoiucs an itu-

dtity. "Even so di*ttngu_-bed a scicntiirt nt,

a Lubbock onoe rashly asserted in Psrlia-_y-t, "~riUmnt extwrinittnts ei living uni-waiiouldno-VBr bave bad tiie use <__ ether f".everv Ataetkan sctiaocd-boy knows titant. thoy is cnn*.thnt the nee of ether astin anfe-

-fihe aniutle«t discovery ol modern tunca.iirigiii in tbe torture of animals.henipeutical reenltH ot nearly half a centuryfnl-eirp-grlmeiils.*\re-*i»*-gk them iu vain. t Wu William Fergusson, surtieon

._ amewi, tells uh : " liihurgory 1 am not aware

l^ffafthese experiments on tho lower animalsiii>v ag ind to tbe mitigation ot pain or to improve-meiit Hs regards surgical detailM." Have antidotesto poasons beeu dacaveriHl thereby t Bays Dr.Taylor, lecturer on toxt-*-olctgy for nearly half a ceu-

-tury tn the chief London^fedical School (a writer-whose work on powous is a TecoEnised authority):**I do notknow that we have asvet learned anything,.ao for as tretitmeut is coticjriied, from our experi¬ments with them (i. e. p-jnsons) on nuimals.'" Dr.Anthon*,-, speaking nf Magcudte's experiments,mme : " 1 never gained one single fnct by seeingtheao cruel experiments in Paris. I know nothiug.more from tbt-ui than 1 could bave read." Even phy¬siologist* admit tbe onucity of therapeutic tesult*..Mir Williiuii Gall, M. I)., was questioned before tbecommission whether-he could enumerate any thera¬peutic remediefl which have-obcen discovi red byvivisection, and he replied, with fervor: "Tue cases

-bristle around tis evtn'Wbere!'' Yet, exceptingHull's experiment* on the nervous s- sum, be could--snumcraie tmly various lorain of disease, our

knowledge ot which is due to Harvey's discrfvery_*iw> years ago I Tbe question was pushed closer,.und so, brought to the neoessity ot a (letiuite reply,he. ausweivd : "ldonots'iy nt vreseut our thera¬peutic* ore much, but there aro Inion of experimentwhich seenvto nromitte grcutJieli. in therapeutics."

.The results of two cenrttines of e-sperhncnts, so faras tberapenti-ss arc couccrued, reduced to u seemingpiotnisi.!Oy two p int a, then, thc evidence of tbe highest

.scieirtitic authorities iu-Groat Uritain seems conclu¬sive.first, that'experiments upon living uuinmls.emiducc chiefly to the henefit of the -science ofphysiology, aud little, if at all, at tbe.present day,io the ireHtiiieiitof iliseAoo or tbe um.-lioratinu of.huninn siihcritig; nut!, secoudlv, that repetitiou of

pa*ufn1 i-xpanmettts tor -3_a!*i!*--teachinK in is both uiiue-ci-ssar.v and nujustUiahie. Ile-.Sht.^eiOf-oclusiou*-, iiffuct thc prucLicc of vivisectionin thin country t Ia it true that experiment* ave

nsttrtaally if*/rf(~med ni some of ourmen ital schouls,«It*>*ii c_(isiu_ extreme pain, t-oilltislrate well-knownnnd accepted facts. .xpenments which Uiic-uhIipb.v_iulog_f.ts pronounce "inffltqons" and "afro-cioua," wbicb i_uglish ph*, mciuus .ind »urge-nns stig-1»_t__ttt as pitrposcle_e cruelty and ui-jiitrtiiiahli..which even Huxley rcimrdn as unfitting tor sud Darwin deununocs um worthy of dete*-tntioti and abhorr.-Kct* T I coi ifess I see uo ocoasiunfor any over-de.i.*f»*e retiaeenee in this matter.Kcivuce needs no socraey either for her methods or

jr suits; her function is to reveal, not to bide, facia.The reilly to theso qttChUous tuu-Jt be iu tuc affirma¬tive, in this country our pny-aiol_v<n*,ifl ar*- ratherfollowers of Mngcudie and ti-.uttrd, after thci_i*--ib*xls in Vogue nt Puns autl Leinsic, tuan

ativerued by the cautious and sensitiveCviuservatism in this respect which ecnemllychiracter-zcs ,lu* phvK.ological tc:n Inuit ot Londonand Oxford. Kwry'medical student iu Now-Vorkknow* that cxpetiuieirt« luvnlviuir pa>u arc repcai-vdly -pcrfonn-Al to illustrate teaching. It is no

¦ere.; ono nufd not go beyond ibe frank aduiis-¦siiiiiH ol nus later text-books on physiology forabundant woof, not only of this, hui of tbo extentto which exnerimenlatiou is now carried in this«.tinily. "We have long been iu the habit, inclass demonstrations, of removing tbe optic lulu ou

tine aide from a pig-ion," says Professor Flint, ofllv-llevne Hospital ftiedical Oolleire. in Ins excellent.wiixE on Physiidugy. " Tim cxperim<**nt of dividhigabo aynipwtnutic in the rieck, neuccially iu rabbits.4k*o easily .perl-tfymed that the .piienoin«*uu obwerv..-.1hy Bernard and Uiown-Bcqnard IruTo been repest-clly verified. We hove often dom-this in classd-amoustni-iiuns.'- " The cerebral lobes were re¬moved trout a young piaeou hi the usual way. an

-operation . . . whioh -we practice yeurtv as

it, class deraon-itratioii." Hefernng to the removal*«fthe cerebellum tbe same authority itHtes: ** Durowu expertmcuts, *rrJskii liave been very nmncr-

ous during the lost Ultfea yean, are simply vepeti-. tion* of those of Flinxrem. and the rest-L-i birve lieen

the same -without -eau-et-tiow. We have Iri quoin) V-m-o-ovt-d both kidueys trum dotfs. uud wheu theoperation is carefully penormed the nnitnaU livefor from three to five days. . . . Dj*".tb alwaystakes place with symptoms af blood poiaoiiiug.*"There le one exirnnmnnt in -wgurd to wtnch the

f**veie obaracteTiitatiuu ef -Eiitrttsh scientists is

.antonyn_i|rii-'*nle, "from tlicpaiu uoceasarU*)' at-teudiun it. JKtnuirous itiv*t_t,igatom have long«__)blwbed tbe fast that tbe giour eeuaor-y nerve nfthe head end fnco is eudeweu with ttn-exiimaite de-.tfrse-at eena-hiltty. More than half a oeuturv agol>f*fh Ms/at'ttdie and Hfr Charles-Bell ponrteil outthat merely expoong and touching this tilth nerve

gave sinus of uiuat acaie-puiu. "All who have di-a*uled tim ro__t__i bving auunuls mast have -reoog-sul-d, uot only that it is seiuutivo, burt thut itsaensibihty ia far more acute thou thin of nuy otheratrrrtn-u. trunk in the body.* ** The fifth pair,".at s Prof-tso.trJohn C. Dalton, " is ttie misst acutely.amu-itf ive nerve tn tbe whole body. ItsirriWttion hy

*¦ SKChauical uieens alwa-t-s -ctiases iutetise pam. uudarron though tbe amino" be nearly cncoiisciotu-Totuthe iuflueuce ol' ether, aro* severe injurv to its largeinot is almost invmiebly follo-ived by cries." Testi-toouy on thia poifit m uuiform anu abundaut. Ifacicuoe speaks anywhere with assurance it is inregard to tbe praf-erttee ot tbis nerve. "Vet everyymr the -experruneut is reheated bvtune medicalelwwes sibidI-* te demousrrate aceeptcd facts. " This4* au cpc_--u.-u_.i_" soye i'lofeaoor Flint, referring totiie division of this uervis, "that we huve -rtuuontly»erfornu-d with bucco***." -Ho adds that " lt is difll-4-ult from tbe fact that, oue ta working in tbo dark,su.l it requira* a certsiu atnonnr of dexterity, to beacquiri-a wily hy pnwtit*." Milurie _t__rect,ii*us aretlieieloro Laid down lor the uncrativo procedure,.anu llhuHutkras given hoon ot the instrument toVe us il and of lb** lieiifl ut n rubhk with the nie itu^tTunwnt in tts cnimul cavity. Holdingthe head of our rabbit fin-nv ii thc left baud wetie tinat.itKlto pciictrate tiieurauinm in u ; oi'tiouhumsuiiier. ''tect-iu tue operator leel*. ni _, ocrtaiiiduptb that tao bony rewrtaiine eaastei; he is thou¦ou th!*tifib pair, nud tue enc* ot the annual give.fVidtnior* shat thc nerve ia pressed upou.'-'

iiniiuoiiy et individuals, mthcatmg the extentto w incl* *».vi»*ictiou us /<t proacut practis-d tu (tieHtnt^, mt-thtIm gi veir, tat it seem* better to submit)urt_uf within the xeuet of every rewter, uiui theaeno-racy-e-f which ts _-«yond euivjj. Ko leg_.l t_-stnetioun whatever exist, prevr_itiug thc pitfurni-tsie- ot nay ct-an-iiuieDt _-f**_J*t*d. luiieeil, I think rtmaj safely be a**ii**»*'l .that, th tiie **Ju-v of Nt*w-ietk, lu a nng2« medical sobool, more min ta iu-Hiccted ttron firing animals, as-a aleaus cu teaciuagw«U*kviowB fania, than wpermitted tub* anne _**-.«in SkUue pnrpflw tn cAl timnstiBnal snooty,* ol i.rtntrxtttnm wad tretrod. And mi enact **1 L__ truly

. -MO'.*' vctttmo ptcftwm rfmohtn asea ali tiKftw __--

apenmeota," W*at net arni? ti.we 1 never netai ag nil rnvxnmaaansnve unttx the euircriBganfltoted, bali nnmiat -reoalt a shi«le <*xi*ant_ioutta-Qdb xn abe _di_*hft-et Orseoo Baa i_us«_miI my itaentnaor _n Ba-___m_ymu-,nw uxaamy **_.__-_ om ao;lanjiP-hettor m-emOdnvotm.__*'. ****^*mJo*W**-** -«i-nston. emdena*¦ntmOAaadn itvhmyamta ^e iii¦.gmt tor an*a -Marte

: Betmntl r-ssi ¦¦ruinh aw* ni -J*- Ooma fctoni-.

THK T*t?I>IXIX>L J__hl AULmcbXt\m\m\*s *fffn9fff$ WwtlM CtWDVVSNfr -AnRflMf,

.-mvrr?%t-*%\niiaii-r) X**y 4Sa_tr Hm kn

»ai**Mii*»wis4n*tha»aflili)itai smrid. tr-ox.,,.>*» pea»o« n*ton_2j ueealsd to nay wbat

IImvJ-M-yat*. *(* ao&'liOj-U, Tinny felt, that tbey .

4*fa-*stMl an MUkk dismay,'t n~**ry**ltXron-~ievrw-uiii,

Un. Qrnndv mi-tht say." Hmas »a»itlon ne un¬

precedented ihat to t*_k*4r-aeraaed te the church or

Mm. Grundy to »« *QUi**idimt ni* am*srnrpttng to sub¬vert the mural laws ol tbe universe. 'Inls is not-rororrsinji when it ts considered that -he polttu-atlKm-tftrwna-eaa maty hnmmtoot onrnemnme. Themelita. BUntuAfr'ngwetvww hun iidward mid hiswile as "thone flu.-cr p-.'iinle," which is a form ofthe sentence iff exile to The social Shena. The re¬

ligion* Hm. Orwndvw«v brand tb* h-snesrt snnmar

as nn " unrieliever." He may stoutly deny hint.Grundy'* snpreniat.v_. vet itmrffine* to tinrf bis m-

flaeno*. and earner. Tne political. Mrs. Grundy is

v-ery po-sr«vfnl. Tire man w&o does not mird berwiir.-iT*wo**d w "rrecrvntrt," ..itishonnrutile.'" ' -aoT**-," silly," ** taine." He merely tallow* bm*»wn enn-

science in*te>ad of ber will; that is to sav. he. noes

men'lT What **ve*rv Itotiorable mau tinghi to do, nmithe only wimoairnt »s a scream of borror. "Whatwi ll -Ors. -ttrundv eay f"Man-y of those whoii*«n in the erv doepine it, and

very-imvhably thc, despise tlieawelve** for swelhugit. thut lt ia the eoi.dttion.or-they think itte be the condition-of then poraeual undpolitical advantage. BMlidee, Mra. Grundy's "say'*has a tremendous echo, tt is constantly ami in¬finitely rejieat-jtd, and it is that wrvaerhertltlon whichmake* it terribie. A niau might hr v.-rv -.willmgthat oneaopy alone newspaper should call hun a

fttrty dog. a thief, and a linr. But when he is calledby thew names in abundi-crt thousand copies of lt

et-iirry mo**rrang in the week, anil luuitlreJs nf other

newspapei* "repeat it, and nnltioi« of people who donot nersonallv know him, and wboam apt to believewhat tbey constantly eoe, read every tbty that he ts

w-iltrty dog nnd r liar, a man witnrnlly begins tncount the ooat. and asks himself whether he bad not

butter keep his opinions to himself if tbis is thepenalty ot expressing them.

thrt the moment -bc yi«lds snfl falls dttmb, hehelps to make the -tyraiihical ___m. Grnndy. Mm.Grundy, in other words, is rim creatiou of thosewho despise her. If those who really spurn theidol would hut-show their contempt for it, ihe stonewould drop and bc shivered in a moment. On thcother hand, the enormous power of the politicalMrs. Grundy isshovp in the consternation withwhich contempt other word is treated. There isnothing mom ridiculous than the air with whiohthose who themselves secretly hate her look uponthose wbo quietly etty so, tts if they had causelesslycommitted hari-kari. Tel, we repeat, it is those:wno htlte her who th e.mae I *.*-*.-¦) make opposition toher will n kind of political suicide. " What willMrs. Gruudy savf" Hut what matters what shosays, if her word isimpoteut? And impotent it i*if every man who scorns it laughs at it imrtendof fears it. It is not ciitrrago whicn is most nnfor-tunate in Ibis world, by any nieami.

" For the firsttime, in mv life," said it dii-aiiirulsbed puiilic man re¬

cently, "1 flou*tCnre what the political Mrs. urnnrty*eys,*«ti*l I never was so happy and light-hearted."Other distinguished public mon.Webster. Cloy.Calhoun--lac«ed the courage, asked with terrorwhat Mm Grundy would say, and died broken¬hearted.Every man who defies this tyrannical old womnn

does a great public service She ia a kiud of maliauDiana, a triple Duessa of society, religion and poli¬tics, i-very-man who helps to rivet ber yoke is ,i

public cuomy. "What will Mr*. Grundy myVLet ber Bay what she will,-so long as the honestman asks only what honor and manliness say, undhaving heard, goes quietly on to make their wordhis deed.


An autograph letter of Thomas Campbell,sold reu. ntl. tn London, contains the followiug genialreft renee to Fusel): "I think this painter of tlevilslitt:c better than a devi'in mind und conve-n.nt.ou. Il¬

ls diu.-mlngly conceited and ovarltearim.'." Filsell

wltb all bis eccentricities Lui, os ta wei! known, manyuiiftagliiK qualities. Tne (ti nu storr is told ol him thaton ieiiviin: the noose one day hr* culled out to tlio m 1-

vunt, " (Jive me my umbrella, fur 1 nm golnit to eec onoof Mr. CoiislnDle's mclure*."Many eminent meu oF lettere who nt one

time or inuit ber lived in Hum* havo been honored hftin: city in late years with u memorial tablet or other

permanent moiiumcitt of their stay. It. has usutiUytaken tuc form otu tablet inserted in the inpadus ot tlte

house-4 In which they lived. Goethe and Mle id v ii/were hobob<oi'cil scviimi.vern's hkii. I-*aat fear a B'.'t upllu memory of Keats. Very soon ttie, >;ttiv olwise old .MJautHli/ne will receive u sun.lnr re-*e::iiltiiin,and a proiiMt bu* Just coen marted for tin* erection of u

tablet in honor ol Sn* Waifr Sc-nti.

Some one bug M__f_M ¦ parnprapb Blionrlnirhow ttulueut lstlic roil of contributors lo Thc Edtr*brttvh Betfiew, comprising ns lt dues of the eeryfirst order tn stau-siuau-liip, eloquence mid leainiuir.loitwo -tenciutloiia. In Lord John Hns-ii ll lt bas a "MatMinister; In Lord l'-niigiiuu). a C'bnuut-llor; lu l-ntl

Denham,«Lord Chief Justice ; in liord Jeffrey, a mem¬

ber ot tbe Scottmb bench, and in Mr. Hmlng Ohm .mil

Btr G. C. Lewla two Chu neel Inri* of the Kxclicqiinr.Among tbe historian,, who have contributed to Itscolumn* arc Mocnuhiv. Carlyle, and _S.11,l,. i*:

amour pouts. Canip bell. Moore uud Hager* : utnuiitt

er-na*. »tt, Dir Jnni.s Stepl.ea, the father nf LeslieKtfjihe.n, und Winnini ll.i/litt; anion'.' novelists,Thaokeray and ".ulwcr-Lviton, Diekens, their greatestentemporary In action, I*iiiur to write only from ac¬

cident: und Hinom* others, Di au* Mill:,an, Jubn HtuurtMill nud blr "William HauilltniVolume XI. of the " Eucyclopas'Iia Britan¬

nica," wlnou carnes th? work as lams "*?.-," *

ls now ready iu thu two E lln*Jiir.'li e,lui,ns. li n* ..iveii

out thur tht) Brtio.c ".tanai" i** by Pr f.-wor BnlMtteaaf*mith, and tho announcement tnllows Am**** upon tho

new* that tao acti,))i ngaimt Prafeaior amil., by theCnnrab for oortaiu dnctrtnts pul lorth tu his nrtleSe" Ueuterouomy," wliinh uppjared ir, an earlier volutne,hen wh-illy fath-d ot sui'-coiw. Mr. Froeiuau. tU** lilsti-riuu of tile Norman c,,iii|ni>t. WtttSH on llurult. Tin*iketob of Iluraee Oreciey, wUlch was lini't-d h> thueditor fa a pa«ru uud a half, ls by Mr. Waite.a,v He,'Tue It'V. Murk Patlisiin. authur of tiie " Muiou " nitiie K:iglish Men of L'tttors B.rle*. writes nu Or.ttlu-.,ar.d Mr. H. H. Htoddard on Hawthorne. Gkarlm Beriii-ncr'sHnii*,' .-intiiiti tins mtvet from Kliushurgh anticop.t*; will be sent out lu 'a few d-tu. Tins edition, ns .-.

will known, ls priated from tbe ongluai plates made i.ythe Me-niTH. Blaek. ,

S. R. (iardiner baa t*ditt*d and tbe CamdenSociety has puiiliili-jd, for tho tlr*-t time In completaturtii, what aro known aa the " Tlumilton Pnper* "

flljatS-ilUH), beiun|-lug to tao archive*) of thc presentDuke of Hamilton, and relatltie to Janies, tbe first linkeof Hamilton, wbo was a m-*r kltisruaii of Charles I. aud

occnphid a front station in the porty of ttie King lu Scot¬land. Many of tbe letters arc addressed to Charles, nudoue ol th"tu, as au example of the quaint Scotcb-Knglsli..pclt-nc of tbe time, ls lnt.restiinr. It is addressed" Moat Sacrett SoucT_m;N and contslus The followHic :

""Oltb a* aad u hart aa ever mau had, I rum wrytt to

your rn'itte. tboe wbatt I sliuil say grclfes my aouli, audI am sheave will be moat unwelcome to yonr matu.Teat I dare not neglect my deutie, nor ulli euer fall iamy sUeilgena. Knoe, tiien, to my unapenkablll grtf,ihat all the fiure booppca 1 hail wheu I wrytt my lost ar*

quvt nan. I nd lor uoa I Hud must aortaulie timi thevuid neoer dtfolame nor oioe up thcr*Couenniit. All, navmany con-joter* of *taU UMmaelne*. *lledging itt to benarranted aud to br justified by law, ubit-h m aleneut ao

dangcroua to monarcblc asl Gun tiiit vett sea Lou thevcan neill druid togidder. Tour auuoralt and all thela*t-*tre*ln tbe toun.a* I trm amlonlie informed, savesno lee then that b.v lau all t.ier proeldin-- nun neill lt.*uurrcntcd outlier before u Gene ru ll Assctublic or Purliu-_n__it.HAn announcement, believed to lie ofiicial, of

the time and manner of tho publication or tho revisedtranslation of the Kew Testament haa appeared In *

London "naper. Tbe translation will b* published iu

fiie autumn, and along with tbe En-jllah version, twol-et-cenaion* of the Greek text will be Issued simultsne.onaly.ane.trom tbe Clnreudon (Oxford), tbootbor from tbePitt 'Cambridge) Pres*, fbeic two tt'-tts, tho announce¬

ment cays, will exhibit a notable and rather suggestiveencrust in thc flifTorcnt mot hods pursued in tbeir con¬

struction. The Oxford text will represent the criticalspirit of tbe nineteenth century, with Its tendency toseek new departures and to break with tho punt. Ac-cuirdlofdy tbe CUveuttan will puldlnh Hie text which therevlslonlsis hove f.miid lt no:e«__iiy .to tor tlictn-¦elve*. after cnreful wclglnug and mature isotifdderut ionaf all available evidence mr snd ngulust the rendlni:*adopted. " For tbe behoof, however, of tlioee weakerve*ael» who continue to have a superstitions venerationfor the miine ot itobert Stephens and Hie Greek used hythe truuahitm-s af HUI,** all passaitM tn whioh tba Ox-lind ta."Xf depart* from the n letvtd text will be ludl-caVi! by toot not/s, and lu them- noti-h the leodmg ntthc Texius Reocptus will he niven. The Cambridge textwall, on Sbe eoatrary.-bt' neither Mort, nor lee* than a

reprint ot (lie Texuis Hceoptus-a it'a Toot notea. ftivlnf-the reading adopted by tho rcvla!oin*i-». Profrt-aer Pai-w«r _. rttarodslbie for tbe C.aroinlun lf*xi; Di*. Bcriv--oracr lao* tbe ether.

Dirtc J)nbluauott6.1 OOKOUtIot thirtv^'^TlTu^iflT^&atXJ on Tuesday. June 90.

|pC^KTl_ajRjKK PUBLtCAllOyfi.-;Tribune lode*. Iori87D.....PriceMe..stib-ne MlnteirVlgmi.-.ittce BLWnnnt't lixua.. .j^loo _(*,CajitlalaaallAl-er. By Itob*r*Oil>y«r._____aa» lifc.

xnaimr. tbk TKJBL*yg. **Jfe->-Vi-fc.

m*llhllACtlCtLWes "Bouts and Ytrturo.*

A________f- at ARTS. ftraAnte ttl a~ln___ar!,.***«¦¦* V*_eetA.prTtumm ot n ttagn nenen^ent

mw***t-n*ni. emartm" w__£Sa*Ii_* jut-ra,"

*»**&***_ned^XYndZmcuJ_9MrmuiiMM-J-^n-B-Y-*-* _mmu_. y«y.Toes-*"*".*..

¦"^^^¦ig-!gpetiJmng^hnmbtnyutesnetrjtius pertjotiaupnrtaloa«1 Mn, ute*.i

Jiratrattion.Fer Sota Bem*ia.QtKV.

%MAwtL DA-iNLVA-.fe Mi*. ..RADP0t-_-f>.8

BneTSS^c-hti-tn_~-Si-». ti-n'im.tWb-aU'TifmYsxk. wiiLvnmev Moot rta*

Orr gt. apatta*_«n way b.-urde bv lvit«*r npnmmelWu*genre._,liPATflSH, ITALIAN and FRENCH -eonve: -

SJ a*ttiiti..nvt***MartB twill ownau-rt-al coi ri*>*|W_1a-C6<»*WM-*jrlitht T_-if- tanban hy Pr-rf-M-tr MASC BL Jl-CV_-XLO,*IlHnon .(ttl_»t..ih»et city trintmeve.

Tor Boy* -aad Toting Man.tCouatov.

Alexander lintititte, Military Hour ting School,¦While maota, ts*. Y. *-*rtucnm,. o. i:. wi

Art and" .Science.-*--Hnuinier sclinoi for 9.-.-l-ira-a C. J. VVBI» llT.A. M., PoCkf*kl)l---mlOul***>n.

BOYS and YOUNO KEN privately titted'fnrrolieite. cnndlUoneii or re'tcl'Mi cmnliilaies eoaak-ad,

Mininierur Wimer. M__i_l' HDI'l'MAJiN.

I MVIL. MECHANICAL aad EN-\y H^KI-lU«8_-^lte RB.\l-*l",I_*iER HliLY-TKPH-NICINH'I'ITUY"-*, TBOY, K. Y.. I'll"! oldest rinriiuiertur'acho.ilIn Ainerlro, -sext t-nrm *>t***1iis»*eptenili4?r lit. The mtglarterSar lBSo contaltta a Ii*nit lb* rm rttines tnt the past 8*4 veurs,witn theiriiualtluna alao, cnurnu uf atuttv, T-jtialtuiiirnl-a. es*

peueee, Otc. _i__r*___

_PAVII) M. OKKKMC Direotor.

COLLEGIATE and COtV-ME-RCIAL INS II-TUTK, "*i(*llaven. Conn., (leneral Huasell'a Hfhoo).

Preparator-v to*, sclenllfli* auhoobi or huuiu**aa. Ttii.r-oiigi physical lrntiilug bv millttirv nillllD**. fotaismtic-i,-tc.Ampin uii|s,riuuitv tor air, kine saunas, n-wiiig, Ac._

Fi)li Circular*- of the hvtrt pince where to*k*nd vonni? Ki-ntlf-iutMi anti hus ilurtug Hummer, atlrti-f.ns

Prof. ALYRl-.O M. COI Tit, HiaUtat M. (Ity.

rtVING INSTITUTE-llonrdtng .ind fm iKirs bnaliiM-v unit ant ematta tratnintr. Hprtair

tenn comm enciit March ,;i. A. ARMAGNAC, t'srrytown. *V.Y

LENOX ACAOE.MY.-Lonox, Mas-*.J ftiuudnriIn lt-!"8. Beopens H***ifeiii!,t*r IS. 18*i0. Flt* boya Ior

beat co.lefle*. lor tunas, ic. *d.'l"*e*s pniii-lpil.ii AIU. AN ll. 11.*, t.i.A UH._Lenox. Beratahiti* Co, »Ifis«L_

MOUNTAIN HOME hOHOOL, St. Clo'id.M. J.: *)60 Per sch-io-l -roar; aitoimiiiitlatlon during

vncatinn: iffrrcnrp. Air. lt. P. smith. No. HS,il.Y. Andre***-. Box 71, Or*ft*re, ». J.___OPEN ALL KUMWER.-FOUR WEEKS AT

OAl'lt MAY-KWIVIIIN C. H1IOKT1.I jill!.')- MKlilutPenn.) ACADKMYtor rowan men anti her*. Kurt-' opiums!.lulv and Aiiftnat. Kor lllinualnl oirtulsr of Knmmsr Mbaaland sctiool warril 1H8')*b1, liuKiuniiiir in September, nilili-eas

theprluclpiil, s*tVIT"l"IN C. KHOHTLino,'.. A .M. illurvuidItMMiuat-.), MetPj. I'en:i.*. 1'-' miles fruin l'iilin-'. a-li> Thiaacademy hus teailinonlalalrinn i-avnrd Taylor, lion, rernnnrtoW-u-att, Judgti Van llo-Mun. Key.-J. A. Childi*, I), lt., uml ninny*-othni pnlfulHt-

PEEKSKILL (N. Y.i Military Acntlomy. Forcirculars s.lilr.«« Coi. f.j. witl'itlT. A. M.. l'rlnt tpat.


Civil Enrineenns, Chnmlstrv.ClaHHics ami Kngliah; degreesconfi-rrad._ColoneJ ll I l.u. BYAIT. YrttfL

EAR'S PBEPAHATOT-Sr SCHOOL, New-tiiirirh. N. V_A arn'Ct ito ir din;: school lor '-'.1 lint

lo take the hi'thcsl rank nt Yal,* snit,. Voe eirrtihir-iailtlrt -tri_IIKNUY Vf. glOLA-t, M. A. 'X .i.e.)

r|MlE lute principal of a mk ¦(.¦.¦-.I'til privateJ scliool In tlil-t en v sill re,- -ive tim ut th ec bey* tor thuHummer at hts ei-iuilrv linnie, fortv mltuH "ruin tin* el* v. lu il

iitiat ixjrlioiH' alu iiutn'ij* brillliv, nu,I rem,,veil Umii all trtuii-tiil.oii i reni-ti *.]K.fcc:i. Ail.U'i na* l'UINCll'AL. C*re K. H.B.. Poet Oaci Hort AilQb, N. Y. CtltT._W-'ILiLWTON .-I-.MIN'AL'V. i:*V 1'irp-ires Ihivh fo* mir l»¦«! * ullin-

achools. 1'ull term _-i_flna Si pvnuib<ur !', les i, Kor c itali.iroeaodreaw_ J. W. KA IB HA -N '.v**.. Th. P.. ITlncical.

ftUMMEE SCHOOL..Morn.-: ClawiCBt Inntt-1-7 tote, Mtirri^Unvu. Is. J. I'm- Imv-t il.* itini'-i artal peapwrall in for ¦¦>¦ In tin* A ni it inn. or KWUU n Inn, lt lil li Monnn*r himio. t»i:ti a few hmm lattlon tubb Har -daasiiw,matbetuntit k niiil celtiic h. I ,,r ji utiittli.t-i iintl ler'isnnplva, T. COTBHWOKTH PfWCK N E. 'ri Aeenet. I in,ii, rtqnare,nmotlre-aia tl.a* I'rlmiimi, f,. H. MlxiUi-:. il urti*towu, .%..!._

$*M.(\ *,AYS fnr BOARD nnd TUITIOSem\r\f uni-Ni'liuol yo-ir iii Or. VViimnifV M1lit:iiIv Ito.iiil-

linr -fiii-iii I'liuL-blaiMiiMiie. N.Y. Wliii,. Denna nr>- low, theachool is of Un ifradi.'. Head foi clri'iilirs tail




Terr Touner -Lacuos.Country.N Engltah, French and German lit*; idhi-*and Lay-t-fibao: for vatin* hui.-- v,».t Rad IraUtuku

Now-llava sly, ii in Bandit* cirtulat.

r*LATEKACK (N. _.) COLLEGE and ill'lt-V/'SON BtVKIt lNMlTIIT*! ,1**!,laiiK ll it.iirti.-t.irh lo ,t,!|,»rliia-i,t- i.iii_'imi;,-s. All sudMusic 8ini*biItt, e will <i|. :, or "-uininitr ,hui,il J.'lt t.

_Rev. ALOX-P) FLACK, Pb. i>.. I'n**;

HOVE HALL, Kew-Qavsn, ('..uti..Uub_MOXTPOKTM BCIIOOL lin VOL'MU LADlliH.


HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRL.***.Waltham,Mass.; evert *>uv iiintniiila.* t!i,,rourli Inst

MW April'it*, rnriiriihitictii-i s.1 -Iress LADY I'ltlM ll'AUP.O. Itox :i.l4", notion. *iatu_ Nrw*York nfarcn**, Hb H.T. Hanks, i', Kaat a, tl. -t.


Mis** BDLKLEY'SSchool farYouuirLatlicH,Tnrivio*. ii-* n tin-Unit n. wlIlTffupfM) Weil.. Kept. IS.

0SKIMING IXSTITl"IL lor LADIES, BingSine. .S. Y., Unit du--, a» to ibniiieter auu Mtr»fi***a ;

rircaiaih tr.e._Kev. C. I). RICI mi

RYE REM INARY, live, K. portico-laran(li_ie»a

_Una. B. J. II IK.

For Both Bc-cs.Cotmttry./MIEGAUAV INSTlTUTuE,

\j 1,,'i.7 uutl J,.',:*'." hpin**-* ,. I'lillaileti'liU.iinarilluc nnii Iiav hchooi lur ffonag bniuta uinl rldMrrn.

Alien ut shu nu,nm tammast" i.uuflii. I'.-oMli i* tm* hm.|:iuae nt tl,,¦ l:tiu,.y. -U,..l,i, 1,'ll. ll. A I J.I.Y, I'lllu I|1I,.

LHISTER SCHOOL, CIjIFION tl'Vi'1 N. *i.-Ai'U'ieinii, ('oiiir: in . \ri. l..-niiri... livmnastlc*.atinuiiisteieii tv ,i, -|,,,i,l i.t".- dim lo tte luti'li of yuouglaitifa-i ami tie* formation "1 .. -i r.,-1 habit* of -tuiv ant. 1:1'-.>ildr.--sllie Hey. Dr, UKO 11111-: LOOM m._¦

APLEWOODINSJ'JTI TE.Foi lioth «eii«iCouoftrilvllle, l'*'iin.* (cc imt ou.ii,, BMUlsnH |iru-

),; iel for busli.e-ia. Yale or ll.irvur I; III_

J.Mlllll! I.111'.I A. M.. Illll.lpHl.

MT. KISCO KOrCATHiNAI, INS Ul { K\Mt. KUco, .N. X., lo, V'lius tatie-i «iii| hiidr.n. wilt re-

open Sept. lui tarma maionable. Mm p, itv.ui. PrtnaipsL,

NEWTON COl.LKGlATi. INSTITUTE, N<-w-ton, H**S(-] lonni v. N. J., n upi-,it M-nie nlnr I" lor

maleh ami lem ,1m ; clf*-m*ItQ*nr bea tin', ex,, i.-nt cv, rn*

_%*nl «ml Cliri-iuii intiu-*n,. -a; tli,,i,,i|-*t, ut III for nus

of for bnaineaa: a*t'*o tm enialovni". rei rtoiiMitiidpiiiH J. Fitly, Me'ir, l.i. ii., Juli,'" Ji'liu A. Iiialr, "Jer-tv City. b. H.-.TitVI'Nt-,. .i. M._

KOCKLAMD COLLEGE N'v.i.k. N. Y-loth HfXit (Iltirnt nnv tl,i:e *ppn florine

fidd lier yrur; send for new eatalocuo. W. ll. IIA.NN'1**-TER. A. M._ROCKLAND COLLEGE, Nyack-on-tlie-Hwi-

son. witt le- npfiii for Httninirr Ilnunl and ufitiiins" atti tvtor acb.ilar-'il'i Jillie lo. A in.-l il'lith' tul li ni,, willi ja! ¦¦._-

aul ilnvea. moiiiitslii ->renei.v,tii.nttii|r aud salt waler baillluK:willan citv ie_.-h, ul rsauaiiuiblr ratxs. Aiblr,**4

_Vt. ll. IIANM-SI Kit, A. M._

^wnrtliincrc ("nllc-.'-c, noni Philadelnhia, I'ciin.O .Itnder cai** "f l-rli)ii!i. l., lb ar in, r*il.t,ltt.*il thieer-,1*leito cour-iea-i' as-iral, 111*1*07 uml .clt'iitlii IradiCaoiirsc ; tiretisrati,ry mm ol. Par itiirtiriilurs ml,lr, at litvaunlll. t-tsL'lll. I'reat-Hwartliiii'iti r'il[,af(,a. li, ,nw ie Co., I, nu

-"THE MIDSUMMER SESSION of tin* SEL-1 LKt'K! t-CHOdl.. Nu. walk. Conn., will rommsite.-.1 un,-

24 antlPTi'1 f-teiiteniber I. Thli NfMatuii oflom ltiiliirenichls losneb pupil* us tloetrr to snend a Irw luiurs itally to si inly audcnjnv a fonntrv hume tlurru*' ibe warm w iiittii i. Toil int r-

mu lion may be obtained by aiulr-ut-nug an above.



PARENTS in seareh of eohnols for theirctiiliirou will dna praspefOuami of tbe lilts*!' tu the

emuil rr inWNCtMtYl) HCBOOL ANP COU.Rl-K 1>IBKCT()RY

PUB IMHO.Malled for poataffi, -ic at offloe FRF-E. RP I'dAl. CATA¬

LOG UK* of tho bent frlioobt fiirul-rtiert ffr.itm.T. COTJUHWOBTH 1'IVCKNKY,Aceucy fur HcUtsila ami Tenrhera,

nomesth* BalltliiiK, iirj*dwuya*d llili-t., N.Y.

«V(-HOOL i'rojK'ilii'H lor t-yilo or rent..Newk_7Humnier list mallet' 'oratamp. Hch.-rmtrh'jni. ao Y, Uih.

CCHOOL Wanted..Either private school oek"? ncarientv, or to tin rtieftole op muir for oui* by PnShvt**rlarn eierirvni-ti limce.tfm aranuiite: V-n ri'.-im' (rtnerleiu'iiau principal. Ti<.A(.', BO ItaBttl* M., Bostou, Uums.


ALL wanting betit teaohcra*, American oifiir-lifii, foi any ilniiurtnieut, low or blcli. ali mid havi.

"C«inlldRt*s' Nt*w UalMln," in ille" fm pesta**. J. SV.HCHUBWI'.'BIlt.KS'. ht-cretar., Aiiierta-au Huhoul lustitutt,8(^B.i»t I4*bmt,___ Y. _

AMEBICAM nnd EllROI'KAN TEACHERS'nc iu ai; strpplles, without cimrf-e, aalleaaa, seins.u,

sudfatiiihus,witti iBoroushly rniupetciit profaaaon, jitiiui-polngml teseb'T* lamtlles kiiIiik, or to ibr (minny,jimmjjily sulteil witb sui-exicr tutors, loum ,iiI,,,m nm', guver*iieMM.'*,. Cull on ot aodtorw Pruliieaur LBOaN01U_,U7 Weat85th »U. New-Voik._AMERICAN and FOREIGN TEACHERS1

AOE.NX'Y auppllri. CoUsRaai fi -nd* unit J uniillej*. withtliorouRlify tompcteot FMfesaiir*, Principals uml Te i, Iht-..Fumllie-i ffoliiff tilirut-U or tn itu, couolrr piomnlv-mit >1 wltbaiini-rliir Tutors fir (icnreriitaJMrs. Call on or ruldre *1 KIM M. J.YOUNO, Aniuttoan and Yvrotgn Teaciiurs' Acrney. An Union-a«iuare._ADY with exiH*ri«'iie<*, rujiitnl and iuthu-nce

willi |iup>ls. wann partnernlitplii iiu- ohool tot ilrls, orRC11_B.taftiOBN,SI) gani illhrti.

PINCKNKY'S AGENCY FOR 8CT100L8A"fXi) TKACHEax..Tttt* Nt-iifntion of ¦|tnii-*iiiais ami

swnacera ot aetutois 1* Invltt.l io uar lur-ft* lim ol superiortoaetiei., both American niel lo,, Sgu.

1'. COTUfWOUTII PlVfK'M'.Y,DaaaaaUe iruihnua.

__T**iI-ay, tor. l-l Ut st,. N. V.'PkACHEks suiitiik-ti to Hcliaiois and famlliaaTX Mist yLORhNCE KIT..'H. EilLCATIO.NAL. BU*Bi:AU .basemeni. Tl Unlon-aqisir*.


©eton SttnmerB.A MERIGAN LINE.1\ PUB KlVEK vHTOWN AND I.IVRIll'OOl.Only Ti-anaatiantlr I.tne and r th-i AMHHICAN Kf.AO,

anilbigt^rerr "WfjOnwaOin rrom rnnai'lr-tilaaiui iavarti-MU._w__-maaiinu*( on alteraaie Hatuitlaj-a.I-UUT-iiB CMovTii, 'SJatnithiy. Joly 8. 7 -m.

KED 8TA» LTNeI^OR ANTWEB3*.Satur*-* erery MaMrdty **»jiii*ila_j tmm rnUaMpM* *aB

tvew-Yerx.'Uw numnvtf,. bntonn ynmrngna urimnnmboat* tilka ST the *-_rjr4«t*B_l, pott-to

ym infcaitw s***«JMHi*lot-arsWriSBUBR WiiitiJlT * ao-v*. Ai

tm "W-danS^t. Thltaa^frht. T»-i I *a ll np, BiuCYmmtA NCHOR LINE U. 8. MAIL STEAMERS.

___. »kw.yor_ __n> 0__Aa#OW.BxvmcmnBxdmXXotlmBnet^Aneu^onk,

-_>«w*-»_rt».-Intra, *».m,|B-Mivt*..Julv lu. 7 ta-ahmnmm...JettT_L * p nixtntogn._my iV,ij*v«.

*^*S_F_3^^?*2_a_S_S.**^NrTToa?W__»__rfiB_x.Bren T mrJAnJf ttortb Bbrn. tamimt Cbntiet-x

-.mwn;_\_ir^_n^ie_or-n..^.j*eYy ii.i*t»in._a^_v__mg_Bm_tnt*._* entrypeeeeonen.

Ctttas. ***4«_a -aST punaataa. woumwvirmturinrl -um.T____wD_«i_ao-*J a_wf_____-T_-_iw-)i-)rTAtioiiiAtATotooaZ

*E>ttvtt*\ xritamttm.____fim*£lAL '~QERM.1V. MA_a-w-Hj«i**»r-;1 -*-.«..-..«.«. pawkei Cnny_n_* line Aw BJ-TtsaVTU.'s_gmBtAiooBii and BeamBm*. ,,,,,, . .____.

*-__¦*_. juw . ¦« u_-l-*J-i*-^...-J*ay lt-IJ.......J>¦ * M ni*:irt*F.K.. jbit -.j

¦aSteaa-tif ii **¦£*» * Pj_rrw4«lb,--****sea. *_-ha_3«*s~e. linn-linn.', or stir B*litJi»A>t.i»|i*ijiim th«^nJ-»^l^orB_M{lai__vFiwt Oahi. .ame-, on-an c-Wt. too mnwntn.eoxteisorOb'. C. fi. KlCit Alii) « -JO., *»*»».- {'Jua- A-*KUKI'AKPT A CO., di Broaulw*j. Sew rot*.

_U«gMT_a'At-'ti-h*. tl Brmad^-,. N*aw*Y-__._1M 1>I _RIA L' G EItbiAN MAH-.

*"(>B'rU OE RM AN" I_LOTP* -ffTKA-n-tllll' KK-tJ WKW-YOBK.

H'*i'T__4__--«ro5 *ia» B»-a_-W!_, , _. ,ft

.WK'-TRII. We.iii-tu.iav. .luue:* I. O .NA.U-Hat. J uhf 10

JtOHla-l..h.,. jalt ti BIfKI*-'.*_t.i'i'_.L7BATEtsO_**i*A«t4A<IFfrt-in MU-TORR to aoCTHAMP*

ion, havrk nu a termb*.tlHST CAMI N ...-*!" CAKtM-AVTO

t-T£K:'.AO_.«8U._.-CetnintiekeMsti-adiitMdrBt*-. Pt_t**M aKeerege .____>-

cjd .>. S.-'H.Uteertige tickets t<*'»-l points In tbe Sooth of T.n^l¦*llrt,.#3l^.

UI.'l.l.J'JH..*) dt CO.. li laowlfn.-Orw**-.

.-TT-EKKU \l. J KAnSATLANTH! COMPANY,\J BETWIlKN NEW-YOUR ANI) HAVJttK.l'k-rof Oom*uv in w*) .No. gi North Ktv.r, fool, of Unrtrmmt,T**av«llers bv 'tins line at uln tsttn ttansu bf Bngllee ___*

wsv -iud tho discomforts of cro-tstng Me Uhanini m n-nnmW jLABRADOR. Kancbaf-r.Wenoeaday. -Tobo 30. noon.

rT LAU UK KT. Han-.iiiI.We-rtneslav. Ju'v7. B p.m.AMEltlUUE. B. Jou.iUt Weilues av, Ju)y 1*. 10:3'*a. ni

Oboe** timmi mi credit Lvoiiiuls. ot Paris, in¦mounts tosau*.LOV in UE BRULAN. Agasnt. ito. * Ttaartmjianuea.


I_c_mui* Pier a8._N. IL. fisitof icing «_.

ARTZ0NA.\7T.,..TUESDAY. Juue 21'. ll a.TO.

WYUMiNo....".tuesday. July 6. tito p. m.

'MtvADA .TUESDAY. Juiy 18, 9 o.m.v, imonhis"".tuesday. Jui»*7..a.a(i a. m.


CT Tbeac sta'amt-rs are bunt of iron, m watertlKht -oni-

partmuniH. anti are fumlali** with every retiuietle to maaa

fit* passa-'e a.iosa the Atlantic both safe and a*jreei*ble. bav*

linc bath-i/oom, smoklnfr-rnoni. <liawln«ruptu. piano ami

library, al-.,- experience.! sur-reon, at-vrardesa and caterer un

en, li i-.t4v.nior. Ttie utiteroomu ano all niftier derk, tinta lu mr*

hi-Mliiwe eri-ut-cstof all rniurie-a at sea, port-sot veuulatluu

"''liri'PAMAOK taccortlln_rto utatcroo-n;. iso. tSO andtlllO. INTI:*'HEDI ATE, (M'». **TEERAO li, at U-Wtttm.



E()TIC1*..-Tne aiuunur- Ul thi- Une tanto Lit-nt-m-titMaurv's X-ane rowle, at aH aeaamia ul tbe your.CITY Or Ull*>IER.HU l'.KI'AV. July 1. Vl.AO tl. I*.

CITY OK WltHWEljS.Tilt It*!)AY. Jutr H. 3 p. rn

CITY OF ii KULI *..t«.ATUitDA.. Julv 17. 1 p. m.

CITY OT M "NTltEAL_ THURSDAY. Jun* VJ. 8 I>.Si.CITY OF BIC1IMOM).--Aft: Bl) AY. Jil y 20. 1 U. m.

Prom Pier t*7, f*. R. 1o<it ot ('liariiuti-acCABIN. *)i-iuiiil .-toil. Jttuirn t c-ii.-u .:: f_iv,ir»blo torin*.Kl Lltlt .QIC, « -. Dr.ifUtut iowe.t nitoa.SidosiiH. aattnti'-roum*. smuktiiK um) imtti rooms amlitslUps.TlMMM* »t, ,.:¦,>:!- ,1.1 lilli OOtTV lUlttli *>_W.I|l OT |lllf_.

J ll*; >¦ 0..LK. A.-"ui. u Knit an Bruilwuy. _*f. T.


These flrht-clfMs ateamshlpi. natl rueulnrly at 3 p. m. froml'ler \o. I i.rlh Uiver, as folioWaiSANTIA"'*' Of. (I HA. lum. Ko'id*.Tlniradar .Tntm'.'4.(Aftoiiiiiioii.itiouN iimnii|m<«t ,1.) Kor freifrlu or i»-ts-ng-applyto W I I.LIa M P. CLYl'i: A (">. -Nu. Ad lirua ivray._L.v\VT<);; BBOb., Aacer-tani Havana._.

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANT.biilltnitfroni Plerloot, nf eminI--ti.. .North Bivur.

>'ur f-ati t* mn. ,.,,, tm Ute istlimus ot Piinauia.-le ,m lim ACAIT l.i fi rinirwl t.iiilt I.noon,('"ni,, ctlnr for Central unit Booth a morten and ICott *.-.I'i .<iii Mun .Tuncnto to Jupan Hint ellina*i-i,'.ni,!, mi ,,Y '!¦' !', .ia i vi;. -uiui,! *'f. Jnlv ', mxm.Prom f-nn ITanclttcot-j Honolulu. jsew-Tl'-aaiand aod Aaa-

tnlm.-l,a.,ina<!il|, A l't*TRA LIA, ft ni!,!* y. Anlv Al, noon.

or Inimeaimt. ly or. ntrivnl of r_,ndou mulls nt -Han KrancViort.Pmamugett lurfrartrd idHAN ri'.AN('I-*Ct). han OW lull


I ,,i ti,slit. '¦ ir:- snit Information, apply ot

Oom'.iauv'a Oiiii'i*, nu Pier font ul lumt'-st. Nurth River.U. J. Ill 1.1.AV.



.i: .-I'.ISVV AM" I.IVKIU'JOU>OTl( !,. -i, in.a-.f i!,!** l.lne tn'*,' t|., L.M Route

te.' lotnii,,,, il bl :.,, nt. M.«mv. U. k). N. on holli tn* oulw-j-Jami J,liiicwui,i v,'*st _...! lt . ,. i,|,-..|. il. -iilunt'iy. J ul j t), -' |, ni

- \ ii I'lint fifi'.*.Suiuiiiiy. Juiy ip, 7 a. m.

Aliltl A I ii .c,,;,L J.iinl'i-'H.Tn ur il-tv. July lu, ll a. ', ,iv i- or,:,i-.* J iv itt, 7 ii. ni

I K"M TITK WHITE -'-TAK DOOK, KOOT'OB* XV-APIlilli VI.Xa***-*I*_*MI* *ro uniliitin tn ala* hu*. uiinarpaaa»'d In aji*

MiinOnenfH. I le' Ha atm. >*i i.. r.oii t. HniOfclllf n.i t BilU-ri-ne,-.rv pi-i>'<l siiil'liilitp*. v lo ,,'the ntii-i' and niutiou itr,»

iraitfch, atfi-niini; ti detreu cit -jtini.'uri bltlierto unauunableai ?!¦._

HAl'1-S..s.i!fifj|i, *«0 atm noa Bteora^-o, fli. Betuiutlebst«..u Ia i ni ula* l-trm*.These ai .*»ui,ir*tr_un*i oelilmr catlin, sbrcp imr pin.lur iu-,1---, mm af n.aiM.uii'1 »th_r iii.oriusiiou u.ipiy at th*

t',ni|iani"si>__iee»,-No. ."., lii'-jadwiir, New-Y-rtt or .No. I l'JVt ulnu" »L. I'tulail itpll-V IL J. COKl'lrt. Aicenu

Ctcnrotono...'K.ii i"\ ll


ll .11.%*. A*.ivs LEAVE t. \ I'.r-ll AVI*., MIXII I-*OEPOT. Ult)'! .LYN. ti,,my from ii:.*M to

ll: IA *. BL, ivie! lr un IMS*, m. to 10:1.1 p. in. lei If I,,en* v.',- inMus ntl fro.n i: i>i>U,> ti itt ii*'u-»,* fr«n11 A4 a.m. to ins11 n m. I.ti triiii ii,eu tba Hear* umm at11:10 p. rn

i-i, Av.-niii* j,. :. r 'mah .Aren't*.

cars inn., ;'*,,,i i', *.-..,.i, *..' ri, t t.*,m,*, u .;.,.:, *-,,;it!i,\'. !'

!'. (Iloni -^t s.1 rt* cramt nmi J:.,I, n !>¦ t by iho i i.'iia.ii:t Av* un,* cnn and r.nn.i irausit t iu*.

_¦_ -apt.

IELECTRIC LIOHTS for EXCtJRSlONg.-J orr iutii»i.!itri' v -. p*oth*a. Colver** ())is.*rv*i.*rr.

a un 111*. a* linen ii vu-i:-. art i.a-n .tuh.-m

MANHATTAN BEACH,via ii nu te s rouN'T.

Me.mi rc. LVAN'tiltoVi: mm ft-nt nf tit I at., B, tl.: .-: i".. tn -*'*. a ."¦'.. uiui ii alf !"'iirly to Mi.p.m. ii<*ittriiinir.

-1 A .-*. ll .WI \N ULA il SI 7:.l ,. Ul ll,), ll;"),',, a. Ilk.,l'_':().'., l'A.'Ai) sud iv, ry iiair-liiuir to lOt-14 p. in.

VIA BAY Blt" ICmeta 'ino- iuL!,yi:h nmi mattfawav. from

'JJii-iiireet. K. IL. n' B to, ii':::.", u. m., un.i t.i H:J.", p.m.l.i at tue LEROY HTRfcKT Ma minute*, na PIER NO. o

thin... miaul**, aftai leavlas --Mm. i'n- * .ats leavntv -"Jd-I 7^:.. and Sill* ii. m. iiu not itoj. ,.t Lomvaud I' ll.l

Tue trteamer tt li. MARTIN marna len nt Mint, 'CAC o. m. noiirh to rv., n, ni. Tntbu from M laitsttmilb ,, -ii. r,inn, >Iiini titi Ii. II. Marlin Ior Wlilleball-.L. loavtthourlv from K'-'O ). m. ta I'.':'.") p. ni.. IlJ3 lo ii:'J.', p. rn., 7:U() toti J " t>. U. unit 10.40 p. m. I nuns conn..! tina with steamer*foi Plei No ll. Leroy HI. *8A'JSr_-**_ le-ive e.*ery lioor trom lla. m. io li fir, p. m.tilLMoBL'H PULL HAND uni LEVY every aftornoon

mul eVi'tilUM-

I*o tif.. Kxprcsa-jrin take iinpifairr frtim anv place tn "Vew.York, iui'1 u»i,-.pfri it ki Maiib-Utuii Boaob. tm.rt dully, at-vi..himpit paoaajt*.

FlRE.VORI-S.-THfcT-ALEXANDRA EX-lllltrriiiN co. will «lve ajn-.ind thsplsv of Fireworks

KVUIlY -tArt'll'lAY KVEKlNO, I'omm.licliiR June !(i,ui der th** personal atiporvlalon of Jam -i l'aln, of Lom],,n.Adnil»*lo:i, im iltnit S4.iim. 2.,,*.: wit out Beats, K'O;_/\NLY DIRECT ROCKAWAY liEACH BOAT

PALAIF. STKAUER TWII.TflnT.Lentos a'Jil-at.. N. lt.. at . 0:13 S. m. Db il 2-Ab p. tn.

tantraInrarWL, K. lt.. at .lo-ooa. m. m ti :i:mi p. m.Lenvin I'.er 1. N. lt., al. .IOUAa. ni. ami Hil '.p. m.Ii,-ti,n lui*, leave*. I, m, J'n,r ut.12:80 a. tu. aud 7:00 ii. m.

E^,,^ " P>«r*i5-.e_ltTen rent- cxira fur _*t*ml*Hton to tiler by any other line.Kine llhlitii-.' from pier. Nu w liking tMnuitli liol nan .h.r,x,,]i*...,ii iie.ketM i-a-ai'il liv tl" L'tin,'.iI Liillrtistl **ood

tor r.itinn inp bv Or**ll Mar and Rlsatnat I'ttiiiclit..¦ Mimi eenital mid popular ,-ortlon of tim bench.".fBrook-

la.Il i linen."Au ii I ticenn sad uml a lardlnrt nt tbo new pier l'JOO foot

be}nu tbe brunker**.".i.s. Y. *auh.

BELLE II Ell NITAB I >T,The univ proftuslmm! fcmnlo diver, fflvos dally oshlbltion*frmn tbo pier aad._


nu* eutir,* 71H LEDI.'I EN I, ,,i full unllomi, will go tnLonit linnell on tin) I'lvm)uth B mk._OLYMOUTU BOCK. Fov Lon* Branch.

uro Tiops a day.. l., aves font 2'jdut N. B, at !>::h> u. m., sm"

uud stone I'l'-r No. 1 N. lt., lo s. m.. nmi Hiisi p. m.



Ina- il, u .mt Rt unmet RLArUA M. H'l'AltlV nail HT. N*If'H0LA«

".'111 leit. for 0 1 ,!*.N I -I.A N I) dnilv and rtoud-ivs as follow*:.Tier Mi. l-i,N. K. .lett,-lt's Wkort. tt-ttl-at,. Eas.too. Cortl imii _t. Pillion P-trry.B-kl'o River

lOiiK) A. RI. ll):,)) A.M. 10:J A. M.lioop. M. ititi P. M. ilU P. M.KOO ** K ID " 8:'Ji ..

H:IH) '. ti: 0 "j "Htiturnln*-Ix>*ive OLEN INLAND 7i.(0 A. M.. Vl-.M,

8|30. r,.V,D, au.l IPI r. M..I'inr No. IK N r.. nt emil mdt-st.. *m Caree bIm:k»-'roni

litbave Slid tito ti neks li hui Hth-avc. I, ri-atl.ORA Nf) CONCEBT I.N I'AVILION DAILY.

A ntirU'l!. ISLAND C1.A1I.BAKK d.lty fur 7,'icents lu tho niarrnillcent dlniniriiiill nf tin* Clnb*btni«it. nt Illnim D. MsxitnUl, the eulal~»*(>i] eui-n-ur.Ekeii; rouml trip). AO coma alarie, U6 ownaa.


PltOWPECT PARK *nrtCONEY 1-*LA CD IUILROaD.Brooklvii liBr>*-t. Mn ti-av*, and Twsntlerh^it. (Orseuw-milt).Take P.irk aud Vtuiderbllt Avenue nara iroui laitoa nd

C*tl_-rlue Poniestbait*?r mrs Tirvr.RY i»o aivtrTE.s *_** TTfE -Mfyim.

INO, fai'l r-r.rjr jr, minni*-*. AP-ffUNOoS and YVKSLBO.RBCVkVitUK 'raaK-CT* ONLY lb OKN If*.

MpecbfJ excoralAB Uakau 1st Indies sud t-hlldwu ONLY,I 'f»l on all lr.hie ta Coney Ialaiul hefore t o'clock p. ni-and o.t all trains from Coner Taluna b*tar* tl cetaitt. p _ ,

(r*n*(iar* rte.ned) will be anni at lb (aeuis tar USUaiann 10 oonia tor nutldrsn andee l'J y*an. et *no; oatltlNSiunder ave yeara ot aire tree.i*?._ud coiieeru if ic:) evory osteracaa ant. eventiur rr*

tbo Pin* *t weat Brldnnn by D<rsr*ti_ra ««Miktsltrib Mn-dm-at Baud ena AilMiokl-, nbc wura**.w*ltm9te-*9*Xe*A*amOimr%,Lenerin mom tbo Miana at Hil*, p. ra.

©rale* tmb .fender*.

-/JRATES AlO) FEKDKB-.Tftt*brmsret mmnBeimustkat itrn tar* naff tm

ettawanda or eoxavml, *-*_b Ognynet -sr -a-*-*laj|-*M**a*marax hmm eent Ptrrpiacoa, milli atuitraoa .*_ b-wnet¦rats* tor wceaBiea -tfrsw T^niWi, YBaWVOiXM00*1 BittLt

.*w_w|_J*i^^.»»*<w^S{*l'l|s. **>-*art'*tMU**»A-*-*l*IU_J. at. conover _ uo.. -b'Jautau*C.w*i*iL, N. -*.

Mung ako Mnraro.

The jiimwt vpn womum mb fbv Mianug ***&l.nbatnui -^MtlMai tmmmuoM -dt n*A*t*o_%. tba

w**.*-** «**Hi tnnrrxnyptiam Ohm exhttmmj price*^

-*-*-***-t«*-*day*wano. Tbe basin*-* yeatapdgir watti -ama,awi #e»-_*-**__Uy -prieea wen saaak. totrttmrnta wm w*ro\y_rteadT-_tl7-U«'I7%. j__«^*Ofak***--i "A n*V0f*lCUMtc at 2.flfl. ai* iwtal __B ta .*_-*«. *». *.

Ot_m*-rtock sharai were lo*a«^_r.C^att*i_r-itoa*«_--»ass«Cotisolidated Virginia at _U3. UokW -tarteryielded to 1.70. but recovered te XJ7A, Tbe nvactnl-fles of the Anrterioaa Boarf **««re aban* aloofly:Wi Iver imirgftt at -.c-tpai.TA. Aubnra and Hoe*.Ctntik at I.t*. Batik Qtmk m^^J-t*!?."4Walker at ..>¦«. At the old Board, ilay BelleJAbU An'Al, Hack-:yo to 28, bur later ft roae to 81 and Cuta-v.ras ilm&ped to .56. Goodshaw ***** steady atabout l.-^«wi«i Htto^eiHinf at 1.00*1-70. 1 bemarko te clewed -dall and weak.


jr. r. xiyino stocco bxouaroo tg£*BBBROOKP C-Xle.12-39 SK UL

UttCle Cbirtloo.unasmalt Hite

loo.. sa. 1.78.iOt) 1,8_ 1.80Yueeaxarn



-tr-__*7*«iM25. 17.76Oremt fjatotl01)0 b3.. AU

Hnkill.JW *8.. 1.76um. i.7«)IBO bsa 1.852 .0 .*__ 1.70K*y adie

loo..bia nolao. 3ft

carara.100 ..118 fJsO-WCU...btu.. b«0.

.llOb_. Mtoo. .nt

ap- :lIS ilia i_rnoo, .. to

WO.._*BAut-arw'a*-**OM Ut. IiV5



(io,Misha*mo aid.. 1.46100 _I.',!)700. ms.J00 si"). 1.4",ItSI b». 1.60somh HalwerIWI.7o' Viriflnia100.... 8.20

Cttryaollt-aUti)., tb 17.25«M)...b8.17.!SSftO.17.60100.. ail. 17.88

Hukl!!-"OO...... 1.704t)0.. ait. 1.7o.J000..b3. 1.758)iO .... 1.76Ut rle Cbl-ef-t)A. kU.0.-California50.. blO. *_.*S

Calavema600.67800_ .Sd

Cf-btveras . timi, aift-jnR*i>pab*n'ocj( 6000.... .01"K-ilTT.. sn .aisoo bf... -tb a*kb«*600.28 200 blO. 'i-f*

Salim i Vavmn Couino_._ om to_.... itu*no. S.00 La l-nasee200*80. -il.OO Itt.lO.... JIB250 818 B1HHI.80,VHi..i---»4_.-Hi oeuth jana

Beg-cav 1300 1-70100 alO. 8.00 I hiter*** Ne- .

Enesr-Tf lOOblS. 1A.2H.Hum bib UOi._(>,«...... .tail _


A'ltxitirk Ck 1 -Turanjco I silver Softrt j Hay-oworJ00.1.16 10O b.10. .fiO 11*00 Iff**. 1.1*5 ISO. .VU¦JIM) b.10. 1.15 VMutewaSer CiowsU Betmn A W'r800. 1.101100.70 200.16 tinu.. 6*»lUttlecree* sUvarl-nsir't \ lin).lim .to i 7MMHI.. *.%Soo. I'i ''Dil. 1.70 Amt* Mextoan

_t"0 b80. I 200.f*8|B0_lu.. 7**.

8KCOS:. CALI^-12t30 o'clock P. M.

_lub._U.'K Ck Silver Ku««Ti Durango j _*«__lo*nono. LIA 600 WIO. LH5 400..blB .W«0. 8liiiob;.'_ 1.161 ano tao. 1.80| aayHower ISO.- '*»tim Vi rpi ida 400.-1.7J 1"i0- 1.10 Barbee A WT..(H) ali). Him Hnkill 7**0-LOS »i,0..wlO. hUSilver Nuupet 1300. 1.75 Battle I .reek |ll)0....?... 6 Vion. 1.70 Dnrapiro |S00...»3 4Ai Cltrj-aoMte^200. 1.75 800 billi .46 |SOO. ISL 4«S 100. J"**-*

sa\ ri;ancisro clostso prices.kan Francisco, Saturday, June 26, IPSO.

tammany-'¦" ott


Aloha.A'Te.Arcetit*.ii,i,i,,'t.Hr*st and Belober,i:iiiiioiu___.n.itiie_........Ilelle Isle.It-aehutl_,.B.ton cou.. ......'s, k tlawk.Bi-)tiiture_.... 3I aillnriiu. 2fbollar. 3C-iua. Vtr-ntua.. 'A1*frown Piniit. l"eCons. facliio-. I'n('Mk*.|OlllH. "if.Duiltev. *nKureka On....17Kieheouor._ l^t(.i.ui'i linn Cunt. S--i.(irsim I*t1ae. i*»tinten Terra.OlSSihllBat. I li

Norerssa.. l'sHlltside. . *i«liiilet.etideiier:.J mia CousolidattM.. '*ta




Y-*jit4ird*y. To dt»r.Jnstlo*...^._.. N ."fatJackson_. 2*4Mm-ican. 7^« 8.Martin Wltite_X9m -

Mono. _*_ 4» -. l'»Ml'l IIBI.ill. ** **4Mnv Belle. 'rtliuutinuan. 1*9> linbern Belle ,.;__10«4 1""*"tnrtb flnuaitza. *a_N.-~,ll!lV. tNiirlli'Tii Billie Isle .. a,,.Nfivaju..:._ .. *-i(ipliu. ti*U il.

:.'. "'re_. '_¦*» v.>a1\{ ()VI*TTI*I«U.1 .**-«.. 1'uiosi. 2M 2"i

Lj RayuHitatanti Ebr.-*-? t*wva_fe_.._2:W t

10*4 ISien-s Ssvati4..llHi 1l>V!-SevtbBiilwer."»»

s.miUi "a«<***ua*iy. 1>JI*. RIlTtwKing. 6'10 silver Hill. 'ijIii Tiitra. 1"*.4 ¦« Tin Top. 0. C«*»i9 Tuscarora. >,-,

riiinufoiia-J.iibtt'd. m-a, 11)*%."... iwate*. A'e

t-j Yelki** jacko,._ b\ ti1.

Tlir* Tiiscnrorn Miniuif C'on.i):!ny Las levied anru,-tesgnient of 15 couts im-t sbare.

Fint-P-allia linr** of bullion, n-fircaientinf* -$(17.-2H0 74. were r.ccived in tins iit.v irom tiie unties

mi Siitiii'liiv. ri)>* ta.Nil receipts for tbo weeknmonntod toij*27il.445« 75.

llie Hern Oliver L'iniip;iny reeHved four brieks ofsilver (in Haturdny, valued nt $:i."**00.Knur burs of inlver bnllitn), wmiii $7,421 9.*", *rore

KTi'ivtii at tin* ofllce of tlio .^lormont tj)lvc*r Mirun«Company an Satnnlav.

Miinai'i"!' Key*-**, of tho Chrysolite, reeenMy saidwinn a**ke*l by a re-iorter otinTOruiog tbe tiBcitiicjul tia* new mm:

"Tiifff*'tend, rrect.'wini nt*c vfilllnir uvd anxious towork, lei r:i tbe business tn a ftirtnijciit; tin y are us i-uidii-, t ne exin; lenci d rainers, and oven iiintfT, for they doi ti li uitiie eorfe. f licv aro acenstomed to wotkiiut lenuiui ittetve hoar* per ita**, and v-'heu tiiey cot hem «u-lwork mil} ciiflit hollis tin y do il with u will. I had .100men lu thc Ciirvs.illti bi r.irt-tbe *t)-ikc, and their last.tifeek's work footed up 128 foot ot drifts run. fctuoe thestrike, .villi -ISO n,en univ, 1 iinvti marie 2(14feet, andluis in the ihio of th** Iim*l that thi* tiiniimig wa* ni'fj-leoteJ be'iiiv the sartfea, and work wss delayid aftrr-ar-ljr tbis. lt i- ml Unsli i isiiy that oult* vi-W-nm i>tst>iM

(inn du ki,nd wink. Tl* trade ls ao i-asj ope tc leamnm! thc snoiier Ute oldiulucn icsrn thi*thc botte.- u wiltbo ."or thew."Mr. Vau I-raas, inst arrived at tbe Etnpir-n mme;

telejfrtipliH : " Miih's ar** looking bettor taverj' day ,

leii'l MW idt'tilical with Ontario at sauie<ktntu ;all iiitltciinutiK ar*- that the Empire is a batter pr-»*t-.iar tliiiii we supposed."Fiw traces cl the strike now remain at l-r-advil!*-.

It l*- h.-ikI that Cio niinerottretM as triad as tho ni.nomviifm tlia-t tin* .rouble ia over. -Svervthintr proin-isits well for n busy minson. Hero tuinius Milos nrerepoite.1 n iw than ior aotne time past, lt is pre¬dicted that: tho oaurp will yet seo a pt-ospertHi* tium-mer.A telepmin state** that the Arizona Mexican "mill

is runuinit well. Mack Mmrre mun' looking gpleu-dully; taking nut lim* ore; will ootnineuoe imltiuait July I.5-The Little Chief shipped 175 tons ca Wednca-lar

and ThurHthiy.The dispotcli from tbe Amie of Fridnv waa altrn-mf

(lnplieiiteii on Hatuniay, bi^>_r_it«-ride_t Palr-<*ertcleifraphing: "Minc abowiu* con)ji4t-uible itu-prt'vetnent. Dnft in 31 looks very mieoeraemg.'1Thc Denver Cit-, diHCtrrveyy abaft, ti>~e by tra in

thc clem*, is now ooi-tpieeed to a depth of 265 foot-Tho bottom of tt-esluft at la-*_ r-sports wn inar-geutiferotw iroi,. iudionting tbat the cemtact wasnenr. Ihe pt'ohubillty is tbat Dbe .tire tandy, forwhich tho conn any hus so patieutly labored, willsoon be rnai-.heti. 'lite Shamus O'brien abaft issbintht-d from bov) to hott-ann, aud at a depth of810feet shows hiirhlv mineruliaad porphyry.The new diitt in thc Cai lionate iiiil -rrum tbe 300-

foot level ia being driven abont throe fer fi per dury.Tbe superintendent says: " There is no doubt thatthis drill will reach the ore, as 1 au satisfied we arenow on thc foot wall, even il we are too deep-ia abashaft j thin may be the case. Tha ore is cartainlyabood, nud wo will strike it about July 1."Atlantic is the name of a new mining district -re¬

cently oreaiitJicti m tho weateru pnrt of Cienr Cif*ckl'minty, Colorado, 'ibe existence of rich gold andsilver ore* in true fissure veins hos been stnists*-lonlv proved. A town sito is to be selected at rimepoint tm Middle 4'lear ('i-et-k.Superintendent WaldVyex, of the Sprmg Valley

Hydraulic, in his report dated June 17, stu'tea tittilan tmmnnse anwuut nt lau*. ia required -k) nrnko at borough clean-up of all tbe (Inines aud sluice*.The report says tbe " clean-up will be tborosgh andcomplete, with the exception of tbe lower antne,winch we purpose leaving rather thoa delay tberdtnary work of tho untie by expenddog too much

tune on it." The clcuu-up ia promiaeti to be -AinsbtHlby J illy 1.

] lu- Elko Cnnsoliilnted has finished tba rc-titnberiiig oi the lower tunnel. Oper.-itioiis will beresumed shortly.A contract has berm lat for an additional 60 -feet

ni the minti abaft of the Davenport Consolidated.This will given depth of 175 feet, aud it is propoaad to sink to a dept!) ef 250 feet. The veinwiden* fruin li) feet at the top aad ia now 24 feetwide, with a pay streak of throe feet of solidmineiiil.

11)4* h vdranlic mining property now being offeredhv Messrs. Watson, La -k li il ison consists of400 MTOaof gold-benrrng irruveU wltb water rightsto OOO miners inches, in the richest part ot the aari>feroti* belt of Mortbern California, The detpoofetav(aiuui)* about thirty-rive feet iu tlnnknota. and tbalocation oilers good tucilities for damp and tailing*.Tho gravel yieldsabout50 centsper cnhie yard.Tbe**.i,iir*l stock of the couinauv ia $1,500-0-Sio, ia100.IHR) shares, par value ©15. A workiag oap«*alof 47-000 shares bus bo*-n sst apart ood made w«-furred stock, for the development of toe ts a poTtiim of tbis stock wbica b otterea, t_Mtko'pnrehasai** of which are to receive had*, the amooattiny p*y before the holders of Ute romaiaatg52,500!alu-.ra can nbare in dividends. Certain well-known jc.Qtft*list* are Ititciested ir tbe enterprise._.'t_^i_______l,,« _"***--_* "***« «w<»* iw-i *. flKed Klepbaai-on ttmitiTOmfi ' fthtipad an MiHh lostons, aa.jytng oi«bty oaac-sa aer usa ; nh'imnd toe,tons oa tbe gath, assaying ley-auty oaticea pe* uro*'


..I.gMrn-eca i»Mi|.t*iTSa*ia,rVft'lLIMi *i*aiU«nv W, *W. Wlettmx

l*m\wnt-mmm\^AnWtw% "*MPWry, Bm* 9* WOUtCSt

_i,j<. ~M_U^a*l4Aa_aw><ir,««sr.T*(fe a. t\muv*vr. Cob'Iwai-n, Mourtr.

orncc t» antin ttitm tumbi

mWmfnOBtonjafg_,4_._tOX-an-mtn-imW tts Xmntg*l

t&Kmonne, ,«jwt*yii_a- Mft'tf"i-._*aHfiH

w. **-. UeoTxnmm^t^etAbva. OT. AX BcAnb*-.aa Ac*. Binn, ana. .auOTiiwi Yeatba*.er*i Xaoaamr.tt___tjaa»-a-*.*A-iaoi__»i a. at .muds *». «

Mast. a. w. -am, w. a ai-saii. raan-i A%4r.: jr, , ...,£^__t$_i__tt"t^_t43ra _

i.tityantnA utCtrpn-tnXjBbojOi

fjHKi^oLitE silver i__isiasap».'Locanow or _-3-*r_c& iiU_nrni_s,

eSESLS^-SB-f-_f-_<-__--a-fc*_»__Xar__-llum ,_,_*¦. .'

Timn**ii'a»»itl Mphiliii*hm Wm®S»_S?L** *.**_____!_ *\^h^**9Am^t*^*ru\mU.tnt. Ot Benian-. TJlif.aB. (H.__fo. fl!-TOWmakai a *afia **.¦_

C-sn-n-i omg-T _-__--.

.TJOPPER __-I80F- _»3inHa--sTiw»as-t-,

.vnrxa i *aa_> cbewe. gMtt-no, ff-**S>sits a*t_«-_»- or _-a_*_a__-_. ._-_>.at__,-

Cr_i_l*_a _a*ri_,-i-WU.oWJ. .lai-1. al **cK*


l (K.'TCIBBaiO.B. tflt-x, ifrsai***-*. ¦*

Wi*. TWtnllxotb. Vic* Prwiaaw art*»-**»«_»_»*.,'

Oencs-l X. AJJeoek. QtvnwO X n\ BeatlM-' »u4 C***_a '*/


Bourn H. MnB-aJL Saoteaay.B. M. Etona, ht. E., Swart***.(Knit.

_<*ari**K7t. -i*--**ot_*»__nf. ta UeBShtgwAf.. *.**./^bowell GaQr^raiSiO bo:_*-PAsnf

Min**.B__e«wiivt*,nta_«ro»,.N.a860-UM* __-*_*nl LsmL


ttetnunit et nteek,Vtdm TtumOen_mnr et n*w-TSoBn,

Dflouato. b., p-a-td.a. _ &n\utoT)ktrrr, "fta fi*-..**. a.__au«*9«a«wrr.'J. ft. now'.end, P. O Houvct. B.BL Bmxten. Tiartiaa.

j_,_4.__if_«*U aadB. Enan, jr., (mpaa-inluaiStiuk-._

Qgoe ol Oompanr.W fir.dwny, I-***-*Mf_-_-._.L" AG LE KITER


Oi*<*-*nt*^a*w-*i*-f-r «-e I_a**a*-af MM* Beth1-inicipad Offlo-a. 1S7 Bi.dwagr, _. C.

Own thirty mine* sod nae null at** amt-l m EagleDistrict. HuTDtuR Ctuinty, CoU capUal fUaooaooo*. lAOAt*-.lures; par value st $10 stock full jtabl aad vmnnstmbn,


TRU-sTEKK.Ab*! li. Brena,Chart. 'SJ-*-*, IB.Bksirltt. Hutt. _*-*-itb«t An..Jo-Ma a. 1ITortter, ftou. CaWinT. MulJmrd. Aatttmr -UllU..II. Uart, Henry D. Atwler. Mar-*Tfirtar. Jai-a 0,Chauncey T. Bowen. _

M0EN"co.nsoliixated Justso -cokpaxs.

Onranlredn»»_-rtUe btw* Ot Baw-TutU.

laficatlOB of hinno: CAKBOMATB XI-X*. l_-_m_**L_,-oui.o__a>a_.

Capital Stock, f0,000,Out*: imxim Haa P*r V__aa4a_.STOCK FOLL PAID ANA "-TIA«¥lSHSA_t__t

general 0FE1CES nt tim Ooivj/nar- Bo. 10 Otear-ai.New-Ycr.:. . _.'_. _.___

-)EPOsiTORT. CnathK'uiiil Nacto-al Bask. E*v-Y«9k.RF.OIt.TUAU OF '1RA_\S>*|..BS. Cantrai Xrna. C_» _.**-


President, noa. ClrXCI. L. BOOTHYloe-Viesl Put. Fl-KI) TAYLOR.f*_»crfatart ,»»-J*-0. S. TKiUlV.OeueniJ J-siiagurul Ute Mines, JOS. W. WaTROX

vaiMfmnon. Jna I_ Riiutl. ea-Oovem-v of OtAonAo; JoevnaX UL

Wataon,?_ K. KM-ta, Fre-l. Taylor, a ?. ~n_W Be-aR/Sasf,iii). ..-*- Turrr.

_ _____________


Ornrainieit ou_er Lawa 44 tito 8tuc ot New*York.Capital mock, th.noo.0m-. -ro-i.twO eb-rm*-, nat %ai«e. ML

'¦'nil *..»_and *wiif_*--i*l**I_I"ni.EY F. Hi*.ama .v. ->*oTwts-y aa* X-***aui-_t.

Thi* ooitipaiiv ls now nreparel te nd Bemuse* tn atm voe atibm )iriu*e«*i, ttht-ch rem tte all elates* of HbaUauua aaa *.>li at* t'*r* ores, except Ibose -JoutMl oin* -*i-*. el a ont ot gt emtten. All Inrtlfi-renieu* npon tb* yatean (kimapauy will bc riouiptly proaetnrte*!.

rrtudii.'lufiiic inone Ai ana 'ie. Uv, bu Broad ec *y. Bom.Yotxc .

r£HE BONANZA CHIEFoom) __in_*o croicPAjrT.

Cst^HSl.'ll-OOO^OQ. Mb..1-rt .ewwitB*.rreaidf-nt. "»'. W. WICKCB; TiOB-vrtMid-auV stTCILUKi

SM)« ; M**retf_*f. B. F. aUOMABiii OTseOteXU. J- g^*\BF_-rtH. A. lULiiARlMQK, O. a -KUMliVflU-t, ALABMAM'IRAf-C. W. W. r\liMh\%ai(JtX-xA-LOmiKrW,nBOW-rvcmC*Ol._ HAUMOEBB, ."-tot naru.-utan isoulM at sae oBca

6 _jt!_ 18 WAl-LTTrBSFT10.


stock Exebanr**); C. C. MirnrtiT, "V_or**T**e*i"te«« JLF. anona*, fceortawry aaa Ti ia aatm. mmes* at -Pn_ap»-xnie-Mtnre A'ltBaa, Vernier* 1 u.i*s. a li, HutptnxW.B'.Clewell, Join A. nmtnenon. Pl****i*l Amma Wn*ar*a lliianM*. (X- Y. Biutxg _j__mk*X ma SS Sro*d»«jr _gt.-Yiara. Bcmtntar et Trtj-ten ia rtew-Tortt.Unka Tra**Coinpany. CuubkI.Barslrgi*-* Verwan. Ko. 1W BraaaV¦wnv, New-York) Hen. A. W. nair, Hui ViiiiuI.*, ___,

Mlniuff huueiinti ndont.F. E. Beuton.OFFICE: SO. 48 BROADWAY. 9EWYORK.


goord ono fioomo. _.Bas* SMal

ADVERTISEMENTS -FOB THE lOM-JA, TOUK T&IBC-IB WIIX BB AEOEIVED ATt I'-TOWN OVJ-ICKB, Na l-T"«., or Ban wat* Tw«-*«rT-«ii»a-*u *mym «*>*»**,TUB**."a.r. fwH"*** h-*M ****** *i-ABL___tt t>*/rKNa 4.AHI i*_drtl***_. ow. q^^i*ii_g«nF^*Sj-Joifca(nsrleni k.vtiigt Benn B*u__o, «b «. B a.t_,at_afllofBc-err^-i»3i? EAST 20TH-«T..Ona Bake af roon_i.oJr\J with overy convemiwice Xe Yet with yrf-B* t«M» ar-s-imoot I,.ra- -J.s-ao-a»_aac*|nirilluiii*B: r**tfw-*a*4*..

1 If? EAST 30TH-ST.-A pavktbo Hmlyia I vf teetnvt floor :e»ol*anmvA rmone; baSht aa* aatcold water closets ; waa n mumABl*l ul*** Sa__**17**¦_*>_»er pris.: r-teeeaoe*.

EAST 40TH-ST- auto -floor fioa Lei>liiftmi ave-To let. tv l Icely fut-r.latoeA raoea WC*Ul«r*o

eUmnt,__ a-m__p«vai«t__>_li,v : lao*a*n ciir*l antaaaB.

WfMt Sida.

HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS, «*-eellcut board snd lM.e««a*M*rU *t moderate pt lue*, fae

f-inlllea aud jt-aaUaaniu traudfuu, Bl itt nar dai*. *U west1 Otb-ak, nea.rSt--*-*,

R(»OMS.-Fiu-f4__e«l ot aafaraiaW-l. tacatftarer moonbi? 1 il*pn nontk. tiWmnlMtmk,

1 JTH-Sf,, 250 miST.m^irMiHjbMg ba«M.I ** Tfs-ua. booae *aatoe-roqn; m law.tBannm utswitnuuie-e gum* ae.waetfaawi 1 ntttmnam u-yaraa.

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< omi tetma ex!.db SooTTiii ¦.£1 *.**l*aU*ta» MMSaaa*!' ta.tbn.

_AA WEST 27TH-.sT^ aaoaa- bonan nra*:Ar A. at amoeartsg, *-*«- *-*- ..¦ ¦».* ¦¦.-

or *n salle, also *p*ci.m<ern .na.ia_** 1 .feai

.-*7 WEST aiST-St.^^l^«i*n»_~a»_i_i?P f roane 1 lint and edn wexn ; fc__a* etown* 1 Ba sinaipricfra; arjcia-nituo4_ttt-auaf<ir jtbraietan.

Atecdltmeoflt.ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE WR1*.-tl- YORK TRIBIIN*. WIIX BB REOBIVKO AT TM!UP.TOWAO+-FICEB. *>--. l^»BB<Br.4w^,e««.Vhh>tr-BMt-.?- PJ <.*. W<s*tTve_w.ttrtNNM*. .nwr rN&JM x_a jrourteonth-wt, .nar^i^tSrKSaiML- .(»2l«Jw»_«_a *__«__-iat_«, _»w a a. **,-ai


-txb-CMaoB n-utwokka.BBiixiAiTT oautam,aecma Kjtftsg a
