cr-cs 03 juillet sfere 03... · 2016-05-30 ·...

1/2 Première réunion du comité scientifique de SFERE6Provence 03/07/2015 Présents: Lucette Agostini (ICEM), Teresa Assude (responsable parcours recherche ESPE), Magali Ballatore (LAMES), MarieHLaure Barbier (DirectriceHadjointe SFERE, PSYCLE), Pascale BrandtHPomares (DirectriceHadjointe ESPE), Marjolaine Chatoney (ADEF), Nicolas Facino (CAPE), Jacques Ginestié (Directeur SFERE), MarieHCatherine Marret (Direction d’établissement), Perrine Martin (CIPE), Nathalie PerezHWachowiak (CARDIE), Eric Tortochot (responsable formation transversale ESPE), Dominique Truant (IEN). Excusés: Nathalie Bonnardel (PSYCLE), Maryline Crivello (TELEMME), Jacques Dejou (CIPE), JeanHLuc Leroy (LESA), Marion Tellier (LPL), JeanHLuc Velay (LNC). 1. Actualité de SFERE6Provence Voir documents en annexe : Report on Learning and Education, présenté au COS d’AMU en juin 2015 Bilan d’étape de SFEREHProvence, déposé à la direction de la recherche d’AMU en juin 2015 2. Enjeux et fonctions du comité scientifique Le comité scientifique de SFEREHProvence est constitué des représentants de chaque unité de recherche membre de la fédération et des représentants des partenaires professionnels : l’Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Education (ESPE), le Rectorat, le Centre d’Innovation Pédagogique et d’Evaluation (CIPE), et le Collectif des Associations Partenaires de l’Ecole Publique (CAPE). Il est engagé dans la coordination des programmes de recherche conduits dans le cadre de SFEREH Provence, et aura pour fonction : d’identifier les thématiques porteuses en matière d'innovation (en fonction des orientations nationales, des appels à projets, des contextes professionnels,…) d’élaborer un appel à programmes de recherche annuel de valider le soutien de la fédération aux programmes de recherche qui en feront la demande (caution scientifique ou dotation financière) A travers ces actions de coordination, le comité scientifique constitue une instance de concertation permettant de répondre aux besoins de chacun : facilitation des contacts, partenariats pour la conduite des études, apport d’expertises des chercheurs, reconnaissance des savoirs professionnels des enseignants, valorisation par la recherche... Il permettra aussi d’échanger sur des questions d’éthique, de méthodologies, pour aborder les recherches en fonction des contextes, et en fonction des demandes sociales. A terme, la constitution d’un tel comité pourrait contribuer à une diffusion plus efficace des connaissances scientifiques dans la formation initiale et continue des enseignants, du primaire à l’université.

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Présents:! Lucette! Agostini! (ICEM),! Teresa! Assude! (responsable! parcours! recherche! ESPE),! Magali!


(DirectriceHadjointe! ESPE),! ! Marjolaine! Chatoney! (ADEF),! Nicolas! Facino! (CAPE),! Jacques! Ginestié!

(Directeur! ! SFERE),! MarieHCatherine! Marret! (Direction! d’établissement),! Perrine! Martin! (CIPE),!

Nathalie! PerezHWachowiak! (CARDIE),! Eric! Tortochot! (responsable! formation! transversale! ESPE),!



Excusés:!Nathalie!Bonnardel! (PSYCLE),!Maryline!Crivello! (TELEMME),! Jacques!Dejou!(CIPE),! JeanHLuc!



• Report!on!Learning!and!Education,!présenté!au!COS!d’AMU!en!juin!2015!

• Bilan!d’étape!de!SFEREHProvence,!déposé!à!la!direction!de!la!recherche!d’AMU!en!juin!2015!!


Le! comité! scientifique! de! SFEREHProvence! est! constitué! des! représentants! de! chaque! unité! de!

recherche! membre! de! la! fédération! et! des! représentants! des! partenaires! professionnels! :! l’Ecole!




Il!est!engagé!dans! la!coordination!des!programmes!de! recherche!conduits!dans! le!cadre!de!SFEREH


• d’identifier!les!thématiques!porteuses!en!matière!d'innovation!(en!fonction!des!orientations!


• d’élaborer!un!appel!à!programmes!de!recherche!annuel!!

• de! valider! le! soutien! de! la! fédération! aux! programmes! de! recherche! qui! en! feront! la!




permettant! de! répondre! aux! besoins! de! chacun!:! facilitation! des! contacts,! partenariats! pour! la!




Il! permettra! aussi! d’échanger! sur! des! questions! d’éthique,! de! méthodologies,! pour! aborder! les!





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3.'Planning'des'réunions'du'comité'scientifique'201562016'''Le! comité! se! réunira! chaque! année! en! maiHjuin! pour! organiser! les! appels! à! programmes,! et! une!

deuxième!fois!en!novembre!pour!valider! les!programmes!ainsi!que! le!soutien!aux!projets!proposés!





objectifs.! Une! prochaine! réunion! est! proposée! le! 10! septembre! de! 14h! à! 16h! à! l’ESPE! d’Aix! pour!




La! proposition! est! également! faite! d’inviter,! au! cours! de! l’année! 2015H2016,! un! représentant! de!

SFEREHProvence!dans! les! réunions!de!bassins!et!à! la!CARDIE,!dans! les!conseils!d'IEN,!au!CIPE!et!au!



Page 3: CR-CS 03 juillet SFERE 03... · 2016-05-30 · Learning and Education Organisation of a scientific transverse domain of investigations

Learning and Education

Organisation of a scientific transverse domain of investigations

Université d’Aix-Marseille 1/14

1 Global presentation

In many countries, the development of education systems and training systems was accompanied by the development of research in education conducted by laboratories. In France, it did not do so and educational research are largely fragmented; they were too much confined to the 70th disciplinary section of the CNU, the educational sciences. This particular structure leads to a breakdown of the work undertaken, weakening, on the one hand, visibility and, on the other hand, their social impact on teaching, education and training. The AMU-driven approach aims to promote multidisciplinary scientific dynamics to give coherence to the research programs conducted in this area.

The organisations of transmission of knowledge, in the context of school education or of vocational training, hold a prominent place in our human societies. The structuring of fundamental research socially finalised by the needs of education, education or training is an important issue to allow us to increase their understanding and to improve their scope and effectiveness. Transmission of knowledge organisations are complex. Improve our understanding of these organisations supposes to bring together, or even to interbreed, approaches, methodologies and results produced in different disciplinary research fields, such as those produced by psychology, sociology, history, education sciences, philosophy, epistemology, policy, economy, management, ICT, digital technologies…, but also for all the specific subjects’ areas of knowledge like mathematics, sciences, technology, engineering, literature, arts... Many research units of AMU have a greater or lesser interest in these matters. Some are fully specialised in these questions, some have a marginal interest; but all bring a contribution to this global understanding.

Social knowledge transmission institutions are all characterised by the interaction between the four categories of stakeholders. The first is composed by the group that decides the existence of the organisation of education or training. This policy sets expectations instance, knowledge fields, audience and means. This may be the Ministry of Education or company that is planning a training plan for its employees. The second brings together professionals, teachers and/or trainers, who will be responsible for the transmission of knowledge. The third defines the field of knowledge referred through the institutions that produce them and make them live. The fourth concerns those who will have to acquire these knowledge, pupils, students, trainees, learners... Each of these groups has been studied and may result in multidisciplinary approaches, whether to study its role, its organisations, its logics of action or the effectiveness of its actions. Just as rich as these studies, their litters are obviously limited by the play of other groups that interact in any social process of transmission and acquisition of knowledge. By defining a strategic focus on the transverse field "Learning and Education", AMU has the means to contribute significantly to the development of comprehensive understanding of these interactions.

Linking Learning and Education as domain of research does not go of itself. Establishing this link supposes to think the learning as they grow in institutions organised from the perspective of transmission of knowledge.

1.1 Learning and Education as social organisations

The first level of interrelations is based on the completion of learning for the purpose of education. The purpose of education is determined, more or less explicitly, by the institution which more or less formally organised learning situations. Organisations like family, School, vocational training… are some of the educational institutions which play a major role in the social development of children, young, apprentices, within the aim to integrate the social organisation who support this educational institution: adult, citizen, qualified professional…

Consider learning as the dynamic element of the existence of educational institutions is assumed to think the whole as a system in which a political organisation - the State, a community, a society, a company... - decides to define and delimit the social organisation of knowledge transmission. The diversity of existing organisations, or which existed, shows that there is not a standardized single response. The understanding of this diversity refers to the understanding of the principles underlying the existence of these organisations, in their mode of existence, their effectiveness to meet the social expectations of the policy that supports them, or allowed them to exist.

This choice of a particular organisation of the knowledge transmission’s institution of course has consequences on the organisation of knowledge to be transmitted, on modes of transmission and aims of

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transmission. This impacts the knowledge’s organisation - some researches distinguish the scholastic knowledge’s epistemology of the reference knowledge’s epistemology and consider this in terms of the transposition from the knowledge of reference until the knowledge to teach - as well as the organisation of the training of the persons responsible for this transmission (teacher, trainer, educator...).

The concept of knowledge is to be understood according to three separate levels: in terms of the possibility of action (how to do it and how to do it like so), in terms of meaning of the action (why to do it and why to do it like so) and values defining the framework for action. Thus, the organisation of educational institutions and/or training defines, in a way more or less explicit, these three levels of knowledge and organises the teaching’s or training’s curricula. Of course, the targeted aims differ and have very different implications for these organisations. The understanding of these organisations is a part of important researches that is studied in its historical, economic, legal and social dimensions... This axe of research is particularly important and mobilises teams of research of several laboratories of AMU.

1.2 Learning and Education as interactions between teacher and pupil

The second level of interrelations concerning the foundations of education (and/or training) situation in (the trainer) teacher and student interactions (the trainee). If curricula are significant of educative logic, this level of interrelations is also significant of teaching’s logic and of the one of learning. In this sense, it is about interesting in the process of teaching-learning at work in any institution of education (and training) as a teacher (a trainer) is responsible (and that he/she receives a remuneration for this) for transmitting academic knowledge to a student (a trainee). On the face of it, the performances of education (or training) institutions can be assessed on the basis of learning built by students (the trainee) knowledge in the education curriculum taught by a teacher (a trainer); this assessment raises the question of the efficiency that can be appreciate since the microscopic level (for example, the effectiveness of the action of a teacher on a specific teaching) at the macroscopic level (for example, the effectiveness of a curriculum of education for all). The range of the microscopic to macroscopic evaluation asks questions of value (assess what, why, how...) and methodologies. Multidisciplinary approaches involving fields such as economics, sociology, history, sciences of education, political science, geography, etc., contribute to enlighten (institutional or interpersonal) dynamics at work in specifiable social contexts.

Give weight to the teacher-student interactions (trainer-shaped) in a school (university, training institution…) context needs to improve our understanding of the teaching-learning process. In this sense, it is essential to study each of the three logics (educative, teaching and learning) as such. In fact, it comes to delimit the interrelationships between Learning and Education such that they can be studied by the different research units of AMU, each of them having its own field of research.

2 Field organisation

2.1 Research Units, Doctoral schools and sectors

To complete this document, a study was conducted with research units in order to identify the works of researchers that can fall within this field “Learning and Education”. We got responses from nineteen laboratories: six research units (EA) and thirteen mixed research units (UMR). Obviously, the interests of these research units for the development of work in this transverse field is highly variable from one unit to another. Some have research axes (one or more) that are explicitly directed towards these questions, dealing with issues related to learning and education interactions. Others have axes explicitly oriented on problems that particularly interested one of these two poles. A last group manifests a certain interest for these issues without having to research-oriented in this field.

The development of the field Learning and Education is based on the creation of the research federation FED 4238 SFERE-Provence in 2012. The first project federated teams from seven research units, one common service and one laboratory implanted in University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.

The eight founding SFERE-Provence laboratories are:

• EA 4671 ADEF : Apprentissage, Didactique, Évaluation, Formation, • UMR 7310 IREMAM : Institut de recherches et d’études sur le monde arabe et musulman, • EA 3274 LESA : Laboratoire d'Études en Sciences des Arts, • UMR 7309 LPL : Laboratoire Parole et Langage,

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• UMR 7296 LSIS : Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes, • UMR 7345 PIIM : Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires, • EA 3273 PSYCLE : Centre de Recherche en Psychologie de la Connaissance, du Langage et de


The common service of AMU IREM (Institut de Recherche sur l’Enseignement des Mathématiques) and the laboratory EA 6308 I3DL (Inter-Didactique, Didactiques des Disciplines et des Langues) at the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis complemented the federation.

Since its creation, five other research units have joined SFERE-Provence:

• UMR 7287 ISM : Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, • UMR 7305 LAMES : Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie, • UPR 7051 LMA : Laboratoire de Mécanique et Acoustique, • UMR 7291 LNC : Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, • UMR 7303 TELEMME : Temps, Espaces, Langages, Europe Méridionale – Méditerranée.

In its current configuration, the laboratories engaged in SFERE-Provence are primarily six doctoral schools:

• ED 356 : Cognition, Langage, Éducation, • ED 355 : Espaces, Cultures, Sociétés, • ED 354 : Langues, Lettres et Arts, • ED 352 : Physique et Sciences de la Matière, • ED 184 : Mathématiques et Informatique de Marseille, • ED 67: Sciences Juridiques et Politiques,

Six other laboratories have shown a real interest for the transverse field but have not joined the federation of research for now:

• UMR 7304 CEPERC : Épistémologie et Ergologie comparée, • UMR 7373 I2M : Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, • EA 4328 LID2MS : Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Droit des Médias et des Mutations Sociales, • EA 3278 LPC : Laboratoire de psychologie cognitive, • EA 4262 IRSIC : Institut de Recherche en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, • UMR 7317 LEST : Laboratoire d’Économie et de Sociologie du Travail.

This dynamic of engagement of laboratories concerns several sectors of the University through several sectors, faculties, institutes and schools:

• Secteur arts, lettres, langues et sciences humaines : Faculté des arts, lettres, langues, sciences humaines Centre de formation des musiciens intervenants Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme

• Secteur économie et gestion Faculté d’économie et gestion

• Secteur sciences et technologies Faculté des sciences Faculté des sciences du sport Institut Pythéas - Observatoire des sciences de l'univers

• Composantes pluridisciplinaires École supérieure du professorat et de l'éducation

The transverse aspect of the Learning and Education field is part of the policy of joint research-training of AMU. It also concerns the development and promotion of university education through the Centre of Innovation educational and assessment (CIPE) of the University. This common service is responsible for the training of future (doctoral candidates benefiting from a doctoral contract) and new teachers-researchers (young lecturers recruited by the University) and also to accompany the teams engaged in a development of their pedagogical practices. Research conducted by the different laboratories in this context are sources of promotion of innovation in University pedagogy.

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2.2 Research units partners of SFERE-Provence

EA 4671 ADEF : Apprentissage, Didactique, Évaluation, Formation

The laboratory develops fundamental research in education socially finalized by the education and training needs. Its aims to increase understanding of teaching and/or training systems, particularly the effects of policy decisions. Their effectiveness is assessed in organisations for the professional training of teachers and/or trainers, through interactions between pupils (trainees), teachers (trainers) and knowledge.

Many studies conducted have concentrated on assessment, on the one hand, and on the study of education, on the other hand. This include the teaching of school subjects (such as maths, science, technology, economic and management sciences, humanities and languages, arts etc.), professional education (vocational training in schools, the health care environment or areas of corporate training) and comparative approaches to teaching. The researches question the process of knowledge transmission and acquisition in educational or training institutions, based on the institutionalisation of professionals responsible for its organisation and implementation. They are structured around three thematic axes: the teaching-learning process, the professionalism and professionalization of teaching, education and training professions and the educational and training institutions.

Sixty-two researchers are involved in the field.

UMR 7310 IREMAM : Institut de recherches et d’études sur le monde arabe et musulman

The IREMAM is a multidisciplinary research centre on the southern shore of the Mediterranean and the growing role taken by the disciplines of the social sciences in the knowledge of contemporary societies. Understanding of social organisations is done through anthropological, educational studies, law, history, Islamic, languages and literature, linguistic and sociolinguistic, political science or sociology.

Migration issues, and their societal impact on education, occupy an important place in the work of the laboratory. This is particularly the impact on the educational relationship and more broadly the relationship between teachers and taught as a social relation, mobilizing social categorization expectations parents and young people and their identity constructs.

Les questions de migration, et l’impact sociétal que celles-ci ont sur l’éducation, occupent une place importante dans les travaux du laboratoire. C’est notamment l’impact sur la relation pédagogique et plus largement la relation entre enseignants et enseignés en tant que relation sociale, mobilisant la catégorisation sociale attentes des parents et des jeunes et leurs constructions identitaires.

Six researchers are involved in the field.

UMR 7287 ISM : Institut des Sciences du Mouvement

Two axes of the ISM are particularly involved in the area. The first concerns the work of the team Contexts, Motivation and Behaviour, whose objective is to contribute to the definition of a social environment regulator of behaviour settings in its dimensions sensorimotor, cognitive, physiological, but also emotional and motivational. Furthermore, the bio-inspired design team committed rupture in the design process of the geometry of mechanical systems, inspired by the geometries living or fossilized shaped by nature over millions of years. These works directly questioning technological teaching organisations and the educational approach of the technical systems.

Six researchers have an interest for the field.

UMR 7305 LAMES : Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie

The LAMES organises research in sociology on four cross-disciplinary thematic in urban sociology and the environment, sociology of migration, sociology of education and culture, sociology of deviance. These works directly address many fundamental questions about the school, its environment, the diversity of public welcome, education organisations and social imbalances that it must take into account.

Four researchers bring their contributions to the field.

EA 3274 LESA : Laboratoire d'Études en Sciences des Arts

The LESA brings together all of the artistic sectors of the University. The contribution of the research to the development of artistic and cultural education at school is a major challenge of Education for all. The understanding of the creation and the co-construction of meaning in the Arts, on the one hand, and, on

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the other hand, by the practices in Arts queries the relationship between scientific knowledge and aesthetic sensitivity. Issues and features productions and artistic practices are analysed as the manufacturing but also as symptoms of the current imagination. These productions and practices bear questions about concepts such as identity, autochthonous, inter-culturality, miscegenation, cosmopolitanism, or borders.

Five researchers are involved in the field.

UPR 7051 LMA : Laboratoire de Mécanique et Acoustique

The LMA is engaged in training in engineering and industrial design, as for example the Courses Master of mechanical engineering. The deployment, in this context, of the FabLab platform is supported by a work of research on implementation of pedagogical organisations which favours approaches by project and by problem-solving. It is in this context of high education pedagogy that fits the participation of the federation of research laboratory. Another space of collaboration is envisaged with the team waves and imaging around musical creation in artistic and cultural education.

Currently, four researchers bring their contribution.

UMR 7291 LNC : Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives

The LNC studies the neural basis of cognitive processes, through the analysis of the behaviour and brain activity using different techniques. The participation of the laboratory concerning more particularly the dynamics of auditory and motor learning team that aims to better understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of the processes involved in the perception and production of spoken or written language and music. This team examines the relationship between these processes and other perceptual, cognitive, emotional and motor mechanisms taking into account the fundamental role played by the context. To do this, searches are conducted in healthy subjects and in patients with specific disorders of understanding, perception, or language (dyslexia, Dysgraphia, degenerative or psychiatric diseases) and production of music. Other cooperation are possible to develop the relationship between the knowledge of Neurobiological organisations, cognitive and emotional processes and functions and organisations of transmission-acquisition of knowledge in the school setting.

Six researchers are involved in the federation of research.

UMR 7309 LPL : Laboratoire Parole et Langage

The LPL welcomes some phoneticians, linguists, computer scientists, psychologists, neuroscientists, physicists and physicians. There main objective is to study the mechanisms involved in the production, the perception and understanding of spoken language and the language written in their natural contexts of occurrence. It has a single technical platform in Europe a set of instruments for the investigation of the production and perception of speech and also ensures responsible scientific and technical of the SLDR (Speech and Language Data Repository, service for sharing and archiving oral data.

The LPL is engaged in work that interest the field through the co-construction of meaning. It is to understand the mechanisms and processes of production and understanding of the speech taking into account all the parameters, terms and resources available to speaker subjects. This understanding assumes describe, formalize, model, analyse these phenomena by studying their manifestations in different language areas as well as in their different ways. The interface between these different areas and these terms, their perception, their integration and their place in the interaction natural (human-human) and artificial (human-machine) are therefore at the heart of this team.

The research team "Languages, uses, cognition and learning" aims to study all the factors of variation and change in the linguistic systems and language practices. The objective is to characterise variations presented by these systems in space, in time and in societies at all levels of linguistic analysis. A detailed description of the variation in the field with functionalist, typological and sociolinguistic approaches combine with the development of formal grammars intended in updating the mechanisms of general variation and the description of the prosodic systems of different languages and dialects studied, modelled and validated by technical analysis by synthesis.

Eight researchers from the laboratory contribute directly to the research federation.

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UMR 7296 LSIS : Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes

The LSIS organises research activities in the fields of Computing, Automatic and Image. The laboratory leads work on the design of Information systems based on Ontologies, on Information and the distributed knowledge in a dynamic of Information and contents’ management, and Web services. The researchers of the group Knowledge, Decisions, Management are involved in the federation of research by their works on the collaborative construction of knowledge and collaborative learning mediated by digital technologies. Possible collaborations concern research on automated systems to variable structure, particularly in the area of the manufacturing that particular concern issues of technological and professional lessons.

Three researchers contribute to SFERE-Provence.

UMR 7345 PIIM : Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires

The laboratory PIIM is widely committed to the dissemination of science to school audiences and in the promotion of scientific culture. The organisation of host for pupils in research units, the participation in events such as Faites de la Science or scientific animation programs is an important part of the activity of the laboratory. This also translates a strong engagement in the teacher training of physical science and the conduct of work in epistemology of science. The participation of the laboratory to the federation of research aims to build the link between the school and extracurricular transmission of Science and scientific production of knowledge through research.

Six researchers are engaged in SFERE-Provence.

EA 3273 PSYCLE : Centre de Recherche en Psychologie de la Connaissance, du Langage et de l’Émotion

Two teams are developing works directly related to the problems of the field. The first team - cognitive, emotional and social development - works on cognitive and communicative skills and developmental disorders and disabilities. Projects undertaken by this team are, on the one hand, analysis of the functioning and evolution with the age of cognitive or communicative skills identified as central in the development of the child and, on the other hand, the study of functions whose role is fundamental in the development of the child: perceptions, emotions, motor actions, imitations, executive functions. These functions contribute significantly to the adaptation of the child to its physical environment (World of objects) and social (World of people and schools).

The second team leads works that relate to the study of cognition and emotion in diversified contexts, in which expertise is a determinant of variations. Cognition is discussed on the basis of knowledge and processes that enable decision making and carrying out treatment in tasks of design of texts or products, management of dynamic environments, and training. The relationships between cognition and emotion are analysed to better understand the treatments involved in writing activity and emotional regulations developed during stressful events. It is, for example, the impact of emotions, the expertise and the support to write to the choices made in writing or the impact of the use of technological devices on cognitive processes.

Eight researchers of the laboratory are involved in the field.

UMR 7303 TELEMME : Temps, Espaces, Langages, Europe Méridionale – Méditerranée

TELEMME is a multidisciplinary laboratory, grouping geographers, development specialists, historians (medieval, modern and contemporary periods), hispanists and ethno-linguists, all specialists of the Mediterranean area from the Iberian Peninsula to the Balkans through southern France and the Italy. Its chronological area extends from the middle ages to the contemporary. The interest of the laboratory for the federation of research concerns equally school dissemination of scientific knowledge produce by research and the importance of the historical, geographical and ethnological dimensions in the evolution of educational systems. The lines of research of the laboratory provide understanding of education organisations in the national context as well as locally.

The axis environment, landscapes and mutation of the territories will update new development patterns supported by technical, societal innovation, entrepreneurial logic on the global scale, and within local systems and spaces technopolitains. Axis Individuals, Identities, Social Body contributes to understand the construction of stereotypes, including gender, by posing the question of the social and moral links. Axis mobility, circulation, Exchange queries migration and traffic in the Mediterranean area, providing keys to understanding of current school situations.

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Ten researchers are involved in the federation of research.

2.3 Research units interested in the field

UMR 7304 CEPERC : Épistémologie et Ergologie comparée

Conducted researches relate to the comparative study of objects, concepts and methods of the different scientific disciplines. They address the study of scientific disciplines from the triple perspective of history, the foundations and practices. Work in philosophy of logic, mathematics, physics, but also on the economy, social sciences and biology, as well as research in ontology deliver a general conceptual analysis grid. The lab is also studying how the disciplines intersect when they apply to the field of work and more generally of activities; understand why these crossings do not exhaust analysis of these activities, which have own responsiveness and which modulate their own conceptual frameworks disciplinary and standards and methods that they inspire the Organisation of labour, thus defining the ergology.

Three researchers manifest an interest for the field.

UMR 7373 I2M : Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille

The I2M has an important commitment in the development of the teaching of mathematics, whether with the IREM, including laboratory Pytheas, or whatever through the association Math for All or the multidisciplinary thematic network AuDiMath around the dissemination of mathematics. Researches developed in this framework are widely anchored on teaching practices at primary school, secondary school and University.

From the perspective of development of educational digital technologies and from those of the common base of knowledge and skills of the Education for All, especially those relating to counting and reasoning, the contribution of other research groups of the I2M is envisaged.

Actually, seven researchers are involved in the field but this number can grows.

EA 4262 IRSIC : Institut de Recherche en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication

The IRSIC works on the contribution of informational and communicational practices in policies, including changes in Act and changes in meanings and values. This concerns the study of organisational reconfigurations, taking into account the cultural dimensions and societal, for example under the effect of the development of digital devices. Currently focused on two major areas of application, the environment and health, the lab plans to open work in the field of education.

Three researchers indicates an interest for these questions of education.

UMR 7317 LEST : Laboratoire d’Économie et de Sociologie du Travail

The LEST contributes to the development of research in social and human sciences on labour, employment, training and innovation. Accession to a diploma or a professional qualification is one of the French education system strong issues; its current structuration knows some limits, either with the important number of pupils who leave the school system without diploma or qualification or whether the ambiguity of education organisations with respect to academic success, which have economic, social and cultural impact on labour and employment. The laboratory works improve the understanding of the issues of the school but also of any initial or continuing training system.

Five researchers indicates an interest for these questions of education and training.

EA 4328 LID2MS : Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Droit des Médias et des Mutations Sociales

The school is at the centre of tensions exerted around the religious fact between the standard carried by the law and social practices of actors, teachers, school leadership teams, parents, etc. The involvement of the law asserts itself more clearly as a strong and original, contemporary Western societies change. The areas of religion are, as such, more and more strongly involved and organised by the legal norm, while historically these areas knew a normative density relatively low. These fields of study are particularly revealing of the rampant but massive growth of the legal phenomenon in our societies, specifically at school. It is in this perspective that could register the contribution of the LID2MS to the field Learning and Education.

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Two researchers expressed interest in the development of this field.

EA 3278 LPC : Laboratoire de psychologie cognitive

The laboratory studies the cognitive functions that characterize human intelligence, at the intersection of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Studies that are conducted by specialists of vision, perception, attention, memory, reasoning, social cognition or language, both are on cognitive plasticity (development, aging) than on the brain bases, the modulation by social context or cognitive dysfunction.

The works of the teams Cognition and social context, Perception and attention, and language are likely to particularly interesting insights in the field Learning and Education. The study of the anchoring of mental activities and their underlying neurobiological processes in contexts and social operations, led by team Cognition and social context, is an important viewpoint, including to understand how the environment influences cognitive processes themselves, for example the role of stereotypes in school.

Researches of the team Perception and attention focus on the study of perceptual, attentional and oculomotor processes set to work on a daily basis during the reading of texts, the perception of complex visual and auditory scenes (such as images and music) and recognition of familiar forms (letters, words, objects and handwriting).

The goal of the team Language is to better understand the complex organisation of language: acquisition, normal and pathological functioning, as well as its brain implementation. How we learn to read? What are the origins of dyslexia and how to fix it? What neural circuits are involved in reading and speech? How do you find in memory of the words to speak, and why some have "lack of the word"?

Four researchers manifest an interest for this transverse field.

3 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

With 143 researchers or academics involved, or wishing to engage them, in the field Learning and Education, AMU is based on a solid potential of laboratories which are different, complementary and comprehensive views of issues, developments and foundations of education and/or training. Conducted research are equally fundamental research and applied research. The sake of promotion, dissemination and application is widely present in all groups that contribute to this field. It is there also noted the wide disparity of implication that represents, for some research units, a large majority of researchers and, for some others, only a few. In the same way, the specified works do not address the same concerns and the same level of scientific commitment. The figure below shows a semantic map built from propositions of keywords to describe their work next to learning and Education. This card is constructed from 245 responses (143 researchers and 102 PhD students) collected by questionnaire online.

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This map well marks the main axes of the University in the field. It is a snapshot of the committed, or ready to engage, potential in interdisciplinary work to improve our understanding in Learning and Education. The pole Learning appears at the centre of concerns, which translated well enough commitment or interest of the research units working directly these questions. The pole Education is certainly strongly linked to the pole Learning but appears much less rich of meanings. This apparent weakness is significant of the recent interest of laboratories that are intended to enrich it, either by the contributions of sociology, economy, history, geography, ethnology, anthropology, or law.

A few years ago, the University pole of Aix-Marseille played a leading role in sociology of education and economics of education, with outstanding scientific productions, known and recognized nationally and internationally. One of the challenges of structuring of the field would aim to strengthen these areas of research. This would, on the one hand, to improve our knowledge of educational contexts, including what is happening in the French school system submitted to a diversity and heterogeneity of the public more in greater. On the other hand, strengthening our understanding of the social organisations involved in education would contribute significantly to illuminate learning issues.

If we have a look on AMU potentials in this field, several main axes correspond to research issues particularly important to the current stakes, expressed in the social expectations of school, academic institutions or enterprises. Each laboratory brings a part of response to these expectations. Coordinate the respective efforts of each and the other in a transverse field aims to strengthen the visibility of the leading role that plays AMU, having regard to the committed potential, the quality and the volume of their scientific productions. What is marking, it is the attention that is worn by the teams to develop work in interrelations with social circles, object of this research. This need to understand organisations and the processes that drive them is permanently, so often very close, accompanied by a need to share the results of this research. It is not simply to know what product research, it is also for researchers to take an active part in the evolution and development of the institutions they are studying. This is especially

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true for what concerns the development of children and adolescents throughout their schooling. However, some of these issues cross the research directions that emerge at AMU.

Read and write organise school curricula of each student, from kindergarten to University and throughout life. Since first learning to specialist training courses, these two fields of knowledge and skills structure school subjects. AMU has serious arguments to play a major role at the global level to increase our understanding of these processes, whether in the form of acquisitions in French, like mother language or second language, or that is the specific learnings related to technical languages specialised in any particular field of education. The setting up of languages, and many works developed by the teams show this, spoken or written, requires complex cognitive operations whose effectiveness is largely conditioned by emotional, social, cultural and economic factors, that is to say by the environment of the speaker or the writer. Synergy between our knowledge and their evolution in each of the specific areas of each team allows to increase our overall understanding; each can therefore integrate the advances of others in its own research directions. Such common capitalization of advances will have a certain impact on the practices of teachers and trainers by a better link-up looking for their initial training and continuous. This possibility is offered through the teacher training project of the ESPE (School of education of AMU).

The development of the reasoning is another issue important to any tuition. Because knowledge stakes are stakes of power and that the stake of acquisition of knowledge is not limited to the only logic of learning, the ability to reason, i.e. to produce an appropriate response to a social situation, is as much a stake of democracy (of sharing of knowledge) and citizenship (develop a critical attitude). It is also a capacity which demonstrates professional competence defining the ability to act (find and implement the right solution for a given problem). In a society of knowledge, the acquisition of knowledge cannot be encyclopaedic; the development of the reasoning is based on other processes than the single memorization of knowledge. The issues equally address the science and technology that other knowledge areas organised at school, then in specialized training. Research on this development committed work on school epistemologies of the taught disciplines, work on the social organisations of educational institutions and the means that are consecrated, or those issues to manage reports in knowledge (whether in the teacher-student at a micro level relations or education policy at a macro level). The potential of research of AMU in this sense is very important.

Digital technologies occupy an important place in our societies of knowledge to the point that we are talking about illiteracy for those who have not mastered the uses. The integration of these practices in the day-to-day professional or personal activities deeply changes the relations to knowledge and impact learning process, educational practices and social relations which organise educational or training institutions. For example, the teacher-student interaction is moved by the fact that the teacher is less and less the sole holder of knowledge to be transmitted. In this process, there is a change in relation to the knowledge and evolution of skate of authority; the teacher is no longer one who transmits knowledge he holds but becomes one who organises and accompanies the student in its development in a standard environment with social values. The use of digital technologies allows the access in the class to knowledge which until now was remote. The use of simulators, databases of knowledge, social networks, etc., is an inexhaustible source for designing school situations and teaching features, original and adapted to the needs of education. AMU laboratories engaged in this field are major actors in development of applications, content and organisations able to respond to these challenges. In addition, some lead critical work on societal issues, practices and educational practices. AMU is able to occupy a privileged place to meet different national and international programmes that aim to organise these developments. To go forward, should be that the research units involved in the design and development of digital solutions engage with other teams, which is one of the structural opportunities in this field.

The diversity and heterogeneity of the public welcomed in classes have become a social and academic reality that is just as much of the process of generalization of access to education for all, by raising the level of education of the entire population and the evolution of the social needs of increased levels of qualification. The French educational system meets great difficulties to adapt to this evolution and understanding of these difficulties is essential to improve its quality, its efficiency and its performance. This diversity of public does not concern only compulsory schooling for all, it is sensitive as much in primary education and in University courses, particularly those which welcome large numbers of students. The answers depend just as much of knowledge on welcomed public (academic, social, cultural, linguistic, ethnic origin...) and of the level of schooling (from primary school to university). Different research units involved in the field bring elements of response that can suggest organisations teaching or training, to design suitable devices and accompanying changes in teaching practices, including educational practices that they fall school pedagogy or high education pedagogy. For example, assessment practices have an impact on education organisations; appreciate the challenges of evaluation

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devices in education (all in that formative normative terms) and their impact on the teaching organisations, on performance and motivation of pupils and/or students, is a research axis to build meaning in the articulation between education and learning, between the individual performance of each student and social needs of an age class. This research axis is particularly critical for the learning and Education field.

The first steps of the research federation SFERE-Provence allowed to lay some groundwork for structuring the research in education at AMU, which proves to be particularly innovative in a research field particularly deconstructed at the national level. By entering the field Learning and Education as one of its strategic axes of its scientific policy, AMU is positioned at the forefront of French universities and is part of the dynamics of global universities who all have a tradition of scientific policy in this sense. This positioning will expand the scope of relations that AMU with these universities, as is already the case with the University of Wisconsin (USA), Mac Gill University and the Université de Montréal (Canada), the University of Tel-Aviv (Israel), and many others. The strengthening of multidisciplinary approaches, on the same object, e.g. learning reading or educational use of digital will improve understanding of the stakes, strategies and practices at work. The scope of the results thus produced will find an application domain in the training of teachers and professionals of education and the courses offered by the University, including by its ESPE. The definition of such strategic axis engage better coherence in the policy for the management of human resources including the potential of teachers-researchers that will be affected. It also allows to think of a rational use of existing technical platforms that contribute to the development of this work and a policy of equipment of the upcoming platforms. AMU has all the elements in hand to occupy high learning and Education in this field, it is necessary to structure and organise.

4 Some references

The following references are some examples of scientific productions of researchers in this field. These publications are significant of the University’s potential, both by their quality, than by their coverage of a wide scientific multidisciplinary span. It is this visibility that we must strengthen and develop to AMU. Alpe, Y., & Barthes, A. (2014). Les élèves ruraux face à la stigmatisation des territoires. Agora, Les presses de

Sciences Po(68). Andreucci, C., Chatoney, M., & Ginestie, J. (2012). The systemic approach to technological education: effects of

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Arnaud-Bestieu, A. (2014). Analyse des dynamiques topogénétiques en CLIS : De la peur de l'échec à la dévolution avortée. La nouvelle revue de l'intégration et de la scolarisation, 64, 241-254.

Arnoux, P., The rise and fall of mathematical enrolments in the French educational system: a case study, International Journal of Mathematical education in Science and Technology

Arnoux, P., Using mental imagery processes for teaching and research in mathematics and computer science, International Journal of Mathematical education in Science and Technology

Barbier, M.L., Raby, F., Piolat, A., & Roussey, J.Y. (2008). Notetaking and writing from hypertexts in L1 and L2: cognitive effort and language procedures. International Journal of Applied Linguistics (special issue on learning and teaching of L2-writing), 156, 31-50.

Barthes, A., & Jeziorski, A. (2012). What kind of critical university education for sustainable development? A comparative study of European students and social reprensentations. Journal of Social Science of Education, 11(4).

Bellocchi, S., Muneaux, M., Bastien-Toniazzo, M., & Ducrot, S., (2013). I can read it in your eyes: What eye movements tell us about visuo-attentional processes in developmental dyslexia? Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 452-460

Bernier P-M, Burle B, Vidal F, Hasbroucq T, Blouin J (2009) Direct evidence for cortical suppression of somatosensory afferents during visuomotor adaptation. Cerebral Cortex 19: 2106-2113

Castéra, J., & Clément, P. (2014). Teachers’ conceptions about the genetic determinism of human behaviour: A survey in 23 countries. Science & Education, 23(2), 417-443.

Chapron, E., Das Elementarschulbuch im 18. Jahrhundert: Räumliche Ausbreitung und Handelspraktiken zwischen Paris und der Champagne (1680-1730) [Le petit livre scolaire au XVIIIe siècle : espaces et pratiques commerciales entre Paris et Champagne, 1680-1730], Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 15, n° 2, sous la direction de J.-L. Le Cam, S. Hellekamps, A. Conrad, 2012, p. 91-104

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Chapron, E., Des livres pour les écoles du peuple ? Économie et pratiques du texte scolaire en Champagne au XVIIIe siècle, Histoire de l’éducation, 127, 2010, p. 7-34.

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Chapron, E., Le Gradus ad Parnassum : pratiques éditoriales et usages familiers d’un dictionnaire poétique latin (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles), Bulletin du bibliophile, 2013, p. 289-309

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Chatoney, M., & Mencacci, N. (2014). “ Compétences et difficultés des élèves dyslexiques en situation d’étude de systèmes techniques”. Review of science, mathematics and ICT education,l 8(2).

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Travert, M., (2011), Governemental interventions and youth physical activity in France, 2011, Child: care, health & development, 37, 309-312

Travert, M., (2012), Jouer au-dessus du vide. les PAH : une offre hybride de loisirs sportifs, 2012, Ethnologie française, 1, 165-174

Tsao, R., Fartoukh, M., & Barbier, M.L. (2011). Handwriting in Adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 36(1), 20-26.

Tsao, R., Velay, J.L., Barbier, M.L., & Gombert, A. (2012). Étude de l’écriture chez des adultes porteurs de trisomie 21. Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle, 23, 22-33.

Winsløw, C., Matheron, Y., & Mercier, A. (2013). Study and research courses as an epistemological model for didactics, Educational Studies in Mathematic. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(83), 267-284.

Ziegler, J. C., Bertrand, D., Lété, B., & Grainger, J. (2014). Orthographic and phonological contributions to reading development : Tracking developmental trajectories using masked priming. Developmental Psychology, 50(4), 1026-1036

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Bilan Actions

Fédération de recherche Juin 2015

Nom de la fédération :… Structure Fédérative d'Études et de Recherches en Éducation de Provence (SFERE-Provence, FED 4238) Responsable de la Fédération : Jacques Ginestié

Bilan d’activités (joindre document de 1 à 5 pages) : Description des actions engagées en 2015 notamment au titre de :

• La politique scientifique conduite par la fédération • La production scientifique portant sur les projets communs (publications, revues, …) • L’animation scientifique (séminaires, colloques, actions collectives, …) • La gestion des outils mutualisés : plateformes, …. • La participation aux Pôles de Recherche Interdisciplinaires et Intersectoriels (PR2I)

Joindre tout document que vous jugerez utile

Joindre la liste des membres de la fédération (tableau Excel)

SFERE-Provence (Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Éducation de Provence, FED 4238) a débuté ́ ses activités scientifiques en janvier 2012. Tout en présentant la politique scientifique initiée à cette période, ce rapport présente en particulier les activités développées au sein de SFERE-Provence au premier semestre 2015.

1 La politique scientifique conduite par la fédération

1.1 Les objectifs depuis la création de SFERE

L’évolution des organisations d’enseignement, scolaires et universitaires, est un enjeu sociétal qui occupe largement le devant de la scène. Le système scolaire est largement mis à mal dans toutes les études sur les acquis des élèves à tous les niveaux ; les difficultés dans les différentes filières universitaires (échecs massifs dans certaines licence, manque d’étudiants dans d’autres, etc.) sont réelles. Les recherches sur les questions d’apprentissage et d’éducation sont devenues déterminantes pour accompagner cette évolution.

SFERE-Provence a été constituée en janvier 2012 à l’initiative de l’ESPE d’Aix-Marseille dans le cadre de la politique scientifique d’Aix-Marseille Université. Sa création vise à structurer la recherche en éducation au niveau régional, dans une perspective de coordination de l’important potentiel de recherche. Que ce soit au niveau des établissements universitaires, au niveau des centres de recherche, ou encore au niveau des partenaires professionnels, il existe bien une volonté ́ de contribuer au développement des produits et des services de demain en matière d'apprentissage et d’éducation.

Comme les autres fédérations au sein d’AMU, SFERE-Provence ne vise pas à regrouper des unités de recherche pour en infléchir les politiques scientifiques. Celles-ci restent maîtresses de leur programmation dans les cadres définis par l'université. En tant que fédération, elle constitue un outil, susceptible d’améliorer la visibilité des recherches, et de favoriser l’élaboration de projets interdisciplinaires, notamment pour répondre à des appels d’offres pour lesquels les chercheurs sont fortement sollicités (Amidex, Région, ANR, Europe, etc.).

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Ainsi, la politique scientifique de la fédération tient compte des spécificités de chaque unité de recherche qui la constituent, tout en organisant une synergie permettant l’utilisation optimale et harmonisée des moyens intellectuels et matériels. L’enjeu est de renforcer localement la complémentarité des approches et des méthodologies des recherches, mais aussi d’en améliorer la visibilité régionale, nationale et internationale.

L’effort pluridisciplinaire apparaît être l’organisation scientifique la plus adéquate pour aborder la recherche en éducation. Mais il est également nécessaire d’éviter les écueils d’une juxtaposition de thématiques et approches scientifiques. Dans cette perspective, SFERE-Provence s’assigne plusieurs objectifs :

Valoriser la recherche existante dans le domaine de l’enseignement et de l’éducation, très étoffée sur la région PACA, mais dispersée. Provoquer ainsi une possibilité d’enrichissement mutuel de disciplines qui traitent de questions similaires, mais de manières différentes, tout en poursuivant des objectifs communs.

Développer des synergies entre les chercheurs et les laboratoires partenaires, et constituer des réseaux de collaborations pluridisciplinaires autour des questions de l’éducation, que ce soit au niveau du site d’Aix-Marseille Université, de la région ou aux niveaux national et international.

Construire un corpus de critères et d’arguments scientifiques susceptibles d’améliorer l’enseignement et les choix qui orientent son organisation et son fonctionnement, de même que ses évaluations critiques (créations d’outils, de méthodes, adaptation aux publics, etc.);

Accroître la production de connaissances en collaboration avec les acteurs socio-économiques, notamment avec les acteurs du terrain éducatif.

À sa création, SFERE-Provence rassemblait 9 unités de recherche :

ADEF – EA 4671 – Apprentissage, Didactique, Évaluation, Formation I3DL – EA 6308 – Inter Didactique, Didactique des Disciplines et des Langues IREMAM – UMR 6568 – Institut de Recherche sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman IREM – Institut de Recherche sur l’Enseignement des Mathématiques LESA – EA 3274 – Laboratoire d’Études en Sciences des Arts LPL – UMR 6057 – Laboratoire Parole et Langage LSIS – UMR 7296 – Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes PSYCLE – EA 3273 – Psychologie de la Connaissance, du Langage et de l’Émotion PIIM – UMR 7345 – Laboratoire de Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires

Trois axes scientifiques ont été identifiés dans un premier temps pour mutualiser les recherches conduites dans ces unités de recherche :

Axe 1 - Evolution des professionnalités Axe 2 - Modalités de construction et diffusion des connaissances Axe 3 - Nouveaux outils, publics et dispositifs

Ces axes thématiques comprennent chacun 2 à 3 programmes scientifiques susceptibles de couvrir l’activité scientifique des membres de SFERE. Un axe transversal a été ajouté en 2013 pour accueillir un programme intéressant l’ensemble des chercheurs sur les méthodologies des recherches en éducation.

1.2 L’évolution actuelle de SFERE-Provence

Évolutions politiques au niveau national, et au niveau d’Aix-Marseille Université

Avec la loi d’orientation et de programmation pour la refondation de l’École en 2013, et la mise en place des Écoles supérieures du professorat et de l’éducation (ESPE), de nouvelles orientations sont soutenues au niveau national pour structurer la recherche en éducation, autour de thèmes spécifiques : le numérique éducatif, les apprentissages fondamentaux (lire, écrire, compter, raisonner), la prise en charge d’une diversité de publics, la lutte contre les discriminations scolaires, sociales, culturelles, l’évolution des pratiques scolaires (pédagogies innovantes, évaluation bienveillante, décloisonnement disciplinaires), etc.

Les objectifs et les orientations scientifiques de SFERE-Provence sont particulièrement adaptés à ces évolutions au niveau national. Ils le sont aussi au niveau d’Aix-Marseille Université ́ qui, en s’organisant autour de 4 PR2I, soutient le potentiel de l’interdisciplinarité ́ pour l’innovation, tant sur le plan scientifique que sur le plan sociétal et professionnel. En particulier, l’identification depuis janvier 2015 d’un champ transverse

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« Apprentissage, Education » dans le potentiel recherche de l’établissement, articulé aux 4 PR2I positionne SFERE-Provence comme une structure ressource pour identifier et coordonner les unités de l’université sur ces questions.

Ces évolutions ont conduit SFERE-Provence à intégrer cette année de nouveaux laboratoires. En 2015, cinq nouvelles unités de recherches ont ainsi voté leur adhésion : • TELEMME – UMR 7303 – Temps, Espace, Langages, Europe Méridionale-Méditerranée, • ISM -UMR 7287 - Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, • LNC – UMR 7291 – Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, • LMA - UPR 7051 - Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique, • LAMES – UMR 7305 – Laboratoire méditerranéen de sociologie.

Six autres unités d’AMU ont montré leur intérêt pour le champ transverse « Apprentissage, Education » : • UMR 7304 CEPERC : Épistémologie et Ergologie comparée, • UMR 7373 I2M : Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, • EA 4328 LID2MS : Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Droit des Médias et des Mutations Sociales, • EA 3278 LPC : Laboratoire de psychologie cognitive, • EA 4262 IRSIC : Institut de Recherche en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, • UMR 7317 LEST : Laboratoire d’Économie et de Sociologie du Travail.

Partenariats professionnels

Un point important concerne les partenariats professionnels : le rectorat pour les recherches concernant les enseignements primaire et secondaire, le CIPE1 pour la pédagogie universitaire, les entreprises ou les associations intéressées par les recherches sur l’éducation ou la formation professionnelles, etc.

Pour l’année 2015, l’objectif a été notamment d’établir un partenariat conventionné avec l’académie qui serait profitable au développement de la recherche en éducation et à ses retombées dans le tissu économique régional. Il bénéficiera aux acteurs de la région pour l’expertise d’actions innovantes. Il pourrait en retour bénéficier aux chercheurs membres de SFERE et aux étudiants qu’ils encadrent pour accéder à des terrains d’études dans le cadre d’établissements ou d’entreprises, sous condition d’un retour d’information sur les études réalisées et les données obtenues.

Ce partenariat conventionné a aboutit à la constitution d’un comité scientifique multipartite, constitué de chercheurs et de professionnels, l’enjeu étant de constituer une instance de concertation permettant une conduite coordonnées de programmes de recherche, ainsi que le développement de la valorisation des recherches conduites au sein des unités membres de SFERE-Provence.

Mise en place d’une politique d’appel à programme

La mise en place d’un comité scientifique est conjointe avec l’objectif de conduire une politique d’appel à programme. Il s’agit d’améliorer les modalités d’élaboration des programmes scientifiques portés par la fédération, en assurant plus de dynamique et surtout plus d’innovation, en relation avec les besoins thématiques portés dans les appels à projets régionaux, nationaux et internationaux, mais aussi dans les différents contextes professionnels.

Le comité scientifique est impliqué dans cette politique d’appel à programme. Il aura ainsi plusieurs objectifs : • identifier les thématiques soulevées dans les appels à projets européens, nationaux et

régionaux, mais aussi les thématiques soulevées dans les contextes professionnels (écoles, lycées et universités);

• élaborer un appel à programmes de recherche dans le cadre de SFERE, à partir de ces thématiques et dans une perspective d'innovation ;

• valider le soutien de la fédération aux programmes qui lui sont présentés ; ce peut être pour valider une caution scientifique demandée par un porteur de projet pour répondre à un appel régional, national ou international qui implique un partenariat professionnel ; ce peut être pour valider une dotation financière aux projets constitués en réponse à l’appel à programmes.

1 Centre d’Innovation Pédagogique et d’Évaluation, AMU

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Constitution d'un Comité d’organisation des manifestations scientifiques

Pour assurer l’animation scientifique de SFERE, il est également proposé de constituer un comité d’organisation. Celui-ci constituera un pôle de ressources et d’expertise pour la mise en œuvre des différentes manifestations (journées d’études, colloques, séminaires, conférences grand public,…)

Pour constituer ce comité, il a été fait un premier appel aux chercheurs membres qui souhaitent s’investir dans l’animation scientifique de la fédération. Ce comité sera renouvelé chaque année par le biais d’un appel à participation, permettant aux chercheurs de s’investir en fonction de leur disponibilité et de leurs intérêts.

Ce comité d’organisation sera informé par les chercheurs membres et par le comité de pilotage des recherches conduites et soutenues par SFERE-Provence. Il aura pour objectif d’organiser la valorisation des données des recherches de tous les chercheurs membres, et en particulier de celles qui auront le soutien du comité scientifique de SFERE-Provence.

2 La production scientifique portant sur les projets communs (publications, revues…)

À ce jour, nous n’avons que peu de publications produites par des chercheurs de différents laboratoires de la fédération. Pour autant, quelques publications, en 2014 et 2015, illustrent les trois axes de la fédération : • Axe thématique 1 : L’évolution des professionnalités et des pratiques sociales éducatives • Axe thématique 2 : Diversité des situations d’apprentissage, de production et d’organisation des

connaissances • Axe thématique 3 : Nouveaux outils, nouveaux publics et dispositifs éducatifs Alpe, Y., & Barthes, A. (2014). Les élèves ruraux face à la stigmatisation des territoires. Agora, Les

presses de Sciences Po, 68. Arnaud-Bestieu, A. (2014). Analyse des dynamiques topogénétiques en CLIS : De la peur de

l'échec à la dévolution avortée. La nouvelle revue de l'intégration et de la scolarisation, 64, 241-254.

Arnoux, P. (2014). The rise and fall of mathematical enrolments in the French educational system: a case study, International Journal of Mathematical education in Science and Technology

Chatoney, M., & Mencacci, N. (2014). “ Compétences et difficultés des élèves dyslexiques en situation d’étude de systèmes techniques”. Review of science, mathematics and ICT education, 18(2).

Clerc, S., Richerme-Manchet, C. (2014). La recherche-action-formation : une stratégie glottopolitique en terrain scolaire, dans Colonna, R. (éd.) Des paroles, des langues et des pouvoirs, Paris, L’Harmattan, Collection Espaces discursifs, p.135-150

De Smet, C., Schellens, T., De Wever, B., Brandt-Pomares, P., & Valcke, M. (2014). The design and implementation of learning paths in a learning management system. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-21. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2014.951059

Delserieys-Pedregosa, A., Jegou, C., Boilevin, J.-M., & Ravanis, K. (2015). Precursor model and preschool science learning: efficiency of a teaching intervention on shadow formation. International Journal of Science Éducation

Enéa-Drapeau, C., Huguet, P., & Carlier, M. (2014). Misleading face-based judgment of cognitive level in intellectual disability: the case of Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) as a prototype. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 35(12), 3598-3605.

Habib M. (2014) Bases neuroscientifiques de l’utilisation de la musique dans la prise en charge des enfants dyslexiques. A.N.A.E., 128:37-46.

Hérold, J.-F. (2014). A cognitive analysis of students’ activity: an example in mathematics. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(1), 137-158.

Lemieux LG, Simoneau M, Tessier J-F, Billot M, Blouin J, Teasdale N (2014). Balance control interferes with the tracing performance of a pattern with mirror-reversed vision in older persons. Age, 36:823–837

Longcamp M, Lagarrigue A, Nazarian B, Roth M, Anton JL, Alario FX, Velay JL, (2014), Functional specificity in the motor system: Evidence from coupled fMRI and kinematic recordings during letter and digit writing, Human Brain Mapping. 35(12):6077-87.

Lorcerie, F., (2014), La place vacante de l’éthique professionnelle dans la formation des enseignants, Diversité, 177, 91-98

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Maïano, C. Morin, A. J. S., & Mascret, N. (2015). Psychometric Properties of the Short Form of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire in a French Adolescent Sample. Body Image, 12, 89-97. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2014.10.005

Mascret, N., Elliot, A. J., & Cury, F., (2015). Extending the 3 x 2 achievement goal model to the sport domain: The 3 x 2 Achievement Goal Questionnaire for Sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 17, 7-14

Mourlane, S., Baby-Collin, V., (2014). Histoire et mémoire du grand Saint-Barthélemy à Marseille. Entre immigration, politique de la ville et engagement associatif. Diasporas, histoire et sociétés, 17, 26-4.

Mourlane, S. (2015). Emigrazione e italianità : Il comitato nizzardo della Società Dante Alighieri (dal 1900 agli anni Trenta), Archivio storico delle emigrazione italiana, 11.

Muneaux, M. & Ducrot, S. (2014). Capacité oculomotrices, visuo-attentionnelles et lecture: un autre regard sur la dyslexie. Revue A.N.A.E. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 129, 137-146

Pantidos, P., & Givry, D. (2015). Ambiguities in representing the concept of energy: a semiotic approach. Review of science, mathematics and ICT education.

Picard, D., Martin, P., & Tsao, R. (2014). IPads at school? A quantitative comparison of elementary schoolchildren’s pen-on-paper versus finger-on-screen drawing skills. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50, 203-212.

Ravestein, J., & Ladage, C. (2014). Ordinateurs et internet à l’école élémentaire française. Usages déclarés de 907 professeurs d’école. Education & Didactique, 8(3).

Romain C. & Roubaud M.-N. (2014). Un observatoire de pratiques enseignantes en maternelle : vers une typologie d’activités stimulant la parole de l’enfant, Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 39(2), 273-293

Roubaud, M.-N., & Romain, C. (2014). Les verbes dans les narrations d’élèves de 3 à 6 ans. Travaux de Didactique du Français Langue Étrangère, 67-68, 165-187.

Ziegler, J. C., Bertrand, D., Lété, B., & Grainger, J. (2014). Orthographic and phonological contributions to reading development : Tracking developmental trajectories using masked priming. Developmental Psychology, 50(4), 1026-1036

3 L’animation scientifique (séminaires, colloques, actions collectives, …)

Plusieurs actions d’animations scientifiques ont été menées en 2015. Ces actions sont orientées vers les unités membres de SFERE-Provence, mais elles impliquent également d’autres acteurs de la région.

Les journées scientifiques de SFERE

Depuis 2014, des journées scientifiques sont régulièrement organisées, visant à réunir les chercheurs autour de thématiques identifiées.

Dans la continuité des 3 journées organisées en 2014 (mars, juin et décembre), une nouvelle journée a été organisée le 11 mars 2015. Les chercheurs de la fédération ont été invités à présenter leurs travaux de recherche en cours ou en projet, dans le cadre d’une session posters. Cette modalité de présentation a permis la présentation de 23 projets de recherche sur l’apprentissage et/ou l’éducation à Aix-Marseille Université et à l’université de Nice Sophia Antipolis. Elle a permis d’illustrer la capacité de la fédération à générer des projets pluridisciplinaires sur ce thème, sachant que chaque projet impliquait à minima 2 unités de recherche membres de SFERE.

Lors de cette journée, une table ronde sur « Le partenariat entre la recherche et les terrains professionnels en éducation » a également été organisée. Elle a permis aux chercheurs membres de s’informer et de discuter des orientations actuelles sur la constitution d’un comité scientifique multipartite.

Cycle de conférence sur « les méthodologies et les statistiques en éducation »

En décembre dernier, SFERE-Provence avait initié lors de deux journées, l’organisation d’un cycle de conférences et d’ateliers sur les techniques statistiques utilisées dans les différents champs disciplinaires intéressant l’éducation. La mise en œuvre de ce cycle de conférence a été ralentie au profit du travail important de réorganisation que la fédération a conduit ce premier semestre. Mais de nouveaux ateliers sont susceptibles d’être mis en place pour l’automne 2015.

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Soutien à l’organisation de colloques

Une dimension importante de l’animation scientifique de la fédération consiste à soutenir la réalisation de manifestations scientifiques sur l’éducation et qui sont organisées par des chercheurs membres de SFERE-Provence, sous condition qu’elles présentent clairement un caractère pluridisciplinaire. Pour l’année 2015, la fédération a ainsi soutenu 3 colloques : • 29ème conférence internationale PATT (Pluralité and complémenter of approches in Design &

Technology Education), Ecole Supérieure du professorat et de l'éducation (ESPE) d'Aix-Marseille, Marseille, 6-10 avril 2015.

• Colloque international "Enseigner l’Europe et l’Union européenne à l’école: méthodes et enjeux", - Ecole Supérieure du professorat et de l'éducation (ESPE) d'Aix-Marseille et Master Etudes européennes d'AMU, 12-13 février 2015

• Colloque RIED « L’école : de la violence aux valeurs », Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme (MMSH), Aix-en-Provence, 28-29 mai 2015

Il est également proposé que pour la fin de ce quadriennal (2016-2017), SFERE-Provence s’engage dans l’organisation d’un colloque "Apprentissage et Education", en bénéficiant des collaborations avec des partenaires existants aux niveaux national et international. Le comité d'organisation constitué aura la charge de travailler dans cette perspective.

Actions collectives

Plusieurs projets de recherche sont actuellement en cours de développement dans le cadre de SFERE-Provence, impliquant des chercheurs de plusieurs unités membres. Leurs intitulés et les chercheurs qui y participent sont listés ci-après. • L’apprentissage de l’écriture entre techniques scripturales et usage des tablettes numériques ;

Jean-Luc Velay (LNC) et Pascale Brandt-Pomares (ADEF) • Approche comparative des langues et des cultures des élèves. Quelle gestion de la diversité ? ;

Fatima Chnane-Davin (ADEF), Barbier Marie-Laure (PSYCLE), Jean-Pierre Cuq (I3DL), Françoise Lorcerie (IREMAM), Sylviane Feuilladieu (ADEF)

• Education à la citoyenneté et formation des enseignants : une alliance entre l’école et le territoire ; Michel Floro, Alain Legardez, Jeziorski, Sylviane Maximin

• Etude des supports numériques sur les compétences graphomotrices de dessin chez des enfants porteurs de T21 ; Raphaele Tsao (PSYCLE), Michael Farthouk (BCL, Nice), Perrine Martin (ADEF)

• La mixité à l’école et la lutte contre les discriminations ; Projet conduit en partenariat avec le Conseil National d’Évaluation du Système Scolaire (CNESCO) ; Lorcerie, F. (IREMAM), Fauguet, J.L. (ADEF), Ginestié, J. (ADEF)

• La prise de notes à l’université : usages et impact du numérique ; Barbier, ML (PsyCLE), Nicole BIagioli (I3DL), Jean-Luc Velay (LNC), Valerie Campillo (LSIS), Caroline Ladage (ADEF)

• Les gestes professionnels d'adaptation linguistique des enseignants des sections internationales du primaire ; Zougs, M. (ADEF), Davin, F. (ADEF), & Barbier, M.L. (PSYCLE)

• Recherche comparative sur les apprentissages lexicaux ; Roubaud, MN, (ADEF) Biagioli, N. (I3DL), Torterat, F. (ADEF)

• Quelles compétences pour l’éducation au développement durable dans l’enseignement supérieur ? Une étude exploratoire à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille ; Alain Legardez (ADEF), Agnieszka Jeziorski (ADEF), Michel Floro (ADEF), Marianne Domeizel (LCE)

Diffuser l’information scientifique en éducation au plus près de son actualité

L’animation scientifique de SFERE-Provence repose encore sur l’actualisation régulière de son site Web (, avec l’affichage des évènements scientifiques – séminaires, colloques, journées, soutenances, appels à candidature, à communication, à projets, etc. – concernant l’éducation dans la région PACA.

Paraît également sur ce site, une liste actualisée des chercheurs membres de SFERE et de leurs partenaires. Des propositions sont en cours d’analyse concernant la publication par les membres de SFERE de leurs publications (articles, mais aussi chapitres d’ouvrage et actes de colloques) avec une collection dédiée à la thématique « apprentissages et éducations » dans HAL AMU.