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The ttiny ccreature....Its a very nice thing published in your jour-nal about the pygmy hogs. Being an studentof environmental science it was well knownthat pygmy hogs are extinct in nature.These unique species had been reduced to aminiscule population and was extremely vul-nerable. The pygmy hogs are one of the mostvulnerable mammals in the world only of25 inches in lenghth and 10 inches inheight and 8-10 kgs in weight. The assamstate zoo opened its door to pygmy hogswhich is appreciable step towards extinctanimals.

-VVinod GGurjar, MMadhgaonPexticide AAnd FFertilizers AAnd IIts IImpactOn EEnvironment.....the cover story of your journel was knowlede-ble as well as it gives a question mark onthe farmer and thear use. usually armersare not much be literate that they can judgebetween the quality given by the producers.use of fetilizers, especially, the chamical fer-tilizers has brought in blessing on humanity,which helped contain corners of the world.though chemicle fertilizers increase crop pro-ducztion; their overuse has hardened thesoil], decreased fertility, strenthened pesti-cides, poluted air and water and realeasedgreenhouse gases, therby bringing hazardsto human health and environment as well. ithas already been proved how chemical fertil-izer pose serious challenges to balanced andsustainable growth.

Rajesh SSharma, DDelhi

4-51.qxd 06-04-2015 17:25 Page 4

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n its two-year longstudy, "Heat inPower", CSEanalysed and rated

coal-based thermal powerplants on nearly 60 environ-mental and energy parame-ters. "NTPC's Badarpurplant is one of the most pol-luting in the country," CSEsaid in a statement. It alsosaid that performance of

NTPC, the largest coal-power producing companyin India, was found to bebelow par. "NTPC did notdisclose its data, and hencewas rated based on a pri-mary survey and publiclyavailable information. Thesix plants of NTPC that wererated received scores of 16-28%. The poorest of the lotwas Delhi's Badarpur

plant," the statement said.The study covered 47 ther-mal power plants spreadover 16 states. It furthersaid, in spite of the plantemitting visible thicksmoke, the company hadreported that it compliedwith particulate emissionnorms. "Right in the heart


Badarpur aamong mmostfuNEW DELHI: Badarpur thermal station in Delhi is

one of the country's most polluting and ineffi-cient power plants, reveals a study by Centrefor Science and Environment (CSE).

"Right in the heart of Delhi,Badarpur's chimneys emitclearly visible thick smoke.Yet surprisingly, NTPCreports compliance withparticulate emission norms.The Delhi State PollutionControl Board dutifullyfiles the company's envi-ronment statements thatreport artificially low PMnumbers, underscoring theutter failure of regulatorymechanism," the reportsaid.

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of Delhi, Badarpur's chim-neys emit clearly visiblethick smoke. Yet surprising-ly, NTPC reports compliancewith particulate emissionnorms. The Delhi State PollutionControl Board dutifully filesthe company's environmentstatements that report arti-ficially low PM numbers,underscoring the utter fail-ure of regulatory mecha-nism," the report said. Thestudy is also critical of theissue of land resources."The 705MW Badarpurpower plant is spread over2,000 acres of land, ofwhich 800 acres are usedjust to dispose waste.Meanwhile, nearby SangamVihar's one million residents

are packed into a 1,700-acre space,'' said the report.An NTPC spokesperson saidthey were yet to receive anofficial copy of the study butinsisted that the companyhad adhered to all environ-mental norms. "NTPC is aresponsible corporate citi-zen which complies with allenvironment and pollution-related norms," the compa-ny spokesperson said. TheCSE study, meanwhile, indi-cates the stand of Delhi dis-coms which for long havebeen saying the Badarpurplant was over 40 years oldand should be decommis-sioned. Discoms had saidthe power produced fromBadarpur was about Rs 5-6/unit but the cost of power

purchased from the planthad shown an increase inrecent years, rising from Rs3.81 per Kwh in 2010-11 toaround Rs 5 now. "The costof power from state genera-tion in Delhi is by far thehighest among all stategenerating stations," thediscoms claimed."Badarpur plant is one ofthe most expensive andinefficient power plants.Apart from the high cost ofpower produced from here,it is also commercially unvi-able and not good for theenvironment. It should bephased out and the coalallocated to it be diverted toAravali thermal plant inJhajjar,'' said a discomsource.

t ppolluting aand wwaste-ul ppower pplants: SStudy

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n a unique style toconserve environ-ment and pay respectto religious senti-

ments, locals believe thatthis breast-shaped hill wasthe chest of the goddessthey have been worship-ping since years, hence itwasn't supposed to beclimbed or stepped upon.

L o c a t e dabout 25k i l omete r sf r o mDantewadan e a rNelguda vil-lage, the vir-gin hillstands highon banks ofI n d r a v a t iriver. "Itserves twop u r p o s e s ,one the reli-gious senti-m e n t sr e m a i nintact and secondly theforest, medicinal plants,woods and wildlife remainsafe and conserved.

A b s o l u t e l yuntouched," Pujari ofChote Tumnar temple toldTOI. Boma in Gondi dialectmeans breast, he

explained the significanceof name of the hill and saidthat the amount of Rs 500collected from offenders islater utilized during annual'mahotsav' of goddessMahagauri. Parmanandsaid that whosoeverclimbs the hill has toundergo a ask-for-forgive-ness process, wherein pan-

dits chant the mantras offorgiveness for the offend-er before slapping penaltyon him. local Another saidthat the land of Nelguda,Barsur, Samlur, ChoteTumnar, Bade Tumnar,Ketulnar etc. have sacredand age-old idols of god-

desses of 11th century,and Boma hill is consid-ered as the breast of god-dess while other parts ofbody are worshipped atdifferent places of theregion. He said that it'susually the newcomers,government officials orsmugglers who unknow-ingly step up the Boma hill

and irre-spec t iveof whot h e yw e r e ,o f fenderis fined.

W h i l eenv i ron -m e n t a l -i s t sbelieve itwas a wayof captur-ing thehill and itsproductson pretextof reli-gious sen-

timents, it was of courseconserving the environ-ment in the other way.They said there was atleast one patch which mayremain untouched andwouldn't be excavated forminerals or forestwood.


Bastar's Tribal Way ToPreserve Environment

RAIPUR: For tribals residing around Boma hill inChhattisgarh's Dantewada district in Bastar, it's sin to climbor step up on this hill and doing so costs the offender Rs 500.


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BERHAMPUR (Odisha):Population of the endan-gered blackbucks inGanjam district of Odishahas increased by 1,612 inthe past four years. Thetotal population of black-bucks, locally calledKrushna Sara Mruga orBali-Harina, was enumer-ated at 3,806 in 2015 asagainst 2,194 in 2011, saidOdisha's chief wildlife war-den (CWW) S S Srivastav.The census of blackbuckswas conducted by the for-est department in Aska,Buguda, Polasara,Khallikote, JgannathPrasad and Berhampur for-est ranges, the dwellingzones of the endangeredspecies of antelope onMarch 1. Around 300 per-sons including forest per-sonnel, volunteers andexperts took part in thefive to six-hour-long enu-meration, forest depart-ment sources said. Out oftotal blackbucks countedthis time, 2,086 werefemale, 1,166 male and554 young, Srivastav said."As the population ofblackbucks in the districtincreased during the peri-od, the majestic animals

also migrated to someother new places likeJagannath Prasad,Belaguntha, Rambha areasin the district," he said.The census of blackbuckswas conducted for the firsttime in Jagannath Prasadforest range, where theyfound 168 animals. "AfterCyclone Phailin, which hitthe district on October 12,2013, the blackbucksmigrated to some newareas," the CWW said.Improvement of habitats,protection given by localpeople and forest staffwere some of the reasonsfor increase of the black-buck population, he saidadding, he number ofblackbucks in the area was523 in 1973 and increasedto 551 in 1998, 786 in2004, 1,101 in 2006.Forest department officialssaid most number ofblackbucks were sighted inBalipadara-Bhetanai area,comprising around 70 vil-lages. In Buguda forestrange their number wascounted at 1,239 followedby Aska (1,023), Khallikote(1,019), Polasara (356),Jagannath Prasad (168)and Berhampur (1). The

blackbucks of Balipadara-Bhetanai area have beenprotected religiously bylocal people for severalgenerations. "They believethat sighting of the black-buck in paddy field, is har-binger for them," said pres-ident of the BlackbuckProtection Committee(Ganjam)."Villagers do not kill the

animal, even when itstrays into the agriculturefields and graze on theircrop," he said. Poaching ofblackbucks was virtuallyabsent in the area due tothe protection provided bythe local people, said R KMallick, divisional forestofficer (DFO) ofGhumusara south divi-sion.




Blackbuck populationincreases in Odisha's

Ganjam districtOut of total blackbuckscounted this time, 2,086were female, 1,166 male and554 young, Srivastav said."As the population of black-bucks in the districtincreased during the period,the majestic animals alsomigrated to some other newplaces like Jagannath Prasad,Belaguntha, Rambha areasin the district," he said.

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While the animal hus-bandry department is try-ing hard to get the plantoperational, which hasbeen not working forabout a decade, Forestauthorities have opposedit citing wildlife conserva-tion laws. The plant wasset up inside Ratapanisanctuary under Raisendistrict to ensure properdisposal of dead animalsas a joint undertaking ofthe Centre and state gov-ernment in 1995 at croresof rupees. Due to closureof the plant, there is apossibility of spread ofinfection due to decayingof animals bodies near thesanctuary. As also there isdownfall in number of vul-

tures, animal husbandrym i n i s t e rKusum SinghMehdele hadwritten in anote to ForestMinister. "The planthelps in sci-entific dispos-al of animalsand environ-ment doesnot get pollut-ed. I requestyou to takep e r s o n a linterest in thematter andhelp the plantbecome oper-ational," shesaid in the

note copy of which was


Carcass PlanSanctuary Posing BHOPAL: TTwo MMadhya PPradesh ggovernmentdepartments aare aat oodds oover rrestarting oofa ccarcass uutilisation pplant iinside aa wwildlifesanctuary wwhich aactivists ssay pposes tthreatto ttigers lliving iin tthe aarea.

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made available to wildlifeactivist under the RTI Act. Forest department offi-cials said the functioningof the plant is alleged vio-lation of wildlife law. "Wehave informed our view onit to the authorities con-cerned and they are look-ing into it," said Divisional

Forest Officer,Obedullaganj. Wildlife activists are alsoagainst the operationali-sation of the plant insidethe sanctuary saying itposes threat to wild ani-mals including tigers liv-ing there. "There are lot of illegal

activities going on insidethe sanctuary. The efflu-ents of the plant whichwere going to Bhadnerriver, tributary ofNarmada, nearby posesthreat to the tigers andother animals which comethere to drink water. Tigershave also been spotteddrinking water there. Theplant should be shifted atappropriate location out-side otherwise we willmove the high court," said. He said the state tourismdevelopment corporationshould also stop runningall commercial activitiesfrom the sanctuary. Animal husbandry depart-ment officials said themachinery inside the planthad come from Denmarkand it has an in-built efflu-ent treatment plant. "Sono waste goes outside," asenior forest official said. The matter is pending withthe state government andno decision has beentaken so far.


nt Inside MPThreat To Tigers

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oday, tucked in a hid-den corner of what isnow a deeply polluted

region, where the stench ofindustrial fumes fills the airin dozens of towns andtons of raw sewage isdumped every day intomany rivers, the Chambalhas remained essentiallywild.But if bad news saved theriver, good news nowthreatens to destroy it. Themodern world, it turns out,may be the most danger-ous curse of all.

SSaaggeess aanndd bbaannddiittThe fears that shaped thisregion go back more than athousand years, to when

sages said the Chambal(the term refers both to theriver and the rugged landaround it) had been cursedand villagers whisperedthat it was unholy. In a cul-ture where rivers have longbeen worshipped, farmersavoided planting along theriver's banks."People always said thingswere different in this area,"says a laborer workingalong the Chambal Riveron a hot afternoon. He isthin, with the ropy tough-ness and the distrust ofoutsiders so common here.He gives only his firstname, Gopal. "People," hesays, "were afraid to

come."A few centuries later thebandits arrived, men whohid in the maze of riversideravines and kept outsidersaway for generations.They were the last trueprotectors of the Chambal,it turns out.For hundreds of years, theoutlaws ruled the labyrinthof scrub-filled ravines andtiny villages along theriver. Spread across thou-sands of square miles, theChambal badlands is aplace where a dirt path canreveal a tangle of narrowvalleys with 100-foot-highwalls, and where a banditgang could easily disap-


Chambal River,Protected By A Curse,Faces The Modern World

BHAREH, INDIA: For many centuries, it was a curse that saved the river.It was a series of curses, actually, a cen-turies-long string of unrelenting bad news inthis rugged, hidden corner of northernIndia's industrial belt. There was an actualcurse at first, a longheld belief that theChambal river was unholy. There was theland itself, and the more earthly curse of itspoor-quality soil. And above all there werethe bandits, hiding in the badlands andcausing countless eruptions of violence andfear. But instead of destroying the river,these things protected it by keeping the out-

side world away. The isolation created asanctuary. It is a place of crocodiles andjackals, of river dolphins and the occasion-al wolf. Hundreds of species of birds -storks, geese, babblers, larks, falcons andso many more - nest along the river.Endangered birds lay small speckled eggsin tiny pits they dig in the sandbars.Gharials, rare crocodile-like creatures thatlook like they swaggered out of theMesozoic Era, are commonplace here andnowhere else.


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pear.The bandits' power - rootedin caste divisions, isolationand widespread poverty -was enormous. Countlessgovernments, from Moghullords to British viceroys toIndian prime ministers,vowed to humble them.Countless governmentsfailed.As India modernized - asBritish rule gave way toindependence, and a mod-ern nation began to takeshape - the Chambalremained a place apart, afeared region where politi-cians seemed more likecriminals and where, inmost villages, bandits werethe true power."We were so isolated for so

long," says HemrudraSingh, a soft-spoken aristo-crat with a crumbling fami-ly fort overlooking theChambal River from the vil-lage of Bhareh. He under-stands that isolation well.Until 10 years ago, Bharehcould only be reached byboat during the monsoonseason.Only in the late 1990s didlife in the Chambal begin tochange significantly.Ancient dirt paths becamepaved roads, prying openvillages that had been iso-lated for centuries.The bandits' local politicalpatrons were driven frompower. Their foot soldierswere killed in shootoutswith police, and their hide-

outs were forced deeperinto the ravines by thespread of new roads. Thelast famed bandit, NirbhayGujjar, was killed by policein 2005.Today, cellphone towersand motorcycle dealersand satellite TVs are every-where. New businesses andnew schools have opened,ushered in by years ofIndian economic growth.Farmers struggling with thepoor soil now have fertiliz-ers and tractors.In so many ways, that hasbeen good news. Povertyremains widespread acrossthe Chambal, but there aremore roads now to getcrops to market, andmobile phones to call the

Says a laborer working along the Chambal River on a hot afternoon. He is thin,with the ropy toughness and the distrust of outsiders so common here. Hegives only his first name, Gopal. "People," he says, "were afraid to come."

“People aalways ssaid tthings wwere ddifferent iin tthis aarea"

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doctor when someone getssick. Unemploymentremains rampant, but thereare occasional new jobs.With the good, though,came troubles that threat-en the Chambal and itswildlife: polluting factories,illegal sand mining and fishpoachers who hack at ghar-ials with axes when the ani-mals get tangled in theirnets. As India's populationand economy grows, morepeople are moving closerto the river.Suddenly, the Chambalwas no longer synonymouswith lawlessness. Instead,it meant cheap land anduntapped resources.Quickly, people began tocome.And almost as quickly, theproblems began.

TThhee nneeww ccuurrsseeThe garbage multiplied. Sodid construction projectsnear the river and, withthem, industrial pollutants.Torn plastic bags nowsometimes blow throughthe ravines, and smallstone quarries dump refuseinto creeks that feed theChambal.In 2007 and 2008, morethan 100 dead gharialswashed up on riverbanks -perhaps 25 percent of theworld's wild gharials at thetime. While scientists havenever been able to pinpointthe cause, and the popula-tion has grown back to adegree, most expertsbelieve pollution intro-duced a toxin into the river."In the old days, thereweren't many people here

to interfere with the river,"said Dr. Rajiv Chauhan, ascientist and ChambalRiver expert with the India-based Society forConservation of Nature."But with the bandits gone,the pressure on the river isnow just too much."In theory, the wildest partsof the river are protected. Anarrow 250-mile stretch ofthe Chambal was declaredan official sanctuary in thelate 1970s, closing it toeveryone but longtime vil-lagers, approved scientistsand the handful of touristswho make it here.But India's wildlife agenciesare woefully undertrainedand underfunded. Forestryofficials often need to bor-row boats to patrol theriver. Banditry may have


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faded, but corruption isrampant: Locals who ille-gally cut firewood in thesanctuary pass forestrydepartment checkpointswithout challenge.More factories are beingbuilt upstream from thesanctuary, and their pollu-tants are leaking into theriver. Increased farminghas caused a spike in dan-gerous fertilizer and pesti-cide runoff, scientists say.Billions of gallons of waterare siphoned away for irri-gation.The most immediate worryis illegal sand mining,which can strip away thou-sands of tons of riverbankon a single day, causingimmense amounts of silt tospill into the river, upset-ting its delicate ecology.Demand for sand hassoared across India inrecent years as the econo-my has grown, leaving anemerging middle classclamoring for housing.Since most new Indianhousing is made of con-crete, and concreterequires sand, the surge inbuilding has given rise to asprawling network of black-market sand dealers. The"sand mafia," as the Indianmedia calls it, has noqualms plundering theeasy pickings along a wildriverbank.Take a boat along theChambal River on nearlyany day, and the mafia'spower quickly becomesclear.Not far from the village of

Bhopepura, dozens of trac-tors regularly snake down adirt road to the river,pulling trailers filled withwiry, shovel-wielding menwho hop down once theyreach the riverbank. Theseare the sand mafia's laborforce, men who can earn$15 for a long, exhaustingday of work. That is goodpay around here.The mining is illegal, butthe laborers say their boss-es have paid off local offi-cials. While none of theminers will give their fullnames, they also make noeffort to hide what they'redoing. The mining area,perhaps 30 acres in total,can be easily seen fromboth banks of the river.While the men work, trac-tors rigged with loudspeak-ers blare Bollywood songs.There's a calm beauty tothe scene. Local villagerspass by, leading camels

that leave footprints thesize of dinner plates in thesoft sand. When the breezepicks up, the camel bellsclang.But people like Singh, thearistocrat, worry of tomor-row. Asked if he is opti-mistic about the area'sfuture, Singh simply looksat the floor and shakes hishead. The laborers, poormen who spend most ofthe year working on tinyfarms, are concerned withmaking extra money, notwith wildlife. And that is thebiggest curse that theChambal faces today: Thepath of progress, some-times, leaves little room foranything else."What is a sanctuary?" saysGopal, the river laborer, hisvoice dripping with disdain."What is a mammal? Whatis a bird? I don't have timeto worry about thesethings."


TTaakkee aa bbooaatt aalloonngg tthhee CChhaammbbaall RRiivveerr oonn nneeaarrllyy aannyy ddaayy,,aanndd tthhee mmaaffiiaa''ss ppoowweerr qquuiicckkllyy bbeeccoommeess cclleeaarr..NNoott ffaarr ffrroomm tthhee vviillllaaggee ooff BBhhooppeeppuurraa,, ddoozzeennss ooff ttrraaccttoorrssrreegguullaarrllyy ssnnaakkee ddoowwnn aa ddiirrtt rrooaadd ttoo tthhee rriivveerr,, ppuulllliinngg ttrraaiill-eerrss ffiilllleedd wwiitthh wwiirryy,, sshhoovveell-wwiieellddiinngg mmeenn wwhhoo hhoopp ddoowwnnoonnccee tthheeyy rreeaacchh tthhee rriivveerrbbaannkk.. TThheessee aarree tthhee ssaannddmmaaffiiaa''ss llaabboorr ffoorrccee,, mmeenn wwhhoo ccaann eeaarrnn $$1155 ffoorr aa lloonngg,,eexxhhaauussttiinngg ddaayy ooff wwoorrkk.. TThhaatt iiss ggoooodd ppaayy aarroouunndd hheerree..

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"Sixty-seven small factorieswhich are discharging haz-ardous acids have beenasked to shift by March 31.They can either shift to anindustrial area or to a place oftheir choice," ADM and NodalOfficer of Yamuna action plansaid. A meeting in this regard washeld which was attended bydistrict authorities, UttarPradesh Pollution controlBoard (UPPCB) officials andrepresentatives of factories. According to the ADM, facto-ries running without permis-sion from UPPCB are beingenlisted as stern action would

also be taken against them.For safety and security of theplants in industrial area, apolice outpost may be set upin the area, he said. The ADM has asked people tosubmit list of unauthorisedfactories and said that theidentity of persons providinginformation will not be dis-closed. During the meeting,secretary of factories associa-tion expressed his inability toshift the factories outside thecity area owing to securityconstraints. He also said that effluent ofthe factories is dischargedafter treating it.

Assistant Engineer UPPCBsaid that in the present sce-nario it was difficult to makesurprise checks in these fac-tories as they are being runfrom their homes. A PIL in this regard has beenfiled in the Allahabad HighCourt and the case is pend-ing. since Sewage TreatmentPlants (STPs) in these facto-ries are not running, acidmixed chemical jeopardisesSTP of Municipal Board. "It finally reduces DO level ofYamuna causing death ofwater animals as naturalpurifying system alsofails,".

Factories DischargingEffluents IntoYamuna Asked ToShift

MATHURA: As many as 67 small factories in the city who aredischarging effluents directly into the Yamuna have been asked to

shift from their current location by end of next month.

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ountless studies show thatnatural disasters on aver-age kill more women thanmen 90 percent femalefatalities in some cases,prevent girls from going toschool, increase the threatof sexual assault. And thelist goes on. This issue has leapt to thefore in global negotiationson climate change, whichscientists warn will beresponsible for increasing-ly violent and frequentnatural catastrophesaround the world. "It boils down to the factthat women and men havedifferent types of vulnera-bilities already in the

world," said Tara Shine,special advisor to theMary RobinsonF o u n d a t i o n - C l i m a t eJustice think tank, headedby the former Irish presi-dent-turned UN special

envoy for climate change."And then climate changecomes along and accentu-ates all of those," sheadded on the sidelines ofthe ongoing UN HumanRights Council in Geneva,

GENEVA: Men and women may not always be on the same footing but youwould think both sexes would be equal in the face of gigantic floods, typhoonsor droughts. Think again.


Woman's Problem

"There aremany reasonsbut one ofthem is thatthey cannotswim, they

cannot climb trees, it's cul-tural," said ElenaManaenkova, assistant sec-retary-general of the WorldMeteorological Organization(WMO).

Climate Change A Major

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where the issue of climatechange and rights wasdebated. According to the WorldBank, 90 percent of some140,000 victims of the1991 cyclone that bat-tered Bangladesh werewomen, as were nearlytwo thirds of those killedby Myanmar's 2008Cyclone Nargis. "In many countries -- andit's also cultural -- they arenot supposed to run, theyare supposed to wait untiltheir husband will callthem to action." One of the WMO's objec-tives is to reach out topeople in disaster-proneareas with forecasts that

could save their lives orlivelihoods, for whichmobile phones are animportant tool. Butaccording to Manaenkova,300 million fewer womenhave mobile phones thanmen, which means warn-ings often do not reachthem. Beyond this, womenand girls are also impact-ed by climate change intheir everyday lives --education being a primeexample. In many parts ofthe developing world, forinstance, they are theones who fetch water fortheir families, and as glob-al warming impacts theavailability of fresh watersources, they have to trekfarther afield to find them-- meaning less time forschool. According to theUnited NationsDevelopment Programme,a survey conducted inTanzania found girls'attendance to be 12 per-cent higher for those inhomes located near awater source than inhomes one hour or moreaway. Attendance rates for boysappeared to be far lessaffected. PlanInternational conductedextensive research on thesubject in 2010 indrought-ridden Ethiopiaand flood-proneBangladesh, and foundthe long walks were alsodangerous. "I know two girls who wereraped going to fetchwater. When you go far

and there are not manypeople around, it hap-pens," Endager, a 16-year-old girl from Lasta districtin Ethiopia, was quoted assaying in the NGO'sreport. Poverty-inducingnatural disasters can alsoincrease the propensityfor child marriage. "After cyclones, familiesthink their condition isworse and send theirdaughters to get married,"a young girl from Bargunain Bangladesh was quotedas saying. "Almost 50 percent of girlsdrop out of educationbecause of early mar-riage. In very remote vil-lages, it is probably more70 to 75 percent." So what can be done?Simple, experts say --empower women, getthem involved at all lev-els, and remember thatthey exist. According to Shine, theissue is expected to fea-ture prominently in a cru-cial new agreement aimedat averting catastrophicglobal warming to besigned in Paris later thisyear. Some countries --such as Mozambique -- arealready factoring genderinto their response to cli-mate change, she says. ""WWhheenn iitt ((MMoozzaammbbiiqquuee)) iissiinnccrreeaassiinngg tthhee rreessiilliieenncceeooff ssmmaallllhhoollddeerr ffaarrmmeerrss''lliivveelliihhooooddss ttoo tthhee iimmppaaccttooff cclliimmaattee cchhaannggee,, iitt ddooeess-nn''tt ffoorrggeett tthhee mmaajjoorriittyy ooffiittss ssmmaallllhhoollddeerr ffaarrmmeerrssaarree wwoommeenn,,"" sshhee ssaaiidd..

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The new new species havebeen named Puntius nel-soni, Puntius nigronotus,Systomus chryseus andSystomus rufus, saidMathews Plamoottil, a zool-ogy professor at Kollam'sBaby John MemorialGovernment College. "Detailed articles describ-ing these new species havebeen published in interna-tional publications like'Journal of Research inBiology' and 'InternationalJournal of Fauna andBiological Studies',"Plamoottil told IANS. Elaborating, he said thebody and fins of Puntius

nelsoni are yellowish incolour, the head is deeper,the snout shorter and themouth wider. It was discov-ered at Kallumkal inThiruvalla, at the placewhere Pamba andManimala rivers merge. The Puntius nigronotus wasdiscovered atMananthavady in the hillyWayanad district. Its dorsalfin is black in colour, thelateral line scales aregreater than its closest rel-atives and its dorsal fin hasmore rays. Systomus chryseus wasdiscovered fromKeezhvaipur near

Thiruvalla. It is golden incoloured and its pectoralfin is greatly elongated. Systomus rufus was discov-ered from Venpala, alsonear Thiruvalla. Its fins arered in colour. "It is interesting to notethat a new species of thegenus Systomus is beingdiscovered after one-and-a-half century from Kerala.All the four new specieshave received a Zoo bankregister number from theInternational Commissionof ZoologicalNomenclature, the world-wide scientific authorityfor naming new animals.

The new fishhave beendeposited in themuseum of theZ o o l o g i c a lSurvey of Indiaat Kolkata andKozhikode," theprofessor said. The Kerala StateB i o d i v e r s i t yBoard, the custo-dian of thestate's rich biodi-versity, saidKerala is home to242 species ofinland fish.

Four New Fish SpeciesDiscovered In KeralaTHIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Four new fish species have been found in Kerala,the college professor who made the discovery has said.

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ultures, which areon the verge ofextinction, havebeen restricted to

Panna Tiger Reservewhere efforts are beingtaken for their protectionand conservation. Nowvultures seem to havefound a new home and tothe delight of ornitholo-gists and wildlife conser-vationists Gandhisagarhosts most species of vul-tures. According to anestimate, Gandhisagarhouses more than 500vultures, while Pannahosts around 1,200 to1,500 vultures. ChiefConservator of Forest(CCF) said Gandhisagarhas an abundance of foodand water, and being a

sanctuary it provides pro-tected atmosphere forvultures. "This year we have start-ed conducting census ofvultures, along the linesof Panna Tiger Reserve,and initiatives are beingtaken for their protectionand conservation," saidadding that sanctuary hasemerged as a greatbreeding ground for manyspecies of vultures thatare fighting for survival.Ornithologist saidGandhisagar is situatednear Rajasthan border,thousands of cattle(goats, sheep and cows)from the neighbouringstate come here to graze.Many of them die herewhich provides necessary

food for vultures. Alongwith this, the cliffs formedover a period of time onsteep rocky surfacesalong river Chambal arevery safe breeding androosting sites of longbilled vultures. The birdsmake nests on thesecliffs. "Vultures can beseen inside the sanctuaryat Rawlikudi, KaranpuraBlock and along the cliffsof Chambal River. One cansee many nests of longbilled vultures on thesecliffs,". Various species of vulturesthat can be seen hereinclude Egyptian Vulture,White Rumped vulture,long billed vulture, redheaded vulture andEurasian Griffon.

Vultures Find New Home AtGandhisagarSanctuary InMPINDORE: GandhisagarWildlife Sanctuary situated inMandsaur and Neemach dis-trict of Madhya Pradesh hasemerged as second best,Panna Tiger Reserve beingthe first, nesting site for criti-cally endangered vulturesmainly because of abundanceof food and safe habitat.


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he colourful bird,with a black capand orange bill, wasonce widely found

around major rivers andsanctuaries. Now, it'smainly seen in and aroundparts of National Chambal(Gharial) WildlifeSanctuary, where they areon the verge of extinctiondue to illegal fishing andsand mining. The pres-ence of Indian Skimmer atSatpura National Park hasgiven a new hope for itssurvival. "The safe andundisturbed habitat of thetiger reserve has attractedthe endangered birds tothis place for breeding.With the receding waterlevel of Tawa reservoir insummers, new sandbanksemerge, which act as anexcellent breeding groundfor Indian Skimmer," saidornithologist . He said that

Satpura Tiger Reserve canboost the number of thesespecies as fresh water ispresent here which is aprimary requirement forsurvival of this species. Ata time when few Indianskimmers are left inChambal Sanctuary andits numbers are fastdepleting, this newscomes as a great respitefor all the bird lovers.According to data in thebook - Threatened Birds ofIndia -number of Indianskimmers has come downto 203 in 2014 from 555 in1995. "Every year one ortwo pairs of these skim-mers arrive here duringthird week of February forbreeding purpose, stayhere for around fourmonths and leave theplace once their youngones are able to fly," There is a need for conser-

vation of these sites forsurvival of this endan-gered bird.Highlighting the threat toendangered bird, Gadikarsaid that last year, waterin Chambal River driedconsiderably and the largeisland (sandbank) wherethe skimmer breeds gotconnected with othersandbanks causing distur-bance. Chances of grazingcattle or feral dogs caus-ing harm to the nest alsoincreases manifold. "Aproper monitoring duringthe breeding season isneeded for the long termconservation of thisspecies," said Gadikar.Besides, the island wherethis bird breeds needs tobe protected from distur-bance as locals take awaythe eggs and hence thebreeding pair abandonsthe place in future.

Endangered Indian Skimmerfinds new home in Satpura

National ParkINDORE: Endangered Indian Skimmer, which is fighting for its sur-

vival, seems to have found a new home at Satpura NationalPark. Around seven birds of the endangered species were

recently spotted along with big flock of River Terns near Pattanarea of Madhai range.


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MADURAI: In the 1960s,late freedom fighterGovindasamy Naidu had adream where a sparrowappeared and told him tobuild a temple forGoddess Kali near theNorth Masi Street inMadurai (Tamil Nadu).In fact, an idol of the god-dess and three tridents(her weapons) had beenthere for more than a cen-tury. However, there wasno temple for the deity.The area, which is a con-crete jungle now, was

home to house sparrowsthen. Naidu believed thatthe goddess had sent oneof the sparrows to tell himto build a temple for her.And it had not taken muchtime before theSittukuruvi KaliammanTemple was built in thearea ('Sittukuruvi' in Tamilmeans sparrow)And sparrows continued tolive in the vicinity of thetemple. Renowned authorof folklore ASivasubramanian has saidmany local deities found

an association with thefauna of the region."Sparrows found a men-tion in the Sangam litera-ture, dating back to 300BC, where they are men-tioned as 'Manai UraiKuruvi' (bird that lives inthe house)," he said."Sittukuruvi Kali is onesuch example where evensmaller birds living in thevicinity found an associa-tion with the deity. Thesurrounding areas wereknown for trading grain,and sparrows found it an

World Sparrow DayWill SparrowsEver Return ToThis TempleNamed AfterThem?"Sittukuruvi Kali is one such example where even smallerbirds living in the vicinity found an association with the deity.The surrounding areas were known for trading grain, andsparrows found it an ideal place to live," he added.

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ideal place to live," headded.People believe thatSittukuruvi Kali is a power-ful goddess. "She is a verypowerful goddess and isknown to cure lumps orpimples. If people pray toher for cure, she will curethem. And they will offerher salt in accordance

with the custom," said 80-year-old T Kothaiamma.For Kothaiamma,Sittukuruvi Kali has beenher solace and strengthafter she lost her husbandwhen she he was 25.The temple remainsintact, so also is people'sfaith in the temple. Butthe sparrows are missing.

"Sparrows used to flyaround the goddess. Theyflocked the area duringfestivals. But I can't seethem now. They all havegone," bewailedKothaiamma. Pujas areperformed at the templedaily, and people say thegoddess hear theirprayers always.But will the sparrows everreturn to the templenamed after them?March 20 is observed asthe Word Sparrow Day.

March 20 is World SparrowDay. Here are some ideasto help you do your bit forthe little bird. The commonhouse sparrow is one ofthe most ubiquitous birdsaround us and is one of themore familiar winged com-panions of human beings.It has, over a period oftime, evolved with us. Atone time a very commonsight, in the past fewyears, this bird has beenon the decline over muchof its natural range, both inthe urban and rural habi-tats. The decline of thehouse sparrow is an indica-tor of the continuous


Mittal Gala

The Sittukuruvi Kaliamman Temple in Madurai

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degradation of the environ-ment. The house sparrow is,in a sense, an ambassadorto the common birdspecies. The hope is thatthe conservation of thehouse sparrow and its habi-tat will in turn help savemuch of the common biodi-versity, which shares thehabitat of the house spar-rows.

CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonnWorld Sparrow Day is cele-brated on March 20. Therationale for celebratingWorld Sparrow Day is notonly to commemorate theevent for a day, but also touse it as a platform to high-light the need to conservesparrows as well as urbanbiodiversity. The event aimsto bring together individu-als, national and interna-tional groups. The aim isalso to attract the attentionof government agenciesand the scientific communi-ty to take notice of the needfor the conservation of thecommon bird species andurban biodiversity.Scientists first started tonotice a decline in the num-ber of the house sparrow inthe 1990s. Over the last fewyears several campaigns,outreach and awarenessprogrammes, research sur-veys have been carried outto understand the decline ofa species that had learnedto exist in and aroundhuman habitations and wasfound in huge numbers in

urban areas. World wide,countries have participatedin various activities to cele-brate the World HouseSparrow Day. CitizenSparrow is an ongoing citi-zen science project in Indiain which members of thepublic are encouraged tocontribute information onpresence and absence ofthe house sparrow from dif-ferent locations and for dif-ferent time periods. Thisinformation is to beuploaded on their website( Allthe observational recordsare plotted on a map. Thiscan be done by an individ-ual or a school group or anNGO and even corporatecompanies as a part of theircorporate social responsibil-ity.

WWhhaatt ootthheerrss hhaavvee ddoonneeStudents from Women'sCollege, Patna, distributedhandbills to the public andscattered millets for spar-rows. People in Bristolrecorded house sparrowsightings and bloggedabout it. In 2012, the ChiefMinister, Ms. Sheila Dikshit,declared the house sparrowthe state bird of Delhi.Addressing school childrenat her residence during afunction organised to cele-brate Wildlife Week, Ms.Dikshit said that the ideabehind making the housesparrow the State bird wasto protect it. The NatureForever Society in associa-

tion with the BurhaniFoundation (India) started'SOS' (Save Our Sparrow),an initiative in which theydistributed 52,000 birdfeeders across the world ona non-profit basis. TheIndian Postal Departmentreleased a stamp of thehouse sparrow along withthe rock pigeon on March20, 2010.

WWhhaatt yyoouu ccaann ddooPut bird boxes and birdfeeders outside your houseor in your gardens. Water-bowls or a bird-bath in thehot summer afternoonhelps birds to re-hydrate.Grow plants andhedges that are native tothe place. This encouragessome of the common birdsto come back.AAtt MMaaddrraass CCrrooccooddiillee BBaannkk

TTrruussttOutreach Programmes inschools and at the CrocBank. Common BirdMonitoring Programme:Nature Forever Society hasinitiated a common birdmonitoring programme toconserve India's commonbirds. Talks will be done onweekends for the visitorsthat come to MCBT to cre-ate awareness about thesparrow.A questionnaire survey thatinvolves interviewing citi-zens about house sparrowsto document the currentpopulation of this oncecommon bird in theirgardens and backyards.

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his is part of newguidelines issuedby the NationalTiger Conservation

Authority in the wake ofincreased incidents of man-animal conflicts. "Tiger as well as leopardare categorized underSchedule I of the Wildlife(Protection) Act, 1972, withhighest statutory protec-tion against hunting underSection 9 (1) of the saidAct. "Hence, such species canbe killed if they becomedangerous to human life or

are so disbled/dis-eased beyond recov-ery," the guidelines fordeclaration of big catsas 'man-eaters' state.

As both tigers and leopardsare known to turn intoman-eaters, "such con-firmed 'man-eaters' shouldbe eliminated as per thestatutory provisions provid-ed in Section 11 of theWildlife (Protection) Act,1972." The guidelines state thatthe chief wildlife warden ofa state alone has theauthority to permit huntingof animals which havebecome dangerous tohuman life or disabled ordiseased beyond recovery.

As per the statutoryrequirement, a chiefwildlife warden has to givein writing the reasons forpermitting eliminationbefore hunting, they say. According to the NTCA,there are several reasonsfor a big cat to get habitu-ated as a 'man-eater'including disability due toold age, incapacitation dueto serious injury or loss ofits canines, among others. "However, there may beseveral exceptions, andhence specific reasonshave to be ascertained ona case-to-case basis," theNTCA said. The tiger bearing forestsand areas nearby prone tolivestock depredation,besides having human set-tlements along with theirrights and concessions insuch areas, are generallyprone to 'man-eaters', theguidelines state. Loss of habitat connectivityin close proximity to a tigersource area owing to vari-ous land uses also fosterstraying of tiger nearhuman settlements, even-tually ending up as a 'man-eater'.

Tiger, Leopard May BeKilled If Posing Danger To

Humans: NTCA


NEW DELHI: Tigers and leopards,accorded highest protection underthe Wildlife Act, may now be killedwith due permission from authori-ties if they pose a threat to humanlife or are disabled or diseasedbeyond recovery.

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tudies have found thatsuicides and attempt-ed suicides increase

as levels of air pollution rise.This is because of the inflam-matory effects of air pollutionon body and mind. in an inter-view it was known that Brauer,who spoke at Anil AgarwalDialogue 2015 organized byCentre for Science andEnvironment (CSE), told TOIin an interview that masks andair purifiers may not be veryeffective in addressing thescale of the problem, and thestrategy should be to bringdown air pollution in cities."Masks work only when theyare fixed professionally. It alsodepends on the kind of maskbeing used. N 95 (a type ofmask) may be effective if it'sworn properly without anygaps,". Prolonged exposure to highlevels of pollutants can causelung cancer and heart dis-ease, but short-term expo-sure, for instance at trafficjunctions, can trigger stroke orchronic asthma. "Air pollutionis affecting or leading toalmost all the major condi-tions. It can be responsible fordeveloping heart disease and

triggering a heart attack,chronic bronchitis, emphyse-ma, lung cancer... We are alsoseeing a very strong linkbetween infections and air pol-lution. It is more difficult for ourbodies to fight infection. Earinfections are very common,especially among young chil-dren; they start as respiratoryinfection and move to theears," scientists are seeinglinks between air pollution anddiabetes, premature births andanxiety. "These are all part ofinflammation caused by airpollution. There are studiesshowing that when air pollu-tion peaks, the incidence ofsuicide rises. The problem is,pollution particles are not liv-ing things like bacteria thatcan be killed." He added that

pollution particles may be car-riers of proteins that triggerallergies. "The most effective thing is,reducing pollution in total.Only the higher income groupscan buy small air filters. Theemphasis should be on gener-al health-diet and physicalactivity, and reducing otherrisk factors such as smokingand alcohol." Curbing air pollution hasimmediate positive effects.After fuel quality improved inHong Kong, morbidityreduced. "They got an extrayear of life. In Ireland, after burning coalwas made illegal, there was a15% drop in deaths caused bycardiovascular and respiratoryissues."

Foul Delhi Air May BeDriving People To Suicide

NEW DELHI: The link between air pollutionand respiratory diseases is well known, butfoul air may be causing cases of depressiontoo. Michael Brauer, professor at School ofPopulation and Public Health at University ofBritish Columbia who specializes in air pollu-tion studies, told that scientists are increas-ingly seeing links between air pollution andthe mind.


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